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Systems Approach To Corporate Sustainability A General Management Framework

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# Institution of Chemical Engineers
Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003



A General Management Framework
Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

orporate sustainability is not just a buzzwordfor many industry leaders and corporations, it has become an invaluable tool for exploring ways to reduce costs, manage
risks, create new products, and drive fundamental internal changes in culture and
structure. However, integrating sustainability thinking and practice into organizational structure
is not a trivial task and it requires a vision, commitment and leadership. It also requires a
systems approach with an appropriate management framework that enables design, management and communication of corporate sustainability policies.
This paper proposes a general framework for a Corporate Sustainability Management System
(CSMS) which enables translation of the general principles of sustainable development into
corporate practice by providing a systematic, step-by-step guidance towards a more sustainable
business. Developed in collaboration with industry, it is designed to help improve the triple
bottom line through sustainable economic development and environmental protection, while
encouraging socially responsible business values. To facilitate an easier integration into the
organizational structure, the CSMS follows the familiar models of Total Quality and Environmental Management Systems. While in principle applicable to industry in general, the system is
exible enough to be adapted to the speci c needs of individual companies and the contexts in
which they operate. Application of the CSMS is illustrated on suitable examples throughout.
Keywords: sustainable development; corporate sustainability; corporate social responsibility;
management systems; sustainability indicators; sustainability reporting.

has been legislation, which is increasingly being tailored

towards promoting sustainable development. At the EU
level, for example, the European Commission (EC) is actively
involved in drawing up policies and legislation to encourage
corporate social responsibility (CSR). These range from
polluter pays legislation through producer responsibility
policies to core labour standards and social governance
and span all industrial sectors, from primary extraction to
consumer products. Following its Green paper on Promoting
a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility
(EC, 2001a), the Commission has more recently issued a
communication (EC, 2002) to further encourage the adoption
of the CSR concept.
However, increasingly, a second major reason for incorporating sustainability into business practice is starting to
emerge: it makes business sense to be more sustainable. In
their recent report, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the International Institute
for Sustainable Development (IISD) identify a number of
business bene ts of addressing sustainable development
concerns (IISD and WBCSD, 2002):

Industrial systems cause and determine ows of material
and energy in society and are therefore an important part of
the human economy. Although industry is sometimes seen
as a source of environmental degradation and social
concerns, it is widely recognized that it is an essential part
of development and wealth creation. Therefore, as an
important social actor, industry must play a prominent role
in creating a sustainable future (Azapagic and Perdan,
The challenge of sustainable development for any business is to ensure that it contributes to a better quality of life
today without compromising the quality of life of future
generations. If industry is to respond to this challenge, it
needs to demonstrate a continuous improvement of its triple
bottom line, i.e. economic, social, and environmental performance, within new and evolving governance systems. This
general concept, known as corporate sustainability or corporate social responsibility, is shown in Figure 1.
Many companies and sectoral organizations are actively
involved in the sustainability debate, trying to identify ways
in which they could improve their triple bottom line and
contribute to sustainable development. One of the main
driving forces for this interest in corporate sustainability

Cost savings due to cleaner production methods and

innovationinnovation and technology can improve
material, energy and product ef ciencies;


other hand, requires a robust sustainability management
framework which enables:
understanding of the key sustainability issues and actions
needed to address them;
measuring of performance and evaluation of progress to
ensure continuous improvements; and
communication of sustainability policies and progress
towards sustainability to relevant stakeholders.

Figure 1. Corporate sustainability (CS) and the triple bottom line.

Lower health and safety costsa safe and healthy environment for workers and the community improves wellbeing, which translates into higher productivity, reduced
compensation and damage suits, and reduced costs for
social services and medication;
Lower labour costs and innovative solutionsproviding
good working conditions can improve motivation and
productivity, lower labour absenteeism or turnover and
result in fewer union disputes;
Easy access to lenders, insurers, preferential loans and
insurance rateslower risks achieved through implementation of a sustainable development strategy may lead to
lower loan rates or insurance costs;
Best practice in uence on regulationcompanies that
follow best practice are much better placed than their
competitors to in uence how standards are set and the
direction of regulatory change;
Companys reputationa commitment to sustainable
development may enhance a companys reputation and
secure its social licence to operate, also helping to attract
the best people to join the company;
Market advantagea move towards integrated supply chain management may allow building deeper
relationships with customers and capturing more
value by providing service rather than selling products
Ethical investorsthe rapid expansion of the ethical and
socially responsible investment movement poses a new
challenge for companies as investors screen out those
associated with unacceptable social and environmental
However, achieving corporate sustainability is not a
trivial task and is accompanied by a number of challenges.
One of these is moving away from the notion that all
bottom lines are equal, but some are more equal and from
trying to translate the bene ts of sustainability into the
usual nancial measures. It is not always easy or possible
to quantify direct nancial bene ts of corporate sustainability; and often, even if they are obvious, they may have
longer-than-usual pay-back times. This calls for a paradigm
shift in the way business is conducted and only forwardlooking companies will be able to respond to this
Nevertheless, even such companies face a key challenge:
how to translate the general principles of sustainable development into business practice. Addressing this problem
requires a systems approach whereby corporate sustainability is not considered as a mere add on but is systematically integrated into all business activities. This, on the

As yet, there are no generic off-the-shelf management

frameworks that enable a systematic and structured approach to managing corporate sustainability. Instead, individual, usually large, companies or sectoral organizations are
developing their own, tailor-made systems, based on their
needs. While it is important that a sustainability management system re ects the speci c characteristics of each
business and the context in which it operates, proliferation
of different approaches to corporate sustainability that are
dif cult to compare is confusing for business, consumers,
investors and the public and could lead to market distortion
(EC, 2002). Therefore, there is a need to facilitate convergence and standardization of corporate sustainability management approaches. A framework which would be generally
applicable and yet allow for speci c characteristics of
different businesses would help further awareness raising,
adoption and dissemination of corporate sustainability
In an attempt to facilitate this process and help corporations to contribute to a further understanding and application
of sustainability on the practical level, this paper presents a
framework for a Corporate Sustainability Management
System (CSMS) that is potentially applicable across industry. Based on a systems approach and developed in collaboration with industry, it is designed to provide a structured
step-by-step guide to organizations in de ning a sustainability strategy and designing a practical course of action
that will help them become more sustainable. To illustrate
how the CSMS could be applied in practice, suitable
examples are considered throughout.
The general framework for the CSMS proposed here is
outlined in Figure 2. As shown in the gure, if a corporate
sustainability strategy is to be successful, it must emerge
from and be embedded into the business vision and strategy.
Corporate sustainability is not an add-on as often assumed
by some; rather, it should be viewed as an umbrella tool
which helps business identify and manage economic,environmental and social risks in an integrated way. For companies
interested in long-term sustainable development, seeking to
penetrate new markets and provide value-added solutions,
an integrated approach to sustainability can unlock numerous opportunities to improve competitiveness and enhance
To facilitate an easier integration into the organizational
structure, the CSMS has deliberately been modelled to be
compatible with the familiar structure of the general
management system standards (ISO, 2003), such as Total
Quality Management (TQM) (ISO, 2000) and Environmental Management Systems (EMS) (ISO, 1996). This is also in
line with the EC approach, which wishes to promotes the
Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003



