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Wirth 1951 A Revision of Canaceidae

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Volume XX December 27, 1951 Number 14

A Revision of the Dipterous Family Canaceidae



While I was attempting to rearrange the material in the United

States National Museum collections, I noted that several undescribed
species were represented among the material from the Pacific which
accumulated from collections made during and after World War II.
Curran's 1934 key to the genera proved to be inadequate, and further
examination of the literature revealed the genera to be so poorly char-
acterized as to make construction of a good generic key impossible.
Furthermore, not a single key to species was discovered. In an effort
to improve this situation, new generic diagnoses are here offered, new
generic and specific keys are presented, 13 species are restudied and
redescribed, and one genus and seven species are described as new to
The Canaceidae is a small family, numbering 32 species in the
present list, but it is well distributed around the world. Many aspects
of its'distribution and ecology parallel those of the nematocerous sub-
family Clunioninae (family Tendipedidae). Both groups are aquatic
and almost exclusively coastal in habitat, breeding preferably between
tide levels on rocks covered with green algae such as Enteromorpha
and Ulva. Gercke (4) 1 gives a few notes on the biology of X antho-
canace ranula (Loew) in Europe, and Williams (12) gives an account
of the life histories of two Hawaiian species. Both the Canaceidae
and Clunioninae, elsewhere almost exclusively intertidal, have pro-
duced freshwater species in the swift mountain streams of Hawaii,
five species of Telmatogeton in the Clunioninae (Wirth, 13), and one
1 Numbers in parentbeses refer to Bibliography, page 275.
246 Bernice P. Bishop Museu1n-Occasional Papers XX, 14

species, Procanace nigroviridis, (Cresson), in the Canaceidae (Wil-

liams, 12). According to de Meijere (9), an additional canaceid spe-
cies, Procanace opaca de Meijere, breeds in fresh water in Java.
A comparison of the geographic distribution of these two intertidal
groups is shown in table 1. One of the striking similarities in distri-
.butional patterns of these two groups is their relatively greater devel-
opment on the Pacific shores and their scarcity around the Atlantic.
On the other hand, their development is nearly equal in the Northern
and Southern Hemispheres.

Table I.-Number of genera and species found on shores of major

oceans2 and in northern and southern regions.


Genera Species Genera Species

Pacific 7 33 8 22
Atlantic 5 8 2 4
Indian 4 5 3 5
Arctic _............. 0 0 0 0
Northern (Nearctic,
Palearctic and Oriental) 12 20 9 14
Southern (Neotropical,
Ethiopian and Australasian)................ 13 27 11 20

Most of the material for this study is from the collection of the
United States National Museum (abbreviated USNM in the distri-
bution records). Through the courtesy of E. C. Zimmerman, I have
also studied specimens from Bishop Museum (BPBM), including the
Marquesas and Society Islands material described by Malloch (8)
and unstudied material collected by Zimmerman on the Bishop Mu-
seum Mangarevan Expedition, as well as Swezey and Usinger's Guam
collections. The unworked Canaceidae from the important Cresson
collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia
(ANSP), as well as specimens of Canace salonitana Strobl, Xantho-
canace ranula (Loew) , and X. orientalis (Hendel), determined by
Bezzi and Cresson, were made available through the kindness of
J. A. G. Rehn. Among this material was a small lot from China which
had been loaned to Cresson before his death by the Commonwealth
2 Caribbean and Mediterranean. Seas included in Atlantic Ocean; Cape of Good Hope and
South and West Australia referred to Indian Ocean.
Wirth-Revision ot Dipterous Family Canaceidae 2;1-7

Institute of Entomology in London. This lot is of special interest,

containing a new genus and two new species which are here described.
The examination of the type male as well as the undescribed female
of Canaceoides pana'mensis (Curran) was made possible by the loan
of specimens from the American Museum of Natural History
(AMNH) through the courtesy of C. H. Curran.


Canacenae Jones, Univ. Calif. Pub. Ent. 1: 198, 1906.

Canaceinae Hendel, Suppl. Ent. 2: 93, 1913; 3: 98, 1914. Malloch,
Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Proc. 50: 86, 1925. Cresson, Dipt. Pata-
gonia and South Chile 6 (2) : 115, 1931.
Canaceidae Hendel, Ent. Mitteilungen 5: 297, 1916; Konowia 1 : 264,
1922. Becker, IN Lindner, Flieg. Palearkt. Reg. 10: 105, 1926.
Hendel, Tierwelt Deutsch. 2, Diptera 2 : 108, 1928. Curran, Calif.
Acad. Sci., Proc. IV, 21: 160, 1934; Fam. gen. North Am. Dipt.,
356, 1934. \Vomersley, Brit. Austral. New Zeal. Antarctic Res.
Exped., Repts., ser. B, 4 (3) : 78, 1937.
Canacidae Enderlein, Tierwelt Mitteleur. 16: 171, 1936.
Canacinae Malloch, B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 114: 4, (1933) 1935.
Williams, Hawaiian Ent. Soc., Proc. 10: 86, 108, 1938.
Head large, with oral opening very large, clypeus prominent, usually fitting
in emargination of the lower margin of face; proboscis large, with fleshy label-
lae; palpi well-developed; antennae with third segment rounded, arista dorsal,
short pubescent to bare. Frons wide in both sexes; three to five pairs of diver-
gent fronto-orbitals; mesofrons often differentiated, with or without one or more
pairs of interfrontals; ocellar triangle large, ocellars present and strong; post-
ocellars present or absent; inner and outer verticals strong; postverticals absent.
Face slightly convex to concave, upper portion swollen, separating the antennae;
usually without bristles except an incurved pair at vibrissal angle; cheeks broad.
one or more pairs of genal bristles, usually in an oblique series. Thorax short.
four or more pairs of dorsocentrals; prescutellar acrostichals present or absent;
one pair of humerals, one or two pairs of notopleurals; one pair of presuturals;
usually two supra-alars ; mesopleural and sternopleural bristles present or ab-
sent; one or two pairs of scutellars. Legs rather short. Costa extending to fourth
vein; auxiliary vein (Sc) separate from first vein (R, ) almost to its tip; costa
broken once before apex of first vein; basal and anal cells complete; anal vein
short. Abdomen with seven segments, the first not strongly differentiated from
the elongated second. Male genitalia with ventral processes of ninth tergite more
or less produced ventrad and forward under abdomen, with apex simple, bilobed,
or hook-shaped. Female ovipositor usually elongate, consisting of a pair of
fleshy spinose dorsal lamellae or sclerotized arcuate caudoventral blades.
248 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

The Canaceidae has for many years been considered a subfamily

of the Ephydridae. In 1916, Hendel elevated it to family rank, fol-
lowed by Becker (1), Curran (2), and Womersley (14). Most auth-
ors (see Hendel, 6) place it between the Ephydridae and the Tethini-
dae or the Sphaeroceridae. The many points of resemblance to Ephy-
dridae have often been noted; among these, the large mouth opening,
prominent exposed c1ypeus, large fleshy proboscis, and the bristling
of the frons have most often been cited. However, as summarized by
Becker (I), the Canaceidae are distinct from the Ephydridae in many
important respects, such as the lack of the costal fracture near the
humeral cross vein; the subcosta is distinct from the first vein its
entire length; the discal cell is separated from the second basal cell;
the anal cell is small but distinct; the third antennal segment is small
and round, with the arista bare to pubescent, and the abdomen is
seven-segmented rather than five-segmented.


1. First vein haired above on apical halfm..m.mm.mm m..Macrocanace

First vein bare above nm nm m m..m m mm m mm m Z
2. Mesofrons without bristles, only fronto-orbital and ocellar bristles
present ......m.mm.....mm...·m.m...·.·....mmm....m....mm.......m mm n.mm. 3
Mesofrons with one or more pairs of interfrontal bristles 5
3. Bristles of body long, strongly differentiated and black; frons grad-
ually and only slightly widened from front to back. 4
Bristles weak, pale, and scarcely longer than the abundant body hairs;
arista bare on distal half; frons pointed in front, greatly expanded
caudad m nm m _ Xanthocanace
4. Anterior notopleural absent; prescutellar acrosticals present; two scu-
tellars removed from margin;. two pairs of genals; arista bare on
distal half m m..m Trichocanace
Anterior notopleural present and as strong as the posterior; prescu-
tellar acrostichals absent; four marginal scutellars; three pairs of
genals; arista pubescent entire length Procanace
5. Mesofrons with at least two pairs of long interfrontal bristles; prescu-
tellar acrostichals present; postocellars strong m 6
Mesofrons with one pair of bristles, just outside ocellars; prescutellar
acrostichals absent; postocellars weak or absent.m m m. 7
6. Anterior notopleural present; scutellum with four marginal bristles ...
m m.m m.m m m m m..m..m..m..m m Canace
Anterior notopleural absent; pleura naked; scutellum with two bristles
removed from margin m Chaetocanace
7. Four genal bristles; anterior notopleural present but small Canaceoides
Three genal bristles; anterior notopleural absent; scutellars long,
apices meeting pincer-like m m N octicanace
Wirth- Revisi on of Diptero us FCftmily Canaceidae 249
Genus Macrocanace Tonno ir and Malloch
Macrocanace Tonnoi r and Malloch, Canterbury Mus., Rec. 3: 5, 1926
(genotype: M ilichia littorea Hutton , original designation).
First longitud inal vein (Rt ) with long setulose hairs on apical
ocellar bristles long; three pairs of long fronto-o rbitals; face concave
, tumid
between antenna e, with median carina down to oral margin;
c1ypeus much
protrud ed; arista nude. Mesono tum with 4-5 pairs of dorsoce
ntrals; scutel-
lum with four long bristles and some fine discal hairs; mesople
ura and ster-
nopleur a each with a strong bristle; legs slender.

Two included species are separated by Tonnoi r and Malloch (11)

as follows:
Wings brown with clear spotS....m..mM. littorea (Hutton ), New
Zealand Inst.,
Trans. 34: 174, 1901 (Milichi a):
Wings unmarke dm m m M. australi s (Hutton ), lac. cit. (Ochtip hila).

