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Book SolarPowerforEnergy

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Solar Power for Energy

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e!al "otice
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 What is Solar Power?.....................................4
Chapter 2 History Of Solar Power...................................6
Chapter 3 The Cost Of Solar Power.................................9
Chapter 4 Eery!ay "se Of Solar Power.........................11
Chapter # Solar Power Heati$%.....................................13
Chapter 6 "si$% Solar Power &or 'o(r Ho)e *pplia$+es...1#
Chapter , Solar Pa$els &or To!ay.................................1,
Chapter - How To "se Solar Power &or Ca)eras.............19
Chapter 9 Solar Powere! .P3 Players............................21
Chapter 1/ Perso$al Solar E$er%y Pa+0s........................23
Chapter 11 O(t!oor Solar Powere! E1(ip)e$t................2#
Chapter 12 "si$% Solar Power &or O(r Cars....................2,
Chapter 13 "si$% Solar Power 2$ 3oats..........................31
Chapter 14 What *re Solar Po$!s.................................33
Chapter 1# Solar Power 2$ Spa+e..................................3#
Chapter 16 How The 4oer$)e$t 2s "si$% Solar Power....3,
Chapter 1, 2$esti$% 2$ Solar Power Co)pa$ies.............39
Chapter 1- Solar Power *$! Health...............................41
Chapter 19 How To "se Wi$! *$! Solar Power *s E$er%y So(r+es 43
Chapter 2/ "si$% Solar Power &or &resh Water...............4#
Chapter 21 How To Start Co$erti$% To Solar Power.......4,
Chapter 1 What Is Solar Power
*s we are i$ole! i$ o$e e$er%y +risis after a$other5 we fi$ally $ee! to loo0 at solar
power a$! how it +a$ 6e (se! to help (s $ot o$ly +o$sere e$er%y a$! sae )o$ey5
6(t 6e )ore e$iro$)e$tally frie$!ly. With the tal0 of %lo6al war)i$% a$! the $ee!
for alter$atie e$er%y so(r+es yo( )i%ht hear that ter) is solar power )e$tio$e! o$
the $ews +ast or i$ the $ewspapers. What e7a+tly is solar power? Solar power is
e$er%y !ire+tly fro) the s($. The s($8s e$er%y is respo$si6le for s(pporti$% life o$
Earth a$! it also +reates the wi$!s a$! weather +o$!itio$s o$ o(r pla$et. Solar
power +a$ 6e attri6(te! to +reati$% wi$!. Whe$ that wi$! is har$esse! 6y wi$!
t(r6i$es5 it +reates a$alyti+al e$er%y. *$+ie$t +(lt(res5 a lo$% ti)e a%o5 +olle+te!
solar power 6y hai$% wi$!ows or !oors that fa+e! the s($. The s($ wo(l! +o)e i$
thro(%h these ope$i$%s a$! war) the i$terior of the ho)e. Ho)es were also 6(ilt to
prote+t a%ai$st the wi$!. The least (se! part of the ho(se was always fa+i$% $orth.
Solar power a$! solar e$er%y is 6asi+ally the sa)e thi$%. 2t8s the +o$ersio$ of
s($li%ht i$to ele+tri+ity whi+h is the$ (se! i$ o(r ho)es. Solar power +a$ 6e (se!
!ire+tly 6y (si$% the photooltai+ effe+t or 6y heati$% so)e 0i$! of fl(i! i$ a
%e$erator. Whe$ the s($ heats the li1(i!5 the stea) rises5 t(r$i$% the t(r6i$es of
the %e$erator. This pro!(+es ele+tri+ity whi+h is (se! i$ ho)es5 a(to)o6iles5 a$!
i$!(stry $ee!s.
Parti+les i$ the at)osphere5 s(+h as !(st a$! other air poll(ta$ts5 refle+t the s($
away fro) the Earth. These !a)a%i$% parti+les +a$ re!(+e the a)o($t of s($
rea+hi$% the Earth whi+h +a$ +a(se tro(6les with pla$t a$! a$i)al life. Clo(!s also
refle+t a$! a6sor6 so)e of these solar e$er%y. O$+e a%ai$5 solar e$er%y is pree$te!
fro) rea+hi$% the Earth5 for war) or a$y other (se.
.a$y te+h$olo%ies hae 6ee$ i$e$te! to trap solar e$er%y a$! solar power. These
te+h$olo%ies are (tili9e! i$ a%ri+(lt(re5 +ity pla$$i$%5 solar li%hti$%5 water heati$%5
+oo0i$%5 a$! )ost i)porta$tly heati$% ho)es a$! other 6(il!i$%s. These (ses
re!(+e the $ee! for fossil f(el e$er%y reso(r+es s(+h as +oal5 %as5 propa$e5 a$! oil.
3y i$+reasi$% the (se of solar power te+h$olo%y5 the worl! will si%$ifi+a$tly re!(+es
its $ee! a$! (se of fossil f(els. The Earth wo(l! the$ hae a +lea$er e$iro$)e$t
6e+a(se there wo(l! 6e less f(el e)issio$s a$! fa+tory poll(tio$5 Th(s5 !rasti+ally
re!(+i$% the a)o($t of air poll(ta$ts withi$ the at)osphere.
With risi$% %as pri+es5 the a(to)o6ile i$!(stry is ra+i$% to fi$! alter$atie ways to
f(el +ars. The hy6ri! is the )ost pop(lar +ar that is 6ei$% 6(ilt to!ay. The hy6ri!
+o)6i$es %e$erate! ele+tri+ity to r($ a$ ele+tri+ )otor fro) a %asoli$e )otor.
Howeer pop(lar5 this !esi%$ has a $e%atie a$! that is that is that hy6ri!s still (se
%asoli$e. *$ i!eal +ar wo(l! hae the ele+tri+ity %e$erate! fro) the s($ a$! hae a
6a+0(p ele+tri+ +ell 6attery for +lo(!y !ay.
This te7t will e7plore the (ses of solar power a$! how these te+h$olo%ies )i%ht
+ha$%e the way that yo( trael5 heat yo(r ho)e5 a$! %o a6o(t yo(r !aily lies.
Solar power is $ot %oi$% away a$! is o$e of the 6i%%est so(r+es of ($har$esse!
e$er%y that there is o$ the Earth. *$y )a+hi$e that has a$ ele+tri+ )otor +a$ 6e
powere! 6y solar power. 2t :(st ta0es i$$oatio$5 !e!i+atio$5 a$! )o$ey to 6ri$%
these te+h$olo%ies aro($! for f(ll;ti)e p(6li+ (se. 2$ a!ertisi$% the (se of solar
e$er%y5 a$ e$tire +o))($ity +o$erte! to solar power re+eies the 6e$efit of +lea$
r($$i$% e$er%y that re!(+es +ost while proi!i$% a +lea$er e$iro$)e$t. *t this
poi$t5 solar power e1(ip)e$t is e7pe$sie a$! it ta0es a few years 6efore +o$s()ers
re+oer the i$itial +ost of lower e$er%y 6ills
Chapter 2 History of Solar Power
Photooltai+ +ells are !ei+es that +o$ert li%ht i$to ele+tri+ity. So)eti)es +alle! a
solar +ell5 photooltai+ +ells hae 6ee$ (se! si$+e 1--3. Charles &ritts i$e$te! the
+ell (si$% sele$i() 6(t this pro+ess was soo$ stoppe! i$ 19#4 whe$ <arryl Chapi$
(se! sili+o$ i$stea! of sele$i(). The photooltai+ +ells (se +o$ersio$ thro(%h the
photoele+tri+ effe+t. The photoele+tri+ effe+t o++(rs whe$ a )etalli+ s(rfa+e is
6o)6ar!e! with ele+tro)a%$eti+ ra!iatio$. Photo$s are the sort of ele+tro$ that a$y
ele+tri+ +(rre$t pro!(+es. *s the li%ht is i$+rease!5 the )etalli+ s(rfa+e is +o$erte!
at a slower rate at first5 6(t )ore a$! )ore solar power is +o$erte! i$to ele+tri+ity.
Eery )etalli+ s(rfa+e that is (se! has a !iffere$t threshol! at whi+h they +a$
pro!(+e o$ly so )(+h e$er%y5 while the rest of the solar power is refle+te! after that
threshol! is )et.
The fre1(e$+y of the li%ht a$! its rea+tio$ with the )etalli+ s(rfa+e +a(se the li%ht to
release ele+tro$s. Ea+h photo$ i$ the li%ht 6e+o)es a si$%le ele+tro$ of e$er%y. The
ele+tro$s that are e)itte! are ofte$ referre! to as photoele+tro$s. The
photoele+tro$s +a$ 6e +o$erte! i$to ele+tri+al e$er%y whi+h +a$ sere )a$y (ses
a$! !oes $ot +a(se poll(tio$ or %ree$ho(se %ases.
*t first photooltai+s +ost a lot of )o$ey. The pri+e of the e$er%y a$! the e1(ip)e$t
(se! to pro!(+e ele+tri+ity was hi%her tha$ the a+t(al sai$%s the (ser was %etti$%.
2$ the early !ays this ra$ at =1// per watt5 these !ays yo( +a$ (s(ally p(r+hase the
ele+tri+ity %e$erate! fro) the pro!(+t at a6o(t =2/ per watt. This 0i$! of e$er%y is
pro!(+e! i$ re)ote areas where a power li$e or a %e$erator is $ot feasi6le. 3y
pla+i$% at these +ells the people that are wor0i$% or lii$% i$ this fro) a$ area +a$
hae a stea!y s(pply of ele+tri+ity.
This type of solar +ell has 6ee$ (se! )a$y ti)es i$ p(6li+ seri+e e$(es. They hae
6ee$ (se! to power roa! +rossi$%s5 roa! si%$s5 street la)ps5 a$! other <epart)e$t
of Tra$sportatio$ iss(es that )ay 6e a lo$% way fro) a so(r+e of power. 2t is )ore
e+o$o)i+ally ia6le to p(t a solar +ell 6o7 o$ a re)ote roa! +rossi$% si%$ tha$ it is to
strai$ power +hor!s a$! 6(il! power poles to %et the ele+tri+ity to the ($it. This
allows for )ore safety pre+a(tio$s 6ei$% p(t i$to re)ote areas where the !riers or
pe!estria$s +a$ see the ha9ar!.
Si$+e the 19,3 oil +risis5 photooltai+s hae +o)e a lo$% way i$ 6oth te+h$olo%y a$!
+ost. These solar +ells are ee$ (se! i$ $a(ti+al )a+hi$ery. 3(oys with li%hts that
show 6oats a$! ships the +ha$$el or the water passa%eway o$+e ha! to 6e +ha$%e!
o$ a re%(lar 6asis 6y p(tti$% i$ $ew 6atteries. >ow these solar +ells allow the 6(oys
to re)ai$ lit fro) the e$er%y of the s($. Solar power has )a!e the roa!ways5 sea
ways5 a$! other ae$(es of tra$sportatio$ safer a$! easier to $ai%ate.
Photooltai+ )o!(les are the pri)e so(r+e of power for )a$y spa+e syste)s. Solar
power is the o$ly so(r+e of e$er%y o$+e yo( leae the Earth8s at)osphere. 3y
+li+0i$% the rays of the s($ o$ solar +ells5 these satellites5 spa+e+raft5 spa+e statio$5
a$! other satellite or6iti$% syste)s +a$ re)ai$ i$ spa+e lo$%er a$! wor0 with little
)ai$te$a$+e. Witho(t solar +ells5 f(t(re spa+e e7ploratio$s to other pla$ets or other
spa+e e$t(res wo(l! $ot 6e possi6le. The +apt(ri$% of the s($?s rays (po$ a solar
shiel! i$ the spa+e statio$ %ies the astro$a(ts ele+tri+ity to r($ +o)p(ter syste)s5
life s(pport syste)s5 a$! eerythi$% it ta0es to s(pport life while they are a6oar! the
The i)proe! te+h$olo%y of solar power has i$+rease! !o)esti+ (ses also. With the
$ew tre$! of 6(il!i$% %ree$ho(ses5 solar pa$els are i$stalle! to ta0e i$ the s($8s
e$er%y a$! t(r$ it i$to ele+tri+ity. These solar pa$els hae e$o(%h ele+tri+ity to heat
hot water ta$0s5 r($ applia$+es5 a$! %ie the fa)ily e$o(%h ele+tri+ity $ee!e! to
s(rie. Of +o(rse5 s(pple)e$tal ele+tri+ity is proi!e! to )ost of these ho(ses i$
+ase there is a pro6le) with the solar 6attery or if there is a +lo(!y !ay whi+h wo(l!
hi$!er the pro!(+tio$ of ele+tri+ity. Solar pa$els hae $ot o$ly 6ee$ (se! to power
!o)esti+ ho)es5 6(t they hae also 6ee$ (se! to power lar%e hi%h;rises. E$tire
6(si$ess +o)ple7es hae 6ee$ powere! 6y solar power.
The photooltai+ )o!(les i$ solar +ells are still 6ei$% st(!ie!. They hae a ariety of
(ses that are +apa6le of 6ei$% e7pa$!e! i$ i$!(stry5 te+h$olo%y5 spa+e5 a$! ee$ i$
yo(r ow$ ho)e. *s the +ells %row 6etter they also 6e+o)e +heaper. Si$+e the worl!8s
pop(latio$ p(shes for )ore e$er%y !e)a$!s a$! the %lo6al )ar0et has raise! the
pri+e of oil a$! other $o$;re$ewa6le e$er%ies to a 6rea0i$% poi$t5 the aera%e )a$ is
loo0i$% for a way to sae so)e )o$ey. Photooltai+ +ells will soo$ 6e a part of eery
aspe+t of o(r lies that !eals with ele+tri+ity. Whether it is a ha$!hel! %a)e or a$
e$%i$e o$ a$ air+raft +arrier5 this te+h$olo%y will 6e the last re)ai$i$% 6astio$ of
power o$+e all the fossil f(els are %o$e or we hae !a)a%e! o(r pla$et so )(+h that
fossil f(els are $o lo$%er a ia6le way to +reate e$er%y.
