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Emerging Ict Trends in Construction Project Teams: A Delphi Survey

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ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg.


www.itcon.org - Journal of Information Technology in Construction - ISSN 1874-4753


PUBLISHED: March 2009 at http://www.itcon.org/2009/09
EDITORS: K. Ruikar & S. Emmitt

Dr Graham Brewer
University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia

Thayaparan Gajendran
University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia

SUMMARY: This paper describes the design, implementation and findings of a project funded by the Chartered
Institute of Building(CIOB) in Australasia to investigate the evolving use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in construction projects. It describes the context provided by literature relating to ICT-
enabled project team performance and proposes an on-line, modified Delphi methodology based on the
Blackboard educational delivery platform to facilitate the asynchronous participation of a panel of experienced
practitioners in the generation of data. The paper closes by reporting the study findings and their implications
for professional practice, concluding that clear leadership in the fields of ICT standardisation and ICT-mediated
project procurement could foster supply chain integration. Such leadership has the potential to optimise project
outcomes, but only if a clear potential for all stakeholders to increase their levels of profitability is

KEYWORDS: Delphi, ICT, Construction Projects

COPYRIGHT: 2009 The authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0 unported (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/), which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

The construction industry has frequently been described as fragmented, information intensive and adversarial
(e.g. Cox and Townsend, 1998). Ng, Chen, Mc George, Lam and Evans (2001) explained many of the industry
problems by reference to the quantity and complexity of the shared communication. Faraj and Alshawi (1999)
highlighted a need for common data exchange standards, suggesting that these could address the questions of
information and communication technology (ICT) uptake and widespread adoption, leading to shared common
business processes (e.g. Williams, Esper and Ozment, 2002). The New South Wales Government (1998) stressed
both the complexity of the problem and the potential benefits arising from its solution. Alshawi and Underwood
(1999) foresaw project teams using shared electronic workspaces, which would produce multiple benefits.
However Egan (1998) and Finch (2000) observed that these costly investments had yet to fulfill their potential.

Downward cost pressures, increasing specialisation and technical complexity of projects created a demand for an
integrated approach to ICT across the construction sector (Brown, Rezgui, Cooper, Yip and Brandon, 1996).
However the islands of automation first identified by Kartam in 1994 remained common, leading to a
significantly low level of ICT integration across the various industry sectors compared to other industries.

ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 82

A number of factors were identified to explain these disappointing results including:

Failure to deliver promised returns (Shafagi and Betts, 1997);
Backing the wrong technology (Shafagi and Betts, 1997);
Lack of standard protocols for inter-organisational communication and transfer of data (e.g. Yu,
Froese, and Grobler 1998);
Failure to integrate ICT into the core business processes of the organisation (Sarshar, Betts and
Ridgeway, 1999);
Inability of the organisation to re-engineer business processes to align with those of their trading
partners (Shafagi and Betts, 1997).
Inability to measure the benefits accruing from the use of ICT (Schwegler, Fischer, OConnell,
Hanninen and Laitinen, 2001);
Difficulty of keeping IT investments up-to-date (Shafagi and Betts, 1997).

Implicit in most of these factors was the recognition that the best intra-organisational ICT deployment would fail
to deliver optimal returns if attention to inter-organisational issues was sub-optimal. This in turn linked the issue
to the individual organisation's relationship with its trading partners.

Early commentators anticipated the integration of ICT across all sectors of the construction industry triggering
revolutionary changes in the ways firms relate to each other, curing many of the industry's ills as a result. Rivard
(2000) sought evidence across a series of surveys of ICT usage (Doherty, 1997; Howard and Samuelson, 1998;
Futcher and Rowlinson, 1999, Samuelson, 2002). Nevertheless, the evidence for such a dramatic change
remained hard to find, with later commentators suggesting that revolutionary change was not possible in the
current climate where business leaders remained sceptical about the full range of potential benefits touted by ICT
promoters (Brewer, 2008). Key to this scepticism was the difficulty in ascertaining the nature and extent of the
benefits gained from ICT investments, fuelled by the prevalent project-centric focus (Love and Irani, 2001). The
diversity of ICT systems and business processes within the industry, the amount of time, effort and resources that
had to be devoted to realigning an organisation's business processes with those of the rest of the temporary
project organisation (TPO) were all seen as impediments to achieving full benefit (ConstructIT, 1998).

