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The paper discusses the importance of quality in projects and defines it using three dimensions: design quality, process quality and organisation quality. It also highlights that quality is often relegated to a secondary concern compared to time and budget in projects.

The three dimensions of project quality discussed are: design quality, process quality and organisation quality.

The paper discusses a tool called APEX (Assessing Process Excellence) to assess the key constructs of project quality and excellence.

Managing quality in projects: An empirical study

Ron Basu

Henley Business School, United Kingdom

SKEMA Business School, France
Received 11 July 2012; received in revised form 1 February 2013; accepted 14 February 2013
The purpose of this paper is to establish the key role of quality in the iron triangle of cost, time and quality and highlight the importance of
implementing the people related organisation quality amongst key stakeholders to deliver the success criteria of a project.
The eld research design comprised three stages.
Stage 1: Semi-structured interviews
Stage 2: Questionnaire surveys followed by a conceptual research
model. The research model was validated by Partial Least Squares
(PLS) modelling
Stage 3: Case studies of two comparable large projects based
organisations (Heathrow Terminal 5 and High Speed 1).
As a substantive contribution to knowledge the research dened project quality with three dimensions (viz. Design Quality, Process Quality and
Organisation Quality) and identied the lack of attention to details to Organisation Quality. A mixed methodology of Partial Least Squares (PLS)
and case studies was applied. The ndings also helped to develop a simple but effective tool APEX (Assessing Process Excellence) to assess the
key constructs of project quality and excellence. The paper also provides a summary of the best practices for managing quality.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Project quality; Project excellence; Design quality; Process quality; Organisation quality; Project success criteria; Project success factors
1. Why project quality?
We all agree and accept that as an end user of a product or
service we would like it as it says in the tin, when we want it and
at good value for money. Being in a competitive world of
consumer choice we also expect it to last. We understand it in a
market driven economy and aim for the appropriate product and
service quality. This is the domain of operations, services and
supply chain management. And we define it as quality is what
customer expects as a lasting experience (Basu, 2011). However
in the field of project management the importance of quality is
not so clear cut. Project managers appear to accept the iron
triangle of cost, time and quality (Atkinson, 1999) but focus
more on on time and budget delivery as the success criteria.
Quality in projects is mostly relegated to a lip service and to
several documents with ticking boxes. Project managers also
appreciate the risk of a project because of its uniqueness,
complexity and deliberate design details but appear not to
prioritise the link between the outcomes of risks with the root
causes underpinned by the dimensions of project quality. As a
consequence we find many examples (as described later) of
projects which were delivered on time and within budget but
failed to meet the expectations of end users in the longer run.

Little Maltmans, Maltmans Lane Gerrards Cross, UK, SL9 8RW. Tel.: +44
1753 886 701.
E-mail address: basurn@aol.com.
URL: http://www.perf-ex.co.uk.
0263-7863/$36.00 2013 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 178187
Therefore we need to ask how diligent are we in terms of project
processes to deliver project objectives? This is the minimum
requirement of what it says in the tin. Furthermore we should
also investigate how good is our project management as a
vehicle for delivering the longer term outcomes and benefits as
required by the sponsors and end users. This is part of additional
requirements of sustainable quality leading to project excellence.
The relationship between project quality and project excellence
will be discussed in more details later.
Let us now examine the current thinking and practices to
address the above questions. The extant project management
literature (Atkinson, 1999; Meredith and Mantel, 2003; Morris
and Hough, 1997: Turner, 1999) identifies and supports three
criteria or objectives for assessing the success of a project
known as the iron triangle of time, cost, and quality. The first
two objectives are relatively simple to define and measure
(Morris and Hough, 1997). Project quality as the third objective
or dimension of the iron triangle is more difficult to define and
assess although it has received some attention in the academic
literature (Heisler, 1990; Turner, 2002). Turner (2002) is
amongst the few authors who attempts to more clearly define
project quality comprising two dimensions as product quality
and process quality. The guidelines for project quality in the
project management bodies of knowledge (APM, 2007; PMI,
2008a; PRINCE2, 2009) also reflect procedures of design and
process requirements. These definitions and guidelines appear
to suffer from two important limitations, viz. a lack of clarity in
the definition (Whitty and Schulz, 2005) and the exclusion of
organisational learning practices. (Kotnour, 2000)
The lack of clarity around quality is often the source of project
disputes and there are in fact more reports in the business world as
illustrated below, documenting the link between inadequate
attention to quality management and unsuccessful major projects.
