Psychrometrics Problems
Psychrometrics Problems
Psychrometrics Problems
Unit operation 2
Example 1. Air at 60 C dry bulb temperature and 27.5 C wet bulb temperature, and a humidity ratio of 0.01 kg
water/kg dry air is mixed with water adiabatically and is cooled and humidified to a humidity ratio of 0.02 kg
water/kg dry air. What is the final temperature of the conditioned air?
Inlet: dry bulb temperature = 60C
wet bulb temperature = 27.5 C
Initial humidity ratio W 1 = 0.01 kg water/kg dry air
Final humidity ratio W 2 =0.02 kg water/kg dry air
From Table A.4.2, latent heat of vaporization at 27.5 C = 2436.37 kJ/kg
Example 2. Calculate the rate of thermal energy required to heat 10 m3 /s of outside air at 30 C dry bulb
temperature and 80% relative humidity to a dry bulb temperature of 80 C.
1. Using the psychrometric chart, we find at 30 C dry bulb temperature and 80% relative humidity, the enthalpy
H1 = 85.2 kJ/kg dry air, humidity ratio W1 = 0.0215 kg water/kg dry air, and specific volume V1= 0.89 m3 /kg
dry air. At the end of the heating process, the dry bulb temperature is 80 C with a humidity ratio of 0.0215 kg
water/kg dry air. The remaining values are read from the chart as follows: enthalpy H2 =140 kJ/kg dry air;
relative humidity 2 =7%.
4. The mixed air, represented by point C, will have a dry bulb temperature of 44 C and a humidity ratio of 0.032
kg water/kg dry air.
Example 4. Heated air at 50 C and 10% relative humidity is used to dry rice in a bin dryer. The air exits the bin
under saturated conditions. Determine the amount of water removed per kg of dry air.
1. Locate point A on the psychrometric chart, as shown in Figure. Read humidity ratio 0.0078 kg water/kg dry
2. Follow the constant enthalpy line to the saturation curve, point B.
3. At point B, read the humidity ratio 0.019 kg water/kg dry air.
4. The amount of moisture removed from rice 0.019 0.0078 = 0.0112 kg water/kg dry air.
On the humidity chart follow down the wet-bulb line for a temperature of 20C until it meets the dry-bulb
temperature line for 25C. Examining the location of this point of intersection with reference to the lines of
constant relative humidity, it lies between 60% and 70% RH and about 4/10 of the way between them but
nearer to the 60% line. Therefore the RH is estimated to be 64%. Similar examination of the enthalpy lines
gives an estimated enthalpy of 57 kJ kg-1, and from the volume lines a specific volume of 0.862 m3 kg-1.
Once the properties of the air have been determined other calculations can easily be made.
If air is cooled, then initially its condition moves along a line of constant humidity, horizontally on a
psychrometric chart, until it reaches the saturation curve at its dew point. Further cooling then proceeds down
the saturation line to the final temperature, with water condensing to adjust the humidity as the saturation
humidity cannot be exceeded.
= 140 kW
Consideration of psychrometric charts, and what has been said about them, will show that they can be used for
calculations focused on the air, for the purposes of air conditioning as well as for drying.
= 11.6 kJ s-1
= 11.6 kW.
Problem 1. Atmospheric air at 760 mm Hg is at 22 C dry bulb temperature and 20 C wet bulb temperature.
Using the psychrometric chart, determine:
a. Relative humidity.
b. Humidity ratio.
c. Dew-point temperature.
d. Enthalpy of air per kg dry air.
e. Volume of moist air/kg dry air.
Problem 2. Moist air flowing at 2 kg/s and a dry bulb temperature of 46 C and wet bulb temperature of 20 C
mixes with another stream of moist air fl owing at 3 kg/s at 25 C and relative humidity of 60%. Using a
psychrometric chart, determine the (a) humidity ratio, (b) enthalpy, and (c) dry bulb temperature of the two
streams mixed together.
Problem 3. Air at a dry bulb temperature of 20C and relative humidity of 80% is to be heated and humidified to
40C and 40% relative humidity. The following options are available for this objective:
(a) by passing air through a heated water-spray air washer;
(b) by preheating sensibly, and then passing through a water spray washer with recirculated water until relative
humidity rises to 95% and then again heating sensibly to the final required state. Determine for (a) and (b) the
total heating required, the make-up water required in water-spray air washer, and the humidifying efficiency of
the recirculated spray water.
Problem. 4 Moist air at 35 C and 55% relative humidity is heated using a common furnace to 70C. From the
psychrometric chart, determine how much heat is added per m3 initial moist air and what the final dew-point
temperature is.
Problem 5. A water-cooling tower is to be designed with a blower capacity of 75 m3/s. The moist air enters at
25C and wet bulb temperature of 20 C. The exit air leaves at 30 C and relative humidity of 80%. Determine the
flow rate of water, in kg/s, that can be cooled if the cooled water is not recycled. The water enters the tower at
40C and leaves the tower at 25C.
Problem 6. Air is at a dry bulb temperature of 20C and a wet bulb temperature of 15C. Determine the
following properties from a psychrometric chart.
a. Moisture content
b. Relative humidity
c. Enthalpy
d. Dew point
e. Specific volume
Problem 7. Air at a dbt (dry bulb temprature) of 30 C and a relative humidity of 30% is conveyed through a
heated dryer where it is heated to a dbt of 80 C. Then it is conveyed through a bed of granular pet food to dry it.
The air exits the dryer at a dbt of 60 C. The exit air is again heated to 80 C and conveyed through another dryer
containing another batch of pet food. The exit air from the second dryer leave at saturation. Clearly show the
paths of air, starting from the ambient air to the saturated air exiting the second dryer on a copy of a
psychrometric chart. Determine the amount of water removed in the first and second dryer per kg of dry air.