Wilson Syllabus 03
Wilson Syllabus 03
Wilson Syllabus 03
Catalog Description
A comprehensive introduction to the underlying concepts, principles, and applications of geographic
information systems (GIS) are presented and illustrated. Data acquisition, processing, management,
analysis, modeling, and product generation will be emphasized. GIS methodologies and applications in
the sciences, engineering, and other disciplines will be also be presented. Training in GIS software,
including ARC/INFO and ArcView will take place during the Labs.
No prerequisites needed.
• Introduce students to the underlying concepts, principles, and applications of GIS.
• Illustrate its utility as an optimal tool for solving problems in diverse disciplines such as
the sciences, engineering, and related fields.
• Demonstrate the utility of GIS in real world problems.
• Produce highly trained personnel in cutting-edge technology.
The following are major topics that will be covered in this course: Historical development, Data models,
Hardware and software, Data collection/quality, Database implementation, Spatial analysis,
Visualization, Organizational issues, Technical issues, Standards and access to data, Formal problems in
GIS, and Future of GIS. Specialized seminars (invited speakers from government, industry and
university research laboratories) will be provided when necessary. GIS software including ARC/INFO
and ArcView will presented.
Grading System
Students will be graded on the following including an oral presentation of a written project.
• mid-term exams 20%
• final exam 25%
• 4 tests (@ 2.5%) 10%
• 5 quizzes (@ 2%) 10%
• 4 lab reports (@ 5%) 20%
• assignments 5%
• attendance and participation 5%
• projects 5%
• A 90-100%
• B 80-90%
• C 70-80%
• F < 70%
Attendance Policy
Attendance is mandatory, and more than four absences will lead to academic withdrawal.
Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction, Second Edition, by Tor Bernhardsen. Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
INSTRUCTORS: Frederick K. Wilson, Ph.D. & Judy A. Jackson-Pringle, M.S.
(433) 885-4200
The primary objective of this course is to provide students with the fundamentals (principles and
applications) of remote sensing, including airborne/space platforms, instruments, image
processing/analysis techniques, and theories. Although the course is listed as lectures, other
instructional instruments such as seminars and laboratory sessions will be included. Satellite
images including Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), SPOT
(French satellite), and IKONOS will be processed and analyzed. Typical applications covered
include the earth sciences, plant sciences, hydrospheric sciences, land-sue/cover, and
engineering. Students will be introduced to core NASA’s ESS Programs, such as Mission to
Planet Earth (MPE)/Earth Observing Systems (EOS) Program and NOAA’s sciences. The
course will allow students to become familiar with some of the highly successful remote sensing
software, hardware, peopleware, and methodologies. The skills acquired in this course will
assist students in their academic endeavors, widen their job/career options, and help them cope
better with the dynamics of today’s technological paradigm.
Primary readings for the class will come from Introduction to Remote Sensing by James B.
Campbell, 3rd edition (2002); Guilford Press; ISBN: 1-57230-640-8 ($85.00 - hardcover);
(1-800-365-7006). Other materials will be taken from The Remote Sensing Tutorial, by the
Applied Information Sciences Branch (Code 935) at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (on
the World Wide Web). The class will meet as stated (TR, 3:00 – 4:15 PM). Labs will include
hands-on experience with major RS software packages including the Environment for
Visualizing Images (ENVI).
No course prerequisites are needed for this course. There will be 2 exams, 4 tests, 5 quizzes per
semester, and 4 lab exercises during the semester. All lab reports and assignments must be
received on time. Attendance and participation in class activities are very important and will
account for part of the total grades.
Grades will be based on the following: Grading:
* mid-term exams 20% * A 90-100%
* final exam 25% * B 80-89%
* 4 tests (@ 2.5%) 10% * C 70-79%
* 5 quizzes (@ 2%) 10% * F < 70 %
* 4 lab reports (@ 5%) 20%
* assignments 10%
* attendance and participation 5%
Dates: Topics:
Week 1 Course Introduction & Overview
Week 2 History, Chap. 1
EM Radiation, Chap. 2
Week 3 Sensors, Chap. 3
Digital Data, Chap. 4
Week 4 Image Interpretation, Chap. 5
Week 5 Land Obs. Satellites, Chap. 6
Active Microwave, Chap. 7
Week 6 Thermal Radiation, Chap. 8
INSTRUCTOR Frederick K. Wilson, Ph.D.
Email: fwilson@eng.morgan.edu
Phone: (443) 885-4200 (Office)
Office: Room MB 207/Lab S348
Advanced concepts, principles, modeling, and applications of geographic information systems
(GIS) are presented and illustrated. Individual project design, data acquisition, management,
analyses, and finished product generation is emphasized. Applications of GIS
methodologies/models in real world problems from diversified disciplines will also be presented.
Student will be required to complete (oral and written presentation) comprehensive GIS project
as part of the final exam grade for the course. Offered in the Fall semesters.