Figure 2. Corporate Sustainability Management System (CSMS).

uptake of EMS and, in particular, the EU Eco-Management

and Audit Scheme (EMAS) (EC, 2001b) as a corporate
sustainability instrument (EC, 2002). Similar to the TQM
and EMS, the management system proposed here consists of
ve stages:

Policy development;
Communication; and
Review and corrective action.

Each stage is broken down into a number of further steps, as

described in the following sections.
Sustainable Development Policy
De nition of a sustainable development policy is the rst
stage in setting up the CSMS. The policy should encapsulate
the set of core business values agreed by the company and
should contain statements of principles or policies on social,
economic and environmental responsibilities and stakeholder relationships. However, before a sustainability
policy can be formulated and put into practice, the following
has to be carried out:
demonstration of leadership and commitment to
identi cation of threats and opportunities;
identi cation of stakeholders; and
identi cation of sustainability issues.
Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003

Demonstrating leadership and commitment

to sustainability
The CEO, management board and senior management
team have a critical role to play in setting up and implementing the CSMS by demonstrating leadership and strategic commitment to sustainability (DTI, 2001). Senior
management are responsible for building successful,
sustainable and competitive business and for projecting a
long-term vision. Showing commitment to sustainability and
how the vision integrates economic, environmental and
social performance is part of that process. Directors are also
responsible for the companys reputationdemonstrating
leadership in sustainability helps manage and build reputation as well as trust by employees and external stakeholders.
As with other activities which are not directly linked with
pro t or product output, little will happen to move the
sustainability agenda forward without the boards commitment. This commitment should be explicitly stated in the
sustainable development policy as well as shown by direct
actions in a manner consistent with the policy and sustainability strategy. However, by itself, the boards commitment
will not guarantee that the policy and strategy will be
implemented effectively. Nevertheless, the absence of that
commitment will certainly make their implementation
dif cult.
One of the ways to demonstrate this commitment would
be to appoint a sustainability champion who would ideally
be a senior person in the company, perhaps one of the
directors. The champion would be responsible to the board
of directors for the management and implementation of the



CSMS. This would send a clear message about sustainability commitment to employees and external stakeholders
but would also ensure that the high-level promises are
translated into everyday practice. Further suggestions on
this can be found below, under identifying key personnel
and assigning responsibilities.
Identi cation of threats and opportunities
An important initial step in setting up a sustainability
management system is identi cation of threats from unsustainable practices and opportunities for the company to
bene t from the more sustainable ways of working. Once
the main sustainability issues have been identi ed and the
baseline established (in the next, Planning stage), this initial
identi cation of threats and opportunities should be
followed up by a more detailed sustainability SWOT
analysis (see below) to enable prioritizing and setting of
realistic targets and objectives. Strategic opportunities and
threats may include technical, legislative, environmental,
social, and other factors, all potentially leading to nancial
threats or opportunities. An effective external monitoring
system is necessary in order to ensure that sustainable
development policies, objectives and management systems
are appropriate for the complex and rapidly changing world
in which the business operates. Information should be
gathered on key subjects, including:
new and proposed legislation;
industry practices, standards and future trends;
technical developments (e.g. clean technologies and green
competitors strategies; and
community interests and pressure-group activities.
Opportunities for working with other companies within a
sector should be assessed. Sometimes a company working
alone can achieve only a limited amount, but there may be
greater opportunities if companies within sectors work
together. For example, several business, professional and
trade associations have already initiated work on identifying
sustainability issues and developing sustainability indicators
for different sectors, including the UK Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI, 2001), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD, 2002), Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI, 2002), and Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE, 2002).
As an example, Table 1 lists some of the potential
business threats and opportunities that could be relevant to
a number of different businesses. More examples are given
later in the sustainability SWOT analysis, which is carried
out in the Planning stage.
Identi cation of stakeholders
Engaging stakeholders is an important part of a corporate
sustainability strategy. Understanding the interests and
concerns of different stakeholders and the time-scales over
which these interests are important are the prerequisites for a
successful and sustainable business. Companies that understand what their stakeholders want will be able to capitalize
on the opportunities presented, including a better-motivated
workforce and a better relationship with external stakeholders.

Table 2 shows an example of a stakeholder analysis. It

lists different stakeholders, the possible importance they
place on sustainability concerns and time-scales over
which these concerns may be important to them. For
instance, customers would be expected to have a strong
economic concern normally related to the price of a product.
They would also have some environmental (e.g. whether the
product can be recycled) and social (e.g. the use of child
labour) concerns. It is to be expected that their primary timescale would be short-to-medium, i.e. several months to
around ve years. Other stakeholders, such as creditors,
would, in addition to their primary, short-to-medium term
interests, be concerned about the companys performance
over a longer period, i.e. longer than ve years. This analysis
may be helpful in deciding which aspects of sustainability a
company should target in engaging the appropriate stakeholders and how to reconcile the different time-scales over
which these issues appear to be important to different
For a better understanding of the needs and expectations
of the stakeholders, a detailed company-speci c stakeholder
analysis should be carried out. This should set out both
current and future needs, in order to capture the sustainable
development priorities. The key is to analyse how the
companys activities affect each group of stakeholders,
either positively or negatively. A stakeholder analysis can
be a useful way to identify areas of potential con ict among
the stakeholder groups before they materialize.
Developing these statements of needs and expectations
requires dialogue with each stakeholder group. Many
companies have already established communication with
certain stakeholder groups (e.g. local communities, NGOs
and government bodies). This practice should be maintained
and extended to engage the remaining stakeholders identi ed in the stakeholder analysis.
Identi cation of sustainability issues
The next step in setting up and implementing the CSMS
is identi cation of sustainability issues (economic, environmental and social) relevant for the companys activities.
These can be identi ed in a number of ways, including
consultations with stakeholders and using any ndings at the
sectoral level. It is important to note that many sustainability
issues will be common to different businesses and sectors
which reduces the individual effort in this respect. Carrying
out a pilot-case study based on a representative business
activity or a part of business can also help in identifying the
key sustainability issues. Some examples of sustainability
issues that are pertinent to many types of industrial activities
are given in Table 3.
Economic issues
Economic viability of business is at the heart of sustainable development because it generates pro t and provides
employment and through that contributes to general social
welfare. Therefore, two types of economic issues are relevant for business: micro- and macro-level concerns. Microlevel issues are related directly to the economic performance
of a company and include the usual nancial measures such
as sales, turnover, cash ow, pro t and shareholder value.
Macro-economic issues link corporate performance with
considerations at the national and international levels; they
Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003



