IGCSE Maths 5080 SOW Core 2 Years
IGCSE Maths 5080 SOW Core 2 Years
IGCSE Maths 5080 SOW Core 2 Years
YEAR 9 – 2010
No of Topics/Sub-topics Assessment Objectives Suggested Activities/Approaches Supplementary Resources
1 Week 1. Numbers • Identify and use the Revise positive and negative numbers • Investigation on prime numbers at
a) Natural numbers, Integers, natural numbers, using a number line. http://www.atm.org.uk/links/keyst
Prime, Square, Rational & integers (negative, zero, Define the terms real, rational and
Irrational Numbers and positive) prime, irrational numbers. Show that any Information about rational and irrational numbers
rational and irrational recurring decimal can be written as a at
b) Common factors, common numbers fraction. Show that any root which http://nrich.maths.org/public/leg.php
multiples cannot be simplified to an integer or a
• Identify and use fraction is an irrational number.
common factors and
c) Number sequence ( to the nth common multiples Define the term prime number (1 is not
term) prime).
• Recognise patterns in Write any integer as a product of primes Various problems involving sequences of numbers
sequences and at
Define the terms factor and multiple and http://nrich.maths.org/public/leg.php
relationships between
use simple examples to find common
different sequences
factors and common multiples of two or
more numbers. Find highest common
• Generalise to simple factors and lowest common multiples.
algebraic statements Class activity: Identify a number from
(including expressions a description of its properties, for
for the nth term) example, which number less than 50 has
relating to such 3 and 5 as factors and is a multiple of 9?
sequences Students make up their own descriptions
and test one another.
• Evaluate expressions in
standard form
2 Weeks 7. The Four rules Writing decimals as fractions at
a) The four rules with • Use the four rules for Revise long multiplication, short http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/resource/decimal.htm
whole numbers without calculations with and long division, and the order of
calculator whole numbers, operations (including the use of
b) Combined operations decimals fractions and brackets). Use examples which
c) Equivalent fractions vulgar and mixed illustrate the rules for multiplying
d) Addition & subtraction fractions, including and dividing by negative numbers.
of fractions correct ordering of Class activity: Use four 4’s and the
e) Multiplication and operations and use of four rules for calculations to obtain
divisions of fractions brackets. all the whole numbers from 1 to 20.
f) Changing fraction to
decimal Use previous ideas to aid addition
g) Changing decimal to and subtraction of fractions. Revise
fraction multiplication and division of
1 Week 8. Estimation Revision of estimating and rounding off at
a) Rounding off • Give approximations Revise rounding numbers to the www.math.com/schools/subject1/lesson/SLU1L3GL.html
i) decimal places to specified numbers nearest 10, 100, 1000, etc., or to a
ii) significant figures of significant figures set number of decimal places.
and decimal places Explain carefully how to round a
9. Limits of Accuracy number to a given number of
Appropriate upper and • Round off answers to significant figures.
lower bounds for data to a reasonable accuracy
specific accuracy in the context of a Use straightforward examples to
given problem determine upper and lower bounds
for data. For example, a length, l,
measured as 3cm to the nearest
• Give appropriate
millimetre has lower bound 2.95cm
upper and lower
and upper bound 3.05cm. Show
bounds for data to a
how this information can be written
specific accuracy.
using inequality signs e.g. 2.95cm ≤
l < 3.05cm.
Class activity: Investigate upper
and lower bounds for quantities
calculated from given formulae by
specifying the accuracy of the input
2 Weeks 10. Ratio, proportion rate www.maths league.com/help/ratio.htm
a) Ratio • Demonstrate an Define the term ratio and use
b) Direct Proportion understanding of the examples to illustrate how a
c) Inverse Proportion elementary idea and quantity can be divided into a
d) Common measures of notation of ratio, number of unequal parts.
rate direct and inverse Write a ratio in an equivalent form
e) Scale drawings proportion e.g. 6:8 can be written as 3:4,
• Demonstrate an leading to the form 1:n .
understanding of Class activity: Investigate the ratio
common measures of of the length of one side of an A5
rate, sheet of paper to that of the
• Use scales in practical corresponding side of an A4 sheet
situations of paper.
