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E-mail :
Permanent Address:
41/6 Sivan Illam,
Jeevananthan Street,
Railway Colony o!t,
"rode#$t%, &'
Pin: 638002.
Personal Data:
$ate o( )irth * +6,-.,1//1
0ather1! 'ame*2r.R.Ranga!amy

2other1! 'ame*2r!.R.Sathiyavathy

3anguage! 4nown * "ngli!h, &amil

'ationality * Indian
2ob no* 8870144334
&o be a !ucce!!(ul mar5eting "6ecutive in a dynamic organi7ation. 8here I can
Im9act my 5nowledge e((ectively and contribute toward! the develo9ment o( the
A#ademi# Pro%ile
+-1: ; 2)< #2a!ter o( )u!ine!! <dmini!trator%
&N'U EN'(NEER(N' )**E'E #<nna =niver!ity o( Chennai%
+--/ , ).". #"lectronic! <nd Communication "ngineering%
S+REE ,EN&A-ES+.ARA +(--E)+ EN'(NEER(N' )**E'E
#<nna =niver!ity o( Chennai%

+--/ , 1+th !td in <dhar!h >idhyalaya. ?r. Sec. School, "rode.
+--@ , SS3C in 4ongu 4alvi 'ilayam. 2atri. ?r. Sec. School, "rode
Au9 to +

Additional /0ali%i#ation
B9erating Sy!tem! * .indo1s 2 *in03
rogramming 3anguage! * )44
<99lication ac5age * Ado!e P5otos5o67 tall8 9:asi#;
Cour!e Com9leted * ))NA
Areas o% (nterest
)o-)0rri#0lar A#ti$ities
$id the mar5eting re!earch (or Nam!isan<s )om6an8 regarding gingerly oil.
&oo5 9art in National-le$el :-=est #9ragati +-14% Amrita S#5ool o%
:0siness7 )oim!atore.
&oo5 9art in 'ational level &echnical Sym9o!ium 16
:annari Amman (nstit0te o% -e#5nolo>87 Erode.
artici9ated in A(?A 1.
Student 2anagement Came!.
<ctively 9artici9ate in $e9artment 0unction.
(n-6lant -rainin>
=nderwent &raining at ,asant5a Ad$an#ed S8stem7 )oim!atore. I got to 5now
the about the de!igning about variou! ty9e o( IC1!.
=nderwent &raining at :SN*7 Erode. I got to 5now the about the variou!
9roce!! in telecommunication (ield!.
Pro"e#t Pro%ile

P' Pro"e#t
=ndergone Summer Intern!hi9 9rogram in DNe1 +o6e =ood
(nd0stries P$t
*td< at Erode (or one month.
U' Pro"e#t
Secure ?ealth Care 0or atient1! 2onitoring Sy!tem
D?A(N: "mbedded
DURA-(N: : month!
EN,(RN?EN-: "mbedded C E >)
&oo5 9art in :U*A-S #)u!ine!! 3anguage &e!ting Service% "6amination
conduct by UN(,ERS(-@ o( )A?:R(D'E7 "SB3 "6amination!.
I got DRAA@A PURAS&AR< <ward in S)U-
8on 6
9ri7e in D6en )5ess -o0rnament< $i!trict level, "rode
<n active member in @o0n> (ndians and )itiBen )ons0mer )l0!


I hereby declare that the above mentioned detail! are true to my 5nowledge.

Pla#e: S('NA-URE

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