The Picturing Success study conducted by the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation
(CRC-CI) investigated the attitudes and behaviour of individuals and firms operating in the construction industry
in Australia. It paid particular regard to the "softer" issues that impacted upon the likelihood of successful
deployment of ICT in project team environments (Brewer and Gajendran, 2006). The study revealed clusters of
issues emerging from collective experience, which were found to be critical to its successful use. These clusters,
or critical success factors (CSFs) were:

Organisational Commitment
Organisational Attitude To Communication
Rights And Duties Of Organisations
Investment Drive
Risks Related To ICT Usage (Brewer and Gajendran, 2006).

Davis and Songer (2008) explicitly linked personal attitude to intention via Ajzens work (1985, 1991). They
further introduced the potential for less than fully rational attitudes towards technology and change. This affected
the way in which an individual could be expected to embrace I(C)T, providing a link to personal motivation as a
significant factor in its adoption. In doing so they opened up a human dimension to the assessment of risk related
to ICT usage indicated by Brewer and Gajendran (2006), thus adding a new dimension to be explored when
considering its use in a project team setting.

From the foregoing it was evident a) that the capabilities of ICT used in the construction industry were rapidly
evolving, b) that despite this there was a general dissatisfaction with the level of ICT integration achieved within
project teams, and c) that the human dimension had to be considered a confounding factor. The CIOB were keen
to discover what implications this had for them as an organisation representing a substantial portion of the
industry and their members, and agreed to fund a study to this end. This research was therefore designed to
identify any changes in the nature of ICT adoption and integration by construction project teams since Brewer
and Gajendrans initial survey in 2003 (Brewer and Gajendran, 2006), paying particular regard to the role
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 83

personal attitudes might have regarding technological change, and to further explore any issues raised by the
participants. The study would specifically engage with "experienced practitioners" who were defined as those
charged with implementing the use of ICT in construction project teams (Gajendran, Brewer and Chen, 2005).

An online Delphi study was proposed given its desirable attributes and the authors familiarity with technique:
this is now explained in detail.

A particular aspect of this research was its use of a Delphi study to explore complex links between large numbers
of concepts (Kaynak, Bloom and Leibold, 1994). This had previously been found to be particularly useful in
relation to matters concerning policy and procedure, be it at the level of the individual firm, the temporary
project organisation, or the industry. Traditionally Delphi studies have been used for two purposes: exploration,
or confirmation of a concept(s). Delphi was particularly suited to exploring complex problems that required an
element of subjective analysis (Mitchell and McGoldrick, 1994), especially in industries undergoing rapid
change (Jillson, 1979). According to Linstone and Turoff (2002) specific applications included the following
which were appropriate to this study;

Delineating the advantages and disadvantages associated with potential policy options
Identifying and developing causal relationships in complex economic or social phenomena
Distinguishing and clarifying real and perceived human motivations
Exposing priorities of personal values, social goals. (Linstone and Turoff, 2002, pg 4)

A Delphi survey would be designed to obtain and distill the opinions of experts over a series of rounds of data
collection, which moved from the general to the specific, from diversity to consensus or polarity, requiring
justification from those holding dissenting positions (Delbecq, van de Ven and Gustafsen., 1986). Each round of
data collection would be triggered by a set of provocative statements a copy of which would be given to each
participant for comment. The responses would then be collated and summarised by the research team, and this
would then be re-circulated to the participants for further comment. Inter-round feedback would increase
participant awareness of issues and aid both convergence and/or polarity (Rowe, Wright and Bolger, 1991).
Irrespective of the details of design, there were three aspects to a Delphi study that separated it from any other
methodology, namely participant anonymity, researcher-mediated feedback, and statistical group response
reflected in the drive towards majority consensus/unanimity. These mechanisms would ensure that all individual
responses were reflected during the development of the final outcome (Rowe et al, 1991).

This study involved invited panellists, these potentially being located in several states and overseas. The
geographical dispersal made the use of asynchronous online communication desirable. The University of
Newcastles web-based Blackboard learning management system was chosen to host this because it was able to
facilitate asynchronous discussion in a number of threaded discussion forums, whilst concurrently enabling
automatic on-line survey data collection.

Access to a dedicated, password-protected area could be provided for the participants, each of whom would be
issued with a personal account that included a unique pseudonym and password, thus ensuring their

Upon login participants would be able access four discussion threads where they would provide written
responses to trigger statements. Figure 1 shows the entry screen to access this. The participants would post their
opening statements, and would concurrently be able comment on other participants postings, discussing
differences of opinion. Figure 2 shows a representative part of the discussion board.

