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Sources of water supply, various impurities, standards for qualitative and quantitative aspects, schematic
description of water treatment plant.
Down take supply, Water demand and consumption in different types of buildings, domestic water supply
systems, connection from Municipal supply, type, design and construction of suction and storage cisterns- tanks.
Water distribution pipes, their sizes, jointing, fixing and laying, various valves, various fittings & fixtures like
taps, showers, domestic hot water supply systems, water heaters, boilers etc.
Principles of sanitation, concept of conservancy & water carriage system, collection waste matter in buildings,
sewage collection and disposal systems for individual buildings, manholes, inspection chambers, intercepting
Various traps and their working, various types of sanitary pipes and their laying, jointing, fixing, different sanitary
appliances & fittings like- water closets, urinals, wash-hand basins, sinks, flushing Cisterns, shower trays, bath
tubs, bidets, drinking water fountains etc.
Self cleansing velocity, inverts, drains on sloping sides, testing of drains, sewage disposal systems in un-sewered
localities septic tank, soak-pits, cesspools, aqua-privy, leeching pits for individual building.
Sessional work: Notes, Plates, and Presentations on the above topics.

Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, By S.C. Rangwala, Charotar Publishing House.
Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, By Birdie, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
Building Services, By Mrs. Shubhangi Bhide,
Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, By Kshirsagar,
Water Supply and Sanitation, By Charanjit Shah (Architectural Handbook Services)
Vastu Pariseva Va Sadhane by Prof.A.L.Chhatre & Prof. M.W.Indapawar

ARL 301 CONSTRUCTION V (2-0-0-4)

Introduction to building construction. Understanding relationship between architectural design, building construction,
building materials, etc.
Advanced Foundations
Study of soil conditions and suitability of foundations on particular type of Soil, Steel grillage footing, R.C.C. strip, raft and
cellular foundation. Machine Foundation.
Pile Foundation, Types of Piles in Timber, Steel & R.C.C. (Pre-cast & Cast-in- Situ), R.C.C. under-reamed piles, pile caps
General idea of Ranking, Flying and Dead shores, Floor Strutting, underpinning, timbering for deep trenches and basements.
Design & detailing of addition & alteration in existing buildings put to new use, process of modifications precautions to be
Centering and form work for R.C.C. works like columns, beams, slabs, stairs, arches etc.
Advanced Doors & Windows
Sliding doors (Manual and Automatic), sliding and folding doors, Aluminium sliding windows. Revolving doors, rolling
shutters, collapsible gates etc.
Glazed, Panelled partitions using Aluminium sections and Timber. Glass block partition. Glazed panelled partitions using
Aluminium sections and Timber. Glass block partition.
Sessional work: Notes, Plates and tests on above topics.
1. Construction of Building, By R. Barry, Orient Longman ltd.
2. Building Construction Handbook, By R. Chudley, British library cataloguing,
3. Building Construction Illustrayed, By Francis D.K. Ching, Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd.
4. Building Construction, By S.C. Rangwala, Charotar Publishing House.
5. Building Construction, By B.C. Punmia, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.



Study and writing of specifications for materials and works with emphasis on the required qualities of materials, process of
construction and proper sequence of execution shall be studied.
Introduction, importance of specifications, method of writing specifications and use of IS codes, NBC and Standard
Specifications by various Govt. and other Organizations.
Classification, types of specifications and their applications and study of contract document.
Study and writing specifications for basic materials and other involved materials of construction.
Specifications of materials involved in paving, floor finishing, dado, roofing, ceiling and specifications for fixtures and
Specifications for water supply, sanitary and electrical installations.
Survey of proprietary materials along with manufacturers specifications.
Sessional work: Notes and test on above topics.
1. Estimating & costing, By B. N. Dutta, B. S. Publishers
2. Estimating and Costing By S. C. Rangwala, Charotar Publishing House.
3. Red Book of Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra.
4. Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering, By Chakravarti, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
5. IS - 1200
This second part of subject continues with the services related to solid waste or garbage refuse, storm water drainage, waste
water recycling, electricity power services. The subject further deals with the services on a larger magnitude, where the
students getting information on the services related to large campuses, complexes, high rise buildings.
Solid Waste or Refuse Disposal Types, sources, composition, collection, processing, storage and transport, and
disposal methods. Refuse collection and disposal at individual building level, refuse chutes, grinders, incinerators, etc.
Storm water drainage - collection and disposal, combined & separate systems, runoffs, etc. Schematic layouts of water supply
systems, sewage disposal system, and storm water drainage for a residential building.
Schematic layouts of treated water supply to a township, area, or a group housing, etc ESRs, water demand and method of
storage & distribution systems for housing schemes & high rise buildings, etc. Hot water supply in building, boilers,
furnaces, solar water heaters, demands of water for swimming pools, air-conditioning plants, fire fighting, street washing,
fountains and gardens etc.
Electrical power service Power transmission and supply, sub stations, transformers, feeder, circuit breakers, bus bars, types
of conductors, method of earthing, lightening arresters, electrical load, etc.
Consumer control assembly, various electrical fittings and appliances, telephone and television services, typical schematic
layout of electrical power service in a residence, method of electrical power supply for large campuses and multistoried
Schematic idea of primary, secondary and tertiary stages of treatment of sewage, oxidation ponds, imhoff tank, recycling and
reuse, DEWATS method, mechanical methods for removal of sewage from special areas like basements (shones ejector),
Internal Sessional work: based on Notes, Plates, and Presentations on the above topics.
1. Water Supply and sanitary Engineering By S. C. Rangwala, Charotar Publishing House.
2. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering By Birdie, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
3. Building Services By Mrs. Shubhangi Bhide.
4. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering BY Kshirsagar.
5. Vastu Pariseva Va Sadhane by Prof.A.L.Chhatre & Prof. M.W.Indapawar
The course shall focus on application of construction theory from Construction V, in the form of preparation of Drawings,
Plates, etc.
Advanced Foundations
Study of soil conditions and suitability of foundations on particular type of Soil. Steel grillage footing, R.C.C. strip, raft and
cellular foundation. Machine Foundation.
Pile Foundation, Types of Piles in Timber, Steel and R.C.C. (Pre-cast and Cast-in- Situ), R.C.C. under-reamed piles, pile caps
General idea of Ranking, Flying and Dead shores, Floor Strutting, underpinning, timbering for deep trenches and basements.
Design & detailing of addition & alteration in existing buildings put to new use, process of modifications precautions to be
Centering and form work for R.C.C. works like columns, beams, slabs, stairs, arches etc.

