November 2014 PTA Newsletter
November 2014 PTA Newsletter
November 2014 PTA Newsletter
3 November 2014
6 Reflections awards night,
6:30 p.m.
11 PTA meeting, 9 a.m.
11 Spirit Night at Texas Road-
house in Sandy, 4-8 p.m.
11-13 Artyology
13 Dads & Donuts, 8 a.m. Gym
13 Deadline to turn in Box Tops
for Contest #1
14 No SchoolTeachers
prepare report cards
17 Standards-Based Mastery
Report Cards sent home
18-20 Artyology
19 Mix-it-Up Lunch
26 Deadline for 2015-16 dual-
immersion applications
26-28 No SchoolThanksgiving
4 Holiday Orchestra & Choir
Concert, 7 p.m.
5 Early Out Day, 1:35 p.m.
9 PTA meeting, 9 a.m.
11 Dads & Donuts, 8 a.m.
22-31 No SchoolWinter Recess
Jan. 1-2 No School Winter Recess
Jan. 5 Classes resume
Upcoming Days Off
There will be no school Nov. 14 so
teachers can prepare report cards; and
Nov. 26-28 for Thanksgiving Recess.
Winter Recess begins starting Dec. 22
with classes resuming Jan. 5, 2015.
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The PTA will celebrate the artistic talents of students at our annual
Reflections Awards Night this Thursday, Nov. 6. The evening
begins in the Gym at 6:30 with an open house to view Reflections
entries, followed by an awards ceremony at 7 p.m. Students will be
recognized for their talents in the following categories: 3-
Dimensional Art, Dance Choreography, Film, Literature, Music
Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. This years theme was
The World Would be a Better Place If
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A special thank you to those men who
have volunteered as part of our new
WATCH D.O.G.S. program this year.
More than 4,000 schools in 46 states
participate in the WATCH D.O.G.S.
(Dads of Great Students) program.
Who are WATCH D.O.G.S. fathers,
grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles, and other father figures who
volunteer to serve at least one day a year in a variety of school
activities as assigned by the school principal or other administrator.
There are still days available and wed love to have you. Sign up
via our blog,, and click on
volunteer signups. All volunteers are required to fill out a
volunteer application through Canyons School District prior to
helping at the school (
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The SAGE results (Student
Assessment of Growth and Excellence)
recently released indicate Draper
Elementary scored above the district
averages in seven of the eight
categories and above state averages
in eight of eight categories. Student
reports will be sent home in
December; however, if you would like a digital report for your 4
or 5
- grade student, please email Mrs. Riddle and she will send
you your students results. For more information visit
Dads & Donuts is Nov. 13
Our next Dads & Donuts is Thursday, Nov. 13, from 8-8:30 a.m. in
the Gym. Students are invited to bring their dads or any other
adult to read with them. The PTA provides milk and donuts.
Deweys Diary
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Cold weather: The cold weather has
held off, but as we enter into November,
winter is definitely on its way. Please
send your child to school dressed for the
changing weather. Jackets and
appropriate footwear are necessary. We
have several jackets in our Lost & Found,
if your childs is missing.
Cell Phones: During last months PTA
meeting, board members expressed
concern about the use of cell phones
during student drop-off and pick-up, and
the distraction it seems to cause. We
have recently posted signs reminding
drivers to put down their cell phones in
the student pick-up/drop-off areas. We
hope these reminders will help ensure the
safety of our students.
Not a Bully: This first week of November
is our schools Be a Friend, Not a Bully
week. Students will be taking a no
bullying pledge, faculty will be teaching
bully blocker mini-lessons in classes,
and Mrs. Thompson and I will engage
students in recess activities to promote
appropriate social skills. As we support
our students efforts to Be Safe, Kind,
and Responsible (our school
expectations), we will continue to offer
social skill and character-building lessons
in each classroom throughout the year.
Flu Season: A note from our school
nurse As we enter into cold and flu
season, please remember to keep your
children home from school if they have a
fever. For the wellness of other students,
your children should not return to school
until they have been fever-free for 24
Gratitude: November is a month of
Thanksgiving, and we have much to be
grateful for at Draper Elementary. I
appreciate our students, parents,
teachers, and staff that all work together
for the success of our children. Together,
we can do so much to nurture and
support our students emotionally,
socially, and academically. THANK YOU
for your partnership.
!Mrs. Piper Riddle, Principal
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Congratulations to fifth-grade teacher Ashley Fricker who was
recently named Jordan Credit Union's Teacher of the Week! Miss
Fricker received the honor Oct. 15 at a faculty meeting. She was
awarded $100 from Jordan Credit Union for her great work at
Draper Elementary!
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Our Draper Elementary PTA invites all
parents to join the PTA this school year.
The PTA is proud to announce that 100
percent of our teachers and full-time
staff have joined our PTA this year.
Becoming a PTA member is easy: go to
the PTA blog at and click on the
online payment tab. It costs $6 per membership. Your
membership contribution helps fund numerous academic, social
and cultural programs for our students.
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In an effort to keep parents informed about what is going on at
Draper Elementary, we have several sources available.
! Website:
! Facebook: like draperelementary
! Twitter: @DraperDragons
! PTA Blog:
! Email/texts: The school emails and texts parents on a regular
If you have photographs youd like posted on Facebook or the
blog related to school activities, field trips, etc., please email them
to Melinda Colton at
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I love Fall and November is one of
my favorite months. It is a time to
reflect on all we are thankful
for. Living in Draper, I feel so lucky
to live in such a nice, safe
community. I am so thankful for all
of the parents and teachers of
Draper Elementary school. Each
time I visit our school, I see all the
faculty and staff working hard for
our children's development. Also, I
witness countless volunteers in
classrooms or the halls of Draper Elementary. Thank you! If you
ever want to have a better day, walk into Draper Elementary and
forget about your worries. The children put a smile on my face
every time I am there.
Have a wonderful Fall.
!JoAnna Meyer, 2014-15 PTA President