Genus Xantho canace Hendel

Xanthocanace Hendel, Suppl. Ent. 3: 98, 1914. Cresson, Am. Ent.
Soc., Trans. 62: 270, 1934 (genot ype: Canace ranula Loew, orig-
inal designation).
Dinomyia Becker, IN Lindner, Flieg. Palearkt. Reg. 10: 107, 1926
(genoty pe: Canace ranula Loew, monobasic).
Myiobl ax Enderlein, Sitzb. Ges. Naturf . Freund e Berlin 1935: 235,
1935; Tierwe lt Mitteleur. 16: 172, 1936 (genoty pe: Canace ranula
Loew, monobasic).
Bristles short, delicate, and pale; frons triangul ar to heart-shaped,
in front and greatly expanded caudad, very flat and broad, mesofro
ns not differ-
entiated ; face twice as broad as high, oral margin strongly excavate
d, quadrate,
filled with the very large clypeus; dorsocentrals. very weak, scarcely
tiated from the mesonotal setulae, apparen tly four pairs in the
species seen;
fourth vein more or less strongly arcuate on each side of the hind
cross vein (or
straight in X. nigrifron s Malloch ); female ovipositor short, apex
bifid, curved
down and outward ; male genitalia with apex of ventral processes
of ninth tergite
bent inward in a simple broad flattened setose lobe.


1. Length 5 mm
Length 2-2.5 mm m
m m.m x. magna
m m m m __ m 2
2. Last section of fourth vein nearly straight ; frons almost glossy
...........__ m. m __ m m x. nigrifro ns
Last section of fourth vein arched; frons more or less shining
green, or violet m __ m................................................. 3
3. Acrostic hal setae in four rows; spines of tarsi black; frons
brown or greenish m m __..m __ __ X. ranula
Acrostic hal setae in two rows; spines of tarsi yellowis h; frons
violet brown, weakly shiningm m X. oriental is
250 Bernice P. Bishop Museu1~Occasional Papers XX, 14

Xanthocanace magna (Hendel).

Canaa magna Hendel, Supp!. Ent. 2: 95, 1913 (female, Anping,
Xanthocanace magna Hendel, Supp!. Ent. 3: 98, 1914.
Female. Length 5 mm., wing 4 mm. Lead gray; face, pleura, and abdomen
whitish pollinose; frons, mesonotum, and scutellum darker and slightly shining;
bristles and setae yellow. Legs dark gray; knees, tibiae at apices, and tarsi
yellow; wings milky with yellow veins. Interfrontal bristles not developed;
inner and outer verticals present. Prothoracic bristle absent; mesonotal bristles
confined to lateral and posterior margins; setae very thick, fine, and nonseriated.
Last section of fourth vein strongly arched; approaching third vein toward apex.
(Taken from original description.)

Xanthocanace nigrifrons Malloch, Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Proc. 69:

334, 1924 (Australia; type male believed to be in Macleay Uni-
versity Museum, Sydney).
Male. Length 2.5 mm. Black, densely pale gray pruinescent; head more
whitish, frontal triangle almost glossy black; mesonotum, scutellum, and abdom-
inal dorsum brownish. All hairs and bristles yellowish. Wings hyaline, veins
brown, yellow at bases; legs yellow, coxae and femora, except apices, grayish
fuscous; halteres lemon yellow. Propleural bristles absent; no bristles, only
setulae on mesopleura and sternopleura; mesonotum with four series of inter-
dorsocentral. hairs; disk of scutellum with numerous long hairs which are about
as long as the four fine marginal bristles; fourth vein straight on each side of
the posterior cross vein, parallel with third toward apex. Genital segment red-
dish below. (Taken from original description.)

Xanthocanace ranula (Loew);

Canace ranula Loew, Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. 18: 81, 1874.
Xanthocanace ranula, Hendel, Ent. Supp!. 3: 18, 1914. Cresson,
Am. Ent. Soc., Trans. 62: 270, 1936.
Dinomyia ramtla, Becker, IN Lindner, Flieg. Palearkt. Reg. 10: •
107, 1926. Seguy, Faune de France 28: 401, 1934.
Myioblax ranula, Enderlein, Sitzb. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin
1935: 235, 1935; Tierweit Mitteleur. 16: 172, 1936.
Female. Length 2-2.5 mm. Dark gray, slightly greenish blue; frons shining
brown to green; thorax, abdomen, and femora thickly whitish pollinose; face,
c1ypeus, and cheeks silvery pubescent; antennae brown; palpi, knees, tibiae, tarsi,
wing veins, and halteres light yellow.
Bristles reduced, very fine and yellow in color, body thickly covered with
erect fine whitish setae. Frons broad, flat, and three-cornered; five pairs of
fronto-orbitals over eyes at posterior third of lateral margin of frons; ocellars
and postocellars fine, in a rectangle; inner and outer verticals stronger. Face
broadly excavated to about half its height, the face nearly filled by· the prominent
c1ypeus; about five upcurved hairs on cheek below eye. Antennae with third
segment subspherical, thick, and pubescent on basal half, apical half bare and fine.
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 251

Dorsocentrals very weak, scarcely differentiated from the abundant setae,

apparently four pairs; one humeral; two notopleurals; one presutural; two supra-
alars; no prescutellar acrostichals; apparently six marginal scutellars, fine and
hairlike, resembling the thick fine discal hairs; one mesopleural; sternopleural
absent. Wing with vannal area greatly expanded, broadest at level of basal cells.
Legs without strong hairs; tarsal segments with short black spines at apices;
claws large and curved.
Abdomen with seventh tergite not excavated; eighth as broad as long, ninth
tergite not visible from above, consisting of a caudally hollowed, down-curved
plate divided on ventral half into a pair of ovipositor lamellae, each tapered
below and bearing at ventrocaudal apex a long, slender, black spine about half
as long as height of lamella.

East Friesien Islands, Borkum: Schneider, 1 female (ANSP);

July 25, 1901, W. Schnuse, 2 females (determined by Bezzi) (ANSP).

Xanthocanace orientalis (Hendel) (fig. 1, b, c).

Canace orientalis Hendel, Suppl. Ent. 2: 94, 1913 (Formosa).
Xanthocanace orientalis, Hendel, Suppl. Ent. 3: 98, 1914.

FIGURJ> I.-a, Trichocanace sinensis, male genitalia, ventral view. b, c,

Xanthocanace or-ientalis, male genitalia: b, ventral view; c, lateral view. d-f,
Trichocanace sinensis: d, wing; e, male genitalia, lateral view; f, head, lateral
252 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

Male, female. Length 2 mm. Very similar to X. ranula (Loew), but the
bristles even more reduced and the setae much finer and sparser. Frons brownish
gray with violet tinge, subshining to dull grayish pruinose. Acrostichal setae in
two rows rather than four between the dorsocentrals as in ranula. Wing veins
yellow, becoming brownish toward apex. Tarsi with the ventral spines reduced
and Iight-eolored. Anterior dorsocentrals, presuturals, and supra-alars not dif-
ferentiated; only the apical pair of marginal scutellars discernible, the disk with
two pairs of subapical hairs as long as apicals and with scattered shorter hairs
in front; pleura with only a few fine setae; last sections of third and fourth veins
arched. Lamellae and spines of female ovipositor smaller than in ranula. Male
genitalia (fig. I, b, c) with the ventral processes of ninth tergite bluntly tapered
and sparsely setose, the caudal margin of apex with a flattened, mesally folded,
rounded lobe. External aedeagal sc1erotization with a sharp median dorsal point
and with a pair of rounded submedian lobes below.
Fonnosa, Alikang, August, 1907-1909, Sauter, 2 males (ANSP).
China, Foochow, 1935-1936, M. S. Yang, 1 female (ANSP).
India, Bombay, 1902, Biro, 1 female (ANSP).

Genus Trichocanace, new genus

Head (fig. 1, f) about 0.8 as high as long; frons rather flat, about as
broad as long, triangularly produced between antennae' with margins gently
rounded. Mesofrons not differentiated; no interfrontal bristles; 4-5 strong latero-
cHnate fronto-orbitals; ocelli not widely separated, ocellar triangle slightly
raised; ocellars at level of anterior ocellus, posterior ocellars well behind pos-
terior ocelli, both pairs strong and lateroc1inate, bases forming a rectangle;
inner and outer verticals strong, former incurved, latter outcurved. Face prom-
inent and vertical in lateral profile, forming a broad carina as in Canace nasica
Haliday; oral margin broadly excavated the width of face to 0.3 times its height,
the space filled by the prominent c1ypeus. Eyes oval, axis horizontal, slightly
lower in front; cheeks as broad as eye height; a strong upcurved bristle at
vibrissal angle and another at upper third of cheek below middle of eye. Anten-
nae with third segment slightly broader than long, apex bluntly rounded; arista
short, finely pubescent at base, bare on distal half.
Four pairs of strong dorsocentrals, a pair of moderate prescutellar acrosti-
chals; on each side with one strong humeral, one strong posterior notopleural,
a strong presutural and two strong supra-alars; one pair of strong scutellars
past middle but well removed from margin; mesopleura and sternopleura with-
out differentiated bristles. Legs without bristles, tarsal segments with row of
apical ventral spines. Wing venation as in figure I, d; all veins bare; anterior
cross vein at three-tenths of length of discal cell; third vein straight, fourth vein
straight on each side of posterior cross vein, but distal section slightly angled
forward, approaching thitd vein toward apex; distal section of fifth vein about
one-third as long as discal cell and 1.7 times as long as posterior cross vein.

Genotype: Trichocanace sinens1:s, new species.