Case example: The Millennium Dome
The Millennium Dome project was one of the most
controversial public works projects ever undertaken. (National
Audit Office, 2000). The National Audit Office report also stated
that the NewMillenniumExperience Company experienced severe
financial difficulties. The main cause of these difficulties was the
failure to achieve the visitor numbers and other contributing factors
included the quality of project delivery and the contents within the
Case example: Wembley Stadium
The company that built the new Wembley Stadium, which
opened after years of delays and almost tripling its cost, is suing the
engineering consultants behind the project for 253 m, claiming
that their services were unsatisfactory. (The Observer, London,
March 16, 2008). A preliminary search of legal cases (British and
Irish Legal Information Institute, http://www.bailii.org, accessed
26/11/08) indicated several instances (2512 hits) of litigations
because of poor quality in projects. For example, in the recent
Wembley Stadium project, there were eight major litigations
related to project quality and three of these litigations were related
to the definitions of project quality. In the case between Multiplex
Construction Ltd and Honeywell Control Ltd (both being the
contractors of Wembley Stadium) the dispute was to resolve the
statement in the contract, It will have extensive, high quality
corporate hospitality facilities and a state of the art communica-
tions system(installed by Honeywell). (Neutral Citation Number:
2007, EWHC 447, TCC, www.bailii.org, accessed 26/11/08).
Case example: West Coast Rail Upgrade
The rail line between Glasgow and London was undergoing
an 8.6bn upgrade from 2003. The modernisation of the West
Coast Main Line will deliver the following enhancements:
125 mph route capability for tilting trains delivering much
faster journey times.
Capacity for significantly more long distance passenger and
freight trains than today.
Better and more resilient performance in travel time and
safety measures.
The National Audit Office said it might not be able to cope
with current levels of growth beyond 2015. The auditors' report
on the west coast line warned that electronic signaling equipment
might become obsolete significantly earlier than expected. The
auditors were also concerned about the ineffective communica-
tions between key stakeholders (Government, Network Rail, Rail
Track and Virgin Trains). To sustain train operations, the line's
operator, Virgin Trains, was paid 590 m more in subsidy in the
period 200206 than envisaged in its franchise agreement, their
report said. In January 2008, an over-run on work results in one of
the worst delays yet. Network Rail is fined 14 m.
The above examples of major project failures appear to focus on
the quality of design, the quality of execution processes and the
quality of communications between stakeholders. Many papers
and studies in 1990s (Belassi and Tukel, 1996; Kirby, 1996; Tam,
1999) highlighted project failures but the problems still exist
(MPA, 2003). Recent academic publications (Abdelsalam and
Gad, 2009; Jamieson and Morris, 2008; Ling et al., 2009; Zou et
al., 2007) also suggest that causes of project failures include
inadequate risk evaluation and quality management. These papers
also highlight that there is a lack of clarity regarding the dimensions
of project quality and its application with key stakeholders.
When we search the domain of operations management we may
observe some proven paths to follow. The area of operations
management enjoys some success stories, (along with failures) of
the application of quality based operational excellence concepts
such as Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, Lean and Supply
Chain Management (Oakland, 2003). The application of opera-
tional excellence concepts are nowextended to non-manufacturing
processes. Firms such as Motorola, General Electric successfully
implemented Six Sigma. Motorola saved $15 billion in an 11 year
period. General Electric saved $2 billion in 1999 alone.Although
Six Sigma initiatives have focussed primarily on improving the
performance of manufacturing processes, the concepts are widely
applied in non-manufacturing, administrative and service func-
tions (Weinstein et al., 2008). Even though operational excellence
concepts (such as Six Sigma) are often driven by the objective of
cost effectiveness the enablers of these concepts are rooted to the
fundamentals of quality management (Oakland, 2003).