Table 1. Examples of opportunities to bene t from sustainability and threats from unsustainable practices.

Opportunities and bene ts

Potential threats and possible effects


Increased production ef ciency and product quality

through the use of clean technologies, increasing
pro ts and reducing costs
Increased material and energy ef ciency through
process optimization and clean technology, leading
to direct nancial bene ts

Continued use of old and inef cient technologies

leading to nancial and environmental
inef ciencies
Lack of understanding of the role of science and
technology in helping the company to become more
Unawareness of the external R&D efforts and
development of sustainable technologies


Improved ability to respond to and in uence

legislative changes through forecasting and better
Improved relationships with government and
regulatory bodies through proven environmental
and social accountability
Ability to provide guidance to the regulatory bodies to
make informed decisions through self-assessment
and monitoring

Continued increased costs due to green taxes

(e.g. carbon tax)
Lack of awareness of the forthcoming legislation and
inability to participate in its shaping (e.g. EC
initiatives and directives related to sustainability,
carbon trading etc.)


Reduced environmental risks (including reduced risk

of pollution incidents) leading to possible
reductions in insurance premiums
Identi cation of inef ciencies in production through
environmental monitoring leading to a better
control of processes, conservation of resources and
improved nancial performance
Enhanced EMS (ISO14001=EMAS)

Poor environmental performance overall attracting

nes and negative publicity and possibly leading to
long-term liabilities
Increased environmental incidents through poor
planning and management
Lack of data on own environmental performance
making the company more open to criticism and
less able to refute various claims
Lack of understanding of key sustainability issues and
areas of business which impact on sustainability
leading to a worsening of environmental


Increased motivation of staff who are able to see and

measure real achievements
Ability to attract and retain good quality people in the
company through commitment to staff development
and through proven social responsibility
Improved health and safety leading to lower costs
Trust building with NGOs and local communities
through openness, transparency and partnership
leading to reduced complaints and increased
likelihood of securing licence to operate
Consistent socially responsible practices in both
developed and developing countries
Communicating improvements and commitment to
sustainability to external stakeholders (through
sustainability reporting)

Disputes and con icts with communities and pressure

groups resulting in a lengthy planning process and
delays in permit approvals or rejection of planning
permissions leading to major nancial losses
Poor external image and distrust by communities,
NGOs and other stakeholders
Inability to attract or retain good quality people due to
poor image


Raised pro le and improved reputation

Leadership in sustainability in the corporate group or
Improved relationship with investors and customers
through sound environmental, social and ethical
record leading to nancial bene ts

Short-term thinking and planning oriented only

towards quick pay-backs without a long-term vision
Loss of customers who screen their suppliers on
sustainability performance
Inability to penetrate new markets due to poor
environmental and social image

Table 2. Examples of stakeholders and their possible sustainability concerns.







Local authorities
Local communities




Short to medium

Long term

( 3 ) Strong concern; (3) some concern; (7) no concern; ( ) primary time-scales; ( ) secondary time-scales. Timescales: short to medium several months to 5 years; long term 5 years and longer.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003


Table 3. Examples of corporate sustainability issues.
Economic issues

Environmental issues

Social issues

Cost of non-compliance
Contribution to GDP
Employment contribution
Investments (capital,
employees, communities)
Pro t
Shareholder value
Value added

Air emissions
Energy use
Global warming potential
Resource depletion
Solid waste
Water use and emissions

Customer satisfaction
Child labour
Employee training and education
Equal opportunities and
Health and safety (employees
and citizens)
Management quality (e.g. labour
turnover, work satisfaction)
Stakeholder involvement and liaison
Social partnership and sponsorship
Wages and bene ts

are usually related to the companys contribution to employment and GDP.

Environmental issues
Most companies are already aware of the main environmental impacts associated with their activities, mainly
through compliance or perhaps as a result of implementing
an EMS. For a better understanding of key environmental
issues and more effective solutions, it may be helpful to
identify sources of environmental problems by business area
(e.g. production, transport, procurement, products etc.). The
impacts along the whole supply chain should be considered,
using the appropriate life cycle approaches (Azapagic,
Social issues
Social accountability is related to wider responsibilities
that business has to communities in which it operates and to
society in general, including both present and future generations. They can be grouped into the following broad
categories (Azapagic and Perdan, 2000):
human development and welfare (e.g. education and
training, health and safety; management competence);
equity (e.g. wages and bene ts; equal opportunity and
non-discrimination); and
ethical considerations (e.g. human rights, cultural values,
intergenerational justice).
These categories take into account both the interests of
employees and those of the wider communities and aim to
make business more equitable and ethical. In addressing
these issues, business recognizes the value of human capital
by providing a healthy and safe working and living environment, an opportunity for personal and community development and by engaging in a social partnership.
Policy de nition and alignment with business
strategy and vision
Sustainable development policy sets out the companys
mission with respect to sustainable development. It should
incorporate stakeholder expectations and contain statements
of principles or policies on social, economic and environmental responsibilities (GRI, 2002). It should also indicate
how sustainability strategy is aligned with the business
A number of companies have already developed their
sustainability policy and are actively working towards it;

see GRI (2002) for speci c examples. The following is an

example of a possible sustainable development policy
The Company and its Board of Directors are committed
to contributing to sustainable development by working
together as a leading provider of our products and services
for customers. We aim to achieve this through:
long-term sustainable growth;
development of value-added and environmentally benign
responsible supply of our products and increased customer base;
establishment of high performance and socially-responsible culture;
active engagement with our stakeholders and commitment to addressing their concerns.
This, more general, sustainable development policy can
be developed further to incorporate other relevant company
policies such as those on environmental issues, health and
safety, procurement and community relations. It should
enable the growing number of policies that companies are
expected to adopt to be brought together in a single coherent
management system, which could be more effective and less
To facilitate a company-wide implementation, the sustainable development policy should be adopted by the board and
its adoption communicated to all employees through the
usual channels of communication used in the company.
Establishing the baseline
While statements of broad policy on sustainability strategy
are important, the policy statement should be supplemented
with a series of speci c objectives and targets1 for improvements. However, before a business can set sustainability
objectives and targets, it must rst nd out where it is starting
from. This means measuring a baseline economic, environmental and social performance, based on the key sustainability issues identi ed in the previous stage of the CSMS.
For these purposes, a set of sustainability indicators has to be
developed to enable measurement of the baseline as well as
future performance monitoring. To ensure that they are a true