This genus is related most closely to Procanace, Chaetocanace, and
Xanthocanace, all well represented in the Orient. It resembles Pro-
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Can(lceidae 253

canace in the strong black bristling and more or less quadrate bare
frons. But it differs in the lack of the anterior notopleural; the pres-
ence of prescutellar acrostichals; the presence of two rather than four
scutellars, these removed from the margin; the possession of two
rather than three genals; and having the arista bare on distal half. It
resembles Chaetocanace in the absence of the anterior notopleural,
mesopleural, and sternopleural bristles, and in the presence of two
discal scutellars; but it possesses an additional genal bristle, lacks the
row of interfrontals, and the arista is not pubescent to the tip. It
resembles Xanthocanace in the uniform vestiture of fine whitish hairs,
the bare distal half of the arista, and reduction of the scutellars; but it
differs markedly in the well-developed black bristles, quadrate frons,
and most details of the chaetotaxy.
Trichocanace sinensis, new species (fig. 1, a, d-f).
A large dull-gray species; wings and dorsum of body brownish, tarsi yellow;
body hairs very long and soft, whitish in color; bristles black.
Male. Length 3.5-4.0 mm., wing 3.5 mm. by 1.2 mm. Gray, body with thick
pollen, frons, mesonotum, and scutellum brownish in middle; face, cheeks, anten-
nae, sides of body, and legs bluish gray; tarsi and halteres yellow; wings smoky
brown, including veins.
All bristles strong and black; body hairs very long, fine, soft, and white.
Frons with very sparse hairs; hairs between fronto-orbitals fine; post-buccal
angle with dense patch of hairs; palpi fringed with fine hairs. Thorax with
uniform sparse long soft hairs; those on legs half as long as diameter of femur;
scutellum with hairs more numerous; hairs on abdomen numerous and longer
than those on thorax.
Male genitalia (fig. 1, a, e) with ninth tergite much narrower than preced-
ing segments and cleft posteriorly to top margin; ventral processes in form of
a pair of sinuate lobes tucked up against ventral surface of abdomen; with a
much-narrowed, finger-like, posteromesal lobe at apex, fringed with numerous
fine white hairs.
Foochow, China, 1935-1936, M. S. Yang, holotype male, to be re-
turned to the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology for ultimate
deposit in the British Museum (Natural History). Paratypes, 3 males,
same data as type, one to be returned to the Commonwealth Institute,
the remaining two in USNM.

Genus Procanace Hendel

Procanace Hendel, Suppl. Ent. 2: 93, 1913 (genotype: Procanace
grisescens Hendel, monobasic).
Frontal triangle reaching only halfway to anterior frontal margin; no mar-
ginal interfrontals; three fronto-orbitals with setulae between; ocellars st.rong,
254 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

postocellars very weak. Face high, flat, perpendicular, without carina between
antennae, but with 'ridge separating face from cheeks; oral margin straight, with
three bristles on cheek. Dorsocentrals 1: 3; no prescutellar acrostichals; two
notopleurals; four marginal scutellars; pleura with or without bristles (naked
in genotype). Male with ventral apices of ninth tergite usually divided into
inner and outer processes of distinctive shape and armature. Female ovipositor
with dorsal lamellae separate nearly to base, with two strong black dorsal spines
at apex and two pairs of long bristles on eighth tergite.

The following key is provisional, owing to the incomplete descrip-

tions of P. macquari~nsis and P. opaca, specimens of which I have not

1. Color black; face and cheeks dark bluish, green, or brown; large
species; length over 2.5 mm m m.m m m.m mm mm.mm.. 2
Color gray to brown; face and cheeks light gray, yellow, or silvery;
length less than 2.5 mm __ m m mmmm mm m mmm.....mmm. 3
2. Legs and halteres brown m.m P. nigroviridis
Legs and halteres yellow.mm....mm..mmm mmmmm.m mmm.mmmP. cressoni
3. Femora and tibiae dark brownish or bluish gray 4
Legs entirely yellow .....__...mmmmmm.m...m.m...m.mmmm m..m m.m.mmm.m. 5
4. Body grayish brown above, bluish gray below; three genal bristles; frons
and mesonotum with abundant well-developed setaemm....mmP. williamsi
Body dull olive brown above, whitish gray below; two genal bristles
(?) ; frons and mesonotum without setulae (none mentioned).m.m..P. opaca
5. Frons with anterior margin reddish.m..m..m.m.mm..mmm m P. grisescens
Frons unicolorous, not reddish in front 6
6. Pleura bare; mesonotum with scattered setulae mP. macquariensis
Pleura with a well-developed mesopleural bristle; mesonotum without
scattered setulae, rarely a few on, anterior marginm.m..m..mm.mP. townesi

Procanace nigroviridis Cresson, Hawaiian Ent. Soc., Proe. 6: 277,

1926 (Kauai; type male in Bishop Museum). (See figure 2, a-c.)
Male, female. Length 2.5-3 mm. Black including halteres and legs, wings
opaque; frons, mesonotum, and scutellum with metallic olive-green pollen; face
reflecting blue to green or brown, dorsum of abdomen bluish, pleura brown, more
grayish below; legs brownish.
Frons with 4-5 minute anterior setulae; face prominent between antennae;
mesonotum with four pairs of well-developed dorsocentrals; a few anterior setu-
lae; scutellum with four marginals, no discal setulae; vertical series of setae 011
middle of mesopleura; claws very long and nearly straight. Seventh sternite of
female with two pairs of long bristles; dorsal lamellae very short with two black,
blunt dorsal spines at apex; eighth sternites small with five short, curved black
spines (fig. 2, c). Male genitalia with outer lobe of ventral processes of ninth
tergite undeveloped, inner lobe very long and slender, boomerang-shaped, with
a few very fine mesal hairs and an outer group of three fine setae near apex
(fig. 2, a, b).
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 255

Hawaiian Islands: Kauai, Wainiha Stream, Sept. 10, 1946, Wirth,

2 males. Oahu, Kaluanui Valley, May 14, 1946, Wirth, 1 male, 3
females; Manoa Valley, April 10, 1946, Wirth, 1 male.

FIGURE 2.-a-c, Pracanace nigraviridis: a, male genitalia, ventral view;

b, male genitalia, lateral view; c, female genitalia, lateral view. d-f, P. tawnesi:
d, female genitalia, lateral view; e, male genitalia, lateral view; f, male genitalia,
ventral view.

Procanace townesi, new species (fig. 2, d-f).

A small bare species; olivaceous brown above and pruinose gray below,
with yellow legs and long slender ovipositor.
Female. Length 2.2 mm., wing 1.8 mm. by 0.8 mm. Frons, mesonotum, scu-
tellum, and abdomen olivaceous brown, coarsely pollinose; antennae and palpi
yellowish; face and cheeks grayish pruinose with touch of rosaceous, c1ypeus
olive pubescent; pleura grayish pruinose; wings grayish hyaline, the veins
brown; halteres yellow; distal tarsal segments brownish; all bristles black.
Three strong lateroc1inate fronto-orbitals with fine setulae between; meso~
frons bare except f~ur setulae on the darkened anterior margin; ocellars strong,
slightly proc1inate with three fine setulae next to ocelli; inner "and outer verticals
strong; third segment of antennae rounded, as broad as long, arista finely pubes-
cent; palpi each with a very fine long yellow seta at apex; facials absent, one
incurved and two strong upcurved genals in a line near oral margin. Four pairs
of strong dorsocentrals; one humeral; two strong notopleurals; two strong
256 BerniceP.Bish~p Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

supra~alars; four strong marginal scutellars; one moderate and several minute
mesopleurals; setulae absent on thorax; legs slender, with short black and yellow
setae; claws short and curved. Abdomen with very sparse but well-developed
dorsal setae; eighth tergite with four long bristles and several short setae; dor-
sal lamellae of ovipositor long and slender with two long black dorsal spines at
apex; lobes of eighth sternite each with five short curved black spines (fig. 2, d).
Male. Similar to female; ventral margin of fore tibia with rows of minute
dark spines; genitalia as in figure 2, e, f. Ventral processes of ninth tergite
with three large stout incurved spines on caudoventral margin, bearing a long,
slender, bent setose inner lobe and a semidetached, expanded, hirsute outer lobe
at apex. Fourth sternite with sublateral pair of low, rounded, setigerous lobes
on caudal margin; fifth sternite with blunt caudomedian point.
Marshall Islands: Ailinglapalap Atoll, Bigatye1ang Island, Aug.
25, 1946, Townes, holotype female (no. 59966, USNM), allotype
male; paratypes, 1 male, 3 females, same data as for types; 1 male,
Caroline Islands, Kusaie Atoll, Lele Island, Aug. 21, 1946, Townes.
P. townesi is closely related to P. grisescens Hendel; but it lacks
the reddish anterior margin of the frons, and the male genitalia show
an inverse development of the inner and outer lobes of the ventral
processes of the ninth tergite.
Procanace cressoni, new species (fig. 3, e, f).
A large brownish-black species resembling nigroviridis Cresson, but with
halteres yellow and legs largely yellowish.
Male, female. Length 3-3.5 mm., wing 3.4 mm. by 1.0 mm. Black; frons,
mesonotum, scutellum and abdominal tergites subshining violaceous brownish
9lack; face, cheeks" and pleura dark gray with coarse bluish pollen; clypeus
pearly; antennae brown; palpi yellow; legs and halteres yellow, femora and
tibiae bluish gray in middle; wings brownish hyaline; all bristles and setae black.
Frons with 10-15 strong setae scattered on anterior half; three strong fronto-
orbitals with strong setae between; ocellars and postocellars in a close rectangle;
ocellars strong and proclinate (postocellars variable, weak to rather strong);
inner and outer verticals strong (holotype with pair of moderate preocellars,
but these absent in rest of series). Face concave; cheeks broad, with a fine, long,
inner,; incurved bristle and two outer, strong, upcurved bristles and a few fine
setae nearly in line below.
Four pairs ofdorsocentrals; one humeral; two notopleurals; one presutural;
two supra-alars and four marginal scutellars, all very strong; a few scattered
strong setae on anterior half of mesonotum, none on scutellum ; mesopleura and
sternopleura each witIi one strong posterior bristle and scattered strong setae.
I,egs with scattered strong erect hairs, three series of strong hairs on posterior
surface' of fore femur.
Abdomen with scattered strong hairs; seventh tergite of female elongated
dorsoventrally, emarginate above, with posterior row of long hairs on sides;
eighth tergite with two pairs of long hairs on posterior margin; lamellae of
evipositor hanging down in vertical position, curved, each with two long black
spines curving caUdad. Male genitalia (fig. 3, e, f) with ventral processes of
ninth tergite 'stout, blunt, and curving mesad below, with rounded apices bearing
,Wirth~Revision of Dipterous Family Can:aceidae '257

a dense patch of short hyaline 'conical spines on anteromesal side and.a few fine
hairs fringing posterior side; caudomesal margin of tergite with a pair of stout
-irregular submedian lobes each bearing three long, slender .hyaline spines;
aedeagal complex with a pair of submedian, anteroventral, finger-shaped, pubes-
cent lobes.

