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Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

A genetic-algorithm for discovering small-disjunct

rules in data mining
Deborah R. Carvalho a,b, , Alex A. Freitas a

Postgraduate Program in Applied Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do
Paran (PUCPR), R. Imaculada Conceio 1155, Curitiba PR 80215-901, Brazil
b Computer Science Department, Universidade Tuiuti do Paran (UTP), Av. Comendador Franco 1860,
Curitiba PR 80215-090, Brazil

This paper addresses the well-known classification task of data mining, where the goal is to discover rules predicting
the class of examples (records of a given dataset). In the context of data mining, small disjuncts are rules covering a small
number of examples. Hence, these rules are usually error-prone, which contributes to a decrease in predictive accuracy. At
first glance, this is not a serious problem, since the impact on predictive accuracy should be small. However, although each
small-disjunct covers few examples, the set of all small disjuncts can cover a large number of examples. This paper presents
evidence that this is the case in several datasets. This paper also addresses the problem of small disjuncts by using a hybrid
decision-tree/genetic-algorithm approach. In essence, examples belonging to large disjuncts are classified by rules produced by
a decision-tree algorithm (C4.5), while examples belonging to small disjuncts are classified by a genetic-algorithm specifically
designed for discovering small-disjunct rules. We present results comparing the predictive accuracy of this hybrid system
with the prediction accuracy of three versions of C4.5 alone in eight public domain datasets. Overall, the results show that
our hybrid system achieves better predictive accuracy than all three versions of C4.5 alone.
2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Data mining; Classification; Genetic-algorithm; Rule discovery; Small disjuncts

1. Introduction
In essence, data mining consists of extracting knowledge from data. The basic idea is that, intuitively,
real-world databases contain hidden knowledge useful
for decision making, if this hidden knowledge can be
discovered. For instance, data about the previous sales
of a company might contain hidden, implicit knowledge about which kind of product each kind of customer tends to buy. Hence, by analyzing that data, one
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: deborah@utp.br (D.R. Carvalho),
a.a.freitas@ukc.ac.uk (A.A. Freitas).
URL: http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/people/staff/aaf/

can discover knowledge potentially useful for increasing the sales of the company.
Data mining is actually an interdisciplinary field,
since there are many kinds of algorithms, derived from
several different research areas (arguably, mainly machine learning and statistics), which can be used to
extract knowledge from data. In this paper we follow
a machine learning approach (rather than a statistical approach) for data mining [16]. More precisely,
we are interested in discovering knowledge that is not
only accurate, but also comprehensible for the user.
The discovery of comprehensible knowledge is facilitated by the use of a high-level, rule-based knowledge
representationsee later.

1568-4946/02/$ see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 5 6 8 - 4 9 4 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 3 1 - 5


D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

The data mining task addressed in this paper is

classification. In this task, each example (or database
record) belongs to a class, which is indicated by the
value of a goal attribute. This attribute can take on a
small number of discrete values, each of them corresponding to a class. The goal of the classification algorithm is to predict the class of an example, based
on the value of the other attributes (called predictor
attributes) for that example. For a comprehensive review of the classification task the reader is referred to
[10], while for a comprehensive review of data mining
in general the reader is referred to [25]. A specialized
review of data mining with evolutionary algorithms
can be found in [7].
In the context of the classification task, the discovered knowledge is often expressed as a set of IF-THEN
prediction rules of the form: IF conditions THEN
class. From a logical viewpoint, typically the discovered rules are in disjunctive normal form, where each
rule represents a disjunct and each rule condition represents a conjunct. A small-disjunct can be defined as
a rule that covers a small number of training examples
In general rule induction algorithms have a bias that
favors the discovery of large disjuncts, rather than
small disjuncts. This is due to the belief that specializations in the training set are unlikely to be valid in the
test set. Hence, at first glance small disjuncts should
not be included in the discovered rule set, since they
tend to be error-prone [11]. However, although each
disjunct covers a small number of examples, the set of
all small disjuncts can cover a large number of examples. For instance [4] reports a real-world application
where small disjuncts cover roughly 50% of the training examples. Therefore, if the rule induction algorithm ignores small disjuncts and discovers only large
disjuncts, classification accuracy will be significantly
In our previous work [1,2], we have proposed a hybrid decision-tree/genetic-algorithm method for rule
discovery that copes with the problem of small disjuncts. The basic idea is that examples belonging to
large disjuncts are classified by rules produced by a
decision-tree algorithm, while examples belonging to
small disjuncts (whose classification is considerably
more difficult) are classified by rules produced by a
genetic-algorithm specifically designed for discovering small-disjunct rules.

However, that previous work had two limitations.