Chapter 3 The Cost Of Solar Power
2f yo( are loo0i$% for a$ alter$atie e$er%y so(r+e for yo(r ho(se5 solar power +o(l!
6e for yo( if yo( hae the ri%ht reso(r+es. *s a %e$eral r(le ri%ht $ow with to!ay8s
te+h$olo%y5 solar power +a$ 6e ery e7pe$sie. *$ aera%e *)eri+a$ either (ses
ele+tri+ity or %as to proi!e heat to the ho(se. These f(el so(r+es +a$ also 6e (se!
for pro!(+i$% hot water5 r($$i$% yo(r washi$% )a+hi$e5 a$! a$y other applia$+e or
e$tertai$)e$t !ei+e yo( )i%ht hae i$ yo(r ho)e. 2$ so)e parts of the +o($tries5
s(+h as the >ortheast a$! o(t west5 the +ost of ele+tri+ity a$! %as pro!(+ts are ery
Solar power +a$ 6e a$ alter$atie for yo(r ho(se. 2$ a typi+al ho(se there is a (sa%e
of oer 1454// watt ho(rs per !ay. That8s a lot of :(i+e %oi$% to yo(r ho(se. The
)ore fa)ily )e)6ers yo( hae a$! the )ore yo( are at ho)e e$:oyi$% )o!er$
+o)forts the )ore ele+tri+ity yo( will (se. Solar pa$els +a$ +reate ,/ )W per s1(are
i$+h. 2$ the +o(rse of the !ay these solar pa$els )i%ht re+eie a6o(t fie ho(rs of
s($. This o$ly e1(als 3#/ )W ho(rs !(ri$% the !ay. So to %et the e$er%y yo( $ee!
for yo(r ho(se whi+h is at 1454// W ho(rs per !ay yo( wo(l! hae to hae 415///
i$.@ of solar pa$el for yo(r ho(se. 2f yo( !o the )ath that is al)ost 3// ft.@ of solar
pa$els. *t to!ay8s pri+es that wo(l! +ost yo( aro($! =165///.
>ot o$ly wo(l! yo( $ee! a solar pa$el yo(8! also hae to hae a 6attery 6a$0 a$! a$
i$erter. *!!i$% these wo(l! !o(6le yo(r +ost of i$stallatio$ a$! a!!i$% )aterials
a$! a 4- aera%e si9e o(ster5 yo( are loo0i$% at +lose to =325///. 2f yo( wa$t to a!!
a$ air;+o$!itio$er to the )i7 yo( )i%ht as well !o(6le that fi%(re to =645/// for
i$stallatio$. *!!e! to the i$stallatio$ +ost yo( also $ee! to )a0e yo(r ho(se e$er%y;
effi+ie$t. This )ea$s the +losi$% of +ra+0s 6etwee$ !oors a$! wi$!ows. 'o( wo(l!
also hae to (se e$er%y;effi+ie$t applia$+es. 'o( )ay p(t the hy6ri! or hot water
heater so that it o$ly (ses ele+tri+ity !(ri$% the ti)es that yo( $ee! it. 'o( wo(l!
hae to swit+h oer fro) a !es0top to a laptop +o)p(ter to sae o$ ele+tri+ity.
This )i%ht re!(+e yo(r $ee! for s(+h a lar%e solar pa$el 6(t i$ reality this wo(l! $ot
really stop the sti+0er sho+0 or the (pfro$t )o$ey yo( $ee! to pay. Whe$ yo( pay
for ele+tri+ity the tra!itio$al way5 it o$ly +osts aro($! a h($!re! !ollars a$ ho(r to
p(r+hase power fro) the power %ri!. Of +o(rse yo( sho(l! pay for (sa%e 6(t the
hoo0(p to the power %ri! is a fra+tio$al a)o($t of )o$ey +o)pare! to the lar%e
a)o($t of )o$ey yo( wo(l! hae to spe$! to i$stall solar pa$els o$ yo(r ho(se.
'o( hae pro6a6ly see$ solar pa$els o$ ho(ses i$ re)ote areas or as a lot i$ o$e
$ei%h6orhoo!. These people hae 6o(%ht these to 6e )ore e+o frie$!ly a$! hae
i$este! their )o$ey for so)ethi$% they 6eliee i$. 'o( too +a$ !o this if yo( hae
the reso(r+es a$! the fi$a$+es5 6(t it )i%ht 6e feasi6le to wait ($til the te+h$olo%y is
)ore effi+ie$t a$! less e7pe$sie tha$ it is ri%ht $ow.
Aeep (p o$ the te+h$olo%y that is 6ei$% !eelope!. Perio!i+ally %o to the i$ter$et or
to a s+ie$+e tra!e p(6li+atio$ a$! see what a!a$+es hae 6ee$ )a!e +o$+er$i$%
solar +ells a$! solar pa$el te+h$olo%y. There )ay 6e a 6rea0;thro(%h that wo(l!
6ri$% the pri+es !ow$ so that they are )ore affor!a6le for the +o))o$ )a$. 'o(
)i%ht wa$t to start with a s)all solar pa$el a$! :(st !ire+t that e$er%y to o$e
applia$+e that )i%ht 6e !rai$i$% yo(5 s(+h as a free9er5 a water heater5 or a washer
a$! !ryer. Te+h$olo%y is )oi$% at li%ht spee! these !ays a$! the reso(r+es to 6ri$%
!ow$ the +ost are here.
Chapter 4 Everyay !se Of Solar Power
Whe$ yo( th$0 a6o(t solar power5 yo( )ay thi$0 of those f($0y loo0i$% ho(ses that
hae those weir! loo0i$% pa$els o$ the). That is $ot solar power for eery !ay
lii$%. Solar power has )a$y (ses 6eyo$! those of pro!(+i$% ele+tri+ity for ho(ses or
for a(to)o6iles. Ee$ s)all ele+tri+al !ei+es +a$ 6e powere! 6y solar e$er%y i$ lie(
of a 6attery or a$y o(tlet pl(%;i$. <ei+es s(+h as +ell pho$es5 4PS ($its5 a$!
laptops +a$ 6e solar powere!. *ll yo( $ee! is the ri%ht +o$$e+tors5 the ri%ht
a)pera%e a$! olta%e of the !ei+e a$! a 6attery to store the e$er%y solar pa$els
'o( +a$ )o!ify a$! +(sto)i9e yo(r solar pa$els a$! 6attery !ei+e to +olle+t a$y
a)o($t of e$er%y yo( wish (p to the threshol!. *fter the threshol!5 or whe$ the
6attery is f(ll5 the solar e$er%y is :(st 6ei$% refle+te! fro) the solar pa$els. The
6attery sho(l! 6e +o)pati6le with the !ei+e yo( wa$t to (se it for. &or s)aller
!ei+es yo( $ee! a s)aller area with less olta%e or with a !iffere$t lot rati$%. How
)a$y ti)es hae yo( 6ee$ o(t fishi$% or +a)pi$% a$! yo(r +ell pho$e 6attery %oes
o(t? .ost people +arry +ell pho$e a!apters for their +ars so that they )ay re+har%e
the 6attery i$ their a(to)o6ile. This is fi$e if the e$%i$e is o$ or the e$%i$e has 6ee$
(se! to +har%e the 6attery i$ the ehi+le. 3(t r($$i$% the e$%i$e is a +a(se of
poll(ta$ts a$! other to7i+ )aterials whi+h yo( are releasi$% o(t i$to the e$iro$)e$t
:(st 6y +har%i$% (p yo(r +ell pho$e.
3y hai$% a +ell pho$e solar powere! 6attery +har%er5 yo( are a6le to ta0e yo(r +ell
pho$e o(tsi!e a$! leae the solar pa$els o(t i$ the s($. 'o( +a$ ee$ !o this i$si!e
o$ a wi$!owsill that is !ire+tly i$fl(e$+e! 6y the s($. 'o( !o$8t hae to worry a6o(t
where to pl(% i$ yo(r +har%er5 yo( :(st hae to worry a6o(t where the s($ is a$!
how lo$% the solar pa$el $ee!s to stay o(t to +har%e a 6attery. 2t is +o$e$ie$t a$!
easy;to;(se5 altho(%h a little e7pe$sie.
People who wor0 o(tsi!e (se all 0i$!s of ele+tri+al e1(ip)e$t. &ro) laptops to s(rey
e1(ip)e$t a$! ee$ for li%hti$%5 solar power +a$ play a$ i)porta$t role i$ re!(+i$%
the $ee!s for %e$erators a$! 6atteries. 2f yo( are wor0i$% at a re)ote site a$! yo(
$ee! power i))e!iately5 si)ply se$! o(t yo(r solar pa$els to +olle+t the s($?s rays
to pro!(+e the power that yo( $ee!. *%ai$5 with this type of e1(ip)e$t5 ea+h solar
pa$el $ee!s to 6e e1(ippe! with the proper %e$erator or +har%er that will pro!(+e
ele+tri+ity to either +har%er 6atteries i$ yo(r !ei+e or to !ire+tly r($ the !ei+e.
So $e7t ti)e yo(8re i$ yo(r ele+tro$i+s store or pla$$i$% a shoppi$% trip or a+atio$5
thi$0 a6o(t the (ses of solar power a$! those e$!eaors. What !ei+e !o yo( really
wa$t to (se a$! how +a$ yo( (se solar power to hae that !ei+e rea!ily aaila6le
whe$ yo( $ee! it? Solar power +a$ operate pretty )(+h a$ythi$% yo( (se5 6(t yo(
$ee! to hae the ri%ht $()6er of solar +ells a$! the ri%ht e1(ip)e$t to +har%e the
*s te+h$olo%y a!a$+es a$! the !e)a$! for solar powere! e1(ip)e$t i$+reases5
pri+es sho(l! %o !ow$ a$! the te+h$olo%y sho(l! 6e a++elerate!. Bi%ht $ow o$ly 1C
of all ho(ses i$ the "$ite! States are powere! 6y solar e$er%y. 2f we thi$0 o(tsi!e
the 6o7 a$! %o 6eyo$! the ho(se there is a$ e$tire worl! of !ei+es that +a$ 6e
powere! 6y the s($. *ll it ta0es is a little i)a%i$atio$ a$! a little resear+h a$!
so)e!ay soo$ we will 6e o(t of the %rips of fossil f(els a$! $o$re$ewa6le e$er%y.
Chapter " Solar Power Heatin#
The )ost +ost;effe+tie way to proi!e heat to 6(il!i$%s is +alle! passie solar
heati$%. .ost of the s($ that falls fro) the s0y also falls o$ yo(r roof. 2$ other
wor!s5 )ost of the heat a$! solar power hit yo(r ho(se. 2f yo( are 6(il!i$% a $ew
ho(se5 yo( )i%ht wa$t to thi$0 of passie solar appli+atio$s to let $at(re heat yo(r
ho(se a$! $ot hae to pay for power or ele+tri+ity. Passie solar is ery si)ple a$!
+a$ 6e a ia6le asset to a$y ho)e.
Whe$ )ost )o!er$ ho)es are 6(ilt5 they )ay hae a heati$% a$! +ooli$% syste)
that (ses for+e! air are rea!y a$! floors to heat the ho(se. This is (s(ally +alle! yo(r
heati$%D+ooli$% syste). 2$ a passie !esi%$5 the syste) is i$te%rate! i$to the
ele)e$ts the 6(il!i$% is 6(ilt with a$! the )aterials of whi+h it was +o$str(+te!.
Eery aspe+t of the ho(se5 i$+l(!i$% the wi$!ows5 floors5 roof5 a$! walls5 is (se! to
+olle+t heat a$! to store it for later (se5 s(+h as whe$ the s($ %oes !ow$ i$ the +ool
of the ee$i$%.
Passie solar !esi%$ allows yo( to (se the heat fro) the s($ to help eli)i$ate so)e
of the +ost of heati$% 6y +o$e$tio$al )etho!s of stoes5 f(r$a+es5 or others heati$%
!ei+es. This is a way to help re!(+e e$er%y +osts a$! $ot repla+e the e7isti$%
heati$% syste) i$ yo(r ho(se +o)pletely. Passie solar !esi%$ will allow yo( to let
yo(r ho(se 6e heate! (p to a +ertai$ !e%ree +apa+ity that is !eter)i$e! 6y the
)aterials that yo(r ho(se is +o)pose! of. Whe$ the +apa+ity is )et a$! the asset
heat is (se! (p5 the +o$e$tio$al )etho!s will 0i+0 i$ a$! yo( will hae to rely o$
either fossil f(el or the power %ri! to heat yo(r ho)e.
Be)e)6er that it is the area a$! +li)ate that yo( lie i$ that will !eter)i$e the
a)o($t of heat that yo( will re+eie fro) passie heat !esi%$. 2$ the state of
Wyo)i$%5 rest areas were +o$str(+te! so that passie heat wo(l! 6e allowe! to heat
(p the restroo)s i$ the ee$i$%. The !esi%$ of the sha!es proi!e! i$ the wi$!ows
was (tili9e! to +ool !ow$ the rest area fa+ilities. This wor0s ery well a$! the solar
power a$! the wi$! power hae 6ee$ a6le to re!(+e the a)o($t of e$er%y (se! 6y
the power %ri! or other so(r+es 6y (p to -/C or )ore. This !oes $ot so($! li0e a
tre)e$!o(s a)o($t of e$er%y sae!5 6(t the a)o($t of )o$ey sae! heati$% these
fa+ilities +a$ 6e astro$o)i+al whe$ yo( a!! the) all to%ether.