FIGURE 3.-a, Procallace grisescens, male genitalia, ventral view; b, C, P.

williamsi, male genitalia; b, ventral view; c, lateral view. d, P. grisescens, m~le
genitalia, lateral view. e, f, P. cressolli, male genitalia: e, ventral view; I, lateral
view. " .

China, Foochow, April 23, 1936, M. S. Yang, holoty'pe male, allo-

type female, to be returned to the Commonwealth Institute of Ento-
mology, for ultimate deposit in the British Museum (Natural His-
tory) . Paratypes, 1 male, 1 female, same data as type, retained in
This variable species shows some features atypical for the genus;
in one specimen there are a pair of moderate preocellars, and in still
another the postocellars are fairly strong.

Procanace williamsi, new species (fig. 3, b, c).

A small, setose, dark brownish-gray species with rosy face, bluish-gray legs,
and violaceous wings.
Male. Length 1.8 mm., wing 1.8 mm. by 0.6 mm. _Dorsal surface of body
dark pollinose grayish brown; face, genae, pleura, and legs bluish gray pruinose;
antennae brown; anterior margin of frons, face, and upper genae rosaceous;
wings violaceous hyaline; halteres yellowish white, squamae white; tarsi light
brown; all bristles and setae black.
258 Bernice P. Bishop Museu111r-Occasional Papers XX} 14

Three strong lateroclinate franta-orbitals with strong setulae between; about

15 strong setae scattered across anterior portion of frons; ocellars strong, procli-
nate, with three small setae on the triangle; inner and outer verticals strong;
antennae with third segment globular, arista short, finely pubescent; face slightly
higher than broad, with distinct lateral carina continued around lunular margin;
one incurved and two upcurved strong genal bristles, with a strong seta inter-
spersed in line behind each one.
Four pairs of strong dorsocentrals, the posterior pair out of line to side; one
strong humeral; two strong notopleurals; one strong presutural; two strong
supra-alars; four strong marginal scutellars; one strong mesopleural and one
moderate sternopleural; abundant strong scattered setulae on dorsum, except in
prescutellar area and on scutellum; a few also on mesopleura and front of sterno-
pleura; legs with abundant strong hairs; claws short and curved.
Abdomen with scattered, moderately large, erect hairs; genitalia as in figure
3, b, c; ventral processes of ninth tergite with long, subapically expanded, inner
lobe with dense tuft of long fine hairs, and slender outer lobe half as long, with
a few marginal hairs; posterior external process of aedeagus with a pair of
hyaline finger-like lateral lobes and a pair of small setose ventral lobes.

Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Kalihi, Honolulu, May 11, 1946, Wirth,

light trap near shore, holotype male (type no. 59965, USNM) ; para-
type female. Hawaii, from plane, Nov. 8, 1944.
P. willia'lnSi is readily distinguished by the abundant setulae on the
head and thorax, dark-grayish legs, and the distinctive processes of the
ninth tergite of the male.

Procanace opaca de Meijere, Tijdschr. voor ent. 59: 272, 1916 (Java;
on mud and gravelly banks along flowing waters, Wonosobo).
Length 1.5 mm. Frons dull olive brown; face and cheeks whitish gray,
latter with two upturned bristles; palpi gray; thorax dull olive brown; pleura
whitish gray; abdomen dull dark brown, thickly setose; legs dark grayish
brown, trochanters, base of femora, and tarsi yellow; wings nearly hyaline;
halteres whitish. (Taken from original description.)

Procanace grisescens Hendel, Suppl. Ent. 2: 93, 1913 (Formosa).

(See figure 3, a) d.)
Male, female. Length, 2 mm. Vertex, mesonotum, and scutellum dull olive
brown; frons dark gray, except reddish on anterior margin; face, cheeks, and
pleura ashy gray, nearly white; abdomen dull brownish gray; legs reddish yel-
low, hind tarsi blackish at tip; wings light grayish hyaline, the veins yellowish;
halteres light yellow.
Frons with anterior setulae; mesonotum and scutellum without discal setu-
lae; mid-femur with one or two strong black posteroventral spines at two-thirds
length. Female genitalia: eighth tergite with two pairs of long bristles; dorsal
lamellae separate over half their length, yellowish, nearly bare, with two long
brown spines, each nearly as long as bifid portion of base; eighth sternite not
visible in specimen at hand. Male genitalia as in figure 3, a, d; ventral processes
of ninth tergite with inner and outer lobes subequal in length, the outer slender,
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 259

with tuft of about five long, very fine hairs at tip, the inner stout and rounded
at apex with a series of 8-10 long sharp yellowish spines on inner margin:
aedeagal complex with hyaline external dorsally directed posterior point.

Formosa, Tainan, August 1908, Sauter, 2 males, 2 females, para-

types (USNM).
The small size, yellow legs, and rosaceous anterior portion of the
frons are distinctive.
Procanace macquariensis Womersley, 1937, Brit. Austral. New Zeal.
Antarctic Res. Exped., Repts., ser. B., 4 (3) : 78 (male, female,
Macquarie Island, Antarctic; figures of head, mesonotum, wing).
Length 2 mm. Color blackish brown above, light grayish dusted at sides;
face, genae, antennae, palpi, legs, and halteres yellow. Frons without anterior
setulae, a few toward ocelli; three strong genal bristles; mesonotum with scat-
tered setulae: scutellum without discal setulae, pleura bare. (Taken from original
description. )

Genus Canace Raliday

Canace Haliday, Ann. Nat. Rist. 3: 411, 1839. Becker, IN Lindner,
Flieg. Palearkt. Reg. 10: 106, 1926 (genotype: Canace nasica Rali-
day, monobasic).
Canacea Malloch, Ent. Soc. Washington, Proc. 26: 52, 1924 (lapsus
for Canace). Cresson, Am. Ent. Soc., Trans. 62: 265, 1936
Frons long, mesofrons extending to anterior margin, with several pairs of
interfrontal bristles near lateral margins; ocellars and postocellars in a rec-
tangle; face straight across oral margin, vertical in profile; cheeks broad with
oblique row of bristles to vibrissal angle. First vein bare above; four pairs of
dorsocentrals, a pair of strong prescutellar acrostichals; two humerals, two
strong notopleurals; one presutural and several supra-alars; mesopleura and
sternopleura bristles; four marginal scutellars; fore femora with or without
series of stout anteroventral spines. Female ovipositor slender and arising from
lower part of ninth tergite, the subapical spines slender and appressed. Male
genitalia with ventral processes of ninth tergite sharply hooked caudad or with
greatly narrowed distal finger-like lobe.


1. Fore femora armed on distal portion of anteroventral margin with a

row of stout black spinules m m.m 2 m ••• m ..

Fore femora unarmed m m mmm 3 m m

2. Fore femora with 4 to 6 spinules half as long as diameter of femur ..

•• m m . m m m _ ••••• m nm C. snodgrassii
m.m m

Fore femora with 8 to 12 spinules one-third as long as diameter of

femur _ m m .. mm m m m c. aldrichi
260 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

3. Face densely white pruinose with a narrow dark vertical stripenC. albiceps
Face uniform grayish..n.nnm...m.mmmnnnnnm.mnm....nn......nn...m......m.....mmm. 4
4. Three incurved facial bristles in addition to the oblique series of three
upcurved genaIs in line with middle facia1... n.nm..nm.m..n..mnC. nasica
Only one facial present, in line with the genals m n.n n m m. 5
5. Two strong upcurved genal bristles.mn..nn..nn..mnm..nnm m m.nn m. 6
Three strong upcurved genal bristles n n n C. maritima
6. Four marginal setae (interfrontals) on mesofrons.m.mmn.nm.m.mm....C. cala
One strong interfrontal bristle and two weak setae just before level of
anterior ocellusnn n.n.nnn.mmm m.mnn mm n nC. salonitana

Canace snodgrassii Coquillett, Washington Acad. Sci., Proc. 3: 378,

1901, male, female (Albemarle Island, Galapagos Islands, type
female in USNM). Johnson, New Jersey State Mus. Rept. for
1909,807, 1911; Boston Soc. Nat. Rist., Occ. Papers 15 :276, 1925
(in Canacea; Rhode Island, Massachusetts). Cresson, Am. Ent.
Soc., Trans. 62: 264, 1936. (See figure 4, c, d.)
Canacea 1nacateei Malloch, Ent. Soc. Washington, Proc. 26: 52,
1924 (male, female, Jekyl Island, Georgia, genus inadvertently
spelled Canacea; type male in USNM). Cresson, Am. Ent.
Soc., Trans. 62: 264, 1936. New synonymy.
Canace macateei, Malloch, B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 114: 5, (1933)
1935. Curran, Fam. Gen. North Am. Dipt., 356, 1934.
Male, female. Length 3-3.5 mm. Black; densely pale greenish gray pruines-
cent, middle of mesonotum slightly brownish, mesofrons often subshining red-
dish; face and cheeks silvery white; antennae black; palpi and tarsi yellow;
wings brownish hyaline, the veins brownish; halteres whitish.
Frons slightly convex, disk flat; four strong fronto-orbitals curving over
eyes, with strong setae between; frontal triangle to anterior margin of frons,
with five pairs of strong interfrontal bristles the length of margin, progressively
smaller cephalad; orbits with an inner row of finer setae their entire length;
ocellars and postocellars strong, divergent, bases forming a rectangle, the ocellars
at level of anterior ocellus; six fine setulae within rectangle; inner and outer
verticals strong. Face slightly convex, a strong incurved bristle at lower margin;
cheeks with two strong upcurved bristles, inner at oral margin, outer near lower
margin of eye; oral margin with three pairs of small setae, occiput with row of
fine hairs; post-buccal angle with patch of strong setae; third antennal segment
as broad as long, nearly circular in outline; arista as long as antennae, pubescent.
Thorax with four pairs of strong dorsocentrals; four irregular series of
strong setulae between these rows, other lateral setae present; a pair of distinct
prescutellar acrostichals; two humerals; two notopleurals; one presutural; three
supra-alars; four strong marginal scutellars with two long and usually several
short discal hairs; mesopleura and sternopleura setose, former with two or three
long posterior bristles, latter with one strong bristle. Trochanters with golden
hairs, hairs of legs moderate; fore femora with 3 to 5 stout anteroventral and
3 to 5 long posteroventral bristles on distal half.
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 261

Abdomen with numerous long stout setae; eighth, tergite of female (fig. 4, d)
with posterior margin rounded and setose with row of 6 to 8 moderate posterior
hairs; ninth segment vertical with several fine yellow hairs; ovipositor a pair
of. brownish hyaline, curved, very slender blades arising at ventral margin of
ninth segment, with a ventral hair arising at distal half, the part beyond black.
Male genitalia (fig. 4, c) with ventral processes of ninth tergite longer than
height of tergite; triangular with greatly narrowed, abruptly upturned apex;
posterior margin with dense row of long setae.

