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Record of Asian Algae

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Records of Asian and Western Pacific Marine Algae, Particularly Algae

from Indonesia and the Philippines

THIRTY YEARS AGO the marine algal flora of the
Philippines was practically unknown. Records
of the occurrence of several species have ex-
isted, of course, from the time of Blanco
(1837) onward, but they are few in number
and can hardly be accepted as equivalent to
current critical identifications. Strongly pressed
by the late Professor H. H. Bartlett, a devoted
promoter of Philippine botanical exploration
and research, the present writer began the as-
sembly of materials available in the herbaria
in the United States, notably at the University
of California at Berkeley. Of these the collec-
tions of the late Professor W. A. Setchell,
partly determined by him, were an important
part. Much material was collected on request by
correspondents in the Philippines, particularly
by Professors Bartlett and G. T. Velasquez, and
their assistants.
For the identification of this material the
descriptions by Mme. Anna Weber-van Bosse
and her collaborators in the "Siboga" reports
were the best available; so materials from Java
were secured for comparison. Support for the
study of this rich accumulation was not continu-
ous, and other major opportunities with support
came about , and so the writer's personal par-
ticipation in the project languished. The project
was not altogether abandoned, however. A
general account of the Chlorophyceae has ap-
peared (Gilbert, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1947,
1961) , together with a brief outline of the his-
tory of algal work in the area. The Halimedas
were revised in a general study of that genus
(Hillis, 1959), the Padinas similarly (Thivy,
1945, inedit.), the Turbinarias and a few other
genera studied (Taylor, 1961, 1962, 1964,
1966 in press) . Significant publication has
come from the University of the Philippines
(Velasquez, 1952, 1957, and several papers on
Myxophyceae). A number of determinations,
1 University of Mi chigan, Ann Arbor. Manuscript
received April 22, 1965.
particularly in Cbaetomorpba, were originally
made by Professor A. J. Bernatowicz. Likewise,
many specimens collected by Dr. D. P. Abbott
were determined by Dr. I. A. Abbott. The
writer has again been able to devote time to
determining this mater ial, and it is proposed
to give here a supplementary account of Chloro-
phyceae and of Phaeophyceae from localities not
reported earlier. This is not intended to be a
complete list of all species in these groups, for
some of the records published earlier could not
be confirmed.
For the loan of a very large amount of ma-
terial from the University of California the
writer is deeply indebted to Professor G. F.
Papenfuss, for other materials to the curators at
the New York Botanical Garden, the Farlow
Herbarium, Cambridge, the U. S. National
Museum, the Rijksmuseum, Leiden, the Natur-
historisches Museum, Vienna, the Museum Na-
tionale d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, the British
Museum (Natural History) , London, and the
Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm. Speci-
mens frequently received from Dr. H. M.
Burkill (Botanic Gardens, Singapore) have
been very valuable for comparison. Those from
Dr. D. P. Abbott have extended many records
southward in the Philippines. Dr. H. T. Croas-
dale has kindly provided the Latin descriptions
necessary. Support for the project has come
from the Faculty Research Fund of the Horace
Rackham Graduate School of the University of
Michigan and, lately, from the National Science
Foundation, Washington, D. C.
Because of the many station records offered here,
an explanati on of the pattern of treatment is in order.
Since a great proport ion of the specimens are in the
herbarium of the University of California at Berkeley,
onl y nonconforming cases are noted . The dates given
are of the 20th century unl ess otherwise stated full y.
Asian and Wes tern Pacific Marine Algae-TAYLOR 343
Collector's initials may be ascertai ned from the list
given below. Troublesome as it is to establis h a sys-
tem, papers in which locali ties are not treated in any
geographic order are all but useless to the phyto-
geographer. Here stations are cited from the Phil i p-
pines southward and eastward in the northern hemi-
sphere and then from Malaya eastward in the southern.
Islands of archipelagos are generally listed from nort h
to south, provinces and stations clockwise from the
north arou nd them. Great difficulty was met in dealing
with station names from several languages or dialects,
often recorded phonetically. An effort has been made
to secure conformity and proper sequence, using in
par ticular the map of the Philippine Republic issued
by the J. P. Juan Co. of Ermita, Manila (1960), to
some extent the maps of the United States War De-
par tment Corps of Engineers 1: 50,000 series issued
about 1945, and especially the gazetteers of the United
States Board on Geographical Names. Considerably
less satisfaction was achieved wi th respect to Indo-
nesian localit ies.
The chief collectors were: Abbott , D. P. ; Alcasid,
G. 1. ; Balhani (Moro fisherman ) ; Bano, G. E. ;
Bartl ett , H. H. ; Birtwhistle, W. ; Blanco, G. J.;
Chri stopherson, E.; Clemens, M. J. ; Collado, E. G. ;
Copeland, E. B. ; Corner, E. J . H. ; Crus, M. T. ;
Curran, H. M. ; Edafio, G. ; Erlanson, E. W.; Feni x,
E.; Fosberg, F. R. ; Guitterez, E. ; Henderson, M. R. ;
Janaki-Ammal, E. K. ; Keefe, A. M. ; Kienhol z, R. ;
Kostermans, A. J. ; Kr uckeberg, A. R. ; Manacop, P.
R. ; Mangubat, 1.; McGregor, R. c.. McKern, W . c..
Medina, E. ; Merrill, E. D. ; Metraux, E. M. ; Moller,
H. ; Moore, G. c.. Newhall, P. M. ; Nur, M. ; Oi e
Yong Seng; Pullai, R. S.; Qui sumbing, E. ; Radin, R. ;
Ramirez n.n. ; Ramos, M.; Robinson, C. B. ; Rosario,
F. del ; Santos, J. V.; Setchell, W . A. (often wit h
C. B. Setchell ) ; Shaw, W. R.; Vasconcellos, M.;
Vatter, A. E., Jr. ; Vel asco, D. ; Velasquez, G. T. ;
Vivas, F.; Yates, H. S.
Enteromorpba Link, 1820
Entera morpba jlexttosa (Wulf.) J. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Batanes Pr., Batan I., Mc-
Gregor, vi 07. Luzon I. : Cagayan Pr. , Calayan
I., McGregor P43, 03, Gonzaga, Edafio 77293,
94, x 29; Quezon Pr. , Tualog, Ramos and
Edafio 29165, v 17 ; Rizal Pr. , Malara, Mc-
Gr egor, 14 i 05; IIocos Sur Pr., Magsingal,
Collado 9, vi 20. Palawan Pr. , Balabac I.,
Mangubat 519, iii-iv 06. INDONESIA. Bali :
Kampoengan, Setchell BK4, 19 vi 29, Sanoer,
Setchell BS1 37, 7 vi 29.
f. ssbmarina Call. and HerV.-PHILIP-
PINES. Luzon I. : Rizal Pr., Malabon, Qui sum-
bing 262e, 16 x 31, Pasay Beach, McGregor 20
ii 15, Las Pifias, Quisurnbing 6, 16 x 31. These
may all be marine records. In the Berkeley
herba rium there are several collections from
fr eshwater localit ies in Batangas, Rizal, and
Bataan provinces.
Ent eromorpba lingttlata J. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Rizal Pr., Pasay
Beach, McGregor P44, v 14, Manila Bay, Mer-
rill 4113, iv 05 ; Pangasinan Pr ., Hundred Is-
lands , Santos 1153, 9 v 38 ; IIocos Norte Pr. ,
Bonbon, Blanco 3067, 35. MARIANAS ISLANDS.
Guam I., Nelson 500, 18, mouth of Pago R.,
Vatter 21,25 i 46 (but cells rathe r large) .
MALAYA. Singapore, Holttum, 28-30. INDO-
NESIA. Bali, Panganan, Setchell BP40, 46, 17 vi
29, Sanoer, Setchell BS136, 139, 7- 15 vi 29.
Enteromorpba ramulosa (J.E. Smith ) Hooker,
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I.: Rizal Pr. , Parafiaque,
Cruz 19550, viii 33; IIocos Sur Pr. , Magsingal,
Collado, vi 20.
Ent eromorpba spinescens ( Kiitz.) Klitz.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : IIocos Norte Pr. ,
Paoay, Blanco 3074, ii 35.
Monostl'oma Thuret, 1854
Monostroma latissimum ( Kiitz.) Wittr.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr ., Palawan I., Tay-
tay, Merrill 9157, iv 13.
Viva Linn ., 1753
Viva f asciata Del ile
INDIA. Tr avancore St., Trivandrum, Janaki
and Erl anson, i 32, Cape Comorin, Janaki, 17
xii 32. INDONESIA. Sumatra : Belimbing, Koster-
mans 798, 20 x 38 (MICH) . Java: Oedjoeng-
koelon, Kostermans 665, 18 x 38 ( MICH), Pa-
joeng I., Kostermans 473, 14 x 38 (MICH),
Par angtritis, Setchell JP451, Pameungpeuk,
Setchell JP61O, 613h, 617, 26 v 29, "South
Coast," Teysman n.d. Bali: Panganan, Setchell
BP79, 17 vi 29, Karang Asem, Pull ai BK374,
vi 33, Sanoer, Setchell BS150a, 198, 200, 15 vi
VI va lactuc L.
INDIA. Madr as St., Krusadai I., Galaxie Reef,
Janaki 924, 23 vi 32. PHILIPPINES. Luzon I.:
Batanes Pr., Batan I., McGr egor, vi 07; Ca-
gayan Pr. , Calayan I. , McGregor , vi 07, Dali-
puri I., Bartl ett 15023, 31 x-5 xi 35 (MICH),
Menabel, Edafio 78985, iv 30; Rizal Pr. , Manila
Bay, Ramirez 1, 5, 22 vi 35 (MICH); Ilocos
Norte Pr., Bonbon, Blanco 3060, 35. INDO-
NESIA. Moluccas: Ambon I., Robinson 575, 8
viii 13.
VIva reticulate Forssk.
