Yog Sandesh Sep English - 08 1
Yog Sandesh Sep English - 08 1
Yog Sandesh Sep English - 08 1
m|e% lkgla /S;± cqf¼% 'kfDr% ijkØe%A
"kMsrs ;=k orZUrs r=k nso lgk;Ñr~AA Editorial 4
Your Experiences 5
Thorn Apple: Qualities
And Benefits 6
Year : 6 Issue : 1 September 2008
Nature Cure For Cancer 9
Editor Practice Yog, Be Healthy 14
Acharya Balkrishan
Osteoporosis In Women 15
Sub-Editor Mundakopanishad 18
Dr. Rajendra Vidyalankar
Jayshankar Mishra Practice Easy Asanas To Remain 19
Disease Free
Subscription Food Is The Basis Of Good Health 21
Protect Your Heart 23
Single copy.........................15-
Healthy Life 25
Yog Reduces The Risk Of Prostrate Cancer 27
Five year.............................700/-
Eleven years......................1500/- Adopt Medicinal Vegetables 29
OutSide India (Annual)......800/- Importance Of Sleep 31
Acharya Sushrut And His Unmatchable
OFFICE Surgical Skills 33
Maharshi Dayanand Gram,
Vitamins Are Essential For Good Health 37
Delhi-Hardwar High Way
Near- Bahadrabad, Hardwar, Spiritual Transformation Challenges
Uttarakhand, (INDIA) 249402 And Solutions 39
Ph: 01334-240008, 244107, 246737, 248888
Propounders Of Ayurved And Role
Fax No. 01334-244805, 240664
e-mail : divyayoga@rediffmail.com Of Charak In This Tradition 41
Visit us at : www.divyayoga.com Organic Farming Maintains
The Natural Balance 45
Devotion Of God 47
Publication & Distribution Office
‘I Have Become The Basic Mantra
Of Revolution’ Bhagat Singh 49
Diamond Comics Group of Publications
D. C. Magazines Sadhanapada 52
Punjabi Pustak Bhandar Yoga Service Centers Running With
257, Dariba Kalan, Delhi-110006
The Inspiration Of Revered
Contact : Gulshan Rai
Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj 53
Fax % (0120)&4238010
E-mail: gulshanrai@diamondcomic.com Hathyog 57
News Roundup 58
The foundation stone for the first international cen- Revered Swami Ji aims to provide good health at
ter of Patanjali Yogpeeth and university was laid down international level. This has already begun through the
at Huston, America at a cost of 45 lack dollars for the medium of Yog and Ayurved. His objective is to bring
benefit of the people. back the status of world mentor for India.
Huston is popular as a satellite and medical sci- Former President of India, A.P.J.Abdul Kalam had
ence center. This Ayurvedic and Yog education and declared, “India will become world mentor again one
research center spread across over 100 acres of land day” and this seemed to be coming true when famous
will offer yogic and Ayurvedic treatment for Ameri- Hollywood actors, producers and directors were seen
cans. Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj addressed the people bowing down in front of two people dressed in saf-
present at the inauguration ceremony and said, “We fron clothes. This program was organized in order to
also want that all the unhealthy people should become find out about Yog, Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and
healthy. Yog is fully beneficial in achieving this and there- Swami Chidanand Maharaj Ji taught the intricacies of
fore it should not be overlooked. The western medi- Yog to around 500 actors, producers, directors, writ-
cal practitioners should think about the health building ers, singers, and models of Hollywood. On this occa-
system with an open mind in stead of rejecting it.” sion, Swami Ji Maharaj taught the method of pranayam
Swami Ji said that there is a strong relation be- and also gave detailed lecture about Yog and pranayam.
tween Vedic knowledge and modern science. There-
fore we have selected Huston city that is famous for A few words on the anniversary of Yog Sandesh
medical science and education to set up the Yog cen- Yog Sandesh magazine based on Yog, spirituality,
ter. This center will offer Vedic Gurukul facilities, herbal Ayurved, culture and values has completed five years
garden, and Yog classes for aged people, and on September 2008. The magazine published with the
Vanaprashtha ashram for old aged people, digital Vedic inspiration of revered Swami Ji Maharaj in 11 Indian
library and museum. This center will have research, languages has thousands of readers in India and abroad
medical testing facilities along with propagating Yog who have accepted it whole-heartedly and thereby
and pranayam. This center will be close to NASA, accepted Yog. It was Herculean task to publish it with-
Saint Lucs, Heart Institute, Huston university and other out any source of revenue through advertisements. But
scientific institutions. This will facilitate communication with the blessings and inspiration of revered Swami Ji
with these centers in case of need. Maharaj, Yog Sandesh is helping in relieving diseases
Positive results have come out with the clinical tests and reaping health benefits for millions. This has been
of Yog and pranayam. Yog is the ancient knowledge, possible with the support of our avid readers. I am
which has helped in maintaining world peace, moral confident that your love and support will continue in
values and human values and is extremely necessary future also. Revered Swami Ji conveys his blessings
for the world today. Yog, pranayam are playing an to all the people associated with Yog Sandesh and
important role in controlling diseases. However, all- Patanjali Yogpeeth directly or indirectly.
opathy is very important in case of emergencies like Acharya Balkrishan
heart attack.
ers watch Astha Channel available
at each barrack.
Jail authorities from other places
informed that this is the first jail in
Uttar Pradesh, which organizes Yog
UNMATCHABLE ‘YOG SANDESH’ camp regularly. This has changed
Respected Swami Ji Maharaj! 200 PRISONERS OF the negative and destructive men-
SHAHJAHANPUR ARE PRACTIC- tality of the prisoners and there has
Namaskar! been tremendous improvement.
You are a divine and supernatu- Revered Swami Ji Maharaj! Swami Ji I have taken a resolu-
ral power of 21st century. You have Namaskar! tion that I would dedicate rest of my
extended Yog to each and every I am a prisoner at Shahjahanpur life in your proximity and sacrifice
house, which is a unique, jail from 30-11-2005. I was very my life for protecting the Indian cul-
angry and destructive kind of per- ture and welfare of the society.
unmatchable and credible work. Yog Yours truly,
son in the beginning but my life has
Sandesh published from Hardwar completely changed after coming Premchandra Mishra
is a very informative and knowl- here. I have got a new life with the District Jail, Shahjahanpur
edgeable magazine. It gives the right practice of pranayam. I was suffer- (U.P)
direction to overcome all sorts of dis- ing from several diseases like dis-
charge of vital humours through YOG AND PRANAYAM RELIEVED
ease and is a great source of spiri- DIABETES
urine, constipation, spinal pain, gas-
tual knowledge. Revered Swami Ji Maharaj!
tric trouble etc. Now, I am relieved
I have expressed my feelings in of all these diseases and leading a Namaskar!
the form of a poem; healthy life. I saw you for the first I am practicing pranayam for the
Jh gfj ds }kj ;kuh gfj}kjA time at IVRI Yog science camp or- past eight months. I was suffering
ganized at Bareily and learnt a few from high blood pressure and diabe-
ls fudyk vuqie ^;ksx lans'k*AA tes since several years. The PP
asanas and pranayam in that camp.
ge lcdk iquhr drZO; gSA As per your direction district col- sugar level in January 2008 was 336
djs a iz p kj&iz l kj ns ' k&fons ' kAA lector of Patanjali Yogpeeth and I used to take medicines twice
iratfy vkS"k/ky; vk;qosZfnd gSA Madanlal Pathak organized a Yog daily. I used to practice all the seven
lsou djds vki djs Jh x.ks'kAA science camp and I also took part in steps of pranayam, some light exer-
the camp. I listened to everything cises, 9 asanas along with medica-
ekuo&ekuo esa rfud u jgs HksnA tion.
very carefully and understood it.
^;ksx fpfdRlk* ls gh feVkos Dys'kAA From that day onwards I was very I am eating chapattis made with
esjh 'kqHkdkeuk,a gS] lexz Hkkjro"kZ esAa dedicated and developed lot of faith. gram flour and coarse meal for din-
iQSys ¶Lokeh jkensoth¸ dk lans'kAA I started practicing Yog and also ner. Now the sugar level has come
‘It is our duty to propagate Yog taught to other inmates of this jail. down to 131-278 and at present it is
The jail authorities were impressed between 54-116. The doctor was
Sandesh published from
with the dedication and gave me the also surprised to see this change and
Hardwar. Everybody should use asked me the secret. I told him that
responsibility of Yog teacher of jail.
the Ayurvedic medicines of Initially 10-15 prisoners came for- I am practicing pranayam. Doctor
Patanjali medical center in order ward to learn Yog and today with has advised me to stop taking medi-
to relieve the diseases without any your blessing around 200 prisoners cine at night. The recent tests re-
differences between individuals. are practicing Yog everyday. They sults show sugar level at 31-148 and
have been able to overcome serious doctor has asked me to take one tab-
The poet expresses his desire that let in the morning instead of two.
diseases, which probably would have
Swami Ji’s Yog Sandesh should been difficult even after spending Now I am feeling a lot better. Ev-
spread all over the country’. several thousands. Two of us have erybody is reaping health benefits by
Yours truly subscribed to Yog Sandesh maga- following the path of Swami Ji.
Shridhar Yadav zine and the jail authorities have or- Yours truly,
dered other literature published from D.K.Mitra,
Khadhara, Barahat, Banka (Bihar) 217-219/2A, Sector-4,
Patanjali Yogpeeth. All the prison-
Pin – 813121 Balko Nagar, Korba (Chattisgarh)
Acharya Balkrishan
wavy and slightly folded at the end. The flowers are 5- ness of the eye.
6 inches long and are usually two to three leaves grow Swelling of Breasts:
together, violet coloured from outside and white from • Heat the leaves and tie on swollen breasts and piles
inside. The fruits are round, lemon sized, thorny and for relief.
bend downwards. The seeds are light and light brown • If a woman has excessive breast milk and has the
coloured. seeds of Krishna Thorn Apple are flat and fear of developing breast tumours, tie thorn apple
round shaped and black in color. leaves on breasts to stop excess milk.
Chemical Composition: Asthma:
The thorn apple seeds contain 0.25 percent • Grind Thorn Apple fruits, stem, and leaves, dry and
Hayosanmeen and 0.55 percent of Hayoseen. These make a powder. smoke the powder to relieve breath-
are two alkaline available in the leaf and seeds of Thorn ing problem.
Apple. These are the main active ingredients. These • Take four grains of partially dried Thorn Apple leaves
two alkaline are found in thymol seeds and Khurasini and make a bidi. The breathing problem is overcome
also. Besides, the seeds also contain 15 percent resin within ten minutes. Smoke a second bidi if the prob-
and 30 percent of permanent oil. lem does not subside within 15 minutes. Take a third
Qualities: bidi if this also does not work. This remedy should
• Thorn Apple is intoxicating, improves complexion, be avoided if allergic to thorn apple.
increases heat and windy element, it is pungent, sweet • Take equal quantities of Thorn Apple, tobacco,
and bitter in taste. It helps in destroying lice from Apamarg and Javasa and make a fine powder. Take
scalp. It reduces temperature, overcomes leprosy, a little quantity of powder in Hukka form to stop
phlegm, itching, germs and poison. (Bhav Prakash) asthma attacks.
• Thorn Apple is bitter, dry, improves complexion, heals • Take equal quantities of Thorn Apple, black tea, shora
wounds, overcomes doshas, reduces temperature and tobacco and make a fine powder. Smoke it like
and creates illusion. bidi to stop the asthma attack.
• It removes phlegm and is beneficial in removing the Cholera: Keep the thorn apple saffron in sugar cake
blockage in the windpipe. and swallow for relief.
Medicinal use: Pregnancy: Mix 1/4th gm thorn apple seeds pow-
Headache: Take two to three seeds daily to relieve der and taken with equal quantity of honey and clarified
chronic headache butter to conceive.
Lice in Hair: Boil four kilos mustard oil, 16 kilos Rheumatism:
juice of Thorn Apple leaves,16 kilos of Thorn Apple • Extract juice of panchang of Thorn Apple and cook
leaves extract on low flame till only the oil remains. in linseed oil till only the oil remains. massage the
Store cool oil in a bottle. Apply this oil on hair to over- painful area and tie the leaves to relieve pain. This
come lice. oil overcomes rheumatism and itching.
Madness: • Take half grain Thorn Apple extract thrice daily to
• Grind the seeds of Krishna Thorn Apple in pitta relieve joint pain.
papada juice and drink for mental stability. • Apply the lep of Thorn Apple leaves and tie poultice
• Prepare powder with equal quantities of pure Thorn of Thorn Apple leaves to relieve rheumatism and
Apple seeds and pepper and make small pills of 100 joint pain.
mg each. Mix it with water thoroughly and make Swelling: Mix the paste of Thorn Apple leaves in
one-grain pills. Take 1-2 pills twice daily with butter Shilajit and apply on swollen testicles, stomach selling,
to overcome mental instability. This medicine im- swelling of lung membrane, joint pain and swelling of
proves health and keeps the mind peaceful in case bones to relieve pain.
of mental illness, trauma, liquor, drugs, exposing to Sexual Power:
sunlight for long duration, sleeplessness after deliv- • Mix the seeds of Thorn Apple, Akarkara and Clove
ery. and make pills. This tablet is beneficial for increas-
Eye-disease: Apply fresh juice extracted from ing sexual power.
Thorn Apple leaves on eyes to relieve pain and reddish- • Massage Thorn Apple seeds oil on soles to increase
pleasure during intercourse and reach orgasm. rough layer forms on wounds, wash the wounds with
• Take 15 fruits with seeds, grind and make a fine lukewarm water initially. Then tie the poultice of thorn
powder, added in 20 kilos milk and set curds. Churn apple leaves for healing.
it the next day and make clarified butter from this Gonorrhea
curd. Take 125 mg powder with betel leaves to over- • Make thick quath of the leaves of thorn apples and
come infertility. Massage it on sexual organs to make apply at the back of the ear to cure gonorrhea.
them active. • In case of wax formation in the ears, mix eight parts
Fever: of mustard oil, one part of sandal, 32 parts of Thorn
• 125 mg ash of Thorn Apple seeds taken twice daily Apple leaves juice and extract oil. Pour one drop of
is beneficial for malaria patients. oil in the ear twice daily.
• 65 mg of fine powder of the seeds taken in fever or • Thorn Apple oil: take 400gms of Thorn Apple juice,
before brings down the temperature. add 25gms of turmeric powder in Thorn Apple juice
• Take equal number of Thorn Apple leaves, Nag bail as chutney, 100gms of sesame oil and cook on low
leaves, black pepper, and grind and make tablets flame. When oil is left out, remove it from flame and
horse bean sized. Take one tablet twice daily. This sieve it. This is useful in case of wounds on nerves
should be taken with aniseeds extract to overcome of ear.
chronic discharge of vital humours through urine. Insect bite
Tartan: Mix 5-6 drops of Thorn Apple leaf juice in Cold extract of cotton flowers and leaves removes
25 gm of curd and consume and take 25 gm curd over poisonous affect of thorn apple.
it again. Follow this remedy twice daily to overcome Side effects: Excessive amount of thorn apple is
tartan. harmful. It makes the body numb due to its dry nature.
Scorpion Bite: Apply Thorn Apple leaves pulp on It causes headache, mental instability and even uncon-
scorpion bitten area for relief. sciousness and can be fatal. External use is only advis-
Wound: In case the wounds are full of pus or thick able and all care should be taken while using it.
rwus [kwc jpk Hkxoku~ f[kykSuk ekVh dk] ekVh dk js ekVh dk&2A
rwus [kwc jpk Hkxoku~ f[kykSuk ekVh dk] ekVh dk js ekVh dk&2AA
dku fn;s gfj Hktu lquu dks] rw eq[k ls dj xq.kxkuA
f[kykSuk ekVh dk js ekVh dk ------------------------------------------ AA
ftàk nh gfj Hktu dju dks nh vk¡ [ ks dj igpkuA
f[kykSuk ekVh dk js ekVh dk ------------------------------------------ AA
'kh'k fn;k xq#pju >qdu dks vkSj gkFk fn;s dj nkuA
f[kykSuk ekVh dk js ekVh dk ------------------------------------------ AA
vksýe uke dk cuk ds csM+k vkSj mrjks Hko ls ikjA
f[kykSuk ekVh dk js ekVh dk ------------------------------------------ AA
rwus [kwc jpk Hkxoku~ f[kykSuk ekVh dk] ekVh dk js ekVh dk&2A
rwus [kwc jpk Hkxoku~ f[kykSuk ekVh dk] ekVh dk js ekVh dk&2AA
God has created the human beings, he gave us ears to hear devotional songs, and mouth to chant his
name. god gave us tongue to sing songs in his praise and eyes to recognize. god gave us head to bow
down in front of him and hands for charity. The man should chant Aum and accomplish life.
Vaidya Rakesh Agarwal – Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar
Cancer: This dangerous disease is spreading all over the world at a very
fast pace. India is also a part of this and the pace at which cancer is increasing
in our country is a matter of great concern. The number of people dying due
to cancer in India is more than four lacs. This figure is increasing at the rate of
11 percent every year. The men are prone to oral cancer and women to
breast cancer.
The process of formation The process of formation and destruction of cells is an ongoing process in
and destruction of cells the human body. This process plays an important role in maintaining the health.
is an ongoing process in Cancer is known as Oncology in medical parlance. Cancer grows in our
the human body. This body due to deficiency of nutritional elements and harmful elements. We can
process plays an impor- find a detailed description about this aspect in our ancient Ayurvedic texts.
tant role in maintaining Cancer is known as Karkrog in Hindi.
the health. Cancer is Surgery is the main treatment for cancer in modern medical system. But in
known as Oncology in the ancient times it was treated with medicinal plants. However, Ayurved
medical parlance. Can- talks about surgical treatment for cancer and use of other medicinal plants.
cer grows in our body Acharya Sushrut was the only surgeon during that period.
due to deficiency of Symptoms: The main body parts like mouth, voice box, lungs, uterus,
nutritional elements and breasts, blood and stomach get affected due to affect of cancer. The life
harmful elements. We becomes a hell for the cancer patient. In case of mouth cancer there are
can find a detailed de- changes in mouth and mufosa of the patient, due to which the patient fails to
scription about this open his mouth and tongue, faces problem in swallowing sputum and saliva,
aspect in our ancient experiences pain in chewing and swallowing food and is unable to speak.
