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Mike and Key

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The key takeaways are that the Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club is a Seattle-based organization devoted to amateur radio operation with a focus on helping the community through training, public service, and various amateur radio activities. The club aims to support members across different amateur radio interests.

The purpose of the Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club is to be an organization devoted to all aspects of amateur radio operation with a focus on helping the community through training members and practicing skills through public service.

The Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club was originally formed in 1960 by William T. 'Pop' Brown, K7LED with 15 charter members. It provided code and theory classes and established a club station. It dissolved in 1966 but some remaining members later reactivated it.




The Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club is a Seattle, Washington
(USA) area organization devoted to all aspects of Amateur Radio
Operation. The club focus is helping the community through
training our members and practicing our skills through Public
Activity in the Club is as varied as the hobby of Amateur Radio itself.
Within the Club there are groups that engage in Public Service,
Contesting, DX, VHF/UHF, SSB, CW, Construction/Experimentation,
Packet, and Traffic Handling. While the Club cannot be everything
to everybody, it does provide a base of support for most radio
interests. Members are encouraged to be "active" in the Hobby, the
Club, and the Community.

Late in the year of 1960, November is believed to be the month, a few good men, (15 to be exact),
all "Hams", were assembled by a dedicated leader in the field of Amateur Radio. The guiding force
and leader of this endeavor was William T. "Pop" Brown, K7LED.
In order to establish a Club, acting officers were elected to the necessary positions. The elected
officers held these positions until April 1961, at which time new officers were elected for a one year
period. The original Club was formed and incorporation papers filed in April 1961.
The club consisted of fifteen charter members and duly adopted the name of "Mike and Key Radio
club". From the fifteen charter members the Club grew steadily to over 50 members, most of whom
were under 21 years of age. The Club conducted code and theory classes at the Brisco Boys
Memorial School in Kent for 3 school years. In addition, classes were held at the Club meetings.
Equipment was purchased and a Club station was established with the call letters of K7SHY.
The Club remained active with varying numbers of members until the latter part of 1966, at which
time, due to lack of interest by the membership, the Club, then consisting of only three members,
dissolved. "Pop" Brown - K7LED, M.S. Sullivan - W7EOP and Ken Jackson - K7PZX, were the
remaining active members. When "Pop" Brown passed on to a "Silent Key", Ken Jackson obtained
the Club incorporation papers and other allied documents in the hopes of reactivating the Club at a
later date.

Amateur Radio activity increased and thru radio contact K7PZX was able to promote enough interest
to reactivate the Club in October of 1970. The Club was reorganized and again 15 "Hams" attended
the first meeting. The membership grew rapidly during the next few months.
In 1971 the call letters of K7LED were requested and received as a Club Call in memory of "Pop"
Brown. Ken Jackson, K7PZX and Pete Policani, K7PP, established a 6 meter repeater using the
K7LED call. The Club call has been used by individual Club members throughout the years, and used
exclusively on each band during Field Day. Two Club-owned repeaters are Page 5 identified by the
Club call. For many years a member owned repeater used the club call. Sometime in the 1970's,
"Amateur" was added to the Club name so as to be the "MIKE and KEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB".
The new Club held their meetings in the Civil Defense Headquarters on the East Hill in Kent until
membership outgrew the capacity of the facility. The Club meetings then moved to the United Good
Neighbor Center in Renton. The membership has varied over the years and in 1987/88, with
renewed interest in Ham Radio, the membership in 1989 rose to over 165 members.
Due to this increase in membership the Club meetings were moved from the UGN Center to a new
meeting place at the Tukwila Community center. In 1993 a further increase in membership required
a larger facility. Meetings are now held in the Salvation Army Headquarters in Renton. Membership
now stands at about 216 (as of June 2011).

The Mike & Key is open to all persons interested in Amateur
Radio, whether licensed or not. The Club currently consists
of approximately 216 members.
Membership applications may be obtained from the VicePresident at the General Membership meeting or on line.
Applications are submitted to the Board for review and, upon
approval, presented to the general membership for final
Dues are $12 yearly. Family Memberships are available for
multi- member households.


The Mike & Key Amateur Radio Club holds a General Membership
meeting the third Saturday of each month. Meetings are held every month
of the year.
Currently, the membership meeting is held at the Renton Salvation Army
Headquarters building at 720 South Tobin Street, Renton WA.
This location is situated at the southeast corner of the Renton airport, one
block North of the Renton Parking Garage.
The building is open for socializing, coffee, and doughnuts at 9:30 AM
and the meeting starts at 10:00 AM.
Membership meetings generally consist of Officer and Committee reports,
a hour-long program related to Amateur Radio, and a raffle. A short break
is held mid-meeting.
All persons interested in Amateur Radio are invited to attend Mike & Key

The Club operates two FM repeaters under the call K7LED.
These are located at:
146.82/146.22 MHz. - the two meter band

224.12/222.52 MHz. - the 220 MHz band

The two meter repeater requires a tone squelch signal (PL) of
103.5 for access.
The Club does not operate a 440MHz repeater.
These repeaters are open to all amateur radio operators and
no donations are accepted towards their operation.

