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Tanbeehulfateen 4

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No tificatio n to the Intelligent Con cern ing the

Nonsensical Princ iples of Alee al- Halabee al-Miskeen

[Part 4 of 4]

Shaykh Aboo Abdur-Rahmaan Sad Ibn Fathee az-Zataree

Translation by Maaz Qureshi

Version 1.0

In This Section:

Alee al-Halabees continued defence of Jamiyyah Ihyaaut-Turaath and his

claim that they defend the aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah and aid the manhaj of
Shaykh al-Albaanee rahimahullaah.
Refutation of Alee al-Halabees innovated principle: It is not permissible
for us to make our disagreement with someone else besides us into a
disagreement between us.
Halabees continued disdain and belittlement for the science of al-Jarh watTadeel.
His rejection of the practice of the Salaf and the Salafees in testing the
people through their positions towards the Imaams of Ahlus-Sunnah.

With the permission of Allaah, this is the fourth of a four part translation of the strong, knowledge based
refutation entitled, Tanbeehul-Fateen li Tahaafut Taseelaat Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen by Shaykh Aboo
Abdur-Rahmaan Sad Ibn Fathee az-Zataree of Palestine.

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen


Before moving onto the text of this treatise, it is important for the Salafee to learn and keep
in mind what the Shuyookh have been saying about this refutation thus far.
Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Umar Baazmool wrote January 10th, 2009CE, So may Allaah reward
Shaykh Sad for this solid book and comprehensive refutation upon the statements of Alee
al-Halabee that are evidently in opposition to the Salafee manhaj.
He further stated, Indeed, I read this refutation in its entirety within one day, with the
virtue of Allaah, and saw what was in it from principles and debating with fairness and
justice. So I advise my brothers, the Salafees, to not have bigotry and start defending the
refuted one through curses and slanders. So by Allaah, everyone who opposes the truth
and spreads this publicly and then is advised but does not recant, then it is obligatory upon
the people of knowledge and their students to refute him. So if some of them establish
that, then the blame is removed from the rest. So do not treat this communal obligation
like it is a criminal act. Do not treat enjoining the good and prohibiting the evil like it is
evil itself. And do not treat the one who refutes the opponent as if he is the opponent.2
Additionally, Shaykh Hishaam Ibn Fahmee al-Aarif stated about this treatise on December
28th, 2008CE, The new principles laid down by the one called Alee Ibn Hasan al-Halabee
who has been described by the major Scholars as wretched and miserable, one who praises
the misguided ones.
Indeed, our noble brother Sad Ibn Fathee az-Zataree may Allaah raise him in this world
and in the Hereafter has embarked to refute some of his nonsensical statements and
corrupt principles. So he wrote this valuable treatise and titled it with the following title:
Notification to the Intelligent about the Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen. So
he uncovered therein Alee al-Halabees crooked principles, through which he wants to
either confuse the beginner students of knowledge, or he wants to pacify his own ignorant,
bigoted companions. Indeed, he has not ceased to assault and roam freely in the arena of
ad-Dawatus-Salafiyyah. And how else could he be after hospitably receiving the fattaan
(deceiver) [Muhammad] Ibn Hassaan?
And from that which the one named Alee al-Halabee has come with from invented
principles, through which he desired to delude the youth who are inclined towards seeking
beneficial knowledge. So he plays games with them in order to confuse the truth and to
conceal it from them by watering down the manhaj of the Salaf, thereby entering them into
the dark tunnels of the innovators.3

Taken from Ahmad Baazmools post on the al-Baydaa forums.

Taken from Hishaam al-Aarifs website. The entirety of this introduction, which includes Shaykh
Hishaams outlining and replying to Alee al-Halabees principles, will soon be translated and presented as
part of this series if Allaah so wills.

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool replied, May Allaah reward Shaykh Hishaam al-Aarif for his
introduction to this treatise, which proves that he is aarif (knowledgeable) of the Salafee
Furthermore, Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool mentioned, So let all of the Salafiyyeen in every
place rejoice at this joyous occasion. Indeed, it is the praise of our Shaykh, the flag-bearer
of al-Jarh wat-Tadeel, Rabee Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee may Allaah the Exalted preserve
him for the book, Tanbeehul-Fateen li Tahaafut Taseelaat Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen,
written by Shaykh Abee Abdur-Rahmaan Sad Ibn Fathee az-Zataree.
So I asked him may Allaah the Exalted preserve him about his opinion concerning the
book. So he - may Allaah the Exalted preserve him said, Indeed, I read the book in its
entirety. Its author achieved excellence therein and he exposed al-Halabee in many,
numerous issues and he followed up al-Halabee in it correctly. And it is a strong,
knowledge-based refutation maashaa Allaahu taaalaa. May Allaah reward its author with
the best of rewards. And I wrote it down on 1/15/1430H. 4

Taken from Ahmad Baazmools post on the Sahab forums.

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen


His defence of Jamiyyah Ihyaaut-Turaath, which defends the people of innovation and
splits up the unity of the Salafiyyeen, when he said, And Ihyaaut-Turaath the reality is
that I am the most knowledgeable of the people about them. And I have advised them
when they came to me here. I said to them: I have three observances concerning you, they
have been as such for the last twenty years, twenty five years.
The First Observance: You enter into political work. Of course I know that they have with
them fataawaa from the Scholars. However, I give you what I have with me, I will not give
you what you believe. I give you what I have with me.
As for the Second Observance: then it is your veneration for Abdur-Rahmaan AbdulKhaaliq up until now. Indeed, his affair has been exposed and it has become clear that this
Salafee movement (harakatus-salafiyyah) of his is Takfeeree. And he is in opposition to the
Scholars of the Sunnah and whatever resembles that. And they affirmed this. However, it
is as if they have found it too difficult to openly manifest this separation. Of course others
besides me will say that this is nifaaq (hypocrisy) from them, but I know that it is not
hypocrisy, because hypocrisy (nifaaq) is falsehood. I know that they are truthful, but they
have found it too difficult. And this difficulty is an error. I say that it is obligatory upon
them to separate. However, it could be that they know more than we do. And we must
not have enmity towards all of the people for the sake of Abdul-Khaaliq. We clarify and
we say a statement that we have said more than once: It is not permissible for us to make
our disagreement with someone else besides us into a disagreement between us.
Whosoever makes his disagreement with others into a disagreement between us and him, I
say this is an idiot. Why? Because, if he disagrees with his brother about someone else, he
can still benefit from this other person. If he loses his brother too, then who will benefit?
The adversary. And where is the justice in that? And where is the fairness? And where is
the zeal?
The Third Point: They have practices and methods that are hizbiyyah. Indeed, they have
affirmed this and they admit to it. Some of their elders have admitted it to me. He said,
Unfortunately, our actions have fallen into hizbiyyah at times. Sometimes, dawah work
requires discretion and so on. This is vindication for the greatness of Shaykh al-Albaanee
and his great status. He used to say, Look to help your brother. He used to say, Say your
peace and them walk. He used to say, My speech is to inform, it is not binding. This is
the manhaj that we seek to exemplify and we have built our struggle upon it.
As for us corrupting the affairs in this manner and taking all of the people as our enemies,
our dawah will not be accepted. Our dawah will not be accepted. As for saying that atTuraath are Takfeeriyyoon, by Allaah this is not correct. By Allaah, at-Turaath are the most
abundant of the people in defending the aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah and aiding the manhaj of
Shaykh al-Albaanee in the issues of eemaan. How can it be said that they are Takfeeriyyoon?!

