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Router Questions

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Some key takeaways from the document are that it discusses routing protocols like RIP and OSPF, the functions of protocols like CDP, and how routers handle equal cost paths. It also contains questions about routing concepts.

Two key functions or characteristics of CDP are that it allows devices to automatically detect directly connected neighbors and it allows systems to learn about each other even if different network layer protocols are configured.

If a router learns two paths with equal metrics to a destination network via RIP, the router will load balance traffic between the two paths by sending some packets down one path and others down the other path.

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Q1. What header address information does a router change in the information it receives from an
attached Ethernet interface before information is transmitted out another interface?
(a) on! the "a!er # source address
(b) on! the "a!er # destination address
(c) on! the "a!er $ source address
(d) on! the "a!er $ destination address
(e) the Layer 2 source and destination address
(f) the "a!er $ source and destination address
Q#. Which t%o statements describe functions or characteristics of &D'? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) It starts up automatically and allows the device to detect directly connected
neighbor devices that use CDP.
(b) (t operates at the net%or) a!er and ao%s t%o s!stems to earn about each other.
(c) (t creates a topoog! map of the entire net%or).
(d) It allows systems to learn about each other even if different networ layer protocols
are configured.
(e) (t for%ards advertisements about routes for faster convergence.
Q$. * router earns t%o paths %ith e+ua metrics to a destination net%or) via the ,(' routing
protoco. -o% %i the router hande pac)ets to the destination net%or)?
(a) .he router %i insta the first route it earned into the routing tabe.
(b) !he router will install both routes in the routing table and load balance between the
(c) .he router %i put the first route in the routing tabe/ and denote the second route as a
bac)up route.
(d) .he router %i pic) the path %ith the higher band%idth and %i pace it in the routing
Q0. What metric does the ,(' routing protoco consider to be infinit!?
(a) 1
(b) 12
(c) "#
(d) ##0
(e) #22
Q2. Which t%o conditions are most i)e! to cause a routing oop? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) random 3itter
(b) impementation of cassfu addressing
(c) inconsistent routing tables
(d) incorrectly configured static routes
(e) a net%or) converging too +uic)!
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Q8. Which t%o statements are true regarding the characteristics of ,('v1? (&hoose t%o).
(a) It is a distance vector routing protocol.
(b) (t advertises the address and subnet mas) for routes in routing updates.
(c) .he data portion of a ,(' message is encapsuated into a .&' segment.
(d) !he data portion of a $IP message is encapsulated into a %DP segment.
(e) (t broadcasts updates ever! 12 seconds.
(f) (t ao%s a maximum of 12 routers in the routing domain.
Q9. * static route has been configured on a router. -o%ever/ the destination net%or) no onger
exists. What shoud an administrator do to remove the static route from the routing tabe?
(a) &hange the routing metric for that route.
(b) 7othing. .he static route %i go a%a! on its o%n.
(c) &hange the administrative distance for that route.
(d) $emove the route using the no ip route command.
,efer to the exhibit. -ost * is unabe to access the (nternet/ and troubeshooting has reveaed that
this is due to an addressing probem. What is incorrect! configured in this net%or)?
(a) the (' address of the ;a1/1 interface of ,1
(b) the subnet mas) of the 51/1/1 interface of ,1
(c) the IP address of the &'('(' interface of $"
(d) the subnet mas) of the 51/1/1 interface of ,#
Q<. Which net%or) design feature re+uires the depo!ment of a cassess routing protoco?
(a) private (' addressing
(b) advertising defaut routes
(c) variable length subnet mass
(d) summari=ation on ma3or net%or) boundaries
Q11. * net%or) administrator needs to assign the ver! ast usabe (' address in the
19#.#0.80.1/1: net%or) range to the router interface that serves this "*7. Which (' address
shoud the administrator configure on the interface?
(a) 19#.18.1#:.120/1:
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(b) 19#.18.#22.#20/1:
(c) 19#.#0.80.#20/1:
(d) ")2.2*."2).2+*(",
Q11. What does ,(' use to reduce convergence time in a arger net%or)?