Passie solar heat alo$% with a +o)6i$atio$ of solar power pa$els +a$ 0eep yo(
+o)pletely off the %ri!. >ot o$ly wo(l! yo( re!(+e the a)o($t of e$er%y that is
!ire+te! towar! heati$% +osts5 yo( +o(l! eli)i$ate yo(r !epe$!e$+e o$ the power
%ri! +o)pletely. The passie solar heat +o(l! for) i$ the walls a$! roof fro) the
+o$str(+tio$ of yo(r ho(se a$! 6e a6le to retai$ heat. The solar pa$els wo(l! 6e a6le
to %ie yo( the ele+tri+ity $ee!e! to r($ a$ ele+tri+ power s(pply to heat the rest of
yo(r ho(se whe$ the passie heat fails.
Whe$ yo( are +o$si!eri$% the +o$str(+tio$ for yo(r $ew ho)e5 yo( )ay also wa$t to
as0 the +o$tra+tor what he 0$ows a6o(t solar e$er%y or solar power for yo(r ho)e.
With a +o)6i$atio$ of passie +o$str(+tio$5 wi$! t(r6i$es5 a$! solar pa$els5 yo(
sho(l! 6e a6le to r($ yo(r ho)e with free e$er%y. Of +o(rse start (p +ost sho(l! 6e
a +o$si!eratio$5 6(t i$ the lo$% ter) yo( will sae o$ yo(r power 6ill a$! 6e a6le to
)eet the $ee!s of the e$iro$)e$t at the
sa)e ti)e.
Chapter $ !sin# Solar Power %or &o'r
Ho(e )pplian*es
Solar e$er%y o$ly a++o($ts for 1C of all ele+tri+ity (se i$ the "$ite! States. Tho(%h
solar e$er%y has 6ee$ +alle! a :o0e 6y other e$er%y i$!(stries5 with the re$ewi$%
i$terest i$ alter$atie f(els it is 6e+o)i$% ia6le a%ai$. Solar e$er%y is ery
e7pe$sie at this poi$t 6(t so)e people hae fo($! a way to )a0e solar e$er%y or
partial solar e$er%y part of their lifestyle.
Solar power +a$ s(pple)e$t yo(r re%(lar %ri! power 6y 6ei$% atta+he! to o$ly
+ertai$ ele+tri+al o(tlets i$ yo(r ho)e. The i$itial set(p is e7pe$sie 6(t if yo( wa$t
to 0eep yo(r free9er or yo(r refri%erator5 whi+h r($s +o$sta$tly5 o$ solar power5 yo(
hae a$ opport($ity. Start s)all with a s)all solar pa$el at a ti)e. 'o(8! 6e a)a9e!
at how )(+h )o$ey yo( +a$ sae 6y hai$% :(st yo(r hot water r($ o$ solar power.
'o( +a$ 6rea0 the 6o$!s of the %as i$!(stry as propa$e a$! $at(ral %as pri+es are
starti$% to rise. 2f yo( hae a $at(ral %as or propa$e water heater5 a si)ple solar
pa$el +a$ proi!e e$o(%h e$er%y for yo( to hae hot water for all of yo(r fa)ily8s
hot water $ee!s. This +o(l! 6e hy%ie$e $ee!s5 +oo0i$%5 yo(r washer a$! !ryer5 or
a$y other hot water (ses.
2f yo( are thi$0i$% a6o(t repla+i$% yo(r e7isti$% water heater loo0 at a$ ele+tri+
water heater i$stea!.
Ele+tri+ity off the %ri! )ay 6e e7pe$sie for a water heater 6(t if yo( s(pple)e$t
with solar power the +ost per )o$th will 6e $e7t to $othi$%. &i$! o(t how )a$y
watts per ho(r that applia$+e $ee!s. The$ +o$ta+t a solar power spe+ialist a$! fi$!
o(t what si9e of solar pa$el yo( $ee! to pro!(+e e$o(%h e$er%y for the applia$+e.
'o( +a$ i$stall the solar pa$el yo(rself or hae it professio$ally i$stalle!. O$+e the
e1(ip)e$t is 6o(%ht a$! i$stalle! yo( +a$ also p(r+hase a ti)er for yo(r water
* hot water heater ti)er allows yo( to set the ti)e of !ay or $i%ht yo( wa$t yo(r hot
water heater to +o)e o$. 2f yo( %o to wor0 at see$ o8+lo+0 i$ the )or$i$% a$! ta0e
yo(r shower aro($! 6E3/5 the ti)er will +o)e o$ a6o(t si7 o8+lo+0 a$! heat the
water to yo(r !esire! prefere$+e. The sa)e thi$% %oes at $i%ht. 2f yo( are washi$%
!ishes at a +ertai$ ti)e or ta0i$% a $i%htly shower5 the ti)er will 6e a6le to %ie yo(
hot water whe$ yo( $ee! it. 2t ta0es a little %etti$% (se! to this 6e+a(se )ost people
wa$t hot water o$ !e)a$!. Heati$% water is a$ e7pe$sie pro+ess a$! wastes
While hai$% yo(r hot water heater totally o$ solar power5 it )ay ta0e a few years
yo( to re+ap the i$itial p(r+hase pri+e. Solar power at this poi$t is a lo$%;ter)
i$est)e$t. 3(t o$+e the i$itial +ost of i$stallatio$ is set (p yo( +a$ r($ )a$y
applia$+es off solar power ee$ that hot water heater that !ie! a$! sho(l! hae
6ee$ repla+e! lo$% a%o.
*s solar power a$! solar power pa$els are %ai$i$% i$ pop(larity a$! (se5 their pri+es
sho(l! %o !ow$ withi$ the $e7t !e+a!e. Aeep yo(r eyes ope$ o$ the i$ter$et or while
wat+hi$% the $ews to see if there are $ew a$! 6etter solar pa$els a$! solar +ells
6ei$% i$e$te!. Co$ta+t so)e +o)pa$iesF yo( )ay ee$ 6e a6le to set yo(r ho(se
(p as a$ e7peri)e$tal statio$ a$! hae a solar pa$el for free to test the te+h$olo%y.
Try other alter$atie e$er%y so(r+es s(+h as wi$! power to +o(ple with yo(r solar
e$er%y pa$els a$! !o(6le yo(r o(tp(t of e$er%y with two re$ewa6le e$er%y so(r+es
i$stea! of o$e.
Chapter + Solar Panels %or Toay
O$e of the )ai$ pro6le)s with solar power is +olle+ti$% the power of the s($ a$! at
the sa)e ti)e hai$% the solar pa$els 6e pleasi$% to the eyes of the people aro($!
yo(. 'o( hae pro6a6ly see$ solar ho(ses i$ yo(r $ei%h6orhoo! with fie or si7 solar
pa$els refle+ti$% the s($. Tho(%h this is the wae of the f(t(re5 it is $ot at this ti)e
pleasi$% to the eye of )ost +o$s()ers. These ho)e ow$ers p(t their solar pa$els
either o$ the roof or i$ the 6a+0yar! a$! to the +as(al $o$ te+h$olo%i+ally;orie$te!
perso$ this loo0s ta+0y a$! ta0es away fro) the 6ea(ty of a $ei%h6orhoo!.
There is $ew te+h$olo%y that allows the solar power (ser to set their solar pa$els (p
i$ a way that is aestheti+ally pleasi$%5 a$! at the sa)e ti)e %ies %reater
opport($ities to +olle+t s($li%ht. These !esi%$s hae 6ee$ p(t i$ pla+e to sere !(al
p(rposes. They $ot o$ly e$ha$+e the loo0 of a ho(se5 6(t also %ie the ow$er a
+ha$+e to (se his solar pa$els as +oer for other thi$%s. Solar pa$els +a$ 6e set (p i$
a ariety of ways as lo$% as they are a$%le! at the s($ a$! +olle+t the opti)al
a)o($t of e$er%y that is e)itte! i$ that area of the ho(se.
These $ew !esi%$s hae +o)6i$e! tra!itio$al ho(se e7te$sio$s with a reol(tio$ary
$ew +o$+ept that allows the solar pa$el to a+t 6oth as a part of the ho(se a$! at the
sa)e ti)e +olle+ts e$er%y. O$e s(+h !esi%$ loo0s li0e a +arport fro) the o(tsi!e.
The solar pa$els are set (p so that they e7te$! fro) the ho(se a6oe the +ar par0i$%
area. The !rier of the +ar +a$ par0 his +ar ($!er$eath the solar pa$els a$! they5 i$
t(r$5 %ie the +ar prote+tio$ fro) the ele)e$ts. S$ow a$! rai$ +a$$ot hit the +ar a$!
the soli! +o$str(+tio$ of the solar pa$els helps the) s(pport the)seles5 ee$ ($!er
the wei%ht of s$ow. These solar pa$els hae a heati$% syste) that %oes thro(%ho(t
the). The heat will )elt a$y )oist(re s(+h as s$ow or i+e so that the s($ +a$ %et
thro(%h to the solar pa$els $o )atter what the weather.
So)e !esi%$s hae solar pa$els slope! %e$tly fro) the se+o$! story of the ho(se to
proi!e a$ area for whi+h a perso$ +o(l! p(t a %ar!e$ 6o7 or flowers a$! hae so)e
prote+tio$ fro) the s($ !(ri$% i$+le)e$t weather. Other syste)s i$+l(!e pa$els that
will +o)e o(t !(ri$% s($rise a$! +a$ 6e retra+te! whe$ the s($ %oes !ow$.
*$other te+h$olo%y a!a$+e allows a %ree$ho(se to (se o$ly solar power. This will
allow the heat to 6e trappe! i$si!e the %ree$ho(se +a(si$% the pla$ts to thrie. *t
the sa)e ti)e the s($ +olle+te! a6oe the %ree$ho(se +a$ 6e refle+te! !ow$ to the
pla$ts to %ie the) the solar e$er%y they $ee! to lie. This solar pa$el +a$ o$ly
+olle+t so )(+h e$er%y withi$ ea+h +ell the$ the resi!(al s($li%ht wo(l! %o to the
pla$ts. The a!!e! 6e$efit is that the i$stallatio$ of these solar pa$els will +a(se the
h()i!ity to 6e +olle+te! i$si!e the hotho(se a$! allow for the ho(se to 6e war)er
whe$ the weather +ools !ow$. *ll this p(t to%ether !oes $ot ta0e away fro) the i!ea
that the ho(se is re+eii$% re$ewa6le e$er%y that +ost $othi$% e7+ept for the set(p
of the solar pa$els i$ the first pla+e.
Che+0 o(t the 2$ter$et for the $ew !esi%$s of solar pa$els. These solar pa$els are
6e+o)i$% )ore attra+tie tha$ is aestheti+ally pleasi$% to the eye 6e+a(se they are
6e+o)i$% )ore effi+ie$t to help yo( sae )o$ey a$! to 6e less !epe$!e$t o$ fossil
Chapter , How To !se Solar Power %or
2f yo( are a professio$al photo%rapher or yo( are :(st a$ a)ate(r sh(tter 6(%5 yo(
0$ow how fr(strati$% it is to hae yo(r +a)era lose power !(ri$% a a+atio$ or a$
o(ti$%. 2t is :(st fr(strati$% to 6e so)ewhere li0e <is$ey Worl! or seei$% a $atio$al
par0. 2$ the )i!!le of photo%raphi$% yo(r fa)ily 6y the ery thi$% that yo( !roe
h($!re!s of )iles to see5 yo(r +a)p +a)era 6attery !ies. So)e +a)eras hae
6a+0(p e$er%y syste)s a$! last lo$%er5 6(t )ost 6atteries will !ie o$ly after a few
There are re+har%ea6le 6atteries whi+h yo( +a$ p(r+hase 6(t ee$ if yo( (se the
6atteries i$ yo(r +a)era a$! the$ (se the 6atteries that +a)e e7tra with yo(r
+har%er5 yo( still hae o$ly a li)ite! life to yo(r +a)era. The sol(tio$ to this is solar
powere! +a)eras. 'o( +a$ ta0e a s)all sheet of solar +ells a$! pla+e yo(r +a)era i$
the s($ a$! solar +ells will re+har%e yo(r 6atteries. This will allow yo( to 6e a6le to
re+har%e a$! ta0e the pi+t(res yo( wa$t to while at the sa)e ti)e yo(8re $ot
wasti$% ele+tri+ity.
Whe$ yo( pl(% that +har%er i$to the wall of yo(r ho)e5 yo( are payi$% for the
ele+tri+ity that is +o)i$% thro(%h. 2t )ay 6e a s)all a)o($t 6(t a lot of re+har%es
+a$ a!! (p after a few years. The 6atteries5 ee$ tho(%h re+har%ea6le5 6e+o)e ol!
a$! !o $ot wor0 as well. 'o( will 6e for+e! to 6(y $ew re+har%ea6le 6atteries a$!
throw the ol! o$es away. 3atteries are a horri6le a!!itio$ to a$y la$!fill. *s the
o(tsi!e +asi$% 6rea0s !ow$5 the i$$er +ore a$! a+i!s !rip thro(%h the la$!fill a$!
+a$ +o$ta)i$ate %ro($!water.