At a pre-defined point in time a summary of each thread would be generated by the research team, this then
being posted to a new thread as the initial trigger. This process would continue until polarity or consensus was
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 84

reached. Once the final summary was posted the panel would be given the opportunity to provide final comment
prior to individual participant sign off in regard to the results.

Blackboard was designed so that although the data was entered by the participants as individual postings its
functionality would enable the researchers to collect the "rolled up" contributions from each forum, in a single
PDF file. Individual postings would still be identifiable, and would appear in the order in which they were first
posted. This offered significant advantages during the data analysis phase, where the data was to be entered in to
N-Vivo, a qualitative data analysis database application. Each rolled-up discussion would then be treated as a
focus group, allowing the initial demographic coding to be carried out automatically by N-Vivo, whilst
concurrently allowing each of their contributions to a particular focus group to be analysed within the context of
the other contributors (Figure 3).

In a separate area within Blackboard the participants would be asked to complete a 16 question online
demographic/attitude questionnaire.

FIG 1. Blackboard Welcome Screen.

ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 85

FIG 2. Blackboard Discussion Board and Posting.

FIG 3. N-Vivo Work Environment.

ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 86

In this study the invitation to participate was issued through publicity releases from the Chartered Institute of
Building and affiliated professional bodies. This resulted in 22 expressions of interest in participation. The
Blackboard site became active at the beginning of April 2007 and the last participant sign-off on the project cam
in mid-August.

At completion the study retained 15 active panelists. The final panel included two project managers, two
quantity surveyors, a services engineer, a trade subcontractor, three government representatives at
(inter)national, state and local levels, two architects, two ICT consultants (developer and systems engineer), an
estimator and a mechanical services engineer.

The participants responded to four trigger statements abstracted from a review of the relevant literature, which
were grouped to assist achieving the stated aims of the study. These are contained in table 1.

The panel contributed 71 discussion items evenly distributed across the four discussion forums, the average size
of each contribution being about 100 words. These were analysed by the authors on an ongoing basis in order to
generate round summaries and study conclusions. In the event consensus was reached after two rounds, and the
process of data analysis by which this was achieved is described next.

The principle underlying qualitative analysis of textual data is to communicate an understanding of it that would
be similar to that generated by other researchers with similar training and background. This is comparatively
easy when dealing with factual data such as demographic information (Richards and Richards, 1995) but far
more challenging for referential data that deals with description or interpretation (Miles and Wietzman, 1994).

TABLE 1. Trigger Statements
Discussion thread Trigger statement
Process integration "The integration of ICT into business processes can occur at many levels,
beginning at the intra-firm level (e.g. integrated materials and accounting
systems), through process alignment with others in the project team (e.g.
shared CAD models to facilitate design and costing), right up to the
development of industry-wide standards and procurement protocols
To what extent do you find these levels of integration reflected in the
real world?
What factors affect the extent of ICT mediated business process
How might procurement mechanisms (e.g. design and construct,
alliancing) or legal frameworks (e.g. ICT-specific forms of contract)
be developed to increase levels of integration?
Integrated communications "Increasingly integrated technology systems are perceived by decision
makers to variously bring both opportunities and risks: the level of
technological integration between firms is determined by the lowest shared
To what extent do integrated communications present opportunities
(e.g. faster, more effective communications, cost savings)?
How might integrated communications be perceived as problematic
(e.g. security, intellectual property, staff development issues)?
What developments could assist in increasing the likelihood of
integrated communications (e.g. common data exchange standards,
interoperability across platforms)?
Competitive advantage "Latham and Egan indicated that ICT had the potential to generate
competitive advantage and increased margins by fostering strategic, value-
adding relationships."
To what extent do you find this to currently be true?
Is it realistic to expect ICT integration to trigger long-term business
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 87

relationships or should ROI on ITC investments be based on the short
To what extent are strategic ICT decisions reactions to, rather than
attempts to beneficially shape the industry environment?
Leadership "Whenever ICT is first introduced into an organisation or a project team it
must, to a greater or lesser extent be regarded as an innovation, the roll-out of
which requires to be driven by a 'champion' empowered with both the
authority and responsibility to make it work."
Given that ICT has the ability to span the boundary between the
individual firm and the project, or the project and other projects, what
problems face the ICT champion?
What effect does the position of the champion within the project
structure have upon the success of the use of ICT?
To what extent is this a case of initiating/managing change in the
project as opposed to initiating change in the industry?

