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Online Staff and Student Interaction

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Online Staff and Student Interaction

Grid computing promises a standard, complete set of distributed computing capabilities. In Online Staff Student Interaction
Project we must provide basic functions such as resource discovery and information collection & publishing, data management
on and between resources, process management on and between resources, common security mechanism underlying the above,
process and session recording/accounting.
Main advantage of this project is, a network of distributed resources including computers, peripherals, switches, instruments, and
data. Each user should have a single login account to access all resources.
We start by analyzing the nature of Grid computing and its requirements for knowledge support; then, we discuss knowledge
characteristics and the challenges for knowledge management on the Grid.
In this project, we examine the semantic aspects of e-learning from both pedagogical and technological points of view. We
suggest that if semantics are to fulfill their potential in the learning domain then a paradigm shift in perspective is necessary, from
information-based content delivery to knowledge-based collaborative learning services. We propose a semantics driven
Knowledge Life Cycle that characterizes the key phases in managing semantics and knowledge, show how this can be applied to
the learning domain and demonstrate the value of semantics via an example of knowledge reuse in learning assessment
As e-learning applications become more integrated and e-learning systems more distributed, there is an increased need to manage
their software and data components . There is a trend in the distributed systems and middleware areas of computing towards
Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), these emphasize loosely coupled components that interoperate by providing distinct
services through standardized interfaces. In particular the grid is evolving as an SOA for securely orchestrating and sharing
stateful services and resources across distributed or virtual organizations .
Both web and grid service architectures have been applied to the e-learning domain , the argument is that they are advantageous
as they are modular and extensible and offer increased interoperability to software producers. While grid services were originally
conceived as a method of distributing high performance computation, they also offer benefits in distributed knowledge and
information management, offering a guaranteed level of security that is essential for serious e-learning applications .
We believe that the semantic aspects of learning content are the key to facilitating large-scale collaboration of e-learning
activities over service-oriented infrastructures. To use explicit and accurate semantics, a consensus in the domain at the
conceptual level is necessary, so that computer and human participants can understand and communicate. An ontology is the best
vehicle in this context to formally hold a pacification (of the conceptualization) that can be shared within the community to
describe semantics accurately and consistently. An ontology explicitly defines the domain concepts and their relationships and is
similar to a dictionary or glossary, but with richer structure, relationship and axioms that describe a domain of interest more

These rich semantics offer both teachers and learners new opportunities for locating and reusing resources. But defining the
correct semantics for a learning application is difficult and maintaining ontologies can be problematic (akin to managing the
evolution of a complex graph).
We propose a Knowledge Life Cycle for learning, to help define and maintain evolving semantics . Our intention is not to
develop a definitive ontology or to promote a particular architecture, but to demonstrate how a semantic-driven Knowledge Life
Cycle model can be applied to the learning domain.
In this paper, we present an overview of the semantics involved in learning, present the Knowledge Life Cycle and show the
advantages of rich semantics via a demonstration of knowledge reuse.
Connecting communities: services can put people in contact with other people who are experts or learners with similar interests
Personalized content: intelligent tutoring systems have for some time being delivering content that was personalized for the
user, based on an understanding of their goals and previous knowledge
Personalized sequencing: Adaptive Hypertext Systems attempt to provide pathways through materials by matching domain
ontologies with dynamically evolving user models
Adaptive assessment: systems may choose questions for the learner at the boundary of their understanding; thus, improving the
efficiency of assessment and providing feedback that provides detail in critical areas]
Feedback agents: intelligent agents that observe student behavior (e.g. assessment results, interactions with a virtual experiment,
etc.) can attempt to provide feedback and links to suitable material to assist the learner
Recommender agents: the system could recommend alternative resources based on user searching and studying patterns. In a
formal setting, it could query the syllabus and timetable to recommend a plan of study
Annotation tools: users could annotate information themselves, providing useful information for others and allowing both
readers and other services the opportunity to process the information in alternative ways
Search engines: when resources have been semantically enriched, then search engines can be much more powerful. Where
services are semantically enriched, search engines can choose suitable services to manage the query
Analytic tools: the e-science community is leading the way in the production of tools that harvest, store and analyze data from a
range of sources.
How semantic enrichment can improve the management of learning
E-learning practitioners often comment that they believe they spend as much time
Organizing materials as they spend on teaching and the production of materials.
We believe that semantics may ease this problem in a number of ways:
Production of materials: production of teaching materials is a notoriously time-consuming task and the ability to locate and to
reuse existing materials is a primary motivation for providing metadata for learning resources. The next stage is to provide
services to assist in the location of suitable materials from heterogeneous sources.
Student management: an understanding of the roles of the actors (teachers, students, experts, assessors, etc.) makes the
production of services for assigning students to the correct classes, discussion groups, experimental teams, etc., possible.
Timetable management: an important task for teachers of online tasks is the timing of events, such as the release of some new
materials, the closing date of some assessment, the exact time of a synchronous group chat session, etc. These events can be
made to happen automatically when a course is described in some language such as IMS Learning Design
Record keeping: record keeping and quality assurance can be the bane of a teachers life, requiring them to spend much time
ensuring that all the results are kept in the correct places such as institutional enterprise systems, student portfolios as well as