INDIA. Madras St., Krusadai I., Galaxie Reef ,
Janaki 26 vi 32 (MICH) . PHILIPPINES. Luzon
I. : Cagayan Pr., Menabel, Bdario, iv 30.
Bohol Pr. , Bohol I., Dimiao, McGregor, 4 vii
06. Cebu Pr., Bant ayan I., McGregor, viii 06,
Liloan, Bartlett 16204, 20 ii 35 (MICH). Mi n-
danao I.: Zamboanga Pr. , Pangapuyan I. , Bal-
hani 466, i- ii 41 (MICH) , Lanhil I., Balhani
153, i-ii 41 (MICH). Basilan Pr ., Sangboy I.,
Balhani 231, i- ii 41(MICH), Saluping I., Bal-
hani 871, i-ii 41 (MICH), Baluk-Baluk I., Bal
hani 731, 732, i- ii 41 (MICH) . Sulu Pr. , Tapul
Group, Laminusa I., Abbott, 29 i 57 (BISH),
Tawitawi I., Abbott, 12 ii 57 (BISH), Sitankai
Reef, Yates 36275, x 19. MALAYA. Singapore,
St. Johns I., Corner 23198, 31 xi 29. INDO-
NESIA. Sumatra : Belimging, Kostermans 780,
17 x 38 (MICH), "Sunda Strait" Teysman
(MICH) . Java: Taboehan, Kostermans 635, 17
x 38 (MICH). Bali : Sanoer, Setchell B5199, 15
vi 29, Kampoengan, Setchell BK22, 23, 19 vi
Chaetomorpha Kiitzing, 1845
Chaetomorpha aerea ( Dillw.) Klitz.
INDONESIA. Java: Pampeungpeuk, Setche11
JP631j , 26 v 29.
Chaetomorpha antennina ( Bory) Klit z.
INDONESIA. Sumatra : Benkuelen, v. Martens,
20 v 62. Java: Pameungpeuk, Setchell JP617,
618, 26 v 29, Parangtr itis, Setchell JP454, 460,
461, v 29.
Chaetomorpha brachygona Harv.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Rizal Pr., Pasay
Beach, McGregor, 28 ii 14 ( in part).
Chaetomorpha crassa ( c. Ag.) Klit z.
MALAYA. Singapore, Holttum 1928- 30.
Cbaetomorpba gracilis Klitz.
INDONESIA. Java: Tandj ong Priok, Sandpoort,
Setchell JT576, v 29.
Chaetomorpha indica Kiitz.?
INDONESIA. Java : Pameungpeuk Reef,
Setchell JP613g, 26 v 29. Fil aments 70-1001!
diam, cells 1.0-1. 5, rarely 3 diam. long. Walls
thin ; cells not turgid ( Brgesen, 1935: 12).
Chaetomorpha linum (Miill.) Klitz.
PHILIPPINES. Batanes Pr ., Batan I., Me-
Gregor 97, vi 07. Luzon I. : Cagayan Pr. , Mena-
bel, Edafio 78995B, 5 iv 30; Albay Pr., Albay
Gul f, Curran 12264, vi 08 ; Rizal Pr. , Mont-
alban, Merrill 5096, iii 06 ; Il ocos Sur Pr .,
Magsingal, Coll ado, vi 20. INDONESIA. Java:
Djakart a, Sakit I., Pullai 15594, 12 ix 29,
Parangtritis, Setchell JP450, 462, 463, v 29.
Bali : Patas, Pullai BP346, vi 33, Panganan,
Setchell BP35, 17 vi 29, Sanoer, Setchell B5182,
7 vi 29.
Chaetomorpha spiralis Okam.
INDONESIA. Bali : Panganan, Setchell BP37,
17 vi 29. Specimens reported from the Philip-
pi nes under the name of C. torta should prob-
ably be referred here (Okamura, 1936:68).
Chaetomorpha tortuosa (Dillw. ) Klitz.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Cagayan Pr ., Cam-
inguin I., McGregor , Manila F.D., Manila,
Merrill 7456, i-ii 11.
Rbizoclonium Kiit zing, 1843
Rbizoclonium crassipellitsm W . and G.S. West,
v. robustum W . and G.S. West
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I.: Rizal Pr. , Las Pinas,
Rosario, 4 iii 32.
Rbizocl onium booeeri Klitz.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I.: Bataan Pr ., Lamao,
Merrill 3516, x 03. INDONESIA. Java : Pangen-
daran, Setchell JP534, v 29.
Asian and Western Pacific Marine Algae-TAYLOR 345
Cladophora Kiitzing, 1843
Cladophora aokii Yamada
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Bataan Pr. , Limay,
Shaw 1106, 24 iv 11. INDONESIA. Java : Pame-
ungpeuk, Setchell JP597, 26 v 29. This, except
for the heavy rhizoidal investment on the main
axes, comes close to C. proli fera ( Roth) Klitz.
Cladoph ora [ascicularis (Mert.) Klitz.
INDIA. Madras St., Krusadai 1., Janaki, 23 vi
32 (MICH). This may very well be the C. m OI1I1-
ment alis Brgesen (1935:24) , but the distinc-
tions set up by him seem inadequate in view of
the variability of the older species.
Cladophora quisumbingii n. sp.
Fig. 1
Plants tufted, 2-7 em tall, not blackening
when dried ; basal cells distinct, without rhiz-
oidal reinforcement; branching dense, the main
axes not persisting, branches below opposite or
3- 4-verticillate, or irregular, those above oppo-
site, pseudod ichotomous or alternate; cells near
the base femur- to club-shaped with swollen
ends , above becoming more cylindrical and in
the ramelli cylindrical to slightly cask-shaped,
the branchlet tips blunt and often a little en-
larged ; near the base the median cell diameter
to 450fA., the cells about 7 diameters long, in
the middle portion of the plant 27Q-310fA. diam,
the cells 4-5 diameters long, and in the ult imate
ramelli 225-360fA. diam, the cells 1.5-7.0 diam-
eters long ; cell walls below very thick (to 70-
90fA. ) and often not collapsing when dried,
but the walls in the ramelli about 7fA. thick.
PHILIPPINES. Batanes Pr., Batan 1., R.C. Me-
Gregor P45, vi 07 (UC-TYPE) . Cagayan Pr.,
Cagayan Islands, Bawa, Edafio 78189, 3 xii 29.
Among the Philippine Cladophoras from
Berkeley there were several mounts which
seemed to be grouped und er the name C.
prolij era (Roth) Kiitz., a rather improbable
ascription considering the type locality of that
species. Closer examination suggested the pres -
ence of at least two species: one, with rhizoids
heavily covering the axes for three or even more
degrees of branching fr om the base, which
seemed to agree well with C. aoki i Yam., while
another of somewhat different habit lacked
rhizoidal development altogether and was
lighter in color, with heavy-walled lower cells.
From C. aokii the absence of rhizoids and
coarser branches readily distinguish this second
species. From C. prolifera the absence of rhi-
zoids and lack of blackening, with details of
habi t, are sufficient. Some mounts bore the
manuscript name of C. qllisllmbingii, which ap-
pears not to have been published, so it would
seem appropriate to adopt it in recognition of
the merits of the Philippine botanist, Dr.
Eduardo Quisumbing.
Clado phora quisumbingii n. sp.
Fig. 1
Plantae fruticulosae, 2-7 cm altae, dum siccatae,
nigrae non factae; cellulae basales perspicuae, sine
rhizoideis; ramificatio densa, axibus principalibus non
persistantibus, rami inferiores opposi ti aut 3- aut 4-
verticillati aut irregulares, superiores oppositi pseu-
dodichotomi aut alterni ; cellulae prope basim femori-
formes ad c1avatas, extremitatibus inflatis, supra magis
cylindricae, in ramellis cylindricae ad paululum cupi-
formes, cacuminibus ramulorum obtusis et saepe ali-
quantulum dilat atis; prope basim diametrus cellulae
media ad cellulis ca. 7 plo longioribus quam
latae, in partibus pl antae mediis cellulae
diam, 4-5 pl o longiores quam latae, in ramellis
ultimis diam, 1.5-7.0 plo longiores; memo
branae cellularum infer iorum crassissimae (ad 70-
dum siccatae saepe non collapse, membranae
cellularum ramellor um, autem, ca. crass. Plantae
typicae in loco Batan 1., Batan Pr., Rep. Philippinensis
dicto, ab R.C. McGr egor P45, m. J un. 1907 lectae,
in herb. Univ. Californiensis (Berkeley) depositae.
Cladophora sibogae Reinb.
INDONESIA. Java: Pangendaran, Setchell
JP535, 536, v 29. Axes to 165fA., branchlets to
60fA. diam.
Cladophora socialis Klitz.
INDONESIA. Java: Pangendaran, Setchell
(det.) JP533, v 29. Axes to 80ft, branchlets to
diam, and flagellar branchlets frequent.
Dasycladus C. Agardh, 1827
Dnsycladus australicns (Sond.) Cram.
PHILIPPINES. Catanduanes Pr., Catanduanes
1., Calolbon, Ramos and Edafio 77262. Spo-
rangia 360-400fA. diam, spores 66-73fA. diam,
sporangia solit ary-terminal on the first ramular
segmen t. The 4 secondary segments are quickly
Halicoryue Harvey, 1859
Halicoryne wrightii Harv.
PHI LI PPINES . Luzon 1.: Pangasinan Pr., Hun-
dred Islands, Santos 1154, 9 v 38. INDONESIA.
Bali : Boeleleng, Setchell BB103, 19 v 29,
Karang Asem, Pullai BK358, vi 33, Karnpo-
engan, Setchell BK646, vi 29, Patas, Pullai
BP344, vi 33.
Neomeris Lamouroux, 1816
Neomeris annnlata Di ckie
INDONESIA. Bali: Kampoengan, Setchell
BK650c, vi 29.
FIG. 1. Cladophora quisumbingii, a small plant showing the coarse branching, X 65.
Asian and Western Pacific Marine Al gae-TAYLOR 347
N eomeris dumetosa Lamour.