Ayurvedic texts. Cancer Red, brownish -black and white spots are seen in the mouth. A tumour grows
is known as Karkrog in in the throat and a bad smell is emitted from the mouth. This condition is the
Hindi. Surgery is the result of addiction to smoking, chewing pan masala, gutka and other such
main treatment for things.
cancer in modern medi- When the patient’s voice box becomes cancerous then the patient is un-
cal system. But in the able to speak clearly, the tumour in the throat swells, the patient faces diffi-
ancient times it was culty in breathing and swallowing. Excessive smoking and tobacco consump-
treated with medicinal tion lead to this condition.
plants In case of lung cancer, the patient experiences pain in lungs and suffer
from cough. The patient suffers from frequent pneumonia attacks with weight
loss and loss of appetite. The cancer patient cannot swallow the food and
vomits blood. This condition is also the result of liquor addiction, smoking
and pollution.
In case of women suffering from uterus cancer, the uterus increases in size
In case of local growth the cancer begins at a par-
ticular place and slowly spreads to other parts. For
example, in case of cervix cancer it spreads to vagina,
uterus, rectum, bladder etc. In the second case the
cancer cells spread through the lymphatic glands and
invade the lymph nodes. They stop or reduce the flow
of lymph in that are and this could take a serious form
and leads to heavy bleeding. The main reason for
in the absence of correct treatment. In the third type
this condition is lack of nutritious diet and sexual rela-
of cancer, the cancer cells spread through other parts
tions at young age. However, nowadays breast can-
like brain, lungs, liver, and bones through blood veins.
cer is increasing at a very fast pace. This leads to swell-
The stomach, chest and intestines cancer increases and
ing in breasts and tumour develops. The breasts turn
spread till peritoneum causing dropsy and other seri-
reddish along with pain and itching. In some cases we
ous conditions.
can see depressions on the breast. This is generally
hereditary and the other reason being that nowadays
Ayurved and cancer:
women do not like to get married till 30 years of age
Cancer is a very old disease. This has been men-
and this could also be one of the reasons for breast
tioned in our ancient Ayurvedic books like Charak
Sanhita, Madhav Nidan, Sushrut Sanhita and Arka
Blood cancer is also very dreadful. The patient of
Prakash. The Ayurvedic books describe it as Kark,
blood cancer loses weight and has high temperature.
Galkand, Arbud and tumourous disease.
The patient complains of pain in bones and joints, nose
According to saint Charak, “In case of cancer there
bleeding, heavy perspiration at nighttime and pale skin.
is swelling and growth of tumour in the body.”
Blood cancer can also be a hereditary problem. Ir-
In the view of surgeons, “The round glandular
regular life style and consumption of stale meat helps
growth of blood or flesh in any part of the body due to
in the growth of cancer cells in the body.
imbalance in vata, pitta or kapha, along with slight pain
In case of stomach cancer, the patient has severe
and if the flesh is imbedded deep inside then it is known
gastric trouble along with vomiting, loss of appetite.
as cancer.”
He complains of swelling in stomach, loss of weight
According to Sushrut Sanhita Cancer is of six types
and unbearable pain in the stomach. This condition is
– generated through vata, kapha, pitta, blood, and
the result of excessive smoking, indigestion and ex-
flesh, fat. Besides, the book also mentions about sugar
cessive addiction to alcohol.
generated cancer also, known as Sharkara Arbud.”
Spread of cancer cells in the body: the cancer cells
Cancer is of different types. We will now learn
do not spread in a particular shape or direction. They
more about this in the following pages.
can spread in any part of the body and in any direc-
Prostrate cancer: This is caused in men. Exercise is
tion. In the preliminary stage of cancer, the tumour is
considered to be ideal from health point of view, but it
like a wound and swollen. The cancer begins to spread
can be harmful for the patients of prostrate cancer.
in the whole body slowly and takes dangerous form.
They can suffer from tumour like growth in prostrate
When cancer attacks the stomach, chest and ovaries,
region. However, the patients of prostrate cancer
then it is detected with great difficulty. Cancer spreads
should be active in life. This type of cancer is spread-
in three types:
ing at a very fast rate in India. Those who do not ejacu-
Local growth
late regularly can suffer from this disease and cancer
Through blood
cells increase at a fast rate.
Through lymph
Intestine cancer: Generally people suffer from gall
bladder stones. Normally the stones develop in kid-
neys and gall bladder. Stones can also develop due to
intake of high cholesterol food. The enzymes of pig-
ment present in the gall bladder start accumulating,
which convert into stones due to low enzymes count.
Usually the gall bladder is removed through surgery in
such cases, but it should be avoided because removal the first stage the treatment is possible. But as the
of this organ could lead to indigestion of fat in the body. wound increases in size then the treatment becomes
Undigested fat and pitta get accumulated deep inside difficult. In the fourth stage also correct treatment can
the intestines. Slowly this takes the form of intestine lead to 50 percent success in treatment. In the previ-
cancer. ous stage, there are chances of 100 percent cure.
Breast cancer: Women suffer from this type of can- We request the women to develop awareness to
cer, however it is rarely found among men also. There protect themselves and their family from cancer and
are very few cases of men suffering from breast can- breast cancer. We would also like to tell the women
cer. In the past 20 years, around 0.86 to 1.08 percent that turmeric has important qualities to prevent cancer
men out of 1 lac have suffered from breast cancer. and also cure it. Therefore, women should always use
This cancer is detected more easily among women pure turmeric for cooking. It is better to prepare tur-
when compared to men. The symptoms of breast can- meric powder at home.
cer are detected in women in the preliminary stage Turmeric has anti venom, anti bacterial, anti can-
itself. Therefore it can be cured in time. In case of cerous and blood purifying qualities. It is better to buy
men, this tumour is detected at a later stage and by fresh cow milk or buffalo milk in place of dairy milk.
that time the tumour takes a dangerous form. Similarly, it is better to use wheat flour purchased from
It is not necessary that breast cancer attacks only floor mill instead of readymade wheat flour.
at old age. It could occur at a young age also and the Exercise can also be helpful in curing breast can-
chances of cancer growth are more between the age cer. Ayurved recommends Panchkarma (body –puri-
group of 35 to 40 years. Around 25 percent women fication process) and Ayurvedic medicines to treat
die every year due to breast cancer. Frequent abor- cancer.
tions, early onset of menstrual cycle, early marriage, Uterus cancer : If a girl becomes mother at a young
child birth, late marriage, not breast feeding children, age or before 20 years then she has the chances of
use of contraceptive pills, lack of physical exercise suffering from uterus cancer. If a girl aged 18 years or
are the main reasons for this cancer. Widows and di- less indulges in sexual acts then she has the chances of
vorcees are also prone to this cancer. vaginal cancer. Besides her hymen also becomes weak.
Breast cancer can also be caused due to heredi- Irregular menstrual cycle, bleeding from vagina, odour
tary reasons, breast injury, wearing tight fit dresses or etc. could be symptoms of cancer. Therefore women
under garments, continuous growth of white blood cells, should pay special attention in cleanliness of vagina.
hormones generated elements. Doctor should be con- She should avoid over indulgence in sex.
sulted in case of feeling of tumour in breasts, some Cold drinks could increase risk of cancer : It is a
swelling in armpits, mild pain in breast tumours or swell- fact that the number of people drinking cold drinks is
ing, any change in the shape of breasts, wound in the increasing in our country at a very fast pace. This is
swollen area, bleeding from wound, hard feeling on resulting in the number of cancer patients also. Cold
touching the tumour and pain in tumour. drinks are rich in carbohydrates, which have a nega-
There are four stages in case of breast cancer. In tive
Nowadays, fasting is being practiced even in western
countries and they have also realized its importance.
Fasting can also help in preventing the side effects of
chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a prevalent method
in the treatment of cancer. Fasting can protect from
the side effects of medicines and chemotherapy and
also increase the chances of fast cure.
affect on the health. Cold drinks increase the risk Cancer patient should take 100 gm round gourd
of cancer of food pipe. The cold drinks are rich in juice twice daily. It is also ideal to take 100 gm beetroot,
calorie count with zero nutritional value. The person 100 gm carrot and 25 gm myrobalan juice twice daily.
who is habituated to drinking cold drinks becomes Sweet limejuice, grape juice, pineapple juice should
obese and also becomes prone to cancer. also be taken twice daily. Fenugreek, spinach, bathua
Diabetes increases the risk of cancer : Diabetes juice should be taken depending on the season. Wheat
patients are prone to cancer. The main reason is insu- grass juice is very beneficial for the cancer patient.
lin. If the insulin level is high in the blood then cancer Nature cure to treat cancer
cells can increase in the body. However, it is true that w Nature cure is beneficial for relieving cancer and
the diabetes patients who pay attention to their diet keep the body disease free. The following should
and exercise are able to reduce their blood sugar level be kept in mind in nature cure.
and also the risk of suffering from cancer. w Keep cold bandage on stomach for 30 minutes and
What should be the diet of a cancer patient? then take neem enema daily.
Cancer patients should eat food cooked on low w Take hipbath with cold water for ten minutes.
flame, because quickly cooked food increase toxins w Sunbath for 30 minutes daily is ideal. Wear white
in blood. This type of food is harmful for health. On cotton clothes, keep a cold cloth on the head and
the other hand the food cooked on low flame is free take sunbath. Sunbath can be taken for one to two
from this kind of affects. Cancer patients should also hours also.
avoid bakery products, heavy food, stale food, dry w Breathe pure air.
fruits, sweets etc. besides, they should also avoid oily w Take bath daily with hot or cold water.
food, pickles, spicy food, curd and milk with jaggery, w Keep cold mud bandage for half an hour three to
oil and spices with curd, gram etc. the patient should four times daily externally on the cancer wound or
eat some salty food only after two hours of consuming tumour. Replace the bandage after a gap of half an
milk. Similarly milk should be consumed only after two hour. If this cold mud bandage or cold bandage
hours of eating some salty food. remedy is used on cancer wounds and tumours in
Cancer patients should eat whole Moong, dilute the initial stage itself then it can subside the cancer.
coarse meal, Sespedula, radish leaves vegetables, bit- w If the cancer tumour is detected inside the stom-
ter gourd, radish, cucumber, Torai, round gourd, black ach, intestines, liver or uterus then also cold mud
grapes, green grapes, clarified butter made with cow bandage or cold bandage can be used on it.
milk. Vegetarian food is also helpful in preventing can- w If cold bandage does not relieve the pain then the
cer. Vegetables and fruits have immense power to fight patient should be given hot-cold fomentation. Keep
out cancer. Consumption of vegetables of fruits can two vessels containing hot and cold water (sepa-
prevent several types of cancer. This includes pros- rately), soak a towel in the vessels alternately and
trate, intestines, ovarian, breast cancer. give fomentation on the tumour.
Fasting is considered to be ideal in our country. Cancer treatment with medicinal plants and herbs
w Neem destroys cancer elements. Chew eight to ten
neem leaves daily on empty stomach and drink
glassful water.
w Mango also prevents the risk of prostrate cancer.
w Basil leaves contain cancer-fighting element,
micastrine. Cancer patient should chew two or three at regular intervals.
basil leaves every 30 minutes. The patient should In case of bleeding from cancer wounds, apply kali
mix five-gram basil juice with equal quantity of honey nishodha, Kaiphal and gojihana on the wound for re-
and take this medicine twice daily. lief.
w Cancer patient should consume mint. Mix honey, cold milk, sugar candy, sugar cane and
w In case of cancer caused due to pitta, hot water malati extract. Apply the lep on cancer wound to cure
fomentation and tying poultice is beneficial. cancer. This is beneficial in curing cancer caused due
w Lep of residue of clarified butter, oil and fat and to pitta and rakta.
drinking milk or fermented water is beneficial. Boil Anjan, Gojihana, and Kali nishodh in clarified
Cancer generated due to kapha butter and sieve it. Give this to cancer patient with
In case of bleeding in this type of cancer, quath yashtimadhu.
made with Devdali, Danti, Dravanti, koshataki and Soak Sambhar salt and Koot in banyan milk for
Nishoth should be used. seven days. Extract the juice and apply on cancerous
Grind Kalihari, kakdani, kalaneel, and shukra root area. This helps in curing cancer within short period.
in cow urine. Apply this lep on cancer tumour. Mix radish and sajji extract in shankha churna. Ap-
In the beginning stage of cancer, fire and surgery is ply the lep on cancer wound for relief.
useful in the treatment. Surgery followed with tying Cancer caused due to diabetes
poultice of karavari, and sphuta is beneficial. Mix fermented water, rock salt, poy and butter and
Cancer generated due to vata apply on tumour.
In this type of cancer the patient should be given Grind loghra, jaggery, turmeric, patang, mensaline
cow milk and fermented mixture should be taken with and grihadhoom and mix in honey. Apply it on cancer
devdaru. The patient should take the oil of the above- wound for relief.
mentioned medicines for relief. Diet
Cancer generated due to fat Cancer patient should eat barley, old clarified but-
The cancer caused due to fat should be first washed ter, green gram, shali rice, loghra, Sespedula, food that
with loghra, turmeric, sandal, hartal, mensaline and increase digestive fire and bitter things, along with liq-
honey mixture. Then the wound should be washed with uid diet, Shilajit and guggul.
Karanj oil. Regiment
Cancer caused due to Pitta Cancer patient should avoid heavy food, sour and
Grind rishbhak, Ksheer Kakoli, Muduparni, sweet food, meat of aquatic animals, sugar cane, and
Jeevan, Mahameda, Mashparni, Padmak, Vridhi, milk and its products.
Karkat ringi, Ridhi, yashti honey and jeevanti and tie Cow urine is very beneficial for cancer patients. It
on cancerous area. has lot of medicinal values, which are unmatchable.
Take the extract of loghra, turmeric, ghamasa, Cow urine relieves several diseases and gives us good
patang, mensaline and shahak. Drink it to cure cancer. health. Cancer patient should take cow urine without
Mix red sandal, yashtimadhu, priyangu, goolar, and fail. Taking it in pure form is more beneficial. Exces-
loghra in honey and apply the lep on cancer wounds sive use of cow urine is also completely harmless.
Vitthalesh Ji Maharaj
nsoD;k ikfyrks xHksZ ykfyrks¿Äds;'kksn;kA
jk/;k¿¿jkf/rks nsoks xksikyks es izlhnrqAA
T he creator of this universe, the almighty who showers happiness on his devotees, lord
of universe, omnipresent, Brahma lord Krishna has created this universe to play. It is said
that India is the most sacred of all the places on this earth because god has incarnated on
this land in many forms and great saints, sages and seers have devoted, worshipped, and
A man followed an austere life through study of holy books, practice of yog and meditation and
should work achieved liberation.
The human body is the medium for all kinds of devotions as man has deep faith in god.
hard after In Bhagvat it is said – ^rklka es ikS"kh fiz;k* (Hkkxor-). It means even god waits eagerly to take
taking human birth. It is believed that human birth is obtained after several lives and as a last birth.
human birth. Human life is uncertain but even then it is considered to be the best life as it is the medium
Birth and of accomplishment (various objectives of life). Gods devotion is possible only through hu-
man body. A man takes birth according to satva, rajas and tamas i.e., pious, passionate and
death are egoistic deeds. Godly or divine figures take birth due to satva quality, man through rajas and
the biggest evils are born through tamas. To attain god one should take birth as man.
diseases After attaining mans life and accomplishing duties depending on the class and qualities a
man develops interest in good deeds with the purification of mind and the person is able to
among all do good for himself. Three things are essential for this body – food, water and medicine.
the diseases. Food and water are essential for vitla life energy. If a person eats proportionately then he
Only God will never suffer from illness. It is said that half the stomach should be filled with food, one
part with water and another part with air. If a person follows this concept then he will never
can save us have any disease. Excess of anything leads to illness and the person suffers from different
from this kinds of problems. Diseases occur due to luxurious life style and comforts. Intelligence also
situation. depends on food. When a person consumes good food and has good thoughts then his mind
Hence bow also becomes pure and through pure mind he will be able to perform all good deeds and
through this he attains salvation. Impure food leads to bad thoughts, which in turn leads to
down in bad deeds and this leads to sufferings and miseries. Therefore one should take pure food.
front of god, Man should eat pure food in order to keep away from unhappiness, negative thoughts and
practice yog, diseases. Medicines can be used to overcome any problem caused due to food and water.
It is said that a person belonging to a certain place should take medicine of that place only.
be healthy According to Ayurveda expert sushrut says that – ‘The medicine also depends upon ones
and save nation, place’. In the present modern age are not being used and disappearing from our
yourself society, which is a matter of deep concern. Nowadays, people are becoming more and
more materialistic in nature. It is all the more necessary to recognize the importance of
from dis- herbs and medicinal plants it is necessary to manufacture ointments, medicines, tablets, and
eases. churnas. Our classics give special importance to prayers, sacrificial fires and other rituals.
Today we spend several thousands on treatment but health benefit is still a dream. If one
disease is cured another disease occurs.
The medicines made in hot countries cannot be beneficial for cold countries and vice
versa. Hence Indians should take Indian medicines.
Sun is the direct god, who is visible to us. He blesses us with good health if we offer
prayers regularly. According to Matsya Purana ^vkjksX;a HkkLdkjkfnPnsr*~ (eRL;- iq-)It means
as long as there is brightness, energy, mental ability, strength, physical strength till then man
can work on his own. As the old saying goes, ‘there is no use crying over split milk. There-
fore a man should work hard after taking human birth. Birth and death are the biggest
diseases among all the diseases. Only God can save us from this situation. Hence bow
down in front of god, practice yog, be healthy and save yourself from diseases.
Vaidya Shuchi Mitra, M.D., Ph.D.
O steoporosis is a disease in which the bones loose their density and bone
marrow also reduces. The bone structure also develops some kind of deformity.
