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Gothic Earth Grimoire

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A Gothic Earth Grimoire

When the Devil would have us to sin, he would have us to do the things which the forlorn
Witches use to do. Perhaps there are few persons, ever allured by the Devil unto an Explicit
Covenant with himself.
Cotton Mather, On Witchcraft
Cleric Spells
Savonarola's Booming Malediction
Level: Cleric 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 120'
This spell momentarily gives the caster the ability to channel the voice of their deity to make a dire
pronouncement against one foe. The foe must make a saving throw or suffer 1d6 points of damage and be
stunned (unable to take any actions) for 1 round.
Torquemada's Divine Scepter of Righteous Bloodletting
Level: Cleric 1
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Range: 0
This spell causes a shining mace to appear in the caster's hands. This mace does 2d4 points of damage
and has a +1 bonus to hit. Additionally, any corporeal undead creatures struck by this mace begin to
bleed profusely; they suffer an extra 1d4 points of damage per round. This extra damage only ceases
when the wielder of the mace is dead; unfortunately, this often makes the caster the sole target of any
undead creature that has been struck by the weapon. The mace cannot be given or wielded by anyone but
the caster; if dropped, it dissipates and the spell ends.
The Fox Sisters' Wreath of Souls
Level: Cleric 2
Duration: 3 rounds +1 round/level
Range: 0
After making a fell sign, the caster is surrounded by a whirling mass of specters who help deflect any
attacks aimed at the caster. All incoming missile attacks take a -4 penalty to hit the caster and all
incoming melee attacks take a -2 penalty to hit.
John Murray Spear's Control Automaton
Level: Cleric 4
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Range: 120'
This spell grants the caster complete control of an automaton of up to 6 HD or a combination of
automatons whose HD add up to 6 HD. Intelligent automatons get a Saving Throw vs. Spells to resist the
effects of the spell.

The Fox Sisters' Spectral Ensnarement

Level: Cleric 4
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 120'
This spells summons a howling, amorphous mass of angry ghosts who latch on to the target with
ectoplasmic hooks. Any time the targetwhich can be either a creature or a mobile object such as a
rolling bouldermoves toward the caster its movement rate is reduced to a third of how quickly it would
normally move as it must strain against the ensnaring spirits. If the target creature is slain and the spell's
duration has not yet expired, the caster may designate a new target for the spirits to ensnare.
Edward Kelley's Spectral Promenade
Level: Cleric 6
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
The victim of this spell must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells; a failed Saving Throw means that the
victim is visited by the spectral apparitions of everyone they have ever killed. The following bonuses and
penalties apply to the Saving Throw: +1 if victim is Chaotic, -1 if victim is Lawful, -1 -3 depending on
how many people the victim as killed, -3 if the victim has intentionally taken the life of a loved one. If
the Saving Throw is failed, the victim immediately gains the Black Melancholia, Murderous Rages, and
Prone to Nightmares madnesses. If the victim of this spell has never taken a life it has no effect.
Increase Mather's Unction of the Eternally Peaceful Grave
Level: Cleric 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: 5'
When this ritual is performed over a properly interred corpsewhether buried or sealed in a vaultit
insures that the body will not arise as an undead creature, nor can it be raised from death and returned to
life. A corpse thus blessed cannot be the recipient of a Raise Dead, Animate Dead, or Resurrection spell.
Druid Spells
Bulwer-Lytton's Jaunty Tune to Repel Vermin
Level: Druid 1
Duration: 10 rounds/level
Range: 0
By playing this magical song on a wooden flute the caster surrounds themselves with an invisible barrier
10' in diameter that no vermin (such as rats, bats, insects, etc.) can cross or penetrate. (Giant vermin of 2
HD or more are unaffected.) If the spell-caster forces a verminous creature into the barrier (such as by
cornering the creature and approaching it), the spell ends. The caster must continue to play his or her
flute until the spell's duration expires to maintain the effects of the spell.

LeFay's Apples of Internal Sorrow

Level: Druid 1
Duration: 1 day +1 day per level
Range: 0
This spell conjures 2d4 golden, enticing apples. If eaten, each apple causes extreme gastric pain that
results in 1 point of damage per apple ingested. Additionally, if a creature eats two apples conjured by
this spell they must make a saving throw or be struck blind for a day.
Manfred's Enraging Dirge
Level: Druid 2
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 120'
By playing this mournful tune on a violin the caster grants as many allies as he or she has levels the
following bonuses: +1 to all melee attacks, +1 to all damage rolls, and +1 to all saving throws. However,
the enraging effects of this spell also make the recipients of the previous bonuses foolhardy and reckless;
they also take a -2 penalty to Armor Class and a -2 penalty to all missile attack rolls. The caster must
continue to play his or her violin until the spell's duration expires to maintain the effects of the spell.
Roger Bacon's Visage of Bestial Savagery
Level: Druid 3
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 0
To cast this spell the druid must strip the face from a freshly slain beast. The spell is cast and the gory
beast-face is transformed into a hardened mask that only the caster may wear. When wearing the mask
the druid gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and Saving Throws. Additionally, the mask
makes the caster immune to fear effects. The mask may be prepared ahead of time; the spells duration
only begins when the mask is donned. At the end of the spell's duration the mask quickly rots away into
Rasputin's The Hungry Branches
Level: Druid 4
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Range: 30'
This spell must be cast upon a tree. The spell causes 1d4 branches, +1 additional branch per level, to
drop from the tree and transform into scuttling, voracious beasts. These monsters are under control of the
spell-caster and can be directed to attack foes, perform guard duty, etc. At the end of the spell's duration
the monsters revert to being fallen branches.
The beasts created by this spell have the following stats:
Branch Beasts
Move: 120' (40') AC: 13 HD: 2 Attacks: 1 (AB: +2) Dam: 1d4+1 (bite) Mor: 12