INDONESIA. Java : Djkart a Bay, Amsterd am
1., Kostermans 410, 11 x 38 (MICH) .
N eomeris uanbosseae Howe
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr. , Balabac 1., Abbott,
1 iii 57 (BISH) . MALAYA. Singapore, Punggol ,
Holttum, 6 viii 28. INDONESIA. Java: Thousand
Islands, Kaliage 1., Kostermans 174, 5 x 38
( MICH), Tj ina 1., Kostermans 342, 6 x 38
(MICH), Pangendaran, Setchell 550 B, 550C, v
29. Bal i : Boel eleng, Setchell BB103B, 20 vi 29.
Born et ella Munier-Chalmas, 1877
Bornetella capitata (Harv.) J. Ag.
INDONESIA. Java: Thousand Islands, Amster-
dam 1., Kost ermans 415, 11 x 38 ( MICH),
Kaliage 1., Kostermans 197 p.p., 5 x 38 (MICH) ,
Kelapa 1., Kostermans 276, 5 x 38 (MICH) ,
Ijina 1., Kostermans 346, 6 x 38 (MICH).
Bornet ella nitida ( Harv. ) Munier-Chalmas
PHILIPPINES. Mindoro 1. : Mind oro Orient al
Pr. , Puert o Galera, Medina 571, 23 iv 29. INDO-
NESIA. Bal i : Boeleleng, Setchell BB97, 19 vi 29,
Kampoengan, Setchell BK3, 16 vi 29. Celebes :
Macassar , Setchell M502, 503, 22-23 vi 29.
Bornetella oligos pora Solms -Laub.
INDONESIA. Java : Thousand Islands, Kal iage
1., Kostermans 173, 5 x 38 (MICH) , I jina 1.,
Kostermans 34 1, 6 x 38 (MICH) , Kelapa 1.,
Kostermans 2 74, 5 x 38 ( MICH) .
Bornetella sphaerica ( Zanard.) Solms-Laub,
PHILIPPINES. Mindoro 1.: Mindoro Oriental
Pr., Puerto Galera, Medina 556, n.d, Bohol Pr. ,
Bohol 1., McGregor 64, vii 06. INDONESIA. Java :
Kal iage 1., Kost ermans 19 7, 5 x 38 (MICH) .
A cetabalaria Lamouroux, 1816
Acetabnlaria philippi1lellSis Gilbert
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1. : Pangasinan Pr ., Anda
1., Clemens 6884, 31 iii 25. Palawan Pr. ,
Palawan 1., Puert o Princesa, McGregor , x 25.
Valonia Ginnani, 1757
Valonia aegagropila C. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Basilan Pr. , Sibakel 1., Balhani ,
i-ii 4 1 (MICH) . INDONESIA. Java: Djkarta Bay,
Leiden 1., Kostermans 74, 28 ix 38 ( MICH).
Bal i : Panganan, Setchell BP44, 652c, 17 vi 29.
Sanoer, Setchell BSl35, 141, 15 vi 29.
Valonia f astigiata Har v.
PHILIPPINES. Mindanao 1. : Zamboanga Pr. ,
Pangapuyon 1., Balh ani 174a, i-ii 41 (MICH),
Cabulay 1., Balhani 286, i-ii 41 (MICH) . Sulu
Pr ., Sibutu 1., Abbott, 19 ii 57 (MICH) . INDO-
NESIA. Sumatra : Lampoeng Bay, Seboekoe,
Kostermans 722, 19 x 38 ( MICH) . Celebes 1.:
Macassar , W eber- van Bosse 929, xi 88 (MICH).
Valonia oentricosa J. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Cebu Pr., Cebu 1., Mingl anilla,
McGregor, 16 x 06. Sulu Pr., Sibutu 1., Abbott,
19 ii 57 (BISH) . INDONESIA. Java: Thousand
Isl ands , Ijina 1., Kost ermans 345, 6 x 38
( MICH).
Boergesenia Feldmann, 1938
Boergesenia [orbesii ( Harv. ) Feldm.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1. : Cagayan Pr. , Cal ayan
1., McGregor , vi 07 ; IIocos Norte Pr., Cur-
rimao, Bartlett 149 72, 149 73, 28 x 35 (MICH) .
INDONESIA. Sumatra : Belimbing, Kostermans
757, 20 x 38 (MICH) . Java: Oedjoengkoelon,
Kostermans 662, 18 x 38 (MICH), Djkart a Bay,
Amsterd am 1., Kostermans 414, 11 x 38
(MICH) , Leiden 1., Kostermans 75, 28 ix 38
(MICH), Ijina 1., Kostermans 344, 6 x 38
(MICH) , Pangendaran, Setchell /P630, v 29.
Valoniopsis Br gesen, 1934
Valoniopsis pachynema ( Mart. ) Brg.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1. : Cagayan Pr. , Babuyan
Islands, Dalupiri 1., Bartl ett 1502 7, 35 (MICH) ;
La Union Pr. , San Fern ando, Penix l3007, xii
10. These were confirme d earl ier ( Taylor,
1961 ) , but in general Philippine records were
at that time refe rred to Cladoph oropsis philip-
pinensis. INDONESIA. Sumatr a : Benkuelen , ex
herb. v. Mart ens and prob abl y an isotype speci-
men. Java: Oedj oengkoelon, Kostermans 661,
18 x 38 (MICH). Taboehan, Kostermans 663,
17 x 38 (MICH), Parangtritis, Setchell /P464,
v 29, Pangendaran, a particularly fine mount,
Setchell /P531, v 29, Pameungpeuk, Setchell
/P596, 619b, 26 v 29. Bali: Karang Asem,
Pullai BK367, vi 33, Sanoer, Setchell BS140, 7
vi 29, Panganan, Setchell BP14-43, 46a, 17 vi
Dictyospbaeri Decaisne, 1842
Dictyospbaeria caoernosa ( Forssk.) BpJ rg.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Batangas Pr ., Ba-
tangas Channel, Bartl ett 14615, 35 (MICH).
Palawan Pr ., Palawan I. , Taytay, Merrill 9045,
iv 13, Puerto Princesa, Sant os 703, 8 iv 37
(MICH) . Sulu Pr. , Tawi tawi I. , Abbott , 12 ii 57
(BISH), Tijitiji Reef, Abbott, 15 ii 57 (BISH),
Sibutu I. , Abbott, 17 ii 57 (BISH ) , Sitankai
Reef, Abbott, 17 ii 57 (BISH ), Turtle Islands
Balabac I. , Abbott , 2 iii 57 ( BISH ) . MALAYA.
Singapore, Binder n.d., St. Johns I. , Corner
23677, 31 xii 29. INDONESIA. Java: Dj karta
Bay, Amsterdam I. , Kostermans 418, 11 x 38
(MICH), Kelapa I., Kostermans 298, 5 x 38
Dictyospbaeria int ermedin Weber-van Bosse
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I.: Cagayan Pr., Bawa,
Edano 78192, xii 29, Menabel, Edano 78994,
n.d. MARSHALL ISLANDS. Kwajalein At oll , Loj -
jairok I. , Fosberg 3412, 15 i 52 ( MI CH ) .
Dlctyospbaeria setcbellii Berg,
INDONESIA. Java : Oedjoengkoelon, Koster-
mans 663, 18 x 38 (MICH) , Toenda I. , Koster-
mans 574, 15 x 38 (MICH), Dj karta Bay, Am-
sterdam I. , Kostermans 418, 11 x 38 (MICH).
Dictyospbaeria uersluysii Weber-van Bosse
INDONESIA. Bali: Oie Yong Seng B322,
1929-1930, Sanoer, Setchell BS214, 250, 7-15
vi 29.
Cladopboropsis BpJrgesen, 1905
Cladopboropsis membranacea ( Forssk.) BpJrg.
MARIANAS ISLANDS. Guam I. , Radin, viii 45,
Vatter 20, 25 i 46 (with rather slender fila-
ments). INDONESIA. Bali : Sanoer, Setchell
BS6536, 15 vi 29 (fi laments to 135/! diam),
Cladoph oropsis philippinensis Taylor
(For numerous stations see Taylor, 1961) .
PHILI PPINES. Mindanao I. : Zamboanga Pr. ,
Manicaan, Balhani 383, Logoy, 438, Bolong,
273, 506, Taluksangay, 404, Pangapuyon I. ,
173, Buena Vista, 482, Panubigan I. , 496, all
Balhani i-ii 41 (MICH) . Basilan Pr. , Basilan I.,
Lamitan 322, Kilay I., 697, Tundun Pasil, 377,
Panigayan Islands, 628, all Balhani i-ii 41
(MICH). It is curious that this species, so far,
appears endemic to the area about Basilan I.
and neighboring Zamboanga.
Cladopboropsis sundanensls Reinb.
INDONESIA. Java: Oedjoengkoelon, Koster-
mans 657, 18 x 38 (MICH) , Dj karta Bay, Leiden
I., Kostermans 77, 28 ix 38 (MICH), Parangt ri-
tis, Setchell JP466, v 29.
Spongocladia Areschoug, 1853
Spongocladia vaucheriaeformis Aresch.
PHI LIPPINES. Sulu Pr., Tawitawi Group,
Tawitawi I. , Abbott, 13 ii 57 (BISH) . MALAYA.
Singapore, ii 83 (ex herb. Hauck, MICH) . INDO-
NESIA. Java: Thousand Islands, Amsterdam I. ,
Kostermans 409, 11 x 38 (MICH) , Hoorn I. ,
Setchell JH581, 1 v 29, Kelapa I. , Kostermans
277, 5 x 38 (MICH). These are large pl ant s,
exceeding 15 em in height, freely if irregularly
branched, the dried divisions 5-8 mm diam.
The habit is similar to some of the bushy codi-
urns, or sometimes the terminal divisions are
rather crowded and erect. Comparison was made
with Mauritius specimens from Areschoug's
herbarium in the Rijksmuseum, Stockholm.
