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Biology of Plagues:

Evidence from Historical





Biology of Plagues:
Evidence from Historical Populations
The threat of unstoppable plagues, such as AIDS and Ebola, is always with
us. In Europe, the most devastating plagues were those from the Black
Death pandemic in the 1300s to the Great Plague of London in 1665. For
the last 100 years, it has been accepted that Yersinia pestis, the infective
agent of bubonic plague, was responsible for these epidemics. This book
combines modern concepts of epidemiology and molecular biology with
computer modelling. Applying these to the analysis of historical epidemics,
the authors show that they were not, in fact, outbreaks of bubonic plague.
Biology of Plagues oers a completely new interdisciplinary interpretation
of the plagues of Europe and establishes them within a geographical,
historical and demographic framework. This fascinating detective work
will be of interest to readers in the biological and social sciences, and
lessons learnt will underline the implications of historical plagues for
modern-day epidemiology.
is a research worker in historical demography in the School
of Biological Sciences at the University of Liverpool.
. is Emeritus Professor of Zoology also in the
School of Biological Sciences at the University of Liverpool.
They previously co-authored Human Demography and Disease (1998)
and have published many papers on population dynamics and historical

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Biology of Plagues:
Evidence from Historical Populations
School of Biological Sciences
University of Liverpool


The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 IRP
40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA
477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia
Cambridge University Press 2001
This edition Cambridge University Press (Virtual Publishing) 2003
First published in printed format 2001

A catalogue record for the original printed book is available

from the British Library and from the Library of Congress
Original ISBN 0 521 80150 8 hardback

ISBN 0 511 01599 2 virtual (netLibrary Edition)


Conversion table for imperial to metric units
1 Introduction

1.1 What is a plague?

1.2 Four ages of plague
1.2.1 Plague at Athens, 430427 BC
1.2.2 The plague of Justinian
1.2.3 The Great Age of plagues: the Black Death and
1.2.4 Bubonic plague in the 20th century
1.3 The dangers of emerging plagues
1.4 Populations and metapopulations
1.5 A cautionary note
1.6 Pioneers in the study of plagues
1.7 Objectives
2 Epidemiological concepts

page xiii


Transmission probability
Secondary attack rate
Basic reproductive number, R

Virulence, R and the case fatality ratio

Serial generation time: the Reed and Frost model
Contact rates
Decaying and driven epidemics
Time-series analysis of data




Lethal smallpox epidemics in London, 16501900:

a case study
2.10 Mixing patterns
2.11 Open versus closed population dynamics
2.12 Spatial components of epidemic spread
3 The biology of bubonic plague

History and geographical distribution of bubonic plague

Yersinia pestis
The rodent host
Murine versus sylvatic phases
Black and brown rats
The role of the ea
Flea survival
Flea reproduction
Population dynamics of bubonic plague
Evolution of bubonic plague virulence
Spread of bubonic plague to humans
Clinical manifestations of bubonic plague in humans
The signicance of pneumonic plague
Case studies of the dynamics and epidemiology of
bubonic plague in India in the 20th century
3.15.1 Mixed epizootics in Bombay City, 19056
3.15.2 Epidemiology of bubonic plague in India in the
20th century
3.15.3 Eects of population size
3.16 Conclusions: key points about the biology of bubonic

4 The Great Pestilence

4.1 Arrival of the Black Death in Europe
4.2 The plague in Sicily
4.3 Spread of the Black Death in continental Europe: a
metapopulation pandemic
4.4 The pestilence arrives in England
4.5 The Great Pestilence moves through the Midlands to the
north of England
4.6 Spread of the epidemic in northeast England


4.7 The consequences of the Black Death in England
4.8 The Black Death: conclusions
4.8.1 Reservations expressed by Shrewsbury
4.8.2 The death toll of the Black Death in England
4.8.3 Epidemiological notes on the Black Death
4.8.4 Eects of malnutrition
4.9 Seasonality of the outbreaks of the Great Pestilence in
dierent localities in England
4.10 Was the Black Death an outbreak of bubonic plague?
4.11 Plagues in England following the Great Pestilence: the
14th century
4.12 Age-specic mortality of four epidemics in the 14th
4.13 Plagues in the 15th century
5 Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798
5.1 Traditional account of events in the plague
5.2 Size of the population at Penrith
5.3 The three phases of the epidemic: the serial generation
time and contact rate
5.4 Spread of the epidemic at Penrith
5.5 The epidemic during the rst two phases: elucidation
of the epidemiological characteristics of plague
5.6 Explosion of the epidemic in phase three
5.7 Age- and sex-specic mortality in the plague at Penrith
5.8 Wills and testaments of those who died in the plague at
5.9 Response of the population at Penrith after the plague
5.10 Classication of the epidemics of haemorrhagic plague
6 Pestilence and plague in the 16th century in England
6.1 The Sweating Sickness
6.2 Plagues in London in the 16th century
6.2.1 The rst half of the century
6.2.2 Did plague become endemic in London during
the second half of the 16th century?
6.2.3 Epidemics in London, 15421600
6.3 Plagues in central and southern England during the
16th century



6.4 Case study of the plague at Stratford-upon-Avon, 1564
6.5 Conclusions

7 Plagues in the 16th century in northern England:

a metapopulation study

The rst half of the 16th century

Plague and pestilence in the Northern Province, 155095
The plague of 159798 in northern England
The plague at Richmond
Plague arrives to the west of the Pennines
Minor outbreaks of the plague in the Eden Valley
Symptoms of the 159798 plague

8 Plagues in London in the 17th century


The outbreak in London in 1603

Plague in London after the epidemic of 1603
Plague in London in 1625
Recovery of the population of London after 1625
Plague in London in 1636
The Great Plague in London in 166566
8.6.1 Origins and spread of the epidemic
8.6.2 Seasonality and mortality
8.6.3 Signs and symptoms
8.6.4 Changes in virulence
8.6.5 Animals, clothing and wigs
8.6.6 Eect of the Great Fire of London
8.6.7 Identity of the rst victim in households in plague
epidemics in London
8.7 Dynamics of plague in London
9 Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century
9.1 The years 16035
9.1.1 Spread of the plague in the northeast
9.1.2 Chester as a focus
9.1.3 Plague at Manchester







9.1.4 The Midlands and East Anglia

9.1.5 Southern England, 16035
The years 160911
The plague of 162526
The years 163037
Widespread plague in 164446
9.5.1 The northeast corridor
9.5.2 The West Country
9.5.3 East Anglia and the Midlands
The mid-17th century
9.6.1 Chester as a focus
9.6.2 Spread of the plague of 166566 through the
Overview of plagues in England

10 Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study


The traditional story of bubonic plague at Eyam

Origins of the plague at Eyam
The rst phase of the epidemic
The second phase: maintenance of the epidemic
through the winter
The third phase: explosion of the epidemic in summer
Percentage mortality of the population during the
Public health measures during the plague at Eyam
The nature of the infectious agent

11 Continental Europe during the third age of plagues:

a study of large-scale metapopulation dynamics
11.1 Frequency of epidemics in the metapopulation of Europe
11.2 Plagues in France: the endemic situation
11.2.1 Oscillations in the frequency of the occurrence of
11.2.2 The 17th century in France
11.2.3 Regional dierences within the metapopulation
of France
11.2.4 Plague centroids in France
11.2.5 Localities with a high frequency of epidemics



11.3 Italy
11.3.1 Occurrence and frequency of the epidemics in
11.3.2 Signs and symptoms
11.3.3 Analysis of the spread of epidemics
11.3.4 Plague epidemics in Italy
11.3.5 Conclusions
11.4 The Iberian peninsula
11.4.1 The major epidemics
11.4.2 Epidemics at Barcelona
11.5 Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Switzerland
11.6 The Benelux countries
11.7 Spread of the plague across Europe

12 The plague at Marseilles, 172022: an outbreak of bubonic

12.1 Spread of the plague from Marseilles to the countryside
12.2 Spread of the plague at Aix and Apt
12.3 Spread of the plague at Mende and Marvejols
13 Conclusions
13.1 The receptor for the entry of HIV
13.2 Was the same causative agent responsible for all
the plagues in England from 1348 to 1666?
13.3 Was Yersinia pestis the infectious agent in the plagues?
13.4 Classication of the plague epidemics in the provinces in
13.5 Seasonality of the epidemics
13.6 Density dependence of plague epidemics
13.7 Endemic versus epidemic plague
13.8 How were plagues initiated?
13.9 Spread of the plague through the metapopulation
13.10 Resistance, immunity and virulence
13.11 Medium-wavelength oscillation in the spread of the
13.12 Symptoms
13.13 Public health measures and the signicance of the
period of quarantine
13.14 Why did the plague disappear?





13.15 What was the causative agent of haemorrhagic plague?

13.16 Co-existence of two plagues
13.17 Population recovery after the mortality crisis of a
plague epidemic
13.18 Postscript





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When studying the population dynamics of northwest England for our

earlier book Human Demography and Disease (also published by Cambridge University Press) we became interested in the biology of the plagues
that beset Europe after the Black Death. A plague struck this part of
England and spread rapidly in 159798 and it was obvious from a basic
training in zoology that this was not an outbreak of bubonic plague. By
making a full family reconstitution study of the community at Penrith in
Cumbria (where some 40% of the population died) it was possible to trace
the spread of the disease between named individuals in the same family and
between households. From this starting-point, we have made an interdisciplinary study of the epidemiology and biology of the plagues that have
aicted western Europe, concentrating on the outbreaks from the Black
Death, which began in 1347, to the Great Plague of London. We have
combined modern epidemiological concepts, computer modelling of epidemics, recent molecular biology studies, spatial analysis techniques, timeseries analysis of the epidemics and the careful analysis of the sequence of
infections in selected epidemics. We hope that our monograph will be of
interest to a wide variety of readers who will come to look at historical
plagues with dierent eyes.
Once again we thank Dr S. R. Duncan, of the University of Oxford, for
introducing us to the intricacies of time-series analysis and for developing
the mathematical models that we have used.
We are grateful to members of the Cheshire Parish Register Transcription project, in particular Mr and Mrs C. D. Leeming and Mr and Mrs J. R.
Fothergill, for providing unpublished data. Mrs J. J. Duncan also provided
invaluable assistance in reading documents in Secretary Hand and in
translating original articles.
We salute the pioneering work of Dr G. Twigg and gratefully acknowledge his generous help in the early stages of this project.


Conversion table for imperial to metric units

Imperial unit

Metric equivalent

1 inch
1 foot
1 yard
1 mile
1 acre
1 square mile

25.4 millimetres
0.3048 metre
0.9144 metre
1.609 kilometres
0.405 hectare
259 hectares



We rst became interested in plagues when studying the demography of

northwest England (Duncan et al., 1992; Scott & Duncan, 1998), where an
epidemic in the town of Penrith in 159798 killed some 40% of the
population and initiated endogenous oscillations in the annual numbers of
births and deaths. In this way, its eects persisted for 150 years. The
outbreak spread rapidly, travelling 20 to 30 miles in 2 or 3 days and it was
obvious that it was a biological impossibility that this was an outbreak of
bubonic plague. We initially thought that this must have been an isolated
outbreak of an unknown and unique infectious disease (Scott et al., 1996)
but further study convinced us that this regional epidemic had many points
in common with other outbreaks in England that were believed to be
bubonic plague.
In this book, we have attempted an objective (though not exhaustive)
study of the plagues that have ravaged humankind for hundreds of years,
giving the biological, demographic and epidemiological viewpoints of the
available historical evidence. Obviously, the diculties faced are vastly
greater than those of a modern epidemiologist investigating a new outbreak of an unknown disease today. He or she has an array of techniques
available from microbiology and molecular biology, can take biopsy and
autopsy samples with the back-up of a pathology laboratory, can make
on-site investigations of the ecology and epidemiology of the disease, and
can discover the clinical features and mode of transmission of the infection.
Even so, some features of present-day outbreaks of Ebola, such as the
elucidation of the reservoir host, are not yet established with certainty.
Where the disease has a complex biology, as in bubonic plague, it took
years of painstaking study before all the details were elucidated.

1.1 What is a plague?

The Bible uses the word plague to describe an aiction that was regarded
as a sign of divine displeasure or as an aiction of humankind such as the
plague of locusts. Nowadays, it is a term used to describe a deadly epidemic
or pestilence and The Wordsworth Encyclopedia of Plague and Pestilence
(Kohn, 1995) lists a seemingly endless catalogue of historical epidemics
from all over the world, including smallpox, cholera, typhus and malaria.
They were all infectious and potentially lethal, caused high mortality and
were serious historic events. The inuenza pandemic of 191719, with a
nal death toll worldwide estimated at more than 20 million, is a good
example. The incubation period was often less than 2 days so that its
worldwide spread was dependent on 20th century means of rapid travel
that could move people in bulk, namely steamtrains and steamships of
which the troop ships of the First World War are a good example.
However, the basic etiology of these diseases is now usually well understood and, in spite of the terrible death toll, the percentage mortality of the
aected populations was not relatively high (Langmuir et al., 1985). In this
book, we are mainly, but not exclusively, concerned with the Black Death,
arguably the most awful epidemic ever to have struck, which raged in
Europe from 1347 to 1350, and the unremitting succession of plagues that
followed it for 300 years. These reached their peak in continental Europe
during 162531 and in England in 166566, but they then disappeared
completely after about 1670. When these plagues struck a naive population, where we have reasonably accurate data available in Italy and England, mortality could reach about 50%; we do not know what was the
causative agent in these terrible epidemics.

1.2 Four ages of plague

From whence did the Black Death come? The probable answer to this
question is that it originated in the Levant, but Europe had suered from a
series of mysterious plagues for many years before 1347 and it is possible to
identify tentatively and arbitrarily four historic ages of plague.

1.2.1 Plague at Athens, 430427 BC

The epidemic that struck Athens in 430 BC remains one of the great
medical mysteries of antiquity and has been discussed by a number of
scholars (Morens & Littman, 1972, 1994; Poole & Holladay, 1979;

1.2 Four ages of plague

Longrigg, 1980; Langmuir et al., 1985; Kohn, 1995; Olson et al., 1996;
Retief & Cilliers, 1998), but the rst vivid description was given by Thucydides, himself a victim who survived the outbreak (see Page, 1953). It is
sometimes termed the Thucydides syndrome because of his evocative
People were stricken suddenly with severe headaches, inamed eyes, and
bleeding in their mouths and throats. The next symptoms were coughing,
sneezing, and chest pains followed by stomach cramps, intensive vomiting
and diarrhoea, and unquenchable thirst. The skin was ushed, livid and
broken with small blisters and open sores. The patients burned with fever
so extreme that they could not tolerate being covered, choosing rather to
go naked. Their desire was to cast themselves into cold water, and many of
those who were unsupervised did throw themselves into public cisterns,
consumed as they were by unceasing thirst. Many became delirious and
death usually came on the seventh or eighth day of the illness, although
those who survived the rst phase often died from the weakness brought on
by constant diarrhoea. Many who recovered had lost their eyesight, their
memory, or the use of their extremities.
This plague is believed to have originated in Ethiopia and travelled
through Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean before reaching Athens. The
rst cases appeared in Piraeus, the Athenian port and base for many
travellers and merchants who probably contracted the disease in their
journeys abroad. It spread rapidly to the upper city and whole households
were left empty. Mortality among doctors, as among other attendants of
the sick, was especially high. Fearful of an attack by the Spartans, the
Athenian leader Pericles ordered the inhabitants of the surrounding countryside to move inside the city, where they could be protected by the army
and the fortied walls. Many country dwellers, coming to an already
overpopulated city, had no place to live except in poorly ventilated shacks
and tents. This mass of people, crowded together in the hot summer,
created a situation that was ideal for the rapid transmission of the disease.
Though there were many dead bodies lying unburied, there was said to be a
complete disappearance of birds of prey and dogs. Apparently it was rare
to catch the disease twice, or if someone did, the second attack was never
fatal. A peak case rate was reached during the Spartan siege, which lasted
40 days, after which the crowded refugees dispersed. The disease remained
at a low level through 429 BC (when Pericles died of it) and returned in
force in the summer of 428 BC at the time of another Spartan siege. The
disease was quiescent, or even absent, from the winter of 428 BC until the
summer of 427 BC, but broke out again in the autumn or early winter of


427 BC. This epidemic lasted no less than a year, but there is no further
mention of the disease. The total number of Athenians who died is not
recorded but, over the 3-year period, of 13 000 enrolled hoplites (soldiers),
4400 died a mortality rate of 33%. Hagnon took the eet and sailed to
Potidaea carrying the plague there also and this made dreadful havoc
among the Athenian troops. Even those who had been there previously and
had been in good health caught the infection and so 1050 men out of 4000
were lost in about 40 days.
There have been several identications of the causative agent of the
plague at Athens, including smallpox (Littman & Littman, 1969), scarlet
fever, measles and typhus (Shrewsbury, 1950; Page, 1953) but these are all
now discredited. Langmuir et al. (1985) concluded that the clinical descriptions clearly indicated the involvement of specic organ systems and that
there was an obvious inammatory condition of the eyes and respiratory
tract; this acute respiratory infection was severe and probably necrotising;
the initiation with vomiting followed by empty retching and later by
watery diarrhoea strongly suggested a gastroenteropathy mediated by
the central nervous system rather than a local inammatory process.
Langmuir et al. (1985) believed that the skin lesions were suggestive of
bullous impetigo. They did not suggest that the Thucydides syndrome was
identical with the modern toxic shock syndrome but believed that the
same basic pathogenic mechanisms were involved, in that there was infection in predisposed hosts by a possibly non-invasive Staphylococcus sp.
that was capable of producing an exotoxin similar to toxin-1 of the toxic
shock syndrome (Rasheed et al., 1985). This toxin may have diered from
toxin-1 in that it produced predominantly enterotoxic eects and less
profound circulatory collapse, and had only moderate or no erythrogenic
Morens & Littman (1992, 1994) have approached the plague at Athens
from a dierent viewpoint and have arrived at a conclusion that is strongly
opposed to that of Langmuir et al. (1985). We describe their hypothesis
briey because they use mathematical modelling techniques that we shall
also employ to elucidate the epidemiological parameters of later plagues.
They have reduced the reliance on clinical symptoms in favour of the
epidemiology of the disease because pre-modern descriptions, which lack
detailed information on serology and accurate accounts of rashes and
other clinical features, always retain a high degree of uncertainty. Use of
the Reed and Frost mathematical model (section 2.5) led them to conclude
that, under any conditions of crowding that probably prevailed in Athens
in 430 BC, an epidemic of inuenza would have died out rapidly in a few

1.2 Four ages of plague

weeks. They excluded all common diseases and most respiratory diseases
and concluded that the cause of the Athenian epidemic could be limited to
either a reservoir disease (zoonotic or vector-borne) or one of the few
respiratory diseases that are associated with an unusual means of persistence: either environmental/fomite persistence, or adaptation to indolent
transmission among dispersed rural populations. They suggested that the
diseases in the rst category include typhus, arboviral diseases and bubonic
plague and, in the second category, smallpox. Retief & Cilliers (1998) also
reviewed the epidemiological evidence and agreed that the only possibilities are epidemic typhus, bubonic plague, arboviral disease and smallpox.
Other workers have suggested that the plague at Athens was an early
manifestation of Ebola (sections 1.3 and 13.15). Olson et al. (1996) stated
that a modern case denition of Ebola virus infection records sudden onset,
fever, headache, pharyngitis followed by cough, vomiting, diarrhoea,
maculopapular rash, and haemorrhagic diathesis, with a case fatality rate
of 50% to 90%, death typically occurring in the second week of the disease.
In a review of the 1995 Ebola outbreak in Zaire, the Centre for Disease
Control and Prevention reported that the most frequent initial symptoms
were fever (94%), diarrhoea (80%), and severe weakness (74%), with dysphagia and clinical signs of bleeding also frequently present. Symptomatic
hiccups were also reported in 15% of patients. Olson et al. (1996) concluded that the prole of the plague at Athens was remarkably similar to
that of the recent outbreaks of Ebola in Sudan and Zaire. Certainly, as we
shall see, this devastating epidemic had features in common with later
plagues in Europe (section 1.3).

1.2.2 The plague of Justinian

Procopius, the Greek historian, believed that this epidemic (like the plague
of Athens) originated near Ethiopia. The pandemic began in Egypt in AD
541 and it then moved through Asia Minor, Africa and Europe, arriving in
Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, in the late spring and
summer of AD 542. Merchant ships and troops then carried it through the
known western world and it ared up repeatedly over the next 50 years,
causing an enormous mortality, perhaps aided by wars, famines, oods and
earthquakes. The plague raged in Constantinople for 4 months in AD 542,
with the death toll rising from 5000 to 10 000 per day and even higher
during the three most virulent months. The Byzantine emperor Justinian
fell ill and recovered, but 300 000 people were said to have died in Constantinople alone in the rst year, although Russell (1968) and Twigg


(1984) believed these gures to be greatly exaggerated. The ocials were

completely overwhelmed by the task of disposing of the dead bodies
(Kohn, 1995).
Procopius recorded that people (understandably) were terried, knowing that they could be struck without warning. The rst symptoms were a
mild fever which did not seem to be alarming, but bubonic swellings
followed within the next few days. Once the swellings appeared, most
suerers either went into a deep coma or became violently delirious,
sometimes paranoid and suicidal. It was dicult to feed and care for them
properly, although mere contact with the sick did not seem to increase the
chances of contracting the disease. Most victims died within a few days, but
recovery seemed certain for those whose buboes lled with pus. Black
blisters were a sure sign of immediate death; otherwise, doctors often could
not predict the course of the disease or the success of various treatments.
Autopsies revealed unusual carbuncles inside the swellings and these clinical features led to the conclusion that the Justinian plague was a pandemic
of bubonic plague (Kohn, 1995). Shrewsbury (1970) agreed, but suggested
that other serious diseases, such as smallpox, diphtheria, cholera and
epidemic inuenza were also present. It is not possible to be certain from
the evidence available, but the rapid spread over great distances, the heavy
mortality and other biological features of the pandemic suggest that bubonic plague was not the major component, but that some other infectious
disease, spread person-to-person, was responsible.

1.2.3 The Great Age of plagues: the Black Death and thereafter
The Black Death erupted in Sicily in 1347 and the pandemic spread
through Europe during the next 3 years, reaching Norway (where twothirds of the population died; Carmichael, 1997) and Sweden and crossing
to England (and thence to mainland Scotland, the Hebrides, Orkney and
the Shetland Islands) and to Ireland (Biraben, 1975) and, possibly, to
Iceland and Greenland (Kohn, 1995). Its arrival presaged a continuous
succession of epidemics in Europe for the next 300 years before it disappeared completely around 1670. The enormous mortality of the Black
Death had a major impact on the demography of Europe, and the population of England did not fully recover for 150 years. Events during 134750
are described in Chapter 4 and the demographic consequences of a major
mortality crisis on a population are discussed further in section 13.17. Were
the multiplicity of plagues throughout Europe from 1350 to 1670 all the
result of the same causative agent as that responsible for the Black Death,

1.2 Four ages of plague

albeit with some minor mutations during that time? It is not possible to
answer this question with certainty, but we believe that the most probable
explanation of the etiological and epidemiological details is that it was so.
During the second half of the 14th century, the epidemics in England and
continental Europe were less virulent but the infection gradually regained
its ferocity, reaching its peak around 1630 in France and 166566 in

1.2.4 Bubonic plague in the 20th century

The details of the complex biology of bubonic plague were nally unravelled around 1900: it is a bacterial disease of rodents depending on the rat ea
for its spread and on a reservoir of resistant rodent species for the maintenance of the disease. Only occasionally does the infection spread to humans when one is bitten by a rat ea but, in the days before antibiotics and
modern medicine, this was usually fatal and serious epidemics could be
Unfortunately, historians of Europe in the 20th century, almost universally, have concluded that all plagues in the Middle Ages were bubonic, in
spite of the fact that the people at that time saw clearly that it spread
person-to-person and, even in the 14th century, had already instituted
specic quarantine periods. A major objective of this book is to examine
the historical facts dispassionately, eschewing any preconceived notions
about the behaviour of rats and eas and to determine the nature of the
epidemics of the Middle Ages in Europe. Normally, we refer to these as
plagues, but where there is possible confusion with bubonic plague, we
designate the former as haemorrhagic plague. To distinguish between
haemorrhagic and bubonic plagues we begin in Chapter 3 with a detailed
account of the complex biology, etiology and epidemiology of bubonic
plague and explain how, in consequence, the spread and maintenance of
the disease in rodents and humans is strictly constrained.
Although we have described bubonic plague from 1900 to the present
day as the fourth age of plague, the disease has been identied (presumably
correctly) and recorded in detail from China since AD 37 (Wu, 1926; Wu et
al., 1936) and it is likely that it has been present in India and in a gigantic
swathe across central Asia for hundreds of years. It probably extended
westwards to the Levant and the north African coast and may have erupted
sporadically in the warm Mediterranean coastal regions in the 6th century
AD (Twigg, 1984) and it was certainly present there in the Middle Ages and
continued with occasional epidemics in the 18th century (see Chapter 12).


Where climatic conditions were suitable and reservoir rodent species were
present locally, endemic bubonic plague could be established. Where only
the climate was suitable, as in the coasts of France, Spain and Italy,
epidemics of bubonic plague could potentially break out, having been
brought into the ports by sea, but these terminated once the local rats had
died. During the third age of plagues, 13471670, therefore, Europe probably experienced minor outbreaks of bubonic plague along the Mediterranean coasts of Italy, Spain and France in addition to the major epidemics
of haemorrhagic plague.
Finally, endemic bubonic plague erupted in a series of epidemics in India
at the very end of the 19th century and spread across southeast Asia, and so
began the fourth age of plagues. As we show in Chapter 3, the arrival of
steamships then allowed rats and their eas carrying bubonic plague to be
rapidly transported from the grain stores on the docks of China to subtropical regions wherever suitable indigenous rodents occurred.

1.3 The dangers of emerging plagues

From whence did the plague of Athens, the Justinian plague and the Black
Death come? How did they emerge with such sudden ferocity? We have
seen in the 20th century the emergence of a number of new deadly diseases
that are largely resistant to medical science: scientists have identied more
than 28 new disease-causing microbes in 1973 (Olshansky et al., 1997).
Indeed, it has been suggested that the history of our time will be marked by
recurrent eruptions of newly discovered diseases (e.g. Hantavirus in the
American West), epidemics of diseases migrating to new areas (e.g. cholera
in Latin America), diseases that become important through human technologies (water cooling towers provided an opportunity for legionnaires
disease) and diseases that spring from insects and animals because of
human-engendered disruptions in local habitats. Two of the terrors that
haunt are the fears that new, unstoppable infectious diseases will emerge
and that antibiotics will be rendered powerless. To some extent, these
processes have been occurring throughout history. What is new, however,
is the increased potential that at least some of these diseases will generate
large-scale pandemics, such as a resurgence of the 1918 inuenza pandemic; the global epidemic of human immunodeciency virus (HIV) is the
most powerful and recent example. Yet the acquired immune deciency
syndrome (AIDS) does not stand alone; it may well be just the rst of the
modern, large-scale epidemics of infectious diseases. The world has rapidly
become much more vulnerable to the eruption and, most critically, to the

1.3 The dangers of emerging plagues

widespread and even global spread of both new and old infectious diseases.
This new and heightened vulnerability is not mysterious; the dramatic
increases in the worldwide movement of people, goods, and ideas is the
driving force behind the globalisation of disease because not only do
people travel increasingly, they also travel much more rapidly, and go to
many more places than ever before. The lesson is clear: a health problem in
any part of the world can rapidly become a widespread health threat
(Mann, 1995).
Most emergent viruses are zoonotic, with natural animal reservoirs a
more usual source of new viruses than is the spontaneous evolution of a
new entity. Human behaviour increases the probability of the transfer of
viruses from their endogenous animal hosts to humans. The original source
of the AIDS pandemic has been traced back to a subspecies of chimpanzee
that has been used for food in West Central Africa, the hunters being
exposed to infected blood during the killing and dressing. The virus has
probably been living harmlessly in chimpanzees for hundreds of years and
may have been transferred to humans throughout history, but the socioeconomic changes in Africa provided the particular circumstances leading
to the spread of HIV and AIDS.
An outbreak of encephalitis in Malaysia in 1999, which killed 76 people
may have been caused by a more deadly version of the Hendra virus, which
was rst identied in Australia 5 years previously. The dierence is that,
whereas the virus in the earlier outbreak did not spread easily between
animals, the Malaysian version apparently did: all the Malaysian victims
were connected with pig rearing. Health ocials in Asia now fear that a
dangerous new human pathogen has emerged that has spread from fruit
bats via pigs and consequently more than 300 000 pigs were slaughtered in
southern Malaysia as an initial precautionary measure. The spinal uid
taken from ve patients contained a paramyovirus (named Nipah) and
analysis of the amino acid and RNA sequences conrmed that it is related
to the deadly Hendra virus. Why has the virus suddenly begun to kill pigs
and people when the bats may have harboured it safety for centuries?
The Ebola virus, a member of the Filoviridae, burst from obscurity with
outbreaks of severe haemorrhagic fever. It was rst associated with an
outbreak of 318 cases and a case fatality rate of 90% in Zaire and caused
150 deaths among 250 cases in Sudan. Smaller outbreaks continue to
appear periodically, particularly in East, Central and southern Africa. In
1989, a haemorrhagic disease was recognised among cynomolgus
macaques imported into the USA from the Philippines; strains of Ebola
virus were isolated and serologic studies indicated that the virus is a



prevalent cause of infection among macaques. Epidemics have resulted

from person-to-person transmission, nosocomial spread and laboratory
infections but it must be emphasised that the mode of primary infection
and the natural ecology of these viruses are unknown. The possible role of
the Ebola virus as the causative agent in haemorrhagic plague is discussed
in section 13.15.
A mysterious epidemic of Marburg virus (related to Ebola virus) broke
out in a remote area of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa,
in December 1998. At least 72 miners suered from fever, pain, rash and
bleeding and 52 had died by May 1999. The victims had spent time in caves
and bats are considered to be the leading contender for an animal reservoir
of the virus; monkeys die too quickly from the virus for them to be
considered for this role.
A virulent inuenza pandemic struck from 1917 to 1919, with a nal
worldwide estimated death toll of more than 20 million lives (Kohn, 1995).
It has been termed Spanish inuenza (dryly known as the Spanish Lady)
because this was believed to be the rst serious point of attack, with 8
million Spaniards falling ill in 191718. It then struck at military bases
throughout Europe and death rates mounted ominously in 1918. At the
same time (beginning in March 1918) acute respiratory infections were
reported at military installations in the USA and by October some US
army camps were reporting a death every hour; Britain was then counting
2000 deaths per week, with London at about 300 deaths per week. Country
after country felt the ravages of the disease. The weak, the young and the
old usually suer worst in epidemics, but the age group 21 to 29 years
proved to be the most vulnerable in this outbreak of Spanish inuenza.
While manifesting the ordinary symptoms of inuenza (headache, severe
cold, fever, chills, aching bones and muscles), the Spanish form also generated complications such as severe pneumonia (with purplish lips and ears
and a pallid face), purulent bronchitis, mastoid abscess and heart problems.
The frightening disease subsided after the end of the First World War and
later vanished completely but, by then, it had attacked every country in the
world, particularly China, India, Persia, South Africa, Britain, France,
Spain, Germany, Mexico, Canada, the USA and Australia.
A radical genetic mutation, called antigenic shift, accounts for the appearance of new viral subtypes capable of engendering inuenza pandemics. New viral types originate in ducks, chickens, pigs and other animals, in which reservoirs of inuenza viruses change genetically and are
then passed into the environment, and to human beings. The strain that
caused the 1918 epidemic, H1N1, was found inside pigs and there is always

1.3 The dangers of emerging plagues


the fear that this strain may resurface, perhaps in as virulent a form as in
1918. Many pandemics originate in Asia, notably China, where enormous
numbers of ducks, pigs, and other virus-producing animals live in close
proximity to human beings (Kohn, 1995). Avian inuenza A (H5N1) virus
has recently been shown to be transmitted from patients to healthcare
workers in Hong Kong and this nding may portend a novel inuenza
virus with pandemic potential (Bridges et al., 2000).
Fragments of the virus responsible for Spanish inuenza were found in
1998 in the lungs of a woman who died in the 1918 epidemic and whose
body was preserved by huge layers of fat and the frost of Alaska and it is
hoped that it will be possible soon to map the RNA of the virus to identify
the gene that made it so deadly. Preliminary work has produced the
complete sequence of one key gene and the existing strain to which the 1918
sequences are most closely related is A/Sw/Iowa/30, the oldest classical
swine inuenza strain. More recently, inuenza 1918 RNA has been found
in respiratory tissue and the brains of Spitzbergen coal miners who died in
the epidemic and Oxford (2000) suggested that this could be a piece in the
jigsaw linking pandemic inuenza to the ensuing outbreak of the sleeping
disease encephalitis lethargica.
A virulent and drug-resistant form of typhoid caused by the pathogen
Salmonella typhi, which kills 600 000 people a year, has now emerged in
Vietnam. The study of its genome is now almost complete: the nucleus
contains three separate pieces of DNA, a massive coil some 4.5 million
bases long and two plasmids, smaller loops of genetic data. One of the
plasmids contains an array of oensive and defensive genes, which probably explain the potency of this strain of typhoid. It came as a great surprise
when it was discovered that the other plasmid contained a sequence of
5060 genes that are found in Yersinia pestis, the bacterium of bubonic
plague and thus the Vietnamese microbe appears to be fortied with the
genes of other pathogens (Farrar, 2000).
There is a seemingly endless catalogue of lethal infectious diseases that
have emerged. Some of these have been described in a very lively manner
by Garrett (1995): Lassa fever, Bolivian haemorrhagic fever, Marburg
virus, the Brazilian meningitis epidemic and the Hantaviruses. Health
ocials in New York City reported, in August 1999, an outbreak of what
appeared to be St Louis encephalitis, a disease that can spread to humans
from birds via mosquitoes. However, it has now been discovered that the
infectious agent is West Nile virus, which is normally found in Africa and
Asia and is also transmitted by mosquitoes. Helicopters sprayed entire
neighbourhoods in Queens, New York, after the disease killed horses,



thousands of birds and several people; there has been a fresh outbreak in
New York City in summer 2000 and what really alarms American health
ocials is the danger of the disease establishing itself permanently in the
country. It remains an open question as to how the virus reached the USA
(Boyce, 1999). So, it should not surprise us that the classical pandemics of
historical times emerged and it is probable that they originated as viral
zoonoses. Viruses have a great capacity for mutating and are opportunistic
parasites; the worrying thought is (as suggested above) where and when
will they next strike?

1.4 Populations and metapopulations

The study of how disease aects groups, or populations, of people is known
as epidemiology; the discipline began when doctors wanted to study outbreaks of infectious diseases such as cholera and bubonic plague. Epidemiological studies today gather such data as age, race, sex and even
social class, together with the incidence of the disease (the number of new
cases appearing in a given time period) and its prevalence (the number of
suerers at any one time). The information can then be used to establish
patterns in the disease and thus pinpoint aggravating factors.
Epidemiology can be dened in a number of dierent ways as, for
example, the science of the infective diseases their prime causes, propagation and prevention. More especially it deals with their epidemic manifestations (LeRiche & Milner, 1971). This denition can then be extended
because, if a communicable disease conforms to biological laws, epidemiological processes could be interpreted in terms of medical ecology
(Gordon & LeRiche, 1950). Thus what we are studying in this book are the
health and diseases of populations and groups and, in contrast to clinical
medicine, the unit of study in epidemiology is the population and not the
individual (Morris, 1957).
We investigate rstly the epidemiology of plagues in towns, large and
small, treating them as circumscribed populations that have an identity
but, of course, are not completely closed infectives will have come into the
population and a proportion of the inhabitants may have ed when an
epidemic has been recognised. The temporal and spatial spread of the
plague within the community (or unit) is governed by the household
infection rate and by the ways in which it can spread to other households
and thence to other streets and the results may then be compared with
other populations. If the spread of the plague is density dependent, the
pattern of the epidemic would be expected to be dierent in communities of

1.4 Populations and metapopulations


dierent sizes. The city of London, as we shall see, was a complex population; a very large number of individuals crammed together but with subsets
delineated by class and parish, with partial intercourse. The population
was freely open, with many immigrants, travellers and merchants arriving
daily by land and sea.
The spread of an outbreak of plague may also be studied at a higher
population level, i.e. throughout a geographically dened area that might
be the size of a country or even part of a continent. Examples are island
Britain, and the Iberian peninsula, which was eectively separated from
continental Europe by the Pyrenees and, in both, plague epidemics had to
enter from the sea via the ports. These may be called metapopulations, a
term used by ecologists to describe a population of populations. The study
of metapopulation dynamics in biology is normally concerned with the
behaviour of a single species over time; there are no static populations and
likewise there is no such thing as a static metapopulation. The metapopulation concept in ecology is closely linked with the processes of population
turnover, extinction and the establishment of new populations. Ecological
metapopulation theory, with one important exception, has not been applied to human populations; indeed, as originally dened, it is not strictly
applicable because it deals with extinctions and recolonisations and makes
the simplifying assumption that each ecological site is regarded as being in
one of two alternative states, either empty or lled at their local carrying
capacity, characteristics that were rarely found in England during the age
of plagues. The exception concerns studies of spatial heterogeneity and the
epidemic spread of infectious diseases through a human metapopulation
where individuals can be either infected or uninfected, an example of the
interaction between demography and disease.
The spread of epidemics is an important part of modern Geography and
we have used such techniques as disease centroids to trace the spatial
movements of the plague in a metapopulation where it was endemic (see
section 2.12). It becomes evident that the Black Death had a dierent
pattern of spread from subsequent plague epidemics which, in turn, exhibited a range of sharply diering characteristics. The Black Death recognised no boundaries, either natural or human engendered, and spread in a
wave-like movement all across Europe and to o-shore islands in about 3
years before disappearing. We can regard its territory for this brief period
as a supermetapopulation. Bubonic plague as a disease of rodents, and
secondarily of humans, was certainly established as endemic across a huge
subtropical area by 1900, from the Levant across to China and Southeast
Asia. It has persisted for many years and we can regard this also as a



supermetapopulation. Haemorrhagic plague slowly established itself in

Europe after the Black Death, with France as its endemic centre. England,
Spain and Italy experienced epidemics of diering frequency, being separated from France by various geographical features, but France expanded
from a metapopulation into a supermetapopulation in the Middle Ages,
which was composed of present-day Germany, the Benelux Countries and
France. Here, plague was maintained as endemic, there being a handful of
widespread epidemics somewhere maintained by long-distance travelling

1.5 A cautionary note

It is sometimes dicult to determine whether a marked increase in deaths
in a year (a mortality crisis) was really the consequence of a plague
epidemic. The health authorities in the city states of northern Italy in the
14th century went to great lengths to distinguish between minor (which
they disregarded) and major (which were very serious) pests (as they were
called) by examining the victims personally, but historians rarely have such
direct evidence on which to base their conclusions. Livi-Bacci (1977) relied
on the size of the crisis and wrote
For several parts of Tuscany between 1340 and 1400 I have calculated that on
average a serious mortality crisis dened as an increase in deaths at least three
times the normal occurred every 11 years; the average increase in deaths was at
least sevenfold. In the period 140050 these crises occurred on average every 13
years and deaths increased vefold. In the following half century (14501500) the
average frequency declined to 37 years and the average increase to fourfold.

Shrewsbury (1970) considered that When more than 66% of the total
annual burials occurs in the three months of July to September inclusive,
the record is almost certainly indicative of an outbreak of bubonic plague
and this led him to conclude, for example, that there were multiple plague
epidemics in northwest England in 1623. However, this area was living on
the margins of subsistence at this time and mortality was sensitive to a 5- to
6-year cycle in grain prices (Scott & Duncan, 1998) and the constituent
communities suered major mortalities not only in 1623, but in 158788
and 159697 also. We have shown that in these years the peak of wheat
prices coincided with a low in the 12-year cycle of wool prices (Scott &
Duncan, 1997, 1998). Those populations that depended on both commodities suered severely whereas those that depended on only one for their
livelihood escaped unscathed. They did not suer from plague in 1623. It is
evident that by the end of the 16th century all towns could recognise plague

1.6 Pioneers in the study of plagues


when it struck their community and, if an outbreak is not recorded in the

parish registers, a rise in mortality should be assumed to be the consequence of a plague epidemic only with extreme caution.

1.6 Pioneers in the study of plagues

We all owe a debt of gratitude to Yersin and his co-workers, to Wu and to
the Plague Commission of India for the way in which they slowly and
meticulously unravelled the complex biology and epidemiology of bubonic
plague. A splendid piece of detective work. However, in this book we also
wish to acknowledge the work and writings of a number of people who
have inuenced us and on whom we have relied heavily:
(i) First, Charles Creighton, 18471927, is the doyen of epidemiologists
whose History of Epidemics in Britain was published in two volumes in
1891 and 1894. He graduated from Aberdeen University MA in 1867
having studied Latin, Greek, Mathematics, English, Logic, Moral
Philosophy, Natural Philosophy and Natural History, and as Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery in 1871. His approach in his
classic work, which was to provide a chronicle of death and disease in
the life and people of England, was that of a professional historian and
he worked with great care on his sources (Eversley, 1965). We have
relied heavily on his data series in our earlier work on lethal infectious
diseases (Duncan et al., 1993a,b, 1994a,b, 1996a,b; Scott & Duncan,
1998). He probably knew something about the biology of bubonic
plague when he was writing in 1891 because this was being elucidated
at the time but he does not seem to assume that this was necessarily
related to the plagues in England that he was describing and, consequently, his descriptions are not modied to t within the life histories
of the rat and ea. In later life, he spent 3 months in India at the end of
1904 and reported about rats living in the mud walls of houses and of
dead rats being found in a house where the inmates had died of
bubonic plague (Underwood, 1965).
(ii) In the preface to the rst edition of his book Infectious Diseases:
Epidemiology and Clinical Practice, published in 1969, A. B. Christie
wrote A good book, it has been said, should be opened with expectation and closed with prot . . .. His treatise not only lives up to these
high standards, but it is read with pleasure: he makes even dull topics
interesting, spicing his account with classical allusions, gentle humour
and personal anecdotes. He writes authoritatively and clearly on every



infectious disease and this is particularly apparent when he deals with

bubonic plague. His clinical experience across continents is revealed
when he says that he believes that he had patients in Libya with
bubonic plague who were infected by contact with a camel that had
been ailing before slaughter and had a swelling in its neck.
(iii) Professor J. F. D. Shrewsbury, a microbiologist, has given us a great
work of scholarship in his A History of Bubonic Plague in the British
Isles, published in 1970, in which He has ransacked virtually all
published local histories and parish records and he has read very
widely in contemporary chronicles and memoirs (Morris, 1977). Although we have relied heavily on his studies as a data source, we have
not attempted to repeat the details of his ndings and we suggest that
readers who require more information about plagues in England
should refer to this basic source book. It is a little dull and confusing in
places but is occasionally illuminated by his dry humour:
John Toy ascribed the visitation to Gods punitive anger, because He had
already twice warned the people of Worcester of their sins by inicting slighter
outbreaks of the disease upon the city; but it apparently never occurred to him
that the Almighty would not thus degrade the Innite to single Worcester out
for such irrational punishment, for Worcester was certainly no more sinful
than Lincoln, Salisbury, Canterbury, or any other English episcopal centre. It
certainly never drew part of its revenue from brothels like the see of Winchester . . .
[T]he parish of St Giles, Cripplegate, where a parishioner was summoned in
April to appear at the next sessions to answer for receivinge people into his
house sick of the plague brought from other parts to the prejudice of the
parish and for having at the same tyme another sick of the French pockes
[who] liveth incontynently with one Fayth Langley. Was he running the
seventeenth-century equivalent of a nursing home?
In 1610 the churchwardens of St Margarets, Westminster, paid 6d. to Goodwife Wells for salt to destroy the eas in the churchwardens pew. Evidently
the Anglican worshippers of the seventeenth century were as tormented by this
ectoparasite as the monks had been in Salimbenes day. Most of the eas,
which undoubtedly were equally devout and attentive in most English parishes, were the human ea . . .

As his title suggests, Shrewsbury believed whole-heartedly that bubonic plague was responsible for the majority of the plague epidemics
in England and Scotland and yet, as a trained medical microbiologist,
he saw that the facts on many occasions, made this a biological
impossibility. He was therefore frequently forced to adapt his conclusions. When plague was reported in the months December to
February he stated that it must have been a mild winter. When other

1.6 Pioneers in the study of plagues


facts about an epidemic did not t bubonic plague he frequently

declared it to be an outbreak of typhus, even when plague is recorded
in the registers. He invented what he called trailer epidemics to
circumvent other dicult events. He was well aware that the mortality
levels in many of the epidemics were much higher than would be
expected in bubonic plague, particularly in the Black Death, and he
reluctantly concluded that the sources from which he had quoted had
overestimated the death toll.
Nevertheless, Shrewsbury steadfastly maintained that bubonic
plague was the cause of most of the plague epidemics in the British
Isles and it is most unfair that he should have twice been attacked,
apparently for daring to suggest that there might be weaknesses in the
Gottfried (1978) wrote
Herein lies one of the books major shortcomings Shrewsburys failure to
investigate any but printed and easily accessible chronicles and letters. No
eort is made to search more obscure printed and manuscript sources: and
even when original data are searched, it is done in an extremely uncritical
manner. Often, the validity of the records is denied on the basis of uncorroborated value judgements and twentieth century medical information . . .
One of his major premises is that epidemic bubonic plague has not changed in
character during the period of recorded history. This is contrary to what
other epidemiologists have written. Shrewsbury diminishes the signicance of
the eects of pneumonic plague in fteenth century England, saying that it
cannot occur in the absence of the bubonic form. This too seems to run
contrary to the evidence . . . Also, interregional travel was far more common in
the Middle Ages than Shrewsbury indicates, and was by no means restricted
solely to merchants. Thus, both bubonic and pneumonic plague could survive
in sparsely populated regions.

Morris (1977) made a longer and more vigorous attack, particularly

because Shrewsbury, who was a medical microbiologist, refused to
allow the pneumonic form of bubonic plague to have a role in the
for some reason he has chosen to turn a blind eye to any evidence of
pneumonic plague. He does not notice how often the victims are said to have
succumbed in three days and if he meets with any reference to plague in cold
weather he jumps to the conclusion that the disease must have been something
else, preferably typhus . . . But there is much evidence, all of it ignored by
Shrewsbury, that the Great Pestilence of 134850 contained a high percentage
of pneumonic cases and indeed that in many places the plague rst appeared in
its pneumonic form. This would easily account for the high mortality which
Shrewsbury is anxious to whittle down.


Morris also attacks because of Shrewsburys statement that bubonic
plague has an unvarying relationship with rodent enzootics:
Shrewsburys main contention is that the country would have had to be
constantly re-infected by fresh importations of plague-bearing rats. He has not
thought of the possibility that England might well have become an enzootic
area in which some rats at any given time are diseased. This is odd since he
knows very well that in other parts of the world plague has taken permanent
root and produced notorious enzootic or endemic centres. Indeed he argues,
mistakenly as it happens, that India has always been one such centre from
which Europe has drawn its periodic re-infections . . . Besides, if England
became, as obviously it did, a permanently enzootic area in the seventeenth
century, why should it not have done so two centuries earlier? That plague was
endemic, or at least enzootic in London, needing no imported re-infections, for
more than half a century before 1665 is abundantly clear from the annual
mortality bills.

(iv) Biraben (1975, 1976) in his two-volume work Les hommes et la peste en
France et dans les pays europeens et mediterraneens has assembled an
impressive set of data on plague epidemics in Europe after the Black
Death. He has combed the literature extensively and his bibliography
runs to over 225 pages. We have used these data-sets for analysis in
Chapters 11 and 12.
(v) Graham Twigg is a zoologist who has specialised in the biology of
rodents and who has discussed with Dr D. E. Davis the status of rats in
the Middle Ages. In 1984 he wrote The Black Death: A Biological
Reappraisal, in which he carefully develops the evidence that shows
that bubonic plague was not the cause of this great pandemic. He
summarised his seminal work in the conclusion The logistics of the
epidemic in England support the hypothesis of an air-borne organism
of high infectivity and virulence, having a short incubation period and
being spread by respiratory means (Twigg, 1989). All students of
plague should read his work.

1.7 Objectives
An epidemiologist must, by denition, be an historian, even if only in the
short term. We present a new analysis of the plagues that scourged Europe
from the 14th to the 17th centuries, approaching from biological, ecological and epidemiological viewpoints. We analyse the historical data (hopefully objectively) using modern techniques of theoretical epidemiology,
clinical molecular biology, computer-based modelling and the spatial
models of epidemic spread that have been developed by geographers.

1.7 Objectives


There is a substantial literature on the Black Death and the Great

Plague of London in 1665 but, during the intervening 300 years, Europe
suered from repeated outbreaks of the pestilence and these epidemics
have received less attention. Were these epidemics all the result of the same
infectious agent? What were its epidemiological characteristics? Were all,
some or none the result of bubonic plague? What determines the dynamics
of plague epidemics?
To answer these questions we begin by dening epidemiological concepts, such as transmission probability and basic reproductive number,
and then explain how the epidemics of some infectious diseases can be
modelled with the aid of computer-driven simulations. Once the basic
parameters of a disease in historic times have been determined or estimated
it is possible to construct models of the epidemics from which the underlying etiology can be suggested.
We have also tried to include the human story of the epidemics in
England, showing how each population responded to the outbreak, how
the disease spread through the community, how the members responded
and how they made their wills. We give detailed case studies of the
epidemics at Penrith (Chapter 5) and Eyam (Chapter 10) and have devised
a new method of analysing and displaying the spread of the infection in
each family group using family reconstitution techniques; this is the only
means by which the epidemiological characteristics (e.g. incubation, latent
and infectious periods, contact rates and transmission probability) can be
We begin the story of the age of plagues in Chapter 3 with an account of
the Black Death and the subsequent outbreaks in the 14th and 15th
centuries, but it is not until the 16th century, when parish registers started
in England, that rm and detailed information becomes available. The
epidemiological characteristics of plague can be deduced therefrom and,
the key feature that emerges is the lengthy incubation period of this
infectious disease. When one is armed with this information, the reasons for
the spread and behaviour of haemorrhagic plague in continental Europe
over a period of 300 years (described in Chapter 11) become clear: the key
to understanding its epidemiology is the endemic status of the pestilence in
Chambers (1972) suggested that long-term demographic trends may
have often been caused, not by Malthusian uctuations in the balance
between population levels and food supplies, but by independent biological
changes in the virulence of disease and by the rise and fall of the great
epidemic scourges, which were not economic in origin. Slack (1977a)



therefore concluded that the epidemiology of plague is a subject that bears

on some of the central issues of demographic and social history. Historians
have long been puzzled by the paradoxical rapid recovery of the population of England after the undoubted heavy mortality of the Black Death
and in section 13.17 we examine some of the demographic consequences of
a major mortality crisis in a single population, using the techniques of
time-series analysis and computer modelling. We show that, although a
population can apparently recover remarkably quickly, subtle demographic consequences could still be detected for over 100 years after the
plague had disappeared.

Epidemiological concepts

Any serious attempt to elucidate the identities of the infectious agents in

the plagues that struck at Europe over several centuries must begin with a
scientic study of their biology and characteristics so far as we can discover
them every disease leaves its ngerprints on which the epidemiologist
may work. Infectious agents may be viral, bacterial or protozoan, as well as
larger animals such as nematodes or helminths, but they all have one
feature in common, namely that humans are their ecological niche wherein
they have shelter and food and can reproduce prodigiously. However,
transmission from one host to another is fundamental to the survival
strategy of all infectious diseases because a host will eventually clear the
infection or die and hence the arrival of a disease in an individual depends
crucially on the occurrence of that disease in other members of the population (Halloran, 1998). Transmission may be direct, person-to-person (as in
measles or smallpox) or indirect, involving an intermediate host (e.g., the
anopheline mosquito, which transmits the protozoan parasite Plasmodium
of malaria). However, zoonoses are primarily diseases of animal hosts that
are occasionally transmitted to humans. Examples are Lyme disease and
bubonic plague; it is important to note that events are not critically
dependent on the human population in these diseases.
We found the review by Halloran (1998) invaluable when we prepared
this brief overview of modern epidemiological concepts; the works by
Gisecke (1994), Lilienfeld & Stolley (1994) and Last (1995) are also recommended. The sequence of events during a simple, directly transmitted
disease (such as inuenza or chicken pox) is shown in Fig. 2.1; the infection
of a susceptible person is followed by an incubation period the interval
between the entry of the agent and the appearance of the symptoms (Fig.
2.1A); it is not a xed number of days and the actual period is often
dependent on the infectious dose. It is generally thought of as the time


Epidemiological concepts
Time of

Incubation period




Infectious period

or dead

Fig. 2.1. The sequence of events during a simple, directly transmitted disease. The
dynamics of the disease are shown in A and the dynamics of infectiousness in B. The
victim may cease to be infectious before the end of the symptomatic period.

required for the multiplication of the microorganism within the host up to

a threshold point where the pathogen population is large enough to
produce symptoms in the host (Lilienfeld & Stolley, 1994). Thus each
infectious disease has a characteristic incubation period that is largely
dependent on the rate of growth of the organism in the host (Benenson,
1990) but, in addition to the eect of the dose, this is modulated by the
immune response of the host, so that the incubation period varies among
individuals. The disease eventually runs its course and for the infectious
agent to persist it must have infected at least one other human. There are
dierent outcomes for the host, who may have died (as usually happened in
plagues) or recovered, when he or she may have an immunity of variable
duration that protects from future exposure to the disease. Part B in Fig.
2.1 correlates the infectious period with the time-course of the disease; there
is a latent period after infection before the host becomes infectious. Finally,
the host passes to the non-infectious stage, often before the symptoms
disappear, and transmission then becomes impossible.
The time-courses of parts A and B (Fig. 2.1) and their relationship to one
another are specic for each infectious agent (Halloran, 1998); the relationship between the incubation and latent periods are of critical importance.
In chickenpox (Varicella zoster), the latent period is shorter than the
incubation period so that patients become infectious before the development of symptoms. Indeed, for many childhood diseases the period of
greatest infectivity is just towards the end of the incubation period; these
diseases are particularly dicult to control because an apparently healthy
person will establish many contacts in everyday life and, consequently,
isolation in quarantine when the symptoms have appeared is of limited
value. The latent period of HIV is of the order of days to weeks whereas the
median incubation period, before symptoms appear, is greater than 10

2.2 Secondary attack rate


years, during which time a great many people may be infected (Halloran,
1998). We show in Chapter 5 that people in England infected with plague
were infectious for some 22 days before the symptoms appeared, a critically
important factor that ensured the establishment of an epidemic in spite of
some of the public health measures that were enforced.

2.1 Transmission probability

The probability that the successful transfer of a parasite from an infective
source to a susceptible host is dened as the transmission probability and
its estimation is important for understanding the dynamics of the infection.
It depends on the characteristics of the infective source, the parasite, the
susceptible host and the type of contact. Considering the possible infections for the plagues, the infectious source could be another person (as in
inuenza), an insect vector (as in the rat ea in bubonic plague) or bacterially contaminated drinking water (as in cholera). The epidemiologist
dealing with present-day epidemics has a battery of techniques to hand to
determine the characteristics and biology of a disease but it must be
remembered that, in spite of this, the remorseless spread of HIV still
continues in sub-Saharan Africa. It is much more dicult to derive an
estimate of the transmission probability of the plagues that occurred 400
years ago.
Halloran (1998) described two main methods for estimating transmission probability. In the rst, infectious individuals are identied and the
proportion of contacts that they make with susceptibles that result in
transmission is determined (secondary attack rate). In the second method
(the binomial model), susceptibles are identied and data are gathered on
the number of contacts they make and their infection outcomes but this
technique is less suitable for our purposes.

2.2 Secondary attack rate

In this case-contact approach to the estimation of transmission probability, infectious persons (primary or index cases) are identied and then the
susceptibles who come in contact with them are determined. The conventional secondary attack rate (SAR) is strictly a ratio and is a measure of
contagiousness. It is dened as the probability of the occurrence of the
disease among susceptibles following contact with a primary case as


Epidemiological concepts

number of persons exposed who develop the disease

total number of susceptibles

Using the data available for the plagues that we describe in detail in
subsequent chapters, estimations can be made of the household SAR,
which is concerned solely with infections within the house, although, even
with a full family reconstitution, the exact number of resident susceptibles
cannot be known; for example, some of the children may have left home.
There is another caveat to bear in mind; the record of a burial in the
registers is the only indication of an infection and we have no means of
identifying individuals who contracted the plague and recovered. However,
we have been encouraged by the consistency with which the pattern of the
spread is replicated in each parish that we have analysed. The technique
that we have used is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 2.2, where the point of
infection of the index (primary) case is shown (P ); this indicates the start of

the infection in the household. The latent period of P (see Fig. 2.1) follows

this starting point and anyone else infected during this time is designated as
a co-primary (P ) because they cannot have been infected by P . Anyone

infected during the infectious period of P (Fig. 2.2) is designated a second
ary (S ) or co-secondary (S , S etc.).

Tertiary and higher cases are those occurring after the maximum allowable time interval for the secondary cases. We assume that the infectious
period is terminated in haemorrhagic plague by the death of the victim,
who was probably displaying symptoms, on average, for the last 5 days of
his life. The picture is complicated when co-primaries are identied because
their infectious periods extend beyond the death of P . By working through

the data for a large number of households derived by family reconstitution
from the parish registers, it is possible to derive estimates of the latent,
infectious and incubation periods for haemorrhagic plague, as shown in
Fig. 2.2.
Thus, in assessing the household SAR, it is necessary to determine
whether each case in each household is a co-primary, secondary, tertiary,
or higher generation case. The estimated household SAR is the total
number of secondary cases in all households divided by the total number of
at-risk susceptibles in all households. Co-primary cases are excluded from
the denominator; tertiary or higher cases are excluded from the numerator
but included in the denominator. As we shall see, there was wide variation
in the household SAR of the plague, apparently dependent on such factors
as the season and the progress of an epidemic.

2.3 Basic reproductive number, Ro




of P1





Fig. 2.2. Diagram to illustrate the time-course of the spread of an infectious disease
such as haemorrhagic plague. The time between the point of infection (I) and the
end of the infectious period (which may coincide with the death of the victim) is
shown as a scaled horizontal line which is subdivided into latent (LP) and infectious
periods. In this example, two primary cases (P and P ) are shown and the time

period) are shown by
limits when P can infect secondary cases (P s

the vertical dashed
lines. Two secondary cases (S and S ) are shown; they could
 case (T
 ) is shown; I occurred
have been infected by either P or P . One tertiary

of both P and P and so this could not be a
after the end of the infectious periods

secondary case.

2.3 Basic reproductive number, Ro

A second important parameter in the epidemiology of infectious diseases is
the basic reproductive number, R . For diseases caused by viruses and

bacteria, R is the average number of persons directly infected by an

infectious case during his or her entire infectious period when the infective
enters a totally susceptible population. R does not include the new cases

produced by the secondary cases, or further down the chain (Halloran,
1998). R is a dimensionless number. If R equals 8 for a disease in a given

population, then the introduction of one infective would be expected, on
average, to produce 8 secondary infectious persons.
For microparasitic infections, R is a composite of three important

aspects of infectious diseases: the rate of contacts (c), the duration of
infectiousness (d), and the transmission probability per potentially infective
contact (p). The average number of contacts made by an infective during
the infectious period is the product of the contact rate and the duration of
infectiousness, cd (Halloran, 1998). The number of new infections produced


Epidemiological concepts

by one infective during the infectious period is the product of the number of
contacts in that time interval and the transmission probability per contact:
number of
duration of
R : contacts per ; probability ;
: cpd

unit time
per contact
An infectious disease does not have a specic value for R that diers

within particular host populations at particular times. For example, contact rates in rural areas will be lower than contact rates in urban areas, i.e.
R of smallpox would have been lower in rural England than in London

(Scott & Duncan, 1998). As we shall see, R for the plague in one locality

apparently diered markedly at dierent seasons.
R of Yersinia pestis, the bacterium of bubonic plague of rodents (see

Chapter 3), in infections in a rat population may be high during the season
of high ea density but low when the eas are not active. This is an example
of an indirectly transmitted disease, where the bacterium is transmitted
between two dierent host populations, the rat and the ea; it is clearly a
more complex situation than in person-to-person infection, as is illustrated
in Fig. 2.3. R for indirectly transmitted diseases depends on the product of

the two components of transmission.
R assumes that all contacts are with susceptibles and that none are

already immune, unlike the situation with the regular lethal smallpox
epidemics in rural towns in 17th century England where virtually the only
susceptibles were those born since the last epidemic (Duncan et al., 1993a;
Scott & Duncan, 1993). The plague at Penrith in 159798 is described in
detail in Chapter 5 and it was found that the mortality in the dierent age
groups was indiscriminate. Some 45% of the population died but it seems
certain that some individuals were exposed to the infection but survived;
they may have contracted the disease but not have died of it, or they may
have been resistant. We begin by assuming that all individuals in the plague
at Penrith and certainly in the Black Death (but not necessarily in London
in the 17th century) were potentially susceptible.
The parameter R allows the comparison of diseases from the viewpoint

of population biology the aim of this book. When a disease is endemic (i.e.
the disease lingers at about the same incidence for a long time) an infectious
case produces, on average, one new infectious case, i.e. R : 1. If R  1,

the disease will disappear, whereas if R  1 an epidemic will be initiated.

As an epidemic proceeds the number of susceptibles will inevitably fall and
when R  1, the epidemic will die out.

2.4 Virulence, Ro and the case fatality ratio


Fig. 2.3. Diagram to illustrate direct and indirect transmission. The quantities T
and T represent a summation of the transmission parameters for the ow of the

agent. In direct, person-to-person transmission, as in measles (A),
R : T . In indirect transmission, as in bubonic plague where Yersinia pestis cycles

 rodents and eas (B), R : T ; T .

2.4 Virulence, Ro and the case fatality ratio

Virulence is a measure of the speed with which a parasite kills an infected
host (Halloran, 1998). Since R is a function of the time spent in the infective

state, R could decrease as virulence increases. If the parasite is so highly

virulent that it kills its host quickly, then R could be 1 and the parasite

will die out. This is an important point because, except in a few very large
populations where it may have been endemic, plague epidemics in individual localities in Europe inevitably died out after 1 or 2 years, as we describe
in section 13.7. However, plague was pseudo-endemic in France for some
250 years, i.e. the disease was always present somewhere in this vast
metapopulation and it continued to cycle round the major towns, in each
of which it usually persisted for only 12 years (see section 11.2). Viewed in
this way, there is evolutionary pressure on parasites to become less virulent
and to develop a more benign relationship with the host and it must be
remembered that haemorrhagic plague, a particularly malignant disease,
disappeared after about 1670.
The case fatality ratio is the probability of dying from a disease before
recovering or dying of something else; as virulence increases, the case
fatality ratio increases (Halloran, 1998). It is impossible to estimate accurately the case fatality ratio of the plague because of the inadequacy of the


Epidemiological concepts

data but it was certainly very high indeed, although there is evidence that it
may have decreased in the later stages of some epidemics.

2.5 Serial generation time: the Reed and Frost model

The unpublished mathematical model of epidemics developed by Reed and
Frost has been described by Maia (1952). In a closed population of size N
within which people intermingle fairly uniformly, it is assumed that, in a
certain period of time t, every individual will have about the same number
of contacts with other individuals. If the degree of intimacy of the contact is
postulated to be sucient for a patient with a certain contagious disease to
transmit the disease to a susceptible person, this number of contacts, K, will
be the average number of contacts for transmission of the disease per
individual per time t. If t is made equal to the serial generation time, the
individuals infected during one period will then be infectious during the
The serial generation time has been dened as the period between the
appearance of symptoms in successive cases in a chain of infection that is
spread person-to-person and, in present-day infections, is readily determined by observation of patients. However, where the latent and infectious
periods for historical plagues can be determined (see section 2.2 and Figs.
2.1 and 2.2), the mean serial generation time can be estimated as the time
between two successive infections as follows:
L is the duration of latent period (days);
I is the duration of infectious period, pre-symptoms (days);
S is the duration of period showing symptoms and presumably infectious
Total infectious period : I ; S
Mean time of transmitting the disease from the primary to the secondary
case is assumed to be the mid-point of the infectious period : (I ; S)/2.
Therefore, the mean time at which the primary case infects a secondary
case : L ; [(I ; S)/2] days after the point of infection : the serial generation time, t.
If K is the average number of adequate contacts per individual per serial
generation time, t, and the population size is N, then the probability of an
adequate contact between any two given individuals during time t will be



2.5 Serial generation time




will be the probability of any given individual avoiding adequate contact

with any other given individual during time t.
Thus the population is at any time, t, composed of cases, C , susceptibles,
S , and immunes, I , and the probability of any given individual avoiding
contact with any of the cases will be q and, with all the C cases, will be
Q : q!R


and the probability of any given individual having at least one adequate
contact with any of the cases will be
P : 1 9 Q : 1 9 q!R


In the transmission of disease we are interested only in the contacts

between cases and susceptibles. Thus, in the next time period (t ; 1), we
shall have


: S (1 9 q!R)


The theory presented by Reed and Frost rests on certain assumptions.

(i) The infectivity of the organism is not altered during the course of the
epidemic, i.e. p is constant. (ii) Immunisation of susceptibles through asymptomatic or subclinical infections does not take place. (iii) Although q is
considered a constant as applied to a particular epidemic, the theory does
not postulate that q is constant for a certain disease; it may change from
one occasion to another in the same community and it may be dierent in
dierent communities at the same time.
Consequently, the theory assumes that the rise and fall of epidemics, at
least when evolving in a short period of time, will be dependent upon the
numbers of susceptibles available and their depletion through infection
and (usually in haemorrhagic plague) death, to a subliminal level or complete exhaustion.
However, the theory cannot explain diseases such as bubonic plague (see
Chapter 3) and typhus with multiple hosts, such as insect vectors and
animal reservoirs, where the situation is too complex for measurement of
all the factors and the disease in humans does not follow Reed and Frost


Epidemiological concepts

The results of modelling Equation 2.5 are shown in Figs. 2.4 and 2.5,
using a population of 1200 and thereby replicating a rural town in Tudor
times. The overall shapes of the graphs are similar, usually rising to a peak
of cases more slowly than they decay, but changing the parameters makes a
major dierence to the time-course of an epidemic. It can be seen that in
most epidemic proles at least 90% of the susceptible population become
Figure 2.4 illustrates the time-courses of the epidemics of dierent infections in which the mean number of contacts is standardised at 12 (i.e.
p : 0.01). Serial generation times are as follows: A : 3 days (inuenza);
B : 10 days (measles); C : 15 days (chickenpox); D : 22 days (haemorrhagic plague). All the epidemics, with p : 0.01, were completed in 5 serial
generation times and hence lasted from 15 days in inuenza (A) to 110 days
in plague (D).
Figure 2.5 illustrates the eects of changing the average number of
contacts when the serial generation time is maintained constant at 22 days,
i.e. equivalent to haemorrhagic plague. When the number of contacts was
set at the low value of 3 (Fig. 2.5A) the epidemic lasted over 200 days (9
generation times) and there was a slow build-up to the peak of cases.
Increasing the number of contacts (Fig. 2.5B and C) markedly reduced the
duration of the epidemics until, with an average of 40 contacts, the epidemic exploded dramatically and was nished in 4 generation times (Fig.
Clearly, Equation 2.5 depends on the random mixing of infectives and
susceptibles, which is not the case in some circumstances. Nevertheless, the
modelling shows how each disease leaves its ngerprints on the epidemic,
dependent on the serial generation time through which it can be identied
by the epidemiologist. It also reveals how the time-course and pattern of an
epidemic is modied by local factors such as the probability of an adequate
contact between two individuals, which, in turn, is dependent on such
factors as the density and social customs of the population, i.e. p will be
much higher (i) at a local summer fair than when the community is
snow-bound in the depths of winter and (ii) at the start of an epidemic when
isolation and quarantine practices were not in force. We shall see that this
is an important point because there were marked seasonal dierences in the
dynamics of plague, both in England and continental Europe.

2.6 Contact rates

Thus the contact patterns in a population play an important part in

2.6 Contact rates


determining exposure and transmission. The rate of contact is governed by

population density; people come into contact with an infective in an urban
environment more frequently, even if infection was by air-borne transmission over many yards, than if they were less densely distributed, as in a
rural environment. Population density therefore plays a role in determining the value of R in diseases that are spread by casual contact.

The theory of regular epidemics of infectious diseases that are spread
person-to-person has been widely studied (for detailed accounts, see Anderson & May, 1982a,b, 1985, 1991; Olsen & Schaer, 1990; Tidd et al.,
1993; Bolker & Grenfell, 1993, 1995) and basic models have been presented
that cover the spread of a virus in a population, a proportion of which is
made up of non-immune, and hence susceptible, individuals who may be
exposed to the disease and become infected. Of these, a proportion will die
but some (depending on the nature of the disease) will recover and will then
be immune. Studies of measles in the 20th century (Bolker & Grenfell, 1993;
Fine, 1993) or smallpox in the 17th and 18th centuries (Duncan et al.,
1993a,b, 1994a,b) are good examples. These are termed SEIR (susceptiblesexposed-infectives-recovered) models and can be summarised as follows.
The population, N, is assumed to remain constant where the net input of
susceptibles (new births) equals the net mortality, N (where  is the overall
death rate of the population, and hence the life expectancy of the population : 1/). The population is divided into susceptibles (X), latents (infected, not yet infectious, H), infectious (Y) and recovered (and hence immune,
Z); see Fig. 2.1. Thus N : X ; H ; Y ; Z. It is assumed that the net rate
at which infections occur is proportional to the number of encounters
between susceptibles and infectives, XY (where  is a transmission coecient). Individuals move from latent to infectious at a per capita rate, , and
recover, so becoming immune, at rate . The dynamics of the infection as it
spreads through these classes are then described (see Anderson & May,
1982b) by the following equations:
dX/dt : N 9 X 9 XY


dH/dt : XY 9 ( ; )H


dY/dt : H 9 ( ; )Y


dZ/dt : Y 9 Z


The mathematical theory of epidemics is essentially concerned with the

introduction of a seed of infection into a largely susceptible population


Epidemiological concepts

Fig. 2.4. Results of Reed and Frost modelling for a population where N : 1200
(representing a Tudor rural town) and the mean number of eective contacts : 12.
Serial generation times (days): A : 3, B : 10, C : 15 and D : 22. The duration of
the epidemic is dependent on the serial generation time. Note the dierent scales.

2.6 Contact rates



Epidemiological concepts

Fig. 2.5. Results of Reed and Frost modelling for a population where N : 1200 and
the serial generation time : 22 days (replicating haemorrhagic plague). Mean
number of eective contacts: A : 3, B : 6, C : 20 and D : 40.

2.6 Contact rates



Epidemiological concepts

(Anderson & May, 1991). The disease will maintain itself within the population provided that the reproductive rate of the infection, R, is greater than
or equal to unity; R is the expected number of secondary cases produced by
an infectious individual in a population of X susceptibles (see section 2.3).
The value of R equals R in a disease-free population, which, as will be

shown later, was the case in the Black Death and for many of the plagues in
rural England in the 16th century. For a system dened by Equations 2.6 to
R :
 ( ; )( ; )


The criterion R  1 for the establishment of the disease (see section 2.3)

can be expressed as the requirement that the population of susceptibles
exceeds a threshold density, X  N , where
N : ( ; )( ; )


so that Equation 2.10 can be expressed as

R : X/N



For most infectious diseases (but not e.g. HIV), the duration of the latent
(1/) and infectious (1/) periods are of the order of days to (at most) a few
weeks, whereas life expectancy in Tudor and Stuart times (1/) was approximately 25 years (Scott & Duncan, 1998). Under these circumstances,
and Equations 2.10 and 2.11 may be approximated as
R : X/


N : /



If the disease can establish itself, then, at equilibrium, R : 1 and the

density of susceptibles is equal to the threshold density, N .

2.6 Contact rates


Some of the parameters that determine R are specic to the infectious

agent; for example, the latent and infectious periods and the component of
the transmission coecient () that is related to the transmissibility of the
disease (see section 2.3). Other components of R , such as the density of

susceptibles (X) and the component of  that reects the average frequency
of contacts between individuals, in contrast, vary greatly in dierent localities, depending on environmental, demographic and social conditions
(Anderson & May, 1982b; see section 2.3).
In many common infectious diseases, the density of susceptibles depends
primarily on the birth rate in the community most of the individuals alive
will have experienced and survived previous epidemics and so will be
immune. The build-up of a sucient density of susceptibles would be
achieved under these circumstances only by new births or by the immigration of individuals who had not previously been exposed. This situation is
exemplied by the outbreaks of smallpox at Penrith, where regular epidemics were established at 5-yearly intervals because the population took 5
years to build up a sucient density of susceptible children by new births
(Duncan et al., 1993a, 1994a; Scott & Duncan, 1993).
This regular pattern of epidemics of a lethal infectious disease is clearly
dierent from the irregular outbreaks of plague in the 16th and 17th
centuries in England and continental Europe, but the story of smallpox
does underline the critical importance of the density of a susceptible
population if a disease is to explode. Epidemics will be unable to develop in
low-density rural communities (where X  N ) and the disease will not
persist in the absence of a continual inow of infectives.
Many infectious diseases in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries showed
regular, predictable epidemics; examples, in addition to smallpox, include
diphtheria (Scott & Duncan, 1998), whooping cough (Duncan et al., 1996a,
1998), measles (Duncan et al., 1997) and scarlet fever (Duncan et al., 1996b).
Many of these studies are of large populations, ranging from cities and the
metropolis to the metapopulation of the whole of England and Wales,
where the disease was endemic (i.e. with a substantial number of cases each
year), but superimposed thereon were major, regular epidemics.
For diseases that are of short duration relative to the host life-span (i.e.
the majority, including haemorrhagic plague visitations and the standard
serious infectious diseases), the interepidemic period, T, is approximately
described by the following equation
T : 2[LD/R 9 1)] : 2(AD)

where D is the sum of the duration of the latent and infectious periods, L


Epidemiological concepts

the human life expectancy of the population, and A the average age at
infection, as above (Anderson & May, 1991). It can be shown (Scott &
Duncan, 1998) that Equation 2.15 is formally equivalent to

([N 9 ( ; )]


where N is the number in the population,  the death rate ( : 1/life

expectancy), and the rate of recovery ( : 1/infectious period). Hence, the
interepidemic interval in any particular situation is determined by N, the
product of the transmission rate and the population size/density.
2.7 Decaying and driven epidemics
The deterministic model of Equations 2.6 to 2.9 of standard infectious
diseases, such as measles or smallpox, exhibits a damped oscillation, in
which the epidemics gradually decay and the disease settles to a stable,
steady-state (endemic) level. The boom and bust of the initial epidemic is
followed by a period in which the pool of susceptibles is restocked by births
and eventually a new, but less severe, epidemic is triggered. This second
epidemic is less severe because there are now fewer susceptibles (the bulk of
the population is now immune) and so the overshoot is less dramatic.
Successive epidemics are increasingly mild (Anderson & May, 1991).
Clearly, the epidemics of the standard, lethal infections of history did
not decay rapidly but persisted with undiminished vigour over many years
(see Fig. 2.6). It has been suggested that stochastic eects could indenitely
perpetuate the oscillation of the system, thereby maintaining the epidemics.
Alternatively, seasonality in transmission (a feature of many infectious
diseases, including outbreaks of haemorrhagic plague) or weather (dry
conditions had an eect on the epidemics of smallpox and scarlet fever;
Scott & Duncan, 1998) could pump-up the decaying oscillation and lock
the system into sustained cycles with periods that are determined by
Equation 2.16 (London & Yorke, 1973; Yorke & London, 1973; Dietz,
1975; Yorke et al., 1979).
We have suggested (Scott & Duncan, 1998) that epidemics could be
maintained if the system were directly driven by an oscillation in the
amplitude of the transmission coecient, , which, in practice, would be
mainly an oscillation in susceptibility brought about by the regular variation of such external factors as seasonal weather conditions or nutritive

2.9 Smallpox epidemics in London, 16501900


2.8 Time-series analysis of data

The statistical technique of time-series analysis allows the investigation of
continuous data over time and identies and characterises the cycles
therein. It is of particular use to the demographer when studying baptism
and burial records and to the epidemiologist when analysing annual cases
of an infectious disease. We have described time-series analysis in detail
previously (Scott & Duncan, 1998) and have given worked examples. We
have used the MATLAB program and that given by Shumway (1988); in
brief, the techniques available include:
(i) Spectral analysis. The data-series (i.e. the number of births, deaths, or
other events in each year) are fed into the computer program, which
analyses the relative importance (or strength) of the dierent cycles
contained within the series and identies their wavelength or period
(i.e., the number of years for a complete cycle or oscillation). The
signicance of these cycles can then be tested by the program.
(ii) Filtering. When one cycle or more has been identied by spectral
analysis, this program designs a lter that removes noise and unwanted oscillations from the data-series and the resulting cycles can be
(iii) Cross-correlation function (ccf ). This program compares two ltered
data-series over a standard time period; it provides an estimate of the
signicance of the correlation between them and of the delay (or lag)
between the two cycles.
Diculties arise for the demographer when (as would be expected in
human populations) the cycles detected are non-stationary and have a
period that varies slightly (e.g. a 6-year cycle may uctuate between 5 and 8

2.9 Lethal smallpox epidemics in London, 16501900: a case study

In this section we look at smallpox deaths in London and show how
time-series analysis can be used to elucidate the dynamics of the disease.
The story that emerges from this example illustrates the theory of infectious
diseases that has been described above; we try to bridge the gap between
historical studies of infectious diseases and the current interest in the
mathematical modelling of epidemics in the 20th century (where excellent
and complete data-series are available), which is exemplied by the work of
Bartlett (1957, 1960), Anderson & May (1991) and Grenfell (1992).


Epidemiological concepts

Fig. 2.6. Annual smallpox deaths (ordinate) in London over some 250 years,
16471893, divided into cohorts: I : 16471707; II : 170850; III : 17511800;
IV : 180135; V : 183670; VI : 187193. The plague in 1665 and the major
smallpox epidemics of 1838 (E ) and 1871 (E ) are indicated. The dashed line

(closed triangles) gives the cumulative
number ofbaptisms in the preceding 25 years
(thousands), right-hand ordinate. Data sources: Bills of Mortality (Creighton, 1894)
and Wrigley & Schoeld (1981).

Annual smallpox deaths in London, 16471893, are displayed in Fig. 2.6,

which shows the uctuations and the trend in the basic endemic level, on
which are superimposed clear epidemics of the disease in years when there
was a sharp rise in mortality. The important features illustrated by this
gure are as follows. (i) There was severe mortality from the Great Plague
in London in 1665, which had an eect on the population dynamics (see
section 13.17). (ii) Inoculation against smallpox was more widely administered after about 1750 and vaccination was introduced in 1796 and became
compulsory for infants in 1853; these practices clearly modied the pattern
of the epidemics after 1800 and eventually led to the disappearance of the
disease in London at the end of the 19th century (eective R  1). (iii) The

late outbreaks of smallpox in the mid-19th century (shown as E and E on

Fig. 2.6), particularly the epidemic in 1871, which triggered decaying epidemics and showed that the underlying dynamics of the disease had now
The changing pattern of the epidemics has been studied by time-series
analysis, and Fig. 2.6 can be divided into separate periods, each having a
characteristic interepidemic interval (T):

2.10 Mixing patterns


16471707; T changing from 4 years to predominantly 3 years.

17081750; endemic level rising, T changing from 3 to 2 years.
17511800; T rmly established at 2 years.
18011835; introduction of variolation and vaccination produced a
reduction in the pool of susceptibles; endemic level falling steadily;
epidemics greatly reduced in amplitude; T : 2 to 3 years.
(V) 18361870; epidemics reinitiated following a major outbreak in 1838;
endemic level continuing to fall; T : 4 years. Non-driven SEIR dynamics.
(VI) 18711893; the major epidemic in 1871 triggered three further
decaying epidemics before smallpox ceased to be a serious disease.
Non-driven SEIR dynamics.


Since T is determined by N, the product of population size and the

transmission coecient, see Equation 2.16, it is possible to suggest reasons
for the changing value of the interepidemic interval. During 16471750
(cohorts I and II), N (measured by cumulative baptisms, Fig. 2.6) rose
steadily and, concomitantly, T fell from 4/3 years (16471707) to 3/2 years
(17081750). However, after 1750, when T clearly changed to 2 years
(suggesting a rise in N), surprisingly, baptisms were stationary; concomitantly wheat prices were rising sharply and we suggest that malnutrition
caused an overall increase in susceptibility () to smallpox and consequently a rise in N and a fall in T to 2 years after 1750 (Scott & Duncan, 1998).
Time-series analysis of the seasonal weather conditions shows that, during
the rst three cohorts, the epidemics were strongly correlated with low
seasonal rainfall, and we conclude that the spread of smallpox was favoured by dry conditions that could act as the driver for maintaining the
epidemics. In summary, the interepidemic interval was reduced in
16471750 mainly because of rising N, and in 17501800 mainly because of
rising . This case study illustrates how the dynamics of an infectious
disease can be modied by population size, density, malnutrition, seasonal
weather conditions and vaccination.

2.10 Mixing patterns

We have seen that population density plays a role in determining the values
of R and T in diseases that are spread through person-to-person contact

such as measles, smallpox or inuenza or, as we shall suggest, probably in
haemorrhagic plague. The simplest assumption about the contact pattern
in a population is that it occurs by random mixing, with every person


Epidemiological concepts

Fig. 2.7. Mixing patterns of two groups where c : contact rate of set 1 with set 2,
 c : contact rates within sets 1
c : contact rate of set 2 with set 1, and c and

and 2, respectively. From Halloran (1998).

having an equal chance of making contact with, and being exposed to,
infection by each other person. However, most populations do not mix
randomly but have subgroups that mix more with their own members than
with other groups. These subgroups in the community during a plague
were clearly households where the household SAR was of paramount
importance in determining the spread of the infection through the family
(see the case studies at Penrith, Chapter 5, and Eyam, Chapter 10). The
magistrates in London enforced quarantine:
The misery of those families is not to be expressed; and it was generally in such
houses that we heard the most dismal shrieks and outcries of the poor people,
terried and even frightened to death by the sight of the condition of their dearest
relations, and by the terror of being imprisoned as they were.
(Defoe, 1722)

We show later that, in rural towns, the pestilence spread rapidly within a
family once it was introduced but transmission to other households was
slower and more dicult and this is a key point if the plague were to
persist and spread in a population and not die out it must eect transmission to at least one other household.
The contact rate of individuals of group 1 with individuals of group 2 is
denoted by c (Fig. 2.7) and the contact pattern is described by a mixing

matrix that has the same number of rows and columns as the number of
mixing groups. The entries in the matrix represent the rate of contacts of
individuals within and between the groups. The mixing pattern of two
groups is represented by the matrix:


On the diagonals are the rates of contacts within groups, c and c . The

o-diagonal entries, c and c , represent the rates of contacts between the

groups corresponding to that row and column (Halloran, 1998).

2.11 Open versus closed population dynamics


Fig. 2.8. Time-course of the spread of an epidemic of an infectious disease in a closed

population of N susceptibles. Susceptible people become infected and then, after
the latent period, become infectious; they then develop immunity. (A) Epidemic
with a high R ; everyone becomes infected during the epidemic which dies out
 no susceptibles left. (B) Epidemic with a low R ; the epidemic
because there are
 b, infectives;
dies out before all the susceptibles become infected. a, susceptibles;
c, recovered and immune. From Halloran (1998).

2.11 Open versus closed population dynamics

London, where haemorrhagic plague was probably endemic in the 17th
century and where there was steady immigration (Landers, 1993), can be
regarded as an open population. A rural town in England or continental
Europe, on the other hand, can be regarded eectively as closed populations during a plague, with few births (on this time-scale) and no immigration.
We consider rst a closed population of N initially susceptible people
who are assumed to be mixing randomly with contact rate c; everyone in
the xed cohort is initially in the uninfected state, X, at time t : 0. Suppose
a measles virus is introduced into the population so that one person enters
the infectious state, Y. If R  1 the epidemic is expected to spread. The

process in closed populations is illustrated in Fig. 2.8A and B. The infection
spreads from the rst infective to the average number, R , of susceptibles,

depending on the rate of contact c, the transmission probability p, and how
long the person is infectious. As the epidemic spreads, the number of
susceptibles (X) decreases while the number of people with immunity (Z)
increases. Incidence of infection will increase until the number of available
susceptibles becomes a limiting factor, when the number of new cases
begins to decrease until the parasite dies out. Thus, when R is high in

closed populations, an epidemic will explode (see Fig. 2.8A), comparable
with the Reed and Frost model (Figs. 2.4 and 2.5), and with plague
epidemics in rural towns. However, when R is low in closed populations


Epidemiological concepts

Fig. 2.9. Time-course of the spread of an infectious disease in an open population of

N susceptibles where an epidemic is followed by endemic persistence. (A) High R .

(B) Low R ; the prevalence of susceptibles, infectives and immune people is in

dynamic equilibrium; the infectious agent does not die out because of the supply of
new susceptibles. a, susceptibles; b, infectives; c, recovered and immune. From
Halloran (1998).

(see Fig. 2.8B), the epidemic does not explode but dies out before all the
susceptibles become infected. Examples of the plague following this pattern
are in communities of low density (e.g. in Cheshire, sections 9.1.2 and 9.6.1)
and outbreaks in winter in rural towns in England before the major
epidemic in the following summer (sections 5.5, 10.3 and 10.4).
If a population is open (e.g. London in the 17th century), with births and
immigration providing a steady supply of susceptibles, the parasite may
not die out but can persist and become endemic. Figure 2.9B illustrates an
open population with a low R ; after an epidemic the susceptibles, infec
tives and immunes remain in dynamic steady state, with the annual number of new incident cases remaining low and steady. When R is high in the

open, endemic situation, the level of infectives is higher and the number of
susceptibles is correspondingly lower (Fig. 2.9A).