The bones become fragile and break due to slight pressure or injury. This occurs
mainly due to the calcium deficiency. It is more common in old aged people and
Women should especially women. But, occurrence of this disease in young age is also not rare.
consult an ortho- The disease occurs without showing any symptoms and the bones become weak.
pedic specialist This can be diagnosed when there are fractures due to slightest pressure or jerks or even
after 45 years of opening doors and windows with slight pressure or even slipping on the floor or mat. As
age to prevent it occurs silently it is known as ‘silent disease osteoporosis’. It is more common among
Osteoporosis. ladies aged 50 years or above. Generally the women undergo menopause at this age.
They should get However, nowadays this occurs even in young women of 35 years or so.
tested for cal- Women are more prone to this disease when compared to men. The main reason
cium deficiency. being that after menopause estrogen content reduces in the body and the fluid content in
If the calcium the bones also reduces. The process of formation and degeneration of bones in our body
level is found to is an ongoing process. In this process the bones gain proper density and strength. Growth
be low then they hormone, thyroid hormones play a major role in maintaining the strength of the bones.
should take The hips and knees fail to take the weight of the body. The cushiony cartilage in between
extra calcium. the bones reduces and as a result there is friction in between the bones leading to rough-
Calcium is very ness of the surface of the bones. The patient complains of severe pain and takes steroids
essential in for relief. Excessive use of steroids increases the risk of Osteoporosis and in some cases
order to keep the it could be chronic as well.
bones strong.
The body needs Why are women more prone to osteoporosis?
1500 to 1800 mg In our country the women aged 50 years and above suffer from this problem. One out
of calcium every of four women suffer from this problem. Around 50 percent of the women aged 45 years
day. From the and approximately 90% of the women aged 75 years suffer from this disease. As men-
birth till the age tioned in the beginning, this disease occurs more in women than in men. On an average,
of 30 years, one out of eight men suffer from this problem. The onus lies on the structure of our
special care society where the girls are given less nutritious food when compared to boys. In Indian
should be taken families, girls are given less milk and nutrient food than boys. The women who get less
because in this calcium diet in their childhood suffer from this disease in their old age. As per the grow-
age the resis- ing age the sex hormones reduce and calcium content also decreases. This is the reason
tance power of that in our country, the cases of elbow fracture are also high among women.
Women should consult an orthopedic specialist after 45 years of age to prevent Os-
the body reduces
teoporosis. They should get tested for calcium deficiency. If the calcium level is found to
be low then they should take extra calcium. Calcium is very essential in order to keep the
bones strong. The body needs 1500 to 1800 mg of calcium every day. From the birth till
the age of 30 years, special care should be taken because in this age the resistance
power of the body reduces. The hormones respon- • Women who are addicted to alcohol, cigarette, cof-
sible for the growth of bones also reduce. The concept fee etc.
of women drinking milk is not prevalent in our society. • Short and thin women are also prone to this disease.
Therefore, it is very necessary that girls should be given
milk and milk products since childhood. Besides cal- Reasons
cium, vitamins are also very essential in order to over- • Deformity in metabolism. Generally, people complain
come this problem. Vitamins are helpful in building up of indigestion leading to loose motions and vomiting.
calcium deposits. Deficiency of vitamin D is also re- Such women also suffer from Osteoporosis.
sponsible for degeneration of bones and sunrays are • Lack of physical exercise.
the best source of vitamin D. It is also good to include • Hormonal imbalance.
vitamin D rich food in our daily diet. Generally lactating • Deficiency of protein, calcium, vitamin D in daily
mothers and pregnant women suffer from calcium de- diet.
ficiency. They require extra calcium due to their physi- • Menopause is one of the main reasons among
cal condition. The pregnant women require more cal- women. One out of every three women and one out
cium so that the infant growing inside the womb is able of every five men in the world suffer from this dis-
to get sufficient amount of calcium and is able to de- ease.
velop strong bones. However, excessive consumption • Swelling in the stomach leads to weakening of bones
of calcium is also harmful. Therefore, consult a doctor in thyroid and epilepsy patients.
before taking calcium supplement. The patients experi- • Change in life style also leads to degeneration of
ence lot of pain in case of fracture. Sometimes, it is not bones.
diagnosed immediately. In case of spinal fracture, the • Pain in muscles.
spinal cord starts bending and the person develops hunch • Pain in rib bones.
back. In some cases, there is risk of paralysis also. • Pain while walking or working.
Hormone replacement therapy can be helpful in pre- • Weariness with slightest work.
venting Osteoporosis or serious condition. Estrogen and • Pain on touching the bones of hands and legs.
prostogen hormones are given to the patient in this Treatment is the best alternative to overcome any
therapy. The hormone deficiency caused due to uterus disease. Therefore it is necessary to be aware towards
surgery, menopause, or other reasons is substituted with Osteoporosis. Active life style is the only method to pre-
this therapy. A woman requires 1000 mg calcium ev- vent this disease. Besides, there are many other ways
eryday before menopause. However, after menopause of preventing this problem.
if the woman is taking estrogen hormones then she does • It is ideal to get bone density test done after the age
not require extra calcium. of 30 years.
• Calcium supplement and increasing calcium intake
Which women are more prone to Osteoporosis? in daily diet.
• The women who do not practice Yog. • Yog practice can also be helpful in preventing weak-
• Women who undergo menopause. ening of bones. It helps in maintaining good co-ordi-
• History of osteoporosis in the family. nation between ovaries, pituitary glands, parathyroid
• Women who suffer from menopause at the age of glands and other vital glands, which maintains the
45 years itself or who undergo uterus operation have hormone secretion essential for proper bone den-
more chances of this disease. sity.
• Those who take very little calcium during childhood • Vitamin D intake should be maintained.
or who take less 800 mg calcium in daily diet. • Curd, milk, cottage cheese and cheese should be
• Asthma and arthritis patients who take steroids. consumed.
• The bones will become strong and you can save Treatment
yourself from any bones disease. Keep the bones Preventing Osteoporosis disease is the best method
strong. treatment. However, it is necessary to cure it in case of
• Avoid cold drinks. occurrence. Nowadays L.C.P. technology is used to
• Protein consumption should be proper. Soybeans, cure it. This plate technique is a new gift. The main
beans, gram flour, black gram, kidney beans are rich qualities of this technique are that it develops biome-
in proteins. chanical qualities. In olden days the bones used to not
• Orange juice, buttermilk, almond, green vegetables
get joined properly due to growing age and osteoporo-
should be consumed.
sis. But now it is not the case. LCP technique can be
• Reduce intake of caffeine and salt.
used to join the broken bones. This technique restores
• Practice Yog, aerobics, walking, jumping, playing
blood circulation in the fractured area. Another advan-
hockey, cricket, football. This keeps the body ac-
tage is that the patient need not get admitted into the
tive, and prevents diseases.
• Avoid liquor and smoking. hospital for long duration and gets relief within a short
It is not necessary that Osteoporosis could occur period.
only in old age or only in women. Anybody can suffer
from this problem. It is necessary to maintain the strength
of the bones and proper treatment in consultation with
the doctor
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rnsrRlR;a ea=ks"kq dekZf.k do;ks ;kU;i';aLrkfu =ksrk;ka Sudhumravarna, Sfulingini and Vishvaruchi having
cgq/k larrkfuA different forms.
rkU;kpjFk fu;ra lR;dkek ,"k o% iUFkk% lqÑrL; yksdAs A1AA Bhoo, bhuva, swa, maha, hana, tapa, satyam are the
Following the customs is conservativeness or mate- seven worlds. The life passes through the people living
rialism and following the knowledge is progressiveness on the earth through vital life energy and reaches the
or knowledge of supreme self. The followers of mate- heaven. When the vital life energy resides on the earth
rialism preach the methods of conservative living, per- and when it goes into other worlds that stage is known
forming rituals, customs, and sacrificial fires in order to
as yagna. The fire of vital life energy is produced in this
obtain Brahma. In this context, Angira told Shounak –
The followers of materialism say that the sages and stage. The fire of vital life energy in Bhoo, Bhuva and
seers described about certain sacrificial fires in Vedas Swa are Kali, Karali and Manojava respectively. In the
and mantras are the path of truth. These were increased same way this cycle continues. When the soul enters a
in scope in the Treta age. Those who desire to be truth- particular world with its vital life energy, it takes in the
ful should lead a life according to that path. The world fire of that world. The question is that what is world?
that you want to construct with your strength, is the These are different chakras present in our body. The
right direction, therefore you should continue in the same
Mooladhar chakra is the earth and Brahma randhra is
the true world, and the other chakras are the other
;nk ysyk;rs áfpZ% lfe¼s gO;okgusA
worlds. Till the kundalini does not arouse, the man re-
rnkT;HkkxkoUrjs.kkgqrh% izfrikn;sPN¼;k gqre~ AA2AA
sides on earth or material world, when the practitioner
When the fire carrying the various offerings
increases, the flames rise up, at that time two is able to arouse the kundalini then he proceeds on the
offerings are made in the name of Ajya and seven worlds one after the other. In this journey, the
Bhaguhati. man proceeds from the earth and reaches the world of
;L;kfXugks=ken'kZeikS.kZeklepkrqekZL;eukxz;.kefrfFkoftZra pA truth in the end, where Vishvaruchi fire is produced in
vgqreoS'onsoefof/uk gqreklIrekaLrL; yksdkfUgufLr AA3AA the body.
If the offerings are not made in this way, if the fire ,rs"kq ;'pjrs Hkzktekus"kq ;Fkkdkya pkgqr;ks áknnk;u~A
does not rise properly, if the offerings are not made rÂ;Ur;srk% lw;ZL; j'e;ks ;=k nsokuka ifrjsdks¿f/okl%AA5AA
with devotion, if the rituals are not followed properly, if The practitioner who gives timely offerings to
the guests are not attended properly, if the offerings are these seven tongues of fire of yagna, he is carried
not made, if it is not done according to the customs then into the world with the help of sunrays where only
it finishes the virtues of all seven worlds and does not the gods and goddesses reside.
give any fruits, it becomes fruitless ,ásghfr rekgqr;% lqopZl% lw;ZL; jf'efHk;Ztekua ogfUrA
dkyh djkyh p eukstok p lqyksfgrk ;k p lq/zwHkzo.kkZA fiz;ka okpefHkonUR;ks¿pZ;UR; ,"k o% iq.;% lqÑrks
LiQqfyafxuh fo'o#ph p nsoh ysyk;ekuk bfr lIr ftàk%AA4AA czãyksd%AA6AA
The flames represent the seven tongues of the The bright sunrays containing the fire of offerings
goddess; Kali, Karali, Manojava (which rises like invite the guest with politeness and sing in praise of
the waves of mind), red coloured Sulohita, him. They carry him and say that you have reached this
world of Brahma due to your good deeds.
To be continued…
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar
Rekha Varma.
Usually people who are beautiful and handsome smile will make him think twice before saying ‘no’.
have a feeling that to look smart they do not have to When you are entering in some ones chamber then
bother much. But that is not the case. Beauty and smile will give a special effect. Be polite while start-
smartness are two different sides of the same coin. ing any conversation. Do not be polite when not re-
And it is not necessary that one who is beautiful should quired. Balanced behaviour is an art, which is diffi-
also be smart. And in the same way it is not compul- cult to develop. One who has achieved it will be good
sory that for smartness beauty is important. Smart- at public dealing.
ness is one of the qualities of a good personality, which Dressing and make up are also important. You
can be developed with little practice. If you are not should be aware of dressing at particular occasions.
handsome there is no need to be unhappy, you can Very few people have the sense of dressing. Formal
improve your personality and become the center of wear should be maintained at formal meetings. The
attraction. You will have to change your way of talk- outfit should be complete which gives a good impres-
ing, way of behaviour and way of dressing. sion.
How and which way you are considered great Delicacy plays a main role. One thing is impor-
also matters. Polite nature is a permanent quality even tant, act as per the situation. It should not look crazy.
if you meet your enemies with politeness they will be If you are not beautiful then practice and inculcate
ready to do anything for you. And if you have a smile the quality of pleasing others and attract others to-
on your face then that will add to your personality. wards you. Internal beauty is also as important as
Smile improves your face value and adds to your per- external beauty. If you are beautiful by heart then
sonality. But it should not be artificial. If you have a Yog practice can increase your external beauty and
smile and if some one does not want to work for; keep you disease free.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar.
Indu Soin
An illness prevailing in the body is expressed through • Sprouted cereals are good for health as it is rich in
some symptoms like dryness, scars and marks on the vitamin and minerals. Steam cooked sprouts are ideal
body, headache, contagious disease, energy loss and in the diet.
constipation. Balanced and vegetarian food can be help- • Reduce oil while cooking as less as possible.
ful in making the body strong. Natural medication and • Spices, herbs, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, rock
food intake can remove the harmful and waste prod- salt and ginger should be used in cooking.
ucts from our body. • Eat slowly. Chew it properly and eat at regular in-
The water intake during the daytime should be in- tervals. Do not keep stomach empty for long time.
creased, we should include vegetables and fruits in our Eat food in less quantity. Expose the body to sun-
daily diet, avoid refined flour and sugar, and keep our- light for some time and take deep breathe and rest.
selves away from unhealthy food.
• Take as much raw food as possible. Eat fruits, leafy Three days diet to purify body
vegetables and seasonal fruits.
• Consume more of barley, Indian millet, brown rice, First day
cold pressed oil and rock salt. • Start the day with lemon water. Till 11 a.m. eat fruits.
• Use natural brushes to keep the skin clean, which Take vegetable juice till 11 a.m.
are not rough for the skin. • Eat two chapattis made with Indian millet for lunch
• Dead skin should be removed by scrubbing, or by with salad and seasonal fruits.
use of salt. • Eat any fruit at 4 p.m. Take soup with salad. Eat
• Use oils, which are prepared naturally. two chapattis made with Indian millet with some
• Do not keep heavy, sweet dishes at home because curries and sprouted cereals.
we get inclined to eat such food during emotional
disturbance. Second day
• Remove refined flour, sugar, instant food, processed • Continue the same procedure. Add barley with In-
food or any kind of packed food from the kitchen dian millet flour to prepare chapattis.
racks and store only natural food, which provides
nutrients. Third day
• Give importance to nutritious seasonal fruits. • Continue the same procedure. Take brown rice with
• Remove aluminum and plastic containers from the chapattis made with millet. Continue with this pro-
kitchen. cedure for 15 to 45 days.
• Drink plenty of water. Eat fruits and vegetables regu-
larly. Reduce intake of carbohydrates. Health with rich diet
• Reduce intake of dairy products, which are rich in • Cauliflower, tomato, finely chopped onion and cori-
fat. Avoid tea and practice deep breathing. Keep ander leaves, green chillies, lemon juice, roasted
away from alcohol. cumin seeds, roasted gram flower – cut all these
vegetables like salad and mix it and eat accordingly.
Daily diet • Eat fried rice made with carrot and tomato. Take
• Avoid over cooking. Take steamed or less fried food. vegetable soup.
• Eat chaat made of beetroot. One boiled beetroot, • Mix one-cup curd, two garlic pods, and two spoons
grated carrot, one spoonful capsicum, one finely of finely chopped coriander leaves and eat.
chopped tomato, one grated cucumber, one spoon- • Take 10 large tube (known as Jimikand in Hindi), 20
ful sprouted Moong dal, coriander chutney. Cut gm bottle gourd, raw banana, 10 gm potato, 10 gm
beetroot and all the vegetables and chew thoroughly cucumber, one drumstick, ¼ grated coconut, one
and eat. chilly, one small onion, half cup curd, ¼ spoon cumin
• Mix three spoons of mango pulp, one peeled orange, seeds, ¼ spoon onions, two curry leaves, one pinch
few grapes, three spoonful of roasted and chopped of turmeric powder, one small spoon coconut oil, wash
walnut, salt to taste, pepper powder and consume. all the vegetables and cut them fine. Boil the tube
• Mix one small chopped cucumber, two spoons of separately. Add green chilly, chopped onions, and
finely chopped onions, two spoons of finely chopped turmeric. Boil drumstick separately or put half boiled
coconut, one spoon finely cut boiled potato, one spoon vegetables. Add coconut, cumin seeds, and onions
sprouted gram, two finely cut green chillies, three and curry leaves in curd and grind.
spoons of lemon juice, salt as per taste and eat. • Boil vegetables in grated coconut for 10 minutes and
• Cook two small finely chopped tomatoes, one finely let it boil in low flame. Remove it from the flame
cut onion, three garlic pods, and vinegar for 10 min- and add curry leaves and add coconut oil. This food
utes. Let them cool down, add salt and eat. is tasty and healthy.
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Dr. Ram Lakshman Tripathi
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sage: Barhaspatya Shanyu|| Lord: Indra || Prose: Gayatri
Word meaning: Asya – this god’s; Pranitaya – taking forward, path of uplifting his people; mahi – are
big; uta prashastaya purvi – and his praises are ancient; asya uttaya na kshiyante – his protection never
Appeal – How can I narrate the unique ways with which god uplifts his men. When man cries and
fights, at that time his mind is full of confusion and he does not get success in any work. Later he comes
to know that during that period he has determined a big path for his progress. The man fails to understand
the positive incidences that take place in his life (god’s actions) and as to how can these incidences give
him success and help in his progress in the long run? God has unique ways of uplifting his people. This path
is very huge and unmatchable that a man can never see it without farsightedness, therefore he is always
afraid of going towards welfare. Every individual is progressing and prospering depending on his nature
and capabilities in his own manner. When man is not able to understand his own path of progress then how
can he claim that he can do so for other people? This is indeed a difficult task and requires lot of courage.
The person who gets the fruit of success with the blessing of god in a particular form starts singing in his
(God’s ) praise in that form (worshipping). In this way man has been singing in his praise since ancient
times and will continue to do so. How can he stop singing in praise of the god? A devotee is not able to see
the end of god’s methods and types of protecting his men. God’s power of protection never ends. A stream
of protection has been flowing continuously in an unending manner, which is protecting every person,
animal, bird, insects, germs, movable and immovable world, in an unimaginable way. Man assumes that he
would be protected in a particular manner depending on his past experiences and prays god for the same.