(a) (t uses muticast instead of broadcast to send routing updates.
(b) (t reduces the update timer to 12 seconds if there are more than 11 routes.
(c) It uses triggered updates to announce networ changes if they happen in between
the periodic updates.
(d) (t uses random pings to detect if a path%a! is do%n and therefore is preemptive on
finding net%or)s that are do%n.
Q1#. Which t%o statements are correct about the spit hori=on %ith poison reverse method of
routing oop prevention? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) (t is enabed b! defaut on a &isco (>5 impementations.
(b) It assigns a value that represents an infinite metric to the poisoned route.
(c) It sends bac the poisoned route update to the same interface from where it was
(d) (t instructs routers to hod a changes that might affect routes/ for a specified period of
(e) (t imits the number of hops a pac)et can traverse through the net%or) before it is
Q1$. What range of net%or)s %i be advertised in the >5'; updates b! the command
,outer1(config?router)@ net%or) 1<#.18:.1.1 1.1.12.#22 area 111?
(a) 1<#.18:.1.1/#0 through 1<#.18:.1.12/#0
(b) "-2."#,.'.'(2* through "-2."#,."+.'(2*
(c) 1<#.18:.12.1/#0 through 1<#.18:.$1.1/#0
(d) 1<#.18:.12.1/#0 through 1<#.18:.#22.1/#0
(e) 1<#.18:.18.1/#0 through 1<#.18:.#22.1/#0
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,efer to the exhibit. When >5'; is operationa in the exhibited net%or)/ %hat neighbor
reationship is deveoped bet%een ,outer1 and ,outer#?
(a) . /%LL ad0acency is formed.
(b) * #W*A ad3acenc! is formed.
(c) ,outer# %i become the D, and ,outer1 %i become the BD,.
(d) Both routers %i become D,>.-E,5.
Q12. Which t%o statements describe the use of >5'; D,/BD, eections? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) Eections are a%a!s optiona.
(b) Eections are re+uired in a W*7 net%or)s.
(c) Eections are re+uired in point?to?point net%or)s.
(d) 1lections are re2uired in broadcast multiaccess networs.
(e) 1lections are sometimes re2uired in 345. networs.
Q18. What are t%o functions of a router? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) (t connects mutipe (' net%or)s.
(b) (t contros the fo% of data via the use of "a!er # addresses.
(c) (t determines the best path to send pac)ets.
(d) (t manages the 4"*7 database.
(e) (t increases the si=e of the broadcast domain.
Q19. When a router boots/ %hat is the defaut order to ocate the &isco (>5 if there is no boot
system command?
(a) ,>6/ .;.' server/ fash
(b) fash/ .;.' server/ ,>6
(c) flash6 37$.56 !/!P server
(d) 74,*6/ .;.' server/ fash
Q1:. Which router component is used to store the routing tabe
(a) ;ash
(b) 74,*6
(c) ,>6
(d) &D$.5
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,efer to the exhibit. -o% man! routes are chid routes?
(a) 1
(b) $
(c) *
(d) 8
Q#1. Which t%o statements are true regarding in)?state routing protocos? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) !hey are aware of the complete networ topology.
(b) !hey offer rapid convergence times in large networs.
(c) .he! do not incude subnet mas)s in their routing updates.
(d) .he! re! on decreasing hop counts to determine the best path.
(e) .he! do not %or) %e in net%or)s that re+uire specia hierarchica designs.
(f) .he! pass their entire routing tabes to their direct! connected neighbors on!.
Q#1. What t%o routing protocos use a hierarcha net%or) topoog!? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) I&8I&
(b) E(C,'
(c) 9&P/
(d) ,('v1
(e) ,('v#
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,efer to the exhibit. * router interfaces are configured %ith an (' address and are operationa. (f
no routing protocos or static routes are configured/ %hat information %i be incuded in the
show ip route command output for router *?