In the domain of operations management, the dimensions and
definitions of quality have been identified by some authors
(Garvin, 1984; Parasuraman et al., 1984). The early leaders of
179 R. Basu / International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 178187
Total Quality Management (TQM) (Deming, 1986; Feigenbaum,
1983; Juran, 1989) emphasised the importance of people related
issues as a dimension of quality. On the other hand, the
dimensions and definitions of quality appear to be wanting in
publications related to project management. Project management
standards (e.g. PMI, 2008b; PRINCE2, 2009) focus primarily on
processes in the project life cycle with some references to quality
management systems (Whitty and Schulz, 2005). Turner (2002)
appears to agree with Wild's (2002) dimensions of product
quality and process quality. Kotnour (2000) points out the lack of
clarity in the definition of project quality and the role of
organisational learning in project management. There are
publications regarding the success criteria and success factors of
projects (Grude et al., 1996; Pinto and Slevin, 1988) but their
implications in the dimensions of project quality are not clear.
The application of excellence models in projects appears to be
limited (Hertogh et al., 2008; Westerveld, 2003). Unlike
operations management, the tools and concepts of operations
excellence (Basu, 2008), such as Lean and Six Sigma, are rarely
being applied in project management (Pinch, 2005).
As summarised in Table 1, the publications for the
manufacturing and service sectors are more focussed on the
definitions of quality with distinctive dimensions and also
encompass operational excellence concepts. The publications
for the project management sector include success criteria and
success factors but these in turn appear to show a gap with their
link with the dimensions of project quality. There is also an
apparent gap with the application operational excellence
concepts in project management.
On the basis of the above summary there appears to be a
knowledge gap in the environment of project management
related to the benefits achieved by quality management in
comparison to the manufacturing and service operations. This
publication is an attempt that sets out to investigate the impact
of all aspects of quality management in project management.
The aim of this paper is to contribute to this knowledge gap in
project management and take the status of the subject matters a
step forward.
2. Research questions and propositions
The above preliminary review also indicates that there should
be a clearer definition of project quality to establish some key
dimensions. If you cannot define, you cannot measure, and if you
cannot measure, you cannot control, assure or improve. First,
what are the dimensions of project quality? Secondly, what tools
or models can be effectively used in the quest for achieving and
sustaining project excellence?
Thirdly, how can the successes of operational excellence
concepts, such as supply chain management, Lean Thinking
and Six Sigma, be gainfully deployed in enhancing project
quality and excellence?
Following an extensive review of literature related to the
research questions the following propositions were derived:
Proposition 1. There exists a newdimension of quality in projects
beyond the product and process quality and that is organisation
Proposition 2. The organisation quality in projects spans across
critical success factors and softer issues in project management
leading to the sustainability of outcomes.
Proposition 3. The strategy of organisation quality in projects
supported by periodic holistic assessments, operational excellence
approaches and continuous training leads to project excellence.
3 . Definition of project quality
It is generally accepted that the minimum success criteria of
projects are that they should completed to time, to budget and to
Table 1
Classification of publications on quality and excellence.
Publications Dimensions and
definitions of quality
Product process People
Success criteria and
success factors
Application sector
Garvin (1984) X
Parasuraman et al. (1984) X Service
Wild (2002) X X X Manufacturing
Deming (1986) X X X Manufacturing
Juran (1989) X X X Manufacturing
Feigenbaum (1983) X X X Manufacturing
Whitty and Schulz (2005) X Projects
PRINCE2 (2009) X Projects
Turner (2002) X X Projects
Kotnour (2000) X Projects
Pinto and Slevin (1988) X Projects
Grude et al. (1996) X Projects
Westerveld (2003). X Projects
Hertogh et al. (2008) X
X denotes the presence of the topic in the publication.