Objectives are statements of intents; targets set a level of performance that

is sought within a certain timeframe and expressed, for example, as a
percentage improvement relative to a baseline.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003


measure of the level of sustainability, the indicators should
enable consideration of the whole supply chain relevant for
the business (Azapagic and Perdan, 2000). The indicators
should be quantitative whenever possible; however, for some
aspects of sustainability qualitative descriptions may be more
appropriate (e.g. for ethical concerns).

Table 4 gives examples of indicators, linked to the

sustainability issues identi ed in Table 3. As shown in the
table, in many cases an issue translates directly into an
associated indicator; e.g. pro t is both a sustainability
issue and an indicator of performance. In some cases an
issue will be expressed by several indicators, for example,

Table 4. Examples of sustainability issues, associated indicators and the units.

Cost of non-compliance
Contribution to GDP
Employment contribution
Pro t
Shareholder value
Value added
Air emissions
Energy use
Global warming potential
Resource depletion
Solid waste
Water use and discharges
Customer satisfaction
Employee training and education

Equal opportunities and

Health and safety
Management quality
Stakeholder involvement and
Social partnership and sponsorship
Wages and bene ts

Sales and resource depletion
Turnover and energy consumption
Wealth and employment
Human capital investment and pro t



Fines for economic, social and

environmental non-compliance
Ratio of value-added to GDP
Number of employees relative to the
total number of people employed
in a certain region or a country
Capital investment
Human capital investment
R&D investment
Annual pro t
Tonnes or number of products sold
Share value or annual returns
Annual turnover
Value added

Monetary units

Emissions of: SOx, NOx,

particles etc.
Loss of biodiversity (e.g. rate of loss
of a certain species in a certain
region or globally)
Amount of energy used
Contribution to global warming
Rate of non-renewable and renewable
resource depletion relative to the
total world=regional reserves
Amount of solid waste (hazardous
and non-hazardous)
Number of kilometres travelled
Amount of fossil fuel used
Amount of water used
Emissions to water

t=yr or kg=yr

Number of complaints
Percentage of hours of training
relative to the total hours worked
Percentage of employees that are
sponsored by the company for
further education
Percentage of women=ethnic minorities
in middle=senior positions
Lost-time accidents (H&S of employees)
Number of external H&S complaints
(H&S of citizens)
Employee retention rates
Ranking of the organization as
an employer in internal surveys
Number of consultative meetings with
Involvement in community projects
Ratio of lowest wage to national legal minimum
Health and pension bene ts relative to the
total employment costs


Mass of product sold per total amount of

materials used
Total turnover per amount of energy used
Wealth created per employee
Human capital investment as percentge of pro t


Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003


Monetary units
Monetary units
Monetary units
Monetary units=yr
t=yr or number
Monetary units
Monetary units=yr
Monetary units

% or number
kg=yr or t=yr CO2 eqv.
db or number of complaints
kg=yr or t=yr
g=l or kg=m3


Number or type or value

Monetary unit=MJ
Monetary unit=employee



air emissions can include discharges of NOx, SOx and

Whilst it is important to identify and quantify all relevant
indicators, it may sometimes be dif cult to make business
decisions based on a large number of performance criteria.
To help the decision makers in this respect, it may be
useful to use integrated indicators, which link two or more
types of sustainability issues and so reduce the number
of decision-making criteria that need to be considered.
Some examples of the integrated indicators are given in
Table 4.
There is a lively ongoing activity in the development of
indicators for different industrial sectors by different organizations and associations, including GRI (2002), IChemE
(2002) and Industrial Minerals Association Europe (IMAEurope, 2002). Further discussion on sustainability indicators for industry can be found in, for example, Azapagic
(2003) and Azapagic and Perdan (2000).
An example of the baseline analysis for two indicators
amount of energy used and contribution to global warming
(here equivalent to the total CO2 emissions)is shown in
Table 5. The total energy used in the baseline year by four
different sites in a company was found to be equivalent to
3.6 million GJ. The table also shows the split of energy use
between two major business activities: in this case production and transport. For example, the majority (74%) of the
energy used at site 1 is for production while at site 3 the
major energy consumer (68%) is product transport. This
information may be useful for identifying and targeting the
hot spots for improvements. The analysis also shows that
the total energy use generates over 250,000 tonnes of CO2.
In theory, it is possible to offset the CO2 emissions by
sequestration of CO2 by trees. In this example, the number
of trees planted by the company in the baseline year has a
potential to offset 46% of the total CO2 emissions.2 The
largest sequestration potential is at site 4, which has a
negative CO2 balance achieved by planting more trees
than theoretically required for the amount of CO2 emitted. A similar analysis can be carried out for other sustainability issues to give the company an idea of where it is
starting from and how to set more realistic targets and

the key sustainability issues and indicators identi ed in the

previous stages of the CSMS. For example, performance
objectives and targets may be set in terms of emission levels,
waste generation and energy usage per tonne of output, or
perhaps number of working hours lost due to accidents or
illness. To ensure credibility of the sustainability policy and
strategy, the targets should go beyond minimum legislative
requirements. A number of factors will determine how
ambitious the company is in setting the objectives and
targets, including the current level of the companys performance, the costs of improvements and whether the company
wishes to take a lead in sustainability or merely follow the
activities of others in the sector. Benchmarking of the performance of other companies within the sector may help
in this respect.
It is important that sustainable development objectives are
clear, concise and, wherever possible, expressed as measurable targets. Establishing measurable targets is essential if
management and others are to be able to assess whether the
objectives have been met. Targets also need to be realistic
but challenging and related to certain time-scales. Possible
obstacles to meeting the objectives and opportunities for
exceeding targets should be considered.
It is also important to ensure that the sustainability
objectives complement the companys existing business
strategy. In some areas, the objectives will be consistent
with the strategy; in others, they may be in con ict with it.
Consequently, the objectives (and in some cases the business
strategy) may have to be modi ed.
Table 7 shows some examples of sustainability objectives
and related targets.