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

This must not be said. However, there are observances, there are observances. Which of
the two takes precedence: that we remain close to them so that we may utilize our closeness
to them to advise them and direct them towards the goodness, or that we have enmity
towards them, such that we become pre-occupied with them and they become pre-occupied
with us and we end up leaving off our greater and more comprehensive dawah for that.
Along with this, we say we say that we have no connection to at-Turaath, so that my speech
may not be taken upon the basis that it is a defence. However, it is a defence of the truth.
I say: Ihyaaut-Turaath have a large amount of activity, students of knowledge and
capabilities. First and foremost is that there must be a connection and mutual advising
with them. Advising them will affect them, having enmity towards them will not affect
them. They have not ceased to become more and more widespread every day. And
unfortunately, whether we like it or not, it is as if we have become more and more
weakened due to these hateful methods.
And the refutation upon this speech is from a number of angles:
[1]: Al-Halabee said, Included within the grave observances that they have taken against
Shaykh al-Maghraawee is the topic of his connection to Ihyaaut-Turaath.
I say: Look at the methods of al-Halabee in tamyee (watering down) and tahween (belittling)
the affair of innovations and their people. So he says firstly, Shaykh al-Maghraawee, in
order to misrepresent to the reader that he is a respected and esteemed Shaykh whose affair
must not be belittled, even when it has become apparent that he has oppositions in the
And secondly, he says, observances, as if the issue is very insignificant. They are merely
observances, not many. Rather, they are by Allaah calamities, the greatest of which is
takfeer of the societies.
And thirdly, he said, that they have taken against. So these are small errors having no
value. And every person has errors and no one is safe from them.
And fourthly, he said, his connection to Ihyaaut-Turaath. And this connection is
praiseworthy! So it is from the mutual liaison and the brotherhood that has been
commanded by the Shareeah! And Ihyaaut-Turaath is a charitable jamiyyah (society), so a
connection to it therefore is from goodness and of benefit to the people!!
So the conclusion is that he is a respected Shaykh and there are merely some observances
and errors against him, which do not belittle his worth to the dawah especially, and that
the reason for this is his mutual connection with charitable people. So why is there all of
this outcry O mashaayikh and Scholars?
And with these unsteady methods, he is afforded the opportunity to revile the Scholars
who spoke out against this man and he is able to depreciate their status and with this he

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

can raise the head of this innovator (i.e. al-Maghraawee). So there is no might, nor power,
except with Allaah.
[2]: Then al-Halabee said, I am the most knowledgeable of the people about them. And I
have advised them when they came to me here. I said to them: I have three observances
concerning you, they have been as such for the last twenty years, twenty five years.
I say: This is also from his unsteady methods. So he said, I am the most knowledgeable of
the people about them. It is understood from this that he is more knowledgeable than the
Scholars who spoke out against the Jamiyyah and criticized it, such as Shaykh Muqbil,
Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh an-Najmee, Shaykh al-Jaabiree and other than them. So do not
take it lightly O listener I am more knowledgeable than them. And take the ruling
upon this Jamiyyah from me. And he limits the knowledge to himself, to the exclusion of
others, by exaggerating what he has. And these are the methods he adopts in order to
convince the listener with his speech and his ruling, as we have heard from those who
quote from him that he said, I am the most knowledgeable person on the face of the earth
about Shaykh Rabee.
And he said, three observances. That is, this blessed Jamiyyah, which has been oppressed
by the Scholars, all it has is three observances. And I have already advised them about
these twenty years ago. And this does not take them outside of Salafiyyah, because he as
shall come has justified these errors and excused the Jamiyyah for them. So there is no
problem in having a mutual connection with them. And al-Halabee thinks that with this
manoeuvring, he will be able to save himself and others from those who will criticize him
for his connection to Ihyaaut-Turaath of Kuwait.
[3]: Al-Halabee said, The First Observance: You enter into political work. Of course I
know that they have with them fataawaa from the Scholars. However, I give you what I
have with me, I will not give you what you believe.
I say: These observances that he has seen from them, he has already made them permissible
for the Jamiyyah, since they have with them fataawaa from the Scholars.5 Then why is this
an observance that you have mentioned? Then why do you not give us what you have seen
from oppositions to the Shareeah and entering into political work. So this is from the
deceptive expressions.
[4]: He said, Second Observance: then it is your veneration for Abdur-Rahmaan AbdulKhaaliq up until now.
I say: They do not only venerate him. Rather, he is their sole reference point in manhaj
and aqeedah. And he is from the founders of this Jamiyyah, which is not able to give him

I say: Allaah knows best about these fataawaa that al-Halabee claims. If they exist, then they are far-removed
in every way from permitting tahazzub (bigoted partisanship) and delving into politics that are not permitted
by the Shareeah.

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

up. So it is as if you O Halabee have belittled their connection to this man. So it is

merely veneration and respect. The affair is greater than that by far.
[5]: Then he said, Indeed, his affair has been exposed and it has become clear that this
Salafee movement (harakatus-salafiyyah) of his is Takfeeree. And he is in opposition to the
Scholars of the Sunnah.
I say: And this is another attempt to belittle the affair of this man; that he is merely an
associated member of this group. Rather, he is its founder, its Shaykh, its supporter and
the propagator of its ideas. As for him being in opposition to the Scholars of the Sunnah,
then yes. However, what could enter into this expression is that he opposes them in the
affairs of fiqh (jurisprudence), or whatever it is permitted to disagree about. However, the
reality is that he opposes them in the Salafee manhaj in permitting numerous groups and
permitting revolutions and revolting against the rulers,6 entering into the parliament,
reviling the Scholars and other than that from calamities.
Then, this description is applicable to you O Halabee. So you are in opposition to the
Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah in praising Ihyaaut-Turaath and declaring Salafee the innovators
such as al-Maghraawee, al-Maribee, al-Huwaynee and Hassaan. You are in opposition to
them (i.e. the Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah) in your principles that are foreign to their manhaj
and their way.
[6]: He said, It is as if they have found it too difficult to openly manifest this separation.
Of course other besides me will say that this is nifaaq (hypocrisy) from them, but I know
that it is not hypocrisy, because hypocrisy (nifaaq) is falsehood.7 I know that they are
truthful, but they have found it too difficult. And this difficulty is an error. I say that it is
obligatory upon them to separate. However, it could be that they know more than we do.
I say: The time has come to justify, excuse, dodge the issue and to change direction for this
second observance, as he calls it. So as long as they find it too difficult and you know that
they are truthful and they know more than you, then why have you taken this as an
observance against them? It is obligatory upon you to excuse them and to supplicate for
their success in their work, because they are truthful. As for your statement, Of course
others besides me will say that this is nifaaq (hypocrisy) from them, but I know that it is not
hypocrisy. This is a striking example that you O Halabee are in opposition to the
Scholars of the Sunnah, because you do not follow them and you say, I (anaa). So how is
it that you want Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq to follow the Scholars whilst you do not
follow them in their manhaj, you oppose them in whom you praise and defend?!!
And you said, It is obligatory upon them to separate. I say: So when they do not separate
from this innovator and they keep propagating his deviant ideas and remain allied with

Refer to the refutation against him by Shaykh Rabee hafidhahullaah in his book, Jamaaah Waahidah, laa
A new definition for nifaaq.