This section involves a broad range of data types and analyses necessary for specific site
selection (site suitability analyses). As environmental concerns and awareness grow, so also will
the need for optimal solutions to engineering and environmental problems. GIS technology
offers one of the very best solutions to these problems. “Green” (environmentally friendly)
structures (building, factories, and transportation) are becoming more and more prolific than
ever before. This course will emphasize the great possibilities that exist for merging modern
technologies and the environment without disrupting the ecological balance.
• Introduce students to advanced concepts, principles, models, and applications of GIS.
• Emphasize “green” engineering concepts – viable, environmentally friendly, energy-
efficient, and sustainable engineering projects and plans.
• Facilitate GIS methodology development for problem solving in engineering and related
• Demonstrate the utility of GIS in real world problems.
• Produce highly trained personnel in cutting-edge technology.
Exploring Spatial Analysis in Geographic Information Systems by Yue-Hong Chou. Published
by Onward Press, 1997.
• GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues by Michael F.
Goodchild, et al. GIS World, Inc., 1996.
• Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction by Jeffery Starr and John Estes.
Published by Prentice Hall, 1990.
• ArcView GIS Means Business, by ESRI, 1997.
• Exploring Geographic Information Systems by Nicholas Chrisman. John Wiley & Sons,
• Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems by Michael DeMers. John Wiley &
Sons, 1996.
• Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems by Keith Clarke. Prentice Hall,
• The Global Positioning System and GIS: An Introduction by Michael Kennedy. Ann
Arbor Press, 1995.
• Understanding GIS: The ARC/INFO Method. ESRI, 1996.
• Zeroing In: Geographic Information Systems at Work in the Community. ESRI, 1997.
• ARC News, ESRI, Redlands, California.
• GIS World, Inc., Fort Collins, Colorado.
• Geo Info Systems, Advanstar Communications, Eugene, Oregon.
• GIS Europe, Geoinformation International, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
• GIS World - Since 1988, 12 issues per year, GIS World, Inc., Fort Collins, Colorado.
• Point Line Poly - Since 1991, six issues per year. Proctor VT.
The class will adhere to all the rules and regulations of the graduate school, especially with
regards to discipline, attendance, and performance. Grades will be computed from tests, exams,
attendance, participation in class, lab projects, assignments, competence with the GIS
software, and successful completion of selected projects.
(%) Letter Distribution of grades (%):
90 - 100 A Two exams (Mid-term (15%) & Final (25%)
1. 80 - 89 B Four tests (@ 5 % each) 20
70 - 79 C Lab reports 10
0 - 69 F Assignments 10
Projects 15
Attendance and Participation 05
I. Introduction
1. The Course (and Housekeeping)
2. Overview of GIS
3. Role and Importance of the Technology
4. Trends and Prospect of the Technology
5. Summary
II. Introduction to Spatial Analysis
1. Spatial Data
2. Using GIS for Spatial Analysis
3. Significance of Spatial Analysis
4. Spatial Analysis Applications
III. Spatial Data
1. Representation
2. Required Elements
3. Data Structures
4. Data Modeling
5. Summary
III Quantification of Spatial Analysis
1. Measurement of location
2. Geographic Grid System
3. Coordinate System
4. UTM System
5. Measurements of Spatial Features
6. Attribute Data measurement
IV. Single layer Operations
1. Feature manipulation
2. Boundary Operations
3. Proximity Analysis
4. Feature Identification and Analysis
5. Feature Classification
V. Multiple Layer Operations
1. Overlay Analysis
2. Proximity Analysis
3. Spatial Correlation Analysis
4. Summary
VI. Point Pattern Analysis
1. Descriptive Statistics of Point Features
2. Spatial arrangements
3. Spatial Autocorrelation
4. Sampling Point Feature
VII. Network Analysis
1. Data Requirements
2. Evaluation of Network Structures
3. Network Diameter
4. Network Connectivity
5. Network Accessibility
6. Network Structure
VIII. Spatial modeling
1. Model Building
2. Structure and Spatial Factors
3. Multiple Regression
4. Significance Tests
5. Logistic Regression
6. Data Manipulation and INFO Programming
IX. Surface Analysis
1. Organization of Information
2. Spatial interpolation
3. Surface Analysis Applications
4. Summary
X. Grid Analysis
1. Spatial Property of Grid Data
2. Data value Assessment
3. Grid Operations
4. Zonal Functions
5. Grid-based Spatial Analysis
XI. Decision Making in Spatial Analysis
1. Qualitative Approach
2. Morphological Analysis
3. Quantitative Approach
4. Problem Setting
5. Specification of Variables
6. Construction of Models
7. Interpretation of Results
XII. Environmental Databases and Mapping
XIII. Environmental Modeling Linked to GIS
XIV. Building Environmental Models With GIS
XV. Applications
1. Master Planning
2. Socioeconomic (Land information systems),
3. Socioeconomic (Transportation/Utility routing, Car navigation systems),
4. Socioeconomic (Demographics, Market analysis),
5. Environmental (Multisource, multinational databases),
6. Management (Public policy),
7. Management (Urban planning),
8. Management (Land management),
9. Resource Management, and
10. Erosion Potential.
Projects for the course will be allocated based on students major, interest, and/or availability of data.