Sustainability SWOT analysis

Based on the initial analysis of the threats and opportunities, as discussed above, a more detailed sustainability
SWOT analysis should be carried out to identify the
companys main strengths and weaknesses as well as the
speci c threats and opportunities. Table 6 gives an example
of a sustainability SWOT analysis that could be applicable to
a number of different companies.

Identifying key personnel and assigning responsibilities

Different accountability structures for sustainability can
be established in an organization. For example, the board
could charge a director with line responsibility for the
companys sustainability policy and strategy. The board as
a whole would then monitor the implementation of the
CSMS. Alternatively, the responsibility could rest with the
whole board, reporting to the CEO or MD, who would
be overseeing the implementation of the CSMS. This
umbrella role of the board could enable an easier integration of the CSMS and bridging of the existing functions and
staff roles. In that way, directors would be responsible for
ensuring that their portfolio of activities is managed in a
sustainable way. For a more ef cient implementation of
CSMS, a Sustainability Management Team could also be
formed. The Team would help co-ordinate and monitor the
implementation of the CSMS as well as act as a sustainability think-tank. Figure 3 illustrates an example of the
responsibility and reporting structure that could be adopted
for the CSMS.

Setting objectives and targets

As in any other business proposition, a corporate sustainability strategy requires setting objectives and targets so it is
clear where the company wants to go, how it is getting there
and how soon. Targets and objectives should be relevant to

There are different methods for calculating the potential for offsetting CO2
emissions; the methodology used in this example is that developed by the
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management (http://www.ecom.uk.com/

Developing action plans

Development of action plans is a further step in preparation for the practical implementation of the sustainability
strategy. These plans should be based on the set objectives
and targets, taking into account the identi ed key sustainability issues and the related business areas as well as the
results of the SWOT analysis. The action list should also
include the responsibilities and the time-scale for each

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003



Table 5. An example of establishing a baseline: energy consumption and contribution to global warming.


Site 1

Site 2

Site 3

Site 4


Amount of energy used

By production
By transport
Contribution to global warming
Trees planted
Potential to offset CO2 emissions
Percentage CO2 reduction

t CO2 eq=year

2.1E 09

6.06E 08


7.64E 08

9.66E 07

3.57E 09


The responsibility for sustainability also needs to be

linked to the companys recognition and promotion systems.
This should include ensuring that responsibilities are
assigned in a manner that holds key executives accountable.
It also means ensuring that the reward and promotion
systems recognize those people who achieve, or help to
achieve, sustainable development objectives.

Identifying and allocating resources

Although the implementation of a sustainability strategy
should by de nition reap economic bene ts (if it is not
economically viable, then it is not sustainable), some nancial resources will be required to set up and implement the
CSMS. This would mainly be indirect costs, through staff
time contributed in the various stages of CSMS. In addition

Table 6. An example of sustainability SWOT analysis.

Relatively strong nancial position with a steady
increase in pro ts
Ability to produce higher value-added products
Possibility to penetrate new developing markets
Good reputation and a possibility to improve that image
Good relationships with local communities
Good relationship with the government and enforcing
Demonstrated environmental responsibility
Possibility to offset CO2 emissions through forestry
Bold emphasis on Health and Safety
Well established Quality Control procedures
Relatively high interest of employees in the environment
and sustainability

Emphasis on short-term returns and lack of long-term
vision (10 years and beyond)
Emphasis on quantity (of production) rather than
provision of value-added products and services
Limited understanding of the corporate sustainability
concept and potential bene ts
Relatively high energy consumption and CO2 emissions
Relatively low awareness of the current developments
regarding climate change and carbon trading resulting
in a loss of income and a potentially negative image
Relatively high number of fatalities and lost-time
No formal environmental policy
Lack of formalized environmental management systems
Company car policy does not encourage the use of more
sustainable transport modes
Relatively large workforce turnover resulting in loss of
expertize and continuity
Insuf cient internal communication
Dif culties in attracting and retaining good quality
Low percentage of women and ethnic minorities in
senior positions

Building on the existing image and taking the lead in
sustainability in the group and=or in the sector
Further improvement of the relationship with local
communities through commitment to sustainability
Ability to provide guidance to the regulatory bodies to
make informed decisions through self-assessment and
Improving relationships with the government and
regulatory bodies through proven track-record
Reducing environmental risks and incidents and future
Identifying inef ciencies and improving nancial and
environmental performance through self-assessment
and environmental monitoring
Improving internal and external communication
Improving public relations
Increasing motivation of staff and opportunity to attract
and retain good quality people
Improving relationships with investors and customers
through sound environmental, social and ethical
record leading to nancial bene ts

Increasingly stringent legislation
Increasingly dif cult social permitting process
Increased public awareness of sustainability and
pressure-group activities
Disputes and con icts with communities and pressure
Continued lack of understanding of key sustainability
issues and areas of business which impact on
sustainability and inability to respond to government
and other initiatives on sustainability
Further loss of income due to increasing costs of green
Lack of own data on environmental and social
performance making the company more open to
criticism and less able to refute various claims
Increased environmental and health and safety incidents
and occupational diseases leading to litigation and
negative publicity
Loss of customers due to the adoption of the
sustainability principles further up in the supply chain
and inability of the company to respond adequately
Inability to penetrate new markets in the longer term
through poor environmental and social image

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003



Table 7. Examples of sustainability objectives and related targets.