Approaches to coding text assigning consistent labeling to text holding similar meaning can vary widely
from the linear (e.g. Strauss and Corbin, 1990) through to the emergence of meaning via the interplay between
data, notes and codes (Glaser, 1992). Morse and Richards (2002) distinguished codes from topics in the way that
codes would reappear in multiple pieces of data. Developing an ecumenical perspective from these widely
differing approaches it is possible to establish a number of methodological principles:

Data should be revisited.
Codes should also be revisited and revised/extended where appropriate during the analysis.
Codes and coding structures develop with the ideas that gave rise to them in the first place they
are shorthand for the researchers ideas.

Morse and Richards (2002) also indicated that this last point would be formalised by the generation and
inclusion into the data of the researchers own notes/memos.

Standards of consistency and repeatability can be increased in a number of ways. Firstly the competent
researcher should be aware of his/her propensity for subjectivity (Klein, Moon and Hoffman, 2006), developing
a keen self-awareness to aid objectivity (Cohen and Daniels, 2001). Secondly, it is desirable to use multiple
coders (Morse and Richards, 2002), working autonomously, then sharing/comparing/resolving anomalous coding
at face-to-face meetings. Lastly, whilst by no means essential, it is nevertheless useful to use a qualitative
database application in order to store, code and interrogate the data. N-Vivo 7 is recognised as peerless in this

It is important to understand that coded data of itself sheds no further light on the phenomenon under
investigation without the interpretation of the researcher, and the explanation of this interpretation to others. This
process of abstraction can be undertaken from a number of different philosophical perspectives including the
dialogical, individual, hermeneutic and empirical (Ramberg and Gjesdal, 2005), and whilst the two last of these
were considered appropriate for this research it is necessary to provide an explanation why hermeneutic
abstraction was ultimately rejected.

Hermeneutic is the development and study of theories that have been developed to interpret and understand texts.
It was initially concerned with the "accuracy" of scriptural interpretation, subsequently being extended into other
areas of contemporary philosophy (Cohen and Daniels, 2001). Hermeneutic enquiry acknowledges the
researchers prior knowledge and experience, and the propensity that this has to influence their interpretation.
Adler (1997) eschewed "method for methods sake" and did not advocate the development of a step-by-step
method or analytical requirements. By contrast, empirical phenomenology requires similar standards of
methodological design as would be familiar to a positivist, quantitative researcher, namely:

An emphasis on commonality that is present in the many diverse appearances of the phenomenon.
Reliance on the actual words of the participants.
Explicit this about the design and the steps taken to obtain the findings.
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 88

Characteristics leading to verifiability and ability to be replicable.
Emphasis on rigour of the approach rather than on creativity (Cohen and Daniels, 2001)

Importantly, empirical phenomenology also accepts that hermeneutic activity (interpretation) it is an intrinsic
part of this approach, something that the authors instinctively recognized.

The following protocol was established for the project utilising the foregoing principles:

Multiple analytical passes of the data would be required to extract the fullest understanding.
The first pass would consist of note/memo writing for each piece of data, which would be read in
isolation. This was to be a sense-making exercise, and the notes/memos would therefore
become a legitimate part of the data to be analysed by the study.
The second pass would interrogate the researchers notes/memos themselves in order to identify
emergent recurring theme codes, as differentiated from isolated topics.
The third pass would revisit the participants contributions, utilising the code list developed in the
previous step to assign particular meaning to text passages. The theme codes would be modified
where necessary during this stage, with addition, extension and deletion of codes being
Abstraction would be undertaken in order to explain the appearance of various theme codes, which
could potentially span both discussion group boundaries and, ultimately the theme codes

The application of the process described above to the participants responses resulted in the hierarchies of theme
codes shown in Table 2 after the second pass. This was then used to inform the coding of individual participant
contributions in the third pass.

TABLE 2. Initial Codes After Review of Notes/Memos
Primary code (by forum title) Secondary codes Tertiary codes
Current levels of integration Process Integration
Factors affecting levels of integration Procurement
Legal framework
Opportunities created by integrated communication
Threats presented by integrated communication
Integrated Communications
Potential enablers of integrated communication
Business case for ICT in project environment

Return on investment Long-term
Competitive disadvantage
Geographical location and dispersal of firms
Competitive Advantage
Limited impact of ICT on low level subcontractors
Leadership in the industry

The application of this coding hierarchy to the data required the development of explanatory annotations for each
theme code, recording the researchers shared understanding of the meaning of the code. By this process it was
possible to increase the consistency of each codes application to the text. By way of example -- the code
Integrated communications: opportunities created by integrated communications was annotated thus;
Technical or descriptive statement of the beneficial application of ICT to particular tasks/processes within a
project team setting. Includes technical or business process descriptions. Excludes financial benefits (see ROI).