Advanced Doors & Windows

Sliding doors (Manual and Automatic), sliding and folding doors, Aluminium sliding windows. Revolving doors, rolling
shutters, collapsible gates etc.
Glazed, Panelled partitions using Aluminium sections and Timber. Glass block partition. Glazed, Panelled partitions using
Aluminium sections and Timber. Glass block partition.
Sessional work: Notes, Plates and tests on above topics.
ARP 304 DESIGN STUDIO V (0-0-6-6)
The course of the semester shall include studies for development of design skill and creative abilities ,to understand, explore
and create duality, multiplicity and complex architectural relationships of design elements ( parts ) to a designed environment
( unified whole).
The course of the semester shall include, design considerations for climate, surrounding physical environment, light,
ventilation, etc., under various physciographic & climatic situations to be studied and adopted in design. Introduction to
specialized building types, their circulation, design needs, services and structure.
Design studies and explorations in understanding of complex architectural spaces and forms on contoured sites shall be
introduced. Introduction to Concept of circulation patterns (multi-level) for medium scale public buildings shall be
Study and explorations in architectural image & meaning of form, and its organization.
Development of architectural design approach in rural context.
Introduction to integration of basic building services in architectural design, design implications of structural systems and
local byelaws.
Study of material-climate-culture-construction-design relationship in creation of complex multi-cellular architectural forms
shall culminate in design of complex (multi-level) multi-cellular architectural form.
Sessional work: One design project, along with other design tasks and assignments.
Suggested design projects: Commercial, recreational, multifunctional buildings
1. Antoniades, C. Anthony : Epic Space: Towards roots of Western Architecture
2. Broadbent, Geoffery: Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990.
3. Brolin, Brent: Failure of Modern Architecture
4. Ching, D.K. Francis. Architecture : Form, Space And Order, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1996.
5. Doxiadis, C. A.: Architectural Space in ancient Greece
6. Giedion, Siegfried ; Space, Time and Architecture. , Harvard University Press,1963
7. Jain, K. B.: Indian Cities of the Arid West
The objective of this subject is to train student for the preparation of (a) Building permit drawings/ Submission drawings, as
per the local building Byelaws (b) Working drawings required for construction work.
Study of building Byelaws, building regulations, requirements of parts of buildings etc. as per the National Building Code,
Built-up area, FSI/FAR etc. the course shall include the following:
Preparation of submission drawings for private or a public building.
Preparation of working drawings for the same building. The set of drawings to be prepared shall include Foundation/center
line plan (considering Load Bearing as well as R.C.C. frame structure type), Floor Plan, Lintel level plan, terrace Plan
showing roof drainage arrangement, Sections, All elevations, Details of stair, Doors and Windows, Flooring pattern, Kitchen,
Architectural features etc. (set of min. 10 drawings of imperial size prepared to facilitate the execution of building).
Study and use of building specifications in formulation of working drawings.
Detailed specifications to be part of architectural working drawings.
Part of working drawing portfolios on Autocad.
Sessional work: manual & computer aided working drawings portfolio.
Introduction to building construction. Understanding relationship between architectural design, building construction,
building materials, etc.
R.C.C. roofing systems, North light roofing, Skylights in R.C.C., Coffered/Grid slabs, Flat and Flat plate slabs, Lift slab etc.
False ceiling: Types, Materials & Construction details.
Waterproofing, old and new materials and methods, water proofing of roofs, slabs, foundations, basements, swimming tanks
Expansion Joints, considerations, materials and methods of constructing expansion joints in buildings.

General study of various external cladding materials and systems, curtain walling in various materials, construction details of
glass curtains.
Study of causes of defects in building such as cracks, seepage, deflection etc. and their remedies. General idea of nondestructive tests such as Rebound Test, Penetration and Pullout Test etc., rehabilitation methods Grouting, Guniting,
Jacketing etc. General study of special chemicals used in construction and repairing work.
Sessional work : Plates, Assignments and tests on above topics.
1. Building Construction By W.B. Mckay, Orient Longman ltd.
2. Construction of Buildings By R. Barry, Orient Longman ltd.
3. Building Construction Handbook By R. Chudley, British Library cataloguing.
4. Advanced Building Construction By Mitchell, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
5. Building Construction Illustrated By Francis D.K. Ching, Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd.
6. Building Construction By S.C. Rangwala, Charotar Publishing House.
7. Building Construction By B.C. Punmia, Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Introduction to relationship between Man, Nature, Culture and city forms.
Study of factors influencing, growth & pattern of human settlements. Types of settlement forms, etc.
City planning in Indian context from Pre-historic to ancient to colonial.
Comparative study of City planning concept from ancient to contemporary period, in Western context.
City planning in post Independence India.
Sessional work: Notes, Seminars, assignments on above topics.
1. Begde, Prabhakar: Ancient and Medieval Town Planning in India
2. Broadbent, Geoffery: Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design, Van Nostand Reinhold, 1990
3. Gallion, Arthur & Eisner, Simon: The Urban Pattern
4. Jain, Kulbhushan: Indian Cities in Arid West
5. Kostoff, Spiro: City Shaped: The elements of Urban Form through history, Little Brown, 1992 Boston.
The scope of the subject is to make students aware of architecture beyond building, in the outdoor environment and spaces,
and, the role and importance of landscaping and site planning in enhancing and improving the quality of building environs,
functionally and aesthetically.
Introduction to Landscape Architecture, definitions, importance, need and scope. Levels of landscape planning and design.
Relationship between landscape design and architectural design. Historical development of landscape architecture. Origin of
gardens. Design principles, salient features and elements of various gardens in history like Egyptian, Persian, Spanish,
Italian, French, English, American, Japanese, Moghul, Indian etc.
Modern garden development. Changed scenario for contemporary garden designs. Effect of industrialization on garden
designs. Company towns, Parks movement, green belts, urban parks, residential gardens, Small gardens.
Different factors and components of a landscape. Social and economical factors. Psychological considerations of spaces and
enclosures. Brief idea about man made components like walls, fences, entrances, gates, barriers, screens, planters, roads &
pathway, street furniture, signages, services electrical, water supply and drainage. Basic natural components land trees,
water and climate.
Land: Different aspects of land as a landscape element soils, geology, topography, earth forms, levels,
grading, drainage, paved and unpaved surfaces. The importance and use of the aspects as a landscape design element.
Plants: Different aspects of trees, shrubs, climbers, hedges, lawns as landscape elements. Basic horticultural idea about
plants, plant selection, planting design and care of plants. Importance and use of the aspects as a landscape design element.
Water: Various forms of water elements in a landscape fountains, waterfalls, pools, cascades, channels, irrigation etc.
importance and use of water as a landscape design element. Construction of various water elements
Climate: Macro and micro-climatic considerations in landscape architecture. Effect of climate on the landscape and various
components of landscape on the microclimate. Relationship between climate, landscape and architecture.
Sessional work: Notes, sketches, tests and seminars based on the above topics/ task related to Design Studio Project.
1. Landscape Architecture By J.O. Symonds, McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Earthscape BY J.O. Symonds, McGraw Hill Publications.
3. Architecture A manual of site planning and design By J.O. Symonds, McGraw Hill Publications.
4. Site Planning By Kevin Lynch.
5. Site Planning By R. Genebrooks, Prentice Hall Publication.