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

him in opposition to the Salafee manhaj and its people, then is it not binding upon you to
separate from them? As for their alleged truthfulness, then it has caused you to overlook
their innovations. By Allaah, these ones are people of innovation and deviation. So when
you do not separate from them, you are connected to them and shown no politeness.
[7]: Al-Halabee said, And we must not have enmity towards all of the people for the sake
of Abdul-Khaaliq. We clarify and we say a statement that we have said more than once: It
is not permissible for us to make our disagreement with someone else besides us into a
disagreement between us.
I say: I seek refuge with Allaah from this dangerous decline into misguidance. And this is
the very same principle of Hasan al-Bannaa,8 We co-operate in whatever we agree upon
and we excuse each other for whatever we disagree. So the understanding of this speech
from al-Halabee is that it is permissible to agree in whatever is between us and if we have a
disagreement about someone else, then it is obligatory for us to excuse each other in our
disagreement about this person. And we must not make the disagreement between us
about this other person a cause for us to split up. And the speech of Hasan al-Bannaa does
not fall outside of this framework: We will co-operate amongst ourselves in that which we
agree and if we differ amongst ourselves about someone else, or even if we differ about
ourselves, then we will excuse each other.
And it could be said: The principle of al-Bannaa means that it is permissible for the Salafee,
the Soofee and the Sheeee to all stand in one row. As for the principle of al-Halabee, then
that is not permissible. Rather, it is obligatory that the row be kept blameless if there
occurs within it a disagreement about the tabdee of someone else.
I say: They are one and the same. There is no difference between the first and the second,
because the second principle leads to the first principle. So when there is a disagreement
between the Salafiyyeen about the tabdee of someone else, then the first category who make
tabdee of him and hold this person to be an innovator and those who praise and defend
him are the same. So here there are Salafees and innovators and according to the principle
of al-Halabee, it is obligatory that they do not differ about whatever is between them and
they must remain in the same row. And this is the principle of Hasan al-Bannaa: The

Hasan al-Bannaa: He was mentioned by Shaykh Rabee Ibn Haadee in Jamaaah Waahidah (p. 128, 187) and
in al-Awaasim (p. 64). He was also mentioned by Shaykh Rabee in Ahlul-Hadeeth (p. 38, 47) and an-NasrulAzeez (p. 112-113, 167). And Shaykh Muqbil mentioned him in Fadaaih wa Nasaaih (p. 18, 66, 148-150).
And Shaykh Muqbil said about him in al-Makhraj minal-Fitnah (p. 99), A deviant innovator. And he said (p.
151), A misguided deviantfrom amongst the imaams of the people of innovation. And he said (p. 152),
An imaam from the imaams of the people of innovation and misguidance. And he said (p. 160), Indeed,
Hasan al-Bannaa was more misguided than Sayyid Qutb!! And he was mentioned by Shaykh Ahmad anNajmee in al-Mawridul-Adhabiz-Zilaal (p. 127) as the founder of the Ikhwaanee manhaj. And he also
mentioned him (p. 110-112, 114, 116-119, 133-135, 137-141, 150, 152, 154-156, 159-161, 165, 179-182,
187, 190, 194, 197, 200, 205, 207).

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

Salafee and the innovator must unite in one row.9 However, Hasan al-Bannaa has preceded
Alee al-Halabee in explaining this principle. So his principle is clear and Halabees is
hidden in order that the Salafee youth may accept it and this is more dangerous. We ask
Allaah for safety.
And the one who looks into the manhaj of the Salaf the early ones and the late-comers
will see that the principle of al-Halabee is null and void, it has no evidence with them.10 So
according to them, the innovator must not be sat with and he must not be mingled with
and he must not be walked with. And whosoever refuses, except to sit with him or to
mingle with him, or he does not want to have enmity towards the people, as al-Halabee
says, then he is to be considered with them and shown no respect.
[8]: Al-Halabee said, The Third Point: They have practices and methods that are
hizbiyyah. Indeed, they have affirmed this and they admit to it. Some of their elders have
admitted it to me. He said, Unfortunately, our actions have fallen into hizbiyyah at times.
Sometimes, dawah work requires discretion and so on. This is vindication
I say: His statement, practices and methods is from his tamyee (watering down) of the
manhaj. He does not want to say that they are hizbiyyoon and innovators. Rather, they have
practices in order to belittle and deem insignificant the affair of their hizbiyyah. Then he
sets out to make a justification for them, as is his habit and his manhaj, so he says, they
have affirmed this and they admit to it. And is this enough to free them from blame and
to defend them?! Then, from the justifications that he has made for them is that one of
their elders said, Sometimes, dawah work requires discretion...! Yes, the work of dawah is
in need of discretion and organization and order. However, this must be upon the
foundations of the Book and the Sunnah and the manhaj of the Salaf, not upon the
foundations of hizbiyyah and the existence of a bayah (oath of allegiance) and a leader
and if you do not obey the leader, then you are from amongst those whom Allaah is angry
with. And how did al-Halabee accept the speech of this man about discretion and
sternness in the work of dawah, yet he does not accept what Shaykh Hishaam has done in
al-Madrasatus-Salafiyyah in terms of discretions and sternness with some of the students. So
he said about it that it was military hizbiyyah?!!! 11
[9]: Then he said, This is vindication for the greatness of Shaykh al-Albaanee and his great
status. He used to say, Look to help your brother. He used to say, Say your peace and

I say: al-Halabee has clarified that in his statement, And we must not have enmity towards all of the people
for the sake of Abdul-Khaaliq. And he intends by the people those who co-operate with Abdul-Khaaliq.
So he is an innovator and they are innovators like him. However, we do not have the right to declare them
innovators, and even if we have declared them innovators before, we must still co-operate with them and we
must not oppose their manhaj.
10 Indeed, he has described the one who does not apply this principle as an idiot. And al-Halabee himself has
more right to be described with this description, because this principle does not emanate, except from an
idiot who is ignorant of the manhaj. Rather, he has infiltrated into it.
This is in a recorded cassette in his voice that I have and it is widespread.

Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

them walk. He used to say, My speech is to inform, it is not binding. This is the manhaj
that we seek to exemplify and we have built our struggle upon it. As for us corrupting the
affairs in this manner and taking all of the people as our enemies, our dawah will not be
I say: The manhaj of Shaykh al-Albaanee (d.1421H) is free from these principles that alHalabee has laid down. And he is always trying to cram Shaykh al-Albaanee into his
principles in order to deceive the listener and to justify his own manhaj. So what does the
statement of the Shaykh, Look to help your brother, have to do with the issue of tahazzub
(partisanship) and falling into it?! As for the statement, My speech is to inform, it is not
binding, then it refers to affairs of fiqh and ahkaam. As for the affairs of aqeedah and
manhaj, then our speech is binding for the people to take, and if not, then there is tabdee
and hajr (boycotting) and tahdheer (warning).
His statement, As for us corrupting the affairs in this manner, then its understanding is
that those who spoke out against this wicked Jamiyyah, such as Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh
Muqbil, Shaykh an-Najmee and other than them, they have corrupted the affairs and
distorted the manhaj and they have made the people flee. So they do not return to accept
the dawah. Why? Because we do not adopt the new manhaj of al-Halabee. Rather, the
principles of al-Halabee are corrupt and they have corrupted the true appearance of the
manhaj and they have split up the Salafiyyeen throughout the world and displeased the
Scholars and the students of knowledge. So return to the truth in haste before there comes
a Day in which there is no exchange, nor any friendships.
[10]: Al-Halabee said, As for saying that at-Turaath are Takfeeriyyoon, by Allaah this is not
correct. By Allaah, at-Turaath are the most abundant of the people in defending the
aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah and aiding the manhaj of Shaykh al-Albaanee in the issues of
eemaan. How can it be said that they are Takfeeriyyoon?!
I say: By Allaah, your speech is not correct. And we attest to the truthfulness of the speech
of the Scholars about them; that they are Takfeeriyyoon and we reject your speech, because it
is built upon corrupt principles.
And the one who looks into the articles and the magazines which have emanated from
Ihyaaut-Turaath and what is in them from takfeer and incitement against the rulers will see
that this Jamiyyah is takfeeriyyah, khaarijiyyah and revolutionary.
Waail al-Hasaawee said, However, the question for which we do not find an answer is
about the cause for the weakness of the Arab Islaamic nations and their incapability to
change their current condition by themselves and their inability to remove these tyrannical


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

rulers who sit idle as their commanders.12 And he also said, Two tyrannical rulers fell
four months ago and the tyrannical rulers have remained sleeping in honey!!13
And he also said, And we have not ceased to fear coming out openly with a truthful word
in the face of the many tyrannical rulers who ride our backs and exploit our resources14
And Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq said in the al-Furqaan magazine, And the majority
of the Ummah of Islaam has settled into disbelief and inaad (obstinate rejection) and
abandoning the Religion of Allaah, except that a group from this Ummah will not cease to
remain upon the truth, calling to it, it will not be harmed by those who forsake it, nor by
those who oppose it, up until the last of this group fights the Dajjaal (Anti-Christ).15
And the one who follows up what has emanated from this Jamiyyah will see that it inclines
towards western politics, resisting the rulers and takfeer of the people due to sins. And
their co-operation with Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq and their admission that he is
with the Takfeeriyyeen is the greatest proof that they are upon the manhaj of their Shaykh,
Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq, in takfeer and agitation of the rulers.
And he said, at-Turaath are the most abundant of the people in defending the aqeedah of
Ahlus-Sunnah. There is no proof for this. And it is merely a claim. And the true reality
belies this ridiculous hoax. And he said, And aiding the manhaj of Shaykh al-Albaanee.
As we have come to know, he crams the Shaykh into every new event so that he can justify
the manhaj of falsehood.
[11]: Al-Halabee said, They have not ceased to become more and more widespread every
day. And unfortunately, whether we like it or not, it is as if we have become more and
more weakened due to these hateful methods.
I say: There is no comment necessary upon this speech other than the statement: There is
no might, nor power except with Allaah with regards to the one who reviles the Scholars of
the Salafee manhaj and he reviles the one who bears the flag of al-Jarh wat-Tadeel in this


Refer to the al-Furqaan magazine (issue no. 235, p. 14), dated 3/24/2003CE.
Taken from the article, Nasmaat fir-Rayee (issue no. 13203), dated 8/14/2003CE.
14 Refer to Nasmaat fir-Rayee (issue no. 13193), dated 8/4/2003CE.
Refer to the al-Furqaan magazine (issue no. 20/ p. 6), dated 1991CE.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen


Shaykh al-Halabee said, The people have varying circumstances. Sometimes, they have
varying circumstances. It is not permissible to deal with the all of the people upon the
same circumstance, because the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) during his noble
time used to say what?
Do not initiate the greeting (as-salaam) with the people of the Book. And when you see
one of them on the road, then force him to go to the narrowest part of it.16
Who from amongst us is able to implement this hadeeth today? Regardless of whether he is
in the western countries or in the eastern countries, even if he is in Saudi Arabia the land
of the two Sacred Mosques. Is anyone able to implement this hadeeth? The answer is: no.
When the answer is no, the question that follows is: What is the reason? We say: The
circumstances vary.
I say: If Shaykh al-Halabee understood the meaning of this hadeeth, he would not have said
this purposeless speech, in which he challenges the people by saying that there is no one
who can implement this hadeeth, even in the land of Tawheed, which rules by the Book and
the Sunnah. So we ask Allaah to guide Shaykh al-Halabee from this prejudice against the
land of the two Sacred Mosques and its Scholars.
As for the correct meaning of this hadeeth, which is mentioned in Saheeh Muslim, then anNawawee (d.676H) said in explanation of it, Our companions said: Do not leave the wide
part of the road for the Dhimmee (non-Muslim living under Muslim protection). Rather,
force him to the narrowest part of it when the Muslims are arriving. However, if you make
way in the road for him (i.e. for the Dhimmee) out of mercy, then there is no problem.
They said: And the narrow part must not cause him to fall into a pit, nor to hit a wall and
the likes.17
And al-Manaawee (d.1031H) said, That is, do not leave open the wide part of the road for
them out of honour and respect. 18
Indeed, every single person can implement this hadeeth, even if he is in one of the western
countries, let alone the land of the Haramayn (two Sacred Mosques). Who forces us to
initiate the salaam (greeting) with the people of the Book? And who prevents us from not
giving them the wide part of the road out of honour and respect? How free is Allaah from
all imperfections! What is this exaggeration in implementing this hadeeth upon the earth
in current times?


Related by Muslim (no. 2167).