He expects the same thing but god protects him in a completely different manner and the man is taken
aback with surprise. New and unimaginable ways of god’s protection continues in this manner and then
the man realizes that god is indeed protecting the whole creation in different ways. Whether we believe it
or not, but he is protecting us even while killing us. God’s ways of protecting are very great, they are
unending, those who realize this sing in his praise.
Vaidya Dilip Agarwal
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar
Drumstick is slightly pungent, bitter, light, hot in nature, improves appetite
and tasty to eat. It increases sperm count, is beneficial for the heart and eyes, it
overcomes kapha, vata, swelling, germs, toxins and increases digestive fire and heals
In Ayurved my- wounds. But it causes constipation.
robalan is called The drumstick leaves are cold, beneficial for the eyes, increase sexual desire and
as alchemy. destroy germs. The leaves are rich source of vitamin A and C. The leaves can be
According to cooked to prepare a tasty vegetable. The drumstick flowers are also very beneficial
Maharshi for the health. They are tasty, pungent, hot in nature and control the enlargement of
Charak my- liver, the flowers overcome swelling, nervous problem and other bodily problems. Wash
robalan should the fresh drumstick flowers in salt water. Boil in water and squeeze nicely and season
be consumed in it with asafetida and cumin seeds. Garlic and onions can be added first (if liked) and
order to have add red chilly powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, asafetida and roast the
good longevity, spices. Then add the squeezed drumstick leaves and mix the vegetable nicely. Add a
good memory little bit of water and the vegetable is ready.
power, intelli- The drumstick vegetable is also very tasty and healthy for the body. Wash the fresh
gence, good leaves with water and chop into fine pieces. Boil in water and drain out the water.
Heat a little bit oil in a pan and season it with asafetida, cumin seeds, and add garlic
health, youth,
and onion. Then add turmeric powder, coriander powder, and chilly powder and add
natural glow,
the drumstick pieces. Add salt to taste and roast it nicely.
good body and
strong sense
organs and
Raw mango is pungent, sour, tasty and beneficial in case of dysentery, urinary
sperm count. It is
problems and vaginal problems according to Ayurved.
a rich source of
Mango vegetable: Do not peel if the mango is very tender and raw otherwise
vitamin C. It can
peel it and cut into small pieces. Season the pieces in hot oil with asafetida, cumin
be used to make
seeds and aniseeds. Add salt, red chilly powder, turmeric powder and cover it with a
marmalade or
lid. Steam cook for some time and add sugar or jaggery as per taste. Tasty sweet and
curry. It is ben-
sour mango vegetable is ready to eat. This vegetable is very beneficial during summer
eficial in both
Mango juice: This is very refreshing during sum- pepsia, constipation, spleen and liver problem, acidity
mer season. Roast mango on hot ash or gas like brinjal. and germs are overcome with it.
If this is not possible then boil in water, peel off the skin • Aloe Vera is of two types- One is sweet and the
and crush the mango pulp in the boiled water. Sieve it; other is sour. Sweet aloe Vera leaves are thin and
add roasted cumin powder, dry mint powder and salt less pulpy. The leaves of sour aloe Vera are thick,
and red chilly powder as per taste. Add sugar propor- pulpy and sour in taste.
tionately and use it chilled along with meals or like a • The curry is made with both the types of Aloe Vera.
refreshing drink. Remove the thorns from the sides of the leaves. Cut
them into pieces and wash with water and remove
In Ayurved myrobalan is called as alchemy. Accord- the pulp. Put it in salt water for 20 minutes. If the
ing to Maharshi Charak myrobalan should be consumed pulp is more then make it into pieces and add asa-
in order to have good longevity, good memory power, fetida, cumin seeds and aniseeds. Add turmeric pow-
intelligence, good health, youth, natural glow, good body der and dry mango powder. Now roast them. It is as
and strong sense organs and sperm count. It is a rich sour as the bitter gourd, but the curry is beneficial.
source of vitamin C. It can be used to make marmalade • Remove the thorns from the sides of sweet aloe Vera
or curry. It is beneficial in both forms. leaves. Wash them in water and cut into pieces. Add
Myrobalan curry: Boil it in water until the skin asafetida, cumin seeds and aniseeds. Add turmeric
cracks; sieve it till water is drained out completely. Cut powder, salt, chilly, and dry mango powder and roast
the myrobalan and take out the seed. Put oil in a pan it. If dry mango powder is not desired then add lemon
and heat; season it with asafetida, cumin seeds, ani- juice. Do not add water. Now the curry is ready.
seeds and thymol seeds. Add salt, chilly, turmeric pow- The pieces are not soft as potato pieces. A peculiar
der and sugar to taste. The sweet and sour curry is sound is produced while eating this vegetable. This
ready. curry can be consumed along with meals.
Lisoda Cholai
Lisoda (green coloured glutinous fruits) is available According to Ayurved cholai is tasty and has me-
both in small and big size. It is a cold fruit, sweet; bitter, dicinal value also. Many diseases can be kept at bay if
slightly sour in taste, increases vata, reduces pitta, is cholai curry is consumed daily. The poison, which is
tasty, and reduces blood impurities, eye impurities and retained in the body, is also removed by cholai. The
phlegm. The fruit is tasty and beneficial. Wash the fruits curry made from cholai leaves is cool, reduces consti-
nicely and boil. Remove from water and take out the pation, removes blood impurities, and is nutritious. The
curry of cholai is good for digestion and improves appe-
stem, cap that is like an umbrella, and seed. Take a
tender mango, peel the skin and cut it into small pieces.
Season them with asafetida and cumin seeds. Roast it
Cholai curry can be made tastier by adding curd.
with turmeric powder, salt and chilly. Add Lisoda and
The acidic quality and fibers reach the intestines and
roast it. Add sugar and do not add water. The curry is helps in easy motions. Lactating mothers should con-
ready. sume more of cholai curry to get adequate milk.
It has abundant quantity of iron and the acidic qual-
Aloe Vera ity is 3-6 percent more.
It is also known as Dhrutakumari. It has many me- To make cholai curry, wash it in water thoroughly,
dicinal qualities. It is used for easy bowel movement; it then chop it into fine pieces and boil. Add asafetida,
increases hunger, and purifies all the seven humours of cumin seeds, and green chilly. Add boiled cholai in the
the body. Cough, tuberculosis, liver disorders, vata, dys- spices and add salt to taste. The curry is ready.
Acharya Balkrishna
The day and night together make 24 hours. The fers from sleeplessness suffers from many mental and
routine of night is included in the daily routine. After physical disorders.
working for the entire day, the body requires proper
rest at night. Sleep is the action of the night, which is Reasons for sleeplessness:
most important, so let me first talk about sleep. • Mental disturbances, such as, fear, worries, anger
or unhappiness.
Sleep • Too much of physical exercises, activity or tired-
We all are aware that proper sleep is necessary in ness.
order to keep the body healthy and fresh. The body • Excessive blood circulation (could be due to various
and mind are not so active after working for whole day reasons)
and then the man feels like sleeping or taking proper • Keeping stomach empty for more time.
rest. The stage when the mind loses the connection • Smoking
from the body is the inactive stage and is known as • Uncomfortable bed and place.
sleep. In this stage the man breathes normally and the • Predominance of Tamas quality and less of satva
blood circulation continues normally. All other actions quality.
are terminated during this stage. The body uses very • Old age, some diseases occurring due to gastric prob-
less energy and the remaining energy makes the body lem, pain and any other disease.
energetic and strong. That is why we feel more fresh • Vomiting or motions, which causes headache.
and energetic after a sound sleep.
• Habituated to less hours of sleep (normally)
Night is convenient for sleep, because at night the
body is free from phlegm and mind is free from Tamas
or anger. During night the darkness and cold is more
To avoid sleeplessness, following methods can be
compared to daytime, and hence the man enjoys sound
• Body massage or hot water bath.
The sleep is of two types:
• Oily food, curd rice, or by consuming milk.
1. Dream state: A man dreams while sleeping. Un-
• Being mentally happy.
conscious mind is full of different types of condi-
• Using balms or gels for eyes, head and face which
tions, that is why the sleep cannot be sound or does
gives relief.
not give complete rest.
• A comfortable bed to sleep and a quite place.
2. Sleep state: In this state the mind is inactive. This
• Fragrant surroundings or by smelling perfume.
state makes the mind healthy and fresh, whereas
the sleep in dream state does not give rest and fresh-
Avoid sleeping in the daytime:
ness to the body.
Sleeping in the daytime increases phlegm and pitta
The body should be physically tired and the mind
in the body which makes the body lethargic and is not
should be worriless in order to enjoy undisturbed sleep.
good for health. Sleeping in the daytime increases many
That means mind is free from anger, unhappiness,
diseases, like severe jaundice, headache, body weight,
thoughts and mental disturbance. A person who suf-
body pain, indigestion, feeling of phlegm accumula- bility that there could be some kind of blockage or hin-
tion, swelling, dislike of food, vomiting or vomiting sen- drance in the natural functioning of the body organs.
sation, swelling in nose, migraine, sheeta pitta, mouth This results in sleeplessness and indigestion. This is one
ulcers, boils, itching, laziness, cough, pain in neck, for- of the reasons why intake of curd should be avoided in
getfulness or loss of memory, blockages in blood veins, the night. One should avoid eating curds if he or she is
fever, mental and physical weakness, effect of artificial suffering from asthma, cough, cold, joint pains.
products. Hence, people who are fat, obese, those who
prefer heavy food items, suffering from phlegm dis- Reading during night
eases, joint pains should not sleep in the daytime. It is necessary to have proper lighting while reading
and writing in order to maintain good eyesight. One
Exception: should also remember that sunlight is more appropriate
During summer season, the nights are shorter than than the artificial light. The eyesight also reduces slowly.
the days and as a result the gaseous and liquid contents That is why one should avoid reading at nighttime. Writ-
in the body increases. In this season a person can sleep ing in the night is more strenuous and hence should be
during daytime. In some states sleeping in the daytime avoided.
should be avoided. Such as – learning music, singing,
studies or tiredness due to more walking, tuberculosis, Sex and intercourse
tiredness, thirst, motions, pain, asthma, hiccups, old age In Ayurved keeping the health and social conditions
and childhood when the body is weak, in case of injury in mind a time has been fixed for intercourse and should
due to falling down or some kind of attack, traveling in be avoided in the following conditions;
the vehicle, awake at nighttime, anger, unhappy or fear. • During menstrual cycle of women, suffering from
When a person sleeps in the night the minerals in the any disease.
body are balanced. The phlegm in the body helps in • Ugly, or indecent women with loose character,
growth and person is long lived. women of other class.
• Not friendly, lack of sexual interest, when attracted
Main rules to be followed for dinner to other men or married women.
Digestion and sleep are interrelated. There could be • Near auspicious trees, public places, cross roads,
some problem if the food is not digested properly. Keep- gardens, burial grounds, battlefields, water, hospitals,
ing this problem in mind one should consume food as medical shops, temple or Brahmin, guru or teachers
early as possible. There should be at least two hours house.
gap between dinner and sleep. The food at night should • During dawn or dusk, full moon or new moon, first
be light and easily digestive. It is ideal to for strolls after or eighth day of the month..
meals as it is helpful in digestion and gives sound sleep. • When man is not having sexual desire.
• When the person does not take milk or any other
Why should one avoid curd at night? product.
Even though curd is beneficiary it is causes some • Not consuming food or eating in excess.
kind of hindrance in the body. Because of this reason it • Urge to pass urine, tiredness, physical strain, or
is said that curd should be avoided during the nighttime. empty stomach.
In the nighttime one should not sleep immediately after • Lack of privacy.
taking meals. The digestion process continues slowly • One should consume milk, sugar or honey after sex.
even while sleeping. That is why there is every possi-
Sri Duttpad Bhishgacharya
Acharya Sushrut is an Ayurvedic expert of ancient form surgery are known as surgical tools. ^r=k eu%
times and also a specialist in surgery. According to 'kjhjkck/djkf.k 'kY;kfu] rs"kkegkj.kksik;ks ;U=kkf.k*A
Sushrut Sanhita, Sushrut is the son of the great Saint (Sushrut Sanhita – 7/4).
Vishwamitra and had learnt this art from Dhanvantri. Acharya Sushrut has mentioned more than hundred
/UoUrfj/ZeZ/`rka ofj"Bks okfXo'kkjn%A equipments used for performing surgery 1.the joint and
fo'okfe=klqra f'k";e`f"ka lqJqreUo'kkr~AA handle of the equipment should be strong. 2. they should
(Sushrut Sanhita 2/3) be sharp and shinning. 3. they should be kept clean and
There is another belief that Sushrut was the son of in an organized manner wrapped in a soft cloth and
great saint Shalihotra. In the preface of Kashyap Sanhita kept in a safe place. 4.bamboo pieces should be used to
authored by Hemadri were mentioned the qualities in join the bones 5.a gentle massage is necessary in order
one of the chapters, which read as follows: to pull out the bones and fit them at proper place. This
'kkfygks=ke`f"kJs"Ba lqJqr% ifji`PNfrA and other such methods are necessary for the people
,oa i`"VLrq iq=ks.k 'kkfygks=kks¿H;Hkk"krAA suffering from bones diseases. 6. there are different
In the above couplet, Sushrut expresses his queries types of wounds and their treatment also differs. 7. in
in front of great saint Shalihotra who replies to his son case of wounds on the forehead or face, they should be
Sushrut as a father. stitched with the help of a needle. 8. a magnet should
Acharya Sushrut was a surgery expert. He gained be used if iron, iron piece or its particles get stuck in the
this knowledge from the divine Dhanvantri. It is said wound. 9. Lep or ointment should be applied on a swol-
that because Dewodas is an incarnation of Dhanvantri, len area. You can also tie poultice. Fomentation or tying
he was known by the latter name itself. He was the the area can be beneficial. 10. in case of liver cirrhosis
first person to bring the science of surgery on this earth. and inflammation, piercing that area can be beneficial.
Once inquisitive students visited Dhanvantri and pleaded 11.operation is required to remove urinary bladder
him with folded hands to give them the knowledge of stones.
surgery. Dhanvantri replied politely – “I will impart this Acharya Sushrut was a specialist in cosmetic sur-
knowledge to Sushrut alone as your representative.” In gery also. He was also an expert in cataract operation.
this way Sushrut learnt the art of performing operations He also knew the various methods of performing deliv-
from Dhanvantri. Later Sushrut wrote a book named ery for a woman in case it is not normal delivery. These
Sushrut Sanhita, which is divided into five parts namely methods have been described in detail in Sushrut
– 1. Causes 2. diagnosis 3. Physical symptoms 4. treat- sanhita.
ment 5. Final aspect concluded with final treatment. One can easily understand after reading this book
This chapter of Sushrut Sanhita gives importance to that Dhanvantri was father of surgery. and ‘Sushrut
surgery only. ^vfLeaLrq 'kkL=ks 'kL=kdeZikz /kU;kr~-* (Sushrut Sanhita’ is the first and foremost book of Ayurved.
Sanhita 5/4) Most of the surgical tools used today for performing
The thing, which causes pain to mind and body, is operations have been described in ‘Sushrut Sanhita’.
known as surgery or ‘Shalya’ and the tools used to per- The art of performing operations is described in
‘Atharvaveda’ even before ‘Ayurved’. That is the 15.Rishi Gautam, 16.Rishi Bhardwaj, 17.Acharya
reason why Ayurved is known as Upved of Dhanvantri, 18.Acharya Punarvasu Atreya, 19.Acharya
Atharvaveda. Agnivesh, 20.Mahrishi Bhel, 21.Acharya Jatukarn,
For the benefit of people we have received the an- 22.Acharya Parashar, 23.Acharya Alaarit, 24.Acharya
cient Indian Ayurved and Operation methods. The mod- Sharpani, 25.Acharya Nimi, 26.Acharya Bhadr
ern era should make proper use of these methods and Shwanak, 27.Acharya Kankayan, 28.Acharya Gamarya,
make people disease free. 29.Acharya Galav, 30.Acharya Satyake. 31.Acharya
There are a number of Acharyas related to Ayurved Aushdhenav, 32.Acharya Saurabhra, 33. Acharya
and operation methods and chanting their names gives Paushkalavat, 34.Acharya, 35.Acharya Gopurakshit,
immense benefits. They are – 1. Brahma, 2. 36.Acharya Vaitarn, 37.Acharya Bhoj, 38.Acharya
Dakshaprajapati, 3. Bhagwan Bhaskar, 4. Ashvini Bhaluki, 39.Acharya Daruk, 40. Acharya Kaumar Bhrut,
Kumar, 5. Devraj Indra, 6. Mahrishi Kashyap, 7. 41.Acharya Jeevak, 42.Acharya Kashyap, 43.Acharya
Mahrishi Atri, 8. Mahrishi Bhrugu, 9. Mahrishi Angeera, Vshna, 44.Acharya Bruhaspati, 45.Acharya Patanjali,
10. Mahrishi Vasistha, 11. Mahrishi Agastyah.12. 46.Acharya Sidh-Nagarjuna, etc.
Mahrishi Pulastyah 13. Rishi Vaamdev.14.Rishi Ashit, We offer our sincere tributes to these Saints.
Satyajit Arya
A person feels bad when his wish is not fulfilled secretion glands, expectation, non –cooperative
or something happens that is against his desire or
not to his or her liking. A feeling of vengeance de-
velops inside the mind; this is nothing but anger. Ev-
Negative effects:
erybody has to face anger some time or the other,
v Physical – Red face, fast heart beat, stress in
others express their anger on us or we show our
muscles, sleeplessness, loss of digestive fire, high
anger on them. Anger is not harmful to some extent,
blood pressure, shivering, high pitch.
but short-tempered nature could create physical and
v Mental – Imbalance of mind, loss of memory,
mental diseases. Therefore, it should be controlled.
weak decision-making power, loss of wisdom.
Anger should not be expressed unnecessarily but
v Emotional – Egoistic nature, mutual disharmony
excess of anything is bad.
and loss of relationships.
v Social – Mutual struggle, and loss of friendship.