Spongocladia di cbotoma Zanard.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I., Pangasinan Pr. , Alo-
minos , Fenix, x 28 (? in part) (UC) . NEW
GUINEA: Tami, 75, 1894 (NY) . Some plants in
the Fenix collection were very loosely and ir-
regularly branched, and suggest S. dicbotoma;
others had the habit of S. oaucberii ormis, but
these may not be different species after all.
Comparison was made with Sorong, New
Guinea material leg. Beccari in the British
Museum N.H. herbarium, for which Zanardini
originally intended the name Strongodendron
dicbotomum. In the Tami material the filament
diameter ranged from 55 to 330/!, in that from
Sorong 80-200/!.
Spongocladia neocaledonica Grunow
INDONESIA. Bali : Oie Yong Seng, B322a,
29-30; Panganan, Setchell BP71, 17 vi 29 ;
Sanoer, Setchell BS251, 15 vi 29 (all uc) . Com-
Asian and Western Pacific Marine Algae-TAYLOR 349
parison was made with Poro, New Caledonia
material leg. Grunow in the British Museum
N.H., and in Grunow's herbarium in the
N aturhistori sches Mus eum, Vi enna. All had the
same cushion form, often wi th shor t promi-
nences 0.5- 1.0 cm hi gh on the upper side.
The degree of compactness varied considerably.
The filaments were commonly clavate at the tips,
often irregul arly so and lobed, leading to ir-
regular branching, although the basic branch-
ing was dichotomous. Whereas the filaments in
the general mass were 100-200!! diam, in these
tips they commonly ranged from 150 to 400!!
and, if lobed for forking, to 625!!. Cross-walls
were very irregularly pl aced and were seldom
seen near the tips, often not for distances as
much as 1 cm from the tips, so that branching
and rebranching might occur several times be-
fore a cross-wall intervened.
The writer is reluct ant to follow Papenfuss'
(1 950) rel egati on of these pl ants to Cladopho-
ropsis, not having had field experience wit h
them. So far as he can see, the branch tips of
the erect forms, where the pl ant shape is estab-
lished, are relat ively free from associated sponge
tissue, and the pl ant form does not seem to
vary with the degree of sponge investment. As-
sociation of other green and red algae with
sponges is often met in the tropics, and no
special plant for m appears to result-notably,
indeed, in the case of Cladophor opsis itself, in
Cari bbean wat ers.
Boodl ea Murray & DeToni, 1890
This genus always seems difficult, the species
ill-defined. While other genera, such as Miero-
dietyon, sometimes show boodl eoid prolifera-
tions, it is not these which cause the trouble
but rather tussocks which seem generi cally char-
acteristic but specifically intermediate.
Boodl ea eomposita (Harv. ) Brand
INDONESIA. Java: Oedjoengkoelon, Koster-
mans 658, 18 x 38 ( MICH) , Toenda I., Koster-
mans 578, 15 x 38 (MICH) , Kaliage I., Koster-
mans 198, 5 x 38 (MICH) , Pameungpeuk,
Setchell JP613f , 15 vi 29.
Boodl ea paradoxa Reinb.
INDONESIA. Bali : Kampoengan, Setchell
BK463 (prox.), vi 29.
Mierodietyon Decaisne, 1839
Microdictyon montagnei Harv.
PHILIPPINES. Mindanao I.: Zamboanga Pr .,
San Ramon, Copeland, n.d, Sulu Pr. , Siasi I.,
Abbott , 28 i 57 (BISH) , Sitankai Reef, Yates
36277, x 19, Tawitawi I. , Abbott, 12 ii 57
(BISH) . MALAYA. Singapore, St. Johns I. , Nur,
ix 27. INDONESIA. Bali: Sanoer, Den Pasao,
Setchell BS177, 7 vii 29, Sanoer Reef, Setchell
BS185, 236, 15-18 vii 29, Panganan, Setchell
BP69, 70, 17 vi 29. Pl ants of this species (and
in fact, though to a lesser degree, many mem-
bers of the genus) proliferate very considerably
~ of the initial pl ane, sometimes appearing
with plane blades, sometimes simul ating minute
Boodlea pl ant s.
Anadyomene Lamouroux, 1812
Anad.yomene broumii (Gray) J. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Pal awan Pr. , Balabac I. , Abbott,
1 iii 57 ( BISH) ; Sulu Pr., Turtle Islands ,
Taganak I. , Abbott, 23 ii 57 (BISH). INDO-
NESIA. Bali: Boeleleng, Setchell BB1 08 20 vi
29. Frequency of sept a is a very variable char-
acter in this species, which A . eseptata Gilbert
much resembles.
Anadyomene plieata C. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Mindoro I.: Mindoro Occiden-
tal Pr ., Lubang, Villaflores 35, 11-17 ix 35
( MICH). INDONESIA. Java : Oedjoengkoelon,
Kostermans 669, 18 x 35 (MICH), Pajoeng I. ,
Kostermans 462, 14 x 38 (MICH) , Ijina I., Kos -
termans 374, 6 x 38 (MICH), Pameungpeuk
Reef, Setchell JP597, 26 v 29, Kelapa I., Kos-
termans 270, 5 x 38 ( MICH). Bali: Kampeon-
gan, Setchell BK6 41, 64ge, vi 29, Panganan,
Setchell BP83d, 17 vi 29.
Bryopsis Lamouroux, 1809
Bryopsis plumose ( Huds.) C. Ag. , prox.
MALAYSIA. Singapore, St. Johns I. , Corner
23197, 31 xii 29. While the specimens in this
coll ection agree quite well with th is species in
a coarse form, having the branchl ets to 265!!
diam, others from the Singapore area showed
repeated divisions of the main axes, wi th very
numerous penul timat e divisions but few ramelli
upon them, producing a quite different habit.
In the herbarium of the University of Califor-
nia they have been referred to B. baroeyana J.
Ag., but that name is based on B. plumosa v.
secunda Harv. ( B. pennata v. secunda [Harv.]
ColI. & Herv. ) , a West Indian plant not identi -
cal in character.
Caulerpa l amour oux, 1809
Caulerp bl'achypus Harv.
PHILIPPI NES. Sulu Pr. , Sibutu I. , Abbott, 19
ii 57 (BISH) . INDONESIA. Bali : Sanoer, Setchell
B5131, 7 vi 29.
Canlerp cupressoides (West) C. Ag., v. cupres-
MARIANAS ISLANDS. Saipan I., Tanapag Har-
bor, Kruckeberg, 15 vi 45 (MICH) . INDONESIA.
Java: Pameungpeuk Reef, Setchell l p605, 25
v 29.
v. di sticha Weber-van Bosse- INDIA.
Madras St., Krusadai I., Pamban, Janaki 933,
24 vi 32 (MICH).
v. lycopodium (]. Ag.) Weber-van Bosse
- MARIANAS ISLANDS. Guam I., Thompson 460,
ca. 1912.
v. mamillosa ( Mont.) Weber-van Bosse-
LINE ISLANDS. Christmas I., l ondon, Fosberg
and Metraux 13240, 26 vii i 30 (MICH).
Caulerpa lentillij er J. Ag., v. l entillijer
PHILIPPINES. l uzon I. : Camarines Nort e Pr.,
Malbul ao, Vivas and Roma, 21 i 35. Palawan
Pr., Palawan I., Puerto Princesa, McGr egor P36,
x 25. Mind anao I.: Misamis Occidental Pr. ,
Baliangao, Cabugan I., Manacop 5135, iv 36.
Sulu Pr., Turtle Island s, Taganak I., Abbott, 23
ii 57 (BISH).
v. longistipitata Weber-van Bosse-
MALAYA. Singapore, Holt tum, 1928-30. PHILIP-
PINES. Sulu Pr., Sibutu I., Abbott, 19 ii 57. The
stalks are much longer than the distal diameter
of the ramell i, but these are not distichous in
Caulerpa mexicana (Sond.) J. Ag.
INDIA. Madras St., Krusadai I., Pamban,
Janaki 934, 24 vi 32 (MICH) . MALAYA. Singa-
PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XX, Ju ly 1966
pore, Blakang Mati I., Corner 23190, ii 30.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr., Palawan I. , Taytay,
Merrill 9143, iii 13, Balabac I., Calandorang
Bay, Abbott 1 iii 57 (BISH) . HAWAII. l aysan I.,
Tanager Exped. 56, 60b, 1923 (MICH) . This
species appeared in earlier publications on Phil-
ippine algae under the name C. crassifolia (c.
Ag.) J. Ag.
Caulerpa micropbysa (Weber -van Bosse)
MAURITIUS. Ilot Barkly, G. Morin 813 (iso-
type of C. lentillijera f. parvula Brg. ) , 24 i,
48,861,10 v 48,1174,30 x 51 (all WRT). Cfr
Brgesen 1949, p. 18. PHILIPPINES. Basilan Pr.,
Basilan I., Boboh, Balhani 754, i-ii 41
(MICH), Atong Atong, Balhani 62, i-ii 41
(MICH) , lukapsi, Balhani 616, i-ii 41 (MICH),
Mi ndanao I.: Zamboanga Pr ., l abuan, Balhani
428, i-ii 41 (MICH), Manicahan, Balhani 389,
i-ii 41 (MICH), Sakol I., Balhani 428, i-ii 41
(MICH) . INDONESIA. Java: Toenda I., Koster-
mans 589, 15 x 38 (MICH), Pajoeng I., Koster-
mans 468, 14 x 38 (MICH).
Caulerpa peltata l amour. , v. peltata
INDIA. Madras St. Krusadai I. , Pamban,
Janaki 927, 24 vi 32. PHILIPPINES. l uzon I.:
Pangasinan Pr. , Lingayen Gulf , Santos 1151, 9
v 38; IIocos Sur Pr., Magsingal, Collado, n.d.
