Addis Ababa University (CNCS) : Department of Physics Electromagnetic Theory (Phys 602)
Addis Ababa University (CNCS) : Department of Physics Electromagnetic Theory (Phys 602)
Addis Ababa University (CNCS) : Department of Physics Electromagnetic Theory (Phys 602)
Department of Physics
Shinie Shewangizaw
ID.No. GSR/3647/12
1. (7.2).
a) For Simplicity, we consider only the case where the incident is normal to the interface. The
Poynting flux
~ n = c Re[|~n.~k||E00 2 |]
Figure 1
c2 0
~ =
|S| Re[|~k||E02 |]
k2 n2
k1 n1
where n1 and n2 are refractive indices for the respective media.
Sr nr Er
ki ni Ei
We have to calculate the ratio of magnitude of the square of electric field. Assuming that
the incident wave comes from the left and a refracted wave traveling to the right and
in the medium number 2 of thickness d the wave is the result of superposition of two
waves traveling in opposite directions, and in the third medium, only a transmitted wave
traveling to the left. This assumption does not lose generality. In fact it is the observed
consequences in the laboratory. Further more it is given that these media are non permeable
i.e., µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = 1.
• Medium 1
• Medium 2
• Medium 3
~ t = E~3 eik3 z−iωt
E (7)
r ~ ~t
~t = 3 k3 × E
B (8)
µ3 k3
~ ⊥ Continuous
[k~1 × E
~ i + k~1 × E~r − k~2 × E~m ].~n = 0 (10)
~ k Continuous
~ i + E~r − E~m ] × ~n = 0
[E (11)
~ k Continuous
The transmission:-
4 (n1 n2 )2 n3
T ={ 2 2 2 2
} (23)
(1 + r12 r23 ) − 4r12 r23 sin k2 d (n1 + n2 ) (n2 + n3 ) n1
Notice that there are two forms of the results(i.e, one with positive and the other with cosine
in the expression, but they are are identical).
Case 1: n1 = 1, n2 = 2, n3 = 3, where k2 = 2π λ2
(or ki = nci ω
17 + 15 cos(4dω/c)
R =
113 + 15 cos(4dω/c)
16 − 15 sin2 (2πd/λ2 )
64 − sin2 (2πd/λ2 )
T =
113 + 15 cos(4dω/c)
64 − 15 sin2 (2πd/λ2 )
Case 2: n1 = 3, n2 = 2, n3 = 1. The results are the same as case 1.
Case 3: n1 = 2, n2 = 4, n3 = 1.
53 − 45 cos(8dω/c)
R =
117 − 45 cos(8dω/c
16 + 180 sin2 (2πd/λ2 )
144 + 180 sin(2πd/λ2 )
T =
9(4 + 5 sin2 (2πd/λ2 ))
53 − 45 cos(8πdω/c)
117 − 45 cos(8πdω/c)
(r12 − r23 )2
R= = 0; if r12 = r23
(1 − r12 r23 )2
∴ n2 = n1
a) Show that the amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted waves, correct to the first order
in (0 ω/σ)1 /2, are
Er −(1 − e−2λ )
Ei (1 − e−2λ ) + γ(1 + e−2λ )
Et 2γe−λ
Ei (1 − e−2λ ) + γ(1 + e−2λ )
20 ω ωδ
γ= (1 − i) = (1 − i) (25)
σ c
(1 − i)D/σ (26)
and δ = 2/ωµσ is the penetration depth.
So long as we treat the conductor as a medium with complex dielectric constant
/0 = 1 + i (27)
E k : Ei + Er = E+ + E−
H k : (Ei − Er ) = n(E+ − E− )
Second Interface
E+ eiφ + E− e−iφ = Et
n(E+ eiφ − E− e−iφ ) = Et
~ t and E
Solving for E ~ r in terms of E
~ i , we obtain
Et 4/n 4/neiφ
= =
Ei (1 + 1/n)2 e−iφ − (1 − 1/n)2 eiφ (1 + 1/n2 )(1 − e−2iφ ) + 2/n(1 + e2iφ )
In fact, this problem can easily be generalized for incidence at an arbitrary angle i by taking
1/n → cos i/n cos r.We now take the limit where this is an excellent conductor,σ/ω0 >> 1.