2.12 Spatial components of epidemic spread

We have summarised the temporal aspects of the dynamics of infectious
diseases in sections 2.5 and 2.6 and have given examples of the use of
modelling the basic equations in section 2.9; epidemiologists have elaborated these models by incorporating spatial components, particularly when
a population is distributed non-uniformly in space in such a way that the
rates of transmission are signicantly higher in some places than in others.
Variability in transmission rates can arise when some hosts live in dense

2.12 Spatial components of epidemic spread


aggregates in cities while others live in small or remote groups (Bailey,

1975; Cli & Haggett, 1988; Anderson & May, 1991; Cli, 1995). These
models are of current interest in the design of immunisation programmes.
However, relatively few studies have successfully incorporated explicit
spatial components into epidemic models that are both mathematically
tractable and geographically and epidemiologically plausible (Cli, 1995).
The work has concentrated on identifying the ways in which space determines the corridors by which epidemics move from one geographical area
to another, as well as the velocity and direction of disease propagation both
within a metapopulation and on a worldwide scale (Bailey, 1975; Cli,
1995). These spatial corridors may change over time and our study of
haemorrhagic plague suggests that they were major trade routes and river
systems. The techniques used to analyse the spatial components of modern
epidemics include (i) lag maps to identify the timespace ordering of
epidemic spread, (ii) the treatment of maps as graphs where the nodes
represent areas coded in some epidemiologically meaningful way and the
edges of the graphs represent the corridors of spread, (iii) spatial autocorrelation techniques, (iv) assessment of the velocity of spread, (v) analysis of
spatial scale and (vi) centroids (Cli, 1995).
Current research conrms that geographical space behaves in a nonlinear way in directing the spread of a disease under present-day conditions. The geographical spread of common transmissible diseases, such as
measles, in urbanised societies today frequently exhibits two components:
(i) relatively long-distance diusion occurs by spread from town to town,
often leap-frogging the intervening countryside between urban areas and
(ii) in-lling of the space between towns by localised spread outwards from
each infected urban centre into the surrounding countryside (Cli, 1995).
The spread of the Black Death illustrates these two components but
subsequent plagues in Europe followed a dierent type of spread. We show
in Chapter 4 that the Black Death spread as waves from its points of
introduction in Italy and France to northern Europe and its average daily
rate of spread through the metapopulation can be computed. In Chapter 7
we analyse the spread of the plague in northern England in 159798 and
show how transmission was not wave like but was along well-dened
corridors of communication and that it behaved like a typical infectious
disease, exhibiting Reed and Frost dynamics within each eectively closed
Thus the spatial components of an epidemic leave clues for the epidemiologist trying to determine the nature of the infectious agent. The very
slow spread of bubonic plague in India described in Chapter 3 reects its


Epidemiological concepts

complex underlying biology and is quite unlike the spread of typical

infections such as the Black Death. The key to understanding the dynamics
of the spread of an infectious disease is the serial generation time; inuenza
has an infectious period of 23 days and during some of this time the
patient may be prostrate with the illness but, nevertheless, has up to 48
hours to spread the disease over continents by modern air, rail and road
travel or by steamtrains in the inuenza pandemic of 191719. The situation was very dierent 600 years ago when rapid and widespread dissemination of inuenza would have been much more dicult and, consequently, its spread and eects would have been less dramatic. In contrast,
infectious diseases with very long latent and pre-symptomatic infectious
periods (as we suggest for haemorrhagic plague) would allow widespread
progressive, wave-like dissemination (see the Black Death, Chapter 4)
when movement through the metapopulation was mainly on foot, or, in
later centuries, more rapidly along the established communication corridors when travellers and carriers had time to move long distances across
Europe by horse.

The biology of bubonic plague

Humans have been aicted by bubonic plague for hundreds of years,

particularly in central Asia and China, where it is endemic, and epidemics
have ared up at sporadic intervals when the conditions are right. Localised outbreaks have been described in ports in England in the 20th century
and there are a number of reports of ships coming from the East on which
bubonic plague was diagnosed in crew members. Heavy mortality can be
experienced over long periods of time: 12 million people died of bubonic
plague in India between 1898 and 1957. Bubonic plague is a lethal infection
of rats that is spread to humans via the rat ea when environmental and
other conditions are suitable. The biology and epidemiology of the disease
was only fully elucidated at the end of the 19th century and, because some
of its clinical features were recorded in contemporaneous reports of the
Black Death, 20th century accounts, almost without exception, give bubonic plague as the disease causing that pandemic. It is, therefore, important to describe the biology of bubonic plague in detail before accepting it as
the cause of the Black Death and other subsequent plagues in England up
to 1665. Christie (1969), who had wide experience of infectious diseases, has
provided an admirable account of the epidemiology of modern bubonic
plague and the following pages are very much based on his overview.

3.1 History and geographical distribution of bubonic plague

Wu et al. (1936) have listed the 232 occasions when there was an annual
outbreak of pestilence in China from AD 37 to 1718 and it has persisted
through to the early years of the 20th century. Very few clinical details are
known of the early plagues but we must tentatively agree with Wu that
these were also bubonic/pneumonic plague. Twigg (1984) suggested that
bubonic plague had been present for hundreds of years in areas within or


The biology of bubonic plague

near the central Asiatic plateau and he considered this to be the home of
the disease. Stemming therefrom were the following major foci of the
(a) in the foothills of the Himalayas between India and China,
(b) in Central Africa in the region of the Great Lakes,
(c) scattered across the entire length of the Eurasian steppe from Manchuria to the Ukraine.
Hankin (1905) believed that Garhwal in India (focus (a), above) was the
area where bubonic plague was endemic. It is a mountainous and somewhat inaccessible region that had little ordinary trac with the rest of
India. However, Hankin (1905) stated that the rst recorded plague in
Garhwal in humans was only in 1822; thereafter irregular outbreaks were
recorded during the 19th century, usually conned to a few villages, some
said to be severe, and 535 deaths were recorded in the epidemic of 1877.
Only a handful of people died in most outbreaks and these are probably
authentic cases of bubonic plague that led up to the pandemic in India
which began in 1895 and continued for more than half a century.
Before the outbreak of plague in Garhwal in 1822, Hankin (1905) recorded only the following pestilences in India:
1344 Army of Sultan Mahommed Tughlak destroyed by pestilence probably near Deogiri, a town a short distance from Nassik.
1611 Plague said to have begun in Punjab. It lasted 7 years, and spread to
Delhi, Agra, Cashmere and Kandahar.
1683 Conned to Western India; lasted for 8 years in Ahmedabad.
1812 Began in Gujerat and lasted 9 years.
East Africa (focus (b), above) is believed to have been aected by plague
in the 6th century AD (Roberts, 1935) and Twigg (1984) recorded a plague
in this region at Mombasa in 1697 that lasted almost 3 years. If this were
bubonic plague, it probably spread from the caravan routes from the north
to the east coast and it was known in the northeastern Congo and at
Kisumu on Lake Victoria. Epidemics alleged to be plague occurred at
Kisumu in Kenya throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.
McNeill (1977) has argued that focus (c) originated with the trade routes
of the Mongul Empire, the Silk Road between Syria and China across the
deserts of Central Asia. He suggested that the Mongol movements brought
the causative agent of bubonic plague, the bacterium Y. pestis, to the
rodents of the Eurasian steppes. This focus could well have been the launch
pad for any epidemics of bubonic plague in the Mediterranean region after

3.1 History and geographical distribution


1300, but the disease had probably occurred there from the 6th century
onwards. Pollitzer (1954) considered that the rst really satisfactory evidence of bubonic plague was a pandemic beginning in AD 542 and believed
that it came from Ethiopia, suggesting a central African origin.
Twigg (1984) concluded that it was likely that bubonic plague was
present in lands around the Mediterranean in some of the epidemics in the
6th century, probably in association with other diseases whose impact was
equally severe and whose dierentiation from bubonic plague was not easy
to dene at the time. McNeill (1977) considered that it may have come from
an old focus in northeast India or in central Africa. Twigg (1984) assumed
that the black rat (see section 3.5) must have existed in the Mediterranean
ports and cities in the 6th century in order to sustain any epidemics of true
bubonic plague. The black rat had not spread to northern Europe by the
time of the plague of Justinian (Shrewsbury, 1970) and, consequently, the
disease was conned to the Mediterranean coastlands (Twigg, 1984). Bubonic plague disappeared from southern Europe at the end of the 6th
century and Twigg (1984) stated that nothing that was rmly identiable as
this disease was heard of in the Mediterranean region for the next 700
Molecular biology techniques were used to resolve problems of historical etiology. DNA extracts were made from the pulp of teeth extracted
from skeletons excavated from graves near Provence, southern France,
which were dated: (i) between the 13th and late 14th centuries and so did
not necessarily come from people who died during the Black Death as is
presumed by Raoult et al. (2000); (ii) about 1590 (Drancourt et al., 1998);
and (iii) during the outbreak of bubonic plague in 1722 (Drancourt et al.,
1998), see Chapter 12. No skeleton showed macroscopic signs of disease.
The incorporation of primers specic for Y. pestis rpoB (the RNA polymerase -subunit-encoding gene) and the recognised virulence-associated
pla (the plasminogen activator-encoding gene) repeatedly yielded products
that had a nucleotide sequence similar to that of modern-day isolates of the
bacterium. The specic pla sequence was obtained from six of the 12 plague
skeleton teeth but none of the seven controls. Thus a nucleic acid-based
identication of ancient bubonic plague was achieved which conrmed the
presence of the disease during the 14th century and at the end of the 16th
century on the Mediterranean coast.
Hankin (1905) described how sporadic bubonic plague rumbled on in
India in the 19th century (see above) and it also became established in
Yum-nan, China. In 1855, troops were sent to suppress a rebellion and
plague spread further, probably as a consequence of the movement of


The biology of bubonic plague

refugees. It reached the provincial capital, Kunming, in 1866 and Canton

and Hong Kong in 1894, a fairly slow rate of spread. Bubonic plague was
then carried by rats and eas from the rat-infested warehouses of the
Chinese ports to many of the warmer parts of the world. India, North and
East Africa and the Mediterranean coast had experienced bubonic plague
before, as we have seen, and were largely free from the disease at this time,
but now epidemics broke out again.
India was infected via Calcutta in 1895 and via Bombay in 1896 and the
great plague pandemic of the 20th century (this time truly bubonic plague)
had begun. Egypt had been free from plague for 55 years but it reappeared
at Alexandria in 1899, moving slowly inland and reaching most parts of the
Nile Valley as far as Aswan. Plague reappeared in Tunis in 1907 after being
absent from the coastal areas of North Africa, west of Egypt, since 1822.
Between 1895 and 1903, most of the major ports in the tropics became
plague infected and then the disease became widespread across the continents, assisted by more modern means of transport (Twigg, 1984).
Indeed, the development of modern transport was the key to the widespread dispersal of the 20th century pandemic of bubonic plague: steamships replaced sail, so sharply reducing the time on intercontinental voyages and allowing bubonic plague to be transmitted by rats and eas to
distant ports, whereupon the railways rapidly carried the disease far inland.
South Africa was invaded through its ports from 1899 to 1902 and epidemics broke out in Cape Town and Durban with 766 and 201 cases,
respectively. After 10 years, bubonic plague had spread via gerbils and
other rodents, eventually covering 50 000 square miles; there were 167
outbreaks but with only 372 human cases and these were conned to the
Bubonic plague reached San Francisco in rats from the Orient between
1900 and 1904, infecting local rats but rapidly spreading into a variety of
rodents. After 40 years, it had invaded 10 states in the USA, becoming the
most extensive plague focus in the world, but it remained a wild, rural
plague and never exploded in the cities. In the 60 years between 1908 and
1966, only 115 cases of bubonic plague with 65 deaths in humans were
recorded in the USA (Christie, 1969), diering by many orders of magnitude from the terrible mortality of the Black Death and, for example, from
that of the haemorrhagic plague epidemic at Lyons in 162829 when some
35 000 people died (section 11.2.2).
Shipping, with rats and eas in the cargo, is the easiest way of introducing bubonic plague and so it is not surprising that the disease has been
recorded in Britain in the 20th century. There were 82 cases (17 of them

3.2 Yersinia pestis


fatal) on 54 ships arriving in England. In two instances, plague was transferred to land and on one occasion a man died. Bubonic plague probably
existed from 1900 to 1907 in a small area of Glasgow and outbreaks were
also recorded in Liverpool, Hull, Bristol and London. These foci were all in
ports and there is no evidence of any extensive spread; Twigg (1984)
described in detail the only known occasion of authenticated bubonic
plague in a rural situation in England. In summary, the outbreak occurred
in 1910 in Suolk, 4 miles from the port of Ipswich, which received grain
boats. Three of the victims who died were in the same family and a woman
who had nursed at their cottage and who lived a quarter of a mile away was
the fourth to die. At this time, brown rats and hares were found dead in the
elds and examination showed that these were infected with the bacilli of
bubonic plague over quite a wide area. After a careful analysis of the
evidence, Twigg (1984) concluded that an epizootic had become established in the brown rats and hares and that the rst victim, a 9-year-old girl
who had recently stayed on an isolated farm, had caught bubonic plague
from an infected ea; the other three victims had died of pneumonic plague
when nursing her.

3.2 Yersinia pestis

The causative agent of bubonic plague is a small ovoid, Gram-negative
bacillus, Yersinia pestis, which is non-motile and non-sporing. The organism forms a capsule or envelope when grown on serum agar at 37 C: this
capsule contains an antigen that is distinct from the somatic antigen and
may be concerned with the ability to resist phagocytosis and so with the
virulence of the organism; bacilli without a capsule may occur in chronic
lesions in rats with latent plague. Yersinia pestis is not a highly resistant
organism, being killed in 5 minutes at 55 C. It does not survive drying for
more than 2 days, except in dry ea faeces. The bacterium remains alive in
its host, vector or a burrow during long quiescent periods in the wild and is
able to revert to full virulence when the environment becomes favourable
(Christie, 1969).
Dierent varieties of Y. pestis have been distinguished, namely var.
orientalis, var. antigua and var. mediaevalis, and dierent rodents harbour
dierent yersiniae in dierent places. Rattus rattus and R. norvegicus
usually harbour orientalis, as do ground-squirrels (Citellus) in America,
hares in the Argentine, jack rabbits in California and bandicoots in India
and Ceylon. Antigua is carried by marmots in Manchuria and Mongolia
and by ground-squirrels and hamsters in the southeast of the former


The biology of bubonic plague

USSR, whereas mediaevalis is the common parasite of gerbils in Kurdistan,

Turkey and Iraq (Christie, 1969).
At least 18 antigenic components of Y. pestis have been identied and
these are found in all strains isolated from various parts of the world. There
is no qualitative dierence in these components and this has made serological typing of Y. pestis dicult. There are two main antigenic complexes,
one in the capsule is heat labile and the other, a somatic antigenic complex,
is heat stable. The capsular antigen contains a polysaccharide protein
component (Fraction 1) that is specic for Y. pestis and seems to be
associated with resistance to phagocytosis. Such strains may be able to
survive inside host phagocytes because of two somatic antigens (V and W)
that are associated both with resistance to phagocytosis and also with the
ability to survive and multiply inside host phagocytes. The temperature
may be around 25 C in warm climates inside the gut of a cold-blooded ea
and at that temperature Y. pestis may be found apparently lacking both
Fraction 1 and VW antigens: such bacilli can be ingested and destroyed by
ea polymorphonuclear phagocytes. If they are transferred to a warmblooded rodent host, they may still be ingested by host monocytes, but at
37 C they seem to undergo a phenotypic change and emerge fully virulent,
with Fraction 1 and VW antigens. Changes in virulence probably occur in
the wild in various hosts: avirulent strains isolated from chronic lesions in
rats regain virulence after passage through normal animals in the laboratory, and subtle changes in the environment probably aect the virulence
of strains and so inuence the epizootic pattern, quiescent or active, of
plague foci. The virulence of a strain also varies with the host: a strain
lacking Fraction 1 is not virulent for guinea pigs though it is for mice.
The 4.38 megabase-pair (Mb) genome of Y. pestis is currently being
sequenced; it carries a 70 kilobase-pair (kb) plasmid that encodes an
eector protein, Yop1, that enters human macrophages causing diminished
immune defences (Rosqvist et al., 1988; Guan & Dixon, 1990; Cornelis &
Wold-Wulz, 1997; Mills et al., 1997). One of the ways that cells can regulate
the activity of an enzyme is by reversible covalent modications when a
phosphate group is added to a specic serine, threonine or tyrosine residue.
An enzyme can then undergo conformational changes that either increase
or decrease its activity. An essential virulence determinant of Yersinia has
been shown to be the activity of a specic protein tyrosine phosphatase.
Site-directed mutagenesis was used to show that the Yersinia phosphatase
possesses an essential cysteine (Cys) residue required for catalysis and the
amino acid residues surrounding it are highly conserved, as are other
amino acid residues in the Yersinia and mammalian protein tyrosine

3.3 The rodent host


phosphatases, suggesting that they use a common catalytic mechanism

(Guan & Dixon, 1990; Schubert et al., 1995; Fauman & Saper, 1996).
Scholars defending the view that Y. pestis was the causative agent during
the age of plagues aver that little can be deduced from present-day studies
of the disease because epidemic bubonic plague has changed in character
(Gottfried, 1978), but Twigg (1993) has emphasised that there is still only
one serotype of Y. pestis despite bubonic plague having spread to 200
rodent species, many species of ea and all ethnic groups. This suggests
antigenic stability, a view conrmed by the identity of the nucleotide
sequences of 16th century Yersinia from dental pulp with present-day
isolates of the bacterium (section 3.1) and it enables us to relate the biology
of modern plague to plague in the past with some condence and thus to
compare modern outbreaks with those of earlier centuries. As Carmichael
(1986) has stated, unless there is very persuasive, unassailable evidence to
the contrary we must begin from the position that infectious diseases,
including Y. pestis in human communities of the European late Middle
Ages are similar in both epidemiological and clinical presentation to
analogous twentieth-century infections.

3.3 The rodent host

As we have said, bubonic plague is a disease of rodents and it had long been
recognised that rats or other rodents came out of their holes before an
outbreak in humans. However, over 300 mammalian species are susceptible to the disease; mice, rats and guinea pigs are all readily infected,
rabbits less so. Monkeys vary in susceptibility; dogs, although dicult to
infect experimentally, often show serological evidence of infection in plague
foci; cats, pigs, cattle, sheep, goats and horses are dicult to infect, although they may also sometimes be found infected in wild plague foci;
birds, except sparrows, seem to be wholly resistant. Camels are dicult to
infect experimentally, but can probably be infected in the wild and may
spread the disease to humans. Monkeys have been infected with pneumonic plague from inhaling aerosols of plague cultures, as have rats, guinea
pigs, mice and marmots.
This dierence in rodent susceptibility is of great importance in the
persistence of plague foci because the disease will die out in an area where
the host (e.g. a rat) is highly susceptible, but it persists where there is a
balance between susceptible and resistant hosts. In Siberia and Mongolia,
for example, marmots, susliks and tarabagans are subject to recurrent,
acute outbreaks that might eventually eliminate the plague focus through


The biology of bubonic plague

lack of hosts; but the local gerbils and voles are more resistant to Y. pestis
and so they can serve to maintain the enzootic in the area because they do
not die from the infection. In Kurdistan, Turkey, Iraq and Syria the hosts
are gerbils: two of them, Meriones vinogradivi and M. tristrami, are highly
susceptible, but M. persicus and M. libycus, are resistant, so that the plague
exhibits cyclic epidemics in these rodents. In central Colorado, however, an
isolated colony of prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) was wiped out by
plague: they were highly susceptible and died, although the eas remained
alive in the burrows for at least a year after the last prairie dog had died.
Thus rodents are the true natural hosts of Y. pestis; other animals
(including humans) are accidental hosts only. They inhabit a wide range of
habitats (mountains, plains, steppes, deserts, cultivated elds and forests) in
temperate and tropical areas. Rats injected subcutaneously with a small
number of virulent Y. pestis die within 28 days. Necrosis and oedema are
found at the site of inoculation and the regional lymph nodes are swollen
and embedded in haemorrhagic subcutaneous tissue; the spleen is enlarged,
the liver and lungs are hyperaemic and there is often a pleural eusion.
Small necrotic foci occur in the liver and spleen of animals surviving for a
week. Rats may be infected by a trace of infective material smeared over the
conjunctiva that results in rapid death, with enlargement of cervical lymph
nodes and spleen and haemorrhages in the stomach and duodenum. Wild
rats have buboes in their necks because eas most commonly bite them
there (Christie, 1969).

3.4 Murine versus sylvatic phases

When bubonic plague is conned to rats, as it usually is when being carried
by ship or when it is present in a port, it is said to be in the murine phase.
Frequently, it transfers from the rats to the indigenous endemic rodents,
such as gerbils or ground-squirrels, whose populations cover vast areas of
country, and it is then said to form a sylvatic reservoir (Twigg, 1978). This
is a permanent reservoir, a potential source of infection that may aect
people, other rodent species or even return to rats. Such a plague focus may
remain static for a number of years, Yersinia being passed back and forth
between the rodents and eas with only a seasonal variation in numbers.
This is described as enzootic plague and it is maintained by the balance
between resistant and susceptible hosts in the focus; it is present in the
rodents at all times but causes only a limited number of deaths. However,
sporadically, this balance is disturbed and bubonic plague then spreads
widely and rapidly and causes many rodent deaths. This is described as

3.5 Black and brown rats


Fig. 3.1. The sylvatic reservoir of bubonic plague: the number of rodent species
(excluding commensal species) that have been reported to have been infected with
Yersinia. Note the absence of suitable species in western Europe. After Twigg

epizootic plague and in some epizootics dead rodents have been collected
by the barrowful; their dead bodies are often the rst indications that
plague is present in a locality. It is only when the epizootic spreads to rats
living in urban areas in loose association with humans that the real danger
of a major outbreak of bubonic plague amongst a human population
occurs. An epizootic begins to wane when the numbers of resistant rodent
hosts rises and the numbers of susceptible rodents falls.
One of the interesting things about Yersinia pestis is the ease with which
it can accommodate to new species of rodent. During the 20th century,
following the introduction by ships to the ports, plague has spread to form
sylvatic reservoirs in North America, South America and Africa. In addition, it is present in many species in Asia and India but, despite this
readiness to spread, it has not become established in any European species
in modern times (Twigg, 1989) so that it was not possible to establish an
enzootic for bubonic plague during the age of plagues after the Black
Death (Fig. 3.1).

3.5 Black and brown rats

In Asia, rodents other than rats are essential for maintaining Yersinia
during the enzootic sylvatic phase but, when this changes to a full-blown


The biology of bubonic plague

epizootic, it is via the peridomestic rats and their eas that the Yersinia is
transmitted to humans.
There are only two species of rat in Europe today, namely the brown rat,
Rattus norvegicus, and the black rat, Rattus rattus (Davis, 1986). The brown
rat is not an accomplished climber and inhabits cellars and lower oors.
This species spread from Russia in the early part of the 18th century and so
did not arrive in Britain until some 400 years after the Black Death and 100
years after the disappearance of the plague. It has since spread to most parts
of the world; being the more hardy species, it is today the common rat of
temperate latitudes and lives both indoors and outdoors. In the tropics
today it is conned to ports and towns and in the countryside lives close to
human habitation (Twigg, 1984).
The black rat (or roof rat) occurs in three colour phases, one of which is
the melanistic form; it is a descendant of a rat that probably originated in
India and spread along trading routes to establish itself as the common rat
of both town and countryside in the tropics and may have arrived in
England some time in the Middle Ages (Matheson, 1939), although a
variety of dates have been suggested (see Twigg, 1989). It is widely spread
away from seaports in the tropics when there are no indigenous rodent
competitors. In temperate latitudes, however, it is conned to buildings
because, for most of the year, the outdoor temperatures are too low for its
liking. Being a good climber it has readily gained access to ships, which
have transported it over much of the world. In buildings it climbs to the
higher levels and lives in the roofs and ceilings rather than the basement; it
rarely, if ever, inhabits burrows, tunnels in the ground or aquatic habitats.
Davis (1986) suggested that the black rat in northern France and the
British Isles may have persisted in towns and the grain ports in the Middle
Ages, but their numbers were small; the population in a particular town
disappeared after a few years but may have been re-established as a result
of new introductions. Rattus rattus may have lived in small numbers in
rural areas in the much warmer Mediterranean region of France.
The black rat, therefore, is today a native of the Mediterranean area and
generally does not persist in England without recurrent introductions
(Davis, 1986): it is found in the ports (but does not spread more than
three-quarters of a mile inland; Davis, 1986) and in those inland towns that
are connected to them by canals. Modern populations of the black rat in
England have depended for their survival upon frequent topping-up by the
importation of rats in cargo from the ports and now that canal trac has
ended and containers are replacing loose cargo, not only the inland but
also the port populations of Rattus rattus have begun to die out (Twigg,

3.6 The role of the ea


1989). The dynamics of the black rat in the ports of England in the 20th
century have been discussed in detail by Matheson (1939), Twigg (1984,
1989) and Davis (1986) and, for example, the black rat was found widely in
central London in the 1950s where the multistorey, centrally heated buildings with abundant food sources from the many restaurants provided ideal
conditions (Twigg, 1989).
In summary, therefore, the black rat (Rattus rattus) was the only rodent
species present that could possibly have carried bubonic plague in the
Black Death and during the subsequent plagues in the 15th, 16th and 17th
centuries. It requires the warmth of human habitations and does not
spread far from them. The Black Death acted virtually independently of
season and climate in the British Isles (Chapter 4), whereas when bubonic
plague appears in warm countries it is circumscribed by climate and breaks
out only at certain clearly dened and predictable times (Twigg, 1989). It is
inconceivable that the black rat could have transmitted bubonic plague
rapidly and widely in winter in 1348 to 1350 in northern Britain and
northern Europe, when the Black Death was raging, or that the disease
could have been propagated over mountain passes in the Alps. This
pandemic even reached the polar regions and there was said to be an
epidemic in Greenland (Kohn, 1995).

3.6 The role of the ea

Bubonic plague can potentially circulate between a ea, a rat, Yersinia and
humans. We have seen how, in reality, for plague foci to be maintained and
for epizooticenzootic cycling to continue, the detailed dynamics are more
complex and other indigenous, resistant rodents have to be involved. In
this section we introduce the fourth component of bubonic plague, namely
the rat ea. At least 30 species of ea have been proved to be vectors and,
since more than 200 species of rodent can carry plague, the host-vector
permutations in the Asian subcontinent are formidable and the population
dynamics complex (Christie, 1969). But in England in the 14th, 15th, 16th
and 17th centuries there were probably only one species of ea (Xenopsylla
cheopis, the oriental rat ea) and only the black rat that we have to
Adult rodent eas live on warm-blooded animals; they are small, wingless, laterally attened and adapted for clinging by means of hooks on their
legs, which are adapted for impressive jumping, the means by which they
transfer to their dierent hosts.
The mouthparts of the ea include a central stylet, the epipharynx, which


The biology of bubonic plague

is enclosed by two blade-like piercing organs, the maxillary laciniae. These

three components comprise the fascicle and this pierces the skin and enters
a venule; the ea sucks blood into its oesophagus by the action of its
cibarial and pharyngeal pumps. This behaviour is important in two respects: rstly, pathogens are more likely to be present in an infected hosts
bloodstream than in the subcutaneous tissues and, secondly, if an infected
ea injects pathogens into a healthy host, these go straight into its bloodstream and thus are very likely to establish an infection (Christie, 1969). A
ea takes in a large number of bacteria in a blood meal from an infected rat
and these pass into the stomach of the ea. The bacteria become established in the stomach in only about 12% of eas where, by dividing rapidly,
they form a solid mass. The proventriculus of the ea is a bulbous structure
provided with seven rows of spines, which interlock and act as a valve
shutting o the stomach when the encircling muscles contract; when they
relax, the valve opens and the ingested blood enters the stomach. The
resulting gelatinous culture of Y. pestis eventually glues the spines together
and blocks the valve. It is then known as a blocked ea (Bacot & Martin
1914; Twigg, 1984); it continues to feed still more voraciously and becomes
dehydrated and hungry. But the blood it sucks cannot get into the stomach
and simply distends the oesophagus, and when the pharyngeal pump stops,
the distended wall of the oesophagus recoils and drives blood down into
the wound, taking with it plague bacilli which go straight into the blood of
the bitten host (Christie, 1969).

3.7 Flea survival

An understanding of ea biology and ecology is an important key to
understanding the dynamics of Yersinia infection and the etiology of
bubonic plague outbreaks. It takes time for the bacilli that the ea has
ingested along with its blood meal to multiply suciently to reach an
infective concentration and this varies in dierent ea species. In X. cheopis
the average time between feeding and infectivity is 21 days (range : 5 to 31
days), whereas it is 53 days in Diamanus montanus, the ea of the Californian ground-squirrel. This time varies with external temperature and
humidity. Fleas survive for dierent times after becoming infective: in one
investigation X. cheopis survived a mean of 17 days (maximum 44 days)
and D. montanus 47 days (maximum 85 days); the longer a ea survives, the
more often it can feed and pass on the infection. Not all infected eas
become infective: the yersiniae may not multiply to block the proventriculus, and such eas may live a very long time (Christie, 1969).

3.8 Flea reproduction


The long survival times of uninfected eas account for their persistence
in the wild in spite of such hazards as uctuating temperature and relative
humidity. At 50 C and high humidity eas survive a long time, but they die
quickly when the temperature is over 80 C or under 50 C, especially if the
atmosphere is dry. Experimentally determined survival periods, vary from
country to country: infected eas survived for 47 days in India and for 130
days in the USA. However, although eas can enter diapause and survive
for long periods in the microclimate of deserted burrows, the external
conditions of warm temperature and high humidity are essential if the ea
is to play its part in the development of the epizootic and its escalation into
an epidemic of bubonic plague in humans.

3.8 Flea reproduction

The survival of the ea species in the wild also depends on their ability to
produce and raise more eas, and reproduction is strongly dependent on
environmental and other factors. Xenopsylla cheopis can lay about
300400 eggs in its life; the temperature and humidity of the environment
greatly aect both egg-laying and the development of larvae. A temperature of between 18 C and 27 C and a relative humidity of 70% are ideal
for oviposition by X. cheopis, whereas temperatures below 18 C inhibit it.
The egg hatches in 214 days, but it takes much longer if the temperature
and humidity are unsuitable. The life cycle through egg, larva, pupa and
imago is completed in 23 weeks if the conditions are right: pupation lasts
8 days at 18 C, 6 days at 22 C but it is completed in 4 days at 29 to 35 C.
However, if conditions are not satisfactory, the ea can remain in the pupal
stage for long periods, possibly for at least a year, and emerge only when
the conditions change and the selected host becomes active in its neighbourhood. The ea must feed within 13 days after eclosion and it begins
egg-laying 14 days after the rst feed, so that conditions must be exactly
right if the life cycle is to continue. The importance of climate in ea
biology has been emphasised by Twigg (1989) because the part of the life
cycle that is passed away from its homoiothermic host is unprotected
against uctuations of temperature. Temperatures below 7 C are deleterious to all stages except the adult.
Twigg (1989) has summarised the calculated climatological uctuations
in central England from 900 to 1900 (Fig. 3.2) and it is evident that at no
time, and certainly not during the age of plagues, was the average July to
August temperature above 18.5 C and suitable for ea hatching. A sustained high temperature is necessary to yield the high ea numbers that are


The biology of bubonic plague

Fig. 3.2. Estimated temperatures in central England, AD 900 to 1900. The age of
plagues is indicated by bold arrows. The minimum temperature for the hatching of
eas and the temperature below which conditions are deleterious to all pre-adult
stages of the ea are indicated. From Twigg (1989).

essential to promote a rat epizootic. Figure 3.3 shows the mean July
temperatures over western Europe in the 20th century and this conrms
that the British Isles does not have a climate capable of sustaining regular
seasonal outbreaks of ea-borne bubonic plague in the summer months
and certainly not in winter (Twigg, 1989). Indeed, in Europe, it is only in the
southwest area and in the Mediterranean coastal region together with the
Iberian peninsula that possibly suitable conditions are to be found (Fig.
3.3); the hinterland of Marseilles experienced an outbreak of plague that
was probably bubonic in 172022 (Chapter 12) and there were a number of
outbreaks at Barcelona through the age of plagues that may also have been
bubonic (section 11.4.2).

3.9 Population dynamics of bubonic plague


Fig. 3.3. Mean temperature (C) in July in western Europe in the 20th century. Note
that it is only in Spain and the Mediterranean coast of France that summer
temperatures are suitable for sustaining seasonal outbreaks of ea-borne bubonic
plague. After Twigg (1989).

3.9 Population dynamics of bubonic plague

The numbers of rodents that are present in a locality are an important
factor in determining the dynamics of bubonic plague. A species may be
highly susceptible, but if it is rare it is not important in the spread of plague.
The rodent breeding system is in the spring and summer in colder climates
and if there are outbreaks of bubonic plague they are likely to occur then.
Rodents breed throughout the year in warm climates and may have 5 to 9
litters and a total of up to 35 or 40 young and, in this way, the population
density of rodents builds up quickly and outbreaks can then occur at any
time. Thus the turnover of a rodent population can be rapid because as fast
as they breed so infections (including Yersinia) and a variety of predators
act to reduce population numbers, so that regular population cycles are
generated (Scott & Duncan, 1998) that prevent the build-up of a stable,
plague-resistant population. This helps to maintain the Yersiniaea


The biology of bubonic plague

rodent cycle, yet some resistance on the part of the hosts is essential for the
maintenance of a plague focus. A totally susceptible population would
soon die out, as did the prairie dogs when Yersinia arrived in Colorado. It
is essential, therefore, if the enzootic is to be maintained, that there is a
balance between susceptible and resistant hosts: voles and gerbils are
susceptible to plague but mostly do not die from it; ground-squirrels are
highly susceptible, but voles and eld mice in the same area are more
resistant and they, not the ground-squirrels, maintain the enzootic. The
infection can persist even when conditions become unfavourable for the
rodent or the ea, or both; the rodent goes into hibernation and at low
body temperature becomes more resistant, the adult ea can survive without food or host for a year and the pupal stage can be prolonged until a new
host enters the burrow and vibrations from its body stimulate emergence
from the pupa (Christie, 1969).
Bubonic plague in the wild is, therefore, a disease of arid plains, rocky
escarpments, steppes, prairies and semi-deserts where Y. pestis passes
quickly from generation to generation, causing little inconvenience to its
semi-resistant mammalian hosts and none at all to Homo sapiens unless he
or she leaves an urban or village dwelling and goes out into the focus in the
A focus may be temporary or permanent. In the former, plague is
imported accidentally from another area, but conditions are not suitable
and the outbreak is short lived; the ea and the host are perhaps not
adapted to each other; a ea may be able to survive by feeding on the blood
of a rodent but be unable to reproduce on it. The ea is essentially a
nest-dweller and if the available host is not a burrowing animal then the
infection does not become established in the area. However, an area can
become established as a permanent focus of plague if the following factors
obtain and there is nothing unfavourable in the environment: (i) there are
many rodents in the area and some (such as gerbils) keep large, permanent
burrows; (ii) some of the rodents are partially immune but nevertheless
support a prolonged bacteraemia with Y. pestis; and (iii) eas are also
present in large numbers and they are a long-lived variety and adapted to
the host. Activity in such a focus will wax and wane and there will be
changes related to season or to the breeding pattern of rodents and eas,
and weather changes such as oods or drought will aect it (Christie, 1969).
It is evident that these factors have never been present in Europe and that
persistent enzootic bubonic plague there is an impossibility.
An enzootic of a plague focus, therefore, is not static but oscillates and,
superimposed on these dynamics, are the periodic surges of the epizootics

3.10 Evolution of bubonic plague virulence


with the potential of spreading bubonic plague to man. As Christie (1969)

Man harvests a eld and the rodent inhabitants are driven to seek shelter and food
elsewhere, probably nearer to man. A storehouse is emptied of its grain or rice, and
again the rodents, with their eas and their bacilli, are turned out, though an odd
rat or an odd ea may accompany the grain to a distant market or a distant port. In
all these clear circumstances there is a danger that rst mans peridomestic and then
his commensal rodents and then man himself will get the plague. But enzootic
plague can swell into the epizootic for no obvious reason, though there must be a
bio-ecological one; and an epizootic, if conditions are right, can slip over into an
epidemic which may be world-wide in its impact.

3.10 Evolution of bubonic plague virulence

A genetic basis for the supposed evolution of plague virulence has been
presented by Rosqvist et al. (1988) and their interesting hypothesis has been
summarised by Lenski (1988) as follows: it is suggested that less virulent
strains of Y. pestis were harboured by rats and eas during endemic phases.
Single point mutations could have given rise to hypervirulent strains,
which spread to cause the plague epidemics. They have elucidated the
genetic determination of virulence of Y. pseudotuberculosis, which is closely
related to Y. pestis; the two are essentially indistinguishable from DNA
hybridization data (Bercovier et al., 1980) and Y. pseudotuberculosis infections in rats provoke immunity to Y. pestis. Previous work has implicated
two outer-membrane proteins in mediating the invasion of mammalian cell
cultures by Y. pseudotuberculosis: invasin, which is encoded chromosomally (Isberg & Falkow, 1985), and Yop1, which is encoded by a plasmid
(Bolin et al., 1982). Rosqvist et al. (1988) demonstrated that mutations in
one or other of the genes encoding these proteins have little eect on the
virulence of Y. pseudotuberculosis in mice, but when mice were administered bacteria containing mutations in both genes, the LD (dose lethal to

50% of the sample) went down dramatically, indicating a heightened
degree of virulence. Yersinia pestis apparently does not express either
invasin or the Yop1 protein, consistent with its much greater virulence
relative to Y. pseudotuberculosis and with its inability to grow invasively in
mammalian cell cultures.
Wolf-Watz and colleagues have previously shown that virulence plasmids pYV019 and pIB1, carried by Y. pestis and by Y. pseudotuberculosis,
respectively, have a high degree of sequence homology (Portnoy et al.,
1984). Both carry the yopA gene, although only Y. pseudotuberculosis


The biology of bubonic plague

expresses the corresponding Yop1 protein (Bolin et al., 1982). Rosqvist et

al. (1988) have sequenced the yopA genes from Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis and nd only 15 nucleotide dierences among 1230 base-pairs; the
non-functional yopA gene in Y. pestis is presumably derived from a functional ancestral state. When Rosqvist et al. (1988) introduced the functional
gene from Y. pseudotuberculosis into Y. pestis, they observed a corresponding reduction in the virulence of Y. pestis. Thus Y. pestis has apparently
undergone a mutation in the past that caused the loss of function of the
yopA gene, with a concomitant increase in its virulence.
Rosqvist et al. (1988) believed that this supports the hypothesis that
single mutations played an important role in triggering plague epidemics.
But mutations alone cannot drive epidemics. The necessary genetic variability in the pathogen must exist and so must the appropriate selective
conditions for the spread of hypervirulent mutants. Hence there remains
the equally perplexing question concerning the selective pressures that
were responsible for the increase in the frequency of hypervirulent strains,
once they appeared by mutation. Indeed, for many years, conventional
wisdom favoured the view that evolution would select those pathogens
that had the least harmful eects on their hosts (May & Anderson, 1983).
On the other hand, pathogenicity, or virulence, is often associated with
transmission (Anderson & May, 1982a) and mathematical analyses (Levin
& Pimentel, 1981; Anderson & May, 1982b; May & Anderson, 1983) have
shown that the evolution of pathogens is highly dependent on this coupling
between transmissibility and virulence.
Lenski (1988) suggested that the dramatic declines of the human population in Europe during the great plague epidemics of past centuries were
presumably accompanied by comparable declines in the population of
susceptible rodents although, as we have seen, no such population existed.
Rosqvist et al. (1988) hypothesised that not only might these epidemics
have been triggered by the appearance of hypervirulent strains of Y. pestis,
but the declining populations of susceptible hosts may, in turn, have
favoured less virulent strains.
Hinnebusch et al. (1996) found that three genes in Y. pestis change the
bacillus from a harmless, long-term inhabitant in the ea mid-gut to one
that causes blocking in its foregut (section 3.6). Their experiments focused
on three hemin storage (hms) genes of Y. pestis; they gave oriental rat eas,
Xenopsylla cheopsis (the normal vectors of bubonic plague), blood meals
that contained either normal Y. pestis or a mutant form missing the hms
genes. Only those eas that were infected with normal bacteria developed
blocking, which was accompanied by the usual high rate of mortality.

3.11 Spread of bubonic plague to humans


These results suggest that the hms genes are required for Y. pestis to cause
blocked eas. The failure of the mutant Y. pestis to block eas could not be
attributed to rapid elimination of this form of the bacteria, because the
same percentage of eas infected with either normal or mutant Y. pestis
strains were heavily infected after 4 weeks.
Xenopsylla cheopis were then infected with either the normal or mutant
forms of Y. pestis, both of which were tagged with a uorescent dye so that
their passage through the gut of the ea could be followed. After the rst
week, it was clear that the mutant bacteria remained in the mid-gut
whereas the normal bacteria had migrated to the foregut in many eas
which eventually became packed with bacteria. Hinnebusch et al. (1996)
suggested that the mutant bacteria may fail to colonise the foregut because,
being less cohesive, they are disrupted and ushed back into the mid-gut
during feeding. These studies are being extended in an attempt to explain
the observation that the blockage of the ea foregut breaks down at
temperatures above about 27 C. Do such temperatures suppress the products of hms or other genes? Again, these studies are of considerable interest
and contribute to our understanding of bubonic plague, a major historical
and a minor present-day scourge but, we suggest, are not relevant to the
biology of haemorrhagic plague.

3.11 Spread of bubonic plague to humans

Yersinia pestis can spread from a focus to humans in the following ways
(Christie, 1969):
(i) It can escape from the focus in the body of a rodent that strays near
human habitations and then shares its eas with peridomestic rodents.
Yersinia is then readily spread from rat to humans and the result today
may be a few cases of plague in a remote Asian village or the escape
may be on a larger scale. The important point here is that the basic
mechanism of a village outbreak and a major epidemic of bubonic
plague is the same: the transfer of eas from wild rodent to domestic
rat, and from domestic rat to humans. The role of the rat is entirely
that of liaison. The black rat is not a reservoir of plague and it is for this
reason that it acts so eectively; its role is to die and pass on its
infection. One or two dead rats may be found in a village compound,
or they may be swept up by the barrowful in a South African township
(Annotation, 1924) or litter the streets of an eastern metropolis (Liston,


The biology of bubonic plague

(ii) When humans invade a natural focus, for example as a hunter, bubonic plague is caught directly from the wild rodent reservoir, usually
on a small scale from trapping, skinning or eating a small animal,
although 60 000 hunters in total caught plague from marmots which
they hunted for their skins between 1910 and 1911 in Manchuria (Wu
et al., 1936; Chandler & Read, 1961).
(iii) Occasionally humans get plague from eating a domestic animal (a goat
or camel) that has roved over a natural plague focus.
(iv) However, and this is a further important point, it is movement into
new, untrodden regions, as in war or mass migration that brings
humans most often into direct contact with enzootic bubonic plague
(Christie, 1969).

3.12 Clinical manifestations of bubonic plague in humans

The three classical manifestations of bubonic plague are: (i) bubonic,
(ii) septicaemic and (iii) pneumonic.
Bubonic and septicaemic plague are not distinct forms but dier only in
the intensity of the infection and the speed of its development: in any
outbreak of plague in humans today, patients with bubonic and septicaemic plague are found together, in the same house or village, or lying in
adjacent beds in the same hospital ward. They have been infected in the
same ea-borne way and they are not normally infectious one to another.
This is in complete contrast, as we shall see, to haemorrhagic plague, which
was clearly transmitted by person-to-person infection. Today, probably
between 30% and 50% of patients with bubonic plague will die if untreated, whereas nearly all those with septicaemic plague will die. If a
person is infected and recovers they usually become immune. Every case of
bubonic plague may become septicaemic, but the term is usually kept for
patients in whom the disease is overwhelming from the outset and who die
with little or no evidence of any bubo. The onset may be deceivingly mild
and yet the patient may be dead in 3 days, but mostly the patient is rapidly
prostrated and shocked and all the serious signs of bubonic plague are
more acute and severe (Christie, 1969).
Pneumonic plague is dierent in that it is a respiratory infection acquired by direct contact with another pneumonic patient. The plague
bacillus always comes initially in a ea from a rat, and the bitten patient
develops bubonic or septicaemic plague: in about 5% of such cases, before
the patient dies, Y. pestis reaches the lungs and, if the patient lives long
enough, he or she coughs out the organism in the sputum (which may be

3.12 Clinical manifestations in humans


bloody) and contacts inhale it and get pneumonic plague. From then on,
one patient infects another with pneumonic plague by direct inhalation of
the bacillus without the intervention of a ea: the onset is abrupt and severe
with rapid prostration; breathing is shallow, distressed and very rapid;
sputum is watery, teeming with yersiniae and soon mixed with blood. The
face is dusky, the temperature high, and the patient may bleed. There is
always pulmonary oedema and often a pleural eusion, but the symptoms
are those of respiratory distress and shock. The patient dies about the third,
never later than the sixth, day and without modern medical treatment,
pneumonic plague is invariably fatal. This distinction from the mortality in
untreated patients suering from bubonic plague is of importance when we
attempt to determine the possible role of Y. pestis in the plagues in earlier
The bubo is the characteristic symptom of bubonic plague; it is a lump
formed by a swollen lymph node and is of variable size. It is found most
commonly in the groin but its location depends on where the ea bites
which, in turn, depends on how the victim is clothed. Christie (1969)
summarised this as follows:
An Indonesian peasant . . . wears only pants and a hat: the ea can bite him
anywhere, with least eort on the legs. A Libyan farmer has boots and breeches and
ouncing robes, and your ea needs all its wit to get to his skin: the arm or the neck
may be easier than the leg. When a patient gets plague from skinning some animal
the infection will be through his hands and the bubo in his axilla: if he eats the esh,
Y. pestis may settle on his tonsils and the bubo be in his neck.

The bubo appears early in the illness, on the rst or second day; in the
septicaemic type there may be no bubo at all or it may be so small as not to
be noticed and have no time to enlarge before the patient dies. Usually, the
bubo is very painful and tender and, in patients who live long enough or
survive, it breaks down and discharges pus.
There is wide variation in the onset and course of bubonic plague which
may be mild enough to be overlooked (termed pestis minor) or it may be
overwhelming. The incubation period is typically 26 days after exposure,
i.e. very short when compared with haemorraghic plague (see section 5.5).
It is important to record accurately the details of the course of the disease
so that we may compare these with such accounts as we have of the plagues
of earlier centuries. Once again, we can rely on Christie (1969), who wrote
from a wealth of personal experience of bubonic plague as follows:
Typically the onset is sudden with chills and rigors and rise of temperature to
102 F or 103 F (38.8 C to 39.4 C). The patient has a severe, splitting headache


The biology of bubonic plague

and often pains in the limbs, the back and the abdomen. He may curl away from the
light or, as the painful bubo develops, take up some attitude in bed that relieves the
pressure on the painful swelling. He becomes confused, restless, irritable or apathetic, his speech slurred as if drunken, he is unable to sleep, sometimes wild or
maniacal. He may vomit. He is usually constipated, but diarrhoea can be an
ominous symptom. His eyes are suused, occasionally blood-shot, and, as the
disease advances, he may bleed into his skin, or internally into his stomach or
intestine, or from his kidney . . . Rarely he is jaundiced. Within a day or two he is
prostrate with all the symptoms of shock. His temperature may come down and he
appears better on the third day or so, but this is deceiving: he is worse the next day
and dead soon after. Most patients died between the third and sixth day: if they are
alive on the seventh day they may struggle through to recovery. In the last stages
the patient may have a cough and other signs of respiratory embarrassment, but
mostly they die without obvious signs or symptoms of pneumonia.

Most importantly for our purposes, he continued,

The picture is non-specic: it might be any severe septicaemic illness, or typhus,
typhoid, malaria and the like [our italics]. The only distinguishing feature is the

3.13 The signicance of pneumonic plague

An understanding of the etiology and epidemiology of pneumonic plague is
of particular importance when we try to determine the identity of the
causative agent in the Black Death and subsequent plagues in Europe. It is
evident from the foregoing that bubonic plague could not suddenly jump
over 100 miles in a cold climate in a vast metapopulation where there were
no resistant species of rodents but only the sedentary black rat and,
consequently, many workers have resorted to the person-to-person transmission of pneumonic plague (Morris, 1977; Gottfried, 1978) as an explanation of its spread. They attempt to counter Shrewsburys (1970) perfectly
reasonable statement that pneumonic plague cannot occur in the absence
of the bubonic form and that it cannot persist as an independent form of
Their evidence is poor. Gottfried (1978) simply says The seasonal patterns of the epidemics of 14331435, 14381439 and 14791480 all hint at
the presence of pneumonic plague. Further, William of Worcestre tells us
his nephew died two days after contracting the plague in January,
14791480, a characteristic sign of pneumonic plague. Although pneumonic plague was not nearly as common as bubonic plague, there is no
evidence, either medical or historical, to deny its existence altogether.
Morris (1977) also claimed that there was a high percentage of pneumonic

3.13 The signicance of pneumonic plague


cases in the Great Pestilence of 134850 and that, in many places, the
plague rst appeared in its pneumonic form. He added that the Manchurian epidemics of 191011 and 192021 were exclusively pneumonic. These
references to plague in Manchuria in the 20th century come from the work
of Wu (1926; Wu et al., 1936), who armed that an intimate relationship
exists between rodent plague and human bubonic aections are [sic] due,
in an overwhelming majority of instances, to transmission of the virus [sic]
from the rodents through their eas. Pneumonic plagues almost always
originate in human cases with secondary lung involvement: evidence tends
to conrm experiences in areas like South-East Russia, Transbaikalia
and Manchuria that usually primary pneumonic plague is traceable to
bubonic cases with well marked secondary lung involvement (Wu et al.,
Pneumonic plague was largely absent from the southern Chinese provinces and was usually less than 4% of the total cases. It was more conspicuous in the northern provinces (12%), although Wu believes that this is
principally because of seasonal inuences, with low temperatures at the
time of the outbreaks bringing the patients into close contact and thereby
increasing the chances of respiratory infection from any secondary lung
infection. Nevertheless, in addition to the Manchurian pneumonic epidemic of 191011, repeated plague outbreaks, often pneumonic in character, were reported from the Narinsk district to the southwest of Issyk-kul
Lake and the Prjevalsk (Karakol) district to the east of the same lake but
Wu et al. (1936) say These are evidently also due to epizootics among
tarabagan-like marmots [our italics]. Finally, a pneumonic outbreak took
place in 192930 in the Alma-Atinsk (Verni) district situated in the northeast of Issyk-kul Lake, said to have been due to an epizootic among the
local hares [our italics].
According to Wu, many authors take for granted that bubonic cases
with secondary lung involvement are the source of pneumonic outbreaks
that occur if meteorological and social factors are favourable, especially
cold weather, which creates unhygienic conditions in tightly shut and
overcrowded houses. Most infections in the Manchurian epidemics occurred indoors, especially at night-time, when the workers returned to their
comparatively warm but crowded shelters to rest and sleep. But Wu
pointed out that pneumonic plague epidemics also occur in summer and in
countries with a warm climate; for example, the high incidence of lung
pestilence in Upper Egypt during the hot and dry plague season.
Where an outbreak of bubonic plague has settled into the pneumonic
form, transmission of Yersinia will be largely person-to-person and the


The biology of bubonic plague

epidemic will probably follow Reed and Frost dynamics (section 2.5).
There is general agreement that the time from infection to death is short,
probably about 5 days, so that the infectious period is even shorter.
Consequently, the Reed and Frost equations predict that the outbreak will
be short-lived (see Fig. 2.4) unless it is restarted from the rats and their eas.
This is quite unlike the dynamics of haemorrhagic plague, which has a very
long incubation period and the epidemics are consequently of extended
duration. We conclude that pneumonic infection probably markedly exacerbated the mortality of many outbreaks of bubonic plague, as in Marseilles in 172022 (Chapter 12), but its main eect was probably within the
household and family and such neighbours that came to visit. It is impossible that a mortally sick person who was rapidly prostrated when infected
with the pneumonic form and who was only 3 days away from death could
have spread the disease over long distances either by land or sea as
occurred during the Black Death and in many of the plague outbreaks

3.14 Pathology
When Y. pestis is injected into humans by a ea most of the bacteria are
phagocytosed and killed by the polymorphonuclear leucocytes, which
enter the infection site in large numbers. However, a few bacilli are taken
up by tissue macrophages that are unable to kill them but provide a
protected environment for the organisms to resynthesize their capsular and
other virulence antigens. The re-encapsulated organisms kill the macrophage and are released into the extracellular environment, where they
resist phagocytosis by the polymorphs. The resulting infection spreads
quickly to the draining lymph nodes, which become hot, swollen and
tender, with haemorrhagic necrosis, and there is usually a gelatinous
oedema in the surrounding tissue giving rise to the bubo. The infection
spreads through the lymphatic vessels and invades the blood stream to
cause lesions in the spleen, liver, kidney and other organs of the body. In
pneumonic plague, the lymphatics of the lung are rapidly invaded by the
baccilli and the condition at autopsy is one of haemorrhagic pneumonia.
Culture of almost any organ will be positive for Y. pestis.
An autopsy of a seaman who died of authentic bubonic plague in 1900
was reported by Savage & Fitzgerald (1900) and the important points are
given below. This autopsy report can be directly compared with the few
accounts available of the examination of cadavers who died from haemorrhagic plague (see Chapter 8).

3.14 Pathology


Hypostatic congestion was well marked. All traces of rash had

disappeared. There was diuse ecchymosis over the face, neck, and
shoulders. A sanious froth oozed freely from the mouth. The glands
in the right groin were visibly enlarged and it was dicult to
separate the individual glands owing to the great inltration around
them; in some places this was haemorrhagic. Sections of one of the
enlarged right inguinal glands showed great vascular engorgement
with numerous blood extravasation, both in the gland and
especially in the periglandular tissues. Throughout the gland, but
especially in patches, there was well-marked inltration with small
cells, apparently leucocytes. Cultures from the largest glands
showed a mixed growth of Yersinia pestis and other organisms, but
bacilli were absent from the left inguinal and femoral glands.
No uid in the pericardium; heart collapsed, abby, and empty;
heart muscle pale and very much softened; sections showed
degenerative changes in the muscle bres of the wall. Both lungs
were greatly congested, emphysematous in patches which, on
section, were nearly black and dripped blood.
The spleen was a dull purple colour and very considerably
enlarged, its under surface hyperaemic and bloodstained, its veins
engorged and substance softened. A mixed growth of Y. pestis and
other bacilli was found in cultures of spleen and kidney. The liver
was not markedly enlarged; the entire surface was studded with a
number of whitish, irregularly shaped bodies, varying in size from a
pea to a bean, which on section showed a soft, friable, caseous
pinkish-white material. They showed on microscopic examination a
varying amount of degenerated liver substance and a number of
small, more deeply staining masses which consisted almost entirely
of Y. pestis.
The important point to note here is that there are only limited signs of
necrosis in this autopsy report, in stark contrast with the post-mortem
examinations of those who died from haemorrhagic plague.
The major defence against Y. pestis infection is the development of
specic anti-envelope (F1) antibodies that serve as opsonins for the virulent
organisms, allowing their rapid phagocytosis and destruction while still
within the initial infectious locus (Fig. 3.4). Although the V and W antigens
are associated with virulence, a number of avirulent strains may also
possess them, and some individuals possessing high anti-VW antibody
titres will nevertheless undergo a second attack of this disease. Thus the


The biology of bubonic plague

Fig. 3.4. Cell-mediated protection against Yersinia pestis in unsensitised (top) and
sensitised (bottom) T-lymphocytes.

immune mechanism against this disease is complex and involves a combination of humoral and cellular factors. The convalescent host is solidly
immune (at least for a time) to virulent rechallenge, the inoculum being
eliminated as though the organisms were completely avirulent. Killed Y.
pestis vaccines, especially when given with a suitable adjuvant, induce some
measure of host protection, although this will be less eective than that
aorded by the live infection.

3.15 Case studies of the dynamics and epidemiology of bubonic plague in

India in the 20th century
3.15.1 Mixed epizootics in Bombay City, 19056
We are all indebted to the painstaking and pioneer work of the Plague
Commission in India at the end of the 19th and the start of the 20th

3.15 Case studies in India in the 20th century


Fig. 3.5. An epidemic of bubonic plague at Bombay, India, from October 1905 to
September 1906. (a) Plague-infected Rattus decumanus (epizootic). (b) Plagueinfected Rattus rattus (peridomestic). (c) Human plague deaths. All results expressed as a percentage above and below the mean. The sequence of the infections
can be seen clearly. From the Plague Commission in India (1907a).

centuries; the elucidation of the epidemiology of bubonic plague stemmed

directly from their work. In Volume 7 of their reports (1907a,b) they
describe the interrelated rat epizootics, Rattus decumanus and Rattus rattus, that existed in Bombay City at that time. They found that there was
little dierence in the liability to infection in males and females, that the
greatest incidence of infection was in persons between 11 and 20 years of
age and that Hindus and Muslims suer most severely from the disease.
Figure 3.5 shows the relative seasonal numbers of plague-infected R.
decumanus and R. rattus and human plague deaths. It is obvious that the R.
decumanus epizootic curve precedes that of R. rattus by a mean interval of
10 days, which, in turn, was followed some 14 days later by the development of the human plague. The plague season in Bombay lasted from the
end of December to the end of May, although plague-infected rats of both
species and deaths of humans from plague were recorded in every month of
the year. During the o-plague period, infected R. decumanus were, on
average, some ve times more common than infected R. rattus. Overall, the
incidence of plague was twice as great in R. decumanus as in R. rattus,
although the two rat species are equally susceptible to infection. It was
noted that R. decumanus harboured twice as many eas as R. rattus.
Rattus rattus is essentially a house rat that is common in native houses
and has a wide distribution in Bombay Island. Rattus decumanus is


The biology of bubonic plague

typically a wandering rat, but does occur in the lower oors of inhabited
buildings and is conned to Bombay City; it does not occur in the outlying
villages of the island because of the absence of gullies and drains there.
The report concluded that the persistence of the plague was associated
mainly with the R. decumanus epizootic and that this species was directly
responsible for causing the epizootic in R. rattus. The epidemic of bubonic
plague in humans, in turn, was directly attributable to the R. rattus
We conclude that this study illustrates well the dynamics of a bubonic
plague epidemic in humans. As always, it was completely dependent on a
pre-established epizootic in local rodents, and the maintenance of the
enzootic during non-epidemic periods was critically dependent on a balance between susceptible and resistant rats and their alternative rodent

3.15.2 Epidemiology of bubonic plague in India in the 20th century

The rst authenticated plague epidemics in modern times in India occurred
in 189596 and this pandemic reached its peak in 1907. Since then there
was a continuous overall decline in human mortality, on which have been
superimposed clear epidemics, as shown in Fig. 3.6 (Seal, 1969). Note the
continuing persistence of endemic bubonic plague over a period of more
than 40 years. Sharif (1951) in his study of the endemicity of plague in India
suggested that the infection was entrenched in three groups of foci in
northern, central and southern India (Fig. 3.7):
(i) The northern foci consist of three endemic centres at the foot of the
Himalayas, perhaps forming part of a big sub-Himalayan focus. These
centres were considered to be responsible for plague outbreaks in East
Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and districts of Bihar north of the River
(ii) The focus in central India (Madhya Pradesh) comprises the watersheds of the Vindhya, Bhanrer and Maikal ranges and the Mahadeo
(iii) The three southern foci are situated in: (a) the watersheds of the
Western Ghats of Bombay and Mysore States, (b) the watersheds
located in the districts of Salem, Coimbatore, Nilgiri and Madura in
Madras State, and (c) the hilly regions of Hyderabad State.
The endemic centres in southern India may have been established after
Bombay became infected in 1896 (see section 3.15.1). On the other hand, it

3.15 Case studies in India in the 20th century


Fig. 3.6. Bubonic plague mortality in India per 100 000 population, 18961939.
From Seal (1969).

is possible that the endemic foci in the Himalayas were of long standing,
plague infection being known in the Kumaon and Gharwal districts since
1823. The infection might have persisted there as a relic of a great pestilence
of the 17th century and might have been responsible for occasional plague
outbreaks until 1877. Thereafter, it remained latent for some time, to
become active again early in the 20th century. In central India and Madhya
Pradesh, plague started after the infection of Bombay in 1896.
Plague is essentially bubonic in India; true septicaemic plague is rare,
although some bubonic types have septicaemic manifestations. Primary
pneumonic plague is also rare, and this is an important point; it generally
occurs after lung involvement in a bubonic-septicaemic case leading to
plague pneumonia, and subsequent contacts of such cases may develop
primary pneumonic plague. Such outbreaks have been known to occur in
India (Seal, 1969) but they have generally remained conned to a single
family or a few families only. The incidence of pneumonic plague in India is
generally below 1% and has never exceeded 3% in any year since 1895.
Plague is both urban and rural in India, the latter predominating. It
appears that plague has failed to gain a foothold in many of the towns in
India, perhaps because of unsuitable climatic conditions and the lack of
any ecient ea vector (as in Madras and Assam). Regular heavy annual
oods may also be responsible for keeping certain states (e.g. Bengal) free


The biology of bubonic plague

Fig. 3.7. Endemic plague foci in India. Arrows indicate the directions of radiation of
the plague. After Sharif (1951).

from plague. Another factor which may play an important part is the
distribution and proportion of various types of rodent. Given a suitable
ea vector, a large proportion of R. rattus will make for easier and quicker
spread of plague among humans than a similar proportion of other rodents. On the other hand, replacement of one rodent by others, as in
Bombay, may disturb the balance and plague may recrudesce or be imported with consequent severe outbreaks. However, given a suitable climate, a suciently large rodent population, eective vectors and the
plague bacillus, Y. pestis, the infection may often become rmly entrenched
among the rats of towns and persist there for many years (Seal, 1969).
The optimal conditions for bubonic plague in India are 2025 C and a

3.15 Case studies in India in the 20th century


Fig. 3.8. Seasonal incidence of pneumonic plague in Calcutta, 19047.

relative humidity above 60%. Seasonal conditions in India inuence the

numerical importance and longevity of rat eas and the multiplication of
Y. pestis in both rats and eas. These optimal conditions impose severe
constraints on the dynamics of bubonic plague in India, resulting in
marked dierences in the epidemiology of the disease in dierent areas of
this vast subcontinental metapopulation.
At high latitudes in northern India, the atmospheric temperature attains
the critical level only during the late summer and early autumn, so that it is
at this season of the year that a plague epidemic is liable to occur; a
decrease in latitude is therefore associated with earlier occurrence. In the
subtropical regions, on the other hand, where either the temperature or
humidity are unfavourable during the summer, the plague epidemics have
a vernal periodicity, as in northern India.
Pneumonic cases (only 3% of the total) also have a cyclic, seasonal
incidence (Fig. 3.8) and are probably also driven by climatic factors; in turn,
they can contribute to the determination of the seasonal pattern of the
epidemics because of their inuence on the transmission of infection (Seal,
We see that the complex plague dynamics in India are driven by the
enzootic/epizootic and endemic/epidemic balances and are strongly dependent both on the biology and resistance of the peridomestic rats and the
reservoir population of other rodents and on other external factors, such as
temperature and humidity. These multiple factors are not equally operative in all places.

3.15.3 Eects of population size

Bubonic plague in India was primarily a disease of the smaller towns: the
intensity of an outbreak in 189798 was inversely proportional to the size

The biology of bubonic plague


Table 3.1. Population-dependent death rates during outbreaks of bubonic

plague in India, 189798


Death rate
per 1000

806 144
161 696
97 009
61 564


Sources: Hankin (1905) and Twigg (1984).

of the community, with the maximum mortality in the villages rather than
towns (Hankin, 1905); this is clearly shown in Table 3.1. Furthermore,
although the plague spread readily from village to village, Hankin observed that it did not appear to be carried great distances in the epidemic
form. This is in complete contrast to the behaviour of haemorrhagic plague
in Europe (see section 13.9).

3.16 Conclusions: key points about the biology of bubonic plague

The detailed studies of the great bubonic plague in India that began at the
end of the 19th century give a very clear picture of the biology of this
disease. Yersinia pestis is a disease of rodents that sometimes spreads
accidentally to humans. Endemic bubonic plague grumbled on for at least
60 years in Asia during which time there was a dynamic balance between its
susceptible and non-susceptible rodent hosts. On occasions, it spread to
specic locations, usually villages, causing an epidemic among the
peridomestic, susceptible rodents, causing their deaths and the infection of
humans via the rat ea. An outbreak of human bubonic plague was often
presaged by the appearance of dead rats and this is an important point
because, as we shall show, there are no records of rats dying in Europe in
the epidemics between 1347 and 1670. The continuation of the epidemic in
the peridomestic rodents is dependent on the dynamic balance between the
resistant, partially resistant and non-resistant strains of the susceptible
rodents. Thus, in Asia, bubonic plague in humans is conned largely to the
villages where the inhabitants and their peridomestic rodents are in close
contact with the rural, non-susceptible rodents, although, as in Bombay in

3.16 Conclusions


Fig. 3.9. The biology and transmission of Yersinia pestis, illustrating the central role
of the ea in maintaining the epizooticenzootic dynamics.

19056, when all the conditions are suitable, a major epidemic in humans
can erupt in a city.
The mortality from bubonic plague in India is impressive, with 12
million people dying, but it must be remembered that this occurred over 60
years over a vast area of the subcontinent with an enormous indigenous
The biology of Y. pestis is summarised in Fig. 3.9; it illustrates the central
role of the ea in maintaining the epizooticenzootic dynamics by transmitting the bacterium between the dierent rodent hosts and to humans
and it emphasises the point that the disease does not spread to humans
unless it is already pre-established in the local rodent population. This is
another critical point: Y. pestis could not have been the causative agent
during the Black Death, which spread rapidly from the shores of the
Mediterranean almost to the Arctic, unless there was an indigenous
European population of rodents in which bubonic plague was already well
established. Figure 3.9 may be compared with the simple dynamics of a
normal infectious disease shown in Fig. 2.3A in which the epidemics are
short lasting and can be described by the Reed and Frost equations (see
section 2.5). Bubonic plague in humans, with its more complex biology,
does not follow Reed and Frost dynamics.
Endemic bubonic plague did not spread rapidly in the 19th century, but


The biology of bubonic plague

the development of much more rapid sea travel via steamships allowed the
dispersion of infected rats to the warmer parts of the globe and, where
conditions were suitable, Y. pestis infected the local rodents. Dispersal was
assisted by the development of the railways but, even so, the spread of
bubonic plague was slow and, although it was eventually quite widespread
and grumbled on in the local rodents, there were relatively few human
deaths in South Africa and America. Again, bubonic plague did not follow
Reed and Frost dynamics in these newly emerged infestations.
The spread of bubonic plague is critically dependent on climatic conditions, particularly on temperature, which is the major environmental factor
governing the biology of both the rodents and the ea. It is for this reason
that endemic bubonic plague does not spread away from warmer regions
as, for example, the Mediterranean coast and southern Europe (see Fig.
3.3). Outbreaks in ports in more northern latitudes did not spread far and
had to be reinforced by fresh introductions of rats and eas.
During the 300-year period from the Black Death to the Great Plague of
London, the only species of rat in Britain that could have carried bubonic
plague was the black rat, an animal of warm buildings that was conned
largely to ports. Steamships in the 20th century have brought bubonic
plague to England via infected seamen and rats on several occasions and
the disease has sometimes been transmitted to the black rats of the ports
but plague has never spread and there have been few fatalities. It is
impossible that bubonic plague could have been established as an epizootic
and have spread rapidly and widely inland, sometimes in winter months,
via the agency of black rats and their eas.
Many writers, aware that the facts concerning the rapid spread of
plagues in historical times were clearly at variance with the etiology of
bubonic plague, have fallen back on invoking interhuman transmission via
pneumonic plague (see section 3.13). Christie (1969) showed clearly that
this was not so: bubonic plague always begins with an infection in rodents
and only a small percentage of the cases in humans develop the pneumonic
form in the terminal stages of the disease. Although this would invariably
have been lethal and have exacerbated the spread of the infection and the
death toll within the household, such grievously ill patients would have
been unlikely to be able to move any distance to spread plague to other

The Great Pestilence

The pandemic that struck Europe in 1347 was probably the most serious
outbreak of a lethal infectious disease in history in terms of the percentage
of the population that died and the speed with which it spread. This
outburst involved the whole of continental Europe, the Channel Islands,
the British Isles, Iceland and Greenland (Shrewsbury, 1970; Kohn, 1995).
This pandemic was called the Great Mortality or the Great Pestilence by
contemporary writers. It was named the Black Death in English historical
writings in 1823 and was introduced into medical literature as such in 1833
because of the black blotches, caused by subcutaneous haemorrhages, that
appeared on the skin of the diseased humans near the time of death (Kohn,
1995). Shrewsbury (1970) stated that the latter name was inappropriate
because, although the cadaver of a victim of the plague may exhibit a
purplish discoloration, the corpse did not turn black. However, since the
pseudonym The Black Death is so rmly entrenched in historical writing
we shall continue to use it.
Although contemporaneous written records are scattered and scarce, the
Black Death has been discussed exhaustively (see Creighton, 1894; Nohl,
1926; Hirshleifer, 1966; Deaux, 1969; Ziegler, 1969; Shrewsbury, 1970;
Gottfried, 1983; Twigg, 1984; Carmichael, 1986, 1997; Horrox, 1994; Kohn,
1995; Ormrod & Lindley, 1996), covering, in particular its origins, the
pattern of spread, the number of deaths from the disease and the role of the
rat as a carrier. These authors almost all assume without questioning that
the Black Death was an epidemic of bubonic plague. Many bizarre sideissues are covered in these writings: (i) the religious response and the
attitude of the Church, where the plague was considered as Divine punishment (Nohl, 1926; Horrox, 1994); (ii) pseudo-scientic contemporaneous
explanations of the plague, such as astrological causes and the dangers of
corrupted air and earthquakes (Horrox, 1994); (iii) the persecution of the


The Great Pestilence

Jews, who were thought either to have deliberately spread the plague or to
have polluted society and brought on Gods vengeance (Nohl, 1926; Horrox, 1994); (iv) the erotic (Nohl, 1926) and diabolic elements in the plague,
including devil worship following the moral collapse of the Church (Nohl,
1926); (v) the eect of the Black Death on the Church and religion (Bolton,
1996); (vi) the politics of pestilence government in England after the Black
Death (Ormrod, 1996); (viii) the Black Death and English art (Lindley,
4.1 Arrival of the Black Death in Europe
Ziegler (1969) concluded that the Great Pestilence began in central Asia
and Twigg (1984) recorded that the Russian archaeologist Chwolson had
shown unusually high death rates in 1338 and 1339 near Lake Issyk-Koul,
Semiriechinsk in central Asia. He continued
Stewart (1928) in his account of the spread of Nestorian Christianity has drawn
attention to two old cemeteries, fty-ve kilometres [34 miles] apart, which contained tombstones indicating they belonged to Nestorian Christians in
Semiriechinsk. One of these graveyards contained 611 stones and for the years A.D.
13389 three inscriptions stated that the persons buried had died of plague. He
further pointed out that during those two years the number of inscriptions was
exceptionally large. He also was of the opinion that plague originated in eastern
Asia at about that time and that it spread rapidly to Asia Minor, North Africa and
Europe and reached the Crimea in A.D. 1346. Pollitzer (1954) has also referred to
this large number of burials in the Nestorian graveyards and says quite categorically that it is therefore certain that plague was in evidence in central Asia a few
years before the infection of the Crimean ports in 1346 and that from there it was
carried by ship to Europe.

Vernadsky (1953) stated that 85 000 people died in the Crimea and the
plague was probably carried thence to Constantinople, where the epidemic
raged in 1347. The Black Death was then taken to the sea-coasts and the
eastern Mediterranean, including Greece and Egypt, became infected.
Thus, although the introduction of the epidemic in Europe is said to be
from the Crimea, via the well-established sea trade routes, Twigg (1984)
suggested that there may have been parallel introductions from Syria, since
ships plied from there to the Italian and French ports. All the accounts
describe the plague spreading rapidly almost as soon as docking had taken
4.2 The plague in Sicily
Nohl (1926) provided a translation of the account given by Michael of
Piazza, a Franciscan friar, of the events that followed the arrival of the

4.2 The plague in Sicily


plague in Sicily. He wrote his history some 10 years later (for notes see
p. 85).
At the beginning of October . . . 1347, twelve Genoese galleys . . . entered the
harbour of Messina. In their bones they bore so virulent a disease that anyone who
only spoke to them was seized by a mortal illness and in no manner could evade
death. The infection spread to everyone who had any intercourse with the diseased
[note 1]. Those infected felt themselves penetrated by a pain throughout their whole
bodies and, so to say, undermined. Then there developed on their thighs or on their
upper arms a boil about the size of a lentil which the people called burn boil
(antrachi) [note 3]. This infected the whole body, and penetrated it so that the
patient violently vomited blood [note 5]. This vomiting of blood continued without
intermission for three days, there being no means of healing it, and then the patient
expired [note 6]. But not only all those who had intercourse with them died, but
also those who had touched or used any of their things [note 1]. When the
inhabitants of Messina discovered that this sudden death emanated from the
Genoese ships they hurriedly expulsed them from their harbour and town. But the
evil remained with them and caused a fearful outbreak of death. Soon men hated
each other so much that, if a son was attacked by the disease, his father would not
tend him. If, in spite of all, he dared to approach him, he was immediately infected
and could by no means escape death, but was bound to expire within three days
[note 6]. Nor was this all: all those belonging to him, dwelling in the same house
with him, even the cats and other domestic animals [note 2], followed him in death.
As the number of deaths increased in Messina many desired to confess their sins to
the priests and to draw up their last will and testament. But ecclesiastics, lawyers
and attorneys refused to enter the houses of the diseased. But if one or the other had
set foot in such a house to draw up a will or for any other purpose, he was
hopelessly abandoned to sudden death [notes 1 and 6]. Minor friars and Dominicans and members of other orders who heard the confessions of the dying were
themselves immediately overcome by death, so that some even remained in the
rooms of the dying [note 6]. Soon the corpses were lying forsaken in the houses. No
ecclesiastic, no son, no father and no relation dared to enter, but they paid hired
servants with high wages to bury the dead. But the houses of the deceased remained
open with all their valuables, with gold and jewels; anyone who chose to enter met
with no impediment, for the plague raged with such vehemence that soon there was
a shortage of servants and nally none at all. When the catastrophe had reached its
climax the Messinians resolved to emigrate. One portion of them settled in the
vineyards and elds, but a larger portion sought refuge in the town of Catania . . .
But the plague raged with greater vehemence than before. Flight was no longer of
avail . . . Many of the eeing fell down by the roadside and dragged themselves into
the elds and bushes to expire. Those who reached Catania breathed their last in
the hospitals there. The terried citizens demanded from the Patriarch prohibition
on pain of ecclesiastical ban, of burying fugitives from Messina within the town, and
so they were all thrown into deep trenches outside the walls. The population of
Catania was so godless and timid that no one among them would have intercourse
or speak to the fugitives, but each hastily ed on their approach . . . Thus the people
of Messina dispersed over the whole island of Sicily and came also to Syracuse and


The Great Pestilence

with them the disease, so that in Syracuse innumerable people died. Sciacca,
Trapani, Girgenit and Messane, thus, were also infected by the plague, but particularly Trapani, which was completely depopulated [note 1]. The town of Catania
lost all its inhabitants [note 1] so that it ultimately sank into complete oblivion.
Here not only the burn blisters [note 3] appeared, but there developed in dierent
parts of the body gland boils in some on the sexual organs, in others on the thighs,
in others on the arms, and in others on the neck. At rst there were of the size of a
hazel-nut [note 3] and developed accompanied by violent shivering ts, which soon
rendered those attacked so weak that they could no longer stand upright, but were
forced to lie in their beds consumed by violent fever [note 4] and overcome by great
tribulation. Soon the boils grew to the size of a walnut, then to that of a hens egg or
a gooses egg, and they were exceedingly painful, and irritated the body [note 3],
causing it to vomit blood by vitiating the juices [note 5]. The blood rose from the
aected lungs to the throat, producing on the whole body a putrefying and
ultimately decomposing eect [note 5]. The sickness lasted three days, and on the
fourth, at the latest, the patient succumbed [note 6]. As soon as anyone in Catania
was seized with headache and shivering [note 4], he knew that he was bound to
pass away within the specic time [note 1] . . . But the pestilence raged from
October 1347 to April 1348 [note 7].

This account provides a clear picture both of the characteristics of the

Black Death and of the behaviour of the inhabitants of this stricken
population in Sicily. It can be supplemented by the account given by the
Florentine humanist Giovanni Boccaccio when the plague swept through
Florence which corroborates many of the details given by Michael of
Piazza (see Schevill, 1928):
Unlike what had been seen in the east, where bleeding from the nose is the fatal
prognostic [note 5], here there appeared certain tumours in the groin or under the
arm-pits, some as big as a small apple, others as an egg; and afterwards purple spots
in most parts of the body; in some cases large and but few in number, in others
smaller and more numerous both sorts the usual messengers of death [note 3]. To
the cure of this malady neither medical knowledge nor the power of drugs was of
any eect; . . . whichever the reason, few escaped [note 1]; but nearly all died the
third day from the rst appearance of the symptoms [note 6]; some sooner, some
later, without any fever [note 4] or other accessory symptoms. What gave the more
virulence to this plague, was that, by being communicated from the sick to the hale
[note 8], it spread daily . . . Nor was it caught only by conversing with or coming
near the sick [note 8], but even by touching their clothes [note 9], or anything that
they had before touched . . . Such, I say, was the quality of the pestilential matter, as
to pass not only from man to man [note 8], but, what is more strange, it has been
often known, that anything belonging to the infected, if touched by any other
creature, would certainly infect and even kill that creature in a short space of time
[note 9]. One instance of this kind I took particular notice of: the rags of a poor
man just dead had been thrown into the street. Two hogs came up, and after rooting
amongst the rags and shaking them about in their mouths, in less than an hour they
both turned round and died on the spot [note 2].

4.2 The plague in Sicily


A number of important points concerning the epidemiology of the Black

Death emerge from these accounts and are noted in the texts above:
(1) The disease was characterised by a high infectivity and high mortality
(perhaps close to 100% in Catania and Trapani).
(2) Domestic animals, it is said, also rapidly died of the disease.
(3) The disease was characterised by the early appearance of a boil on the
thighs or upper arms, and in Catania these were also found on the
sexual organs and neck. They were initially the size of a hazel nut,
which increased to that of a walnut and, nally, to that of a hens or
gooses egg. The disease was also characterised by the burn blisters
and by the purple spots.
(4) The patient suered from a violent fever, although this is not veried
by Boccaccio.
(5) The disease was characterised by bleeding and the vomiting of blood
and (most importantly) by a generalised necrosis.
(6) These writers inferred that the incubation period was short, but this is
not necessarily correct, although it is clear that the progress of the
disease was remarkably rapid, with death occurring 34 days after the
appearance of the symptoms.
(7) The epidemic burnt out (apparently completely) in 7 months, corresponding to the duration of later plague epidemics and indicating
from the Reed and Frost model that the infection had a long serial
generation time.
(8) The disease was spread by the movement and dispersal of infected
people, apparently by person-to-person contact.
(9) Boccaccio averred categorically that the clothing of diseased persons
could carry the infection.
(10) These accounts of the infectivity and devastating lethality of the
disease suggest that the pestilence came to a virgin population in
continental Europe and its oshore islands in which the majority of
the inhabitants had no naturally acquired resistance.
The foregoing near-contemporaneous accounts are of value when assessing the nature of the causative organism in the pandemic of 134750.
Twigg (1984) raised an additional and interesting point concerning the
transfer of the infection from the Crimea to Sicily, if it really was via the
Genoese galleys. The voyage from the Crimea to Genoa in northern Italy
via Sicily was dicult and he considered that it could not have been
completed in less than 4 or 5 weeks and would have taken, at worst, almost
3 months. All the accounts of the arrival of the plague on the European


The Great Pestilence

mainland or Sicily describe the disease spreading rapidly almost as soon as

the galleys docked. Creighton (1894) says that the Italian traders escaped
the plague, yet the infection appeared in Genoa in its most deadly form a
day or two after the arrival of the ship, although none of those on board were
suering from the plague (our italics). He also says for we know that there
were no cases of plague on board ships, although the very atmosphere or
smell of the new arrival seemed sucient to taint the whole air of Genoa
and to carry death to every part of the city within a couple of days. It is
dicult to equate the details of these accounts, particularly the long voyage
of symptomless and apparently healthy carriers followed by the immediate
spread of the disease when they landed, with any infectious disease and
certainly not with bubonic plague.

4.3 Spread of the Black Death in continental Europe:

a metapopulation pandemic
The Black Death arrived in Sicily in October 1347, brought, according to
Michael of Piazza, by 12 Genoese galleys to the port of Messina and
apparently within a few days the plague was rmly established in the city.
The citizens drove the sailors back to sea and, in so doing, it is believed that
the disease was spread around the Mediterranean. But this action was too
late and, with the slightest contact with the sick seeming to guarantee rapid
infection, the population panicked and ed into the vineyards of southern
Sicily carrying the plague with them (Ziegler, 1969). Michael of Piazza
recounts (above) that once the inhabitants of neighbouring Catania
realised the enormity of the disaster, they introduced strict control over
immigration, but to no avail; the same pattern of behaviour was to be
repeated throughout Europe, although cutting themselves o from their
neighbours was rarely ecacious. The plague spread quickly over Sicily,
ravaging with particular violence the towns and villages at the western end.
It is the rapidity of spread that characterised the Black Death. From Sicily
it spread to North Africa via Tunis, Corsica, Sardinia and to Barcelona on
the Iberian peninsula, and also to southern Italy, following the main trade
routes (Ziegler, 1969).
In addition to Sicily, the other centres for the entry of the plague into
southern Europe were Genoa and Venice, where it arrived almost simultaneously in January 1348 (i.e. some 3 months after the galleys docked in
Messina) and the disease reached Marseilles on the southern coast of
France 1 month later (February 1348) where 56 000 are said to have died.
From Marseilles the plague spread westwards to Montpellier, Narbonne

4.3 Spread of the Black Death


and Carcassone, which it reached between February and May 1348.

Thence it progressed to Toulouse and Montauban and arrived in Bourdeaux, a seaport on the Atlantic coast of southwest France, in either June
or August 1348. Twigg (1984) estimates the average rate of spread to be:
Marseilles to Carcassone : 5 miles per day
Carcassone to Bordeaux : between 1 and 3 miles per day

The plague also moved northwards from Marseilles and was in Avignon in
March to April; it arrived in Lyons in early summer, in Paris in June and
Burgundy in July and August. Twigg (1984) gives the average rate of
movement of the plague as follows:
Marseilles to Avignon : 1 miles per day

Avignon to Lyons : 2 miles per day
Marseilles to Paris : 2 miles per day

The relentless spread of the Great Pestilence is illustrated in Fig. 4.1; it
was most rapid in the early stages from December 1347 to June 1348, by
which time it had spread through Italy and much of France, Spain and the
Balkans. It continued its movement northwards, eventually spreading into
Norway, Sweden and the Baltic by December 1350.
Certain places, such as Milan, Lie`ge and Nuremberg, escaped the disease. A small area east of Calais and a very large area north of Vienna were
also plague free and Twigg (1984) makes the interesting point that the
climate in the latter is continental and one would expect the summer
temperatures to be high enough to encourage breeding of eas. On the
other hand, the pandemic spread freely with great mortality in Norway
(Kohn, 1995) and also across the Alps and Pyrenees.
The mortality throughout Europe during the Great Pestilence was truly
terrible. Historical estimates of the mortality from the plague vary from
25% to 75% of the population of Europe, where at least 25 000 000 are
estimated to have died between 1347 and 1351. Eighty per cent of the
population of Marseilles died; the Pope at Avignon, where half of the
population died, consecrated the Rhone to permit corpses to be thrown
into it for Christian burial; more than a third of the population of Italy are
said to have perished (Kohn, 1995). In Florence, with a population of some
100 000, 100200 deaths were reported every day through the late spring
but this toll suddenly rose to a daily mortality of 4001000 (Carmichael,


The Great Pestilence

Fig. 4.1. The spread of the Black Death across Europe. Areas denoted by dots
escaped the plague. After Twigg (1984), Zeigler (1969) and McNeill (1977).

4.4 The pestilence arrives in England

There seems to be general agreement that the plague entered Britain at
Melcombe Regis (now called Weymouth), an important town and port in
Dorset on the south coast at that time, although Bristol and Southampton
have also been suggested as entry points. Ziegler (1969) quoted from a 14th
century chronicle from the Grey Friars at Lynn as follows:
In this year 1348, in Melcombe, in the county of Dorset, a little before the Feast of
St John the Baptist, two ships, one of them from Bristol, came alongside. One of the
sailors had brought with him from Gascony the seeds of the terrible pestilence and,
through him, the men of that town of Melcombe were the rst in England to be

4.4 The pestilence arrives in England


Fig. 4.2. Institutions to vacant beneces in 11 dioceses during the Black Death,
illustrating that most epidemics were long-lasting and followed Reed and Frost
dynamics. (A) Salisbury. (B) Bath & Wells. (C) Winchester. (D) Exeter. (E) Gloucester (lled area) and Worcester (open area). (F) Hereford. (G) Licheld. (H) Norwich.
(I) Lincoln. (J) Ely. Data from Shrewsbury (1970).

Shrewsbury (1970) suggested that the plague probably came to Melcombe Regis either from Calais, which was then an English possession, or
from the Channel Islands, which were in constant communication with


The Great Pestilence

England and were severely visited by the plague in 1348 prior to its
appearance in England. We do not know whether this was the only
introduction of the pestilence into England or whether there were additional arrivals of infectives at the ports (perhaps on the east coast) during
the next 12 months.
Its arrival in 1348 is variously dated as June, July or early August; it
spread from Dorset to Bristol and thence, by way of Oxford, to London,
which it reached at the end of October or the beginning of November 1348.
It continued through the winter but the main force of the epidemic did not
begin until the spring of 1349 and Fig. 4.2 shows that in each diocese the
epidemic followed Reed and Frost dynamics (section 2.5) and persisted for
some 7 months. There is wide variation in the estimates that have been
made of the total number dying from the pestilence in London, some even
suggesting a total of 100 000 (Kohn, 1995). Ziegler (1969) concluded that a
gure between 20 000 and 30 000 deaths from a population of 60 000 to
70 000 would be a good estimate, a percentage mortality that was probably
in line with that suered in other cities.
Ziegler (1969) wrote that, although there were few impressionistic reporters and dispassionate medical records of the Black Death in England, a
number of archives contribute to the provision of the fuller picture of the
progress of the Black Death through the metapopulation than in any other
country. The most complete source available is the ecclesiastical records,
and the epidemiology of the Black Death has been traced by studying the
vacancies among the beneced clergy at that time, a practice that Shrewsbury (1970) did not think was completely satisfactory, mainly because his
ndings were not consistent with the spread of bubonic plague. Among the
lay documents, Ziegler (1969) has also studied the manorial Court Rolls
and the Account Rolls; taken together they provide a picture of life on the
medieval manor and show the incidence of the pestilence in each. However,
many fewer of them remain than is the case with ecclesiastical documents.
It was reported that the summer of 1348 was exceptionally wet, which
the populace believed to be the cause of the pestilence, although Shrewsbury pointed out that both Rattus rattus and Xenopsylla cheopis dislike
damp conditions. It is said that the Black Death always struck hardest at
seaports and coastal districts, and that stretches of marshland and fen
acted as barriers against the spread of the epidemic. Sparsely populated
hilly districts were usually only slightly aected, although villages close to
communication routes were often comparatively severely hit, all indicative
of person-to-person transmission of an infectious disease spread by travellers. According to a contemporary observation, the common people bore


4.5 From the Midlands to the north of England

Table 4.1. Maximum percentage mortality rates of the beneced clergy by

county during the Great Pestilence




Data source: Shrewsbury (1970).

the main toll and among them it fell most heavily on the young and
vigorous (Shrewsbury, 1970).