The application of the code described above was deemed appropriate by both researchers to the underlined
section in following passage from a transcript:

ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 89

From a consultants point of view IT has given lot of opportunities. Our business now can work with
projects that can be geographically not very close with low cost. Also IT has cut down of printing costs
and record keeping costs. However, the major problem is some times you have some one in the project
who is not very IT enthusiastic and this puts a spanner into communication and we need work
differently with them. This generally happens due to lack of trust in both the technology and probably

Elements of this passage were also assigned the codes Trust, Threats presented by integrated
communication, and Current levels of integration.

It is important to note that the researchers use of the codes breached the boundaries of each focus group,
meaning that codes originated in the text of one discussion could, through the process of abstraction appear in
the analysis of several others. By this means the data could surface theme codes that might not otherwise have
emerged in their own right. By way of example the issue of return on investment, and specifically the period of
time over which this should be planned for, were surfaced in the discussion on competitive advantage whilst
appearing in the coding of entries in the process integration forum, thereby linking the two discussions. The
additional concepts thus surfaced were:

Capability of the individual firm within a project team
Power position within the project team
Fee competitions/documentation to fee
Technology driven change/rapid rate of change
Responsibility/liability for information re-used by third parties
Industry fragmentation as a barrier to knowledge transfer
Ownership/protection of intellectual property
Cost/risk transference
ROI linked to technology lifecycle

Incorporation of the additional concepts into the theme codes resulted in the consolidated code list shown in
Table 2, in which it is apparent that there is no longer any trace of the original primary codes (forum topic titles),
nor a hierarchy of codes all theme codes now assumed to have equal stature.

TABLE 3. Consolidated Theme Code List

Client needs Cost of mistakes Geographic Technology
ICT agility ICT Capacity Gap ICT Firm Size
ICT Investment Returns ICT strategies Industry Culture
Industry Standards Industry Structure Information Security
Interoperability Leadership Challenges Leadership direction
Leadership Role Legal Status Level of integration
Minimum Technology Procurement Profitability
Relationships Technological Change Technology Unfriendly
Trade based ICT Trust Unaffordable

The following section details the finalised abstraction of the coded data. This was posted to the Blackboard site,
and subsequently obtained the participants sign-off as an accurate summation of their consensus position.


6.1 Competitive Advantage

6.1.1 Business Operations and Client Needs
When considered from the perspective of ICT use in a project environment some firms do not experience any
form of competitive advantage through its use as a collaborative communication tool. These firms are typically
trade subcontractors who view their competitive advantage as being derived from their trade skills, which
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 90

provide their clients with timely, cost competitive and quality services. However they do not discount the
benefit arising from the use of ICT to automate their in-house administration, for example inventory control,
payroll, invoicing and so on.

The firms operating in project teams that do derive specific competitive advantage from the use of ICT are
typically specialist subcontractors and consultants. By using the technology to enable them to work in
geographically dispersed teams, to provide fast exchange of communication, and to be resource efficient
(particularly in terms of printing and courier costs) these firms are able to provide their clients with a speedier,
higher quality service at a lower cost.

The key issue in explaining the different benefits that these two groups experience is the nature of the product
exchanged in a business transaction. On the one hand the trade subcontractors predominately deliver a physical
artefact based on the completed design of others, whilst on the other hand those who are involved in generating
the design of (part of) the building are essentially transacting information. Moreover, generating or modifying a
design requires an intense two way exchange of data to ensure design integration: this is in contrast with the
trade subcontractors, where the flow of data is predominantly in one direction.

6.1.2 Industry Standards
Competitive advantage in the construction industry is related to scale. The overwhelming majority of firms
operating in the sector are small to medium-sized enterprises that generally operate in broadly similar ways using
broadly similar technologies. For them the existence of industry-wide standards might not be viewed as being of
great assistance in generating competitive advantage. However, when viewed as an industry competing in an
international market, the existence of a limited number of shared standards and protocols could be seeing as
generating a competitive advantage for the industry when compared to its international competitors.

Such a competitive advantage could well be geographically sensitive, in that locally developed systems might
not be globally compatible. Careful consideration should be made before implementing a particular system to
ensure its alignment with the business processes of both domestic and international trading partners.

6.1.3 ICT Agility
Some firms from different levels in the industry have achieved competitive advantage through their flexibility in
adapting to the technology demands of clients. By agreeing to use the systems proposed by various clients they
have developed the ability to work on multiple ICT platforms.