First, it reported results for only two datasets. Second, it compared the performance of the hybrid system only with the default version of C4.5 [19]. This
paper extends our previous work in three directions:
(a) we report more extensive results on eight datasets;
(b) we compare the performance of the hybrid system
not only with the default version of C4.5, but also
with two other versions of C4.5 more adapted to
cope with small disjuncts; and
(c) we present an analysis of the number of small
disjuncts found in each dataset, showing that small
disjuncts occur more often than one might think
at first glance.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3 describes
our hybrid decision-tree/genetic-algorithm method
for rule discovery, focusing on the genetic-algorithm,
which was specifically designed for discovering smalldisjunct rules. Section 4 reports the results of experiments evaluating the performance of our system on
eight datasets. Finally, Section 5 presents conclusions
and future research directions.
2. Related work
Liu et al. present a new technique for organizing
discovered rules in different levels of detail [12]. The
algorithm consists of two steps. The first one is to find
top-level general rules, descending down the decisiontree from the root node to find the nearest nodes
whose majority classes can form significant rules.
They call these rules the top-level general rules. The
second is to find exceptions, exceptions of the exceptions and so on. They determine whether a tree node
should form an exception rule or not using two criteria: significance and simplicity. Some of the exception
rules found by this method could be considered as
small disjuncts. However, unlike most of the projects
discussed below, the authors do not try to discover
small disjuncts rules with greater predictive accuracy.
Their method was proposed only as a form of summarizing a large set of discovered rules. By contrast
our work aims at discovering new small-disjunct rules
with greater predictive power than the corresponding rules discovered by a decision-tree algorithm.

D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

Next we discuss other research more related to our

Weiss and Hirsh present a quantitative measure for
evaluating the effect of small disjuncts on learning
[24]. The authors reported experiments with a number of datasets to assess the impact of small disjuncts
on learning, especially when factors such as training
set size, pruning strategy, and noise level are varied.
Their results confirmed that small disjuncts do have a
negative impact on predictive accuracy in many cases.
However, they did not propose any solution for the
problem of small disjuncts.
Holte et al. investigated three possible solutions for
eliminating small disjuncts without unduly affecting
the discovery of large (non-small) disjuncts [11],
namely: (a) eliminating all rules whose number of covered training examples is below a predefined threshold.
In effect, this corresponds to eliminating all small disjuncts, regardless of their estimated performance; (b)
eliminating only the small disjuncts whose estimated
performance is poor. Performance is estimated by using a statistical significance test; (c) using a specificity
bias for small disjuncts (without altering the bias for
large disjuncts).
Ting proposed the use of a hybrid data mining
method to cope with small disjuncts [21]. His method
consists of using a decision-tree algorithm to cope
with large disjuncts and an instance-based learning
(IBL) algorithm to cope with small disjuncts. The basic idea of this hybrid method is that IBL algorithms
have a specificity bias, which should be more suitable
for coping with small disjuncts. Similarly, Lopes and
Jorge discuss two techniques for rule and case integration [13]. Case-based learning is used when the
rule base is exhausted. Initially, all the examples are
used to induce a set of rules with satisfactory quality.
The examples that are not covered by these rules are
then handled by a case-based learning method. In this
proposed approach, the paradigm is shifted from rule
learning to case-based learning when the quality of
the rules gets below a given threshold. If the initial
examples can be covered with high-quality rules the
case-based approach is not triggered. In a high-level
of abstraction, the basic idea of these two methods is
similar to our hybrid decision-tree/genetic-algorithm
method. However, these two methods have the disadvantage that the IBL (or CBL) algorithm does not
discover any high-level, comprehensible rules. By


contrast, we use a genetic-algorithm that does discover high-level, comprehensible small-disjunct rules,
which is important in the context of data mining.
Weiss investigated the interaction of noise with rare
cases (true exceptions) and showed that this interaction led to degradation in classification accuracy
when small-disjunct rules are eliminated [22]. However, these results have a limited utility in practice,
since the analysis of this interaction was made possible
by using artificially generated datasets. In real-world
datasets the correct concept to be discovered is not
known a priori, so that it is not possible to make a
clear distinction between noise and true rare cases.
Weiss did experiments showing that, when noise is
added to real-world datasets, small disjuncts contribute
disproportional and significantly for the total number
of classification errors made by the discovered rules

3. A hybrid decision-tree/genetic-algorithm
system for rule discovery
As mentioned in Section 1, we present a hybrid
method for rule discovery that combines decision trees
and genetic algorithms. The basic idea is to use a wellknown decision-tree algorithm to classify examples
belonging to large disjuncts and use a genetic-algorithm to discover rules classifying examples belonging
to small disjuncts. This approach tries to combine the
best of both worlds. Decision-tree algorithms have a
bias towards generality that is well suited for large
disjuncts, but not for small disjuncts. Indeed, one of
the drawbacks of decision-tree-building algorithms is
the fragmentation problem [8], where the set of examples belonging to a tree node gets smaller and smaller
as the depth of the tree is increased, making it difficult to induce reliable rules from deep levels of the
On the other hand, genetic algorithms are robust,
flexible algorithms, which tend to cope well with attribute interactions [6,7,18]. Hence, they can be more
easily tailored for coping with small disjuncts, which
are associated with large degrees of attribute interaction [17,20].
The proposed system discovers rules in two training
phases. In the first phase we run C4.5, a well-known
decision-tree induction algorithm [19]. The induced,