4.5 The Great Pestilence moves through the Midlands to the

north of England
The Great Pestilence struck the central part of England haphazardly,
moving at average rates that have been variously calculated as between 1
and 10 miles per day. The maximum percentage mortality rates of the
beneced clergy by county are given in Table 4.1; those cited by Shrewsbury (1970) varied from 33% (Cheshire) to 58% (Derbyshire). Shrewsbury
(1970) quoted from an unpublished thesis by Lunn (1937), who commented
that the registers of York, Lincoln and Licheld show that the mortality of
the Black Death was remarkably uniform when its eects were spread over
large areas; each of these three registers reveal a 40% death rate among the
clergy. Again, Shrewsbury challenged this conclusion because it conicts
with the epidemiology of bubonic plague, where a much lower mortality
would be expected.
There is an interesting account (quoted by Ziegler, 1969), of sheep dying
from the plague in Leicestershire, that was given by a canon of Leicester
Abbey who was an eye witness of the events: In this same year a great
number of sheep died throughout the whole country, so much so that in
one eld alone more than ve thousand sheep were slain. Their bodies were
so corrupted by the plague that neither beast nor bird would touch them.
Within the Diocese of Licheld, Lunn (1937) concluded that the


The Great Pestilence

epidemic began in April 1349 and was virtually over by October 1349, a
duration of 7 months. It moved from south to north and was at its peak in
Coventry in May and June, in Derby in July and August, in Shropshire in
August and reached Cheshire during September. The Great Pestilence is
believed to have begun in Derbyshire in May 1349 and Cox (1910), following an inspection of the episcopal registers, stated that the county was
pre-eminent in desolation and lost two-thirds of its beneced clergy within
12 months. He declared that in Derbyshire no class of the community
seemed to have been spared, and no place was too remote or healthily
situated to escape desolation. Lunn (1937) armed that the average plague
mortality rate of this countys beneced clergy was almost twice as high as
that of Staordshire.
In Cheshire, Middlewich was a chapelry of Sandbach, and six miles
distant from the mother church. Encumbered by the necessity of burying
their dead at Sandbach, the parishioners of Goostrey experienced serious
inconvenience during the excessive mortality of 1349. Corpses of plague
victims were left to rot at the roadside . . . so great were the perils and
hazards of the way . . ..
But elsewhere the great woodlands, for which Cheshire in the Middle
Ages was famous, impeded the progress of the plague. There are several
instances of reduced rents and of lands lying idle through lack of tenants at
Middlewich, Russheton, Chelmondeston, and Kingsley in 1350, all attributed to The Great Pestilence in the manorial records (Shrewsbury,
In 1939, R. Sharpe France presented a manuscript on the history of the
plague in Lancashire, which he had collated from many sources. The
following account is based on his paper but there is one caveat that should
be borne in mind: Sharpe France was convinced that the pandemic of
134850 was caused by bubonic plague and it is not always clear which of
his statements are based on authenticated records from Lancashire and
which have been adapted from accounts elsewhere. The pestilence in
Lancashire lasted from 8 September 1349, until 11 January 1350 and the
mortality was almost unbelievably high. The disease was swift in its
action, one day people were in high health, and the next day dead and
buried. Sometimes death occurred within 12 hours of a person being
infected, and usually within 3 days at the most. Apparently few of the upper
class died, but of the common people and the clergy a multitude known to
God only. In the aected classes it was generally the youthful and healthy
who were carried o, the old and ailing usually being spared. In Preston,
3000 people died; in Kirkham, 3000 people fell victim to the pestilence; 800

4.5 From the Midlands to the north of England


parishioners of Poulton-le-Fylde died; in Garstang 2000 died; deaths in

Cockerham numbered 1000.
Of the inhabitants of Lancaster 3000 are said to have died, although
White (1993) pointed out that this gure was too large: Law (1908) described how the Archdeacon of Richmond gave the total plague mortality
gure of 13 180 for his deanery in his claim for probate dues, but she
warned that his gures are certainly exaggerated and that the contemporaneous manuscript that recorded these gures must be read with caution as
it contains several glaring errors. As the jurors allowed the archdeacon
only 30 3s 4d of his claim for 113 10s, it seems evident that they knew that
his gures were exaggerated.
In contrast to this story of widespread and severe mortality, Lunn (1937)
concluded that Lancashire suered little from the ravages of the Black
Death. The county in the Middle Ages was sparsely populated and churches were few and far between. In many parts, easy travel met with insurmountable obstacles and the pestilence made little impression upon those
who were cut o from the main stream of civilised life.
Barnes (1891) suggested that there are good grounds for believing that
the epidemic came to Cumbria; he believed that the Scottish army on
emerging from the forest of Selkirk would more probably have entered
England by the western route rather than via Berwick in the northeast:
They had appointed a rendezvous in the forest of Selkirk, to avail themselves of the
mortality which was then desolating England. Scarcely had they passed the borders, when they were seized by the pestilence. Five thousand of them dropped down
dead, and many were cut o by the enemy who had found means to draw a
considerable body to the eld . . . The few Scots who returned from the invasion
communicated the pestilence to their countrymen (one-third of whom, according to
Fordun, perished). The patients esh swelled excessively and he died in two days
illness, but the same author tells, that the mortality chiey aected the middle and
lower ranks of the people.

There is also evidence that Carlisle was involved in the pestilence because a royal grant of various liberties was made to its citizens in February
1352 in recognition of its importance as a frontier fortress against the Scots
and because it was then wasted and more than usually depressed by the
mortal pestilence lately prevalent in those parts as well as by the frequent
attacks. The conclusion that the Black Death struck severely at Carlisle is
supported by the accounts of Richard de Denton, which he presented in
1354, claiming that, because of the mortality from the pestilence lately
raging in those parts, the greater parts of the manor lands attached to the
Kings Castle at Carlisle were still lying uncultivated. For 18 months after


The Great Pestilence

the end of the plague the entire estate had been allowed to go to waste for
lack of labourers and tenants. Mills, shing, pastures and meadow lands
could not be let during that time for want of tenants willing to take the
farms of those who had died in the plague. The jury found that Richard de
Denton had proved his facts and accepted the greatly reduced value of the

4.6 Spread of the epidemic in northeast England

Archbishop Zouche of York sent out a warning order on 28 July 1348
about the Black Death, which was rampant in mainland Europe but some
8 months before the rst cases were recorded in Yorkshire. Miller (1961)
armed that the pestilence appeared in the county in March 1349; it was at
its peak in York from the end of May to August and persisted there for
nearly a year (Ziegler, 1969). The plague had probably spread to Yorkshire
from Nottinghamshire, but Shrewsbury (1970), who was persistent in
attempting to shape events in accordance with the biology of bubonic
plague and its association with ports, suggested that
The Great Pestilence may have entered the county through its port of Kingstonupon-Hull as a maritime importation by coastal shipping from East Anglian ports.
Hull was certainly attacked by plague, and it would seem severely, for in March
1353, Edward III made a grant to its townsfolk because a great part of the men had
died in the late pestilence and the survivors are so desolate and poor that without
succour they cannot pay . . . charges on their town.

The mortality in Yorkshire was not as severe as in neighbouring Lincolnshire; nevertheless 223 beneces of the 535 parishes in the diocese of
York were vacated by death and it is believed that between 42% and 45%
of the parish clergy died. The archdeaconry of York covers a large area and
shows the usual wide variation in mortality. The deanery of Doncaster lost
59% of its clergy, whereas virtually no beneces were vacated between
Doncaster and the Humber. In Pontefract the gure was 40%, but with few
casualties in the eastern ats. The city of York, surprisingly, with 32%, was
relatively lightly aected. Sellers (1913) quoted a report by Clarkson that
Richmond was so grievously ravaged by a plague at this time that about
2000 of its inhabitants died. However, this report is not supported by any
evidence and it is almost certainly exaggerated because it is improbable
that Richmond had a population of more than 1000 persons of all ages at
any time in the 14th century (Shrewsbury, 1970).
Thompson (1914) concluded that, in the archdeaconries of Nottingham
and York, the two extremes, mountainous districts and marshland, were
comparatively immune from pestilence, while normal agricultural country

4.6 Spread in northeast England


and the lower highlands suered most heavily. This is borne out by the
gures of the percentage mortality of the beneced clergy for the three
deaneries of Cleveland:

Arable and pasture



Events at the Abbey of Meaux, 6 miles north of Hull, in August 1349 give
valuable details of the infectivity of the Black Death. Gods providence
ordained at that time, wrote the chronicler of the monastery, that in many
places the chaplains were kept alive to the very end of the pestilence in
order to bury the dead; but after this burial of the lay folk the chaplains
themselves were devoured by the plague, as the others had been before
them. The abbot and ve monks died in a single day, on 12 August 1349;
the Prior, the Cellarer, the Bursar and 17 other monks died also and, out of
50 monks and lay brethren, the chronicler claims that only 10 survived. The
infection clearly spread rapidly and the six synchronous deaths on 12
August shows that they were multiple infections from an original source.
The 80% mortality testies to the infectivity and lethality of the pestilence.
However, 10 persons in this closed community survived; most of them must
surely have been exposed to the infection and hence either recovered or
were resistant.
Bradshaw (1907) suggested that the Great Pestilence moved north from
Norfolk during the spring and early summer of 1349, with the result that
the peasants living along the Salters Track in County Durham were the
rst people in the diocese to experience it. He suggested that it may have
reached Sunderland before the middle of July, because by that time four of
the bishops tenants at Wearmouth were dead. He noted that the business
at the summer halmote (a court) at Chester-le-Street on 14 July proceeded
normally; but at the halmote at Houghton-le-Spring on 15 July the peasants were in a state of panic, and a similar panic was manifest at Easington
on the following day. There was no alarm at Middleham halmote on 17
July, however, possibly because this village lay o the main road, and the
halmotes of Stockton on the 17th, Sadberge and Darlington on the 20th,
Wolsingham on the 21st or 22nd, and Lanchester on the 23 July, all seem to
have been conducted normally. Shrewsbury (1970) quoted Bradshaw as
follows: He deduces from the contemporary records that plague erupted as
an epidemic disease at rst in the south-eastern part of the county, and he
believes that it raged with especial virulence at Billingham, where 48
tenants of the Prior died of it. Although Billingham was not a large village


The Great Pestilence

he is convinced that at least half of its population perished.

The Black Death subsided in the winter but it left behind a ruined and
dispirited people. No tenants came from West Thickly because they are all
dead is one entry on the bishops rolls, and in another place we are told
that only one tenant was left at Rowley whilst across the river at Bishopwearmouth a very large number of houses were fallen in ruins for want of
tenants. Comford (1907) stated that in the priory of St Cuthbert in Durham city so many of the clergy died of plague that there were not enough
priests left to administer the sacraments, and she armed that the tenants
of the Hospital of St Giles Kepier also suered severely. Their visitation by
the disease was accompanied by a failure of their crops and a murrain
among their domestic animals.
Shrewsbury (1970) gave three references from the royal archives of the
visitation of Newcastle-upon-Tyne by the pandemic:
20 November 1350 A pardon to the burgesses and other men in consideration of their losses, as well as on account of the
deadly pestilence.
1 December 1350
Certain rents shall be borne even though several
merchants and other rich men who used to pay the
greater parts of the tenths and fteenths and of other
charges incumbent on the town have perished in the
mortal pestilence raging.
12 November 1352 Another pardon for the burgesses and townfolk on
consideration of their damages and losses sustained
on account of the pestilence lately aecting the town.

4.7 The consequences of the Black Death in England

The enormous mortality of the pandemic had many far-reaching social and
economic consequences that have been explored by Langer (1964), Ziegler
(1969) and Bolton (1996).
The economy in England had been declining well before 1348 and for at
least 25 years agricultural production, exports and the area of cultivated
land had been shrinking. Furthermore, the working population had expanded far beyond the work available by 1348, which led to chronic
underemployment; there were far too many villeins available to do the
work of the landlord. Ziegler (1969) suggested, therefore, that it was questionable whether the Black Death did indeed bring about as fundamental a
revolution in land tenure and social organisation as has been suggested.

4.7 The consequences of the Black Death in England


However, it is generally accepted that wages more or less doubled, whereas

the prices of agricultural products fell steeply during and directly after the
Black Death because of the lack of demand. The landlord was partially
sheltered against these diculties by the extra income that accrued in 1349
and 1350 from the entry nes levied on the estates of the dead before the
heir was allowed to take them over. There was undoubtedly greater mobility of labour during and directly after the Black Death and any landlord
unready to make concessions to his tenants might well have found that
they had vanished to seek a better master (Zeigler, 1969).
If a third of the peasants of a given area disappeared during the Black
Death there would have been inevitably serious dislocation in the short
term, but Zeigler (1969) made the important point that one of the most
striking features was the speed of recovery shown by the medieval community. In some areas the process of adjustment would have been relatively
simple; in others, where the Black Death did its worst damage, it would
have been painful and protracted. Ziegler (1969) described these events as
On the estates of Crowland Abbey, where eighty-eight holdings were left empty, all
but nine of these were quickly taken up; not by peasants from other villages who
might have deserted land elsewhere and so left another gap to ll but by people with
names already known on the manor who, one must presume, were landless residents before the plague. The estate of the Abbey, in fact, had sucient surplus of
man-power to ll even the huge vacuum left by the plague. At Cuxham, nine out of
thirteen half-virgates were still vacant by March, 1352 and in this case recourse was
had to importing tenants from outside the manor. Within another three years all
the vacancies were lled.

He concluded that the Black Death was a stimulus towards the greater
mobility of labour (and hence towards the disintegration of the manorial
system) in spite of legislation designed to prevent it and that, in general, the
countryside was soon back to near normal conditions, although some of
the poorer villages were unable to resist the eects of the pestilence and the
temptations oered by richer neighbours. Some villages never recovered
fully, but such cases were rare in the Midlands, where a boom-town like
Leicester, which was at the centre of a prosperous agricultural area with
rapidly growing trades and industry, could quickly make up its strength by
recruiting not only peasants but free men.
The foregoing describes events and social changes that followed the
Black Death in southern and central England; no such comparable information exists for northern England but it is interesting to compare these
events with the social upheaval that occurred at Penrith in Cumbria after


The Great Pestilence

the major mortality of the plague that devastated the town 350 years later,
as described in section 13.17. Here again, the ecological niches were quickly
lled and the community returned to pre-crisis population dynamics.

4.8 The Black Death: conclusions

There seems little doubt that the Black Death in England was the same
pestilence that swept northwards through continental Europe in 134750.
This infection also penetrated to Iceland, Greenland and the Channel
Islands and the accounts of witnesses on the Continent and the ecclesiastical records in England allow us to chart its progression and hence the speed
of its spread.

4.8.1 Reservations expressed by Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury (1970), in his detailed A History of Bubonic Plague in the
British Isles, raised doubts as to whether all the subsequent epidemics were
the result of bubonic plague, although he repeatedly averred that it was the
causative agent in the Black Death: There is not the slightest doubt that
during the late spring, summer and early autumn months, The Great
Pestilence was an epidemic of bubonic plague, engendered and sustained
by an unrecognised epizootic of rat-plague. When he studied the epidemiology of the pestilence, particularly in northern England, he found
that the evidence of the regional distribution, biology and the magnitude of
the outbreak were completely at variance with the known biology of
bubonic plague (see Chapter 3) and he therefore discounted the evidence
and his own analysis and reluctantly concluded that the pestilence could
not have spread on such a scale to certain regions. We cite the following
examples of this confusion.
The ve least densely populated counties in England in 1348 were
Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham, Westmorland and Cheshire,
with densities ranging from 20 to 25 persons per square mile. Shrewsbury
stated that
The densities are so low that it would have been biologically impossible for bubonic
plague to have spread over any of these counties in the fourteenth century, though it
might by chance have been introduced into one or more of their towns and villages
. . . The epidemiology of bubonic plague renders it improbable that Y. pestis could
have been distributed by rat-contacts as epizootic plague in any English county in
13489 having an average density of population of less than 60 persons in the
square mile.

4.8 The Black Death: conclusions


We have presented evidence above that shows how the Great Pestilence
did indeed spread through these northern counties. Shrewsbury continued:
In the fourteenth century England was a much wilder country than it is now. There
were large areas of uninhabited forest, waste, and fenland, and the moorlands of
Yorkshire, Somerset, Devon, and Wales were devoid of human and rat life, except
for a sprinkling of hamlets on their margins. Everywhere the population was more
thinly scattered than it is today, though it is important to remember that nearly all
the habitations were grouped in villages [and] there were next to no outlying farms.
This fact is essential for a correct understanding of the epidemiology of The Great
Pestilence in England. Outlying farms, with their relatively large colonies of
house-rats, would have served as links in the train of transmission of rat-plague
from one village concentration of house-rats to another. In the absence of such links
many probably very many villages must have completely escaped the disease.
From what is now known about the etiology of bubonic plague it was therefore a
biological impossibility for the whole or even a major part of England to have been
ravaged by The Great Pestilence of 134850.

He then proceeded to detail the devastation and remorseless spread of

the Black Death and recorded Lunns conclusion:
The united testimony of the three registers of York, Lincoln and Licheld, show the
mortality of the Black Death to have been remarkably uniform, when its eects are
spread over large areas. This rate of 40 per cent which the registers of Licheld,
York and Lincoln have produced is surely no mere coincidence. Four out of every
ten of the parish clergy in England died in the Black Death . . . Whether this
death-rate of 40 per cent among the clergy exceeds that of the general average can
never be determined.

Shrewsbury challenged this conclusion on two grounds.

The rst is that it conicts with the epidemiology of bubonic plague, the incidence
of which over large areas must inevitably have been most erratic. The second is that
it is based on the assumption that all the deaths recorded in the registers were
plague-deaths and takes no account of the mortality among the clergy in the
absence of that disease.

Surely, the lack of this correction factor for non-plague deaths would have
only a small eect on Lunns statistics and Shrewsbury was attempting
here to modify the results of his own and other writers analyses to t with
his understanding of bubonic plague.
With reference to the plague in the Diocese of Lincoln, Shrewsbury said:
Thompson concludes his study with the statement that the percentages of vacant
beneces in each rural deanery work out with such unanimity that the mortality of
the beneced clergy . . . may be taken as a fair guide to the general death-rate.
Unfortunately the biological nature of bubonic plague contradicts his conclusion,
because if there is one characteristic of the disease that is absolutely constant it is


The Great Pestilence

the erratic manner of its spread and consequently its haphazard attack in every
community. It is in fact the unanimity of these clerical statistics which precludes
their use as a guide to the national death-rate from bubonic plague; but their
unanimity might represent the activity in England of another lethal disease during
the normally cold months from December to March when the rat-eas, X. cheopis
and C. fasciatus, hibernate in temperate climates. The characteristics of this other
manifestation of The Great Pestilence for such it would have been to contemporary recorders must have been the similarity of its clinical picture to that of
bubonic plague: its winter incidence; its high infectivity; its transmission by direct
human contacts; its preference for the well-fed and, especially with regard to the
death-rate among the clergy, its high mortality in the middle-aged and elderly.
Classical epidemic typhus fever completely fulls these requirements.

Once again, he was dismissing evidence because it does not t with the
epidemiology of bubonic plague. He was swayed by the erratic spread of
this disease and appeared to be presenting evidence for two separate
causative agents operating simultaneously in the Great Pestilence, surely
an unlikely scenario.
When discussing the plague epidemics in Hull in the 1370s Shrewsbury
quoted Sellers as writing: But there is one marked dierence between these
attacks of plague of the second half of the century and the Black Death.
They were localised in towns, escape by ight was possible to the wealthy,
but in 1349 death was in the soil, town and country suered alike, the
fortunes of the wealthy and poor were equalised. Shrewsbury continued If
such a marked dierence had existed, then the Black Death was
certainly not an eruption of plague; but the statement unfortunately betrays only a sad ignorance of the immutable etiology of that disease, which
can no more change its nature than the Ethiopian his skin, or the leopard
his spots .
In Yorkshire, Shrewsbury quoted Sellers view that careful statistics
prove that more than two-thirds of the parish priests in the West Riding, and 35 of
95 in the East Riding, died during the pestilence, the inescapable inference from her
statements is that at any rate for the West Riding more than two-thirds of the
population died of bubonic plague, which, in view of the nature of that disease and
the wide dispersion of the countys population, is an impossibility.

He also stated:
If, as seems extremely probable, the bulk of the scanty population of the county of
Durham in the fourteenth century occupied the valleys of the Tees and the Wear,
the rest of the county must have been virtually desolate, with no conceivable
possibility of the spread in it of bubonic plague. In all probability the only microbial
diseases that could have spread outside those valleys under the prevailing conditions
were smallpox, typhus fever, and epidemic inuenza [our italics]. Nevertheless Gee

4.8 The Black Death: conclusions


declares that the county was not spared by The Great Pestilence and he asserts
that there is documentary evidence that its death-roll was heavy. For example, he
says that in the Cursitor Roll special provision for a land title was made in the event
of the death of the assigns during the pestilence which was then raging. Moreover,
he adds, the papal registers for the next forty years give in their concessions to
monastic houses conclusive proof of the virulence of the outbreak in the north . . .
Wilson nds little contemporary information about the eect of The Great Pestilence upon the beneced clergy in this county; but he notes an ominous gap in the
diocesan register of Carlisle for the six years 1347 to 1352, which he assumes
signies a severe plague-mortality among the clergy. It is improbable that such an
assumption is justiable because the geography of this county, the sparseness of its
population, the unease of its living conditions, and the etiology of bubonic plague,
conjoin to make it unlikely that P. [ : Yersinia] pestis penetrated farther into the
county than Carlisle at this time . . . The references to the presumptive activity of
bubonic plague in Wales have most been supplied by Rees, who arms that
Snowdonia, especially Anglesey, was overrun by The Great Pestilence. He may be
correct for Anglesey, which appears to have been populous in the fourteenth
century, but it is extremely improbable that Snowdonia was suciently colonised
by the house-rat to support an epizootic of rat-plague. In any case he nullies his
armation by his succeeding statement that while certain hamlets had a heavy
mortality others were little aected and even entire commotes [Welsh manors]
escaped lightly.

We concur with Shrewsburys observations, detailed above (see also in

the following section) that there is evidence that the Black Death was not
an outbreak of bubonic plague. But there are many additional pieces of
information and much more cogent reasons, which we have advanced in
Chapter 3 and present in the following chapters (see summary in section
13.3), which demonstrate that it is a biological impossibility that bubonic
plague had any role in the Great Pestilence. Nor is there any evidence to
suggest that more than one lethal disease was raging during the period of
the Black Death.

4.8.2 The death toll of the Black Death in England

It is impossible to determine accurately the mortality from the disease in
England. The exaggerated claims of the Archdeacon of Richmond of the
plague mortality (section 4.5) are a reminder of the misleading statistics of
the time. This practice of inating the numbers dying was continued when
the total dying in the plague at Penrith in 159798 was given on a plaque in
the church; this value greatly exceeds the size of the population (section
5.2). Clapham (1949) suggested that a third of the population of England
may have died during the Black Death, in agreement with many other


The Great Pestilence

historians, but felt that 20% to 25% may be a more likely gure. He says:
Possibly the traditional gure of a third of the population dead may be correct:
many scholars have accepted it. But modern experience of [? bubonic] plagues
suggests a fair number of spots which would remain immune and aect the total.
Perhaps 20 or 25 per cent may be nearer the mark than 33.3 . . . We hear of
depopulated but not deserted villages. When villages can be studied in groups, what
surprises us is the continuity of their life. On the vast estate of the Bishop of
Winchester in Wessex there is no sign of chaos or complete depopulation, and
following the Pestilence there is no revolution either in agriculture or in tenure.
Across the country, on the East Midland and Fenland manors of Crowland, it is
just the same: the estate accounts run on, and what is most important, there seems
always to be someone ready to take over a vacant holding.

Trevelyan (1945) believed that a third or possibly a half of the population

died of plague in less than 2 years. Shrewsbury (1970) could not accept that
from 20% to 50% of the total population died in the Great Pestilence and
believed, like Clapham, that the estimates of mortality were greatly exaggerated because there were no deserted villages, no interruption in agriculture or land tenure and no appreciable change in the manner or customs of
English life. He continued:
Bubonic plague is principally an urban disease but there were relatively few urban
aggregates in England in the fourteenth century. There was not even a profusion of
villages, thickly sprinkled over the land and linked by outlying farms, to enable Y.
pestis to be spread by haphazard rat contacts, erratically and unpredictably, among
the colonies of house-rats which could only maintain themselves in close association with human aggregates. Yet without that fundamental epizootic spread of
rat-plague no epidemic of the human disease could possibly have occurred.

With an average population density in 14th century England of one

individual to every 8 acres, Shrewsbury considered that, under the existing
social conditions, bubonic plague was biologically incapable of destroying
as much as 20% (let alone higher estimates) of the population. Consequently, he considered that
in all probability the national death-roll from The Great Pestilence did not exceed
one-twentieth of that population. If The Great Pestilence had been in its entirety a
disease with a malignity approximately equal to that of bubonic plague such as
haemorrhagic smallpox that was spread by human contacts, a death roll of
one-third of the nation might conceivably have been achieved. But bubonic plague
was not so spread; had it been The Great Pestilence would not have excited
anything like the terror it aroused.

Shrewsbury was arguing for a 5% mortality from the plague, which is a

very much lower value than that given by other historians, on the grounds

4.8 The Black Death: conclusions


that (i) the population could not have recovered so quickly and so well
from a higher level of mortality and (ii) bubonic plague could not have
spread so extensively in such a low-density population. We suspect that
this is another example of special pleading on the part of Shrewsbury in his
eorts to convince us that bubonic plague was responsible for the Black
However, equipped with the detailed records contained in the parish
registers, we are able to make a good estimate of the mortality in the plague
at Penrith that occurred 250 years later in 159798. Coupled with the
famine that immediately preceded it, over 50% of the population died in a
3-year period (section 5.2) but, although this mortality crisis had subtle and
long-lasting eects on the population dynamics (section 13.17), the community rapidly returned to steady-state conditions with the same average
number of annual births and deaths. Human populations, to the outside
observer, can adapt remarkably quickly and eectively to major mortality
crises. Epidemics in the cities of northern Italy frequently caused a 40% to
50% mortality (section 11.3). We conclude that the mortality in the more
populous parts of England during the Great Pestilence may well have been
at least 30%.

4.8.3 Epidemiological notes on the Black Death

Some additional important points concerning the epidemiology of the
Black Death can be identied:
(i) Some areas were untouched by the pandemic, such as Milan and
Bohemia (Fig. 4.1).
(ii) Small villages and towns were equally aected and in this respect the
plague of 134850 diered from later outbreaks: But plague henceforth is seldom universal; it becomes more and more a disease of the
towns, and when it does occur in the country, it is for the most part at
some few limited spots (Creighton, 1894). In contrast, in the outbreak
of genuine bubonic plague in India in the early years of this century,
the intensity was in inverse proportion to the size of the community,
the maximum mortality being in villages rather than towns (Hankin,
(iii) There is no doubting the horric infectivity and lethality of the disease
during its remorseless spread, but we have no evidence to answer the
question of why some people who were obviously exposed to infectives survived. Were they resistant, immune or did they recover?


The Great Pestilence

Shrewsbury (1970) also drew attention to the fact that certain individuals in a population, of which all the members are equally exposed to
the pestilential atmosphere, escape the disease.
(iv) There are scattered references to the death of domestic animals associated with the Great Pestilence, as in the account of Michael of Piazza
(section 4.2, note 2).
(v) It is dicult to accept unreservedly the account of the arrival of the
Great Pestilence in Sicily in the Genoese galleys (section 4.2) which
must have been at sea for a long time and which had no cases of plague
on board and yet the epidemic had spread to every part of Genoa
within 2 days. Twigg (1984) has made a careful study of shipping and
voyages between Genoa and the Crimean ports at the time of the
Black Death and concluded that the evidence is not consistent with the
causative agent being bubonic plague. Indeed, from what we have
learnt about the rapid spread, the short time between infection and
death and the high infectivity it is dicult to conceive of any disease
that could have remained extant for the 45 weeks of the voyage
(Twigg, 1984) with an apparently healthy crew who on arrival caused
widespread infection within 2 days of coming ashore. Presumably, if
the story of the Genoese galleys were true, and it is widely accepted, the
crews would have had several carriers of the disease among their
number, raising again the question of immunity to the disease.
The understanding and epidemiology of many diseases is complicated
by chronic infection in immunodecient individuals, who become silent or
inapparent carriers of the virus or bacterium, sometimes essentially for life.
Anderson & May (1991) gave the example of hepatitis B: the virus infects
people everywhere in the world, with the highest rates of infection in
sub-Saharan Africa and east Asia. Although the majority of cases are not
serious in developed countries, a minority lead to acute hepatitis with
jaundice, causing some deaths. There are estimated to be about 200 000
new hepatitis B infections in the USA each year, of which about 25%
experience acute hepatitis, leading to around 10 000 hospitalisations and
250 deaths. More generally, the outcome of the infection depends on the
immune response of the individual: an adequate immune response leads to
the production of antibodies that clear the infection and produce lifelong
immunity whereas an inadequate immune response allows continued viral
replication and, if this is maintained for 6 months or longer, such viral
production usually persists indenitely and the infected individual becomes an asymptomatic carrier of infection.

4.9 Seasonality in outbreaks


We agree entirely with Twigg that the Genoese galleys did not bring
bubonic plague and, on balance, we do not believe that their crews were all
silent carriers of the disease. Even if the original story is only partly true, in
all probability the arrival of the galleys was coincidental with the outbreak
of the Black Death and we discuss this point further in section 13.8.

4.8.4 Eects of malnutrition

There are a number of reports in which an outbreak of haemorrhagic
plague follows a severe famine; for example, the plague at Penrith in
159798 was preceded by the famine of 1596. There are also a number of
epidemics recorded in France that were preceded by famine, sometimes in
conjunction with bad weather conditions. Such observations led to the
suggestion that the extreme mortality was because of a compromised
resistance or immune response in the malnourished community. The regular epidemics of smallpox in England in the 17th and 18th centuries were
driven by cycles of malnutrition associated with oscillations in the price of
grain (Duncan et al., 1993a,b; 1994a,b; Scott et al., 1998a,b) and the
mortality from scarlet fever in the 19th century in England was determined,
in part, by nutritive levels linked to the price of wheat (Scott & Duncan,
The nutrition of the bulk of the population of England was not completely satisfactory in the 14th century, even in good periods, and Drummond & Wilbraham (1991) have estimated that the average daily peasant
diet in England in the 15th century consisted of 1 pint of milk, 1 pint of
whey, 2 oz of cheese, 1 oz of bacon, 2 lb of muslin bread, 2 oz of pease. This
diet was probably adequate in terms of caloric intake, with sucient
protein and fat, but was decient in vitamin C and probably also in other
vitamins and trace elements. The bulk of the population may, therefore,
have had an impaired resistance to a new disease that might have accounted for the tremendous mortality.

4.9 Seasonality of the outbreaks of the Great Pestilence in dierent

localities in England
The time of year when outbreaks of true bubonic plague occur is thought
to be important because of the close relationship between ea breeding and
the local climate and hence considerable interest has focused on the
months in which the dierent dioceses experienced the major mortality
during the Great Pestilence. We are indebted to Russell (1948) for his


The Great Pestilence

Table 4.2. Summary of the monthly deaths in dioceses in England in 134849

Bath & Wells

Date of start of plague

Peak mortality

Nov. 1348
Dec. 1348
Jan. 1349
Jan. 1349
Mar. 1349
Apr. 1349
Apr. 1349
Apr. 1349
Apr.May 1349
May 1349
June 1349
July 1349

Mar. 1349
Jan. 1349
Apr.May 1349
Mar.June 1349
MayAug. 1349
July 1349
July 1349
JulyAug. 1349
JuneAug. 1349
JulyAug. 1349
July 1349
Sept 1349

Deaths taken from institutions to vacant beneces.

Sources: Shrewsbury (1970) and Twigg (1984).

analyses of the Inquisitions Post Mortem, to Shrewsbury (1970) for his

extensive studies of the institutions to vacant beneces and to Twigg (1984)
for his overview of the available information and for drawing attention to
the shortcomings of the data: Russell (1948) had only small samples and the
vacant beneces did not necessarily reect truly the mortality of the bulk of
the population. However, these are the only statistics available to us.
Before the pandemic, the monthly mortality records for England showed
two peaks, one in JanuaryFebruary and the other in OctoberNovember,
with a minimum in June and July. Shrewsbury suggested that the winter
peak was because of deaths from smallpox, typhus fever and infections of
the respiratory tract and he attributed the autumn peak to deaths from
diphtheria, measles, erysipelas and infections of the intestinal tract. The
institutions to vacant beneces in 11 dioceses are given in Fig. 4.2 and it is
immediately apparent that the previous bimodal distribution of monthly
deaths was replaced by a single peak during the Black Death. Of course,
not all these deaths were from plague, some would have been from other
causes and, without further evidence, it is impossible to identify exactly the
beginning and end of the outbreak in each locality. Although there are
dierences in the patterns of these outbreaks, we can see that the pestilence
lasted, on average, about 78 months in each diocese with a single major
The results from these histograms are summarised in Table 4.2 and the
disparate starting dates between November 1348 and July 1349 simply

4.10 Was it bubonic plague?


reect the spread of the plague northwards and eastwards. Thus the
pestilence occurred in every month of the year and it is noteworthy that the
peak mortality in Bath and Wells was recorded in January; Shrewsbury
(1970) commented that this runs counter to the usual epidemiological
behaviour of bubonic plague in a temperate climate. It was not conned to
the summer months and in some counties the peak of the epidemic occurred in winter. It is evident that the Black Death simply struck in a diocese
when the infection arrived from the adjacent county and the epidemic then
exploded with peak mortality occurring some 23 months later and the
pestilence eectively burnt itself out after some 69 months, indicative
from Reed and Frost modelling of a long serial generation time.

4.10 Was the Black Death an outbreak of bubonic plague?

Although we lack reliable accounts of the etiology of the Great Pestilence
and the analysis of the epidemiology has been derived from secondary
sources, we may compare its biology with that of authentic bubonic plague
in the 20th century, which has been described in Chapter 3 and summarised
in section 3.16. It is obvious that there was a dierent causative agent in the
two plagues. The Black Death was a highly infectious, lethal disease,
although we cannot say whether any of the population were resistant or
survived an infection. Did the survivors (perhaps two-thirds of the population of England) simply escape an adequate exposure? It was probably
viral in nature, as shown in section 13.1 (Yersinia is a bacterium), and the
pandemic struck a naive population in Europe that would have had no
built-in immune response. Transmission was direct, person-to-person; the
evidence of infection via contagion with clothing is possibly suggestive but
not conclusive.
The epidemics followed the typical Reed and Frost dynamics characteristic of a typical infection (section 2.5; Fig. 2.4), rising to a single mortality
peak before decaying (see Fig. 4.2). The average duration of an outbreak in
a diocese was about 8 months, although it may have been somewhat
shorter in individual localities. This is a relatively long epidemic period,
which implies that the disease had a long incubation period (see Figs. 2.4
and 2.5) and is completely consistent with the epidemiology of subsequent
plagues in England. This is an important point and explains the spread of
the Black Death: all accounts agree that the time between the appearance
of symptoms and death was very short indeed, perhaps between 3 and 5
days. These dying people would not, in general, have been t enough to
have carried the infection over long distances, although most people in the


The Great Pestilence

household would have been exposed. However, with a long infectious

period, apparently healthy, subclinical, symptomless individuals would
have been moving across the countryside on foot or on horseback and
progressively spreading the disease through a metapopulation, although it
would probably have been about a month before individuals with symptoms appeared in the next focus. Thus, once infected, apparently healthy
individuals would soon be transmitting the disease within their family,
within their village and also further on to the next village. Of course, the
infection would also have been spread by susceptibles returning from a visit
to a nearby village that had symptomless infectives. Local fairs and the
movement of goods would have exacerbated the spread. Any infective
traveller, setting out on a journey, could have spread the disease widely
before showing any of the characteristic signs of the pestilence. The long
incubation period also readily explains how the pestilence spread by sea to
England, Iceland, Ireland and Greenland. Nobody showing the extreme,
terminal symptoms of the disease would have embarked on such a voyage
and they would have died before arrival.
The Black Death struck indiscriminately at London, other cities, rural
towns, villages and hamlets; those on the main trading routes would have
been most at risk from receiving a symptomless visitor. It struck somewhere in every season, even in mid-winter, the establishment of an epidemic
being simply dependent on the arrival of an infective from a near-by focus.
However, inspection of Fig. 4.2 suggests that the disease may have been
more active or virulent in the summer (perhaps because peoples behaviour, such as attending fairs, led to a higher R ); this was also a feature of

subsequent outbreaks of haemorrhagic plagues in England.
It is impossible that Yersinia pestis could have been the causative agent
of the Black Death. The epidemiology of the Great Pestilence, summarised
above, is completely dierent from the biology of bubonic plague, which is
critically dependent on a pre-established enzootic/epizootic in rodent
populations (both susceptible and non-susceptible species in dynamic balance) throughout mainland Europe and Britain, Iceland, the Channel
Islands, Ireland and Greenland. Only the black rat was available and it
would have been conned to warmer climates or to close proximity to
humans at seaports. It is inconceivable that the Black Death could have
spread via rodents over such vast distances so rapidly, particularly across
the sea.
As explained in Chapter 3, the biology of bubonic plague is complex and
so the disease does not exhibit Reed and Frost dynamics; indeed it is a
disease of rodents and it moves very slowly and erratically in the absence of

4.11 Later plagues in the 14th century


modern transport and usually spreads to humans living in villages close to

the rural habitat of the rodents. The lethality and the death toll of the Black
Death, even on conservative estimates, was far greater than would be
expected for bubonic plague (as acknowledged by Shrewsbury). Yersinia is
dependent on the biology of its hosts, the rodents and their eas, and
consequently the disease is conned to warmer climates. An introduction
of infective rats and eas by steamship into the ports of northern latitudes
in the 20th century has never spread, very few people have died and the
outbreak has rapidly disappeared. It is inconceivable that bubonic plague
could have spread rapidly in winter, over alpine passes and through
sub-Arctic regions including Iceland, Norway and Greenland.
As we have detailed in this chapter, although Shrewsbury believed that
Yersinia was the causative agent in the Black Death, he was repeatedly
aware that the details of the epidemiology did not correspond to the
biology of bubonic plague and he had to resort to a variety of devices
(including the invention of a second, lethal disease co-existent with the
pestilence) to explain his results.
We can now abandon the idea, so rmly promulgated in the literature,
that the Black Death was an outbreak of bubonic plague. There is no
evidence for such a view. Indeed, apart from the swellings shown by the
victims of both diseases, everything suggests that, of all the known infectious diseases, bubonic plague, with its complex biology, is the most
unlikely candidate for the relatively simple epidemiology of the Black

4.11 Plagues in England following the Great Pestilence: the 14th century
The Black Death was followed in England by a series of epidemics in the
second half of the 14th century, although these were progressively less
violent, but Ziegler (1969) suggested that the second epidemic of 1361, by
any standards other than those of the Black Death, was catastrophic in its
dimensions. Many writers have assumed that these were fresh outbreaks of
bubonic plague, but Shrewsbury (1970) believed (and he listed his evidence)
that this assumption was not warranted.
There is no doubt that smallpox, measles, typhus fever, and dysentery were repeatedly epidemic in fourteenth-century England; pneumonia undoubtedly occurred in
epidemic form in the winter months, and whooping-cough, the enteric fevers, and
inuenza in all probability were also epidemic at times. It is certain that tuberculosis, the white scourge, was responsible for many deaths annually . . . It is probable
that diphtheria, erysipelas and poliomyelitis were locally epidemic from time to


The Great Pestilence

time and that . . . some of the great medieval epidemics of colic that aicted the
British Isles may have been maritime importations of cholera.

Creighton (1894) also concluded that it would be unsafe, therefore, to

conclude that all outbreaks of pestis in England subsequent to the Black
Death, were of bubo-plague itself. We agree; there is no evidence of
bubonic plague in England at that time.
England was free from plague for 10 years after the Great Pestilence
before the major eruption occurred in 136061. This has been termed the
second pestilence, and subsequent outbreaks were referred to as the third,
fourth and fth pestilences. Many of these epidemics were conned largely
to the north of England.
The second pestilence was evidently widespread and caused great alarm
in England. In some places on the Continent, for example in Florence, it
appears to have been as destructive as the Black Death, and Creighton
(1894) said that it was marked by the same buboes and carbuncles. The
disease was epidemic in London in May 1361 and Shrewsbury (1970)
provided the quotation that great multitudes of people are suddenly
smitten with the deadly plague now newly prevailing as well in the city of
London as in neighbouring parts, and the plague is daily increasing. He
pointed out that its well-nigh universal incidence in the community that
was attacked and the unique suddenness of its onset were features that were
characteristic of epidemic inuenza, i.e. it was an infectious disease spread
person-to-person and was not bubonic plague. The pestilence of 136061
spread northwards to Leicestershire, Warwickshire and Lincolnshire
(which it reached in 1362), all of which suered badly. It reached York and
Culcheth in south Lancashire and Liverpool was severely hit.
The epidemic of 136869 (probably the third pestilence), which
Creighton (1894) described as a great pestilence of men and the larger
animals, was considered by him probably to be an outbreak of famine
sickness, a violent inammatory fever and very fatal, and has been identied as inuenza by some authorities.
In 137980 there was a plague that probably began in either 1375 or
1376 and was apparently conned largely to the counties of northern
England. The Scots continued to make raids over the border, notwithstanding the danger that they ran from the pestilence and of which they
were fully aware. A petition to Parliament was sent by the northern
counties that the king would consider the very great hurt and damage
which they have suered, and are still suering, both by pestilence and by
continual devastations of the Scots enemy. The Scots raided Penrith at the

4.12 Age-specic mortality of four epidemics in the 14th century 111

time of a fair and returned with immense booty. They passed by Carlisle
and laid waste the forest of Inglewood, where they are said to have seized
4000 cattle. However, the Scots suered severely in consequence because
they introduced the plague that they had contracted into their own country. There is no local record of the ravages of this epidemic in Penrith
(Barnes, 1891) but most local histories that mention the outbreak refer to
the severity with which it overtook the invaders; it was said that the
pestilence killed one-third of the people of Scotland wherever it came.
A major epidemic of an unknown disease broke out in Cambridge in
1389 and it appears to have persisted until 1391. It was so serious that it has
been compared with the Black Death and is classied by some as the fth
pestilence. Creighton (1894) said that the death-roll in Norfolk and many
other counties was comparable to the epidemic of 134850. He considered
that the outbreak was a mixture of famine-pestilence with bubo-plague: it
was active in the great heat of June to September 1390 and attacked the
young more than the old. The mortality peak was in 1391, concomitant
with a general dearth of food, in consequence of which many poor people
died of dysentery. Shrewsbury (1970) did not think that bubonic plague
was implicated in this pestilence because that disease did not have a
selective preference for youths and children. The pestilence was severe in
the north of England, with York suering badly, although the gure of
11 000 deaths there is certainly exaggerated. There are no specic records
to show that this epidemic spread to Lancashire, Cumberland or Westmorland, but in 1399 the people of the north sent a petition to Henry IV
praying that he would send assistance because there was a great pestilence
sweeping the northern counties with the result that there were not enough
able-bodied men left alive to defend the Scottish marches (Sharpe France,

4.12 Age-specic mortality of four epidemics in the 14th century

Russell (1948), working with a small sample, calculated the age-specic
mortality from the Inquisitions Post Mortem for four epidemic periods,
including the Black Death, in the 14th century and the data are shown in
Table 4.3. In the Great Pestilence, the 15 year age group has an unusually
high death rate from plague whereas the 610 year class has the lowest
(Twigg, 1984). The death rate from plague in 1375 is lower, particularly in
children, but this was not a bad year for the pestilence, except in northern
England. The age-specic mortality of epidemics of known bubonic plague
in Bombay city in the early part of the 20th century are also given in Table

The Great Pestilence


Table 4.3. Comparison of the age-specic mortality of four plague epidemics

in England in the 14th century and with that of bubonic plague in Bombay
City, India, in the early 20th century
Plague epidemics in England
Age group
Over 60











Figures quoted are the calculated percentage of people dying of plague or bubonic
plague in each age group.
Data sources: Russell (1948), taken from the Inquisitions Post Mortem; Twigg
(1984), taken from the reports of the Plague Research Commission (1907a).

4.3 (data from the Plague Research Commission, 1907a; Twigg, 1984): the
results are very dierent, not only is the overall percentage mortality of
bubonic plague very much lower, but it killed predominantly those in the
640 year age group.

4.13 Plagues in the 15th century

We have seen that after the Black Death there was a series of outbreaks of
epidemic diseases in England and these continued through the 15th century. Shrewsbury (1970) said that the chronology of the pestilence at this
is so confused that it is dicult to distinguish individual epidemics and dene their
extent. Their identication is largely conjectural and a matter of personal opinion,
based on ones knowledge of epidemiology, in the absence of explicit descriptions of
their clinical characters. I consider that most of them were not outbreaks of bubonic
plague [our italics]. The governing factor in the persistence of this disease in
England was the length of time that an imported strain of P. [Yersinia] pestis
retained its virulence among the house-rats, and that factor is unknown. Sooner or
later, however, each strain died out spontaneously and then bubonic plague disappeared from the country until a fresh, virulent strain was imported. In the intervals
between successive importations local epidemics aecting individual towns and
villages occurred; but the importation of a fresh strain was required for the
production of a major, national outburst of bubonic plague, and after 1350 the next
outbreak of this magnitude was in my judgement that of 1563.

4.13 Plagues in the 15th century


He continued:
If a large number of people showed similar manifestations within a relatively short
period of time, then a plague was recorded; but the actual disease might be any one
of a dozen or more communicable or transmissible diseases of man. It is therefore
quite unrealistic to accept the record of a plague before the middle of the seventeenth century as synonymous with an outbreak of bubonic plague, and even after
Sydenhams day, up to the middle of the nineteenth century, bubonic plague and
epidemic typhus fever were clinically indistinguishable.

Again, we agree with Shrewsbury; there were no major outbreaks of

bubonic plague in England in the 15th century. We give the following brief
overview of the outbreaks of these various pestilences in England between
1400 and 1500:


Adam of Usk described a great plague that prevailed throughout England, especially among the young, that was swift in its
A major outbreak with reported high mortality in London and
in country villages where many families were said to be almost
exterminated. Shrewsbury (1970) commented:
If numerous country villages were synchronously involved . . . it must
have been a disease of high infectivity that spread rapidly by human
contacts, or indirectly by human contamination of foodstus, including
drinking water, which in the summer were largely consumed uncooked.
The most virulent epidemic of bubonic plague could not destroy much
more than one-third of the population of London which, according to
Creighton, was estimated at 44,770 in 1377, and which certainly had
not reached 90,000 by 1407. Moreover bubonic plague is essentially an
urban disease and only those villages in the near vicinity of an infected
town would be involved in the fundamental rat-epizootic, although
occasionally a village at a distance from the epizootic focus would be
infected by urban fugitives harbouring blocked eas. The gure of
30,000 deaths in London seems to have had a fascination for fteenthcentury recorders, for it is repeatedly quoted for dierent outbreaks of
disease in that city.

He repeated his conclusion

In a few weeks available for its activity, the most malignant epidemic of
bubonic plague could not conceivably have killed 30,000 people in
London; but a water-borne epidemic of cholera or typhoid fever, or an
epidemic of malignant dysentery, could have killed that number along
the lower reaches of the river Thames during a summer epidemic.
Gregory also records that men and bestys were grettely infectyd with
pockys this year, and as smallpox would not be suppressed by a great
frost, an outbreak of virulent smallpox may have been the great plague.


The Great Pestilence

142021 A pestilence, apparently restricted to the north of England

(although Barnes, 1891, makes no reference to it); the men of
Cumberland represented to Parliament that all the country
within 20 miles of the borders had been so depopulated by war,
pestilence and emigration that there was a scarcity of able men.
In 1423, pestilence broke out in the north of Lancashire and
especially in Lancaster where there was a great mortality
(Sharpe France, 1939).
143334 A severe pestilence in London.
143839 There was a famine in these years, with a great dearth of corn,
following three wet harvests, which was reported as being associated with a year of pestilence and many commonfolk men,
women and children died throughout the realm, principally at
York and in the North Country.
144754 Shrewsbury (1970) recorded these years as being pestilential
ones with an outbreak in 1447 in Lincoln, in 1448 in Oxford, in
Reading in 1452 and London in 1454.
A great pestilence with a dry summer all over England. There
were further, apparently more localised, outbreaks in 1465 and
1467. In the latter, death was described as sudden.
Sharpe France (1939) reported that the plague came again to
northern Lancashire and that the ravages of the disease made it
necessary for the assizes to be adjourned to Preston.
147172 Said to be a widespread pestilence that moved northwards to
Hull in 1472, which suered again in 1476 and 1478 when more
than 1500 are reported to have died. Newcastle-upon-Tyne also
suered from an epidemic in 1478.
147980 Great mortality reported in London and in many other parts of
the country, which Shrewsbury (1970) suggested may have been
a recurrence of cholera.
Plague steadily became established in continental Europe, with regular
epidemics during the period 1350 to 1500, and developed into a pseudoendemic state by the 15th century (section 11.7). We have few medical and
epidemiological details concerning the epidemics in England during this
time, summarised above, but believe that many of them were the consequences of outbreaks of haemorrhagic plague brought in by infectives
sailing from the channel ports and from southwest France.

Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

Plague epidemics became steadily more widespread, with a greater death

toll during the 16th century, as we describe in Chapter 6. The practice of
keeping parish registers began during the last 50 years of this period and,
together with other documentary sources, they have proved to be invaluable in determining the epidemiological characteristics of the plague. In
this chapter, we present a case study of the plague at Penrith in 159798,
which has previously been assumed to be a major outbreak of bubonic
plague (Howson, 1961; Shrewsbury, 1970; Appleby, 1973). We describe the
pattern of events there and the ways in which the individuals responded to
this terrible visitation of the pestilence. Equally important, as we shall
show, this detailed inspection of the data enables us to suggest the epidemiological characteristics of the disease. Armed with this information,
we can then interpret the movement of the plague through the metapopulation of England in the 16th and 17th centuries in subsequent chapters, as it
spread from population to population.
Penrith was a market town in the Eden Valley in Cumberland in
northwest England and, it is said, the population had suered from an
earlier outbreak of plague in 1554. The registers began in 1557 and we have
carried out a full family reconstitution from this date until 1812 (Scott &
Duncan, 1998); we draw on the data derived therefrom in the following
reconstruction of events during 159798.
Penrith had a market as early as 1123 so that local movements tended to
be between the surrounding parishes. Geographically, the parish was
situated in a valley that was bounded by the Pennines to the east, the Lake
District to the west and the Westmorland fells to the south. These factors
must have provided signicant natural barriers that conned migration
largely to within the Eden Valley, whereas Penrith was on the great
northwest road, which formed a corridor that provided a steady movement


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

of travellers through the town, some of whom were infectives of smallpox

(Duncan et al., 1993a; Scott & Duncan, 1993; Scott et al., 1998a). This area
of northwestern England was backward, with marginal farming conditions
and with the inhabitants frequently existing under near-famine conditions
and it is noteworthy that the population at Penrith, like other towns in the
northwest, suered from a severe famine and heavy mortality in 1596,
immediately preceding the plague.

5.1 Traditional account of events in the plague

The rst victim of the plague was said to be Andrew Hogson, whose death,
as a stranger, is reported in the parish register on 22 September 1597.
Andrew Hogson died in his lodgings in one of the little white-washed,
stone-roofed cottages that once stood at the north end of King Street,
formerly Nether End, which was part of the great northwest road through
the centre of the town (Irving, 1935). He is reported to have come from
some place at a considerable distance and brought the disease with him, it
being believed that the period of contagion extended to ten days (Furness,
1894). He was evidently living in the town before he died and was not just a
passing traveller. After the death of Andrew Hogson there were no more
deaths of the plague until 14 October 1597 when a daughter of John
Railton died.
The entry in the register of Hogsons death is immediately followed by
the words Here begonne the plage (God punismet) in Penrth. All those
that are noted with P. dyed of the infection, and those noted with F. were
buried on the fell. The site of this emergency burial ground, 700 yards to
the north of the town centre, was still marked on the 1923 Ordnance
Survey Map; it is not strictly on the fell and is now covered by a housing
estate. Six hundred and six entries were marked with a P, of which 284
were children and 322 were adults, and an additional 213 entries were
followed by F. Apparently, some were also buried in the Grammar School
yard and some in their own gardens and presumably were not recorded in
the church registers. By the end of March 1598, the scale of the crisis led to
the need for alternative locations for internment; some of the entries in the
burial register now include the symbol Sy and it is believed that y
suggested that the victim was buried in a yard and that S implied that it
was their own. There have been suggestions that the number in the register
represent only those who were buried in the churchyard (Furness, 1894),
but since many are recorded in the burial register with an F this is clearly
not correct. Between the 13 June (when there were six burials) and the 24

5.1 Traditional account of events


Table 5.1. Number of plague deaths per family at Penrith, 159798

No. of deaths/family
No. of families









Data from reconstitution study (Scott, 1995).

June 1598 (when there were four burials) there is recorded in the published
transcript of the registers There is no sign here of a gap, but some entries
have probably been lost. Furthermore, there are wills of people who died
in the plague whose burials we have not been able to trace in the registers
and we conclude that the totals listed above are probably short by at least
50 deaths.
Of those dying during the epidemic, 485 have been identied as belonging to 242 families; a further 74 families appeared to be unaected. The
previous year (1597) was a time of extreme hardship and deprivation for the
northwest and a number of those succumbing to the pestilence of 1598 may
have been vagrants in search of food. Table 5.1 shows the number of deaths
in each family; three-quarters of the families suered one or two deaths.
Sixty-three families became extinct and 79 families had only one surviving
parent; a further eight families were left parentless.
Furness (1894) in his The History of Penrith from the Earliest Record to
the Present Time . . . gave the following account of events in the plague,
which, although it was probably anecdotal and conjectural, was of interest
because it was written at a time before the true biology of bubonic plague
had been elucidated. However, he knew all about buboes.
During this dreadful time the actual state of Penrith can scarcely be imagined. Not
a solitary marriage was registered for the whole summer. Houses supposed to
contain the infection were shunned, and their inmates suered to die unaided.
People almost feared each others looks. Evening, the time when the attacks of this
disease generally came on, had peculiar terrors during the visitation of the plague.
The rst paroxysm or period, which included from the evening to the following
night, was frequently fatal. The third and fth days were considered, on the whole,
those of greatest danger, and if they survived over the fth day and the bubo was
fully formed, then the patients were considered almost out of danger. All these
circumstances were only too well known where the plague had been for some time
raging. The wild and furious look accompanying the disease in its incipient state,
which ought to bespeak pity for the suered, dispelled all feelings of humanity from
the breast of those whom circumstances brought in their way. The staggering
occasioned by an extreme prostration of strength was a warning to his neighbour to
ee. The poor suerer sought his home perhaps he was the last of his household
and the indierence to recovery, which was considered a most unfavourable
symptom, alone relieved the horrors of his despairing and forlorn condition.


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

The farmers from outside the town would not enter while the plague
raged, all regular markets were suspended and temporary markets were set
up on the outskirts. Furness (1894) reported that the inhabitants of the
dales, who were doubtless especially timorous, came no nearer than
Pooley. Townsfolk paid for supplies by tossing coins into hollowed-out
stones containing some crude, supposedly disinfectant uid, possibly vinegar (Furness, 1894), the so-called plague stones. One such receptacle is
preserved in the grounds of Greengarth old folks home in Bridge Lane at
the southern end of the town. The other plague stone, which was located in
a small eld adjacent to Milton Street (formerly Grub Street) and served
the people coming to market from the north, has now disappeared (Irving,
1935; Watson, 1992). This partial isolation foreshadowed the successful
quarantine practised at Eyam in 1666 (see section 10.7) but was more
rudimentary than the measures introduced at Carlisle (section 7.7) and
York (sections 9.1.1 and 9.4).

5.2 Size of the population at Penrith

There was an inscription at St Andrews Church, Penrith, which suggested
the following levels of mortality in the plague of 159798: Penrith 2260,
Kendal 2500, Richmond 2200 and Carlisle 1196. Although parish registers
are liable to understate the extent of mortality during epidemics and to
record burials in the churchyard rather than deaths in the parish, it is
generally regarded that these gures would be well in excess of the population of the parishes of these market towns at that time. It has been
suggested that they are the aggregate of the surrounding parishes or, more
likely, that the rural deaneries, and not the towns, were named in the
original inscriptions (Walker, 1860), although there is no evidence of a
substantial mortality in the outlying districts. It is probably another
example of exaggerated and suspect recording of plague mortality.
It is dicult to derive rm estimates of a population at a time before such
assessments as the Hearth Tax and the Compton Census, although the
inherent inconsistencies and problems associated with these have been well
documented. For instance, the Hearth Tax is not an entirely reliable
source, since there is no certainty that all households were included and
possibly up to 40% were never recorded (Husbands, 1984).
Table 5.2 provides estimates of the size of the population at Penrith from
dierent sources. The population size in 1597 (immediately before the
plague) and in 1613 (after the major immigration had taken place) has been
estimated from a family reconstitution study in which each event in the

5.3 The three phases of the epidemic


Table 5.2. Population estimates for the parish of Penrith











First plague at Penrith
200 deaths, probably largely because of typhus
153 deaths of people native to Penrith, probably because
of famine
Before start of plague. Estimated from family
reconstitution study
Second plague at Penrith
485 deaths of the plague of people native to Penrith
Appearance of 65 new families during 160010
Estimated from family reconstitution study
Mortality crisis (241 deaths recorded in parish register);
probably severe famine
Protestation returns for parish (411 ; 3)
Hearth Tax for township (270 ; 4.25)
Compton census for parish
Dentons survey for parish

Data for 1642, 1673, 1676 and 1688 taken from Clark et al. (1989).

registers is collated for every family (see Wrigley, 1966; Scott, 1995; Scott &
Duncan, 1998). The calculated values are 1350 in 1597 and 1150 in 1613.
The population estimates for 1596 and 1587 are derived from the value for
1597. These results must be regarded as underestimates. Sixty-ve families
moved into Penrith in the 12 years following the plague, producing a
population estimate of 1134 in 1610, a value that agrees well with the
estimate of 1150 in 1613 derived from the family reconstitution study and
with the estimates derived from the Hearth Tax and other assessments
(Table 5.2). It is concluded that the population at Penrith was some 1700
before the famines and plague that occurred during the period 158798
and was some 1200 in the early 17th century when the community was
settling into a steady state (see section 13.17). Assuming that the population
was a minimum of 1350 at the time of the plague, approximately 45% died
during the outbreak.

5.3 The three phases of the epidemic: the serial generation time and
contact rate
The mean annual number of burials at Penrith was 49 for the period
155785; this number rose to 103 in 1586 and to 195 in 1587, when the
population experienced a rise in mortality; there was an average of 57


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

Fig. 5.1. Monthly plague burials at Penrith, August 1597 to February 1599,
illustrating the three phases of the epidemic: small autumn peak, almost complete
disappearance in winter and the explosion of deaths in the following spring
and summer.

burials per annum thereafter until the fateful years of 159698. Figure 5.1
shows the monthly plague burials at Penrith. There is a gap in the register
of burials between 13 and 24 June, see above, probably because of the
pressure of events on the vicar (whose wife and son died in May) and his
clerk, and it is almost certain that there were more victims than the 62
recorded. If so, June may have been the month of peak mortality during the
The monthly pattern of deaths represents the ngerprints left by the
disease upon which the historical epidemiologist may work. It is evident
that there were three phases to the pestilence: (i) the epidemic began with a
single death in late September 1597 and rose to a small autumnal peak in
NovemberDecember, (ii) during the winter there were no plague deaths in
January and only a single death in February 1598, and (iii) the pestilence

5.3 The three phases of the epidemic


appeared again in spring 1598 and rose to a peak in JuneJuly before

slowly subsiding in the autumn. After the burial on 6 January 1599, HERE
ENDETH THE VISITATION is written in the registers. There is no
evidence that it ever returned to Penrith, although plague was widespread
through England during the next 70 years.
The third phase clearly follows the typical Reed and Frost dynamics of
an infectious disease spread person-to-person (see section 2.5). This phase
lasted about 8 months and, in this respect, the outbreak is comparable with
the epidemics in the dioceses during the Black Death (see Fig. 4.2) and with
plagues in other rural towns, examples of which are shown in Fig. 5.2. The
duration of the main part of the epidemic in each of these populations was
always long, usually between 7 and 10 months, and this is indicative of a
long serial generation time, as shown in Fig. 2.5. This conclusion is supported by the initial events at Penrith, where 22 days elapsed after the
death of Andrew Hogson before the next victim was buried, giving a
minimum serial generation time of 22 days.
A feature of Fig. 5.1 is the slow build-up of the epidemic in early spring,
which is also indicative of a long serial generation time and a low mean
contact rate (see Fig. 2.5). Figure 5.3A shows Reed and Frost modelling of a
population size N : 1325; serial generation time : 25 days; mean contact
rate : 3 (p : 0.0023) and this may be directly compared with the number
of plague burials at Penrith in phase three plotted at the same intervals of
serial generation time in Fig. 5.3B. Obviously, a theoretical model which
assumes a perfect mixing pattern does not replicate real-life conditions
exactly. The ordinate of Fig. 5.3A shows the number of people predicted to
catch the disease whereas we have data only for those that died of the
disease; some survived infection in other plagues and recovered, although
the mortality was probably very high. All Reed and Frost models predict
that over 90% of the population would be infected, which was not the case
with plague; some families may have ed and some households may have
practised successful quarantine measures, i.e. perfect mixing may have been
prevented by partial isolation techniques. The theory of Reed and Frost
dynamics requires that N is completely susceptible whereas some of the
inhabitants may have been immune or resistant. The mean contact rate is
dependent on human behaviour and may change during an epidemic;
people may have been cautious and shunned their neighbours completely
during the later stages of the outbreak.
Nevertheless, the modelling is instructive and it demonstrates how the
shape of the mortality curve (see Figs. 5.1 and 5.2) is determined by the long
serial generation time and the low eective contact rate. A dierence in


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

Fig. 5.2. Seasonal pattern of plague mortality in four rural towns in England. (A)
Oswestry, Shropshire, 1559. (B) Totnes, Devon, 1570. (C) Ashburton, Devon, 1625.
(D) Manchester, Lancashire, 1645. Data from Shrewsbury (1970).

5.3 The three phases of the epidemic


Fig. 5.3. (A) Reed and Frost modelling of the third phase of the plague. N : 1325,
serial generation time 25 days, mean number of eective contacts : 3. (B) Plague
burials at Penrith in phase three plotted at the same intervals of the serial generation time.


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

Fig. 5.4. Pattern of deaths during the plague at Penrith 159798. The families are
arranged sequentially in order of the rst recorded death from plague. Reading the
gure horizontally shows the spread of the disease through a family; reading the
columns vertically illustrates how the disease spread from family to family. Open
circles, adult female; open squares, adult male; closed circles, child aged 115
years. Recordings begin October 1597, after Hogsons death. Note the high household R in phase one, the almost complete disappearance of the plague in the winter
months and the explosion of the epidemic in the spring of 1598 with a high
interhousehold R .

5.3 The three phases of the epidemic

Fig 5.4 (cont.)



Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

contact rates will explain minor dierences between the dynamics of the
epidemics in dierent populations. But, as we show below, reality is more
complicated than simple theory. The eective contact rates within households were much greater than between households and it is upon the latter
that the propagation of the epidemic depended. Furthermore, as we shall
see, eective contact rates diered between winter and summer.
5.4 Spread of the epidemic at Penrith
The spread of the plague is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 5.4, in which
the mortality in each family is shown horizontally (household contact rate).
The families are arranged in order of the rst recorded death. The data
presented are probably not completely accurate because sometimes, for
example, there is single record of the death of a member of a household who
was listed as a servant and the infection may have occurred within the
household of their employer. Nevertheless, Fig. 5.4 shows graphically how
the disease spread; reading the columns vertically shows how the disease
moved from household to household and the rapid spread between households in summer 1666 is clearly evident. The spread of the infection in the
rst and second stages of the epidemic (September 1597 to May 1598) is
illustrated in detail in Fig. 5.5. It has all the characteristics of a lethal
infectious disease spread person-to-person and shows a pattern identical
with the outbreak of plague at Eyam in 166566 (see Chapter 10).
5.5 The epidemic during the rst two phases: elucidation of the
epidemiological characteristics of plague
Two points are immediately apparent from Figs. 5.4 and 5.5. Firstly, only
10 families were aected in the autumn of 1597 (phase one) and the plague
then appeared to die out, with no fatalities in January and only one in
February 1598 (phase two). Secondly, once the disease was established in a
family during phase one, successive deaths within the household followed
(high household contact rate). With respect to the spread of the plague,
infections within the household are a dead-end and, for the epidemic to be
perpetuated, it must be transmitted to other households. Phases one and
two of the outbreak diered markedly from phase three in this respect,
transmission between families at Penrith was limited during the autumn
and winter (Fig. 5.5) whereas the spread was dramatic in summer 1598 (Fig.
It is dicult to determine the epidemiological parameters of the plague
in the Black Death because there is no detailed evidence of the actual

5.5 The epidemic during the rst two phases


Fig. 5.5. Pattern of deaths during the early stages of the plague at Penrith from the
rst death on 22 September 1597. The families are numbered sequentially in order
of the rst appearance of the epidemic (right-hand side). The rst death and the
outbreak in February 1598 are shown with large, open arrows. The break in
JanuaryFebruary 1598 can be clearly seen. The spread of the plague is shown by
solid arrows, initially within families and subsequently between families. The
steepness of the solid arrows illustrates the rapidity of spread (e.g. see May 1598).
Certain individuals are designated by letters: A, Andrew Hogson, stranger; B, C and
D, probably not infected from within the family but from individuals in other
families lying immediately to the left of the dotted lines; E, F and G, possibly also
infected from outside the family. Symbols as for Fig. 5.4.


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

events; equally, it is dicult to analyse accurately the spread of the infection in the plagues in London because of the size of the population.
However, the circumscribed epidemics in towns and villages which we
describe below (e.g. Penrith and Eyam) provide admirable material for the
critical analysis of the epidemiological characteristics.
Three factors point to a long incubation period for the disease. (i) The
duration of the summer epidemic in phase three, as explained above. (ii) In
both Penrith and Eyam (Chapter 10) the epidemic began with the death of
a stranger or visitor who had taken up lodgings and was living, albeit
temporarily, in the town. He must have been infected elsewhere, perhaps
some considerable distance away, and brought the disease into the community whilst still not showing any symptoms. Anyone showing any of the
typical signs of the plague, which were well known, would know that they
had only some 5 days to live and would not be contemplating moving a
considerable distance to communities where they were not known. (iii) The
death of the rst victim, the incoming stranger, was followed by an interval
of 15 (Eyam; see Chapter 10) or 22 (Penrith) days.
The early stages of these outbreaks, whilst the epidemic was being
established, that we have studied in detail, are much more informative than
are the confusing events in mid-summer when the infection spread with
devastating rapidity. We have analysed a number of these outbreaks (see
following chapters) and have determined from a number of sources the
following epidemiological parameters:
Latent period: 1012 days.
Infectious period before symptoms: 2022 days.
Period of symptoms: 5 days.
Total infectious period: 2527 days.
Total time from point of infection to death: 37 days, a very long time and
in complete contrast to pneumonic plague (see section 3.13).
Figure 5.6 illustrates the rst and second phases of the plague at Penrith;
the latent and infectious periods are indicated by appropriate subdivisions
of a line against each person dying. The rst line is that of Andrew Hogson,
the stranger, who died on 22 September; he was infected at a place where
the plague was raging on or about 16 August, so that he became infective
on about 28 August 1597. Dashed vertical lines are drawn on Fig. 5.6 on 28
August and 22 September, denoting the period during which Hogson, the
primary case, was infective and it is evident from this that he infected only
the family of John Railton, a cutler; in all other families the initial point of

5.5 The epidemic during the rst two phases








J. Railton

d. Eliz. (22)
s. John (c. 20)
f. John
m. Mabell



s. Anthonie (14)
d. Eliz. (22)


w. Sussane


s. Anthonie
d. Margaret (22)
f. Thomas
d. Katheren


W. Haskew

John (cleanser)
s. Thomas (13)


s. Gilbert (13)
d. Marie (17)


m. Katheren (22)
s. Gilbert (1)



s. Michaell (16)
d. Alice (20)
m. (w.) Jane




A. Railton


d. Helen (20)
d. Annes (15)
m. (w.) Marion
s. John (13)



Fig. 5.6. The start of the outbreak of the plague at Penrith and its suggested spread
within and between families. In this and subsequent gures the duration of the
infection in each victim is shown as a standardised line that is divided into latent
and infectious periods. The duration of the infectious period of the primary case
(Hogson) is indicated by the vertical dashed lines, during which secondaries can be
infected. The vertical dotted lines are drawn between the day on which the rst
secondary case becomes infectious and the day on which the last suggested secondary dies. Tertiary infections are only possible between these dates. The families or
households are listed on the left-hand side of the gure. P, primary; S, secondary; T,
tertiary; Q, quaternary; F, fth generation infection; d., daughter; f., father; m.,
mother; s., son; w., widow. Age (years) of victim at death given in parentheses where
known. Scale: days after 16 August 1597.

Andrew Hogson


= ?





m. 1561


(d. 1588)

Helen (27)

Margaret (22)

John (23)

Eliz. (22)

John (20)

Frances (21)

Isabell (13)

Mabel (20)

Anthonie (2)


Anthonie (14)

Anthonie (24)

Thomas (29)

Eliz. (22)

Janet (26)

Annes (21)

Eliz. (20)

John (20)


Marie (17)

William (19)

John (14)

Mabel (13)
(d.pl. 16.9.1598)

Anthonie (12)


Gilbert (8)

Richard (10)
(d.pl. 4.9.1598)
Isabell (8)
(d.pl. 13.9.1598)
Lucie (7)

Fig. 5.7. Relationships between the Railton and Hewer families. Ages (years) in 1597 given in parentheses where known. Victims are
suggested as secondary (S), tertiary (T) or quaternary (Q) cases. Victims marked with a closed circle died in summer 1598 in phase three of
the epidemic. Dotted arrows indicate suggested pattern of spread of the infection between families. Dashed line indicates suggested family
relationship. d.pl., died of plague.

5.5 The epidemic during the rst two phases


infection occurred after Hogson had died (Fig. 5.6). Likewise, vertical
dotted lines are drawn between the day on which the rst secondary case
became infectious and the day on which the last suggested secondary dies;
tertiary infections in the community are possible only between these dates.
The three co-secondaries (see section 2.2) in the family of John Railton
were, sequentially, daughter Elizabeth (aged 22 years), son John (c. 20
years) and the father John, who were infected on 7, 13 and 17 September
respectively, all probably before Hogson was showing symptoms. Three
co-secondaries infected in rapid succession demonstrate a high household
contact rate and it is possible that Hogson was lodging with the Railton
family; he probably infected nobody else. Mabell Railton, the mother, was
clearly a tertiary infection from one of her two children because she was
infected after Hogson died.
The epidemic spread next to the Anthony Railton and Hewer families by
tertiary infections; all three families were interrelated, as shown in Fig. 5.7.
Only two children of John Railton died in the rst phase of the epidemic
but three more died 12 months later in rapid succession in September 1598
in the closing stages of phase three. Two of the children of Anthony
Railton, Anthonie junior (aged 14 years) and Elizabeth (aged 22 years) were
the next tertiaries infected by the secondaries, probably their cousins (Figs.
5.6 and 5.7). They were infected after Hogson had died; the other members
of the family survived. The rst step in the spread of the epidemic to
another household, therefore, was to a closely related family and, as we
shall see in the spread of other plagues during the autumn and winter (e.g.
Eyam; section 10.3), the transmission was quite probably eected via the
youngsters. Sussane Railton, a widow, whose relationship to the Railton
families is not clear (Fig. 5.7) was the next tertiary infection.
The next group of tertiary infections were in the Hewer family; Isabell
Railton was the sister of Thomas Hewer (Fig. 5.7). Son Anthonie (probably
aged 2 years), daughter Margaret (aged 22 years) and the father Thomas
Hewer were infected on 4, 6 and 7 October, respectively, and so must have
been infected by the three original secondaries in the family of John
Railton, as shown in Fig. 5.6. We suggest that the transmission to a new
household was probably eected by Elizabeth Railton, who was the same
age as Margaret Hewer. Katheren Hewer was probably a quaternary,
infected by her brother Anthonie (Fig. 5.6).
After the death of Thomas Hewer, there was a gap of 7 days before the
plague struck again with the death of John Haskew, a cleanser, who was
infected on 14 October, the same day that Elizabeth Railton (original
co-secondary) was buried. He may have been infected at the Railton


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798


= ?

d. 1589

John (31)
Janet (29)

m. 1574

Lancelot (21)

Thomas (13)

Ambrose (27)
Isabell (24)
Anthonie (22)

Fig. 5.8. Relationships between the Haskew families. Abbreviations as Fig. 5.7.

household if he attended in his capacity as a cleanser. In Edinburgh in

1585, cleansers were ordered to clean the houses of those infected with
plague and were responsible for the slaughter of swine, dogs and cats to
prevent the transmission of the disease. The family tree of the Haskews is
shown in Fig. 5.8; Thomas Haskew (aged 13), the nephew of John Haskew,
was infected 4 days after his uncle on 18 October, possibly when he
accompanied him in his work as a cleanser. Probably all the family of John
Haskew had left home and he may have been looking after his nephew
because his father William Haskew had died in 1589. The other members of
the two Haskew families escaped during the rst phase of the epidemic, but
Anthonie (aged 22 years) died 6 months later on 9 May 1598 during the
third phase.
The plague struck next in the Watson family, whose family tree is shown
in Fig. 5.7; John Watson had married Isabell Railton in 1561. Two of their
children, Gilbert (aged 8 years) and Marie (aged 17 years) were both
infected on 18 October 1597; they may have been tertiary infections from
John Railton, father and son, when they were showing symptoms in the
terminal stages of the disease or, more probably, quaternary infections
from their relatives Anthonie Railton or Margaret Hewer (Fig. 5.7). Again,
the infection was spread to the youngsters; the others in the Watson family
This transfer of the infection between households of related families can
be described in terms of mixing patterns (see Fig. 2.7) and a mixing matrix,
as described in section 2.10.
The epidemic spread next to the Cooke, Walker and Blysse families,

5.5 The epidemic during the rst two phases

(d. 31.7.1586)



(d.pl. 6.10.1598)

(d. 1586)

(d.pl. 24.7.1598)

Katheren (22)

Helen (20)

(d.pl. 15.12.1598)

Sussane (17)

Q Gilbert (1)

Annes (15)

John (13)

Fig. 5.9. Relationships between the Blysse, Cooke and Hornsbie families. Both
Marion Blysse and Thomas Hornsbie married twice. Abbreviations as Fig. 5.7.

where the infection was rst introduced between 27 and 30 October (Fig.
5.6). The interrelationships between the Blysse and Cooke families are
shown in Fig. 5.9: Katheren Blysse (aged 22 years) the eldest daughter, had
married John Cooke in 1595. Katheren and her son Gilbert (aged 1 year)
were both infected on 27 October and her sister, Helen Blysse (aged 20
years) on 30 October 1597 (Fig. 5.6). There is no evidence of a relationship
between the Blysse family and any of the infectives above, but the most
likely candidates would be Margaret Hewer and Elizabeth Railton, both,
like Katheren, aged 22 years. One of them may have been visiting the
Blysse family, particularly Katheren and Helen, and infected the baby at
the same time. The important point is that the infection probably occurred
Annes Blysse (aged 15 years) and Marion Blysse (her widowed mother)
were then infected on 7 November and son John (aged 13 years) on 8
November (Figs. 5.6 and 5.9); they might have contracted the disease from
Katheren when she rst became infective. Figure 5.9 shows that John
Cooke, and Sussane Blysse survived.
There were also two separate plague deaths at this time: Janet, wife of
Robert Ladiman and John Lyvocke, a joiner, who were buried on 9 and 12
December, respectively.
Meanwhile the epidemic had also spread to the Walker family (Fig. 5.10);
the son Michaell (aged 16 years) was infected on 27 October and he then
infected his sister Alice (aged 20 years) and mother Jane (aged at least 47
years) (see Fig. 5.6). Jane Walker was buried on 26 December 1597, the last


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

[of Bridge]

m. 1590
(probably not living
in the household)

(aged at least 47 years)

Alice (20)

Michaell (16)

Fig 5.10. Plague victims in the Walker family. Abbreviations as Fig. 5.7.

plague death in phase one of the epidemic (Fig. 5.6); thereafter the outbreak
persisted through the winter only by the skin of its teeth and the inhabitants of Penrith must have thought that the epidemic had ceased.
In summary, we have shown that, by combining family reconstitution
techniques and epidemiological theory, it is possible to provide a human
story set within a scientic framework that underlay the events during the
autumn of 1597. The epidemiology summarised in Fig. 5.6 is completely
consistent with an infectious disease that was spread person-to-person and
it is possible to identify the probable infective in each case. This disease was
not bubonic plague; the disease was brought by an infective stranger who
lodged in the town; there was no colony of black rats in the cold winter of
the Eden Valley, many miles from warmer, southern ports; no eas could
have bred there; the incubation and infectious periods are completely
dierent; the inhabitants of Penrith obviously assumed that it was a
standard infectious plague; the epidemic spread within households and
between relatives during the rst phase in a predictable way, quite unlike
bubonic plague; the dynamics of phase three of the epidemic are completely
consistent with a Reed and Frost infection with a long incubation period.
The key to understanding the epidemiology of the plague lies in the
lengthy incubation period and, because of this, apparently healthy infectives could move around the country on foot or horseback covering
considerable distances before they were struck down. Another consequence was that between mid-August, when Hogson was infected somewhere else, and the end of December the epidemic had extended only to
quaternary infections (Fig. 5.6).
Only some eight or nine households were infected in the rst phase;
during the autumn there was a high household contact rate but the

5.6 Explosion of the epidemic in phase three


epidemic spread with diculty to other households so that its eective

propagation was slow. This transmission was completely dierent in the
summer during the third phase. Everything suggests that people were
most readily infected indoors during the autumn and infection probably
required more than a casual contact. As at Eyam, the initial infective
(Hogson) was lodging in the town for some time and he infected only three
members of the Railton family; meeting people in the street seems to have
been an ineective means of transmission in the autumn. However, once
the infection was introduced, not everyone in the household died, although
they were presumably in close contact; some survivors died later in the
third phase of the epidemic.
For a plague epidemic to persist, it was essential that the infectious agent
was transmitted to other households and at Penrith during phase one this
was usually achieved by visiting close relatives, probably indoors. As at
Eyam in 1665, analysis suggests that it was probably the young people,
who were free from symptoms and apparently healthy who were carrying
the infection round.
There were no plague deaths in January and only one in February 1598,
when John, son of John Atkinson de Scill, was buried on the 10th. Thus, in
phase two of the epidemic, during the depths of winter, there was a clear
break in the transmission of the infection. Jane Walker was buried on 26
December 1597 and it would be predicted that John Atkinson was not
infected until about 4 January 1598. There are a number of possible
explanations. (i) There may have been someone who was infected and so
became infectious during late December and early January but recovered
and so did not appear in the burial records. (ii) John Atkinson may have
been infected earlier and had a prolonged illness to which he eventually
succumbed. Some victims in London in winter had infectious periods
longer than 42 days (see section 8.1). (iii) One of the people buried in
DecemberJanuary not marked with a P in the register may have died of
plague: Elizabeth Smalman was buried on 22 December 1597 and her
husband, John Smalman, a poor Scottishman, died 22 days later, a typical
interval for the plague.

5.6 Explosion of the epidemic in phase three

John Atkinson junior had a critical role in the continuation of the plague
through the winter; if he had not been infected, the epidemic at Penrith
would have been extinguished. His burial on 10 February was the only
recorded plague death between 26 December 1597 and 5 March 1598. It


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798






d. Annes (18)
f. Chris


d. Annes (16)
s. Richard (8 months)
m. Margaret
s. Thomas (9)
f. Richard
d. Lucie (13)








Mabell (13)




d. Jane (12)
s. Anthonie (16)
m. Janet




f. Wm
m. Mabell




w. Jane


m. Isabell


s. Cuthebert (8)
d. Marion (13)

Alexander (36)


s. Thomas (5)
d. Janet
m. Anne

Castelhowe Margaret







Fig. 5.11. Suggested sequence of infections in the start of phase three of the epidemic
at Penrith. The epidemic began again with John Atkinson, who is regarded as a new
primary case. Details and abbreviations as Fig. 5.6. Scale: days after 4 January 1598.

5.7 Age- and sex-specic mortality


is interesting that the gaps between Andrew Hogson (the stranger) and
the next recorded plague victim (see Fig. 5.6) and between young John
Atkinson and the rst victim of phase three of the pestilence are 22 and 23
days, respectively, again indicative of the long incubation period of the
disease. John Atkinson junior (considered as a new primary case; probably
aged 21 years) infected four co-secondaries in three families (Fig. 5.11); of
these Annes (aged 18 years) was the daughter of Xpofer ( : Christopher)
Herreson, and Annes (aged 6 years) and Richard (aged 8 months) were the
children of Richard and Margaret Nicholson. Once more the youngsters
had a major role in the transmission of the epidemic to other families;
possibly John Atkinson and Annes Herreson were sweethearts.
Phase three of the pestilence gathered momentum in March, with at least
17 tertiary infections from the initial 4 secondaries, including Chris
Herreson, Thomas (aged 9 years), Lucie (aged 13 years) and their father,
Richard Nicholson. Burials after 1 April 1598 were probably mixed tertiaries and quaternaries and there was a gap between 7 and 14 April after
which there was a wave of infections and the epidemic exploded, illustrated
by the steepness of the solid arrows in Fig. 5.5.
It is evident from Fig. 5.4 that during phase three of the epidemic the
families diered sharply in their household contact rate; in some there was
a single burial whereas in others the infection spread through the family.
The pattern of the epidemic in phase three was quite dierent from that in
the autumn: in the spring and summer of 1598, the infection passed readily
and rapidly between families. For example, 14 people from dierent families died on 1 August.

5.7 Age- and sex-specic mortality in the plague at Penrith

The plague at Penrith in 1597 occurred only 40 years after the parish
registers began, so that there are few records for the older members of the
community. However, an age-specic mortality curve for women dying in
the plague has been estimated (Fig. 5.12, line a) and this diered from the
general cumulative female mortality curve determined from the family
reconstitution data base for 160049 in the age groups 020 years (Fig.
5.12, line b) but agrees closely with the theoretical age structure for Level 4,
Women, Model West (Fig. 5.12, line c; Coale & Demeny, 1966), with an
expectation of life at birth of 27.5 years. In order to derive an estimate of the
age-specic incidence of plague mortality at Penrith that can be compared
with other studies, the method described by Schoeld (1977) has been used;
briey, the age incidence of mortality during the plague period was


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

Fig. 5.12. Female age-specic mortality in the plague at Penrith, 159798. (a)
Estimated percentage age-specic mortality of plague victims (closed circles); (b)
cumulative female mortality curve at Penrith, 160049 (closed squares); (c) theoretical age structure, Level 4, Women, Model West. Note the close correspondence
between lines a and c.

compared with the pattern prevailing before the crisis. The mean annual
number of burials before the plague from 1557 to 1597 was 60.2 and they
were distributed between the age groups 04, 514, 1544 and 45; in the
proportions given in Table 5.3. Subtracting column (1) from (2) gives the
observed number of excess burials because of the epidemic for each group;
see column (3). This is then compared with the expected excess burials if the
age-specic mortality corresponded with the number of people at risk in
each age group estimated from the theoretical stable conditions; Model
West, Level 4 was used to estimate the percentage of the population in each
age group. Those aged over 40 years, for which an age at death cannot be
estimated, were divided in the proportions suggested by the model population percentages. For the younger groups (i.e. under 20 years), only 34
burials were unattributed and these were again divided in accordance with
the distribution suggested by the model population statistics.
Some authors have suggested that plague mortality was more severe
among older children and adolescents rather than an equal incidence
among all classes of the population. Hirst (1952) wrote that The largest
number of cases occur in persons between the ages of 10 and 35 years, the
very young and elderly being comparatively little aected and children
aged 510 years showed the lowest mortality. In a London parish, Hollingsworth & Hollingsworth (1971) found an increased mortality only for
those aged 444 years and Pollitzer (1954) stated that adolescents and


5.7 Age- and sex-specic mortality

Table 5.3. Excess mortality in plague by age at Penrith, 159798







AgeRecorded structure
in model
(2) (1) population






See text for further details.

Data from family reconstitution study (Scott, 1995).

adults aged up to 45 years displayed the greater susceptibility. It is generally agreed that those aged in their mid-40s and above were less likely to
die during a plague outbreak, which might suggest a previous exposure and
immunity to the disease. It is noteworthy that the rst plague at Penrith
was in 1554, 43 years before the great outbreak in 1597. In conclusion, no
age group was markedly aected at Penrith, although those aged over 45
years had a lower than expected mortality.
Women were said to be more susceptible to plague than men in parts of
Europe, although apparently the reverse was seen in England (Slack, 1985).
Hollingsworth & Hollingsworth (1971) and Hirst (1952) have suggested
that male mortality was more severe than female, whereas the evidence for
Eyam (Bradley, 1977) and Colyton (Schoeld, 1977) suggests that the
pattern for the sexes was similar. At Colyton, the sex ratio of burials was
93.7 males per 100 females, which was found to be close to the ratio of 92.9
for the 10 years prior to the crisis. Female victims outnumbered males in
Barnstaple, Chelmsford and Stratford-upon-Avon (Slack, 1985). Pregnant
females, who almost invariably aborted, displayed the highest mortality
and, during the 1665 plague at London, a total of 432 deaths due to
childbed, abortive or stillborn causes appeared during August and
September, when mortality was at its highest. Often the cause was more a
lack of attention during connement than any direct consequence of the
plague (Leasor, 1962). At Penrith, the sex ratio of plague victims was 137
females to 100 males.


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

5.8 Wills and testaments of those who died in the plague at Penrith

To read the wills of those who died in the plague allows an insight into the
devastating rapidity of the progress of the disease and, more particularly,
reveals the tragedy in those stricken families who faced the inevitable with
dignity and resignation. They remembered the poor of the parish, often
leaving them a quantity of bigg, a poor form of barley, and several of them,
as the extracts below show, left money for the building and repair of the
bridges in the town. Several (see will (f)) bequeathed belongings that were
left to them by their father who had died in the plague but which they had
not yet inherited.
The only people who made wills during the plague were those with
substantial possessions to leave, and inspection of the extracts below shows
that these prosperous members of the town, mostly successful tradesmen,
were all interconnected and interrelated with one another and with their
witnesses. They were a separate group from the gentry, of whom only three
died. Some salient points from the wills are listed below:
(a) Michael Dobson was married on 20 July 1598 and made his will a
month later on 27 August 1598. He was buried, aged 20 years, 5 days
later, on 1 September.
He leaves to his wife Isabell (who survived the plague) all his tenements barnes and yeards with the appurtenance and my tythe estait
and tenament right during her wydowehood.
John Dobson (probably brother), who, with his wife, survived the
plague but four of his children had died of plague before the will was
written. He was born before the earlier outbreak of plague in 1554.
Edward Todd, who survived with his wife, but they lost two children
after witnessing the will. He may have been born before the earlier
John Burrowe, who survived the plague with his wife and two
Thomas Hornsbie, who survived the plague with his wife and two
(b) John Steinson made his will on 30 August 1598 and was buried 3 days
later on 2 September. He leaves all that tenement with appurtances
which was my fathers to his eldest son Thomas (who probably survived
the plague) and all the rest of goode movable and umovable I do maike
and ordaine to my son Richard and Margaret my daughter. Richard
was buried 2 days after his father, whereas it is noteworthy that

5.8 Wills and testaments


Margaret died of the plague some 6 weeks later. A minor bequest was
to the poore of the parish 6 pecke of ote meale.
Robert Nelson, who survived with one child whereas his wife died of
the plague.
Richard Salkeld, who lost two children in the plague but the rest of
the family survived.
Anthony Steinson (schoolmaster). All the family survived.
Robert Steinson (shoemaker), who lost one child.
Thomas Fenton and Michael Graye, both of whom survived with
their wives.
(c) Arthur Gibson lost his daughter Elizabeth on 10 July 1598 some 10
weeks before the plague struck his family again; she was buried on the
fell. A child was buried on 19 September 1598 and Arthur makes his will
2 days later on 21 September. His wife died on the next day and he and
another child (Ann aged 9 years) died on 24 September.
In his will, he wishes
my bodie to be with the bodies of my wye and children so manye of
us as shall die at this tyme be buried within the parishe church yard of
I give and bequest all my lande tacke and tenements to John my
eldest son [who survived the plague; he may have been living away
from home on his own land].
I give to Jane my eldest daughter hawked cowe and also if all my
children dye but her I give her twenty sheepe.
Jane is described as a servant and may have been living away from
home. She died in 1606, aged 26 years.
Cuthbert Byrd who survived the plague but whose wife and three
children died. Cuthbert may have been born before the earlier
John Castelholme (? alias Castlehow) who survived but whose wife
had died of the plague earlier on 22 March 1598.
John Turner who was born before the earlier plague and survived the
plague in 1598.
(d) Robte Holme wrote his will on 25 September 1598, made additions on
the 27th and was buried on 3 October, 8 days after beginning his
testament. The following are extracts:
I give and bequeath to the buylding of Sandgate Bridge 6s 8d and 4s
3d which Willm Bowman of Kirkoswald oweth me, and to the


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

repairing of Midlegaet Bridge 3s 4d.