3y (si$% solar power to re+har%e yo(r +a)era8s 6atteries yo( are $ot o$ly sai$% the
e$iro$)e$t 6y 0eepi$% 6atteries fro) %oi$% to the la$!fill5 6(t yo( also sae
ele+tri+ity. The s($ will re+har%e those 6atteries a$! i$ ret(r$ yo( will %et a lo$%er
life fro) yo(r +a)era !(ri$% the ti)e yo(8re ta0i$% pi+t(res. >o )ore hai$% to
worry a6o(t r($$i$% to the hotel roo) to %ra6 the e7tra 6atteries or !i%%i$% thro(%h
yo(r p(rse to fi$! that e7tra 6attery pa+0 to %o i$to yo(r +a)era.
Solar power is 6ei$% (se! i$ )ore a$! s)aller ele+tro$i+ !ei+es. The +a)era5 with
its 6attery pro6le)s5 has 6ee$ the $ewest a!!itio$ to the solar power e1(ip)e$t
fa)ily. 'o( +a$ fi$! solar power 6attery +har%ers at +a)era stores5 yo(r lo+al
+a)pi$%5 or o(t!oor e1(ip)e$t store5 or they +a$ 6e fo($! o$ the i$ter$et.
*%ai$ so)e of these re+har%ea6le solar pa$els are a little e7pe$sie at first 6(t yo(
+a$ (se the) for !iffere$t p(rposes other tha$ yo(r +a)era. 3(y a solar pa$el that
has a 6attery pa+0 that +a$ %o with yo(r re+har%ea6le 6attery +har%er. 2f yo( !o $ot
$ee! yo(r 6atteries re+har%e!5 yo( +a$ (se the 6attery pa+0 as a so(r+e of ele+tri+ity
for other li%ht !ei+es or a so(r+e to pl(% the) i$to a$other !ei+e.
So $e7t ti)e yo(8re o$ a a+atio$ a$! yo( are a6o(t to ta0e a pi+t(re of the 4ra$!
Ca$yo$ or a pi+t(re of Ol! &aithf(l %(shi$% i$ 'ellowsto$e >atio$al Par05 yo( +a$
hae the +o$fi!e$+e to 0$ow that yo(r 6atteries are +har%e! a$! that yo( !i!$8t pay
for ele+tri+ity that yo(8re (si$%. <isplay the solar pa$els o(t i$ the s($5 sit 6a+05 a$!
rela7. * %oo! ti)e to !o this is whe$ yo(r fa)ily is eati$% l($+h or !i$$er or whe$
yo( are i$si!e. Geae solar pa$els o(t i$ the s($ a$! +li+0 away. 'o( will $eer hae
a a+atio$ or a$ o(ti$% witho(t a +ha$+e to ta0e pi+t(res a%ai$.
Chapter - Solar Powere .P3 Players
Eery6o!y see)s to hae a perso$al )(si+ !ei+e these !ays. Whether they hae a$
iPo! or a C< player5 people fro) all a%es a$! all wal0s of life wa$t their )(si+ with
the) whereer they %o. The $e%atie aspe+t of hai$% yo(r perso$al )(si+ player or
iPo! with yo(5 is that so)eti)es yo(r 6attery will r($ o(t a$! there is $o pla+e to
pl(% i$ or re+har%e. So)e iPo!s are +har%e! o$ly thro(%h a +o)p(ter syste). 2t is
!isappoi$ti$% to 6e i$ the )i!!le of yo(r :o6 or 6e i$ yo(r +ar traeli$% so)ewhere
a$! all of a s(!!e$ yo(r iPo! or )(si+ !ei+e %oes o(t.
With the $ew )i+ro solar powere! te+h$olo%y that has re+e$tly 6e+o)e aaila6le5
yo( +a$ $ow 6(y a solar powere! iPo! +har%er. This +har%er 6e+o)es (sef(l to the
(ser as a 6a+0(p power so(r+e whi+h +a$ 6e powere! 6y the s($ while yo( are
liste$i$% or yo( +a$ p(t yo(r iPo! +har%er i$ the s($ to hae that e$er%y aaila6le
a$yti)e yo( wish to (se it. 2t !oes$8t )atter what iPo! yo( are (si$% or what
%e$eratio$ it was )a!e. The iPo! solar powere! +har%er will +har%e (p a$y
%e$eratio$ of iPo!. This )ea$s that yo( !o $ot hae to sear+h for a +o)p(ter to
+har%e with or hoo0 i$to a$y ele+tri+ power s(pport.
2t )ay $ot see) that yo( are sai$% that )(+h e$er%y 6y hai$% a solar powere!
iPo! +har%er. The e$er%y that yo( sae whe$ a!!e! (p with eeryo$e else i$ the
worl! hai$% a$ iPo!5 whi+h (ses the sa)e syste)5 +a$ sae h($!re!s of watts of
e$er%y that wo(l! otherwise 6e %e$erate! fro) fossil f(els. Te+h$olo%y is %reat 6(t
with solar powere! te+h$olo%y5 yo( are )ore %ree$;frie$!ly a$! are a6le to prote+t
the e$iro$)e$t fro) !a$%ero(s poll(ta$ts a$! poiso$o(s to7i$s.
The $ew solar powere! iPo! +har%er ee$ wor0s o$ the $ew iPho$e. 2t is s)all a$!
i$e7pe$sie5 o$ly r($$i$% a6o(t =49 pl(s shippi$%. This wor0s well o$ +a)pi$% trips
or lo$% e7+(rsio$s where a power s(pply is $ot aaila6le. 2t is %reat to 0$ow that
whe$ yo( %o o$ a hi0e or o(t o$ a 6oat yo( hae yo(r iPo! powere! all !ay lo$%
witho(t losi$% the e$:oy)e$t of the )(si+ yo(8re liste$i$% to.
2t8s ery easy to operate. 'o( si)ply ope$ (p the solar pa$el5 whi+h i$+l(!es solar
+ells. 2t loo0s li0e a s)all sheet of al()i$() foil. 2t will +at+h the s($?s rays a$! the
s($ will +o$ert its power i$to ele+tri+al power. The +har%er will store the e$er%y a$!
6e rea!y for (se whe$eer yo( r($ o(t of power i$ yo(r 6attery. Si)ply hoo0 (p to
the solar pa$els !ire+tly or (se the +har%er to +har%e (p yo(r 6attery. >othi$% +o(l!
6e that easy.
Solar power is +o)i$% of a%e. *ltho(%h it is e7pe$sie to power lar%e str(+t(res a$!
6(il!i$%s with solar power5 te+h$olo%y is +at+hi$% (p 6y (si$% solar power to %et
e$er%y to s)aller !ei+es. To re!(+e %lo6al war)i$% it ta0es 6a6y steps. 3y (si$%
solar power for s)all !ei+es yo( will 6e ta0i$% 6a6y steps towar! a +lea$er
to)orrow a$! a 6etter worl! for yo(r +hil!re$.
There will 6e $o $ee! for !isappoi$t)e$t a$y)ore with yo(r $ew solar powere! iPo!
+har%er. 'o( will 6e a6le to hae yo(r )(si+ with yo( whe$ eer a$! where eer
yo( wa$t. 'o( will $o lo$%er hae to rely o$ +o)p(ters or o(tsi!e so(r+es. This is
si)ply :(st a 6etter )etho! of o6tai$i$% e$er%y tha$ the tra!itio$al )etho! whi+h
i$+l(!es loo0i$% i$to the power %ri!. The power %ri! +osts )o$ey 6(t with solar
e$er%y yo( !o $ot hae to worry a6o(t 6ei$% har$esse! to the power %ri! a%ai$ a$!
6e power is free.
Chapter 1/ Personal Solar Ener#y Pa*0s
* $ew i$e$tio$ 6y Solar Ti)e Solar!y$e has 6ro(%ht $ew i$$oatio$s to the
perso$al (tility solar power pa+0 a$! has reol(tio$i9e! the i!ea. 'o( +a$ (se this
porta6le power s(pply for +a)pi$%5 fiel! resear+h5 e)er%e$+y ho)e power5 or a$y of
the thi$%s that yo( thi$0 of that wo(l! 6e (sef(l i$ the fiel!. 2t +a$ ee$ 6e (sef(l as
!isaster relief. 2t is %reat 6e+a(se yo(?re a6le to +arry the power with yo( to a
!isaster 9o$e if yo( are a first respo$!er. Ee$ )issio$aries hae fo($! it (sef(l i$ a
fiel! where they +a$ ta0e ele+tri+ity with the) i$to areas that are oi! of power.
This perso$al solar power pa+0 i$+l(!es a fol!i$% 2/D21 hi%h;effi+ie$+y solar power
pa$el. These solar +ells are 6(ilt with a )o$o;+rystalli$e )aterial that will pro!(+e
)ore power perso$$el tha$ a$y other solar pa$el o$ the )ar0et. 2t has a 6attery
+har%e! +o$troller a$! state of +har%e i$!i+ators that will allow yo( to see how )(+h
power is i$ the ($it a$! how )(+h yo( $ee! to )eet the threshol!. With a 3// W *C
i$erter (si$% o$ly o$e *C pl(%5 yo( are a6le to pat+h i$to )ost ele+tri+al !ei+es5
li%hts5 or +a)pi$% applia$+es. The pa$el +o)es with :()per +a6les5 a +o$troller a$!
ee$ a$ e7tra port that will allow yo( to alter$ate yo(r ele+tri+al $ee!s as the
sit(atio$ !i+tates
The %oo! thi$% a6o(t a$y perso$al 6a+0pa+0 type solar power ($it is that yo( +a$
ta0e it i$to al)ost a$y sit(atio$ a$! 6e a6le to hae power at yo(r !isposal.
&irefi%hters :()pi$% i$to a hot 9o$e hae +arrie! these to 6e a6le to +har%e ra!ios5
flashli%hts5 a$! other ele+tri+al e1(ip)e$t that will allow the) to !o their :o6 )ore
safely a$! effi+ie$tly.
Perso$ali9e! solar 6a+0pa+0 ($its +a$ also 6e (se! for perso$al a$! re+reatio$al
a+tiities. 2$ so)e i$sta$+es5 there are always ti)es a$! pla+es that yo( $ee! a
so(r+e of power for e$tertai$)e$t !ei+es5 +a)pi$% e1(ip)e$t5 or other $e+essary
ite)s i$ yo(r perso$al tool6o7. * solar 6a+0pa+0 ($it li0e this o$e will allow yo( to
e$:oy 6ei$% o(tsi!e )ore a$! to 6e a6le to %o f(rther i$to the wil!er$ess witho(t
worryi$% a6o(t yo(r power $ee!s.
Perso$ali9e! solar 6a+0pa+0s are a +o$e$ie$t way for yo( to +arry power aro($!
with yo( for (se a$yti)e yo( $ee! it5 whether yo( are %oi$% to the 6ea+h or :(st o(t
of tow$. 2f yo( are a professio$al who wor0s o(t i$ the fiel!5 s(+h as a s(reyor5 fiel!
6iolo%ist5 or a$y other perso$ that $ee!s power i$ a re)ote area5 perso$ali9e! solar
6a+0pa+0s will %ie yo( e$o(%h e$er%y to %et the :o6 !o$e.
&or e7a)ple5 i)a%i$e 6ei$% a wor0er i$ the )i!!le of a$ i)porta$t pro:e+t a$! the
%e$erator is !ow$. With a solar 6a+0pa+0 ($it5 yo( wo(l! 6e a6le to hae e)er%e$+y
e1(ip)e$t or ee$ e1(ip)e$t that )i%ht :(st %ie yo( the +o)forts of ho)e. *ll yo(
hae to !o is hae the 6attery +har%e! i$ the s($. Whe$ yo( are rea!y to (se the
6attery5 yo( +a$ pl(% i$ a$y *C or other type !ire+t +(rre$t !ei+e to re+eie the
power yo( $ee! to wor0 properly i$ a$y %ie$ sit(atio$. 'o( +a$ fi$! perso$ali9e!
solar power 6a+0pa+0s o$ the i$ter$et or yo( +a$ +o$ta+t the +o)pa$y !ire+tly to
see if these pro!(+ts )i%ht 6e ri%ht for yo(. They are s)all5 li%htwei%ht5 a$!
porta6le e$o(%h for yo( to +arry o$ yo(r 6a+0 to %ie yo( the ele+tri+al power yo(
$ee! whe$ yo( $ee! it.
Chapter 11 O'toor Solar Powere
Solar power +a$ 6e (se! for other thi$%s tha$ :(st %etti$% off %ri! ele+tri+ity for yo(r
ho(se. Solar power +a$ 6e (se! i$ s)all applia$+es o(tsi!e the ho(se. 2f yo( are
%oi$% +a)pi$% there is $othi$% so 6otherso)e tha$ to hae a s)all applia$+e s(+h
as a ra!io5 ther)os5 +ooler5 or art a$! e$tertai$)e$t !ei+e %o !ow$ 6e+a(se the
6atteries are !ea!. With solar powere! +a)pi$% e1(ip)e$t yo( +a$ hae all the
l(7(ries of ho)e a$! $ot hae to spe$! a fort($e o$ 6atteries that %o !ea! after a
few (ses.
Solar powere! +a)pi$% e1(ip)e$t +a$ 6e i)ple)e$te! i$to a $()6er of !ei+es. *
flashli%ht or la$ter$ is sta$!ar! +a)pi$% e1(ip)e$t. 2f yo( hae a solar powere!
flashli%ht yo( +a$ p(t the flashli%ht o(t !(ri$% the !ay to +olle+t the s($8s rays a$!
