FLORA Newsletter 3
FLORA Newsletter 3
FLORA Newsletter 3
August 2008
Volume 1, Issue 3 Flora
Apologies & Thank you
First, let me make my apologies and try again. specifically says not to, is
apologies. It has been a available to be passed
I have tried to respond to
long time since my last onto others.
every email and call but I
know I missed some. Most importantly, please
The talks on the Brigalow keep asking questions,
I currently use Skype, so if
Corporation, myself and keep stirring up your local
you ring and miss me
others in the Envirowild pollies, keep demanding
please leave a landline,
Team have held in QLD, the return of your rights –
not a mobile number and I
have been so successful, because if YOU don’t,
can ring you back without
with the information going then no one will.
any expense to either of
out to so many people,
us. One of the greatest crimes
that we were
of humanity is to see
overwhelmed with people If you have email info to
Articles: where a fellow man is
sending us DVD’s, their send, please give me
being destroyed and do
own research notes, some details about
nothing about it out of fear
emails for further yourself, as I am very
• What is Common Law? that we will be next.
information, phone calls, cautious about responding
Because, in truth, if we do
• What Governs comments, questions and to an email without
nothing, we WILL be next.
Common Law? so on. knowing who and why it
was sent. American’s shout
Combine that with
• Where does Common “Remember the Alamo!”
continuing to follow up on We have received some
Law come from? Australians are saying
the original research, very interesting ideas, but
“We need another
• Magna Carta 1215 personal & family matters with absolutely no details
and I ran out of time. I of who sent it and I just
• Bill of Rights 1689 simply wore out for a cannot reply without And one of the greatest
while. worrying about putting my quotes in the world is -
• Habeus Corpus Act computer in jeopardy. “the pen is mightier than
1679 The other difficulty was
the sword!”
that much of the To date, my newsletter
• Maritime Law information we were sent goes out to approx 250 The governments that
was so fascinating and so addresses, and I know now reign and rule in
• The Colour of Law in important that the that many of them share it Australia, are committed
Australia research actually around, print off as many to removing all your rights
expanded! as 100 copies and pass and ultimately enslaving
• What do we do about them on through meetings us in a web of laws,
it ? There are some amazing
and market stands! regulations and public
people who have spent
servant/little hitler control.
many years investigating Those people get my
the theft of our rights and I great thanks and Let’s not help them by
am in awe of their appreciation for their help. hiding in fear.
patience and
And each day another Let’s not help them by
person requests a copy to ignoring the freedom
So, for anyone who rang be sent. messages.
and who might not have
Remember, any Let’s take a stand!
received a return phone
information, unless it
call – please accept my
2 of 12 Newsletter Title
What is Common Law ?
Historically, Common Law came from the Anglo-Saxon people of England, but it was well known throughout
the tribes of Europe..
Common Law was the law for the free women and men living on the land. It existed, and controlled and ruled
the land of England previous to the reign of William the Conqueror [1066], when the Normans conquered
Anglo-Saxon England.
In it was the Golden Rule that in the negative form reads: Do not unto others as you would not have others do
unto you.
The positive form, Do unto other as you would have others do unto you deals with Social Justice.
Under Common Law, it is illegal to deprive anyone of his inalienable Rights (“inalienable” means
is illegal to deprive anyone of his inalienable Rights (“inalienable” means"can not be given or taken away").
There is a Legal Maxim that says, "Rights never die", and the first Right of a Free man is the Right to Trial by
You do. Each and every individual must use their freely God-given will to ensure that they treat their fellow
man with respect and love.
It is suspected that early Phoenician or Hebrew tin traders taught these people the law many years before
Christ Some sources report that Joseph of Arimathea who paid for the burial of Jesus (Greek) a.k.a. Yeshuah
(Hebrew) sailed on a tin trading ship from Israel to Glastonbury in Britain and ministered the law and gospel
to the Celtic people who lived there, and with their help established the first Christian congregation and
church in what later became England.
This ministry in Britain by Joseph happened in the first century A.D., centuries before the formation of the
Roman Catholic Church.
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Magna Carta 1215 – The Great Charter
King John of England was crowned in the early
13th century.