I give to Margaret and Frances my two daughters all my lande,
houses, tackes and tenements . . . [They survived the plague but
were 23 and 25 years of age and may have left home.]
I give to Agnes my wie two of my best kyne. [She was his second
wife and probably survived the plague.]
Stephen Stell, who, with his wife and three children, survived.
Willm Emetson, who, with two daughters, survived but whose wife
had died earlier of plague on 27 June 1598.
(e) Stephen Jackson made his will on 3 July 1598 but did not die until 1
August. Evidently, he set out his wishes as soon as the plague appeared
in his family and not when he rst displayed any symptoms: his son
aged 13 years was buried on 3 or 5 July and his wife Dorothy was
buried on 15 July, 17 days before her husband. Their son John survived.
Stephen makes no mention of his wife in the will and he seems to
assume that she was doomed. If she was showing the characteristic
symptoms on 3 July, her suering lasted 12 days.
Lancelet Hind, who survived with his wife although their 2-year-old
daughter had died earlier.
John Dobson, who also witnessed will (a).
(f) Isabell Nelson, spinster, made her will on 23 July 1598 and was buried
on the following day. She gave and bequeath all that my childs portion
dewe to me by the last will and testament of Stephen Nelson my lait
(g) Robert Gibbon made his will on 1 October 1598 and was buried 4 days
later. He made the following requests: Item . . . the tuition and government of my sonne Anthonie [aged 3 years] and my tenement Heath and
yard in the head of Penreth with the appurtenances together with his
portion to Gilbert Gibbon and William Gibbon my bretheringe during
his none age. Item I maike Anthonie my sonne my whole executore of
this my last will and testament. And if I and my wye dye I gyve all my
goods to Willm and Gilbert my bretheringe.
Robert Gibbon, his wife and their son Anthonie were all buried on
the same day, 5 October 1598. There were no survivors.
Witnesses to the will were:
William Gibbon the elder, who, with his wife and two of his children,
survived, although they lost one child. William may have been born
before the earlier plague.
Gilbert Gibbon, who survived with his two sons, although his wife

5.8 Wills and testaments


had already died before he witnessed the will.

Robert Nelson, who was married 2 years previously and survived.
His wife died after the will was witnessed but their son, born during
the plague, survived.
Edward Todd (brother-in-law), who with his wife survived, although
both died in the famine of 1623.
(h) Jeeraye Stephenson made his will on 20 October, the same day that
his daughter Isobel was buried, and died 2 days later. He gave all his
lands meddowes and heridaments . . . all my goods movable and
ummovable to Elizabeth my daughter. He made her my whole executrix and I comytt the tuition and government of my daughter Elizabeth to Agnes Stephenson and John Stephenson my brother during her
non aige. He gave further directions if my daughter Elizabeth dye and
made other minor bequests as follows:
Item I give to Sussan Emerson my wiefs best cott [coat] and sle . . .
es [?shoes]. Item I give to Margaret Todd my wiefs best hatt.
Elizabeth Stephenson was buried on 23 October, the day following
her father. He makes no mention of his wife, Janet, in the will and even
bequeaths some of her best clothing, although she was not buried until
24 October. Was she already showing symptoms whereas the daughter
Elizabeth was not despite dying very quickly?
Witnesses of the will were:
John Stevenson, who survived with all his family.
Edward Todd see witness to will (g).
(i) Elizabeth Browne, widow, made her will on 29 May 1598 and was
evidently suering from the plague and was being cared for by the
Crosbie family because and that the said Thomas Crosbie and his weife
shall maintain and vel. . . me in my visitation. She leaves the bulk of
her possessions to the Crosbie family but gives to Elioner Crosse, one
chadgoe and my daughter Janes clothes and unto Elizabeth Crosbie
. . . my lynen web [listed in the inventory at 8s 4d] . . .
All the Crosbie family survived the plague.
(j) Thomas Sutton, tailor, made his will on an unknown date and was
buried on 22 July 1598. Evidently he was aware that his wife might be
aected by the pestilence, although, in fact, she was not buried until a
month later, on 22 August. He made the following bequests:
to the poore of the Parish 10s and to the building of the Sandgait bridge
whensoever 5s.
to Thomas Sutton my sonne . . . my tenement in Penreth after the death of my
wye Mabell and I give to her my lease I gave . . . of one other halfe wood land.


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

to John Sutton my brother John elder sonne my steall cape sword and arrowes
I used for service of the Prince.
my other bowes I gyve the one to John of John Turner with 12 shafte and to . . .
my quyver and all the arrowes in the same. And to richard Cel. . . my brother in
law my good blewe cott and my wedding dublett and to . . . brother my suit of
leather apperell.
to Robert Wilson my gymmer bowe with c. . . arrowes and butt . . . shafte. And
if God doe call me to his mercie and my wye I do gyve to the said Robert one
to my wye the great chest and meale in the same, and if God do call on her,
then the chest and meale to be sold to paye my debts.
will that if it please God to call me and my wye of this visitation that her . . .
friends and myne shall devide the remaine of my goode equallie amongst them.
I appoint Mabell my wye to be myne executrice.
I gyve to Henrie Ewrie if we bothe dye a pecke of bigg [barley] and ve cartfull
of peete.

John Turner, who was born before the previous plague. He and four
children survived but one child died.
Robert Wilson, a glover, who with his wife and child died in the
plague. He was born after the plague of 1554.
Thomas Suttons widow, Mabell, made her will on 20 August 1598
and was buried on 22 August 1598, 1 month after her husband. She
made the following bequests:
to my sister Jane . . . my best petticoat.
to Robt Wylsons wye my next best coat my featherbed and one shyft. [Robt
Wilson and his wife Janet were buried 4 September 1598.]
to Anthonye C. . . ell wye and her daughter workday coates.
to Reynold Lucas my husbands best fustian doublet and pairr of grene hose
and other stockinges and shorte jerkin.

These wills suggest the rapidity of the course of the disease, with death
coming in about 35 days from the appearance of symptoms. It is striking
that only 2 days before burial (not death) these dying people were still able
to think clearly and to make detailed and careful arrangements, including
the guardianship of their children. Several members of some families died
within a few days of each other (see will (h)) and in one case (will (g)) all
three members of the family died on the same day. They were obviously
well aware that the remainder of the family would probably die (will (c)).

5.8 Wills and testaments


Some of the older children who were left major bequests and who did not
die in the plague may have been living away, perhaps on their own
tenements (will (c)). Mabell Sutton (will (j)) was buried 1 month after her
husband Thomas; was she infected by him about the time when his symptoms showed or re-infected later? See also wills (b) and (e). Reading the wills
suggests the possibility that, once showing symptoms, children may have
died more quickly than adults (see will (h)): children were left bequests in
the will and were presumably apparently healthy but were buried on the
same day as their father.
But not everyone who must have been in contact with an infected person
died. Elizabeth Browne, a widow (see will (i)), was cared for in her last days
by the Crosbie family, all of whom survived. There are many cases where
one or more in the family, often a young child, escaped death and survived
the plague. Many of the witnesses survived the plague, in spite of being
close to a dying man when they signed his will and in spite of also having
plague in their own families. There does not appear to have been any
diculty about nding someone prepared to be exposed to the infection
when witnessing the will and some had over six witnesses. We conclude
that, within the town, the inhabitants of Penrith did not practice isolation
to any great extent.
Were these people who were clearly exposed to infection but survived the
plague immune or were they infected but recovered? If the latter, were they
subsequently immune? It was believed by the inhabitants of Eyam that it
was impossible to catch the pestilence again after recovering from an
infection (section 10.8). The parish registers of Penrith do not begin until
1556, 2 years after the plague of 1554 and so the dates of birth of the older
members of the community cannot be established. Nevertheless, judging by
the dates of marriage and of the births of their rst children, some of the
witnesses can be identied (see above) as probably having been born before
1554 and so survived the rst plague. These men seemed also to have
survived the plague of 159798 and it is possible that they were immune or
acquired immunity from the earlier outbreak of the pestilence.
When the plague in northwest England reached Warcop, the barn where
the victim died was burned (see section 7.8) because it was believed that
miasma or noxious vapours in the atmosphere were responsible for the
disease, and that miasma could be retained in clothes or bedding for long
periods and transported, possibly by domestic animals, from house to
house (Slack, 1985). In 1666, a Statutory Order was passed that a good
quantity of unslaked lime be put into the graves of plague victims, and that
the same should not be reopened within the space of a year or more for fear


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

Table 5.4. Annual baptisms and burials at Penrith before, during and after
the plague














of infecting others. The inhabitants of Penrith were not worried by such

considerations and bequeathed personal clothes and bedding to their
friends and relatives and apparently did not think that there was any
chance of spreading the infection in this way (see wills (h) and (j)).

5.9 Response of the population at Penrith after the plague

Some 50% of the population at Penrith died between 1596 (a year of
famine) and 1598 (at the end of the plague) and yet the mean annual
number of baptisms recovered quickly and was at its post-plague level (60
baptisms per year, 16001750) by 1600, see Table 5.4 and section 13.17. A
population could recover after such a mortality crisis either by new marriages and remarriages and increased fertility, as at Eyam in 166566
(Bradley, 1977) or by immigration, as at Norwich after the epidemics of the
late 16th and early 17th centuries (Slack, 1985). The birth intervals at
Penrith, 158695, determined from a family reconstitution study were not
signicantly dierent from those after the plague, 15991608 and it is
concluded that the return to pre-crisis levels was not a consequence of an
increase in birth rate.
An estimate of the immigration into Penrith can be derived from the
reconstituted family forms. For example, the appearance of a family in the
registers where there is no previous record of either partner at Penrith was
scored as two immigrants; when one partner at marriage came from
another parish, it was scored as one immigrant. The most important
immigrations would be the inux of married couples following a mortality
crisis to ll available spaces in the community, and at Penrith 65 new
families appeared during the rst few years of the 17th century and it is
concluded that the community was able to return to steady-state conditions so quickly after the plague because of large-scale immigration from
the surrounding (unaected) parishes as soon as the plague had nished.
The large number of families that were eliminated, and the deaths of
husbands and wives created openings for marriage, which occurred even


5.9 Response after the plague

Table 5.5. The occupations of the head of the households in Penrith aected
by plague mortality

Other classications:
(no occupation given)
Servants: 7 males; 11 females

No. of families
where the head of
the household died
of the plague

No. of families
where at least 1
person died of
the plague





while the plague still raged, with 28 in 1598 and 59 marriages in 1599 (the
average for the previous 10 years was 19). There were 28 marriages in 1600,
after which the average for the next 10 years was 17. Family reconstitution
shows that, of the marriages taking place between 1597 and 1600, remarriages accounted for 28% in 1598, 39% in 1599 and 11% in 1600. So, of the
42 husbands and 37 wives widowed by the plague, 25 husbands remarried
(60%) but only 12 widows remarried (32%). Five of the widowers married
Table 5.5 shows the gaps left by the deaths of tradesmen in Penrith and


Case study: the plague at Penrith in 159798

the occupations of the head of the families where at least one plague death
occurred, and it can be seen that the families of labourers and gentlemen
were equally aected; the vicar and schoolmaster also suered casualties.

5.10 Classication of the epidemics of haemorrhagic plague

The epidemics of the Black Death in each diocese apparently followed
Reed and Frost dynamics irrespective of the season of the year, with a
single sharp peak in the mortality and the outbreak lasting at least 7
months (see Fig. 4.2), indicative of a long serial generation time. As we shall
show in the following chapters, a typical outbreak of haemorrhagic plague
during the next 300 years also followed Reed and Frost dynamics, but
diered from some of the epidemics of the Black Death in that it began in
spring (with the rst deaths in March or April), with a slow build-up
leading to an explosive epidemic with a peak mortality around AugustSeptember. The outbreak lasted at least 7 months and we term these
type (i) epidemics.
It is evident that the epidemic at Penrith followed a dierent pattern and,
as we shall see, a proportion of the outbreaks showed a bimodal mortality
which we term type (ii) epidemics: plague deaths appeared and peaked in
late autumn with the infection conned to a few households during the
winter (low R ); it re-emerged in the spring and then followed type (i) above.

We suggest that these are the two basic types of epidemic of haemorrhagic plague but, of course, there are a number of variants of these basic
(a) Type (ii) epidemics that did not persist through the winter because R

fell to 1, resulted in a very low total mortality. Presumably, there
were many minor autumn outbreaks of this type that went unrecorded.
(b) Some type (i) epidemics were persistent and lasted about 15 months,
continuing through the winter with a few cases in the following spring.
(c) Some outbreaks began in mid-summer (presumably because an apparently healthy infective arrived from a type (i) epidemic) and a major
peak in mortality was generated during the autumn. The disease may
have persisted through the winter.
(d) An infective arrived in a community in summer and plague spread
rapidly through his family (high household R ) but, because of the low

density or small size of the population, few other families were infected
(low interhousehold R ) and so the epidemic did not explode. There

were many such minor outbreaks in rural England (see Chapter 9).

Pestilence and plague in the 16th century in

It is bewildering to read Shrewsburys (1970) account of diseases in England in the 16th century and one gains the impression that plague was
rampant somewhere in almost every year of the century. In an attempt to
bring some order from confusion, to separate fact from ction and to
distinguish between the possible dierent causes of mortality, both infectious and otherwise, we have subdivided the outbreaks of disease into the
following categories:
(i) The Sweating Sickness that was a scourge for the rst half of the
(ii) Epidemics apparently conned to London and the southeast corner of
(iii) Years in which outbreaks of infectious disease were widespread in
(iv) Plagues that were apparently conned to northern England; these are
discussed in detail in Chapter 7.

6.1 The Sweating Sickness

The strange disease that became known all over Europe as the English
Sweat because of the extreme susceptibility of the English (the disease was
absent in Scotland) rst appeared (presumably as a result of a mutation in
the infectious agent) in the autumn of 1485 and a good account of it is given
by Wylie & Collier (1981). Creighton (1894) said that the language of
historians is that the sweat of 1485 spread over the whole kingdom. We
hear of it denitely at Oxford where it lasted but a month or six weeks. He
found reference to it in Bristol and Croyland Abbey but assumed that it
spread little outside London and lasted only during the autumn and early


Plague in the 16th century in England

winter. The Sweat reappeared in 1508, 1517 and 1528, with the fth and last
outbreak in 1551, after which it disappeared from England forever. Most of
the accounts of these outbreaks in England are conned to London except
for the fth Sweat, which began in MarchApril in Shrewsbury and proceeded to London via Ludlow, Presteign, Westchester, Coventry and
Oxford with great mortality (Creighton, 1894).
What was the etiology of the Sweating Sickness? Creighton (1894)
considered that
It is only in the autumn of 1517 that the plague overlaps somewhat on the sweat,
and even then it becomes noticeable mostly in the winter following the decline of
the sweat. The two poisons had existed in English soil side by side, but had not
come out at the same seasons; also the sweat had been mostly a disease of the
greater houses, and the plague mostly of the poorer.

He continues:
Other forms of epidemic fever, in the same pestilential class as the sweat, were
coming to the front in England as well as in other parts of Europe. Thus, in 1539, a
summer of great heat and drought, divers and many honest persons died of the hot
agues, and of a great laske through the realm. The hot agues were febrile inuenzas,
and the great laske was dysentery. Again, in the autumn of 1557, there died many of
the wealthiest men all England through by a strange fever, according to one writer,
or, according to another, there prevailed divers strange and new sicknesses, taking
men and women in their heads, as strange agues and fevers, whereof many died. . . .
That epidemic corresponded to a great prevalence of inuenza on the continent,
which was probably as Protean or composite as the fevers in England. It would not
be correct to say that these new fevers or inuenzas, with more or less of a sweating
type, were the sweat somewhat modied.

These outbreaks were described at the time as pestilence or plague. An

attack began without warning, generally in the night or early morning.
Chills and tremors were followed by high fever and often with a rash (Kiple
& Ornelas, 1997). Shrewsbury (1970) described the Sweats as plagues of 24
hours duration in which anyone who survived beyond that point recovered; it did not attack infants, small children or the aged. If the victim
was to recover, the perspiration diminished, to be replaced with an abundant ow of urine, and recovery was complete within a week, or two at the
outside. In grave cases, by contrast, intense headache and convulsions were
followed by coma, and death arrived with incredible speed. Many died a
few hours after symptoms appeared, although most lingered for 2448
hours. Surviving the disease seems to have conferred no immunity and
some, like Cardinal Wolsey, were said to have endured two or even three
attacks in succession (Kiple & Ornelas, 1997).

6.1 The Sweating Sickness


The disease took at least 6 years to spread from England into Ireland
and Shrewsbury (1970) considered that this slow movement showed that
the Sweating Sickness was not inuenza, the identication generally favoured by medical writers. The rapid onset and haphazard manner of
spread led many to suspect that inuenza was the cause because it is well
known for its ability to mutate from a relatively mild illness to a lethal one.
However, there were no reported respiratory symptoms or secondary cases
of pneumonia, suggesting that Shrewsbury (1970) was correct.
Commenting on the Sweating Sickness, Slack (1985) said that it impressed contemporaries because it was spectacular, killing in 24 hours: It
attacked a community suddenly and then was gone. In particular, unlike
bubonic plague, it struck the prosperous: aldermen and mayors in London
and other towns . . . Yet when we have some precise evidence of its
demographic eects . . . it is not impressive. The disease swept through a
parish in the space of a very few days, a fortnight at most . . .. This is an
important point: the epidemics were of short duration and were apparently
following Reed and Frost dynamics and it is evident that the serial generation time was short, completely dierent from the epidemiology of the
Black Death and the subsequent haemorrhagic plagues.
Slack suggested that the Sweating Sickness may have been an arbovirus
infection of some kind; these viruses circulate from one vertebrate host to
another via the agency of a blood-sucking arthropod, such as the mosquito
that spreads yellow fever. Support for this view has been advanced with the
suggestion that the Sweating Sickness epidemics were always preceded by
heavy rain and sometimes by ooding, both of which would have encouraged mosquito reproduction. However, arboviruses are usually found in
the tropics and the suggestion is not convincing.
The etiology of the English Sweating Sickness has recently been explored
in detail. Dyer (1997) has analysed 680 parish registers for details of the
1551 outbreak: it was predominantly a rural disease with a limited demographic impact. He suggested that the disease was initially spread through
a zoonosis and later by person-to-person transmission because a national
epidemic was capable of very rapid transmission along the lines of communication. This hypothesis has been rened by Taviner et al. (1998), who
also believed that the preponderance in summer and scattered rural nature
suggest a viral infectious agent with a rodent reservoir, although it is not
clear what species of rodent was implicated because brown rats had not
arrived in England and black rats would have been conned to an urban
environment. They suggested that the clinical symptoms, particularly
the marked pulmonary component, are characteristic of Hantavirus


Plague in the 16th century in England

pulmonary syndrome, which is caused by the acquisition of a virus that

normally infects small rodents and consists of a brief and nonspecic
prodrome of fever, myalgia, headache and rapidly progressive non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. Today, it requires mechanical ventilation in
88% of patients within 24 hours of admission; those that die despite
ventilation do so within approximately 72 hours.

6.2 Plagues in London in the 16th century

6.2.1 The rst half of the century
The more important epidemics in the rst half of the 16th century that were
largely conned to London and its environs are summarised below chronologically. This list is based on Shrewsburys (1970) account and where he
thinks that bubonic plague was impossible (usually because of a winter
outbreak) he generally falls back (for no apparent reason) on a diagnosis of
typhus fever. There were many other epidemics of unknown diseases
(excluding Sweating Sickness and typhus) during the 16th century in
London, as in 1501, 15045, 1506, 1518 and annual outbreaks in 151121
(Creighton, 1894).

An epidemic erupted in London in September and was reported

to be raging among the sailors of the Fleet and in October it was
said to have caused 300400 deaths a day. On the Continent it
was described as an epidemic contagious fever with dysentery
and with black spots all over the body, a description that
Shrewsbury (1970) suggested was black or haemorrhagic
measles. This outbreak continued through December and appears to have the characteristics of haemorrhagic plague.
An outbreak in London in February which Shrewsbury (1970)
suggested was typhus fever.
Shrewsbury (1970) considered that the great death in London
in the winter was an epidemic of typhus fever.
An epidemic that erupted in London in May caused a panic
exodus of the citizens and may, according to Shrewsbury (1970),
have been bubonic plague, but, since plague was also reported in
Guildford and Cambridge at this time, this conclusion can only
be conjectural. It was probably haemorrhagic plague.
152930 Shrewsbury (1970) averred that bubonic plague appeared in
London in June 1529 but apparently subsided rapidly during
September, only to reappear in spring 1530 and persist in Lon-

6.2 Plagues in London in the 16th century






don until the autumn. This may have been an extended type (ii)
epidemic of haemorrhagic plague. Shrewsbury believed that the
epidemic was dormant in the winter because of the hibernation
of the plague eas but the conclusion and explanation are not
An epidemic was violently active in London in autumn 1531,
causing a weekly death-roll of 300400. Henry VIII paid expenses to the poor of Greenwich, who were expelled as a precaution to prevent the spread of infection when he took refuge
there. Shrewsbury (1970) believed that this was not bubonic
plague, presumably because the little evidence available suggests an outbreak in the autumn and winter. The scale of the
mortality and the behaviour of the king may suggest an outbreak of haemorrhagic plague that broke out again after the
There was an outbreak in London in the autumn of this year
that continued into November. It caused 99 deaths from plague
and 27 from other causes. It apparently began by ravaging Kent
in the summer and then spread to London the reverse direction to be expected from an epidemic of bubonic plague among
black rats in the port of London. Contrary to Shrewsburys
(1970) conclusions, there is no evidence that this outbreak was
An epidemic erupted in London in midsummer 1535 and had
spread all over the city by the end of August, which was warm
and wet (regarded as a bad sign); mortality was augmented in
September but had disappeared by the end of October.
Shrewsbury (1970) claimed that bubonic plague erupted in London in spring 1536 and became epidemic during the summer,
invading Westminster where it was even in the Abbey threatening the coronation of Jane Seymour. Shrewsbury claimed that it
died out in October because frost made the eas hibernate but
gave no evidence of this. It reappeared in spring 1537 and spread
almost everywhere in London by mid-July; this pattern of a
reduced virulence of the plague over the winter months was
frequently found and is typical of type (ii) epidemics of haemorrhagic plague. There is a record of 112 plague deaths in 1 week in
the city (not excessive numbers for a major outbreak in the
metropolis); it spread along the Thames Valley (perhaps by
barge on the river) reaching Windsor and Kingston, and also



Plague in the 16th century in England

spread southwards to Croydon. Travellers were warned that to
escape this epidemic they should ride 26 miles without stopping,
i.e. probably about 1 days ride on horseback to clear the plague
area. The epidemic disappeared from London by the end of
October 1537. Although there were other epidemics throughout
England at this time they do not appear to have come from the
outbreak in London.
Shrewsbury (1970) assumed that the epidemic in February 1538
was typhus fever.

Even Shrewsbury did not think that most of these epidemics were
bubonic. There is no evidence that they were outbreaks of typhus and we
suggest that, in the absence of additional information, most were of haemorrhagic plague.

6.2.2 Did plague become endemic in London during the second half of the
16th century?
Parish registers began in England after 1540 and a law was passed that
plague burials should be identied therein, so that much better information
is available for the second half of the century. Figure 8.1 shows the number
of plague deaths recorded in the London Bills of Mortality from 1578 to
1680 and it can be seen that the pestilence grumbled on and was virtually
endemic in the city after 1603, with some plague deaths in almost every
year. The enormous epidemics produced during the following 60 years
were not necessarily introduced from overseas because they could have
ared up from one of the isolated cases in the City or have been brought in
from the provinces by an infected traveller. This progression towards the
endemic state after 1578, with prolonged epidemics, is shown in Fig. 8.1,
and Table 6.1 shows the annual number of plague burials in 11 selected
London parishes over the period 155799; in this table we have analysed
all the outbreaks by family reconstitution and some examples are given
below. In addition, there are reported plague deaths in the parish of St
Pancras, Soper Lane, as follows: 1542, 2; 1543, 18; 1547, 6; 1548, 14; 1549, 1.
We have also examined for this period the registers of the parishes of:
St Michael Bassishaw; St Mary Somerset; St Benet, Pauls Wharf; St
Antholin, Budge Row; St Peter, Pauls Wharf; St Paul, Covent Garden;
and Our Lady in Aldermanbury. There are no recorded plague burials.
Although the total mortality in the metropolis in some years was high, as
shown in Fig. 8.1, deaths were few in the individual parishes studied.

6.2 Plagues in London in the 16th century


Nevertheless, our analyses revealed the same pattern in each epidemic with
a latent period of 1012 days and an infectious period of 2527 days, i.e.
within households the latent period could be below the normal 12 days. As
usual, the analyses suggest (although it is impossible to prove the point)
that people were at their most infectious during the rst 10 days of the
infectious period. They were probably less infectious once the symptoms
had appeared, except, perhaps, to those who were nursing them.
With a few exceptions, these epidemics were minor aairs, indicative of a
low household and interhousehold R and hence they usually died out

quickly. And yet these people would have been living in close proximity in
London in crowded dwelling houses. We tentatively suggest that some or
many of the population in these London parishes that experienced regular,
but minor, epidemics were resistant or immune to plague, thereby reducing
the density of susceptibles and hence the eective R .

Another feature of the plague epidemics in London in both the 16th and
17th centuries (see Chapter 8) revealed by our analyses is that a high
proportion of the deaths were of apprentices and servants (both male and
female). This is probably because they were young people brought in from
the provinces who lacked any form of resistance or immunity. Rappaport
(1989) showed that between 1540 and 1589 about 15% of indentured
apprentice carpenters died before they could complete their service. Immigrant apprentices came to London in large numbers and the total number
in 1600 has been estimated as 32 000 to 40 000 (Kitch, 1986).

6.2.3 Epidemics in London, 15421600

(i) Plague broke out in the parish of St Pancras, Soper Lane, in the
autumn of 1542, with two deaths in the Yourke household: a daughter
on 24 October and a servant on 17 December, an interval of 54 days
implying a reinfection in this family from another parish because no
other plague burials are recorded in the St Pancras registers until the
following summer. Antony Gressa was infected as a new primary case
on 27 April 1543 and was buried on 3 June (Fig. 6.1). John Westawe
was next infected about 18 June, after Gressa had died, and so he must
have been infected from outside the parish and was a new primary
case. He died on 25 July and the plague then followed its usual course
but with a low infective contact rate. The primary case infected 25
secondaries, all in separate households (R : 2 to 5), who then infected

711 tertiaries, again, with one exception, in separate families, indicating a very low household contact rate (overall R : 2 to 5). Only 23

Table 6.1. Annual plague deaths in parishes in London in the second half of the 16th century


























Abbreviations: A, St Martin-in-the-Fields; B, St Peter, Cornhill; C, St Olave, Hart Street; D, All Hallows, Bread Street; E, St Pancras, Soper Lane; F, St
Michael, Cornhill; G, St Dionis, Backchurch; H, Our Lady in Aldermanbury; I, Kensington; J, Christ Church, Newgate Street; K, All Hallows, Honey Lane.
(a) There is an entry in the registers between 27 March and 11 June 1563 as follows: The beginning of the plague in this pishe.
(b) Footnote at 2 August 1563 says The numerous burials during this and the two following months were owing to the prevalence of the Plague of this
(c) There is an entry recording the burial of a plague victim in 1593 and there are many burials in the following months.
(d) There is a break in recording the victims of plague between 5 August and 9 October 1593, although there are a large number of burials during this




Alice, apprentice










Fig. 6.1. Suggested sequence of infections in the plague epidemic in the parish of St Pancras, Soper Lane,
London, in 1543. There were two separate primary cases (see text). Scale: days after 27 April 1543. For further
details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

6.2 Plagues in London in the 16th century


quaternaries, all apprentices, were infected so that R  1 and the

epidemic died. Figure 6.1 shows that, although only 17 people died,
this outbreak in 1543 lasted over 5 months because of the low R .

Wylla Farpoynt did not infect Katheryn Farpoynt so that there were
apparently no household infections in this outbreak.
(ii) Plague was said to have broken out in the summer of 1547 and
Creighton (1894) recorded that the occupiers of infected houses were
ordered to mark them with a cross on their street doors. It reappeared
in the spring of 1548 but with only three plague deaths in the parish of
St Pancras. Shrewsbury (1970) quoted records that it raigned sore in
London with great death of people.
(iii) After a dozen years in which London was free from plague, the disease
returned with high mortality in 1563. A deadly plague epidemic was
raging at the English garrison at Havre in France and the disease may
have been imported from there. It is generally agreed that this outbreak in 1563 was the worst in the 16th century. Figure 6.2 shows the
weekly plague deaths in the city and liberties, but excluding the out
parishes, from June 1563 to January 1564; it had started earlier in the
year and was epidemic by 12 June but it did not reach its peak until
SeptemberOctober. Thereafter it declined and Creighton recorded
only 13 plague deaths in the week beginning 21 January 1564. The
outbreak clearly followed typical Reed and Frost dynamics, lasting
over 8 months, indicative of the usual long serial generation time and a
low R .

This epidemic not only grumbled on through the winter, rising to 40
deaths in 1 week in February, as Shrewsbury (1970) showed, but
continued through MarchJune 1564, albeit with fewer than 10 weekly
deaths. It was, therefore, an atypical type (i) epidemic and is indicative
of how plagues now persisted in London. Shrewsbury estimated from
the data available that 20 000 people in London died in this plague, at
least 25% of the population.
Creighton (1894) gave the following quotation from Dr John Jones
His other observation is interesting as proving the possibility of repeated
attacks of the buboes in the same person, an observation abundantly
conrmed, as we shall see, in the London plagues of 1603 and 1665: Here
now, gentel readers, I think good to admonish all such as have had the
plague, that they ie the trust of ignoraunt persons, who use to saye that he
who hath once had the plague shal not neded to feare the havinge of it anye
more: the whych by this example whyche foloweth (that chaunced to a
certayne Bakers wife without Tempel barre in London, Anno Do. 1563) you


Plague in the 16th century in England

Fig. 6.2. Weekly plague deaths in London from June 1563 to January 1564.
Abscissa: weeks after 12 June 1563. Data source: Creighton (1894).

shall nd to be worthelye to be repeated: this sayde wyfe had the plage at

Midsommer and at Bartholomewtide, and at Michaelmas, and the rst time
it brake, the second time it brake, but ran littell, the thirde time it appeared
and brake not: but she died, notwythstanding she was twyce afore healed.

We have analysed the mortality of 1563 in the parish of St Dionis,

Backchurch, where the epidemic is not ocially recorded in the registers but a footnote records that the numerous burials during this and
the following two months were owing to the prevalence of the plague
of this year and are typical of haemorrhagic plague. The start of the
outbreak with seven co-primaries is illustrated in Fig. 6.3. Probably all

6.2 Plagues in London in the 16th century





apprentice P










Fig. 6.3. Suggested sequence of infections at the start of the plague epidemic in the
parish of St Dionis, Backchurch, London in 1563. Scale: days after 26 June 1563.
For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

four victims in the Lynge household were primaries, beginning with

the apprentice. The daughter of the Cooke household infected three
secondaries, her two brothers and the apprentice. The daughter of the
Stookes household infected her brother. The apprentice (the last primary) was the only victim in the Pace household.
The prolonged infection (over 100 days) in Mr Sears house in the
parish of St Dionis began with the apprentice and then, sequentially
with three servants before the death of Rychard Sears (Fig. 6.4A). A
child and an apprentice were initially infected in Mr Revelles house
and then, sequentially, another apprentice and three servants (Fig.
(iv) There was a small epidemic in the parish of St Martin-in-the-Fields in
1575 that followed the standard pattern and is illustrated in Fig. 6.5.
The infection began at a favourable time of year at the start of April
but, nevertheless, the eective interhousehold contact rate was low and
only 23 people died even though the outbreak persisted for over 4
months. The servant in the Grayes household was the single primary
case who infected 48 secondaries but these infected only 411 tertiaries (R : 1.5 to 2.5) with few of them in new households. Conse
quently, there were only 38 quaternaries (R : 1) and only 24 fth

generation infectives with an R  1, and so the epidemic died out.

(v) There were smaller epidemics in 1578 and 1582 and the complete
outbreak in the parish of St Michael, Cornhill, in 1582 is illustrated in


Plague in the 16th century in England



















Fig. 6.4. The epidemic in two selected households in the parish of St Dionis,
Backchurch, in 1563. (A) Mr Sears ( : Sayrs) household where the infection began
with a tertiary infection. Scale: days after 25 July 1563. (B) Mr Revelles household
where the infection began with a secondary case. Scale: days after 3 August 1563.
Note the high number of servants and apprentices dying and the slow spread of the
plague through the households. For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.
Sx, sixth generation infection.

Fig. 6.6. Only 34 people died but the epidemic lasted from September
1582 to September 1583, indicative of a very low R within the parish.

Thus, the infection began in the autumn, typical of a type (ii) epidemic
(upper part of Fig. 6.6) with two co-primaries in two households. The
servant introduced the plague into the Poole family, infecting two
members plus another servant. The two primaries infected 56 secondaries (R : 3) but the third, fourth, fth, sixth and seventh generations

of the infection showed a fall in the contact rate, typical of winter
conditions (R successively 0.4, 2, 0.4, 1, 0.3) and hence the epidemic

died out, the last victim dying on 13 January. This type (ii) epidemic
did not survive through the winter, but 43 days later a boy in the
Cockson family was infected as a new primary, presumably from
outside the parish, so initiating a small-scale type (i) epidemic, with
deaths occurring from April to September. The lower part of Fig. 6.6
illustrates the continuing low R .

(vi) The next major outbreak in London (the last of the 16th century) was
in 1593. This epidemic began in the autumn of 1592 and is said to have
caused 2000 deaths before the end of the year. On 7 September,

6.2 Plagues in London in the 16th century
















Fig. 6.5. Suggested sequence of infections in the plague epidemic in the parish of St
Martin-in-the-Fields, London, in 1575. Scale: days after 1 April 1575. For further
details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

soldiers from the north on their way to Southampton to embark for

foreign parts had to pass round London to avoid the infection which
is much spread abroad in the city. On 16 September, the spoil of a
great Spanish carrack at Dartmouth could be brought no further than
Greenwich, on account of the contagion in London. It is noteworthy
that the infection lasted through the winter; even in mid-winter people
were leaving London: the plague is so sore that none of worthy stay
about these places (Creighton, 1894). On 21 January it was ocially
noted that, after diminishing for some weeks, plague was increasing
again in the city, and its continuing increase provoked the prohibition
on the 28 January of plays, bear-baitings, bowlings, bullghts, and all
sports and like assemblies within the Lord Mayors jurisdiction. Simultaneously the prohibition was extended to cover the outer Liberties
in Middlesex and Surrey within 7 miles of the city.
The plague was evidently rampant in the spring of 1593 and reached
its peak in the third week of August. Creighton (1894) identied Fleet
Ditch as the most infected part of the city, whereas Shrewsbury (1970)

Fig. 6.6. Suggested

sequence of infections in
the plague epidemic in
the parish of St Michael,
Cornhill, London, in
158283. The lower
portion of the gure is
separated from the upper
portion by an interval of
43 days and hence the
son in the Cockson
household is regarded as
a new primary case.
Note the low R and the
long duration of this
epidemic. Scales: (A)
days after 13 September
1582; (B) days after 25
February 1583. For
further details and
abbreviations, see Fig.
5.6. Sx and Se, sixth and
seventh generation
infections, respectively.










van Oken

a Dutchman



Alyce, servant




6.3 Plagues in central and southern England


armed that St Katharine by the Tower was the parish where the
epidemic raged most violently; 525 burials were recorded in the registers in 1593 and Shrewsbury believed that the plague mortality rate
was at least 63%. By September, the disease was epidemic in
Greenwich and it radiated outwards through Middlesex into Essex,
Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. Mortality in London from the
plague of 1593 has been estimated dierently, but probably over
17 000 people died, i.e. 60% of the total of deaths from all causes.
There is little information concerning the symptoms shown by those
contracting the disease, but Creighton (1894) quoted a letter written by
Richard Stapes on 3 November 1593 commenting on the plague: my
son-in-law has buried his servant; but I cannot say his was the sickness
because the visitors reported that the tokens did not appear on him as
on the other. These tokens were probably not buboes but were the
characteristic marks on the body by which victims of the disease were
identied. Signs and tokens are discussed more fully in section 13.12;
unfortunately, we have no further information concerning the epidemic of 1593 but evidently not everyone dying at that time displayed
We see from this summary that the plagues of 1563 and 1593 in London
had features in common that were also characteristic of the major plagues:
an explosive epidemic with Reed and Frost dynamics that reached its peak
in late summer, clear continuation through the winter months at a low
level, appearance of the diagnostic tokens, infection radiating outwards to
other communities and a high percentage mortality.

6.3 Plagues in central and southern England during the 16th century
During the rst half of the 16th century there are numerous anecdotal
accounts of scattered epidemics throughout England and, after 1550, many
parish registers record deaths from the pestilence or the plague. In
general, these outbreaks do not appear to have had their origins in a
London focus. In addition, many have searched the registers for years of
crisis mortality and some have ascribed these to outbreaks of plague,
although they were almost certainly the result of other factors (see section
1.5). Plagues in northern England in this century seem to have had dierent
origins and, in some cases, their rapid spread can be traced with some
accuracy. They are described in Chapter 7.


Plague in the 16th century in England

The universities of Oxford and Cambridge seem to have been remarkably unhealthy places, perhaps because the universities archives provide
more written evidence than in other towns, but there are repeated reports
of terms being curtailed, of the colleges being closed or even of the universities moving temporarily to another location. Sometimes these were precautionary measures.
The following is a brief, chronological summary of these various outbreaks of lethal infectious diseases in central and southern provincial
England, discounting epidemics of Sweating Sickness or of suspected typhus.

Plague at Oxford and Exeter, discounted as bubonic by Shrewsbury (1970).

150910 Probably the European pandemic of inuenza.
A grace to dispense with lectures at Cambridge because of
plague that was apparently widespread in this year. It was also
in London and on the Continent and Shrewsbury suggested that
this may have been black or haemorrhagic measles, another
example of a lethal epidemic that was not bubonic plague.
Plague reported as active this year in Nottingham and Oxford
(Creighton, 1894).
Fear of plague caused Cambridge University to postpone the
Michaelmas term.
Vehement plague at Oxford.
The Easter term at Cambridge was prorogued and the disease
may have persisted for 3 years.
Shrewsbury attacked by disease.
Plague ravaging Kent spread to London; Cambridge University
term postponed although there is no record of an epidemic
there. Plague reported in the parish register of Much Wenlock;
the infective that brought the disease must have travelled a
considerable distance.
Plague active in Shrewsbury, Somerset, Devonshire, Cornwall,
Doncaster (in October when the weather was so cold that even
Shrewsbury discounted bubonic plague) and Oxford (where the
university was again dispersed).
153738 A severe epidemic in a number of widespread places in England
including Hull, Reading, near Buckingham, Towcester, Launceston, Kingston-upon-Thames, Portsmouth, Devonshire and

6.3 Plagues in central and southern England







Chester. Term at Cambridge University was adjourned but

there is no evidence of an epidemic disease in 1537. It is noteworthy that the pestilence was severe in the January and February of 1538 not only in Devonshire but in the colder, eastern
counties of Huntingdonshire and Derbyshire, spreading to Norfolk and York in March and to Cambridge in April. Plague was
evidently widespread throughout the metapopulation in this
There was an alarming amount of sickness and pestilence
throughout England in this hot and dry summer; Liverpool was
badly aected and Watford recorded 40 plague burials out of a
total of 47 burials between July and September.
There were several scattered, localised outbreaks of plague reported in southern ports and on the southeast coast of England
in this year, for example in Bristol, Dover, Rye and Canterbury;
plague was also prevalent in and around Calais. Plague was also
widespread around Portsmouth in the following summer and 11
of the 34 ships in the eet were infected and from them 903
plague-sick sailors and marines were removed. Shrewsbury
(1970) also reported that some soldiers at Portsmouth were
dropping dead, full of the marks of plague as they paraded to
receive their pay.
Plague was reported in a belt across the east and Midlands at
Marlborough, Loughborough, Oundle and at Cambridge,
where the university was dissolved.
Cambridge again attacked and plague erupted at several places
in Northamptonshire, Devonshire and Shrewsbury.
An epidemic in Cornwall at Stratton and Camborne; the register at Stratton recorded 155 plague burials.
Plague raged throughout the summer at Bristol.
High mortality (possibly related to a disease) was reported in
four widely separated places: Lincoln, Evesham, Colyton and
Plague said to be bad in Loughborough and Stratford-uponAvon.
Severe plague recorded in the registers of Oswestry, with plague
deaths persisting through December and January of the following year. Plague was also reported as widely prevalent in
Cheshire, Staordshire and Nottinghamshire.


Plague in the 16th century in England

156365 Shrewsbury described the plague of 1563 (which he believed to

be bubonic) as probably the severest national outbreak in the
English provinces in the 16th century. It broke out in the
English possession at Havre in France and spread to the Channel Islands about midsummer 1563. There was also high mortality at Rye and Hastings (191 burials) and outbreaks during
156364 at Derby, Leicester (only four plague burials), Stratford-upon-Avon (see section 6.4), Licheld, Canterbury, Cambridge, Shrewsbury, Bristol and even as far north as Helmsley in
Yorkshire where it was said to be most hot and fearful so that
many died and ed. Apart from a concentration in the Midlands the other localities are widely separated and we have no
evidence of how the epidemic might have spread but there were
probably at least two separate entry points via the ports.
Plague reported in Exeter and Northampton.
Plague reported at Chester, Cambridge and Peterborough.
Severe plague at Stamford, together with 50 plague burials at
Holy Trinity, Hull. Slack (1977b) also reported plague in Bristol
and, using the Easter Books of Christ Church parish, he identied the aected households and these are shown schematically
in Fig. 6.7. Wine Street and Broad Street were two of the main
highways of the town and contained several large households
with servants and apprentices; many of the occupants ed. The
Pithay was a poor, overcrowded alley leading to a workhouse. It
can be seen that the plague spread erratically and that there was
apparently a low contact rate in many households with only one
death reported.
Plague reported at Cambridge, Rye and Dover.
Plague caused great mortality at Bury St Edmonds and ravaged
East Anglia, Essex, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, but was also
reported in Cornwall and the Midlands. Probably two separate
entry points at the ports.
Plague reported in Wolverhampton and Evesham.
Widespread epidemics at Norwich, Plymouth, Herefordshire,
Gloucestershire, Bury St Edmonds and Rye.
Epidemics in a number of widely separated places but the
mortality seems to have been slight.
Heavy plague mortality recorded at Norwich and Southampton.
Plague reported in East Anglia.

6.3 Plagues in central and southern England


Fig. 6.7. Spread of the epidemic at Bristol in 1575. Schematic layout of streets in
which each square represents one house with the number of victims indicated. Data
from Slack (1977b).

158687 Calamitous visitations of plague reported at Chestereld and

159091 Severe plague was reported in Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton,
Dartmouth and Totnes, and Somerset was also grievously infected. Exeters population of 9100 recorded 1030 burials, although
by 1600 the population numbers had recovered to 8900. The
epidemic was apparently most severe in December 1590 and
burials continued at a high level through the winter (Table 6.2).
In the outbreak at Totnes, although recorded plague deaths
peaked in August 1590, they continued through until February
1591 and in December and January the only burials were because of plague.
Plague and a pestelent burning ague reported in Derby, Licheld, Bewdley, Worcester, Gloucester, Tewksbury, although
Shrewsbury suspected that the mortality was not great. In Holt
in Norfolk a great plague erupted on 4 August 1592, according
to the burials register and continued through until 26 February
1593 (probably a type (ii) epidemic that did persist through to
the spring).
This was a year of a major epidemic in London (section 6.2.3)
and plague was also reported quite widely in the provinces,


Plague in the 16th century in England

Table 6.2. Totals of monthly burials at Exeter, 159091

1590 1591












Data source: Shrewsbury (1970).

mainly from a focus in the Midlands. It was grievous in Tewksbury with 560 plague burials registered; Creighton (1894) stated
that Canterbury, Nottingham and Lincoln were attacked; the
university at Cambridge was dispersed; Leicester was aected
by plague in September 1593, which continued until late in the
spring of 1594 (type (ii) epidemic which did not explode in the
second phase); plague was said to be particularly virulent in
Derby, lasting from October 1592 through the winter until
October 1593 (type (ii) epidemic), where there was not two
houses together free from it and yet it is reported that it never
entered the house of a tanner, a tobacconist or a shoemaker (see
Shrewsbury, 1970). Creighton (1894) armed that Licheld sustained a plague death-roll of 1100 and 174 of the inhabitants of
Bishops Castle, Shropshire, died of plague over a 21-month
period with a peak in August 1593. The plague also struck
savagely at Presteigne, some 16 miles south of Bishops Castle,
where 300 died, and at Gloucester where 81 plague deaths were
recorded in the registers of St Nicholas (see Shrewsbury, 1970).

6.4 Case study of the plague at Stratford-upon-Avon, 1564

Mean monthly burials at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 were about ve
when the plague struck on 11 July and the registers recorded Hic incepit
pestis. The rapid rise in monthly deaths is shown in Fig. 6.8; the epidemic
lasted 6 months, from July to December with a peak in September (84
deaths) and exhibited the characteristic Reed and Frost dynamics for the
plague (type (i) epidemic). A total of 237 burials were recorded during this
time but, since deaths from other causes were included, plague mortality
can be estimated at about 220. This was a major outbreak, but with a lower
mortality than that, say, at Penrith in 159798.
We have reconstructed the spread of the plague through the families at
Stratford-upon-Avon and a pattern of events identical with those observed

6.4 Case study from Stratford-upon-Avon, 1564


Fig. 6.8. Monthly burials at Stratford-upon-Avon, January 1564 to April 1565.

in other plague epidemics is seen, there being a slow build-up of mortality

with the deaths conned within the households in the initial stages before
the explosion of the epidemic. As usual, it is easiest to dissect out the
epidemiology during the early stages of the outbreak before events become
completely confused when the pestilence was at its peak and in Fig. 6.9 we
show how the infection was passed through and between the rst 22
families. This is an example of a major epidemic that began in mid-summer.
The rst person to die of the plague at Stratford-upon-Avon was Oliver
Gunne an apprentice of Thomas Degge ( : Deeg, alias Gethen) and he is
included in the Degge family in Fig. 6.9 because Joanna, the wife of Thomas
Degge, was buried 9 days later. It is unlikely that she was infected by
Gunne and they were probably co-primary cases and possibly they had


Plague in the 16th century in England






C. Smith










Fig. 6.9. Suggested sequence of infections at the start of the plague epidemic at
Stratford-upon-Avon, 1564. Note the high R . Scale: days after 4 June 1564. For
further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. 8, female.

6.5 Conclusions


visited a town where the plague was just breaking out (plague was reported
at Licheld and Bristol in 1564; Creighton, 1894; Shrewsbury, 1970) and
returned to Stratford carrying the infection. Joanna Degge would not have
become infective until t : 21 (25 June), but by that time Gunne (who would
not have been showing symptoms) had already infected secondary cases in
the Perot, Walker, Bell, Lord and Ffenne families. Figure 6.9 illustrates
how the epidemic slowly got under way and spread through these families
with tertiary infections. Continued analysis of the burials in July and
August suggests that the two co-primary cases may have infected 1724
secondaries, with Oliver Gunne being responsible for the majority (R : 8

to 12).

6.5 Conclusions
We can draw few conclusions concerning these many diverse outbreaks of
lethal infectious diseases that were continually recorded in southern and
central provincial England during the 16th century. They seem to be
largely, but not entirely, conned to medium-sized and larger towns, but
this may be because we lack written evidence concerning the smaller
parishes and villages. However, if substantial outbreaks were conned to
populations above a critical size (i.e. haemorrhagic plague was density
dependent), as in the plague of northern England in 159798 (see Chapter
7), the epidemiology would be the opposite of authentic outbreaks of
bubonic plague in India, where it is essentially a rural disease of village
communities. The epidemics were generally explosive and probably followed Reed and Frost dynamics, lasting for less than 12 months, with a
peak mortality usually about late summer.
As yet, we have few details of how fast each of the epidemics spread
through the metapopulation nor which were the foci where the outbreaks
were initiated. Since, in many instances, the epidemics peaked simultaneously in late summer over a wide area (as in the Midlands in 1593), we
conclude that the disease must have spread with great rapidity and often
over substantial distances. In some instances mortality may have been
slight, perhaps some three to four times the seasonal average, but in some
towns perhaps 40% of the population died, with the bulk of the deaths
occurring within a 3-month period; this is not the epidemiology of bubonic
plague. There seem to be few studies of the age-specic mortalities in these
plagues. Were the deaths mainly in infants or in children or in the aged?
With this information it might be possible to eliminate weanling diarrhoea
or smallpox as the cause. However, we conclude that there is sucient


Plague in the 16th century in England

circumstantial evidence to suggest that the major outbreaks described

above had features in common with the Black Death and with the serious
plagues of the 17th century about which we have more detailed information. This conclusion is backed-up by the case study at Stratford-uponAvon where the epidemiological details that can be deduced correspond
closely with our other case studies of haemorrhagic plagues.

Plagues in the 16th century in northern
England: a metapopulation study

Plagues in northern England in the 16th and 17th centuries appear to have
dierent patterns and dynamics from the wave-like spread of the Black
Death and from the radial, or from the apparently erratic and unpredictable, movement of the epidemics in central and southern England that were
caused by the movement of infectives over substantial distances. Usually
the spread of the infection in northern England can be monitored from the
records and, frequently, the infections appear to move southwards along
well-dened corridors in the northeast from the Scottish borders and
Northumberland. The Pennines, which form the backbone of England,
eectively divided the Northern Province into eastern (Northumberland
and Yorkshire) and western (Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire)
halves, each with dierent terrains, and an epidemic disease was brought
across by infectives travelling on the roads through the gaps.
Thus, the Northern Territory acted as a separate metapopulation, semiisolated from Scotland and the rest of England. As we have seen, the
inhabitants of northern England had been much occupied in defending
themselves from raids and cattle stealing by the Scots, and Carlisle in the
northwest and Durham in the northeast were major defensive centres. The
terrain, particularly to the west of the Pennines, was very dierent from
that of central and southern England and this was an important determinant of the dynamics of the epidemics. The counties of Cumberland and
Westmorland have been described as backward and impoverished (Appleby, 1975) and the area remote from large industrial and trading centres;
much of it was inaccessible to travellers, and all of it regarded with
repulsion by outsiders (Thirsk, 1967); in addition, these counties were left
almost untouched by the various agricultural revolutions that spread
across the rest of the country during the 16th and 17th centuries. The
economy of the north was more like that of Scotland (where mortality


Plagues in the 16th century in northern England

crises and harvest failures persisted up to 1690), Ireland and parts of the
Continent, rather than that of lowland England. The region suered mortality crises in 1587 and 159697 because of the synchrony of high wheat
prices and low wool prices, which led to extreme hardship and famine
(Scott & Duncan, 1998). The population in the extreme northwest, therefore, already subsisting on an inadequate diet, were further weakened and
malnourished by the famine of 159697 when the plague struck.
To the east of the Pennines, communications and conditions for farming
were better in the coastal plains of Northumberland and Durham, in spite
of the northern latitudes, cold winter climate and raids by the Scots. The
more intensive farming on the eastern side of the Northern Province was
accompanied by attempts to stabilise the distribution of land; common
elds were associated with village settlements and it appears that the land
was used fairly intensively (Thirsk, 1967), in contrast with the situation in
Cumbria. To the south lay the vast area of Yorkshire, the bulk of which lay
in the lowlands and much of the husbandry and many of the communities
resembled those of the Midlands and southern England (Thirsk, 1967).
Plague occurred much more frequently along this eastern corridor than it
did in the wilder country to the west of the Pennines.

7.1 The rst half of the 16th century

The majority of pestilences and epidemics in the Northern Province in the
rst half of the 16th century appear to have been conned to the northeast,
from York to Berwick-upon-Tweed on the Scottish borders, but a virulent
plague broke out in Lancashire (Axon, 1894; Sharpe France, 1939) and
Liverpool was nearly depopulated in 1540 and a further 250 died there in
1548. Sharpe France believed that the sudden rise in the number of deaths
in Croston (some 20 miles to the north of Liverpool) in the months of
January and February (clearly not bubonic plague) can be attributed to the
same cause but without more details it is not possible to determine whether
these were haemorrhagic plague epidemics. The pestilence was very active
in northeastern England in 1538 and Shrewsbury (1970) provided the
following description:
As early as March plague was killing the citizens of York, and by the beginning of
April its activity was so erce that the corporation ordered that all the plague-sick
should be removed to certain houses outside the Lathrop gate that had been
specially set aside for their reception, that the gate should be closed and that no
infected person was to move about in or to enter the city. Later in the year plague
spread further north and the Council of the North informed Henry VIII towards
the end of August that it was prevalent in Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne,

7.1 The rst half of the 16th century


while a second report, early in December, armed that it was still active at various
places in the two counties.

The parish register of Wragley in Yorkshire revealed that the mean

annual burials were 10, which rose to 97 in 1542, of which 60 were in July
and August. Berwick-upon-Tweed was the scene of a great plague in the
following year, 1543, a further example of an isolated outbreak of an
unknown disease.
When plague was prevalent simultaneously in southern England and
around Calais in 1544, there was an epidemic that was apparently widespread in the northeast. Newcastle-upon-Tyne was invaded in the summer
(the infection presumably entered via the port) and was sorely aicted by
August, with increasing violence in September, so that by October all the
honest inhabitants had ed from the stricken town. This plague was said to
be raging over most of Northumberland (a desolate county) and sundry
other places in the North.
Plague returned to the northeast in the following year, 1545, again
following the characteristic seasonal pattern beginning at Berwick-uponTweed in April and continuing throughout the summer and, during this
time, was reported to have spread over most of Northumberland. It was
again active in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in October 1545.
York was aected by an epidemic that was ocially recognised by
January 1550 when
the corporation ordered all the people, dwelling in Laythrop to evacuate their
houses, which were needed for the accommodation of the sick. These houses had
been built by the corporation twelve years before for the reception then of the
plague-sick and evidently they had been occupied by tenants or squatters in the
interval. As the Laythrop accommodation now proved inadequate, the corporation
erected two buildings in February on Hob Moor, and later in the month it levied a
fund on the four wards of the city for the relief of the sick poor. In the spring of 1551
plague appeared in the city and by the beginning of May it was causing the
authorities much trouble. Apparently the buildings at Layerthorpe and on Hob
Moor were full of patients by this time, because on 7 May the corporation ordered
all the plague-sick to keep in their own houses, and as the disease continued to grow
it cancelled the Corpus Christi play on the 18th. After June the outbreak seems
surprisingly to have subsisted spontaneously . . . It was during this pestilential
period that the city council decreed that every infected house shall have Rede
Crosse sat uppon the Dower, which appears to be the rst use of this colour as a
plague-sign in England. Laycock avers that in the two summers of 1550 and 1551
the parish of St Martin cum Gregory lost more than half its population from
epidemic disease, and as this was one of the citys healthy parishes in his opinion, he
considers that York lost at least half its population at this time.
(Shrewsbury, 1970)


Plagues in the 16th century in northern England

7.2 Plague and pestilence in the Northern Province, 155095

The parish registers of Penrith record that Plauge was in Penreth and
Kendall 1554; this single line is much-quoted but there appears to be no
other account nor any further details of this epidemic and Barnes (1891)
commented on the absence of local records of visitations of the plague in
Cumberland and Westmorland.
South Lancashire was badly aected by an epidemic in 1558 (Axon,
1894) that was described by Sharpe France (1939) as follows:
Liverpool in particular was badly hit, about a quarter of the population being
killed. The Town Books say that the previous year had also been a bad one. There
was a great plage in Manchester, and the authorities of Liverpool were very
concerned over the danger of its spreading to their town. Unfortunately it did so,
and an unlucky Irishman, with the Welsh name of John Hughes, was held to be
responsible. He was accused of having been ill when he arrived in the town from
Manchester and of having taken his dirty clothes to be washed at the house of a
certain Nicholas Braye. A child of Braye contracted the disease and died. Hughes
was brought before the mayor and underwent severe questioning, but the accusations could not be proved. However, whether he had carried the plague, or it had
come by some other channel, several others in the same house died shortly after,
and so after that it increased daily and daily to a great number, that died between
St. Lawrences day [10 August] and Martlemas [11 November] then next after, the
whole number of 240 and odd persons. The severity of the outbreak was such that
the St. Martins fair was cancelled and no market was held during a period of three

This appears to be another account where a travelling, symptomless

infective brought the pestilence from a distant focus (some 30 miles away)
but the account is unsatisfactory. Did Hughes contract the disease in a mild
form (he was said to be ill) but recovered? How did the members of the
Braye family apparently die so quickly? The south Lancashire towns of
Ormskirk, Prescot and Standish also recorded a rise in mortality at this
time and a great plague visited Preston in 1562.
An epidemic was probably raging from the spring of 1570 in Rotherham
and Selby in Yorkshire because in June the corporation of York ordered
a continuous day-and-night watch to be kept at the city gates to prevent
any suspect persons from either town where the sickness had recently
been active from entering. Further north, the plague was very sorry at
Newcastle-upon-Tyne in August.
Plague broke out again at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1577 and may have
spread from there to Hawkshead in the Lake District (Lancashire), crossing the Pennines via the Roman Road alongside Hadrians Wall. However,

7.2 Plague in the Northern Province, 155095


the etiology and epidemiology of this outbreak is not clear. After the entry
for 17 November 1577 the Hawkshead registers recorded entered in November: In this monthe begane the pestelent sicknes in or pishe [our
parish] wch was brought in by one George Barwicke but it was not until
27 December 1577 (40 days later) that the burial of George Barwicke wch
brought in the sickness was recorded. It is dicult to reconcile these
records with the usual pattern of events in the plague where the incoming
infective is the rst to die. The rst plague burials on 19 and 24 November
1597 were of Elsabeth and Richard Barwicke, respectively, who look like
co-primaries, and on 11 and 15 December Edwine and Richard Barwicke,
respectively, were buried, apparently co-secondaries. George Barwicke
may have been a later secondary or a tertiary infection. The arrival of an
infective from outside and the temporal spread of the epidemic at Hawkshead are broadly consistent with plague epidemiology and, possibly,
George Barwicke returned to the parish with two of the members of his
family who were then already infected (Elsabeth and Richard), whereas
George was infected by his relatives and died 6 weeks later.
The plague at Hawkshead began with the two deaths in November 1577
and continued through the winter until 25 February 1578 when the epidemic nished. There was a total of 38 deaths, the majority in December
and January, when the outbreak was at its peak, with 16 burials in each
month; a type (ii) epidemic which did not are up again in the spring. Only
seven families were aected and, although family reconstitution is not
possible (only brief details are given in the registers), analysis suggests that
some of these with the same surname were related and visiting one another
but were in dierent households: 12 Tomlinsons died.
The registers also include the note Anthony Dixson buried in Langdall
the last day of December & taken up agayne & brought to Hauxhead the
xjth day of January and Shrewsbury (1970) gave a quotation that plague
was present in the valleys of the Lake District in 1577.
An epidemic erupted again in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in May 1588:
and in the succeeding months destroyed 1,727 of the townsfolk. The register of St
Johns parish records that the plague-dead were distributed among 5 burial
grounds, to wit, 340 in St Johns; 509 at the Chapel; 300 at Allhallows; 400 at St
Andrews, and 103 at St Nicholas. These gures add up to 1,652 burials, leaving 75
corpses which were presumably interred in ground that was afterwards consecrated.

The plague struck at Durham City in the following year, 1589, and,
although Creighton related that huts for the accommodation of the plaguesick were erected on Elvet Moor outside the city, the outbreak seems to


Plagues in the 16th century in northern England









Maysterman f. Robert
m. Margarete
s. Adam (5)
d. Eliz. (8)
d. Thomasin (6)
d. Jane (3)

Poor woman

s. Richard (4)











Ann (17)


Myles (1)






Thomasyn (1)



Fig. 7.1. Suggested sequence of infections in the plague epidemic in the parish of St
Oswald, Durham, 1589. Scale: days after 14 August 1589. For further details and
abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

have been mild. The registers for St Mary-le-Bow, Durham, did not record
any plague deaths for 1589; indeed only nine burials are given for that year.
Only 21 died of the plague in St Oswald, Durham, between 20 September
1589 and 1 January 1590 so that, in this late-starting epidemic, the infection
did not continue through the winter. Only 13 families were aected and the
progress of the epidemic through the initial families and their probable
contacts are shown in Fig. 7.1. Robert Maysterman and his wife were both
buried on 20 September, with their son Adam buried on 26 September and
four daughters buried between 26 and 29 September. All the members of
the Maysterman family were co-primaries, being infected by a common,
outside source around 14 August (R : 6) so that Robert and his wife

7.3 The plague of 159798


became infectious around 29 August and so may have been able to carry
the infection to the poor woman and the Kearston family (Fig. 7.1), who
became the rst secondaries. Other co-secondaries were then established in
the Caston, Barton, Mydfurth, Frend and Alyson families, so that 6 coprimaries infected 7 secondaries (R : 1) who, in turn, infected 5 tertiaries

(R  1) (see Fig. 7.1) who in turn infected only 2 quaternaries (R  1) and

hence the epidemic died out. The estimated parameters for St Oswald were:
latent period : 12 days, infectious period : 25 days (including the last 5
days when the victim was showing symptoms).
From the summer of 1589, apart from the usual winter intermissions,
there was a progressive expansion of the area of activity of the disease,
culminating in the great national outburst of 1593. Thus, in the spring of
1590, Morpeth and Alnwick in Northumberland were said to be infected
with the sickness of the plague, and in 1593 Durham and York were so
sore with the plague that none of worth remained in either city because
there was the usual panic exodus of all who had the means to ee.

7.3 The plague of 159798 in northern England

The period 159697 was one of great hardship and famine in the northwest
and there were excessive mortalities (some three to ve times greater than
the annual average) recorded in many of the parishes. In January 1597, the
Dean of Durham wrote to the eect that want and waste had crept into
Northumberland, Westmorland and Cumberland, and that the scarcity of
food was such that people travelled from Carlisle to Durham, a distance of
about 60 miles over some of the worst country in the kingdom, to buy
bread. A number of authors have wrongly attributed this increase in
burials to the plague simply because the disease was known to be present in
market towns by autumn 1597 (Barnes, 1891; Howson, 1961; Shrewsbury,
The pandemic that raged in the Northern Province apparently began in
Newcastle-upon-Tyne and then moved south down the eastern coastal
corridor to infect Durham and Darlington. It might have come from
Scotland, where it was rst recognised at Inveresk in June 1597 and a
fortnight later plague was rampant in Edinburgh and the surrounding
countryside, or it may have entered via the port at Newcastle (Fig. 7.2). A
note in the Penrith parish registers stated A sore plague in new castle,
durrome & Dernton in the yere of our lod god 1597 and A sore plague in
Richmond Kendal Penreth Carliell Apulbie & other places in Westmorland and Cumberland in the year of our lord god 1598 of this plague they


Plagues in the 16th century in northern England

Fig. 7.2. Geographical spread of the plague from northeast to northwest England,
159798. Dashed line, land over 650 feet; dotted areas, land over 1640 feet. Circles,
market towns; triangles, smaller communities. Note movement of plague across the
Stainmore/Bowes Moor gap. The possible introduction of the plague via the port of
Newcastle is indicated. A, Appleby; C, Carlisle; Da, Darlington; Du, Durham;
Dum, Dumfries; K, Kendal; N, Newcastle; P, Penrith; R, Richmond.

dyed at Kendal . . .. London, on the other hand, was clear of plague at this
On 26 May 1597 the Dean of Durham again complained that there was a
great dearth in Durham: on some days, 500 horses are in Newcastle for
foreign corn, although that town and Gateshead are dangerously infected.
On the 17 September, Lord Burghley, minister of State, is informed that the
plague increases at Newcastle, so that the Commissioners cannot yet come
thither (the Assizes were not held at all, on account of the plague at
Newcastle and Durham); foreign traders were selling corn at a high price
until some members of the town council produced a stock of corn for sale at
a shilling a bushel less. There are no gures of the plague mortality at
Newcastle in 1597, but at Darlington the total deaths by October 17 were
7.4 Durham
Shrewsbury (1970) estimated that the plague burials in Durham in 1597
were as follows:

7.5 The plague at Richmond

St Nicholas
St Margaret
St Giles
St Mary


More than 400


He regarded these as minimal gures and many of the burials were on the
moor. To this total can be added 82 burials recorded in the registers of St
Mary-le-Bow during the period July to October 1597, although none of the
entries are marked with a P, for plague; inspection of the registers conrms that, compared with the preceding and following months, this was an
enormous mortality, suggestive of an infectious disease. However, in only
two families does more than one person die, which is completely at variance with the high household contact rate often shown in plague epidemics.
In general, more adults than children seem to have died, although in the
Taylor family the sequence of burials was as follows: wife (husband survived), son aged 5 years, son aged 9 years, sister-in-law, son aged 1 year.
Creighton (1894) stated that the infection broke out again at Darlington
and Durham in September 1598.

7.5 The plague at Richmond

Concomitant with this persistent and severe plague in Northumberland
and County Durham, there was a severe epidemic in the North Riding of
Yorkshire, particularly in the parish of Richmond, where it began in
August 1597 when there were 23 deaths, followed by 42 deaths during
September. The outbreak coincided with the start of the epidemic at
Darlington. The epidemic appears to have reached its height in the summer
of 1598, with 93 deaths in May, 99 in June, 182 in July and 194 in August.
These gures indicate a grievous calamity in so small a place as Richmond
and the stress of the epidemic is shown by the fact that the churchyard was
insucient for the burials, many of the dead having been buried in the
Castle Yard and in Clarkes Green. The characteristics of this outbreak
closely resembled those observed at Penrith (see Chapter 5): both were
market towns and, although the plague arrived in Richmond a month
earlier (in August 1597) both began in the late summer, overwintered and
re-emerged in the following spring with deaths peaking in summer 1598.


Plagues in the 16th century in northern England

Deaths nally ceased in both by December 1598 (type (ii) epidemic). The
populations of both towns suered grievously, with many victims having
to be buried on the fells.

7.6 Plague arrives to the west of the Pennines

From Richmond the disease spread across the Pennines via the StainmoreBowes Moor gap, along the trade routes from east to west, to
Westmorland and Cumberland (see Fig. 7.2), probably striking rst at
Penrith and then moving both northwards and southwards.
Events during the plague in the market town of Penrith are described in
detail in Chapter 5 and the epidemic spread with remarkable rapidity from
this focus to Carlisle, 20 miles to the north, and Kendall, 32 miles to the
south (see Figs. 7.2 and 7.3), arriving at both towns on the same day, 3
October 1597, 12 days after the rst burial at Penrith.
There are few details of the epidemic at Kendal because the parish
registers are not complete but it is evident that the outbreak was severe.
During the plague in 1598, the baptisms, weddings and burial sections of
register stop in the summer and are not resumed until Christmas, a gap of 5
months. In the burial section for some months before this gap there are
some entries with the marginal notation p or pla. Barnes (1891) described
how, during the plague, provisions were brought to Coneybeds, a fort
situated on Hay Fell, by the country people and left for the inhabitants of
Kendal which was their only intercourse during that destructive period.
We have not traced any records of the plague striking at Keswick in
the north of the Lake District, but Barnes (1891) included the following
In Keswick there is a tradition that when the plague raged, as no markets were held
for fear of the infection, the people of the dales carried their webs and yarns to a
large stone, which is very conspicuous on one of the lower elevations of Armboth
Fell, and there periodically met and did business with the trades. The stone still goes
by the name of the web stone. Mr. J. Fisher Crosthwaite informs me that he has
heard old people say that when the plague was in Keswick the country people came
to Cuddy Beck, but did not cross the little stream. The money was placed in the
water and then taken, and the produce was laid on the ground for the Keswickians
to take back.

The residents at Penrith adopted similar disinfection tactics during the

plague there.

7.7 Carlisle


7.7 Carlisle
Again there are no reliable records of the number of people that died of the
plague at Carlisle because none of the local registers exist for that period.
However, Hughes (1971) has examined a number of documents relating to
the period of the plague and he has presented an interesting synthesis that
gives a description of events in the town during the epidemic. A census was
taken on 20 December 1597 of the city householders with an indication of
those families that were visited by the pestilence: the number of households
was 323, of which 242 were stricken by plague, which had certainly not run
its course by that date. Hughes estimated the population of Carlisle to have
been about 1300 at that time.
It is dicult to deduce the lethality of the disease at Carlisle from the
documents that Hughes has uncovered. After saying that 242 households
were visited he added that gures against many of the names may indicate
the number of deaths in each household. If this assumption is correct it
would give a total of 149 . . .. Slack (1985) assumed from this that the
plague at Carlisle had a low mortality rate but a high morbidity rate Only
149 people died . . . but three-quarters of the towns households, 242 out of
323, were infected. If the disease did have such a low mortality rate, the
etiology would be completely dierent from that at Penrith and would be
completely at variance with the tablet in Penrith church where 1196 are
described as dying at Carlisle, although this is certainly an exaggerated
number; furthermore, this census at Carlisle was taken in December 1597
when the plague had only just begun.
Hughes (1971) described the precautions taken by the civic authorities: a
City Council meeting was apparently held on 3 November when it was
recorded necessarye observations thought meate to be kept in this Cittye,
the third day of November 1597: for the avoydinge of further infection of
the disease of the plague then suspected there to be, if so it pleace God to
blesse there carefull indeavours therein . . . Infected houses were sealed o;
the provisioning of their inhabitants arranged for and orderly arrangements made for the removal and disposal of the dead. Daily visits were to
be made by honest experienced men to discover cases of sickness. One of
the resolutions laid down was that a weekly collection must be taken in
each street for the better relief of every poor person visited; of the total of
209 9s 10d, the amount raised by the citizens themselves was only 14 4s
10d; the largest amount came from the Common Chest and donations were
received from several county gentry. The poor were attended without fee or
charge for medicine, but those who were in a position to pay were expected


Plagues in the 16th century in northern England

to do so. The city gates were placed in charge of honest men whose orders
were to prevent the admission of anyone known or suspected of infection
or who came from any place where the infection was thought to be.
Foreigners and wandering beggars were expelled from the city and during
the visitations none from Rickergate, Caldewgate or Botchergate were
admitted without a permit from the city baili. Movement within the city
itself was also restricted. Arrangements were made to pay the stipends of
the ocers and ministers, of the corpse bearers and the corpse winders and
viewers, the latter apparently receiving a at rate of ten shillings per week.
A similar sum was paid to those who cleansed houses where all the
inhabitants had died, or had ed to the elds for safety. Help was also given
to those of the poor who survived though in daily contact with the sick, and
to such as had recovered from the plague.
This account supports the conclusion derived from the Penrith study
(Chapter 5) that not all those who came into intimate contact with the
infection succumbed and contracted the disease. It also suggests that
recovery from this infection was possible. The infectious nature of the
disease was fully appreciated and infected houses were marked, as usual,
with a red cross there to continue until lawfull opening of the same house.
Forty days were considered to be the period of quarantine (as usual), which
corresponds well with the estimate of 37 days from infection to death.
It is not known when the practice of removing suerers to pest-houses
began, but other properties were commandeered to deal with the emergency and several isolation hospitals were speedily built outside the city
walls. These shelters, variously termed lodges or shields, were situated at
Gosling Syke, Stanwix Bank and others directly under the city wall on the
Bitts. In each case the shields were sited near a water supply and the choice
of a site at Gosling Syke and St Lawrences Well may have been inuenced
by the fact that at both these points the limit of the cultivated elds was
reached and the moorland waste began. Strict orders were enforced regarding the burial of the dead: special biers were to be provided for carrying the
corpses, which had to be buried between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.; no corpse was
to be lifted until the bellman gave word that the grave had been prepared
and the beadle had to walk before those carrying the body to give people
warning as he came (Hughes, 1971).

7.8 Minor outbreaks of the plague in the Eden Valley

The major epidemics in Cumbria in 159798 were conned to the market
towns, although the infection appeared in the smaller parishes adjacent to

7.8 Minor outbreaks in the Eden Valley








Fig. 7.3. Timing and duration of the plague epidemics, 159798. Arrows indicate
probable spread of the disease, although Kendal and Carlisle may have received the
infection directly from Richmond rather than via Penrith. Solid lines indicate the
duration of epidemic.

aicted market centres (Fig. 7.3). Edenhall, a small parish to the east of
Penrith, appears to have suered a number of plague deaths and the
following note appears in the parish register: These 4 next following dyed
of the plaige, Itm vii . . . Pattrig Rowtlishe was buried wthn Flatts wall
neare to his own house being knowne to dye of the plaige. The death of his
wife on 8 March; his servant Elizabeth Thompson on the 11th and his
infant son John immediately followed. The rst is entered as having been
buried beside her husband near the said place, and the last was buried
beside his father and mother in said place. This seems to have been an
isolated outbreak of the disease. No further deaths from it are recorded
until the end of the following July, 1598. A baptism is recorded on 24


Plagues in the 16th century in northern England

March. There was another baptism on 25 April, three burials between this
date and August, and then at the head of the next page is this entry: The 42
next following dyed of the [word wanting].
The rst plague death was on 29 July 1598. Some families suered
severely as shown by the following entries: Itm First August one child of
Andrew Atkinson of the plaige & was buried in atts cloose. Itm xv & xvi
August Andrew Atkinson wie iii other children dyed of plaige and were
buried their Lodge on Edenhall Fell at a place called Shaddowbourgh.
Twenty deaths occurred in August, and 11 in September. Some were buried
in the churchyard and others on the backside of their house, on Penrith
Fell, or Flatts cloose (see Barnes, 1891).
Dacre, to the west of Penrith, escaped unscathed, although a note in the
register for April 1598 states that they were aware of the plague in Penrith.
At Warcop, the disease appeared to be conned to one part of the parish,
and to only two families. Adam Mosse and his two children died of the
plague as it was thought on 19 October 1597 (presumably co-primaries).
On 4 November 1597 Margaret Mosse and Agnes Lancaster (presumably
co-secondaries) were buried in a garth at Blatarne. The next burials occur
on 25 May 1598 (presumably a fresh outbreak), when Richard Lancaster
and his wife died both so daynelye upon the plague as it was thought and
were buried in their own yeard at Blatarne. Another entry on 6 June 1598
stated Dyed Thomas son of Richard Lancaster of Bletarne and the barne
wherein he died burned and the corps afterwards interred. Although
plague was not given as the cause of death, the fact that purging by re was
deemed necessary would infer a highly infectious and much-feared illness.
The disease did not gain a strong foothold at Brough-under-Stainmore;
only eight deaths occurred at rst, albeit in 20 days, with seven coming
from the family of Abram Wharton. His daughter died of plague on 10
November 1597 and, after 18 days, a son died and another son 2 days later.
One day later, Abram, his mother, daughter and maid were buried. There
were no further deaths from the plague until between 6 and 30 July of the
following year (presumably a fresh infection), when seven more fell victim,
of whom ve bore the same surname.
The parish registers at Penrith record that the plague also struck at
Appleby and the inference is that it was a severe attack to merit inclusion
with Kendal and Carlisle. The outbreak apparently occurred late in the
pandemic and probably the infection was again spread from Richmond,
but might have returned eastwards from Penrith. Between 1 August 1598
and 25 March 1599, 128 persons died at Appleby, Scattergate, Colby and
Colby Leathes, and it is inferred that death was because of plague. Appleby

7.9 Symptoms of the 159798 plague


market was transferred to Melkinthorpe Woodhouse Farm, between

Cliburn and Melkinthorpe, where a eld adjoining Gillshaughlin still
retained the name Little Appleby in 1894 (Nicholson & Burn, 1777;
Furness, 1894).
The plague also broke out again in Darlington and Durham in 1598;
possibly being reinfected from Richmond.
These accounts suggest that the pandemic in northern England in
159798 was density dependent, i.e. the infection obviously spread to the
smaller communities but no full epidemic exploded because of the small
size and low density of the population (low R ; X  N , section 2.6).

The plague eventually moved northwards from Carlisle and it is noteworthy that it reached Dumfries by the winter of 1598, a factor that should
have convinced Shrewsbury, by his own criteria, that this could not have
been an epidemic of bubonic plague. He says, however, there seems to be
no doubt about the ravages of bubonic plague in a part of this region in
1598. The epidemic caused problems for trade and even a scarcity of food;
two men sent from Dumfries to Galloway were stopped at Wigton with 38
head of cattle and compensation was sought because the impounded cattle
became lean (Creighton, 1894).

7.9 Symptoms of the 159798 plague

There are few contemporaneous records of the symptoms of the disease in
northwest England in 159798, although the accounts of the events during
the pestilence in Carlisle (section 7.7) and Penrith (Chapter 5) give a good
impression of how the visitation was viewed by the inhabitants. As usual,
they believed that the infection could be ring-fenced by preventing the
entry of suspected strangers and by isolating those infected in their houses
or in specially prepared isolation centres.
Richard Leake preacher of the word of God at Killington within the
Baronie of Kendall, and in the Countie of Westmerland delivered his
so-called plague sermons either in 1598 or in 1599 and they were printed in
London in 1599. He said:
It pleased God by the space of two yeares together, to giue our country (in the
North parts of this land) a taste of his power in iudgement, being prouoked
thereunto by our manifold enormious sinnes: he visited us with many and grieuous
sicknesses, as rst with the hot feuer, after, with the bloodie issue, and lastly, most
fearefully with the extreame disease of the pestilence, inicted upon many, and shaken
at all in our whole countrie [our italics]. And albeit neither I, nor any of the people


Plagues in the 16th century in northern England

under my charge, were infected therewith, yet had we all of us, the cause thereof
within our sinfull hearts, as well as any others.
(see Wilson, 1975)

There is no mention of tokens or of buboes in this account, but there was

the usual hot fever which was followed by the bloodie issue, although from
which source is not clear.
7.10 Conclusions
The plague in northern England in 159798 was a lethal, infectious epidemic that spread through the metapopulation in a linear fashion along
well-dened corridors because it was constrained by the topography of the
region and there were few roads. The pandemic was characterised by the
rapidity of its transmission, particularly on the west side of the Pennines.
Major epidemics were experienced only in the larger towns and, on this
occasion, York escaped the infection. Smaller communities escaped or
suered only minor outbreaks which were conned to a few households;
even so, if the infection entered a household, several members of the family
would die. Epidemics, therefore, were density dependent and did not
explode unless contacts were made with a sucient number of households
(low R ; X  N , section 2.6).

Epidemics followed Reed and Frost dynamics but with a long timecourse, indicative of a long serial generation time; deaths began in the
spring with an initial slow build-up and peaked in the late summer (type (i)
epidemics). In several foci the outbreak began in autumn and continued in
a few households over winter (low seasonal R but high household R )

before re-emerging in the spring and initiating a typical summer epidemic
(type (ii) epidemics). There is an additional epidemic pattern that we have
observed in which the plague began in the autumn and grumbled through
the winter but did not re-emerge in the spring (R  1), a variant on type (ii)

epidemics. An example is St Oswald, Durham, in 1589 and possibly
Hawkshead in 157778 (section 7.2). The Black Death, which clearly hit a
completely naive population, did not t into these epidemics: although it
was more evident in the warmer months, a full epidemic exploded (with
Reed and Frost dynamics) even in mid-winter if an infective arrived.
The major epidemics were, therefore, strongly seasonal, although it is
not clear whether this was because of a change in the infectivity of the
causative agent in early spring or a change in the behaviour of the inhabitants who started making more eective contacts with their fellow citizens
in the warmer weather.

7.10 Conclusions


Most towns instituted sensible preventative and quarantine measures,

particularly the closure of the entry ports and the attempted prohibition of
ingress and egress. Fairs were cancelled. They realised that people showing
the dreaded signs in the terminal stages were infectious and isolated these
houses as far as they were able and they also seem to have appreciated that
the plague could be brought in by apparently healthy travellers. They may
have contained the epidemic somewhat by these actions but they were
largely defeated by the long incubation period of the disease, during which
symptomless infectives could move round the town in summer, particularly
in the market, spreading the infection.

Plagues in London in the 17th century

We saw in Chapter 6 that plague broke out sporadically in London

throughout the 16th century, each epidemic lasting about 9 months during
the spring, summer and autumn but it was persistent from 1578 (when there
were 3568 plague deaths) to 1582 (2976 plague deaths) and then exploded
again at the end of the century in 1593 (10 662 plague deaths) an outbreak
that persisted through 1594 and 1595. Does this persistence of the epidemics for 3 to 5 years indicate a change in the epidemiology of the disease
or had a new infection or mutation arrived? Some of these epidemics were
conned to London, but some spread along the River Thames from
Greenwich to Windsor and expanded northwards into the Home Counties,
usually within a radius of 20 miles. There were also major epidemics in
provincial England in the 16th century, some coincident with the outbreaks in London but, as a generalisation, it does not seem that London
usually acted as a focus for these provincial outbreaks, although it frequently spread out to the Home Counties and along the Thames.
Figure 8.1 shows the plague deaths in London from 1578 until 1680 and
the three terrible epidemics of the 17th century can be seen. Figure 8.1 is
deceptive because the scale on the ordinate necessary to cover the enormous mortality of 1665 disguises the fact that the plague was almost
endemic, with deaths in London in most years from 1603 to 1679, although
at a low level; this is revealed more clearly in Fig. 8.2 where the annual
plague deaths are plotted on a logarithmic scale.
In this chapter we describe the plagues in London in the 17th century.
There are many more detailed documents, such as Bills of Mortality and
parish registers extant for this period and, in particular, the epidemic of
1665 has been described in many historical studies. We have concentrated
here on the aetiological and epidemiological features of the epidemics,
including seasonality, spread of the disease within the city, movement out

8.1 The outbreak in London in 1603


Fig. 8.1. Plague deaths in London, 15781680. Data from Creighton (1894).

of London, symptoms, point of outbreak and origins. In short, those details

that may help to clarify the nature of the causative organism and which
may be compared with the outbreaks in the provinces where considerable
information has been collated.

8.1 The outbreak in London in 1603

Plague was active in a number of English towns in 1602 and was also
raging in the Low Countries; Shrewsbury (1970) believed that the disease
was imported into London from Amsterdam in 1602. The plague probably
began in March 1603, although there are records of a few deaths in some
weeks in January and February. Creighton (1894) believed, in spite of the
lack of direct evidence, that the plague of 1603 began in the east end of
London, in the parish of Stepney, where the rst burial was recorded on 25
March. Thereafter, the epidemic followed its usual seasonal course with a
very slow start in March and April and weekly burials rising sharply during
June, peaking in August and September before falling in the autumn and
winter (Fig. 8.3); a typical type (i) epidemic of haemorrhagic plague.


Plagues in London in the 17th century

Fig. 8.2. Plague deaths in London, 15781680. Ordinate: log of the number of

deaths. Data from Creighton (1894).

The distribution and intensity of the 1603 epidemic were uneven in the
metropolitan parishes, with a wide variation in mortality rates that ranged
from 19% in St Antholin, Budge Row, to 94% in St Pancras, Soper Lane.
Shrewsbury also calculated the plague mortality rates for Stepney (95%),
Newington-Butts (90%), Islington (85%), Lambeth (97%) and Hackney
(88%) and concluded that the epidemic was much more deadly in these
overcrowded London suburbs than in the city itself. We have analysed the
epidemic of 1603 in the parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, where the rst
plague victim was recorded in the registers on 25 June and the last on 1
February 1604 and during this time 103 people were buried. The start of
the outbreak in the rst 32 households is shown in Fig. 8.4: once again, the
servants formed a high proportion of the deaths. There were three coprimaries, with the daughter in the Marshall family being infected rst on
19 May 1603. The spread of the epidemic was slow at rst: the three
co-primaries probably infected six secondaries (R : 2) who, in turn infec
ted 13 tertiaries (R : 2). Thereafter the epidemic suddenly exploded

8.1 The outbreak in London in 1603


Fig. 8.3. Weekly plague mortality in London, May to December 1603. Abscissa:
weeks after 12 May 1603. Data from Creighton (1894).

towards the end of August with an estimated total of 46 quaternaries

(R : 3.5). As usual, there were multiple deaths in some households (the

Harvey family lost three of its members and three servants over 18 days in
September) but there was only one victim in the majority. The last quaternary case is judged to have died on 26 September (the son of the Fenner
family, shown in Fig. 8.4, died on 3 September).
Surprisingly, after this, the epidemic zzled out over the winter: a servant
in the Sturgeon family (buried 9 October) infected the son, who died 28
days later on 6 November. He, in turn, at the start of his infectious period
infected the son of the Furnis family, who died 11 days later on 17
November. The next recorded burial, Thomas Richardson, was buried
after a 42-day interval on 29 December. This is explicable in three ways.
(i) An infection from outside the parish. (ii) An infection from someone in
the parish who contracted the plague but did not die of it because of the


Plagues in London in the 17th century



Vandeveld s.
George, skinner
Winterborn servant
Letherland servant
a nurse child
Richardson d.











Fig. 8.4. Suggested sequence of infections at the start of the plague epidemic in the
parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, London in 1603. Scale: days after 19 May 1603. For
further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.


8.1 The outbreak in London in 1603


exceptionally cold winter conditions in December 1603 (see section 13.10).

