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Application of DC and Mark-Space Bias Differential Electrolytic Potentiometry For Determination of Cyanide Using A Programmable Syringe Pump

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Appl Water Sci (2011) 1:6772

DOI 10.1007/s13201-011-0010-5


Application of dc and mark-space bias differential electrolytic

potentiometry for determination of cyanide using
a programmable syringe pump
Tawfik A. Saleh A. M. Abulkibash

Received: 1 March 2011 / Accepted: 28 July 2011 / Published online: 10 August 2011
The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract This paper describes a rapid sequential injection titration method for the determination of cyanide in
aqueous solutions. Mercuric nitrate was used as a titrant
and a pair of gold-amalgam electrodes as an indicating
system. The technique of differential electrolytic potentiometry using both mark-space bias (m.s.b.) and dc current
for polarization was employed. The optimum values of
current and percentage bias were 5 lA and 13%, respectively. The effects of dispense time, volume of analyte,
supporting electrolyte, and the concentration of titrant were
investigated. The results obtained are in agreement with
those of the standard method (APHA), with a relative
standard deviation of 1.43%, t = 0.783, F = 1.713. A
sampling rate of about 20 samples per hour was achieved
with good reproducibility and lower consumption of

Cyanide  Mercuric nitrate  Syringe pump

Cyanide is used in many industrial applications such as
electroplating, precious metal refining, gold mining, metal
ore processing, and smelting, chemical and petrochemical
applications. Cyanide compounds used in industry include
hydrogen cyanide, cyanogen chloride, cyanide salts containing potassium or sodium, gold and silver cyanide. The
mining of gold depends on cyanidation (MacArthur et al.
1988). Cyanide leaching, which is one of the gold
T. A. Saleh (&)  A. M. Abulkibash
Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum
and Minerals, Box 6724, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
e-mail: tawfikas@hotmail.com; tawfik@kfupm.edu.sa

extraction technologies, has replaced the mercury amalgamation. It involves spraying sodium cyanide solution, of
a concentration of 200600 ppm, on piles of ground ore.
Gold reacts with cyanide to form a water-soluble compound. Gold then can be extracted by passing the solution
over an activated carbon. The remaining cyanide solution
is stored in covered ponds (Schnepp 2006).
Methods which are commonly used for the determination of cyanide include titrimetric, colorimetric and ion
selective electrodes. Titration of free cyanide with silver
nitrate is a traditional method (Clesceri et al. 1995).
However, halide species if present will be a source of
interference during titration. The colorimetric methods
suffer from interferences of the oxidizing agents used or
the buffers added. On applying ion selective electrodes
(ISE), cyanide is reduced during the addition of both, the
buffers and solutions that help in maintaining the ionic
strength. Moreover, the membrane itself could be easily
damaged or clogged in presence of silver ions. Halides,
sulfides, thiocyanate or any other complexing agents used
might interfere. ISE method suffers a drawback where it is
necessary to perform calibration every hour in order to
obtain a 2% reproducibility. This reproducibility is limited by factors such as temperature fluctuations, drift and
noise. The life of the ISE electrode is generally affected by
exposure to higher concentrations of cyanide ([10-3 M)
(Stankovic et al. 1993). Ion chromatography combined
with amperometry was applied for the determination of
cyanide (Themelis et al. 2009; Johnson and LaCours 1990).
Raman and IR spectroscopy, which are expensive techniques, have been used for the detection of cyanide (Lukey
et al. 1999; Stuart and Van der Heuvel 1992).
Based on the literature review, cheap, portable equipment and simple method are required to be used for in situ
analysis. Here, we reported a method consisting of syringe



Appl Water Sci (2011) 1:6772

pump and detection unit. The detection unit consists of

polarizing identical electrodes connected with a smallstabilized dc current. The potential difference between
these electrodes is measured.

Solution preparation
All chemicals used were of analytical grade and doubly
distilled water was used throughout. All reagents were
prepared and stored in polythene vessels.





Mercuric nitrate solution: 1.71 g of Fluka Mercuric

Nitrate, Hg(NO3)2H2O was dissolved in distilled
water in the presence of drops of concentrated nitric
acid and diluted to 1 L to give 1,000 ppm.
Potassium nitrate solution: 10.10 g of AnalR KNO3
was dissolved in distilled water and diluted to a
100 mL standard flask to produce 1 M supporting
electrolyte solution.
Potassium cyanide: Potassium cyanide was purchased
from Fisher Scientific Company. To prepare a cyanide
solution of 1,000 ppm, an amount of 0.6250 g KCN
was dissolved in distilled water and diluted to 250 mL.
This solution was used to prepare a series of standard
solutions by dilution.
Nitric acid solution: 6 M nitric acid was prepared by
careful and gradual adding 48.8 mL of concentrated
nitric acid to 51.2 mL distilled de ionized water.
Solutions of interfering species: one thousand parts per
million solutions were prepared from solid/liquid
stocks (Fisher), which were then diluted as needed.

The manifold used in this method consists of a programmable syringe pump (PSP) and infinity controller (IC)
combined with mark-space bias current source and silver
electrodes, as depicted in Fig. 1. PSP and IC are produced
by J-KEM Scientific, Inc. This PSP has multi-port distribution valves. Each port can be used for the suction and
dispensing the required solution. The syringe handles volumes of 1050 mL.
Figure 1 illustrates the schematic diagram of the setup
employed in this study. The titration was carried out as
described in the following steps. In the initial step, the cell
and valves were cleaned by aspirating a certain volume of
the deionized water, and then dispense. Then, a certain


Fig. 1 Scheme of PSP-DEP manifold used; PSP programmable

syringe pump, IC infinity controller, AC mark-space bias current
source, A micrometer, D electrodes, S stirrer, V voltmeter

volume of the sample was aspirated via the sample valve,

and dispense to the cell. Potassium nitrate was then aspirated and dispensed into the cell. A solution of mercuric
nitrate was aspirated into the syringe pump and then dispensed to the cell. The volume of mercuric nitrate dispensed was recorded by infinity controller. During the
mercuric nitrate dispense, the end-point was determined by
measuring the difference in potential. The difference in
potential was then plotted against the volume in lL. The
protocols of the experimental procedure in the proposed
sequential injection system were programmed as illustrated
in Table 1.

Results and discussion

Method optimization
The method was optimized using the uni-variant approach
and the best compromise between sensitivity, reproducibility, sampling rate and low consumption of reagents was
taken into consideration. The main variables that affect this
type of determination are volumes and concentrations of
the reagents, the type of electrode polarization. The
parameters optimized were current density, type of electrodes, % bias, concentration of supporting electrolyte, and
concentrations of samples and reagents.
Current optimization
The dc current used to polarize the electrodes was varied
between 0.1 and 70 lA, as presented in Fig. 2. On
increasing the current above 10 lA, the resulting differential peaks become broad and asymmetric. When currents lower than 2.5 lA were employed, the heights of the
peaks were found to decrease relative to the height of the
peak obtained at a current of 5 lA. When the current
more than 5 lA was selected, there was no significant

Appl Water Sci (2011) 1:6772

Table 1 The protocols of the
experimental procedure in the
proposed method



Action description

Time (s)


Flow rate


Aspirate cyanide sample

Dispense the sample into the reaction cell





Aspirate potassium nitrate




Dispense the potassium nitrate into the reaction cell




Aspirate mercuric nitrate



Dispense the mercuric nitrate




Aspirate water




Dispense water for cleaning




Fig. 2 Titration of 0.5 mL of

25 ppm Cyanide using dc
current: 70, 30, 20, 10, 5, 2.5,
and 1 lA

increase in the height of the peak, however, the peak

became asymmetric. Therefore, the 5 lA dc current gives
a symmetrical peak of a considerable height. Because of
this, the value of 5 lA was selected as optimum value for
the forthcoming work.
Type of electrodes and polarization source
To investigate the behavior of different types of electrodes, several titrations were performed using a pair of
each of platinum, gold and silver as an indicating system.
The resulting differential curves were poor and of high
overpotential. This indicates the sluggish response and
abnormal behavior of these electrodes. The resulting
titration curves were of no value for the end point location. However, by simply immersing those electrodes in
pure mercury, a metal/amalgam was formed and found to
improve the titration curves, as depicted in Fig. 3. This is
due to the abnormal response of the platinum amalgam,
which was reflected, in a serious shift in the end point
observed during the course of the titration (Abulkibash
et al. 2000, 2003; Al-Ghannam 2004). The behavior of
both silver and gold amalgam electrodes were investigated

under the same conditions and found to show better

reproducibility and less drift. The resulting titration
curves are symmetrical sharp and smooth, indicative of
normal behavior of these electrodes. It is interesting to
note that gold amalgam electrodes were found to equilibrate quickly and give symmetrical peaks with considerable height.
The behavior of these electrodes during their applications in dc and in m.s.b. was investigated. As presented in
Fig. 4a, b, comparing with those polarized by dc, the
electrodes polarized by m.s.b. equilibrate rapidly and have
lower charge transfer over potentials. These electrodes
retain their normal response for long periods due to the
continual reversing of the signal, which keeps them clean
and active. However, titration curve obtained by Pt/amalgam are asymmetric and cannot be used to locate the end
point as it can be concluded from Fig. 4c.
Effect of changing the % bias
The effect of changing the % bias on the titration curve
was examined by cyanide titration using Au/Hg electrodes
at different percentages of bias. The resulting titration



Appl Water Sci (2011) 1:6772

Fig. 3 Titration of 0.5 mL of 25 ppm Cyanide: using: (a) Ag/Hg

electrodes (dashed line) and Ag electrodes (solid line), (b) Au/Hg
(dashed line) and Au electrodes (solid line)

Fig. 5 Titration of 0.5 mL of 25 ppm cyanide with 200 ppm

mercuric solution using gold amalgam electrodes. Current: 5 lA, in
different concentrations of potassium nitrate, 0.02, 0.06, 0.1 and
0.15 M

Fig. 4 Titration of 0.5 mL of

25 ppm Cyanide using dc
current of 5 lA and a
percentage bias of 13. (a) Ag/
Hg electrodes, (b) Au/Hg
electrodes (c) Pt/Hg electrodes.
(dc current: dashed lines; m.s.b.:
solid lines)

curves obtained at 80% bias exhibits a high over voltage.

This is probably due to the high dc component associated
with the ac current. On decreasing the percentage bias to
a value of 33%, a similar titration curve was obtained but
with less over voltage. On decreasing the bias percentage
to 4.7%, a broad asymmetric curve was observed. The
optimum percentage bias was found to be 13% bias,
because it gives a symmetrical peak of a considerable
Concentration of supporting electrolyte
To minimize the overpotential and improve the stability as
well as the symmetry of the titration curve, the effect of
changing the concentration of potassium nitrate used as a
supporting electrolyte concentration was studied. It was
found that at higher concentrations ([1 M) the titration
curve peak becomes broader, while at lower concentrations
the height of the titration curve decreases. It was found that
the best titration curve can be obtained if a 0.1 M solution
of KNO3 is used as can be seen in Fig. 5.


Calibration curve
Solutions of cyanide having different concentrations were
titrated with mercuric nitrate. Figure 6 shows the titration
curves obtained. The calibration curve was established with
linearity between 0.20 and 25 ppm. Above 25 ppm, there
was no linear response of the electrodes to different concentrations. Therefore, the linearity was difficult to be
obtained in the range between 0.20 ppm and concentrations
higher than 25 ppm. Therefore, the linearity was selected
in the range between 0.20 and 25 ppm. Calibration curve
(or calibration equation) between end point and concentration of cyanide y = 0.0051x ? 0.3669 where y potential
(V) and x is concentration (ppm) with 95% confidence
level, p = 0.050. The correlation coefficient was 0.9951.
Method evaluation
The optimum sequential injection titration system was
investigated for the effect of interferences, precision, and
sample frequency.

Appl Water Sci (2011) 1:6772


Fig. 8 Cumulative sum (Cusum) chart

Table 2 Effect of some foreign

ions on the determination of
10 ppm cyanide

Fig. 6 Titration curves of 0.2, 0.5, 5 and 25 ppm cyanide at a dc

current of 5 lA and a 0.1 M KNO3 with 200 ppm Hg(NO3)2
















Deviation of 5% was allowed
in the peak height

Table 3 Comparison of results with APHA standard method

Cyanide added (spiked) into Found
real water samples (ppm)
SI titration

Standard method

(ppm) Recovery (ppm) Recovery

Fig. 7 Shewhart chart for mean values

The reproducibility and precision of the system was evaluated on five runs and repetitive determinations of representative samples under the selected optimum conditions
using fixed cyanide ion concentration (50 ppm :
0.0012375 M). The percentage relative standard deviation
(RSD) was found to be better than 1.43% (n = 100). This
indicates that the proposed system has good precision.
Shewhart and Cusum control charts
The optimum conditions of the previous mentioned optimized parameters were applied during the performance of
these analyses. A standard solution of cyanide 50 ppm was
analyzed in the laboratory for 25 consecutive days, the
sample size being four on each cycle. Variability of signal
generated in different days was drawn in a Shewhart
(Miller and Miller 2000) control chart, Fig. 7. The cumulative sum of -0.9 was also statistically obtained as shown













Average of five determinations

in Fig. 8. These obtained statistical data reveal that the

process is under control.
Sample frequency
On applying the optimum conditions, the proposed method
was used for the determination of cyanide and a sampling
rate of about 20 samples per hour was achieved.
The effect of foreign anions on the reaction of mercuric
nitrate with cyanide ion was studied at the optimum conditions using a fixed cyanide concentration 10 ppm and
varied concentrations of some foreign ions such as Cl-, I-,
PO43-, and SO42-. Table 2 summarizes the tolerance



Appl Water Sci (2011) 1:6772

limits of tested foreign ions. In addition, it was found that

Cu2?, Ag? and Au? pose less interference. The stability
constants of which are lower (21.7, 20.4 and 36.6 b2) than
that of mercuric-cyanide complex, 38.3 (Erik 1982). The
interference of SO-2
4 ion can be circumvented through acid
distillation of the cyanide ions solution.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author(s) and source are credited.

Comparisons of results with the standard method
The comparison between the proposed method and the
standard method was performed by real sample analysis.
The results obtained using the proposed sequential titration
method was statically evaluated and compared with the
standard method, American public health association
(APHA) (Clesceri et al. 1995). The results show good
agreement, Table 3. The calculated t value was 0.783
which is less than the tabulated t, 2.78 (p = 0.05, 95%
confidence level). In addition, it was found that F value is
1.713 that is less than the tabulated value, 3.708. In addition the cumulative sum was -0.9.

The proposed SI titration method is simple, rapid, inexpensive in terms of instrumentation cost, reagent and
sample consumption, and manpower. It has a good reproducibility with about 20 samples per hour sampling rate.
The sensitivity of the proposed method is greatly enhanced
by the use of m.s.b. current source for polarizing goldamalgam electrodes. The statistical analysis indicates that
t value was 0.783, F value was 1.713, and relative recovery
was 98102%. We here based on our findings recommend
the equipments to be compact in one unit and used as a
portable method for in situ detection of cyanide. A simple
column for cyanide separation can be involved as well to
get rid of the interferences.
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the financial support
of King Abdulaziz city for Science and Technology (KACST) under
project APR -26-72.The support of Chemistry department at King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals is also acknowledged.


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