In this case, the index of refraction (28) and phase change (29) may be approximated by
r r
σ σ 2
n≈ i = (1 + i) =
ω0 20 ω γ
r r
ωD ωD σ µ0 σω
φ= n ≈ (1 + i) n = (1 + i)D = iλ
c c 20 ω 2
For |γ| << 1 (equivalent to |n| >> 1) we drop terms of O(1/n2 ) compared to 1 to arrive at
Et 2γe−λ
= (30)
Ei (1 − e−2λ ) + γ(1 + e−2λ )
Er −(1 − e−2λ )
= (31)
Ei (1 − e−2λ ) + γ(1 + e−2λ )
where we have kept the O(γ) term in the denominator which becomes important in the
limit λ → 0.
b) Verify that for zero thickness and infinite thickness you obtain the proper limiting results.
The zero thickness limit corresponds to λ → 0. In this case, it is easy to see from the (30)
and (31) that
Et Er
λ→0: → 1, →0
Ei Ei
In the infinite thickness limit, we find instead
Et Er −1
λ→∞: → 0, →
Ei Ei 1+γ
Note that the reflection coefficient does not go to unity, as some of the power is dissipated
in the conductor. A perfect conductor (σ = ∞) has γ = 0, so all the power is reflected in
the perfect conductor limit.
c) Show that, except for sheets of very small thickness, the transmission coefficient is
8(Reγ)2 e−2D/δ
T =
1 − 2e−2D/δ cos(2D/δ) + e−4D/δ
To compute the transmission coefficient from (30) and(31) , we kept in mind that both γ
and λ are complex. As long as we are not in the “very small thickness” limit, the O(γ) term
in the denominator can be ignored. in this case
Et 2γe−λ
Ei (1 − e−2λ )
so that
Et 4|γ|2 e−2Reλ
T = =
Ei 1 − 2Re(e−2λ ) + e−4Reλ
Taking |γ|2 = 2(Reγ)2 e δ then gives
8|Reγ|2 e−2D/δ
T =
1 − 2(e−2D/δ cos(2D/δ) + e−4D/δ
The very small thickness limit corresponds to when the O(γ) term becomes important. This
occurs when
while the ratio of power transmitted into the medium to the incident power is
T =
|1 + n(ω)|
While this problem involves a complex dielectric constant (ω), we note that the matching
conditions for incident and reflected waves at an interface hold for arbitrary (including
complex) values of µ and . For normal incidence, the expressions are simply
Er 1 − n(ω) Er 2
= , =
Ei 1 + n(ω) Ei 1 + n(ω)
where we have furthermore assumed that the material is non-permeable so that µ = µ0 . For
harmonic waves, the power is obtained from the real part of the Poynting vector
r ∗
~= E1 ~ ×H ~ =
∗ 1 ~ 2
S |E| n̂ (32)
2 2 µ∗
~ D
b) Evaluate Re[iω(E. ~ ∗ − B.
~ H
~ ∗ )/2] as a function of (x, y, z). Show that this rate of change of
energy per unit volume accounts for the relative transmitted power T .
We write the electric and magnetic fields inside the material as
E~ =E ~ = √0 µ0 n(ω)n̂ × E
~ t eikn̂.~x , B ~ t eikn̂.~x
√ √
1 + i 4πσ 2πωσ c
∴n≈( √ ) √ = (1 + i) = (1 + i)( )
2 ω ω ωσ
c 2 c 2 c
|1 + n|2 = 1 + (1 + i) = (1 + ) + ( )2
ωσ ωσ ωσ
c 2 c
|1 − n|2 = (1 − ) + ( )2
ωσ ωσ
c 2 c 2
(1 − ωσ
) + ( ωσ ) 4 ωσ
R= c 2 c 2 = 1 −
(1 + ωσ
) + ( ωσ ) 1 + (1 + 4ωσ
4 ωσ
T = c 2 c 2 =
(1 + ωσ
) + ( ωσ ) 1 + (1 + 4ωσ
ωσ 2ωσ
If c
<< 1, R ≈ 1 − c
T = 2 ωσ
2 −2z
1 ~ = Re σ|E|2 eImnz ωc = σ(E0 4e ) = ω E02 e σ
Re[(J~∗ .E)]
2 2 2|1 + n|2 π [1 + (1 + ωσc
)2 ]
We wish to compare this with
iω ~ ~ ∗ ~ ~ ∗ ω Re[n]Im[n] −2Im[n] ω z ωE02 e−2z/σ
Re[ (E.D − B.H )] = E02 e c =
8π π |1 + n|2 π[1 + ( ωσ
)2 ]
These two terms are equal and thus do not enter the complex form of Poynting’s theorem.