(se the flashli%ht at $i%ht whe$ $ee!e!. *$ aera%e flashli%ht will 6(r$ for $i$e
ho(rs o$ two <;+ell 6atteries. With a solar powere! flashli%ht yo( !o $ot hae to
repla+e those 6atteries. 'o( will also sae o$ la$!fill poll(tio$. Witho(t the
tho(sa$!s a$! tho(sa$!s of 6atteries i$ o(r la$!fills5 it wo(l! re!(+e the +ha$+e of
+he)i+al +o$ta)i$atio$ of %ro($!water s(pplies.
*$other pie+e of +a)pi$% e1(ip)e$t that yo( +a$ (se at the +a)psite is a$ ele+tri+
stoe. Tra!itio$al sto$es a$! %rills (se! oil5 propa$e5 or other fossil f(el 6ase!
a!!ities that $ot o$ly +ost )o$ey 6(t a!! !a)a%i$% poll(ta$ts i$ $o7io(s f()es to
the $at(ral ha6itat i$ whi+h yo( are +a)pi$%. 3y (si$% a solar powere! stoe yo(
will +at+h the e$er%y of the s($ !(ri$% the !ay a$! the$ whe$ yo( t(r$ o$ the stoe
at $i%ht the ele+tri+ity store! i$ the 6attery will i%$ite a$! r($ yo(r heati$% +oils.
There are $o poll(ta$ts or e)issio$s whatsoeer. This heat +o)es fro) the s($ a$!
is a +lea$ a$! re$ewa6le so(r+e of e$er%y.
Whe$ yo( %o +a)pi$% yo( )ay wa$t to 6ri$% a s)all e$tertai$)e$t !ei+e li0e a
<H< player5 a ra!io5 a C< player5 a$! so)eti)es ee$ a s)all teleisio$. 'o( still
(se solar power o$ these !ei+es 6y p(r+hasi$% a solar pa$el 6attery +o)6i$atio$ i$
whi+h all the e$er%y that yo( wo(l! $ee! wo(l! 6e store! i$to the 6attery as the
solar pa$els +olle+te! fro) the s($. This will allow yo( to 6ri$% )ore ele+tro$i+
e1(ip)e$t to the +a)pi$% site witho(t hai$% to rely o$ %e$erators that spew f()es
a$! %ases i$to the air or yo(r +ar whi+h has to 6e r($ fro) ele+tri+ity to 6e
3y (si$% solar powere! +a)pi$% e1(ip)e$t yo( $ot o$ly prote+t the e$iro$)e$t5
yo( are also 6ei$% %ree$ frie$!ly. 'o( +a$ 6ri$% )ore !ei+es with yo( a$! )a0e
yo(r +a)pi$% e7perie$+e all the )ore e$:oya6le. So)e people !o $ot li0e +a)pi$%
6e+a(se it ta0es the) away fro) the +o)fort of their ho)e a$! the thi$%s they li0e
to !o where ele+tri+ity is i)porta$t. Here yo( +a$ ta0e that +o(+h potato5 %et the)
o(t i$ the woo!s where they +a$ still e$:oy the +o)forts of ho)e5 a$! at the sa)e
ti)e see $at(re8s wo$!er. The i$itial +ost of solar powere! +a)pi$% e1(ip)e$t is a
little e7pe$sie 6(t if yo( fa+tor i$ the +ost of 6atteries5 the +o)fort of hai$% yo(r
ele+tro$i+ !ei+es with yo(5 a$! the fa+t that yo( prote+t the e$iro$)e$t. 'o( will
see that a solar powere! +a)pi$% trip is the 6est thi$% $ot o$ly for yo( a$! yo(r
fa)ily 6(t also for the e$iro$)e$t a$! the worl! at lar%e. 'o( +a$ fi$! solar
powere! +a)pi$% e1(ip)e$t o$li$e or at yo(r lo+al +a)pi$% or o(t!oor e1(ip)e$t
Chapter 12 !sin# Solar Power %or O'r
We hae !is+(sse! the solar powere! +ars are still i$ the prototype phase 6(t there
are people o(t there that are 6rea0i$% re+or!s with faster a$! )ore effi+ie$t solar
powere! +ars. S+a$!i$aia has !o$e a re)ar0a6le feat 6y i$tro!(+i$% a ehi+le that
perfor)s li0e so)ethi$% strai%ht o(t of a s+ie$+e fi+tio$ )oie. O$ a to(r thro(%h
>orway a$! Swe!e$ the +ar traele! o$ the r($way at the top spee! of 1/# )ph.
This has reol(tio$ali9e! the spee! 6o($!aries for solar powere! +ars 6e+a(se
(s(ally the top spee! r($s 6etwee$ 2/ a$! 4/ )iles per ho(r. The )ost re)ar0a6le
thi$% a6o(t this prototype is that !(ri$% the $i$e;!ay roa! to(r it $eer ha! to 6e
re+har%e! fro) a$ o(tsi!e so(r+e. 2t relie! totally o$ solar power.
>ow5 here is the !raw6a+0 of this prototype. 2t is o$ly lar%e e$o(%h for o$e perso$.
*s a ehi+le for eery!ay (se it wo(l! hae to 6e (se! for a si$%le perso$ to %et to
wor0 or to trael aro($! tow$. The solar pa$els +oer )ost of the ehi+les so safety
rati$%s hae $ot yet 6ee$ teste!. * +rash at 1/# )iles a$ ho(r wo(l! shower the
!rier with solar +ells a$! other ele+tro$i+ !e6ris that )ost passe$%ers or !riers
wo(l! $ot s(rie. Safety e1(ip)e$t s(+h as t(r$ si%$als5 6ra0e li%hts5 a$! other
esse$tials of to!ay8s +ars has $ot 6ee$ i$+orporate! o$ this prototype.
This solar powere! +ar )ay $ot 6e for eery6o!y. The !rier has to lay !ow$ i$si!e
the +ar a$! loo0 thro(%h a s)all plasti+ 6(66le. This is $either +o)forta6le $or safe
for )ost *)eri+a$ !riers. The ehi+le has three walls a$! is 16 feet lo$% a$! si7;
foot wi!e. 2t is 6(ilt with a$ aero!y$a)i+ +hassis a$! +o)es with a whoppi$%
=#//5/// pri+e ta%. Ei!e$tly this +ar is a $oelty for +ar e$th(siasts who hae that
)(+h )o$ey. .ost people wo(l! thi$0 this wo(l! 6e a prototype for a play toy
i$stea! of a +ar. Bealisti+ally this is a prototype for a ehi+le to +o)e. The perfe+t
solar powere! +ar )ay $ot hae three wheels $or hae a pla+e where the !rier has
to lay o$ her sto)a+h to !rie5 6(t the te+h$olo%y (se! i$ this ehi+le +a$ 6e (se! to
+reate $ewer ehi+les that are )ore tra!itio$al +o)pare! to to!ay8s a(to)o6ile
There are other +o)pa$ies that are wor0i$% o$ the )ore tra!itio$al +ar. The pro6le)
with the )ore tra!itio$al solar powere! +ar is that the solar +ells a$! the 6atteries
that s(pport the e$er%y to !rie the +ar +a$ 6e 1(ite 6al0y. The )a:or e$%i$eeri$%
flaw is a way for the ehi+le to ha$!le s(+h a loa! ers(s the ehi+le8s a6ility to
%e$erate that )(+h power to p(ll the loa!. This is why these solar powere! +ar
prototypes of the !ay are )ore f(t(risti+ loo0i$%. They p(t )ore e)phasis a$! ti)e
o$ the positio$i$% of the solar pa$els tha$ o$ what will really 6e $ee!e! o$ a
tra!itio$al fa)ily +ar.
*$ i!ea fro) a Iapa$ese )ar0eter has s(%%este! that solar +olle+tors 6e pla+e!
alo$%si!e a hi%hway a$! a$ ele+tri+ +or! 6e strappe! to the waters of these
+olle+tors. * )etal ri$% wo(l! %o aro($! the +a6les a$! yo(r solar powere! +ar
wo(l! 6e a6le to r($ off ele+tri+ity fro) these +a6les. *ll ele+tri+ity wo(l! 6e
%e$erate! 6y the s($ a$! therefore eli)i$ate the $ee! for a !esi%$ that wo(l! hae
to +arry 6oth the solar +ells a$! the 6atteries to hol! the ele+tri+ity. This pro:e+t is i$
the ery %rass;roots sta%e. 2t8s o$ly o$ the !rawi$% 6oar! a$! $othi$% real has +o)e
o(t of it yet. The e$tire i$frastr(+t(re of the worl!8s hi%hways wo(l! hae to 6e
+ha$%e! to a++o))o!ate s(+h a tra$sportatio$ )etho!. <o$8t hol! yo(r 6reath for a
realisti+ solar +ar i$ the $ear f(t(re 6(t with the te+h$olo%y a$! the i$$oatio$ that
is 6ei$% p(t i$to the effort5 they are o$ the way.
With the e$er%y +r($+h +a(si$% oil pri+es to s0yro+0et5 tra$sportatio$ see)s to 6e
the )ai$ fo+(s of e$er%y $ee!s. Ee$ if *)eri+a$ +ar )a0ers a$!5 i$ fa+t the worl!8s
+ar )a0ers5 a%ree! to s(rre$!er a$! i$+rease f(el effi+ie$+y5 the $ew pop(latio$ of
i$!(strial a%e Chi$a has +a(se! a$ ee$ %reater !e)a$! for oil at a$ al)ost
astro$o)i+al fi%(re. The worl! has to stop !epe$!i$% o$ fossil f(els. The *)eri+a$
loe of the +ar will hae to 6e sh($te!. * lifestyle +ha$%e i$ the way we %et aro($!
has to 6e !eelope!.
Solar powere! ehi+les are the )ost i$telli%e$t way to ta+0le the pro6le). With $o
(se of fossil f(els5 solar powere! ehi+les +a$ r($ off s($li%ht alo$e. They )ay loo0
aw0war! a$! $ot hae the power or pi+0 (p the %asoli$e ehi+le !oes5 6(t to 6e a6le
to tra$sport yo(rself fro) !esti$atio$ to !esti$atio$ o$ irt(ally $o fossil f(els is a
!rea) that $ee!s to 6e+o)e a reality. S+ie$tists a$! e$%i$eers hae )a$y pro6le)s
to ta+0le 6efore the solar power 6e+o)es profi+ie$t e$o(%h to 6e a6le to (se the way
that f(el ehi+les are. This is why the p(6li+ $ee!s to ta0e a 6a+0 seat i$ 6eliei$%
that a solar powere! +ar will 6e i$e$te! that will )at+h the power a$! the loo0 of
the +ars that we hae to!ay.
.a$(fa+t(rers are ra+i$% to fi$! what the *)eri+a$ p(6li+ wa$ts i$ a +ar a$! what
they +a$ a+t(ally pro!(+e. Solar +ars to!ay are ery slow )oi$%. So)e +a$ rea+h
spee!s fro) 2/ to 4/ )iles per ho(r5 6(t the !ista$+e these +ars +a$ trael is $ot
realisti+. * solar +ar5 at this state of te+h$olo%y5 is 6est !rie$ i$ tow$. 2f yo( )oe
two or three )iles fro) yo(r wor0pla+e a$! (se the ehi+le for that 0i$! of
tra$sportatio$5 the$ yo(8ll pro6a6ly e$:oy the (se. &or e7a)ple5 a 1999 S"H that is
!rie$ three )iles to a$! fro) the wor0pla+e a$! $o where else5 at to!ay8s pri+es
wo(l! +ost the ow$er a6o(t =#/ for three wee0s (se. This is o$ly =#/ if it is $ot (se!
to %o to the %ro+ery store5 pi+0 (p 0i!s fro) s+hool5 a$! !o the )a$y !o)esti+
+hores we +o($t o$ o(r ehi+les to !o eery !ay.
* solar powere! ehi+le wo(l! 6e )ore effi+ie$t 6(t they wo(l! trael shorter
!ista$+es. 'o( +a$ still %et to wor0 a$! )ay6e a trip to the %ro+ery store o(t of a
+har%e 6(t if yo( were to %o o$ a lo$% trip s(+h as 1/ to 4/ )iles5 yo( wo(l! %et
there ery slowly a$! yo( wo(l! pro6a6ly hae to +har%e (p 6efore the ri!e 6a+0
ho)e. The te+h$olo%y is o(t there a$! it will 6e +o)i$% soo$. The *)eri+a$ p(6li+
:(st has to +ha$%e its iew of what the +ar sho(l! 6e (se! for. The (se of p(6li+
tra$sportatio$ a$! other e$(es of tra$sportatio$ $ee!s to 6e e7plore! while we8re
waiti$% for the perfe+t solar +ar to roll off the asse)6ly li$e. While we wait5 we $ee!
to thi$0 of other (ses of solar power to 6ri$% !ow$ o(r !epe$!e$+e o$ fossil f(els.
Co$seratio$ is the 6est )etho! to 6ri$% this aro($!. With +o$seratio$ yo(8ll 6e
a6le to re!(+e yo(r +ost of lii$% a$! e$er%y e7pe$ses a$! at the sa)e ti)e help
re!(+e the 6(r$i$% of fossil f(els. Sit !ow$ a$! thi$0 a6o(t how yo( (se yo(r +ar
eery !ay. What +a$ yo( !o o$ foot or o$ a 6i+y+le? 2f there is a ,;11 or +o$e$ie$+e
store aro($! the +or$er5 !o$8t !rie ($less the weather is really 6a!. 'o( $ee! the
e7er+ise a$! it8s $ot that !iffi+(lt to )a0e this a part of yo(r lifestyle +ha$%e to sae
that e7tra f(el. 2$ the lo$% r($5 yo( will 6ri$% 6a+0 h($!re!s of !ollars worth of
sai$%s a$! at the sa)e ti)e help to re!(+e %ree$ho(se e)issio$s a$! re!(+e o(r
$ee! for forei%$ a$! !o)esti+ oils. 2t has to 6e a +o$s+io(s +hoi+e o$ a lo+al leel to
+o$sere 6efore the %lo6al.