MALAYA. Singapore, Holttum, 1928-30. INDO-
NESIA. Java : Djkarta, Sakit I., Pullai 15593, ix
29. Bali: Boeleleng, Setchell BB99, 20 vi 29,
Panganan, Setchell BP30, 17 vi 29.
v. macrodi sca ( Dec.) Weber-van Bosse-
MALAYA. Singapore, Holttum 1928-30. Disks
ranged to 20 mm di am when soaked (16 mm
when dry) . Gilbert's paper (1942) repor ts them
even larger fro m Panay.
Caul erpa racemose (Forssk.) J. Ag. (specimens
typica l or not varietally distinctive)
INDIA. Madras St., Visakhaptnam, T. Sreera-
mulu, 1961 (WRT) . PHILIPPINES. l uzon I. :
Cagayan Pr., Claveria, Velasco 3011, n.d.;
IIocos Sur Pr. , Magsingal, Collado, vi 20; IIocos
Norte Pr., Bonbon, Blanco, 1936. Panay I. :
Antique Pr. , Semirara I., Alcas id 6923, iii 40.
Palawan Pr., Balabac I., Abbott , 1 iii 57 (BISH) .
Sulu Pr., Tawitawi Group Tawitawi I., Tijitiji
Reef, Abbott, 15 ii 57 (BISH) ; Sibutu I. , Tun-
Asian and Western Pacific Marine Al gae-TAYLOR 351
undao Reef , Abbott, 17 ii 57 (BISH); Cagayan
Sulu 1., Jurata Bay, Abbott, 23 ii 57 ( BISH),
Turtle Isl ands , Taganak 1., Abbott, 23 ii 57
(BISH) . INDONESIA. Bali : Sanoer, Setchell
BS128-130, 132, 133, 6-1 5 vi 29, Panganan,
Setchell BP652B, vi 29. Celebes: Macassar,
Weber-van Bosse, 1888. MARIANAS ISLANDS.
Saipan 1., Tanapag Harbor, Kruckeberg, 3 vii
45 (MICH) . Gu am 1., Thompson 42 7, v 12,
Pago R., Vatt er 16, 25 i ? HAWAII. Laysan 1.,
Tanager Exped. 28, n.d. (MICH) .
v. ( Esper) Weber-van Bosse-
INDIA. Madr as St., Trivandrum, Janaki and
Erl anson, i 34 (MICH) , Krusadai 1., Pamban,
Janaki 928, 932, 940, 946, 26 vi 32 (MICH) .
v. clavifera (Turn. ) W eber-van Bosse-
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Pangasinan Pr. , Al ami-
nos, McGregor xii 22, Dagupam, Bureau of
Forestry 3128, vi 34. Mindanao 1.: Zamboanga
Pr. , Sibago 1., Balhani 125, i-ii 41 ; Misamis
Occidental Pr. , Baliangao, Manacop 5126, iii
36 (MICH). Basilan Pr. , Basilan 1., Lamitan,
Balhani 528, i- ii 41 (MICH). MARIANAS IS-
LANDS. Guam 1., Thompson 1912. MALAYA.
Singapore, Tanjong Panggol , Holttum, 27 xi
27. INDONESIA. Celebes, Macassar, Weber -van
Bosse 1888.
v. corynepbora (Mont. ) Weber-van Bosse
- INDIA. Madr as St., Krusadai 1., Janaki 928,
931, 23, 24 vi 32.
v. laeteuirens ( Mont.) Weber-van Bosse-
PHILIPPINES. Cebu Pr., Bantayan 1., Manacop
5141, v 36. Mindanao I. : Zamboanga Pr.,
Pangapuyon I., Balhani 179, i-ii 41 (MICH) .
Sulu Pr. , Sibutu 1., Abbott, 19 ii 57 (BISH) ,
Sitankai Reef , Yates, n.d. MARIANAS ISLANDS.
Guam 1., Thompson 428, 191 2. HAWAII. Laysan
I. , Tanager Exp ed., 1923 ( MICH). Necker I.,
Christophersen, vii 24 (MICH) .
v. lamouronxii (Turn.) Weber-van Bosse
- TONGA ISLANDS. Tonga Tapu, McKern 29,
ix 20-vi 21 (MICH) .
v. macrophysa ( Kiitz.) Taylor-The sev-
eral specimens reported by Gilbert (1 942,
196 1) under thi s name hardl y reach the size
to be expected, and come close to v. occidentalis.
Even in those reported here, which agre e more
closely in this respect, the ramelli are rather
small and hardly as depressed on the end as in
the Florida form (Taylor, 1928, 1960) . How-
ever, this character does not seem to have been
a criterion applied by Kiitzing in distinguishing
the variety. PHILIPPINES. Cebu Pr. , Bantayan
I., Manacop 5144, v 36. INDONESIA. Bali :
Panganan, Setchell BP31, 17 vi 29.
v. occidentalis (c. Ag.) Bprg.-PHILIP-
PINES. Luzon 1.: Rizal Pr. , Manila Bay, Quisum-
bing 82258, 16 v 29. Mind anao 1.: Zamboanga
Pr ., Little Santa Cruz 1., Bartlett 16144, 19 ix
35 (MICH) . Sulu Pr., Tapul Gr oup, Laminusa
I., Abbott, 30 i 57 (BISH) .
Caul erpa serrulate ( Forssk.) J. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I.: Pangasinan Pr., Hun-
dred Islands, Santos 1149, 9 v 38 ; IIocos Sur
Pr. , Cabugao, Blanco 3075 , Magsingal, Collado
10, vi 20. Mindoro 1.: Mindoro Oriental, Puerto
Galer a, Sant os 565, 31 xii 36. Palawan Pr. ,
Balabac 1., Abbott, 2 iii 57 ( BISH). INDONESIA.
Bali: Boeleleng, Setchell BB98a, vi 29, Kam-
poenga n, Setchell BK645a, 646, 650a, e, vi 29.
MARSHALL ISLANDS. Ujae At oll , Bock 1.,
34348a,o Lae At oll , Enament 1., 34086, Pokak
Atoll , Sibylla 1., 34514; Bikar At oll , Bikar 1.,
34561; Vtirik At oll , Eluk 1., 33706a,o Ailuk
Atoll, Ailut 1., 33954, all Fosberg 1951-52
(MICH) . LINE ISLANDS. Palmyra I., Vasconcellos
2951, vii 40.
Caul erpa sertularioides ( Gmel.) Howe (speci-
mens typical or not varietally distinctive)
PHILIPPINES. Mindoro I.: Mindoro Oriental
Pr. , Puerto Galera, Santos 573, 31 xii 36, Velas-
quez 747, 31 iii 41 (MICH), Balatera Malaki,
Vel asquez 7689, iv 41 (MICH). MARIANAS IS-
LANDS. Gu am 1., between Yli g and Togcha
Bays, Moore 401, 7 iv 46 (MICH) . CAROLINE
ISLANDS. Truk Group, Moen I., Stone 2181,
viii 57 (MICH). INDONESIA. Java : Djkart a, Sakit
1., Pull ai IS592, 12 ix 29, Kampoengan, Setchell
BK643, vi 29.
v. sertnlarioides f. breoipes (]. Ag.) Sved.
-INDIA. Madr as St., Krusadai 1., Pamban,
Janaki 24 vi 32 ( MICH). PHILIPPINES. Luzon
1.: Rizal Pr. , Manila Bay, Quisumbing 5204, 12
ix 28. Sulu Pr., Pearl Bank , Kienh olz, vi 23,
Turtl e Islands, Tagan ak 1., Abbott, 23 ii 57
(BISH) . INDONESIA. Bali , Boelel eng, Pullai
BB387, vii 33.
v. sertularioides f . longiseta (Bory) Sved.
-PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Rizal Pr. , Manila Bay,
Guiterrez 85755, viii 33; IIocos Sur Pr., Mag-
singal, Collado, vi 20; Ilocos Norte Pr., Cur-
rimao, Collado, vi 20. Palawan Pr., Palawan I.,
Puerto Princesa, Santos 646, 3 iv 37 (MICH).
Mindanao I. : Zamboanga Pr., Littl e Santa Cruz
I., Bartlett A203, i-ii 41 (MICH), Lanhil I.,
Bartlett 162, i-ii 41 (MICH). Basilan Pr ., Salup-
ing I., Balhani 874, i-ii 41 (MICH) , Malamaui,
Balhani 64, i-ii 41 (MICH). MALAYA. Singa-
pore, Tandj ung Punggol, Holttum, 27 xi 27.
INDON ESIA. Java: Tjina I., Kostermans 324, 6
x 38 (MICH).
Caulerpa taxifolia ( VahI) C. Ag.
INDIA. Madras St., Krusadai I., Pamban,
Janaki 936, 24 vi 32 (MICH). MALAYA. Singa-
pore, Holttum, 1928- 30. INDONESIA. Java:
Anger , Kostermans 611a, 16 x 38 (MICH);
Pajoeng I., Kostermans 467e, 14 x 38 (MICH) ;
Djkarta, Setchell l B567, v 29.
Caulerpa urvilliana Mont.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr., Palawan I., Puert o
Princesa, McGregor, x 25. Sulu Pr., Pearl Bank,
Kienholz , vi 23 ; Sibutu I., Abbott, 19 ii 57
( BISH) . MARSHALL ISLANDS. Ujelang Atoll,
UjeIang I., 34191,. Wotho Atoll, Wotho I.,
3417, Eneobank I., 34437,. Uj ae Atoll , Bock I.,
34348 b,. Bikar Atoll , Jaliklik I., 34583,. Utirik
Atoll, EIuk I., 33706b,. Likiep Atoll, Lado I.,
33795, all Fosberg 1951-52 (MICH ); Arno
Atoll, Pikarej I., Anderson 3755, 23 v SO.
Caulerpa vesieulifera (Harv.) Harv.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr. , Palawan I. , Puerto
Princesa, McGregor, x 25.
Cbl orodesmis Harvey & Bailey, 1851
Cbl orodesmis eomosa Harv. and Bail.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Pangasinan Pr., Ala-
minos, Fenix, x 28.