(iii) An extension of the latent and infectious periods in cold winter conditions; we have other indications of this eect in our analyses of London
epidemics and in Penrith (Chapter 5). Finally, Thomas Richardson infected
his servant just before he died and the servant, in turn, died 34 days later on
1 February 1604.
Of the symptoms of the disease in this epidemic we have discovered only
the following notes. A dying man was visited by a friendly neighbour, who
promised to order the con, but he died himself an hour before this
infected friend. A churchwarden in Thames Street, on being asked for space
in the churchyard answered mockingly that he wanted it for himself and he
did occupy it 3 days later (Creighton, 1894). Evidently, the disease could
follow the same rapid course as that described in other outbreaks of plague
in other situations in other centuries; 3 days is a very typical time-course
from the rst detection of symptoms to death. Creighton also quoted from
A New Treatise of the Pestilence, etc. the Like Not Before This Time
Published, and Therefore Necessarie for all Manner of Persons in this Time of
Contagion by S. H. Studious in Phisicke (published in 1603), who stated
the theory of the plague bubo: it was a way made by nature to expel the
venomous and corrupt matter which is noisesome unto it. He advised
incising the bubo and helping it to suppurate which was the treatment in
the Black Death. The epidemic of 1603 in London evidently was supposed
to have features in common with the Great Pestilence 250 years previously.
Dogs were slaughtered during this plague in London. Shrewsbury said
that the Venetian secretary recorded that the weather in May 1603 was
unusually hot, which aroused the fear that the plague would spread,
especially as the authorities had taken no action against it except to kill the
dogs and mark the houses. The churchwardens of St Margarets parish
paid for the slaughter of 502 dogs at 1d each.
Unlike many of the plagues in London in the 16th century, the epidemic
of 1603 spread widely. On 8 August 1603, St Bartholomew and Sturbridge
Fairs and all others within 50 miles of London were cancelled. Creighton
(1894) stated that many of the country parishes nearest to London had
plague burials in 1603 that he believed to be because of Londoners eeing
from the epidemic (always the standard response of the more wealthy
citizens to an outbreak of the pestilence) and in the Croydon register there
is a note that many died in the highways near the city. It is interesting (and
curious) that the infection in the country near London had been attracting
notice before the plague in the capital caused any alarm: the Lord Mayor
wrote to the Privy Council concerning the steps that had been taken to


Plagues in London in the 17th century

prevent the spread of the plague in the counties of Middlesex and Surrey.
The King levied a special rate on 10 villages in Kent on 20 July 1603 to
relieve the suerers in a grievous plague; Creighton contended that such
rates were usually levied when an epidemic was nearly over and concluded
that the outbreak in Kent must have been at least as early as that in
London. Perhaps the plague in 1603 was not imported directly into the
ports of London but came from Kent.
Thus Kent became very generally infected and by October 1603 few
towns on the road from London to Dover were free from it. It spread
elsewhere in the Home Counties: Surrey and Sussex were aected and in
Essex it swept o great numbers in Colchester. The plague spread westwards along the Thames Valley to Oxford and also moved southwest to
Wiltshire where an order directed that a watch be kept in every town and
village in the county for the arrest of all vagrants who were to be summarily
ejected if they were suspected to be dangerous of infection.
Plague was very active in England during the period 16026, with major
foci in the Midlands and the northern counties, as we describe in section
9.1. It is probable that the disease exhibited changes in its epidemiology
after 1600; not only was the mortality very much greater than before, as in
London in 1603, but isolated epidemics in towns and cities changed to
pandemics in the metapopulation, as presaged by the pandemic of northern England in 159798 (section 7.3). These pandemics persisted over
winter for 3 or more years and their spread can be monitored along the
communication routes, particularly the roads (see section 13.9).

8.2 Plague in London after the epidemic of 1603

There were only 910 and 410 plague deaths reported in the Bills of
Mortality of London for 1604 and 1605, respectively (when there were
severe epidemics in the provinces, section 9.1), but the pestilence became
endemic for 5 years thereafter. The total plague deaths in each year were as
follows: 1606, 2124; 1607, 2352; 1608, 2262; 1609, 4240; 1610, 1803.
Figure 8.5 shows that the seasonal pattern of mortality was the same in
each of these 5 years, peaking with great regularity in the months of
September and October. Once again, when we have detailed weekly or
monthly data available, we see the characteristic seasonal pattern, emerging in late spring and peaking in late summer/early autumn.
An analysis of most of the epidemic at the London parish of St Mary
Somerset in 1606, when only 38 died, is shown in Fig. 8.6. There were four
co-primaries infected over 4 days in March but this epidemic struggled to

8.3 Plague in London in 1625


Fig. 8.5. Seasonality (July to November) of weekly plague deaths in London,

160610. Abscissa: weeks after the rst week in July. Note the peaks in the rst
week of September. Open circles, 1606; open squares, 1607; closed squares, 1608;
closed circles, 1609; closed triangles, 1610. Data from Creighton (1894).

continue because of the low R . Only one secondary was infected (within

the Kinge family) producing an eective contact rate below 1 (0.25). Only
one tertiary case is recorded (R : 1) but she (a daughter in the Hoare

family) infected seven quaternaries (R : 7) who, in turn, infected eight fth

generation victims (R : 1), the last dying on 31 August. Thereafter, the

epidemic zzled out quite quickly because of the low R . The servant in the

Ricardsonne household was buried on 15 October but he had infected a
servant in the Nuame household who died on 31 October (not shown in
Fig. 8.6). Three months later, the maid servant in the Smithe household was
recorded as a plague burial on 1 February 1607 and must have been a
reinfection. She probably infected the servant in the Halye family who died
exactly 37 days later. Again, the plague struck particularly ercely at
There were also four plague burials in St Mary Somerset in autumn 1607
(one primary, two secondaries, one tertiary).

8.3 Plague in London in 1625

The weather in the run-up to the plague of 1625, when over 35 000 died,
was unusual: the summer of 1624 was unusually hot and dry; October was




Broughton w.
Ricardsonne servant












Fig. 8.6. Suggested sequence of infections in the parish of St Mary Somerset, London, in 1606. Scale: days after 21 March 1606. For
further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. Sx, Se and E, sixth, seventh and eighth generation infections, respectively.

8.3 Plague in London in 1625


Fig. 8.7. Weekly plague deaths in London, March to December 1625. Abscissa:
weeks after 17 March 1625. Data from Creighton (1894).

exceptionally ne; January 1625 was warm and mild; spring was described
as wholesome but the early summer was extremely cold. June 1625 was a
month of ceaseless rain and both the hay harvest and corn harvest were
Figure 8.7 shows the weekly plague deaths in 1625 that Creighton (1894)
believed demonstrated how the epidemic increased after the rains in June,
but the data suggest that the epidemic followed the usual seasonal pattern:
there was a very slow build-up with 2 plague deaths in January and 12 in
February and weekly plague deaths thereafter did not exceed 30 until May
12 (Fig. 8.7) when the epidemic exploded and reached its peak in August
when over 4400 deaths were recorded in one week.
The Lord Mayor received the following reprimand from the Privy
Council in March 1625, which suggests that plague was already a serious
problem this early in the year:


Plagues in London in the 17th century

We understand that the plague doth daylie encrease in the citty and that ther dyed
this last weeke seven of it in one parrish and although it hath beene thus encreasing
divers weekes yet wee cannot heare that any good course hath beene taken for
preventing it either by carrying the infected persons to the pesthouse or setting
watch upon them or by burning of the stue of the deceased which being of little or
noe value might easily be recompensed.

Seven deaths in one parish suggests a greater death rate than that given in
the Bills of Mortality (Fig. 8.7).
Shrewsbury (1970) has extracted from eight parish registers in London
details of the spread of the disease in 1625 in 17 selected families with a total
of 80 burials, and inspection of the data shows clearly that its progress
follows exactly the pattern that we have demonstrated in our analyses of
communities in London and the provinces, with a latent period of 1012
The analysis of the start of the remarkable and severe epidemic at St
Martin-in-the-Fields in 1625, when some 191 persons died, is shown in Fig.
8.8. The epidemic began here explosively and 179 of the victims died
between 4 July and 8 August. We have identied at least 34 apparent
co-primaries (Fig. 8.8), presumably the result of multiple infections from
adjacent parishes. This epidemic at St Martin-in-the-Fields was also characterised by a low household R , since there were few secondary infections

within the families. The outbreak disappeared as quickly as it had begun
and there were no plague burials after 17 August.
Of the symptoms of the 1625 plague in London, Shrewsbury (1970)
quoted a correspondent: The physicians do in a manner agree that this
sickness is not directly the plague, as not having any sore [our italics] or any
such like accident, but only contagious in blood or kindred; he deduced
that the victims did not show buboes and suggested that their absence was
due in all probability to the extremely high virulence of the responsible
strain of Pasteurella [ : Yersinia] pestis at the start of the 1625 epidemic.
A story tells of a woman who ed to Croydon and looking back on
Streatham Hill said farewell plague but soon after was taken sick, had
these tokens on her breast [our italics] . . . (see section 13.12).
The Privy Council on the 21 October 1625 censured the undiscreet and

Fig. 8.8. (opposite) Suggested sequence of infections at the start of the plague
epidemic in the parish of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, in 1625. Scale: days after
28 May 1625. For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

8.3 Plague in London in 1625



A poor boy
A poor man





a young man
Robbinson f.
a young man
a Scottishman
a young man
one of ye bearers
Catherine, a stranger P
Grantham Robert
a woman
Saunderson s.




Plagues in London in the 17th century

unruly caryage of the inhabitants of Westminster of whom those who have

the sore running upon them goe as freely abroade conversing promiscuously with others as if they were not infected. Shrewsbury assumed that these
people were convalescent and we conclude, rstly, that it was possible to
recover from the infection and, secondly, that at least some of the victims
displayed open sores during the recovery stage of the disease. These
conclusions are supported by a contemporaneous poem, which is quoted
by Creighton:
Some with their carbuncles and sores new burst
Are ed with hope they have escaped the worst

Creighton concluded from this that the buboes and boils might come out
more than once and that the best chance of survival lay in their suppuration. In June 1625, Lord Russell being to go to Parliament had his
shoemaker to pull on this boots, who fell down dead of the plague in his
Again, dogs were destroyed: the parish of St Margaret, Westminster,
paid 2 17s 8d for the slaughter of 466 dogs.
By July 1625 the disease was universally distributed in London and had
spread to other parts of the kingdom, probably augmented by the ight
into the country of all those Londoners who could do so, the usual
response to a major epidemic. In mid-September the Tuscan Resident
reported from his refuge near Bedford that almost as many people were
dying of plague within the circuit of three miles from London as within the
capital itself, and that the disease was so widespread throughout the
kingdom that it was impossible to go anywhere without a danger of
contracting it (Shrewsbury, 1970).
However, the people eeing from the plague in London met with a poor
reception in the country towns and villages, as in 1603. Creighton described how They are driven back by men with bills and halberds, passing
through village after village in disgrace until they end their journey; they
sleep in stables, barns and outhouses, or even by the roadsides in ditches
and in the open elds. And that was the lot of comparatively wealthy men.
A stranger from London arrived at Southampton on 27 August and died in
the elds; he had a good store of money about him which was taken before
he was cold. The Dean of St Pauls wrote:
The citizens ed away as out of a house on re, and stued their pockets with their
best ware, and threw themselves into the highways, and were not received so much
as into barns, and perished so: some of them with more money about them than

8.4 Recovery of the population of London after 1625


would have bought the village where they died. A justice of the peace told me of one
that died so with 1400 about him.
(Creighton, 1894)

Sir John Coke sent a report to Lord Brooke on 18 October 1625 that
seems to imply that by then the disease was losing its virulence: We are full
of hope that God beginneth to stay his hand, because now in London the
tenth person dieth not of those that are sick and generally the plague seems
changed into an ague.
The plague spread throughout the Home Counties and also through the
counties bordering the English Channel, Kent, Sussex and Hampshire, by
July. Shrewsbury averred that the plague moved from London to the West
Country via Wiltshire, where it had already arrived by 5 August. It broke
out in Oxford by the end of July and in East Anglia by the end of June.
Indeed, as we describe in section 9.3, plague seems to have been widespread
in England in 1625 and this continued into the following year, although
Creighton (1894) rather belittled this provincial pandemic. The general
belief seems to be that the epidemic in London spread widely and remarkably rapidly from this focus.
8.4 Recovery of the population of London after 1625
There were 54 000 deaths registered in London in 1625, 35 000 of them
because of plague, but these gaps were rapidly lled, presumably largely
because of immigration. By 1627 baptisms were again at 8408, having been
8299 in the year before the plague. In 1629, baptisms exceeded burials by
more than 1000 and continued to be slightly in excess until the next plague
of 1636. London in 1625, therefore, is another example of a population that
recovered remarkably quickly after a mortality crisis.
The population of London in 1625 was of the order of 300 000
(Creighton, 1894; Shrewsbury, 1970) so that the 35 000 deaths represent
approximately a 12% plague mortality, although with so many eeing
from the capital and possibly dying elsewhere, the proportion of those
staying behind who died would be higher. Nevertheless, the percentage
plague mortality in London would have been much less than in some
outbreaks in the provinces. For example, in Penrith in the 159798 epidemic some 45% of the population died (section 5.2), although a smaller
proportion of the citizens of Penrith may have had the opportunity or the
means to have ed from the town. Does this suggest that the non-immigrant population of London had some degree of immunity because of
repeated exposure to the disease?


Plagues in London in the 17th century

Fig. 8.9. Weekly plague deaths in London, April to December 1636. Abscissa: weeks
after 7 April 1636. Data from Creighton (1894).

8.5 Plague in London in 1636

There was a violent outbreak of plague in the northern counties in 1635
(section 9.4), a year when the infection was quiet in London. An epidemic
erupted, however, in 1636 in the capital, the third in the 17th century. It was
on a smaller scale, however, with only 10 400 being buried of plague (see
Fig. 8.1). Although the mortality followed the normal overall seasonal
pattern, with the characteristically slow build-up, the peak of the epidemic
was a little later than usual with the maximum weekly burials being
recorded in the last week of September and the rst week of October (Fig.
8.9). The epidemic did not subside until December and it continued to
smoulder through the winter and broke out again in the spring of the
following year, 1637.
Like the plagues of 1603 and 1625, the outbreak of 1636 in London again
began in the eastern suburbs; deaths from plague were reported in the

8.5 Plague in London in 1636


plague-houses in Stepney and Whitechapel in mid-April, some 3 weeks

before the epidemic inside the walled city, which eventually bore the brunt
of the attack. Shrewsbury (1970) believed that the appearance of the plague
in the eastern suburbs was consistent with its marine importation, probably from Holland.
An analysis of the outbreak in the parish of St Mary Somerset, August to
December 1636, is shown in Fig. 8.10: only 33 died because of a low R . The

single primary produced 56 secondaries (R : 5.5) who infected only 23

tertiaries (R : 0.5), producing 5 quaternaries (R : 2), 10 fth generation

(R : 2), 4 sixth generation (R : 0.4) and 5 seventh generation (R : 1)

infections. Although only 23 households were aected, this epidemic lasted
170 days because the infection spread slowly to other families in the
autumn and winter before being extinguished at the end of December.
The plague travelled westwards along the Thames Valley, as usual, via
Westminster to Isleworth and then to Reading. It was also active at
Faversham, a river port on the north Kent coast, where 78 plague burials
were registered between May and November 1636. Faversham, perhaps
because of its role as a port, seems to have suered from plague quite
frequently in previous years and it may have acted as one of the points of
entry for the epidemics in Kent. Plague was active in at least two other
places in Kent in 1636 and it is uncertain whether the outbreak there
spread from London or was initiated independently, perhaps as a dierent
disease. Shrewsbury (1970) gave the following account (taken from the
Sussex Archaeological Collection) of the importation of plague into the
hamlet of Kemsing from Sevenoaks in 1636 that was written by Leonard
Gale when he was 67 years old:
I was born in the parish of Sevenoaks, in Kent, my father, a blacksmith . . . had, by a
former wife, two sons, and by my mother three sons and one daughter; and when I
was between sixteen and seventeen years of age, my father and mother going to visit
a friend at Sensom, in the said county, took the plague, and quickly after they came
home my mother fell sick and about six days after died, nobody thinking of such a
disease. My father made a great burial for her, and abundance came to it, not
fearing anything, and notwithstanding several women layd my mother forth, and
no manner of clothes were taken out of the chamber when she died, yet not one
person took the distemper; this I set down as a miracle. After her burial, we were all
one whole week, and a great many people frequented our house, and we our
neighbours houses, but at the weeks end, in two days, fell sick my father, my eldest
brother, my sister, and myself; and in three days after this my younger brothers,
Edward and John, fell sick, and though I was very ill, my father sent me to market to
buy provisions, but before I came home it was noysed abroad that it was the plague,
and as soon as I was come in adoors, they charged me to keep in, and set a strong
watch over us, yet all this while no one took the distemper of or from us, and about















Fig. 8.10. Suggested sequence of infections in the plague epidemic in the parish of St Mary Somerset, London, in
1636. Scale: days after 30 June 1636. For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. Sx and Se, sixth and
seventh generation infections, respectively.

8.5 Plague in London in 1636


the sixth day after they were taken, three of them dyed in three hours, one after
another, and were all buryed in one grave, and about two days after the two
youngest both died together, and were buryed in one grave. All this while I lay sick
in another bed, and the tender looked every hour for my death; but it pleased God
most miraculously to preserve me, and without any sore breaking, only I had a
swelling in my groin, which it was long ere it sunk away, and I have been the worse
for it ever since, and when I was recovered, I was shut up with two women, one man,
and one child for three months, and neither of them had the distemper.

Shrewsbury (of course) interpreted the foregoing in terms of Yersinia

pestis and blocked eas, although he conceded that the strain of the
microbe that infected the Gale family was of lowered virulence because it
took 6 days to kill Mrs. Gale and because she obviously did not exhibit the
usual signs of [bubonic] plague. He concluded that there was no outbreak
of plague in the hamlet because the Blacksmiths Forge was at one end of
the village so that no infected rat left the house. We suggest that this is
another example of where an epidemic of an infectious disease does not
explode unless the size and density of a population are above a certain
limiting size (see section 13.6; Scott & Duncan, 1998).
The plague continued in London in the following year, 1637, causing
3082 deaths. In 1638 there were only 363 plague deaths but the total
mortality, over 13 000, was, as Creighton (1894) pointed out, nearly 2000
more than in the previous year and he suggested that an epidemic of yet
another disease may have broken out in London. The four successive years
in London, 164043, also showed exceptional mortality that was not
attributed to plague by Creighton (1894).
We illustrate in Fig. 8.11 the small epidemic in the parish of St Michael
Bassishaw where nine families were infected during June to November
1641 and where the plague burials are identied in the registers. The single
primary, a servant in the Earith household, infected ve secondaries (four
of them also servants) in the house in quick succession, beginning on the
twelfth day after his initial infection (Fig. 8.11). The disease managed to
spread the infection to a member of the Middleton family (a single tertiary)
at the very end of the illness of one of the secondaries (R  1). Quaternary

infections were established in the Gill family either after a very short latent
period in the tertiary (Fig. 8.11), or by a fresh infection from outside the
parish, or by an infection from someone who did not die of the disease. In
any event, a daughter of the Gill family infected her brother (fth generation) and so the epidemic hung on by the skin of its teeth because he
infected a single sixth generation of the epidemic just before he died (Fig.
8.11). This small outbreak was characterised by a low interhousehold


















Fig. 8.11. Suggested sequence of infections in the plague epidemic in the parish of St Michael Bassishaw, London, in 1641.
Note low R and slow spread of this small epidemic, including a 36-day gap between two burials. Scale: days after 28 April

1641. For further
details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. Sx, Se and E, sixth, seventh and eighth generation infections,

8.6 The Great Plague in London in 166566


contact, even in summer, which extended its duration, and by an apparently short latent period for infections within the family.

8.6 The Great Plague in London in 166566

There are many accounts that record graphically the events during the
terrible plague of 1665; Pepys gave an eye-witness account in his diary;
Defoe (1722) who was only 6 years old at the time reconstructed the story
some 55 years after the event; Bell (1924) described his admirable book as
the story of the tragedy of the poor because in its immensity and in
overwhelming proportion it was the poores Plague . This is probably the
denitive source for all aspects of the outbreak in London in 1665, although there are other accounts: Harvey (1769) and Leasor (1962). This
section covers the aetiological, epidemiological and demographic aspects
of the epidemic.

8.6.1 Origins and spread of the epidemic

Although plague was generally endemic in London, there was no major
outbreak for almost 30 years between 1636 and 1665. It is surprising that
there are relatively few notices of plague throughout England and Wales
during the Commonwealth because there are no obvious changes in the
social, sanitary or other states to account for this freedom. Shrewsbury
(1970) believed that the war with the Netherlands reduced the opportunities for importation of the disease via shipping because Holland was the
principal European source for the introduction of Y. pestis. Whatever the
nature of the infective agent, Holland probably represented the source of
some of the importations of plague into England: during the epidemic in
the Netherlands in September 1655, the Commissioners of Customs were
warned to ensure that no infected refugee was allowed to land in Britain.
The winter of 1664 was severe and the extreme frost did not abate until
March 1665 (Bell, 1924). The earth was held in an almost continual black
frost from November 1664 and the dry cold continued after the frost broke,
producing, it was said, an unusual number of cases of pleurisy, pneumonia
and angina, the result of the direst winter spring and summer that ever
man alive knew . . . the grounds were burnt like highways, the meadow
ground . . . having but four loads of hay which before bare forty. There was
a death in Long Acre from plague towards the end of December 1664; a
bale of silks had come to the house from Holland but had originally been
imported there from the Levant and this was sucient evidence to suggest


Plagues in London in the 17th century

that Y. pestis was introduced by this route. This is most unlikely; the death
was a solitary one and there were only ve other sporadic and apparently
unconnected plague burials in December 1664. Of these six deaths, three
were in Whitechapel and the other three were in separate parishes. There
was one further death in mid-February until the plague began at the end of
April. Harvey (1769) described this latent period as follows:
And being restrained to a house or two, the seeds of it conned themselves to a hard
frosty winter of near three months continuance: it lay asleep from Christmas to the
middle of February, and then broke out again in the same parish; and after another
long rest till April, put forth the malignant quality as soon as the warmth of spring
gave sucient force, and the distemper showed itself again the same place, where it
was rst: neither can it be proved that these ever met; especially after houses were
shut up.

Shrewsbury explained this account as being a description of the epidemiology of bubonic plague (although he attributed the February death
to typhus because he could not accept that the eas could be active in the
depths of winter), but it is unnecessary to take any account of these cases,
which probably did not presage the epidemic that began in 1665: plague
had been endemic in London for much of the 17th century, with a dozen or
up to 1000 deaths in most years. However, this account does illustrate how,
in non-epidemic situations, the disease could strike in winter in an apparently random and sporadic way, with nobody else dying, although some
may have contracted the illness and survived.
Weekly registered plague deaths reached a total of 43 at the beginning of
June 1665 and the rst ocial notice of the outbreak in London was a
proclamation on 14 June cancelling Barnwell fair for fear of spreading the
plague. Pepys wrote in his diary for 15 June The town grows very sickly,
and people to be afraid of it.
The plague broke out in the parish of St Giles-in-the-Fields and moved
from the western and northern suburbs towards the City, the eastern
suburbs and Southwark, the reverse direction to its usual progress.
Creighton (1894) quoted Boghurst, an apothecary, who practised in St
Giles-in-the-Fields as follows:
The plague fell rst upon the highest ground, for our parish is the highest ground
about London, and the best air, and was rst infected. Highgate, Hampstead and
Acton also all shared in it. From the west end of the town, Boghurst continues, it
gradually insinuated and crept down Holborn and the Strand, and then into the
City, and at last to the east end of the suburbs, so that it was half a year at the west
end of the city [in his experience] before the east end and Stepney was infected,

8.6 The Great Plague in London in 166566


which was about the middle of July. Southwark, being the south suburb, was
infected almost as soon as the west end.

Defoe (1722) amplied this account having also shown

how it began at one end of the town, and proceeded gradually and slowly from one
part to another; and like a dark cloud that passes over our heads, which as it
thickens and overcasts the air at one end, clears up at the other end: so while the
plague went on raging from west to east, as it went forwards east it abated in the
west, by which means those parts of the town which were not seized, or who were
left, and where it had spent its fury were, as it were, spared to help and assist the
other; whereas had the distemper spread itself all over the City and suburbs at once,
raging in all places alike, as it has done since in some places abroad, the whole body
of the people must have been overwhelmed.

This account (if Defoe is to be believed) gives an insight into the epidemiology of the plague; it spread gradually and inexorably, each parish in
turn experienced a ash epidemic that quickly burnt out. Its intensity was
nearly over in one place before it had begun in another and Creighton
(1894) regarded this as the most interesting epidemiological feature of the
The explosive start of the major epidemic in the parish of St Michael
Bassishaw in 1665 is shown in Fig. 8.12. Plague burials were recorded in the
register from 17 June to 7 January 1666. The single primary case, the
daughter in the Chadburne household, infected four other members of her
family, some after a short latent period (Fig. 8.12), and 415 other secondaries (R : 6 to 17). During this initial period, the contact rates both within

and between households were high. The secondaries infected a very large
number (perhaps 60) of tertiary cases during the period mid-July to the end
of August but, now, the pattern of the epidemic had changed; there were
few infections within the household but a high interhousehold contact rate,
typical of outbreaks in July and August. The next wave of quaternary cases
occurred in September and the epidemic was almost completely extinguished by mid-October.
The plague spread from the metropolis to the townships and parishes
within about 25 miles (a days ride) and also along the Thames Valley (as
usual); in Deptford, only 3 miles from London Bridge, mortality was high,
but no real spatial pattern emerges because 432 died in Brentford, 20 miles
away. Shrewsbury described the events in the market town of Croydon, 10
miles to the south, where the rst plague death is believed to be that of a
fugitive from London on 12 June 1665 but the rst burial entry marked
pestis in the register is 27 July. Again, the pestilence did not explode, but 39
burials in September in Croydon compared with the monthly average of


Plagues in London in the 17th century



Chadburne d.
Waterworth servant
Drinkwater Eliz., servant
Wadbrooke Peter






8.6 The Great Plague in London in 166566


10 suggest the start of an epidemic. Plague burials continued at a steady

rate in October (when the weather was dry, cold and frosty), declined by
50% in November and 18 were recorded in December in spite of an
exceedingly hard frost on 22 November that heralded a spell of cold
weather. Ten members of one family died in December and in the following
months. Eight plague burials were recorded in January 1666, eight in
February and four in March. Deaths in another family totalled 16 and
nearly a quarter of the plague mortality in Croydon was contributed by
four families. The epidemiology of the plague in the market town of
Croydon was quite unlike that of London; the epidemic never really
exploded and was apparently conned to a small number of families. It was
probably frequently reinfected by fugitives from the metropolis and continued, but was constrained, through a cold autumn and winter and ceased
only in March 1666.

8.6.2 Seasonality and mortality

As in previous plagues, all that could aord to do so ed from London, but
the poorer classes in the populous suburbs on both sides of the Thames
were left and it was they who suered most. Their employment and wages
mostly ceased when the wealthy left so that malnutrition and starvation
were added to the vicissitudes with which they were aicted and may have
exacerbated the lethality of the disease. Their desperate situation led many
of them to undertake the dangerous work of the day- and night-watchmen
of the shut-up houses, the buriers and the dreaded plague nurses who were
appointed by the authorities and who were said to contribute to the deaths
of their patients. Shrewsbury gave a quotation that the plague stricken
were more afraid of the ocial plague-nurses than of the disease itself.
The totals of the weekly plague burials in London in 1665 are shown in
Fig. 8.13; the epidemic began later in the year than in previous outbreaks,
with very few deaths between the end of April and the second week of June.
Thereafter, it followed the usual pattern, rising dramatically to a crescendo
in mid-September and then falling equally rapidly during the autumn
and winter. The total of plague deaths in 1665 according to the Bills of

Fig. 8.12. (opposite) Suggested sequence of infections at the start of the plague
epidemic in the parish of St Michael Bassishaw, London, in 1665. Note the high
initial R and the rapid interhousehold spread. Compare with Fig. 8.11. Scale: days
after 11 May 1665. For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.


Plagues in London in the 17th century

Fig. 8.13. Weekly plague burials in London, May to December 1665. Abscissa:
weeks after 23 May 1665. Data from Creighton (1894).

Mortality was 68 595 but there is general agreement that this was an
underestimate: Bell (1924) averred that many plague deaths were either
deliberately hidden from the women searchers or those ocials were
bribed, or intimidated to refrain from reporting them. These views are
conrmed by the entry in Pepys diary for 30 August 1665: Abroad and
met with Hadley, our clerk, who, upon my asking how the plague goes, told
me it encreases much, and much in our parish; for, says he, there died nine
this week, though I have returned but six: which is a very ill practice, and
makes me think it is so in other places; and therefore the plague much
greater than people take it to be. In addition, because the Quakers, Jews
and Anabaptists refused to allow the plague deaths among their members
to be included in the church returns, the plague mortality among them
mostly escaped the bills. Pepys wrote on 31 August 1665, In the City died
this week 7,496, and of them 6,102 of the plague. But it is feared that the

8.6 The Great Plague in London in 166566


true number of the dead this week is near 10,000; partly from the poor that
cannot be taken notice of, through the greatness of the number, and partly
from the Quakers and others that will not have any bell rung for them.
More people in London died of the plague in 1665 than in any other
visitation but this should be seen against the sharp rise in the population to
about 460 000, giving a plague mortality, according to the ocial gures, of
15%, which compares to a corresponding value of 13% for the earlier
epidemic of 1625.

8.6.3 Signs and symptoms

Because there are more contemporaneous and near-contemporaneous
accounts of the epidemic in London in 1665, it is possible to assemble and
present for the rst time a reasonably reliable description of the symptoms
and course of the disease, providing corroboratory evidence where possible. Bell, writing in 1924, gave the following admirable summary which he
based on the writing in 166566 of Dr Nathaniel Hodges:
It was rarely longer than two or three days after the attack when the visible signs of
Plague appeared on the body. The blains, so-called, were like blisters on the skin,
obscurely ringed about. If no worse signs followed, the patients might entertain
Buboes hence the term, bubonic plague were tumour-like outgrowths most
commonly found under the arms and in the groin, and less frequently behind the
ear, two, three, or four in number, and varied greatly in size. They were also called
botches. If the growth failed to break naturally, the surgeon opened it by incision.
Unhappily the rising of Plague buboes was attended by such severe pain, and
feeling as of intolerable burning as the time for suppuration approached, that the
suerers often became raving mad. Incision by the knife and the subsequent
cleansing, of course without anaesthetics, were so extremely painful that patients
collapsed under it. If the buboes failed to rise and break, there was little expectation
of life. As they broke, the fever declined.
With carbuncles, another common eruption in Plague, mortication had always
to be dreaded. The surgeon, by cauteries or the lancet, opened the carbuncle, a task
necessitating the greatest care, or gangrene destroyed the patient.
These were the common concomitants of the Plague as it developed towards
recovery or death. But the sign most feared was that to which the people gave the
name of the tokens. The devout and superstitious accepted them as Gods sign
the heathen are afraid of Thy tokens. Some called them Gods marks. They were
the almost certain forerunners of death. Medical observation agreed that very few
with these marks upon them recovered health. The tokens were spots upon the
skin, breaking out in large numbers, varying in colour, gure, and size. Some, where
they had run together, became as broad as a nger nail, others were small as a pins
head, till they enlarged and spread. The colour might be red, with a surrounding


Plagues in London in the 17th century

circle inclining towards blue; in others a faint blue, the circle being blackish; others
again took a dusky brown tone. Often the esh was found to be spotted when no
discoloration was visible on the skin. No part was immune from these round spots,
though the neck, breast, back and thighs were the most common places for them.
The tokens sometimes were so numerous as to cover all the body.
It was the tokens, so universally dreaded, that gave to the Plague the name of
the spotted death. They customarily appeared after two to four days progress of
the disease, but might rise without any previous warning of infection. A woman, the
only one of her family left alive and thinking herself perfectly well, perceived the
pestilential spots on her breast and shortly thereafter died. A young man of good
constitution, unexpectedly nding the tokens upon him, believed them not to be
the genuine marks, he being otherwise in such vigorous health, yet within four
hours death conrmed the physicians diagnosis.
Dr. Hodges mentions as being most strange in his rst experience that many
persons came out of delirium as soon as the tokens appeared, believing that they
were in a recovering and hopeful condition. The poor suerers did not know their
fate. He recalls the case of a maid who had no idea that she was attacked by Plague,
her pulse being strong and senses perfect, and she complained of no disorder or
pain, but on examining her chest he discovered the tokens there. Within two or
three hours she was dead. The tokens sometimes rst became visible after death.

It is clear from this account that the tokens, spots upon the skin, rather
than the buboes were the most important diagnostic feature of the plague
(see section 13.12). This description of the signs and symptoms is amplied
and corroborated by Creightons precis of Boghursts writing:
Of evil omen was a white, soft, sudden, pued up tumour on the neck behind the
ears, in the armpit, or in the ank; also a large extended hard tumour under the
chin, swelling downwards upon the throat and fetching a great compass (the
brawny swelling of the submaxillary salivary glands and surround tissues). Tokens
came out after a violent sweat, which was often induced by purpose of the nurses,
who said, Cochineal is a ne thing to bring out the tokens. Nurses often killed their
patients by giving them cold drinks . . .
The botches, or buboes (swollen lymph-glands in the neck, armpits or groins),
were the most distinctive sign of the plague, having given to it the old name of the
botch. Besides these, there were the tokens (specially limited in meaning to livid
spots on the skin), carbuncles and blains. Carbuncles, sayd Boghurst, commonly
rose upon the most substantial, gross, rm esh, as the thighs, legs, backside,
buttock; they never occurred, that he saw, on the head among the hair, or on the
belly. They were not seen until the end of July, were most rife in September and
October, commonly in old people, never in children . . .
Blains are a kind of diminutive carbuncle, but are not so hard, black, and ery;
sometimes there is a little core in them. Generally they are no bigger than a
two-penny piece, or a groat at the biggest, with a bladder full of liquor on the top of
them, which, if you open but a little, will come out whitish or of a lemon or straw
colour. Besides a blain there is a thing you may call a blister, pung up the skin,
long like ones nger in gure, like a blister raised with cantharides; and such

8.6 The Great Plague in London in 166566


usually die. The following experience is remarkable, but it is doubtful whether

Boghurst has not taken it from Diemerbroek: Towards the latter end of a plague,
many people that stayed, and others that returned, have little angry pustules and
blains rising upon them, especially upon the hands, without being sick at all. But
such never die, nor infect others.

Creighton continued:
Among the symptoms of a fatal issue, Boghurst mentions the following: Hiccough,
continual vomiting, sudden looseness, or two or three stools in succession, shortness of breath, stopping of urine, great inward burning and outward cold, continual
great thirst, faltering in the voice, speaking in the throat and occasionally sighing,
with a slight pulling-in one side of the mouth when they speak, sleeping with the
eyes half-open, trembling of the lips and hands and shaking of the head, staggering
in going about rooms, unwillingness to speak, hoarseness preventing speech, cramp
in the legs, stiness of one side of the neck, contraction of the jaws, the vomit
running out from the side of the mouth, prolonged bleeding at the nose, the sores
decreasing and turning black on a sudden . . . some of the infected run about
staggering like drunken men, and fall and expire in the streets; while others lie
half-dead and comatous . . . Some lie vomiting as if they had drunk poison.

(compare with the behaviour of the citizens of Chester in 1647, section 9.6.1
and with the plague at Athens, section 1.2.1).
Creighton (1894) gave the following summary of a dissection by Dr
George Thompson of a youth who died of plague:
He found what appear to have been infarcts in the lungs; the surface was stigmatised with several large ill-favoured marks, much tumied and distended, from
which, on section, their issued sanious, dreggy corruption and a pale ichor destitute
of any blood. The stomach contained a black, tenacious matter, like ink. The spleen
gave out on section an ichorish matter. The liver was pallid and the kidneys
exsanguine. There were obscure large marks on the inner surface of the intestines
and stomach. The peritoneal cavity contained a virulent ichor or thin liquor,
yellowish, or greenish. There was a decoloured clot in the right ventricle, but not
one spoonful of that ruddy liquor properly called blood could be obtained in this
pestilential body.

Bell said laconically that the dissection showed that the plague produced
far-reaching changes in the internal organs as well as aecting the skin by a
multitude of blue or black spots containing congealed blood. In fact no
organ was found to be free from changes.
Creighton (1894) summarised Boghursts account of the epidemiology:
It usually went through a whole kindred, though living in several places; which was
the cause it swept away many whole families . . . In some houses ten out of twelve
died, and sixteen out of twenty. Old people that had many sores upon them,
especially carbuncles, almost all died . . . Many people had the spotted fever and the


Plagues in London in the 17th century

plague both together, and many the French pox and the plague both together, and
yet both sorts commonly lived. All sorts died, but more of the good than the bad,
more men than women, more of dull complexion than fair. It fell not very thick
upon old people till about the middle or slake of the disease, and most in the
decrease and declining of the disease. Cats, dogs, cattle, poultry, etc., were free from
Some died in twelve or twenty days, but more in ve or six. In summer, about
one-half that were sick died; but towards winter, three of four lived. None died
suddenly as stricken by lightning: I saw none die under twenty or twenty-four
hours. After one rising, or bubo, was broke and run, commonly another and
another would rise in several parts of the body, so that many had the disease upon
them half a year; some risings would not break under half a year [our italics], being so
deep in the esh.

The following account quoted by Creighton gives a good description of

the plague spreading through a household and illustrates the medical
features described above:
We were eight in the family three men, three youths, an old woman and a maide;
all which came to me, hearing of my stay in town, some to accompany me, others to
help me [he was a celebrity in the religious world with a large following]. It was the
latter end of September before any of us were touched . . . But at last we were visited
. . . At rst our maid was smitten; it began with a shivering and trembling in her
esh, and quickly seized on her spirits . . . I came home and the maid was on her
death-bed; and another crying out for help, being left alone in a sweating faintingt. It was on Monday when the maid was smitten; on Thursday she died full of
tokens. On Friday one of the youths had a swelling in his groin, and on the Lords
day died with the marks of the distemper upon him. On the same day another youth
did sicken, and on the Wednesday following he died. On the Thursday night his
master fell sick of the disease, and within a day or two was full of spots, but
strangely recovered . . . The rest were preserved.

The general populace believed that they caught the plague because the
infection was in the air of the place they were exposed to risk if they were
living in a plague-ridden spot. Certainly, the practice of shutting up a
family in their house when plague rst struck must have increased interhousehold contact rates.
8.6.4 Changes in virulence
The medical accounts suggest that the course and lethality of the disease
changed subtly as the epidemic progressed. Shrewsbury also drew attention to this apparent change in the virulence of the infective organism
quoting, in support, 30 recovered people emerging from the pest house. He
also quoted Hancock who said that on 10 September 1665 the disease came
to its height:

8.6 The Great Plague in London in 166566


It now killed in two or three days, and not above one in ve recovered; or four in
ve died . . . but after this period, when the disease was on its decline, it did not kill
under eight or ten days, and not above two in ve died. So that it was calculated by
Dr Heath that there were not fewer than 60,000 people infected in the last week of
September, of whom near 40,000 recovered. For the plague being come to its crisis,
its fury began to assuage, and accordingly the Bill decreased almost 2000 that week.
For, had the mortality been in the same proportion to the numbers infected, as at
the height, 50,000 would very probably have been dead instead of 20,000, and
50,000 more would have sickened; for, in a word, the whole mass of people began to
sicken, and it looked as if none would escape, as not one house in twenty was
uninfected . . . the disease was enervated and the contagion spent. Even the Physicians themselves were surprised: wherever they visited they found their patients
better . . . so that in a few days, whole families that expected death every hour, were
revived and healed and none died at all out of them. Yet it appeared that more
people fell sick then, when not above one thousand died in a week, than when ve
or six thousand died in a week.

Boghurst corroborated these conclusions: an epidemic declined in malignity towards the end so that the buboes suppurated and some 60% of
patients recovered. Pepys wrote in his diary for 16 October 1665 Lord!
how empty the streets are, and melancholy, so many poor, sick people in
the streets full of sores . . ..
It can also be seen in section 8.6.3 that the signs and pattern of the
disease changed during the epidemic: the tokens appeared only rarely until
the middle of June and the carbuncles not until the end of July. Shrewsbury
declared that every English outbreak of bubonic plague in the past ended
in this way and he went to great lengths to explain this change in the
pathology as a progressive spontaneous decline in the virulence of Y. pestis.

8.6.5 Animals, clothing and wigs

As in previous plagues, animals were slaughtered: multitudes of mice and
rats were destroyed by ratsbane and 40 000 dogs and 200 000 cats were
killed. The doctors taught that the seeds of the disease could lurk in a
bundle of clothes or bedding and that they became more virulent through
the fermentation that goes on in these circumstances.
Pepys wrote on 3 September 1665 that he donned his new periwigg,
bought a good while since, but durst not wear, because the plague was in
Westminster when I bought it; and it is a wonder what will be the fashion
after the plague is done, as to periwiggs, for nobody will dare to buy any
haire for fear of the infection, that it had been cut o people dead of the


Plagues in London in the 17th century

8.6.6 Eect of the Great Fire of London

Popular opinion is that the Great Fire, which broke out on 2 September
1666, was responsible for terminating the Great Plague and also for
eliminating bubonic plague for ever, not only from London but from the
whole of Britain, probably by destroying the rats in their burrows. This is
manifestly incorrect and Shrewsbury (who believed that Y. pestis was the
infective agent) was at pains to point this out, although he interpreted the
facts in terms of the eects on the rat population: the re was limited to the
walled city whereas the liberties and out-parishes had always been the
main foci for the epidemics. The epidemic was already fading 10 months
before the re, in the autumn of 1665, accelerated, apparently, by a reduction in virulence.
The plague did not die out in London after the Great Fire, but lingered
all through 1666 causing 1998 deaths. Indeed, the plague continued at an
endemic level, with a few deaths recorded in most years, for a further 13
years until 1679. The last major epidemic in England was a solitary
outbreak at Nottingham in 1667.
But, as we describe in section 3.1, authentic bubonic plague came to
England a number of times, 250 years later, in the 20th century, one of the
unfortunate consequences of swifter steamship travel, but no epidemic ever
developed because of the impossibility of establishing an epizootic.
8.6.7 Identity of the rst victim in households in plague
epidemics in London
We have analysed the major epidemics in London in 1593, 1603, 1625, 1636
and 1665 together with minor outbreaks in the parishes listed in Table 6.1
and have determined the identity of the rst victim in each family and the
results are shown in Table 8.1. When there were multiple infections in the
family, a child was the rst victim in 48% of the cases, in contrast with 31%
of the families where the infection began with a parent. We suggest that
most of the children were susceptible and were more likely to be infected
and to bring the disease into the household. When there was only one
person infected in the household during the epidemic (the majority of
cases), the situation was reversed, with 48% of the victims being adults and
34% children. Many of these adults may have been living in boarding
houses, or were travellers or there may have been no children in the
household. A high proportion, about 20%, of all the rst victims who
initiated the plague in their households were servants, suggesting that they
were susceptible immigrants.

8.7 Dynamics of plague in London


Table 8.1. Identities of the rst victims in households in epidemics and outbreaks of plague in selected parishes in London
Multiple infections

Single infection



Male Female


Servant Male Female























Note the dierence in the identity of the rst victim in multiple and single household infections. See Table 6.1 for parishes analysed.

Analysis of the intervals between the rst and second victims in the
household in the epidemics of 1603, 1625, 1636 and 1665 (N : 372) shows
that 99% of them were within 37 days, the estimated interval between the
point of infection and the end of the infectious period.

8.7 Dynamics of plague in London

The annual plague mortality in London from 1578 to 1678 is shown in Fig.
8.1, although this is somewhat misleading because the scale hides the fact
that the disease was endemic in the interepidemic years (see Fig. 8.2).
Time-series analysis of this series provides evidence of a 19-year cycle (not
statistically signicant), but visual inspection suggests that the major outbreaks were sporadic (Fig. 8.1) and that each of these was followed by
rapidly decaying epidemics. These dynamics can be compared with those
of smallpox in London after 1800 (see section 2.9), when the endemic level
was falling steadily. The two massive outbreaks of smallpox (E and E on

Fig. 2.6) were also followed by sharply decaying epidemics. We suggest that
the plague in London during the period 1563 to 1665 (as distinct from the
towns in rural England) was an undriven system that followed simple SEIR
dynamics and hence the epidemics decayed (sections 2.6 and 2.7).
In conclusion, the dynamics of the plague in rural England at the end of
the 16th and the rst half of the 17th centuries were dierent from those in


Plagues in London in the 17th century

London, where the disease was endemic and displayed irregular, catastrophic outbreaks that decayed rapidly, possibly as described by a standard SEIR model. The dierence between the dynamics may reect the
dierent size, population densities, degree of immunity and R of the two

dierent types of population.

Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

As we have seen, the plague in London in the later part of the 16th century
broke out sporadically and the epidemics steadily increased in intensity
whilst it grumbled on in the interepidemic years (section 6.2), becoming
endemic in the 17th century with outbreaks of unparalleled ferocity and
mortality (Chapter 8). Meanwhile, there were many reports of widespread
outbreaks scattered through the provinces throughout the 16th century
(section 6.3). Parish registers were required by law to record burials from
pestilence during the Elizabethan period but even though these provide a
great deal of invaluable information (much of which has still to be extracted and analysed), it is dicult to discern a pattern in the underlying
epidemiology of these outbreaks in the provinces. In general, these provincial outbreaks do not appear to have come from a focus in London. Were
there many introductions of the disease via the Kent coast (e.g. in 1532), the
south coasts (e.g. in 1544 and 1590) and the East Anglian ports (e.g. in
1585), or was the infection grumbling on through the century with low
infectivity (R O 1) but spread widely by apparently healthy carriers (be
cause of the long incubation period), with epidemics aring up when and
where the conditions were right? Improved communications and much
wider travel associated with the wool trade would have exacerbated the
spread (see discussion in section 13.9).
Inspection of the results presented in section 6.3 suggest that there might
have been two main foci (apart from London) in the metapopulation, one
in the southwest and the other in a broad band, running across the centre of
the country from East Anglia through the Midlands to the Welsh Marches.
The East Anglian ports were important centres for the importation of
goods that were then sent onwards via the river systems that they served
(see section 13.9) and plague was frequently introduced from continental
Europe by this route. In addition, the Northern Province seems to have


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

behaved as a separate metapopulation in the late 16th century, with plague

being transmitted along the corridor to the east of the Pennines, with
Newcastle acting as the usual point of entry and focus (Chapter 7). In 1597
an epidemic spread across to the corridor to the west of the Pennines.
The evidence suggests that, by the second half of the 16th century, the
people of England were able to recognise the symptoms (particularly the
tokens) and characteristics of an outbreak of plague and were beginning to
put into practice quarantine and other public health measures, including
the prevention of people leaving or entering the town (see, for example,
Carlisle, section 7.7). These measures were draconian at York in 1604, and
strenuous eorts were made; although plague was in the surrounding
villages, they prevented the arrival of plague for several months before the
epidemic eventually broke out. However, as we have seen, these preventive
measures would not have been very eective, rstly, because of the long
serial generation time, which allowed the movement of symptomless infectives, and, secondly, as the records at York show, they were much concerned that bales of cloth could carry the infection. We conclude that these
were not outbreaks of bubonic plague but that the same unknown infectious agent was responsible for all these major lethal epidemics. Because
plague in London became more persistent and the epidemics increased in
ferocity during the 17th century, we shall see (section 9.7) that this development was paralleled in the provinces, where there seem to be records of
outbreaks (many of which were small in scale) somewhere in the metapopulation in almost every year.

9.1 The years 16035

Plague was severe in London in 1603 (Chapter 8) and epidemics occurred
widely in the provinces during the period 16035; some of these may have
been brought by travelling infectives from London but some probably
originated from other sources, including entry by dierent ports.

9.1.1 Spread of the plague in the northeast

There was a severe epidemic at Hull and its environs in 1603 and plague
also erupted at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in July 1603; it may have come from
the south of Scotland, where it was widespread from June to December
1603, or it may have entered via the ports. The infection spread along the
northeast corridor by September 1603 to villages 10 miles southwest of
York, which, thereupon, introduced stringent protective measures begin-

9.1 The years 16035


ning in July 1603 including closure of markets and the removal of suspect
cases to temporary accommodation outside the city walls. All exchange of
goods and commodities with Hull, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne
were prohibited but, although the ocials scrupulously inspected the bales
of materials and clothing coming from these towns, they apparently ignored the travellers, seamen and merchants who brought them and probably
carried the infection.
The plague was at several towns in the wapentake (a territorial division
of Yorkshire) of Ainstie by October 1603 and, although illegal trading with
infected areas continued, the city of York was believed to be still clear of the
infection on 29 November 1603. However, the rst suspected plague victims were reported on 2 December 1603 (Sakata, 1982). The epidemic
probably grumbled on at a very low level through the winter (presumably
low R ), although trading restrictions with London were lifted on 14

February 1604, but it reappeared in mid-March 1604 (when there was an
entry in the burial registers of Holy Trinity, Micklegate) and watches were
set to ensure that vagrants did not enter the city. By early May, plague had
entered York. A viewer and clenser was sought from Newcastle, plaguelodges were erected outside the walls and a number of other public health
measures, including the killing of cats and dogs, were enacted. The Council
was now unable to control its spread through the City and reported on 5
May that there were infected houses in ve parishes, although substantial
rises in mortality did not occur until some months later, indicative of the
typical, slow build-up of the plague. In the parish of All Saints Pavement,
plague burials were specically identied; the rst occurred on 19 April,
followed by a group of four between 7 and 10 May, one on 2 June, three on
11 June and it was only from 6 July that plague burials began to occur on
an almost daily basis (Galley, 1998). This slow build-up in early summer
with the deaths widely spaced in time is typical of the start of an epidemic of
haemorrhagic plague with its long serial generation time. The epidemic
lasted until November 1604 and 82% of all burials occurred between July
and October. Total burials within the city walls numbered 2800 in 1604,
25% to 33% of the population (Galley, 1994, 1995), and the city annals
compiled in 1639 reveal that there dyed in York 3,512 persons, although it
is not possible to give such a precise gure, since the parish register of St
Olave recorded that The months followinge viz August September October november & December people dyed so fast that they could not be well
nombred (Galley, 1998).
York acted as a focus for the outward dispersion of the plague and
the Corporation House Books recorded on 18 April 1604 the plague is


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

dispersed in diverse townes and place nere vnto this Cittie and the archbishop reported that his diocese was sore visited with the sickness in
October. The parish register of St Giles, Durham, records 18 plague deaths
between September 1604 and 25 January 1605 (low winter R ); evidently

the epidemic spread northwards and continued through the following
winter but did not explode in the spring, perhaps because of a low R .

9.1.2 Chester as a focus
Plague had struck at Chester previously with a severe epidemic in 1517 and
with smaller outbreaks in 1558 and 1574 (Axon, 1894) and there were to be
repeated attacks during the rst 60 years of the 17th century. The city
seems to have acted as an entry port for the infection, which probably came
from Ireland, and then as a focus for repeated radial dissemination through
Cheshire and adjoining counties. The pestilence began in Chester in September 1602 (i.e. before the main London epidemic) in a glovers house in
Chester in St Johns Lane where 7 died (high household contact rate) and
mortality thereupon increased with 60 weekly deaths; 650 died of the
plague in 1603. In the parish of Holy Trinity, the epidemic started between
13 December 1603 and 3 January 1604 and the registers record the burial of
Alice dau to James Hand of Blacon, husbandman bur in church nere the
poore mans box: the rst that dyed of the plague in the parish but was not
known to the parish till she was buried. There were 986 plague deaths in
1604 (with 55 dying in 1 week) and 812 died between 14 October 1604 and
20 March 1605. After this, another 100 died before the epidemic ceased in
early January 1606. Cabins for the victims were erected outside the city at
the riverside, close to the New Tower and, on occasion, ve or six of the
same family died in the course of 23 weeks (high household R ) and it is

noteworthy that Creighton (1894) recorded that these multiple deaths were
particularly found in the homes of sailors. All fairs were cancelled; some of
the justices and a great number of citizens ed into the surrounding
This plague at Chester was unusual because, although we have no
monthly totals of burials, its pattern was dierent from other provincial
epidemics that we have described previously, lasting 40 months, from
September 1602 to January 1606, presumably becoming temporarily endemic. Did the epidemic spread through the city from one focus to the next
in successive years? The rst burial in the parish of Holy and Undivided
Trinity, Chester, was followed by only three deaths in separate households
in early January and then after a break of 6 weeks the infection began again

9.1 The years 16035


Fig. 9.1. Monthly plague burials in the parish of Holy Trinity, Chester, from
January 1604 to January 1606.

on 3 March 1604 with ve deaths in three families. Plague burials were not
recorded again until a reinfection, when six people in four families died
between 18 August and 13 October 1604; these were so spaced out that
some must have been infected from an adjacent parish. Another minor
outbreak occurred during the winter with six plague burials in three
families between 29 January and 5 February 1605 and an isolated death on
24 March 1605. Plague began again 3 months later on 17 May 1605 and
grumbled on sporadically for 7 months until 9 January 1606 (the last
plague burial), during which time 64 people were buried. Most of the
victims had individual surnames and there were few families with multiple
deaths. The epidemic in Holy and Undivided Trinity did not follow Reed
and Frost dynamics, although there was an increase in deaths over the
period August to October (Fig. 9.1) and it is clear that this outbreak
followed a pattern dierent from that seen elsewhere: there were relatively
few deaths during the 2-year time period and the epidemic never exploded;
it died out several times and was reinfected from a nearby parish. Finally,
most frequently, only one person died in a household. We conclude that
this was a parish within the city and so was open to infectives entering and
that it had experienced plague previously so that many individuals were
resistant or immune.
The plague spread radially from Chester for considerable distances into
Cheshire, Shropshire and Staordshire; the infection was probably not






























Fig. 9.2. Suggested sequence of infections in the plague epidemic in the parish of West Kirby, Cheshire, in 1604. Note low R . Scale: days
after 14 April 1604. For further details, see Fig. 5.6. Abbreviations: Q, F, Sx, Se, E and N, quaternary, fth, sixth, seventh, eighth and
ninth generation infections, respectively; 7, male; 8, female.

9.1 The years 16035


spread from place to place in the majority of these outbreaks, rather the
pestilence was carried out separately from the focus. Most of these secondary epidemics were in small, scattered parishes where the mortality was
(i) West Kirby, northwest Wirral, 17 miles from Chester. Plague began
here on 21 May 1604, lasted 7 months and nished on 25 December
1604 during which time 14 families were infected and 26 people died.
The spread of the epidemic through the families is shown in Fig. 9.2.
The epidemic broke out in the Bennett family on 21 May 1604 with
one female death and this was followed by two co-secondaries on 4
and 5 June. The primary case infected a further three or four contacts
in the Leene, Bink, Bell and Tottie families. The further spread of the
disease at West Kirby is shown in Fig. 9.2: the tertiary infection of a
male in the Evans family is of particular interest because he subsequently infected a quaternary (a female) in his family. If this quaternary case had not infected anyone else the epidemic would have
ceased, but she had a single contact with a female in the Bennett
family, which was then reinfected and the outbreak was maintained
and continued until the end of the year when it disappeared. The
epidemic lasted over some nine generations, although few people died
because of the low R , estimated values for which are: primary to

secondaries : 6; secondaries to tertiaries : 0.33; tertiaries to quaternaries : 1; fth to sixth generations : 4; sixth to seventh generations : 0.5; seventh to eighth generations : 2. Estimated parameters: latent period : 12 days, infectious period (including symptoms) : 25 days; a type (i) epidemic.
(ii) Malpas, Cheshire, 12 miles southeast of Chester. The plague was a
minor outbreak as the registers show:
28 June 1604: Dominick a gentlemen that died at Mrs. Maude
Breretons of Edge by the plague and was brought to the church on
a drag or sledge with a horse.
29 June 1604. Thos. Plymlose, servant to Mrs. Maude Brereton of
Edge who died of the same infection.
(iii) Whitchurch, CheshireShropshire border, 16 miles from Chester.
Plague reported here on 26 August 1604 in the Malpas registers
(Richards, 1947). It may have been the source of the infection in
Malpas, the adjoining parish, and the plague may have spread from
here to Mucklestone in Staordshire and to Alderley in Shropshire.
(iv) Nantwich, Cheshire, 17 miles southeast of Chester. Said to be


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

invaded from Chester, with the epidemic beginning in June 1604

whereupon it was abandoned by those inhabitants that could aord
to do so (Axon, 1894). Mortality was heavy with 430 deaths registered
from June 1604 to March 1605, a persistent type (i) epidemic.
(v) Weaverham, Cheshire, 12 miles east of Chester. Only three plague
deaths in two families in September 1604.
(vi) Plague was also reported to be at Maccleseld and Congleton in
Cheshire in 1604, both about 30 miles east of Chester. There were
over 70 burials recorded at Maccleseld between 3 September and 3
October and the epidemic spread characteristically through whole
families but was apparently largely conned to certain streets (Axon,
(vii) Plague broke out at Shrewsbury (Shropshire), probably carried there
along the corridor from Chester which lay 35 miles to the north.
There were four parishes in Shrewsbury but records are available for
only two. The plague struck predominantly in St Marys but the
registers record the deaths of three children that came from the parish
of St Alkmond and the registers there show a small rise in burials in
August and September. It is claimed that 677 persons died in Shrewsbury between June 1604 and April 1605.
The epidemic began at St Marys on 2 June 1604 and died down in
November but did not disappear until March 1605 (persistent type (i)
epidemic) by which time 119 burials had been recorded. The summer
outbreak did not show a clear Reed and Frost peak mortality but the
early spread of the epidemic within and between families, shown in
Fig. 9.3, is completely consistent with the epidemiology of haemorrhagic plague. Six individuals in six separate families were initially
infected and are regarded as co-primaries (although they may have
been co-secondaries from an unknown primary); these introduced
1722 secondary infections into their own and other families
(R : 6). Tertiary infections began at the end of July. However, the

epidemic at St Marys was characterised by a relatively low spread of
the infection through families during July to September 1604, thereby
reducing the peak of the epidemic. This pattern suggests that some of
the population might have been resistant because of prior exposure
to the infection; plague had previously visited Shrewsbury in 1536
and 1576.
Shrewsbury appeared to act as a focus for the plague in Shropshire
in 1604: four plague burials in one family in the parish of Myddle
( : Middle); 16 plague burials in Condover beginning in August

9.1 The years 16035








d. Katherine
f. Edward
m. (w.) Ann
d. Mary
d. Joan
f. James
m. Judith
d. Martha
f. John
m. Marjerie
d. Dorithie
d. Elizabeth
d. Elnor
w. Katherine
m. Jane
d. Sarah
m. Mawde
s. Richard
s. Robert
s. Barnabas
s. Samuell
s. Edward







Fig. 9.3. Suggested sequence of infections at the start of the plague epidemic in the
parish of St Mary, Shrewsbury, in 1604. Scale: days after 2 May 1604. For further
details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.






Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

1604, together with ve plague burials in 1605; plague was reported at
Hodnet in 1604.
Plague was also reported to have spread from Chester to Staordshire in 1604, being reported at Stone and Alton parishes (some 40
miles southeast of Chester) and at Penkridge (14 miles south of
Plague was recorded at Backford (a parish adjacent to Chester), with
three burials in December 1604 and a separate outbreak in SeptemberNovember 1605 with 10 burials in four families.
Woodchurch, north Wirral, Cheshire, lies 14 miles north of Chester
and a small outbreak of plague began there on 3 April 1605, with ve
deaths in the Belie family, one death each in the Bennett, Warmingian
and Hodgeon families and two deaths in the Sherlocke family, all
within 9 days and apparently resulting from the same initial infection.
These led to a further three secondary infections and deaths in late
April and two tertiary infections in late May 1605, whereupon the
epidemic nished only to begin again (probably by a reinfection from
Chester) in July 1605 with one plague death followed by ve secondaries, all in the Leonarde family.
The registers of Heswall, Wirral, Cheshire, 12 miles northwest of
Chester record on 19 May 1605 the plague death of Thomas Hamnett, who had infected his wife Alles Hamnett, who was buried on 9
June 1605 (evidently a secondary). The parish was subsequently
reinfected (presumably again from Chester where the plague was in
its later stages) with a plague death on 25 August 1605, i.e. relatively
late in the summer. There were 24 deaths in this outbreak, the last on
3 December 1605. The suggested spread of this second phase of the
epidemic between and through the families at Heswall is shown in
Fig. 9.4: the new primary case was Wyllyam Thorntune who probably infected six secondaries in ve families (R : 6). Tertiary infec
tions probably began about the 25 to 26 August 1605 and, in all, 11
families were infected (R : 1). Subsequent values for R are tertiaries

to quaternaries : 1.3, quaternaries to fth generation : 0.5. Estimated parameters are: latent period : 12 days, infectious period
(including showing symptoms) : 25 days.

9.1.3 Plague at Manchester

Plague was said to have struck Manchester in 1558 (although there is no
record in the local annals); there was a sore sickness in 1565 and the death

9.1 The years 16035





































Ap Shone





Fig. 9.4. Suggested sequence of infections in the plague epidemic in the parish of
Heswall in 1605. Scale: days after 19 July 1605. For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

of 70 parishioners in April 1588 (Axon, 1894). On 7 April 1594 the baptism

registers record: May d. to Raue Cloughe of Faylsworth being xviij weeks
old before it came to baptysme for yt the plague was then very contagious
in Cloughs house. However, the burial registers for March to May 1594
show that mortality was low at this time.
The burial registers of the cathedral church of Manchester show a heavy
mortality (at least double the mean annual rate) in 1598 but inspection of



Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

Fig. 9.5. Burials recorded in Manchester parish register in 1605. After Willan (1983).

the registers suggests that this was not the result of a plague epidemic.
Plague burials were not recorded in the registers in 1605 but it is evident
from contemporary accounts that this was a major epidemic of the pestilence. There were no weddings during June to August and no baptisms in
August because of the extremitye of the sickenes. The usual preventative
measures were introduced: a tax was levied for the infected; the Court Leet
was not held; people coming into Manchester were required to produce a
certicate that they were free from infection; plague-cabins were established on Collyhurste (Willan, 1983).
The plague of 1605 began in April and followed the characteristic Reed
and Frost dynamics, gathering momentum slowly, deaths peaking in July
and probably ending in December 1605 (see Fig. 9.5), although Willan
(1983) states that sporadic cases occurred until February 1606, i.e. a persistent type (i) epidemic.
A total of 1053 burials was recorded in Manchester in 1605 but the
absence of any specic marking of plague victims in the registers makes any
analysis of the epidemic dicult. Nevertheless, the epidemiology appears
to be dierent from other outbreaks that we have described. We assume
that the pestilence began in early to mid April and by 24 April 1605 the

9.1 The years 16035


daughter in the Salle family was buried (the primary) and she was followed
16 days later (10 May) by a male Salle death and then on 14 May
(maidservant and a child), on 18 May by the widow and on 23 May by a
brother, all secondaries. This ts with approximate latent and infectious
periods of 12 and 25 days, respectively, and with the typical progress of
haemorrhagic plague in families. However, before that date, on the following days in April, the burials in the Leeze household were recorded within
the space of 5 days: 19th (female), 23rd (female), 23rd (daughter), 24th
(male), 24th (wife), 24th (infant). These must all have been household
co-primaries, i.e. infected from a common source, a most unusual pattern at
the start of an epidemic. However, the appearance of multiple primary
infections within a family was repeated many times in the plague at
Manchester; 74% of the second burials occurred within 12 days of the rst,
suggesting that within families the latent period may have been shorter than
usual. Only a further 18% were clear household secondaries, dying within
37 days of the rst burial. This high cumulative percentage dying within 12
days is similar to that recorded between the second and third burials and
between the third and fourth burials. Perhaps crowded living conditions or
the social behaviour (including going to market en famille) of the inhabitants of Manchester may have accounted for the multiple initial infections
in a household.
Manchester also had an epidemic in the late autumn of 1606 and
through the winter of 1607 that Axon (1894) recorded as plague, although
the registers do not show an excess mortality at this time. Patients were
sent to the pest-house and a tax was levied for the relief of the stricken.
The 1605 plague in Manchester may have been carried from Chester (35
miles) where the disease was raging. It then spread southwards to Stockport (5 miles) and Maccleseld (14 miles). Plague appeared in Stockport in
the autumn, on 9 October 1605, and persisted through to 14 August 1606,
during which time 51 people died (type (ii) epidemic, low mortality, low R ).

At Maccleseld, the epidemic also broke out in the autumn, on 3 September 1605 and 70 burials were recorded before 3 October 1605, spreading
particularly through families (high household contact rate), see Axon

9.1.4 The Midlands and East Anglia

After the London plague of 1603, the pestilence was widespread in a broad
band stretching from East Anglia across the Midlands to Bristol in the west
during the period 16035. The reports are scattered and often anecdotal,


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

but there is no doubt that many places were aected, although most of
them did not experience a major mortality crisis. Shrewsbury (1970) has
assembled the evidence but it is not possible to determine the spatial
components of this outbreak. It also spread westwards from London along
the Thames Valley to Oxford and thence southwestwards into Wiltshire,
reaching Devizes, Marlborough and Salisbury by early autumn 1603.
Plague was already raging in Bristol by this time, having begun before July
1603 with, it is estimated, more than 3000 deaths before January 1604 (type
(i) epidemic). Plague erupted in Bath in May 1604 and peaked in July but
with only 50 deaths during 14 weeks of the summer. Bristol was said to be
reinfected in July 1604 and it may have acted as a secondary entry port for
the infection.
Plague was also reported to be active on the opposite side of the country
in East Anglia. Lowestoft and Norwich may have acted as entry ports for
this area because there was heavy mortality in both these towns in 16023.
Although a sick house was established at Ipswich in May 1603 and bailis
were appointed to supervise the infected houses and all ships were prohibited from coming to the town, only four persons were reported as dying
from plague. Only 10 plague burials were reported at Cambridge.
Thus plague could have spread to the Midlands by infectives travelling
from a number of foci: (i) directly from London, (ii) northwards from
Wiltshire, (iii) via ports on the east coast, (iv) from the port of Bristol, (v)
from the port of Chester and thence via the focus at Shrewsbury or via
Staordshire. Plague was reported scattered at this time at Northampton
(231 burials), Boston (where the market was closed), Birmingham, Congleton, Leicester (a mild epidemic), Tewkesbury (23 plague burials), Walsall
(16 plague burials) and Stamford in Lincolnshire (nearly 600 deaths).
In 1605, plague broke out in Oxford (where temporary pest-houses were
established), Godmanchester in Huntingdonshire (30 plague burials),
Northampton and Grendon in Northamptonshire (12 victims) and Cambridge (Shrewsbury, 1970).
It can be seen that the pattern of the epidemics across central England
changed in the early part of the 17th century; henceforth plague became
persistent with outbreaks scattered over the metapopulation and the pestilence was probably reinforced by infectives regularly coming in through
the ports from overseas. In general the reported mortality became less
severe, perhaps because the towns had experienced the pestilence previously. Even if better information were available it would probably be dicult
to dene the spatial component of the epidemics. Much of the movement
along the roads in the Midlands at that time would have been associated

9.2 The years 160911


with the wool trade and, since the disease had a long incubation period, the
epidemics would appear to spread almost randomly.

9.1.5 Southern England, 16035

The Home Counties were struck by plague in 1603, probably initiated by
infectives coming from London; Colchester in Essex was badly aected and
Kent was said to be generally infected. Outbreaks were recorded in Surrey
(108 burials at Dorking) and Sussex. In 1604, plague was active in the
counties south of the Thames from Sussex to Devonshire, although with
varying intensity: only ve victims in one family were recorded in Horsham, Sussex, whereas the port of Southampton and Salisbury were said to
be ravaged. Cranbourne in Dorset recorded 71 plague deaths. In Exeter
(where extensive preventative measures were taken) deaths from plague
were only 26 in 16034.

9.2 The years 160911

Plague continued to erupt sporadically over much of rural England and,
again, it is dicult to determine a spatial pattern. It was widespread but
scattered in the Midlands in 160911: Gloucestershire (22 plague burials in
the hamlet of Tredington with three further deaths in the following April
after overwintering), Worcestershire, Wiltshire (a severe outbreak in Chippenham in 1611), Shropshire (after overwintering at Ludlow, there were 96
plague burials spread over the summer with no clear peak, perhaps because
of the earlier outbreaks there), Derbyshire (53 deaths over the summer in
Belper), Lincolnshire and East Anglia (the plague mortality was low at
Norwich but the river was watched in case infected persons should come
from Yarmouth) with a serious outbreak at Cambridge in 1610. In Leicestershire, Loughborough, which had experienced high mortalities previously in 1545, 1558 and 16023, was struck by a plague epidemic in August
1609 which lasted 18 months and ended on 19 February 1611, having twice
overwintered. The death toll was 452 and cabins were erected on the
outskirts of the town.
Chester, again, had a severe outbreak in 1610 and the pestilence may
have been carried back and forth between the city and Liverpool, which
was attacked in 1609 (when 28 cases were conned in the cabins) and 1610.
No epidemics have been traced in the smaller parishes of Cheshire.
Plague also broke out in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1609, when 20 burials
were reported, followed by 160 plague deaths in the following year, 1610,


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

between April and December. The epidemic does not appear to have
spread southwards along the northeast corridor.

9.3 The plague of 162526

The plague continued with sporadic and widely scattered outbreaks during
the period 161724, but usually the mortality was low, although it was said
to be in a virulent form at Leicester in 1623. Scarborough (north Yorkshire
coast) had an outbreak in the summer of 1624 and Yarmouth (on the
Norfolk coast) and some places of the country thereabouts were reported
to be suering (unusually) from a winter plague in February 1624.
Concomitant with the plague in London, the disease was widespread in
England in 162526, only the northwest corridor being spared. Again, it is
dicult to determine the spatial components of the pandemic. The pestilence broke out in the southern counties bordering the English Channel
(Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Devon), particularly in the ports (by which it
may have gained multiple entry) during the summer of 1625. The mortality
was probably lower than in previous epidemics. It spread widely in Devon
and thence to Somerset. It arrived in Wiltshire (perhaps from London) by
August 1625 and became widespread. There were 62 deaths in Winchester,
Hampshire, between August and October 1625, not a heavy mortality.
Plague was widespread again in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset in
1626 and reappeared the following year. Ashburton (Devon) recorded 366
plague deaths where plague was already active in January and February
1626, having presumably begun in the preceding late autumn, and reached
its peak by April and May (Fig. 5.2C), a variant of a type (ii) epidemic, with
a very early peak.
In East Anglia, the plague broke out in Norwich in June 1625 and is said
to have been imported from Yarmouth on the coast. It reached its usual,
late summer peak and then overwintered and broke out again in March
1626 and continued through a second summer, with a plague mortality
over 16 months of 1431; this appears to have been a greatly extended type
(i) epidemic with two clear peaks, but may have been the result of a
reinfection in spring 1626. The pestilence was also recorded at Grantham in
Lincolnshire and at several localities in the east Midlands, including
Leicester again, where it appeared in spring 1625 and was believed to have
come from London in spite of precautions to stop the transport of wares or
passengers. A haberdasher who had collected a hamper of hats and other
commodities from London ignored these orders but fell ill and died of
plague about 25 miles south of Leicester; this is an example of an infective

9.3 The plague of 162526






s. Raphe
s. Richard
f. Thomas
d. Eliz.
d.inl. Ann
s. John
m. Maude







Fig. 9.6. Suggested sequence of infections in the Dawson and Clutton families at
Malpas, Cheshire, in 1625. Scale: days after 18 June 1625. For further details and
abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. d.inl., daughter-in-law.

travelling a considerable distance and bringing the pestilence from London

to the Midlands. This epidemic was probably minor, with less than 50
plague deaths.
Although there is no record of plague at Chester in 1625, the registers of
two parishes in Cheshire contain references to very small, contained outbreaks of plague. The registers of Malpas are not explicit because members
of the rst household infected were buried near the house and not in the
churchyard. Apparently Rae Dawson returned from London (where the
plague was raging), a distance of some 185 miles, to his fathers house in the
hamlet of Bradley. He had been infected with the pestilence, as the registers
record, and was probably infectious by early July 1625. Rae Dawson
displayed the characteristic symptoms and died about 25 July 1625. There
was a high household contact rate and all the members died and were
buried near to the house. There were at least ve and possibly seven
co-secondaries (Fig. 9.6; R : 7). When Richard Dawson (brother to the

head of the family, Thomas Dawson) being sick of the plague and perceyving he must die at yt time, arose out of his bed, and made his grave and
casuing his nefew, John Dawson, to cast some straw into the grave, wich
was not farre from the house, and went and layed him down in the said
grave, and cased clothes to be layed uppon, and soe depted out of this
world; this he did, because he was a strong man, and heavier then his said
nefew, and another wench were able to burye.



Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

The Clutton family were then also infected by the servant to the Dawson
family, a tertiary (Fig. 9.6) and these victims were buried by their relatives
in the churchyard. The story of the epidemic at Malpas shows how, because
of the long latent and infectious periods, the pestilence could be carried
over a great distance from London, a journey that must have taken some
time. The high household contact rate ensured the death of apparently the
whole household, who had no resistance, whereas the low population
density in the hamlet and the isolation measures that are indicated by the
relatives burying the dead around the house and not in the churchyard,
contained the outbreak.
There was also a small outbreak of plague coincident with the later
events at Malpas in the adjacent parish of Shocklack. John Handley was
buried 3 September 1625 and, with hindsight, is thought to have introduced the plague, possibly from a visit to Malpas, because his children, John
(15 years old) and Elizabeth (19 years old) both fell sick on 23 September.
John died 2 days later And by reason he died so suddenly, and having
Red-specks [the Tokens] found upon him, he was supposed to have died of
the Plague. And therefore was carried to the Church upon a Dragge by his
Mother, Elleyn Handley and Randle gylbert his half brother. And was
buried in the Church Yard, at the Steeple end out of the alley; without
Service, ringing or any other ceremonies of the Church. Elizabeth Handley
died on 27 September And because she had Red-specks found upon her
and some sore under her arm, she was likewise suspected to have died of the
Plague. And therefore she was buried in her Mothers Croft, near the
Orchard upon Wed 28 Sep. And upon Monday the 3rd day of Oct., the
aforesaid Eliz. Handley was taken up again out of her grave and brought to
the Church, upon a Dragge by her half brother Randle gylbert, aforesaid,
which buried her near to her brother John Handley the younger without
any ceremonies of the Church. Elleyn Handley (the mother) was buried 9
October 1625 And because her two children had died with Red-specks
upon them therefore she was suspected to die of the Plague. Wherefore she
was carried to the Church upon a dragge by her son, Ran Gylbert, and laid
by [the bodies of ] her two children, John and Eliz. Handley. Randle
Gylbert (aged 28 years), who assisted with these family burials and who was
supposed to have brought these troubles and sickness into the Parish of
Shocklach, was conned to keep his Mothers house, and there kept in by
watch and ward, night and day, himself alone a long time. And upon
Sunday 2 Oct. he was stripped and viewed by certain neighbours and
Parishioners, and then had no sign of any sore found upon him. He
escaped the plague and was married the following year (Richards, 1947). It

9.4 The years 163037


is noteworthy that the red spots or tokens were the characteristic symptoms of the plague.
Plague was also very active again in the northeast corridor in 162526,
appearing in various parishes: in the North Riding of Yorkshire (the city of
York escaped); in Gateshead, Barnard Castle, Whickham (a single household) and Sunderland in County Durham; and in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in
Northumberland in both 1625 and 1626 where the epidemic was probably
not severe. Sunderland was said to be dangerously infected and there were
89 plague burials at Gateshead.

9.4 The years 163037

Cambridge was a major focus of the plague in the provinces in 1630, with
214 victims; it began with seven deaths in April and it was claimed that it
had been imported by a soldier who had a sore upon him (Shrewsbury,
1970) a type (i) epidemic initiated by a stranger. The plague was very widely
dispersed in 1630: Canterbury (Kent), Aylesford (Kent), Norwich (Norfolk), Shrewsbury (Shropshire), Preston (Lancashire) with 1100 burials
registered between November 1630 and November 1631 (a type (ii) epidemic) and Bedfordshire.
Plague broke out in Alford (Lincolnshire), the rst death being on 22
July 1630, with 94 plague deaths recorded before 9 November 1630, a type
(i) epidemic. The early stages of the epidemic are shown in Fig. 9.7 and the
striking feature of this outbreak is that there were 22 burials in the rst 10
days, all apparently co-primaries. In reality, there were probably one or
two genuine primaries who introduced the infection into the parish earlier
and who were undetected and hence these rst 22 victims were probably
co-secondaries. The eective household contact rate was not high during
the opening stages of this outbreak. The epidemic peaked in August 1630
with 45 plague deaths and with only 10 exceptions, the remaining plague
deaths were single events in the families, a common feature of plague
mortality in summer.
Plague was widespread in the Midlands in 1631, penetrating into East
Anglia. Loughborough recorded 135 but Norwich only 2030 plague
deaths. Louth, in Lincolnshire, only 10 miles northwest of Alford, had a
major, typical epidemic that began in April 1631 with 754 plague deaths of
which nearly 500 occurred in JulyAugust (Creighton, 1894), probably the
result of the pestilence arriving in a naive population; a type (i) epidemic.
Plague appeared elsewhere in Lincolnshire in 1631 and the parish registers of St Margarets, Lincoln, record Here the sickness began on 25 July


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century


































Fig. 9.7. Suggested sequence of infections at the start of the plague epidemic in the
parish of Alford, Lincolnshire, in 1630. For abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. 8, female; 7,
male. Scale: days after 15 June 1630.

9.4 The years 163037


1631. Although plague deaths are not specically recorded, probably about
43 died before the last that died of the sickness on 4 December 1631; a type
(i) epidemic. Only two families were stricken in another parish, St Peters, in
Lincoln. Many of the burials are single events in the families and there were
probably 10 co-primaries. This pattern of isolated cases in the families,
coupled with a low death rate in the city, suggests that Lincoln may have
experienced outbreaks of plague before and there is evidence of epidemics
there in 1557, 158687, 1593 (Creighton, 1894; Shrewsbury, 1970).
The plague spread from Lincolnshire to Yorkshire in 1631 where Redness and Armin were furiously infected, and 100 persons died. It broke out
at Acomb (1.5 miles west of York) and was brought into the suburbs of
York by a lewd woman from Armin [clearly an infective] and in that street
are since dead some four score persons. It has not yet got within the walls,
except in two houses, forth which all the dwellers are removed to the
pest-houses. The disease was eectively controlled and conned almost
entirely to one parish. The Council minutes for 29 August 1631 recorded
that some persons in St Lawrence churchyard (an extra-mural parish) were
visited with the infection of the plague. Six watchmen were set to keep
people away from the churchyard, all beggars and wanderers were removed from the city, a plague lodge was erected and the parish was
eectively isolated from the rest of the city, but by 31 August there were 16
dead thereof in St Lawrence and one in St Margarets parish. Rigorous
public health measures were enforced vigorously: there were restrictions on
movement, strict isolation of the sick and all those suspected of being
infected along with any contacts were immediately quarantined. Special
attention was given to ensure that St Lawrence parish remained isolated
and watch was sett at the end of St Nicholas forthwith to keepe out
strangers and to keepe in the inhabitants without Walmgate Bar but the
orders were still not suspended and individuals and families continued to
be isolated until the end of March 1632, well after any threat had disappeared (Galley, 1998). The epidemic at York in 1631 is an example of
successful public health measures against an infectious disease spread
The plague also appeared in 1631 in west Yorkshire at Mireld (180
died) and Heptonstall (near forty houses infected) and then in west Lancashire at Dalton-in-Furness (360 deaths) and the adjacent Isle of Walney
(120 deaths).
Although there were only a few, small outbreaks in England in the
following year, 1632, the story of Slaidburn, Lancashire, an upland and
isolated parish in the Pennines, is of interest because all the victims were


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century





wife Margareta
Alisa, jr
Alisa, sr


Ane, spinster


f. Matheus


f. Thomas







Fig. 9.8. Suggested sequence of infections in the small outbreak of plague at

Slaidburn, Lancashire, in 1632. Scale: days after 30 June 1632. For further details
and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. jr, junior; sr, senior.

carefully documented in the registers and this minor epidemic can be fully
analysed; it conforms exactly with the pattern of this infectious disease that
we have described previously. All the deaths were conned to the hamlet of
Dalehead, which is now submerged under the Stocks Reservoir. The infection may have persisted over winter from the outbreak in the Furness
peninsula; it was introduced about 30 June 1632 by widow Eynsay (primary), who died on 5 August (Fig. 9.8). There was a high household contact
rate and she directly infected three co-secondaries in her own family and
three further co-secondaries in the Windle family. Tertiary infections began
with Ane Driver and followed in the Prockter and Holden families after 15
August 1632, with a total of 17 pest deaths conned to ve families.
Analysis of the records suggests that the epidemiological parameters were:
latent period : 12 days, infectious period : 25 days. R has been cal
culated as follows: primary to secondaries : 6; secondaries to tertiaries : 0.8 (i.e. 1); tertiaries to quaternaries : 1.
After a break of some 2 years when England was apparently free, plague
was reintroduced in 1635, probably from abroad via the east coast ports of
Hull and Yarmouth and also the port of London. The epidemic continued
in Hull in 1636 after the winter, died down in the autumn and reappeared

9.4 The years 163037


Fig. 9.9. Weekly plague burials at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1636. Abscissa: weeks

after 14 May 1636. Data from Shrewsbury (1970).

again in 1638; it did not subside until late 1639 and the plague was very
persistent but there may have been reinfections that restarted the outbreak.
Shrews-bury (1970) quoted accounts that described the deaths of 2730
inhabitants of Hull during this 4-year period. Plague was also present in
Yarmouth and Lowestoft on the east coast in 1635 and it continued in East
Anglia in 163637, being recorded in Norwich, Yarmouth, Kings Lynn,
Bury St Edmonds and in Cambridgeshire and also extended to Leicester,
Horton and Melton Mowbray in the East Midlands.
The northeast corridor also had a major outbreak of plague in 1636,
probably emanating from the focus at Hull but possibly coming from a
separate introduction from overseas via the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
which suered a tremendous visitation, with a death toll of over 5000. The
weekly toll of plague burials (Fig. 9.9) shows the characteristic Reed and


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

Frost dynamics over the 8-month period MayDecember 1636, peaking in

JulyAugust; a type (i) epidemic. The Scots Privy Council prohibited any
colliers or persons coming from Newcastle to enter any Scottish town.
Gilling (Yorkshire) and Barnard Castle and Gateshead (some 500 deaths
reported) in County Durham were also aicted in the outbreak in 1636,
although the epidemic was very mild in Durham City.

9.5 Widespread plague in 164446

Plague was still widely distributed in England in 1637 and Shrewsbury
(1970) has given detailed accounts of these outbreaks, most of which were
probably minor but the pestilence continued to grumble on. For example,
in Cheshire in 1641 the names of 300 people who died in the parish of
Astbury are recorded in the registers, plague having originally broken out
in the home of William Laplore whose entire family died in the following
month, a characteristic start to an outbreak with a high household contact
rate. In Burton (Wirral, Cheshire) in 1641 This year from Midsomer till
Michmas ye Plague was, a characteristic seasonality of a type (i) epidemic.
In Shotwick (4 miles from Chester) the plague raged for more than 4
months in 1641 but was conned to the parish except for an isolated case
when the infection was carried to the Red Lyon in Chester.
Widespread plague re-erupted in England and persisted over the period
164447; the major foci are described in the following sections.

9.5.1 The northeast corridor

An epidemic in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1644 is regarded as a maritime
importation via the port and was reported as very hot in Tynemouth
Castle by October. It continued through the winter and broke out again in
the spring and summer of 1645 (a type (ii) epidemic). It spread to County
Durham in autumn 1644 and was also prevalent in the following year; it
broke out in Durham City in November 1644 where, quite unusually, it
continued actively during December and January before nishing in February 1645 in the parish of St Oswald. This appears to be a type (ii)
epidemic that did not are up again in the spring. The burials are not
marked with a P, but analysis of the registers shows clearly that the
majority of the deaths were single events in individual families and that the
infection did not spread through households, probably indicative (together
with a relatively low mortality) of the fact that the population had been
repeatedly exposed to the plague previously.
Plague was recorded in 1644 in Leeds (Yorkshire) and broke out again in

9.5 Widespread plague in 164446


the following year, 1645, appearing in June and following typical Reed and
Frost dynamics over the next 6 months with a sharp rise to a clear peak in
late July with 1300 deaths (a type (i) epidemic). Outbreaks were also
recorded in 1645 in numerous towns in west Yorkshire, including Halifax,
Wakeeld, Bradford, York and Whitkirk.

9.5.2 The West Country

Outbreaks of plague were reported extensively in western and southwestern England at this time. It appeared in 1644 in Oxfordshire (Banbury,
where 161 died between April and November, and Oxford), Herefordshire
(Yarkhill) and Devon (Tiverton). This outbreak spread markedly in the
following year, 1645, and was reported in:
Dorsetshire (Dorchester, Poole, Sherborne)
Hampshire (Winchester)
Wiltshire (Wooton Bassett)
Gloucestershire (Bristol)
Somerset (East Coker, where 70 died; Rode, where 280 died; Wiveliscombe, where 440 died; Dunster; Yeovil)
Devonshire (Ottery St Mary, Totnes, Colyton)
Worcestershire (Worcester)
There are additional points of interest in three of these epidemics. The
plague at Colyton began on 16 November 1645 and continued until
January 1646, which was a cold month with much snowfall; it re-erupted in
April 1646 and then continued until the late autumn when 459 had been
buried, a typical type (ii) epidemic with perhaps 40% of the population
The outbreak at Dunster, Somerset, in 1645 apparently began in the
castle garrison and the governor related that the infected soldiers died
suddenly with an Eruption of Spots. A surgeon, who was serving as a
common soldier there, persuaded the governor to let him treat the sick
soldiers and
he took away a vast quantity of Blood from every sick Person at rst coming of the
Disease, before there was any Sign of a Swelling; he bled them till they were like to
drop down, for he bled them all standing, and in the open Air; nor had he any
Porringer to measure the Blood; afterwards he orderd them to lie in their Tents;
and tho he gave no Medicine at all after Bleeding, yet, which is very strange, of those
very many whom he treated after this manner, not one died.
(Shrewsbury, 1970)


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

Evidently, the appearance of the spots and not a swelling was the clinical
The monthly burials at Ottery St Mary in 1645 were: October, 15;
November, 18; December, 79; and in January 1646, 37. This plague epidemic was at its peak in winter and Shrewsbury (1970) consequently
excluded bubonic plague as the cause. It appears to be an unusual type (ii)
epidemic of haemorrhagic plague, with the typical start in autumn but an
abnormally high winter mortality and the pestilence did not break out
again in spring. It is comparable with the epidemic in 164445 in the parish
of St Oswald, Durham (section 9.5.1).

9.5.3 East Anglia and the Midlands

Boston was an ancient seaport on the River Witham in Lincolnshire and
the epidemic began in 1645 with the usher of the town school, who was
seized with a violent fever of which he died within two or three days having
some Red spots. After three more persons had been seized with a similar
fever and had all died spotted, the municipal authorities took fright,
segregated the infected households and appointed day and night watchers,
searchers, and buriers. Our searchers say the spots are like the spots which
were in Plague time but none of them had any swelling or sores save only
one that died on Friday last, the searchers armed he had a swelling on the
outside of his thigh and had like spots also as the other, Our physicians
seem doubtful whether it were the plague or not, but we for our parts are
afraid and take it for granted to be the Plague (Shrewsbury, 1970).
A minor outbreak of plague also occurred in Kings Lynn, across the
Wash, beginning on 20 May 1645 and in Kelvedon (Essex) in October.
Plague also erupted in Cheshire (in Chester again), Lancashire, Yorkshire (where many townships received plague relief) and County Durham,
as well as in Derby. Axon (1894) described in detail the violent outbreak
that began in May 1645 in Manchester (Lancashire) and followed the
characteristic Reed and Frost dynamics (Fig. 5.2D), dying out in the late
autumn (type (i) epidemic), during which time the town was isolated from
the rest of England. Some 1100 persons died in this epidemic.