FIGURE 4.~a, Canace s~lonitana) male genitalia, lateral view. b, C. nasica,

male genitalia, lateral view. c, d, C. snodgrassii: c, male genitalia, lateral view;
d, female genitalia, lateral view. e, i, C. maritima: e, female genitalia, lateral
view; f, male genitalia, lateral view.

United States. Georgia: Jekyl Island, June 23, 1923, McAtee, 2

males, 2 females (USNM) (type series of macateei). New Jersey:
Atlantic City, May 6, 1 female (USNM). Massachusetts: Gloucester,
June 20, 1924, Johnson, 1 female (USNM). New Jersey: Cape May,
Aug. 15, 1933, W. Stone, 1 male (ANSP); Wildwood, Sept. 18,
1920, Cresson, 1 male, 3 females (ANSP); Anglesea, May 16, 1909,
Haimbach, 1 female (ANSP). Connecticut: Westport, July 13,1932,
Melander, 6 males, 2 females (ANSP). Delaware: Rehoboth, June
25, 1939, Melander, 3 males, 9 females (ANSP). Florida: Cape Sable,
Dec. 18, 1949, Sabrosky, 1 male. Texas: Brownsville, June, 1 female
262 Bernice P. Bishop Museum~Occasional Papers XX, 14

Panama; Ancon, Canal Zone, Jan. 23, 1942, Komp, 4 males, 2

females (USNM); Balboa, Canal Zone, Oct. 1946, Krauss, 1 male
Galapagos Islands; Narborough, Jan. 13, 1899, 2 males, 2 femal.es
(USNM). Albemarle, Jan. 23, 1899,5 males, 3 females (type series)
Canace aldrichi Cresson, Am. Ent. S~c., Trans. 62: 264, 1936 (male,
female, Palo Alto, California; type female in USNM).
Length 3 to 4 mm. As in snodgrassii (Coquillett), but the anteroventral
margin of fore femur with series of 8 to 12 closely set stout black spinules
about one third as long as diameter of femur.

California: Palo Alto, salt marsh, Aug. 11, 1911, Aldrich (type
male, USNM).
Canace albiceps Malloch, Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Proc. 50: 87, 1925
(female, Sydney, Australia).
Female. Length 2.0 mm. Frons and thoracic dorsum olive brown, frontal
orbits and pleura gray; face pruinescent white with distinctive narrow dark
vertical stripe; cheeks silvery; legs brownish gray; apices of femora, tibiae, and
most of tarsi yellowish; wings grayish, halteres pale yellow; abdomen gray,
dark above, pale below. Cheeks with four bristles; four fronto-orbitals; four
pairs of incurved interfrontals; four pairs dorsocentrals; acrostichals sparse;
scutellum with four marginals, basal pair short, two discal setulae; sternopleura
without strong bristles. (Taken from original description.)

Canace nasica Raliday, Ann. Nat. Rist. 3: 411, 1839. Becker, IN

Lindner, Flieg. Palearkt. Reg. 10: 106, 1926. Seguy, Faune de
France 28: 401, 1934. (See figure 4, b.)
Male, female. Length, 2 mm. Mesofrons, mesonotum, and scutellum densely
brownish pollinose; face and cheeks silvery gray pubescent; margins of frons,
pleura, legs, and abdomen dark gray pruinose; wings smoky brown; antennae
brown; palpi yellowish; tarsi reddish yellow; squamae and halteres whitish.
Frontal triangle to anterior margin; three pairs of strong fronto-orbitals;
two strong and one weak anterior, slightly in- and down-curved interfrontals
well removed from mesofrontal margin; ocellars and postocellars strong and
divergent, in a rectangle; inner and outer verticals strong; mesofrons with
minute scattered setulae similar to those between fronto-orbitals. Face perpen-
dicular, robust, three incurved marginal facials, the upper strong, the others
weak; three strong upcurved genals in an oblique series from below middle of
eye to middle facial; third antennal segment rounded; palpi with weak apical
seta; a few weak yellowish post-buccal hairs.
Thorax with four pairs of strong dorsocentrals; one pair strong prescutellar
acrostichals; two series of acrostichal setulae, the inner series stronger; fine,
scattered, lateral setae elsewhere; two strong prescutellar acrostichals; two
notopleurals; one presutural; two supra-alars; four strong marginal and one
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 263
pair of weak discal scutellars; mesopleura and sternopleura setulose, the former
with one strong posterior bristle. Hairs on legs moderate, fore femora with
postero-ventral series of 4-6 long bristles, anterior surface nearly bare.
Abdomen with very strong hairs; eighth tergite of female with subdorsal
pair of much longer bristles than others in row; ninth tergite vertical at base,
lamellae of ovipositor emerging at ventral margin of ninth tergite, brownish
hyaline, slender and curved back and slightly upward as in snodgrassii, with
long yellow appressed ventral hairs; fine, long yellow hairs on lower sides of
seventh tergite. Male genitalia (fig. 4, b) with ventral processes of ninth tergite
slender, broadly curved ventrad and caudad, with an antero-ventral tuft of blunt
brownish spines and scattered hairs on distal portion, a broad, yellow, retrorse,
ventral spine near apex.
Canary Islands: Tenerife, December, Becker, 1 male, 1 female
(USNM). England: Isle of Wight, Ventnor, Oct. 5, Cockerell, on
shore, 1 female (USNM).
Canace maritima, new species (fig. 4, e, f).
A medium-sized dark-gray species with brownish dorsum, setae stout and
numerous, anterior notopleural weak, female ovipositor with short fleshy lamellae
with dorsal spines.
Male, female. Length 1.75-2.0 mm. Black; frons and disk of mesonotum
and scutellum brownish pollinose; face and cheeks whitish pruinose; humeri,
pleura, abdomen, femora, and tibiae bluish gray pruinose; tarsi yellowish brown;
antennae brown; palpi yellow; halteres whitish; wings and squamae brownish;
all bristles and setae black except for erect yellowish hairs on bases of femora.
Frons very flat; three strong pairs of fronto-orbitals with setae between;
two pairs of strong, prodinate, marginal bristles on mesofrons, the posterior
pair at level of anterior ocellus; ocellars strong and lateroc1inate, removed
laterad to just before lateral ocelli; a pair of strong cruciate postocellars; inner
and outer verticals strong, scattered long setae over entire frons; four strong,
upcurved genal bristles, a patch of long hairs at post-buccal angle; palpi with a
weak, yellow, distal seta.
Thorax with four pairs of strong dorsocentrals; one strong humeral; a
strong posterior and a weak anterior notopleural; a strong presutural ; two
strong supra-alars and a pair of strong prescutellar acrostichals. Four strong
marginal scutellars, discal setae not apparent; a strong bristle on mesopleura
and sternopleura; mesonotal setae strong and numerous, in evident acrostichal
rows, mesopleura also with strong setae; hairs of leg strong and erect; long
erect yellow hairs in a series on ventral surface of fore femora and a ventral
patch at bases of mid and hind femora.
Abdominal hairs very strong and erect; eighth tergite of female with fine
short hairs on posterior margin; dorsal lamellae of ovipositor short, with two
stout flattened black spines on outer dorsal side at apex and a few small dorsal
setae; lobes of eighth sternite with four long black spines (fig. 4, e). Male
genitalia (fig. 4, f) with ventral processes of ninth tergite greatly constricted
at base, then abruptly expanded in an irregularly ovoid apical lobe with a dis-
tinct anteroventral point, outer surface densely covered with long fine hairs;
anterodorsal margin of process near base with a short lobe with sparse, long,
fine hairs. Last sternite in form of a sc1erotized ventral arch bearing a pair of
bare arcuate posterior processes opposed to the ventral processes of tergite.
264 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