Cblorodesmis bildebrandtii A. and E.S. Gepp
PHILIPPINES. Sulu Pr.; Sibutu I., Abbott, 19
ii 57 (BISH). MARIANAS ISLANDS . Saipan I.,
Tanapag Harbor, Kruckeberg, 3 vii 45 (MICH) .
Cblorodesmis torresiensis Taylor
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Cagayan Pr. , MenabeI,
Edafio 79001, 78995A, iv 30. Filament diame-
ters to 350f!. Segments transverse-ended, with
the constrictions equally placed.
Avrainvillea Decaisne, 1842
Avrainvill ea erecta ( Berk.) A. and E.S. Gepp
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr. , Balabac I., Abbott,
2 iii 57 (BISH) . MALAYA. Singapore, Holttum,
1928-30, Tanjong Ponggol, Holttum, 27 xi 27.
Avrainvillea lacerata J. Ag.
PHILIPPI NES. Luzon I.: Pangasinan Pr.,
Alaminos, Penix 13, 7 x 28. INDONESIA. Java:
Pangendaran, Setchell l P547, 54ge, v 29.
Avrainvill ea obscure J. Ag.
MARIANAS ISLANDS. Saipan I., Tanapag Har-
bor, Kruckeberg, 5 vii 45 (MICH). The habit
of these plants agrees excellently with this
species, better than with A. erecta, but the sur-
face filament s show a little brown discolora-
Cladoeephalus Howe, 1905
Cladoeephalus sp.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr., Balabac I., Gnat
Reef, Abbott , 4 iii 57 (BISH) . These specimens
were in the form of a small tuft, with several
short, stout, erect stems terminating in groups
of rounded, slightly zonate blades 1- 2 cm broad.
The central blade filaments reached 15.5f! diam.
Those at the surface were 5.5-7.8f! diam, less
densely entangled than those of the West Indian
C. luteofuseus (Crouan) Bprg. This is a most
interesting thing to find in the area, but one
hesitates to describe it as new on so little
material, and material which is possibly
Tydemania Weber-van Bosse, 1911
Ty demania expeditionis Weber-van Bosse
PHILIPPINES. Sulu Pr., Tawitawi I., Abbott,
12 ii 57 (BISH) . INDONESIA. Java: Thousand
Islands, Kostermans 177, 5 x 38 (MICH).
Udotea Lamouroux, 1812
Udotea argentea Zanard., v. spnmosa A. and E.
S. Gepp.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr. , Palawan I., Taytay,
Asian and Western Pacific Marine Aigae-TAYLOR
Merrill 9140, iv 13; Balabac 1., Abbott, 2 iii
57 (BISH). Sulu Pr., Turtle Islands, Taganak
1., Abbott, 24 ii, 23 iii 57 (BISH).
Udot ea flabellum (E. and S.) Howe
MALAYA. Singapore, Binder ( ex herb. Trinity
ColI., Dublin) .
Udotea glaucescens Harv.
MALAYA. Singapore, Dodol 1., Burkill 3007
(WRT) .
Udotea javensis A. and E.S. Gepp
INDONESIA. Java : Thousand Islands, Amster-
dam I. , Kostermans 416, 11 x 38 (MICH),
Kal iage 1., Kostermans 201, 5 x 38 (MICH),
Kerkhof 1., Kostermans 7, 26 ix 38 (MICH).
Udotea orientalis A. and E.S. Gepp
PHILIPPINES. Cagayan Pr. , Babuyan Islands,
Calayan 1., McGregor, p.p ., 1903. Palawan Pr .,
Balabac 1., Abbott, 2 iii 57 (BISH). Sulu Pr. ,
Turtle Islands, Taganak 1., Abbott 24 ii 57
(BISH). INDONESIA. Bal i : Boeleleng, Pullai
BB395, viii 33, Kampoengan, Setchell BK2,
642, 643, 16 vi 29.
Halimeda Lamouroux, 1812
This genus has recently been reviewed by
1. W. Hillis (1959), who included most of the
Pacific material available at that time in her
report. Her listings, therefore, should be con-
sidered together with the specimens cited here
in reaching a conception of the Halimeda flora
of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Halimeda bikinensis Taylor
INDONESIA. Bali : Karang Asem, Pullai BK-
376, vi 33.
Hal imeda cylindrica Dec.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Quezon Pr ., Tayabas
Bay (?), Yates 25831, xii 16. Palawan Pr .,
Cui ion 1., Culion, Bartlett 155 78, 27 vii 35
(MICH) .
Halimeda discoidea Decaisne v. discoidea
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr. , Palawan 1., Taytay,
Merrill 9147, vi 13, Balabac 1., Pasig Bay, Ab-
bott , 1 iii 57 (BISH). Sulu Pr., Tapul Group,
Laminusa 1., Abbott, 29 i 57 (BISH), Pearl
Bank, Kienholz, vi 23, Cagayan Sulu, Abbott,
4 iii 57 (BISH). INDONESIA. Bali : Sanoer,
Setchell BS145, 15 vi 29.
v. discoidea f. subdigitata Gilbert-PHILIP-
PINES. Palawan Pr., Balabac 1., Abbott, 4 iii 57
(BISH). Sulu Pr., Sibutu 1., Abbott, 19 iii 57
Halimeda gracilis Harv.
MALAYA. Singapore, Holttum, 1928-30.
Halimeda macroloba Decaisne
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Quezon Pr ., Alabat
1., Santos 794, 20 x 37; Camarines Norte Pr.,
Basiad, Yates 25829, xii 16; Pangasinan Pr.,
Hundred Ids ., Santos 1150, 9 v 38, Alominos,
Fenix, x 28. Mindoro 1.: Mindoro Oriental Pr.,
Batangas Channel (?), Santos 571, 31 xii 36,
Puerto Galera, Alcasid 3126, iv 34. Leyte Pr.,
Biliran 1., McGregor P20, vi 14. Bohol 1.,
Cabasihan, Franco 27347, vi-viii 18. Palawan
Pr., Palawan 1., Puerto Princesa, McGregor, x
25. Sulu Pr., Sibutu 1., Abbott, 19 ii 57 (BISH),
Turtle Islands, Taganak 1., Abbott, 23 ii 57
(BISH) , Pearl Bank, Kienholz, x 28. MARIANAS
ISLANDS. Saipan 1., Kruckeberg, 3 vii 45
(MICH) , Guam 1., Thompson, 1912. MALAYA.
Singapore, Holttum, 1928-30, Panggol, Burkill,
14 i 22. INDONESIA. Java: Djkarta, Hoorn 1.,
Setchell JH579, v 29, Pangendoran, Setchell
JP545, v 29. Bali: Sanoer, Setchell BS146, vi
29, Kampoengan, Setchell BK647, 19 vi 29.
Hal imeda macrophysa Asken.
PHILIPPINES. Sulu Pr ., Turtle Islands, Taga-
nak 1., Abbott, 24 ii 57 (BISH).
Halimeda micronesica Yamada
PHILIPPINES. Sulu Pr., Tawitawi Group,
Tawitawi 1., Abbott, 15 ii 57 (BISH).
Halimeda opuntia (1.) Lamour.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Cagayan Pr., Calayan
1., McGregor, 1903; Quezon Pr ., Alabat 1.,
Santos 793, 20 x 37 ; Camarines Norte Pr.,
Basiad, Yates , xii 16. Catanduanes Pr., Catan-
duanes 1., Ramos and Edafio, vii-ix 28. Mindoro
I : Mindoro Oriental Pr., Batangas Channel,
Santos 566, 31 xii 36. Leyte Pr., Biliran 1., Mc -
Gregor, vi 14. Negros 1.: Occidental Negros
Pr., Baliangao, Manacop 5118, iii 36. Palawan
Pr. , Palawan I. , Taytay, Merrill 9141, Puerto
Princesa, McGregor, x 25, Balabac 1., Abbott ,
1 iii 57 (BISH). Sulu Pr. , Tapul Group, Siasi
I., Abbott, 28 i 57 ( BISH) , Laminusa I., Abbott,
29 i 57 ( BISH), Tawitawi Group, Tawitawi I.,
Abbott, 30 i 57 (BISH), Sibutu 1., Abbott, 17
ii 57 (BISH), Turtle Islands, Taganak I., Ab-
bott , 23 ii 57 (BISH), Sitankai Reef, Yates
36229, x 19. MARIANAS ISLANDS. Guam I. ,
Radin, viii 45. MALAYA. Singapore, Holttum,
1928-30. INDONESIA. Sunda Strait, Teysman.
Java: Djkarta, Hoorn 1., Setchell lH580, v 29,
Panganan, Setchell BP54, 17 vi 29. Bali :
Boeleleng, Pull ai 382 e, vii 33, Sanoer, Setchell
B5143, 7 vi 29, Kampoengan, Setchell BK8, 9,
641, 651a, 1 vi 29, Panganan, Setchell BP54,
17 vi 29.
Hali meda tuna ( E. and S.) Lamour., v. tuna
PHILIPPINES. Batanes Pr., Batan I., Ramos
80 122, vi-vii 30. INDONESIA. Bali : Oie Yong
Seng B191 , 1929-30.
v. platydisea ( Dec.) Bart.- INDoNESIA.
Boeleleng, Pull ai BB382, vii 33, Setchell BB102,
19 vi 29, Kampoengan, Setchell BK649, vi 29.
Halimeda uelasquezii Taylor
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Cagayan Pr., Sta.
Ana, Velasquez 2379, 17 vi 50.
Codi um Stackhouse, 1797
Codiums of Indonesia have been published
upon by the Gepps (1911) and those of the
Philippines by Gilbert (1947, 1961). Since Dr.
P. C. Silva may be expected to review them in
due time in monographic fashion together with
other western Pacific specimens, probably with
considerable change in species delimitation, no
further treatment is appropriate at this time.
The Gepps recognized 6 species from the Indo-
nesian area and the Sulu Archipelago ; Gilbert
( 1961) recognized 12 from the Philippines, in-
cluding all the Indonesian species except the
very small Borneo Bank species, C. petaloideum
A. & E.S. Gepp.
To judge by the Siboga expedition reports
this group, with the exception of a very few
genera, is ill-represented in the area from which
the materials available to me have come. It
seems very improbable that the representation is
adequate, though in truth the variety of Phaeo-
phyceae is not great in the tropics, but it is
probably as complete as that of the other major
groups. In the present case the genus 5argassum,
which appears to be best represented in the col-
lections, has been put aside for lack of authen-
tic material for comparison. A special study has
been made of the genus Turbinaria ( Taylor,
1964, 1966) , and its distri bution recorded in a
far more detailed way than would have been
possible here. The genus Padilla, also frequently
encountered, was studied several years ago by
Dr. Francesca Thivy, and the writer hesitates
to draw heavily on her unpubl ished dissertat ion,
though many of her determinations are in-
corporated. Delicate forms like Ectocarpus were
commonly too ill-preserved for determination,
and in general small types were enti rely un-
represented in the collections.
Dietyota Lamouroux, 1809
Materials of Dietyota from this area are rela-
tively scanty, and often seem dwarfed ; in any
case they do not fall readily into distinct species
groups. Plants of the genus are often variable
in form, and require great care in the field to
search out fully developed specimens. One may
assume something less than adequacy in this
respect, since Setchell is the only fully qualified
phycologist whose collections are largely rep-
resented (and even so, chiefly by native assis-
tants) in this report. It is remarkable that this
Pacific area does not appear to have developed
any par ticularly distinctive species of Dictyota.
Dictyota bartayresii Lamour.
PHILIPPINES. Mindoro I. : Mindoro Oriental
Pr. , Puerto Galera, Santos 563 (prox.) , 31 xii
36. Palawan Pr., Balabac 1., Calendorang Bay,
(apices acute and perhaps a distinct enti ty),
Abbott, 1 iii 57 (BISH), Gnat Reef (apices
obtuse), Abbott, 4 iii 57 (BISH). Sulu Pr.,
Turtle Islands, Abbott , 23 ii 57 (BISH) .
Dietyola cervicornis Klitz.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr. , Balabac I., Abbott ,
2 ii 57 ( BISH).
Asian and Western Pacific Marine Algae-TAYLOR 355
Dietyota diehot oma ( Huds.) Lamour .
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1., Pangasinan Pr. , Hun-
dred Ids., Santos 1158, 9 v 38. Palawan Pr. ,
Balabac I., Abbott, 1 iii 57 (BISH). Sulu Pr. ,
Siasi Group, Laminusa 1., Abbott, 29 i 57
(BISH), Tawitawi 1., Abbott, 12 ii 57 (BISH) .
Dietyota lin earis (c. Ag. ) Grev.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1. : Pangasinan Pr. , Hun-
dred Ids., Santos 1160, 9 v 38. Sulu Pr., Turtle
Ids., Taganak 1., Abbott, 23 ii 57 (BlSH) .
Padina Adanson, 1763
This genus was reviewed by Dr. Francesca
Thivy (1945) , but the general results have not
been published. Ident ifications reported here
were made on the basis of the Th ivy study by
Dr. L. W. ( Hi llis) Colinvaux, and later checked
in part by the present wri ter .
Padina australis Hauck
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Quezon Pr ., Tayabas ,
Curran 11128, iii 08; Bataan Pr. , Lamao, Shaw
1089, 30 v 09; Pangasinan Pr., Alominos,
Fenix, x 28; IIocos Norte Pr ., Burgos , Bonbon,
Blanco 3057, 35. Leyte Pr., Leyte I., Tacloban,
McGregor, vi 14 . Palawan Pr., Palawan 1.,
Taytay, Merrill 9168, v 13, Balabac I., Mangu-
bat 521, iii-iv 06. Mindanao 1. : Misamis Oc-
cidental Pr. , Baliangao, Manacop 5125, iii 36.
INDONESIA. Celebes, Macassar, Setchell M480,
481, 22 vi 29.
Padina boryana Thivy n. sp.
Fig. 2
Pl ants 3-10 em tall, thin and papery, wit h a
stupose hold fast and stalk ; blade about 100fl
thick near the stalk, of two cell layers, that
above at least 0.75 as thick as the lower ; upper
surface hair zones 1-4 mm broad, those on the
lower rudimentary, delimiting narrower steri le
zones from broader ferti le ones, or absent;
tetrasporangi a about 120fl diam, in linear non-
indusiate sari in the lower portion of the
fertile bands, seldom in a median position;
oogonia 60-80fl diarn, in simil ar indusiate sori ;
antheridi al sori in 1-2 rows. Type specimen
colI. W. H. Harvey, no. 1 of Friendly Island
Algae, in the herbarium of the New York
Botanical Garden.
Padi na boryana Th ivy n. sp.
Pl antae 3- 10 em altae, tenues ehar taeeaeque stupo-
sae super stipi tem et diseum basalern, orbieulari-
reniforme s aut in segmenta flabellata usque ad 4 em
lat. divisae; lamina 2-stratosa, ca. 100j.t crass. prope
stipitem, str ato superiore aeque erasso ae inferiore vel
0.25 tenu iore . Zonae pilifer ae superfi ciei superior is
aequali ter eviden tes, 1-4 mm distantes, zonae super-
fieiei inferiori s pl erumque rudimentariae vel null ae.
Sori tetrasporangi ales non-indusiati, in unieam zonam
0.2- 1.0 mm lat . super li neas piliferas superficiei
superioris, intervallo dist ineto (0 .2-0.5 mm) , plerum-
que in dimidio inferiore zonarum glabrarum; tetraspo-
rangia ca. 120j.t diam. Sori oogoni ales lineares, 0.1-
O.S mm lat., paul ulum super zonas piliferas superfieiei
superioris disp ositi, indusio persis tente, oogoni is mat u-
ris 60-S0j.t diam . Sod antheridiales in zonis fertili bus
omni bus in 1 vel 2 seriebus, 0.2- 0.5 mm lat., au t
paree aggregati, plus quam 0.2 mm supra lineas
piliferas. Speeimum typieum (tetrasporaeum) legit
W . H. Harvey, no. 1 in 1nsul is Amieorum, Polynesia,
eonservatum in herb . Hort . Bot. Neo-Eboraseensis.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Cagayan Pr., Babuyan
Ids., Calayan 1., n.c., ix 03 ; Quezon Pr., Baler,
Edafio 5128, iii 39, PoEllo, Robinson 688 7,
viii 09 ; Catanduanes Pr., Catanduanes, Ramos
and Edafio 77621, vii- ix 28. Panay 1.: Antique
Pr. , Semirara Ids ., Pasal Pt., Alcasid 6921, iii
40. Palawan Pr., Balabac I., Abbott, 4 iii 57
(BISH). Sulu Pr., Jolo 1., Barttlett 16042, 16 ix
35 (MICH) . INDONESIA. Bali : Kampoengan,
Singa raja, Setchell BK20, 19 vi 29, Patas,
Setchell BP349, 1929. Amboina: Robinson
2395, vii-viii 13.
These are plants which would hitherto have
passed under the name of Padina commersonii
Bory ( 1829:144). The history of this name is
confused . Bory used it for Maur itius material
which he mist akenly identified with Zonaria
pavonia ( L.) C. Ag., var. tent/is C. Agardh
from the Marianas Islands (1 8 24 : 26 3 ) , the
type of which seems actually to have been a
Poeoekiella. Of this Bory app ears not to have
been aware, but thought it a Padina as, of course,
was the parent species (]. G. Agardh 1882 :
119, as Zonaria; Papenfuss 1943 :467, as Po-
eoekiella) . Bory described his plant, but based
it on Z onaria pauonia var. tent/is. Not being able
to use the name tennis because of his own P.
tennis (Bory, 1827:590) , a different thing, he
proposed the new name P. commersonii, citing
Zonaria pauonia var. tennis in synonymy. The
basis of this new name is, then, the type of var.
tennis, and the species name commersonii goes
356 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XX, July 1966
FIG. 2. Padina boryana, the major par t of the specimen selected as the type, X 1. Inset (upper right ) : A
fert ile lobe of this specimen showing paired lines, of which the more basal is the hair line, the more dista l the
line of spores, X 2.
into the synonymy of Pocockiella variegata
(Larnour.) Papenf. The widespread Padina
which has gone under the name of P. com-
mersonii is left without a legitimate name. Dr :
Francesca Thivy recognized this in 1945 when
studying the genus, but has not hitherto pub-
lished the new name and description needed.
Padina distromatica Hauck
PHILIPPINES . Luzon 1.: Pangasinan Pr., Hun-
dred Ids., Santos 1157, 9 v 38. Mindoro 1.:
Puerto Galera, Alcasid 3125, iv 34. Bohol 1.:
Bohol Pr., Guindulman, McGregor, 5 vi 06.
Padina f raseri Grev.
PHILI PPINES. Luzon 1.: Cagayan Pr. , Gon-
zaga, Edafio 77289, x 29; La Union Pr., San
Fernando, Penix 130 11, xii 10; IIocos Sur,
Magsingal, Collado 20, v 21.
Padina gymno spora (Klitz.) Vickers
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Quezon Pr., Tualog,
Ramos and Edafio 29163, v 17.
Padina japoni ca Yamada
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Camarines Sur Pr .,
Adiaguao, Robinson 6375, 29 viii 08.
Padina tetrastromatica Hauck
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Rizal Pr., Pasay, Cruz
84863, ix 32; Mani la Pr., Malate, McGregor,
28 v 13; Bataan Pr., Cabcaban, Shaw 1132, 7 v
11. INDONESIA. Java: Djkarta, Sakit 1., Setchell
rS588, 12 vi 29. Bali : Boeleleng, Pull ai BB337,
Sanoer, Setchell BS175, 15 vi 29.
