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Zeeman Effect

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Atomic and nuclear physics

Atomic shell
Normal Zeeman effect


Observing the
normal Zeeman effect
in transverse and
longitudinal configuration

Objects of the experiment

Observing the line triplet for the normal transverse Zeeman effect.
Determining the polarization state of the triplet components.
Observing the line doublet for the normal longitudinal Zeeman effect.
Determining the polarization state of the doublet components

Normal Zeeman effect
observed, which became known as the anomalous Zeeman
effect. To explain this phenomenon, Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck
first introduced the hypothesis of electron spin in 1925. Ultimately, it became apparent that the anomalous Zeeman effect
was actually the rule and the normal Zeeman effect the

The Zeeman effect is the name for the splitting of atomic energy
levels or spectral lines due to the action of an external magnetic
field. The effect was first predicted by H. A. Lorenz in 1895 as
part of his classic theory of the electron, and experimentally
confirmed some years later by P. Zeeman. Zeeman observed
a line triplet instead of a single spectral line at right angles to
a magnetic field, and a line doublet parallel to the magnetic
field. Later, more complex splittings of spectral lines were

The normal Zeeman effect only occurs at the transitions between atomic states with the total spin S = 0. The total angular
momentum J = L + S of a state is then a pure orbital angular
momentum (J = L). For the corresponding magnetic moment,
we can simply say that:

Fig. 1: Level splitting and transitions of the normal Zeeman effect

in cadmium




mB =



mB = Bohrs magneton, me = mass of electron, e elementary

charge, \ = Plancks constant)
In an external magnetic field B, the magnetic moment has the
E = -m B


The angular-momentum component in the direction of the

magnetic field can have the values
Jz = M J "

mit MJ = J, J 1, , -J



Therefore, the term with the angular momentum J is split into

2J + 1 equidistant Zeeman components which differ by the
value of MJ. The energy interval of the adjacent components
MJ, MJ+1 is
DE = mB B


We can observe the normal Zeeman effect e. g. in the red

spectral line of cadmium (l0 = 643.8 nm, f0 = 465.7 THz). It
corresponds to the transition 1D2 (J = 2, S = 0) > 1P1 (J = 1,
S = 0) of an electron of the fifth shell (see Fig. 1).


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Angular distribution and polarization

1 Cadmium lamp for Zeeman effect
1 Optical system for observing
the Zeeman effect . . . . . . . . .
1 Lummer-Gehrcke plate . . . . . .
1 Electromagnet for Zeeman effect

. . . . .

451 12

. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .

471 20
471 21
514 50

1 Universal choke for 451 12 . . . . . . . . .

1 High current power supply . . . . . . . . .

451 30
521 55

Depending on the angular momentum component DMJ in the

direction of the magnetic field, the emitted photons demonstrate different angular distributions. Fig. 2 shows the angular
distributions in the form of two-dimensional polar diagrams.
They can be observed experimentally, as the magnetic field is
characterized by a common axis for all cadmium atoms.
In classical terms, the case DMJ = 0 corresponds to an infinitesimal dipole oscillating parallel to the magnetic field. No
quanta are emitted in the direction of the magnetic field, i. e.
the p component cannot be observed parallel to the magnetic
field. The light emitted perpendicular to the magnetic field is
linearly polarized, whereby the E-vector oscillates in the direction of the dipole and parallel to the magnetic field (see Fig. 3)

Connecting leads with conductor cross-section 2.5 mm2

In the magnetic field, the 1D2 level splits into five Zeeman
components, and the level 1P1 splits into three Zeeman components having the spacing calculated using equation (V).

Conversely, in the case DMJ = 1, most of the quanta travel in

the direction of the magnetic field. In classical terms, this case
corresponds to two parallel dipoles oscillating with a phase
difference of 908. The superpositioning of the two dipoles
produces a circulating current. Thus, in the direction of the
magnetic field, circularly polarized light is emitted; in the positive direction, it is clockwise-circular for DMJ = +1 and counterclockwise-circular for DMJ = 1 (see Fig. 3).

Optical transitions between these levels are only possible in

the form of electrical dipole radiation. The following selection
rules apply for the magnetic quantum numbers MJ of the states


= 1

fr s-Components
fr p-Components


Thus, we observe a total of three spectral lines (see Fig. 1); the
p component is not shifted and the two s components are
shifted by
Df =



with respect to the original frequency. In this equation, DE is

the equidistant energy split calculated in (V).

Safety notes
The electrical leads on the cadmium lamp and the resistors
of the starting electrodes are open and easily accessible:

Fig. 2: Angular distributions of the electrical dipole radiation

(DMJ: angular-momentum components of the emitted photons in the direction of the magnetic field)

Do not touch any current-carrying (live!) parts.