• Cities will keep all their ancient liberties &
He needed money for armies, but war losses,
greatly reduced the state income, and a huge tax
would have to be raised in order to attempt to • The right to a Common Law court.
reclaim these territories. Yet, it was difficult to
raise taxes because of the tradition of keeping • All trials to have a jury of peers.
them at the same level.
• A freeman & a villein shall not lose his
John relied on clever manipulation of pre- tools of trade to pay a debt.
existing rights which were easily broken and
severely punished. He increased the pre-existing • No bailiff can take food from another, but
scutage (feudal payment to an overlord replacing must pay; must not take another’s horse or
direct military service) 11 times in his 17 years cart; must not take another’s wood.
as king, as compared to 11 times in twice that
period covering 3 monarchs before him. The last • One measure of weight & length to be used
2 of these increases were double the increase of in the land.
their predecessors. He also imposed the first
income tax, which raised what was, at the time, • To be accused there must be witnesses.
the extortionate sum of £70,000.
• No man can be punished except by the
By 1215, some of the most important barons in judgment of his peers & the law of the land.
England had had enough, and they entered
London in force on June 10, 1215, with the city • No one will sell, refuse or delay, right &
showing its sympathy with their cause by justice.
opening its gates to them. They, and many of the • All merchants may trade & travel.
moderates not in overt rebellion, forced King
John to agree to the "Articles of the Barons", to • All judiciary to know the law of the
which his Great Seal was attached in the meadow land & honour it.
at Runnymede on June 15, 1215. In return, the
barons renewed their oaths of fealty to King John • All unjust fines to be returned.
on June 19, 1215. A formal document to record • All land illegally removed to be
the agreement was created by the royal chancery
on July 15: this was the original Magna Carta.
• … that the men in our kingdom have
Although enforced over the King by the Barons,
and hold all the aforesaid liberties,
the 62 clauses protected Common Law rights for
every tier of English society and this document rights, and concessions, well and
was truly for the sovereign men and women peaceably, freely and quietly, fully and
throughout Britain. wholly, for themselves and their heirs,
of us and our heirs, in all respects and
Simply put it dealt with in all places forever, as is aforesaid
• A free English church and freeman rights
forever. Do we still have these rights in place?
Aren’t these the very things that are being
• Protection of inheritance.
removed from us now?
• Protection for widows.
• No more seizure of land to pay a debt. Yet the English Monarchy were sworn to
protect these rights with their lives!
• No usury for borrowing from money
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o freedom [for Protestants] to have arms for their defence, suitable to their class status
and as allowed by law
o freedom to elect members of Parliament without interference from the Sovereign
NOTE: It is very important to note that while this document is still in use in many countries,
the Australian government have stated clearly that the Bill of Rights 1688 is no longer relevant
to Australian law. Yet Federal Government used it as late as 1995 to protect any government
minister from being impeached for anything that is said on the floor of Parliament. This was
well after their original statements that it was no longer relevant in Australia.
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Habeus Corpus 1679
This is an Act of the Parliament of England passed during the reign of King Charles II to define and strengthen
the ancient prerogative writ of habeas corpus, whereby persons unlawfully detained can be ordered to be
prosecuted before a court of law. Its long name is An Act for the better securing the Liberty of the
Subject, and for Prevention of Imprisonment beyond the Seas
Maritime Law
Eleanor of Aquitaine, acting as regent for her son, can be charged and sued for negligence. Suing is a
King Richard the Lionheart, established function of the corporate world.
Admiralty/Maritime law in England
No longer does there need to be an existing flesh and
In England, special admiralty courts handle all blood injured party anymore to file a criminal affidavit
admiralty cases. These courts do not use the common to initiate criminal proceedings, just the breaching of a
law of England, but are civil law courts largely based statute, a de facto corporate statute (breaching the
upon Roman Law. peace), a by-law or regulation, where the 'injured
party' is the state, or corporate entity.