6.1.4 ICT Capability versus Organisational Requirement Gap
In many cases the extent of ICT enabled collaboration is dictated by the technological capacity of the least
capable project team member. For ICT to be used to maximum effect in a project team setting it is desirable to
first conduct an assessment of the ICT capability profile of potential trading partners. This is of maximum
importance in information-intensive clusters of firms.

6.1.5 Return on Investment and Profitability
The return on any ICT investment and its impact on profitability are paramount considerations. If the firms do
not see an explicit, tangible benefit (to improvement in their bottom line) they will not invest in ICT. Although a
case is made by some firms for long-term commitment resulting in intangible, hard-to-quantify benefits, standard
cost-benefit figures are easy to calculate in short term and tend to drive the majority of ICT investment decision-

In a competitive project-based industry some firms view staff development as a net cost. This is explained
because staff members frequently change employers. Consequently, the cost of training and the hours of lost
work during training are seen as loss of productive work time and the skill bases of trained workers in the
construction industry in long run may belong to the industry sector and not to particular organisations. This may
discourage organisations to spend on training in non-regulated areas, since in the medium- and long-term these
skills may not be owned by their organisation.

Furthermore many firms in the industry do not see the benefit of investment specifically targeting ICT
integration in projects. They perceive they will never be key project participants and therefore lack the positional
power or authority to influence changes that would enable them to influence project ICT use to increase their
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 91

profitability. Indeed the cost involved in overcoming internal resistance, changing the firms work culture, and
attempting to obtain favourable data exchange protocols with trading partners in various projects are often seen
as substantial barriers to high level ICT investment.

6.2 Extent of Technology Integration

6.2.1 Size and Business of the Firm
The nature of the firms core business has a strong influence on the type and extent of ICT systems that it
naturally uses. The lower tiers of trade subcontractors within the industry focus most of their ICT effort on
automating their internal administration, making efficiency gains in the process. However those firms at the
higher tiers, predominantly engaged in design and construction coordination have to communicate, to a greater
or lesser extent, with their project partners using electronic communication channels that are potentially the most
efficient. Paradoxically they also have the potential to be the most problematic, thereby negating all of the
benefits. It could therefore be advantageous to profile the nature of both the business process and ICT capability
of potential trading partners before engaging with them in project teams.

6.2.2 ICT Capability versus Organisational Requirement Gap
In most construction projects the full functionality of the available ICT systems are often not used. This may be
explained by either a general lack of capability, or alternatively to fit in with the ICT capability of the least
capable member of the project team.

A mismatch in ICT capabilities among a project team can sour working relationships as a result of time delays.
Moreover, team members with a low ICT capability may request changes to the communication process e.g. sub
contractors without the facilities to print A0 drawings may want the drawings to be printed and sent in hard
copy. Therefore where this is not mandated by a contract, service agreements should specify the expected mode
of communication when mandating ICT enabled communication.

There is common agreement that PDF formatted documentation suits the data exchange needs of most ICT users.
This is in part because PDF documents provide some level of security with their lock/privilege features,
rendering modification and copying of shared documentation far more difficult.

6.2.3 Information Security
The security of information is, to a greater or lesser extent, a concern for all firms in the construction industry.
Many firms demand security guarantees of electronic communication systems, especially when the
communicated or stored information is commercially sensitive or contains valuable intellectual property. The
security of drawings and other information in portals managed offshore is an extreme example.

Three important issues recur with regard to information security:

The availability of technical security features embedded in the ICT tools e.g. data encryption,
levels of password protection etc.
The availability and level of awareness of intellectual property rights, and their preservation during
electronic data communication.
The perception of the users the extent to which they have trust or faith in the ICT systems they
are expected to use.

6.2.4 Return on Investment and Profitability
When it comes to assessing the financial benefit of ICT there are three main schools of thought:

Short term ROI ICT is purchased and deployed for a specific project and, as with any other job-
specific tool, it is expected to pay for itself within the project for which it was purchased.
Long-term ROI ICT investment is a strategic decision that will begin to pay for itself
immediately but benefits will only be fully realised after a prolonged period: crucially, these might
include difficult-to-quantify benefits such as strategic relationships with trading partners,
effectiveness gains, and quality improvements.
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 92

Strategic disadvantage ICT investments are a necessary evil that prevent the firm being
marginalised/losing business as a result of not having ICT capabilities.