The complex dielectric constant can be taken to contain the conduction current contribution
by means of free electron contribution with zero binding frequency.
(a) Show that for a “monochromatic” ribbon beam of radiation in the z direction with an
electric field amplitude, E(x)e(ikz−iωt) , where E(x) is the smooth and finite in transverse
extent (but many wavelengths broad) the lower order approximation in terms of plane wave
E(x, y, t) = ~ dκA(κ)eiκx+ikx−iωt
where ~ is a polarization vector, and A(κ) is the Fourier transform of E(x), with support
in κ around κ = 0 small compared to k. The finite beam consists of planes waves with a
small range of angles of incidence, centered around the geometrical optics value.
~κ = (∆κ, κ0 ), exact ~κ, ~κ0 = (0, κ0 ), central ~κ.
E(x) = A(∆κ)ei∆κx
(∆κ)2 + κ20 =
The exact field in the Fourier space:
~ κ, t) = ~(κ)E0 ei∆κx+iκ0 z−iωt A(∆κ)
~κ.~(κ) = 0
κ = (∆κ)2 + κ20 = κ0 and ~κ0 .~0 = 0, ~(κ) ≈ ~0
We have:
~ d∆κ
E(x, z, t) = ~(κ)A(∆κ)ei∆κx+iκ0 z−iωt
~ d∆κ
E(x, z, t) ≈ ~0 A(∆κ)ei∆κx+iκz−iωt .
(b) Consider the reflected beam and show that for i > i0 the electric field can be expressed
approximately as
~ 00 − δx)exp[ik~00 .~x − iωt + iφ(i, i0 )]
E~00 (x, y, z) = ~00 E(x
where ~00 is a polarization vector, x00 is the x coordinate perpendicular to k~00 , the reflected
wave vector, and δx = −(1/k)[dφ(i, i0 )/di].
Now consider the reflection of the wave packet. We derived that
~ d∆κ
E(x, z, t) = ~r (κ~r )A(∆κ)eiφ(θi ) ei∆~κ.~x .
Here φ(θi ) a function of κ~i . From this point of view, we see that changing κ0 → κ + ∆κ
changes the angle: δγ = δκ κ
. Upon reflection ~κr is related to κi
dφ 1
δx = − (41)
dθi κ
(c) With the Frensnel expressions for the phases φ(i, i0 ) for the two states of plane polarization,
show that the lateral displacements of reflected beams with respect to the geometric optics
position are
λ sin i
D⊥ =
π (sin i − sin2 i0 )1/2
sin2 i0
Dk = D⊥ . .
[sin2 i − cos2 i. sin2 i0 ]
The displacement is known as the Goos-Hanchen effect.
φ0 (i) = −2 tan−1
φ 1 sin2 i − sin2 i0 y
− tan (i) = ≡
sin2 i0
2 2
1 − sin i x
p !
2 2
φ 1 dφ d 1 sin i − sin i0
− sec2 = 2
2 2 di di sin i0 1 − sin2 i
dφ d y
= −2 cos2 (φ/2) ( ).
di di x
1 dφ 2 sin i sin2 i0
− =
κ di κ (sin2 i − sin2 i0 )1/2 (sin2 i − cos2 ı sin2 i0 )
λ sin i sin2 i0
= .
π (sin2 i − sin2 i0 )1/2 (sin2 i − cos2 ı sin2 i0 )
λ sin i
D⊥ =
π (sin i − sin2 i0 )1/2
sin2 i0
Dk = D⊥ . .
[sin2 i − cos2 i. sin2 i0 ]