D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

pruned tree is transformed into a set of rules in the

usual waythat is, each path from the root to a leaf
node corresponds to a rule predicting the class specified in the corresponding leaf node. Hence, a decisiontree with d leaves is transformed into a rule set with d
rules (or disjuncts). Each of these rules is considered
either as a small-disjunct or as a large (non-small)
disjunct, depending on whether or not its coverage (the
number of examples covered by the rule) is smaller
than or equal to a given threshold. A large-disjunct
rule is simply saved in order to classify new examples
in the future (examples of the test set). By contrast,
the small-disjunct rules discovered by C4.5 are not
saved. Rather, the corresponding small-disjunct examples (i.e., the examples belonging to leaf nodes considered small disjuncts) are passed to a genetic-algorithm
(GA), triggering the second training phase. This second phase consists of using the GA to discover rules
covering those small-disjunct examples. We have developed a GA specifically for this phase, as described
in detail later. The small-disjunct rules discovered by
this GA are then used to classify new examples in the
future (examples of the test set). The basic idea of the
entire process is shown in Fig. 1.
3.1. Overview of a GA for discovering
small-disjunct rules
In this section, we describe our genetic-algorithm
(GA) developed for discovering small-disjunct rules
i.e., rules covering the examples in a decision-trees
leaf nodes deemed small disjuncts, as explained above.
A detailed description of this GA can also be found
in [1,2]. In any case, the below description is intended
to make this paper self-contained.
The first step in the design of a GA for rule discovery is to decide what an individual (candidate solution)
represents. In our case, each individual represents a
small-disjunct rule. The genome of an individual consists of the conditions in the antecedent (IF part) of the
rule. The goal of the GA is to evolve rule conditions
that maximize the predictive accuracy of the rule, as
evaluated by a fitness measuredescribed later. The
GA also has a rule-pruning operator that favors the
discovery of shorter, more comprehensible rules, as
will be seen in Section 3.5.
The consequent (THEN part) of the rule, which
specifies the predicted class, is not represented in the

Fig. 1. Overview of our hybrid decision-tree/genetic-algorithm


genome. Rather, it is fixed for a given GA run, so that

all individuals have the same rule consequent during
that entire run.
Each run of our GA discovers a single rule (the best
individual of the last generation) predicting a given
class for examples belonging to a given small-disjunct.
Since we need to discover several rules to cover examples of several classes in several different small
disjuncts, we run our GA several times for a given
dataset. More precisely, we need to run our GA d c
times, where d is the number of small disjuncts and c
is the number of classes to be predicted. For a given
small-disjunct, the ith run of the GA, i = 1, . . . , c,
discovers a rule predicting the ith class.
The next subsections describe in detail the individual representation, the fitness function, and the genetic
operators used in our GA.

D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588


3.2. Individual representation

In our GA each individual represents the antecedent
(IF part) of a small-disjunct rule. More precisely, each
individual represents a conjunction of conditions comprising a given rule antecedent.
The rule antecedent contains a variable number of
rule conditions, since one does not know a priori how
many conditions will be necessary to compose a good
rule. In practice, for implementation purposes, one has
to specify both a lower limit and an upper limit on
the number of conditions of a rule antecedent. In our
GA the minimum number of rule conditions is 2. Although this number could be set to 1, recall that our
GA is searching for small-disjunct rules. It is very
unlikely that a rule with a single condition can accurately predict the class of an example belonging to a
small-disjunct, so a lower limit of 2 seems to make
The maximum number of rule conditions is more
difficult to determine. In principle, the maximum number of rule conditions could be m, where m is the number of predictor attributes in the dataset. However, this
would have two disadvantages. First, it could lead to
the discovery of very long rules, which goes against
the desire to discover comprehensible rules. Second,
it would require a long genome to represent individuals, which tends to increase processing time. To avoid
these problems, we use a heuristic to select the subset
of attributes that is used to comprise rule conditions.
Our heuristic is based on the fact that different small
disjuncts identified by the decision-tree algorithm can
have several ancestral rule conditions in common. For
instance, suppose that two sibling leaf nodes of the
decision-tree were deemed small disjuncts and let k
be the number of ancestral nodes of those two nodes.
Then the two corresponding rule antecedents have k
1 conditions in common. Therefore, it does not make
sense to use these common conditions in the rules to
be discovered by the GA, since they will not be good
at discriminating between the two corresponding small
disjuncts. Hence, for each small-disjunct, the genome
of a GA individual contains only the attributes that
were not used to label any ancestor of the leaf node
defining that small-disjunct.
To represent a variable-length rule antecedent (phenotype) we use a fixed-length genome, for the sake of
simplicity. Recall that each GA run discovers a rule

Fig. 2. Structure of the genome of an individual.