Chapter 13 !sin# Solar Power In 2oats
Hae yo( eer 6ee$ fishi$% or s($6athi$% o$ a 6oat? 'o( pro6a6ly wishe! yo( ha!
so)ethi$% to liste$ to. So)e people 6ri$% ra!ios or C< players o(t to their 6oati$%
e7+(rsio$s5 6(t whe$ the 6atteries are %o$e5 they8re %o$e. 'o( +o(l! 6ri$% e7tra
6atteries 6(t ti)e a$! weather )ay hae )a!e a !e+rease i$ their pote$+y a$! yo(
wo(l! :(st 6e wasti$% ti)e. That is why a )ari$e solar powere! 6attery is the 6est
a!!itio$ to a$y 6oat.
'o( +a$ fi$! these at 6oat shops5 $a(ti+al parts stores5 or yo( +a$ or!er the) o$li$e.
2t8s a)a9i$% how )(+h yo( +a$ %et o(t of these. There8s $ot )(+h of a s(pply of
ele+tri+ity o$ a 6oat. This is espe+ially tr(e if yo( hae a :oh$ 6oat or :(st a little
pleas(re 6oat. 'o( hae the 6attery of a )a:or e$%i$e 6(t that8s (s(ally :(st a 6asi+
+ar 6attery whi+h is har! to %et the a)pa%e a$! watta%e +orre+t for yo( to r($ yo(r
ele+tri+al !ei+es (po$ the). With a solar powere! )ari$e 6attery yo( will hae a
so(r+e of ele+tri+ity for all yo(r ele+tri+al !ei+es a$! ee$ 6etter5 yo( !o$8t pay a
+e$t for it. The s($ will hit the solar pa$els a$! +har%e the 6attery. Whe$ yo( $ee!
the 6attery yo( +a$ pl(% i$ to a +a)pi$% stoe5 flashli%ht5 or ee$ re+har%e 6atteries
i$ the ele+tri+al e1(ip)e$t that yo( alrea!y hae.
* solar powere! )ari$e 6attery is also %oo! for e)er%e$+ies. 'o( )ay hae $ot (se!
yo(r flashli%ht i$ a while 6(t it is statio$e! (po$ yo(r 6oat. The flashli%ht 6atteries
+o(l! hae 6ee$ !a)a%e! 6y water or hae :(st $at(rally !ie! o(t. 3y (si$% this
solar powere! )ari$e 6attery yo( +a$ hoo0 (p a li%ht so(r+e to it to help yo( o(t i$
a$ e)er%e$+y. 2t8s a s+ary thi$% to 6e o(t o$ the water at $i%ht witho(t li%hts. Other
6oats )ay r($ i$to yo( or there are a h($!re! !iffere$t ways yo( +a$ %et yo(rself i$
really 6a! tro(6le. Hai$% a li%ht o$ 6oar! will si%$al to the other 6oats traeli$% i$
a$ area that yo( are a+t(ally there. 'o(8ll also 6e a6le to see o6sta+les i$ the water
as yo( try to %et 6a+0 to shore.
O(tsi!e of e)er%e$+y (ses5 the )ari$e solar powere! 6attery +a$ +har%e the
e7isti$% 6atteries that yo( alrea!y hae. With the ri%ht e1(ip)e$t yo(8re a6le to
re+har%e yo(r flashli%ht 6atteries5 re+har%e the 6atteries i$ the ra!io5 or the solar
power +a$ 6e+o)e yo(r !ire+t so(r+e of e$er%y for that !ei+e. 2f yo( ow$ a lar%er
6oat a$! it has applia$+es or other e1(ip)e$t that $ee!s lo%i+al power5 yo( +a$ (se
the )ari$e solar power +har%er to r($ so)e of this e1(ip)e$t.
Ele+tri+ity o$ a 6oat is $ot +heap. The e$%i$e t(r$s a %e$erator whi+h +reates
ele+tri+ity. The e$%i$e r($s o$ f(el a$! f(el is e7pe$sie. The e$%i$e also +reates
poll(ta$ts $ot o$ly i$ the air 6(t also i$ the water. Hae yo( eer see$ the oil trail
6ehi$! a 6oat as it %oes thro(%h the +ha$$el or a+ross the la0e? This is oil that is
6ei$% poll(te! i$to the water. 3y the (se of solar power yo( +a$ re!(+e the a)o($t
of poll(tio$ a$! hae +lea$5 free5 %ree$ frie$!ly power +reate! ri%ht o$ yo(r 6oat. *
6oat is a %reat pla+e for solar power 6e+a(se there are ery few sha!ows a$! yo(
are o(t i$ the ope$. Gay yo(r solar pa$els o$ the !e+0 that will %ie the) the )ost
s($ a$! %o a6o(t yo(r 6(si$ess hai$% f($ o$ the water. The solar power will power
(p the 6attery or +har%er a$! yo( will hae a)ple ele+tri+ity to r($ yo(r applia$+es5
ele+tro$i+ !ei+es5 a$! ele+tro$i+ $a(ti+al e1(ip)e$t. Tho(%h a )ari$e solar power
%e$erator or +har%er is a +o$e$ie$+e it is al)ost a$ esse$tial pie+e
of 6oati$% e1(ip)e$t.
Chapter 14 What )re Solar Pons3
*$other te+h$i1(e si)ilar to !esali$atio$ pits is a solar po$!. Solar po$!s are $ot
ery !eep. They (s(ally r($ a6o(t three to si7 feet !eep. The water i$ the po$! is
salt water. Salt water la0es a$! po$!s hae i$+rease! te)perat(re. *s yo( %o
!eeper5 the salt +reates a !e$sity %ra!ie$t. * !e$sity %ra!ie$t will reerse or stop the
+o$e+tio$ +(rre$ts that (s(ally +ool a$! heat water. <(ri$% its e7peri)e$tatio$
phase5 the solar po$! pro!(+e! 9/J Ce$ti%ra!e te)perat(res. >ot o$ly was this a
4er)a$ i$ the a)o($t of heat %e$erate! 6y the s($ a$! the salt water5 6(t the solar
po$! also pro!(+e! 2C i$ solar to ele+tri+ effi+ie$+y rati$%s.
Solar po$!s (se! to!ay hae 6ee$ ery s(++essf(l. *t the "$iersity of Te7as at El
Paso5 a solar po$! heats the e$tire ($iersity. 2$ other pla+es where there are salt
po$!s5 s(+h as 2srael or "tah5 the salt %ra!ie$t is (se! to pro!(+e heat for heati$%
ho)es a$! other 6(il!i$%s i$ the +o))($ity. The solar po$!s hae a !(al (se i$
whi+h the salt a$! other )i$erals are +olle+te! after the water eaporates. 3y hai$%
a shallow salt p(ll5 $ot o$ly will yo( hae solar pro!(+e! e$er%y5 6(t yo( also hae
)i$erals a$! salt left 6ehi$! at the 6otto) o$+e the water eaporates. These +a$ 6e
(se! i$ a ariety of i$!(stries. Sea salt a$! other spi+es are !erie! fro) the salt
that is )i$e! fro) solar salt po$!s.
So)e solar po$!s hae 6ee$ (se! to %row +ertai$ spe+ies of salt water fish. 2$
war)er waters5 fish +a$ 6e 6re! for foo!. &or a $o$ i$!(striali9e! +o($try that has
salt po$!s5 o$e salt po$! +a$ pro!(+e e$o(%h e$er%y a$! foo! for a$ e$tire illa%e.
Their e7tra i$+o)e is also i$+rease! 6y the )i$i$% of the salts a$! )i$erals left
6ehi$!. * +a)pai%$ to i$+rease salt po$! (sa%e has 6ee$ sprea!i$% thro(%h the
thir! worl! +o($tries 6y or%a$i9atio$s s(+h as the Pea+e Corps. Pea+e Corps
ol($teers a$! s+ie$tists hae ta(%ht e$tire illa%es how to +reate a salt po$!5 (se
the water for heati$% p(rposes5 a$! to %row a1(ati+ life withi$ the salt po$!s to help
fee! the pop(latio$.
Chapter 1" Solar Power In Spa*e
Iapa$ is :oi$i$% the worl!8s te+h$olo%y p(sh for solar power to hae a ia6le5
profita6le syste) rea!ily aaila6le i$ the f(t(re. 2$ the year 2/4/5 Iapa$ has pla$s to
hae a %i%a$ti+ solar +olle+tor a$! %e$erator p(t i$to or6it aro($! the Earth. This
s($li%ht +olle+tor a$! %e$erator will 6e a6le to +olle+t e$er%y fro) the s($ 24 ho(rs
a !ay. O$ Earth5 the +lo(!s a$! the rotatio$ of the Earth o$ly allow a +ertai$ a)o($t
of solar e$er%y to 6e +olle+te! ea+h !ay. 2$ spa+e5 the solar power +a$ 6e +olle+te!
24 ho(rs a !ay witho(t the o6str(+tio$ of the at)osphere or the rotatio$ of the
The satellite will 6e a6le to %e$erate oer 15///5/// 0W per se+o$!. This is a6o(t as
)(+h e$er%y as a $(+lear power pla$t p(ts o(t. >(+lear pla$ts hae the rep(tatio$
of lea!i$% to e7pos(re of to7i+ ra!iatio$. Their (se a$! the res(lti$% !a$%er to the
e$iro$)e$t hae 6ee$ !o+()e$te! with i$+i!e$ts li0e Three .ile 2sla$! a$!
Cher$o6yl. Tho(%h i)proe)e$ts hae 6ee$ )a!e to the $(+lear e$er%y fiel!5 a$
e$iro$)e$tally frie$!ly power pla$t li0e the o$e that is propose! 6y Iapa$ wo(l!
)a0e $(+lear e$er%y o6solete.
The satellite will trael a6o(t 365/// 0) or 22532/ )iles a6oe the Earth8s s(rfa+e.
With this %eostatio$ary or6it5 this satellite will a6le to 6e %ather power tra$s)issio$s
to a$ a$te$$a that is oer 1/// ) i$ !ia)eter. The ele+tri+ity pro!(+e! will 6e se$t
6a+0 to the Earth i$ the for) of low i$te$sity power +o)para6le to those that are
e)itte! 6y )o6ile pho$es. This power wo(l! 6e i$ the for) of )i+rowaes whi+h
wo(l! $ot i$terfere with a$y )o6ile pho$e seri+e or other e1(ip)e$t o$ the Earth.
Solar power wo(l! 6e tra$s)itte! i$ s(+h a way that it wo(l! ta0e all the solar power
that was +olle+te! withi$ the !ishes a$! tra$s)it a +o$+e$trate! 6ea) towar!s
re+eptors o$ Earth. The re+eii$% a$te$$a o$ Earth wo(l! 6e seeral )iles i$
!ia)eter. 2t wo(l! pro6a6ly 6e set (p at sea or i$ a re)ote !esert area so that there
wo(l! 6e $o a++i!e$tal i$terr(ptio$ of tele+o))($i+atio$ seri+es. The satellite
wo(l! wei%h a6o(t 2/5/// to$s a$! the Iapa$ese are loo0i$% at a +ost of aro($! =1,
6illio$. This !oes $ot ta0e i$to a++o($t the i$flatio$ that will rise i$ the +ost of
)aterials 6etwee$ the year 2/4/ a$! $ow.
Satellites s(+h as this will 6e a6le to pro!(+e a +lea$ a$! re$ewa6le e$er%y so(r+e
a6le to power the sa)e a)o($t of re+ipie$ts as a $(+lear power pla$t. 2t wo(l! also
$ot lea0 to7i+ or poiso$o(s wastes a$! the e$iro$)e$t wo(l! 6e$efit fro) the la+0
of %ree$ho(se %ases pro!(+e! 6y fossil f(el power pla$ts. The worl! sho(l! +o)e
to%ether with syste)s s(+h as this a$! (se the te+h$olo%y alrea!y i$ (se for fossil
f(els to power str(+t(res a$! i$frastr(+t(res. This wo(l! %reatly re!(+e the a)o($t
of %ree$ho(se %ases to s(+h a li)it that the effe+ts of %lo6al war)i$% +o(l! 6e
reerse!. 2t has 6ee$ s(%%este! that the "$ite! States a$! Chi$a +o$tri6(te $ot o$ly
te+h$olo%i+ally5 6(t also )o$etarily to the pro:e+t to help the Iapa$ese %et off the
%ro($! faster. The efforts of the i$ter$atio$al +o))($ity to pla+e these type of
or6iti$% power +olle+tors i$to spa+e wo(l! a++elerate the o$%oi$% 6attle a%ai$st fossil
f(el !epe$!e$+y
Chapter 1$ How The 4overn(ent Is
!sin# Solar Power
While the !e6ate %oes o$ a6o(t how solar e$er%y +a$ sae yo( )o$ey a$! how solar
e$er%y is $ot a ia6le reso(r+e. The <epart)e$t of E$er%y has release! !etails that
they are f($!i$% a two;year effort to +o$+e$trate totally o$ solar power. The )issio$
of this effort is to see if solar power is as effi+ie$t as the solar power i$!(stries +lai)
it to 6e. Their (lti)ate %oal is to see if solar power +a$ 6ri$% the +ost per 0ilowatt
ho(r !ow$ at least =/.1/. This so($!s li0e it is$?t ery )(+h of a re!(+tio$5 6(t loo0
at the 6illio$s a 0ilowatt ho(r spe$t eery !ay i$ the "$ite! States a$! yo( +a$ see
the h(%e sai$%s i$ 6oth )o$ey a$! e$er%y.