9.6 The mid-17th century

After the widespread epidemic of 1645, plague grumbled on in England
until 1651. It reappeared in 1646 in some of the places that it had visited in
the previous year and broke out anew in the southwest and in the Midlands

9.6 The mid-17th century


(Oxford, Northampton and Loughborough). These outbreaks continued in

1647 and St Ives (Cornwall) was grievously aected: 535 plague deaths
occurred between Easter and October 1647, a high percentage mortality in
a type (i) epidemic. Plague was probably introduced into Pembrokeshire
from Ireland in 1652 (Howells, 1985).

9.6.1 Chester as a focus

Plague was rampant again in Chester in 1647, when there were 1875 burials
in 16 weeks (Richards, 1947) and cabins for the infected were erected under
the Water Tower and in the adjoining salt marshes. An eye-witness gave
the following account: The plague takes them very strangely, strikes them
black of one side and then they run mad, some drowne themselves, others
would kill themselves; they dye within a few hours; some run up and down
the street in their shirts to the great horror of those in the City (Richards,
1947). This behaviour corresponds with the victims of the plague at Athens
(section 1.2.1). The outbreak is said to have lasted from 22 June 1647 to 20
April 1648, when 2099 died (Axon, 1894).
We have found, tucked away in the parish registers of Great Budworth
(Cheshire), the list of plague burials at the village of Barnton during a small
epidemic from 11 April to 9 June 1647. There were only 17 victims from 9
families who were all buried at Barnton and not in the churchyard at Great
Budworth. Only two children were listed and all the other victims were
adult. The outbreak began with three co-primaries in three separate families who infected 8 secondaries (R : 2.6) who produced 4 tertiaries

(R : 0.5). The epidemic was conned to this one small village and, appar
ently, had no impact on the rest of the parish. There must have been many
other such small epidemics in little communities in England in the 16th and
17th centuries brought in by an apparently healthy infective. Where did he
or she come from at Barnton?
The people of Liverpool were alarmed about the plagues reported at
Chester and Warrington in 1647 and it was ordered that strict watch shall
be kept by the townesmen. The Constables Accounts show that Manchester also took precautions to prevent ingress to the town of those who were
thought to be still infected (Axon, 1894). However, the pestilence erupted
in Liverpool in the early spring in the following year, 1648, and cabins
were built and families were removed to them so that the epidemic lasted
only 2 months with the death of about eight or nine persons of mean
quality (Axon, 1894). Evidently this epidemic did not explode, perhaps
because of the precautionary measures. The authorities in Liverpool were


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

apprehensive of the importation of plague from Ireland and issued the

following orders 2 years later on 2 April 1650.
Whereas it is certainly reported, that the sicknes in Dubline, wch by reason of the
intercourse from thence may prove dangerous to this towne; it is therefore ordred,
that all owners and passengers comeing from thence shalbe restrained and debarred from comeing into this towne unless they cann make oath that they have not
beene in anie infected place, nor brought over anie infected goods or passingrs from
thence, and be allowed of by Mr. Maior; a Warrant to be drawn up for ye Guard to
examine all passingrs comeing from thence, until they be sworne and examined,
wch was donne accordingly.

However, in spite of these precautions, there are unconrmed reports of

200 plague deaths in Liverpool in 1650 (Axon, 1894).
There was also an outbreak of plague in Shropshire (contiguous to
Cheshire) in 1650: it erupted at Shrewsbury on 12 June and reached its
peak in August 1650 but it is noteworthy that the epidemic was unevenly
dispersed in the town, with 10 times as many burials in St Chads parish
than in St Marys (corresponding to the pattern of the plague in 1631).
Total plague burials exceeded 300.
Plague then erupted in Whitchurch, 18 miles to the north of Shrewsbury,
on 2 August 1650; it died down in the winter but reappeared during
AprilJune 1651 (Fig. 9.10). It began late in the summer for a type (i)
epidemic and persisted through winter as in a type (ii) epidemic but did not
explode in the following spring.
Plague struck Cheshire again in 1654, with an epidemic in Chester and
four deaths in a single family in Tarvin on 10, 16 and 18 May.
Neston, a small port on the River Dee, 10 miles north of Chester, suered
from an outbreak of plague in 1665. The victims are not designated in the
registers, but the epidemic probably began in May 1665 and followed the
characteristic Reed and Frost dynamics with the typical slow build-up,
followed by a peak in SeptemberOctober before rapidly dying down in
November but with deaths recorded until 4 February 1666: an extended
type (i) epidemic. The total of plague deaths was estimated to be about 140.
Analysis of the burials suggests that one-third of the families showed
multiple deaths with a high household contact rate whereas two-thirds of
the families recorded a single burial. At the height of the epidemic many of
these single deaths were infected simultaneously because there were four to
ve burials on the same day. Examples of the spread of the infection within
households are as follows:
(i) George Leene (son of William Leene) brought the infection into his

9.6 The mid-17th century


Fig. 9.10. Monthly plague burials at Whitchurch, Shropshire, from April 1650 to
July 1651. Data from Shrewsbury (1970).

family and died on 13 September 1665. He infected other members

immediately at the end of his latent period and they died on 24 (father),
25 (sister), 26 (brother), 26 (base child which William Leenes wife
nursed), 28 (mother), 28 (sister) September.
(ii) Independent infections were introduced into the Tindale household
with deaths on 27 (apprentice), 28 (son) August and 2 (Mr George
Tindal, head of house), 4 (wife) September. A death on 15 September
1665 (daughter) was a secondary case and on 4 October (A welshman.
Lived at Mr. Tindales) a secondary or tertiary case.
Analysis of the last victims of this plague from September 1665 to
February 1666 reveals how the epidemic lingered because of the very long
latent and infectious periods (Fig. 9.11). After the burial of Elizabeth
daughter of Thomas Walley on 10 December 1665 there is an entry in the
registers The Plague ceased. Thanks be unto God, but Elizabeth had
infected her brother Thomas 2 days before she died, presumably when she
was showing symptoms, and he dyed of ye sickness on 14 January 1666,
having rst infected members of the Grith and Barlow families (Fig. 9.11,
Part 2) who died at the start of February 1666.
The burials of Elizabeth and Thomas Walley were separated by 35 days,
conrming that this is the minimum length of time for the duration of
latent and infectious periods of the disease. Another example of a long
interval is Samuel Bennett, who died on 16 November 1665 and was almost


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century














a poor woman

Fig. 9.11. The closing stages of the plague epidemic in the parish of Neston,
Cheshire, May 1665 to February 1666. The epidemic lingered because of the long
incubation period. Scales: days after 15 August 1665 (Part 1) and 28 August 1665
(Part 2). For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

9.6 The mid-17th century
















Fig. 9.11. (Part 2)

certainly infected by his mother, who had died on 12 October, when she
must have been in the terminal stages of her illness and showing symptoms,
again a 35-day interval (see top of Fig. 9.11, Part 1). The long latent and
infectious periods account for the very slow elimination of the plague and
the premature announcement of its cessation.

9.6.2 Spread of the plague of 166566 through the metapopulation

The plague in London in 166566 spread to the Provinces in several
dierent ways. A solitary infective traveller brought the disease to an
isolated community, as in the major epidemic at Eyam (see Chapter 10) and



Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

probably in the minor outbreaks at Epsom and Godalming in Surrey.

Doubtless there were other unrecorded and minor epidemics. The plague
also spread radially northwards to the Midlands along the main highways,
whereas it exhibited a complex wave-like spread in East Anglia and Kent.
It moved along the northeast corridor, appearing from Yorkshire to Newcastle-upon-Tyne (again), but without further information it is not possible
to determine the pattern of spread nor the origins of the outbreak in this
apparently separate metapopulation of the Northern Province. It may
have come via the port at Newcastle with an infective on a boat from
London. In contrast, Cumbria in the northwest again escaped completely,
probably because of its isolation. Although it was described as the Great
Plague of London, the epidemics in the provinces, with some notable
exceptions (e.g. Eyam, Colchester, Salisbury), were generally mild, with
relatively few plague deaths reported.
The plague spread from London along the lower reaches of the Thames
on the Kent coast during 1665 and 1666, reaching Chatham and Rochester
with quite severe mortality. Plague probably entered other Kent ports
directly, including Deal, Dover and Sandwich, spreading inland to Canterbury.
On the south coast in Hampshire, Southampton suered another major
epidemic in 1665, presumably entering via the port, and in 1666 the naval
base at Portsmouth was stricken with what was probably a relatively
minor epidemic. Basingstoke (46 registered plague burials) and Winchester
in Hampshire also had outbreaks in the following year, 1666. Shrewsbury
(1970) makes the following noteworthy comment on the registers of St
Maurice, Winchester 12 of the entries . . . are marked with an O, denoting
death from spots as plague was called. Evidently, even Shrewsbury
admitted that the key identifying features of the plague were the tokens or
red spots.
The plague arrived in Wiltshire by mid-summer 1665, probably by an
infective travelling westwards from London rather than from Hampshire.
It was severe in Salisbury in the summer of 1665, continuing through the
winter and breaking out with renewed violence in 1666 and not dying out
until November 1666. The epidemic radiated outwards and minor outbreaks occurred in other Wiltshire populations.
Shrewsbury (1970) believed that East Anglia was again invaded by
plague from London in 1665 almost synchronously through its ports and
thence by spread overland. Yarmouth on the Norfolk coast was attacked
28 May, Harwich (a port in Essex) probably at about the same time but was
not ocially recognised until 2 September, Colchester (Essex) in early

9.6 The mid-17th century


Fig. 9.12. Weekly plague deaths at Colchester, Essex, from September 1665 to
November 1666. Data from Creighton (1894).

August, Ipswich (Suolk) on 13 September and Norwich (Norfolk) in the

rst week of October 1665. It spread to a number of localities in Essex and
continued into 1666, when Braintree was badly aected with 665 plague
deaths (probably some 50% of its population) and with a case mortality
rate of 97% because only 22 patients recovered (Shrewsbury, 1970). Evidently, plague was not invariably fatal. This spatial and temporal pattern
suggests that plague was exchanged through the east coast ports via local
sea-trac and then spread inland, probably via the river system in many
cases (see Fig. 13.1).
Among the towns in East Anglia that were aected at the start of the
1665 epidemic, Colchester suered badly and Shrewsbury (1970) estimated
that it may have lost between one-quarter and one-third of its inhabitants.
The time-course of this outbreak is shown in Fig. 9.12; the plague deaths
have a clear double peak and the outbreak clearly persisted over an
18-month period. From its reported start in August 1665, the deaths
peaked in SeptemberOctober, suggesting that an infective probably initiated the epidemic in June but plague deaths were not recorded at this
time. Plague deaths continued at an average of about 30 per week through
the winter, a high value for this season of the year, particularly as there was
a severe frost in December and January. The outbreak then gained momentum in March and April 1666 and showed peaks of about 175 deaths
per week in May and July 1666. It disappeared by the end of November


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

1666 and appears to be an unusual type (ii) epidemic with a very early start
that led to a greatly extended outbreak.
This persistence of the epidemic through into 1666 was also seen at the
East Anglian ports of Ipswich, Harwich and Yarmouth. There were relatively few plague deaths in Norwich in autumn 1665, but 13 were recorded
in January 1666 and the epidemic regathered momentum in the spring and
rose to a peak of 200 deaths per week in August 1666 (type (ii) epidemic).
The second phase of the outbreak lasted from March to December 1666.
The plague moved outwards in East Anglia in 1665 and, in addition to
the outbreaks in Essex, it was reported in Cambridge (413 burials), Royston, Oundle, Ely, Peterborough and Kings Lynn and was said to be active
in 20 parishes in Buckinghamshire. Several of these outbreaks continued
into 1666: the plague broke out again in Cambridge in June 1666 and
Sturbridge fair was cancelled. The Bishop of Ely also cancelled all fairs in
his diocese because Peterborough (where it continued from summer 1665
to spring 1667) and Ely were also suering from this outbreak. Pest-houses
were erected outside Cambridge and the population apparently suered a
severe plague mortality so that the harvest could hardly be gathered. It was
not until January 1667 that the Vice Chancellor notied the scholars that
they might return to the colleges.
Ramsey in Huntingdonshire was attacked in 1666 and Shrewsbury
(1970) quoted an account that plague was imported in winter (February) in
a parcel of cloth from London. The tailor who made up the cloth and all his
family died of the disease and the subsequent epidemic destroyed more
than 400 of the townsfolk, although the rst plague burial noted in the
parish register was that of a woman who was buried in her own garden on
16 July 1666. Presumably the epidemic was started by an infective traveller
who brought the cloth from London and the high household contact rate
ensured that the infection ran through the family. The infection must have
spread to another family and persisted in the population, even with the low
contact rate in winter, but the epidemic slowly gained momentum during
the following spring.

9.7 Overview of plagues in England

Biraben (1972) has collated for each year, 13471670, the numbers of
localities in the British Isles in which plague epidemics were reported.
Obviously, the list is not complete and some mortality crises that were not
plagues are included, but the data-series, which is plotted in Fig. 9.13,
provides a good picture of the changing pattern of the spread of the

9.7 Overview of plagues in England


Fig. 9.13. Number of localities with reported plague epidemics in Britain,

13471670. Data from Biraben (1975).

outbreaks. It is not a series of the total annual mortality. After the Black
Death, the epidemics grumbled along sporadically at a low level for 150
years but after 1500 the spread gradually increased in terms of the number
of places attacked. Spectral analysis of the data-series (see section 2.8)
reveals a non-stationary short-wavelength oscillation (P : 0.05), the period of which was 57 years and a medium-wavelength oscillation that is
discussed in section 11.7.
We have previously described a persistent, short-wavelength oscillation
in English wheat prices that caused sharply changing cycles of malnutrition; these had complex and serious eects on infant mortality, the outcome of pregnancy and the epidemics of lethal infectious diseases (Scott et
al., 1995; Duncan et al., 1996a,b, 1997, 1998, 1999; Scott & Duncan, 1998,
1999a, 2000). Did this oscillation in wheat prices also drive the outbreaks of
The English wheat prices series, 14501649 (data from Bowden, 1967,
1985), is shown in Fig. 9.14. It falls into two periods: for the rst 100 years
the level was low and the trend was steady with low amplitude oscillations
superimposed thereon, but after 1550 the trend rose markedly with large-


Plagues in the provinces in the 17th century

Fig. 9.14. English annual national wheat price index, 14501649. Data from
Bowden (1967).

amplitude oscillations. Spectral analysis reveals a short-wavelength oscillation: period : 8 years (14501550) and 6.7 years (15501649). But ltering the two series shown in Figs. 9.13 and 9.14 revealed no cross-correlation between them. Equally, ltering for the medium-wavelength
oscillation revealed no cross-correlation between the two series.
We conclude that uctuations in the wheat prices did not drive the
plague epidemics in England. The pestilence was not truly endemic in this
separate island metapopulation (unlike France, see section 11.2) and the
outbreaks outside London were governed largely by the unpredictable
arrival of infective(s) from overseas or the metropolis. But England was
part of the enormous metapopulation of continental Europe from whence
came the infectives, so that the epidemiology of the plagues in England was
governed by the spatial components of the pestilence on the Continent,
factors that are described in Chapter 11.

Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

10.1 The traditional story of bubonic plague at Eyam

The story of the plague in the Derbyshire village of Eyam is well known: the
causative agent was brought in a box of cloths from London and when this
was unpacked a rat and/or eas jumped out and so brought bubonic
plague. The inhabitants, led by their vicar, nobly drew a cordon sanitaire
around their village, preventing all egress and ingress and so conned the
epidemic to their little community. The events of this outbreak have been
described in detail many times (Creighton, 1894; Batho, 1964; Shrewsbury,
1970; Bradley, 1977; Cliord, 1989; Race, 1995) but all assume without
question that this was an outbreak of bubonic plague, although, as we shall
see, the details of this epidemic demonstrate clearly that again, as at
Penrith in 159798, it is a biological impossibility that Yersinia pestis was
the causative agent.
The upland parish of Eyam is situated on the eastern edge of the Peak
District towards the southern end of the Pennines, lying on the slopes
above the Derwent valley. It was a remote and isolated spot 300 years ago
and the approaches to the village were by rough and narrow tracks
(Cliord, 1989). Bakewell, the local market town, lay 7 miles to the south.
The main settlement in the parish was the village of Eyam with hamlets at
Foolow (2 miles away), Grindleford Bridge (1.5 miles away) and Woodlands (2 miles away). It is suggested that the majority of cottages were
stone-built, with stone-slab roofs and frequently stone oors (Bradley,
1977); the cottages where the plague began in 1665 can be seen today. These
conditions in northern central England, 70 miles from the nearest port,
with the sparing use of re and badly tting windows would be completely
unsuitable for the establishment of a colony of black rats, which would
much prefer thatched roofs and warmth.


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

Weather conditions in winter in the Peak District are severe (Cliord,

1989) and in 1665 in December a great snow is said to have fallen, with a
hard and severe frost . . . The weather at the commencement of 1666 was
exceedingly cold and severe (Wood, 1865; Bradley, 1977). The plague at
Eyam began in autumn 1665, continued over the hard winter and then
began again in spring 1666 (see below; standard type (ii) epidemic). It is
impossible that a colony of warmth-loving black rats and their infected
eas could have survived through such winter weather conditions and
perpetuated bubonic plague.
The traditional story is that Alexander Hadfeild, a tailor, received a box
of cloth or materials relating to his trade that was brought from London
and arrived in the late summer of 1665 (about the end of August). The rst
person to die from the plague was George Viccars who was buried on 7
September 1665 (Eyam parish registers; Cliord & Cliord, 1993). Traditionally, he has been described as a journeyman, working for the tailor
(Cliord, 1989), who unpacked the box and, seeing that the goods were
damp, hung them before the re to dry. This story was told to one of the
authors when he was a boy at school in York 60 years ago. Viccars was
suddenly seized with violent sickness and grew worse on the second day,
becoming delirious and showing large swellings on his neck and groin. The
plague spot (the fatal token) appeared on his breast on the third day and
he died on 7 September (Wood, 1865; Bradley, 1977). This story is traditionally interpreted as follows: the cloth harboured (presumably blocked)
eas infected with Yersinia pestis from London where the plague was
raging and that these bit George Viccars and infected him with bubonic
plague (Cliord, 1989). Even the fervent proponents of bubonic plague see
diculties in this interpretation, particularly the rapidity of the onset of
the disease, since only a few hours is insucient time for the incubation of
bubonic plague (Bradley, 1977). Batho (1964) suggested an alternative
explanation that has nothing to do with boxes of cloth: a number of
visitors came to the village to participate in the Eyam wakes on 20 August
1665 and some may have brought an infected ea from Derby where he
believed that plague was raging. This latter view is suspect because
Shrewsbury (1970) and Bradley (1977) found evidence that the plague did
not come to Derby until 1666. Batho (1964) surprisingly concluded, however, that the traditional story of a blocked ea coming from London was
the more probable explanation. Others have suggested that this was an
outbreak of anthrax or measles (for a summary, see Cliord, 1989) or that
a human ea might have acted as the carrier (see Bradley, 1977). In any
event, these stories of a blocked ea carrying bubonic plague over very

10.2 Origins of the plague at Eyam


long distances through the countryside and starting an epidemic are quite
The next person to die of plague, Edward Cooper, was buried 15 days
later on 22 September and if an infected ea had bitten George Viccars no
epidemic of bubonic plague could have been established among the hypothetical rodents of the village in so short a space of time; it would have
initially involved one or two rats becoming infected with Yersinia pestis,
developing the disease, infecting their eas, dying and the transference of
the eas to other rats. This cycle would need to have been repeated many
times before the epidemic spread through the supposed population of roof
rats; there would have been no possibility of establishing an epizootic and
the domestic rats would start dying in numbers. Only then would the eas
transfer to the humans.
The role in the village of George Viccars, the rst person to be infected
and die, is not clear in these traditional anecdotal accounts, but Cliord
(1989) implied that he was not a native and did not have a family with him,
presumably because there is no other mention of the surname Viccars in
the parish registers. However, it is known that he was survived by his
children, although Cliord (1989), most disappointingly, does not say
where they were living.

10.2 Origins of the plague at Eyam

The only real evidence of the details of the plague at Eyam is contained in
the register of burials, which was meticulously kept (Cliord & Cliord,
1993). Nevertheless, analysis and objective interpretation of these data can,
as we shall show, be eshed out to tell a human story. A total of 260 died in
the outbreak and the monthly plague burials are shown in Fig. 10.1; it was
a type (ii) epidemic, beginning in September 1665, with a small peak in
October, and continuing at a low level through the winter. The outbreak
then followed characteristic Reed and Frost dynamics; it picked up very
slowly in AprilMay 1666 before exploding with a peak mortality in
August. Thereafter, monthly burials declined slowly and the epidemic
ended in November 1666. These details correspond exactly with other type
(ii) epidemics in other isolated communities that arrived in late summer
(e.g. Penrith in 159798); it was clearly the same infectious disease with a
long incubation period that we have described in all other outbreaks of
haemorrhagic plague.
The story of the origins of the Eyam plague stem from the oral traditions
that were collected by Wood (1865) and written before the etiology of


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

Fig. 10.1. Monthly plague burials at Eyam, August 1665 to December 1666.

bubonic plague was understood, but his account has subsequently been
greatly modied to t with accepted opinion. He clearly assumed that it
was an infectious disease and did not invoke the rats and eas of bubonic
plague of which he knew nothing. It is on his original account and the
invaluable details contained in the parish registers that we base our analysis of the origins of the plague and the events of 166566.
Wood says that Mary Cooper, the widow of a lead miner (they had
married in 1652) had, according to the registers, remarried Alexander
Hatfeild (trade not stated) on 27 March 1665, some 5 months before the
plague erupted. She was living with her two sons in the middle of three
cottages to the west of the churchyard and had taken in as a lodger George
Viccars who was a travelling tailor and the rst victim. Cliord (1989)
stated that Wood did not record whether Viccars was a regular visitor,
calling on Eyam as part of an established round, or whether he was a
stranger. Nor does he record from whence he came.
During the 17th century, there were several Viccars families living in the
parishes of Baslow, Droneld and Edensor, all close to Eyam. One family
living in Edensor, 5 miles south of Eyam, is of note: George Viccars married
Ann Allin in 1638; he may have been born to Elizabeth Viccars in 1611 at
Droneld. George and Ann had seven children at Edensor and if this were
the George Viccars, the travelling tailor who brought the plague to Eyam,
he would have been aged about 54 years in 1665 and he would still have

10.3 The rst phase of the epidemic


had to support some of his children. The Viccars family continued living at
Edensor and there are records of baptisms and marriages in the register
but, in any event, the problem remains: where did George Viccars become
infected in autumn 1665 in the course of his travels? We have no idea of the
area that he covered in his itinerant work. There is little evidence of plague
in Derbyshire in 1665 and no rise in mortality at Edensor in 1665; the
statements that Derby suered from an epidemic in 1665 (Batho, 1964;
Race, 1995) as well as in 1666 (Shrewsbury, 1970) were not conrmed by
Bradley (1977), who found no excessive mortality recorded in the registers.
Nevertheless, Bradley quoted an account by Hutton that in 1665 Derby
was again visited by the plague . . . The town was forsaken: the farmers
declined the market place. Shrewsbury (1970) quoted evidence that
Newark (37 miles from Eyam) lost one-third of its inhabitants from plague
in either 1665 or 1666. Alternatively, Viccars may have been to London to
collect cloth or he may have associated with an infectious carrier who came
from there. Viccars was infected about 1 August and was lodging with
Mary Cooper in Eyam when the rst secondary infection took place on 16
August 1665 (see below), probably sucient time to have made a journey
from London. Viccars lodged with Mary Cooper for at least 3 weeks before
he died.

10.3 The rst phase of the epidemic

The simple account given by Wood, unencumbered by any bubonic plague
baggage, corresponds exactly with the origins of the plague at Penrith
(section 5.3) where a stranger, Andrew Hogson, took lodgings in the town
in the autumn and then died of plague. Woods version of events gains
credence when the next victim to die at Eyam was Edward Cooper, son of
Mary Cooper, aged 3 years, indicating a high household contact rate.
However, his brother, Jonathan Cooper, aged 12 years, was not buried
until 28 October 1666 and so was clearly a tertiary case, probably infected
by his younger brother in the terminal stages of his illness (Fig. 10.2).
Alexander Hadfeild (Marys second husband) died much later in the epidemic, from a reinfection, on 3 August 1666. Mary Cooper apparently
survived the outbreak, in spite of losing her entire family, and married, for
the third time, Marshal Hole on 5 June 1672. Cliord (1989) says in
contradiction to this that Mary was married for the third time to John Coe,
although this is not recorded in the parish registers.
The epidemic spread through the village in a clearly dened and predictable way, quite unlike the erratic behaviour of bubonic plague. Viccars


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study






s. (3)
s. (12)

Hawksworth Peter
s. (15 months)
T. Thorpe



W. Thorpe

H. Torre






d. (11)
s. (9)


d. (12)
s. (7)
d. (23)
d. (20)
d. (9)

d. (2)








W. Torre

s. (10 months)



s. (10)
d. (9 months)



s. (18)


Fig. 10.2. Suggested sequence of the infections during the rst phase of the epidemic
at Eyam. Scale: days after 1 August 1665. For further details and abbreviations,
see Fig. 5.6.

10.3 The rst phase of the epidemic


introduced the infection into ve other families: Hawksworth, T. Thorpe,

Sydall, Banes and W. Thorpe, see Fig. 10.2. These sequential family infections, as the rst phase of the outbreak gathered momentum in the late
summer of 1665, may be summarised as follows:
(i) The Hawksworth family lived near Mary Cooper (Cliord, 1989).
Peter Hawksworth senior was a secondary case, the rst to be infected
outside Mary Coopers house by Viccars, who, in turn, infected his
15-month-old only son Humphry (a tertiary) who died on 17 October.
His wife Jane apparently survived.
(ii) Thomas Thorpe was another near-neighbour of Mary Cooper (Clifford, 1989); his daughter Mary (aged 11) and his wife Elizabeth were all
co-secondaries infected by Viccars. The son, Thomas (aged 9 years),
was clearly a tertiary infection within the family. However, three other
children of Thomas Thorpe died of plague 6 months later during the
second phase of the outbreak: Alice (aged 13 years) was buried on 15
April 1666 and she had probably infected her two brothers, Robert
and William, who were both buried on 2 May 1666.
(iii) The Sydall family lived on the opposite side of the road to Mary
Cooper and the house still stands today (Cliord, 1989). Sarah (aged
12 years), daughter of John Sydall, was infected by Viccars on about 24
August 1665 and she probably then sequentially infected the son
Richard (aged 7 years), John Sydall (head of household), daughter
Ellen (aged 23 years), daughter Elizabeth (aged 20 years) and daughter
Alice (aged 9 years) as co-tertiaries (Fig. 10.2). John Sydalls wife
Elizabeth, appears to have escaped the outbreak, in spite of nursing six
members of her family, and she married John Danyell on 24 April
1666, just 5 days before the death of her daughter, Emmott (aged 22
years), who had survived the rst phase of the outbreak.
(iv) Mathew Banes and his wife, Margaret, were co-secondaries infected by
Viccars and they then infected their daughter Martha (aged 2 years)
and the widow Mary Banes (possibly the mother of Mathew Banes) as
(v) William Thorpe may have been related to Thomas Thorpe, although
we have found no evidence in the registers to support this. His wife
Mary was infected about 28 August 1665 and William 3 days later.
They were probably not infected by Thomas Thorpe (see Fig. 10.2), but
were probably two further secondaries infected by Viccars. The burial
of Humphry, son of William Thorpe, on 17 October is recorded only in
the Bishops Transcripts.


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

Presumably, either George Viccars visited these nearby houses in his work
as a tailor or they came to visit their neighbour Mary Hadfeild, nee Cooper.
The plague struck next at the families of Humphry Torre and William
Torre; they may well have been father and son, respectively, and Peter
Hawksworth (secondary, died 23 September, see above) was married to
Jane Torre, the daughter of Humphry Torre. For this reason, we believe
that the Torre families were not infected by Viccars but that the plague was
brought by Peter Hawksworth immediately he became infective. Sythe,
wife of Humphry Torre, was infected about 31 August 1665 and she then
transmitted the disease to her husband Humphry (a quaternary case).
Hawksworth also infected Amie, wife of William Torre (his sister-in-law)
and Humphry (aged 10 months) their son; William Torre died on the same
day as his wife. The Torre families were related to Rowland Mower (section
10.5) and may also have been connected with the Sydalls, because Rowland
Torre was betrothed to Emmott Sydall.
Three members of the family of George Ragge were tertiary infections
who could have been infected by any of the early secondary infectives
(Hawksworth, Thomas Thorpe, Sydall and Banes families). Tradition suggests that the Ragges lived next door to the Sydall family so that they may
have been infected from any of the little collection of cottages where the
outbreak began. Son Jonathan (aged 10 years), daughter Alice (aged 9
months) and George Ragge himself died over a space of 9 days (see Fig.
10.2). His daughter Ellen and wife Elizabeth (who may have died in 1699)
apparently survived.
Likewise, the Stubbs household was another tertiary infection that was
introduced about 25 September 1665 from any of the families listed above,
plus the families of William Thorpe and the Torres. Hugh Stubbs (aged 18
years), son of John and Ann Stubbs, was infected about 25 September and
he probably infected both his parents (quaternaries).
The contact rates, R , for the rst phase of the epidemic are: primary to

secondaries : 10; secondaries to tertiaries : 1.8; tertiaries to quaternaries : 0.2.
There are striking similarities between the initial phases of the type (ii)
epidemics at Penrith (section 5.3) and Eyam. Both were northern upland
communities where the epidemic began in the autumn. Both were started
by the arrival of a symptomless, infective stranger who took lodgings and
stayed in the town or village. They contracted the disease some distance
away and the long incubation period allowed the plague to be transmitted.
These epidemics were not begun by, say, a drover passing through. Viccars
was resident in Eyam for at least 22 days and up to 34 days; Hogson stayed

10.4 The second phase: maintenance


in Penrith for at least 15 and probably up to 33 days. Their abodes can

reputedly be identied today. It is impossible that pneumonic plague could
be brought into the community in this way by terminally ill, infected
persons on their death beds with 48 hours to live.
Both Hogson and Viccars rst infected people in the house where they
were lodging (high household contact rate), probably soon after they
arrived, and so began the outbreaks but, whereas Hogson at Penrith
infected only the Railton family (where he was probably lodging) with three
secondaries, Viccars infected ve other households (all living nearby) at
Eyam with a total of 10 secondaries. For a plague to spread and be
perpetuated it must be transmitted to other households; continuing infections within a household are a dead end. The dierence between the two
localities may be because the Eyam outbreak began 15 days earlier and the
warmer weather of August promoted the spread of the disease, or it might
be thought at rst that it was because Viccars was entering neighbouring
cottages in his capacity as a travelling tailor and so infecting these families.
However, over a period of 3 weeks a travelling tailor might be expected to
work more widely throughout the village. Possibly, as we suggest above,
these families where the secondaries were established were infected when
they visited their neighbour Mary Cooper in the cottage where Viccars was
working. The dierence between the numbers of secondaries meant that
the outbreak was established more quickly at Eyam and so produced a
larger autumn peak there than at Penrith.
Once blind acceptance of bubonic plague has been abandoned, the
sequence of events faithfully catalogued in the parish registers t readily
into the pattern of a standard infectious disease which was transmitted

10.4 The second phase: maintenance of the epidemic through the winter
As in the 159798 plague at Penrith, the epidemic was only just maintained
at Eyam through the winter of 166566 (Fig. 10.3). Hugh Stubbs (aged 18
years; died 1 November 1665) probably infected both his parents (Fig. 10.2)
but Hannah Rowland (aged 15 years), who died only 4 days later on 5
November, was not infected by Hugh Stubbs. It is impossible to suggest
who may have infected her because there were some 26 victims who died
between 29 September and 24 October who could, potentially, have been
the source. These two teenagers were critically responsible for the continuation of the epidemic, not only within their families but also, more importantly, infecting other families (Fig. 10.3). Elizabeth Warrington (aged 18
















d. Hannah
d. Mary (13)
s. Abel (10)
Warrington Eliz. (18)
Rowbotham s. John (12)
s. Robert (16)
s. Samuel (8)
wife Mary
s. Thomas
s. Isaac
s. John (9)
d. Deborah (20)
d. Alice (13)
s. Anthony (10)
d. Anne (19)
d. Joan
m. Margaret
Alice (13)
s. Robert
s. Wm
Samuel (15)
Isaac (13)

Fig. 10.3. Suggested sequence of infections during the winter in the second phase of the epidemic at Eyam. Scale: days after 30 September
1665. For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

10.4 The second phase: maintenance


years) was infected on 23 October 1665 by either Hannah Rowland (Fig.

10.3) or Hugh Stubbs (Fig. 10.2); she was the same age as Hugh and
represents a crucial link in the chain as the epidemic limped along through
November. Firstly, she infected sequentially the three members of the
Rowe family probably by visiting frequently; William Rowe had married
May Warrington (perhaps the elder sister of Elizabeth) on 16 June 1665
and their infant was the rst to die on 14 December, followed by the two
parents on 15 and 19 December. Secondly, Elizabeth Warrington probably
infected Anthony Blackwall (aged 10 years), who died on 24 December
1665 (Fig. 10.3), although he may have been infected by Mary Rowland
(aged 13 years; see Fig. 10.3). Anthony Blackwall may not have infected
anyone else. Thirdly, Elizabeth Warrington probably infected Thomas, the
son of John Wilson on about 15 November who died on 22 December. We
see that because of the long incubation period the plague proceeded in a
desultory fashion with few deaths in November and December.
Meanwhile, the infection had continued through the Rowland family;
Mary (aged 13 years) was infected by her sister Hannah, but neither could
have infected their brother Abel, aged 10 years (Fig. 10.3), who must have
contracted the disease from another source. Abel infected his father.
John Rowbotham (aged 12 years) was another early infection (on 2
November) in the second phase of the epidemic. He was infected by either
the parents of Hugh Stubbs (Fig. 10.2) or by Hannah Rowland. He died on
9 December having infected rst his father William and then his two
brothers Robert and Samuel, who both died on 1 January 1666 (Fig. 10.3).
The epidemic continued through January 1666 (when there were only
two plague deaths) solely because of two key people: Anthony Blackwall
(father of Anthony, above) and Isaac Wilson (brother of Thomas, above);
see Fig. 10.3.
Isaac Wilson (age unknown) was infected about 22 December 1665, the
day that his brother Thomas died, and he probably caught the disease from
him but, among the few infectives around in December, the Rowbotham
family or Abel Rowland might have been responsible (Fig. 10.3). Isaac
infected his brother John, two sisters and his father John (who did not die
until 1 March 1666). More importantly, he was the only person who could
have infected Anthony Blackwall senior, thereby maintaining the link in
the chain of events. Anthony Blackwall could not have been infected on 15
January 1666 by his son Anthony, who had already died on 24 December
(see above, Fig. 10.3). The Blackwall family now succumbed. The daughter
Anne (aged 19 years) was the next tenuous link in the chain; she was
infected on 13 February and died on 22 March 1666 (note the long interval


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

in plague mortality) having infected her mother and sister Joan. Critically,
Anne Blackwall reinfected the family of Thomas Thorpe deceased (see
above) and also introduced the plague into the Alleyn family (Fig. 10.3).
Thomas Alleyn was infected on 1 March and died on 6 April having
infected his infant child.
Alice Thorpe (aged 13 years), both of whose parents had died in the
preceding September (section 10.3) was infected on 11 March and died on
15 April 1666. She infected her two brothers, Robert and William on 26
March and they both died on 2 May 1666. The disease was tenuously
maintained, therefore, all through the period December 1665 to May 1666
when there were few deaths.
The next slender link in the chain of events was the death of Emmott
Sydall (aged 22 years; Cliord 1989) on 29 April 1666. She had survived the
rst outbreak of plague in her family in the preceding October (see above)
but now was infected on 24 March either by Alice Thorpe (it will be
remembered that the Thorpes and Sydall families were originally near
neighbours) or by Thomas Alleyn. Emmott Sydalls mother Elizabeth had
also survived the October outbreak and she married a widower, John
Danyell (who later died of plague on 5 July), on 24 April 1666, just 5 days
before Emmott died and presumably before she showed symptoms. This
wedding was probably a critical event, because the next link in the chain
was Isaac Thornley (aged 13 years), who was infected on this day, either by
Emmott Sydall or by Robert and William Thorpe. Did Isaac Thornley
(who subsequently spread the epidemic to some 1517 people and so
caused the explosion in summer 1666; Fig. 10.4) contract the disease from
Emmott Sydall when they both attended the church for the wedding of her
Elizabeth Danyell (nee Sydall) died later from the plague intestate on 17
October (one of the last victims) but about the day of her death she made a
verbal declaration to her neighbour Rebecca Hawksworth, who testied to
that eect and a Letter of Administration was drawn up which armed
that her only surviving son Josiah (aged 3 years) was to be put in care of her
trusted friend Robert Thorpe and that her estate was to be used for his
upbringing (Cliord, 1989).
As at Penrith in 159798, we see that, when we have full details, the
plague at Eyam persisted from November to the following May only by the
skin of its teeth. Household contact rates remained high but the critical
interfamily infectivity was very low over this period. Figure 10.3 shows how
the plague, thanks to its long incubation period, persisted at Eyam over 6

10.4 The second phase: maintenance










s. Isaac (13)
d. Anne
s. Jonathan (11)
m. Eliz.
s. Francis (1)
d. Jane (11)
s. Edward (11)
s. Anthony (10)
d. Mary (17)
w. Ann
s. James
d. Edytha (6)
f. Rowland
s. Rowland
d. Eliz. (18)
d. Mary (15)
d. Emmot
m. Eliz.
s. Thomas (12)
d. Sarah
m. Ellenor
d. Eliz.
d. Anne (6)
w. Anne
d. Jane (19)
s. John (17)
s. Abel
s. John (9)
m. Eliz.
d. Deborah







Fig. 10.4. Suggested sequence of infections during the start of the third phase of the
epidemic at Eyam. Isaac Thornley is regarded as a new primary case who initiated
the explosion in the late spring of 1665. Scale: days after 24 April 1665. For further
details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6.

months via a few crucial transmissions to new families. There must have
been many unrecorded autumnal outbreaks of plague in England in the
16th and 17th centuries that did not persist over winter.
It is interesting that so many of these interfamily infections at Eyam were
via the teenage children. They were responsible for going to each others
houses during the winter and so maintaining and spreading the epidemic.

d. 1657

d. 1664

bp. 1645
d. 1662

bp. 1653

d. 1657

bp. 1655


m. 1664

bp. 1655

m. 1638


bp. 1664


bp. 1655

m. 1640

bp. 1641

bp. 1642
d. 1643

bp. 1648

bp. 1649

bp. 1651

bp. 1652

d. 1656

bp. 1656

Fig. 10.5. Interrelationships of the Thornley and Skydmore families. Plague victims marked with P in a circle. m., married;
d., died; bp., baptised.

10.5 The third phase: explosion


10.5 The third phase: explosion of the epidemic in summer 1666

Isaac Thornley (aged 13 years), who became infectious on 6 May 1666,
directly infected 1618 individuals in eight families in addition to his own, a
dramatic change in the epidemiology of the disease, as shown in Fig. 10.4.
Since the epidemic re-started in phase three with the infection of Isaac
Thornley, he is regarded as a new primary. The infections began simultaneously on the following day, 7 May (thereby conrming the length of the
latent period) in the Thornley and Skydmore families who were interrelated, as shown in Fig. 10.5. Francis Thornley married Ellen Skydmore in
1638 and, when she died in 1657, he remarried in February 1664 Elizabeth
Chapman, a widow who had two children by a previous marriage. They
had a single son, Francis, who was baptised in November 1664 but by that
time the father, Francis Thornley, had died in September 1664. Thus, at the
outbreak of the plague, 12 months later, Elizabeth Thornley had six
children in her care, two of her own who took the Thornley surname, one
that she bore to Francis and three that were born to Francis Thornley and
Ellen Skydmore. This entire family was to die of the plague. Anne and
Jonathan (aged 11 years) were both infected on 7 May (one day after Isaac
became infectious), the mother Elizabeth on the 10th, Francis (aged 1 year)
on the 12th, Jane (aged 11 years, twin sister of Jonathan) on the 14th and
Edward (aged 11 years) on the 18th.
Thomas Skydmore was probably the brother of Ellen Skydmore and he
married Ann Allyn in 1640. She may have been related to Thomas Alleyn
who died of the plague on 6 April (see section 10.3). Thomas Skydmore had
died in 1657, leaving his widow with seven surviving children (Fig. 10.5).
Ann Skydmore clearly retained close connections with the Thornley family
because Anthony (aged 10 years) was also infected on 7 May and his sister
Mary (aged 17 years) was infected on 18 May 1666. Again, therefore, the
infection was carried between the families by the children. Ann Skydmore,
the mother, was probably a tertiary infection from her son and the remaining ve children apparently survived.
James and Edytha (aged 6 years), children of Rowland and Elizabeth
Mower ( : Moor), were both infected by Isaac Thornley on 10 May and
were buried on 15 June 1666. Rowland Mower died later on 29 July with
his son Rowland on the following day but they were not infected by the
other children. The will made by Rowland Mower on 26 June 1666, 11 days
after his two children died, throws further light on how the infection was
spread at this time and also on the interrelationships in the village. He was
a cooper and made the following bequests:


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

To John Torre, brother-in-law, 10 shillings [Mowers wife Elizabeth was

a member of the Torre families, who died in the rst phase of the
To Robt. Marsland, my brother, 12 pence [Not traced at Eyam.]
To Elizabeth, wife of Henry Clarke, my sister, 10 shillings [Not traced at
To Thomas, Robert and Edyth Bockinge, the children of Francis
Bockinge, 5 shillings each [Evidently Rowland Mower was friendly
with the Bockinge family; their daughter Edyth was infected on 20
June and died on 17 July; son Thomas died on 30 July and son Robert
died on 3 August 1666. Edyth Bockinge could have infected Rowland
Mower and his son and so reintroduced the infection into his family,
thereby bridging the gap in the sequence of deaths.]
To the children of James Mower [family not aected by the plague]
Thomas Ragge and William Abell [both families infected] 12 pence
That Jane French, my tenant, shall have and enjoy the house wherein
she now dwelleth at a yearly rent of two pence [She survived the
plague and died in 1675.]
To his wife Elizabeth [who survived] and his son Rowland [who subsequently died] all houses, lands, real estate and worldly goods. But if
they should both die he re-distributed his bequests, including four
pounds to his true and lawful apprentice George Cowper [who survived the plague and married in 1672].
Elizabeth Buxton (aged 18 years) daughter of John and Katharine
Buxton was also infected by Isaac Thornley on 10 May (Fig. 10.4). Two
daughters of Robert and Elizabeth Heald were next infected by Isaac
Thornley, Mary on the 11th and Emmott on the 21st May. There were two
subsequent tertiary infections and one quaternary infection in this family.
Sarah, the daughter of William and Ellenor Lowe, was then infected by
Isaac Thornley, on 12 May and she probably then infected her parents and
both her two sisters, all of whom died in early July.
Mary Mellor was next infected by Isaac Thornley on 13 May and died
on 18 June.
Anne Townend, a widow, and her daughter Jane (aged 19 years) were
next infected by Isaac Thornley on the 14 and 20 May. Her son John was a
tertiary infection.

10.5 The third phase: explosion


Fig. 10.6. Diagram to show the deaths in the families in the nal stages of the
epidemic at Eyam, following the infections shown in Fig. 10.4. Each horizontal line
represents one family, arranged sequentially in order of the rst victim. Closed
circles, adults; open circles, children. Scales: days after 5 July 1666; LP, latent
period; IP, infectious period.


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

Finally, Abel, the son of Robert and Elizabeth Archdale, was the last
person to be infected by Isaac Thornley on 15 May and died on 20 June but
apparently no other members of the family were aected.
It is evident that the plague at Eyam entered its third phase and exploded
in June 1666 because of Isaac Thornley, whose key role corresponds to that
of George Viccars, who originally brought the plague into the village 9
months before. Once again, it was a youngster who was responsible for the
transmission of the disease between the families with a total of 17 secondary infections.
In Fig. 10.6 we illustrate how the epidemic exploded through the population, with 56 deaths in July and 78 in August 1666, but it is now impossible
to determine the lines of infection and the pattern of spread as the third
phase of the epidemic exploded.
The inhabitants of the extreme western end of the village, an area called
Shepherds Flatt, were few in number and they shut themselves up in their
houses and did not cross a small stream that divided them from the village
at Fiddlers Bridge. The story of how the plague came to two families on the
Flatt has been embroidered, but the registers suggest that again a youngster introduced the disease. Robert Kempe, aged 10 years, son of Lydia
Kempe, widow, died rst on 31 July 1666 and he infected the entire family:
Elizabeth (aged 19 years) on 11 August, Thomas (aged 23 years) on 12
August, Michael on 15 August and widow Kempe on 22 August. Their
neighbours on the Flatt, the Morten family, may have been also infected by
Robert Kempe; Sarah (aged under 4 years) died on 18 August, her mother
Margaret (nee Bagshaw) on 20 August and an infant on 24 August. The
father, Mathew Morten, was the only survivor at Shepherds Flatt (Wood,
1865). Rebecca Morten of Shepherds Flatt died of plague on 4 August 1666
but we have not been able to trace her relationship with Mathew Morten.
She could not have been infected by Robert Kempe, so that there were two
initial infections on the Flatt; she may have infected the family of Mathew
Two features that have been recorded in our analyses of other plagues
are also evident at Eyam. Firstly, during the third phase of summer 1666
the families diered sharply; some showed the typical high household
contact rate, with secondary infections through most of the family (e.g. the
Talbotts, Bockinges and the Kempes); many families, in contrast, had only
the single initial infection; a few families, in contrast again, had multiple
initial infections in which the entire family may have died (e.g. the Hancockes and Naylours).
Secondly, when we examine the plague deaths in a family over the

10.6 Percentage mortality during the epidemic


12-month period of the epidemic, we see that, when the rst waves of the
infections in some families were completed, there were some members who
survived but were then infected from another source and died, sometimes
many months later. Some of these may have been orphans who were taken
into other peoples houses. The majority of these late reinfections must
have been exposed when the plague rst struck the family; were they
resistant or did they contract the disease and recover? If so, why did they
succumb later in the epidemic? One explanation might be that the initial
family infection was in the rst phase in autumn, when infectivity was low,
whereas the later victims succumbed in the summer of 1666 when the
infective agent was more virulent. Examples are Alexander Hadfeild (Mary
Coopers second husband) who died on 3 August, and Alice, Robert and
William Thorpe (see Fig. 10.2), who died in April and May 1666. However,
this explanation will not suce when the rst infection in the family was in
July or August (the Darbye, Taylor, Talbott and Glover families).
We see, again, that the basic unit of the epidemic was the household; the
disease usually spread readily within this unit because of a high contact
rate with a resultant high mortality to add to the plague statistics. But for
the plague to be perpetuated it had to be transmitted to other households
where, except in high summer, the eective contact rate appeared to be
lower. This dicult transmission during the autumn and winter was most
readily achieved into the households of relatives. Otherwise, the infective
agent was most frequently transmitted between households in the winter
and spring at Eyam by the youngsters. Unbeknownst to everybody they
would have been moving around, apparently completely healthy, in the
infectious state for about 20 days.

10.6 Percentage mortality of the population during the epidemic

The number of those dying of plague is recorded as 260 in the Eyam parish
register but it is dicult to estimate what proportion of the population this
represented. Wood (1865) concluded that over 80% of the population had
died and that there were only 83 survivors but this has been queried by
several authors. Bradley (1977) has shown that at least 48 burials were of
families living in Foolow and Woodlands and so it is not clear whether
Wood was referring to the township of Eyam or the whole parish.
Cliord (1989) has summarised the statistical evidence as follows:
(i) The Eyam Hearth Tax return for 1664 records 59 taxed and 101
poorer, untaxed households, which, he suggested, indicated a


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

population of about 800, i.e. plague mortality : 33%. It was possible

to reconstruct the listed families and then to trace the subsequent
history of the survivors of the plague which he estimated as 430, i.e.
plague mortality : 38%.
(ii) Batho (1964), analysing the Comptom Ecclesiastical return of 1676,
estimated that the population of Eyam 10 years after the plague was
about 750 adults and concluded that considerably more than 300
survived the plague.
(iii) The Rev. John Green, rector of Eyam and a contemporary of Wood,
concluded from a study of the annual burial records that the population size was considerably in excess of 350 in 1665. Analysis of the
registers for the 3 years preceding the plague shows that the mean
annual burials and baptisms were 27 and 47, respectively, in broad
agreement with Cliords estimate (above) of a population of about
750. With such a marked excess of baptisms over burials during
166264, Eyam was a rapidly expanding community.
In conclusion, plague mortality at Eyam probably lay between 33% and
38%, a devastating blow to what was probably a naive community, but of
the same order of magnitude as at Penrith in 159798.

10.7 Public health measures during the plague at Eyam

It is well known that in late May or early June 1666 the Rector of Eyam,
William Mompesson (aged 28 years) persuaded his parishioners to draw a
cordon sanitaire and to conne themselves within a circle of about half a
mile around the village (Wood, 1865). The Earl of Devonshire arranged for
food to be left at his own expense at the southern boundary of the village.
Other supplies were left at a well beside the top road to Grindleford, about
a mile outside the village and at an ancient stone circle at Wet Withens.
When payment was required, the money was placed if possible in running
water; alternatively, holes were drilled in the Eyam boundary stone and the
money was covered with vinegar to act as a disinfectant. Pest-houses were
These quarantine measures were eective and there were no plague
deaths outside the parish, although there were at least 48 burials in the
outlying hamlets of Foolow and Woodlands (Bradley, 1977). None of the
proponents of the bubonic plague hypothesis seems to realise that these
measures would be eective only against an infectious disease spread
person-to-person and that a cordon sanitaire would have no eect on a

10.7 Public health measures


hypothetical rat population which would be free to move to adjacent

villages and so continue the spread of the epidemic. These quarantine
measures were not an innovation, unique to Eyam, but had been practised
routinely since the previous century, as we have seen at Penrith, Carlisle
and York. Many villages and towns in England today still have their
plague stones; it is just that Eyam has had better public relations agents to
promote its story.
In reality, these quarantine measures were not enforced in the early days
of the epidemic; Wood (1865) recorded that some people did leave the
village in the spring including the Bradshaws of Bradshaw Hall, and a
number of children were sent away, including those of the rector William
Mompesson. A few others ed to the neighbouring hills, erected huts and
dwelled therein until the approach of winter (Bradley, 1977).
The second decision taken in June 1666 by the villagers was that there
were to be no further organised funerals and burials in the churchyard.
People were advised to bury their own dead in gardens, orchards or in the
elds (Cliord, 1989). Marshall Howe, a lead miner, living in Townhead, is
said to have contracted the disease but recovered (although he subsequently lost his wife and son) and, since he believed himself to be immune, he
volunteered to dispose of the bodies where the families were unable to
perform this task, and he then claimed a burial fee and frequently appropriated their chattels. Wood (1865) recorded that when he was dragging
out the body of a man called Unwin, whom he believed to be dead, his
victim regained consciousness, called out for a drink and survived the
The third decision taken by the Rector and villagers was to close the
church and to hold the services in the open air, thereby avoiding crowding
together indoors. The services were held in a natural amphitheatre called
Cucklett Delph (now known as the Delph) where the people did not need to
crowd together but kept in their family groups, which were separated by
some distance from each other and Mompesson preached from a rock
(Wood, 1865).
When the plague was over, Mompesson ordered that all woollen clothing and bedding should be burnt and he set an example by burning his own
eects so that, as he said in a letter to his uncle, he had scarcely enough to
clothe himself. Presumably they believed that the infection might be contained in the clothing because the symptoms of the pestilence could reappear 3 weeks after a person had died.


Plague at Eyam in 166566: a case study

10.8 The nature of the infectious agent

It is clear from the foregoing that at the time of the epidemic the people of
Eyam believed that it was caused by person-to-person infection or perhaps
by contagion. In contact with their neighbours and certainly when dealing
with strangers it was considered that the minimum safe distance was about
12 feet (Cliord, 1989), presumably out-of-doors.
The symptoms of the plague at Eyam are described by Wood (1865) as
shivering, nausea, headache and delirium. In some, these aections were so
mild as to be taken for slight indisposition
until a sudden faintness came on when the maculae, or plague-spot, the fatal token,
would soon appear on his breast, indicative of immediate death. But in most cases
the pain and delirium left no room for doubt: on the second or third day, buboes, or
carbuncles, arose about the groin and elsewhere; and if they could be made to
suppurate, recovery was probable, but if they resisted the eorts of nature, and the
skill of the physician, death was inevitable.

One of the symptoms of the plague was a sickly, sweet cloying sensation
in the nostrils. One evening, when Mompesson and his wife were returning
to the rectory, she is said to have exclaimed How sweet the air smells,
which lled the rector with alarm because he realised its import. She died a
few days later. Wood (1865) recorded that a tradition in the hamlet of
Curbar, 2 miles southeast of Eyam, during an isolated outbreak of plague
in 1632, was that a woman on leaving a house where some person was
suering from plague said to her husband Oh! my dear how sweet the air
smells. She took the distemper and died. Mompesson wrote after the
plague to his uncle My nose never smelt such noisome smells. It appears
that this sweet smell appeared just before the terminal stage when the
classic symptoms began. Could it be early evidence of necrosis of the
internal organs?
Undoubtedly some contracted the disease and recovered, as recorded by
Mompesson in his letters. Marshall Howe believed that he was immune
when he had recovered and Wood (1865) recorded that there was a general
belief that a person was never attacked twice. Others, apparently were
resistant; they were in close contact with infectives but did not contract the
disease. Mompesson is an example: throughout the epidemic he went
among his parishioners and administered to the dying; he helped them with
the writing of their wills; his wife died in his arms. He did not succumb,
although for much of the time he had a painful leg infection that his wife
feared was a symptom of the plague. Afterwards, he wrote,
the pest houses have been long empty . . . During this dreadful visitation, I have not

10.8 The nature of the infectious agent


had the least symptom of disease, nor had I ever better health. My man had the
distemper, and upon the appearance of a tumour I gave him some chemical
antidotes, which operated, and after the rising broke he was very well. My maid
continued in good health, which was a blessing; for had she quailed, I should have
been ill set to have washed and gotten my provisions.

The following story of Margaret Blackwall (whose house still stands) is

told. Apart from her brother, the other members of the family had died
earlier in the plague, but she eventually contracted the disease and appeared to be in the terminal stages. Her brother cooked his breakfast and
poured the excess fat into a jug that he left in the kitchen and when he left
the house he was certain that she would not be alive when he returned.
Shortly after his departure, Margaret, who was delirious, was overcome
with a great thirst; she left her bed and, nding the warm fat which she took
to be milk, drank it greedily, probably causing her to vomit. When her
brother returned, not only was Margaret still alive but clearly much
stronger; she recovered and remained convinced that the bacon fat had
cured her (Cliord, 1989).
It is noteworthy that Mompesson wrote on 20 November 1666 all our
fears are over, for none have died of plague since the eleventh of October
. . .. Evidently, a 40-day interval was considered to be suciently long for
all risks of infection to be passed; this value may be compared with the
estimated 37 days between infection and death in the plague and with the
40 days of ocial quarantine in London and Carlisle.

Continental Europe during the third age of
plagues: a study of large-scale
metapopulation dynamics

Hitherto, after the pandemic of the Black Death in 134750, we have

described the plague epidemics in successive centuries in England and have
seen that it was an isolated island metapopulation that was completely
dependent, if plagues were to be maintained, on regular injections of fresh
infectives from overseas, which came, in the main, from the ports of
continental Europe. We explore in this chapter the dynamics of the plague
in the enormous metapopulation of Europe and show that it can be
considered as an aggregation of subpopulations.
Consideration of plagues in Europe is complicated because, certainly by
the 16th century, in addition to the standard (haemorrhagic) plague that
we have described in England, there were a minority of outbreaks of
genuine bubonic plague. A nucleic acid-based conrmation of the existence
of Yersinia pestis has been obtained in the dental pulp of bodies buried in
the Provence region in the 14th, 16th and 18th centuries (Drancourt et al.,
1998; Raoult et al., 2000). In addition, Twigg (1984) concluded that bubonic
plague was present in some of the epidemics in the 6th century in the
coastlands around the Mediterranean. Black rats had not reached northern Europe by the time of the plague of Justinian (Shrewsbury, 1970), but
Twigg presumed that they were present in the ports and major cities in the
warmer climate around the Mediterranean and would have been able to
sustain small outbreaks of bubonic plague.

11.1 Frequency of epidemics in the metapopulation of Europe

Biraben (1975) has assembled and collated an enormous amount of information on the history of the pestilence in Europe after 1347. He has
determined the number of localities in which plague epidemics were reported in each year. Obviously this list is not complete, particularly for the

11.1 Frequency of epidemics in Europe


Fig. 11.1. Number of localities in which plague epidemics were reported in northwest Europe, 13471722. Area covered: Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Britain,
Ireland, Benelux countries, Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Switzerland, Poland, the
Baltic, Scandinavia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Dalmatia and northwest of the
former USSR. Data from Biraben (1975).

14th and 15th centuries, and it includes mortality crises that were not the
result of infectious diseases. Nor are the data-series as valuable as the lists
of annual plague deaths in a city, as for London shown in Figs. 8.1 and 8.2.
Nevertheless the series, shown in Fig. 11.1, illustrates rstly the uctuating
spread of the plague and it can be seen that plague was present somewhere
in almost every year in Europe. The infection might be considered to be
pseudo-endemic, by which we mean that it was present in a handful of
widely scattered places every year in the metapopulation from which
infectives travelled out to start epidemics in fresh localities in the following
year. Secondly, the basal, endemic level rose steadily over the 300 years
after the Black Death, as the plague gradually established itself. Finally, the
plague ceased abruptly after 1670, as in England, with only erratic epidemics thereafter and these were not necessarily haemorrhagic plague. The
picture is complex, as would be expected, since it represents the sum of the
records from several constituent subpopulations that were widely separated and enjoyed dierent climatic conditions. Nevertheless, spectral


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.2. Number of localities with plague in Europe, 13471666 (see Fig. 11.1)
ltered to reveal a medium-wavelength oscillation. Filter window : 20 to 30 years.

analysis (see section 2.8) of this data-series reveals underlying oscillations:

(i) A short-wavelength cycle, with a period of about 6 years, that persisted
from the Black Death until 1646 (P : 0.05).
(ii) A medium-wavelength oscillation, with a period of about 12 years,
that was signicant (P : 0.001) during 13471447 but was not signicant thereafter and disappeared after 1550.
(iii) A non-stationary oscillation in the 2025 year waveband that appeared after 1475 (P : 0.05; see Fig. 11.2) eectively replacing the
12-year oscillation.

11.2 Plagues in France: the endemic situation

11.2.1 Oscillations in the frequency of the occurrence of epidemics
The number of places with the plague in France in each year, taken from
the data given by Biraben (1975), is shown in Fig. 11.3, wherein it can be
seen that France was the focus and epicentre for the plague in Europe from
the time of the Black Death to 1670. Since there must have been many

11.2 Endemic plague in France


Fig. 11.3. Number of localities in France in which plague epidemics were reported,
13471722. Data from Biraben (1975).

localities where outbreaks went unreported, it is probable that plague was

pseudo-endemic and cycled round the towns of France throughout this
period. Infectives also spread out from France, travelling to adjacent
metapopulations by trade routes, across mountain ranges or by boat and
so caused sporadic epidemics there.
Inspection of the data-series for France in Fig. 11.3 suggests that there
was a change in the character of the outbreaks in 1436 after which the
oscillations become more pronounced and this is conrmed by spectral
analysis, which shows that the most signicant oscillations were:
(i) A strong 2225-year cycle (P : 0.005), which emerged clearly after
1436 and persisted thereafter; it is shown after ltering in Fig. 11.4.
(ii) A 13-year oscillation (P : 0.005) detectable throughout the whole
(iii) A non-stationary short-wavelength oscillation, the wavelength of
which changed as follows: 13461436 : 6.4 years; 14371506 : 9
years; 15071621 : 8.2 years (P : 0.05); see Fig. 11.5.


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.4. Number of localities with plague in France, 13471667 (see Fig. 11.3)
ltered to reveal a medium-wavelength oscillation. Filter window : 20 to 30 years.

It can be seen that these oscillations correspond broadly with those detected in the data-series for the whole of Europe and, indeed, we shall suggest
that the dynamics of the epidemics in France drove the oscillations in the
rest of the vast supermetapopulation of Europe.
There are few rm meteorological data for Europe over much of this
period of study but the date of the grape harvest in the vineyards of
northern and central France, Switzerland, Alsace and the Rhineland has
been taken as proxy for summer temperatures in central continental
Europe: late harvest dates are indicative of mostly cold average temperatures during the vine-growth period, April to October (Ladurie & Baulant,
1980). Figure 11.6 shows the number of days after 1 September before the
start of the grape harvest plotted annually, 14841668. Spectral analysis
reveals a 7-year oscillation therein (P : 0.05) that was strongly developed
after 1573 (P  0.005). This cross-correlates with the non-stationary, shortwavelength oscillation shown in Fig. 11.5 (ccf : 90.3) but with a 1-year
lag, i.e. warm summers were followed by widespread plague in France in
the following year. This rather weak correspondence does not necessarily

11.2 Endemic plague in France


Fig. 11.5. Number of localities with plague in France, 13471667 (see Fig. 11.3)
ltered to reveal a short-wavelength oscillation. Filter window : 5 to 12 years.

represent a causal relationship between the two oscillations but may be

indicative of a mild autumn (and/or winter) during which the disease more
readily overwintered.
A data-series for the Paris corn prices, 14311688, has been determined
by Baulant (1968) and is shown in Fig. 11.7: oscillations were limited
between 1450 and 1525 with a low, steady level, but after 1520 there was a
marked rise in the trend, with clear oscillations that progressively increased
in amplitude. Spectral analysis reveals a short-wavelength oscillation in
these corn prices that was initially of low amplitude and non-stationary
(wavelength : 4 to 7 years) for the period 14311551. Thereafter, the cycles
became more regular, with a wavelength of 5.8 years and with oscillations
of a much greater amplitude (Fig. 11.8). This short-wavelength cycle in
corn prices cross-correlates with the series of the number of places aected
by plague in France (see Fig. 11.3) for the period 14311531 (ccf : ;0.39;
see Fig. 11.9), i.e. high corn prices (and hence poor nutrition) cross-correlated with widespread plague in the same year (i.e. at zero lag) but after
1531 this association becomes progressively weaker.


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.6. Annual date of the grape harvest in the vineyards of northern and central
France, Switzerland, Alsace and the Rhineland, 14841668. Ordinate: number of
days after 1 September before the start of the grape harvest. Data from Ladurie &
Baulant (1980).

Again, this correlation does not necessarily imply a causal relationship

but there appears to be some form of weak and possibly interacting
association in France between summer temperatures, high corn prices and
widespread plague. On the other hand, there is no immediate explanation
for the medium-wavelength oscillations in the 2225-year and 13-year
It is generally agreed that the outbreaks of plague in France appeared
less frequently and were of milder intensity during the period 14501520,
which marked the end of the Hundred Years War, the start of a demographic rise and the general reconstruction of areas that had been ravaged
by battles, food shortages and natural disasters. The worst epidemics were
in 1464, 147884, 1494, 1502 and 151419 (see Fig. 11.3). An estimated
40 000 people died in Paris in 1466, although it has been suggested (Kohn,
1995) that the death tolls from plague during this period were exaggerated.
France was much slower than Italy to introduce preventive measures:
Brignoles in Provence was the rst town, in 1451, to prohibit the entry of

11.2 Endemic plague in France


Fig. 11.7. French corn price index, 14311688. Data from Baulant (1968).

travellers if they came from a town with plague; subsequently they also
expelled sick persons and required a bill of health from travellers. By 1520,
many towns had appointed plague bureaux charged with ensuring that
public health measures were enforced.
There were frequent and virulent outbreaks in France during 15201600
that were accompanied by food shortages, famines, ooding, peasant uprisings and religious wars. Epidemics occurred with greater frequency (see
Fig. 11.3) and, during this time, the health bureaux often hired armed men
to enforce the plague regulations and to maintain civic order. The epidemic
in 1564 in Lyons was particularly deadly and the town was almost paralysed after 2 months, with one-third of the houses closed; some of the
victims recovered (showing that not everyone died), only to die of hunger.
This plague spread widely through Provence and Languedoc in summer
1564, reaching Nimes in mid-July. Autumn brought a lull, although local
outbreaks were reported, most interestingly as late as mid-December until
a severe winter nally ended the epidemic (Kohn, 1995), showing that the
plague was sensitive to winter temperatures even in southern France.


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.8. French corn price index, 14311688 (see Fig. 11.7) ltered to reveal a
short-wavelength oscillation. Filter window : 3 to 10 years.

11.2.2 The 17th century in France

The period 162246 saw the most grievous and widespread outbreaks of
plague in the history of France (see Fig. 11.3) in contrast to the most serious
epidemics that occurred in 166566 in England. The miseries were exacerbated by peasant revolts, pillaging by soldiers and virulent outbreaks of
other diseases. The epidemics spread throughout France; Biraben (1975)
listed almost 400 localities in France that reported outbreaks over the 300
years of the age of plagues and, of these, nearly 300 places suered at least
once between 1622 and 1646. Anti-plague regulations and measures were
by now properly established and the poor were more generously treated.
Bourg-en-Bresse paid young boys and girls in 1636 to be shut up in newly
fumigated houses for 40 days (the standard quarantine period, section 13.3)
to test the ecacy of the disinfections.
A serious epidemic struck Lyons in summer 1628; passing soldiers were
accused of having carried the plague with them as their baggage, perhaps
because one of the rst reported deaths was that of a soldier lodging in a

11.2 Endemic plague in France


Fig. 11.9. Cross-correlation between the French corn price index (Fig. 11.7) and the
number of localities with plague in France (Fig. 11.3), 14311531. Filter window : 3 to 10 years.

nearby village. This is an important observation and can be compared with

the strangers lodging at Eyam (section 10.2) and Penrith (section 5.1) who
initiated the epidemic. The usual health regulations were brought into
force: guards were posted at the city gates, health certicates were required
and, once again, a 40-day quarantine was imposed. The city became a vast
hospital; the streets and houses were strewn with corpses, which sometimes
were buried hastily in gardens and cellars. The epidemic abated somewhat
at the end of December, but broke out again with great force in early 1629,
gradually diminishing from March through the summer months. An estimated 35 000 died in Lyons during the 12-month epidemic (Kohn, 1995).

11.2.3 Regional dierences within the metapopulation of France

France represents a very wide area to act as a plague focus, even though
infectives would be able to travel freely, particularly in the later years, and
there are regional dierences in climate within the metapopulation. We
have divided France into three areas: a southern zone with a warmer


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.10. Number of localities with plague in southern France (south of latitude
40 N), 13471688.

climate (south of latitude 46 N), a northern central zone and the coastal
zone of the north and northwest. The number of localities showing plague
summarised in Fig. 11.3 have been subdivided accordingly into these three
areas and the respective data-series are plotted in Figs. 11.10 to 11.12 note
the dierent scales on the ordinates.
Inspection of these plots shows that
(i) The south and central regions suered most severely in 162831 with
widespread plague, a period that was preceded and followed by times
of fewer attacks.
(ii) The south and central regions exhibited similar patterns of spread and
both showed a clear increase in frequency after 1450.
(iii) The coastal region is a smaller area and plagues there were relatively
less frequent than in the other regions of France; epidemics were
sporadic during 13501450 but became more widespread thereafter.
Spectral analysis reveals 21- and 13-year oscillations in the south, central
and coastal regions, 13471666, with the following statistical signicances:


11.2 Endemic plague in France

Fig. 11.11. Number of localities with plague in northern/central France, 13471688.





P : 0.005
P : 0.01

P : 0.005
P : 0.05

P : 0.05

NS, not signicant.

The 21-year oscillation was the stronger and both oscillations were of less
importance in the coastal regions of the west and northwest. The ltered
medium-wavelength oscillations in southern and central France are shown
in Figs. 11.13 and 11.14 respectively; they cross-correlate signicantly and
both also correlate with the coastal region (ccf : ;0.7 at zero lag), suggesting that these cycles were present throughout France.

11.2.4 Plague centroids in France

Dicult aspects of the geographical spread of the plague to measure and
present are the direction and velocity of propagation of the epidemics.
Centroid movements are one approach to this problem (Cli, 1995). A


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.12. Number of localities with plague in the coastal region of north and
northwest France, 13471688.

centroid is dened as the mean centre of reported disease incidence and by

plotting centroids for successive outbreaks and linking them in sequence
the general direction of movement can be displayed (section 2.12). Unfortunately, we do not have a record of the number of cases of plague for each
town but only its location, so that the results cannot be properly weighted.
Nevertheless, the centroids plotted in Fig. 11.15 for each 50-year period
show clearly how the plague moved around the metapopulation over a
period of 250 years. For this study, we have included within the metapopulation the towns over the Belgian border, Flanders and Luxemburg
because the plague moved readily and frequently to this region.
In the 50 years after the Black Death (Fig. 11.15A), the epidemics were
concentrated in a band from north to south of the metapopulation (between longitudes 3 E and 5 E). During 140049 and 145099 the plague
became more centrally localised (Fig. 11.15B and C), a process that continued during 150049; plague was reported only in Rouen (on the coast) in
1538 (Fig. 11.15D) and only in Luxemburg in 1540. This central localisa-

11.2 Endemic plague in France


Fig. 11.13. Number of localities with plague in southern France, 13471688

(Fig. 11.10), ltered to reveal a medium-wavelength oscillation. Filter window : 16
to 32 years.

tion of the outbreaks continued for the next 100 years, moving slightly to
the north and west (Fig. 11.15E), but as the 17th century progressed the
centroids became more erratic and widespread.
It can be seen that, although epidemics continued to break out in
southern France, the centroids were never located there after 1400; the
activity was concentrated around the centre of the metapopulation and
there was a considerable exchange of the infection with the Holy Roman
Empire to the northeast.

11.2.5 Localities with a high frequency of epidemics

The localities in France where plague was most commonly reported in each
cohort are summarised in Table 11.1, which, to some extent, modies the
picture presented by the centroids. Epidemics broke out repeatedly in
towns right across the metapopulation (Fig. 11.15) and the disease moved
over long distances in each year. The inhabitants of those towns that were

Table 11.1. Localities in France that recorded the largest number of outbreaks of plague in successive cohorts, 13471649
Strasburg (20)
Paris (16)
Avignon (12)
Burgundy (12)
Montpellier (10)
Toulouse (10)
Marseilles (7)
Provence (7)
Limoges (6)
Luxemburg (6)
Apt (5)





Bourg-en-Bresse (14) Bourg-en-Bresse (26)

Toulouse (26)
Amiens (28)
Haute-Auvergne (13)
Nantes (24)
Rouen (23)
Troyes (24)
Paris (12)
Toulouse (24)
Tours (21)
Luxemburg (20)
Strasburg (12)
Paris (14)
Dijon (21)
Orleans (18)
Limoges (10)
Villefranche (14)
Nantes (18)
Paris (18)
Saint-Flour (9)
Chalon-sur-Marne (14)
N mes (17)
Bourg-en-Bresse (17)
Angers (8)
Poitiers (13)
Bordeaux (17)
Cambrai (15)
Amiens (7)
Amiens (12)
Bergerac (15)
Toulouse (15)
Cambrai (15)
Dijon (12)
Arras (7)
Limoges (11)
Amiens (14)
Rouen (12)
Nantes (7)
Strasburg (11)
Poitiers (7)
Troyes (11)
Bourg-en-Bresse (14)
Lyons (12)

The number of epidemics suered by each locality in each cohort given in parentheses.
Data from Biraben (1975).

Luxemburg (20)
Paris (20)
Bordeaux (19)
Amiens (18)
Angers (18)
Lille (17)
Nantes (15)
Rennes (15)
Troyes (15)
Lure (14)
Rouen (13)

11.2 Endemic plague in France


Fig. 11.14. Number of localities with plague in northern/central France, 13471688

(Fig. 11.11), ltered to reveal a medium-wavelength oscillation. Filter window : 16
to 32 years.

most frequently aected must have lived almost continuously for over 100
years in fear of the pestilence.
The Black Death arrived at Strasburg in 1349 but thereafter the city was
free until 1358, after which it was repeatedly attacked for the next 150 years
(Table 11.1). The Middle Ages were Strasburgs golden period; its wealth
stemmed from the activity of its merchant class and also from its location at
the centre of numerous waterway and road communications. The Customs
House was built in 1358 to store and collect taxes on goods going through
the city: exports were textiles and grain, imports were glass, hides, fur, silk
and spices. Its location at the centre of trade routes was the reason that it
received regular visits from travelling infectives.
Bourg-en-Bresse was heavily and regularly hit by plague after 1400 and
epidemics continued to erupt there frequently for the next 200 years (Table
11.1). Probably the most important feature of the topography of Bourg-enBresse (where the rst plague hospitals were established in France in 1472)
was that it was the gateway to Geneva and to one of the passes over the
Alps. It lies on the western edge of the Jura mountains, some 37 miles


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.15. Plague centroids in France. (A) 134799; (B) 140049; (C) 145099; (D)
150049; (E) 155099. The numbers on the gure are dates of years given at set

11.2 Endemic plague in France



Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig 11.15 (cont.)

northeast of Lyons, close to the rivers Ain, Saone and Rhone and to the
TroyesLyonsMarseilles trade route (see Fig. 11.22); all of these towns
also appear in Table 11.1. Lyons lay at the conuence of the Rhone and
Saone and attracted many foreign merchants with its four annual fairs. Its
silk weaving, printing and other industries supported a population estimated at 60 000 in the mid-16th century and it was frequently subject to
plague epidemics.
Visitations of the pestilence to Luxemburg are also included in Table
11.1. That city was strategically placed on what are now the boundaries of
modern Belgium, France and Germany and originated as a Roman crossroads. Siegfried, Count of the Ardennes, built a castle on the site in the year
963 that later developed into a formidable fortress, known as the Gibraltar
of the North, that was the origin of the town. After 1550, Luxemburg
suered from repeated and persistent epidemics.
To conclude: Table 11.1 and Fig. 11.15 show the important features of
the plague in France after the Black Death. After the progressive, wave-like
spread of the Great Pestilence, the pattern changed and the plague was
established as endemic; it was not present everywhere, rather grumbling
along, with an epidemic in a few widely scattered but important places
every year, spreading from which there may have been a clustering of local

11.3 Italy


epidemics. The number of places aected uctuated regularly, with a

medium-wavelength cycle and superimposed thereon were the major epidemics when the infection was widespread. The plague became progressively more widespread, reaching its peak in the 17th century. The towns
listed in Table 11.1 were large and important and an epidemic frequently
persisted there for more than 1 year. Some were sited on the major
international trading routes (see below and Fig. 11.22), others were on the
internal lines of communication, particularly at crossroads. We conclude
that the plague was maintained and spread in the metapopulation by the
long-distance movement of infectives.

11.3 Italy
Although Italy possessed a common language, local patriotism was too
strong to permit the growth of a national unity during the age of plagues
and it consisted of three main groupings of states:
(i) The City States of the North: Venice, Milan (Lombardy), Genoa and
Florence (Tuscany), immensely wealthy and jealous of one another.
(ii) The Papal States.
(iii) The Two Sicilies to the south, the most backward and poorest of
states, consisting of two very dierent regions, Naples and Sicily, and
ruled by the King of Aragon in Spain (Taylor & Morris, 1939).
It is evident from the work of Carmichael (1986) that, at least in northern
Italy, the authorities took public health measures during plague epidemics
very seriously, with physicians examining suspect cases and this point is
discussed in detail by Carmichael. They distinguished between major and
minor pests and there is the possibility that Italy suered outbreaks of
bubonic plague from an early date in addition to epidemics of what were
clearly haemorrhagic plague. The southern Mediterranean coastal climate,
proximity to seaports along the length of the land and a trading centre with
the Levant and North Africa all produce conditions that may have allowed
the development of bubonic plague epidemics that could have spread
inland but would not persist. Bubonic plague in Asia today is regarded as
an endemic disease of rural areas where an epizootic is established but
during the period after the Black Death minor epidemics of bubonic plague
in Italy may have begun in a port and then possibly have spread inland. It
is interesting that Carmichael (1986) recorded: In contrast to the devastating eects of plague on rural areas in the fourteenth century, the countryside was usually spared this scourge during the fteenth century. Thus the


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.16. Number of localities in Italy in which plague epidemics were reported,
13471688. Major epidemics indicated. Data from Biraben (1975).

basic experience confronting fourteenth- and fteenth-century observers

on the frequency and extension of plague led them to dierent conclusions
about how plague spread.

11.3.1 Occurrence and frequency of the epidemics in Italy

The number of places in which plague was recorded in Italy (Biraben, 1975)
is shown in Fig. 11.16, although, as we say above, this may be a somewhat
mixed bag of lethal infectious diseases. The picture presented for Italy is
clearly dierent from that for France: the major, widespread epidemics
stand out, as in the Black Death, in 1630 (when almost half the population
of Milan was wiped out; Livi Bacci, 1997) and in 1656 (when half the
population of Genoa and Naples died; Livi Bacci, 1997), but there were
many years with no or only a single outbreak and after 1525 the plagues
declined and the epidemics became more sporadic. Each burst of epidemics, whether of minor (perhaps bubonic plague) or major haemorrhagic
plague must have been restarted by the arrival of fresh infective(s) from

11.3 Italy


Spectral analysis revealed no short-wavelength oscillation, unlike the

situation in France (see Fig. 11.5), and we conclude that the epidemics were
not related to environmental factors but were simply the result of the
random arrival of infectives. In contrast, a signicant 25-year oscillation is
detectable by spectral analysis in the Italy data-series after 1447
(P  0.005) and this cross-correlates signicantly in the medium waveband
with southern France (ccf : ;0.65 at zero lag). We conclude that, because
plague was not endemic in Italy, the medium-wavelength oscillation in the
recorded spread of plague in southern France reected the probability of
spread of the infection to Italy, either by boat or across its northern
Regular uctuations in plague intensity in Italy have been noted previously. Carmichael (1986) wrote:
One of the most important features of epidemics in the early Renaissance is that
many of them returned regularly . . . During the fteenth century plagues assaulted
cities in northern Italy more frequently than during the late fourteenth century. In
the earlier century, pestilences that were described as bubonic plague visited major
cities once in every fteen to twenty years. In the 1400s plagues hit some cities, for
example, Venice and Florence, at least once a decade.

Livi-Bacci (1997) also recognised the importance of plague cycles in

For several parts of Tuscany between 1340 and 1400 I have calculated that on
average a serious mortality crisis dened as an increase in deaths at least three
times the normal occurred every 11 years; the average increase in deaths was at
least sevenfold. In the period 140050 these crises occurred on average every 13
years and deaths increased vefold. In the following half century (14501500) the
average frequency declined to 37 years and the average increase to fourfold. With
the passage of time, both the frequency and the intensity of the crises declined, as
did the geographic synchronisation of their occurrence. Keep in mind that Tuscany
is an exceptional case only for the abundance of historical sources to be found there.

11.3.2 Signs and symptoms

The city states in northern Italy led the rest of Europe in adopting
measures for dealing with plague: quarantine, the pest-house and health
boards. The physicians took great pains when examining cases to determine whether a true plague had broken out and one of the most consistent
indicators of the pestilence that was feared by community leaders was the
clustering of plague cases in a limited number of households (Carmichael,
1986), indicative of a high household contact rate and repeatedly found in


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

our studies of plagues in England. The symptoms were violet and black
spots and blotches (certain signs for which the Mantuan investigators
searched; Carmichael, 1986) or small red spots, indicative of a haemorrhagic disease, the bubo and pustules. Onset was marked with a high
temperature, vomiting, diarrhoea, cloudy urine and burning thirst (Cipolla,
1981). The acute fever in some was accompanied by madness and delirium
so much so that many hurled themselves out of windows (Carmichael,
The following reports of two autopsies of victims of the plague in
165657 in Rome and Naples respectively are of particular interest:
The exterior part of the body was found to be covered by black petechiae with a
black spot as large as a bean in the medial part of the right knee . . . The muscles of
the abdominal wall were of bad colour, the fat tissue very dry, the omentum rotten,
the guts all black, the peritoneum cyanotic, the stomach very thin, the spleen rotten,
the liver doubled in size but of bad colour and consistency, the gallbladder full of
black bile. Regarding the thorax, the pleurae were rotten, the pericardium very
hard, the mediastinum and the sagittal septum livid, the heart livid with its tip
black, both ventricles full of very dark blood. The lungs, of bad consistency and
colour, were all covered with black petechiae.
It was noticed that all the organs namely, the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, and
guts were covered with black spots. Moreover, the gallbladder was found full of
black bile which was very thick and fattish to the point that it adhered stickily to the
inner part of the gallbladder. Especially, however, the major vessels of the heart
were full of blood which was clotted and black.
(Cipolla, 1981)

The similarities between the foregoing and the case reports, description
of symptoms and autopsy reports of plagues in England, particularly in
London, are striking.

11.3.3 Analysis of the spread of epidemics

Carmichael (1986, 1991) has described the clustering of plague deaths
within families in three dierent epidemics. Obviously the data are incomplete but, nevertheless, it is possible to suggest how, in each case, the
epidemic spread. There was an apparent clustering of plague deaths (believed by Carmichael (1986) to be a minor plague) in one street in the 1430
epidemic in Florence. Four households along this narrow short street
suered more than one death and a suggested analysis of events is shown in
Fig. 11.17 in which the major gaps between the primary and secondary
infectives (2330 days) are evident. These are the ngerprints of haemorrhagic plague.


11.3 Italy













Fig. 11.17. Suggested sequence of infections in four households in Borgo Tegolaia,

Florence in the summer of 1430. Scale: days after 4 June 1430. For further details
and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. Data from Carmichael (1986).

An example of deaths in two families in the plague of Florence in 1456

shows the same household clustering, another characteristic of haemorrhagic plague (Carmichael, 1986) and a suggested analysis of the sequence
of events is shown in Fig. 11.18.
Carmichael (1991) described the early stages of an outbreak of plague in
Milan in early March 1468 and the events may be summarised (see Fig.
11.19) as follows:
(a) Cases in the parish of St Pietro della Vinaor:
(i) The rst cases died in early March, all in one large household [A].
(ii) 25 March, a 13-year-old boy died after an illness of 11 days.
Blood-tinged urine [Household B].
(iii) 16 April, an 18-year-old girl died after an illness of 4 days with a
bubo [Household C]. She lived next door to household A.
(iv) 17 April, another man in Household C fell ill and was exiled with
three siblings.
(v) 23 April, a 6-year-old girl died with an enlarged inguinal gland
[Household D].
(b) Cases in the neighbourhood of Cinque Vie:
(vi) 27 April, Maestro Legutero died [Household E].
(vii) 3 May, a 25-year-old female servant to Lord Scaramuzia Visconti
died plus another death after a 7-day illness [Household F].
(viii) 4 May, deaths of a 17-year-old boy [Household G, probably


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues








Nardo Maestro


Fig. 11.18. Suggested sequence of infections in two families in Florence in the

summer of 1456. Scale: days after 16 August 1456. For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. Data from Carmichael (1986).


associated with Household E] and the wife of Guido de la Croce,

builder [Household H].
5 May, a 16-year-old cleric died with fever and vomiting [Household I].
7 May, a 19-year-old, Antonio da Robion working in a barbers
shop, fell ill [Household K].
7 May, a 14-year-old girl died [Household J]. People to whom
she spoke in the Cinque Vie area subsequently died of plague.
8 May, two daughters of Cristoforo da Cazeniga fell ill [Household L]; they lived in the neighbourhood of St Pietro dell Vigna
and were probably infected from Households C or D.

The probable sequence of events shown in Fig. 11.19 has clear similarities with the epidemiology of the opening stages of the epidemics of
haemorrhagic plague in England. One primary probably infected only one
secondary (R : 1), who, in turn, infected four tertiaries (R : 4) and nine

quaternaries (R : 2).

11.3.4 Plague epidemics in Italy
Figure 11.16 reveals that, after the terrible mortality of the Black Death,
which worked its way progressively through the country, there were only a
limited number of epidemics in Italy during the following 300 years.


11.3 Italy








(multiple cases)

Fig. 11.19. Suggested sequence of infections in the epidemic in Milan in 1468.

Households indicated A to L; for further details see text. Scale: days after 5
February 1468. For further details and abbreviations, see Fig. 5.6. Data from
Carmichael (1986).

Perhaps 11 such outbreaks can be identied, of which ve stand out as

being the most widespread and severe: 1383, 1478, 152228, 1630 and 1656.
Plague was reported in fewer than ve localities in other years and after
1500 there were merely sporadic outbreaks in single towns. The authorities
seem to have largely disregarded these smaller epidemics, often designating
them as minor plagues. Possibly some of these were outbreaks of bubonic
plague in the warmer climate that did not spread and did not persist for
more than a few months, particularly if the epidemic erupted in a seaport.
Time-series analysis of the data shown in Fig. 11.16 has suggested that
the outbreaks had a periodicity of 25 years and this oscillation became
more signicant after 1447 (see above).
In this section we examine the sequence of events in six epidemics that
erupted after Italy had been plague free for at least 2 years, so that these
outbreaks were the result of fresh introductions.
145658 Plague was reported only in Milan in 1452 and thereafter there
was a 4-year break before it erupted in Sicily, central Italy (two
localities) and northern Italy (Fig. 11.20A). Were these separate
introductions by sea via the ports at Palermo, Naples and
Venice/Ravenna (as seems most likely) or did the plague spread
in a saltatory fashion along the length of the country? It was not
reported from Sicily in the following year, but appeared in the


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.20. Geographical distribution of the major plague epidemics in Italy. (A)
145658: open circle, Milan in 1452; closed circle, 1456; closed triangle, 1457; open
triangle, 1458. (B) 147678: closed triangle, 1476; closed diamond, 1477; closed
circle, 1478. (C) 152229: open circle, 1522; open triangle, 1523; closed triangle,

11.3 Italy


1524; closed circle, 1525; open square, 1526; open diamond, 1527; closed diamond,
1528; closed square, 1529. (D) 157477: open diamond, 1574; closed triangle, 1575;
closed circle, 1576; open circle, 1577. (E) (overleaf) 162931: closed triangle, 1629;
closed circle, 1630; open circle, 1631. Data from Biraben (1975).