associated with a given small-disjunct. For a given run

of the GA, the genome of an individual consists of n
genes, where n = m k, where m is the total number
of predictor attributes in the dataset and k is the number of ancestor nodes of the decision-tree leaf node
identifying the small-disjunct in question.
Each gene represents a rule condition (phenotype)
of the form Ai Opi Vij , where the subscript i identifies
the rule condition, i = 1, . . . , n; Ai is the ith attribute;
Vij is the jth value of the domain of Ai ; and Opi is
a logical/relational operator compatible with attribute
Ai see Fig. 2. Bi represents an active bit, which takes
on the value 1 or 0 to indicate whether or not, respectively, the ith condition is present in the rule antecedent
As an example, the ith rule condition encoded in the
genome could be a condition such as sex = female,
where attribute Ai is sex, the operator Opi is =
and the value Vij is female. As another example,
the ith rule condition encoded in the genome could be
salary < 20,000, where the operator Opi is <. In
the former example the operator = was used because
sex is a categorical (nominal) attribute, whereas in
the latter example the operator < was used because
Salary is a continuous (real-valued) attribute.
3.3. Fitness function
Assume, without loss of generality, that there are
two classes. Let positive (+) class be the class predicted by a given rule, and let negative () class be
any class other than the class predicted by the rule.
For instance, suppose that there are three classes, c1 ,
c2 , and c3 , and suppose that the rule being evaluated
predicts class c1 . Then, class c1 is considered the positive class, and classes c2 and c3 are grouped into a
single negative class.
To evaluate the quality of an individual (candidate
rule), our GA uses the following fitness function:


fitness =



D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

where TP (true positives) is the number of + examples that were correctly classified as + examples; FP
(false positives) the number of examples that were
wrongly classified as + examples; FN (false negatives) the number of + examples that were wrongly
classified as examples; TN (true negatives) the
number of examples that were correctly classified
as examples.
For a comprehensive discussion about this and related rule-quality measures in general, independent of
genetic algorithms, the reader is referred to [10]. Here,
we briefly mention that, in the above formula, the term
(TP/(TP + FN)) is often called sensitivity, whereas the
term (TN/(FP + TN)) is often called specificity. These
two terms are multiplied to force the GA to discover
rules that have both high sensitivity and high specificity, since it would be relatively simple to maximize
one of these terms by reducing the other.
Note that our fitness function does not take into
account rule comprehensibility. However, our GA has
a rule-pruning operator that fosters the discovery of
shorter, more comprehensible rules, as discussed in
Section 3.5.
3.4. Conventional genetic operators
We use the well-known tournament method for selection, with tournament size of 2 [14]. We also use
standard one-point crossover with crossover probability of 80%, and mutation probability of 1%. Furthermore, we use elitism with an elitist factor of 1
i.e. the best individual of each generation is passed
unaltered into the next generation [9].
The action of one-point crossover in our previouslydescribed individual representation is illustrated in
Fig. 3, where the crossover point, denoted by a vertical
line (|), fell between the second and the third genes.
In each gene (corresponding to a rule condition) the
number 1 or 0 between brackets denotes the value of
the active bit flag, as explained in Section 3.2. Note
that crossover points can fall only between genes, and
not inside a gene. Hence, crossover swaps entire rule
conditions between individuals, but it cannot produce
new rule conditions.
The creation of new rule conditions is accomplished
by the mutation operator, which replaces the attribute
value of a condition (the element Vij of Fig. 2) with
a new randomly-generated value belonging to the do-

Fig. 3. One-point crossover in our individual representation.

main of the corresponding attribute. For instance, suppose the condition marital status = single is encoded into the genotype of an individual. A mutation
could modify this condition into the new condition
marital status = divorced.
3.5. Rule pruning operator
We have developed an operator especially designed
for improving the comprehensibility of candidate
rules. The basic idea of this operator, called the rulepruning operator, is to remove several conditions from
a rule to make it shorter. In a high-level of abstraction,
removing conditions from a rule is a common way
of rendering a rule more comprehensible in the data
mining and machine learning literature (although details of the method vary a lot among algorithms). Our
rule-pruning operator is applied to every individual of
the population, right after the individual is formed as
a result of crossover and mutation operators.
Unlike the usually simple operators of conventional
GAs, our rule-pruning operator is an elaborate procedure based on information theory [3]. This procedure can be regarded as a way of incorporating a
classification-related heuristic into a GA for rule discovery. The heuristic in question is to favor the removal of rule conditions with low information gain,

D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

while keeping the rule conditions with high information gain.