Refer to Sharh Saheeh Muslim (14/147) of an-Nawawee.
Refer to Faydul-Qadeer (6/386) of al-Manaawee.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen


His speech in this section is derived from a number of places, the conclusion of it is
disdain for the affair of the science of al-Jarh wat-Tadeel. And I will mention it here in
1. He said, The Dawatus-Salafiyyah is too great to be limited to al-Jarh wat-Tadeel.
2. He said, That no one becomes a Salafee caller to them, except through criticism,
revilement, tabdee and jarh (disparagement). This in reality is an error.
3. He said, The Dawatus-Salafiyyah is a dawah of taking the people out of the
darkness into the light. It is not only a dawah of jarh and tadeel (praise).
I say: Look at the difference between the speech of Shaykh Alee al-Halabee concerning the
science of al-Jarh wat-Tadeel and the speech of Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhalee concerning it.
When Shaykh Rabee hafidhahullaah was asked about the statement of those who say
that the science of al-Jarh wat-Tadeel has ended in these times, he said, This by Allaah
is from the comical, laughable and lamentable affairs that the likes of this speech is spoken
whilst the innovations have become abundant, the heresy has become abundant, the
secularists and the communists have become abundant and the Rawaafid and the Soofiyyah
and misguided parties are in a battle against Islaam. And the people now have free rein to
frolic and proceed freely and they can say whatever they want and no one says that this is
wrong, or this is evil and no one says this person is a corrupter and this one is a rectifier of
the affairs?!
This is from ruination and a lack of understanding (fiqh) for the Religion of Allaah the
Mighty and Majestic. So the Salaf wrote books about the aqaaid (beliefs) in which they
spoke out against the people of innovation and misguidance and they named individuals
and groups alike. So has this also ended?!
And we say: The innovators who lived during the time of the Salaf were debated and their
misguidance was clarified and now this is no longer permissible! It is haraam (unlawful)
now to speak against the people of innovation! It is haraam to speak against the secularists!
And it is haraam to speak against the heretics (zanaadiqah)! And it is haraam to speak
against the Rawaafid! And it is haraam to speak against the Soofiyyah! Maashaa Allaah
(whatever Allaah wills)! Is this a call to the unity of religions, or what? We seek refuge with
Allaah and we repent to Him. This is misguidance. It is obligatory that al-Jarh wat-Tadeel
remain so that the Religion of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah can be
defended by it until the Day of Judgement and so that the swords can become even more
unsheathed through it to raise the word of Allaah the Blessed and Exalted uppermost and
to refute the disbelief and the falsehood.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

And the Salaf used to say that defending the Sunnah is better than striking with the sword.
So the defence with the sword of the Sunnah occurs through al-Jarh wat-Tadeel.19
And at this point I say to you that al-Haakim (d.405H) - said in his book, Marifah
Uloomil-Hadeeth and his speech is true that al-Jarh wat-Tadeel is two sciences: the science
of al-Jarh (criticism) is a separate and distinct science and this refutes the false manhaj of
al-Muwaazanaat.20 The science of al-Jarh is a separate and distinct science. And due to this,
many of the Imaams wrote books about al-Jarh only. 21 They specified these books for al-Jarh,
such as al-Bukhaaree (d.256H) in ad-Duafaa, an-Nisaaee (d.303H) in al-Matrookeen, Ibn
Hibbaan (d.354H) in al-Majrooheen, Ibn Adiyy in al-Kaamil; as did adh-Dhahabee (d.748H),
Ibn Hajr (d.852H) and many others. They wrote books specifically dedicated to al-Jarh
only, because it is a separate and distinct science. And this breaks the back of the manhaj
of al-Muwaazanaat and it breaks the backs of its adherents. And other Imaams wrote books
about the thiqaat (trustworthy narrators), such as ath-Thiqaat of al-Ijlee and ath-Thiqaat of
Ibn Hibbaan. Have you understood this? Since, the Salaf believed that al-Jarh and atTadeel were two separate and distinct sciences. So how can al-Muwaazanaat come about?
Someone has written a book specifically about al-Jarh, leaving thereby no opening for the
manhaj of al-Muwaazanaat. Have you understood this? May Allaah bless you.
Al-Jarh wat-Tadeel will remain until the Day of Judgement. The people want to benefit
from this Scholar, so you say to them: This Scholar is virtuous and upon the Sunnah. You
praise him may Allaah bless you. And this scholar is a Raafidee, this one is a Soofee who
speaks with wahdatul-wujood, this one is a secularist, this one is a communist disguised as a
Muslim. This one is like that and this one is like thatIt is obligatory upon you to clarify.
This is obligatory and it is from Jihaad and it is not cut off and it is not specific to the
narrators of hadeeth.
And when at-Tirmidhee (d.274H) wrote in his book, al-Ilal, which is at the end of his
Sunan, he said: This science meaning that the people objected to the jarh (criticism) from

said: I heard Muhammad Ibn Yahyaa adh-Dhuhalee (d.258H) - rahimahullaah - saying: I heard Yahyaa Ibn
Yahyaa saying, Defending the Sunnah is more virtuous than Jihaad in the Path of Allaah. Muhammad said: I
said to Yahyaa, A man gives his wealth, burdens himself, and fights, but that is more virtuous than this? So
he said, Yes, much better! Refer to Siyar Alaamun-Nubalaa (10/518) of adh-Dhahabee.
Al-Muwaazanaat: This refers to the innovation of counterbalancing between the good and bad points
about someone when criticizing or refuting him. Imaam al-Albaanee said, Indeed, there is no doubt that
those who have invented the innovation of al-Muawaazanaat oppose the Book and they oppose the Sunnah,
both the Sunnah of speech and the Sunnah of action, and they oppose the manhaj of the Salafus-Saalih. Refer
to the cassette, Man Haamil Raayatil-Jarh wat-Tadeel. Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan said about it, Do not
mention their good points. Mention only the error that they have fallen into. It has not been entrusted to
you to praise them, what has been entrusted to you is to clarify the error that they are upon so that they may
repent from it and so that others may take caution against it. Refer to Manhaj Ahlus-Sunnah (p. 11) of Rabee
Ibn Haadee.
21 This speech refutes Shaykh al-Halabee in his statement that few Scholars from the Salaf spoke about al-Jarh
wat-Tadeel and that those who spoke about it were ten to fifteen individuals.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

the Scholars of hadeeth. He said: So and so has criticized (jarh) and so and so has criticized
(jarh) Mabad al-Juhanee and so and so has criticized (jarh) Jaabir al-Jafee. So he began with
the people of innovation. Why? Because these ones were criticized for their innovations,
not because they were narrators of hadeeth.22
Then, the Salaf wrote in refutation of the people of innovation, as we have stated, and they
did not specify al-Jarh wat-Tadeel to the narrators only. An innovator is not from the
narrators of hadeeth at all. A Mutazilee, a Jahmee, a Murji has no connection to the
narrators. However, he is an innovator, so they criticize (jarh) him. So from where have
these people come to the conclusion that the door to al-Jarh is closed? This is like the
dawah of the bigoted blind-followers of madhaahib, they claim that the door to ijtihaad
(independent reasoning) has been closed since the second generation. And some of them
say that it has been closed since the third generation and some of them say the fourth.
Meaning, Allaah the Mighty and Majestic has caused the intellects of the Muslims to dry
up since that time up until now. Their intellects have dried up and they are not able to
understand the speech of Allaah, nor the Sunnah of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa
sallam). And this is an unjust ruling and a lie upon Allaah the Blessed and Exalted.
Likewise, this claim is also a slander. The one who says that al-Jarh has been cut off and its
door has closed, then this one by Allaah has committed a crime against Islaam. Fear
Allaah O my brother. Do not barricade the door to al-Jarh wat-Tadeel and the people of
truth and Ahlus-Sunnah will never listen to you.23