Isobel Dowdie's Curse of the Spoiled Seed

Level: Druid 5
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
The victim of this spell must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or be unable to father or bear
children. A Remove Curse spell negates the effects of this charm.
Magic-User Spells
Crowley's Curry of Majestic Presence
Level: Magic-user 2
Duration: 12 hours
Range: 30'
Upon casting this spell, a beautifully-spiced curry appears in an elegantly-carved wooden bowl. The first
person to consume a bite of the curry receives a +4 bonus to Charisma for the duration of the spell. All
others who eat of the curry's meat receive no such benefit. After the curry is eaten, the wooden platter it
arrived upon disappear in a pleasingly-scented waft of smoke.
John Dee's Blood of the Stars
Level: Magic-user 2
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 0
For the duration of this spell the caster's blood is replaced with an acidic liquid that burns when exposed
to normal air. Anyone damaging the caster must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Wands or suffer 1d4
points of acid damage from the blood that spurts forth from the wound. A caster may wound themselves
in order to make use of the acid's corrosive properties.
La Voisin's Caustic Arrow
Level: Magic-user 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 150'
This spell sends forth an arrow made of caustic acid at one foe. The arrow is a missile attack made as if
the magic-user were a fighter of the same level. The caustic arrow does 2d4 points of damage; for every
three levels, the acid persists for another round and automatically inflicts another 2d4 points of damage.
(At third level the arrow lasts for two rounds, at sixth level it lasts for three rounds, etc.)

Melmoth's Gallows Humor

Level: Magic-user 2
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 30'
The victim of this spell is struck with a pinkish bolt of crackling arcane energy that causes them to begin
to laugh maniacally and suffer from spasmodic movements that vaguely resemble an untrained attempt to
dance. A creature thus afflicted suffers a -3 penalty to all attack rolls and saving throws. However, the
unpredictable, jerky movements caused by this spell make the afflicted creature more difficult to hit; they
receive a +1 bonus to Armor Class. A successful saving throw negates the spell's effect.
Arthur Dee's Eye of Mana Evaluation
Level: Magic-user 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 120'
This spell must be cast upon a fellow spell-caster, such as a cleric, druid, magic-user, illusionist, or
warlock. The target of the spell must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells; if this Saving Throw is failed, the
caster immediately gains knowledge of what spells the target currently has memorized or is capable of
Mother Shipton's Scarlet Tendrils
Level: Magic-user 3
Duration: special
Range: 120'
Upon finishing the dread utterance that triggers this spell an area 30' in diameter erupts with writhing
blood-red tendrils. The spell effects 1d4 creatures in the effected area; each effected creature must make a
Saving Throw vs. Breath Weapons or be held fast (unable to move or attack) and constricted for 1d4
points of damage. Each subsequent round an effected creature may make a new Saving Throw to break
free from the constriction; each failed Saving Throw continues the constriction and causes the creature to
take another 1d4 points of damage. However, a constricted creature gains a cumulative +1 bonus to their
next Saving Throw when they fail a save to break free from the scarlet tendrils.
Cagliosto's Globes of Flame
Level: Magic-user 3
Duration: See below
Range: 180'
This incantation allows the caster to hurl globes of flame (one per level of the caster) at a rate of one per
round as missile weapons with a +2 bonus to-hit. A globe of flame does 1d4 points of damage to a
creature struck and may ignite flammable materials. On each subsequent round after the spell has been
cast the magic-user may throw a globe of flame (until they have thrown as many globes as they have
levels) and take another action, such as attacking, casting another spell, etc.