Reasons for anger:
v Solutions for balancing – Eating simple balanced
v Factors that are present in us from the beginning,
food. Controlling desires, wishes, using good lan-
like ego, habits etc.
guage, remaining silent, practicing Shashakasana,
v Factors that are adopted and become the reason
Padhastasana, Paschimottasana, Yog Mudra etc.
for getting angry.
taking deep breathe, concentrating in between
v Physical factors like not chewing the food prop-
the eyebrows, Shavasana, tolerance, soft feel-
erly, imbalanced food and natural weakness.
ing, thinking of great people.
v Mental reasons – Unnecessary worry and stub-
v Anger is considered to be bad at intellectual level.
bornness, difference in attitude, not understand-
But man falls into its trap; it increases family dis-
ing the view, not understanding the background
parity, blocks social and personal development.
of others.
Anger at very limited level is necessary in our
v Emotional reasons – Ego, imbalance in internal
Acharya Balkrishna
In Greek literature there is a famous story. It is said that a bird named ‘Phoenix’ is born from pyre.
This bird usually lives alone. It does not like to stay in groups. The bird flies at a great height. The bird
can achieve death as per its wish and that is why it is called as ‘immortal’. When it gets bored staying in
one situation it burns its body and comes out from its own pyre with more brightness. This story might be
imaginary but we should try to become like the ‘Phoenix’ bird.
Vitamin is an English word and
people easily remember it as an
English word. It is known as life
element in Hindi. Our body is
Dr. S.R.Chiraniyan
made up of five elements and to
keep them in good condition
nature has developed a few Some essential vitamins are required for good health. Vitamin is
vitamins for this purpose. They an English word and people easily remember it as an English word.
are air, water, sunrays or we can It is known as life element in Hindi. Our body is made up of five
also say that these are available elements and to keep them in good condition nature has developed a
in nature through many sources. few vitamins for this purpose. They are air, water, sunrays or we
These vitamins are of five types. can also say that these are available in nature through many sources.
These vitamins are of five types.
Vitamin A:
Vitamin A improves immune system of our body, which protects
our body from many poisonous substances. Deficiency of this vita-
min causes many diseases. Lack of Vitamin A leads to blindness,
usually night blindness. If we look at the serious affects then we
can find that lack of this vitamin leads to serious condition of chronic
disorder of bowel movement. Lack of vitamin A causes cold,
Isnophelia. It may sometimes lead to deadly disease like lungs in-
fection, tuberculosis and so on. Therefore we should consume green
vegetables, clarified butter, butter in order to prevent these diseases.
Vitamin B:
Vitamin B is essential for healthy, happy and disease free life.
This increases blood in the body and keeps a check on the hemoglo-
bin level, and body requries this vitamin for maintaining good blood
level in the body.
Lack of vitamin B leads to nerve disorder, because nerves carry
the blood. Lack of blood in nerves leads to Beriberi. In case of
Beriberi the nerves become crooked due to vata. The body turns
yellow, leading to weakness, lack of hemoglobin, paralysis in lower
part of the body are also possible.
We should consume green leafy vegetables, curry, raw veg-
etables (Salad), pomegranate, beetroot, milk and fruits to pre-
vent the diseases caused due to the deficiency of vitamin B.
Pranayam and few yogasanas are also beneficial.
Food grains are also good source of vitamin B and it is better to
eat hand grinded flour or flour made at flour mills, unpolished rice ,
cereals, maize, peas, soybeans, groundnuts, coco- Calcium tablets are available in the market. Cord
nut, potato, jaggery, milk of cow, sheep, camel and starch liver oil (Fish Oil), K capsule are good supplements.
extracted from rice. Here we are talking only about But let us know about the natural supplements, which
vegetarian type of food. Non-vegetarian food items also are cheaper and very beneficial. First is milk, which
contain essential vitamins but we will restrict the sub- contains calcium in abundant quantity. Milk products
ject till this level only. like curd, butter, buttermilk, sweets made of milk, milk
powder is very beneficial, white sesame seeds, and la-
Vitamin C: dies fingers can supplement calcium. These should be
Third most important Vitamin is Vitamin C. Vitamin used in adult age to keep away from ‘Osteoporosis’
C is obtained from citrus fruits and vegetables. Apart where the bones become weak and break with a slight
from the citrus fruits, it is also available in sugarcane, jerk. they join with great difficulty, artificial plastics,
watermelon, apple, cucumber, sprouted gram, barley, cement and steel has to be used to replace the bones.
Moong, onions, bathua, pineapple, butter milk, etc. defi-
ciency of Vitamin C leads to Scurvy. In this case the Vitamin E:
patient suffers from severe weakness, gum bleeding, Vitamin D is a very important for our good health.
pain in calf muscles and knees. Lack of this Vitamin Vitamin D is the basis of strength of all the bones in the
leads to dark circles pale skin. body. The movement of bones depends on vitamin D
and deficiency of this vitamin affects the bones. If a
Vitamin D woman is deficient of this vitamin and gives birth to
Lack of this Vitamin is initially seen in women in the children, then those children could be lacking the mas-
form of Osteoporosis. During pregnancy, intake of cal- culine or feminine qualities. Therefore it is also known
cium should be more with each passing month. If woman as life conservator also. Coconut, milk, fruits and veg-
suffers from this diseases at young age then her chil- etables are rich sources of this vitamin.
dren also suffer from this problem, and it could also
lead to ‘Rickets’ in children. Vitamins and good health:
Natural sources should be used to overcome the The above details have been presented based on
deficiency of this vitamin. This is easily available through the experiences and to show that by Vitamin D and
sunrays. People with deficiency of this vitamin should calcium deficiency ‘Osteoporosis’ disease occurs. From
sit and work for at least one hour in the sun. People ordinary diseases to cancer, cirrhosis of liver, heart at-
who work in fields, crops for whole day, never suffer tack, brain hemorrhage, can be cured by Ayurvedic and
from the deficiency of this Vitamin. practicing pranayam and yoga, which is instructed by
youth could also suffer from deficiency of this vita- Yogiraj Swami Respected Ramdev. Apart from this
min as they do not take proper food. They prefer junk regular eating habits and good behaviour is essential in
food, which is the main reason for bad health. when daily life. In Swamiji’s yoga campus, many a times pa-
they become adults they complain of knee pain and other tients have agreed that they are free from this disease.
joint related problems. This is also known as ‘Osteoar- In their bone density test, they have reported to have no
thritis’. they are forced to go to orthopedic doctors. Here weakness with regular practice of pranayam and
they are given steroids, which reduce the pain tempo- yogasanas. Their reports have been submitted to Swami
rarily, but it damages the liver and kidneys. Consump- Ramdev Ji. The patients suffering from this disease
tion of steroids leads to obesity, which in turn is a mat- should practice pranayam and yoga with full confidence.
ter of concern.
Spiritual knowledge is like a
hot flame, which burns all the
bad qualities present in the
mind, body and heart and
turns them into ashes and
enlightens the internal soul. A
small cloud covers the sun and Prof. G.R.Verma
reduces its brightness; simi-
larly the bad qualities of a What is spiritual transformation?
The study of human psychology or nature reveals that man repre-
human being also cover
sents the mutual contrasting elements. Both god and demon are present
brightness of the soul and in man’s nature. According to Brihadaranyak Upanishad, Prajapati the
block the path of self-realiza- creator has three children – god, human being and demons. According
tion. The biggest obstacles in to Shankaracharya, the human beings are differentiated in these three
this path are ignorance, lack classes on the basis of qualities like self-control, generosity, pity, satva,
of knowledge and wealth. rajas and Tamas nature. The people possessing good qualities are called
god. Those possessing excessive greed and longing for wealth are hu-
man beings and those who harm others and are cruel in nature are
called demons. The human nature can change from god to demon and
vice versa depending on his knowledge and devotion. The human be-
ing has continuous ability to bring in moral changes. A man can change
his spiritual consciousness and bring in drastic changes in his thoughts
and feelings. A human being with unchaste body, mind, and soul can
transform into a chaste mind, godly mentality and divine human being.
If a worldly person is inclined towards leaving his worldliness and get
rid of the feeling of satisfying his sensory organs then we expect to see
spiritual transformation in such a person. We will get several examples
in our history where people having ordinary and low occupations have
become great people due to spiritual transformation. For instance,
Valmiki was a cruel dacoit but transformed into a saint due to the preach-
ing of Narada. He wrote the great epic ‘Ramayana’ and was known
as a theologist. Saint Francis preached service, chastity and became
the founder of big religious organizations due to his good qualities. Simi-
larly, Guru Nanak, Saint Kabir, Ravidas and Meerabai had immense
faith on God and became famous saints. Angulimal, a famous dacoit
could leave behind his past and transform his life with the good advice
of lord Buddha. There are a number of such devotees and learned
people who transformed their lives due to spiritual knowledge. Swami
Vivekanand became a wealthy and great theologist due to devotion
towards god and spiritual knowledge.
ties of a human being also cover brightness of Some learned person give the credit of this
the soul and block the path of self-realization. The spiritual transformation to ancestors and par-
biggest obstacles in this path are ignorance, lack ents. Some people that the man has these in-
of knowledge and wealth. The man forgets his herent abilities and gets the result of his deeds.
soul due to ignorance. The lusts, vices and According to Geeta, a man discards his old
other bad qualities lying deep inside our sub- clothes and wears new clothes. Similarly the
conscious mind have deep impact on our soul leaves a diseased and old body and en-
conscious mind. All these qualities remain ters into a new body. But, its tendencies and
in our emotional body and are expressed nature continue for several ages. The ances-
through our mental body. We have to sup- tors are held responsible for these human
press them and show high standard and good traits or qualities, which is totally wrong. The
qualities for the welfare of others. In other man should take the onus of his qualities and
words, we have to give them spiritual direction. try to take a good direction. Many times the
The second biggest obstacle is ego, which man wears different types of masks and
arises due to ignorance. Ego is the main ten- looses his original identity. Unless the man
dency of a man, which is the result of the mind’s throws out these masks he will not be able to
temptation towards petty things. When mind is get self-realization. The false relations that the
free from desires and temptation then it realizes man gets due to these masks are the real reasons
the true form of soul and gets relieved from all kinds for his unhappiness. As soon as the man removes his
of obstacles. The disorder, which covers our conscious- mask he becomes free of his relations and he achieves
ness, meets the supreme soul with the experience of self-realization or self- knowledge.
highest level of spirituality and realizes the real form. According to philosophy the mind and sensory or-
The third obstacle is the negative thoughts and feel- gans are cover of the soul and the soul body is the cover
ings arising due to ignorance and ego. These are con- of mental body. When these covers are removed the
stantly influencing our mind, body and soul. Wrong atti- internal light is shown. This is the main aim of all types
tude makes a person suffer from physical and mental of ethical and spiritual devotions. Mind is superior to
diseases. Confusion, anger, jealousy, hatred, fear and the body and soul is superior to the mind. Our soul has
negative thoughts makes the person suffer from sev- three bodies, the physical body or the unconscious ego
eral diseases like heart disease, diabetes, psychological in which the human consciousness lies dormant. This is
problems etc. but positive thinking helps in spiritual trans- known as the dormant state of the body. The second is
formation and the diseases can also be overcome. the mental body, which is conscious ego, mind, memory
There are different school of thoughts regarding the and virtues; these are the combination of small organs
habits and tendencies, which we aim to control with of work and knowledge. These represent the dreaming
spiritual lifestyle. According to one view, cruel thoughts state of the body. The third is the physical body, which
depict the quality of anger in a man, ignorance, ego, is slightly better than the dream state. This is known as
attachment are its symptoms. Similarly, lust for sex and the awaken state of the body. The mental body controls
playfulness of mind makes the person restless and un- the physical body. The transformation of character is
happy, which are symptoms of a passionate person. considered to be important in case of spiritual transfor-
People with spiritual tendencies lead a life of self-con- mation. But majority of the people pretend to have spiri-
trol and simplicity, which are pious qualities. In this way tual transformation, which is worse than the normal life.
human beings perform devotion through mind, body and Such pretentious life should be left behind and the man
soul and obtain spiritual goals. should try to get actual spiritual transformation. This is
Cleanliness, celibacy and not harming other crea- possible when the man sacrifices his passion and anger
tures are devotions practiced through verbal actions. A and increases his good qualities and tries to attain self-
number of scholars consider environmental cleanliness realization with the help of piousness. False prejudices
as a part of spiritual transformation of human being. and pretence has no importance in the absence of chas-
Some learned person believes that the inspiration to tity. The man should be alert and aware of the dangers
progress in life and life energy present inside a human of spiritual life and try to bring in this transformation so
being are most important. that he can accomplish the goal of self-realization.
The life saving science,
Ayurved is directly re-
lated to the accomplish-
ment of four aspects of a
man’s life – duties,
pleasure, finance and
liberation. It also in-
cludes the authoritative,
subject relations and
utility aspects. Ayurved
standing on the threshold
of these age-old believes Swami Swarupanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj
is a real, practical In-
dian philosophy. The
man cannot accomplish
his goals without it. It is
I ndian Vedic tradition has been basically spiritual based, but one hand it
has been investigating the truth to obtain the path of liberation through aus-
the best evidence of terity and devotion and on the other hand it has been serious towards the
unmatchable talents of aspect of source. It has nowhere overlooked source in place of attainable
Indian sages and seers (that which can be attained). Both source and attainable have been bal-
and is directly related to anced. Therefore, the Upved and sections of Vedas have been given good
the India. It includes not importance due to the acceptance of the Vedas, the source of all knowl-
only man but all living edge. All are given equal importance, right from Dhanurved to Sthapatyaved,
and non-living things, It Gandharvaved to Ayurved. The human body is the main source of enjoying
the present and past deeds and none of the duties, observances can be
is the world’s most an-
achieved without it, Ayurved is the only source to protect it. Serious con-
cient method of contem-
templations have been taking place right from the Vedic period because the
plation that has put up Ayurvedic principles are basis of Vedas. These principles help the living
with everything from the creatures in leading a long life, achieving happiness and prosperity.
historical times. It is the The life saving science, Ayurved is directly related to the accomplish-
pious tradition of our ment of four aspects of a man’s life – duties, pleasure, finance and libera-
sages and seers who tion. It also includes the authoritative, subject relations and utility aspects.
have propounded it with Ayurved standing on the threshold of these age-old believes is a real, prac-
great austerity. tical Indian philosophy. The man cannot accomplish his goals without it. It is
the best evidence of unmatchable talents of Indian sages and seers and is
directly related to the India. It includes not only man but all living and non-
living things. It is the world’s most ancient method of contemplation that has
put up with everything from the historical times. It is the pious tradition of
our sages and seers who have propounded it with great austerity.
Ayurved, a part of Atharvaveda includes a long list of texts that are
uncountable. However, it can be said that Acharya Charak and his book are
the pioneers of Ayurved. According to Charak Sanhita, Brahma imparted
the knowledge of Ayurved to Prajapati and he in turn gave it to Ashvini
kumara who passed the knowledge to Indra. Indra the mental, physical and other problems of people.
imparted this knowledge to Bhardwaj and he taught it Bhartruhari and Bhoja have expressed similar views in
to other sages. Brahmkand in their books:
czãk.kk fg ;FkkizksÙkQek;qosZna iztkifr%A dk;okXcqf¼fo"k;k ;s eyk% i;ZofLFkrk%A
txzkg fuf[kysuknkof'oukS rq iquLrr%AA fpfdRlky{k.kkè;k;Re;ksxSLrs"kka fo'kq¼;%AA
vf'oH;ka Hkxok×NØ% izfrisns g dsoye~A (Brahmakand)
½f"kizksÙkQks Hkj}ktLrLekPNØeqikxer~AA 'kCnkukeuq'kklua fon/rk ikratys dqoZrk
rsuk;qjfera ysHks Hkj}kt% lq[kfUore~A o`fÙka jkte`xkÄdlaKefi O;krUork oS|dsA
½f"kH;ks¿uf/da rPp 'k'kalkuo'ks"k;u~AA okd~psrksoiq"kka ey% iQf.kHkwrka Hk=ksZu ;suks¼r&
(Charak Sanhita 1 / 4- 5, 26) LrL; Jhj.kjÄxeYyu`irsokZpks T;Ur;qTToyk%AA (Bhoj)
according to some people, sages like Bhrigu, Angira, Whatever be the views, Acharya Charak has gifted
Atri, Vasishtha and Kashyap learnt this great art of this world with a priceless thing has come across many
health building from lord Indra and according to Kashyap controversies and would continue to do so. His Sanhita
sanhita, Atri learnt this art from Indra and taught to his is a deep ocean of Ayurved. It includes not only the
sons and disciples. ^bUnz% ½f"kH;'prqH;Z% invaluable thoughts of ancient gurus but also a source
d';iofl"Bk=;fÄxjksHk`xHq ;% rs iq=ksHk;% f'k";sHk;'p iznnq%A* of inspiration for the future texts. It contains eight parts,
(Kashyap sanhita pg. 61), the tradition of Ayurved 120 chapters and 12000 couplets. It has 30 chapters,
was carried on till Atreya on the basis of this principle. with four sections each that include details on one dis-
The Ayurved mentions about a number of sages who ease, treatment and diet regimen.
possessed the knowledge of Ayurved and some of them His book is not just a list of medicines but it is a
were Brahmans of ancient times who happened to be practical complete knowledge which throws light on the
the royal Vaidya (Ayurvedic practitioner). Some believe definition of Ayurved, nature, symptoms, daily routine
that he lived before 3000 A.D while some believe it to of a person, reasons of diseases, deformities,
be 800 A.D. Panchkarma, qualities of various medicines in a very
According to Charak Sanhita, six sages have been detailed manner. Similarly, there are eight chapters on
mentioned as disciples of saint Atreya, who belonged to diagnosis and treatment, which includes a detailed analy-
the age prior to Panini. But as far as Charak is con- sis of collection of medicines, tests for gurus, method of
cerned, there are lots of controversies prevailing in this study and teaching, treatment and its objectives and other
aspect. Some people believe him to be the incarnation topics. The relevance, importance, popularity and utility
of lord Vishnu and consider him to be the form of Yog of this text can be guessed from this aspect that fa-
propounder saint Patanjali. As has been mentioned be- mous narrators like Bhatta Harishchandra, Jejjata,
low Chakrapani, Shivdas, Kaviraj, Gangadhar, Yogindranath
ikratyegkHkk";pjdizfrlaLÑrS& and others have given their views. Besides, there are
eZuksokDdk;nks"kk.kka g=kS¿fgir;s ue%AA several authentic views in Hindi language also. A per-
(Chakrapani) son who leads his life according to Charak Sanhita never
;ksxsu fpÙkL; insu okpka falls ill, because it has a very detailed description on
symptoms of curing disease, natural symptoms, stages,
eya 'kjhjL; p oS|dsuA
diagnosis and cure.