The rule-pruning operator works in an iterative fashion. In the first iteration the condition with the smallest
information gain is considered. This condition is kept
in the rule (i.e. its active bit is set to 1) with probability
equal to its normalized information gain (in the range
01), and is removed from the rule (i.e. its active bit
is set to 0) with the complement of that probability.
Next the condition with the second smallest information gain is considered. Again, this condition is kept in
the rule with probability equal to its information gain,
and is removed from the rule with the complement
of that probability. This iterative process is performed
while the number of conditions occurring in the rule is
greater than the minimum number of rule conditions
at present set to 2, as explained earlierand the iteration number is smaller than or equal to the number
of genes (maximum number of rule conditions) n.
The information gain of each rule condition condi
of the form Ai Opi Vij  is computed as follows [3,19]:
InfoGain(condi ) = Info(G) Info(G|condi ),


The use of the above rule-pruning procedure combines the stochastic nature of GAs, which is partly
responsible for their robustness, with an informationtheoretic heuristic for deciding which conditions compose a rule antecedent, which is one of the strengths
of some well-known data mining algorithms. As a result of the action of this procedure, our GA tends to
produce rules that have both a relatively small number of attributes and high-information-gain attributes,
whose values are estimated to be more relevant for
predicting the class of an example.
A more detailed description of our rule-pruning
procedure is shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen in this
Figure, the above-described iterative mechanism for
removing conditions from a rule is implemented by
sorting the conditions in increasing order of information gain. From the viewpoint of the GA, this is
a logical sort, rather than a physical one. In other
words, the sorted conditions are stored in a data
structure completely separated from the individuals
data structure, so that there is no modification in the
actual order of the conditions in the genome of the



|Gj |
|Gj |
Info(G) =
|T |


j =1

Info(G|condi )


|Vij |
|Vij |
|Vi | 
|T |
|Vi |
|Vi |

j =1

|Vi |
|T |

j =1

|Vij |
|Vij |
|Vi |
|Vi |

where G is the goal (class) attribute, c the number of

classes (values of G), |Gj | the number of training examples having the jth value of G, |T| the total number
of training examples, |Vi | the number of training examples satisfying the condition Ai Opi Vij , |Vij | is the
number of training examples that both satisfy the condition Ai Opi Vij  and have the jth value of G, |Vi |
is the number of training examples that do not satisfy
the condition Ai Opi Vij , and |Vij | is the number of
training examples that do not satisfy Ai Opi Vij  and
have the jth value of G.


Fig. 4. Rule-pruning procedure applied to GA individuals.


D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

3.6. Classifying examples in the test set

Recall that in our system each leaf node of the induced decision-tree is deemed a small-disjunct or a
large disjunct, and that our method induces c rules for
each of the d small disjuncts, where c is the number
of classes and d is the number of small disjuncts.
Once all d c runs of the GA are completed, examples in the test set are classified as follows. For
each test example, we push the example down the
decision-tree until it reaches a leaf node. If that node
is a large disjunct, the example is classified by the
decision-tree algorithmi.e., it is assigned the majority class of the examples in the leaf node. Otherwisei.e., the leaf node covering the example is a
small-disjunctwe try to classify the example by using one of the c rules discovered by the GA for the
corresponding small-disjunct.
At this point there are three possible outcomes.
First, there might be more than one small-disjunct
rule covering the example, since the coverage of the
rules discovered by the GA can overlap with each
other. In this case the example is classified by the
highest-quality rule among all the rules covering the
example, as estimated by the fitness function computed by the genetic-algorithm. Second, there might
be a single small-disjunct rule covering the example.
In this case, the example is simply classified by that
rule. Third, there might be no small-disjunct rule covering the test example. In this case, the example is
classified by a default rule. In an earlier version of our
system [1,2] we have experimented with two strategies for defining the default rule.
(1) Using a global default rule, which simply predicts
the majority class among all small-disjunct examples. We call that a global default rule because the
majority class in chosen considering all examples
in all small disjuncts.
(2) Using a local default rule for each small-disjunct.
That rule simply predicts the majority class
among the examples belonging to the current
For this paper, we are only adopting the second
strategy, using the local default rule. We decided to
use only the local default rule because the difference
between the results of both strategies was quite small,
and adopting the local default rule has the advantage

that the comparison of our systems results with C4.5s

results is fairer, since C4.5 effectively uses a local
default rule.

4. Computational results
We have evaluated our system on eight public domain datasets from the well-known dataset repository
at UCI (University of California at Irvine): Adult,
Connect, CRX, Hepatitis, Segmentation, Splice, Voting and Wave. These datasets are available at the:
Table 1 summarizes the datasets used in our experiments. The first column shows the dataset identification, while the remaining columns report the number
of attributes, the number of examples and the number
of classes of the dataset, respectively.
In our experiments, we have used the predefined division of the Adult dataset into a training and a test set.
For the Connect dataset, we have randomly partitioned
this dataset into a training set and a test set. In the
case of these two datasets the use of a single training/
test set partition is acceptable due to the relatively large
size of the data. Since the other six datasets are not
so large as the Adult and Connect datasets, to make
the results more reliable we have run a 10-fold crossvalidation procedure for each of those six datasets. In
other words, the dataset was divided into 10 partitions
and our hybrid decision-tree/genetic-algorithm system
was run 10 times. In each run, one of the 10 partitions
was chosen as the test set and all the other nine partitions were merged to compose the training set. The
results reported below for those six datasets are an
average over the 10 runs.

