1.1 Background of The Study
1.1 Background of The Study
1.1 Background of The Study
1.1 Background of the Study
English is one of general subjects taught in school. English today has
grown rapidly, both material and its usefulness. Thus, every English language
teaching in schools must always consider the development of English,
implementation and use of English itself. By mastering the English language,
students can increase knowledge and skill.
Membaca merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang harus dikuasai oleh
siswa dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris.
requiring high skills involving critical thinking, systematic, logical, creative and
ability to cooperate effectively.
In related, there needs a model of learning English that can improve
student learning creativity in solving a problem with English. The use of
cooperative learning model is one alternative to improve student understanding
and creativity.
In the model of cooperative learning, collaboration skills required for
students in their group, to train students in critical thinking so that students' skills
in understanding the course material delivered can be increased. While the
researchers chose Class Discussion Group, because it is a simplest and most easily
implemented in the classes who have never been implemented cooperative
Observations made by the researchers together with an English teacher in
SMPN 7 Muaro Jambi especially the VIII grade first semester of academic year
2010/2011 can be seen that students have difficulty understanding the material
taught by teachers so that students mastery was still below the specified standard
school party which is 75%. In addition, the results of observations conducted by
researchers observed the behavior and attitude of students in a school activity,
indicating that the need to improve other aspects other than student learning
outcomes, that is one of them is the creativity of students.
Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in conducting