The course shall focus on application of construction theory from Construction VI, in the form of preparation of Drawings,
Plates, etc.
R.C.C. roofing systems, North light roofing, Skylights in R.C.C., Coffered/Grid slabs, Flat and Flat plate slabs, Lift slab etc.
False ceiling: Types, Materials & Construction details.
Waterproofing, old & new materials & methods, water proofing of roofs, slabs, foundations, basements, swimming tanks etc.
Expansion Joints, considerations, materials and methods of constructing expansion joints in buildings.
General study of various external cladding materials and systems, curtain walling in various materials, construction details of
glass curtains.
Study of causes of defects in building such as cracks, seepage, deflection etc. and their remedies. General idea of nondestructive tests such as Rebound Test, Penetration and Pullout Test etc., rehabilitation methods Grouting, Guniting,
Jacketing etc. General study of special chemicals used in construction and repairing work.
Sessional work : Plates, Assignments and tests on above topics.
ARP 309 DESIGN STUDIO VI (0-0-6-6)
The course of the semester shall include development of design skill and creative abilities ,to understand, explore and create
duality , multiplicity and complex architectural relationships of design elements ( parts ) to a designed environment ( unified
whole).Design considerations for climate, surrounding physical environment, light, ventilation, etc., under various
physciographic & climatic situations to be studied and adopted in design.
Introduction to specialized building types, their design needs, services and structure.
Understanding of culture as a major determinant of architectural form.
Introduction to complex functional organization of activities with respect to: Nature of site and topography, Climatic
influence on form, Traditional Cultural attitudes and construction-structural possibilities.Design studies and explorations in
understanding of complex architectural spaces and forms on contoured sites shall continue.
Study and explorations in architectural image & meaning of form, and its organization. of complex multi-cellular
architectural forms shall culminate in design of Integration of building services in architectural design, structural Concept of
space module , modular repetition, in design, its relation with structural and aesthetical form of the building.
Sessional work: One design project, along with other design tasks and assignments.
Suggested design projects: Commercial, recreation, hospital & other public, religious, cultural, multifunctional buildings
(Multilevel / contoured site)
1. Antoniades, C. Anthony : Epic Space: Towards roots of Western Architecture
2. Ching, D.K. Francis. Architecture : Form, Space And Order, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1996.
3. Gibbered, Fredrick: Town Design
4. Giedion, Siegfried ; Space, Time and Architecture. , Harvard University Press,1963
In continuation of previous semester, students shall be required to handle the projects of greater magnitude in this semester
and they shall be trained to prepare working drawings of a class problem already completed in design class having
multistoried R.C.C. framed structure. A set of working drawings shall contain the followings.
Centerline plan, all floor plans, lintel and slab level plans.
Sections, elevations and large scale details.
Site development plan showing landscaping, roads.
Toilet details, Drainage Layout showing soil, waste and rain water drainage system. Sanitary fittings, traps, inspection
chambers etc.
Water supply layout indicating supply tapping point with meter, supply line to storage tanks and connections to different
equipment's in building.
Electrical layout showing meter board and power supply lines to different parts of building and different equipment's.
Sessional work: manual & computer aided working drawings portfolio.
This subject deals in details with various aspects of space interiors. Students get opportunity to understand qualities of spaces
and develop their skills in designing for functional and meaningful interior space.
Principles of Interior Design, Theory of colours, Function and character of space.
Meaning and significance of interior design, Historical review of Interiors in Indian & Western context as regards to
concepts, Understand terms like Style, Fashion, Decoration etc.
Anthropometry and ergonomics study, Parameters of comforts, Human space relationship

Study of furniture designs, Built-in furniture, Movable furniture, Modular furniture.