The %oer$)e$tal effort at +o$+e$trate! solar power will (se a$ array of )irrors to
fo+(s s($li%ht o$to a +e$tral re+eier. O$+e s($li%ht is re+eie!5 fl(i! withi$ the
re+eier is heate! a$! for+e! thro(%h a t(r6i$e. C(rre$tly there are s(+h efforts
%oi$% o$ 6(t the +osts to 6(il! the te+h$olo%y for the heati$% of the fl(i! a$! a
t(r6i$e %e$erator is $ot %oi$% so well. The =#.2 )illio$ pro:e+t is part of 4eor%e
3(sh?s Solar *)eri+a 2$itiatie. 2ro$i+ally5 4eor%e 3(sh was a 6a6y of the oil 6oo)
a$! his p(sh towar! $ew alter$atie f(el te+h$olo%y )i%ht 6e a refle+tio$ of the
politi+al +li)ate i$ *)eri+a. He wa$ts solar power to 6e +o))er+ially ia6le 6y the
year 2/1#.
The <epart)e$t of E$er%y has +o$+e$trate! its efforts to +olle+t solar resear+h i$
whi+h the +ells t(r$ s($li%ht !ire+tly i$to ele+tri+ity. This is the !e6ate %oi$% o$ i$
)a$y thi$0 ta$0s i$ p(6li+ a$! priate are$as. Twele pro:e+ts are 6ei$% f($!e! 6y
the %ra$t ($!er the Solar *)eri+a 2$itiatie. There will 6e $i$e separate priate
+o)pa$ies i$ole! i$ the +oor!i$ate! efforts5 $ee!i$% f($!i$% of )ore tha$ =2
)illio$. The Solar Car Ei%ht of Ga0ewoo!5 Colora!o will 6e loo0i$% at the
!eelop)e$t a$! a!a$+es to a syste) of +olle+ti$% solar power. They hae wor0e!
i$ the past (si$% li1(i! salts to !ire+tly tra$sfer e$er%y5 as with solar po$!s. They are
e7+ite! at the prospe+t of 6ei$% a6le to 6(il! a 6etter poly;)eri+ refle+tor
Other +o)pa$ies that are +o$tri6(ti$% to this pro:e+t are 3.5 *l+oa5 3rayto$ E$er%y5
Ha)ilto$ S($!stra$!5 2$fi$i()5 S0y &eel5 a$! Solar .ille$$i(). With the !e+li$i$%
*)eri+a$ !ollar loo)i$% ($!er a possi6le re+essio$5 the ra+e to fi$! alter$atie
e$er%y a$! pro!(+ts is a++elerate!. With the possi6ility of the 2ra1 +o$fli+t +o$ti$(i$%
o$ a$! oil pri+es soari$% 6eyo$! 6elief5 )(lti$atio$al efforts will 6e easier to %ather
o$+e the "$ite! States?s solar power i$itiatie is at its %reatest e7te$t.
With pro:e+ts li0e the Iapa$ese solar satellite syste)5 whi+h +olle+ts solar e$er%y
thro(%h h(%e pa$els pla+e! i$ or6it aro($! Earth a$! the$ tra$s)itte! thro(%h
)i+rowaes to h(%e +olle+tor !ishes5 alter$atie e$er%y so(r+es s(+h as ele+tri+al
power5 +oal5 %as5 a$! propa$e +o(l! soo$ 6e a refere$+e i$ the history 6oo0s. The
%oer$)e$t is fi$ally loo0i$% at a har!;li$e approa+h of !eali$% with alter$atie
e$er%y sol(tio$s a$! !i)i$ishi$% the $ee! for forei%$ oil a$! fossil f(els. *s the
p(6li+ sees the pri+es of %as rise while the +osts of solar powere! te+h$olo%y
!e+reases5 the p(6li+ will soo$ follow this $ew te+h$olo%y to +reate a )ore %ree$
frie$!ly pla$et a$! healthier e$iro$)e$t for its pop(latio$.
Chapter 1+ Investin# in Solar Power
Whether yo( (se solar power o$ a$ eery!ay 6asis or $ot5 yo( are part of the p(sh
for solar power to 6e+o)e the $()6er o$e e$er%y so(r+e i$ the f(t(re. .a$y people
6eliee that the te+h$olo%y of solar power is i$+reasi$% o$ a !aily rate. The $ee! a$!
(se of f(ll solar power will 6e o$ eery6o!y8s )i$!s i$ the f(t(re. Whether yo( wa$t
to +o$ert yo(r ho(se or +ar to solar power $ow or wait5 it is a fa+t that +o($tries
aro($! the worl! are p(shi$% for solar power e$er%y to 6e+o)e the $()6er o$e
so(r+e of f(els that are re$ewa6le.
2$esti$% i$ solar power te+h$olo%y +o)pa$ies wo(l! 6e a wise +hoi+e for a$y6o!y.
S($ Te+h power has a low +ost str(+t(re that is %reat for a$y %rassroots i$esti$%.
They hae )ore )ar%i$ leera%e tha$ )ost other solar power +o)pa$ies a$!
re!(+i$% their *SP8s help the i$!(stry %row. S($ Te+h is see$ as the +o)pa$y that
will lea! the )ar0et with !e+li$i$% pri+es a$! 6e+o)e o$e of the i$!(stry8s lea!i$%
players. Their relatio$ship with Chi$a will soli!ify a$ a%ree)e$t that will $ot o$ly
6ri$% :o6s a$! )o$ey i$to the "$ite! States5 6(t it will also propel the solar power
i$!(stry leaps a$! 6o($!s5 rather tha$ :(st +o$sist of *)eri+a$ parti+ipatio$.
Wor0i$% with Chi$a has proe$ to 6e ris0y i$ the past5 6(t S($ Te+h 6eliees that
the opport($ity for profit oersha!ows the ris0 i$ole!.
Eer%ree$ Solar is a$ (p;a$!;+o)i$% solar power i$!(stry that wo(l! 6e a %oo!
pla+e to i$est )o$ey i$to. They (se less sili+o$ tha$ the other i$!(stries whi+h
helps i$ loweri$% pro+essi$% +osts. 3y (si$% sta$!ar! wafer;)a$(fa+t(ri$%
te+h$i1(es5 Eer%ree$ Solar +a$ re!(+e the +ost of the asse)6ly li$e a$! also the
+ost of i$s(ri$% pro!(+ts to help re!(+e their seri+es. This +o)pa$y has )a$y
%rowth opport($ities5 i$+l(!i$% their :oi$t e$t(res with other solar power +o)pa$ies
a$! their asso+iatio$ with forei%$ )ar0ets. Eer%ree$ Solar?s esti)atio$ for %rowth is
realisti+ a$! their ris0 )i$i)al.
S($power is a$other solar power i$!(stry that is 6ei$% loo0e! at as a pote$tial
lea!er i$ 6ri$%i$% to%ether hi%h effi+ie$+y pro!(+ts a$! lea!i$% the pro!(+tio$ of
solar power a$! )ar0eti$% fiel!s. S($power (s(ally has tro(6le re!(+i$% its pri+es to
)eet +o$s()er !e)a$!s5 so ri%ht $ow the sto+0 is ahea! of itself a$! sho(l! 6e
wat+he! for a 6etter e$try poi$t
These three +o)pa$ies are :(st the tips of the i+e6er% i$ the solar power )ar0et. 2f
yo( wa$t to 6e a wise i$estor5 wat+h the )ar0et a$alysis a$! 0eep (p o$ the press
releases a$! i$!(stry. Solar power is 6e+o)i$% a wat+hwor! i$ the i$est)e$t
+o))($ity. *s the )ar0ets for f(el;6ase! pro!(+ts s(+h as +ars5 ho(ses5 a$! other
e$er%y (si$% pro!(+ts are s+r(ti$i9e!5 the $ee! for solar power i$ that pro!(+t will
6e+o)e para)o($t i$ helpi$% (s )eet the %rowi$% re+essio$ a$! the !e+li$e of the
*)eri+a$ !ollar.
To !iersify yo(r portfolio i$ the e$er%y fiel!5 solar power is the )ost fl(i!
i$est)e$t yo( +a$ )a0e. The Solar 2$itiatie was si%$e! i$to law 6y Presi!e$t 3(sh
%ii$% *)eri+a$ i$!(stries )ore tha$ =#.2 )illio$ to resear+h $ew te+h$olo%ies that
will 6ri$% !ow$ the +ost of the 0ilowatt to less tha$ =/.1/. This is a %rassroots
i$est)e$t so pr(!e$+e is a!ise!.
Chapter 1, Solar Power )n Health
Whe$ a perso$ !e+i!es to i$stall solar power i$to his ho)e or i$to the applia$+es of
his !aily life5 he )ay thi$0 that he is lii$% the $at(ral lifestyle. >ot o$ly is he
prote+ti$% the e$iro$)e$t a$! also re!(+i$% !epe$!e$+y o$ the power %ri! a$! the
$ee! for forei%$ oil5 6(t he is also sai$% )o$ey. 2f yo( wa$t to %o to solar power for
a $at(ralisti+ approa+h5 yo( )ay 6e s(rprise! that solar power +ells (si$% 6l(e6erries
i$stea! of sili+o$ i$ their )a0e(p are +(rre$tly 6ei$% teste!.
3l(e6erries are a healthy foo! a$! hae all 0i$!s of holisti+ health properties. They
hae 6ee$ 0$ow$ to help a ariety of health pro6le)s. Thro(%h te+h$olo%y they )ay
6e helpi$% o(r e$er%y pro6le)s also. Besear+hers at T(fts "$iersity a$aly9e! )ore
tha$ #/ fr(its for their a$tito7i$s a$! +apa6ility. *)a9i$%ly5 6l(e6erries +a)e at the
top of that list. So $ow the 6l(e6erry is $ot o$ly a health 6e$efit5 6(t resear+hers i$
Bo)e hae a$$o($+e! that they hae a $ew type of solar pa$el )a!e with the
pi%)e$ts of the 6l(e6erries i$ whi+h we eat eery !ay.
They propose that they +a$ )a0e a solar pa$el that has $o sili+o$ whatsoeer i$ it.
This will )a0e solar pa$els +heaper a$! )ore effi+ie$t. Si$+e it is )a!e with a
$at(ral )aterial i$stea! of sili+o$5 the solar pa$el will 6e )ore fle7i6le. Besear+hers
+o$te$! that they +a$ hae a solar pa$el so thi$ that it +o(l! 6e tra$spare$t a$! still
wrap aro($! a$y soli! o6:e+t.
The pro!(+tio$ of solar pa$els a$! the +ost of sili+o$ has 0ept the te+h$olo%y of solar
power e7pe$sie. 2t is 6eliee! that with a re$ewa6le or%a$i+ +o)po($! )a!e fro)
the pi%)e$t of 6l(e6erries5 the +ost of +reati$% a solar pa$el +o(l! !e+rease as )(+h
as 1#C or )ore. This wo(l! +reate )ore ele+tro$i+ +(rre$ts whi+h the (ser +o(l!
(tili9e. The resear+h tea) i$ Bo)e has !e+i!e! to !eelop the pi%)e$t solar pa$el
)ore thoro(%hly 6efore releasi$% the te+h$olo%y to solar power +o)pa$ies for
f(rther resear+h a$! i)ple)e$tatio$.
This wo(l! )a0e for a$ e$tirely $at(ral pro+ess. >ot o$ly wo(l! yo( 6e (si$% a
re$ewa6le e$er%y fro) a pla$t that +a$ 6e %row$ :(st for the $ee! of e$er%y5 6(t
+a$ also 6e (se! as a$ a$tio7i!a$t a$! a healthy part of a$y !iet. The tra$spare$t
solar pa$el that +a$ 6e +reate! fro) the 6l(e6erry?s pi%)e$t +o(l! 6e applie! to the
si!es of ho(ses5 o$ the rooftops5 o$ the si!es of solar powere! +ars5 a$! ee$ solar
powere! 6oats. The (ses are e$!less with a tra$spare$t solar pa$el. >o )ore will
yo( see the 6(l0y )etal fra)e solar powere! pa$els :etti$% fro) the rooftops of
ho(ses or litteri$% the 6a+0yar!s with ($si%htly +l(tter.
2f yo( are thi$0i$% a6o(t +o$erti$% yo(r ho(se oer to solar power5 yo( )i%ht wa$t
to really resear+h the (se of 6l(e6erry pi%)e$t solar pa$els. Che+0 a$! see if the
te+h$olo%y tool will 6e aaila6le to the p(6li+ i$ the $ear f(t(re. 'o( +a$ sae lots of
)o$ey a$! also 6e a6le to )a0e yo(r ho(se )ore aestheti+ally pleasi$% to the eye.
There is $o li)it to the pla+es yo( +a$ p(t a fle7i6le solar pa$el. They +a$ 6e
faste$e! o$ the si!e of a she!5 the +opier !o%ho(se5 or :(st wrappe! aro($! yo(r
+lothesli$e s(pport poles. The possi6ilities are e$!less with a little +reatiity a$!
Aeep a$ eye o$ the We6 for )ore !eelop)e$ts i$ this $ew te+h$olo%y a$! yo(
)i%ht ee$ wa$t to i$est i$ a +o)pa$y that?s +o)i$% o(t with it.