muhaddith of Yemen, Imaam Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadiee was asked, And the one who says that it (i.e. alJarh wat-Tadeel) ended along with the time of the narrators of hadeeth? He answered, Those who say that it
ended O brothers they know that they are majroohoon (disparaged). For this reason, they do not want
anyone to speak about al-Jarh wat-Tadeel. Refer to the cassette, as-Seeratudh-Dhaatiyyah of Muqbil Ibn Haadee
And Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhalee said, And the time of narrations ended in the third generation. So why
did Ibn Taymiyyah raise the banner of criticism (an-naqd) and the banner of al-Jarh wat-Tadeel?! Likewise, so
did adh-Dhahabee, Ibnul-Qayyim, Ibn Katheer, Ibn Hajr and others and they will continue until the Day of
Judgement! As long as there is this fight between the truth and falsehood and between the guidance and
misguidance and between the people of the truth and falsehood and between the people of guidance and the
misguidance, then it is inevitable that the swords of criticism and al-Jarh wat-Tadeel be unsheathed against the
people of falsehood. Refer to Asilah Abee Rawaahah al-Manhajiyyah (p. 26).
Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Umar Baazmool said, Shaykh al-Albaanee is a sign from the signs in these times
with regards to hadeeth. He described Shaykh Rabee as the flag-bearer of al-Jarh wat-Tadeel in these times!!
So if this description was inapplicable, Shaykh al-Albaanee would have been the foremost of the people in
opposing it and not applying it to a man living in these times, because he (i.e. al-Albaanee) is from the
specialists in this field. Refer to the cassette, al-Ajwibatul-Manhajiyyah alal-Asilatis-Salafiyyatil-Leebiyyah.
This speech is taken from the website of the Shaykh, www.Rabee.net.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen


Shaykh al-Halabee does not accept the manhaj of the Salaf in testing by individuals in order
to distinguish the Salafee from the khalafee and he fears that this is an undercover form of
He said, So why do we test the people with these affairs? The people can only be tried and
tested with one thing and it is the one upon whom the Ummah has a consensus, or his
misguidance has become apparent through the establishment of proof against him and his
prideful refusal of it. As for the one who still has doubts, the one who still has an excuse,
the one who is still in the places of sincere advice and accepting and rejecting statements,
then how can one test the people with him? You declare him an innovator and others
besides you do not declare him an innovator, what will you do? Are you pleased that you
should be tested with the lack of tabdee of this individual, just as you test others with
tabdee of him? Why do we measure with two measures and weigh with two scales?
Questioner: Are these tests to be counted from hizbiyyah at all?
Al-Halabee: I fear that they will be undercover hizbiyyah. And unfortunately, what is the
difference between them and hizbiyyah? However, there is a hizbiyyah that comes with one
horn. And there is a hizbiyyah that does not cease crawling and we fear that this will
continue crawling until it reaches the level of two horns. And there is no might, nor
power, except with Allaah.
I say: Indeed, the Salaf drew for us a clear line and a sound manhaj for recognizing
individuals and judging them. And that is by way of the imtihaan (test). Allaah the Exalted
O you who believe! When the believing women come to you as emigrants, then
examine them. [Sooratul-Mumtahinah 60:10]
So from the ways through which we come to know the Sunnee from the bidee and the
Salafee from the hizbee and the Atharee from the aqlaanee (rationalist) is that we test him
with the Scholars of the Sunnah and their opponents. So if he praises the Scholars of the
Sunnah, then he is Sunnee and if he reviles the Scholars of the Sunnah and praises the
people of innovation, then he is bidee.
And the intended purpose of ashkhaas (those through whom one tests people) is those who
carry the correct manhaj and the sound aqeedah. So the intended purpose is not to test
with the individual with the Scholar himself, but the intended purpose is the manhaj of
this Scholar. So if the individual being tested has a sound manhaj, then he will follow and
praise that Scholar whom he is being tested with and he will seek out others from the


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

people whose manhaj is sound. And whosoever is upon an opposing and crooked manhaj,
then his followers will be likewise.
Indeed, the polytheists claimed that they loved Allaah the Mighty and Majestic, so Allaah
tried and tested them with the love and following of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa
sallam) and He made love the Prophet a sign of that love. So He said,
Say: If you truly love Allaah, then follow me. Allaah will love you and forgive you of
your sins. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, the Bestower of mercy. [Soorah Aali-Imraan
And the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) tested the slave girl with himself in order to
know about her eemaan. So he said to her, Where is Allaah? She replied, Above the
heavens. He said, Who am I? She replied, You are the Messenger of Allaah.24
Likewise, the people are tested with love for the Companions. So whoever loves them is
Sunnee and whosoever hates them is a malevolent Sheeee. And this is what the Salaf
traversed in testing the people with the Imaams of Ahlus-Sunnah, such as Maalik (d.179H),
ash-Shaafiee (d.204H), Ahmad (d.241H) and other than them.
Ahmad Ibn Abdullaah Ibn Yoonus saying, Test the people of al-Mawsil with Muaafaa Ibn
Imraan. So if they love him, then they are Ahlus-Sunnah, and if they hate him, then they are
people of innovation. Likewise, the people of al-Koofah are to be tested with Yahyaa.25
And Sufyaan ath-Thawree (d.167H) rahimahullaah said, Test the people of al-Mawsil
with al-Muaafaa Ibn Imraan.26
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abil-Muthannaa said: From Ahmad Ibn Yoonus: Sufyaan
said, Test the people of al-Mawsil with al-Muaafaa. So whoever mentions him, meaning
with goodness, I say: These are people of Sunnah and Jamaaah. And whosoever finds fault
with him, I say: These are people of innovation.27
And Bishr Ibnul-Haarith said about Ahmad Ibn Yoonus, When Sufyaan would go to a
group from the people of al-Mawsil, he would test them with love for al-Muaafaa. So if he
saw that they held a good opinion of al-Muaafaa, then he would bring them near and
close, and if not, then he would not bring them close.28

Related by Muslim (no. 836), Aboo Daawood (no. 2856), an-Nisaaee (no. 1203), Ahmad in al-Musnad (no.
22652) and Maalik in al-Muwatta (no. 1269).
Refer to Sharh Usoolul-Itiqaad (no. 58) of al-Laalikaaee, Tahdheebut-Tahdheeb (10/180) and TahdheebutKamaal (28/153) of al-Mizzee.
Refer to Tahdheebul-Kamaal (28/153) of al-Mizzee, Siyar Alaamun-Nubalaa (9/82) of adh-Dhahabee and atTahdheeb (10/18 1) of Ibn Hajr.
27 Refer to Tahdheebul-Kamaal (28/153) of al-Mizzee.
Refer to Tahdheebul-Kamaal (no. 6041) of al-Mizzee.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