180 R. Basu / International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 178187
quality. However when one explores what is meant by quality the
answers are often vague and variable. If someone talks about
working on project quality, they may simply mean activities
related to quality management systems recommended in bodies
of knowledge (e.g. PMI, 2008b; PRINCE2, 2009) and they
ensure the compliance to procedures by ticking boxes. Quality
in a broader context has many meanings depending on customers,
ranging from luxury and merit to excellence, good value for
money or convenience and even practicality. A generic definition
of quality is simply meeting the customer requirements but this
has been expressed in many ways, e.g.;
conformance to requirements Crosby (1992)
fitness for use Juran (1989)
Quality should be aimed the needs of the consumer
Deming (1986)
The total composite product and service characteristics of
the organisation to meet the expectation by the customer
Feigenbaum (1983)
the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its
ability to satisfy stated and implied need ISO 9000:2000
If we can't find a comprehensive definition of project quality
we can't assess its efficacy and therefore we can't apply it
effectively to deliver successful projects. Only Feigenbaums
definition seems to cover the total concept of quality covering
product, service (conformance) and organisation. However the
consistency of conformance is not explicit here. Therefore the
definition of quality should be rephrased as:
Basu (2004) proposes a three-dimensional model of quality
is shown in diagrammatic form in Fig. 1.
When an organisation develops and defines its quality
strategy, it is important to share a common definition of quality
and each department within a company can work towards a
common objective. The product quality should contain defined
attributes of both numeric specifications and perceived dimensions.
The process quality, whether it relates to manufacturing or
service operations, should also contain some defined criteria of
acceptable service level so that the conformity of the output can
be validated against these criteria. Perhaps the most important
determinant of how we perceive sustainable quality is the
functional and holistic role we fulfill within the organisation.
It is only when an organisation begins to change its approach
to a holistic culture emphasising a single set of numbers based
on transparent measurement with senior management commitment
that the organisation quality germinates. We have compiled (see
Table 2) a set of key organisation quality dimensions following
semi-structured interviews with 16 senior members of the Major
Projects Association, UK (MPA).
Top Management Commitment means that organisational
quality cannot exist without the total commitment of the top
executive team.
Sales and Operations Planning is a monthly senior manage-
ment review process to align strategic objectives with operation
Single Set of Numbers provides the common business data
for all functions in the company.
Using Tools and Techniques relates to the fact that without
the effective application of tools and techniques, the speed of
improvement will not be assured.
Performance Management includes the selection, measure-
ment, monitoring and application of key Performance Indicators.
Knowledge Management includes education, training and
development of employees, sharing of best practice and commu-
nication media.
Teamwork Culture requires that communications and team-
work should be practiced in cross functional teams to encourage a
borderless organisation.
Self-assessment enables a regular health check of all aspects
of the organisation against a checklist or accepted assessment
process such as EFQM.
4. Field research design
The major components of field research comprised semi-
structure interviews, a questionnaire survey, a Partial Least Squares
(PLS) modelling (Chin, 1998) and case studies. From this research
it became apparent that there were many different perspectives on
this multi-dimensional issue ranging from (but without limitation
to) the definition and dimensions of quality in project management,
application of quality in projects, the impact of the critical criteria
and factors relating to the success of projects, the role of project
Fig. 1. Three dimensions of quality.
Table 2
Basu's organisation quality dimensions.
Top management Commitment
Sales and Operations Planning
Single Set of Numbers
Skills of using Tools and Techniques
Performance Management
Knowledge Management and continuous learning
Communication and teamwork Culture
Quality is the consistent conformance to
customer expectations.
181 R. Basu / International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 178187
excellence and maturity models to the application of operational
excellence approaches in project management. These perspectives
and issues need to be tested by practical data. The field research
design was influenced by the review of literature both on the
research topic and the published methods of research and
comprised three stages.
Stage 1: Semi-structured interviews with 16 senior project
and programme managers selected from the members of the
Major Projects Association, UK (MPA).
Stage 2: Questionnaire surveys to members of the Associ-
ation of Project Management (APM) and the Chartered
Quality Institute (CQI) followed by a conceptual research
model. The research model was validated by Partial Least
Squares (PLS) modelling (Basu, 2010).
Stage 3: Case studies of two comparable large projects based
organisations (Heathrow Terminal 5 and High Speed 1) and
the validation of results by adapting the case study approach
of Yin (2003) and Eisenhardt (1989).
The field research started with sixteen senior project and
programme managers in the Major Projects Association (MPA).