(a) * of the 1<#.18:.x.1 net%or)s %i be in the routing tabe.
(b) $outes to networs "-2."#,.".'(2*6 "-2."#,.2.'(2*6 and "-2."#,.:.'(2* will be in the
routing table.
(c) .he routing tabe %i be empt! because routes and d!namic routes have not been
(d) * defaut route is automatica! instaed in the routing tabe to ao% connectivit!
bet%een the net%or)s.
Which of the foo%ing coud describe the devices abeed D;D in the graphic? (&hoose three.)
(a) DC1
(b) C&%(D&%
(c) "*7 s%itch
(d) modem
(e) hub
Q#0. * static route has been configured on a router. -o%ever/ the destination net%or) no onger
exists. What shoud an administrator do to remove the static route from the routing tabe?
(a) &hange the routing metric for that route.
(b) 7othing. .he static route %i go a%a! on its o%n.
(c) &hange the administrative distance for that route.
(d) $emove the route using the no ip route command.
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,efer to exhibit. Civen the topoog! sho%n in the exhibit/ %hat three commands are needed to
configure E(C,' on the 'aris router? (&hoose three.)
(a) Paris(config)< router eigrp "''
(b) 'aris(config)@ router eigrp
(c) 'aris(config?router)@ networ "-2."#,.#.'
(d) Paris(config8router)< networ "-2."#,.).'
(e) Paris(config8router)< networ "-2."#,.,.'
(f) 'aris(config?router)@ networ "-2."#,.-.'
Q#8. * router has E(C,' configured as the on! routing protoco. (n %hat %a! might E(C,'
respond if there is no feasibe successor route to a destination net%or) and the successor route
(a) (t broadcasts heo pac)ets to a routers in the net%or) to re?estabish neighbor
(b) It sends 2ueries to ad0acent neighbors until a new successor route is found.
(c) (t immediate! sends its entire routing tabe to its neighbors.
(d) (t %i set the metric for the faied route to infinit!.
Q#9. Which three statements describe the operation of routing %ith E(C,'? (&hoose three.)
(a) .s new neighbors are discovered6 entries are placed in a neighbor table.
(b) (f the feasibe successor has a higher advertised cost than the current successor route/ then it
becomes the primar! route.
(c) If hello pacets are not received within the hold time6 D%.L must recalculate the
(d) !he reported distance is the distance to a destination as advertised by a neighbor.
(e) E(C,' maintains fu )no%edge of the net%or) topoog! in the topoog! tabe and
exchanges fu routing information %ith neighboring routers in ever! update.
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(f) E(C,' buids one routing tabe that contains routes for a configured routed protocos.
,efer to the exhibit. What happens to a pac)et that has 19#.18.1.1/18 as the best match in the
routing tabe that is sho%n?
(a) !he pacet is discarded.
(b) .he pac)et is fooded out a interfaces.
(c) .he pac)et is for%arded via 5eria1/1/1.
(d) .he pac)et is for%arded via ;astEthernet1/1.
Q#<. * net%or) is configured %ith the ('/ ('E/ and *ppe.a) protocos. Which routing protoco
is recommended for this net%or)?
(a) ,('v1
(b) ,('v#
(c) 1I=$P
(d) >5';
Q$1. What command %oud the net%or) administrator app! to a router that is running >5'; to
advertise the entire range of addresses incuded in 19#.18.1.1/1< in area 1?
(a) ,1(config?router)@ networ ")2."#.'.' '.'.'.2++ area '
(b) ,1(config?router)@ networ ")2."#.'.' '.'.:.2++ area '
(c) ,1(config?router)@ networ ")2."#.'.' '.'."+.2++ area '
(d) $"(config8router)< networ ")2."#.'.' '.'.:".2++ area '
Q$1. What shoud be considered %hen troubeshooting a probem %ith the estabishment of
neighbor reationships bet%een >5'; routers? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) 9&P/ interval timers mismatch
(b) administrative distance mismatch
(c) interface networ type mismatch
(d) no oopbac) interface configured
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(e) gate%a! of ast resort not redistributed
Q$#. Which t%o components are used to determine the router (D in the configuration of the
>5'; routing process? (&hoose t%o.)