Qualities and settings of interior space, Historical settings, Regional setting & ethnic settings, Contemporary interiors for
creating image and identity.
Interior design project and case study.
Sessional work:- Sketches, reports and design problems based on the above topics like theme based interior design.
Understanding Human Engineering: an Introduction to Ergonomics by John Hammond
Interior Design in the 20th Century by Allen Tate, C. Ray
Interior Graphic & Design Standards by S. C. Reznikoff
The study of this subject is aimed at teaching students, advanced and complex aspects of construction. It also aims at making
students aware of systems and techniques of construction used to cover large spans.
Introduction to space structures, possibilities in different materials, types of space structures and possibilities in different
materials to cover large spans.
General study of shell structures and folded plate structures in concrete: Their types, constructional aspects, merits and
demerits etc.
General study of Grid structure and Skeletal structures, space frames, domes etc. in steel: Their
aspects, merits and demerits etc.
Precast concrete: Design considerations and constraints, advantages over cast in situ construction, construction
jointing details and applications. Modular coordination, RCC fabricated roofing system to cover large span, with or without
North light. Construction of Basement in R.C.C.
Study of Prestressed concrete, principles and methods of Prestressing, systems of prestressing, advantages, disadvantages and
Temporary structures: Materials and techniques used, constructional aspects using timber and Steel.
Sessional work: Notes, Plates, Assignments (Problems) and tests.
1. Principles of Space Structures by N. Subramanian, A. H. Wheelers.
2. The Construction of Buildings 1-5 Vol. By R. Barry, Orient Longman Ltd.
3. Construction Technology 1-4 Vol. By R. Chudley, British Library cateloguing.
4. Building Construction By S. P. Arora & S. P. Bindra, Dhanpatrai & Sons, Delhi.
5. A.J. handbook of Building Structures by A. Hodgkinson.
6. Advanced Building Construction BY Mitchell.
Study of Electro-mechanical means of vertical transportation in buildings, requirements, occupancy, load etc. study of
elevators, various components of elevators, standard space requirements, various types of elevators and architectural
Escalators: Their components, arrangement and functioning, space requirements, constructional detailing.
Ventilation of buildings, Natural and mechanical ventilation, need of mechanical ventilation, Exhaust fans, Axial flow fans,
Blowers for Industrial ventilation.
Principles of Psychometrics and heat transfer. Study of Air Conditioning systems and their applicability, Unit
Central ACs, Split ACs
Components of AC systems such as chilling plants, cooling towers, air handling units, Calculation of AC loads.
Air distribution systems, ducts and ducting layouts, Space requirement. Integration of AC system in design. Water demand
for Air Conditioning.
Sessional work: Notes, Plates, assignments and tests.
1. Indian Practical Civil Engineers Hand Book by P. N. Khanna, Engineers Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Buildings Services and Equipment's I & II Vol. By F. Hall, Longman Group Ltd.
3. Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by P. N. Ananthanarayan
4. Mitchells Advanced Bldg. Construction (components, services & finishes), Allied publishers.
5. National Building Code.
The study of this subject is to acquaint the students, while giving basic information, with various aspects of the profession
and his responsibilities towards profession, clients and society.

Introduction, Nature of profession and its importance in Indian context. Architects responsibilities and relationships.
Important considerations for engaging Architectural services.
Education of an Architect and various avenues open. Setting up of practice, various forms and their important considerations.
Responsibilities and liabilities of, and relationship between, consultant, client and contracting organization. Conditions of
engagement and scale of charges. Stages of Architectural services.
The Architects Act 1972 & its effect on profession and education. Registration of Architect, code of professional conduct.
Professional organizations, Architectural competitions.
The architect and his organisation. Objectives, management and administration, job organisation, and office set up. Human
relations and personal management, Professional promotion and other important considerations.
Sessional work: Notes, Assignments and Class Tests.
1. Handbook on Professional Practice, By The Indian Institute of Architects
2. Handbook of Professional Documents, By Council of Architecture, New Delhi
3. Professional Practice by Roshan Namavati
Modern urban planning concepts & ideas
Principles of City planning, contemporary city form & structure.
City Planning process & implementation frame work.
Types, levels and methods of planning.
Introduction to planning legislation.
Contemporary city planning: Concern & experiences in Indian context, learning from Chandigarh, Delhi, etc.
Contemporary urbanization trends in India, Urban & rural housing, Current urban issues.
Sessional work: Notes, Seminars, assignments on above topics.
1. Begde, Prabhakar: Ancient and Medieval Town Planning in India
2. Broadbent, Geoffery: Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design, Van Nostand Reinhold, 1990
3. Gallion, Arthur & Eisner, Simon: The Urban Pattern
4. Jain, Kulbhushan: Indian Cities in Arid West
5. Kostoff, Spiro: City Shaped: The elements of Urban Form through history, Little Brown, 1992 Boston.
6. Siddhartha, K & Mukherjee S: Cities, Urbanization & Urban Systems
The course shall focus on application of construction theory from Advanced Construction I, in the form of preparation of
Drawings, Plates, etc.
Introduction to space structures, possibilities in different materials, types of space structures and possibilities in different
materials to cover large spans.
General study of shell structures and folded plate structures in concrete: Their types, constructional aspects, merits and
demerits etc.
General study of Grid structure and skeletal structures, space frames, domes etc. in steel: Their types, constructional aspects,
merits and demerits etc.
Precast concrete: Design considerations and constraints, advantages over cast in situ construction, construction
jointing details and applications. Modular coordination, RCC fabricated roofing system to cover large span, with or without
North light. Construction of Basement in R.C.C.
Study of Prestressed concrete, principles and methods of Prestressing, systems of prestressing, advantages, disadvantages and
Temporary structures: Materials and techniques used, constructional aspects using timber and Steel.
Sessional work: Plates & drawings, Assignments (Problems) and tests.
Development of design skill and creative abilities, to understand, explore and create duality, multiplicity and complex
architectural relationships of design elements (parts) to a designed environment (unified whole).
Introduction to specialized building types, their design needs, services and structure.
Understanding design relationship between structural possibilities & architectural form.
Initiation to multi-level, high rise, building complexes and building regulations, Bye laws, norms & development controls for
their design.
Study and analysis of Traditional architectural environments.
Integration of building services and climatic concerns in architectural design, under varying conditions.