6.2.5 ICT Investment Strategies
ICT investments are made with the expectation of increased profitability. However proactive investment in ICT
adoption is not widely evident in the industry. Investment in ICT tools made without adequate understanding of
their use and benefits are most likely to be a failure. Moreover, as staff turnover is commonly expected in
construction firms employers may perceive it to be unproductive to invest in training that is not explicitly critical
for operations.

ICT strategies can also be based on business opportunities. If a long term collaborative partnership is expected
investments in the specific ICT platform are seen as being more viable and practical.

6.3 Leadership

6.3.1 ICT Agility
Some small firms have developed ICT agility to work in multiple platforms and this is indicative of good
leadership of such firms. However, demanding ICT agility by powerful members of a project from the small
members at the cost of the small members may not show a good leadership direction by powerful members.

6.3.2 Size of a firm and exercising of influence
Large organisations with large numbers of employees have the opportunity to influence the way the business is
done and may demonstrate leadership in the process. This is especially true of government clients who are best
positioned to initiate change: by way of example some local government organisations are pioneering electronic
tendering methods. However it is unreasonable to expect small firms to take a leadership role since they do not
have the power position to initiate changes in the industry.

6.3.3 Industry Structure and Culture
It is believed that trust is an important part for collaborative arrangement. Trust can deal with aspects that are
beyond contractual binding. It is also suggested that achieving the culture to work in a collaborative manner is
not that easy due to the structure of the industry.

Whilst it may be easy to identify leaders in individual organisations (generally through its formal authority
structure) leadership in the wider construction industry is more difficult to conceptualise. In a project
organisation the combination of varying contractual arrangements and the evolution of relationships over time
means that leadership may not arise from the formal organisational structure of the project. As a consequence
ICT leaders may emerge at different stages of a project from different parts of the temporary project

6.3.4 Leadership Challenges
Champions of successful ICT implementation in individual organisations may have difficulty in projecting this
leadership into a temporary project team. This challenge arises within the project context due to relative power
positions within the team, rendering the costs of exerting (or attempting to exert) leadership higher than the
benefits that it would produce, especially for those from firms located within lower tiers of the project structure.

6.4 Process integration

6.4.1 Geography and Technology
Although there are number of universal ICT protocols and standards, construction work process are very much
influenced by geographical region and local culture. Therefore use of standard process developed elsewhere may
not be appropriate for deployment in domestic contexts.

6.4.2 Cost of Mistakes
The construction industry has traditionally experienced difficulties in producing complete, well-integrated
production documentation. ICT is one of the technologies that ought to assist in improving the integration of
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 93

production information. However, currently ICT tools alone are largely unable to deliver such integration,
largely as a result of contractual strictures and control of intellectual property.

6.4.3 Industry Structure
Competitive tendering remains the predominant method of procurement in the construction industry. This results
in a highly organic and constantly changing network of relationships between industry participants. This means
that for much of the industry a high the level of process and ICT integration is rendered unachievable. However,
for a select few within the industry that operate with stable supply chains integration opportunities exist, and
they are quick to exploit them.

6.4.4 Industry Wide Standards
It is widely felt that adequate levels of industry regulation and standards may help to tame the proliferation of
rival ICT systems, and that ongoing developments in interoperability standards are facilitating greater levels of

6.4.5 Procurement Path
Non-traditional procurement methods are more naturally conducive to increased levels of ICT integration.
Design & Build projects break down boundaries between the consultants and contractors are less formal, and as
a consequence information relating to a project may be exchanged with less restriction.

6.5 Summary
This section has outlined the detailed sub-themes themes recorded in memos as developed during data analysis,
relating them to the major thematic groups identified during the first pass data analysis (section 4). Issues of
Professional Leadership, Supply chain integration, ICT-mediated procurement strategies, Standardisation, and
Value creation/Return-on-investment have been identified as central to the optimisation of ICT usage by
individual firms and the temporary project organisations they necessarily have to join in the course of their


This final section reviews both the approach to the research and its findings, closing with implications for further

Firstly, from a methodological perspective it is instructive to reflect upon the mechanics of the technique used in
this research. The Blackboard website creation process, excluding the intellectual input required in creating the
initial discussion threads and demographic survey, but including the creation and allocation of pseudonyms and
passwords took about 15 hours. There was a time allocation required for distribution of login details to potential
participants in response to their requests to be involved in the study, typically less than 10 minutes per

Positive aspects of the process were the absence of any paper communication, postage costs and delays, and the
ready-made generation of text data in a format suitable for direct entry into the N-Vivo system. At no point
during the study was negative feedback regarding the research/data collection mechanisms used in this study
received from any of the participants. Indeed several were complimentary about the experience, valuing the
venue to discuss issues in an environment that provided anonymity.

Moving on to the research itself, the primary purpose of this study was to identify those issues concerning
industry practitioners working with ICT within project teams, with the intention of informing the CIOB in regard
to possible future action in support of the professionals they represent. The outcomes arising from the results in
the previous section are now summarised with reference back to the literature where appropriate.

The overarching issue is that of leadership and the role it has to play in driving the creation of ICT-enabled value
and competitiveness (Brewer and Gajendran, 2006). These attributes are attainable at many different levels, first
and foremost at the level of the individual firm, thereafter across a project team, and potentially for the entire
industry. However the achievement of this potential is tempered by the fragmentation inherent in most
construction industry contexts (Cox and Townsend, 1996). The challenge of overcoming fragmented and
ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 94

adversarial project environments is one that is best met through strong, well positioned and well informed
leadership. Whether this is provided by peak bodies, expert client organisations, or experienced practitioners is
of secondary importance, though coordinated effort is preferable, with client satisfaction through increased value
delivery being the ultimate objective. This is the province of the first tier firms in the project supply chain.

The issues associated with first tier ICT integration are the most clearly understood by the industry participants
in temporary project organisations (Fischer et al, 1998), since they are ultimately responsible for the level of
value delivered by the project (Peansupap and Walker, 2005). However this value is not created by them alone;
the lower tiers in the project supply chain have a significant effect upon the success or otherwise of the project
(Sarshar and Isikdag, 2004). Since this is usually predicated on the involvement of firms from the lower tiers
consideration should be given to mechanisms that increase their level of integration. However this should be
tempered by the recognition of the nature of the product being exchanged and its eventual purpose (Hinze and
Tracey, 1994). Trade subcontractors are charged with delivering a physical artefact based upon the information
generated by others rather than generating information to trade, thus rendering the need to integrate
communication with their customer insignificant.

It follows that the contractual relationship is a key determinant in ICT integration. Certain procurement
mechanisms are more conducive to integration across a project team than others. This is especially the case
where the client organisation reduces its risk by appointing a single point of responsibility, such as in Design &
Construct contracts. When considered from the client's perspective this is often determined by their overall
procurement strategy, part of which might be the desire to maximise value delivery over the constructed assets
life cycle (Walker and Hampson, 2003). This is highlighted where the client has an ongoing interest in
optimising the management of its new facility -- ICT can play a pivotal role in doing this.

Fragmentation is a barrier to closer alignment between trading partners, and systems incompatibility is a
symptom of this. Organisations wishing to drive higher levels of ICT integration across temporary project
organisations must demonstrate their commitment to the development of harmonised standards and
documentation conducive to use in ICT-mediated project environments (Betts, 1999). The pursuit of pan-
industry interoperability through the development of industry foundation classes (IFCs) under the auspices of the
International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) is a demonstration of commitment. The investment of time and
effort should flow into the development of IFC-friendly cost and contract documentation suitable for the local

Ultimately, innovation without reward is not really innovation at all, merely novelty for novelty's sake, a
commercially irresponsible path to pursue (Cozzarin and Percival, 2006). The use of ICT to develop value
throughout the project supply chain in expectation of value generation for the client is thought by some to be a
comparatively low-risk strategy. However, whilst such claims are easy to make, they are difficult to quantify
(Andressen et al, 2000). Professionals have a role to play in coordinating the collection of data that tracks the
influence of ICT upon the efficiency and effectiveness of individual firms and the projects to which they

Lastly it is appropriate to note an issue that was raised, or remain unresolved by the research. It was tacitly
accepted that integration, be it ICT- or business-related, would be understood by each participant in their own
context and discussed as such this proved to be the case. In much the same way the concept of project
success can be defined from the individual stakeholders perspective and their satisfaction judged on their own
terms. However, unlike project success, integration by its very definition requires close interaction and alignment
with others. During the conduct of the research it became apparent that the panel contained a number of different
views on the nature and extent of integration. Whilst it was possible to speculate as to the causes for these
differences, it was recognised that they contained the potential for resistance to integration, arising from a lack of
shared understanding/expectations of the concept. Further research is needed to clarify the concept.

The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge the support, both monetary and in-kind provided by the Chartered
Institute of Building, and to single out Elizabeth Thomas for her efforts during recruitment for the study.

ITcon Vol. 14 (2009), Brewer & Gajendran, pg. 95


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