Table 1
Main characteristics of datasets used in our experiment

No. of

No. of

No. of





D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

As described in Section 3, our hybrid decisiontree/GA rule discovery system uses a GA to discover
rules for classifying small-disjunct examples only
recall that large-disjunct examples are classified by the
decision-tree. Intuitively, the performance of our system will be significantly dependent on the definition
of a small-disjunct.
In our experiments, we have used a commonplace
definition of small-disjunct, based on a fixed threshold of the number of examples covered by the disjunct. The general definition is: A decision-tree leaf
is considered a small-disjunct if and only if the number of examples belonging to that leaf is smaller than
or equal to a fixed size S. We report here experiments
with two different values for the parameter S, namely
S = 10 and S = 15.
We chose the values of S = 10 and S = 15 for
our experiments for the following reasons. First, it is
desirable that the value of S is not too small, since in
this case there would always be too few examples for
training the GA. Intuitively, values of S considerably
smaller than 10 would have the disadvantage of producing disjuncts that are too small, with too few examples for inducing reliable rules. On the other hand,
a considerably larger value of S is not desirable either, due two reasons. First, the GA was designed to
discover rules covering only few examples, which has
simplified its design, since each run of the GA has
to discover only one rule per class. As the number of
examples belonging to a small-disjunct increases, ideally the GA should probably discover more than one
rule per class for each small-disjunct. This would require a significant chance in the design of the GA. In
the current GA, an individual represents a single rule,
and there is no mechanism to enforce population diversity (such as niching). If one wanted the GA to discover more rules per class, such a mechanism would
have to be added. Second, and perhaps even more important, a large value of S would beg the question of
the meaning of a small disjunct. Our work is based
on the assumption that in general C4.5 can correctly
classify large-disjunct examples. The GA is called to
classify only small-disjunct examples. If a leaf node in
the tree produced by C4.5 has considerably more than
15 examples, intuitively C4.5 has enough examples
to perform a good classification (otherwise it would
probably have split on that node, producing a larger
tree). Hence, in our experiments we used the values


S = 10 and S = 15 as reasonable trade-offs between

the above-described conflicting problems. We emphasize, however, that we make no claim that the values
S = 10 or S = 15 are optimal. (An optimization of the
value of S could be done in future work, but the optimal
value would probably be dependent on the dataset.)
For each of these two S values, we have done 10
different experiments, varying the random seed used
to generate the initial population of individuals of the
GA. The results reported later, for each value of S,
are an arithmetic average of the results over these 10
different experiments. Therefore, the total number of
experiments is 20 (two values of S 10 different random seeds).
Note that the actual number of GA runs is much
more than 20 for each dataset. In each experiment we
run the GA c d times, where c is the number of
classes and d is the number of small disjuncts.
As the decision-tree component of our hybrid algorithm we have used C4.5, a well-known decision-tree
algorithm [19]. We used the default parameters of
C4.5. To make the comparison fair, we have made no
attempt to optimize GA parameters such as population size, number of generations, and probabilities of
crossover and mutation. We used relatively common
parameter values suggested in the literature. More precisely, in all the experiments, in each run of the GA
the population size is 200 individuals, the GA is run
for 50 generations, and the probabilities of crossover
and mutation are 80 and 1%, respectively.
We now report results evaluating the performance
of our hybrid C4.5/GA system. We start by comparing
the accuracy rate of our hybrid system against the
accuracy rate of C4.5 alone. The results are shown
in Table 2. The first column of this table indicates
Table 2
Accuracy rate of C4.5 and our hybrid C4.5/GA system


Hybrid C4.5/GA
S = 10




S = 15




D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

the datasets. The second column shows the accuracy

rate on the test set achieved by C4.5, classifying both
large-disjunct and small-disjunct examples. Note that
the accuracy rate of C4.5 alone is independent of the
definition of small-disjunct (value of S). The next two
columns report the overall accuracy rate on the test set
achieved by our hybrid C4.5/GA systemi.e., using
C4.5 to classify large-disjunct examples and our GA
to classify small-disjunct examples. Each of those two
columns reports the results for a specific value of S
(small-disjunct size). The values between brackets are
standard deviations.
Let us now discuss the results reported in Table 2.
In the last two columns of this table the cells where
the hybrid C4.5/GA system achieved a higher accuracy rate than C4.5 alone are shown in bold. Note that
when S = 10 the hybrid system outperforms C4.5
alone in 6 out of the 8 datasets, and when S = 15 the
former outperforms the latter in 5 out of the 8 datasets.
In total, the hybrid system outperforms C4.5 alone in
11 out of 16 casesi.e., in 68.8% of the cases. However, not all results are statistically significant. In the
last two columns of Table 2 the cases where the better
(worse) accuracy of the hybrid system is statistically
significant is indicated by the + () symbol. A
result was considered as statistically significant when
the difference between the accuracy rate of the hybrid
system and of C4.5 was larger than two standard deviations. Note that when S = 10 the hybrid system is
significantly better than C4.5 in three datasets and the
reverse is true in two datasets. When S = 15 the hybrid system is significantly better than C4.5 in three
datasets, and the reverse is true in one dataset. In total, the results of the hybrid system are significantly
better than the results of C4.5 in 6 out of 16 cases
(i.e., 37.5% of the cases), whereas the reverse is true
in only 3 out of 16 cases (i.e. 18.8% of the cases).
Overall, the results of Table 2 show that the hybrid system has obtained somewhat better accuracy
rates than the default version of C4.5 alone. However,
to better evaluate the performance of the hybrid it is
also important to compare it against other method(s)
to cope with small disjuncts. In particular, we wanted
to compare the hybrid system against another method
that induces rules or trees (which can be straightforwardly converted to rules). In this case, the kind of
knowledge representation used by the systems being
compared is the same, and the difference in the re-