The semi-structured interviews not only helped to refine the
questionnaires for the second wave of field survey they also
provided some useful pointers for continuing research in project
quality and excellence. The pilot survey with APM (Association
of Project Management) members served as the useful and
necessary field test before finalising the questionnaire for on-line
survey. The refined questionnaire was then transcribed to an
online format by using www.hostedsurvey.com facility (see
Appendix 1). The population of the survey was members of
Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), Major Projects Association
(MPA) and Association for Project Management (APM) who had
access to internet and who could be contacted by e-mail. It also
facilitated initial data validation for missing and incorrect data.
The actual survey responses (73 valid responses) were collected
on-line on the server itself and later downloaded in text or Excel
format for further analysis.
5. Summary results
The data from Excel were formatted for data compression and
regression analysis by SPSS and then in causal modelling by
using Partial Least Squares (PLS) originally developed by Wold
(1985), Hulland (1999) and Chin (1998) recommend the PLS
technique for predictive causal modelling to deal with small data
samples. The data for exogenous constructs for the inner model
(see Fig. 2) were derived from the measures in the data base
extracted from the online questionnaire. As shown in the model
there are five exogenous constructs (viz. Quality Strategy &
Procedures, Quality Audits & Measures, Organisation Effective-
ness, Operational Excellence Concepts and Self-Assessment
&Knowledge Management) and two endogenous constructs
(viz. Project Quality and Project Excellence). The results of the
PLS model with 26 indicators do support that organisation
effectiveness has a direct effect and significant relationship (path
coefficient 0.473) with project quality(R square value 0.771).
Both the questionnaire survey and PLS modelling demon-
strated a strong link and correlation between organisation
effectiveness or organisation quality, and the softer success
criteria such as top management support, project leadership
and stakeholder management (see Table 2). These people
related criteria were also embedded in the organisation culture
of both the T5 and HS1 projects. The results from the PLS
model and case studies confirms that the dimensions of project
quality supported by operational excellence tools, periodic
self-assessment and continuous training are the drivers of
project excellence, and hence support the third proposition.
The three propositions were further analysed by comparing
relevant findings from all three sources in order to calculate
triangulation congruency measures (Meglino and Ravlin, 1998).
Proposition 2 was further subdivided as there was inconsistency
in findings from three sources related to the link between the
softer issues and sustainability of outcomes. The results of this
analysis are summarised in Table 3.
6. Apex model
The APEX (Assessing Project Excellence) model is the
outcome of the PLS model and case studies (see Fig. 3). The
PLS model (Fig. 2) has three exogenous constructs (viz. Quality
Management Systems, Quality Audits and Organisation Effec-
tiveness) for Project Quality. The case studies (both T5 and
HS1) clearly demonstrated the existence of Performance
Management as an important additional construct to complement
Project Quality. Performance Management is, therefore added
as an additional construct to complete the APEX model. The
exogenous constructs for Project Excellence (viz. Operational
Excellence Concepts and Self-Assessment) remain the same for
both the PLS model and the APEX model.
The addition of another exogenous construct (viz. Perfor-
mance Management) in the APEX model is in line with the
conclusions on additional latent variables by Temme et al.
(2008). The gap identified in the construct Audit and Measures
by the PLS analysis has provided a substantive input to case
studies for further investigation by an additional construct.
The APEX Model has already been either tested or actually
applied successfully by BP Plc, Heathrow Limited and
Crossrail Limited. The users have considered this model as a
starting point to establish a project specific checklist of self-
assessment and also towards more comprehensive maturity
models. The constructs and checklist of the APEX model are
also expected to significantly enrich the eight themes proposed
in the Infra Maturity Tool (IMT) in the EU research project
NETLIPSE (Hertogh et al., 2008).
There is little argument that the management of all major
projects needs further improvement and therefore the recom-
mendations arising from the findings and conclusions of this
study should add value to the knowledge and business of
project quality management. A summary of key recommenda-
tions comprising the best practices of managing quality in
projects is presented and these are also reflected in the checklist
in the APEX model (Basu, 2012). The recommendations are
182 R. Basu / International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 178187
followed by an implementation plan of managing quality in
major project.
7. Conclusions
These conclusions are summarised as the best practices of
managing quality aimed at all types of major projects with
particular focus on infra-structure projects.
