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Dec 7 Bulletin

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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation
2408 SE 16th Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334

Parish Office 503.231.4955 | Fax 503.736.1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the

Paulists committed to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be
welcoming to all, we, the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach
out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all Gods creation through
worship, education, and service toward the common good.

Second Sunday of Advent December 7, 2014

We will have a parish family Christmas tree again this year
in the foyer of the church. We invite everyone to bring an
ornament to hang on the tree as a symbol or our parish
family. There will be tags on the tree for you to write
your name and attach to the ornament. Ornaments &
tree will be blessed on Sunday, Dec. 21 during the 9:30am
Mass. You can bring your ornament any time between
now and the 21st. We will leave the tree up until
Epiphany, Jan. 4th when you can pick up your ornament to
take home.


The Advent Giving Wreath will be available in the foyer of

the church, Dec. 6-7, 13-14, 20-21. We no longer have
an active St. Vincent de Paul council in the parish, so this
is a good way to reach out Corporal Work of Mercy to
help others in our surrounding area. You are welcome to
take an envelope and return it either to the table in the
vestibule, place it in the Offertory, or take it to the parish
office. The monies collected from the wreath envelopes
are used throughout the year to assist people /families in
our Parish area with emergency needs (gift cards to be
used for food, medical supplies and toiletry items.
The Feast of the Immaculate
Conception, Monday, Dec. 8
is a Holy Day.
Masses will be at 8am & 7pm.

A big thank you to the many, many people

who helped make St. Philips 4th Annual
Thanksgiving Dinner a joyful success!
It was a real community event with people from the
parish, the Hosford-Abernethy neighborhood association,
the Seven Corners New Seasons Market and the
neighborhood. We had our largest crowd ever and fed
about 80 people. Another treat was a homeless musician
who traveled across town to play lively piano tunes for our
guests. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated
food, decorations, money and clothing to contribute to a
spec ial day.


If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or from other parts of the world, welcome & thank
you for worshiping with us! Fill out one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and drop it in the collection basket or give to
one of the priests. Stop by after Mass and introduce yourself.
If you have any questions, please contact anyone on staff.

Second Sunday of Advent Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday, December 7 :

Monday, December 8th:

Tuesday, December 9thth:
Wednesday, December 10th:
Thursday, December 11th:
Friday, December 12th:
Saturday, December 13th:
Sunday, December 14th:

9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
9:30am Mass
1:00pm & 7:00pm
12:10pm Mass
8:00am Mass
4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass
10 45

Kevin March
Deaf Community Mass
Ann Amato <A>
For economic justice for all people
For teenagers suffering from mental illness
RCIA Prayer
In thanksgiving for our parish community
Advent Reconciliation Service
For those who are alone
Lucy Sung-Hee Cho
Margaret Capri
Helen Kern
Deaf Community Mass
Bible Study
H k S i it lit


Please fill out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) if you would like a Mass celebrated for
you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the office.
Parish Office Hours
Monday 9am Noon
Tuesday - Friday
9 am 4pm
503 231-4955
Pastor & Director of the NW Paulist
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP... x118
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP.. x114
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Bill Edens, CSP x113
Director of Faith Formation
Barbara Harrison.. X107
Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson. x103
Office Manager
Rose Wolfe x101
Maintenance & Grounds
Edward Danila

Church cleaning for December 8-14, Marie Tedesco & Joanne Dindia


If you would like to make a donation of money for Christmas decorating
you are welcome to drop a check in the Offertory basket (indicate flowers
on the memo line), mail it to the office, hand it to Rose or Barbara in the
foyer. If this is dedicated for a particular individualplease also give us
that information. Envelopes are available on the back counter. Envelopes
are available on the counter in the foyer.