made available for QA purposes by whatever external authorities might be involved. All of this work is an obvious target for
automation by services that understand the goals.
Quality assurance: quality assurance often involves the maintenance of sample work and feedback/reflections, as well as
ensuring that new programmers, courses and assessments have been through appropriate validation. Again, this is a task that
could be assisted by intelligent services, which could guide such tasks through the set of other services involved.
Knowledge management has six problems in knowledge life cycle. That is acquiring, modeling, retrieving, reusing, publishing,
and maintaining knowledge. Grid are how to acquire, formally model, explicitly represent, store, maintain, and update them, and
to use them to support seamless resource sharing and interoperability, so as to achieve a high degree of automation.
We analyze the nature of Grid computing and identify its requirements for knowledge management. We further argue that an
innovative and systematic approach to knowledge management on the Grid is required in order to help achieve the goal of the
Our contributions are three folds: First, we propose the Semantic Web-based approach to managing heterogeneous, distributed
Grid resources for Grid applications. Second, we design architecture to realize the proposed approach and conceive a
methodology which addresses the complete life cycle of knowledge management. Third, we apply the approach, concepts, and
methodology to a real-world Grid application.
n User Interaction
n Admin
n Staff
n Student
In this module the admin, staff and students can have the rights to logon the system.
In this module the admin can logon and view all the process which is done in the management. The admin can view the details of
staffs and students. He also can view the material details, work which is assigned to the staffs and view the test results which is
conducted by the staffs.
In this module the staff can maintain students details, materials, course details and the test which is given by them. In material
details they prepare materials for students in required courses. In course details, what are all the courses which is available in elearning system. In test, the staffs are conducting test to the students.

In student module, the students can search the course materials, download, upload and viewing the searching materials. The
students can also view the course and material details and also view the result of test which was conducted by the staffs.

: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz


: 40 GB


: 1 GB

Operating system

: Windows XP Professional

Front End

: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2008

Coding Language

: Visual C# .Net

Web Technology


Back End

: SQL Server 2005

Automated Ballot Voting

Election officials told the Associated Press that they considered the elections a success and had received no reports of glitches or
attempted hacking The online system works through use of an electronic identification card. Since 2002 the card has been
mandatory for all Estonia residents older than 15. The card is intended as a means of proving one's identity at any place--from
banks to government offices--that normally requires identification to process forms or transactions.
To vote online, users must insert their cards into readers connected to their computers and log on to the voting Web site. Once
authenticated, they cast their ballots through an encrypted system and then affix their digital signatures to verify the selections
before transmitting them. "This country seems to have made a very concerted investment in promoting e-government generally,
and this is just one component of what they're doing," said Thad Hall, a professor at the University of Utah and co-author of a
book on Internet voting. "It sounds pretty likely they're going to keep doing these types of activities into the future."
Hall said he believes Estonia to be the first country that has carried out Internet voting nationwide in an actual election, although
France, the United Kingdom and the United States have also conducted pilots.
On American soil, the idea of online elections has earned mixed reviews. In 2000, Arizona became the first state to try
online voting during primary elections. Several thousand voters tried to participate, but a series of Y2K-related glitches interfered
on its first day.
Last year, the Pentagon largely scrapped a project that would have permitted overseas expatriates to cast ballots over the Net. But
shortly after that decision was announced, Michigan reported success with an Internet voting system used by about 50,000 voters
during the presidential primaries.
Estonia's relatively small voting population may curb the level of risk for tampering, a computer science professor at the
University of California at Berkeley who has spoken out about the possible vulnerabilities of Internet-based systems.