Chapter 1- How To !se Win )n Solar
Power )s Ener#y So'r*es
Whe$ yo( thi$0 a6o(t solar power5 yo( thi$0 of a way to +o$ert the s($?s e$er%y to
totally heat a$! power yo(r ho)e. This +a$ 6e !o$e with %reat e7pe$se. 2f yo( wa$t
to totally lie Koff the %ri!L as it?s +alle! whe$ yo( !o $ot hae to (se the lo+al power
or fossil f(el pla$ts. 'o( wo(l! hae to +o$str(+t ery lar%e solar pa$els a$! 6e a6le
to re%(late the power %oi$% i$to yo(r ho)e. 2t8s possi6le 6(t there are other
While a )i$or solar power pro:e+t +a$ re!(+e yo(r power 6ill5 yo( )ay wa$t to thi$0
of %oi$% off the %ri! 6y (si$% other alter$atie e$er%y so(r+es that +o)6i$e with
yo(r solar power. Wi$! %e$eratio$ is a %reat way to a!! wi$! a$! s($ to%ether to
)a0e yo(r power 6ills lower a$! 6e less !epe$!e$t o$ the %ri!. 3y +o)6i$i$% the
two alter$atie e$er%y so(r+es yo( will (se less ele+tri+ity a$!5 i$ the lo$% r($5 6e
sai$% the pla$et 6y re!(+i$% %ree$ho(se %ases that are pro!(+e! 6y fossil f(el
e$er%y pro!(+ers.
* wi$! %e$erator is a %e$erator that is hoo0e! to a fa$ that is t(r$e! 6y the wi$!.
Whe$ the fa$ t(r$s5 the t(r6i$e +reates ele+tri+ity whi+h is the$ +o$erte! a$!
)oe! i$to yo(r ho)e. Co)6i$e! with a solar powere! pa$el5 whi+h +olle+ts the
power fro) the s($ a$! +o$erts it to ele+tri+ity5 yo( +a$ (se this to re!(+e yo(r
$ee! for o(tsi!e power so(r+es. The $e%atie thi$% a6o(t either syste) is o$ a !ay
witho(t wi$! or a !ay witho(t s($li%ht. O$ those !ays yo( wo(l! hae to %o 6a+0 to
relyi$% o$ either the 6attery power that was sae! !(ri$% the !ays with s($ a$!
wi$! or yo( wo(l! hae to rely o$ the power %ri!.
2$ the "$ite! States5 the 6est pla+es for solar a$! wi$! power are i$ the 4reat Plai$s
area. States li0e Colora!o5 Wyo)i$%5 >ea!a5 >e6ras0a5 a$! Aa$sas hae a hi%h
wi$! fa+tor 6(t also re+eie lots of s($. 'o( +a$ pla+e yo(r wi$! t(r6i$e i$ the 6a+0
of yo(r yar! or i$ a$ area o$ yo(r property that re+eies ple$ty of wi$!. They sho(l!
$ot 6e pla+e! $e7t to a tree or 6(il!i$%5 6(t so)ewhere a little 6it away fro) these
types of str(+t(res so that the wi$! +a$ hit the t(r6i$e at f(ll for+e.
'o( wo(l! wa$t a rotati$% +o(pli$% o$ yo(r wi$!;%e$erator so that as the wi$!
+ha$%es !ire+tio$s5 so will the propellers that %e$erate the ele+tri+ity. The solar pa$el
sho(l! 6e pla+e! i$ a$ area that will %et the )ost s($. 'o(r ho(se )ay 6e sha!e!
with trees or other 6(il!i$%s5 6(t there will pro6a6ly 6e o$e spot i$ yo(r yar! or o$
yo(r property that will allow for )a7i)() s($ e7pos(re.
'o( +a$ see that this is a %reat way to 6ri$% !ow$ yo(r power 6ill a$! yo(r relia$+e
o$ the power %ri!5 e7+ept for those +lo(!y or wi$!less !ays whe$ yo( will hae to
rely o$ the power %ri! syste). The lo$%5 wi$ter stor)s +a$ +oer yo(r solar +ells5
while the +lo(!y s0ies will $ot allow the solar e$er%y to rea+h the +ells as they wo(l!
o$ a 6ri%ht5 s($$y !ay. The wi$! +o(l! +ease for two to three !ays a$!5 a%ai$5 yo(
wo(l! 6e for+e! to %o 6a+0 to the power %ri!. The o$ly way to aoi! this pro6le) is
to hae a f(ll set of power +olle+tors i$ whi+h yo( +o(l! swit+h fro) the e$er%y
so(r+e to the power +olle+tors a$! stay off the power %ri! for a little lo$%er.
Chapter 2/ !sin# Solar Power %or %resh
There are )a$y parts of the worl! that hae $o +lea$ water so(r+e or water i$ that
area they +a$ affor!. .a$y Thir! Worl! +o($tries hae tro(6le 0eepi$% their water
+lea$ fro) !iseases a$! i)p(rities. Solar power +a$ help str(%%li$% $atio$s 6y (si$%
solar !esali$atio$ a$! solar !isi$fe+tio$. With the (se of solar power5 these
+o))($ities +a$ pro!(+e !ri$0a6le water a$! water +lea$ e$o(%h to (se i$
ho(sehol! a+tiities. They are a6le to ta0e a 6ath5 to (se the water to +lea$ a$!
!isi$fe+t5 as well as water with whi+h to +oo0.
Pooli$% water ofte$ will 6e (se! to !esali$ate or !isi$fe+t the water. The $e%atie
thi$% a6o(t !oi$% this is that yo( (se e$er%y. 'o( hae to (se woo! to 6(il! a fire5
(se propa$e or %as5 or (se ele+tri+ity to heat the water (p to )a0e it p(re. The
people i$ the Thir! Worl! +o($tries !o $ot hae the l(7(ries to !o this. To (se f(el is
to (se )o$ey a$! )o$ey is $ot so)ethi$% that these +o))($ities hae a lot of.
"si$% solar power to !esali$ate or to !isi$fe+t the water is a lot easier a$! !oes $ot
(se power5 e7+ept fro) that of the s($.
To !esali$ate water5 a solar powere! !esali$atio$ pit +o(l! 6e (se!. The +o$+ept is
1(ite si)ple. * +o$tai$er of i)p(re water is p(t i$to a pit. * pie+e of plasti+ is the$
stret+he! a+ross the pit with a wei%ht pla+e! i$ the +e$ter. The wei%ht will +a(se
plasti+ to 6e$! towar! the +o$tai$er i$ a +o$e shape!. *s the s($ heats the water5
the water 6oils at a rapi! rate a$! +o$!e$se! thro(%h the plasti+. Here the water +a$
6e +olle+te! a$! (se!. The water will 6e free fro) salt or fro) a$y other type of
!e6ris that )i%ht +a(se si+0$ess or !eath.
<esali$atio$ +a$ 6e a++o)plishe! i$ lar%e;s+ale. 2f e$o(%h pits are (se!5 this )etho!
+o(l! s(pply a $ee!y +o))($ity?s +lea$ fresh water. 2t is $ot the !epth of the
+o$tai$er that is i)porta$t5 6(t its wi!th. 'o( wa$t a +o$tai$er !eep e$o(%h to
+olle+t e$o(%h water to 6e a6le to %o thro(%h the pro+ess i$ a !ay a$! eaporate5
6(t shallow e$o(%h whereas all the water thro(%h will eaporate 6efore that !ay is
oer. This )ay ta0e so)e trial a$! error to )a0e s(re yo( %et the )ost water o$ a
%ie$ !ay. The +o$tai$er sho(l! 6e p(t i$ the pit !eep e$o(%h to allow the
+o$!e$satio$ to ta0e pla+e5 6(t $ot !eep e$o(%h where the )oe)e$t of the s($ will
+ast a sha!ow oer the !esali$atio$ pit.
This )etho! (se! 6y )a$y +o($tries i$ !esert areas. 2t is solar power te+h$olo%y
that a$yo$e +a$ (se. The (ser5 howeer5 )(st )a0e s(re that the plasti+ is +lea$ to
start o(t with a$! that the +o$!e$satio$ is +olle+te! 1(i+0ly. The +o$!e$satio$ +o(l!
6e a 6ree!i$% %ro($! for i$se+t lara a$! other i)p(rities that )i%ht la$! (po$ the
plasti+ or o$ the water o$ top of the plasti+. The i!eal pla+e for a !esali$atio$ pit is
(s(ally i$ a$ ope$ spa+e away fro) trees or other o6:e+ts5 s(+h as 6(il!i$%s that
)i%ht sha!e the pit. *lso5 the 6(il!er of the !esali$atio$ pit sho(l! )a0e s(re there
are $o a$i)als5 s(+h as liesto+0 or !o)esti+ pets that will r($ thro(%h the pit a$!
+o$ta)i$ate the water. 2f the pits are p(t i$to a !ry +li)ate5 a$i)als will )ost
li0ely 6e attra+te! to water a$! sewer. Crawli$% or flyi$% a$i)als li0e spi!ers5 flies5
a$! )os1(itoes $ee! to 6e )o$itore!5 )a0i$% +ertai$ that they !o $ot lay their e%%s
i$ the water o$ the plasti+ or o$ the plasti+ itself.
Chapter 21 How To Start Convertin# To
Solar Power
Whe$ loo0i$% at the (sef(l$ess of solar power5 yo( hae to +o$si!er how )(+h
power the applia$+es that yo( (se will ta7 the syste). &or e7a)ple if yo( wish to
(se a solar powere! %e$erator to r($ yo(r hot water5 yo( really !o$8t hae to p(t
that )(+h effort i$to fi%(ri$% o(t that a +o(ple of pa$els will !o the tri+0. 3(t if yo(
wa$t to r($ a wi$!ow;type air +o$!itio$er or a 24;ho(r free9er5 yo( wo(l! hae to
+o$si!er the possi6ility of a!!i$% )ore power.
Power;h($%ry applia$+es are $ot +o$!(+ie to solar power. 2t +a$ 6e a++o)plishe!5
6(t it is 6est to rely o$ the power %ri! for yo(r lar%er applia$+es. The$ yo( +a$
sele+tiely pi+0 the applia$+es that yo( wa$t to (se with solar power. This +a$ 6e for
o$ly o$e roo). &or e7a)ple i$ yo(r 6e!roo) yo( )ay hae a +o(ple of la)ps5 a
teleisio$5 a$! a fa$. 3y loo0i$% at the a)o($t of e$er%y it ta0es for r($$i$% those
applia$+es a$! the a)o($t of e$er%y that +a$ 6e pro!(+e! 6y a +ertai$ $()6er of
solar pa$els5 yo( +a$ )a0e a lo%i+al !e+isio$ to p(r+hase those pa$els for that (se.
The rest of the ho(se +o(l! r($ off the %ri!. *s yo( i$est i$ solar pa$els5 yo( +a$
slowly +o$ert )ore roo)s to f(ll solar e$er%y.
O$e %oo! thi$% a6o(t solar pa$els is that if yo(r ho(se !oes hae a$ ele+tri+al fail(re
!(e to a stor) or hi%h wi$!s5 yo( +a$ %o i$to yo(r solar powere! roo). 'o( wo(l!
still 6e a6le to wat+h yo(r teleisio$ a$! hae li%hts5 witho(t !epe$!i$% o$ the power
%ri! si$+e it !oes $ot s(pply the power $ee!e! for those +o)forts. Ee$ if yo(r
power o(ta%e happe$s at $i%ht5 the power +olle+te! a$! the solar 6atteries +a$ r($
yo(r applia$+es i$ the 6e!roo) for seeral ho(rs or )ore.
2f yo( wa$t to start +o$erti$% yo(r ho(se oer to solar e$er%y5 it is wise to start
s)all ($less yo( hae a ery 6i% 6(!%et. The +ost yo( i$itially p(t i$to a solar
powere! pro:e+t will ta0e a lo$% ti)e to t(r$ aro($! a$! 6e+o)e profita6le. Si$+e
the Earth?s +li)ate is +ha$%i$%5 ee$t(ally the +ost of power +o(l! oerri!e the +ost
of the i$itial set (p of solar pa$els. The lo$% ter) possi6ility has to 6e e$tere! i$to
the e1(atio$.
&or the first pro:e+t i$ +o$erti$% yo(r ho)e oer to solar power5 yo( )ay wa$t to
loo0 at :(st spe+ifi+ applia$+es i$stea! of a$ e$tire roo). Of +o(rse5 whe$ the power
%oes o(t yo(r e$tertai$)e$t is irt(ally %o$e. 'o( )ay wa$t to :(st (se yo(r solar
powere! e$er%y for yo(r teleisio$5 +a6le 6o75 HCB or <H<5 or other e$tertai$)e$t
e1(ip)e$t. 2f $othi$% else5 it wo(l! 6e (sef(l i$ 0illi$% the ti)e ($til the power %ri!
+o)es 6a+0 o$.
2f yo( are ($s(re a6o(t solar e$er%y a$! solar power5 start s)all. 'o( +a$ 6(y a
solar pa$el for yo(r porta6le !ei+es. Ee$ tho(%h this is $ot sai$% a %reat !eal of
)o$ey5 it helps the pla$et whe$ yo(8re $ot (si$% the power %ri! to re+har%e
6atteries. 'o( +a$ ee$ 6(y solar powere! pa$els to power yo(r 4a)e 3oy or
ha$!hel! +o)p(ter. * +o)p(ter8s 6attery o$ly lasts two to three ho(rs o$ the
aera%e. 2f yo(8re away fro) a power s(pply5 yo( +o(l! 6e sitti$% there with a !ea!
6o7 while yo( +o(l! 6e !oi$% yo(r wor05 s(rfi$% the i$ter$et5 or !eali$% with yo(r
!aily +o)p(ter tas0s.

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