Sessional work: One Design project alongwith two small tasks / assignments.
Suggested Projects: Cultural center, Hospital, Museum, Group housing, Institutional building, etc.
1. Antoniades, C. Anthony:Epic Space: Towards roots of Western Architecture
2. Broadbent, Geoffery: Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990
3. Brolin, Brent: Failure of Modern Architecture
4. Ching, D. K. Francis. Architecture: Form, Space and Order, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1996
5. Gibbered, Fredrick: Town Design
6. Giedion, Siegfried; Space, Time and Architecture, Harvard University Press 1963
General study of construction techniques to cover large spans using short length timber and laminated timber material,
lamella roofing, portal frames, solid beams and web beams.
General study of suspension structures & Catenary structures.
Membrane structures and pneumatic structures: Types, materials used, merits, demerits and examples.
High rise building: Foundations, structural systems and architectural design considerations.
Construction project: Design & detailing of long span structure in steel or RCC using advanced light weight construction
Earthquakes and its effect on buildings, Earthquake zones in India, Architectural design considerations and constructional
detailing for Earthquake resistance.
Sessional work: Sketches, reports, based on the above topics.
1. Structure in Architecture by M. Salvadorri.
2. Advances in Tall Buildings by L. S. Beedle.
3. The Construction of Buildings 1-5 Vol. By R. Barry, Orient Longman Ltd.
4. Construction Technology 1-4 Vol. By Chudley, British Library Cataloguing.
5. Building Construction by S. P. Arora & S. P. Bindra, Dhanpatrai & Sons, Delhi.
6. Advanced Building Construction By Mitchell.
7. Building Construction Illustrated by Francis D. K. Ching, Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd.
8. National Building Code
9. Concrete Technology by M. S. Shetty S. Chand & Co.
10. Explanatory Handbook on Codes for Earthquake Engineering, IS 1893 1975 & IS 4326 1976, Bureau of
Indian Standards.
Introduction to fire safety in buildings, causes of fire in buildings, types of fire, spread of fire, production of smoke and
poisonous gases. Fire safety and preventive measures. Fire fighting regulations with reference to National Building Code.
Fire escape, Stairways and escape routes, Dry and wet risers, water demand for fire fighting, storage tanks, fire hydrants, etc.
Study of fire detection systems, Smoke detectors, heat detectors, fire alarms, etc, Fire extinguishing systems, Unit fire
extinguishers, Chemical and foam extinguishers, Automatic sprinkler system.
Services for special building types (Hospitals, Laboratories, Industries)
Electric supply and distribution for group housing projects, Urban Complexes, High rise buildings etc. Study of load
calculations and distribution systems for larger areas as mentioned above. Importance and function of Bus-Bar, Step
up/down transformer, Electric substation, Lightning conductors, standby generators, Automatic relays, Inverters, Circuit
breakers, etc.
Telephone and communication systems, Intercommunication systems in building, Telephone wiring systems, Video
conferencing, Computer networks, Cable ducts and trenches and conduits to accommodate the systems.
Introduction to Building Automation Systems, components and application of BAS and architectural implications.
Sessional work: Sketches, reports and plates on the above topics.
1. Electrical systems for Architects By Aly S. Dadras,
2. Building Engineering and System Design be F.S. Merrit and J. Ambrose.
3. Indian Practical Civil Engineers Hand Book by P. N. Khanna, Engineers Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Building Services and Equipment's I & II Vol. By F. Hall, Longman Group Ltd.
5. Life Safety Code, National Fire Protection Association.
6. National Building Code.


The study of this subject is to acquaint the students with various techniques and specialized areas of profession.
Project management.
Tender: Types, tender notice, tender documents, and various procedures.
Contract: Types, procedures, document, and various conditions of contract with special reference to responsibilities and
liabilities of Architect, contractor and client.
Arbitration and its proceedings, Fire insurance and Architectural Copyright.
Easement rights, Dilapidations, repairs and fair rent.
General introduction to various Acts and Laws related to Land acquisition, Town planning, Urban land ceiling and
Conservation of Architectural heritage.
Sessional work: Notes, Tutorials & Report writing on above topics.
1. Handbook on Professional Practice, By The Indian Institute of Architects
2. Handbook of Professional Documents, By Council of Architecture, New Delhi
3. Professional Practice by Roshan Namavati
ARL 409 ACOUSTICS (2-0-0-4)
The Study of this subject will make students realise the importance of sound in architectural spaces and necessity of
manipulating acoustical environment in buildings.
Introduction and Fundamentals, Human ear, Sensitivity of hearing, inverse square law, Decibel scales for intesity, pressure
and power, Loudness perception. Sound Level meters.
Sound absorption, Absorbing materials and their classification, sound reflection, diffusion, diffraction.
Reverberation and reverberation time calculation. Dead and live rooms, Speech interference criteria and noise criteria,
Acoustics of classrooms. Articulation index. Constructional and planning measures for good acoustical design of concert
halls, Acoustical defects and remedies.
Sound Isolation, Transmission loss, Mass law, STC rating, TL for single and double walls, composite transmission loss,
sound leaks and flanking. Broadcasting studios.
Noise and Noise Control: Noise and people, noise criteria curves, noise from ventilating and air conditioning systems. Floor
and ceiling construction for noise isolation. Floating floors, outdoor barriers for noise control.
Sound Reinforcement Systems, Central and Distributed loudspeaker systems, Components, Design Criteria.
Sessional work: Notes & Problems based on acoustical design. Theory, tutorials, Sketches.
1. Concepts in Architectural Acoustics By D. Egan
2. Architectural physics By B. G. Hopkinson
3. Environmental Science in Building ByMac Millan
4. Auditorium Acoustics and Architectural Design by M. Barron.
5. Acoustics in Building Design by K. A. Sirsikar & Architectural Acoustics and Illumination by Dr. R. G. Edkie
ARL 410 ILLUMINATION (2-0-0-4)
The scope of the subject is to impart knowledge of basic Illumination Engineering and prepare the students to design
illumination system for the common indoor and outdoor spaces.
Light radiation, its units, Laws of illumination, Inverse Square law and Cosine law.
Artificial light calculation by Lumen Method and Point by point method.
Light sources & lighting systems.
Luminaries their types and uses.
Exterior lighting for monuments, gardens, fountains, sculptures etc.
Sessional work: Notes, Sketches and tests. Exercises on Illumination systems for indoor spaces.
1. Handbook of Architectural Technology By H. J. Cowan
2. Architectural Interior Systems By J. E. Flynn
3. Day lightening Design and Analysis By C. L. Robbins
4. Architectural Acoustics and Illumination by Dr. R. G. Edkie, Ekweera Prakashan
The course shall focus on application of construction theory from Advanced Construction II, in the form of preparation of
Drawings, Plates, etc.