7.1. Quality management systems and procedures
Formal quality management systems and procedures for the
project team should be in place before the implementation
phase of the project. The quality management systems and
procedures for suppliers/contractors should also be established
supported by a structured training process. Quality manage-
ment systems and procedures should follow the guidelines of
the project methodology of PRINCE2 or PMBOK, and also the
proven practices of company standards and delivered projects.
The training programmes in both T5 and HS1 have helped to
inculcate quality management systems, beyond just ticking
boxes, to project team members.
7.2. Quality audit and compliance
Formal quality audit procedures should be in place covering
the three realms of design conformance, process conformance
and supplier deliverables. It is vital that audit processes are
explained and communicated to project teams and suppliers
before the commencement of any audit. Audit teams should
include members from the areas of quality, safety and the
project team, in addition to contractors and users as appropriate.
The audit process should be well supported by effectively
designed documents, check lists, reports and continuous
7.3. Performance management
A performance management system should be structured
around the principles and four aspects of the Balanced Scorecard.
The key performance indicators should reflect both enabling and
delivered measures. It is vital that a performance management
system spans across project groups and key suppliers. It should
be aligned with gateway or milestone reviews (MSP, 2007) and
also with audit, self-assessment and continuous improvement.
8. Organisational effectiveness
Organisation structure should include the steering team(project
board), project teams and a support team with a dedicated Quality
Manager and budget for quality. This budget for quality should be
above 0.5%of the project spends as found in T5 and HS1 projects.
It is critical that high priority is given for Client Relations and
Stakeholder Management (such as HS1 organisation). The co-
Fig. 2. The Partial Least Square (PLS) Model.
183 R. Basu / International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 178187
ordination of contractors and sub-contractors should be ensured by
supplier partnership agreements (such as the T5 agreement).
HR should have a clearly defined role supported by job
descriptions of Project Team members. The RACI (Responsi-
ble, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) process is used for
relevant tasks related to Work Breakdown Structure. It is
important to recognise that softer critical success factors such as
leadership, communication and user involvement are embedded
in organisation culture (see Table 2).
8.1. Operational excellence concepts
Proactive application of Six Sigma concepts should be pursued
as a cost effective programme. Even if there is no formal
application of Six Sigma, there should be evidence of processes
and initiatives in order to instil a TQM culture within Project
Teams and suppliers. Secondly, there should be a clear recognition
of the supply chain management principles, with dedicated
resources if appropriate in procurement, forward planning and
supplier partnership. Finally it is vital to demonstrate the proactive
application of Lean Thinking in minimising non value-added
activities and process cycle times.
8.2. Self-assessment and knowledge management
In line with quality audit, performance management and
maturity or excellence models, there is evidence of the value of
well-structured checklists to perform holistic health checks. The
APEX (Assessing Project Excellence) Model should also be
considered to complement these health checks. Also important is
the appropriate application of maturity or excellence models such
as EFQM (2003) or IPMA (2007). There should be evidence of
regular self-assessment to identify and follow up areas of
continuous improvement. Moreover, continuous education and
training and communication tools need to occur in order to share
and enhance the skills, process and systems knowledge of project
team members and suppliers. For major infra-structure projects,
there should be a separate group installed at least six months
before the project closure focussing on longer lasting outcomes
and legacy for cultural, economic and environmental objectives.
Table 3
Analysis of triangulation congruency measures.
Propositions Descriptions Findings from questionnaire
Findings from PLS modelling Findings from case studies Triangulation
Proposition 1 There exists a new
dimension of quality in
projects beyond the product
and process quality and that
is organisation quality.
All three dimensions (design,
process and organisation)
together ranked second in the
question for dimension of
The path coefficient between
Organisation Effectiveness
to its endogenous variable
Project Quality is 0.473
indicating a strong
Organisation quality is
embedded in the structures
of both T5 and HS1 projects.
All three sources
show the same
Proposition 2 - The organisation quality
in projects spans across
critical success factors and
softer issues in project
High scoring factors such
as Project Leadership,
Top management
Support Communication and
Stakeholder Management all
people and organisation
related softer factors.
In the PLS model with
26 indicators the construct
Organisation Effectiveness
comprised the softer or
organisation related success
factors showing high values
of loadings.