In addition, the Club prefers that prospective members do

not join if their only intention is to "just support the repeater".

Flea Market March
Awards Banquet - April
Field Day 4th full weekend in June
Public Service Events - all year
Picnic - September
Salvation Army Bell Ringing - December
Christmas Party December

In 1982 the Club sponsored "Auction" was discontinued and a "Flea Market" was
The Mike & Key Electronics Show & Fleamarket is one of the largest annual Amateur
Radio events in the Pacific Northwest.

It is held on the Western Washington Fairgrounds during the first part of March
Up to 3,000 Hams and non-Hams alike are drawn to a modern 40,000 square foot
facility located on two floors of the Exhibition Hall with room for over 300 tables selling
radios, computers, and general electronics equipment.
Lots of radio and computer related items are available for sale and/or trade.
There is an on-site snack bar and a consignment area.
License examinations are also given on-site.
To successfully conduct this event each year requires the participation of the entire
Club membership.


Available each year at the Flea Market, this
booklet is compiled by the Public Service
Committee and contains local information
useful to amateur radio operators.

About the cost of publication is offset by

advertisements; the remainder is paid from
club funds.

A contest but not a just a contest -- an emergency simulation; a public
information event; an educational opportunity; a picnic; a campout; an
antenna laboratory; a social event that the whole family can participate in.

Held in the last full weekend of June at the Fort Flagler State Park
Our first Field Day was on Cougar Mountain in 1974
In 1975 we changed location to Marrowstone Island at Fort Flagler
near Port Townsend and have returned every year since
The Mike and Key ARC scored 1st in the United States in our category
in 1999
Scored 2nd in our category in 2002

2010: 1st in WWA, 1st in WA, 1st in PNW, 3rd in Class (6A); 56th overall


The Club has a Board of Officers and Trustees to run the
There are six officers and five trustees.

The officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,

Activities Manager, and Radio Officer.
All positions are open to election except the Radio Officer position
which is appointed.
Officer positions are for 1 year and Trustee positions are held for 2
Odd numbered trustee positions are filled in odd year elections
and even numbered positions are filled in even years.
Elections are conducted at the March general meeting.

Chairman of the Board: Tim Kane - K7ANE
President: Ivy Nelson-Groves - WA7IVY
Vice President: Steve Cook - KD7IQL
Secretary: Robert Grinnell - KD7WNV
Treasurer: Dave Smith - KB7PSN
Activities Manager: Kathy Martin - KB7QMO
Radio Officer: Hal Goodell - N7NW

Trustee Position No. 1: Mike Dinkelman - N7WA

Trustee Position No. 2: George Thornton - AE7G
Trustee Position No. 3: Tim Kane - K7ANE

Trustee Position No. 4: Alan Hughes - KB7SVU

Trustee Position No. 5: Daniel Stevens - KL7WM


The Officer's and Trustee's of the Club hold monthly
meetings on the last Tuesday of each month to transact
the Club business.
The meetings are held at the Renton Salvation Army
Headquarters building at 720 South Tobin Street,
Renton WA.
Board meetings start at 7:00PM.
All Mike & Key members are invited to participate in the
Board meetings.


Education & Training: Tim Kane - K7ANE

Facilities & Publicity: Daniel Stevens - KL7WM
Public Service: George Thornton - AE7G

Strategic Planning: Mike Dinkelman - N7WA

Technical & Special Interest: Alan Hughes - KB7SVU


VE Testing: Scott Robinson AG7T

Flea Market Chairs: Mike Dinkelman N7WA & Hal Goodell N7NW
Field Day Chairs: Ivy Nelson-Groves WA7IVY & Richard Pasquier N7MER
Badges/Logo: Dan Humphrey N7QHC & Dawn Humphrey KC7YYB

QSL Manager: Fred Roberts W6TKV

"K7LED Relay" Editor: Gary Bryan KG7KU
Webmaster: Jim Etzwiler KD7BAT
Bylaws Revision committee: Dave Smith KB7PSN
Audit Committee Chair: Sam Sullivan N7RHE
Picnic Chair: Hal Goodell N7NW
Banquet Chair: Mike Dinkelman N7WA
Holiday Party Chair: Mike Dinkelman N7WA


Elmer Coordinator


Homebrew, DX, antennas

Jeff Wandling, W7BRS

New hams, satellite work

Beams and Towers

Alan Hughes, KB7SVU

Beam antennas and towers, safety


Mike Dinkleman, N7WA

Contest operations


Mike Dinkleman, N7WA

Learn CW, operating proficiency

Digital Modes

Andy Lengenfelder, W7ATL

All digital modes, software, TNCs


Steve Hatch, WA7DAD


Emergency Comm

Tim Kane, K7ANE

CERT, ARES, organizations and equipment

HF Operation

Dale Tongue, AC7NP

Equipment, Antennas, and best HF operating


New Members

Dick Radford, WA7NIW

Getting started, equipment selection and



Frank Qualls, AB7HA

Low power operation, design and construction

VHF/UHF Operation

Dave Smith, KB7PSN

6 meters and up; radios, antennas, modes

"K7LED Relay" - Published monthly in the week
prior to the general membership meeting.
Editor: Gary Bryan KG7KU
Website: www.MikeandKey.org
Webmaster: Jim Etzwiler KD7BAT
The club is now in the process of creating an
digital archive of documents and photos/videos
throughout the clubs history.