Madame Blavatsky's Caul

Level: Magic-user 4
Duration: 6 turns/level
Range: Touch
The subject of this spell finds a disconcerting black caul enveloping their head. The subject may see and
hear normally through the caul. More importantly, the caul allows the subject to breath normally in
environments that lack oxygen, such as underwater and in planes or alien worlds that lack breathable air.
This spell also makes the subject immune to any substances that take effect through respiratory ingestion,
such as poisoned spores, sleeping gas, hallucinogenic fumes, etc.
Machen's Curse of the Nightmare from Beyond
Level: Magic-user 4
Duration: special
Range: 30'
The target of this spell must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or suffer through a night of horrific
nightmares. If the target is a spell-caster, he or she cannot regain any spells that they would normally
receive with rest. Upon waking from the nightmares conjured by this spell, the target will discover
vicious claw wounds all over their body; they take 1d10 points of damage from these wounds.
Moina Mathers' Flight of the Penanggalan
Level: Magic-user 4
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Range: 0
Upon the completion of this spell the caster's head detaches from his or her body, gains the power of
flight (maximum movement 60' per round), and sprouts several gore-dripping tentacles from where their
neck used to be. These tentacles can be used to attack at the caster's normal Attack Bonus and do 1d6
points of damage for every two levels the character possesses. Additionally, any damage done by these
tentacles saps the life-force of the target creature and transfers it to the caster; the caster gains half as
many Hit Points as it deals in damage via the tentacles.
The caster may continue to cast spells as normal while under the effects of Flight of the Penanggalan.
However, while under the effects of this spell the caster takes damage from exposure to holy water and
contact with holy symbols. Additionally, while the character's head is detached its body is still vulnerable
and can take damage normally. Also, if the spell's duration expires and the caster's head has not rejoined
its body, the caster loses both the power of flight and the tentacle attack, and can only crawl via its
tentacles at a speed of 10' per round. The caster may chose to rejoin its head to its body at any time, but
both head and body must be touching for this to happen.
Walter Raleigh's Aspect of Stone
Level: Magic-user 4
Duration: See below
Range: 240'
The recipient of this spell has their skin hardened against physical damage. They are immune to weapon
attacks or physical traumas for the next 1d4+1 attacks per two levels of the caster. After the recipient has
taken that many attacks the spell ends.

Carwin's Voice of the Marionette

Level: Magic-user 5
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Range: 120'
The target of this spell must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or have control of their voice ceded to the
caster. While under the effects of this spell the target creature must say anything the caster wishes; he or
she cannot speak unless the caster bids it.
Christina of Sweden's Inspiring Feast for Sellsword Captains
Level: Magic-user 5
Duration: 12 hours
Range: 30'
Upon casting this spell, a magnificent banquet table appears. The table arrives with as many chairs as the
caster has levels; similarly, the table is laden with an assortment of feasting foods that will feed as many
diners as the caster has levels. The feast takes an hour to consume; all the while the diners are served by
mute, inhuman servants who are also conjured by this spell.
Those who eat the food created by this spell are cured of all disease, become immune to poison and fear
for the spell's duration, gain +1 bonuses to attack rolls, damage rolls, and a +4 bonus to morale checks.
Marie Laveau's Danse Macabre
Level: Magic-user 5
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Range: 60'
All undead within 60' of the caster may make an additional attack per round for the spell's duration and
gain an additional Hit Die. The extra Hit Die is lost at the end of the spell's duration; if this brings the
undead's Hit Points to 0 or below, they crumble into dust.
Marie Laveau's Unhallowed Persistence
Level: Magic-user 5
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Range: 60'
All undead within 60' of the caster become immune to the Turn Undead ability and become immune to
the effects of holy water and Protection from Evil spells.

Poe's Morbid Tidings

Level: Magic-user 5
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Unlimited
This spell summons a magical raven who will carry a short message (four sentences or less) to any one
recipient the caster knows personally. The raven finds the intended recipient instantaneously. The
recipient automatically knows who has sent the raven. If the message sent tells the recipient of a woe or
bad turn of events that would involve the recipient emotionally (for example, Your wife is dead at my
hands!) the recipient must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or fall into an enervating depression that saps
his or her life-force for 5d6 points of damage. The message must be true; the raven will not carry
Margaret Matson's Baleful Eyes
Level: Magic-user 5
Duration: 1 round/3 levels
Range: 30'
This spell imbues the caster with the ability to stricken his foes with a horrific, fearful curse. When under
the effect of the curse a creature visibly trembles, feels intense nausea, and sweats blood. The caster may
afflict one creature per round of the spell's duration. The effects of the the spell are dependent on the
target's Hit Dice:
4 Hit Dice or less: the creature must flee from the caster for 1d4 rounds as if under the effects of a Cause
Fear spell. At the end of its panicked flight the creature falls unconscious as if under the effects of a
Sleep spell.
5-9 Hit Dice: the creature must flee from the caster for 1d4 rounds as if under the effects of a Cause Fear
spell. At the end of its panicked flight the creature suffers from a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, damage
rolls, and Saving Throws until the next sunrise.
10 Hit Dice or more: The creature suffers from a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving
throws until the next sunrise.
A successful Saving Throw vs. Spells negates the effects of this spell; however, any creature struck by
Baleful Eyes takes a -4 penalty to the Saving Throw.
Saint-Germain's Caustic Fog
Level: Magic-user 6
Duration: 1d4 rounds +1 round per level
Range: 90'
This spell creates a 20' area of highly acidic fog. All vegetation in the area is destroyed; furthermore, all
animals not immune to acid take 4d4 points of damage while in the fog cloud. The fog cloud can only be
moved by a strong wind, but it is dispersed by fire effects.

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