And Alee Ibnul-Madeenee (d.234H) said, And when you see a man loving Abaa
Hurayrah and supplicating for him and honouring him, then have high hopes for him and
know that he is free from the innovations. And when you see a man loving Umar Ibn
Abdul-Azeez (d.101H) and mentioning his good qualities and spreading them, then know
that behind this is goodness if Allaah so wills. And when you see a man from the people
of al-Basrah relying upon Ayyoob as-Sakhtiyaanee (d.131H), Ibn Awn (d.151H) and
Yoonus at-Taymee and loving them and mentioning them abundantly in order to take
them as an example, then have high hopes for him. Then, after those ones are Hammaad
Ibn Salamah (d.167H), Muaadh Ibn Muaadh and Wahb Ibn Jareer. So these ones are a
trial for the people of innovation. And when you see a man from the people of al-Koofah
relying upon Talhah Ibn Musarrif, Ibn Abjar, Ibn Hayyaan at-Taymee, Maalik Ibn
Maghool, Sufyaan Ibn Saeed ath-Thawree and Zaaidah, then have hope for him. And
after them, whosoever relies upon Abdullaah Ibn Idrees, Muhammad Ibn Ubayd, Ibn
Atiyyah and al-Muhaaribee, then have hope for him. 29
And Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728H) said, And the Believer is in need of testing
the one whom he wants to accompany and marry and other than that. Allaah the Exalted
O you who believe! When the believing women come to you as emigrants, then
examine them. [Sooratul-Mumtahinah 60:10]. 30
And Mahdee Ibn Sulaymaan said, I came to Sulaymaan. So I found Hammaad Ibn Zayd
(d.179H), Yazeed Ibn Zaree, Bishr Ibn Mufaddal and our companions the people of alBasrah with him. So he would not relate a hadeeth to anyone up until he asked them,
Zinaa (adultery, fornication) occurs by the Qadr (divine pre-Decree)? So if someone said
yes, he would make him swear by saying, This is your Religion by which you worship
Allaah with. So if he swore by that, he would relate five ahaadeeth to him, and if not, then
he would not relate any hadeeth to him.31
And Muaawiyah Ibn Amr Ibnul-Mahlab al-Azdee said: Zaaidah would not relate a hadeeth
to anyone up until he had tested him. So if he was a stranger, he would ask him, Where
are you from? So once he determined which land he was from, he would ask him, In
which place do you pray? And he would keep asking like a judge asks for evidence. So
once the person told him where he prayed, he would ask about it. So if he determined
that this was a person of innovation, he would say, Never return to this gathering.
However, if he determined that that this person was upon goodness, he would bring him
close and relate hadeeth to him. So it was said to him, O Abas-Salt! Do not do this. He
replied, I despise that the knowledge be with them, such that they become Imaams whom
the people are in need of, so they lead the people wherever they wish.32

Refer to Sharh Usoolul-Itiqaad (1/177) of al-Laalikaaee.

Refer to Majmooul-Fataawaa (15/328) of Ibn Taymiyyah.
31 Refer to Siyar Alaamun-Nubalaa (6/200) of adh-Dhahabee.
Refer to al-Muhaddithul-Faasil (1/574) of al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

And Mahdee Ibn Hilaal said, I came to Sulaymaan at-Taymee. So I found Hammaad Ibn
Zayd and Yazeed Ibn Zaree with him and he would not relate a hadeeth to anyone up until
he had tested them33
Adh-Dhahabee (d.748H) said in the biography of Hammaad Ibn Salamah, Ahmad Ibn
Hanbal said, When you see a man slandering Hammaad Ibn Zayd, then doubt his Islaam,
since Hammaad was harsh against the innovators.34
Aboo Zurah ar-Raazee (d.264H) rahimahullaah said, When you see someone from alKoofah reviling Sufyaan ath-Thawree and Zaaidah, then do not doubt that he is a Raafidee.
And when you see someone from ash-Shaam reviling Makhool and al-Awzaaee (d.157H),
then do not doubt that he is a Naasibee. And when you see someone from al-Khurasaan
reviling Abdullaah Ibnul-Mubaarak (d.181H), then do not doubt that he is a Murji. And
know that all of these groups have united upon hatred for Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, because
there was no one (i.e. no innovator), except that his heart had been pierced by an arrow
from Ahmad, from which there was no recovery.35
And Nuaym Ibn Hammaad (d.228H) said, When you see someone from al-Iraaq
speaking about Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, then have doubt about his Religion. And when you
see someone from al-Basrah speaking about Wahb Ibn Jareer, then have doubt about his
Religion. And when you see someone from al-Khurasaan speaking about Ishaaq Ibn
Raahawayh (d.238H), then have doubt about his Religion.36
And Aboo Jafar Muhammad Ibn Haaroon al-Mukhrimee al-Fallaas said, When you see a
man speaking ill of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, then know that he is a misguided innovator.37
And Aboo Haatim ar-Raazee (d.277H) said, When you see a Raazee and other than him
reviling Aboo Zurah (d.264H), then know that he is an innovator.38
And Aboo Haatim also said, The distinguishing sign of the people of innovation is
revilement of Ahlul-Athar.39
And as-Safaareenee (d.1189H) said, And our purpose is not to make mention of the
outstanding traits of the Ahlul-Hadeeth, since their traits are well-known and their feats are
many and their virtues are abundant. So whoever belittles them, then he is a lowly and


Refer to Siyar Alaamun-Nubalaa (1/200) of adh-Dhahabee.

Refer to Siyar Alaamun-Nubalaa (7/452-467) of adh-Dhahabee.
Refer to Tabaqaatul-Hanaabilah (1/199-200) of al-Qaadee Aboo Yalaa.
Refer to Taareekh Baghdaad (6/348) of al-Khateeb and Taareekh Dimashq (8/132) of Ibn Asaakir.
Refer to al-Jarh wat-Tadeel (p. 308 -309) of ar-Raazee and Taareekh Dimashq (5/294) of Ibn Asaakir.
38 Refer to Taareekh Baghdaad (10/329) of al-Khateeb and Taareekh Dimashq (37/31) of Ibn Asaakir.
Refer to Sharh Usoolul-Itiqaad (1/139) of al-Laalikaaee.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

miserable person and whosoever hates them, then he is from the party (hizb) of the everretreating Iblees.40
And Abdul-Lateef Ibn Abdul-Rahmaan Ibn Hasan (d.1295H) said, Ahlus-Sunnah walHadeeth in every time and age have been have been a trial for the inhabitants of the earth.
The people of Sunnah became distinguished through their love and praise for them and the
people of innovations were exposed through their enmity and hatred for themAnd how
beautiful is what an Imaam of the Sunnah said in lines of poetry:
Ibn Hanbal appeared trustworthy during the trial; and with the love of Ahmad
the adherent become known.
And when you see someone who belittles Ahmad, then know that his shield is
your backside.41
These statements from the Salaf and many others besides these clarify that the testing of
individuals in permissible. Rather, it can be obligatory in some instances, when we want to
judge whether someone is Sunnee or bidee.42
Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal was a trial for the people of his time. So the Salaf would test
people by him. So whoever loved him, then he was Sunnee and whosoever hated him, then
he was bidee. And today we test the people through Ahlus-Sunnah, such as Imaam Ibn Baaz
(d.1420H), Imaam al-Albaanee (d.1420H) and Imaam Ibnul-Uthaymeen (d.1421H). So
whoever loves them, then he is Salafee and whosoever belittles them, then he is a misguided
hizbee innovator.
And Ahlus-Sunnah love all of the Scholars of the Sunnah. They do not differentiate between
any one of them. Indeed, the people of innovation deceive the people by claiming love for

Refer to Lawaaihul-Anwaar (2/355) of as-Safaareenee.