Galapagos Islands, Bartholomew Island, July 1948, K. Vinton,

edge mangrove, holotype male, allotype female (type No. 59967,
The shape of the head and the reduction of the series of inter-
frontals ally this species with Canaa salonitana Strobl, but the reduc-
tion of the anterior notopleural and the structure of the female ovi-
positor strongly suggest affinities with Canaceoides.
Canace cala Cresson, Am. Ent. Soc., Trans. 60: 220, 1934 (East Lon-
don, Cape Province, South Africa; type female in Transvaal
Female. Length 2.75 mm. Opaque olivaceous brownish above; grayish on
face, cheeks, pleura, venter, and legs; halteres yellow; wings infumated. Meso-
frons narrowly attaining lunular margin, with four marginal setae; four fronto-
orbitals; face nearly twice as broad as long, one bristle near oral margin;
cheeks with two upturned bristles. Dorsocentrals 1:3; mesonotal setulae well-
developed, especially acrostichal series; mesopleura setulose; sternopleura
sparsely setulose. (Taken from original description.)
Canace sa10nitana Strobl, Diptera v. Bosn. u. Herzegow, 635, 1900.
Becker, IN Lindner, Flieg. Palearkt. Reg. 10: 107, 1926. Seguy,
Faune de France 28: 398, 1934. (See figure 4, a.)
Male, female. Length 2.6 mm. Black; frons, mesonotum, and scutellum
coppery brownish polIinose, mesonotum greenish brown polIinose towards sides
and on pleura; face, cheeks, and clypeus whitish gray; antennae, palpi, legs, and
abdomen dull brown; wings smoky brown, halteres whitish; bristles black, the
fine setae brown.
Frontal triangle slightly raised, reaching anterior margin of frons; a pair
of strong in- and down-curved bristles and two weak setae near lateral margin
just before level of anterior ocellus, otherwise nearly bare, a few minute setulae;
ocellars and postocellars strong, divergent, bases in a rectangle with a few min-
ute setae between; three pairs of strong fronto-orbitals curving over eyes with
fine setae between; inner and outer verticals strong. Face only slightly convex,
median carina not developed; three pairs of strong genal bristles in an oblique
row from middle of lower eye to vibrissal angle, with a few weak setae between
and below; post-buccal angle nearly bare.
Thorax with four pairs of strong dorsocentrals, the posterior pair stronger
and out of line to side; a pair of strong prescutellar acrostichals; two strong
humerals, two strong notopleurals; one strong presutural ; two strong supra-
alars; four strong marginal scutellars, the disk bare; mesonotum with only
scattered, very fine, brown setulae; mesopleura with about six strong bristles on
lower and posterior margins; sternopleura without bristle, a few setae present.
Hairs of legs stout and semierect, a series of strong bristles on posteroventral
surface of fore femur.
Abdomen with scattered strong bristle-like hairs. According to Becker (l),
female ovipositor consists of four spine-shaped organs, the ventral pair short
and yellow, the dorsal pair longer and black; these figured by Seguy (lO,fig.
Wirth-~e'l.Jision of Dipterous Family" Canflceida.e 265

557). Male genitalia (fig. 4, a) with ventral processes of ninth tergite long,
constricted at base, and bulbous subapically, with a suddenly constricted finger-
like apical lobe,

Canary Islands: Tenerife, Dec. 1, Becker, 3 males (USNM), 2

females (ANSP).
The presence of a series of interfrontals, even though only the pos-
terior one is strong,. the ocellars and postocellars in a rectangle, the
prescutellar acrostichals, strong anterior notopleurals, and the shape of
the female ovipositor place this species in Canace. However, there are
several strong points of resemblance to Canaceoides; for instance, the
shape of the face and the reduction of the facial series of bristles, the
shortening of the frons and reduction of all but the posterior inter-
frontals, and the shape of the ventral process of the male genitalia.

Genus Chaetocanace Hendel

Chaetocanace Hendel, Suppl. Ent. 3: 98, 1914 (genotype: Canace

biseta Hendel, original designation).
As in Canace, but face somewhat broader than high, excavated quadrate
at oral margin, the space filled by the c1ypeus; pleura without bristles; scutellum
with only two bristles.

Chaetocanace biseta (Hendel).

Canace biseta Hendel, Suppl. Ent. 2: 95, 1913 (Formosa).
Chaetocanace biseta, Hendel, 1914, Suppl. Ent. 3: 98, 1914 (type
of Chaetocanace, new genus).
Male. Length 2.5 mm. Black; frontal triangle, top of face, dorsum of thorax
and scutellum dull reddish olive brown; face, c1ypeus, cheeks, frontal orbits,
sides of mesonotum, and pleura ashy gray dusted; abdomen dull brownish gray,
brighter gray on sides; antennae black; palpi yellowish; legs yellow, coxae and
femora ashy gray dusted; wings brownish hyaline, with veins yellowish; hal-
teres yellow.
Four strong fronto-orbitals; five pairs strong incurved marginals on meso-
frons; ocellar triangle small; a pair of strong ocellars just laterad of anterior
ocellus and in front of posterior ocelli; a moderate pair of postocellars just be-
hind and mesad of posterior ocelli; inner and outer verticals strong; one strong
incurved bristle at vibrlssal angle; third antennal segment as broad as long,
rounded, arista long pubescent; palpi with a minute apical hair.
Four strong pairs of dorsocentrals; two humerals, one posterior notopleural,
the anterior notopleural absent; one presutural, two supra-alars; pleura with a
few weak yellow setae, mesopleuraI and sternopleural absent; a few scattered
black setae on mesonotum; one pair of parallel scutellars, these well removed
from margin. Legs with very fine yellowish hairs; a few strong black ventral
266 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

bristles at apex of tibiae and each tarsal segment. Abdomen with strong dark
bristle-like setae.
Fonnosa: Tainan, April 1909, Sauter, 1 male (USNM).

Genus Canaceoides Cresson

Canace-oides Cresson, Am. Ent. Soc., Trans. 60: 221, 1934 (genotype:
Canace nudata Cresson, original designation).
Procanace Curran (not Hendel), Calif. Acad. Sci., Proc. IV, 21: 160,
1934 (genotype: Procanace panamensis Curran, original designa-
tion) .
Neocanace Curran, Fam. gen. North Am. Dipt., 357, 1934 (new name
for Procanace Curran, 1934, not Hendel, 1913). New synonymy.
Similar to Canace Haliday, but with one pair of interfrontals more or less
aligned with ocellars, not removed to the lateral margin of the often short meso-
frons; postocellars absent; face short and rather concave; four genal bristles
including the one at vibrissal angle; acrostichals absent or hairlike; two noto-
pleural bristles, the anterior pair weak; four marginal scutellars, the apical pair
not strongly ujJcurved. Female abdomen with ninth tergite reduced, arising
from dorsocaudal angle of eighth; lamellae more or less fleshy with strong dorso-
apical spines; ventral processes of ninth tergite of male genitalia variable in
shape, not with recurved hook in known speC'ies.


1. Frons bare in front; mesonotum without numerous seriated acros-
tichal setae; disk of scutellum with 2 to 6 setae.... ....... n. ..... 2

Frons setulose in front; mesonotum with numerous seriated acros-

tichal setulae; disk of scutellum bare.__. ..... . . .. ...C. chilensis
2. Two to six discal scutellar setae; lobes of ventral processes of male
genitalia stout and blunt; separated by a cleft not longer than dia-
meter of lobe.__ __ __ C. nudata
Two discal scutellar setae; lobes of ventral processes of male genitalia
very long, slender and unequal, separated by a cleft over four times
as long as diameter of lobe .__.,__... nnm • • mm C. panamensis

Canaceoides nu.data (Cresson) (fig. 5, b, c).

Canace nudata Cresson, Am. Ent. Soc., Trans. 52: 257, 1926
(male, female, Los Angeles County, California). Bryan, Ha-
waiian Ent. Soc., Proc. 6: 279,1926 (Oahu, Wake Island, Lisi-
ansky Island). Williams, Hawaiian Ent. Soc., Proc. 10: 108,
1938 (biology, figures).
Canaceoides nudata, Cresson, Am. Ent. Soc., Trans. 60: 221, 1934.
Male, female. Length 3 mm. Opaque black; dorsum black tinged with
brownish; antennae and palpi brownish black; face and cheeks pruinose
gray; pleura, venter of abdomen, and femora tinged with pruinose gray;
wings and squamae opaque brownish with dark veins; halteres whitish.
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 267

Frons broader than long, nearly flat in front; three strong fronto-orbitals
bent closely outward over eyes, the interspaced setae about half as long; one
pair strong proclinate interfrontals; ocellars strong, triangle with 6 to 8
strong scattered setae; inner and outer verticals strong. Face bare, median
carina strong between antennae; genae with four strong upcurved bristles,
the inner slightly incurved; lower buccal margin with a few long setae. Third
antennal segment slightly longer than broad, arista thick at base, short
pubescent; palpi with 3 to 4 long setae on outer apex.
Thorax with four pairs of strong dorsocentrals; one strong humeral; one
posterior notopleural, a strong seta near position of anterior notopleural; one
strong presutural; two strong supra-alars; four strong marginal scutellars, the
apical pair not strongly upcurved; one strong lower and about four well-
developed posterior mesopleurals plus several long setae; one fine sternopleural.
Long, well-developed setae on humeri and between humeri on anterior margin of
mesonotum; 2 to 6 strong hairlike discal setae on scutellum. Hairs of legs well-
developed and erect, posterior surface of fore femora with three series of
moderately long bristles; distal tarsal segments greatly expanded and flattened.
Abdomen with strong scattered setae. Eighth tergite of female with row of
8 to 10 fine hairs on posterior margin; dorsal lamellae of ovipositor rather stout,
with a long apical and a shorter subapical black dorsal spine, dorsal surface with
many long fine hairlike setae. Male genitalia (fig. 5, b, c) with ventral processes
of ninth tergite flattened and expanded and bent inward on ventral side of body,
apex with two subequal lobes; the anterodorsal lobe with about 10 closely set
stout spines at tip; posteroventral lobe bare at tip, inner and dorsal surface
with dense, fine hair.

FIGURE 5.-a, Canaceoides panamensis, male genitalia, lateral view; b, c,

C. nudata, male genitalia: b, ventral view; c, lateral view. d, C. panamensis, male
genitalia, ventral view. e, f, C. chilensis, male genitalia; e, lateral view; f, ventral
268 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-OccasionalPapers XX, 14

United States. California: Los Angeles County, Feb. 28, 1915,

M. C. Van Duzee, 2 males, 5 females (CAS); Pacific Grove, May
1906,2 males (USNM) ; Monterey, Sept. 25, 1934, Melander, 1 male
(ANSP) ; Point Lobos, Feb. 11, 1948, Wirth, 11 males, 13 females;
Moss Beach, March 21, 1948, Wirth, 1 male, 2 females; San Leandro,
Jan. 14, 1948, Wirth, 2 males, 2 females; Santa Barbara, July 6, 1917,
Aldrich, 1 male, 2 females (USNM) ; Laguna, Aug. 13, 1932, Aldrich,
1 male, 2 females (USNM) ; Laguna, Aug. 13, 1932, Aldrich, 1 male,
4 females (ANSP); San Diego, Aug. 3, 1932, Aldrich, 3 males, 2
females (USNM). Washington: Ilwaco, June 28 to July 12, 1925,
Melander, 2 males, 3 females (ANSP).
Hawaiian Islands. Oahu: Waimea, Jan. 15, 1946, Wirth, 24 males
and females; Rabbit Island, Aug. 30, 1946, Wirth, 1 female; Koko
Head, June 25, 1946, Wirth, 1 female; Lanikai, Dec. 1945, Wirth, 1
male; Maile, Jan. 8, 1946, Wirth, 1 female; Sand Island, May 22,
1946, Wirth (light trap), 1 male. Kauai: Kilauea, Sept. 8, 1946,
Wirth, 1 female; Nawiliwili, Sept. 7, 1946, Wirth, 1 female. Hawaii:
Hilo, Dec. 1945, Wirth, 1 female.