;ks¿ikdjksr~ ra izoja equhuka
According to Charak Sanhita, diseases are caused
iratfya izkatfyjkurks¿fLeAA due to vata, pitta and kapha. But either of these three
(Vigyanbhikshu, Yogvartik) gets imbalanced when the person goes against the natu-
lw=kkf.k ;ksx'kkL=ks oS|d'kkL=ks p okfrZdku rr%A ral practices, eats unhealthy food and leads an irregular
ÑRok iratfyeqfu% izpkj;kekl txfnna =kkrqe~AA life style. Besides, the book also contains detailed de-
(Rambhadradikshit, Patanjalicharitam) scription on nurturing child, pediatrics, treatment of
it means lord Patanjali took birth in the form of Charak woman in different stages, vomiting, intake of medi-
and others and propounded grammar, Yog and parts of cines for diseases related to different organs, their con-
Vedas in the world, which were helpful in overcoming ditions etc. in this way, Charak Sanhita can be called as
the treasure of world for the benefit of entire world ln~o`ÙkL;kuqo`fÙk'p iz'keks xqfIrjkReu%AA
containing description of various medicines, treatments, fgra tuinkuka p f'kokukeqilsoue~A
fluids, alchemy and classical principles. A minute analysis lsoua czãp;ZL; rFkSo czãpkfj.kke~AA
also makes it clear that this book is also useful for im- ladFkk /eZ'kkL=kk.kka eg"khZ.kka ftrkReuke~A
proving environment conditions, because according to /kfeZdS% lkfÙodSfuZR;a lgkL;k o`¼laerS%AA
Charak, environment is of two types – internal and ex- bR;srn~ Hks"kta izksÙkQek;q"k% ifjikyue~A
ternal. ;s"kkefu;rks e`R;qLrfLeu~ dkys lqnk#.ksAA
Today we talk about environment and the methods (Charak Sanhita 3 / 16-19)
to prevent pollution are all external methods of protect- Lord Atreya tries to answer the queries of Agnivesh
ing the environment. But, gradually such diseases are in Charak Sanhita and says that the main reason for air
developing, that the doctors are also not aware of the and other kinds of pollution is irreligiousness or the past
reasons and cure for these diseases. The reason being deeds. So, the crime done through one’s wisdom or past
that today, food, water, soil and medicines are all pol- deeds are cause of internal pollution and preventing this
luted due to environment degradation. The edible food kind of pollution can be called methods of actual envi-
is getting polluted due to chemicals, polluted rivers, water ronment protection. The reason being that it is not pos-
sources, drainage of factories, and adulteration in use- sible to control pollution in the absence of these meth-
ful medicines. Adulteration of cattle feed with urea af- ods. According to Acharya Charak, the irreligious deeds
fects the qualities of milk. The species of cows are also done by men in villages, cities, regions and countries
becoming extinct nowadays. Sufficient amount of cow
are followed by common people also, this increases bad
dung is not available for making manure. The food grains
governance and results in going against the religion. The
that reach our house after getting transported from fields
god also leaves the company of such irreligious and
to market is mixed with several harmful powders. This
ungodly people. This develops different kinds of defor-
pollution is passing from parents to children in the form
mities in these places, lack of proper rainfall, soil and
of genetic problems. therefore when the seed is itself
air deformities, the water sources dry and the medi-
polluted how can we expect a disease free fruit. Simi-
cines lose their natural qualities.
larly, tree plantation, save Ganges forum, nuclear pro-
Saint Charak says that the invasions done in the past,
liferation and other methods for the safety of mankind
deaths in war and curses are also the result of crime
are considered to be a part of external methods of envi-
done by one’s wisdom and said that they get destroyed
ronment conservation. But external methods are alone
due to the curses of divine, godly, old, accomplished
not beneficial for protecting environment, we also need
religious mentors and learned people. Irreligion is an
spiritual, religious, moral and other internal methods of
overcoming pollution. element, which generates disharmony, lethargy, collec-
According to Acharya Charak, the medicines also tion, stealing and greed. It has been said, ^yksHk% ikiL;
get polluted due to pollution of air, water, place and time. dkj.ke~*A
This makes the entire nature diseased, but at the same In olden days there was no such kind of crime and
time the medicines described in Charak Sanhita in or- therefore people were more happy, peaceful but
der to prevent and cure those diseases includes speak- irreligion and greed increased in the course of time, lead-
ing truth, empathy, donation, worshipping god, leading a ing to hatred, enmity, speaking lies, sex-anger, ego, dis-
disciplined life, maintaining peace, protecting oneself, harmony, fear, sorrow, worries and jealousy, vengeance.
serving villages and cities, celibacy, serving the celi- As a result, the five elements starting losing their quali-
bates, great saints, living in the proximity of religious ties and deformities of air, water, place, and time started
and spiritual people are also very important, which pro- developing leading to different diseases. It needs to be
tect the man from miseries of life. mentioned that saint Atreya has mentioned good deeds
It has been said, and responsibilities as the main basis for enjoying short
lR;a Hkwrs n;k nkua cy;ks nsorkpZue~A and long life.
nSos iq#"kdkjs p fLFkra ákL; cykcye~AA the qualities of incurable person and responsibilities of
(Charak Sanhita 3 / 30) a Vaidya and also the qualities of suitable place and
He talks about good deeds and responsibilities and treatment. According to him, a harmful, impolite, irreli-
says the following: gious, angry and ill character person should not be
nSoekReÑra fo|kr~ deZ ;r~ ikSoZnSfgde~A treated, because he is a criminal from the aspect of
Le`r% iq#"kdkjLrq fØ;rs ;fngkije~AA both good deeds and responsibilities. He has become
(Charak Sanhita 3 / 31) unhealthy due to irreligious lifestyle and is surrounded
In other words, the past deeds should be considered by irreligion even today. In the same way, Acharya has
as good deeds and the present deeds as responsibilities. also classified the forests, ordinary places and lands,
It has been further said that and has paid special importance to environment. He
r;ks#nkj;ks;ZqfÙkQnhZ?kZL; p lq[kL; pA has given special importance to water, vegetation, land
fu;rL;k;q"kks gsrqfoZijhrL; psrjkAA and seasons, which is increasing the popularity of
(Charak Sanhita 3 / 33) Charak Sanhita day by day.
In other words good deeds and responsibilities com- Therefore, it can be concluded that Acharya Charak
bined together lead to happiness and long life and bad possessed unmatchable qualities, and was also a learned
deeds lead to short life and miseries. person, successful environmentalist, an expert practi-
^;r~ fi.Ms rn~ czãk.Ms* It means the condition that tioner, a true patriot, nature lover, a devotee who thought
is suitable for a person is also suitable for all. Therefore for the welfare of the mankind and an extremely intel-
if a person leads a religious life and does not indulge in ligent person. He was the gift of god to protect the
crime due to wisdom then all the people, region, country world and follower of principles of Dhanvantri. This
will become happy and the world will continue to exist world will also be indebted to Acharya Charak. There-
for ever, otherwise it will get destroyed. fore, I bow down to great saint Charak and offer my
Acharya Charak focuses on these aspects and also tributes in the following words: ^;koPpUnzfnokdjkS*
mentions about the methods to overcome the doshas, “Great sage Charak I offer my tributes to you.’
improve digestion and at places he also mentioned about
You can watch Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj’s program based on yoga, Ayurveda
and Health and reap the benefits and also inspire others to build a healthy
Astha (National) Morning: 5.30 to 8.00 a.m
Night: 8.00 to 9.00 p.m
Astha (International) Morning: 5.00 to 7.30 a.m
Evening:7.00 to 8.00 p.m
Sahara Samay (Rambaan) Morning: 5.30 to 6.00 a.m
India T.V (Yoga Science) Morning: 6.30 to 7.00 a.m
Afternoon: 1.30 to 2.00 p.m
Sahara One Morning: 6.30 to 7.00 a.m
Star News Morning: 6.30 to 7.00 a.m
(Yoga Yatra: Mon –Sat)
Satyendra Kumar Saini
HOD, Divya nursery, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar
O rganic farming is the natural method, which keeps A good composte manure can be made with cow
the atmosphere pure and naturally balanced by keeping dung. Almost 30% of the cow dung is made into fuel
the earth; water and air free from pollution and also cakes due to fuel deficiency in the country. Every house-
gives good yield. In this method the chemical fertilizers hold should maintain a biogas unit looking into the present
are used less or used only when necessary. Soil is con- fuel needs, especially the cattle owners. Biogas plants
sidered to be a live source in this type of farming. Innu- not only fulfill the fuel requirement but also help in pro-
merable useful organisms are found, which are compli- ducing good quality manure for the fields.
mentary to each other and at the same time are respon- The soil remains lively with organisms. It inactivates
sible in growth of the plant and supply the required nu- the factors that affect the health of soil. They make
trients. Hence in this method the soil is kept healthy and available necessary ingredients for the plants and or-
the natural organism of the soil are maintained in har- ganisms. They also save the soil from soil erosion. This
mony with other organisms of the nature in order to helps in soil conservation and maintains the strength.
practice organic farming. The fields should be ploughed The most important organisms found in soil are the earth-
appropriately because over ploughing could affect the worms. They are blind and remain inside the soil during
organisms. It also increases soil erosion. Therefore the the daytime due to sunlight and become active at night-
soil should be kept healthy for good yields. Healthy soil time. They are available in the wet regions in fields,
means, more the number of organisms, better the health canals where the water is in plenty. Usually earthworms
of the soil. The organisms decompose the roots, stems, are active in climate with 20 to 35 degree temperature.
leaves, and other substances, which are found in the They rest in the layers of the earth in order to save
soil. They also make the fertilizers easily solvable in the themselves from extremities of temperature. They pen-
soil and make it suitable for proper growth of the plants. etrate through the earth’s surface and come out in or-
The decomposed substances increase the soil fertility. der to breathe and repeat this process. They come out
Organisms are the basis of agriculture. Therefore from one hole and enter the soil through another hole.
do not burn the parts of organisms that could reduce They make around 16-20 holes in a day. The num-
the soil fertility. Generally the farm waste like leaves of ber of earthworms increases from 50 thousand to four
sugarcane, cotton waste, twigs of barley, and wheat lacs in a wetland with abundant organisms. They make
plants are cropped in such a manner that 40 to 50 per- hundreds of holes in a day. It keeps the mud loose and
cent of the stems are left in the fields, which are later helps in the growth of crops and other organisms. Nowa-
burnt. This practice destroys the useful organisms found days earthworms are sold in containers to help decom-
in the soil. This kind of waste and cow dung should not pose the waste lying in the streets of cities and villages.
be considered to be waste, as they can be turned into The waste is put in ditches and earthworms are added
composte manure. The Nodep method of preparing into the ditches and covered, which decomposes the
composte manure is considered to be good. waste. When this decomposed matter is added in the
Green fertilizers are beneficial from the view of fields it has been noticed that all the plant diseases are
growth of organisms. If the organisms present in the cured.
soil are used to the fullest then the dependency on chemi- The farmers are adopting this method of farming
cal fertilizers will reduce. for the past quite some time. If we believe the claims of
the organic -farming board then the number of organic
-farmers would increase to one lac by the end of Organic manure is being used in the Divya nursery
2010. The rising interest of organic -farmers shows that of ‘Patanjali Yogpeeth, to cultivate herbs and medicinal
by 2008-09, the organic -farming will be practiced in plants. The farmers co-operative committees are being
almost 50 thousand hectares of land. The farmers are set up to motivate herbal plantation among the people.
getting the correct price for their crops from some time. Manure made out of earthworms is being used for this
On the other hand, there are better chances for organic purpose. The aim of Patanjali Yogpeeth is to make the
farming in hilly regions. It can be implemented in these organic manure a substitute for the chemical fertilizers.
regions without much efforts. The farmers are able to The chemical fertilizers pollute the atmosphere on one
earn more money when compared to the other tradi- hand and are also harmful for the food grains, vegetables,
tional ways of farming with the beginning of organic fruits etc. the earth becomes infertile with the use of
farming. That is reason that the farmers are more and these fertilizers. The chemical fertilizers and pesticides
more interested in this type of farming. The govern- are the main reasons for the spread of deadly diseases
ment is trying to establish facility centers and planning in the rural areas. Organic farming is the permanent
to bring in measuring and grading system. There is a solution for this problem. The aim of Ayurved is to find
proposal to collect the entire organic farm produce and the root cause and eradicate it so that diseases do not
to facilitate better marketing techniques. occur at all.
vuU;kf'pUr;Urks eka ;s tuk% i;qZikLrsA
rs"kka fuR;kfHk;qDrkuka ;ksx{ksea ogkE;ge~ AA
Shrimadbhagwatgita, 9/22
vUo; &
;s tuk% vuU;k% fpUr;Ur% eke~ i;qZiklrs rs"kke~
fuR;kfHk;qDrkuke~ ;ksx{ksee~ vge~ ogkfeA Narration: Rajendra Prakash Vaidya
Word meaning: Ye – that; Jana – Man; Ananya – Divya Yog Mandir (Trust), Kankhal
thinking of god without thinking of any other thing; the man always thinks about obtaining material happi-
Chintayanta – thinking; Mam – me; Paryupaste – in- ness. The man cannot stay calm without thinking about
volved in service of mankind selflessly; yogkshemam – it. Lord Krishna wants to say, ‘the devotee who devi-
the meaning of Yog is to obtain what is not obtainable ates his mind from worldly things and thinks about me.’
and Kshema means protecting that which we get. In There is another word ‘Chintayanta.’ Its literal mean-
this way, yogkshemam means fulfilling the material re- ing is ‘while thinking.’ Some people think of god in the
quirements and protecting them; bhar aham – I (my- morning and some in the evening. The purpose is to
self); vahami – bear it. worship, think of god but there is uncertainty of time.
Meaning: Shri Krishna says to Arjuna, “Arjuna, the One does not have this uncertainty while thinking.
devotee who thinks of me with total devotion without Chintayan, while thinking. It has continuity like the flow-
thinking of others and worships me, I myself take care ing water of a river. There is no difference between the
of the welfare of those devotees who are associated water molecules, similarly time is not wasted at the time
with me.” of thinking, and the same applies to devotion also. It
Narration: Ananya, means not thinking of any other goes on continuously. The devotee who thinks about
thing and thinking only of me. Here the question is that me every moment, every time without thinking of re-
what does the word Anya (ananya = ana +anya) signi- sults.
fies. Does it denote other gods and goddesses? It can The third word, which needs to be analyzed is
be considered like that but the god is saying something ‘nityabhiyuktanam’ in other words those who are in me
else also in the verse. forever and devoted. Here we have to focus on one
^;s ;Fkk eka izi|Urs] rkaLrFkSo HktkE;ge~*A word, ‘Nitya.’ It means not daily, it means forever, al-
“Arjuna! The devotee who obtains me in a particu- ways, without any obstruction. God has used this word
lar way, in other words worships me, I am obtained to to clarify the meaning of continuity in devotion. When
him in that manner only. I am knowledge for the knowl- we go inside the temple we are devoted to god and
edge seekers. I am god for the devotees. I take a prac- after coming out of the temple we are not devoted. This
tical form for those who do not believe in idol worship- is not continuous devotion. Similarly, some people offer
ping. Those who worship Shiva, I am Shiva for them. I morning and evening prayers to god for some time. This
take the form of Durga for those who are devotees of is not continuous devotion. Continuous devotion is one
her. I become Vishnu for the followers of lord Vishnu. where a devotee does not forget his god even for a
Therefore, if we believe that the word ‘Anya’ is meant second during awaken state. He sees god even in his
for other gods and goddesses then the above meaning dreams. In the words of Tulsidas, ¶dkfefg ukfj fi;kfj
will become ineffective. In other words, we cannot con- ftfe¸A god takes the responsibility of the welfare of
sider the word ‘anya’ to be representing other gods and the devotees who are involved in his worship selflessly.
goddesses. Welfare means, well being in the world, fulfillment of
Then anya means other worldly matters. It is hu- worldly requirements. Why should they worry about
man nature to think about worldly matters all the time, their welfare, I there to fulfill their requirements pro
vided they are devoted to their work on continuous This is the principle of true devotion. The mind should
basis. If it is not done in this manner then there could be be devoted towards god and the body should perform
a doubt that how can the devotees fulfill their daily du- the worldly tasks. The rest will be taken care by the
ties if they are always immersed in the devotion of god? god.
How will they perform worldly tasks in order to lead The above narration needs explanation with some
their lives? The answer to these questions is that Shri example. The kauravas tried to undress Draupadi amidst
Krishna does not stop anybody from doing their works, all great men sitting in the assembly. Draupadi is proud
Shrimadbhagwatgita advices about work and fulfilling of her beauty, warrior like husbands, old aged on-laws,
the responsibilities. He stops those works, which are mentors sitting there but everybody is speechless, with
related to some expectations, results. their heads down. Bhishma, Dronacharya, Vidur,
Finally is it possible to think of god and perform the Kripacharya are all helpless. Nobody offered help.
duties. The answer is ‘yes it is possible.’ Generally, a Draupadi loses all hopes and calls lord Shri Krishna to
person does two works at a time, one internally and the help her from this embarrassing situation. Krishna says,
other externally. For instance, when a person is riding a “Draupadi, I was here only but you did not call me. You
cycle, his mind is occupied in some other thing and the were pleading others to help you, you were expecting
body is riding the cycle, his eyes, hands and legs are their help. Now you have thought of me. Be assured,
involved in cycling. The mind is somewhere else, think- now it is my responsibility to protect your chastity.”
ing of a different issue but the cycle is going smoothly This incident explains the concept of welfare of the
on two wheels, it does not fall, not skid nor collides with mankind by god and the devotee’s devotion of god with-
other vehicles going on the road. The man riding the out thinking about any other thing. Dhruva and Prahlada
cycle takes care to avoid the holes on the road and ride are also good examples to explain this concept.
it smoothly.