General study of construction techniques to cover large spans using short length timber and laminated timber material,
lamella roofing, portal frames, solid beams and web beams.
General study of suspension structures & Catenary structures.
Membrane structures and pneumatic structures: Types, materials used, merits, demerits and examples.
High rise building: Foundations, structural systems and architectural design considerations.
Construction project: Design and detailing of long span structure in steel or R.C.C using advanced light weight construction
Earthquakes and its effect on buildings, Earthquake zones in India, Architectural design considerations and constructional
detailing for Earthquake resistance.
Sessional work: Plates & drawings, reports, based on the above topics.
Development of architectural response in context of change and continuity, as a co-existing and continuous phenomena in
Development of architectural response in strong contextual situations. Design of multiple built-forms / building complexes
for residential, commercial or institutional functions.
Development of design skill and creative abilities to design complex multi-level, high rise, specialized building complexes.
Integration of advanced building services & climatic concerns in architectural design, under varying conditions.
Understanding the relationship between local level architectural issues & surrounding urban environment.
Settlement level issues like traffic & transportation, slums, architectural conservation, development controls, etc, to be part of
the holistic design approach.
Introduction to contemporary architectural issues and concerns in terms of:
Cultural aspects and issues, in architectural design
Emerging construction techniques, services and their impact on architectural form
Energy conservation/ utilization techniques in architecture: Issues & aspects
Sessional work: One major Design project, along with two tasks / assignments, etc.
Suggested projects: Community group housing, Institutional complexes, Civic centers, High rise Commercial/ Residential
buldings, Sports complexes, etc.
1. Antoniades, C. Anthony:Epic Space: Towards roots of Western Architecture
2. Broadbent, Geoffery: Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990
3. Brolin, Brent: Failure of Modern Architecture
4. Ching, D. K. Francis. Architecture: Form, Space and Order, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1996
5. Gibbered, Fredrick: Town Design
6. Giedion, Siegfried; Space, Time and Architecture, Harvard University Press 1963
Study of appropriate planning standards, techniques of population projection, Identification of the data to be collected and the
sources thereof, organizing surveys and collecting socio-economic, traffic and other data
Relationship between architecture, urban design and planning; city as a three dimensional entity; study of volumes and open
spaces at all levels
Projecting the future with different scenarios and identification of action areas (i.e., specific problems related with housing,
services, circulation, etc.), Study of urban design aspects and their integration in plan preparation, Formulation of
development and design strategies and guidelines for the selected area.
Sessional work: One major Urban Planning & Design project, along with two tasks / assignments, etc.
Suggested projects: Documentation and analysis of any significant area emphasizing on prevalent planning issues and urban
design characteristics, Preparation of Action Area Plans, Urban Design Guidelines for selected precincts, etc.
1. Edmond Beckons: Design of cities
2. Rob Krier : Urban space
3. Kevin Lynch : Image of City
4. Geoffery Broadbent : Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design
5. Planning for Conservation
Practical training of Six months duration (under a Registered Architect only) envisages the following varied experience in
order to ensure the exposure of a student to various tasks.



Office experience in respect of preparation of Working drawing, Detailing drawing, perspectives, preparation of
architectural models, study of filling systems of documents, Drawings, Ammonia prints and preparation of
tender document
b) Site experience in respect of supervision of construction activity, observation, layout on site, study of stacking
methods of various building materials, taking the measurement and recording.
Students will have to maintain record of their engagement for the period of training. This will be recorded in an log-book to
be counter signed by Architect.
At the end of training period student will have to procure a certificate of training and satisfactory performance from the
concerned office in the prescribed format.
Certificate of satisfactory completion of training shall be submitted to the Institution immediately after the training through
the Head, Department of Architecture & Planning along with the report and drawings made during the training period. The
student shall appear for Viva Voce at a date prescribed by V.N.I.T.
* Faculty member from Department of Architecture & Planning shall visit & appraise himself of the students performance,
at his/ her office.
Seminars are intended to develop the capacity of students to work either in group or individually, undertaking research in a
given subject relating to architecture and presenting observations graphically and through seminars presented at different
stages. This is to equip the students to present project efficiently and effectively.
Seminar I:
Subject shall be allotted, to group of students/ individuals, from the following categories
History of Architecture, traditional architecture
Appreciation / Critical Appraisal of Architectural projects
Research in Architecture.
Role of allied / applied sciences in Architecture.
Contemporary architecture.
Any other subject (as approved by the faculty)
Seminar II
This seminar shall be presented by individual student on the subject related to his / her Thesis project or, of his/ her choice (as
approved by the faculty). The said Seminar would include analytical study of the subject, supported by drawings, etc. Marks
shall be granted on the basis of documentation / seminar presentation, contents etc.
ARD 402 PROJECT II (0-0-8-8)
The subject of the thesis project shall be selected by the student and approved by the Department. The project selected may
be either a live one or a research-oriented one or one pertaining to urban design or of a conceptual nature relating to building
or allied programmes. The project and its programming shall be worked out by the student himself/ herself under the
guidance of the thesis advisor(s).
The project work shall include an intensive study of relevant literature, case studies, Climatology and analysis of problems
concerned with the development of functional organisation of space form and structure, based on correlation and
interpretation of the social, economic and physical data.
* Project evaluation shall be done as per the guidelines issued by the department. Project work shall be periodically &
regularly evaluated as per Project (Thesis) programme.





Need of legislation in the building industry
Background of controls and regulations.
Need for controls at various levels of City development.
Study of Development Control Rules & Regulations for A, B & C Class Municipal Councils
Broad Understanding of National Building Code.
Study of requirements of submission drawings with services as required by various sanctioning authorities
1. National Building Code
2. Development Control Rules & Regulations for Nagpur.
3. Building Regulations for Class B & C Municipalities.
Building design in response to various climates and its impact upon requirements of energy in building
Low energy building strategies and guidelines
Assessment of Energy in building using computer software
Non conventional energy sources and system integrated in building design
Study of Building Envelope Section of ECBC (Energy Conservation Building Codes)
Sessional work: Case study, Reports
1. Introduction to building Climatology, Antony Sealey
2. Manual of Tropical Housing and Building, O.H. Keonigsberger, T. G. Ingersoll, Alan Mayhew, S. V Szokolay
3. Climate & Architecture, Jefferey Ellis Aronin
4. General Climatology, Howard J. Crichfield
5. Housing, Climate and Comfort, Martin Evans
6. Tropical Architecture, C. P. Kukreja
7. Man, Climate and Architecture, B. Givoni
8. Solar Control and shading Devices, Olgyay and Olgyay
9. Climatological and Solar Data for India, CBRI Publication Roorkee
Definition & categorization of physically challenged people. Need for a barrier free Architecture.
Typical barrier problems of the physically challenged people- parking & approaches to buildings, travel within buildings, etc.
An introduction to minimum standards - Objectives & contents of the standards related to barrier free architecture.
Legislation related to Barrier Free Architecture.
1. Seminar proceedings on the subject.
Defining Vernacular.
Culture, Tradition, Society, Climate and Shelter.
Vernacular Architecture in India.
Study of traditional Building materials and Techniques.
Study of Vernacular Settlement Patterns.
Study of traditional building knowledge systems for their contemporary applications.
Types of Bio gas plants, design considerations and construction methods.
Solar energy, its advantages and limitations, solar collectors, solar water heaters, photovoltaic cells, solar lanterns and its
Study of rural Architectural and construction techniques.
Case study of new buildings constructed with improved/appropriate/unconventional techniques and their analysis.