Canaceoides panamensis (Curran), new combination (fig. 5, a, d).

Procanace panamensis Curran, Calif. Acad. Sci., Proc. IV, 21:
161, 1934 (Canal Zone; type male in American Museum of
Natural History).
Male, Length 1.75 mm. Frons pale brownish, gray pollinose toward anterior
border; face and cheeks whitish pollinose; antennae black; thorax black, cinere-
ous pollinose, dorsum brownish; legs blackish, femora paler and cinereous pol-
linose; wings brownish; halteres and palpi yellow; abdomen greenish black with
pale-brown pollen. Frontal orbits with the interposed setae rather strong; ocellars
long, postocellars weak and gently diverging; outer verticals strong; cheeks
with three strong upwardly curved bristles besides the incurved one at vibrissal
angle; apical bristle of palpi weak; antennae with third segment as wide as long,
rounded; arista pubescent. Scutellum with a pair of discal hairs in addition to
the four marginals; mesopleura with a single downwardly directed bristle; only
one sternopleural.

Male genitalia (fig. 5, a, d) with ventral processes of ninth tergite very long
and slender, the anterodorsal lobe about 0.6 times as long as the posteroventral,
rod-shaped with about six distinct apical spines; the posteroventral lobe densely
fringed with long hairs on inner margin and on posterior margin toward base.
Femal~ gepitalia as in C. J~udat4 (Cresson).

Panama: Patilla Point, Canal'Zone, Jan. 15,: 1929, Curran, 1 mal'e

(type), 1£emale (AMNH). -
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 269

This species is almost identical with C. nudata (Cresson) in ap-

pearance, but is readily distinguished by the long slen1er lobes of the
ventral processes of the male genitalia, which are very short and blunt
in C. nudata.
Canaceoides chilensis (Cresson) (fig; 5, e, f).
Canace chilensis Cresson, Dipt. Patagonia and South Chile 6 (2) :
116,1931 (Chile; type male in British Museum).
Canaceoides chilensis, Cresson, Am. Ent. Soc., Trans. 60: 221,
Male, female. Length 2.7 mm. Black, opaque; brassy to coppery tinged
above; bluish gray pruinose below and on abdomen; halteres whitish yellow.
Frons uniform metallic; mesofrons setulose, a strong interfrontal at level
of anterior ocellus; three strong fronto-orbitals curved over eyes; third antennal
segment as broad as long; palpi with several subapical setae. Face with narrow
interantennal area forming carina; cheeks with 4 to 6 stout bristles, lower
buccae setulose. Mesonotum setulose; four pairs of strong dorsocentrals; one
weak humeral; two weak notopleurals; one strong presutural; two strong supra-
alars; four marginal scutellars; one strong mesopleural; one sternopleural. Legs
with strong erect setose hairs, fore femora with a ventroposterior series of four
long curved bristles.
Abdomen strongly setulose; eighth tergite of female with a subdorsal pair
of long slender hairs and scattered long setae; dorsal lamellae of ovipositor very
long, slender, separate nearly to base, nearly bare, with a subbasal dorsal seta
and a pair of short flattened appressed apical brown spines; ventrolateral sclerites
each with a row of six long, curved brown spines. Male genitalia (fig. 5, e, f)
with ventral processes of ninth tergite very large and heavily sclerotized; in-
folded toward midline and prolonged forward as a submedian pair of flattened,
spatulate processes appressed to the ventral surface of the abdomen, the apices
overlapping and extending forward to the fourth segment.

Chile: Antofagasta, May 1912, Porter, 3 females (USNM) ; Toco-

pilla, April 10, 1931, sea beach, Bullock, 2 males, 4 females (USNM).

Canaceoides species.
A single female from Antofagasta, Chile, May 1912, C. E. Porter
in the ANSP collection resembles C. nudata (Cresson) and C. pana--
mensis (Curran), but it is in such poor condition that closer compari-
son is impossible.

Genus Nocticanace Malloch

Nocticanace Malloch, B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 114: 4, (1933) 1935
(genotype: N octicanace peculiaris Malloch, monobasic).
Mesofrons not differentiated, without marginal setae, except a pair of strong
interfrontal bristles nearly in line with anterior ocellus; three pairs of fronto-
270 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 11
orbitals; ocellars. strong, postocellars minute. Face concave in profile below
antennae, more or less carinate, bare; three bristles on cheek. Mesonotum with
four pairs of dorsocentrals; anterior notopleural absent; four marginal scutel-
lars; sternopleura and mesopleura each with one bristle. Female abdomen with
dorsal lamellae of genitalia bifid half their length, each lobe with strong apical
and subapical flattened spines and series of short fine hairs; eighth tergite with
pair of long hairs reaching apex of lamellae; lobes of eighth sternite each bearing
a number of stout setae or hooks. Male abdomen with ventral processes of ninth
tergite usually rather broad, flattened, and convex, without long hairs, the an-
terior margin often modified.
The following key is provisional, as I have not seen N. galapagen-
szs (Curran), N. mahensis (Lamb), and N. caffraria, (Cresson).


1. Halteres brown; large species, length 3 mm m mN. galapagensis
Halteres yellow; length under 2.5 mm m 2
••••••••• m

2. Legs uniformly brownish or grayish black .. m 3 m

Legs with knees and bases of tarsi yellowish; ventral process of male
genitalia with short anterior thumb and slender posterior finger
.............................. m m mm N. marshallensis
3. Color uniformly dull brownish black; ventral process of male with
sharp-pointed angular apex m m m m m N. zimmermani
Color dull brown to black above; face, cheeks, and pleura more or
less silvery to light-gray pruinose m m m m 4
4. Mesonotum brownish m m m m m m m 5
Mesonotum dark gray m m mh m m.N. mahensis
5. Sternopleural bristle absenL m mm mmm m hN. caffraria
Sternopleural bristle present; ventral process of male with posterior
apex pointed, the anteromesal corner flattened, cupped, and bluntly
rounded m m m m.N. peculiaris

Nocticanace peculiaris Malloch, B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 114: 4,

(1933) 1935 (Marquesas Islands; type male in Bishop Museum).
(See figure 6, a, b, e.)
Male, female. Length 2 mm. Dull black; frons, mesonotum, and scutellum
brownish pollinose; mesonotum gray-dusted laterally; pleura, abdomen, face,
and cheeks white-dusted; legs black; wings grayish hyaline; halteres pale
Mesofrons not differentiated, a few setae at anterior margin of frons.; a
pair of interfrontals at level of anterior ocellus; ocelli minute and widely spaced;
three pairs of fronto-orbitals with setulae between; face slightly carinate between
antennae; cheeks with three bristles and a pair of minute setae below and be-
tween. Mesonotum with four pairs strong dorsocentrals; anterolateral angle
setulose; anterior notopleural and prescute1lar acrostichals absent; sternopleura
and mesopleura each with one bristle and a number of strong setulae.
Ninth tergite of male genitalia (fig. 6, a, b; Mangareva) with inner
margin of ventral processes expanded, flattened and folded mesad, the internal
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 271

side cupped, the external side convex and pubescent, ventromesal apex bluntly
rounded. Dorsal lamellae of female ovipositor (fig. 6, e) slender, apical dorsal
spines long and flattened, preapical dorsal setae more or less spine-like.

FIGURE 6.-a, b, N octicanace peculiaris, male genitalia: a, lateral view; b,

ventral view. c, N. marshallensis: male genitalia, lateral view. d, N. zimmer-
mani, male genitalia, lateral view. e, N. peculiaris, female genitalia, lateral view.
f, N. zimmennani, female genitalia, lateral view.

Marquesas Islands: Eiao, Vaituha, Oct. 2, 1929, Adamson, 1

male, 3 females (BPBM, type series); Hivaoa, Tahauku, July 10,
1929, Mumford and Adamson, 2 females (BPBM).
Society Islands: Tahiti, Papeete, June 27, 1927, MacDaniels, 1
female (BPBM).
Mangareva Islands: Mangareva, Atituiti, May 25, 1934, Zimmer-
man, 9 males, 9 females (BPBM) ; Taraururoa, May 28, 1934, Zim-
merman, 16 males, 16 females (BPBM); Makaroa, May 31, 1934,
Zimmerman, 5 males, 13 females (BPBM).
Austral Islands: Tabai [Tubuai?], Rautaro, Aug. 19, 1934, Zim-
merman, 3 males, 6 females (BPBM).
Marianas Islands: Rota, June 23, 1946, Townes, 3 males, 6 fe-
males (USNM) ; Agrihan, Aug. 12, 1945, Borror and Holder, 2 males,
3 females (USNM); Guam, Point Ritidian, June 1945, Gressitt, 1
male (USNM); Guam, Tarague, July 10, 1929, Bryan, 2 males, 4
females (BPBM).
Okina.wa: Chizuka, Bohart and Harna.ge, 1 female (USNM).
272 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

Nocticanace zimmermani, new species (fig. 6, d, f).

Male, female. Length 2.0 to 2.4 mm., wing 2.1 mm. by 0.8 mm. Very near
N. peculiaris Malloch, chaetotaxy almost identical. Color uniformly dull brownish
black, including face, pleura, and legs; face, cheeks, and pleura with only slight
violaceous gray pruinescence; squamae brown, halteres yellowish. Dorsal lamel-
lae of female ovipositor (fig. 6, f) with preapical dorsal setae well-developed
and spine-like, about half as large as the flattened apical spines. Male genitalia
(fig. 6, d) with the ventral processes of the ninth tergite not greatly flattened
or bent, greatest width at base, abruptly narrowed at distal third on anterior
side with a sharp pointed angular apex; a patch of long setae near base on
dorsomesal surface.