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig 11.20 (cont).

heel of Italy; it moved from Velletri to Rome but disappeared

from Naples in the centre; it persisted in Venice and appeared in
Bologna in the north. In the following year, 1458, plague was
reported only in Naples (again) and appeared in Genoa. Thereafter, Italy was plague free until Venice had a prolonged 3-year
outbreak, 146062.
147678 Forty thousand died in northern Italy. Italy had been largely
plague free for 8 years before an epidemic began in 1476, when it
was reported in southern Sardinia (it was absent from Corsica)
and in central Italy (Fig. 11.20B). Plague persisted in Sardinia
but appeared in Venice in 1477 and exploded in 1478, when a
total of 30 000 died. It appeared in Sicily in 1478 and was now
widespread in the north, probably having spread radially outwards from Venice to the west and south; 22 000 died in Milan
and 200 died each day for the rst 4 months in Brescia, with a
total of 34 000 and a mortality rate of 90%. It died down in the
following year, persisting only in Venice and Florence.
152229 After a virtual absence for 8 years, plague erupted widely in 1522

11.3 Italy


in Italy; it was reported in Sicily and Sardinia, where it came by

sea, and in central and northern parts of the country. Apart
from Naples and Ancona, most of the sites were inland and it is
possible that the plague may have come to Milan and Lombardy from Lyons (where there was an epidemic) via the Alps.
Figure 11.20C shows that this broad geographical spread of the
plague persisted for the next 6 years: it remained in Sicily,
Sardinia (but was not reported in Corsica until 1528) and in
central Italy in Rome, but it expanded rapidly and moved
around the northern states.
157577 Plague was reported only in Messina (Sicily) in 1573 and only in
Trento (in northern Italy in the Dolomites) in 1574. In the
following year a major epidemic erupted; it persisted in Trento
and spread widely in the northern city states (Fig. 11.20D). It
seems most probable, therefore, that this epidemic began in
Trento and was not introduced from overseas but came over the
Alps from Geneva where plague was reported from 1568 to
1574. This epidemic continued through 1576 and 1577 and was
conned to northern Italy; an estimated 50% of the 180 000
inhabitants of Venice contracted the disease in this epidemic.
162931 Italy was free from plague from 1626 to 1628 but an outbreak
erupted in the northern states in 1629. It may have entered the
country via Venice (where 46 000 of the 140 000 inhabitants
died) but it is more probable that it came to Milan or Turin over
the Alps (Fig. 11.20E); plague was widespread over the borders
in France, Germany and Switzerland and was recorded in
Geneva and Basel at this time. Marseilles also had an epidemic
in 1628 but the distribution of the outbreaks in northern Italy
suggests that plague did not come along the coastal plain via
Nice and Genoa. It has also been suggested that German and
French troops carried the plague to Mantua in eastern Lombardy, where France was waging war against Austria and Spain
in 1629. Eventually, some 280 000 died in Lombardy and other
territories in northern Italy and the average mortality rate in the
cities attacked has been established as 46% (Kohn, 1995).
Plague was much more widespread in northern Italy in the
following year (Fig. 11.20E) and Cipolla (1981) wrote:
Coming from the north, the plague arrived in the Grand Duchy of
Tuscany in the summer of 1630 and spread in the course of the autumn.
The sequence of events is fairly clear: in the month of July a few persons


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

died, allegedly of plague, in Trespiano, a small village a few kilometers
north of Florence. According to the Health Deputies of the time, the
plague had been brought to Trespiano by a man who, violating the
sanitary cordon, had been on a business trip to the infected city of
Bologna. In August suspicious deaths were recorded in the neighboring
village of Tavola and in Florence itself. On September 1, the plague
made its appearance in Monte Lupo, 28 kilometers west of Florence,
on the busy road to Pisa. By September 19, the plague was recognised
in Prato, about 20 kilometers north-west of Florence, on the road to
Pistoia. Before the end of the month the plague had reached Pisa.

Strict, but unpopular, preventive measures were instituted when

the plague reached Milan in October 1629, including the quarantining of all persons who had come into contact with those
who had been infected and it was believed that the outbreak had
been contained by these measures. But these regulations were
relaxed in March 1630 during a carnival in Milan (which must
have established a high eective contact rate) and plague broke
out through the city and 3500 inhabitants were reportedly dying
every day (Kohn, 1995). The epidemic continued through 1630
and 1631 and, once again, was conned to 15 cities in the north
of the country (Fig. 11.20E) where it spread in two major waves
in the autumn and winter of 1630 and the spring and summer of
1631. An estimated 10% of the population of Florence died in
this epidemic. Victims suered a sudden and high fever and
developed foul-smelling boils; they were sometimes delirious
and a terrible headache was the usual prelude to death. A large
percentage of those who died were artisans and Capuchin friars
or those who performed much of the custodial work during the
epidemic. Nobody broke the standard 40-day quarantine and
those appointed by the Oce of Public Health dedicated themselves to their tasks of fumigation, burning mattresses and
clothes, scrubbing oors and carrying away the dead for burial
(Kohn, 1995).
165657 The health ocers of the northern city states had a rmly
established joint policy of excluding trade with any locality
known to have a plague outbreak. However, Naples, then under
Spanish rule, refused to suspend trade with Spain and the
catastrophic plague of 165657 in Naples, Rome and Genoa
may have entered Italy via this route. In these three cities,
218 000 out of a population of 498 000 died, although much of
the rest of Italy remained plague free (Kohn, 1995).

11.3 Italy


Fig. 11.21. Number of patients admitted to the pest-houses of Pistoia, Florence

from October 1630 to August 1631. After Cipolla (1981).

11.3.5 Conclusions
The biology of the plague in Italy is quite dierent from the situation in
France where haemorrhagic plague was virtually endemic somewhere
throughout the 300-year period and France acted as the source for the
majority of the epidemics in the remainder of Europe. Plague was never
endemic in Italy, which we can consider as a separate metapopulation. It
probably suered from only about a dozen major epidemics in which the
mortality rates were often very high, probably on average 40% but sometimes reaching over 60%, as in Verona in 163031. Naples, with about
300 000 inhabitants, suered 150 000 deaths in 1656. The morbidity rate in
the countryside has been estimated at 66% (Benedictow, 1987). These
epidemics often lasted for 23 years in the big cities before burning out, a
clear dierence from the pattern in England, perhaps because of the
warmer climate in winter and early spring. Although the plague persisted
for longer in these cities in Italy, there was still a fall in the number of cases
over the winter, as shown by the number of patients admitted to the
pest-houses of Pistoia, Fig. 11.21 (Cipolla, 1981).
Each of these major epidemics was introduced from outside the

Fig. 11.22. Major trade routes of the Middle Ages in Europe. Ams, Amsterdam; Ant, Antwerp; Bag, Bagdad; Bas, Basel;
Br, Bruges; Col, Cologne; KL, Kings Lynn; Lo, London; Lu, Lubeck; Ma, Mainz; Mar, Marseilles; Mil, Milan; St,

11.3 Italy


Fig. 11.23. Number of localities in the Iberian peninsula in which plague epidemics
were reported, 13471688. Data from Biraben (1975).

meta-population, probably mostly from overseas in the 14th and 15th

centuries and probably more commonly overland via the alpine passes to
the north of the country in the 16th and 17th centuries. Those epidemics
that came from overseas probably originated from the Levant and North
Africa and entered via the ports at Venice and Sicily, or from France via
Genoa and Leghorn. The epidemics tended to spread along the length of
the country but in later centuries the outbreaks were conned largely to the
northern city states where the pestilence was widespread. Saltatory transmission by apparently healthy infectives carrying a disease with a long
incubation period travelling over the major trade routes over the alpine
passes (Fig. 11.22) is consistent with the epidemiology, whereas a regular
movement of rats and eas infected with Yersinia pestis over a mountain
range is an impossibility.
The health authorities of the northern states were the rst to recognise
the importance of strict quarantine measures, a cordon sanitaire (see
quotation from Cipolla, 1981, above) and ecient diagnostic procedures,
all applicable to a contagious disease, and their actions were probably


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

successful to some extent in limiting the importations of the plague via the
northern ports on both the east and west coasts.
Apart from the major, devastating epidemics there were many years
when only a single, isolated outbreak was reported (see Fig. 11.16). Their
cause remains unknown; they may have been minor plagues that the
health authorities identied, or some may have been bubonic plague
brought in from the Levant or the ports of North Africa which infected the
local rats under favourable Mediterranean climatic conditions. Apparently, the epidemic did not spread far and soon died out because it was not
possible to form an epizootic with local resistant rodents.

11.4 The Iberian peninsula

Like Italy, plague was never endemic in the huge area of the Iberian
peninsula, which was separated from France by the Pyrenees and can be
considered as a separate metapopulation. The number of localities where
plague was reported in each year is shown in Fig. 11.23: after the Black
Death, although there were several outbreaks in Portugal and Spain in the
15th century, there were only ve major epidemics and the last outbreak
(168082) occurred after haemorrhagic plague had apparently disappeared in 1670. Time-series analysis does not reveal any signicant oscillations in the data-series.

11.4.1 The major epidemics

The foci and spread of the infection in these major epidemics are shown in
Fig. 11.24 and may be summarised as follows.

Plague was reported only in Seville in 1504, was apparently

absent in Spain in 1505 and then broke out again in Seville in
the following year, which was probably its entry point. It was
accompanied by a severe drought and food shortage. It had
two foci (Fig. 11.24A): to the north and east of Seville and in a
sector to the north and west of Madrid. Presumably, the
epidemic was spread from Cordoba by apparently healthy
infectives to Madrid, a distance of some 200 miles, and then
spread radially therefrom. The epidemic persisted for 2 years
in each locality and then disappeared, except in Seville and its
environs where it continued in 1508. About 100 000 are said
to have died in Andalusia, in southern Spain, alone.

11.4 The Iberian peninsula




Lisbon was the only locality where plague was reported in

1579 and this was probably the original point of entry; it
erupted into a full scale epidemic in the following year when
the outbreak spread radially throughout southern and central Portugal (Fig. 11.24B). It did not persist there and, except
for Oporto, had disappeared from Portugal by 1581 and
moved to the extreme southwest of Spain, where it was reported in a cluster of localities, including Seville, where,
alone, it persisted in 1582; the cause of the latter outbreak has
been attributed to soldiers and slaves who disembarked in the
A prolonged outbreak. The only localities in the Iberian
peninsula where plague was reported in 1594 and 1595 were
Seville and Andalusia in southern Spain. Presumably, this
area acted as the primary focus for the remarkable epidemic
that broke out in 1596, when it was reported in three widely
separated centres: it persisted in Seville (in the southwest) but
spread to Madrid (in the centre) and appeared in Santander
on the north coast, where the total number of deaths was
about 2500 in a population estimated at 3000 to 3300; the
lethality rate has been determined at between 85% and 90%
and, since part of the social elite ed from the town, Benedictow (1987) suggested that the net morbidity rate must have
been around 95%. This was not an outbreak of bubonic
plague. The epidemic at Santander was probably the result of
a separate entry of the pestilence from overseas when the ship
Rodamundo docked, carrying cloth from the French port of
Dunkirk. Plague persisted in these foci in 1597 and a limited
further spread was reported (Fig. 11.24C). It was probably
brought to Santiago de Compostela by the pilgrims. This
slow spread continued in 1598; the transmission along the
north Spanish coast and to Lisbon was probably by coastal
shipping. The epidemic exploded in 1599 and spread widely
throughout the peninsula (Fig. 11.24C). The small city of
Segovia lost 12 000 inhabitants over 6 months and responded
positively to the plague: temporary hospitals were established, the city gates were guarded to prevent the arrival of
infectives, victims were rapidly buried and bedclothes were
burnt. Thereafter, although plague persisted in a few localities, the epidemic was largely conned in 1600 to 1602 to the


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.24. Geographical distribution of the major plague epidemics in Spain and
Portugal. (A) 15067: open circle, 1506 and 1507; closed circle, 1507. (B) 158081:
closed circle, 1580; open circle, 1581. (C) 15961602: open square, 1596; closed
diamond, 1597; closed triangle, 1598; open circle, 1599; closed circle, 1600; open

11.4 The Iberian peninsula


triangle, 1601; open diamond, 1602. (D) 164653: open square, 1646; open diamond,
1647; open triangle, 1648; open circle, 1649; closed square, 1650; closed triangle,
1651; closed circle, 1652; closed diamond, 1653.




Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

southern coastal area to the east of Seville. The total death
toll in Spain in this epidemic is estimated to have been
500 000 to 600 000 (6% to 8% of the population) (Kohn,
After an absence of 8 years, plague appeared, surprisingly, in
four widely separated sites in 1646: (i) Tavira (southern Portugal); (ii) Malaga, Seville and Andalusia where 200 000 died
and the disease was traced to a shipment of silk (presumably
infectives were in the crew); (iii) Valencia, where 30 000 died;
and (iv) Alcala de Henares (near Madrid). It persisted at these
sites but spread little in the following year, 1647 (Fig. 11.24D).
Plague was also reported in Catalonia (northeast Spain) and
spread southwards along the coast from Valencia (perhaps by
coastal sea trac) in 1648. In 1649, plague was, as usual,
widespread in the southern coastal strip of the peninsula to
the east and west of Seville, but this area was largely free by
1650, although the outbreak continued in a cluster of localities in northeast Spain during 165052 (Fig. 11.24D) and also
spread to Majorca and Ibiza. Nearly 500 000 died in total in
this epidemic.
The last major plague epidemic in Spain was reported in 1678
and its spread is illustrated in Fig. 11.25. Was this a late
outbreak of haemorrhagic plague after it had largely disappeared in Europe or was it a dierent disease with high
mortality? It was mostly conned to the southern coastal
area of Spain around Andalusia, although it also appeared at
Cartagena and Murcia, some 100 miles away, where it might
have had a separate origin. We tentatively suggest that this
might have been a major outbreak of bubonic plague. Yersinia pestis was causing outbreaks along the warmer Mediterranean coasts, being imported by sea into the ports and then
spreading inland by infecting the local rodents. These outbreaks did not last long and bubonic plague never became
truly endemic in the western Mediterranean coastal region
probably because there were no resistant resident rodent
species in which a buer epizootic could form. The data
contained in Fig. 11.25 are suggestive of bubonic plague with
two coastal points of entry, Cartagena (where the spread was
limited) and Malaga (where the epidemic was quite wide-

11.4 The Iberian peninsula


Fig. 11.25. The last major epidemic in Spain, 167782. Open diamond, entry port in
1677; closed triangle, 1678; plague reported in Andalusia in 1679 but no localities
known; open circle, 1680; closed circle, 1681; open triangle, 1682.

spread in the hinterland). The pattern at Malaga is comparable to the spread of the plague at Marseilles in 1720 (Chapter
In summary, the Iberian peninsula acted as a separate metapopulation
and probably experienced only four major epidemics of haemorrhagic
plague after the Black Death. Since it was never endemic, the pattern is
completely dierent from that of France. The data suggest that each
epidemic began by importation from overseas and did not spread from
France over the Pyrenees, which formed an eective isolation barrier. Each
of the four epidemics had its characteristic pattern, but Seville was implicated in all, twice acting as the point of entry. Seville shows little
temperature variation through the year, with long, dry and hot summers
and warm winters. It has acted for 2000 years as a port at the navigable
head of the Guadalquivir River, as the great market place of the Guadalquivir Valley and as the crossroads between the northeast and west of the
Iberian peninsula. The year 1492 is important in the history of Spain: it
marked the nal expulsion of the Moors, the unication of Spain under a


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

single crown and the discovery of America. For 200 years thereafter, Seville
became the gateway to the New World, the Mecca of European commerce
and the principal city of Spain. Plague epidemics were particularly
common in Andalusia and the area around Seville. Lisbon was the port of
entry for the plague that began in 1580 and Portugal was again hit in 1598.
In most of these epidemics, a radial or linear spread can be detected from
the foci, but a saltatory transmission, over distances of 200 miles can also
be seen, particularly from coastal regions to Madrid.

11.4.2 Epidemics at Barcelona

The data contained in Fig. 11.23 show that, apart from the major epidemics, Spain suered frequently from isolated epidemics in single localities. These did not spread and did not persist. Were these outbreaks of
haemorrhagic plague that did not establish themselves or was another
infectious, lethal disease responsible? Where these outbreaks occurred in
ports they may have been limited epidemics of bubonic plague. Barcelona,
on the northeast coast of Spain, repeatedly, was the only locality to report a
plague outbreak. Biraben (1975) has analysed the data for 35 outbreaks at
Barcelona after the Black Death; he could only estimate the total number
of deaths for the period 13501452, but thereafter he provided detailed
information, often the daily number of deaths. The estimated number of
deaths as a proportion of the population was below 1.5% in 11 of the
epidemics and was presumably of little demographic signicance. The
epidemic of 1497 (0.25% mortality) showed single deaths daily from July to
September, with no peak period.
The details of the other epidemics are summarised in Table 11.2 and
mixed patterns emerge from the analysis. There was only one epidemic
after 1589, namely that of 165154. It was present during 164850 and was
part of the national epidemic during those years; the heavy mortality then
(45%) is typical of haemorrhagic plague, although the long duration in one
locality is not. The epidemic in 1507 also occurred during a national
outbreak, although the 3-month break from August to October, which is
much longer than the usual quarantine period for haemorrhagic plague,
suggests either that plague continued undetected at a low level during this
period, or that the population was reinfected, or that another disease was
Apart from these two epidemics, the outbreaks were conned to Barcelona and did not spread (see Table 11.2) and each infection was presumably introduced from overseas. The mortality in these isolated epidemics

11.4 The Iberian peninsula


was relatively low, with an average of 10%. The greatest mortalities were in
1589 (28.8%), 1465 (20.0%) and 1530 (18.9%); if these years are excluded
the average is reduced to 8%, suggesting that these lesser outbreaks may
not have been typical haemorrhagic plague, or that the population had
developed resistance in the face of continuous attacks, although the average mortality during the rst 100 years was estimated at only 8%.
Where information is available (after 1452) the average duration of the
outbreaks was 8 months (range : 4 to 14 months), excluding the national
epidemics. The outbreak began in the autumn, was reduced in the winter
and began again in the following spring in 1457, 1466, 1490 and 1558,
reminiscent of the type (ii) epidemics recorded in England. The epidemic
that lasted from August 1475 to September 1476 was unusual: a small
number of deaths was recorded steadily over a 12-month period, including
JanuaryFebruary, with only a small peak. If the longer-lasting outbreaks
are excluded, the average duration of the seven remaining epidemics was 6
months, usually lasting from April to September, with a peak mortality
around June (see Table 11.2).
Are a mixed bag of lethal epidemics summarised in Table 11.2? Why did
they apparently not spread inland? Why did these one-o epidemics apparently cease after 1590? It will probably not be possible to answer these
questions with any degree of certainty, but some tentative suggestions can
be made. Barcelona in the 15th century was a city of merchants, navigators,
traders and professionals and it acted as a major port that had trac with
the whole of the Mediterranean and so could have received a regular
supply of infectives. The epidemics of 1507 and 165154 were probably part
of the national outbreaks of haemorrhagic plague, albeit with the slightly
dierent biology from those described in England because of the coastal
Mediterranean climate where, today, the monthly average temperature,
DecemberFebruary, is 1314 C. These outbreaks at Barcelona may have
been initiated separately from those in other parts of the Iberian peninsula
and in 1648 there was limited spread into the hinterland (Fig. 11.24D).
The other epidemics in which there was a mortality of over about 4000
may also have been haemorrhagic plague; some of these started in the
autumn, continued with a reduced mortality during the mild winter and
then broke out again in the following spring, perhaps a modied type (ii)
epidemic. However, the outbreak from October 1465 to November 1466,
with a mortality of 5000 (20%) stands out as being completely atypical
because Biraben (1975) has identied a steady build-up in mortality
through the autumn and winter that peaked in February and thereafter
declined steadily.

Table 11.2. Plague epidemics at Barcelona, 13621654

Jan. 1362
May 1439
May 1448
May 1457?
Oct. 1465
Aug. 1475
Mar. 1483
Mar. 1490A
June 1494
Apr. 1501
Feb. 1507
May 1515
May 1520
Feb. 1530
Sept. 1557

Nov. 1457
Nov. 1466
Sept. 1476
Sept. 1483
Sept. 1490
Oct. 1494
Nov. 1501
Nov. 1507B
Nov. 1515
Sept. 1520
July 1530
Aug. 1558C




total deaths

% age

of other
in Spain
where plague



No clear peak




May 1589
Jan. 1651

Dec. 1589
Apr. 1654D




12 400
20 000


?Probably began in preceding year, but died down October to May. Type (ii) epidemic.
@Only a small peak; deaths recorded steadily over the 12-month period including the period January to February.
AVery small number of deaths recorded in the months November 1489 to February 1490. Type (ii) epidemic (?).
BThis was part of the great national epidemic of 15067, although there was a clear 3-month break, August to October 1507.
CDaily deaths through the winter. Type (ii) epidemic?
DBreaks: August to September 1652; September 1653. Part of the national epidemic.
Data from Biraben (1975).



Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

The other epidemics with low mortalities may have been repeated, but
isolated, outbreaks of bubonic plague brought into the port from the
Levant or North Africa. Yersinia pestis has been identied in corpses from
the French Mediterranean coast from the 14th, 16th and 18th centuries
and, although it could apparently survive in the warmer climate, the
epidemics seem to have been short lived, persisting for up to 3 years,
probably because there were no local resistant rodent species in which a
permanent epizootic could be established.
Epidemics occurring every 810 years with a 10% mortality must have
had a severe impact on the demography of the city unless there was an
accompanying immigration to ll the ecological niches available. Biraben
(1975) has estimated that the population before the Black Death was 42 000
which had fallen progressively to 31 000 by the end of the 146566 epidemic. It fell further to a low of 25 000 by the end of the 15th century before
recovering steadily to 43 000 by 1589.

11.5 Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Switzerland

The geographical area described in this section formed the major part of
the Holy Roman Empire (which also included the present-day Netherlands) during the age of plagues. The Black Death arrived in this area of
central Europe in 1348 and the epidemic raged through 1349 to 1350 and
had disappeared by 1352. Thereafter, plague was reported sporadically,
usually with six or fewer localities aected in any one year, until about
1520, except for the period 146265 when terrible outbreaks that killed
thousands struck in widely distant cities in Germany. In Regensburg, 6300
died in 1462 and 2500 in the following year; this outbreak is believed to
have originated in the Rhineland region (Kohn, 1995).
Plague was absent in many years during 13521520 (Fig. 11.26), suggesting that the epidemics were fresh introductions, but became almost endemic after about 1520, with epidemics that were increasingly widespread.
Spectral analysis of the data shown in Fig. 11.26 (13471688) reveals highly
signicant oscillations in the pattern of the epidemics with wavelengths of
14.25 years (P  0.005) and 11.4 years (P  0.005). A secondary oscillation
with a wavelength of 22 years appeared after 1450 (P : 0.05).
The list of localities where plague was most reported frequently is shown
in Table 11.3. For 100 years after the Black Death, a cluster of towns in the
north heads the list: Hamburg was a large port on the River Elbe, 64 miles
from its mouth, and was already a thriving trading town by the 13th
century; the port of Lubeck was the major outlet for the Baltic trade. After

11.5 Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Switzerland


Fig. 11.26. Number of localities in Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Switzerland in

which plague epidemics were reported, 13471688. Data from Biraben (1975).

1450, the places recording frequent epidemics spread southwards along the
major trade route of the Middle Ages: LubeckHamburgMagdeburgNurembergAugsburg (see Fig. 11.22).
The situation changed after 1450 and continued until 1670; the plague
continued to erupt widely and epidemics persisted in the towns in the north
but the major foci, with the highest number of outbreaks, were in the
southwest, with Basel and Geneva now heading the lists, together with
Augsburg and other towns on the trade route to Milan, Innsbruck and
Venice. Augsburg experienced some 20 outbreaks of plague in the 16th
century in which a total of some 60 000 died (Kohn, 1995). Basel, situated
on the Rhine, was a large river port, Switzerlands only outlet to the sea and
the terminus of the Rhine navigation; for many centuries the Mittlere
Brucke in Basel was the only bridge on the Rhine. Basel suered from a
15-month epidemic in 161011 when, out of a population of some 15 000,
about 6000 contracted the disease, of which only approximately 3600 died.
Were some of the population showing partial immunity or resistance
because of previous exposure to the plague? The city also suered in

Table 11.3. Localities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria that recorded the largest number of outbreaks of plague in
successive cohorts, 13481670
Hamburg (10)
Lubeck (10)
Bremen (8)
Basel (8)
Mayence (6)
Cologne (4)
Magdeburg (4)
Wismar (4)






Hamburg (7)
Hanover (5)
Nuremberg (5)
Bremen (5)
Lubeck (4)
Basel (4)
Vienna (3)
Nordhausen (3)

Geneva (8)
Basel (7)
Brunswick (7)
Nuremberg (6)
Hildesheim (5)
Hanover (5)
Cologne (4)
Luneburg (4)

Basel (12)
Augsburg (11)
Geneva (10)
Dresden (9)
Wittenberg (8)
Luneburg (7)
Cologne (5)
Erfurt (5)

Basel (19)
Geneva (12)
Bremen (12)
Augsburg (8)
Brunswick (8)
Dresden (7)
Nuremberg (5)
Hamburg (5)

Basel (15)
Augsburg (14)
Bremen (14)
Nuremberg (12)
Luneburg (12)
Hildesheim (12)
Dresden (11)
Geneva (10)

The number of epidemics suered by each locality in each cohort given in parentheses.
Data from Biraben (1975).

11.7 Spread of the plague across Europe


Switzerlands last epidemic in 166768 and a meeting was held in Bremgarten to which ocials were invited to discuss how they might prevent the
plague spreading from Basel (Kohn, 1995). There were major trade routes
from Basel to Lyons and along the Rhine to Mainz, Cologne and to the
port at Antwerp. Geneva also occupied a central position in Europe and
because of its early adherence to the principles of the Protestant Reformation became, at the beginning of the 16th century, a refuge for the persecuted and a starting-point for missionaries. It was therefore crowded with
immigrants and intending emigrants and was an ideal focus for plague

11.6 The Benelux countries

The Black Death arrived along the southern Belgian border in Hainaut
and Flanders, and in Luxemburg in 1349, penetrating to Lie`ge. It disappeared almost completely in the following year and thereafter, for 200
years, plague broke out only sporadically, usually in single localities (see
Fig. 11.27) and conned to the French borders in Flanders, Hainaut,
Luxemburg and the Ardennes. We infer that these minor epidemics came
with infectives crossing the French border. Plague was reported from the
port of Antwerp in 1511 and occurred there very regularly in the 16th
century when it was a major commercial centre. Was the plague brought in
from overseas via the port, or did it spread northwards from France or
westwards from Germany? This pattern of outbreaks continued after 1550;
Luxemburg was repeatedly the only locality aected. The plague spread
more frequently into Holland and its port at Amsterdam after 1600.

11.7 Spread of the plague across Europe

The spread of haemorrhagic plague in France is central to understanding
its behaviour after the Black Death because it is only in France that it was
virtually pseudo-endemic for over 300 years from 1350 to 1670. We have
traced its erratic appearance during this time in sections 11.2.4 and 11.2.5;
the epidemics broke out in widely separated areas or towns and, in general,
the major outbreaks in the southern, central and northern coastal regions
correlated with one another. Figure 11.15 shows how the centroids moved
in each successive 50-year period. The towns most frequently aected (see
Table 11.1) were of larger size and sited on the main medieval trading
routes or in the valleys of the Loire, Saone and Rhone. The ports on the
Mediterranean coast were, surprisingly, less frequently aected and we


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.27. Number of localities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg in

which plague epidemics were reported 13471688. Data from Biraben (1975).

conclude that the endemic status of the plague in France was only infrequently boosted by arrivals of infectives from overseas.
The Pyrenees to the southwest formed an eective barrier to the transmission of the plague and there is no evidence that the major epidemics in
the separate metapopulation of the Iberian peninsula came over this
mountain range; the infectives entered through the ports. There is no
signicant cross-correlation between the data-series for the Iberian peninsula (see Fig. 11.23) and the corresponding epidemics in southern or central
The behaviour of the plague in Italy supercially resembles that in
Spain; it can be treated as a separate metapopulation and, although there
were many minor epidemics, major outbreaks were few. The health
authorities in the northern city states led the world in their control
measures and were probably successful in containing or preventing some of
the infections coming by sea from the Levant, North Africa, the Mediterranean islands and France. The Alps must have provided a partial barrier to
the spread of the plague from the north but, nevertheless, study of the

11.7 Spread of the plague across Europe


major epidemics suggests that some originated via this route, coming from
France or the Holy Roman Empire in central Europe.
Spectral analysis of the data-series of the annual number of localities
suering from plague in Italy (see Fig. 11.16) shows that a 12-year oscillation was present from 1347 to 1447 and changed thereafter to a signicant
25-year oscillation (P : 0.005). This medium-wavelength cycle cross-correlates signicantly after ltering with a comparable oscillation in southern
(ccf : ;0.65) and central (ccf : ;0.5) France. We do not suggest that
outbreaks in Italy (where plague was epidemic) were a driven system;
rather that, when plague was rampant in France, there was a greater
chance of infectives coming to Italy and starting epidemics.
The plague, obviously, did not observe political boundaries and we have
seen how epidemics broke out in Flanders and Luxemburg soon after the
Black Death and contributed to the endemic status of the disease in
France. Inspection of Fig. 11.26 shows that the plague was not endemic in
the Holy Roman Empire before 1550, although there were repeated outbreaks along the main trade routes (see section 11.5 and Fig. 11.22) and we
conclude that central Europe was repeatedly reinfected, probably usually
from France, during this time. Plague was present more continuously in the
Holy Roman Empire after 1550 and, for certain periods, approached an
endemic situation. The data-series for both France (see Figs. 11.3 and 11.4)
and Germany (see Fig. 11.26) show signicant medium-wavelength oscillations that cross-correlate signicantly. Cross-correlation studies suggest
that the medium-wavelength oscillations in the frequency of epidemics in
the metapopulation composed of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Bohemia were initiated by comparable cycles in France, with infectives travelling long distances, usually along the dierent trade routes, and regularly
bringing the plague into central Europe.
On this basis, middle Europe (present-day France, Germany, the Benelux countries, Switzerland and Austria) can be viewed as a vast metapopulation around which the plague was carried by apparently healthy,
travelling infectives. We have, therefore, calculated the annual number of
localities where plague was reported over this huge area, using the data
given by Biraben (1975), and the results are shown in Fig. 11.28. The plague
spread progressively through the years and became more and more rmly
established, with a rising endemic level, culminating in the terrible outbreak which lasted from 1630 to 1637. The plague declined sharply thereafter and this is in marked contrast with the situation in England, where the
major outbreak was in 166566. The outbreak of 163037 was driven, as
usual, by France, where it appeared rst, and it did not rise markedly in


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.28. Number of localities in the supermetapopulation composed of France,

Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Benelux countries in which plague epidemics were reported, 13471670. Spectral analysis reveals a signicant oscillation
(P : 0.005) of wavelength 21.6 years. Data from Biraben (1975).

Germany and the Benelux countries until 163435.

Spectral analysis of the data shown in Fig. 11.28 reveals a signicant
medium-wavelength oscillation of period 21.6 years (P : 0.005). When the
cohorts are analysed separately, the following cycles were identied:

12.5 years
12.6 years
22.2 years
20.8 years
25.0 years
31.3 years

NS Mostly epidemics in France

P : 0.005
P : 0.005
P : 0.005

NS, not signicant.

It is evident that the medium-wavelength oscillation (see Fig. 11.29)

changed from a weak 12.5-year cycle to a signicant 21.6-year cycle after
1472. It is an open question as to what drove this oscillation and why it
should have changed 125 years after the Black Death.

11.7 Spread of the plague across Europe


Fig. 11.29. The data-series of Fig. 11.28 ltered to reveal the medium-wavelength
oscillation. Filter window : 16 to 30 years.

We have identied in this chapter the major trade routes in the Middle
Ages running northsouth (see Fig. 11.22) by which the plague was frequently spread within each country but, for the eastwest transmission of
the infection between France and Germany, the cities of Basel, Geneva,
Bourg-en-Bresse, Strasburg and Luxemburg became key crossing-points
(Fig. 11.22) and suered from repeated epidemics (see Tables 11.1 and 11.3).
Inspection of the data suggests that the plague frequently circulated between these key towns.
The British Isles were separated by sea from this huge metapopulation of
northern and central Europe, so that the epidemics there were started by
infectives coming through the ports: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Hull, York (via
the Humber and Ouse), the East Anglian river system, London and the
many ports, large and small, on the Kent and south coasts. We have
described the 14-year and 20- to 21-year, medium-wavelength oscillations
in the data-series for the frequency of epidemics in Britain (see Fig. 9.13) in
section 9.7.
The ltered medium-wavelength cycles for Britain and northern France
(lter window : 10 to 25 years) for the period 1347 to 1667 cross-correlate


Continental Europe during the third age of plagues

Fig. 11.30. Cross-correlation between the medium-wavelength oscillations in the

number of localities in which plague was reported in Germany and Britain,
13471500. Filter window : 10 to 25 years. Ccf : ;0.67.

moderately well, with a ccf of ;0.36. This correlation was poor for the
period before 1540, after which the major plagues emerged in the British
Isles. This medium-wavelength cycle in British epidemics shows better
correlation with the German series (see Fig. 11.26); overall the ccf is ;0.46
but, in contrast with the French series, the signicance is greater in earlier
years, 13471500 (ccf : ;0.67; Fig. 11.30). We conclude that, when plague
was raging in northern France or in Germany, there was a much greater
chance of apparently healthy infectives embarking on a voyage to England
across the North Sea or the English Channel.
A study of the extensive list of places where plague outbreaks were
reported in continental Europe (Biraben, 1975) shows, although it is not
complete, a dramatic change in 1500. Prior to that date, for the 150 years
after the Black Death, only very rarely were full-scale epidemics reported
from the ports along the northwestern French, Belgian and Dutch coasts,
from Brest to Amsterdam, and these would not have provided a ready
supply of infectives. Epidemics were, of course, widespread in Paris and the

11.7 Spread of the plague across Europe


towns in northern France during 13501500 so that infectives may have

travelled on boats sailing out of the French channel ports. However, plague
frequently broke out at Nantes during this time, although ships coming
from there to England would have had to make a much longer voyage; they
may have docked on the south coast, or in London, or possibly in the river
complex of East Anglia. Perhaps more importantly, England and France
were engaged in the Hundred Years War from 1337 to 1453, which was
really a disjointed series of wars. England held a substantial territory in
Gascony, around and to the south of Bordeaux, at the time of the Black
Death and this area was greatly enlarged in 1360 after the treaty of
Bretigny. Edward III, the Black Prince and John of Gaunt led six campaigns between them in the 14th century, moving all across France. Henry
V led expeditions into northern France in 1415, 141720 and 142122. The
English were eventually expelled from Gascogny in 1453 and then retained
only Calais in France. The movement of troops and the supply of provisions to the territories held must have led to many infectives crossing the
English Channel and sailing round from western France; plague was
frequently reported at Bordeaux after 1394.
From 1353 onwards the ports of Hamburg and Bremen reported irregular epidemics, in perhaps 20 out of 150 years. Hamburg traded widely with
the ports along the east coast of England and was presumably the source of
some of the infections.
Figure 9.13 shows that 1500 marked a clear change in the pattern of the
epidemics in England and, concomitantly, the ports along the French and
Dutch coasts suered from outbreaks of plague. There was rarely a year in
which at least one port did not report an epidemic during 15001666 and
Rouen was pre-eminent, particularly during the rst half of the 16th
century. Many of the boats plying over the English Channel and North Sea
must frequently have been inadvertently bringing infectives from France,
Antwerp, Amsterdam and Hamburg.

The plague at Marseilles, 172022: an
outbreak of bubonic plague?

The epidemic that broke out in Marseilles in June 1720, some 50 years after
haemorrhagic plague is believed to have disappeared, has been described
and discussed in detail (Biraben, 1972, 1975; Bertrand, 1973), although the
details of its origins, arrival at the port and early infections are not
completely clear. These events are of critical importance in determining the
characteristics of the infectious agent. The diary of events in 1720 are
broadly as follows.
30 Jan.


25 May

27 May
31 May
3 June
12 June

The vessel, the Grand St Antoine, leaves Saida in Syria where

plague was raging.
Turkish passengers embark at Tripoli, Libya.
Death of one of the Turks in the night.
Death of rst sailor.
Death of second sailor.
Deaths of two sailors.
Death of the surgeon. Captain isolates the crew.
Arrival at Leghorn, Italy. Deaths of three sailors. Refused
entry at port.
Arrival at Marseilles. The health commissioners impound the
ships merchandise and quarantine the passengers and crew in
a lazaretto on an island in the middle of the port.
Death of a sailor who had been ill for 3 days.
Three ships from Saida arrive at Marseilles.
The Grand St Antoine and the three other ships are authorised
to discharge their cargo in the roadstead.
One of the guards of the Grand St Antoine dies suddenly on

The plague at Marseilles, 172022


14 June

Passengers and crew are allowed to land. One passenger

travels to Paris and two to Holland but there were no recorded
cases of plague in these localities. The people of Marseilles buy
contraband cloth from the sailors, so coming into contact with
21 June
First suspicious death in the town after an illness of 2 days
she was Marguerite Dauptaine, rue Bell-Table.
23 June
Death in the inrmary of the ships boy from the Grand St
24 June
Death in the inrmaries of three porters who had opened the
bales of cotton from the Grand St Antoine; one of them had
also opened the cargo from the other ships from Syria.
28 June
Death of the tailor Michel Crisp, place du Palais.
29 June
Death of the wife of M. Crisp.
3 July
Death in the inrmaries of three porters.
56 July A secondhand clothier in the rue de lOratoire dies with his
wife and children.
8 July
M. Bonche, a tailor, his wife and children die.
911 July A boy aged 13 (surname Issalenc) living in the rue Jean-Galant
dies in the presence of two doctors who diagnose the pest,
report the case to the aldermen and have the whole family
hospitalised. The daughter, who is a tailoress, dies. A neighbour in the rue Jean-Galant dies.
14 July
The outbreak spreads to rue de lEchelle with the deaths of
several neighbours. Dr Sicard declares it to be an outbreak of
the pest whereas Dr Bauzon, who was asked by the aldermen
for an expert opinion, maintains that these are malignant
fevers, possibly caused by intestinal worms. [Evidently there
was some doubt about the diagnosis.]
1521 July No new cases.
23 July
Fourteen deaths in rue de lEchelle.
29 July
Great increase in the number of deaths and emergency
measures are introduced. Nearly 10 000 inhabitants had already ed.
These events, baldly described above, cannot be tted within a framework of an infectious disease with a long incubation period and we conclude that this was not an outbreak of haemorrhagic plague. It appears to
have come, not from the Levant where the Grand St Antoine originally took
its cargo on board, as seems to be generally supposed, but from Tripoli in


The plague at Marseilles, 172022

North Africa where the Turkish passengers embarked. The voyage from
Syria to Libya had taken 9 weeks and was apparently trouble free. One of
the passengers died 2 days after joining the ship, whereas the next death
(the rst sailor) did not occur until 22 days later. Was this an epidemic of
bubonic plague? DNA sequences specic for Yersinia pestis have been
recorded from the dental pulp of plague victims buried at Marseilles in
1722 (Drancourt et al., 1998) and there is evidence from DNA studies of
bubonic plague around Provence in the 14th and 16th centuries. The
erratic and unpredictable sequence of deaths before the epidemic became
established in one area of the town, described in the diary above, might
suggest that one of the Turkish passengers who came aboard at Tripoli was
infected and that he brought with him infected eas and rats. When the rats
on board were infected in turn and an epidemic was established, bubonic
plague spread to the crew after an interval of 3 weeks. The outbreak spread
ashore via the rats and porters, guards and possibly the crew of the Grand
St Antoine and became established in an area of the town during late
Juneearly July.
Subsequent events of this important plague at Marseilles are now briey
described, with the possibility that Yersinia was responsible kept in mind.
The disagreement between the doctors when initially diagnosing the
disease suggests that the signs may have been dierent from the descriptions of haemorrhagic plague 50 years before. Most of those dying in the
early stages of the outbreak had buboes and carbuncles (Bertrand, 1973).
The faces of those dying presented dierent appearances: one pale, another
livid, another yellow, another violet. Some complained of acute pains in the
head and in all parts of the body, others were aicted with severe vomiting
or with violent swelling of the abdomen or with burning tumours.
On 1 August 1720 the doctors presented the following report of their
visit to the sick of Marseilles:
1 . . . the body of a women of sixty years of age, dead after an illness of three
days; on whom we found no marks of a pestilential disease on any part of the
body. We afterwards visited, in another house, a women of thirty-ve years of
age, who had a bubo in the groin . . . As we did not, however, perceive any
other symptom of a pestilential disease, we have reason to think that the
tumour proceeded from a very dierent malady.
2dly . . . the body of a girl of twenty years of age . . . she was seized with a violent
sickness and head-ache, accompanied with a general faintness, and died in
thirty hours after her seizure, covered with livid purple spots, having the belly
extremely distended, and of a purpule colour; and having discharged a great
quantity of blood at the nose in a very liqueed and serous state . . . attacked
with fever, pains in the head, and violent sickness . . . but in none did we nd

The plague at Marseilles, 172022


symptoms which appeared to indicate the contagion.

3dly . . . a woman had died suddenly, four or ve days before, suspected of having
the plague. Her child of twelve years old had died this day, covered with livid
purple spots, and with an excessive tension of the belly, and a swelling near the
glands of the groin on the left side. She had been seized, according to the
account of those about her, two days before with a violent nausea, and
insupportable pains in the head. By the side of this body, on a wretched bed,
was her father aged forty years lying down dressed; his face was livid, his eyes
sunk and dying; he had been seized two days before with a violent head-ach
and vomiting; he had a tumour on the groin . . . he was covered with livid
purple spots, and his belly was extremely distended with very violent pains . . .
a mother and daughter, both with the face livid and the eyes sunk, and with
such an excessive faintness that they were scarcely able to open their eyes: the
daughter had been ill two days with the most violent head-ache and nausea;
neither of them had any tumours either on the groin or under the arms, nor
had they any purple spots.
4thly . . . a girl of twenty years of age recently dead, covered with a livid purple,
having been ill three days with violent head-ache and continued vomitings. In
a little bed by her side was her brother, thirteen years old, who had been seized
the day before with horrible pains in the head and violent eorts to vomit. His
eyes were sparkling and inamed; his tongue was dry and whitish, and his belly
swelled, with excessive languor, and a considerable swelling near the groin on
the right side, which occasioned him violent pain.
(Bertrand, 1973)

There is evidence from the accounts that the violence of the disease
ameliorated in the later stages of the epidemic. Some of those infected
suered only a few days of fever without tumours, others had an eruption
that soon regressed and thus a greater proportion of the patients in the
autumn recovered. However, many of these experienced a fresh attack in
the following spring and there is no doubt that people in this plague could
be infected a second time, even at the height of the epidemic (Bertrand,
It is noteworthy that Roberts (1966), when reviewing the literature on
plagues in England for the meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine to
commemorate the Tercentenary of the Plague of London in 1665 related in
a report of the 1720 plague of Marseilles, that the shermen netted ten
thousand dead animals in the harbour, and dragged the corpses out to sea.
Nowhere else has a reference to destruction of rats been found [our italics].
The mortality was enormous; 10 000 people ed before the cordon
sanitaire was established and some 50% of the 80 000 who remained died.
This is probably a higher mortality than would be expected with bubonic
plague, perhaps suggesting that pneumonic plague was responsible for a
high proportion of the deaths (see Wu, 1936). The pattern of the outbreak is


The plague at Marseilles, 172022

Fig. 12.1. Time-course of the epidemic at Marseilles in 1720: the number of reported
plague deaths, July to December.

shown in Fig. 12.1: the deaths were largely conned to August and September 1720, a shorter time-scale than that typically recorded in a major
outbreak of haemorrhagic plague. The mortality fell sharply during the
autumn but a few cases were reported in the following year between 18
April and 19 August 1721, when the last case was reported and severe
quarantine measures were introduced that lasted until 9 November (i.e.
twice as long as the 40-day quarantine period usually decreed in England,
France and Italy). No new cases were reported during the quarantine
period, nor during the following 3 months. However, the plague began
again on 3 February 1722; 260 persons were attacked, of which 194 died
(75%) and draconian quarantine measures were reintroduced (Biraben,
1972). In previous epidemics throughout Europe, a 40-day quarantine
period after the last death was accepted as safe because the disease did not
reappear after this time. But human quarantine periods are not applicable
to rodent and ea populations and this is good evidence for an outbreak of
bubonic plague.

Fig. 12.2. Spread of the plague from Marseilles in 172022. Dashed and dotted lines represent approximate extent of
the outbreak by 30 December 1720 and 30 December 1721, respectively. The main foci at Aix, Apt and Avignon (see
Fig. 12.3) and at Mende and Marvejols (see Fig. 12.4) are indicated. Populations: large closed circle, over 10 000;
smaller closed circles, over 1000. Open circles, localities unaected by plague. After Biraben (1975).


The plague at Marseilles, 172022

Fig. 12.3. Detailed reconstruction of the plague epidemic in the areas around Aix,
Apt and Avignon. Dates indicate the rst appearance of the plague in each of
the localities which are numbered according to Table 12.1. Populations: closed
circles, over 1000; open circles, 2001000; closed triangles, less than 200. After
Biraben (1975).

12.1 Spread of the plague from Marseilles to the countryside

Meanwhile, the plague had, soon after the start of the epidemic, spread
outwards from Marseilles into the countryside of Provence, arriving simultaneously at Aix and Apt on 1 August 1720 (Figs. 12.2 and 12.3; Table 12.1).
An inecient blockade of Marseilles was instituted on 1 August and a
decision was made on 4 August to install protective cordons, although
these were not put in place until 20 August. From that time, people were
not allowed to cross the barriers, extreme caution was exercised and
merchandise was allowed to pass only at four specied points. In addition
to the blockade round Marseilles, cordons sanitaires were established:


12.1 Spread from Marseilles to the countryside

Table 12.1. Sequential appearance of the plague in the area around Aix, Apt
and Avignon


Date of
of plague

in 1720


Oct 1721
Oct 1721
Oct 1721
Oct 1721
Oct 1721
Oct 1721
?Dec 1721

28 000
23 041
23 170

Lanc on




The plague at Marseilles, 172022

Table 12.1. (cont.)


Date of
of plague

in 1720



?May 1722
?May 1722



Le Thor

See Fig. 12.3.

Data source: Biraben (1975).

(i) on the west bank of the Rhone; (ii) along lines in an easterly direction
from the Rhone, north and south of Avignon and south of Arles; (iii) along
the River Orb; and (iv) in a ring around the Languedoc area. The outbreak
had not spread far before 20 August (Fig. 12.3; Table 12.1) but these
cordons sanitaires were completely ineective and the plague eventually
spread to over 250 other localities in Provence and neighbouring districts
(Fig. 12.2). This is in contrast with the situation at Eyam, 55 years previously, where none outside the cordon around the village was infected. We
conclude that this dierence in epidemiology is suggestive evidence of
bubonic plague spread by rodents in Provence in 172022.
The times of appearance of the plague in the hamlets, villages and towns
is listed sequentially in Table 12.1 and its initial geographical spread is
shown in Fig. 12.3. In 2 months, by the end of September 1720, the
epidemic had: (i) spread out radially in a cluster in the environs of Marseilles; (ii) appeared in Toulon and started to spread therefrom (Fig. 12.2);
(iii) spread locally in clusters from its starting points at Aix and Apt; and (iv)
appeared on 23 September at Avignon, 28 miles from Apt, where it persisted for 11 months. The epidemic then spread outwards from these foci so
that over 50 localities were aected by the end of the year: (i) a tongue
began to spread eastwards from Marseilles towards Brignoles (Fig. 12.2);
(ii) Arles was rst aected on 26 November 1720, the spread being from the
environs of either Aix or Avignon; and (iii) plague appeared at its furthest
westward point at the village of Auxillac in the Languedoc, presumably
having travelled from Avignon, and 8 days later it appeared at nearby La
Canourgue, where over 900 died (55% of the population) (see Fig. 12.4).
The plague did not spread from here at rst, but this outbreak acted later as
the centre for an epidemic in the Mende district that began in summer 1721
and aected a cluster of 45 villages and hamlets (Table 12.2; Fig. 12.4).

12.1 Spread from Marseilles to the countryside


Fig. 12.4. Detailed reconstruction of the plague epidemic in the areas around
Mende and Marvejols. Each locality is numbered according to Table 12.2 and the
dates indicate the rst appearance of the plague. Populations: closed circles, over
1000; open circles, 2001000; closed triangles, less than 200. Note the small size of
the localities aected in this rural area. After Biraben (1975).

The epidemic continued to spread slowly from these foci to the east of
the Rhone, aecting neighbouring villages in January 1721, but was markedly slower during February to the end of May 1721. Thereafter it exploded again during June to September 1721, again spreading to neighbouring villages and towns and establishing another focus in the region
around Alais to the west of the Rhone.
This outbreak in the countryside around Marseilles to the east of the
Rhone, therefore, lasted about 16 months although it persisted until summer 1722 in some localities in the Languedoc area. It spread a maximum
distance from Marseilles of 135 miles. In general, its movement was gradual, travelling to nearby localities, but there were examples of apparently
saltatory behaviour. This was a rural outbreak with the epidemic clustering
in a great many localities in a relatively small area of the countryside. The


The plague at Marseilles, 172022

Table 12.2. Sequential appearance of the plague in the rural areas around
Mende and Marvejols


La Canourgue
La Capelle
La Calcidouze
La Masmontet
La Bastide
Le Buisson
Les Gratoux
Les Caynoux
Le Mas-Andre
Le Chambonnet
Le Crouzet

Date of
of plague
End Sept 1721

in 1720























12.1 Spread from Marseilles to the countryside


Table 12.2. (cont.)


Date of
of plague



Le Masrouch
Les Bories
La Serre

in 1720


See Fig. 12.4.

Data source: Biraben (1975).

plague struck indiscriminately at towns as well as at the tiniest hamlets

(some with only four houses) so we conclude that it was not density
dependent. Even so, some ancient and major centres that would have been
on trading routes, such as N mes, Uzes, Montpellier and Carpentras,
escaped completely (see Fig. 12.2). There was no pattern to the mortality:
some localities, with populations varying from 400 to 26 000 recorded 40%
to 70% mortalities; others with populations varying from 58 to 1200
recorded fewer than 12 deaths (see Table 12.2). There is little convincing
evidence that the plague spread along the rivers, but it successfully crossed
the Rhone and the Durance.
The patchy distribution, clustering in many of the villages and hamlets in
a restricted area of the countryside is completely unlike the plague epidemics reported in France between 1347 and 1666, in which the major
outbreaks in substantial towns were often widely separated, sometimes by
hundreds of miles. The dierent mortalities experienced is noteworthy;
only one person died from a population of 1200 in Pourrie`res and only six
from 2000 in Gardane, whereas 313 died from 450 (70%) at Neoules.
We believe that the foregoing is good evidence for a localised spread of
bubonic plague in Provence in 172021, although there are some surprising features. Some localities, both small and large, in both winter and
summer, showed a mortality of over 50% of the population; the household
death rate may have been markedly increased by pneumonic plague. The
epidemic spread rst from Marseilles northwards and erupted simultaneously on 1 August at Aix (24 000 inhabitants) and Apt (6000 inhabitants),
distances of 15 and 39 miles, respectively, 41 days after its appearance at the


The plague at Marseilles, 172022

seaport. This appears to be a short time to establish an infection of Yersinia

pestis among the rodents in this northwards corridor (see Fig. 12.3). A
possible explanation may lie in the account given by Bertrand (1973) of
letters and papers that describe the plague as being present at Marseilles in
1719 and certainly before May 1720 when the Grand St Antoine docked.
This observation was supported by a study of the mortuary registers, where
several persons were registered as having died of the plague. In addition,
Bertrand discovered that many men, women and children had shown
symptoms of the disease. If these assertions were correct, bubonic plague
would have had a much longer time to become established in the rodent
populations of Marseilles and its environs before the arrival of the Grand St
Antoine. The rural outbreak lasted, eectively, for about 2 years, before
disappearing from the countryside forever. Presumably the rats were killed
by Yersinia pestis and it was not possible to form a reservoir among local
resistant species.

12.2 Spread of the plague at Aix and Apt

As we have said, the plague spread northwards from Marseilles early in the
epidemic, appearing simultaneously on 1 August 1720 in Aix and Apt, both
large-sized towns of some importance. The spread from these foci is shown
in detail in Fig. 12.3, where the numbered locations are named in Table
12.1. Epidemics appeared at a number of sites, both large and small in the
succeeding 2 months but thereafter dispersion was much slower and desultory. Plague then broke out at Avignon 7 weeks after its appearance at Aix
(Fig. 12.3), perhaps being carried via the rat population from there or from
Apt or because of direct transmission from Marseilles. There was limited
spread of the plague from Avignon in 1720 before the winter and there were
major epidemics only at Tarascon and Arles. However, in the summer and
autumn of 1721 Avignon acted as a focus and epidemics broke out over a
wide area; these continued in the spring of 1722. These outbreaks occurred
mainly in villages and hamlets that were close to each other, a pattern that
was completely dierent from the earlier epidemics of haemorrhagic plague
in France.

12.3 Spread of the plague at Mende and Marvejols

Plague arrived in this deeply rural area (see Fig. 12.4) at Correjac (population 109) on 23 November 1720, probably having come from Avignon.
There was little activity before winter set in (Table 12.2) but the epidemic

12.3 Spread of the plague at Mende and Marvejols


became quite widespread in the summer and autumn of 1721: subfoci

developed successively at La Canourgue, Marvejols and Mende. Again, the
majority of locations had a population of below 200 (Fig. 12.4; Table 12.2).
The epidemic of 172022 in Marseilles and its hinterland, some 50 years
after the disappearance of haemorrhagic plague, is of particular interest
because its spread has been reconstructed in such detail. The existence of
Y. pestis DNA in the dental pulp of victims in Marseilles (Drancourt et al.,
1998) conrms the probability that this was an outbreak of bubonic plague.
The characteristics of its spread through Mende and Marvejols are completely dierent from those of haemorrhagic plague. There had been previous outbreaks of bubonic plague in this coastal region of southern France
for hundreds of years. Raoult et al. (2000) have identied Y. pestis DNA in
teeth from graves at Montpelier dated between the 13th century and the
late 14th century; the victims did not necessarily die in the Black Death as
these authors presume. Drancourt et al. (1998) have found similar evidence
of bubonic plague in victims buried in 1590 at Lambesc, Provence.


13.1 The receptor for the entry of HIV

Information about the nature of the infectious agent in the Black Death has
recently come from an unexpected source, namely the studies in molecular
biology of acquired immunodeciency syndrome (AIDS). The discovery
that the CCR5 gene product encodes a transmembrane G-protein-coupled
receptor on macrophages and monocytes that serves as an entry port (or
chemical doorway) for primary human immunodeciency virus (HIV)-1
strains represented a major step forward in our understanding of this
disease (Alkhatib et al., 1996; Choe et al., 1996; Deng et al., 1996; Doranz et
al., 1996; Dragic et al., 1996). A 32 base-pair deletion mutation that
interrupts the coding region of the CCR5 chemokine receptor locus on
human chromosome 3p21 was subsequently described (Dean et al., 1996;
Liu et al., 1996; Samson et al., 1996); this CCR5-
32 mutation, which
causes a frameshift at amino acid residue 185 (Carrington et al., 1997), leads
to truncation and loss of the receptor on lymphoid cells so that
homozygous individuals have nearly complete resistance to HIV-1 infection and heterozygotes for the mutation delay the onset of AIDS (Dean et
al., 1996; Huang et al., 1996; Biti et al., 1997; Michael et al., 1997; OBrien et
al., 1997; Theodorou et al., 1997; Zimmerman et al., 1997). Sixteen additional mutations in the coding region of the CCR5 gene have now been
identied (Carrington et al., 1997).
The CCR5-
32 deletion has a high allele frequency in several Caucasian
populations (Dean et al., 1996; Liu et al., 1996; Samson et al., 1996; Huang
et al., 1996; Michael et al., 1997; Martinson et al., 1997), and its rarity or
absence in non-Caucasian populations led to speculation that the mutation occurred only once in the ancestry of the Caucasian ethnic group,
subsequent to their continental isolation from African ancestors (Dean et

13.1 The receptor for the entry of HIV


al., 1996; OBrien & Dean, 1997). New mutations would have a very high
likelihood of being lost within a few dozen generations and it is highly
unlikely that a single CCR5-
32 variant as a strictly neutral mutation did
increase to modern frequencies across Europe/Asia by random genetic
A recent survey of over 4000 individuals in 38 ethnic populations revealed a cline of CCR5-
32 allele frequencies of 0% to 14% across Eurasia,
whereas the variant is absent among native African, American Indian and
East Asian ethnic groups. This might explain the rapid spread of HIV in
sub-Saharan Africa, whereas possession of the CCR5-
32 allele may have
delayed its progress in Europe. The time of the origin of the CCR5-
mutation has been estimated on the basis of the persistence of a common
and likely ancestral three-locus haplotype retained in linkage disequilibrium. The age of the CCR5-
32-bearing haplotype has been computed by
these methods to be approximately 700 years old (but with a wide range of
2751875 years) and it has been suggested that this haplotype was driven
upwards to the present-day frequencies of 5% to 15% by a historic, strong
selective event, probably an enormous mortality mediated by a widespread
epidemic of a pathogen that, like HIV-1, utilised CCR5 for entry into
lymphoid cells (Stephens et al., 1998). The Black Death is an excellent
candidate for such a catastrophic event and it has been suggested that the
epidemic provided the strong selective pressure that drove up the CCR5
32 mutation some 650 years ago (Stephens et al., 1998). However,
Stephens et al. (1998) assumed, of course, that the Black Death was caused
by the plague baccillus, Yersinia pestis, which carries a 70 kilobase plasmid
that encodes an eector protein, Yop1, which enters macrophages, causing
diminished immune defences. They inferred that this bacterial protein
enters via the CCR5 receptor.
Carrington et al. (1997) went further and concluded that the high predominance of codon-altering alleles among CCR5 mutants is consistent
with an adaptive accumulation of function-altering alleles for this gene,
perhaps as a consequence of historic selective pressures. Mummidi et al.
(1998) also drew attention to the complex array of polymorphisms and
genetic determinants in the HIVhost interplay. Libert et al. (1998) concluded that most, if not all,
CCR5 alleles originated from a single mutation event which probably took place a few thousand years ago in
northeastern Europe, which would pre-date the Black Death. They agreed
that the high frequency of the CCR5-
32 allele in Caucasian populations
cannot be readily explained by random genetic drift and that a selective
advantage is, or has been, associated with homo- or heterozygous carriers.



The Black Death may therefore have been a major factor in a continuum of
plague epidemics that drove up the frequency of CCR5 mutants (see also
Rottman et al., 1997; Samson et al., 1997; Kirchho et al., 1997; Simmons et
al., 1997; Madani et al., 1998; Rizzuto et al., 1998; Stephens et al., 1998;
Wang et al., 1998; Zhang et al., 1998; Hussain et al., 1998).
Thus these recent studies of the receptor for the HIV virus (Stephens et
al., 1998), surprisingly, reveal new information about the probable etiology
of the Black Death, the pandemic of 650 years ago. Since the CCR5-
mutation provides protection against the entry of a virus (HIV-1) into
lymphoid cells, the causative agent of the Great Pestilence was probably
also viral and targeted macrophages and monocytes. The continuation of
plague epidemics for the next 300 years probably maintained and boosted
the CCR5-
32 mutation and this continuing historic selection pressure
also accounted for the appearance, accumulation and persistence of the
additional mutations that have now been identied.

13.2 Was the same causative agent responsible for all the plagues in
England from 1348 to 1666?
This is an impossible question to answer because we have no detailed
information on the seasonal pattern of the deaths in the Great Pestilence
and can rely only on the institutions to vacant beneces in the dierent
dioceses that have been so carefully derived and collated by Shrewsbury
(1970) (see Fig. 4.2). Indeed, until parish registers began to be kept in the
mid-16th century we have little rm quantitative evidence of the pattern of
any of the epidemics. Nevertheless, the seasonal pattern of the Black Death
in 1349 in the dioceses of Hereford and Gloucester, Licheld, Norwich,
Lincoln and Ely show a remarkable similarity to the epidemics seen in
towns and cities in the provinces in the 17th century in England; each
outbreak lasted for the characteristic lengthy period of 912 months, with a
clear peak in JulyAugust.
The limited and largely anecdotal on-the-spot descriptions of the symptoms and autopsy reports of such plagues as the Black Death (section 4.2)
and the subsequent epidemics in Italy (section 11.3.2), London (section
8.6.3) and Kendal (section 7.9), are broadly similar.
Whenever Shrewsbury described an epidemic that even he saw could not
be bubonic plague because of the seasonality or other features such as a
high mortality, he resorted to averring that it must have been an outbreak
of typhus. Inspection of contemporaneous records suggests the exact reverse: it is evident that, certainly by the 16th century, they were able to

13.2 Was it always the same agent, 13481666?


identify accurately the pestilence and they could distinguish it from the
English Sweating Sickness (section 6.1). They were required by law in
Elizabethan times to record plague deaths in the parish registers and they
certainly came to recognise the typical symptoms such as the tokens
(section 8.6.3). Furthermore, typhus epidemics do not follow Reed and
Frost dynamics because it is a disease with an arthropod vector.
There were probably many minor outbreaks in isolated families where
the plague went unreported. Equally, there may have been many small and
contained outbreaks that were faithfully recorded in the parish registers
between 1560 and 1660 (e.g. Slaidburn, 1632; section 9.4) and would be of
considerable interest; we should be very pleased to receive the details of
such records from people searching the registers.
In conclusion, all the major plague epidemics exhibited Reed and Frost
dynamics typical of an infectious disease with a long incubation period. All
the results are consistent with latent and infectious periods of about 1012
days and 2527 days, respectively. We believe, therefore, that the same
causative agent was probably responsible for all the plagues in England
from 1348 to 1666.
However, there are features of the Black Death that distinguish it from
the well-documented plagues after about 1560. In the diocese of Bath &
Wells, the epidemic began in autumn 1348, was at its peak in mid-winter in
January and was nished by April (see Fig. 4.2B). In the diocese of Salisbury, the epidemic was rampant through December to February and
reached its peak in March (see Fig. 4.2A). Shrewsbury (1970) was unable to
explain these mid-winter explosions as bubonic plague. This seasonal
pattern is dierent from the usual behaviour of the plague in the 15th
century in England, where the epidemic struggled to continue through the
winter and infectivity between households was low (sections 13.4 and 13.5),
although there are a few accounts of the plague peaking in winter in
England in the 17th century, for example at Durham (section 9.5.1), Ottery
St Mary (section 9.5.2) and Colchester (section 9.6.2). The Black Death
arrived in England in summer 1348 and a major epidemic occurred whenever it reached a community, irrespective of season, albeit with a slow
build-up because of the long incubation period. It arrived in the West
Country in autumn 1348 and a winter epidemic ensued. All the evidence
suggests, therefore, that the Black Death struck a completely naive metapopulation in England and infectivity was high irrespective of the time of
year. As the years went by, with the seemingly interminable succession of
plagues in the commonly infected foci, there would be changes in resistance
(see the CCR5-
32 receptor, section 13.1) and in the proportion of the



population that were immune having recovered from an earlier epidemic.

Social behaviour would change over 300 years, particularly during an
outbreak and the rich learned to ee to the country at the rst signs of an
epidemic. The communities learned to recognise the rst victims, information was exchanged as to where the plague was raging and quarantine
measures were introduced. In addition it is possible that the infectious
agent underwent mutations during the 300 years when plagues swept
through the metapopulation. All these factors would interact to change the
eective contact rate, the mortality and the spread of the disease.

13.3 Was Yersinia pestis the infectious agent in the plagues?

There is the possibility that some of the outbreaks in the 16th century that
were conned to London (i.e. did not spread to the provinces) might have
been bubonic plague caused by rats and blocked eas that were brought
into the port in the summer from overseas, spreading Yersinia to black rats
in the crowded metropolis. There is no supporting evidence for this view
and we believe that Yersinia was probably not responsible for any signicant epidemics in England before the 20th century, although it probably
broke out for short periods around the Mediterranean coast, as for
example in Barcelona (section 11.4.2) and Marseilles (Chapter 12). It was
certainly not the causative agent in the Black Death or in any other of the
outbreaks in England where we have any detailed information.
We have drawn attention throughout this book to the many inconsistencies to the generally held view that Yersinia was responsible for the plagues
in Britain between 1348 and 1666 and some of these may be briey
summarised as follows.
(i) The complex dynamics of bubonic plague, with eas, rats, resistant
rodents and, occasionally, humans all involved as hosts, impose
severe constraints on the biology of the disease. The epidemics of
bubonic plague are described in Chapter 3 and have completely
dierent characteristics from those of the plague outbreaks in England and Europe; they do not follow Reed and Frost dynamics.
(ii) The foregoing conclusions were evident to many previous workers
on English plagues but they asserted that the pestilence was spread
by the pneumonic form of bubonic plague. This was impossible.
Pneumonic plague develops and is infectious only in the later stages
of the disease. It spreads by person-to-person infection and is a
lethal form of bubonic plague; it can spread readily to others in the

13.3 Was Yersinia pestis the infectious agent?






household, particularly those involved in the nursing. However,

those dying in the terminal stages of haemorrhagic plague or pneumonic plague would have been too ill to move very far and it is
impossible that they could have spread the epidemic over any
The only rat in England during the period 13481666 was the black
rat (Rattus rattus); the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) did not spread
from Russia and arrive in England until the early 18th century. The
black rat does not move far from the warmth of human habitations
or from warehouses in the seaports in temperate regions, although it
spread inland more widely in the tropics. The status of the rat
species during the plagues in England has been discussed in detail by
Twigg (1984) and it is certain that there were no rodents, particularly in inland northern Britain, to carry bubonic plague through the
supermetapopulation of Europe.
There is no evidence of any resistant rodent species available in
England or Europe throughout the period 13481666 to establish a
buer epizootic through the metapopulation. Bubonic plague cannot spread without such a pre-established reservoir rodent population (Plague Research Commission, 1907a,b); a pre-infected rodent
population throughout Europe would have been a prerequisite for
the rapid spread of the Black Death.
The life histories of the eas and the rats are very sensitive to
climatic conditions, particularly temperature. These are of lesser
importance in subtropical regions, but are critical in temperate
areas and it is impossible that eas could have been breeding and
black rats could have been active during the epidemics of the winter
months in England and Scotland, nor in Greenland, Iceland and
Norway during the Black Death and subsequent plagues. Shrewsbury (1970) was aware that the seasonality of some plague epidemics meant that it was impossible that Yersinia was the causative
agent and so he assumed either that the winter must have been mild
or that it was really an outbreak of typhus.
The arrival of large steamships in the early years of the 20th century
meant that, for the rst time, large populations of infected rats and
eas could be transported rapidly by sea from the port warehouses
of Asia to other subtropical countries where bubonic plague could
be established. It is most unlikely that any infected rats could have
survived the lengthy sea voyages to the northern latitudes of Greenland or Iceland in the boats available in the 14th and 15th centuries.



It is improbable that haemorrhagic plague was endemic in Britain

before about 1600 and each epidemic was introduced from the
Continent or Ireland. Some outbreaks were also spread by boats
trading up the east coast at ports between London and Scotland.
The inhabitants were well aware of the dangers of transmission by
this means and, by the late 16th century, they were prohibiting from
docking boats that came from ports where the plague was raging. It
is most unlikely that all these introductions and reintroductions
were of Yersinia carried by eas, rats or humans. On the other hand,
whereas it is dicult to envisage bubonic plague being spread by sea
in this way, the transmission of an infectious disease with a long
incubation period of about 32 days, spread person-to-person is
readily understandable. The port authorities prohibited entry to
any person showing symptoms of plague but this measure was
largely ineectual: a man could come aboard a ship on the Continent having contracted the plague, say, a week previously, he could
then infect many of the crew during the voyage and all would have
been apparently healthy and free of symptoms when they came
ashore in London or any of the ports on the south or east coasts.
Widespread tertiary infections would then begin in the crowded
conditions around the docks.
(vii) Equally, bubonic plague could not have spread in the saltatory
fashion seen in many of the epidemics in England and, particularly,
in France when it jumped more than 30 miles in a few days with no
intermediate outbreaks. In the outbreak at Malpas (section 9.3) it
travelled nearly 200 miles in this way. The speed of this transmission
is completely inconsistent with bubonic plague: the Plague Research
Commission (1907a,b) gave an example where the epidemic in rats
took 6 weeks to travel 300 feet; this slow diusion is one of the most
common characteristics of bubonic plague and we see this pattern in
the hinterland of Marseilles in 1722 (Chapter 12). Bubonic plague in
South Africa in 18991925, moved about 812 miles per year and
this spread may have been aided by steamtrains (Twigg, 1984). The
Black Death, in stark contrast, spread from the toe of Italy to
northern Europe in 3 years, and, again, the rapidity of spread of
haemorrhagic plague over long distances is explicable as the movement of apparently healthy infectives travelling on foot or by horse.
(viii) Wherever detailed information from the parish registers is available,
as at Penrith and Eyam, analysis is consistent with an epidemic of an
infectious disease that spread person-to-person with clearly dened

13.3 Was Yersinia pestis the infectious agent?







characteristics. The build-up of the epidemic was slow, the consequence of a long incubation period, but thereafter it exploded and
followed typical Reed and Frost dynamics.
Yersinia is a bacterium whereas the studies with the CCR5 receptor
suggest that the infectious agent in the plague was viral (see section
13.1). It is noteworthy that the CCR5-
32 mutation, which is supposed to provide protection from bubonic plague, is not found in
ethnic populations from eastern Asia, the area where the disease has
been endemic for many years.
Because bubonic plague is dependent on the biology and behaviour
of eas, rodents and humans, the outbreaks have complex dynamics
and appear to be haphazard. In contrast, plague epidemics were
sharply dened and predictable and all followed a standard pattern
(see our analyses in dierent parishes in dierent years). Shrewsbury
(1970) was aware of this marked discrepancy.
Mortality in outbreaks of bubonic plague is always relatively low
whereas, where we have detailed information, the death toll when
the pestilence struck a naive population in England or continental
Europe was probably about 30% to 40%. Plague mortality was
probably even higher during the Black Death, although we have no
concrete evidence. In Venice in 134748 and Genoa in 165657,
60% of the population is estimated to have died; half the population
of Milan died in an outbreak of plague in 1630, and perhaps half the
population of Padua in 1405 and of Lyons in 162829; the death toll
reached 30% in Venice in 163031 (Slack, 1988). Over the period
October 1630 to August 1631, 1198 patients were admitted to the
pest-houses in Pistoia in Tuscany and, of these, 607 (50%) died
(Cipolla, 1981). Again, Shrewsbury (1970) was aware of this major
discrepancy and was forced to the conclusion that the mortality in
the Great Pestilence was greatly overestimated.
Endemic bubonic plague is essentially a rural disease because it is an
infection of rodents. The Black Death, in contrast, struck indiscriminately in the countryside and in the towns. Major epidemics of later
plagues were mostly, but not entirely, conned to the towns. In
summary, haemorrhagic plague epidemics were density dependent
whereas bubonic plague (as in the Mende area at Marseilles) was
Since bubonic plague is a disease of rodents, the arrival of an
outbreak is frequently presaged by rats dying in the streets and yet
Shrewsbury (1970), who believed that Yersinia was the infectious



agent in the pestilence, found only one mention in English writings

on plague of rat and mouse mortality during an epidemic: in Leeds
in 1645 there is a contemporaneous observation that in June the air
was then very warm, and so infectious that dogs and cats, rats and
mice died, also several birds in their ight over the town dropped
dead (Shrewsbury, 1970). Ell (1980) also commented that Historians have noted that contemporary accounts omit any mention of
rat mortality. Roberts (1966) recorded that 10 000 dead animals
were found in the harbour during the plague (probably bubonic) at
Marseilles in 1720 but nowhere else has a reference to destruction of
rats been found.
(xiv) Shrewsbury (1970) has calculated the population density for each
English county during the Black Death and classied them as
(a) The most densely populated: Norfolk, Bedfordshire, Suolk,
Northamptonshire and Leicestershire with over 100 persons to
the square mile (range : 101 to 119).
(b) Medium densities, ranging from 99 (Rutland) down to 32 per
square mile (Lancashire). Devonshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire and Yorkshire lay in the middle of this range with 5060
persons to the square mile.
(c) Very low density ranging from 20 to 25 persons per square mile:
Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham, Westmorland and
Cheshire. Shrewsbury (1970) stated categorically that These
densities are so low that it would have been biologically impossible for bubonic plague to have spread over any of these counties
in the fourteenth century . . .. He continued (and Shrewsbury
rmly believed that the Black Death was an outbreak of bubonic
plague): The epidemiology of bubonic plague renders it improbable that [Yersinia] pestis could have been distributed by ratcontacts as epizootic plague in any English county in 13489
having an average density of population of less than 60 persons
to the square mile and yet we have described in Chapters 7 and 9
how plague ravaged these counties of low density.
(xv) A 40-day quarantine period was rst instituted in the city states of
northern Italy in the late 14th century and this was gradually
adopted throughout Europe and was maintained for the next 300
years until the plague disappeared. Presumably, this proved to be a
tried and tested formula for handling what they obviously believed to
be an infectious disease. It agrees well with our estimated period of

13.3 Was Yersinia pestis the infectious agent?


about 37 days from infection to death. Obviously the quarantine

period is applicable only for a directly transmitted infectious disease
and would be completely inappropriate and ineective for dealing
with bubonic plague, a disease of rodents that was accidentally and
erratically spread to humans, as was seen in the outbreak at Marseilles.
(xvi) Rat-borne bubonic plague rarely produces more than one case per
household (Ell, 1980) and yet the analyses presented in the preceding
chapters show that epidemics in England were characterised by a
high household contact rate, particularly in the early stages of an
epidemic, which compared with a low interhousehold rate. Ell
(1980) described records from late medieval Italy showing that 96%
of the families examined had multiple cases of plague per household
and a high household eective contact rate was regarded as a
diagnostic feature of plague by the city health authorities in Italy.
(xvii) Throughout the preceding chapters, we have emphasised the spatial
components of the epidemiology of the plague in dierent metapopulations, both in England and in continental Europe at dierent
times during its 300-year history (see summary in section 13.9).
These varying patterns of spread are explicable as the interhuman
transmission of an infectious disease with a long incubation period
that permitted long distance movement of infectives. As transport
improved and movement within a metapopulation became more
general in the 16th and 17th centuries, so the epidemics became
more numerous and widespread. Such a consistent saltatory movement and spread of the epidemics over 300 years would be impossible in bubonic plague, which is dependent on an epizootic in rats.
(xviii) The possibility of interhuman transmission of medieval plague in
England and in continental Europe has been explored by several
workers. Ell (1980) suggested that high mortality, the autumn seasonality, lack of evidence of rat mortality and multiple cases per
household argue against rat-borne plague, whereas the seasonality
plus the presentation of buboes rules out pneumonic spread. He
added that few who visited the sick survived and family members
abandoned one another for fear of infection. No text examined
denied the danger of contact with plague victims (i.e. that personto-person transmission was possible). Biraben (1975) emphasised
that plagues were strongly favoured by crowds of people, as in
urban centres, markets, armies and processions and concluded that
the spread was predominantly interhuman, although he suggested



that this was via the agency of ectoparasites, the human ea and
louse. Carmichael (1991) commented on the pestilence in 15th century Milan: Were these plagues actually contagious? If eye-witnesses insist that the identied cases of plague evidenced contagion,
is there any reason we should doubt that precious testimony?
Cipolla (1981) said, it is dicult to believe that the same blocked
ea kept jumping from one individual to the next, bringing the
plague to three separate households and he continued that the case
in question seems to support the possibility of person-to-person
transmission via the human ea.
(xix) Haemorrhagic plague disappeared in about 1670 but bubonic
plague remained to the present day in its foci in Asia, and epidemics
probably continued to break out in Mediterranean areas, including
Marseilles in 1722. Furthermore, the brown rat arrived in Europe in
the 18th century and would potentially have been a more eective
host for bubonic plague.
(xx) The characteristic signs of haemorrhagic plague were the tokens but
apparently these were not regular features of bubonic plague.
Perhaps the most telling point is that the accounts given in Chapters
411 form a consistent pattern and, taking them together and considering
them objectively, it is impossible to conceive of the plagues not being a
disease spread through contact with an infected person. Indeed, apart from
the fact that the victims of both diseases presented with enlarged glands
and subcutaneous swellings, it is dicult to suggest a more unlikely candidate than Yersinia as the infectious agent of haemorrhagic plague. In the
1720s, 60 years after the disappearance of the plague, London was swept by
a series of epidemic fevers which were characterised by buboes and carbuncles (Creighton, 1894), conrming that these clinical signs were not
exclusively diagnostic of bubonic plague.

13.4 Classication of the plague epidemics in the provinces in England

The variations in the patterns of the epidemics seen in populations in the
provinces in England have been classied as follows:
Type (i): The standard plague epidemic seen throughout the period
13481666; it appeared in the spring, typically March or April, but
sometimes in May, and developed slowly because of the long incubation period and then followed characteristic Reed and Frost dynamics
with a peak in JulyAugust followed by a decline through the autumn,

13.4 Classication of epidemics in the provinces


with the last plague deaths in November or December. Typical duration of the epidemic: 89 months; typical mortality for a naive
population: 30% to 50%.
A variant of a type (i) epidemic was at its peak in winter; it seems to
have been recorded only during the Black Death and a few outbreaks
in the provinces thereafter. Duration, 68 months; mortality, probably about 50%. Examples: dioceses of Salisbury and Bath & Wells,
134849; Durham, 1644; Ottery St. Mary, 1645.
Also included in this category are isolated, small-scale outbreaks in
late spring or summer conned to one or two families or to a small
hamlet. Epidemic spread restricted by density-dependent factors.
Duration, about 2 months; mortality, probably under 20 persons.
Type (ii): The epidemic began with the arrival of an infective in late
August or September who had probably travelled from a locality that
was experiencing its type (i) summer peak. The outbreak developed
slowly, as usual, and there was a small autumnal peak of plague
burials but the spread of the infection was dramatically reduced by the
cold weather of December. The epidemic broke out again in spring
with the slow build-up and major peak in JulyAugust as in type (i)
epidemics. Typical duration of total outbreak: 14 months; typical total
mortality of a naive population: 30% to 40%. Examples: Penrith,
159798; Eyam, 166566; Colyton, 164546; Chestereld, 158687. A
variant of this type of epidemic was seen at Shrewsbury in 166566
and at Colchester in 1665, which began in summer and died down in
winter, as in type (i) epidemics, but reappeared in the following spring.
Another variant was an epidemic with a small autumn peak but the
infection died out completely over winter. Typical duration, 34
months; mortality, very low.
As we have shown, haemorrhagic plague was characterised by its long
incubation period, namely a latent period of 1012 days, an infectious
period before the symptoms appeared of 2022 days and about a 5-day
period of showing symptoms. It is possible that the latent period in London
was slightly shorter, with some people within the same household being
infected after 910 days and possibly only 7 days after the primary was
infected. The outbreak at Neston in 1665 (section 9.6.1; Fig. 9.11) establishes 35 days as the minimum duration of the latent and infectious periods
and there is a 36-day gap in the outbreak at the parish of St Michael
Bassishaw in London in 1641 (see Fig. 8.11). Our analyses of the London
epidemics suggest that, exceptionally, the latent and infectious periods may



have been extended beyond 37 days (up to 42 days or even longer) in cold
weather in winter.

13.5 Seasonality of the epidemics

As we have said, seasonality apparently had little eect on the progress and
spread of the Black Death either in England or continental Europe; a
major epidemic followed whenever an infective arrived in a completely
naive population, irrespective of the time of year. Peak mortality was
recorded in every month, although the results suggest that the epidemic
may have spread more readily and rapidly during the summer.
By the mid-16th century, when the parish registers began and we have
more detailed information, it is evident that seasonality had a marked eect
on the dynamics of the epidemics. In the autumn, in the provincial towns in
England, although the eective household contact rate was high, the
disease did not spread readily to other households and when transmission
was achieved it was usually to relatives. We conclude that eective interhuman infection in autumn and winter was achieved only indoors and for an
epidemic to continue it was imperative that the infection spread to other
households. The hold of the epidemic through mid-winter was even more
tenuous, with a very limited number of deaths even though the lengthy
incubation period provided a long time during which each victim could
achieve onward transmission. In complete contrast, interhousehold transmission was much higher in spring, generating a typical Reed and Frost
epidemic with very heavy plague mortality in JulyAugust. Furthermore,
there seem to be fewer cases of multiple household deaths in summer, with
more families recording only a single burial.
In the plague in London in 166566, Bell (1924) recorded that 6
all men declared to be one of the coldest days they had ever experienced in England.
In two separate months ice blocked the Thames, stopping the river trac. But
Plague occasionally showed its head even through the frost. There is Dr. Hodges
testimony that very few died that season, but he himself in January attended a case
in which the Plague spot was apparent and the patient recovered. Josiah Westwood
in the continuance of the frost also attended patients in whose condition he
recognised Plague; they obtained a cure, the air then being so friendly to nature,
and an enemy unto the Pestilence. Other indications suggest that instances of
Plague were not uncommon, but in the cold the disease never became severe, and
the deadly symptoms afterwards so familiar were suppressed.

Three interacting factors could have contributed to this marked seasonal

13.5 Seasonality of the epidemics


dierence: human behaviour, resistance of the human host and sensitivity

of the infectious agent to a combination of environmental factors such as
temperature and humidity. These factors were probably the most important; the epidemics of many infectious diseases in the 18th and 19th centuries and even in the 20th century were strongly inuenced by environmental and seasonal conditions. Measles epidemics in England between 1700
and 1785 were strongly correlated with low autumn temperatures; smallpox epidemics 16601800 in London were signicantly correlated with low
autumn rainfall; whooping cough epidemics in London 172050 were
signicantly associated with low autumn and winter temperatures; inuenza epidemics usually occur in the winter months (Scott & Duncan, 1998).
It seems that the causative agent of plague was most infectious, and droplet
transmission person-to-person was most ecacious under warm conditions; in winter, this was achieved only indoors. In high summer, it might
even have been warmer outside than within the houses.
A second, contributory factor to the dierences in infectivity of the
disease may have been seasonal changes in resistance associated with
corresponding seasonal uctuations in nutritive levels. In autumn and
early winter, the poor in the population enjoyed relatively better nutrition
following the harvest, although the overall diet in England from 1300 to
1700 was markedly decient in many important respects (Scott et al., 1997,
1998a,b; Scott & Duncan, 1999a,b,c, 2000). However, after the winter, in
early spring, nutritive energy levels became progressively more compromised and some essential trace elements and vitamins fell below adequate
levels, culminating in the well-known hungry season before the harvest. At
this time of year, the poor in the community may have been more susceptible to infection by the plague. Conditions in England, during the period of
the plague epidemics, may be compared with those in underdeveloped
countries today where mortality from measles is accepted as being linked
to poor nutrition and to vitamin A deciency. Improved diet and vitamin A
supplementation leads to a marked fall in the mortality of the disease
(James, 1972; Barclay et al., 1987; Berman, 1991; Duncan et al., 1997; Scott
& Duncan, 1998). Equally, in both London, 17001800, and Liverpool,
18501900, the endemic trend of whooping cough mortality correlated
closely with wheat prices whilst the epidemics were strongly coherent with
a short wavelength oscillation in the price of grains (Duncan et al., 1996a,
1998; Scott & Duncan, 1998).
The third interacting factor that may have contributed to the dierential
infectivity of the plague was the seasonal behaviour of the rural population,
who would have been more conned to their ill-heated houses during the



cold winter months but would have emerged to work in the elds during
the labour-intensive months of spring and summer. Not only would they
establish more interhousehold contacts, but hard physical work on a
calorie-decient diet can only have exacerbated the physiological stresses
and reduced resistance to disease. The arrival of the better weather in
spring would also have promoted the movement of travellers within the
metapopulation (see section 13.9), so bringing the infection to the rural
communities. Social intercourse would be at its peak during the summer,
not only during hay-making and harvest, but also with the long-established fairs at which people from all over the country assembled. A symptomless infective could spread the infection widely at such events and this
was recognised by the authorities who cancelled the fairs, particularly
those near London, once a plague epidemic was ocially declared.

13.6 Density dependence of plague epidemics

We have little quantitative evidence concerning exactly how the Black
Death struck at the dierent naive communities in the vast metapopulation
of Europe but it appears that it attacked largely indiscriminately. Two
hundred years later, after a succession of plagues, the dynamics of the
epidemics were more formally established. In general, the outbreaks were
density dependent, with the major epidemics conned to towns with some
1000 inhabitants or more. In villages or hamlets or in parishes where the
population was scattered, the epidemics rarely exploded and the mortality
was usually conned to a few dozen households and we have given
examples in Chapter 9. This is the normal pattern of infectious diseases
spread person-to-person (smallpox and measles are examples) where a
sucient population density is necessary to establish an epidemic (for a
discussion of the mathematical modelling of the dynamics of the epidemics
of infectious diseases, see Scott & Duncan, 1998). Of course, there were
exceptions and Eyam was apparently below the critical size and the pestilence was only tenuously maintained through the winter, but it may have
been a tightly knit community; with only a small proportion of the inhabitants eeing when the plague came and with the establishment of the cordon
sanitaire, there was probably a suciently high eective concentration of
people to produce an explosive epidemic which followed Reed and Frost
dynamics. The enormous conurbation of London represented the other
end of the spectrum and large-scale epidemics were readily established and
spread rapidly, dependent on the movements of symptomless infectives
through the city.