Asian and Western Pacific Marine Algae-TAYLOR 357
Pocockiella Papenfuss, 1943
Pocockiella variegata (Lamour.) Papenf.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr., Balabac I., Ab-
bott, 1 iii 57 (BISH). Sulu Pr., Tawitawi Group,
Tawitawi I., Abbott, 13 ii 57 (BISH). Doubt-
less common and widely distributed in the Phil-
ippines and Indonesia, but commonly incon-
venient to collect.
Cbnoospora J. Agardh, 1847.
Cbnoospora minima (Hering) Papenf.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Pangasinan Pr. , Hun-
dred Islands, Santos 1159, 9 v 38.
Hydroclatbras Bory, 1826
Hydroclatbrus clatbratus (Bory) Howe
PHILIPPINES. Luzon 1.: Pangasinan Pr. , Hun-
dred Islands, Santos 1161 , 9 v 38. Palawan Pr .,
Balabac I., Abbott, 1 iii 57 ( BISH), Gnat Reef,
Abbott, 4 iii 57 (BISH). MARIANAS ISLANDS.
Guam I., Newhall, 1900-01, Nelson 508, 18.
C),stophy1l1l11l J. Agardh, 1848
Cystopbyllmn muricatutn (Turn.) J. Ag.
INDONESIA. Celebes: Macassar, Setchell
M509, 23 vi 29. Bali : Sanoer, Setchell BS260,
15 vi 29.
Hormopbys Kiitzing, 1843
Honnopbys triquetra (1.) Klitz.
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I. : Bataan Pr. , Lamao,
Shaw 1095a, 30 v 11, Limay, Shaw 1110, 24
iv 11 ; Pangasinan Pr. , Al ominos, Fenix, x 28;
La Union Pr ., San Fernando, Feni x 13015, xii
10. MALAYA. Singapore, St. Johns I., Corner
22188, 31 xii 29, Birtwhistle, v 28. INDONESIA.
Anambas Islands, Tandjong Padang, Hender-
son 20434, 16 iv 28. Bali: Sanoer, Setchell
BS254, 11 vi 29. Celebes: Macassar, Setchell
M483, 23 vi 29.
Sargasssm C. Agardh, 1820
The bulk of available Sargassum material
from this area far exceeds that of any other
genus of Phaeophyceae. Unfortunately, without
prolonged access to authentic materials identifi-
cation of most of it seems impracticable. A f ew
particularly notable specimens, however, are
included here with considerable confidence
respecting their identity.
Sargassttm crassijolium J. Ag., prox,
MARIANAS ISLANDS. Guam I., Nelson 511,
Sargassum cristatum J. Ag., prox .
PHILIPPINES. Luzon I.: Pangasinan Pr. , Hun-
dred Islands, Santos 1167, n.d. Perhaps Grunow
correctly (1915) reduces this to synonymy
under S. aemslans Sand.
Sargassum duplicatum J. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Mindoro I.: Mindoro Oriental
Pr ., Puerto Galera, Bartlett 13797, 12-17 v 35
son, 1912. INDONESIA. Java: Palabuhan Bay,
Martens (WRT), Zaandbai, Moller, v viii 97
(WRT). Amboina: Robinson 576, vii- ix 13 (to
represent Acetabulum marinum of Rumphius) ,
(filed as Turbinari, NY) . NEW GUINEA. North-
east New Guinea, Cape Creten east of Lae,
Keefe, 1944 (WRT) .
Sargassnm polycystum C. Ag.
MARIANASISLANDS. Gu am I.: Newhall, 1900-
01, Clemens, 27 xi 11, Thompson, 1912 .
Sargassum sandei Reinb.
PHILIPPINES. Mindoro I.: Mindoro Oriental
Pr. , Puerto Galera, Bartlett 13980, 12-15 v 35
(WRT) .
Tnrbinaria Lamouroux, 1828
This genus has recently been reviewed
(Taylor, 1964, and in pr ess, 1966) and speci-
mens from the sources contributing to this
present pap er are cited there in a more compre-
hensive fashion than is possible here. However,
a few additions are included, since they apply
particularly to the Philippines. It will be seen
by the papers menti oned that T . ornata is par-
ticularly common and widespread, ranging from
northeastern Africa to 'Malaya and Taiwan,
south past Queensland perhaps to Tasmania,
and throughout the western Pacific to Hawaii,
so that citation of specimens, particularly from
the Philippines and the Marshall Islands, had
to be restri cted to those adequately delimiting
the range. However, T . decurrens seems more
unusual and is much less common in collections,
though ranging fr om Madagascar, Hainan, and
southern Luzon to the Solomon Islands. One
may expect T . conoides from Kenya and Tanga-
nyika in east Africa to India, Malaya, Luzon,
thence south and east to the Tonga and Samoan
island groups. It is next after T . ornata in fre-
quency of collection. So far T. luzonensis Taylor
is known only from Luzon. Turbinaria conden-
sata Sonder, described from somewher e in the
China Sea, is definitely known from Somalia
and Kenya on the west to Malaya, Luzon,
Guam, and western Austral ia.
Tnrbinari conoides (]. Ag.) Klit z.
PHILIPPINES. Sulu Pr. , Tawit awi Group ,
Tawitawi I. , Tijitiji Reef, Abbott , 15 iii 57
Turbinaria decurrens Bory
PHILI PPINES. Sulu Pr., Turtle Islands , Taga-
nak I. , Abbott , 24 ii 57 ( BISH) .
T urbinaria ornata ( Turn.) J. Ag.
PHILIPPINES. Palawan Pr. , Balabac I., Pasig
Bay, Abbott , 1 iii 57 ( BISH), Sibutu I. , Abbott,
19 ii 57 (BISH), Turtle Islands, Taganak I.,
Abbott, 24 ii 57 (BISH). Sulu Pr., Cagayan Sulu
I. , Abbott , 27 ii 57 (BISH) .
AGARDH, C. A. 1824. Systema Algarum. Lund.
xxxviii + 312 pp.
AGARDH, J. G. 1882. Til algernes systematik,
V. Dict yoteae. Lund s Uni v. Arsskr. 17 :77-
BLANCO, M. 1837. Flora de Filipinas, segun el
systema sexual de Linneo. Manila. 78 + 887
Bl'lRGESEN, F. 1935. A list of marine algae from
Bombay. Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk., BioI.
Medd, 12( 2) :1- 64, 10 pls., 25 figs.
--- 1949. Some marine algae from Mauri -
tius: Additions to the parts previously pub-
lished. Ibid. 21(5) :1-48, 2 pIs., 17 figs.
BORYDE ST. VINCENT, J. B. G. M. 1822-1831.
Di ctionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle.
Padine. 13 :589-591. (1827a) Paris.
1827b-1829. Voyage Aut our du
Monde, execute par ordre du Roi sur la
Corvette de sa Majeste, "La Coquille," pen-
dant des annees 1822-1825 . Botanique, Cryp-
togamie. Paris. 300 pp., 24 pls,
GEPP, A. and E. S. 191 1. The Codiaceae of the
Siboga Expedition, including a monograph
of the Flabellarieae and Udoteae. Siboga Ex-
peditie Monograph ie 62. Leiden. 150 pp .,
22 pls,
GILBERT, W . J. 1942. Notes on Canlerpa from
Java and the Philippines. Papers Mi chigan
Acad. Sci., Art s and Letters 27 :7-26, 5 figs.
(1941) .
- - - 1943. Studi es on Philippine Chlorophy-
ceae, I. The Dasycladaceae. Ibid. 28 : 15-35,
3 figs. (1942) .
- - - 1946. Studies on Philippine Chlorophy-
ceae, II. Survey of literature and list of re-
corded species pr ior to 1940. Bull. Torrey
Bot. Club 73 ( 1) :73- 79.
--- 1947. Studies on Philippine Chloro-
phyceae, III. The Codiaceae. Ibid . 74(2) :
121-132, 1 fig.
- - - 1961. An annota ted checklist of Phi lip-
pine marine Chlorophyceae. Phil ippine J.
Sci. 88(4) :413-451, 1 pl. , 1 fig. (1 959).
HILLIS, L. W. 1959. A revision of the genus
Halimeda (Order Siphonales) . Inst. Mar.
Sci. 6: 321- 403 , 12 pls,
PAPENFUSS, G. F. 1943. Notes on algal no-
menclatur e, II. Gymnosorns. Am. J. Bot.
30(7) :463-468, 15 figs.
- - - 1950. On the identity of Spongocladi a
and Cladopboropsis. Pacific Sci. 4(1) :208-
213, 1 fig.
TAYLOR, WM. RANDOLPH. 1929. The Marine
Algae of Florida, with Special Reference to
the Dry Tortugas. Carnegie Inst . W ash. ,
Publ. 379 ; Papers from the Tortugas Lab.
25. v + 219 pp., 37 pls., 3 figs.
- -- 1961. Cladopboropsls pbilippin ensis, a
Asian and Western Pacific Marine Algae-TAYLOR 359
new species from the western Pacific Ocean.
Bot. Marina 3(2) :56-59, 6 figs. (The mag-
nification of the figures as reproduced should
be read as X 2.4 diam, instead of X 1.96 as
originally printed.)
- - - 1962. Two undescribed species of
Halimeda. BulL Torrey Bot. Club 89(3):
172-177, 14 figs. .
- -- 1964. The genus Turbinari in eastern
seas. J. Linnean Soc. London, Bot. 58:475-
490, 3 pls., 8 figs.
--- 1966. Notes on Indo-Pacific Turbinar-
ias. Hydrobiologia (in press).
THIVY, F. 1945. A Revision of the Genus
Padina Adans. Unpublished dissertation.
Univ. of Michigan. 247 pp., 32 pIs.
VELASQUEZ, G. T. 1952. Seaweed resources of
the Philippines . Proc. First Intern. Seaweed
Symposium, Inveresk, Scotland, pp. 10G-101.
--- 1957. Studies on the marine algae of
the Philippines. Proc. Eighth Pacific Sci.
Congr. 4:556-562.

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