When possible students will be allowed to choose their own project.
INSTRUCTOR Frederick K. Wilson, Ph.D.
Email: fwilson@morgan.edu
Phone: (443) 885-4200 (Office)
Office: Room MEB 207 / Lab: Room S 348
Comprehensive review of the history, concepts, principles, analysis, and applications of remote
sensing (RS) are presented and illustrated. Applications of RS in real the world are presented.
Lectures are supplemented by laboratory assignments, and individual project assignment (based
on student’s discipline/interest) is emphasized. RS data from a suite of sensors/platforms,
including, Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), Landsat Multispectral
Scanner (MSS)/Thematic Mapper (T M), System Probatoire d’Observation de la Terre (SPOT),
IKONOS, and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) will be used. Image
processing software will include ENVI and ERDAS. Students will be required to complete a RS
project (oral presentation and written report) as part of the final exam grade for the course.
Remote sensing (RS), as defined by T.J.M. Kennie (Remote sensing in civil engineering, 1985),
is a science of acquiring information about some property of an object through the use of a
measuring device which is not in physical contact with the object under investigation. This
makes RS one of the most powerful technologies for interdisciplinary scientific applications.
Uses include science and engineering, resource management and policy making, climate/weather
research, and monitoring/updating spatial databases. As the spatial resolution of RS images
improves and their acquisition costs decrease, the utility of this technology will undoubtedly
escalate. Engineering and the sciences are prime areas that should take advantage of this
opportunity if the Nation is to maintain its leadership role in spatial technologies.
This course will expose students to cutting-edge technologies available to scientists today, and
provide them with hands-on experience that will assist them in meeting future challenges in their
respective fields. Data will come from a suite of sensors including multispectral scanner (MSS)/
thematic mapper (TM), SPOT (French) satellite, IKONOS (USA), and (MODIS) aircraft.
Emphases will be placed on image processing, analysis, and applications in the earth system
Since much of the U.S. (and the world) populations are concentrated in/near metropolitan
centers and coastal areas, this course will concentrate on terrain analysis, land-use/land-cover
change, ecosystem/environmental degradation, and climate change. Major metropolitan areas to
be studied include Washington, D.C.; Atlanta, GA; New Orleans, LA; Harrisburg, PA; Los
Angeles and San Diego, CA; and Tucson, AZ. This course will also examine course-
consequence relationships of natural and anthropogenic effects at multiple spatial and temporal
scales on the environment.
• Provide in-depth knowledge of remote sensing (RS) concepts, principles, methodologies,
and applications.
• Examine and demonstrate the utility of RS methodologies in real world problems
(terrain, urban, transportation, pollution, and water resource analysis at desperate spatial
and temporal scales).
• Facilitate the use of RS methodology in problem solving in earth system sciences and
related fields.
• Produce highly trained personnel in cutting-edge technology.
The class will adhere to all the rules and regulations of the graduate school, especially with
regards to discipline, attendance, and performance. All students are required to COMPLY fully
with ALL COPYRIGHT LAWS and REGULATIONS. Neither MSU, nor the Instructor(s)
will be held responsible in any way, shape, or form for ANY infringement on the laws
governing ALL COPYRIGHTED materials and related materials by any student; students will
be fully responsible.
Grades will be computed from tests, exams, attendance, participation in class, lab projects,
assignments, competence with the RS software, and successful completion of selected
(%) Letter Distribution of grades _____(%)
90 - 100 A Two exams (Mid-term (15%) and Final (25%) 40
80 - 89 B Four tests (@ 5 % each) 20
70 - 79 C Lab reports 10
0 - 69 F Assignments 10
Project 15
Attendance and Participation 5
Remote Sensing & Image Interpretation, 4th Edition, by Lillesand, Thomas M. / Kiefer, Ral;
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2000; ISBN: 0-471-25515-7.
1. Remote Sensing: Models & Methods for Image; Processing; Acad Pr, 1997; Author:
Schowengerdt, Robert.
2. Classification of Remotely Sensed Images, Ian L. Thomas, et al; 1987.
3. Applied Remote Sensing; P.C. Lo; Longman, January 1996.
4. Remote Sensing for Landscape Ecology: New Metric Indicators for Monitoring, Modeling,
& Assessment of Ecosystems; Library Binding, Lewis Pubs, 1997; ISBN: 1566702755;
Author: Frohn, Robert C.
5. Urban Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing & GIS Analysis; World Bank; Author:
Paulsson, Bengt.
CEGR 741.185
Dr. Fred Wilson
Date: Topics: