Organization Behaviour
Organization Behaviour
Organization Behaviour
1. As a Manager how you will use organization behavior in practice in your organization for:
a) Employee retention
b) Job Satisfaction
c) Managing Diverse Workforce
ANS 1:
(a) Organization Behaviour can be used in different ways for employee retention. Basically
employee retention can mainly be done by the strategies and benefit that organization
offers to its personnels. It can be done by in following ways:
If the employees are sure that they have assured growth in the organization if they keep on
performing then they will stay and that can only be done by healthy organization behaviour.
IThrough surveys, discussion and classroom instruction, employees can better understand
their goals for personal development. With these developmental goals in mind,
organizations can offer tailored career development opportunities to their employees.
Training and coaching can be used to build competencies in leaders within an organization.
Coaching can be useful in times of organizational change and to encourage managers to
implement coaching techniques with peers and direct reports. The coaching process begins
with an assessment of the individuals strengths and opportunities for improvement. The
issues are then prioritized and interventions are delivered to target key weaknesses.
Assistance is then provided to encourage repeated use of newly acquired skills.
Managers, especially, must understand how to handle the differences among their direct
reports. Todays workforce includes a diverse population of employees from multiple
generations. As each generation holds different expectations for the workplace, it is
important to understand the differences between these generations regarding motivation
and engagement
(b) Organization Behaviour for Job satisfaction: - Organizational behaviour is again a major
factor for job satisfaction. The policies and the norms of the organization play an important
role in job satisfaction. By following ways I will be using organization behaviour for job
1. By making rules which is valid and applicable to all.
2. By enforcing transparent hierarchy.
3. By defining the work hours.
4. Introducing many survey forms and training wherever required.
5. By offering right appraisal at right time.
6. By ensuring clear flow of communication across the organization.
7. By providing freedom to use ones own judgment rather than remaining stuck to old
and traditional theories.
8. Last but not least by offering equal chance of advancement and better working
Organization Behaviour can be used in for Managing Diverse Workforce:- Organizational
behaviour is the study of how people act, think, and feel in organized settings and can be
used efficiently in managing diverse workforce.
Successfully valuing diversity starts with accepting the principle of multiculturalism
and to accept the value of diversity for its own.
When we go for recruitment we need to get a diverse applicant pool and avoid
relying on referrals from current employees.
We need to make sure that the selection process should be free from discrimination.
Need to provide orientation and training: Need to provide training to all the
recruited candidates on the same level.
2. As a Manager what method you consider more effective for reinforcement, positive by
providing reward or negative by giving punishment and why?
Ans: As a manager I consider giving reward is more reliable method for reinforcement in any
organization. Positive reinforcement is the practice of rewarding desirable employee behaviour in
order to strengthen that behaviour. For example, when we praise an employee for doing a good job,
we increase the likelihood of him/her doing that job very well again. Positive reinforcement both
shapes behaviour and enhances an employees self-image.
Recognizing and rewarding desirable employee behaviour is the essential key to motivating
employees to work more productively. The reason and benefits of doing these are:
1. It clearly defines and communicates expected behaviours and strengthens the
connection between high performance and rewards.
2. It reinforces an employees behaviour immediately after learning a new technique
and promotes quick, thorough learning.
3. It motivates effective workers to continue to do good work. Lack of reinforcement
leads to job dissatisfaction.
4. It increases productivity by rewarding workers who conserve time and materials.
5. Employees who are rewarded after they successfully perform feel self-confident and
become eager to learn new techniques, take advanced training, and accept more
6. Rewarding employees who suggest improved work procedures will produce more
innovation if we create a relaxed work environment, reward new ideas and
tolerate innovative failures.
7. Employees who receive recognition for their achievements are more enthusiastic
about their work, more cooperative, and more open to change.
8. When we show appreciation and reward employees for good work, we increase their
job commitment and organizational loyalty.
To reinforce successfully, we need to define exactly what it is that constitutes desirable
behaviour. We should then set specific, measurable work goals with each employee or with
the entire team, and then decide together.