To optimize social and

economic contribution to
To protect the safety and health
of employees and other
To maximize ef cient utilization
of resources at minimum
environmental impact
To enhance the human potential
and welfare of employees and

To improve employment
opportunities by securing a
minimum of 50 new jobs
To reduce the number of injuries
by 50 per cent by the end of
To reduce emissions of
greenhouse gases per unit of
production by ten per cent by
2005 based on the 2000
To increase human capital
investment by one per cent of
the pro t annually

to the indirect costs, some direct costs will also be incurred

for some of the sustainability projects (which are de ned in
the next, Implementation, stage). It is important that these
costs are identi ed and budgeted for, so that the implementation of the CSMS is not hampered by the lack of nancial
The Implementation stage involves identifying sustainability priorities and aligning them with business priorities.
Appropriate projects and tools will have to be identi ed to
help business become more sustainable. A monitoring and
reporting system is also established in this stage.
However, more fundamentally, the Implementation stage
also involves changing the corporate culture and employees
attitudes. These changes cannot be achieved overnight and
normally a three-to- ve-year plan with one-year milestones
will be needed, including detailed plans on overcoming the
barriers (DTI, 2001). The implementation of a sustainability

strategy must have a full buy-in if it is to be effective. This

in turn requires broad consultation, training, awareness
raising and motivating.
Priority actions and alignment of business and
sustainability priorities
Key sustainability issues identi ed in the rst stage of the
CSMS (Sustainable Development Policy) should be used to
guide the identi cation of priority actions for business. For
example, if the cost of climate change levy is going to affect
pro ts, then an energy ef ciency programme could be
initiated to identify possibilities for reducing energy use as
well as for using cleaner energy sources.
In this example, as in many other cases, sustainability and
business priorities would be naturally aligned. However, in
reality, this may not always be the case and some repositioning may be required. De ning business priorities is a highly
dynamic process as the priorities can change quickly, sometimes from month to month. Sustainability priorities, on the
other hand, can remain unchanged for much longer, usually
years and decades. Furthermore, as illustrated in Table 2,
different stakeholders will also operate on different timescales. Hence, a major challenge in developing and implementing a sustainability strategy is to reconcile these different time-scales. This requires refocusing from short-term
thinking to a longer-term vision and clear identi cation of
the bene ts as well as the threats should the business and
sustainability priorities become unaligned.
Identifying projects for integration of
sustainability into business practice
Key sustainability issues identi ed in the rst stage of the
CSMS (Sustainable Development Policy) should be used to
guide the identi cation of speci c projects that would help
achieve the set objectives and targets. The projects should
target the hot spots identi ed for each business area, e.g.
production, transport, products, procurement, employees,

Figure 3. An example of the reporting and responsibility structure for CSMS.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003


etc. Detailed action plans should be developed, specifying
staff responsibilities and target dates for completion.
For example, projects that are aimed at increasing production ef ciency through better use of materials and energy
will lead to a simultaneous improvement of the triple bottom
lines: improved energy ef ciency results in cost savings and
increased pro ts, while at the same time reducing the use of
fossil fuels, local pollution and contribution to global
warming. From a social point of view, this helps to improve
the relationships with stakeholders at it demonstrates that a
company uses resources in a responsible way, improves
quality of the local and global environment and hence,
quality of life. Similarly, projects for sustainable product
design with emphasis on quality rather than quantity, help to
prolong the life-time of both the products and primary
resources, enhance nancial returns through increased
value-added and usually lead to waste minimization and
lower environmental impact overall.
Good procurement practices can also assist companies in
becoming more sustainable. This includes replacing fossilfuel based electricity by a green energy supply, purchasing
recycled packaging and re-using wastes from other companies as raw materials. More sophisticated purchasing policies also include sustainability assessments of suppliers.
Further examples of speci c actions that could be effected
are related to the work-force. Companies which can demonstrate their commitment to people and their values will
raise staff morale and attract and retain the best talent who
are more likely to help secure the long-term viability of the
business. This commitment could be demonstrated through:
fair remuneration packages, including pension and health
bene ts;
equal opportunities and non-discrimination;
good health and safety conditions;
reward schemes for innovative ideas for improvements in
the triple bottom line;
capacity building through training and transferable skills
succession planning and clear career progression; and
ethical corporate behaviour.
A useful compilation of the case studies that describe speci c projects used by different companies to
integrate sustainability into business practice is provided
by the WBCSD (2002).
Identifying the appropriate tools
A number of tools can be used to help implement a
sustainability strategy. Two types of tool are distinguished
tools for achieving cultural change; and
tools for measuring and improving the level of
Several tools are commonly used to achieve cultural
change and embed sustainability into business practice. In
a recent survey by the PWC (2002), the three most useful
tools for managing change are corporate strategy, change
management programmes and formal risk management
Sustainability indicators can be used as one of the tools
for measuring the overall level of sustainability and for
monitoring progress. The indicators could also be combined
Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003


with the balanced business scorecard, a tool often used by

companies for measuring different aspects of business (and
social) performance. Other tools used routinely by many
companies that could also be used for measuring and
improving the level of sustainability include:
mass and energy balancesfor identi cation of material
and energy inef ciencies in the system;
system optimizationmathematical modelling and optimization approaches for identi cation of options for
optimal improvements;
environmental audits and environmental management
systems (e.g. ISO 14000 and EU EMAS)for identi cation of environmental inef ciencies and impacts from a
process or system;
environmental, health and safety risk assessmentfor
identi cation of major risks associated with products,
processes or business activities;
environmental and social impact assessment (EIA and
SIA)for assessment of potential impacts of proposed
life cycle assessment (LCA)for identi cation of hot
spots in the life cycle and for comparison of equivalent
products, processes or business activities from cradle to
Measuring and monitoring
Measuring and monitoring is one way to ensure
that sustainability objectives and targets are being met.
Establishing a sustainability baseline and then monitoring
the performance over the years will give a good indication
of the direction in which the company is going - either
towards or away from sustainability. It will also provide
data for internal and external communication, particularly
for sustainability reports (see External communication:
sustainability reporting, below).
Sustainability indicators are used for these purposes.
Some examples of the indicators are given above; further
detail can be found in, for example, Azapagic and Perdan
(2000), GRI (2002) and IChemE (2002).
Data availability and collection
An important issue in the implementation of the CSMS is
data availability and collection. It is therefore necessary to
establish which data are already available and where in the
company they can be obtained. For example, nancial and
some social data are normally available centrally from the
companys head of ce while environmental data may be
available from the individual sites and operations. It is also
important to have an idea of the effort that will be required
in collecting the data and carrying out sustainability assessments. To minimize the amount of effort for data collection,
it may be advantageous to develop a centralized data
collection system with a uni ed database format that is
compatible with the existing databases so that the data can
easily be imported and manipulated.
Awareness raising, training and motivating
Understanding the meaning of sustainability generally
and how it relates to the companys activities is critical to
the evolution and implementation of the CSMS. This understanding should be evident throughout the company and



among all employees. However, this is not an easily achievable task as the level of knowledge and understanding of the
concept of sustainability and what it involves on the
practical level is often limited. Awareness raising and
training are therefore essential if sustainability is going to
be taken seriously and integrated into the business practice.
These activities will also facilitate the necessary cultural
change, without which little will be achieved in making
business more sustainable. Awareness raising can be
achieved in a number of ways, including bulletin boards,
posters and newsletters which give simple, easy to understand facts about sustainability and explain what each
individual can do to contribute towards making the company
more sustainable. Internal reporting on corporate sustainability is another powerful tool for awareness raising.
Furthermore, the usual training activities (e.g. for health
and safety) could be expanded to include a short introduction to sustainability and its relevance to a particular training
activity. Similar could be done in leadership training courses
to encourage management to be innovative and to take a
lead in corporate sustainability (DTI, 2001).
Employees should be encouraged to put forward innovative ideas that could lead to an improved level of sustainability. This could be linked to a nancial and non- nancial
incentive scheme for best ideas, thus further motivating
employees to participate. The increased awareness and
participation of employees will not only generate practical
ideas, but will also increase enthusiasm for the sustainability
programme itself. Most employees enjoy being part of and
contributing actively in an organization that is committed to
operating in a socially and environmentally responsible
Overcoming barriers
Successful implementation of the CSMS also requires
identifying and overcoming the barriers. As already noted,
one of the major challenges in this respect is cultural
change. This requires the management to develop a corporate culture that encourages responsible behaviour with
respect to all aspects of sustainable development. The
active and visible involvement of directors and senior
management can be a powerful force in creating a supportive culture in which sustainable business practices can
ourish. However, if the senior management is not
convinced of the bene ts or prepared to take on the
challenge of sustainable development, this cultural change
will not occur and will continue to act as one of the major
barriers to making business more sustainable (DTI, 2001).
Other potential barriers include:
available staff time and resources;
nancial priorities, rendering everything else less
dif culties in expressing the bene ts of sustainability in
monetary terms;
pay-back times longer than usual;
lack of awareness and understanding of the principles of
sustainable development and what can be done on the
practical level.
It is important that management is aware of these and
other barriers early in the implementation of the CSMS, so
that they can be tackled in an appropriate way, or so that the

sustainability action plans and priorities can be re-examined

Effective communication is essential for promoting the
concept of sustainable development as well as for promoting
the companys achievements. Therefore, the next stage of
the CSMS process is the development of meaningful internal and external reporting procedures, outlining the
companys sustainable development objectives and comparing performance against them.
Internal communication
Internal reporting on the companys achievements with
respect to sustainability and the related bene ts can have a
signi cant effect on corporate culture. For example, the
company could ask the line managers to include in their
regular reporting procedures a statement on whether they
have achieved the sustainable development targets. Similarly, the board could request periodic reports from senior
management on whether these objectives have been
A summary of progress should be communicated to all
employees at regular intervals. They should also be made
aware of and have access to the annual sustainability reports
produced for external stakeholders.
External communication: sustainability reporting
Companies are increasingly expected to communicate
their performance to external stakeholders. A large
number of companies already produce corporate sustainability reports and there is a lively activity by various
business organizations in trying to standardize the reporting
structure to enable easier cross-comparisons. GRI, which is
emerging as the most widely followed reporting standard,
recommends the following elements to be included in a
sustainability report (GRI, 2002):
vision and strategy with a statement from the CEO;
overview of the companys structure and operations and
of the scope of the report;
governance structure and management systems including
stakeholder engagement;
sustainability indicators: economic, environmental, social
and integrated.
Sustainability reporting can be used to provide information about challenges and achievements to the stakeholders
as well as a marketing tool, associating the company with
sound environmental management and sustainable activities.
It also helps to maintain transparency and to respond to
emerging issues and pressures.
Review and Corrective Action
The nal stage of the CSMS involves progress review to
establish whether the objectives and targets set in the
sustainability policy have been met. The review periods
can vary and normally range from 3 months to one year. If
the review shows that the targets have not been met,
the reasons should clearly be identi ed and an appropriate
corrective action followed to ensure that the targets are
Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003


achieved in the next planning period. Alternatively, the
objectives should be reviewed and more realistic targets set.
However, if the targets have been met and the achievements clearly communicated, the process starts again with
the policy review and re-alignment with the business strategy as appropriate. In this way the company will be fully
aware of its performance and the direction of its progress
either towards or away from sustainability.
After a rst pass through the CSMS cycle, the company
may also wish to assess how good its sustainability strategy
is, by using the questionnaire developed by the UK Government Sustainable Development Commission (SDC, 2002)
and given in the Appendix.
The review process should ensure continuous improvement and progress towards sustainability. It should also help
the company to answer the practical questions on what
exactly and how much it needs to do to improve its performance in a particular area to become more sustainable.
Answering this question is indeed one of the most
important aims of developing and implementing the
CSMS proposed here. An initial, pilot testing of the framework in a company has indicated that it provides a powerful
approach to sustainability management and that it can
provide guidance to companies on what they need to do to
become more sustainable. However, longer-term testing of
the methodology is necessary to support these preliminary
ndings; this work is under way and its results will be the
subject of a future paper.
Building a sustainable business is a long-term and multilevel challenge which requires strategic thinking and a
systems approach. Corporate sustainability is not an add
on but must be an integral part of business and, like all
other business activities, it must be managed in an appropriate way.
A corporate sustainability management system (CSMS)
proposed in this paper offers a framework for a systematic
and structured incorporation of sustainability thinking into
corporate practice. Following a systems approach and
modelled to be compatible with other management systems,
including TQM and EMS, the CSMS provides a practical
step-by-step guidance on:
identi cation of stakeholders and sustainability issues;
development of a sustainable development policy;
sustainability SWOT analysis;
measuring the level of sustainability by using sustainability indicators; and
communication of sustainability policies and progress,
including sustainability reporting.
Rather than being prescriptive, the CSMS enables companies to design, manage and communicate corporate social
sustainability in the way that is tailored to their speci c
needs and the contexts in which they operate. It also
provides a transparent audit trail of the sustainability
management process enabling evaluation and continuous
improvement of corporate sustainability performance.
However, it must be made clear that a sustainability
management system on its own will not make a business
sustainable. Whilst it can facilitate this process, it is only an
instrument and a tool which will have a limited success
Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003


without a full commitment to making business more sustainable. This requires a paradigm shift in the way traditional
business is conductedonly proactive and forward-thinking
companies will be able to respond to this challenge.


