Torsion Waves
Torsion Waves
Torsion Waves
By Patrick Quanten MD
If we are going to expand our minds and learn a lot more about how this
world fits together and operates, we are going to have to make ourselves
familiar with some of the concepts our scientists are working with. These
people have long passed spending their time and energy on the material
stuff. They concentrate on energetic fields, waves and oscillations now in
the knowledge that that is where matter originates from.
Once we fully understand how matter is made from energy we will be a
lot further in our comprehension of what things influence our life and
health, and how it is done. It now appears as if we will not be able to
fully understand the beginning of matter until we make ourselves familiar
with the concept of torsion waves, amongst other things.
Around 1900 Nikola Tesla was the first to experiment with two spiral
shaped wires. He fed these with alternating currents in exact opposite
phase, which made the net result a nil electromagnetic field, the zero
field. Even though the two opposite electromagnetic fields eliminated
each other, Tesla managed to demonstrate that these spiralled wires
were capable of sending energy over very long distances. He discovered
a totally new form of energy. Incredibly, these waves did not lose any
energy when carried over a distance, as we see happening with normal
electromagnetic waves. Over extremely long distances there seemed to
be no loss of significant energy at all!
Almost forgotten, similar observations were made by the Russian
astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev in the fifties. During the cold war his
studies were kept a secret but since the fall of the Berlin Wall the
information started to filter through into the West. In the Soviet Union,
however, there are thousands of academics researching the initial
discoveries of Kozyrev and the new form of energy.
This new energy is not an electromagnetic energy, nor is it related to
gravity. This new form of energy is a spiralling, non-hertz-like,
electromagnetic wave that travels through the ether at speeds of 109
times the speed of light. Because of the spiralling aspect of the wave it is
known as the torsion wave. These waves are called non-hertz-like
because they do not correspond to the classical theory of Hertz and
Maxwell describing the behaviour of waves. According to independent
researcher David Wilcock the torsion wave follows the path of a perfect
The phi-spiral originates from the golden rectangle, which is built on the
Golden Ratio. The golden ratio, designated by the Greek letter phi, is the
length of a line when it is divided into two, whereby the longest part
relates to the total length as the smallest part does to the longest. Or in
mathematical terms, A+B divided by A equals A divided by B. This ratio
is expressed as phi. The golden rectangle, whereby the longer side A
relates to the shorter side B as phi, can be used to create a spiral, the
Golden Spiral. Starting with the golden rectangle one can create a second
golden rectangle making A the shorter side and A+B the longer side.
Place this rectangle square onto the first. Now keep repeating this
process, and by drawing a line through the corners of the rectangles a
spiral appears, which continues endlessly from the centre outwards,
spiralling larger and larger. This is the phi-spiral, because it is based on
the golden ratio.
Einstein and Dr Eli Cartan predicted the existence of static torsion fields
in 1931. Torsion fields never received much attention in physics until
Koryzev discovered their true existence.
Tom Bearden discovered that the fundamental wave within the
electromagnetic wave was a torsion wave. This is the wave that remains
when two opposing electromagnetic fields interfere and cancel out each
others electrical and magnetic field components. The result is a
longitudinal wave that vibrates in the same direction in which it travels;
thus far, an unknown phenomena.
It now appears that torsion waves play an important role to explain our
physical reality. Even though they are very weak, they can be measured
by using very sensitive torsion balancing equipment as they exercise
minute forces on material substances. Kozyrev was the first to develop
those instruments.
Torsion waves are static as well as dynamic. Static torsion waves can
take on the shape of vortices, as seen in implosion. These static torsion
waves can be present for a very long time at a certain position within the
special vacuum. Kozyrev also discovered that torsion waves can travel
through space at fantastic speeds, up to 109 the speed of light.
He noticed that all physical objects can absorb as well as emit torsion
waves. By shaking physical objects, by vibrating them, by altering them,
through heating or cooling, they generate measurable torsion waves.
Even displacing an object generates a torsion wave that can be
measured. Every movement, whether it is the vibrations of an atom or
the orbit time of our planets, leaves its mark on the ether in the form of
torsion waves.
During the spinning of gyroscopes Kozyrev discovered the remarkable
phenomenon that they lost small but measurable amounts of weight. The
same occurred with objects that were shaken badly. This is, from our
classical physics point of view of course, total nonsense. When we believe
that matter is made up out of little hard balls (atoms), then this
observation would be a real mystery. Kozyrev showed, however, that the
gyroscopes during the shaking or spinning lose some of the etheric
energy, that has created the material gyroscopes, to its environment, the
etheric background. It is this temporarily loss of etheric energy that is
responsible for the weightloss of the object.