Littered throughout Law is the concept of
"reasonable belief" (when detaining people or Today in our law courts, all Commercial contracts that
property) which is based on admiralty law, the law of private parties enter into with each other that are under
the sea where the captain of a ship only needed Maritime Jurisdiction, are now also under Admiralty:
reason to believe that his ship was in danger by those The reason is the beneficial use and re-circulation of
under his command to order that certain things be Federal Reserve Notes makes the federal government
done to protect it's commercial goods and goals. an automatic silent third party to the arrangements.
Everything in admiralty works backwards from due Admiralty jurisdiction has in many respects, “come
process common law. Guilty before being proven ashore”. It currently affects almost every element of
our inland commercial society. Today’s practice of
Admiralty and Maritime jurisdiction is found on
In Common Law, crimes can only occur if there is the navigable rivers of the United States, as well as
there has been physical damage to someone or to world-wide off-shore oil drilling activity. Admiralty
property, AND if there was intent to hurt someone. jurisdiction rules are used to settle claims and
grievances regarding cargo, international conventions,
Accidents and "negligence" are not crimes. But we financing, banking, insurance, legislation, navigation,
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hazardous substances from nuclear power plants, stevedoring (the unloading of a vessel at a port), and
undersea mining and development, the navigable rivers of the United States, as well as world-wide off-shore
oil drilling activity. Admiralty jurisdiction rules are used to settle claims and grievances regarding cargo,
international conventions, financing, banking, insurance, legislation, navigation, hazardous substances from
nuclear power plants, stevedoring (the unloading of a vessel at a port), and undersea mining and development.
The reason why Admiralty jurisdiction is of concern to us is because our government is using jurisdiction
attachment rules applicable to an Admiralty jurisdictional environment to on land based citizens where
Admiralty jurisdiction does not correctly belong.
The only ordinary land based people who should properly be under the government’s in personam Admiralty
jurisdiction are government employees (federal and state), military service personnel, and those who
specifically contract into Admiralty Jurisdiction (such as employees working for a Defense contractor with a
security clearance, and private contractors hired by government to perform law enforcement related work).
Every Common Law country has been battling So, we were manipulated subtly but surely to
the ever increasing surge of Government agree to contract ourselves to that debt.
regulations, which have been removing our
ownership rights, personal & civil liberties, How?
rights of free speech and free will choice, that has
been a key feature of our common law rights as By our voluntary agreement to register ourselves
men and women. as assets, firstly of the government of Australia,
then more securely under the corporate
Why? government of Australia.
This voluntary and ongoing registration enters each of us in a situation where we became contracted to the
government and are “forced” to obey laws that would not apply under Common Law.
Therefore we become subject to speeding fines parking fines, rates, dog registration, child innoculations, etc
and when we protest, we enter the courts as guilty people having to prove their innocence.
Oh, it is still there, but as we are no longer Common Law people, having voluntarily given ourselves to the
corporation as a chattel, we cannot access it.
And because we still appear to have a Constitution, we can still get a jury trial for murder, we can still appear
to have a Monarch guarding us, we THINK we still have access to our long history of rights, when in fact we
do not.
We have what is called the Colour of Law. Looks right, but is overlaid with something completely different.
And because the only legitimate money in the world is gold and silver, which government took away from us
during the wars, we can only buy and sell with pretend money / fiat money, which ultimately means we have
not really paid for anything properly.
Are we the true parents of our children any more? No, we simply mind them for the government, which is
why they can step in and take them off us.
Do we truly own our cars? No, the manufacturer’s deed of production is held by government, we simply get
to “rent” them yearly.
Do we truly own our land? No, we hold the paper title, but the government holds the primary title through our
registering our land under Torrens title.
And Mr Kerry Shine, Minister for Justice and Member for Toowoomba in QLD stated that in a reply to a
letter from a constituent, published in the Toowoomba Chronicle August 11, when he said “Finally, in
relation to Mr Patch's third enquiry (TC 25/07), Common Law land rights have not applied to Queensland
freehold land since the introduction of the Torrens Land Title system in 1861 or the leasehold lands which are
governed by the Lands Act 1994. The "Brigalow Corporation" simply administers land pursuant to this Act.
This system functions effectively to protect the interest of private landholders in Queensland.”
This explains why we cannot get Common Law relief in a court of law, why we are constantly told the Bill of
Rights does not apply, why we have our home taken from us, when this is against common law, why
government authorities think they can trespass freely on our land and in our homes.