Refer to Itmaamul-Minnah wan-Nimah fee Dhamm Ikhtilaafil-Aimmah (p. 59) and ad-Durarus-Sanniyyah
(4/102) of Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Qaasim.
Translators Note: Imaam Aboo Muhammad al-Hasan al-Barbahaaree (d.329H) rahimahullaah said,
And the trial (al-mihnah) in Islaam in an innovation. And as for today, then people are to be tested by the
Sunnah. Refer to Sharhus-Sunnah (no. 152) of al-Barbahaaree and Tabaqaatul-Hanaabilah (2/37) of Aboo
The muftee of Jeezaan, al-Allaamah Ahmad Ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee (d.1429H) commented upon this
statement, This means that a man is to be tested until it is determined whether he is from Ahlus-Sunnah or
not. What is apparent is that the people in general are considered to be upon Islaam comprehensively and no
one is to be tested unless he makes apparent to us an opposition to the madhhab of Ahlus-Sunnah, such as
when he is negligent with regards to al-irjaa, or with regards to the belief of the Jahmiyyah, or the Soofiyyah or
the Raafidah or whatever resembles that. So he is to be asked about that which he is suspected. So if he is a
Murji, then he is to be asked: Does eemaan increase and decrease? And is eemaan a belief, a statement and
action, or is at-tasdeeq (attestation) in it sufficient? And if he is a Mutazilee, then he is to be asked about the
five usool (foundations) of the Mutazilah. And if he is a Jahmee, then he must be asked about the Attributes
and about his statement concerning the Book of Allaah. And if he is a Raafidee, then he must be asked about
the Ahlul-Bayt (family of the Prophet); are they infallible or not, and so on. Refer to Irshaadus-Saaree (p. 243244) of Ahmad an-Najmee.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

some of the Scholars of the Sunnah so that this permits them to revile the rest of the
Scholars of the Sunnah.
And from the examples of this is that you will find them claiming to love the three
Imaams: Ibn Baaz, al-Albaanee and Ibnul-Uthaymeen, yet they will revile Shaykh Rabee,
Shaykh Muqbil and other than them. And this is from the wickedest of manaahij and from
those who follow these manaahij greatly are Muhammad Hassaan, al-Huwaynee, Umar
Abdul-Kaafee and other than them. 43
So is it comprehensible that the Sunnee will love Maalik and ash-Shaafiee and he will hate
Imaam Ahmad? Never, by Allaah!
So if you were to ask one of them about Shaykh Rabee, the flag-bearer of al-Jarh wat-Tadeel
in these times, they will slander him, dispraise him and accuse him of harshness and other
than that from oppressive accusations. And when you ask them about Shaykh Ibn Baaz
and Ibnul-Uthaymeen, then will praise and extol them with goodness! So this is from
their deceptions against the people.
So Shaykh Rabee hafidhahullaah is a trial for this time. So whoever loves him is Salafee
and whosoever hates him is a hizbee innovator.
And Ahlus-Sunnah also test the people with the people of innovation and desires. So
whoever loves them is an innovator and whosoever hates them is Salafee.
And from the examples of such people in these times is Yoosuf al-Qardaawee.44 So
whosoever praises, commends and extols him as is the condition of many of those who
deceive, such as Husaamud-Deen Afaanah and other than him then he is like him: a
misguided innovator who misguides others. And whosoever warns against him and hates
him and frees himself from him, then he is a Sunnee upon the path, along with his freedom
from the rest of the heads of the ahzaab (parties) and innovations, such as Sayyid Qutb,

And entering along with them is Alee al-Halabee, as has reached us from trustworthy narrators that he
reviles Shaykh Rabee in his private gatherings. And what is this recorded cassette, which we have heard - in
which he describes the speech of Shaykh Rabee as a fitnah (trial, tribulation) and that the Shaykh measures
with two measures and weighs with two scales except the greatest witness to that fact?
Yoosuf Ibn Abdullaah al-Qardaawee: He was mentioned by Shaykh Rabee in Jamaaah Waahidah (p. 58).
And Shaykh Rabee mentioned him in al-Haddul-Faasil (p. 30, 139) and also in an-Nasrul-Azeez alar-RaddilWajeez (p. 146). And in his book, Manhaj Ahlus-Sunnah (p. 121), Shaykh Rabee said about al-Qardaawee,
Indeed, he defends and gives victory to the people of innovation. Rather, he propounds their principles and
he adopts the mode of conduct of Ghazaalee in this age. Rather, he is even more dangerous. And Shaykh
Muqbl Ibn Haadee (d.1421H) said about him in Fadaaih wa Nasaaih (p. 102), He calls to madness. And
the Shaykh also mentioned him in Fadaaih wa Nasaaih (p. 67, 283-284). And the Shaykh said about him (p.
280), Indeed, he has cut something off from the Religion and we fear that he will complete that. So the
man is a hizbee. And he said about him (p. 281), A hizbee man. Two of the best refutations upon alQardaawee available are Iskaatul-Kalbil-Aawee (Silencing the Howling Dog) by Shaykh Muqbil and RafulLathaam by al-Adeenee.


Notification to the Intelligent Concerning the

Nonsensical Principles of Alee al-Halabee al-Miskeen

Hasan al-Bannaa, Taqiyyud-Deen an-Nabahaanee, 45 Muhammad Ilyaas, al-Mawdoodee, alJifree, al-Haddaad and al-Habashee and other than them.
This is what I have come across from the corrupt principles and the hideous errors that
Shaykh al-Halabee may Allaah guide him has fallen into. I ask Allaah the Magnificent
that he recants from them and that he refers back to the upright major Scholars whose
beard have gone white with knowledge and its search.
And Allaah is behind the intention and may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon
Muhammad and his Family and his Companions.
Written by,
Aboo Abdur-Rahmaan Sad Ibn
Fathee Ibn Saeed az-Zataree
18th of Ramadaan, 1429H
Al-Khaleel, Palestine


Taqiyyud-Deen an-Nabahaanee: Shaykh Rabee Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee mentions him in Manhaj AhlusSunnah (p. 120) and in Nasrul-Azeez (p. 146). Refer also to the excellent refutation of him by al-Allaamah alAaloosee, entitled Ghaayatul-Amaanee.


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