The Lummer-Gehrcke plate has been manufactured with
great precision with regard to the parallelism and flatness
of its surfaces.
Do not mechanically stress the Lummer-Gehrcke plate
by bending or in any other manner.
Pick up the Lummer-Gehrcke plate only by the edges.
When mounting the Lummer-Gehrcke plate, make sure
that the plate is supported evenly in its holder over its
entire length.
Before transporting the apparatus, remove the Lummer-Gehrcke plate from its holder and store it in a safe

Fig. 3: Schematic representation of the polarization of the

Zeeman components

Loose ferromagnetic objects can be strongly attracted by

the electromagnet and can damage the quartz bulb of the
cadmium lamp.

Spectroscopy of the Zeeman components

Check to make sure that the pole pieces are screwed

tight before switching on the magnet current.
When the magnet current is switched on, do not handle
ferromagnetic objects in the vicinity of the cadmium

The Zeeman effect enables spectroscopic separation of the

differently polarized components. To demonstrate the shift,
however, we require a spectral apparatus with extremely high
resolution, as the two s components of the red cadmium
line are shifted e. g. at a magnetic flux density B = 1 T by only
Df = 14 GHz, respectively Dl = 0.02 nm.

Deposits of skin secretions can destroy the quartz bulb of

the cadmium lamp when it becomes hot.

A Lummer-Gehrcke plate is used for this experiment. This

component has been manufactured with great precision with
respect to the parallelism and flatness of its surfaces. The light,
which is divergent in the vertical direction, passes through a

Never handle the quartz bulb of the cadmium lamp with

your bare hands.


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horizontal slit via an attached prism into a long, plane-parallel

glass plate (see Fig. 4). Inside this plate, the light is reflected
back and forth repeatedly, with some part of it emerging each
time. When observed at an angle of a < 908, the reflection
within the plate occurs almost completely within the limit angle
of total reflection. The result is a high reflection coefficient, i. e.
many of the rays can interfere with each other when the plate
is long enough. The emerging waves are observed from behind
the plate using a telescope focused on infinity. For a given
wavelength l, two mirror-image identical systems of horizontal
lines can be observed above and below the plate. Each interference line can be assigned to one emerging angle a of the
component rays from the Lummer-Gehrcke plate and an angle
of incidence b at the prism.

Fig. 4: Lummer-Gehrcke plate as an interference spectrometer

(the beam path for the angle of incidence b= 08 is drawn
as a series of unbroken lines).
The optical path difference between two adjacent emerging rays is D = n D1 D2

First-time setup:
Fig. 5 shows the complete setup in the transverse configuration.

Mount the electromagnet for the Zeeman effect on the base

The rays emerging at an angle of ak interfere constructively

with each other when two adjacent rays fulfill the condition for
curves of equal inclination (see Fig. 4):
D = 2d

n2 sin2ak = k l

mit k = 1, 2, 3,


plate of the optical system. When tightening the hex screw

(size 27) beneath the base plate, make sure that you can
still turn the electromagnet on the base plate when you
really try.
Mount the pole pieces of the electromagnet (a) at a spacing
of 10 mm.

(D = optical path difference, d = thickness of plate, n = refractive index of the glass, k = order of interference)
Fig. 5: Experiment setup for the Zeeman effect in the transverse
(a) pole pieces
(b) cadmium lamp with holder
(c) plug-in holder for red filter
(d) cover
(e) telescope
(f) ocular
(g) height adjustment for telescope
(h) arresting screw for column
(i) arresting screw for column base

A change in the wavelength by dl appears as a shift in the

interference lines by the angle da. If a spectral line contains
multiple components with a distance dl, each interference line
is split into a corresponding number of components with the
spacing da. It thus becomes possible to recognize a spectralline doublet in a doublet structure and a spectral-line triplet in
a triplet structure in the interference lines.


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Switching from transverse to longitudinal observation:

Fig. 6: Top view of setup in the transverse configuration (top) and

the longitudinal configuration (bottom)
(d1) holder with quarter-wavelength foil
(e1) holder with polarization filter

Loosen arresting screw (i) on the column base and move

Screw in the holder for the cadmium lamp (b) with the

opening facing the electrical connections of the electromagnet.