The world came to know about IVF (In-vitro fertilization) 30 years back with the birth of Lucy
Brown in Great Britain. This technique was considered to be a milestone in the medical field and till now
around 30 lacs childless couples have been blessed with children with the help of this technique. This
technique has progressed to such an extent that the enthusiastic medical practitioners are claiming that
infertility would become a history.
Notions are left behind: The first test tube of world, Lucy baby celebrated her 30th birthday on July 25,
2008 in a very quite manner. But, the doctors are highly enthusiastic on the 30th anniversary of IVF
technique. After all they have a reason to be so. During this period the preliminary doubts and moral
related talks have been left behind.
Infertility will become a past: At the time of Lucy’s birth, opening the blockage of fallopian tubes
through surgery and hormone treatment to increase ovarian function was prevalent. But, there was no
treatment for infertile men. The development and success of IVF technique showed some ray of hope. A
special report published in the Nature journal read that the scientists had expressed unimaginable aspects
related to the treatment of infertility.
The scientists believe that in the next three decades lot of progress would be made in the field of
infertility, which would give the happiness of parenthood to people of any age, right from children to 100
year olds. Not only that, in place of normal pregnancy, the people would be able to select foetus being
developed inside the womb from the second birth to eighth month of pregnancy. That is not all; they have
all the possibilities of cloning of children. This simply means that the word ‘infertility’ would be abolished
from the dictionary.
(The Independent)
person with revolutionary ideas, was able to set and example along Kulbeer Singh, Kultar Singh, and
which is hidden from the people to- with his friends. my respects to babuji. Now the
day. Bhagat Singh was not just a com- police is behaving well with us. Do
After 1925 Kakori incident, mon man, but he was born with a not worry about anything.
many leaders of the ‘Hindustan Re- mission and he became the symbol Yours sincerely
publican Party’ most of the revolu- of the best and great men of the Bhagat Singh
tionary leaders were arrested. At country.
that time the responsibility was on Bhagat Singh wrote the follow- ‘Nazeer’ Banarasi wrote for the
Bhagat Singh and his friends. There ing letter to his father from the jail, traitors of the nation – ‘He should
were many important questions in after throwing bomb in the assem- be hanged to death who tries to play
front of them. In spite of the great bly hall. with the nation. This nation is not for
sacrifices of their leaders and strong the people who are characterless’.
belief of the countrymen why were Delhi Jail, 26th April 1929. Truly this nation is not for the people
they not allowed to go to the people, Respected father, who play with the nation; there is no
what should be the clear picture of On 22 nd April we have been second opinion about the people like
future India, what is the main aim of transferred from police custody to Jaychand because of whom coun-
Indians? Delhi jail. The whole drama will try had to suffer for 200 long years
According to Bhagat Singh he come to an end within a month. without independence. Father of a
started studying in order to find the You do not have to worry about responsible journalist who is good at
answers for these questions. He me. I also came to known that you writing on current topics played an
tried to understand the revolutionary had come here and talked to a important role in hanging the revo-
experiences in a better way and he lawyer but nothing could be final- lutionists who were against the Brit-
also tried to analyse the revolution- ized. Day before yesterday I got ish government.
ary experiences of the entire world. the clothes. We shall meet when He gave statement against
He tried to analyse the requirements you come. Lawyer is not required. Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt
of the people depending on the pre- But I want to take opinion on one in Assembly Bomb case. This infor-
vailing time. or two issues, but they are of not mation is given in the National ar-
Bhagat Singh’s revolutionary much use. You please don’t take chives, file no: 306, 5/7 on page no:
thoughts comprised of three basic any trouble. If you are coming to 44. Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar
elements - to help, to suffer, to sac- meet me then you come alone do Dutt cleverly were able to enter the
rifice, he inspired people to achieve not get bebeji (mother alongwith gallery of the Assembly Hall in dis-
the aim. Any path is beneficial only you. She will unnecessarily cry guise of foreigners after Sanders as-
if it is able to take the person towards and I will feel bad. I will know all sassination to teach a lesson to the
his goal. It could be in any form, the household issues when I meet foreign government in April 1929. At
whether by arousing qualities of you. If possible please get – the time when the judge was giving
bravery in men and thereby making ‘Geeta Rahasya’, ‘Napoleon’s life his decision on ‘President Patel Pub-
the party strong. history’, which you will get in my lic safety Bill, and they explored the
Bhagat Singh’s strong thoughts bookshelf. You can get any of the bomb. On 2nd June 1929 the then
with scientific base had a strong his- English novels also. Convey my District Judge Middleton gave them
torical and physical structure, which regards to Bebeji, auntie (mater- death sentence. Later an appeal was
are full of revolutionary ideas. He nal, paternal). Tell my Namaste to filed in Lahore High court against
the judgment of district judge and his statement in front of the District are still leading a pathetic life.
later everybody was surprised when Judge, J.Middleton on 4th June 1929. The case on Bhagat Singh will
judge Flored and Edison gave impor- As described in the file the person be opened again: Whose name itself
tance to the statement of a common who was contractor by profession, fills the mind with great spirit, love
man who was willing to give evi- was a slave for the British and dur- towards country. We should get
dence. This decision was given on ing their reign constructed a num- ready to see such martyrs Bhagat
13th January 1930, published in All ber of important buildings, which in- Singh as his case may be fought
India Lahore 266 and 1930, Punjab clude Canaught Place in Delhi. again. The Supreme Court has come
Law Report 73. After the bombard- The sentence of the Assembly forward to listen to this great revo-
ing a chief journalist’s father gave Bomb Case was given in a District lutionist. One who wrote a new les-
his statement that at 12.25 p.m. he jail, which was set up especially for son of sacrifice the martyr of Trial
was standing in the assembly in the it. That time the District jail, was in and sentence will once again be-
visitor’s gallery. When chairman was Maulana Azad Medical College. In come alive. In this a new reference
giving his decision on Trade Dispute the medical premises, in front of the will be given where you can see all
Bill he saw a tall man, wearing a hat, girl’s hostel the memorial has been the original things of Bhagat Singh.
another man was accompanying him constructed where he was hanged. You will see the songs, which Bhagat
who was short and bald. Both were People who want to get rid of the Singh used to read, his watch, his
wearing khaki dress. He said, “I saw British Collector S.P.Hardi threw shoes, his books – songs and the
a man who was throwing something. bomb on him, were also hanged original documents of the case,
I saw two police standing behind me. here. This is popularly known as which were fought by the British.
And I asked them to arrest the 1940, Hardy Bomb Case. A.G. This will be available to witness at
people responsible for bombarding. Noorani wrote a book – ‘ The trial the Museum in Supreme Court and
Then I saw two pistols being fired of Bhagat Singh’, where those facts the case will represented in a his-
from the same direction. The com- were presented wrongly that Motilal torical manner.
plete place was full of smoke. But I Nehru and Muhammad Ali Jinha According to the curator of the
have seen the two people getting have given statement against Bhagat Supreme Court Museum the prepa-
arrested by two policemen and two Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt. Talk- rations are going on at steady man-
Indian police. I can recognize those ing on the Lahore High Court deci- ner. He said that the case was
two people.” sion, it is said that only two people fought against Bhagat Singh in
After his statement on 13th April were ready to give witness. Their Lahore and the higher officials of
Pakistan Government are ready to
1929, at 9.30 a.m, Mr. Abdul Samad, names are Dr.Q.A.Mansuri (Aligarh
exhibit all the concerned documents.
leading Magistrate sent summons to Muslim University) and Pandit
It is said that the case can be wit-
Batukeshwar Dutt from New Delhi Madan Mohan Malviya. Dr.
nessed by 3 D affect. For live show
police Station and Bhagat Singh from Mansuri’s witness was registered
of this case two Diorama 9Box) will
police custody to arrive in front of that those people who sacrificed
be made for a special effect. In one
him. Honorary Magistrate, New themselves for the freedom move- Box there will be court scene and in
Delhi was also present at that time. ment were later sentenced to death the other will be the hanging scene.
(File no: 306 – A Section 5/7 page by our won people, who made Martyrs Azad Bhagat Singh and
30-36). Government witness no: 7 people hanged to death are now Sukhdev who were held responsible
who was 38 years old and a Hindu among the great people of the na- for Sanders death case with 3D pre-
Punjabi, a business contractor gave tion and the family of the martyrs sentation will be remarkable.
-Swami Ramdev
Query – What is the form of posture? this point of view, the biggest reason for the instability
fLFkjlq[keklue~ AA46AA in our posture is frequently changing mental condition.
Word meaning: Sthirsukham – The position of Unless a practitioner is able to stabilize his or her mind,
the body, which is stable and comfortable is known it is not possible to stabilize the body and vice versa.
as posture. The best method to achieve the stability of both mind
Meaning – A practitioner has to proceed on a and body is to sit in a comfortable posture and relax
long journey with the help of meditation and the mind and body completely. The practitioner should
concentration, and he or she has to sit in a stable be determined not to get disturbed emotionally or
position in order to achieve this. The sitting position otherwise or get immersed in the unending, shapeless
is known as posture or Asana. What are the qualities and almighty god. This helps the practitioner in sitting
of posture, which prove helpful for a practitioner in attentively in a particular posture and that too in a
his or her long journey? That posture is both stable short time.
and comfortable. The position in which a practitioner
is able to sit comfortably for a long time is beneficial Query – What is the result when a practitioner
becomes successful in sitting a stable position?
for yog and devotion. Generally speaking,
Swastikasana, Sukhasana, Ardhapadmasana are a
rrks }U}kufHk?kkr% AA48AA
Word meaning – Tata – Afterwards and once he or
few such postures, in which a practitioner can sit
she is able to stabilize in a particular position;
comfortably for a long time. However, in case of
dwandanabhighata – the practitioner does not realize
illness or some kind of handicap, Shavasana can also
cold-heat conditions, hunger or thirst and resolution
be used for practice.
or alternative etc.
Meaning – Unless the practitioner is not able to sit
Query – How does one get stability and
in a posture for at least three to four hours he is
attentiveness in a posture?
influenced by hot and cold conditions, hunger, thirst
iz;Ru'kSfFkY;kuUrlekifÙkH;ke~ AA47AA and mental conditions. There is a kind of confusion in
Word meaning – Prayatnashailinyananta his body and mind. But once the posture gets stabilized,
samapattibhyam – A posture becomes comfortable then these confusions are overcome. Even if the
when the practitioner concentrates on the unending confusions or dilemma arise in the mind of the
power (God) and makes best efforts. practitioner, he or she does not get influenced due to
Meaning – It is our experience that it is very it. The life cannot be divided therefore all our actions
difficult to sit in a same position for long time with do have a mutual impact on one another. There is a
stability. The body itself shows the need to change big influence of our meditation period on our normal
the position. If we do not change the position it causes routine period and vice versa. When the practitioner
restlessness and finally we are forced to change the is able to stabilize in a posture then he is free of all
position. We need to understand some basic things in kinds of confusions not only during meditation period
order to avoid such a situation. There is a strong but also during routine work period and he or she does
relationship between our mind and position of body, not get disturbed in any kind of situation.
which has an immediate impact on our body. From To be continued…
Divya Yoga Mandir Trust and Patanjali Yogpeeth 09435701624, 09954095710, 5. Hanuman Mall
have begun this service with the aim of making people Sampat Lall, Main Road, Bongaigaon-783380,
disease free, motivate positive attitude and inspire them Assam, M: 09435020020, 03664-230934
to lead a happy life. Patanjali Yogpeeth has now be- 3. Bihar: 1. Shahajanand Nagar, Begusarai, M:
come the center of faith, cure and patriotism for mil- 09835064517, 2. Gachi-Tola, Begusarai, M:
lions of people. 9934708440, Marwari Tola Lane, Bhagalpur, M:
Today an auspicious beginning has been made with 09431205244, Khalifa Bagh, Bhagalpur, M:
the setting up of service centers in every nook and cor- 09334286034, Ara, Bhojpur, M: 09430622667,
ner of the nation with an aim of making the nation dis- Motihari, East Champaran, M: 09431809035, 7.
ease free. This will provide good health facilities to needy Betai, West Champaran, M: 09334666858, Gaya,
people and they need not travel up to Hardwar. At these M: 09334863037, 9. Jahanabad, M: 09334343019,
service centers qualified and experienced ayurvedic 10. Madhubani, M: 09470031001, 11. Mujaffarpur,
doctors are offering treatment for curable and incur- M: 09334448910, 12. Patna, M: 9931102523, 13.
able diseases free of cost. The medicines are equally Raxual, East Champaran, M: 09905212882, 14.
priced at all centers and various books, Yoga Sandesh Samastipur, M: 09431208642, 15. Sitamarhi, M:
magazine; CDs and VCDs are also available at these 09835049755, 16. Hajipur, Vaishali, M:
centers. 09431026377
A list of all service centers with their addresses and 4. Chattisgarh: 1. Bhilaia, M: 09425245593 2. Korba,
contact numbers is being published here for the benefit M: 09826111738 3. Bilaspur, M: 09425583197 4.
of our readers. Janjgeer Champa, M: 09425223286 5. Raigarh, M:
1. Andhra Pradesh: 1.Adilabad, M: 09423702333 09425571089 6. Samata Colony, Raipur, Ph: 0771-
2. Badi Chawdi, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-24735946 4020983 7. Shankar Nagar, Raipur, M:
2. Langar House, Hyderabad, M: 09441076855 09329482700 8. Rajnandgaon, M: 09827181617
4.Tarnaka, Secunderabad, M: 9490313580 5. Chandigarh: 1. Chandigarh, Ph: 0172-6535156
Hyderabad, M: 09490313580 5. Sellar –22, 6. Daman & Diu: 1. Daman, M: 09228757365
Secunderabad, M: 09440952684 6. 7. Delhi: 1. Mayur Vihar, New Delhi, M:
Vishakhapatnam, M: 09490807512 09350233882 2. Burari, Delhi –84, M: 09811663038
2. Assam: Guwahati, M: 09954710807 2. Silture, M: 3. Samaypur, Delhi -42, M: 09899996960 4. Preet
09435175380 3. Tinsukia, M: 09435335666, 4.C/o Vihar, Delhi, Ph: 011-22548254 5. Naya Bazaar,
Sachiyay Traders, Asha Tower, Ist Floor, J.D. Delhi, Ph: 011-23985167 6. Model Town, Delhi,
Road, Near Central Bank of India, PO. & Distt. Ph: 011-272249857. Harinagar, Delhi, M:
Kokrajhar-783370, Assam, M: 09435026515, 09811444809 8. New Rajendra Nagar, Delhi, Ph:
011-42411100 9. Near Uttam 0171-2633064 4. Ambala city, M: 09813852392 5.
Nagar, Delhi, M: 9910182525 10. Faridabad, M: 09311268177 6. Sector-37,
Kohat Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi, Faridabad, M: 09818399047 7. Palwal, Faridabad,
M: 09891974743/44 11. M: 09811693737 8. Fatehabad, M: 09315381356
Mehrauli, New Delhi, M: 011- 9. Friends colony, Gurgoan, M: 09911220500 10.
26806693 12. Dwaraka, New Arya Samaj Mandir, Hisar, M: 09896170938 11.
Delhi, M: 09811211785 13. Sarita Hisar, Ph: 01662-234123 12. Hansi, Hisar, M:
Vihar, New Delhi-76, Ph: 011-26977777/8 14. 09255103637 13. Jhajjhar, M: 09315520980 14.
Greater Kailash -I, New Delhi -48, M: Kaithal, M: 09813219136 15. Narvania, Kaithal,
09811526515 15. Narela, New Delhi – 40, M: M: 09812040507 16. Karnal, M: 09896347831 17.
9911276396 16. Lakshibai Nagar, New Delhi – 23, Kurukshetra, M: 09416026571 18. Mahendragarh,
M: 09810015266 17. Mahipalpur, New Delhi -37, Ph: 01282-205003 19. Panchkula, M: 09417042837
M: 09899924290 18. Peergarhi, Delhi, M: 20. Panipat, Ph: 0180-3201230 21. Riwari, M:
09811542351 19. Shyam Vihar, New Delhi -43, M: 09416499887 22. Rohtak, M: 09416312445 23.
09212509673 20. Shahdara, Delhi, M: DLF Colony, Rohtak, M: 09416401037 24. Vinay
09910266293 Nagar, Rohtak, M: 01262-266292 25. Sirsa, M:
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Floor, Panditwada, Curti-Ponda, Goa-403401, 6451642 28. Yamunanagar, M: 09896880051 29.
M: 09766621189, 09423056653, 0832-2315357 Near Nirankari Bhawan, Yamunanagar, M:
9. Gujarat: 1. Anand, M: 9427054031 2. Bapu Nagar, 09416459506
Ahmedabad, M: 09428479899 3. Gita Mandir Road, 12. Jammu & Kashmir: 1. Purani Mandi, Jammu, M:
Ahmedabad, M: 09427856148 4. Paldi, 09419193602 2. Jammutavi, M: 09419893360 3.
Ahmedabad, M: 09898225311 5. Shahi Bagh, Udhampur, M: 9469093542
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Ahmedabad –15, M: 09825396900 7. 2. Devgarh, M: 9431003654 3. Jamshedpur, Ph:
Banaskantha, M: 09925047338 8. Baroda, M: 0657-3297260 4. Dhanbad, Ph: 0326-2224447 5.