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Government 12 on sovereign authority..Corporate Newsletter Titlepower or pretended authority.
governments of defacto
Organic Constitution................ .........................................Corporate Military Constitution acting on the citizen
State statute that govern how officials uphold the law to protect our God-given rights... ……Federal and State
commercial code that we volunteer ourselves into.
Electors elect independant representatives......................... .......Voting in a two or more party corporate system
Inhabitants............ ......................citizens/residents/persons (corporate entities with diminished political status)
Births are recorded........................................................................ ....................Births are registered (certificate)
Sovereigns breaking God's law, Government officials braking lawful statute.. ..Breaching the peace (breaching
de facto gov.- straw man citizen statutory/commercial contract - basis of thought crime).
People are responsible for themselves and their own protection......... ......'citizens' want government to 'protect
them' on a personal basis
God-given right to own, keep and bear arms............... .......................................licensed privilege to have arms
Intent to hurt or damage is what determines unlawfulness...........accidents or 'negligence' is considered a crime
No conflict of interest in government (prosecutors were private).......... ........Corporate government pays salary
of judge, prosecutor and POLICE.
Courts are Constitutional.................... ...........................All courts are in equity (corporate) acting on corporate
straw men names!!!
Sheriffs and deputies (Citizens on Patrol:COPs).................. ...................... Peace officers (POLICE = POLICy
Search warrants must be based on affirmation of a verified criminal complaint, based on probable cause by a
judge that a crime was committed and signed by a judge.... ......... Searches based on belief, warrant signed by
clerk only
First hand knowledge of an injured party crime...................... ..................."Probable cause" to believe a 'crime'
committed against corporate statute/by-laws (may or may not be an existing injured party).
It's all about the facts in evidence of violation of rights or harm.............. ............Charges based on allegation or
reason to believe
Habeas corpus can be presented to question nature and cause of charge/arrest/being held..... ….....No Habeas
There is always an official court record................ ...................There is often not even an official court record.
Consent not needed to try................ .............. Understanding and consent of accused needed to be prosecuted.
No negotiable instruments................................. ........Informations and Warrants/Prisoner Bonds are negotiable
Jury Nullification (juries try validity of the law, and the facts of case).............. ........Juries aren't instructed to
try the law.
Lawyer.................................................... .................................................................................Attorney at BAR.
Judge.................................................. .............................................................................................Quasi-judge.
Judicial................................................... .......................................................................................Quasi-judicial.
Lawsuit questioning law and facts........................ .................................................................."lawsuit" of facts.
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What do we do about it ?
This information explains why the High Court of Australia has been so reluctant to rule over
Fee Simple land ownership in recent cases presented to it.
Why courts constantly tell the defendants, “You are right, but you lose.”
Why our government state that we have given them a “Mandate” at the polling booth to
make laws we did not ask for.
Why bank get to do what they want at our expense and misery.
Why we have 2 Queens in Australia – the one who approves the unconstitutional
Governors and Governor-Generals and the one we know as Elizabeth I.
Why Queensland has been able to claim ownership to every person’s home, land and other
Why many government ministers, who were on charges of treason, completely ignored
them and ran for office in the last elections, including our illustrious Prime Minister and the
thinking man’s sex symbol Julia G!
Why the police in the US can tase their citizens without punishment – coming soon to our
Why immigrants are welcomed more than we are – because they bring large families
perhaps? And know nothing about common law, so don’t complain as well, I would bet.
8. Think twice about simply agreeing to do as the government tells you. Often it if bluff, and they want you to think
you have to obey, when in fact, you have a choice.
9. Ask them questions like “show me the law that gives you that right”.
11. God gave us these rights – do you know Him at all? He is not who the media have told you he is and maybe
Page 10
this12 Newsletter
document you may understand why we are Title
told lies about Him.
Stop Press
Under Common Law, which normally governs murder, Dr Patel would undergo a Trial by Jury.
As I pointed out in the earlier parts of this newsletter, government have pushed Common Law
UNDER the Civil law that now governs our lives.