Secure the pole pieces and the holder of the cadmium lamp
using arresting screws and retaining straps.
Turn the fused point on spectral lamp toward the side with
the electrical connections so that the electrical leads do not
obstruct the beam path.
Screw in the column of the optical system so that the
column base is as far as possible from the electromagnet.
Remove the cover (d) and carefully place the LummerGehrcke plate on the velour-lined base. Make sure the plate
is aligned horizontally and is evenly supported over its
entire length. Slide the prism as close as possible to the
illuminated side.
Turn the cover together with the cylindrical attachment
toward the telescope (e) and rest it carefully against the
telescope without disturbing the Lummer-Gehrcke plate.
Then tighten the arresting screws.
Slide the red filter with collecting lens into the plug-in holder
To prevent interference from ambient light, slide the flexible
light screen onto the cylindrical attachment of the cover,
and slide the foam rubber ring over the telescope.

the column of the optical system as far as possible from

the electromagnet.
Remove the red filter with collecting lens from the plug-in
Swivel the electromagnet with cadmium lamp into the
desired position (see Fig. 6) and align it so that the edge of
the base plate of the electromagnet is parallel to the rear
edge of the base plate of the optical system.
Slide the red filter with collecting lens into the plug-in
Bring the column of the optical system and the electromagnet as close together as possible.

Electrical connection:

Connect the cadmium lamp to the universal choke. After

switching on, wait five minutes until a sufficiently strong

light intensity is obtained.
Connect the coils of the electromagnet in parallel (connect
socket 1 to socket 3 and socket 2 to socket 4) and connect
this assembly to the high current power supply.

Adjusting the optical system for observing

the Zeeman effect:
Adjust the height of the optical system in the longitudinal
configuration, and do not change it when swiveling to the
transverse configuration.
The optical system is optimally adjusted when the red horizontal interference patterns above and below the LummerGehrcke plate show maximum brightness and contrast.

Remove the ocular of the telescope (f); to optimize brightness and contrast, alternately


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a) shift and swivel the entire optical system left and right
on the base plate (fix with arresting screw (i));
b) set the height of the complete optical system in relation
to the cadmium lamp and the hole in the pole pieces (fix
with arresting screw (h)).
To improve brightness and contrast of the lines, you may
need to raise the entire cover or the red filter with collecting
lens in the plug-in holder.

Measuring example and evaluation

a) Observing in the transverse configuration:

Fine adjustment:
When the telescope is aimed precisely at the rear of the
Lummer-Gehrcke plate, the interference lines appear symmetrically distributed between the top and the bottom. The
bright inner lines are best suited for observation.

Hold the ocular up to the light and focus the cross-hairs.

Replace the ocular in the tube of the telescope and focus
the interference lines by shifting the ocular.

Fig. 7: Interference pattern for the Zeeman effect in the transverse configuration
a) observed without polarization filter
b) observed with polarization direction
of the filter perpendicular to the magnetic field
c) observed with polarization direction
of the filter parallel to the magnetic field

Carrying out the experiment

Note: the polarization filter is somewhat darker than the quarter-wavelength foil.

b) Observing in the longitudinal configuration:

a) Observing in the transverse configuration:

First observe the pattern of interference lines without the

magnetic field (I = 0 A) and align the telescope so that the

cross-hairs of the ocular rest on an interference line.
Slowly increase the magnet current to about I = 10 A, until
the split lines are clearly separated from each other.

To distinguish between the p and the s-components:

Slide the foam rubber ring over the holder of the polarization filter.

Place the holder with polarization filter (e1) over the tele-

scope (see Fig. 6) and turn it around the axis of observation

until the middle component of the line triplet disappears.
Turn the holder with polarization filter 908 further until the
outer components of the line triplet disappear.

Fig. 8: Interference pattern for the Zeeman effect in the longitudinal configuration
observed without quarter-wavelength foil
and polarization filter
b), c) observed with quarter-wavelength foiland
polarization filter to demonstrate counterclockwise
and clockwise-circular polarization

b) Observing in the longitudinal configuration:

First observe the pattern of interference lines without the

magnetic field (I = 0 A) and align the telescope so that the

cross-hairs of the ocular rest on an interference line.
Slowly increase the magnet current to about I = 10 A, until
the split lines are clearly separated from each other.

To distinguish between the s+ and the s components:

Slide the flexible light screen onto the holder for the quarter-wavelength foil.

Mount the holder with quarter-wavelength foil (d1) on the

cylindrical attachment of the cover, and the holder with

polarization filter (e1) on the telescope (see Fig. 6).
Turn the holder with polarization filter around the axis of
observation until one of the two doublet components disappears, and turn it 908 further until the other component

Additional information
The total intensity of all Zeeman components is the same in all
spatial directions. In transverse observation, the intensity of
the p component is equal to the total intensity of the two s

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