Rapa Island, Karapa Rahi Islet, July 18, 1934, holotype male, allo-
type, 118 male and 106 female paratypes, Zimmerman (BPBM).
Although very close to the widespread species N~ peculiaris Mal-
loch, this species is quite distinct in the uniform dull brownish-black
color and in the shape of the ventral process of the ninth tergite in the
male genitalia. In these respects it resembles N. galapagensis (Cur-
ran). I am pleased to name this species in honor of its collector, E. C.
Zimmerman, who kindly made available a large series of Ephydridae
and Canaceidae from the Bishop Museum collections.
Zimmerman (15, pp. 128-130) calls attention to the unique biota
of Rapa and suspects that part of it at least may have come from a
much older and extensive island to the east, represented today by
Marotiri, a group of low rocky islets.

Nocticanace marshallensis, new species (fig. 6, c).

A small dark bluish-gray pruinose species; ninth tergite of male with
ventral process shaped like the fixed portion of a chela.
Male, female. Length 2.1 mm., wing 2.0 mm. by 0.7 mm. Dark gray; frons,
dorsum of thorax, and abdomen dull violaceous pruinose, with brownish cast
toward middle; face, cheeks, humeri, and pleura dusted with light bluish gray,
the face and cheeks more whitish; antennae, proboscis, legs, and wings brownish;
femora and tibiae bluish gray in middle, trochanters, knees and base of tarsi
yellowish; halteres and squamae yellowish; all bristles and setae black.
Three strong lateroclinate fronto-orbitals with small anterior setae inter-
spersed in line; a pair of strong proclinate preocellars halfway between anterior
ocellus and lateral margin of frons; ocellars strong and lateroclinate, ocellar
triangle on a convexity with about eight small scattered setae; inner and outer
verticals strong. Third antennal segment about as broad as long; arista short
pubescent. Three strong upcurved genal bristles in an oblique line from vibrissal
angle to middle of lower eye margin, the posterior two with a small seta between.
Four strong pairs of dorsocentrals; one strong humeral; one strong posterior
notopleural; one strong presutural ; two strong supra-alars; a row of fine setae
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 273

just inside humeri; four strong marginal scutellars, the posterior pair strongly
upcurved; a strong bristle on both mesopleuron and sternopleuron, the former
with scattered setae and the latter with one fine hair. Anterior femora with
strong dorso- and ventroposterior rows of about five long curved bristles, other
hairs on legs moderate; apical tarsal segments strongly flattened.
Abdomen with rows of strong setae; seventh tergite of female strongly ex-
cised in middle, sides with about four pairs of short hairs; eighth tergite with
a pair of long dorsal bristles and a row of about five lateral pairs of shorter
hairs. Dorsal lamellae of ovipositor separated half their length, stout and up-
curved, apices with outer pair of long black spines, dorsal margin with about
five long fine setae; lobes of eighth sternite with about six very long, curved,
black spines. Ninth tergite of male genitalia (fig. 6, c) with ventral processes
nearly as long as height of main portion; distal half of process with a curved
anterior emargination forming a short anterior thumb and a very slender pos-
terior finger.

Marshall Islands: Ailinglapalap Atoll, Bigatyeling Island, Aug.

25, 1946, Townes, holotype male, allotype, 26 male and 18 female
paratypes (type no. 59968, USNM); Eniwetok Atoll, Aomon, May
16, 1946, Townes, 18 males, 5 females; Eniwetok Atoll, Japan Island,
May 17, 1946, Townes, 1 female; Bikini Atoll, Bikini Island, Aug. 11,
1947, Cole and Bayer, 2 males, 1 female; Murle Atoll, Kwajalein,
April 22, 1948, Maehler, 3 females (all from USNM collection).

Nocticanace caffraria (Cresson), new combination.

Canaceoides caffraria Cresson, Am. Ent. Soc., Trans. 60: 222, 1934
(East London, Cape Province; type male, in Transvaal Mu-
Male. Length 1.75 mm. Black; opaque, gray to silvery below, brownish
above; halteres yellow, wings smoky. Frons much narrowed in front, mesofrons
far from attaining lunular margin, bare except one pair of interfrontals nearly
in line with anterior ocellus; three strong fronto-orbitals with interposed setulae.
Face as broad as long, concave in profile; cheeks with one strong incurved bristle
at vibrissal angle and two strong upcurved posterior bristles. Dorsocentrals 1 :3,
no mesonotal setulae except a few on humeri; scutellum bare with four mar-
ginals; mesopleura and sternopleura, at most, sparingly setose, former with one
bristle. (Taken from original description.)

The change in generic combination is made on the strength of the

presence of three bristles on the face and cheeks rather than four as
in Canaceoides. A more positive character is the presence or absence
of the anterior notopleural which, unfortunately, is not stated in Cres-
son's description. Moreover, South Africa is outside the present known
geographic range of Canaceoides.
274 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Occasional Papers XX, 14

Nocticanace mahensis (Lamb), new combination.

Canace mahensis Lamb, Linn. Soc. London, Trans. II, Zoo1. 15:
328, 1912 (female, Mahe, Seychelles).
Female. Length, 1.75 mm. Color uniformly dark gray; face, c1ypeus, pleura,
and legs silvery; antennae black. Three strong lateroc1inate fronto-orbitals;
one pair of interfrontals midway between ocellars and fronto-orbitals; ocelli
widely spaced, ocellars midway between lateral ocelli and anterior ocellus; inner
verticals convergent, outer verticals finer. Three equally spaced genal bristles,
the anterior down-curved, the. other two up-curved over eyes; antennae with
arista faintly pubescent. Four pairs of long dorsocentrals; four marginal scutel-
lars, the basal pair directed backward, the apical pair upward; disk of scutellum
and mesonotum without setae. Legs with five long bristles on fore femora.
Abdomen with a pair of long bristles on last tergite. (Taken from original
description. )

Lamb (7) states that this species was collected from seaweed on
the beach at Long Island, Mahe, in the Seychelles. The generic com-
bination is made on the basis of Lamb's description and figure of the
bristling of the head, the characteristic direction of the scutellar
bristles, and the presence of a pair of long bristles on the last abdom-
inal tergite.

Nocticanace galapagensis (Curran), new combination.

Procanace gnlapagensis Curran, Calif. Acad. Sci., Proc. IV, 21:
160, 1934 (Albemarle Island, Galapagos Islands; type female
in California Academy of Sciences).
Female. Length, 3 mm. Black; face and cheeks gray pollinose; palpi brown;
antennae black; thorax black with dull-brown tinge in some lights; legs and
abdomen black; wings, squamae, and halteres brown. Three pairs of strong,
divergent fronto-orbitals with fine setae between; a pair of strong interfrontals
at level of anterior ocellus; ocellars strong and divergent; postocellars weak
and parallel; three strong genal bristles; palpi with apical bristles, antennae with
third segment rounded apically, somewhat longer than wide; arista pubescent.
Four pairs of strong dorsocentrals with an irregular row of setae inside each
row; two pairs of marginal scutellars, the disk bare; mesopleura with one
bristle in middle of ventral margin and another near posterior margin with
scattered short bristly hairs; two sternopleurals. Lamellae of ovipositor mod-
erately long with three short stout bristles on outer side apically. (Taken from
original description.)
Wirth-Revision of Dipterous Family Canaceidae 275


1. BECKER, Tm:ODOR, Ephydridae, IN Lindner, Flieg. Palearkt. Reg. 10 :1-115,

2. CURRAN, C. H., Diptera, Calif. Acad. Sci., Proc. IV, 21: 147-172, 1934.
3. CURRAN, C. H., The families and genera of North American Diptera, New
4. GERCKE, G., Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Eigenart de Canace ranula
Loew, Wien. Ent. Zeitung 6:1-4, 1887.
5. H£NDEL, FRIEDRICH, Die palaarktischen Muscidae acalyptratae Girsch. =
Haplostomata Frey nach ihren Familien und Gattungen.-I. Die Familien,
Konowia 1 : 253-265, 1922.
6. HENDEL, FRIEDRICH, Zweifliigler oder Diptera. Allgemein. Teil, IN Dahl,
Tierwelt Deutschlands 11 (2): 1-135, 1928.
7. LAMB, C. G., Diptera: Lonchaeidae, Sapromyzidae, Ephydridae, Chloropi-
dae, Agromyzidae, Linn. Soc. London, Trans. II, Zool. 15: 303-348, 1912.
8. MALLOCH, J. R., Some acalyptrate Diptera from the Marquesas Islands, B. P.
Bishop Mus., Bull. 114 :3-31, 1933 (1935).
9. MEIJER£, J. C. H. DE, Studien iiber siidostasiatische Dipteren XII. Jav-
anische Dolichopodiden und Ephydriden, Tij dschr. voor ent. 29 :225c273,
10. SEGUY, E., Faune de France 28, 1934.
11. TONNOIR, A. L., and MALLOCH, J. R., New Zealand Muscidae Acalyptratae,
Part 1. Ephydridae, Canterbury Mus., Rec. 3 :1-18, 1926.
12. WILLIAMS, F. X., Biological studies in Hawaiian water-loving insects,
Part III, Diptera or flies, A. Ephydridae and Anthomyiidae, Hawaiian
Ent., Soc., Proc. 10 :85-119, 1938.
13. WIRTH, W. W., A review of the genus Telmatogeton Schiner, with descrip-
tions of three new Hawaiian species (Diptera: Tendipedidae) ; Hawai-
ian Ent. Soc., Proc. 13 :143-191, 1947.
14. WOMERSLEY, H., Diptera, British, Australian, and New Zealand Antarctic
Res. Exped., Repts., ser. B., 4 (3) :59-79, 1937.
15. ZIMM£RMAN, E. C., Insects of Hawaii, Introduction, vol. 1, Honolulu, 1948.

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