13.7 Endemic versus epidemic plague


13.7 Endemic versus epidemic plague

It is instructive to trace the evolution of smallpox epidemics (another lethal
and infectious disease) in London, the dynamics of which were determined
by density-dependent constraints and are described in section 2.9 and
shown in Fig. 2.6. Throughout the period 16501800, this infectious disease
was endemic, with superimposed regular epidemics, the periodicity of
which changed from 4 years to 3 years and, nally, to 2 years (17501800).
The frequency of the epidemics was determined by population density
(section 2.9) and overall nutritional levels, which modied the susceptibility
to the disease. Except, perhaps, for the 17th century, these dynamics of
smallpox do not correspond with the evolving pattern of plague epidemics
either in London or in the metapopulation: plague was certainly not
endemic between 1350 and 1600 and there is no discernible regularity in the
periodicity of the epidemics.
Figure 2.6 illustrates the climax of the dynamics of smallpox in a large
and densely populated city during 17501800 but the situation elsewhere
in the metapopulation of England was very dierent and we have classied
the patterns of smallpox epidemics that can be identied, integrating them
with the population dynamics. The following categories are arranged in
order of increasing density but probably form a continuum. For the
purpose of this classication of lethal smallpox epidemics in England, the
story is assumed to begin in about 1630 when a more lethal form of
smallpox is believed to have emerged (Razzell, 1977).
Category 1. Low density; small, scattered population. No epidemics; if an
outbreak of smallpox occurs the disease does not spread and explode
into a full epidemic because of the low density. Hence, many of the
inhabitants remain as susceptible and would be at risk if they migrated
to cities where smallpox was endemic. Compare with the mortality
during the plague epidemics of apprentices and servants who migrated
to London in search of work.
Category 2. Larger parishes, probably with a slowly rising population size and density. Large, but very sporadic smallpox epidemics.
The interepidemic interval varied widely in the parish from 3 to 30
years. Probably many susceptibles escaped infection. An undriven
Category 3. Generally larger towns, perhaps reaching a critical density
only during the population boom post-1750, with a regular supply
of infectives coming to the community. Regular, clear smallpox



epidemics with a frequency of 7 or 6 years; the interepidemic interval is

again governed by the time taken to build up a pool of susceptibles
that was of sucient density for an epidemic to explode.
Category 4. Typically rural market towns with a higher population size
and density and a regular supply of smallpox infectives coming into
or through the parish. Epidemics on a regular 5-yearly basis with no
infections in the interepidemic years. This category represents the
climax epidemic situation for rural England. The interepidemic interval is again governed by the length of time taken to build up the
necessary pool of susceptibles by new births, whereupon an epidemic
will explode. Most of the other inhabitants will be immune from
previous infections.
Category 5. High population density and size, as in cities and major
conurbations, but smallpox probably still not fully endemic. Epidemics at 4- or 3-year intervals.
Category 6. Endemic smallpox in cities of high density; 4- and 3-year
epidemics, driven by climatic factors. See Fig. 2.6.
Category 7. Endemic smallpox in large cities with 2-year epidemics
driven by climatic factors in large cities. See Fig. 2.6.
The foregoing illustrates how the dynamics of a standard infectious
disease in England can be analysed over a 200-year period. The pattern of
the smallpox epidemics was dependent on the density and size of the
population and on the presence of a continuous source of infectives spreading from cities such as York, Chester and London where the disease
became endemic. Although the incubation period for smallpox was 1015
days, the infectious period was about 7 days so that an infective had time to
travel out into the provinces but only a limited period during which he or
she could eect transmission to susceptibles who were usually children, the
adults being immune.
Although the plague epidemics were also largely density dependent, the
disease was not endemic in rural England (unlike France) so that there was
no regular and continuous supply of infectives in the metapopulation. Each
epidemic burnt out completely (Reed and Frost dynamics), although it
might take 23 years for the infection to be eliminated from the metapopulation. For another epidemic to be initiated, an infective had to arrive
at one of the ports from overseas, usually from continental Europe, but also
from Ireland. This failure to establish an endemic infection in Britain was
the keynote of the pestilence in this island metapopulation. Possibly the
cold weather of winter contributed to the nal elimination of the infection
in each epidemic. As a consequence, the plagues in England for 250 years

13.7 Endemic versus epidemic plague


were critically dependent on reintroductions of the infectious agent, either

directly or indirectly, from an endemic source outside the metapopulation,
namely central Europe.
By the end of the 16th century and during the 17th century, the records
suggest that plague was almost endemic in London, either because the
environmental conditions (including population size and density), or the
dynamics of the disease had changed, or because there was now a steady
stream of infectives coming into the ports. The plague was now increasing
its spread, persistence and ferocity all over Europe. As a consequence, the
pattern of the epidemics in London changed, as we suggest in section 2.9, to
an undriven system that followed simple SEIR dynamics with decaying
During the 17th century, there seem to have been minor or major
epidemics in almost every year somewhere in the provinces of England.
This may be because of repeated introductions of the disease via the many
ports and river systems coupled with a regular trac in infectives coming
from the near-endemic conditions in London. The epidemics in each
locality burnt out completely but could plague be regarded as pseudoendemic in the metapopulation considered as a whole after 1600?
The status of the plague in France is in complete contrast with that in the
British Isles because it became pseudo-endemic there soon after the Black
Death had nished. It was not truly endemic and present everywhere, like
smallpox in London (see above), but an epidemic was reported from a
medium-sized town somewhere in almost every year, so that it never died
out completely. The epidemics in each town usually lasted only 12 years
but they acted as foci from which infectives could travel considerable
distances along the major trading routes (see Fig. 11.22), so re-establishing
the epidemics and also spreading plague to other metapopulations. We
conclude that conditions in France were uniquely suitable for the establishment of this pseudo-endemic status of the plague which continuously
cycled round the metapopulation: (i) the warmer temperatures, particularly
in winter, and the relatively high humidity facilitated the persistence and
spread of the infection; (ii) the metapopulation was large enough for the
plague to circulate round between the large towns; (iii) there was a good
communications network; and (iv) there were open borders allowing the
ingress of infectives.
The other metapopulations lacked some of these factors and so the
plague never or, only lately, became endemic.
Iberian peninsula: summers too hot and dry; poor internal communications; infectives arrived by sea.



Italy: summers too hot and dry; physically smaller; partially eective
quarantine at the ports.
Holy Roman Empire: low winter temperatures.
England: low winter temperatures; infectives could come only by sea.

13.8 How were plagues initiated?

The arrival of the Black Death at Messina in Sicily in 1347 on the Genoese
galleys coming from the Crimea is described in sections 4.2 and 4.3. The
accounts are somewhat contradictory and confused but, in brief, the voyage would have lasted 4 or 5 weeks (Twigg, 1984), the sailors coming ashore
were apparently healthy, there were no cases of plague on board and yet
the infection appeared in its most deadly form a day or two after arrival. As
explained in section 4.2, bubonic plague could not have arrived in this way:
symptomless carriers could not have voyaged for over a month, nor could
they have immediately initiated an outbreak by pneumonic contact; infected rats would have died during the voyage; infected rats and eas could
not have established a widespread epidemic in so short a time.
However, the story of the Genoese galleys is also inconsistent with a
standard infectious disease spread person-to-person. A long period before
the appearance of symptoms would allow an infective to survive the voyage
and also to infect fellow crew members but it would be a long time before
the secondary infections appeared in Sicily. For a disease with a short
incubation period, all the crew would have been dead before arrival,
although an epidemic could have been established quickly after docking.
We conclude that the story of the galleys is a biological impossibility and
that their arrival probably coincided with the early stages of an epidemic
that had already begun.
Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the Black Death began in Italian
ports and so was probably brought by an infective (or infectives) from an
overseas focus some time before the Genoese galleys arrived. Since the
incubation period is believed to be about 37 days, and the infectives were
probably not showing signs of the disease on arrival, the voyage would
have taken less than 1 month. The Great Pestilence most probably originated in the Levant or from the ports of North Africa.
There appears to be no rm evidence that transmission of the plague was
ever achieved via bundles of cloth, clothing or wigs. The stories of Lady
Howard in Cumberland in 1625 taking infection from a new gown from
London and dying on the same day that she received it (Creighton, 1894)
and the box of cloth opened at Eyam (section 10.1) are probably coinci-

13.9 Spread of the plague


dences. Consequently, epidemics of all scales, the European pandemic of

the Black Death, the introduction of the infectious agent into Britain for
each outbreak, the initiation of each major epidemic in towns and cities in
provincial England or continental Europe, or the start of the pestilence in a
village, always began with the arrival of an infective who was presumably
usually male. Each infective may have travelled some distance from the
focus where he was infected.
Each outbreak of plague in Britain was re-started by infective(s) coming
by boat to the seaports or up the river systems that fed them. The Port of
London received ships from continental Europe as well as from further
aeld; the ports of the east coast, including Scotland, and the south coast
traded predominantly with the Continent; Chester and Pembrokeshire
traded with Ireland. Coastal trade, particularly up the east coast, had an
important role in transporting infectives and in disseminating the plague.
Further transmission over land was achieved by the movement of infectives on foot or horseback who initiated new epidemics. In many of the
outbreaks of the pestilence in England that we have described in earlier
chapters (Carlisle, Bridekirk, Eyam, York, Penrith) the incoming stranger
has been identied. In summer in the 16th and 17th centuries, the initiating
infective may have needed only to mingle with the populace in the market
and to have infected one person and so started the epidemic, which then
progressed remorselessly. If he attended one of the big fairs in summer, he
may have infected several people who then returned to their home towns
and villages so that several separate epidemics were initiated simultaneously. However, in autumn and winter, with the apparently lower infectivity of
the plague, it was probably usually necessary for the incoming infective to
stay in one of the houses if transmission were to be achieved and most of
the initial infections were within that family.

13.9 Spread of the plague through the metapopulation

The Black Death spread through both continental Europe and England as
a rolling succession of waves, travelling in summer, on average, about 1.5
miles per day, being quickest during the rst 6 months of 1348 as it spread
through southern and central France. Movement at that time would have
been slow and limited because most people would have travelled on foot,
but infected travellers steadily spread the disease forward on a wide front
and the period of each advancing wave would be approximately related to
the incubation period. Behind the advancing front, each epidemic burnt
itself out over several months, leaving a devastated population.



After the Black Death, the island metapopulation of England was no

longer naive and since each epidemic died out completely, a fresh outbreak,
as we have seen, was critically dependent on new infectives coming from
overseas. Some of the epidemics were initiated in London in this way via an
entry through the docks. The metropolis grew steadily during 13501665
and the pattern of the epidemics within the city developed accordingly: the
plague spread in waves from its point of initiation and, it has been claimed,
had largely died down once the adjacent areas were infected. We conclude
that (i) people moved around freely in their local area in London, less
frequently to adjoining areas and rarely further aeld, and (ii) the plague
was gathering momentum in adjacent areas because of the long incubation
period before it was recognised.
The epidemics spread out from London in a radial fashion, probably
mainly because of people eeing, and the suburbs to the north and south
frequently became infected; its erratic movement from London 22 miles
northwards to Ware in 1603 is described by Bradley (1977). The magnitude
of the outbreak in each locality was probably density dependent. It became
understood that, for safety, it was necessary to ride out of London for a day,
about 20 miles. The plague also spread up and down the Thames, which
was an important channel of communication, indeed people ed from the
plague by barge.
Infections brought in through other ports to smaller cities and towns
exhibited 9-month epidemics with normal Reed and Frost dynamics and
the plague then also spread inland via the river systems and radially to
adjacent communities (see Fig. 13.1). The ports of the Wash in East Anglia,
notably Boston and Kings Lynn, were of particular importance for communications by sea and as gateways for the river systems. By the time of the
Black Death the galleys of the Mediterranean and the cogs of northern
Europe were important and exporting a variety of goods, as shown in
Table 13.1.
The epidemics also spread linearly from the outbreaks in London and
the provincial towns, moving progressively along the recognised trade
routes, brought by apparently healthy infectives (see Fig. 13.1). The northeast corridor between Newcastle and York was a regular transmission
channel. The Tudor Royal Post system was established with staging points
set about 10 miles apart between which letters were carried by postboys;
about 5 miles per hour was an average speed but this would be only 1 mile
per hour over dicult terrain (Campbell-Kease, 1989). However, this
would have been an eective way of spreading an infection.
The plague also moved in a saltatory (and apparently erratic) fashion,

13.9 Spread of the plague


Fig. 13.1. The transportation system of medieval England. The major towns were
linked by road and river. Note (i) the northeast corridor where plague was readily
transmitted between Newcastle and York, (ii) the river systems of East Anglia,
which brought both trade and the plague into the country, and (iii) the paucity of
roads in Wales where there was little plague. Abbreviations: B, Bristol; Ca, Carlisle;
Ch, Chester; D, Durham; H, Hull; KL, Kings Lynn; L, London; N, Newcastle; No,
Norwich; Sh, Shrewsbury; Y, Yarmouth; Yo, York. After Hindle (1993).

appearing many miles away from the point of infection in both England
and France. This behaviour was possible because of the long incubation
period of the disease; an example is the outbreak at Malpas in 1625, which
was brought almost 200 miles by a member of the family from a plague in
London (see section 9.3).



Table 13.1. Imports and exports via the ports of Boston and Kings Lynn in
East Anglia from 1300
Trading centre
The Baltic
The Low Countries and



Fish, timber, furs
Fish, oil, furs, wax

Cloth, corn
Cloth, corn

Cloth, linen, madder

Wine, woad

Wool, cloth
Cloth, corn, sh

Source: King (1988).

The great fairs which were held annually were probably a major means
of disseminating the plague in England (section 13.8) and possibly also a
source for bringing the infection into the country. This was recognised by
the authorities in the later years and fairs were cancelled once a plague was
ocially declared to have broken out. The major fairs lay south and east of
a line from Exeter to York and were situated on or near the navigable rivers
linking them to seaports or in places where there was an easy overland haul
from the nearest port.
The great fair at Sturbridge [in East Anglia], which opened on 18 September and
lasted for three weeks, was the most important of the English fairs and was of
sucient repute to attract merchants from many European trade centres. You can
be present at the great Sturbridge fair and there see Venetian glass, Bruges linen,
Spanish iron, Norwegian tar, Hanse fur, Cornish tin and Cretan wine, all for sale in
the half of a square mile which was occupied for three whole weeks . . . during
Sturbridge Fair, Blakeney, Colchester, Kings Lynn, and perhaps Norwich, were
lled with foreign vessels. The ships that brought the merchandise of the Levant
from Venice, and the other commodities from overseas . . .
(Shrewsbury, 1970)

September 18th was probably too late for the initiation of a major, type (i)
epidemic in that year but there were over a dozen other fairs and the Great
Pestilence is said to have erupted in London at the time of the St Bartholomew fair.
The open market in rural English towns catered primarily for local
demand and dealt in relatively small transactions; the private trader, by
contrast, was essentially a traveller and an individualist. He traversed alone
the southern heaths and northern moors in search of livestock, corn, or
wool; if necessary he was prepared to pluck up his roots and plant anew in
other cities and villages; he was ready to forsake home and family in search

13.9 Spread of the plague


of individual reward. In the inns, where he bought and sold, he met others
of his own kind, and there he discussed with them the burning issues of the
time (Thirsk, 1967) and, more importantly for our study, he must have
provided the ideal means for the transmission of the plague, talking at
length with the locals indoors.
The medieval wool trade had the greatest impact on long-range movement within the metapopulation of England, the handling and transportation of the eeces and the nished goods proceeding throughout the year
on a large scale. Sheep were usually sheared in June after washing, which
may have been done by hired workmen who, like the shearers, moved
round the country. After sale, the wool was packed and delivered to the
buyer either immediately or at some later date. The clothiers and middlemen themselves frequently came with transport to fetch wool from a
growers house, sometimes in instalments, although carriers were also
employed. Leaden Hall in the City of London, where the staplers (wool
merchants) sold much of their wool, was not only a market but was also the
largest wool warehouse in England.
The middlemen either stored their wool for a number of months or sold
them almost immediately. One large Shropshire dealer, for example, sold
wool to a Shepton Mallet clothier at Shrewsbury and later sent his servant
to deliver the wool at Bristol. In the mid-16th century, wealthy Coggeshall
clothiers regularly travelled to Shropshire every June to arrange with
middlemen for a supply of March wool.
In the 16th and 17th centuries a very large volume of wool was sold
through the weekly public markets and, in manufacturing areas and woolgrowing districts, some towns held a special market for the sale of wool and
yarn. It was estimated that 4050 horse packs of wool a week were sold at
Halifax in 1577 (Bowden, 1971).
London was the centre of commerce as well as being the epicentre of
plague mortality in England. Henry VII systematically assisted the wool
merchants in their trade with the Netherlands (Taylor & Morris, 1939) and,
during the 1540s, the volume of cloth exports through London doubled;
vast fortunes were made by the Merchant Adventurers whose convoys of
little ships sailed across to Antwerp twice yearly in May and November
(Sheppard, 1998). It is clear that several major epidemics in London came
via this route (for example in 1603; see Shrewsbury, 1970).
The possible eects of trade on the spread of the disease was tested by
multivariate analysis of deaths from the pestilence in London in 15781649
versus commodity prices, wheat, wool, straw, hides, dairy products and
hay. Only high wool prices (P : 0.009) and low prices for dairy products



(P : 0.02) proved to be signicantly associated with high plague mortality

in London (interaction, P : 0.02), possibly suggesting that epidemics were
favoured by the greater movement of people and of shipping during times
of high wool prices.
We have shown in Chapter 11 how the plague was moved around the
vast metapopulation of central Europe via the complex network of trade
routes shown in Fig. 11.22, by sea, along river systems and by road. By
parasitising healthy travellers, it crossed alpine passes into northern Italy;
it travelled enormous distances inland by the river systems; it crossed the
Mediterranean to Italy and Spain and the Atlantic to Portugal and the
northern Spanish coast; it crossed the Channel and North Sea to England,
Scotland and Iceland and the Baltic to Norway.

13.10 Resistance, immunity and virulence

After the plagues ceased in England by about 1670, smallpox became the
most feared lethal infectious disease, having apparently mutated from a
mild form early in the 17th century. Once recovered, people were immune
to the smallpox virus for a long time so that each new epidemic swept with
high infectivity through only the children who had been born in the
interim, of whom about 20% died. This is a typical picture of a population
that had suered from a disease in its milder and more severe forms for over
100 years. In contrast, only six persons survived out of an estimated
population of 200 when smallpox was introduced to the naive community
on the Island of Foula (Shetland Islands) in 1720 (Razzell, 1977). The
mortality of such a highly infectious disease in a given population changes
subtly with time, particularly because of the development of resistance;
breeding was conned to those members of the community who recovered
from a childhood infection. Smallpox epidemics were density dependent
and did not develop in small or low-density communities. Constant migration from such villages produced a mix of semi-resistant and non-resistant
individuals in nearby towns where smallpox epidemics occurred.
It is impossible now to determine either the proportion of the population
of England that was exposed to the Black Death in 134850 or the
proportion of these who contracted the disease or the proportion that died.
Overall mortality was clearly very high and perhaps 50% of the population
of England died. The scattered reports suggest that the household contact
in summer was very high indeed and probably almost all that contracted
the plague died. In Venice in 134748, 60% of the population is estimated
to have died (Slack, 1988).

13.10 Resistance, immunity and virulence


It is generally concluded that the Black Death struck at a completely

naive population, so causing the dreadful mortality, but is this necessarily
true? Twigg (1984) has reviewed visitations of pestilences in England
between AD 500 and the Black Death and it is clear that none of these
outbreaks were bubonic plague (Shrewsbury, 1970; Twigg, 1984). Pestis
ava (the Yellow Plague) was rife in the 6th century and was clearly severe
with high mortality. It reappeared in the 7th century and continued for
many years; in AD 664 it appeared in southern England and spread to
Northumbria, with great mortality, and to Ireland. It is noteworthy that
the plague was active during the summer months. This epidemic was
widespread over Europe and contemporaneous accounts described it in
Italy, Gaul and Spain (Twigg, 1984). There were many further epidemics in
England between AD 667 and 1348. Were these forerunners of the Black
Death that forced up the CCR5-
32 and other mutations, so producing a
small resistant fraction of the population? More accurate information is
available by the late 16th century and it is evident that many people were in
close contact indoors with infectives but did not contract the disease;
examples are the vicar at Eyam whose wife died in his arms and the
much-feared pest-nurses who supervised the victims when they were dying
and who escaped infection, although examination of the pattern of an
epidemic suggests that patients may have been less infectious in the terminal stages when they were displaying symptoms.
During the 17th century, there is evidence that the mortality and relative
severity of the plagues in London were declining slightly (Sunderland,
1972; Benedictow, 1987). Plagues in Florence after 1424 killed many fewer
people than they did in the 14th century (Carmichael, 1986), suggesting a
greater resistance in the population or a decrease in the virulence of the
causative agent.
It has been suggested that more people recovered from the plague in the
cold weather in winter (sections 8.1, 8.6.1 and 13.5) than in the warmer
weather of summer.
A few contracted the disease and recovered and were then believed to be
immune. There is evidence that the pestilence became less virulent during
the later stages of the 1665 epidemic in London, with more people recovering from the infection (section 8.6.4). This is in agreement with the observations of the outbreak at Bologna, Italy, in 1630 where at the beginning and
the height of this dreadful scourge very few infected survived. Then by the
beginning of July it seemed as if the sharp ferocity of [deaths] scythe lost
something of its edge, though very many still died. This is at variance with
the 1575 epidemic at Palermo, Sicily, where the greatest part of the



patients recovered at the beginning whereas the disease became more

cruel day by day, and with the 163233 epidemic at Poggibousi, Tuscany,
while earlier some of those who became sick recovered, now all die and in
very short time (Cipolla, 1981).
The registers at Penrith record a plague there in 1554 but there is no
other evidence concerning its magnitude nor of another outbreak in the
northwest. This is believed to be the only possible plague at Penrith before
the major epidemic of 159798. Eyam, apparently, did not suer from the
pestilence before the outbreak in 1666, although it might have been attacked in the Black Death because it has been said that nearly every village
in Derbyshire suered except that Tissington (about 35 miles from Eyam)
escaped from infection (Porteous, 1962). Mortality in Penrith and Eyam
was of the order of 40% of the population, which can be compared with a
value of about 12% to 15% (Slack, 1988) in the epidemics in London in the
17th century. Plague was virtually endemic in London at this time, with
major outbreaks at irregular intervals, albeit with a relatively low percentage mortality. We have analysed the sequential plagues during the 17th
century in London parishes (Chapters 6 and 8) and it is evident that
mortality was often modest and, in the later outbreaks, deaths were restricted largely to one per household, perhaps suggesting that the other occupants were resistant or immune. Furthermore, those that died were frequently young people; for example, apprentices (who may have been
susceptible immigrants) and infants (who were susceptible being born since
the last plague). There is, therefore, some circumstantial evidence that the
population in London was developing some immunity during the 17th
century. Having suered from this continuous series of epidemics, in addition to a low grumbling endemic level of mortality, it might be expected
that the population of London was largely resistant and that mortality
levels even lower than 15% would have been recorded. However, each
epidemic or famine crisis brought fresh waves of immigrants from the
countryside, particularly young people, the apprentices and maidservants,
who would not be resistant and we see that the complex dynamics of the
plague were inextricably bound up with the demography of the dierent
communities within the metapopulation.

13.11 Medium-wavelength oscillation in the spread of the plague

We have shown that a strong medium-wavelength oscillation is detectable
in the data-series of the number of towns reporting plague epidemics in
each year in France (Fig. 11.4). This cycle emerged after 1436 and had a

13.12 Symptoms


wavelength of 2225 years (P  0.01). France was the epicentre for the
plague in Europe and this medium-wavelength oscillation correlated with
cycles in the Holy Roman Empire and Italy. We suggest that when the
epidemics were widespread in France, at the peaks of the oscillation, there
was a greater chance of infectives travelling to other metapopulations and
starting new outbreaks. This had a knock-on eect: the mediumwavelength cycle of plague deaths in England was then driven by the cycle
in Germany.
But what was the cause of the original, highly statistically signicant,
oscillation in France that acted as a driver for the spread of plague through
other parts of the supermetapopulation? It does not appear to correlate
well with external factors and was probably not exogenous. We suggest the
following explanation for this endogenous oscillation. France, throughout
the age of plagues, was composed of about 400 discrete populations (i.e.
medium- and large-sized towns) that were clearly separated from one
another and suered regularly from epidemics. Thus plague circulated
round the metapopulation and was carried by travelling infectives along
the major and minor trade routes (Fig. 11.22). Populations at the crossroads on the major routes (by road and river) were the most commonly
aected and probably, with repeated infections over the years, these communities may have built up an immunity (section 13.10). The period of the
oscillation, 2225 years, may represent a generation eect. Major epidemics were probably density dependent (section 13.6) and it may have
taken this length of time to replace the individuals in each community with
a new generation of susceptibles, so imposing an endogenous oscillation on
the plague dynamics as it circulated round the metapopulation of France,
the wavelength of which was determined by the approximate generation
In summary, this may be an example of an endogenous oscillation in
France that drove (and interacted with) a corresponding exogenous oscillation in the Holy Roman Empire and Italy (for a discussion of population
oscillations, see section 13.17).

13.12 Symptoms
People in England were well able to recognise the plague, certainly by the
16th century, even far out in the Provinces; the symptoms must have been
readily recognisable, although in Italy in the mid-15th century the physicians went to considerable lengths to ensure a correct diagnosis and there
may have been more than one lethal infectious disease extant there. Over a



period of 300 years and a geographical spread across continental Europe

with an enormous number of people infected, the causative agent of plague
(probably a virus) may have undergone some mutations, but inspection of
the historical records suggests that it remained the same recognisable
disease. When the ministers and their clerks in England were required by
law to record deaths from pestilence, the evidence suggests that they were
accurate and that they were able to identify the plague from the start of an
outbreak. Not so the scholars of the 20th century, who repeatedly designated an epidemic as typhus when the epidemiology clearly did not t with
that of bubonic plague; conversely they frequently averred that a crisis
mortality in mid-summer was the result of bubonic plague, even when there
was no evidence of an infectious disease that spread through households
nor any record of pestilence in the church registers.
We have relied, where possible, on quoting contemporaneous accounts
of the symptoms of plague from the Black Death to the last major epidemic
of 166566 and a clear thread runs through them, although Slack (1985)
has stated that the symptoms of the plague were variable. The patient
probably exhibited the symptoms for 45 days before death but the range
was from 211 days. The tokens (or Gods tokens), large subcutaneous
spots, often red and able to change colour between orange and black and
between blue and purple, were regarded as diagnostic and often appeared
on the chest but also on the throat, legs and arms (Slack, 1985; see section
8.6.3). They were regarded as evidence of subcutaneous bleeding and were
so-called because they usually betokened approaching death (Roberts,
1966). Defoe (1722) wrote:
Many persons never perceived that they were infected till they found, to their
unspeakable surprise, the tokens come out upon them, after which they seldom
lived six hours; for those spots they called the tokens were really gangrenous spots,
or mortied esh, in small knobs as broad as a little silver penny, and hard as a
piece of callus or horn, so that when the disease was come up to that length, there
was nothing could follow but certain death, and yet, as I said, they knew nothing of
their being infected, nor found themselves so much as out of order, till those mortal
marks were upon them.

In addition, various swellings were characteristic: carbuncles, blains and, of

course, the buboes, which were swollen lymph glands in the neck, armpits
and groins. Shrewsbury (1970) recorded that Barrough stated in 1634 that
those cases in which buboes did not appear were the most dangerous.
There was an accompanying fever, continual vomiting and prolonged
bleeding from the nose. The physicians in Milan in 1468 regarded bloodtinged urine, in addition to the red (or black or violet) signs, as evidence of

13.13 Public health measures and quarantine


plague. The authorities in Italy, when deciding whether to declare an

ocial plague outbreak, were apparently guided in most cases by the
pattern of spread and lethality of the disease.
The description of the ndings of an autopsy, given in section 8.6.3,
shows conclusively that, in patients who died, these outward signs were
accompanied by extensive internal necrosis in which no organ was found
to be free from changes; the stomach contained a black liquid. Comparable
degradative and necrotic changes were found in the autopsies in Rome and
Naples in 165657 (section 11.3.2). These signs are all indicative of a severe
haemorrhagic illness.

13.13 Public health measures and the signicance of the

period of quarantine
People evidently believed at the time that the plague was an infectious
disease spread through contact with an infected person, although they may
have considered that transmission was also possible via contaminated
clothing or bedding, probably because this would have apparently accounted for the big gaps between the death of one victim and the appearance of symptoms in the next. Preventative and control measures became
progressively more strict and sophisticated; in particular, towns throughout Europe regularly exchanged information concerning where plague
epidemics were established and all visitors coming from an area with an
outbreak were banned. Likewise, ships from an aicted port trading up the
east coast in England were prohibited from docking and from transferring
goods by barge to an inland destination, as for example from Hull to York.
These measures must have been of real value in limiting the spread of the
epidemics because it would have prevented the arrival of apparently
healthy infectives.
Less eective, as we can see with the benet of hindsight, although
perhaps conferring marginal benets on the rest of the community, was the
practice of incarcerating victims in pest-houses and shutting up homes
where any of the occupants were displaying the diagnostic symptoms the
infection would have already been passed on and the victims were probably less infectious by the terminal stages. It would certainly have exacerbated the eective household contact rate. Disinfection and burning of
bedding was practised quite extensively and, in Venice, this was enforced
by law in 1576; both the plague victims and their clothing and blankets
were considered infectious (Ell, 1980). These procedures were probably of
little use.



The Italian City States led in the development of epidemic surveillance,

and maritime quarantine was devised in 1377 in the Venetian colony of
Ragusa. At rst, it was 30 days but this was soon extended and regularised
to a 40-day quarantine period, which was strictly maintained and adhered
to throughout Europe for 300 years. Its purpose in northern Italy was to
prevent the importation of the disease rather than to isolate individuals
who were already ill (Carmichael, 1997). People in Genoa in 1652 who had
been in close and direct contact with infected people or merchandise were
put in complete isolation for 40 days or more, plus a further period of
isolation described as convalescence. The port of Genoa followed strict
quarantine procedures in 1652:
(i) Vessels from England, if they come directly without touching at infected or suspected places, and with clean bills, are allowed entry after a
few days; rst, however, goods and merchandise are sent to the pesthouse where they are puried for 20 days, and if they touch any of the
above [infected] places they must observe complete quarantine.
(ii) Vessels coming from ports uninfected, but under suspicion, are subject
to quarantine for 30 or 35 days according to the suspicion held, but
nevertheless the goods are sent immediately to the pesthouse.
(iii) If perchance any deaths occur or if anyone falls sick during the voyage
or during the time the quarantine is being observed, the quarantine is
to be extended for 50 or 60 days according to the danger and circumstances; the people and the goods are to be sent to the pesthouse.
(iv) Vessels from the Levant are quarantined for 30, 35, 40 days according
to information received and if they come with a clean bill; the goods at
the pesthouse are puried for the same length of time (Cipolla, 1981).
When an epidemic was subsiding in Florence, as in 1630, it was customary for the health authorities to declare a general quarantine in which as
many people as possible were locked up in their homes for a period of 40
days, thus reducing human intercourse to a minimum. This procedure was
supposed to terminate the epidemic more quickly (Cipolla, 1981). Regulations introduced during an outbreak of plague in Paris in 1668 forbade
river trac with Rouen, all suspect goods being unloaded at Mantes and
remaining in quarantine for 40 days (Trout, 1973).
A quarantine period of 40 days was established in London and the
provinces (see numerous references in the foregoing chapters) during the
reign of Henry VIII and was determined presumably by experience; a
similar period since the last death seems to have been adjudged adequate to
declare the end of an epidemic. This value is directly comparable with our
estimate of 37 days (with an 8% margin for error) between the point of

13.14 Why did the plague disappear?


infection and death. Since the 40-day quarantine period was accepted
throughout the age of plagues, it is suggestive evidence that the same
causative agent was responsible for all of this time (see section 13.2).
The cordons sanitaires established at Eyam and Penrith and other
places were probably eective in containing the epidemic within the community, although the more wealthy citizens probably ed at the rst signs
of an outbreak. However, the extensive and ecient cordons sanitaires set
up around Marseilles in 172022 were completely ineective in preventing
the spread of the epidemic circumstantial evidence in favour of this being
an outbreak of bubonic plague because the movement of rats would not be
constrained by these measures (see Chapter 12).

13.14 Why did the plague disappear?

As we have seen, the plague in England, and probably in northern continental Europe also, persisted through the winter only with diculty. As a
consequence, even when plague was supercially endemic in England in
the 17th century, it was probably dependent on introductions of infectives
from overseas for it to be perpetuated. Plague quickly zzled out in
England after 1666 because it could not be maintained through winter and
there were no further introductions from continental Europe.
Infectives ceased to arrive in England from overseas because the plague
also disappeared abruptly in France and the Low Countries after 1670. The
following, possibly interacting, factors may have contributed to this state of

(i) Winter conditions, even in southern France, may have constrained the
plague and eliminated its endemic status.
(ii) It has been suggested (Appleby, 1980; Carmichael, 1997) that the
disappearance of the plague corresponded with a period of low sunspot activity, globally cooler temperatures, the advance of glaciers and
the early stages of the Little Ice Age (Lamb, 1977). Pster (1980) has
analysed the most signicant eects during the Little Ice Age: the
month of March reects the climatic change most persistently and
distinctly. Cooling began in 1560 and March remained cold and
wintry together with a prevailing drought, suggesting that the month
was frequently dominated by northerly winds and blocking anticyclones. The dominant impression of the three spring months is one of
coldness and drought, with the coldest decades being the 1640s and



1690s. The second feature that has been identied by Pster is that the
month of June became wet and cool.
There is an exception to the general rule of an increasingly cold
climate during the Little Ice Age: the 1630s were clearly warmer in
marked contrast with the following decade, the 1640s, which was the
coldest period during the age of plagues (Pster, 1980). These ndings
may be compared with the severity of the plague in continental Europe
where it was at its most rampant, with widespread epidemics, in
France (see Fig. 11.3) and Germany (see Fig. 11.26) in the 1630s, which
contrast sharply with the 1640s when plague grumbled on at a lower
level in continental Europe.
It is possible, therefore, that factors contributing to the elimination
of the plague in Europe were not only the colder winters, but also the
cold weather conditions in March persisting through to June that may
have reduced the ability of the plague to re-establish itself after the
(iii) Introduction of fresh infectives into southern France, probably from
the Levant, ceased.
(iv) The causative agent mutated to a more benign form, as the haemolytic
streptococcus of scarlet fever is believed to have changed in England in
the early 20th century (Duncan et al., 1996b).
(v) An improvement in the general level of nutrition, particularly in
southern France, may have contributed to increased resistance and
hence to reduced infectivity, comparable with the changes in whooping cough lethality in England in the 19th century which were clearly
linked to improved nutrition (Scott & Duncan, 1998). Corn prices in
France were dropping sharply after 1662 (see Fig. 11.7; Baulant, 1968),
which would have improved the level of nutrition for the bulk of the
population. In contrast, 162829 were years of widespread famine in
northern Italy with unusually high prices of grain; this period immediately preceded the greatest outbreak of plague in continental Europe
(Cipolla, 1981).
The plague was not unique in suddenly appearing and disappearing.
Many zoonoses have appeared during the 20th century and have then lain
dormant; the English Sweating Sickness disappeared after the fth epidemic.
13.15 What was the causative agent of haemorrhagic plague?
It is unlikely that we shall ever be able to answer this question with
certainty, but the foregoing suggests that the disease may have been some

13.15 What was the causative agent?


form of viral haemorrhagic fever. Sensationalised accounts of dying patients have fuelled intensive public fascination with loviruses and highlighted the global threat of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.
Filoviruses are the prototypical emerging pathogens: they cause a haemorrhagic disease of high case fatality associated with explosive outbreaks
caused by person-to-person transmission, have no known treatment, occur
unpredictably, and have an unknown reservoir (Khan et al., 1998). The
term viral haemorrhagic fever is a clinical and imprecise denition for
several dierent diseases (Le-Guenno, 1997) and has been described as any
of a diverse group of virus diseases that are characterised by sudden onset,
fever, aching, bleeding from internal organs, petechiae (spots resulting from
the eusion of blood under the skin) and shock. A number of distinct
haemorrhagic fever viruses are known, based on a shared ability to induce
haemorrhage by poorly understood mechanisms that typically involve the
formation of blood clots, known as disseminated intravascular coagulation
(Ramanathan & Taylor, 1997).
Filoviruses are the main causative agents of haemorrhagic fever in
humans (Feldmann et al., 1996b) but these infections can also be caused by
arenaviruses, aviviruses and bunyaviruses. Filoviruses are enveloped,
non-segmented negative-stranded RNA viruses (Palese et al., 1996) and,
once inside an infected cell, the virus transcribes its single strand of RNA
and replicates by the synthesis of an antisense positive RNA strand that
serves as a template for additional viral genome. As the infection progresses, the cytoplasm of the cell develops prominent inclusion bodies that
contain the viral nucleocapsid; the virus then assembles and buds o the
host cell, obtaining its lipoprotein coat from the plasma membrane of the
Filoviruses cause a number of serious diseases in humans today, including Ebola and Marburg. Ebola infection is arguably the most gruesome
way to die; it begins with a sudden fever and kills by the liquefaction of the
internal organs. There are four known variants of the Ebola lovirus
(Zaire, Sudan, Ivory Coast and Reston strains) together with Marbug, a
genetically related monkey virus. Since loviruses reproduce as RNA they
do not have the ability to check each copy (unlike the retrovirus HIV where
the RNA is converted into DNA inside the host cell before the virus
reproduces) so that the error rate is one million-fold greater than that of
DNA-based systems (Sanchez et al., 1996; Takada et al., 1997). Another
incredible aspect of the biology of the lovirus is the speed with which it
replicates in its host (Folks, 1998).
Marburg and Ebola viruses are believed to be evolving at similar rates
that are 100 times slower than those of retroviruses and human inuenza



virus. The divergence time between Marburg and Ebola has been estimated
to be more than several hundred years ago and most of the nucleotide
substitutions were transitions and synonymous for Marburg, suggesting
that purifying selection has operated during its evolution (Suzuki &
Gojobori, 1997). However, the genetic sequences of two isolates of EbolaZaire from epidemics 600 miles apart and separated by 18 years proved to
be virtually identical and it appears that something is restraining the
natural tendency of loviruses towards genetic divergence. Sanchez et al.
(1996) suggested that natural selection pressures have favoured the survival
of the original strain over any mutants. Filoviruses may also work by the
suppression of the immune system and Ebola victims usually die without
evidence of an eective immune response (Folks, 1998); Ebola-Zaire virus
was found to suppress the basal expression of the major histocompatability
complex class I family of proteins and inhibited the induction of multiple
genes by alpha interferon (IFN-alpha) and IFN-gamma. The events that
lead to the blockage of IFN signalling are believed to be critical for Ebola
virus-induced immunosuppression and to play a role in the pathogenesis of
the infection (Harcourt et al., 1999).
It is not yet known in which animals Ebola lies dormant during the long
stretches between human outbreaks, although hundreds of African species
have been screened in search of a reservoir. The high degree of similarity
between the 1976 and 1995 Ebola-Zaire strains suggests that the reservoir
is the same in both locations and that the animal is either widespread in
Zaire or else is a migratory species. Bats were initially regarded as likely
candidates because they could distribute Ebola over a wide area of Africa,
but this theory is now discounted. It has been noted that the geographical
distribution of dierent types of the Ebola virus coincided with the distributions of dierent small mammals that live at the forest margins. Ebola
RNA has been found in three mouse and one shrew species (MacKenzie,
Transmission of Ebola is usually by some form of direct contact with the
carrier or host species through the skin and its secretions, but an airborneroute is considered a possibility. The symptoms appear after an incubation
period of 221 days, nally resulting in fulminant shock and death (Peters
et al., 1996; Feldmann & Klenk, 1996). Schnittler & Feldmann (1998)
proposed the following hypothetical model of Ebola haemorrhagic fever.
The lovirus enters through minute lesions of the skin and mucosae and
obtains direct access to the vascular system or indirect access via the
lymphatic system (Fig. 13.2), after which virus particles are transported to
the lymph nodes where macrophages, known to be the primary sites for

13.15 What was the causative agent?


Fig. 13.2. Hypothetical model of Ebola and Marburg haemorrhagic fever. After
Schnittler & Feldmann (1998).



virus replication (Geisbert et al., 1992; Feldmann et al., 1996a; Ryabchikova et al., 1996; Zaki & Goldsmith, 1998), are bathed by lymphatic
uid. After primary infection, replication continues in secondary and tertiary lymph nodes, resulting in the release of particles into the venous
system. The subsequent step of infection seems to be mediated by macrophages in the liver sinuses and spleen where they are in close contact with
circulating blood so that replication and activation may be initiated quickly in these organs, since macrophages can be infected without penetration
of cellular or tissue barriers (Fig. 13.2). Macrophage-derived mediators act
on multiple organs, but mainly on the endothelium, which responds by an
increase in permeability, dysregulation of vascular tone, expression of
cell-adhesion molecules and the development of a procoagulatory phenotype that together substantially contribute to the occurrence of shock.
Patients who survived showed several features that distinguished them
from non-survivors. No dierence in the viral antigen load, measured in the
serum, was detected in survivors and non-survivors, indicating that host
defence rather than inoculum size determines survival (Nabel, 1999). Most
victims of Ebola infection apparently cannot produce signicant numbers
of protective antibodies against the only protein on the surface of the virus
(called membrane-anchored glycoprotein), so that production of a vaccine
has proved dicult. However, mice have recently been injected with membrane-anchored glycoprotein and these animals produced immune cells
that expressed antibodies. These were fused with mouse cancer cells which
then produced a steady supply of antibodies that could be collected to
make vaccines. Mice immunised with these antibodies 24 hours before an
injection of Ebola managed to ght o infection.
Some of the anecdotal accounts of treatments for haemorrhagic plague
may be of relevance and interest. Lancing of the buboes (presumably when
they rst appeared) was believed by some physicians to aid survival and,
presumably, to prevent the disease progressing to the development of the
tokens. A surgeon serving in the garrison at Dunster in Somerset bled all
sick soldiers at the rst signs of the disease in 1645, taking blood until they
were like to drop down and all his patients recovered (section 9.5.2). This
bleeding would have been carried out some 30 days after the point of
infection. Was it possible that lacing swollen lymph nodes or the removal
of a major part of the infected white blood cells allowed the immune system
to overcome the infection?
Crimea-Congo haemorrhagic fever re-emerged recently in the United
Arab Emirates, with 11 cases admitted to hospital between June 1994 and
January 1995. Symptoms on admission were high fever, vomiting, diar-

13.17 Population recovery after an epidemic


rhoea and haemorrhagic signs. Eight patients died at a mean of 6.8 days
after admission (Schwarz et al., 1997; Hassanein et al., 1997).
We do not suggest that haemorrhagic plague in Europe during
13481670 was because of Ebola or any of the present-day viral haemorrhagic fevers that have been identied, but the close similarities with their
symptoms and pathology described above suggest that a lovirus may
have been the causative agent.
13.16 Co-existence of two plagues
Two distinct plagues existed together for hundreds of years: haemorrhagic
plague in Europe from 1347 to 1670 and bubonic plague predominantly in
central and eastern Asia but which also broken out sporadically and
erratically along the Mediterranean coastline during the age of plagues.
Traces of Yersinia pestis DNA have recently been reported in the dental
pulp of skeletons of people who died in the area around Provence in the
14th and 16th centuries as well as, of course, at Marseilles in 1720. The
frequent and irregular minor pests of Italy, and some of the epidemics at
Barcelona and along the Spanish Mediterranean coast may also have been
serious outbreaks of bubonic plague.
Bubonic plague spread in the 20th century to many subtropical regions
but the epidemics never became permanently established in Europe. We
know why this is. The climatic conditions are unsuitable over much of the
continent and there are no resident resistant rodent species.
Why, on the other hand, did haemorrhagic plague apparently not appear in central Asia or sub-Saharan Africa? We suggest that a number of
factors may have contributed to this. Firstly, the appropriate trade routes
were much longer than in Europe and infectives may not have survived the
journey. Secondly, trading was less intensive when compared with the
internal routes in Europe, so that fewer potential infectives would be
passing to and from Asia. Thirdly, the climate may have been too hot and
dry for ready droplet transmission.
13.17 Population recovery after the mortality crisis of a plague epidemic
Historians have long been puzzled by the speed with which populations
and metapopulations recovered after a major plague epidemic, particularly
the Black Death (section 4.7). As we have seen, the outbreaks were density
dependent and the major epidemics in the 16th and 17th centuries were
conned to the towns, where the mortality was frequently between 30%
and 50%.



In this section, we analyse the events at Penrith after the epidemic of

159798 (see Chapter 5). The community had suered from famine and
hardship in the preceding year so that during the period 159698 about
50% of the population died a severe mortality crisis. During the 40 years
preceding the crisis the mean annual number of baptisms and burials at
Penrith were equal at 60 events each, showing that the population was in
steady-state and under density-dependent control. The dynamics of this
population can be represented by a conventional matrix model that shows
that such a system would be sensitive to a perturbation, such as a mortality
crisis, when it would respond by generating oscillations in the number of
annual births and deaths. These oscillations are described as endogenous
because they are dependent on the properties of the system, in contrast
with exogenous cycles, which are driven by external factors (Duncan et al.,
1992; Scott & Duncan, 1998).
The recovery of the population of Penrith after the mortality crisis is
remarkable: for example, baptisms in 1598 during the epidemic fell to 27, as
would be expected, but had returned to 56 and 67 in 1599 and 1600,
respectively. Mean annual baptisms and burials returned to their preepidemic levels very quickly (both equal to 60 per annum) and steady-state
conditions continued for the next 150 years before a population boom
began in 1750. Annual baptisms at Penrith for the period after the epidemic
are shown in Fig. 13.3 and, although the population was in steady state for
150 years, oscillations in the basal level are detectable by eye. Spectral
analysis (see section 2.8) shows that the wavelength of this endogenous
oscillation triggered by the plague was 44 years (P : 0.005) and it is shown
after ltering in Fig. 13.4.
A comparable 44-year, endogenous oscillation is detectable by spectral
analysis in the burial data-series and this cross-correlates strongly
(ccf : ;0.74; Fig. 13.5) with the baptism series at almost zero lag, i.e. these
long-wavelength oscillations were in synchrony (Scott & Duncan, 1998).
When a 30% mortality crisis is applied to the computer-based matrix
model described above, it also responds by generating synchronous long
wavelength, endogenous oscillations in births and deaths that are superimposed on their steady-state levels.
We have used the matrix model to explore which features of the population dynamics control the wavelength of these oscillations and, in brief, if
the steady-state conditions are not governed by density-dependent feedback, the model predicts that the oscillations would have a wavelength
equal to the mean of the fertility function (eectively the mean age at which
a woman had her median child) and would decay. However, if the popula-

13.17 Population recovery after an epidemic


Fig. 13.3. Annual baptisms at Penrith, Cumbria, England, 15571812. Three cycles
of the long-wavelength oscillation during the steady-state period and the marked
rising trend after 1750 can be seen. Abbreviations: m.c., mortality crisis resulting
from the combined eects of the famine in 1596 and the plague of 159798; b, start
of the population boom and the end of the steady-state period.

tion dynamics are governed by feedback, the wavelength is greater, so that,

with a mean of the fertility function of 28 to 30 years, the predicted
wavelength of the synchronous cycles in births and deaths is 44 years.
These observed long-wavelength endogenous cycles reect the interaction
of the demographic parameters and the dynamics of the population, i.e. the
fertility function and the feedback (Duncan et al., 1992, 1994c; Scott &
Duncan, 1998, 1999b).
The population at Penrith was living under density-dependent constraints in the 16th and 17th centuries: there were no ecological niches
available and if the population rose above a critical level there were
insucient food and other resources, and so mortality, particularly among
the infants, rose inexorably, maintaining steady-state conditions. The mortality crisis of 159698 removed all constraints and the available ecological
niches (jobs, trades, land-holdings) were quickly lled by immigration from



Fig. 13.4. Baptism series at Penrith, 15571757 (see Fig. 13.3) ltered to reveal the
long-wavelength oscillation. Filter window : 20 to 100 years.

the surrounding parishes that had escaped the plague so that a surge in
births and deaths followed. Once the population had reached a critical size
at the limits of the density-dependent constraints, there was a compensatory rise in emigration (Duncan et al., 1994c) and increased mortality, so
that the endogenous oscillations were maintained. These persisted at Penrith until 1750 when the economic and farming conditions changed and a
population boom began (see Fig. 13.3). Thus the demographic eects of the
mortality crisis were detectable for the following 150 years.
Similar long-wavelength oscillations in synchronous baptisms and
burials can be detected by time-series analysis after the plague of 1604 in
York and after the plague of 166566 in London (Scott & Duncan, 1998).
Major epidemics in the 16th and 17th centuries in England (and in
continental Europe) were conned to the towns and cities, whereas the
surrounding villages and smaller towns largely escaped. Immigration from
the countryside, particularly from the younger people, speedily lled the
gaps left by the mortality thereby assisting in the demographic recovery.
London took in a very large number of servants and apprentices from as

13.18 Postscript


Fig. 13.5. Cross-correlation between the burial and baptism series at Penrith,
16251750. Filter window : 40 to 50 years.

far aeld as York (Galley, 1998) and these would have added to the pool of
susceptibles, probably being neither resistant nor immune. Table 8.1 shows
that many of them died in the plague epidemics, leaving more gaps to be
lled by the next wave of susceptible young immigrants. We have shown in
this section, therefore, how the epidemiology of the plague interacted with
the demography, dynamics and social behaviour of the population.

13.18 Postscript
We have used two main approaches in our study of the biology of haemorrhagic plague. Firstly, we have analysed parish records in detail and have
traced the spread of the infection through and between families in identied
populations, simulating as far as is possible 400 years after the event, the
work of a modern epidemiologist. The characteristics of the disease can be
elucidated in this way. Secondly, we have examined the dierent spread of
the disease through dierent metapopulations. These two approaches
together present haemorrhagic plague in a new light.



Obviously, it is impossible to do justice to the wealth of information

about plagues in Europe but we believe that we have established a completely new perspective on which a proper understanding of the epidemiology and demography can be built. The key lies with our study of pseudoendemic plague in the metapopulation of France; if the cycle of epidemics
here had been broken, the plague would probably have disappeared.
Previously, the dierent patterns of spread of the plague within individual
communities and within metapopulations and across the seas were inexplicable when the epidemics were attributed to Yersinia pestis with its
complex biology, being dependent on rats, eas and resistant rodents, and
some scholars soon abandoned their attempts to explain the seasonality
and propagation of the epidemics. But bubonic plague is now banished to a
very minor role indeed (as in the outbreak at Marseilles in 1720) and, once
it is accepted that haemorrhagic plague was an infectious disease (probably
viral) spread person-to-person, the biology of the plague epidemics immediately become obvious. The key to the success of the infectious agent
for over 300 years lay in the lengthy incubation period, which allowed
infectives a long time to move around over substantial distances and made
control measures dicult. Nevertheless, the health authorities in Italy,
even with what we would regard today as a very limited medical knowledge, quickly identied the important features of the disease and established sensible control measures in the 14th century, including the allimportant 40-day quarantine period. They were most concerned with the
importation of the disease via the ports.
A full understanding of the plagues in bygone days may be of importance
to epidemiology in the 21st century because, as we relate in Chapter 1, there
is the continuing fear that other lethal infectious diseases will emerge at any
time from their animal hosts. The HIV and Spanish inuenza pandemics of
the 20th century are grim warnings.
Now that we have a new integrated picture of the plague epidemics, in
which epidemiology, biology and demography are combined, it will be
possible to continue with the analyses and to make rapid progress. Topics
that could be pursued include:
(i) Is there any evidence to substantiate the belief that a growing proportion of the population, particularly in London by the 17th century, was
composed of resistant or immune individuals? Resistance might be the
result of the CCR5-
32 deletion and immunity might be conferred by
previous exposure.
(ii) Is there evidence, other than the anecdotal, that the disease decreased

13.18 Postscript


in virulence during the course of an epidemic?

(iii) Does the apparent dierence in infectivity in summer and winter
provide information of the nature of the causative agent?
(iv) Where an epidemic struck a well-dened, medium-sized town with full
parish records, it would be of interest to reconstruct the course of the
outbreak as we have done at Penrith and Eyam and also to follow the
subsequent population dynamics as described in section 13.17 and in
Scott & Duncan (1998). We have studied the 404 parishes of rural
England described by Wrigley & Schoeld (1981) by time-series analysis and there are many mortality crises that apparently have the
hallmarks of haemorrhagic plague that are not listed by Shrewsbury
(1970). Possible towns for initial study in Leicestershire alone are
Husbands Bosworth, Kibworth Beauchamp, Hinckley, Castle Donnington, Ashby de la Zouche and Bottesford.
(v) Biraben (1975) has listed the towns in France that suered from the
plague in each year from the Black Death until 1670 and, if it were
possible to determine the start and nish of the epidemics in these foci,
the probable movements of the infectives cycling round the metapopulation could be determined.
(vi) Details of minor outbreaks of plague in England, hidden away in
parish registers and specically designated as the pest could be reported and analysed. Nil returns would also be relevant and gradually
the detailed pattern of spread of an epidemic during the period
15651665 would be established.
Identication of a lethal disease that was prevalent over 300 years ago is
dicult and it is only by the accretion and integration of a large body of
evidence that we can hope to discern the epidemiology and biology of this
terrible disease that, arguably, had the greatest demographic impact on


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Numbers in italics refer to pages with gures and tables

acquired immune deciency syndrome see
Africa, 303, 317, 318, 328, 332, 370
bubonic plague, 7, 48, 49, 50, 80, 358
Ebola, 5
hepatitis B, 104
inuenza, 1917, 10
plague at Athens, origins, 3
plague of Justinian, 56
West Nile virus, 11
AIDS, 8, 9, 3524
Aix, 343, 344, 344, 345, 346, 349, 350
Alford, 243, 244
Amsterdam, 193, 316, 331, 336, 337
Andalucia, 319, 322, 323, 324
animals, 360
Black Death, 85
dying in plagues, 3, 65, 359, 360
hares and Yersinia, 51
not infected, 220
rats dying at Marseilles, 341, 360
reservoirs for inuenza, 10
slaughtered, 197, 204, 221, 227
see also black rat, brown rat
antigenic shift, 10
Antwerp, 316, 331, 337, 375
Appleby, 181, 182, 187, 188
apprentices, 155, 161, 162, 253, 378, 392
Apt, 298, 343, 344, 345, 346, 349, 350
arboviral diseases, 5, 151
Arles, 344, 345, 346, 350
Ashburton, 122
bubonic plague, 7, 13, 47, 303, 357
hepatitis B, 104
pandemic origins, 11
sylvatic reservoir, 54
West Nile virus, 11

Athens, plague at, 25, 251, 389

behaviour, 219
identication, 45
Augsburg, 316, 329, 330
Hendra virus, 9
inuenza, 1917, 10
Austria, 32831, 329, 330, 333, 334
autopsy report
bubonic plague victim, 701
haemorrhagic plague victims, 219, 306,
Avignon, 298, 343, 344, 345, 346, 350
Black Death, 87
Barcelona, 61, 3248, 326, 327
Black Death, 86
bubonic plague, 60, 3248, 356
Barnwell Fair, 212
Basel, 313, 316, 329, 330, 331, 335
basic reproductive number (R ), 256, 27,

Chester, 228
denition, 25
disease dynamics, 367
latent and infectious periods, 37
London, 15562, 202
open and closed populations, 43
SEIR dynamics, 318
social behaviour, 108, 190
type (ii) epidemics, 148
Bath, 238
diocese of Bath and Wells, 89, 106, 355,
Bedfordshire, 91, 243, 360
Belgium, 302, 332
Benelux countries, 14, 331, 333, 334, 334


Berwick-on-Tweed, 93, 176, 177
Billingham, 95
Birmingham, 238
Bishops Castle, 170
black blisters/spots, 6, 152, 217, 218, 306
Black Death, 2, 190
arrival in Europe, 867, 370
Baltic, 87
Bath and Wells, 107
brought by Genoese galleys, 85, 104
32, 353, 355
Channel Islands, 81, 89, 98, 108
confusion with smallpox, 102
Constantinople, 82
Crimea, 104
England, 8898
Florence, 84, 87
Genoa, 104
Greenland, 6, 81, 98, 108, 109
Iceland, 6, 81, 98, 108, 109
immunity, 104, 377
incubation period, 85, 108
infectivity, 355
Ireland, 6, 108
Italy, 87
metapopulation pandemic, 867
mortality, 87, 90, 91, 91, 106, 359, 376
North Africa, 86
Norway, 6, 87, 109
origins, 82
pattern of spread, 13, 45, 308
person-to-person contact, 85
rate of spread, 87, 88
Reed and Frost dynamics, 85, 90, 107
resistance, 355, 3778
Scotland, 6
seasonality, 89, 105, 106, 355
serial generation time, 85, 107
Sicily, 6, 826, 104
Spain, 86
Strasburg, 299
Sweden, 6, 87
symptoms, 835
black rat (Rattus rattus), 557, 76, 262, 357
Bombay, 734, 73
bubonic plague and, 567
distribution, 567, 108
habitat, 56, 90
origin, 56
plague of Justinian, 49, 284
population dynamics, 57, 73
spread, 49
blains, 21719, 380
Bohemia, 32831, 329, 333
untouched by Black Death, 103
Bologna, 312, 314, 377


age-specic mortality, 111, 112

bubonic plague, 50, 724, 73, 75, 76, 78,
Bordeaux, 87, 298, 337
Boston, 238, 250, 372, 374
Bourg-en-Bresse, 292, 298, 299, 335
Bremen, 330, 337
Brentford, 213
Brest, 336
Brignoles, 290, 343, 346
Bristol, 373, 375
Black Death, 88, 90
bubonic plague, 51
epidemics, 167, 168, 169, 173, 237, 238,
Sweating Sickness, 149
climate, 59, 60
island metapopulation, 13
Brough-under-Stainmore, 187, 188
brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), 56, 357
arrival in Europe, 56, 357, 362
habitat, 56
Ipswich, 51
origin, 56
buboes, 380
bubonic plague, 66, 67, 68, 70
description, 67, 165
Eyam, 282
Florence, 110
Italy, 306, 307
lancing, 197, 388
location on body in bubonic plague, 67
London, 197, 204, 21720, 221
Marseilles, 340
Penrith, 117
Plague of Justinian, 6
repeated attacks, 159
suppuration, 197, 204
bubonic plague, 78, 12, 13, 27, 284
20th century 78, 47, 501, 747, 222,
Africa, 48, 49, 358
age-specic mortality, 111, 112
Asia, 7, 13, 47
autopsy report, 702
Barcelona, 60, 3248
Black Death, 1079
Bombay, 724, 74, 75, 78, 78, 111, 112
buboes, 678, 70
changes in character, 17
China, 7, 478, 4950
climate and, 80, 389
coasts of France, 8, 322, 328
coasts of Italy, 8, 303, 318
coasts of Spain, 8, 322, 3248
confusion with typhus, 113

bubonic plague (cont.)
course of disease, 678
density dependence, 778, 79
dynamics in humans, 356, 359
endemic, 47
enzootic plague, 55
epidemiology, 747
epizootic plague, 55
Ethiopia, 49
eas, 7, 8
incubation period, 67, 108
India, 7, 8, 45, 478, 56, 727, 75, 76, 78
indirectly transmitted disease, 26
Levant, 13, 303
Libya, 16, 338
Marseilles, 49, 60, 284, 33850
mortality, 478, 501, 66, 75, 79, 112,
not cause of haemorrhagic plague,
35662, 370, 377
pathology, 701
population dynamics, 613, 734, 356
possibly at Athens, 5
possibly in plague of Justinian, 6
rate of spread, 45
rats dying, 360
Reed and Frost modelling, 79, 80, 356
rodents, 7, 8, 360
seasonality, 14
Silk Road, 48, 389
sylvatic reservoirs, 545, 55
symptoms, 68
USA, 50, 51, 55, 62
virulence, 634
wave-like spread, 46
see also Yersinia pestis
Buckingham, 166
Buckinghamshire, 91,165, 258
Burgundy, 87, 298
Bury St Edmonds, 168, 247
Calais, 337, 374
Black Death, 87, 89
epidemics, 167, 177
Calcutta, 50, 77
Cambridge, epidemics, 111, 152, 166, 167,
168, 170, 238, 239, 243, 258
Cambridgeshire, 91, 168, 247
Canterbury, 16, 167, 168, 170, 243, 256
carbuncles, 6, 380
Eyam, 282
Florence, 110
London, 21720, 221
Marseilles, 340
Carcassone, Black Death, 87
Carlisle, 175, 181, 185, 373
Black Death, 93, 101

mortality, 118, 185
pest-houses, 186
plague epidemics, 101, 111, 181, 182, 184,
1856, 187
public health measures, 118, 1856
Cartagena, 322
case-fatality ratio, 27
Catalonia, 322
CCR5 receptor, 3524, 359
32 deletion, 3524, 359, 377
centroids, 45, 2957, 300, 301, 302, 331,
denition, 296
Channel Islands, 89, 98, 108, 168
Chelmsford, 139
Cheshire, 91, 22934, 2412, 248, 250, 251,
population density, 44, 98, 360
Chester, 238, 368, 371, 373
behaviour of plague victims, 219, 251
epidemics, 167, 168, 2289, 229, 239, 248,
250, 251, 252
plague houses, 251
Chester-le-Street, 95
Chestereld, 169, 363
bubonic plague, 7, 8, 13, 478, 49
inuenza, 1917, 10, 11
pneumonic plague, 69
chicken pox, 21, 22
Reed and Frost model, 30, 33
cholera, 2, 6, 8, 12, 23, 110, 113
climate, 61, 3834, 389
England, 59, 60
Great Plague, 211
spread of bubonic plague, 7980, 389
closed population dynamics, 434, 43
Colchester, 198, 239, 256, 257, 257, 355, 363,
Cologne, 316, 330, 331
Colyton, 139, 167, 249, 363
Congleton, 232, 238
Constantinople, 5, 82, 316
co-primary infectives, denition, 24
Cordoba, 318
cordon sanitaire, 261, 280, 317, 341, 344,
346, 366, 383
Cornwall, 91, 166, 167, 168, 240, 251
Corsica, 86, 312, 313
co-secondary infectives, denition, 24
County Durham, 95,176
plague, 183, 243, 248, 250
population density, 98, 100, 360
Coventry, 92, 150
Crimea, 82, 85, 104
Crimea-Congo haemorrhagic fever, 388
cross-correlation function (ccf), 39
Crowland Abbey, 97

Croydon, 153, 197, 202, 213215
Cumberland, 111, 175, 178, 181
plague, 111, 115, 181, 184
population density, 98, 360
Dacre, 188
Darlington, 95, 181, 182, 182, 183, 187, 189
Dartmouth, 163, 169
decaying epidemics, 38, 369
density dependence, 3912
Black Death, 98
bubonic plague, 778, 79, 103
haemorrhagic plague, 12, 155, 173, 189,
190, 359, 366, 368, 372, 379
plague at Marseilles, 349
smallpox, 3678, 376
Deptford, 213
Derby, 92, 168, 169, 170, 250, 262, 265
Derbyshire, 91, 167, 239, 265, 378
Devonshire, 91, 99, 166, 167, 239, 240, 249
diphtheria, 6, 37
explanation of mortality crises, 106, 109
Doncaster, 94, 166
Dorsetshire, 239, 240, 249
Dover, 167, 168, 198, 256
driven epidemics, 38
Dumfries, 182, 187, 189
Dunkirk, 319
Dunster, 249, 388
Durham, 175, 176, 181, 182, 355, 373
Black Death, 96
epidemics, 17981, 180, 1823, 187, 190,
228, 248, 250, 363
mortality, 1823
dysentery, 109, 111, 113, 152
East Anglia, 168, 205, 239, 243, 247, 250,
257, 258
ports, 225, 238, 256, 258, 372, 374
river system, 250, 335, 337, 372, 373
Ebola, 1, 9, 10, 3859, 38
mortality, 5, 9
possibly at Athens, 5
Sudan, 5, 9
symptoms, 5, 385
Zaire, 5, 9, 3856
Edenhall, 187, 187
Edinburgh, 181
Egypt, 3, 82
bubonic plague, 50
origin of plague of Justinian, 5
Ely, 258
diocese, 89, 106, 353
encephalitis, 9, 11
endemic plague, 36770
in France, 27, 285303
in London, 1545, 369


enzootic plague
denition, 55
India, 77
population dynamics, 623
rodents, 18, 54
bubonic plague, 746
concepts, 2138
denition, 12
London plagues, 192
pneumonic plague, 6870
epizootic plague
Bombay, 73
denition, 55
India, 77
population dynamics, 63
Essex, 165, 168, 198, 239, 250, 2567, 258
Ethiopia, 3
bubonic plague pandemic, 49
origins of plague of Justinian, 5
Evesham, 167, 168
Exeter, 166, 168, 169, 170, 239, 374
diocese, 89, 106
Eyam, 256, 26183, 266, 266, 270, 273,
comparison to Penrith, 265, 268, 269, 272
contrast with Marseilles, 346
household contact rate, 269, 272, 279
immunity, 145, 281, 282, 377
mortality, 264, 27980, 378
pattern of outbreak, 126, 128, 131, 135,
277, 363
pest-houses, 280, 282
plague stone, 280
population, 27980
quarantine measures, 118, 2801, 283, 383
recovery, 146
resistance, 279, 282
seasonality, 279
sex-specic mortality, 139
symptoms, 262, 282
wills, 2756, 282
famine, 14, 114, 291, 384
in northern England, 14, 176, 1812
Faversham, 207
Filoviridae, 9, 3859
Flanders, 296, 331, 333
ea, 5760
biology, 589
blocked, 58, 65, 113
characteristics, 57
climate, 60, 77
ecology, 57, 589
epizootic, 60
human, 361
India, 757



ea (cont.)
life cycle, 59, 105
rat, 7, 15
relative humidity, 59, 77
reproduction, 5960, 105
survival, 589
temperature, 5960, 60, 76, 153, 357
Xenopsylla cheopis, 59, 64, 90
Florence, 110, 305, 3068, 307, 308, 312,
314, 315, 377, 382
Black Death, 84, 87
France, 8, 318, 323, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336,
337, 374
Black Death, 86, 87
black rat, 56
endemic centre of plague, 14, 333, 369,
379, 383
famines, 290, 291
health bureaux, 291
plague epidemics and malnutrition, 384
plague pseudoendemic, 27, 285303, 369
plagues, 286303, 287, 288, 289, 334, 378
quarantine, 2923
regions, 2935, 294, 295, 296, 297, 299,
seasonality, 291, 383
wheat prices, 289, 291, 292, 293, 384
Gascony, 337
Gateshead, 182, 243, 248
Geneva, 313, 329, 330, 331, 335
Genoa, 303, 304, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317,
359, 382
Black Death, 85, 86, 104
Germany, 32831, 329, 330, 333, 334, 336,
374, 379, 384
Glasgow, bubonic plague, 51
Gloucester, 169, 170
diocese, 89, 106, 354
Gloucestershire, 91, 168, 239, 249
grape harvest, 288, 290
Great Budworth, 251
Greenland, 6, 57, 98, 108, 109, 357, 389
Greenwich, 153, 163, 165, 192
haemorrhagic plague, 14
causative agent, 3849
classication of epidemics, 148, 3623
denition, 7
density dependent, 173, 189, 359, 366, 368,
372, 379
incubation period, 24, 12635, 363
infectious period, 23, 24, 12635, 363
latent period, 24, 12635, 363
not bubonic plague, 35662, 370, 377
quarantine, 3601, 3813
reasons for disappearance, 3834

Reed and Frost model, 30, 148, 355, 366

seasonality, 3623, 3646
Hamburg, 316, 328, 330, 337
Hampshire, 91, 205, 240, 249, 256
Hantavirus, 8, 11, 1512
Harwich, 256, 258
Hastings, 168
Havre, 168
Hawkshead, plague, 1789, 190
Hereford, diocese, 89, 106, 354
Herefordshire, 91, 168, 249
Hertfordshire, 91, 165, 168
Heswall, 234, 235
HIV, see human immunodeciency virus
Holt, 169
Holy Roman Empire, 297, 328, 333, 370,
Hong Kong, 11, 50
household contact rate, 126, 137, 237, 246,
252, 361, 376
Cheshire parishes, 228, 241, 242, 248, 252
denition, 246
Eyam, 269, 272, 279
London, 155, 159, 161, 162
Penrith, 126, 134, 137, 269
Hull, 226, 373
Black Death, 94, 95, 100
bubonic plague, 51
epidemics, 100, 114, 166, 168, 2467
port, 246, 335, 381
human immunodeciency virus (HIV), 8, 22,
23, 394
receptor for entry, 3524
Huntingdonshire, 91, 167, 238, 258
Iberian peninsula, 317, 31828, 320, 321,
332, 369
Black Death, 86
bubonic plague, 8, 322
mortality, 31819, 322, 3245
separate metapopulation, 13, 323, 332
Iceland, 6, 81, 98, 108, 109, 357, 374, 376,
immigration, 146, 205, 378, 392
immunity, 26, 329, 3768
Black Death, 104
Eyam, 281, 282
London, 155, 205
malnutrition, 105
Penrith, 121, 139, 145
plague at Athens, 3
incubation period, 2, 22, 191
Black Death, 85, 107, 108
bubonic plague, 67
denition, 19, 212, 24
haemorrhagic plague, 363
Penrith, 128, 137

India, 77
bubonic plague, 7, 8, 18, 45, 4750, 727,
73, 75, 76, 78
density dependence, 778, 103
sylvatic reservoir, 54
ea survival, 59
origin of black rat, 56
Plague Commission, 15, 727, 111, 358
infectious period, 22, 128, 134, 155, 355
Black Death, 108
denition, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28
haemorrhagic plague, 363
infectiousness, 25, 145, 355
inuenza, 4, 6, 11, 21, 23, 41, 110, 166, 385
infectious period, 46
pandemic of 191719, 2, 8, 10, 11, 394
rate of spread, 46
Reed and Frost model, 30
Spitzbergen, 11
Innsbruck, 329
interepidemic period (T ), 37, 38, 401
Ipswich, 238, 257, 258
bubonic plague, 51
pneumonic plague, 51
Ireland, 4, 108, 151, 228, 251, 252, 368, 371,
Italy, 8, 290, 30318, 333, 370, 376, 377, 379
autopsies, 306
bubonic plague, 303, 318
famine, 384
major and minor pests, 14, 303, 318
mortality, 103, 314, 315
plague epidemics, 14, 304, 310, 311, 312
public health measures, 14, 290, 303, 305,
314, 31718, 332, 394
quarantine, 305, 314, 317, 318, 382
seasonality, 315
signs and symptoms, 3056, 379, 380
Justinian, plague of, 56, 49, 284, 389
Kemsing, 207, 209
Kendal, 118, 178, 181, 182, 182, 184, 187
Kent, 153, 166, 198, 205, 207, 225, 239, 240,
243, 256
ports, 207, 256, 335
Keswick, 184
Kings Lynn, 247, 250, 258, 316, 372, 373,
374, 374
Kingston, 153, 167
Lambesc, 284
Lancashire, 111, 114, 175, 176, 178, 243, 245,
250, 360
Lancaster, 93, 114
Lanchester, 95
Languedoc, 291, 342, 346


latent period, 22, 128, 355

denition, 22, 24
haemorrhagic plague, 363
London, 155
Reed and Frost model, 28
Leeds, 248, 360
Leghorn, 317, 338
Leicester, 91, 97, 168, 170, 238, 240, 247
Leicestershire, 91, 239, 360, 395
Levant, 211, 303, 317, 318, 328, 332, 339,
370, 374, 382, 384
bubonic plague, 7, 13
Licheld, 91, 168, 169, 170, 173
Black Death, 91, 99
diocese, 89, 106, 354
Lie`ge, 87, 331
Lincoln, 16, 114, 167, 169, 170, 243, 245
Black Death, 91
diocese, 89, 99100, 106, 354
Lincolnshire, 91, 238, 239, 240, 243, 250
Liverpool, 51, 110, 167, 176, 178, 239, 251,
Lisbon, 319, 324
Lombardy, 303, 313
London, 160, 193, 195, 199, 201, 206, 216,
316, 373
apprentices and servants, 155, 161, 223
Black Death, 90
bubonic plague, 51
density of susceptibles, 155
endemic plague, 369
epidemics, 113, 114, 15265, 195, 199,
201, 206, 216, 223, 378
Great Fire, 222
household contact rate, 155, 159, 161, 162
immunity and resistance, 155, 205
latent and infectious periods, 155, 15962
mortality, 139, 165, 193, 194, 205, 209,
217, 378
open population, 43, 44
plague houses, 207
plague symptoms, 165, 193, 197, 21720
plagues in 16th century, 15265, 156, 160,
port, 335, 358
quarantine, 42, 220, 382
Reed and Frost dynamics, 159, 165
seasonality, 192, 199, 201, 215
smallpox epidemics, 3941, 40, 223, 368
Sweating Sickness, 150, 151
virulence, 2201
London, parishes and districts
All Hallows, Bread Street, 156
All Hallows, Honey Lane, 156
Christ Church, Newgate Street, 156
Hackney, 194
Islington, 194



London, parishes and districts (cont.)

Kensington, 156
Lambeth, 194
Newington-Butts, 194
Our Lady in Aldermanbury, 154, 156
St Antholin, Budge Row, 154, 194
St Benet, Pauls Wharf, 154
St Dionis, Backchurch, 156, 160, 161, 162
St Giles-in-the-Fields, 212
St Helen, Bishopsgate, 194, 196
St Katharine by the Tower, 165
St Margaret, Westminster, 16, 204
St Martin-in-the-Fields, 156, 161, 163,
202, 203
St Mary, Somerset, 154, 1989, 200, 207,
St Michael Bassishaw, 154, 209, 210, 213,
214, 363
St Michael, Cornhill, 156, 1612, 164
St Olave, Hart Street, 156
St Pancras, Soper Lane, 154, 1559, 156,
158, 194
St Paul, Covent Garden, 154
St Peter, Cornhill, 156
St Peter, Pauls Wharf, 154
Southwark, 212, 213
Stepney, 193, 194, 207, 212
Westminster, 207
Whitechapel, 207, 212
Loughborough, 167, 239, 243, 251
Lowestoft, 238, 247
Lubeck, 328, 330
Luxemburg, 296, 298, 302, 331, 332, 333,
Lyons, 50, 2923, 298, 302, 313, 316, 331,
Black Death, 87
Maccleseld, 232, 237
macrophages, 52, 70, 3868, 387
Madrid, 318, 319, 322, 324
Magdeburg, 316, 329, 330
malaria, 2, 21, 68
malnutrition, 41, 105, 259, 365, 384
Malpas, 231, 241, 2422, 358, 373
Manchester, 122, 178, 2347, 236, 250, 251
mortality, 122, 236, 236
pest-houses, 236, 237
Marburg, 10, 11, 3856, 387
Marlborough, 167
Marseilles, 61, 298, 302, 313, 316, 33850,
Black Death, 86, 87
cordon sanitaire, 341, 344, 346, 383
identication of Yersinia pestis in victims,
49, 284
mortality, 341, 349

outbreak of bubonic plague, 60, 356

plague of 1720, 323, 33850, 342, 343
pneumonic plague, 70, 3412
quarantine, 338, 342
rats dying, 341, 360
symptoms, 340
Marvejols, 343, 347, 348, 3501
mathematical modelling, 4, 30, 39
measles, 21, 31, 37, 38, 41, 45, 152, 166, 262,
explanation of mortality crises, 4, 106,
Reed and Frost model, 30
Mende, 343, 346, 347, 348, 3501
Messina, 824, 86, 313, 370
metapopulation, 13, 173, 260, 333
denition, 13
France, 27, 286303
northern England, 17591, 226
spread of Black Death, 867, 108
spread of epidemics, 167, 2558
Michael of Piazza, account of Black Death,
824, 86, 104
Middlesex, 163, 165, 198
Milan, 304, 307, 309, 309, 312, 313, 314, 359,
Black Death, 87, 103
mixing patterns, 412, 42, 121, 132
denition, 41, 42
Montpellier, 86, 298, 343, 349
mortality, 248
age-specic mortality
14th century, 111, 112
Penrith, 1379, 138
Black Death, 87, 91, 106, 359, 376
bubonic plague, 478, 501, 66, 78, 79,
Chester, 229, 251
Cumberland, 118
Durham, 1823
Exeter, 170
Eyam, 27980, 378
France, 290, 293
haemorrhagic plague, 173
Iberian peninsula, 31819, 322, 3245,
325, 326, 327
Italy, 304, 312, 314, 315
London, 153, 156, 160, 162, 165, 192, 209,
21517, 221, 378
Lyons, 293
Manchester, 236
Marseilles, 341, 345, 348
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 179, 247
Penrith, 101, 103, 11617, 117, 118, 119,
plague at Athens, 4
plague at Constantinople, 5

sex-specic mortality, 139
Stratford-upon-Avon, 1701, 171
Switzerland, 329
York, 227
Nantes, 298, 337
Nantwich, 2312
Naples, 303, 304, 309, 312, 313, 314, 315, 381
Neston, 2525, 254, 363
Netherlands, 328, 331, 332, 374, 375
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 114, 187, 226, 227,
372, 373
Black Death, 96
epidemics, 1769, 1812, 2267, 239, 243,
247, 248
port, 182, 226, 247, 256, 335
N mes, 291, 298, 343, 349
Norfolk, 95, 111, 167, 169, 240, 243, 256,
257, 360
Northampton, 168, 238, 251
Northamptonshire, 91, 167, 238, 360
Northumberland, 98, 175, 176, 177, 181,
183, 243, 360
Nottingham, 94, 166, 170, 222
Norway, 6, 87, 109, 357, 376, 389
Norwich, 146, 238, 373, 374
diocese, 89, 106, 354
epidemics, 168, 239, 240, 243, 247, 257,
Nuremberg, 87, 316, 329, 330
open population dynamics, 434, 44
Oporto, 319
oscillation, 1, 38, 38992
Oswestry, 122, 167
Ottery St Mary, 249, 250, 355, 363
Oundle, 167, 258
Oxford, 114, 166, 198, 205, 238, 249, 251
Black Death, 90
Sweating Sickness, 149, 150
Oxfordshire, 91, 249
Palermo, 309, 377
Padua, 359
Paris, 87, 290, 298, 336, 339, 382
Pembrokeshire, 251, 371
Penrith, 37, 97, 105, 11548, 124, 129, 178,
181, 184, 187, 378
age-specic mortality, 1378, 138
baptisms, 146, 391, 392, 393
compared to Eyam, 265, 268, 269, 272
contact rate, 11926
endogenous oscillations, 1, 38992
epidemiological characteristics, 12635,
144, 363
household contact rate, 124, 126, 127,
131, 134, 137


immunity, 121, 139, 145

incubation period, 128, 137
infectious period, 128
latent period, 128
mortality, 101, 103, 118, 1389
plague mortality, 11617, 117, 119, 120,
123, 124, 127, 139, 147
plague stones, 118, 280
population dynamics, 38992
population recovery, 1468, 146, 38992
population size, 11819, 119
primary infective, 116, 137
quarantine measures, 118, 121, 383
Reed and Frost dynamics, 121, 123
seasonality of plague, 126, 135
wills, 1406
Peterborough, 168, 258
phagocytes, and Yersinia, 52
Pisa, 314
Pistoia, 314, 315, 315, 359
plague, denition, 2
plague houses, 186, 207, 227, 228, 2367,
245, 251, 258, 280, 3812
plague nurses, 215
plague stones, 118, 184
plasmid, 11, 64
Plymouth, 168, 169
pneumonic plague, 47, 668, 79, 269,
duration of illness, 70
epidemiology, 669
India, 75, 77, 77
infectious period, 70
Manchurian epidemics, 69
Marseilles, 70, 3412
relation to bubonic plague, 68, 356
seasonal incidence, 77
signicance of, 17, 6870, 3567
Portsmouth, 167, 256
Portugal, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 324
Presteign, 150, 170
Preston, 92, 178, 243
primary (index) case, denition, 23, 24, 25,
Procopius, 5, 6
Provence, 284, 290, 291, 298, 344, 346, 349
quarantine, 7, 22, 189, 191, 226, 356, 3601,
Carlisle, 118, 1856
Eyam, 2801, 283
France, 2923
Italy, 305, 314
London, 42, 220, 382
Marseilles, 338, 342
Penrith, 118, 121
York, 226, 245



rates of contact, 25, 308

in a closed population, 43
in an open population, 43
at Penrith, 11926
rats, 15
black rat (Rattus rattus), 557, 734, 76,
brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), 556, 357
dying in plagues, 65, 341, 359, 360
enzootics, 18, 54, 55, 74
epizootics, 73
host for Yersinia, 534
murine phase, 545
resistant, 534, 74
Rattus decumanus, 73, 73
susceptible, 535, 74
Reading, 114, 166, 207
Reed and Frost dynamics, 2830, 107, 148,
173, 190, 249, 250, 252, 355, 366, 372
assumptions, 29
Black Death, 89, 90, 107, 148
bubonic plague, 79, 80, 356
Chester, 229
chickenpox, 30, 33
closed population, 43, 45
Eyam, 263
haemorrhagic plague, 30, 33, 34, 35, 148,
355, 366
inuenza, 30, 32
London, 159, 165
Manchester, 236
measles, 30, 32
modelling, 30, 32 33, 34, 35, 123
open population, 43, 44
Penrith, 121, 123
plague at Athens, 4
plague of 1598, 190
Stratford-upon-Avon, 170
typhus, 355
Regensburg, 328
resistance, 121, 155, 232, 279, 282, 329, 355,
Archdeacon of, 93, 101
Black Death, 93, 94
mortality, 118, 183
plague, 181, 182, 183, 187, 188, 189
R , see basic reproductive number

rodents, 7
enzootics, 534
host for Yersinia, 534
resistant, 535, 357
susceptible, 535
sylvatic phase, 54
Rome, 312, 314, 381
Rouen, 296, 298, 337, 382
Rye, 167, 168

Salisbury, 16, 238, 239, 256

diocese, 89, 106, 355, 363
Sandbach, 92
Santander, 319
Santiago de Compostela, 319
Sardinia, 86, 312, 313
scarlet fever, 4, 37, 384
malnutrition and, 105
weather conditions, 38
Scotland, 6, 111, 1756, 181, 226, 357, 358,
371, 376
seasonality, 126, 135, 190, 279, 3623, 371
Black Death, 105, 106, 355
haemorrhagic plague, 221, 3646, 377
Italy, 315
London, 192, 201, 215
type (ii) epidemics, 363
secondary attack rate (SAR), 234
denition, 234
household, 24, 30, 42
measure of contagiousness, 23
secondary infective, denition, 24, 25
Segovia, 319
SEIR dynamics, 318
plague epidemics, 2234, 369
smallpox, 31, 41, 2234
septicaemic plague, 66, 67, 75
serial generation time, 2830
Black Death, 107
denition, 28
haemorrhagic plague, 107, 190
London, 15962
Penrith, 11921
Reed and Frost model, 28
Seville, 318, 319, 322, 323, 324
Shocklack, 242
Shrewsbury, 166, 168, 232, 233, 238, 243,
252, 363, 373, 375
Sweating Sickness, 150
Shropshire, 91, 170, 229, 231, 232, 239, 243,
252, 360, 375
Sicily, 6, 826, 104, 303, 309, 312, 313, 317,
370, 377
Slaidburn, 2456, 246, 355
smallpox, 2, 4, 5, 6, 21, 401, 106, 113, 376
classication of epidemics, 3678
decaying epidemics, 38
eect of population size, 41
explanation of mortality crises, 102, 106,
immunity, 26, 376
interepidemic interval, 41
London, 26, 3941, 40, 223
malnutrition, 41, 105
mixing patterns, 412
SEIR dynamics, 31,41
susceptibility, 41

weather conditions and, 38, 41, 365
Somerset, 91, 99, 166, 169, 240, 249, 388
Southampton, 88, 163, 168, 204, 239, 256
Spain, 10, 317, 320, 321, 323, 332, 376, 377
Black Death, 87
bubonic plague, 8, 322
metapopulation, 332
plague epidemics, 14, 31824
see also Iberian peninsula
Spanish inuenza, see inuenza
spatial spread, 12, 13, 45
Black Death, 45
bubonic plague, 45
epidemics, 446, 198, 361, 3716
pattern, 213
saltatory, 361, 372
trade routes, 316
spectral analysis, 25960, 2856, 287, 294,
305, 328, 333, 334, 390
denition, 39
St Bartholomew Fair, 197, 374
Staordshire, 91, 231, 234, 238
steady state, of endemic disease, 38
Stockport, 237
Strasburg, 298, 299, 335
Stratford-upon-Avon, 139, 167, 168, 1703,
171, 172
Sturbridge Fair, 197, 258, 374
Suolk, 257, 360
Sunderland, 95, 243
supermetapopulation, denition, 134, 333
Surrey, 91, 163, 198, 239, 256
Sussex, 198, 205, 239
Sweating Sickness, 14951, 384
etiology, 1502
Reed and Frost dynamics, 151
Sweden, 6, 87
Switzerland, 32831, 329, 330, 333, 334
grape harvest, 288
sylvatic phase, 54
symptoms, 24, 835, 37981
black blisters or spots, 6, 152, 217220,
blains, 21719, 380
buboes, 117, 190, 197, 202, 21720, 282,
306, 307, 340, 380
bubonic plague, 678
carbuncles, 6, 110, 21720, 221, 282, 340,
Florence, 110
London, 165, 193, 197, 202, 204, 21720
plague at Athens, 3
plague of 1598, 18990
plague of Justinian, 6, 389
pneumonic plague, 67
Sweating Sickness, 150
tokens, 21821, 242, 243, 256, 262, 282,


306, 380
Syria, 338, 340
Black Death, 82
bubonic plague, 48, 54
tertiary infective, denition, 24, 25
Tewksbury, 169, 170, 238
Thames, 192, 198, 207, 213, 215, 238, 239,
Thucydides syndrome, 3, 4
time-series analysis, 39, 25960, 335, 336,
cross-correlation function (ccf), 39, 293,
336, 393
ltering, 39
epidemics, 223
smallpox epidemics, 3941
spectral analysis, 39, 25960, 2856, 287,
294, 305, 328, 333, 334, 390
Tiverton, 169, 249
tokens, 221, 226, 243, 256, 262, 362
description, 165, 21821, 242, 282, 306,
London, 21718, 221
Totnes, 122, 169
Toulon, 346
identication of Yersinia pestis at, 49
Toulouse, 87, 298
toxic shock syndrome, 4
transmission, 21, 26
probability, 19, 23, 25, 43
transmission coecient ()
as a driver, 38
denition, 31
density of susceptibles, 37, 41
smallpox, 41
Troyes, 298, 302, 316
Tuscany, 14, 303, 305, 313, 359, 378
type (i) epidemics, 170, 231, 243, 245, 248,
249, 250, 251
atypical, 159, 232, 236, 240, 252
denition, 148, 190, 3623
London, 159, 162, 193
type (ii) epidemics, 170, 184, 237, 243, 248,
258, 263, 268, 327
atypical, 179, 240, 250, 252
denition, 148, 190, 363
London, 153, 162
typhoid, Salmonella typhi, 11, 113
confusion with bubonic plague, 68
typhus, 2, 4, 5, 152, 154, 355
explanation of mortality crises, 17, 106,
109, 380
confusion with bubonic plague, 68, 113,
United States of America, 80

United States of America (cont.)
inuenza of 191719, 10
bubonic plague, 50, 51, 55
ea survival, 59
prairie dogs and Yersinia, 54, 62
Valencia, 322
Venice, 312, 313, 317, 329, 359, 374, 3812
Black Death, 86, 359, 376
Verona, 315
Vienna, 87, 330
virulence, 27, 3768
haemorrhagic plague, 2201
Yersinia, 52, 634
vitamins, 105, 365
Wales, 99, 101
Warcop, 187, 188
Ware, 372
West Kirby, plague, 230, 231
West Nile Virus, 11
Westmorland, 111, 115, 175, 178, 181, 184
population density, 98, 360
wheat prices, 14, 176, 259, 260, 375
as a driver, 41
France, 289, 291, 292, 293, 384
smallpox epidemics, 41, 105
Whitchurch, 231, 252, 253
whooping cough, epidemics, 37, 109, 365
Wiltshire, 198, 205, 238, 239, 240, 249, 256
Winchester, 16, 102, 240, 249, 256
diocese, 89, 102, 106
Windsor, 153, 192
Woodchurch, 234
wool prices, 14, 176
wool trade, 375
Worcester, 16, 169, 249
diocese, 89, 106

Worcestershire, 91, 239, 249, 360
Wragley, 177
Yarmouth, 239, 240, 246, 247, 256, 258, 373
yellow plague (Pestis ava), 377
Yersinia pestis, 72, 221, 2613, 317, 322, 340,
350, 389
antibodies, 71
antigenic components, 52
biology, 72, 79, 79
causative agent in plagues, 1089, 35662
characteristics, 51, 53, 359
cultures, 71
genome, 49, 52
molecular biology, 11, 634, 353
Mongul movements, 48
mutant strains, 65
R , 26

sylvatic reservoirs, 545
virulence, 52, 635
victims at Marseilles, 49, 284, 328, 340
York, 178, 368, 372, 373, 374, 392, 393
archdeaconries, 94
Black Death, 91, 94, 99
diocese, 106
epidemics, 110, 111, 167, 176, 177, 181,
190, 2268, 245, 249
pest-houses, 227, 245
port, 335, 381
quarantine, 226, 245
Yorkshire, 175, 176, 177, 240, 245, 248, 249,
250, 256, 360
Black Death, 100
conditions, 99, 176
epidemics, 183, 243
zoonotic diseases, 5, 9, 12, 21, 384
rodent enzootics, 18, 54

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