Present system is manual. The Project Metrics has to enter all the details of project, documents, and tasks. It also maintenance the
team information and also efforts estimation. For this purpose the organization maintain the size of the document, source code
and update the information about team members details manually. Which is much of time consuming process and more
importantly it is error prone. Limitations Of the Manual system

It is time consuming


It leads to error prone results


It consumes lot of manpower to better results


It lacks of data security


Retrieval of data takes lot of time


Percentage of accuracy is less


Reports take time to produce

Hence Computerization of the existing system is proposed. The new system completely removes all manual burdens and provide
efficient on the entry system.

To generate the quick reports

To make accuracy and efficient calculations

To provide proper information briefly

To provide data security

To provide huge maintenance of records

Flexibility of transactions can be completed in time

After understanding the existing system and understanding the need for developing a new system different people involved in the
related activities have been consulted. The data needed for the study has been collected from company records.
The computerization of this system would avoid the wrong interpretation and bad calculation of data .The system help the user to
see any documents, source code, tasks, activities, team information with details at the click of a button. The record data is
maintained and backed up such a way that data is not loss. The speed of the system could also increased.
Admin view
HR Manager View
Maintenance Manager view
Movement Manager view
Finance Manager view
Quality Assurance Manager view







VS.NET 2003








Telecom Connection System

The project entitled deals with fully automated system used by the Telecom department.
Telecom industry is one of the major sectors, which provides so many services to their customers such as request for a new
connection, change of number, billing etc. Maintaining all these services manually is complicated process.
The main objective of this project is to automate the services provided by telecom system, by which customer can use all the
services online.
Existing System

The existing system is a manual one where the entrant has to go to the Telecom Connection System and get details of the
company for getting the new connection. Here it is getting a tedious one for the user to go and manually register with it. And in
the process only a few users are take the connection. To overcome this they have proposed for the online Connection.
Problem Statement
The previous system was a manual system. So, the system is not available to all globally. To make the system available
globally, it is now proposed to be web enabled.
In the existing manual process entrants cannot get the information of all the telecom system where by registering with Telecom
Connection System they can get the updated share values and also since the registration process is atomized, participation in
Connection is easy to the entrants.
Proposed System
The proposed system is the online registration of the entrants with the company. By atomizing this Connection process, the
entrants enjoy the facility to participate from anywhere. Entrants can also get the information online about all the telecom system.
By this process the user can get all the information of the Connection process from where ever he wants as there is no need for
him to come to the office and register for Connection. Thus the proposed system is efficient all the way.
Software/ Hardware Requirements
Hardware Requirements




: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz

: 40 GB
: 512 MB

Software Requirements

Operating system

: Windows XP Professional


: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2008

Coding Language

Front End

: ASP.Net

Back End

: SQL Server 2005

: C#

Modules and its Description

System analysis first stage according to System Development Life Cycle model This System Analysis is a process that starts with
the analyst.
Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the
system. One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate should
consider other related systems. During analysis, data is collected from the available files, decision points, and transactions
handled by the present system.

Logical system models and tools are used in analysis. Training, experience, and common sense are required for collection of the
information needed to do the analysis.
The project has been divided into four modules.








The administrator is responsible for the Connection process and he maintains all the information about the telecom system that
are offering the Connection process for different participants. He is also responsible for the registration of different users that are
going to take the Connection process. The administrator will only offer the Connection process and maintain the bill details and
everything for the users as well as the telecom system who are already registered at the Connection system
In the User Module a new user or a user who is already registered with the company may be going for Connection and these
persons will keep their connections by taking the connection on telecom system. A user can offer to take new connection,
enquiry, complaints and bill details and everything on the connection system. The user can get for the Connection only for the
registered telecom system at the administrator only.
In Enquiry module user can know the details from telecom system regarding his requirements and another module in user side is
complaints i.e. He can make complaint to the office if any connection is corrupted. And if he want to know the bill status. This
telecom system has to be registered at the administrator only because he is responsible for all the Connection process at the
different users.

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