Another impossibility by the physics laws according to Newton in
relation to torsion waves was brought to us by Bruce De Palma. He
catapulted two identical steel balls with the same speed and at the same
angle into the air. The only difference between the two balls was that one
of them spun at the speed of 27,000 rotations per minute and the other
didnt. The spinning ball reached much greater heights than the non-
spinning one. The spinning ball generated torsion waves that slightly
reduced the weight of the ball, which allowed it to get much higher.
Kozyrev also discovered that stars emanate torsion wave-like energy and
he postulated that this was the result of the spinning of the stars. By
observing the star with a special telescope that could measure torsion
waves, he noticed that the star generated torsion waves from a location
that should be the true location of the star. The position indicated by the
light coming from the star showed the position of the star of many years
ago, since light from that star has taken many light years to reach us.
This then indicated that torsion waves must indeed travel at unbelievable
speeds. He even noticed that torsion waves could be measured at a
future location of the star! This would indicate that the speed at which
torsion waves travel, breaks the time barrier and is displaced into the
Since earth also sends out torsion waves and because these are stronger
at the poles, Kozyrevs experiments are dependent upon geographic
location. He also noticed that the effects could only be measured during
the coldest periods of the year. In the summer intensive torsion waves
from the sun interfered with those of the experiments. Our sun is the
largest generator of torsion waves in the solar system.
Torsion waves emanate from all matter and all atoms are in fact torsion
wave generators.
The in opposite directions rotating spiralling electromagnetic phi-waves of
the implosion physics of Daniel Winter, spiralling towards the nucleus of
the atom, nullify the components of these electromagnetic waves, which
result in a torsion wave. The spiralling towards the zero point of the
electromagnetic vortex creates the following effects:
It collects infinite amount of energy from the implosion of the waves
towards ever decreasing wavelengths. The shorter the wavelength
the greater the energy the spiralling wave holds.
The spinning field of electromagnetic energy also collects inertia or
resistance. The greater the spin, the more inertia that is being
When we closely look at these effects, we can then understand why
matter and energy are exchangeable in Einsteins famous equation E=m
x c2 and exactly what it is that gives matter its density and solidity.
Matter is a condensed form of accumulated energy and internally there
exist properties of inertia that will give it its mass. In reality, mass is not
a solid structure. Mass is an illusion of a solid thing. This illusion is
maintained because of the collected inertia within the waves. We have
always believed that inertia was an inherent property of mass, but it now
turns out to be the other way around: the collected inertia in a certain
area of space from a spinning electromagnetic field creates an effect that
we observe as mass.
Static torsion waves in the form of vortices in the ether and the spiralling
torsion waves that spread with supraluminal speeds are receiving more
and more attention in the western scientific community. Some predict
that torsion waves are the missing link in the search for Einsteins
unification theory. It appears that electromagnetism, gravity and torsion
waves all belong to the same family; they are all part of ether vibrations.
The most amazing fact that could indicate that the unification theory is
not that far away anymore is that Kozyrev discovered that human
thoughts and feelings also generated torsion waves. He measured torsion
waves as a direct result of sudden changes in emotional status. He, in
fact, proved that consciousness relates to ether vibrations.
Torsion waves could well be the natural explanation for telepathy, the
power to read thoughts. And since torsion waves influence matter, it
could also explain psychokinesis, the power to change physical object
through the use of thought.
In 1984 Dankachov showed that static torsion waves could also be
memorised in water. Water turns out to be a good medium to store static
torsion fields. The late Jacques Beneviste proved extensively that water
had the ability to remember the composition of the chemical substances
it had once carried. Homeopathy uses this knowledge in the making and
transferring of information (the remedy) to the patient. These
characteristics can also be transferred from one bottle of water to the
next by simply placing the two bottles together. The torsion field of the
first bottle will be introduced into the second in this way.
Professor Dr David Schweitzer as well as Dr Masaru Emoto have
managed to photograph this memory effect of water. The imprinting of
the human intention within the water and ice crystals it forms shows the
fact that water captures the human thoughts and emotions. The torsion
waves that have been created by human intention are simply picked up
and memorised by the water. In an invisible way is through this process
the structure of the water changed. Dr Emoto showed that after the
freezing of the water these changes manifested themselves in a visible
form within the ice crystals.
With Sound Energy Research they create torsion field imprinting in
water by using the technology of torsion waves. They treat distilled water
with torsion waves. The result is structured water, which has been
studied by Dr Emoto. The ice crystals formed perfect hexagonal
structured ice crystals. Once again this is indirect proof that
consciousness and torsion waves are related.
Maybe these newly discovered type of waves hold the key to
understanding more of the world we live in. They certainly seem to be
the basis of the formation of matter and the way the material world is
changed constantly. The other very interesting feature is that we now,
for the first time, have proof of how thoughts can change the physicality
of our living world. Prior to this discovery we could only show that
thoughts and emotions did influence our lives; now we know it.