The following questionnaire is based on the questionnaire developed by the UK Sustainable Development
Commission (2002). The questionnaire should help companies to assess how effective their sustainability strategy is
once it has been put in place and implemented. The
questionnaire is in four parts and examines how well the
sustainability strategy follows the general principles of
sustainability; how sustainable is the current performance
of the company; how good are the targets and objectives for
improvement and how the information is disseminated.

The Questionnaire
1. General principles
To what extent does the strategy:
1. Show a recognition and understanding of the meaning
and objectives of sustainable development in general
and as they relate to the company?
2. Acknowledge the costs and limits of unsustainable
activity generally and the bene ts of action to achieve
3. Acknowledge the need for adopting the precautionary
4. Place people at the centre of the strategy and involve
stakeholders including supply chain partners, customers
and waste disposers?
5. Demonstrate a high level of commitment to the implementation of the strategy within the company?
2. Assessment of current performance of the
company and recent change
To what extent does the strategy:
6. Identify clearly and openly the general economic, social
and environmental impacts both good and bad, of the
company and take responsibility for those impacts?
Does this include:
consideration of the supply chain,
source of raw materials and energy,
impacts from manufacture and processing,
impacts from transport,
impacts on communities and employees,
use of products and nal destination,
world-wide impacts as appropriate?
7. Identify threats to the company from unsustainable
practices and identify opportunities for the company
to bene t from more sustainable practices in general?
8. Assess the past performance of the company (clearly
de ned) against appropriate indicators and assess the
move towards (or away from) sustainable development
over time. Does this assessment re ect the concerns of
stakeholders and the wider public? Can additional
or more appropriate indicators be added? Can these


indicators be applied to future performance for consistent reporting?

3. Speci c company performance, indicators and targets

To what extent does the strategy:
9. Identify opportunities for the company to contribute to
improvements and breakthroughs (such as technological
innovations) which might help achieve sustainable
development? Does the strategy include proposals for
their implementation (including the costs of such
10. Identify opportunities for the company to work together
with other companies in the sector to achieve greater
11. On the basis of 610 above, establish indicators and
targets for the company to achieve improvements in
terms of tangible bene ts and measurable criteria for
Are these indicators realistic and challenging?
Are time-scales established?
Are the data to be used transparent and veri able?
Is it clear what factors may in uence the ability of the
company to deliver these targets?
Are costs and bene ts identi ed?
Does it also identify action which may be necessary
to alleviate any limiting factors?
12. Assess whether the impact of implementing the strategy
as a whole is likely to be positive=neutral=negative in
terms of the relevant indicators. Are there ways in
which the strategy could be re ned to make the effect
more positive or less negative?
13. Require annual reporting against indicators for
improvement? Identify a process by which the strategy
can be reviewed and enhanced as lessons are learnt?
14. Take a long-term perspective in addition to short-term
indicators (at least 10 years)?
4. Exempli cation, application and dissemination
To what extent does the strategy:
15. Relate its assessment of performance and future targets
and indicators to practical and actual examples?
16. Establish and seek to disseminate and encourage best
practice and bench-marking?
17. Raise awareness of sustainability issues among the
employees and a wider audience?

Azapagic, A., 2003, Developing a framework for sustainable development
indicators for the mining and minerals industry, J Cleaner Prod, in press.

Azapagic, A., 2002, Life cycle assessment: a tool for identi cation of more
sustainable products and processes, in Handbook of Green Chemistry and
Technology, Clark, J. and Macquarrie, D. (eds) (Blackwell Science,
Oxford, UK), pp 6285.
Azapagic, A. and Perdan, S., 2000, Indicators of sustainable development for
industry: a general framework, Trans IChemE, Part B, Proc Safe Env Prot,
78(4): 243261.
DTI, 2001, Sustainable Development: Improving Competitiveness through
Corporate Social Responsibility, A Directors Guide. Department of Trade
and Industry, London, May 2001.
EC, 2001a, Communication on Promoting a European Framework for
Corporate Social Responsibility. COM 2001, 366, Brussels, July 2001.
EC, 2001b, Regulation (EC) No. 761=2001 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 19 March 2001 Allowing Voluntary Participation by
Organisations in a Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
(EMAS), Of cial J of the EC, L114, 24 April 2001.
EC, 2002, Communication from the Commission Concerning Corporate
Social Responsibility: A Business Contribution to Sustainable Development. Com 2002, 347 Final, Brussels, 2.7.2002. http://europa.eu.
pdf (3 Oct 2002).
GRI, 2002, Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. Global Reporting Initiative,
pdf (3 Oct 2002).
IChemE, 2002, The Sustainability Metrics (The Institution of Chemical
Engineers, Rugby, UK).
IISD & WBCSD, 2002, Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development
Project. http://www.iied.org/mmsd (4 March 2002).
ISO, 2000, ISO 9000:2000. Quality Management SystemsFundamentals
and Vocabulary. International Organisation for Standardisation, Geneva.
ISO, 1996, ISO 14001:1996.Environmental Management SystemsSpeci cation with Guidance for Use. International Organisation for Standardization, Geneva.
ISO, 2003, Generic Management System Standards. http://www.iso.ch/iso/
en/iso9000-14000/tour/generic.html (2 May 2003).
IMA-Europe, 2002, Sustainability Indicators for the Industrial Minerals
Sector. IMA-Europe, Brussels http://www.ima-eu.org. (Jan 2002).
PWC, 2002, Mining and Minerals Sustainability Survey, Data Report. http://
www.pwcglobal.com (8 Oct 2002).
SDC, 2002, Sectoral Sustainable Development Strategies: Self Assessment
Guide. The UK Sustainable Development Commission. http://www.sdcommission.gov.uk/pubs/sag/index.htm (8 Oct 2002).
WBCSD, 2002, Projects. World Business Council for Sustainable Development, http://www.wbcsd.org/projects/index.htm (3 Oct 2002).

I am grateful to the Royal Academy of Engineering which supported this
work nancially through the Industrial Secondment and Global Research
Award schemes. Financial support by the Leverhulme Trust is also gratefully acknowledged. My thanks are also due to the following people and
organizations: Graham Lawson, Jim Petrie, WBB Minerals and the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Sydney.

Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to
Dr A. Azapagic, Chemical and Process Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Survey, Guildford, Survey GU2 7XH, UK.
E-mail: a.azapagic@surrey.ac.uk
The manuscript was received 16 October 2002 and accepted for
publication after revision 9 June 2003.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, September 2003

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