Shipley For Council
Shipley For Council
Shipley For Council
have a hard time justifying their actions as less and less proponents of
gay discrimination continue to be in
Its going to be hard to defend 10
years from now, Coalter said. If we
look at this generation, being gay is a
Pre-law professor Daniel Smith
thinks this is not helpful on the political scale and is creating an unneeded
gridlock on our state system.
You would have to be pretty ignorant (to try this again), Smith said. It
is not protecting religion.
According to Smith, the distraction that this can cause seems to be a
big point, and it can be used for grandstanding by those involved.
There are people who use their
businesses or organizations to say Im
The proposed First United Methodist Church would build a new lobby, entrance,
welcome center, expanded nursery and worship center entrance.
We did a feasibility study and
determined it is within the capacity
of the church with a two-or threeyear financial campaign to pay for
the project, and people are for this,
Moon said.
Youth minister Chris Komorech
will kick off the campaign with the
a worship service Sunday, March 9
speaking on gratitude. Moon and the
fellow leadership members believed
all the things required for this project
to be a success are falling into place
and look forward to what the future
could bring.
Assistant Superintendent Steve
Klotz said the lack of financial support over the years caused the school
district to switch courses and delay
the program.
It is something we had interest in for 10 years, Klotz said. Five
or six years ago we had a committee
that was made up of teachers, administrators and parents that really
studied and researched the issue,
and at that time we made the decision that we werent able to financially provide that program.
However, at this time, because
were able to combine some resources that we currently have and some
resources that we are adding, we can
get the program put together.
The selection process for the
Gifted and Talented Program can be
very rigorous. The process requires
letters of recommendations from
teachers as well as testing to see if
the child is gifted.
We will receive referrals to go
through a screening process from
Editors Note:
The Northwest Missourian
will profile each of the three
candidates running for Maryvilles
City Council. Each candidate
was given an equal opportunity
See Shipleys
with the same questions. Full
full interview
video interviews can be seen at
Worship in Maryville
First Presbyterian Church
Worship, Sundays @ 10:30 a.m.
Sunday school for all ages @ 9 a.m.
Shepherds Kitchen, Thursdays @ 5 p.m.
9 or 11:10 a.m.
The church at 1st & Main
Transforming your
world by
living faith.
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Catholic Center
Faith seeking understanding.
Sunday: Holy Mass at
7 p.m., Station
Tuesday: Newman Alive at
8 p.m., Newman Center
Wednesday: Free Dinner
at 6 p.m., Newman Center