Common Law is now clearly being dismantled in QLD and has obviously gone in WA. Kerry Shine
is the Minister for Justice in QLD – whose justice should be the next question – because it certainly
is not justice for the families of those who were apparently murdered.
Patel may not have to face trial by jury August 19, 2008 12:00AM News.com.au
FORMER surgeon Jayant Patel could be one of the first defendants to have the option of a trial
heard by a judge but without a jury. (A Civil law case in other words)
Landmark legal changes will allow extremely complex cases or those involving an accused
considered too notorious to be tried by a jury to have a "judge only" trial. (In other words, we the
People can’t be trusted to get it right.)
The Queensland Government will also introduce "majority verdicts" for juries in all but the most
serious crimes, preventing a single juror from causing a hung jury. (A hung jury is still Common
Law justice. No jury is NOT)
The Government will fast-track the laws through State Parliament by introducing them next week
and debating them a fortnight later. (The QLD Govt gives their ministers 2 days to debate a new
law now.)
Premier Anna Bligh and Attorney-General Kerry Shine yesterday denied the laws were aimed at a
specific individual but acknowledged that several high-profile cases had prompted a rethink.
"Clearly there has been recent debate about the jury system here in Queensland arising out of a
couple of cases," Ms Bligh said. (Debate designed to persuade us juries don’t work!)
"While these amendments have not been designed with any particular case in mind, they will apply
to any case where an application is heard from the time that the amendments become law."
Mr Shine said the "judge only" trials would give defendants an "additional option" for having their
case heard. (Defendants are still safer with a jury – they will always lose something with a judge.)
The trials have been modelled on West Australian laws and will be able to take place only after an
application by the prosecution or defence.
Applications from the prosecution would require an accused's consent, but a judge would
have to assess the merits of either type of application. (What, the accused gets to veto the
Chief Justice Paul de Jersey (Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia – defender of our
Constitution and Separation of Powers) welcomed the reforms. He said that in other Australian
jurisdictions, majority verdicts had not led to adverse consequences and they would overcome the
"intolerable prospect of retrials in situations where one intransigent juror had refused to do his or her
duty in11 of 12 with the law". (Intransigent means
accordance Newsletter
these good Title
people would not compromise
justice for a verdict they could not believe in, propbably the verdict the judge was pushing for.)
Woodstock NSW 2793
02 63451254 Prejudice
UCC 1-207
Interesting End Thoughts
The Right to Free Travel: The forgotten legal maxim is that free people have a right
to travel on the roads which are provided by their servants for that purpose, using
ordinary transportation of the day. Licensing cannot be required of free people,
because taking on the restrictions of a license requires the surrender of a right. The
driver's license can be required of people who use the highways for trade,
commerce, or hire; that is, if they earn their living on the road, and if they use
extraordinary machines on the roads. In other words, if you are not using the
highways for profit, you cannot be required to have a driver's license.
"The Right of the Citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his
property thereon, either by horse drawn carriage or by automobile, is not a mere
privilege which a city can prohibit or permit at will, but a common Right which he has
under the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." [emphasis added]
Thompson vs. Smith, 154 SE 579.
Tax or no Tax: It would appear that taxes can only be claimed on the PROFIT of
a man’s wage. As your wage does not generate a profit unless you take part of it,
purchase something, such as an investment, then on sell it, thereby making a profit –
how then is our wage taxed? Well, the earliest form of wage earning was daily pay
for daily work – remember, give me my daily bread? Finish the day, get paid, return
the next day, finish that day, get paid. No profit involved, therefore no tax
whatsoever. Now,we loan the boss our week’s wage. We get paid weekly, or
fortnightly, therefore the tax department can conclude that each day is a profit on
the one before. And so tax us.
. I made it (America: Freedom to Fascism) because the I.R.S. is putting people in jail
for now reason, no law. I discovered that there is no law. In 1894 the Congress tried
to pass a law, but the Supreme Court shot it down. In 1916 the Supreme Court and in
eight subsequent decisions said that the U.S. government did not have the authority
to tax the labour of the people. Income as a corporate gain is taxable; it doesn't
mean your labour is taxable. Each person owns their own life, and their own labour."
* Aaron Russo