Softer success criteria
such as top management
support, project leadership,
stakeholder management
and communication and
training were embedded in
the organisation and quality
culture.in both T5 and HS1
All three sources
show the same
- and softer issues in project
management leading to the
sustainability of outcomes.
The multiple regression
analyses did not support any
strong correlation between
the softer factors and
sustainable outcomes.
Not supported
The link between softer
indicators and Project
Excellence (for sustainable
outcomes) was indirect via
Project Quality.
Partly supported
Although they contributed to
the longer term success of
projects there was lack of
evidence to support a direct
link between softer criteria
and sustainable outcome.
Partly supported
Two sources show
the same presence
Proposition 3 The strategy of organisation
quality in projects supported
by periodic holistic
assessments, operational
excellence approaches and
continuous training leads to
project excellence
Project Managers were aware
and interested in these tools
and concepts but their
application not yet penetrated
the project management
Project Excellence
comprising Project Quality
(containing organisation
effectiveness) and two
additional latent variables
(viz. operational excellence
concepts and self- assessment
& knowledge management)
leads to the sustainability of
There were evidences of
excellent application of Six
Sigma and EFQM in HS1 and
Supply Chain Management
in T5. Both T5 and HS1
showed workable processes
of periodic self -assessment
and training programmes with
sustainable outcomes.
All three sources
show the same
184 R. Basu / International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 178187
The conclusions leading to the practical contributions to the
business world of project management and quality management
are summarised as a seven-step implementation plan in Managing
Quality in Projects (Basu, 2012).
9. Contribution to knowledge
The research has contributed to the definition of project quality
as delivering customer requirements ensuring three dimensions of
the quality of the product (design specifications), the quality of
management processes ( conformance to specifications) and the
quality of the organisation ( leadership, skills and communica-
tion). The longer termsustainability of project outcomes leading to
project excellence is achievable by the three dimensions of quality
supported by operational excellence concepts, self- assessments
and continuous training.
From a methodological perspective one important contribution
of this study is the effective use of the mixed methodology
supported by a structured approach of methodological triangulation
(Basu, 2010). Given its attempt to examine the causal relationship
between the dimensions of quality and project excellence by Partial
Least Squares (PLS) approach (Chin, 1998) the epistemological
underpinning of the present research takes predominantly a
positivist stance. However this research also demonstrated the
effective use of semi-structured interviews (Sekaran, 2003) to
develop a robust instrument of questionnaire survey (Openheim,
2000), a balanced blend of both exploratory and explanatory case
study strategies (Yin, 2003) and also a four steps structured
triangulation approach (Denzin, 1978) of synthesising results from
three sources.
10. Way forward
It is hoped that the ideas, dimensions of quality, processes
and practical implication of the APEX model presented in this
paper should assist the Project Leaders and Quality Managers
to manage quality beyond the generic guidelines available in
PMI (2008b), PRINCE2 (2009) and ISO 10005 (2005). The
field research and case studies are supporting data to validate
the contents of this paper. However it a part of a continuous
learning process aiming towards further improvement and it
is recognised that the devil is in the detail. It is important to
note that the results of the field research reported in this paper
have some limitations especially related the scope of quality,
assumptions and responses from the on line survey.
The scope of this paper is primarily focussed on major and
contemporary infra-structure projects in the UK. It is expected
that the general conclusions of this research could be extended
judiciously to other major projects in the UK. However it is
questionable whether these same conclusions should equally
apply in the context of another culture. For example, the
organisation quality strategy of the London 2012 Project may
not be comparable to that its predecessor, the Beijing 2008
Olympic Project. Accordingly replication studies across different
countries, sectors and types of projects are encouraged.
Another area of constraint is the assumption of keeping the
factors related to cost, time, risk and safety as independent of
project quality and excellence. As such, no specifically designed
constructs related to these factors are included in the instruments
of this research. There are some academic publications examining
the links between cost and quality (Abdelsalam and Gad, 2009),
Fig. 3. APEX model.
185 R. Basu / International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 178187
between safety and quality (Ling et al., 2011), between risk and
quality (Zou et al., 2007) and time and quality (Luu et al., 2008).