Jo Hallstrom (KB7UFM) Friendship Award
Ken Jackson (K7PZX) Award
"Pop" Brown (K7LED) Award
Presidents Award
Alligator Award

Jo Hallstrom (KB7UFM) Friendship Award

This award recognizes the member who is a promoter of the friendship of our
club. It was created to honor our beloved Jo Hallstrom, KB7UFM. Jo also
exhibited these traits as a ham as well as in the community and her church.

2003 Jo Hallstrom (posthumously) KB7UFM

2008 Dawn Humphrey KC7YYB

Ken Jackson (K7PZX) Award

Established in 1999 shortly after Kens death, this award is presented to the
Member who has contributed the most in SUPPORT of working with those who
wish to become hams, primarily, by educating, training in the field, being a VE
for testing, and Elmering groups or individuals on a one on one basis.


Frank Krieger KA7QHG

Harry Lewis W7JWJ
Charles Stroeher WA7EBH
Michael Dinkelman N7WA
Frank Henshaw K7VMG
Scott Robinson AG7T
Daniel Stevens KL7WM

"Pop" Brown (K7LED) Award

This award is presented to the Member who has contributed the most in SUPPORT
of the club, Amateur Radio, Public Service, etc. This is our clubs highest honor.
1971 Ken Jackson K7PZX & Pete Policani K7PP
1972 Steve Tillett K7KOT & Bill Baker K7LHY
1973 Al Free WA7LWP & Pete Hedberg K7WTG
1974 Chuck Grazier WA7RJT
1975 Ken Rau K7YR
1976 Kathy Freinwald WA7WMD
1977 Jan Hedberg WA7HWX
1978 Chuck Stroeher WA7EBH
1979 Jim Strang W7GPW
1980 Ray E. Leslie WA7EKH & Clay Freinwald K7CR
1981 Al Jensen WA7TIB
1982 Hal Goodell N7NW
1983 Mike Cross WB7AYU
1984 Deborah de Jong N7AVO
1985 Jim Christiansen K7ND
1986 Jimmy Sutton WM7A
1987 Michael Dinkelman WA7UVJ
1988 Rick Beatty NU7Z & Vic ZumBrunnen WA7TBR
1989 Joyce Stroeher N7JPW
1990 Jack Burrell KB7ZS

1991 Wayne Moddison K6DOW

1992 Frank Krieger KA7QHG
1993 Diane Dinkelman KB7DNE
1994 E. Ralph Schumacher WX7T
1995 Nils Hallstrom WB7TJK
1996 Michael Hansen KG7MX
1997 Mary Lewis W7QGP & Harry Lewis W7JWJ
1998 Carl Butler W7PRW
1999 Chuck Benefiel N7STR
2000 Carolyn Pasquier WV7Q
2001 Wayne Heath KC7ORB
2002 Sam Sullivan N7RHE
2003 Jo Hallstrom KB7UFM & Alan Hughes
2004 Brendan Burget KD7IKV
2005 Steve Cook KD7IQL
2006 Scott Robinson AG7T
2007 Jack Grimmett N7IHS
2008 Paul Roth N7DOH
2010 Dick Radford WA7NIW

Mike and Key ARC Presidents

The person with the dubious honor of leading this herd of cats.


John Miller K7TTQ

Pete Hedberg K7WTG
Ken Rau K7YR
Pete Policani K7PP
Clay Freinwald K7CR
Dave Grant WA7TOM
Gib Gibson W7JIE
Steve Tillett K7KOT
Al Jensen WA7TIB
Hal Goodell N7NW
Harry Lewis W7JWJ
Deborah de Jong N7AVO
Chuck Stroeher WA7EBH
Jimmy Sutton WM7A
Rick Beatty NU7Z


Jack Burrell KB7ZS

Michael Dinkelman WA7UVJ
Chuck Stroeher WA7EBH
Nils Hallstrom WB7TJK
Carolyn Pasquier WV7Q
Chuck Benefiel N7STR
Alan Hughes KB7SVU
Jack Grimmett N7IHS
Brendan Burget KD7IKV
Mike Dinkelman N7WA
Sam Sullivan N7RHE
Mike Eakins K7OV
Dick Radford WA7NIW
Ivy Nelson-Groves WA7IVY

Alligator Award
This rotating award is given out at the monthly meeting by the past recipient to
the new recipient. It is awarded to the club member caught by the current
holder of the award to have timed out the K7LED repeater. The idea behind the
award is that alligators have big mouths and little ears.

Current award holder

Dale AC7NP


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