3 Weeks 19. Quadratic functions • Construct tables of Draw quadratic functions from a
a) Construct tables for values for functions of table of values.
values for functions in the form ±х² + ax + b, Show how the solutions to a
the form ± x² + ax + b, a/x ( x ≠ 0) quadratic equation may be
a/x ( x ≠ 0) • Draw and interpret such approximated using a graph. Extend
b) Drawing and interpret graphs this work to show how the
quadratic graphs solution(s) to pairs of equations
c) Graphical solution of • Solve quadratic (e.g. y = x2 - 2x - 3 and
quadratic equations equations y = x ) can be estimated using a
approximately by graph.
graphical methods. Class activity: Computer packages
such as Omnigraph or Derive are
useful here
YEAR 10 – 2011
No of Topic/ Sub topics Assessment Objectives Suggested Activities/Approaches
2 Weeks 20. Algebraic representation & For more examples
Formulae • Use letters to express Revise simple algebraic notation, for www.algebra.com
a) Representation of unknowns generalised numbers and example, ab and x2 . http://quiz.ewn.usyd.edu.au
using symbols and letters express basic arithmetic Substitute numbers into a formula
b) Simplify algebraic processes algebraically (including formulae that contain Try the ‘Pyramid’ investigation at
expression • Substitute numbers for words brackets). http://nrich.maths.org/public/leg.php
c) Evaluation of Algebraic and letters in algebraic Class activity: Investigate the
Expressions expressions difference between simple algebraic
d) Solving simple linear expressions which are often confused,
• Transform simple formulae
equations for example, find the difference
• Construct simple expressions
e) Construct simple equations between 2x , 2 + x and x2 for different
and set up simple equations
f) Solving Simultaneous values of x .
equations • Solve simple linear equations Transform simple formulae, e.g.,
i) Elimination Method in one unknown rearrange y = ax + b to make x the
ii) Substitution Method • Solve simultaneous linear subject.
equations in two unknowns Use straightforward examples to show
how to solve simple linear equations,
e.g. 3x + 2 = -1
2 Weeks 31. Probability • Calculate the probability Various problems involving probability at
a) Calculate the of a single event as a Discuss probabilities of 0 and
probability of single fraction or a decimal 1, leading to the outcome that
event • Understanding that the a probability lies between
probability of an event these two values.
b) Relative frequency occurring equals one Class activity: Calculate
minus the probability of probabilities based on
it not occurring experiment. For example,
• Use and understand investigate whether a coin is
relative frequency biased.
Use theoretical probability to
predict the likelihood of a
single event. For example, find
the probability of choosing the
letter M from the letters of the
triangle. Show how to multiply
a column vector by a scalar
, A ,a B
and illustrate this with a
represented by .
Add and subtract vectors
• Multiply a vector by a
3 Weeks 33. Transformation • Reflect simple plane figures in Try the investigation at
a) Reflection horizontal or vertical lines Draw an arrow shape on squared paper.
b) Rotation • Rotate simple plane figures Use this to illustrate: reflection in a line
c) Translation about the origin, vertices or mid (mirror line), rotation about any point
d) Enlargement points of edges of the figures, (centre of rotation) through multiples of
through multiples of 90° 90o (in both clockwise and anti-clockwise
• Construct given translations and directions) and translation by a vector.
enlargements of simple plane Several different examples of each
figures translation should be drawn. Use the
• Recognise and describe word image appropriately.
reflections, rotations, translations Class activity: Using a pre-drawn shape
and enlargements. on (x,y) coordinate axes to complete a
number of transformations using the
equations of lines to represent mirror
lines and coordinates to represent centres
of rotation.
Work with (x,y) coordinate axes to show
how to find: the equation of a simple
mirror line given a shape and its
(reflected) image, the centre and angle of
rotation given a shape and its (rotated)
image, the vector of a translation.
Draw a triangle on squared paper. Use
this to illustrate enlargement by a positive
integer scale factor about any point
(centre of enlargement). Show how to
find the centre of enlargement given a
shape and its (enlarged) image. Draw
straightforward enlargements using
negative and/or fractional (½) scale