The scope of research can be expanded by including constructs
related to cost, time and risk to incorporate a conceptual research
model on project quality and project excellence. A quantitative
model of cost benefit analysis could also constitute an area of
further research.
The construct for Quality Audit, Compliance and Measures
in the existing PLS Model was partly supported by PLS-Graph
simulations. The case studies of HS1 and T5 demonstrated the
strong presence of both Audit and Compliance and Perfor-
mance Management within this construct. Further research can
be carried out by incorporating two latent variables (e.g. Audit
and Compliance and Performance Management) supported
by additional reflective indicators to replace this construct in
the PLS model. Although the rationale for an additional
construct is in agreement with Temme et al. (2008), further
research is recommended in the PLS model with an additional
construct to bolster this finding.
An important area to explore will be the validation of
findings and conclusions across other types of major projects in
the UK, especially major ICT projects. The research can also be
extended to encompass different cultural environments in
Europe, North and South Americas, Africa, Australia, Middle
East and Asia. Even though the fundamentals of the project
quality and excellence model may prevail, there are bound to be
many specific requirements related to the type of projects as
well as local priority and culture.
Appendix 1. On line questionnaire (NB: Only Level 1 shown)
URL: http://www.hostedsurvey.com/takesurvey.asp?c=cqi-01
Section 1: Introduction
Q1.1. Would you describe the size of your project/programme
1.2. Would you classify your project/programme primarily as
1.3. Would you describe your project/ programme in
1.4. What is the budget for quality management allocated to
each project (as percentage of total project spend)
Section 2: Definition of quality
2.1. In the context of your project/programme you would
define project quality as:
(Show in a scale 15, where 1 = not important, 2 =
somewhat important, 3 = important, 4 = very important,
5 most important.)
2.2. In the context of your project/programme your primary
focus on the dimensions of quality is:
(Show in a scale 15, where 1 = not important, 2 =
somewhat important, 3 = important, 4 = very important,
5 = most important.)
(NB: Design quality relates to product and specifications,
Process quality relates to service and conformance and
Organisation quality relates to people and longer term
Section 3: Quality in project management
3.1. In the project organisation project quality is the responsi-
bility of:
3.2. Pinpoint how you monitor project quality and perfor-
(Show in a scale 15, where 1 = not important, 2 =
somewhat important, 3 = important, 4 = very important,
5 = most important.)
3.3. You set the quality standards and guidelines in your
project/programme by
(Please choose only ONE option and show in a scale 15,
where 1 = not important, 2 = somewhat important, 3 =
important, 4 = very important, 5 = most important.)
Section 4: Project success criteria and factors
4.1. For the last most significant project/programme in which
you have been involved please rate important criteria of
(Show in a scale 14, where 1 = not important, 2 =
somewhat important, 3 = important, 4 = very important, 5
= most important).
4.2. For the last most significant project/programme in which
you have been involved please rate important factors of
(Show in a scale 15, where 1 = not important, 2 =
somewhat important, 3 = important, 4 = very important, 5
= most important).
Section 5: Project excellence and maturity
5.1. Have you used in the significant projects in which you
have been involved to assess project effectiveness or
(Show in a scale 15, where 1 = not important, 2 =
somewhat important, 3 = important, 4 = very important,
5 = most important.)
Section 6: Operational excellence in projects
6.1. For the significant projects/programmes in which you
have been involved you have applied operational
excellence (OE) initiatives such as:
(Show in a scale 15, where 1 = not important, 2 =
somewhat important, 3 = important, 4 = very important,
5 = most important.)
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Dr Ron Basu is currently a Visiting Fellow at Henley Business School and a
Visiting Professor at SKEMA Business School. Previously he was a Management
Consultant at A T Kearney and held executive roles in Unilever and
GlaxoSmithKline. He is the author of ten books published through Butterworth
Heinemann, Elsevier, John Wiley & Sons, Gower and Reuters. He also published
in journals like International Journal of Business Systems and Research,
International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Six Sigma
and Competitive Advantage, Measuring Business Excellence, Industrial Engineer
and others. He has a PhDin project quality fromReading University. He is also the
recipient of the APM 2009 award for the best research project.
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