Gerunds, Participles and Infinitives - Answers
Gerunds, Participles and Infinitives - Answers
Gerunds, Participles and Infinitives - Answers
Exercise Answers:
Underline the gerunds or gerund phrases in the following
sentences and label how they function in the sentence (subject,
direct object, subject complement, object of preposition).
1. Swimming keeps me in shape. [subject]
2. Swimming in your pool is always fun. [subject]
3. Telling your father was a mistake. [subject]
4. The college recommends sending applications early. [direct
5. He won the game by scoring during the overtime period.
[object of preposition]
6. Her most important achievement was winning the national
championship. [subject complement]
7. Going to work today took all my energy. [subject]
8. Fighting for a losing cause made them depressed. [subject]
Exercise Answers:
Underline the participial phrase(s) in each of the following
sentences, and draw a line to the noun or pronoun modified.
1. Getting up at five, we got an early start. [modifies we]
2. Facing college standards, the students realized that they
hadn't worked hard enough in high school. [modifies the
3. Statistics reported by the National Education Association
revealed that seventy percent of American colleges offer
remedial English classes emphasizing composition. [1. modifies
statistics; 2. modifies classes]
4. The overloaded car gathered speed slowly. [modifies car]
5. Gathering my courage, I asked for a temporary loan.
[modifies I]
In each of the following sentences, underline the participial
phrase(s), draw a line to the word(s) modified, and punctuate
the sentence correctly. Remember that some sentences may not
need punctuation.
Exercise Answers:
Underline the infinitive phrase and label the way it is used in the
1. I want to go. [noun/direct object]
2. I want you to go home. [noun/direct object]
3. We want to see the play. [noun/direct object]