sults will reflect mainly differences in search strategies. Hence, we can compare the evolutionary search
strategy of the GA against the local, greedy search
strategy of a rule induction or decision-tree algorithm.
Within this spirit we now report the results of another experiment comparing our hybrid C4.5/GA system against a double run of C4.5. The later is a
new way of using C4.5 to cope with small disjuncts,
as follows. The main idea of our double run of a
decision-tree algorithm is to build a classifier running
the algorithm C4.5 twice. The first run considers all
examples in the original training set, producing a first
decision-tree. Once identified which examples belong
to small disjuncts, the system groups all the examples belonging to small disjuncts (according to the first
decision-tree) into a single example subset. This can
be thought of as a second training set. Then C4.5 is
run again on this second, reduced training set producing a second decision-tree.
In order to classify a new example, the rules discovered by both runs of C4.5 are used as follows. First,
the system checks whether the new example belongs
to a large disjunct of the first decision-tree. If so, the
class predicted by the corresponding leaf node is assigned to the new example. Otherwise (i.e. the example belongs to one of the small disjuncts of the first
decision-tree), the new example is classified by the
second decision-tree.
The motivation for this more elaborate use of C4.5
was an attempt to create a simple algorithm that was
more robust to cope with small disjuncts.
The results comparing the accuracy rate (on the test
set) of our hybrid system against the accuracy rate of
double C4.5denoted by C4.5(2)are shown in
Table 3.
Analogously to Table 2, the numbers between
brackets in the third and fifth columns of Table 3 are
standard deviations, the cells where the hybrid system outperforms double C4.5 are shown in bold,
and the cells where the hybrid systems results are
significantly better (worse) than double C4.5s results
contain the symbol + (). Again, a result was
considered statistically significant when the difference
between the accuracy rate of the hybrid system and of
double C4.5 was larger than two standard deviations.
As can be observed in the Table 3, in all 16 cases
the accuracy rate of the hybrid system was better than
the accuracy rate of double C4.5. Furthermore, the

D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588


Table 3
Accuracy rate of double C4.5 (denoted C4.5 (2)) and our hybrid
C4.5/GA system

Table 4
Accuracy rate of our hybrid C4.5/GA system and C4.5 without



C4.5 without

S = 10

S = 15






S = 10

S = 15











difference is statistically significant in 9 out of the 16

casesi.e., in 56.3% of the cases.
Finally, we report the results of a third experiment,
where we have compared the accuracy rate of our hybrid system against C4.5 without tree pruning. It is
well-known that in general (but not always) the results
of C4.5 with pruning are better than the results of C4.5
without pruning. However, in the context of our work
there is a motivation for evaluating the results of C4.5
without pruning. We are looking for small-disjunct
rules, which tend to be more specific rules. Turning
off C4.5 pruning does lead to more specific rules. Of
course, there is a danger that C4.5 without pruning
will overfit the data, and this approach will produce
more specific rules not only for small-disjunct examples, but also for large-disjunct examples. In any case,
it is worth trying C4.5 without pruning as a possible
solution for the problem of small disjuncts, since this
is a simple approach serving as a baseline solution for
the problem of small disjuncts.
Hence, we report in Table 4 results comparing the
accuracy rate (on the test set) of our hybrid system
with the accuracy rate of C4.5 without pruning.
Analogously to Tables 2 and 3, the numbers between brackets in the third and fourth columns of
Table 4 are standard deviations, the cells where the
hybrid system outperforms C4.5 without pruning are
shown in bold, and the cells where the hybrid systems
results are significantly better (worse) than the results of C4.5 without pruning contain the symbol +
(). Again, a result was considered statistically significant when the difference between the accuracy rate
of the hybrid system and of C4.5 without pruning was
larger than two standard deviations.