Costing and marketing of APT products. Issues related to transfer of building technology from Lab. to land
Sessional work: Visit to building centers engaged in research and development of appropriate technology.
Seminars, Reports and Studio design problems using appropriate construction techniques and materials.
1. Venu Bharati, By Shri. Vinoo Kale, Aproop Nirman, Nagpur.
2. Research notes and Digest, By CBRI Roorkee
Historical review of large construction projects and management techniques. Fundamentals of project management,
relationship of work, time and cost, stages of project management, (Planning, Scheduling and Evaluation)
Study of bar charts, Milestone charts, Gaunt chart its application in construction process, Work Breakdown Schedule.
Fundamentals of CPM (Critical Path Method), activity, events, floats and slacks, network Construction, time computation,
Project completion period.
Introduction to PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique), probability, standard deviation etc.
Construction Machinery and Equipments.
Construction site practices, site inspection and instructions for quality control.
Sessional work: Sketches, reports and problems on networks.
1. Project Planning & Control with PERT & CPM.
2. Construction Planning & Equipments By B. Satyanarayana, S. C. Saxena.
A broad understanding of sustainability and what it means at all levels of society and the concept of building green and the
design ,construction and long term impacts on the environment and civilization.
Introduction to the issues and concepts of sustainable architecture, global environment and built environment.
Study of principles of environmental and ecologically sensitive architecture namely energy efficiency, indoor air quality,
green materials, green building systems as related to the construction and operation of buildings.
Sustainable and conservation practices water conservation, sewerage treatment, solid waste treatment, economics and
Low energy design, hybrid systems, modeling and simulation of energy systems, integration of PV and wind systems in the
building, wind solar and other non conventional energy systems, solar thermal applications for heating and cooling,
electricity generation in buildings
Acts, norms, rating systems and assessment tools for sustainable architecture.
Case studies on specific contemporary sustainable architecture/green buildings.
1. Joo Hwa Bay & Boon Lay Ong ,Tropical sustainable architecture(social and environmental dimentions)
2. Evans.M ,Housing ,Climate and Comfort,London,The Architectural Press.
3. Givoni B.,Man Climate and Architecture,N.Y.:Van Nostrand Reinold
4. Givoni B.Climate considerations in buildings and urban design,NY:Van Nostrand reinold.
5. Fanger M ,Thermal comfort:Analysis and applications in Environmental engineering,London:Macgraw
6. Managing the Riaks and Opprtunities of climate Change (www.cers.org)
7. Passive solar design (www.eere.org)
8. ASHRAE(www.ashrae.org)
9. LEED-Guidelines from (www.usgbc.org)
Introduction to real estate. Relation between real estate and design/planning; site evaluation, location parameters and
development planning; Principles, methods and tools for property investment decisions and risk analysis.
Project feasibility, joint ventures, marketing, transfer of property procedures and laws. Approval processes, construction
planning and scheduling. Choice of technologies, data bases, inventories, cost controls and pricing mechanism, budgetary
planning, etc.
Urbanization trends and relevance to property management. Urban policies and implications to real estate. Land use
structure, Community and neighborhood dynamics.
Govt. policies on public & private housing, infrastructure and its impact on real estate. Fiscal policies, taxation, property
taxes, development credit policies and impact on real estate.
Public private participation models and experiences in housing and real estate.

Environmental assessment techniques, components, principles for real estate projects

Sesisonal work : Case studies, reports, etc.
Conservation, concepts, history, principles and methods. Pioneers of conservation.
continuity, change Transformation, Historicity, Values, Authenticity, Preservation, Restoration, and Conservation.
Conservation management.
Broad concepts of terms such as Reuse, Rehabilitation, Revitalization, Regeneration, Up gradation, etc. Concept of integrated
conservation, related problems, Issues and solutions.
Inventory and Documentation Techniques. Adaptation and introduction of change at site level, urban level, regional level,
Conservation scene in India, Recent works done by various agencies in India: International, National & local, International
charters ITC, UNESCO, etc., pertaining to area conservation and historic cities. Approaches to conservation with examples
from India and abroad.
Development of conservation in Europe. Pilot projects in Britain during the 1960s and later. Comprehensive scope of
Architectural conservation, Lessons for Indian situation.
The scope of the profession. Legislation and International charters pertaining to conservation of area (urban and rural)
conservation, world heritage sites.
Sesisonal work : Case studies, notes and reports.
1. Conservation of Historic Buildings_Feilden.M
2. Encyclopedia of Archeology_Picard Gilbert, Charles.
3. Conservation of cultural property in India_A.S Bizht, I.K Bhatnagar
Concepts in urban infrastructure. Social and physical infrastructure.
Necessity and Importance of Infrastructure.
Influence of Economic and related development policies, urban agenda, resource development options and strategies on
urban infrastructure.
Urban social infrastructure - qualitative and quantitative techniques of assessing requirements, Planning Amenities and
Public and private sector role in resource mobilization and infrastructure development and related issues.
Current National and International trends in Infrastructural Planning. Technology for execution of such Infrastructure.
ARL 418 URBAN DESIGN (2-1-0-6)
Introduction to Urban design, its scope and relevance, relation between Urban design and Urban planning.
Level of Urban design City level , Neighbourhood level, Street level, Individual site level, City planning and Site planning.
Urban form and its elements, Grain, texture, skyline, massing, urban structure, users and activities, communication systems,
residential areas, work places and their interrelationships.
Components of Urban design, urban aesthetics and image, Built form and open space, scale, urban spaces and urban places,
concept of pedestrianisation, malls and plazas, and various design elements.
Sessional workStudy of existing, new and historical urban setups, presentation of study in the form of seminars and reports. Design proposal
for an urban situation.
1. Image of city Kevin Lynch.
2. Site planning Kevin Lynch
3. Urban Design: Architecture of Towns and Cities, Paul D. Spreiregen
4. Urban Space Rob Krier
5. Pattern Language: Christopher Alexander
6. Emerging Concepts of Urban Space G. Broadbent.
Locational & planning aspects of industrial areas with specific emphasis on selection of site for an industry and site planning
of an industry in a comprehensive manner with varied considerations.