(a) the (' address of the first ;astEthernet interface
(b) the highest IP address of any logical interface
(c) the highest IP address of any physical interface
(d) the defaut gate%a! (' address
(e) the priorit! vaue of 1 on an! ph!sica interface
Q$$. What is the function of the >5'; "5, pac)et?
(a) (t is used to confirm the receipt of "5Fs.
(b) (t is used to estabish and maintain ad3acenc! %ith other >5'; routers.
(c) It is used by the receiving routers to re2uest more information about any entry in
the D4D.
(d) (t is used to chec) the database s!nchroni=ation bet%een routers.
,efer to the exhibit. 7et%or) 1<#.18:.1.1/#: goes do%n. What t!pe of pac)et does ,outer#
immediate! send to ,outer1 and ,outer$
(a) a +uer! for net%or) 1<#.18:.1.1/#:
(b) an ac)no%edgment pac)et to ##0.1.1.<
(c) an update pac)et that is sent to #22.#22.#22.#22
(d) a pac)et that contains the ne% routing tabe for ,#
(e) unicast update pacets to "-2."#,."." and "-2."#,.2."
Q$2. What administrative distance %oud a router assign to a defaut route in E(C,' that is
earned from a source externa to the autonomous s!stem?
(a) 1
(b) 2
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(c) 91
(d) <1
(e) ")'
(f) 1<1
Q$8. .he show ip eigrp topology command output on a router dispa!s a successor route and a
feasibe successor route to net%or) 1<#.18:.1.1/#0. (n order to reduce processor utii=ation/ %hat
does E(C,' do %hen the primar! route to this net%or) fais?
(a) .he router sends +uer! pac)ets to a E(C,' neighbors for a better route to net%or)
(b) .he DF*" ;56 immediate! recomputes the agorithm to cacuate the next bac)up
(c) 'ac)ets that are destined for net%or) 1<#.18:.1.1/#0 are sent out the defaut gate%a!
(d) !he bacup route to networ "-2."#,.".'(2* is installed in the routing table.
,efer to the exhibit. (f a routers and interfaces are configured to use a in)?state routing
protoco/ from %hich routers %i router D receive heo pac)ets?
(a) * and E
(b) 4 and C
(c) */ B/ &/ and E
(d) & on!
,('v# is the configured routing protoco on the routers in a net%or). .he command
,outer(config?router)@ no version 2 is entered on the routers. What effect does entering this
command have on routing updates?
(a) 5ubnet mas)s %i be added to the routing updates.
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(b) ,outing updates %i be sent out using muticast address ##0.1.1.<.
(c) 7ersion " and 2 updates will be received and the version 2 updates will not be sent.
(d) .he ,(' routing process %i be removed from the router and routing updates %i not be
Q$<. What is a supernet?
(a) the net%or) for a defaut route
(b) a net%or) that contains both private and pubic addresses
(c) a set of discontiguous net%or)s that are controed b! an (5'
(d) a summari>ation of serveral IP classful networs into one IP address range
,efer to the exhibit. .he net%or) that is sho%n is running ,('v1. .he 1<#.18:.11.1/#0 net%or)
%as recent! added and %i on! contain end users. What command or set of commands shoud
be entered on ,outer1 to prevent ,('v1 updates from being sent to the end user devices on the
ne% net%or) %hie sti ao%ing this ne% net%or) to be advertised to other routers?
(a) ,outer1(config?router)@ no router rip
,outer1(config?router)@ networ "-2."#,."'.'
(b) ,outer1(config?router)@ no networ "-2."#,."'.'
(c) $outer"(config8router)< passive8interface fastethernet '('
(d) ,outer1(config?router)@ passive8interface serial '('('
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