Next Sundays Scripture


Year-end giving is beneficial to both the donor from the tax benefits
received while at the same time providing the parish with a gift that affirms
our priorities and values. We have many reasons to invest in the parishs
future. Being a good steward recognizes that we offer thanksgiving to God
and help to maintain a parish community that advances the Paulist mission
and provides the spiritual growth we all embrace as part of our Catholic
faith. Charitable gift annuities, stocks and bonds, real property, charitable
remainder trust, employee match, and a bequest in your will and/or estate
plans are just some of the ways to provide St. Philip Neri with a gift. It is
by giving what we are able that we demonstrate care for our parish
family that reaps the rewards from our gifts. The Paulist Fathers, staff and
the entire parish community offers its appreciation for gifts of time, talent
and treasure throughout the year as well as to those who are able to
provide a year-end gift. It is in giving to our faith community through
time, talent and treasure that brings us together and exemplifies the
unified sense of responsibility we have for the parish. If you have
questions, please speak with Fr. Charlie or contact Jeanne at the Parish
business Office at 503-231-4955, ext. 103. Thank you.

Dec. 14, 2014

3rd Sunday of Advent

ADVENT BIBLE STUDY: Real People of the Nativity

Bulletin Deadline is Tuesday at Noon

except during the holidays. Contact
Rose if you have questions.

Reading 1, Isa 61:1-2a,10-11

Responsorial Psalm, Luke 1:46-48,
Reading 2, 1Thes 5:16-24
Gospel, John 1:6-8, 19-28

Are you interested in how this story applies to you? Please join us on as we
continue on Dec.7, and Dec.14 at 10:45-11:45 in the Memorial Chapel (next
to the church foyer). Pick up a cup of coffee/donut----and bring your Bible.
Its not too late to join us!

Second Sunday of Advent


December 7, 2014

Pastoral Corner
Monday, Dec.8, is the Patronal Feast-day of our country. It is the Feast day of the Immaculate Conception---the
patroness of the United States.
In The Marvels and Mysteries of Advent 2014 Sister Janet Schaeffler,OP has a wonderful reflection for this
day. I hope you enjoy it.
The angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in
your womb and bear a son,.But Mary said to the angel, How cane this be? (Luke 1:26-38) She must have
thought, This cannot be happening.
How often do we ask that question? How can this be: a friends illness (or our own)? The rupture of a
relationship? Weather that devastates cities? The violence and hostility in our world?
The message of the Advent-Christmas season, especially the story of Mary, reminds us of one of the truths of our
Catholic faith: grace builds on nature. We probably will never have all the answers; we dont need to. We probably
will never solve all the mysteries and ambiguities; we dont need to. God is in charge.
Gabriel didnt ask Mary to do something miraculous in reproductive medicine; God was in charge. Marys call was
to trust that God could do it. In the midst of our questions of how can this be?, we are challenged to let go of
our fears because God is with us to see us through.
During this week, think about your own how can this be? concerns.
Can you let God be in charge?
Deo Gratias,
Barbara Marie Harrison


Thank you! . .
The Breakfast money has recently paid for the work
needed in Carvlin Hall to fix the heating problem. This
was a major expense and the BREAKFAST monies
raised paid for this EXPENSE. Thank you to the
supporters of the breakfast and a HUGE thank you to the
breakfast ladies and men who work the breakfasts. As
you can see, the money raised is being put to good use to
keep the hall in good condition and a wonderful gathering
place for the parish community and visitors. Thank you

Our next breakfast on Sunday, Dec. 21, 10:30am we

will have Caroling and Sing Along, French Toast,
friends, & visiting. This year we are inviting our
parishioners who are normally homebound and the
Eucharistic Ministers who take them Communion to
be our guests. With this in mind, we are looking for 5
volunteer drivers to transport one or two people to and
from on that day. It would be great if they could share
the 9:30am Mass and then head over to Carvlin for the
get together. Contact barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org or
the parish office.


A good way to start the Advent Season! We will have

two services, Thursday, Dec. 11 in the Paulist Center
Chapel at 1pm & 7pm. Private reconciliation will be

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