Planning considerations for industrial working areas, study of indoor and outdoor working environment as related to
industrial process of manufacture, human component as related to illumination, ventilation noise control, role of color in
working environment.
Relationship between industrial spaces and structure. Review of structural systems used for industry with general idea about
materials used for various components
Services essential for industries, Demand calculation and system detailing of services like water supply, electricity, effluent
treatment, communication, etc.
Study of environmental pollution as resultant of industrial activity, review of enactment for controlling the pollution and
methods of treatment of industrial pollutants.
Study of various acts as applicable to construction and utilization of industrial structures such as Factory act , Pollution
Control Act, Explosives Act and review of legal formalities to be completed by Architect while working on an industrial
Considerations of aspects of industrial safety as related to the hazards of fire and industrial process prove to be hazardous to
persons working within the industrial spaces and industrial structures.
Architectural design considerations integrating aesthetic qualities in the designing and detailing of industrial structures with
meaningful choice of architectural treatments utilizing materials on the cost, ease of maintenance and upkeep.
Sessional Work:
Notes , report on case study of an industry, drawing and filing various proformas to various authorities.
ARL 420 VALUATION (3-0-0-6)
The aim of this subject is to expose the student to an important part of his profession which is known as valuation. The study
shall include the topics as under
Aims & objectives of valuation in respect of Building and Land.
Essential characteristics of value, regarding the building.
Factors affecting the value of built up property supply and demand, cost of reproduction, occupation of value, Gild edged
Methods of valuation, such as rental method of valuation, land building basis, development method of valuation, valuation
for rating purpose, valuation for Government taxation, valuation for mortgage.
Considerations for valuables in Town planning, regarding the plots and development.
Objectives and principles of valuation tables.
Sessional work: Notes, exercises on above topics. Study and preparation of valuation report.
Reference Book
Theory & Practice of Valuation by R. Namavati
Valuation of Real Properties by S. C. Rangwala.
Disaster - concepts, processes and perceptions - natural and man-made - cause and consequences.
Disaster and natural environment, floods and drainage - soil erosion and landslides - earthquakes, land and building hazards.
Disaster and man-made environment - industrial pollution and health hazards - natural resources damage - social unrest and
damage to people and property.
Disaster Management Plans- structure and process, elements of comprehensive disaster management (Preparedness,
Response, Recovery and Mitigation), phases for plan making (pre-disaster, during and post-disaster), the techno-legal
regime- standards for urban development and building construction.
Measures for mitigation and rehabilitation, damage assessment- some issues.
Disaster education - community awareness and action - NGO role and management after disaster, peoples participation and
self-help measures of mitigation.
Problems of financing and insurance, Role of the Civil Defense during disasters. Case studies prevention and corrective
measure implemented to face natural disasters.
National policies, objectives & standards government structures for warning and Emergency Response; Other external and
national assistance organizations.
Sessional Work: Notes, seminars, short exercise on plan preparation etc.
1. B K Prasad: Sustainable Rural Development for disaster mitigation
ARL 422 HOUSING (3-0-0-6)
Housing and human needs, influences on housing. Housing as an integral part of urban & rural development.
Study of housing concepts (eg. Mass housing, low cost housing, self help housing, Co-operative housing, housing based on
income groups and density patterns) and the study of transition from traditional to contemporary pattern of Housing in India.

Space standards for housing schemes and design concepts for cost reduction, use of prefabrication, modular co- ordination
and pre-stressed components etc.
Concept of density standards and relationship of built and unbuilt in housing layouts.
Understanding of Basic infrastructure at layout level.
Understanding of the external effects inherent in planning transportation facilities and operations.
Introduction to topics including interaction with land use, economic development, transportation demand, sustainability,
safety and security, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and context-sensitive solutions.
Brief review of major issues in urban transportation planning. Introduction to Planning process and transportation models.
Uses a systems framework, including goals and objectives, evaluation, implementation, and monitoring.
Study of vehicular transportation fundamentals including geometric design, pavement design, traffic flow concepts, level of
service analysis, intelligent transportation systems, travel demand prediction methods, and management of transportation
Current and developing procedures for the structural thickness design of pavements. Bituminous and concrete pavements for
highways, airports, and special heavy loading.
1. Transport Planning and Policy in India by M.Q. Dalvi
Study of Interior Design Elements such as flooring, carpets, rugs, tapestry, colour, texture, plants, sculptures, paintings,
Study of lighting such as physical and psychological aspect of light, Lighting type and use, Lighting fixtures.
Study of flooring, wall paper, paneling and cladding materials, glass and metals etc.
False ceilings, Space dividers, screens, partitions in interiors.
Civil work, General Services, special services and its integration with interior design scheme.
Interior design project and case study.
Sessional work: Notes, sketches, Seminars and studio problems on large interior projects such as commercial, residential,
hospitality spaces etc.
Site Planning, Methodology and process of site study. Site survey, data collection, compilation, presentation and analysis
techniques. Importance of site planning for landscape design and architecture.
Principles of landscape design. Functional and aesthetic considerations. Interrelationship and use of various landscape
elements/ factors / aspects to form a comprehensive landscape proposal. Landscape design at community and individual
house level.
Landscape construction and detailing for the various landscape elements. Their importance and uses.
Specially landscaped places like interiors, terrace gardens, wall gardens, window landscaping etc. - their designing and
Sessional work: Case Studies & Site visits, reports and design problems based on the above topics.
1. Introduction to Landscape Architecture By M. Laurie
2. Landscape Architecture By J.O. Simonds, McGraw Hill Publications.
3. Earthscape By J.O. Simonds, McGraw Hill Publications.
4. Landscape Architecture A manual of site planning and design By J.O. Simonds, McGraw Hill Publications.
5. Site Planning By Kevin Lynch.
6. Site Planning By R. Genebrooks, Prentice Hall Publication.


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