09898702548 11. Manjhalpur, Baroda, M: Ranchi, M: 09931102522 6. Adityapur, Saraikala
09428151333 10. Bhuj, Kutch, Ph: 02832-255335 Kharsava, M: 09431183825
11. Bilimora, M: 09427469333 12. Himmatnagar, 14. Karnataka: 1. Bangalore, Ph: 080-26768560 2.
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10. Himachal Pradesh: 1. Bilaspur, M: 09425583197 09372416555 2. Savedi, Ahmednagar, M:
2. Hamirpur, M: 01972221797 3. Mehre, Hamirpur, 09420344777 3. M.G.Road, Akola, M: 9373220021
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Mandi, M: 09816351133 6. Mandi, M: 09418042540 Amravati, M: 09823651112 6. Aurangabad, M:
7. Talant, Shimla, M: 09218533333 8. Lower Phagli, 09822391825 7. Bhandara, M: 09422804236 8.
Shimla, M: 09816254479 9. Solan, M: 09218533333 Budana, M: 09422180963 9. Khamgoan, M:
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11. Haryana: 1. Bahadurgarh, M: 09315520980 2. 09890519051 11. Dhulia, M: 09421531300 12.
Bhiwani, Ph: 01664-242253 3. Ambala Cantt., Ph: Garhchiroli, M: 09421808129 13. Gorelal Chowk,
Gondia, Ph: 07182-231314 14. Ingle Chowk, 6451291 9. Ratlam, M:
Gondia, M: 09422804236 15. Chandrapur, Ph: 09893330555 10. Satna, M:
07172-258283 16. Jalgoan, M: 09422772126 17. 09425173657 11. Ujjain, M:
Jalna, M: 09823068050 18. Shahpuri, Kolhapur, M: 09425093688
09226340955 19. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, M: 18. Nagaland: 1. Jitendra Tower,
09860808048 20. Rajarampuri, Kolhapur, M: Dimapur, M: 09436019729
09226340955 21. Latur, M: 09421445577 22. 2. Sikosi Building, Dimapur,
Andheri (E), Mumbai, Ph: 022-32954412 23. M: 9436007288
Andheri (W), Mumbai, M: 9322328094 24. Bandra 19. Orissa: 1. Balasoar, M: 006782-262812 2.
(W), Mumbai, M: 09892261817 25. Borivili (W), Behrampur, M: 09437122776 3. Bhadrak, M:
Mumbai, M: 09819811471 26. Chaimbur, Mumbai, 09437297497 4. Bhuwaneshwar, M: 09937929834
M: 009821211177 27. Dadar (W), Mumbai, M: 5. Bolingir, M: 09437124211 6. Chowdawar,
09987605556 28. Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai, Ph: Cuttack, M: 09437666028 7. Madhupatana,
022-32408989 29. Marine Lines, Mumbai, Ph: 022- Cuttack, M: 09437016323 8. Bajrakabati Road,
66396525 30. Belapur, New Mumbai, Ph: 022- Cuttack, M: 09438369660 9. Jajpur, M:
67214071 31. Sector-28, Vashi, New Mumbai, M: 09437027310 10. Jharsugura, M: 09937728187 11.
09819856592 32. Worli, Mumbai, M: 09821118765 Koraput, M: 9437236687 12. Puri, M: 09437000060
33. Ambedkar Chowk, Nagpur, M: 9422113984 34. 13. Chinda Colony, Rourkela, M: 09437248788
Suyog Nagar, Nagpur, M: 09422804236 35. Midas 15. Sambalpur, M: 09438150381
Hearts, Nagpur, Ph: 0712-2448283 36. Sadar, 20. Punjab: 1. Amritsar, M: 09814808121 2.
Nagpur, Ph: 0712-2528182 37. Station Road, Tarantaran, Amritsar, M: 09915045404 3.
Nanded, M: 09823068808 38. Shivaji Nagar, Lawrence Road, Amritsar, M: 09417253060 4.
Nanded, Ph: 09423702333 39. Malegoan, Nasik, Barnala, Ph: 001679-234461 5. Bhatinda, M:
M: 09371255588 40. Nasik, M: 09850514777 41. 09316074066 6. Firozpur, M: 09855649490 7.
Baramati, Pune, M: 09422331597 42. Chinchwad, Gurdaspur, M: 09814575387 8. Hoshiarpur, M:
Pune, M: 09850453774 43. Nana Peth, Pune, M: 09463024851 9. Nakodar Chowk, Jalandhar, M:
09890581884 44. Sastapeth, Pune, M: 09417540510 10. Shri Devi Talab Mandir Chari-
09371006718 45. Gulistan Puna College Road, table Hospital, Jalandhar, M: 09417006231 11.
Pune, M: 09372583838 46. Sangli, M: 09372141415 Kapurthala, Ph: 01822-325438 12. Khanna, M:
47. Shourya Goan, Sholapur, M: 09822079039 48. 09878992927 13. C.N.Tower, Link Road,
Dutt Chowk, Sholapur, M: 09823025501 49. Kudal, Ludhiana, M: 09878992927 14. Civil Lines,
Sindhdurg, Ph: 09421261352 50. Nawapada, Ludhiana, M: 09878506023 15. Near Shringar Cin-
Thane, M: 09823121738 51. Waghle Estate, Thane, ema, Ludhiana, M: 09988005756 16. Mansa, M:
M: 09324023024 52. Vashim, M: 09422522749 53. 09217290767 17. Muktasar, M: 09815962929 18.
Arni Road, Yawatmal, Ph: 07232-327743 54. Moga, M: 09988337227 19. Mohali, M:
Dhamagoan, Yawatmal, M: 09421845067 55. 09417042837 20. Nawashaher, M: 09814880088
Ingole Chowk, Wardha, M: 9372854555 56. Bach- 21. Pathankot, M: 09216440999 22. Patiala, M:
elor Road, Wardha, M: 09325653177 09417015804 23. Phagwara, M: 09872217062 24.
17. Madhya Pradesh: 1. Bhopal, Ph: 0755-6454990 2. Ropar, M: 09876464417 25. Sangrur, M:
Chatarpur, M: 09893327808 3. Chindwada, M: 09217223442
09425834141 4. Damoh, M: 09425455434 5. Guna, 21. Rajasthan: 1. Ajmer, M: 098295231112. Tej Mandi,
M: 07542-254548 6. Gwalior, Ph: 0751-2237112 Alwar, M: 09414017756 3. Bus Stand Road, Alwar,
7. Indore, M: 09302120554 8. Jabalpur, Ph: 0761- M: 09414401321 4. Banswada, M: 09414567567
5. Bhilwara, M: 09414115423 6. Patelnagar, Ghaziabad, M: 09871161867 17. Sec-
Sardulganj, Bikaner, M: tor-10, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, Ph: 0120-2822285 18.
09413557138 7. Rani Bazaar, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, M: 09899522277 19. Gajipur,
Bikaner, M: 09252063246 8. Ph: 0548-2220024 20. Gorakhpur, M: 09839820080
Churu, M: 09413378935 9. 21. Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, M:
Dungarpur, M: 09460022133 10. 09910407269 22. Hapur, M: 9312633918 23.
Tonk Road, Jaipur, M: Joanpur, M: 09935853010 24. Hanuman Mandir
09414053776 11. Sanganeri Gate, Jaipur, M: Road, Kanpur, M: 09336102101 25. Aradhana
09829064334 12. Mansarowar, Jaipur, M: Complex, Kanpur, M: 09838835001 26. Lakhimpur
09414821188 13. Near Sindhi Camp, Jaipur, M: Khiri, M: 09451904034 27. Lal Kuan, Lucknow,
09414071022 14. Vidyadharnagar, Jaipur, M: M: 09839640205 28. Vikas Nagar, Lukhnow, Ph:
09461664099 15. Jhunjhun, M: 09950893550 16. 0522-2738555 29. Mathura, M: 09412727288 30.
Jodhpur, M: 09829598255 17. Hanumangarh Town, Meerut, M: 09897044107 31. Modinagar, M:
M: 09828529123 18. Hanumangarh Junction, M: 09837371444 32. Muradabad, M: 09927069521 33.
09460392575 19. Bhadra, Hanumangarh, M: Mujaffarnagar, M: 09359317793 34. Sector-26,
09828836218 20. Hindon city, Karouli, M: Noida, M: 09811688223 35. Sector-34, Noida, M:
9414307941 21. Kota, M: 09414406430 22. Pali, 09837094135 36. Sector-8, Noida, M:
M: 099829504787 23. Shriganganagar, M: 09910032999 37. Pratapgarh, M: 09839029569 38.
09414094874 24. Sikar, M: 09413463177 25. Raibareily, M: 09839129116 39. Saharanpur, M:
Durga Nursery Road, Udaipur, M: 09351324806 09411959905 40. Sitapur, M: 9235736718 41.
26. Bata Street, Udaipur, Ph: 0294-2410626 Renukoot, Sonabhadra, M: 9453324857 42.
22. Sikkim: 1. Gangtok, Sikkim, M: 09434029507 Robertsgunj, Sonabhadra, M: 09415679062 43.
23. Manipur: 1. Aayush Enterprises, Dharamshala Unnav, M: 09450365426 44. Sigra, Varanasi, Ph:
Road, Thangal Bazaar, Imphal-795001, Manipur, 0542-221062 45. Durgakund Road, Varanasi, M:
M: 09436027817, 0385-2451827 09452309100
24. Tamilnadu: 1. Chennai, Ph: 044-28361604 28. West Bengal: 1. Asansol, M: 09474122128 2.
25. Tripura: 1. Agartala, M: 09436126559 2. Sarasima, Burdwan, M: 09332100418 3. Durgapur, Burdwan,
Belonia, Tripura, Ph: 03823-222427
M: 09434002234 4. South Dinajpur, M:
26. Uttarakhand: 1. Dehradun, M: 0135-6456898 2.
09434120786 5. Pradhan Nagar, Siliguri, M:
Haldwani, Nainital, M: 09837023498 3. Pithorgarh,
09832066480 6. Burdwan Road, Siliguri, M:
M: 09897089882 4. Roorkee, M: 09897046386 5.
09832041418 7. Howrah, Ph: 0033-32421357 8.
Rudrapur, Udhamsingh Nagar, M: 09412120763
Baligunj Palace, East Kolkata -19, M: 09883017969
27. Uttar Pradesh: 1. Barahkhamaba Raod, Agra, M:
9. CIT Scheme, Kolkata, M: 09331260507 10.
09897500500 2. Kamla Nagar, Agra, M:
Dutta Road, Kolkata, M: 09433532864 11.
09897007181 3. Sector-16 B, Agra, M:
Chittaranjan Evenue, Kolkata -73, M: 09830665005
09897327755 4. Aligarh, M: 09359512771 5.
12. Parvati Ghosh Lane, Kolkata -07, M:
Azamgarh, M: 09415208437 6. Kareli bagh
Colony, Alahabad, M: 09335137703 7. Rambagh, 09330105000 13. Chinar Park, Kolkata, Ph: 033-
Allahabad, M: 09415236885 8. Barabanki, M: 27116454 14. Bentik Street, Kolkata –1, M:
09415007404 9. Bareily, M: 09411091083 10. 09830077899 15. Kancharapara, 24 Paragana, M:
Bijnour, M: 09837392151 11. Devaria, M: 09331022220 24 Paraganas (N), M: 9331022220
09889665041 12. Eta, M: 09412896921 13. 16. East Midnapur, M: 09932208029 17.
Faizabad, M: 09451205999 14. Firozabad, M: Murshidabad, M: 09932488979 18. Ranigunj,
09837369291 15.Farookhabad, M: 9450005482 16. Burdwan, M: 09434002234
Swami Ramdev
L ord Shiva is considered to be the pioneer of thy. A person is able to fulfill his duties with the bal-
Hathyog. Shri Matsyendranath, Swami Gorakshnath, ance of these two energies. The task of Yog is two
Meenanath, Chouranginath, Swatmaram and others combine these two kinds of energies in order to pro-
like Bhartuhari and Gopichand kept this tradition alive. duce a divine energy. There is a science related to
Hathyog is practiced to keep the body pure, healthy Surya and Chandra Nadi, which is known as Nadi
and pious and make fit for quality life. The author of vigyan or Swar vigyan, it is being explained briefly
Hathyog Pradipika himself says ^^dsoya jkt;ksxk; below:
gBfo|ksifn';rs** it means Hathyog is preached only
Swar Vigyan
to enter into quality life. This is because a practitio-
ner can purify his or her mind and body with the prac- ^;Fkk czãk.Ms rFkk fi.Ms+* it means all the energies
tice of observances and resistance towards passions of the world are present within us. There is no need
and reach the stage of deep meditation. If the body is to procure these energies from outside. All we need
ill and unhealthy and our consciousness is dormant to do is to recognize those energies present inside
then it would be difficult to reach the stage of deep our body and utilize them properly. Sun and moon are
meditation. Therefore, the author of Hathyog the basis of external life. These two are managing
Pradipika says further: the life cycle of this world. They represent the positive
gBa fcuk jkt;ksxa jkt;ksxa fcuk gB%A and negative energy. In the same way, there are
positive and negative swaras in our body. Chandra
u flè;fr rrks ;qXekfu"iÙ;FkZa leH;lsr~A swara represents purity. It arouses desires like
(Hathyog – 2/7/6/1) piousness, politeness, power, happiness and
It means both Hathyog and Rajyog are compli- determination. Surya swara arouses desires like
mentary to each other. Therefore the practitioner bravery, courage, valour and the ability to fulfill these
should practice them in a balanced manner. Gener- desires. The balance of these two kinds of desires
ally, the people believe that Hathyog is something gives birth to a third kind of strength, which is situated
where the individual has to subject his or her body to in the middle of these two energies, also known as
hardship or extremity. But this is a myth. Following sushmana. These three swaras are known as Ganga,
definition has been given in our classics: Yamuna and Saraswati in Hathyog.
gdkj% dhfrZr% lw;Z"Bdkj% pUnz mP;rsA bMk Hkxorh xaxk] fiaxyk ;equk unhA
lw;ZpUnzelks;ksZxkn~ gB;ksxks fux|rsAA bMk fiaxy;kseZè;s ckyjaMk p dqaMyhAA
Hindi letter ‘ha’ represents left (Sun) Nadi and (Hathyog –3/10)
Hindi letter ‘Tha’ represents right (Moon) Nadi. Ida or left Nadi is Ganga, Pingla or right Nadi is
Hathyog is accomplished with the combination of left Yamuna. Sushmana Nadi lies in between these two
and right nostrils. Both sun and moon nadi’s are situ- nadi’s, which is also known as Saraswati or
ated in our body. We take in the vital life energy with Kundalini. Saint Kabirdas said:
the help of these two nadi’s. here it is sufficient to
pkan&lwjt nks cus elkyph] lwjr&lqgkfxuh ukp jghA
mention that a person has two types of energies –
one fire energy – strength, courage, bravery, valour bM+k fiaxyk rkuk Hkjuh] lq[keu rkj ls chuh pnfj;kA
and masculinity and the other is pious energy – devo- ?kV esa xaxk] ?kV esa ;equk] ?kV esa Bkdqj }kjkA
tion, calm, peace, patience, harmony, love and empa-
pirations. He said that when man is
in good company with the saints and
moves away from enjoyment, prac-
tices Yog and self-control then his
consciousness arouses. Yog also
gives ultimate happiness and peace.
R evered Yog Rishi Swami Swami Ramdev quoted examples
Ramdev Ji taught pranayam to the from Upanishads and said that the
patients suffering from much disease life in the form of human being is
and gave demonstration by organiz- very powerful and auspicious.
ing residential ‘Yog science camps’ Pranayam not only helps in over- qualities are inculcated in him with
in different places of India. coming diseases but also win over regular practice of Yog. Passion, ig-
Speaking on the occasion Swami death. He also said that pranayam norance, desires, unhappiness and
Maharaj said that Yog is not a com- develops a divine power in a person other negative thoughts are removed
munity, sect or religion. Yog is com- who practices it regularly. He said and soul gets the ultimate happiness,
plete life style. He said that a per- that pranayam purifies vital life en- brightness and peaceful lord.
son is trapped in community, sect or ergy that flows through 72 lakh thou- Swami Ramdev baba says that
religion created with the objective of sand two hundred nerves and pranayam removes all the
establishing ego gets stuck with reaches sushmana then man is re- negativities from our physical body
prejudice and superstitions and stays
and mental
away from truth. But a
u Yog is a complete life style – Swami Ramdev body.
person who practices
He said
Yog, which is pro- u Peace can be attained in life through Yog – Swami Ji
that regular
pounded by the sages u Vital life energy is most powerful and utmost chaste
practice of all
and is free from any
the seven steps
community or sect or u Pranayam can overcome all the disorders
of pranayam
religion, remains free lieved from all the unhappiness and could prevent all the diseases relat-
from prejudices and superstitions and desires and is ready to take the di-
ing to mind, heart and lungs without
moves closer to the truth. Lord Sri vine nectar of the god. This is the
medicines. The body consists of the
Krishna says in Geeta that the per- nectar, which the devotee gets with
five sections made with- food, vital
son who is balanced and controlled the practice of pranayam. The vital
life energy, heart, science and satis-
in his behaviour, thoughts and deeds, life energy moves upwards from the
faction. Any diseases in the body ini-
who performs divine deeds, has pu- Mooladhar and gives divine energy.
tially occur in the section made with
rity in mind and inquisitive towards This is known as arousal of
food, which are shown in the physi-
goodness, is a true yogi. Yog does kundalini. The devotee who prac-
cal body after four to five years. He
not mean moving away from respon- tices it regularly can make his
said that the diseases, which cannot
sibilities but is to realize and fulfill arouses his kundalini and the body
be cured with medicines, could be
the responsibilities. starts performing the divine actions cured with pranayam.
Swami Maharaj addressing his automatically. He says that a per-
Talking about meditation Swami
devotees said that every person son with aroused need not give any
Ramdev says that by practicing
wishes to be happy all the time but proof because nobody can hide it.
meditation we can know our own
keeps on running behind comforts When the devotee gets this power
self. He says nowadays man is un-
and luxuries. But it does not give him his life becomes blissful, there is a
happy and away from peace be-
satisfaction. Fire increases when we smile on his or her face and there is
cause he has forgotten himself in this
add clarified butter or oil similarly a natural shine. There is sweetness
materialistic atmosphere. Through
luxuries and comforts increase the in his speech, he always speaks the
meditation man recognizes his pure
desires. Man remains unhappy due truth, he is empathetic, and he has
conscious happiness, internal bright-
to these increasing desires and as- love and likes to help others. All good
ness and his life becomes complete.