As can be observed in the Table 4, in 14 cases out

of 16i.e., in 87.5% of the casesthe accuracy rate
of the hybrid system was better than the accuracy
rate of C4.5 without pruning, and the opposite was
true in only 2 casesi.e., in 12.5% of the cases. The
results of the hybrid system were significantly better
in 6 casesi.e., in 37.5% of the cases; whereas the
results of C4.5 without pruning were significantly
better in only two casesi.e., in only 12.5% of the
cases.Fig. 5 shows the percentage of training examples which belong to small disjuncts for S = 10 and
S = 15. As discussed in the introduction, the percentage of small-disjunct examples is representative,
particularly when S = 15. Specifically, in the Wave
dataset more than 50% of the examples belong to
small disjuncts.Fig. 5 provides a possible explanation for the relatively bad performance of our hybrid
C4.5/GA method on the Segmentation dataset (see
the last rows of Tables 2 and 4). As shown in Fig. 5,
out of the eight datasets used in our experiment, this
is the one having the smallest proportion of examples
belonging to small disjuncts. Hence, it is possible that
C4.5/GA did not perform well on this dataset because
there were relatively few examples belonging to small
disjuncts, hindering the performance of the GA component of the method. Further research is necessary
to confirm if this remark can lead to a general pattern
or if it holds only for the Segmentation dataset.
We now turn to the issue of computational efficiency. Each run of the GA is relatively fast, since it
uses a training set with just a few examples. However, recall that in order to discover all small-disjunct
rules we need to run the GA c d times, where c is
the number of classes and d is the number of small


D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

of RAM and 166 MHz of clock. One hour seems to us

a reasonable processing time, especially considering
that in real-world applications the time to run a data
mining algorithm is typically just about 10% or 20%
of the total time spent with the knowledge discovery
process [15].
In addition, scalability to larger datasets does not
seem a problem so serious as one might think at first
glance. Most of the processing time of our hybrid system is taken by the GA. However, the length of time
taken by each GA run depends essentially on the definition of disjunct size, rather than on the size of the entire dataset. It is true that larger datasets tend to have a
larger number of small disjuncts, which in turn would
increase the processing time of our C4.5/GA system
due to an increase in the number of GA runs. However, this is a problem for any algorithm specifically
designed for coping with small disjuncts. The point
is that the processing time taken per small-disjunct is
relatively short even when using a genetic-algorithm,
since there are just a few examples in the training set
of a small-disjunct.
Finally, if necessary the processing time taken by
all the c d GA runs can be considerably reduced
by using parallel processing techniques [5]. Actually,
our method greatly facilitates the exploitation of parallelism in the discovery of small-disjunct rules, since
each GA run is completely independent from the others and it needs to have access only to a small dataset,
which surely can be kept in the local memory of a
simple processor node.

5. Conclusions and future research

Fig. 5. Relative frequency of the small disjuncts found in the
datasets used in our experiments.

disjuncts. Hence, it is important to know how long the

entire set of c d GA runs takes. This processing time
obviously varies with the number of small disjuncts,
which depends on both the dataset and on the definition of small-disjunct (the value of the parameter S).
In our experiments, the processing time taken by all
c d runs of the GA was about 1 h for the largest
dataset, Connect, and the largest number of small disjuncts, associated with the value S = 15. The experiments were performed on a Pentium II with 128 Mb

In this paper we have described a hybrid decisiontree (C4.5)/GA system, where examples belonging to
large disjuncts are classified by rules produced by
a decision-tree algorithm and examples belonging to
small disjuncts are classified by rules produced by a
genetic-algorithm developed specifically for discovering small-disjunct rules.
More precisely, we have compared our hybrid
C4.5/GA system with three algorithms based on the
use of C4.5 alone, namely: (a) the default version
of C4.5; (b) a double run of C4.5, where all the
small-disjunct examples found by the first run of C4.5
are grouped together into a second training set,

D.R. Carvalho, A.A. Freitas / Applied Soft Computing 2 (2002) 7588

which is then used to build another tree in the second

run of C4.5; (c) C4.5 without pruning. Overall, the
hybrid system obtained better accuracy rates than all
the three above-mentioned versions of C4.5 alone.
More precisely, the accuracy rates obtained by the
hybrid system were:
(a) somewhat better than the ones obtained both by
default version of C4.5 and by C4.5 without pruning;
(b) considerably better than the ones obtained by a
double run of C4.5.
We have also presented evidence that small disjuncts are more common in datasets than one might
think at first glance.
There are several possible directions for future research. We are currently developing a new version of
our hybrid system where all the small-disjunct examples are merged together into a second training set, but
instead of running C4.5 on that set, we run a GA on
that set. As mentioned in Section 4, this requires the
GA to be extended with some niching method. In the
long term, we envisage two research directions. An
important one is to evaluate the performance of our
hybrid C4.5/GA system for different kinds of definition of small-disjunct, e.g. relative size of the disjunct
(rather than absolute size, as considered in this paper). Another interesting research direction would be
to compare the results of our system against rules discovered by the GA only, although in this case the design of the GA would have to be somewhat modified
e.g. by using a niching mechanism, as mentioned in
Section 4.

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