Asnt RT L1, 2 & 3
Asnt RT L1, 2 & 3
Asnt RT L1, 2 & 3
Although they may be other reasons for using calcium tungstate screens in industrial radiography, they are
most usually used to:
A. improve definition and resolution in radiographic images.
B. improve contrast in radiographic images.
C. decrease exposure time.
D. make films respond to multimillion volt radiation.
An excellent radiograph is obtained under given conditions of exposure with the film located at a distance
of 36 inches from the target of the X-ray tube. If the film is now placed only 18 inches from the target and
all exposure conditions except time are held constant, the new exposure time will be
A. unchanged.
B. longer by approximately 80 percent.
C. shorter by approximately SS percent.
D. only about 2 percent as long as the original exposure time.
An excellent radiograph is obtained under given exposure conditions with a tube current of 5 milliamperes
and an exposure time of 12 minutes. If other conditions are not changed, what exposure time would be
required if the X-ray tube current could be raised to 10 milliamperes?
A. 24 minutes
B. 12 minutes
C. 6 minutes
D. 3 minutes
When radiographing to the 2-2T quality level, an ASTM penetrameter for inch thick 2024 aluminum
alloy has a thickness of:
A. inch.
B. 2 mils.
C. 5 mils.
D. 10 mils.
Three liquids which are essential to process an exposed film properly are:
A. stop bath, acetic acid, and water.
B. developer, stop bath, and H2O2
C. developer, fixer, and water.
C. 200 to 800 R
D. All of the above doses would most likely be fatal
20. When doing gamma-ray radiography with high-intensity emitters, the sources are best handled:
A. directly by personnel equipped with special portative clothing.
B. by remote handling equipment.
C. directly by personnel with special protective clothing except when radiographs are being made
D. by the same methods used for low-intensity emitters.
21. If a film is placed in a developer solution and allowed to develop without any agitation:
A. the radiograph will not show proper contrast.
B. it will be impossible to fix the radiograph permanently.
C. there will be a general fogging condition over the entire radiograph.
D. there will be a tendency for areas to affect each other.
22. The selection of the proper type of film to be used for the X-ray examination of a particular part depends
A. the thickness of the part.
B. the material of the specimen.
C. the voltage range of the available X-ray machine.
D. all three of the above factors.
23. When radiographing a part which contains a large crack, the crack will appear on the radiograph as:
A. a dark, intermittent or continuous line.
B. a light, irregular line
C. either a dark or light line.
D. a fogged area on the radiograph.
24. A cobalt-60 source has a half-life of:
A. 1.2 years.
B. 6 months.
C. 5.3 years.
D. 75 days
25. X-ray tube current is controlled by:
A. the current passing through the filament.
B. the distance from the cathode to the anode.
C. the type of material used in the target.
D. the voltage and waveform applied to the X-ray tube.
26. The voltage and waveform applied to the X-ray tube by a high-voltage transformer primarily determines
A. quantity of radiation.
B. duration of exposure.
C. penetrating ability.
D. X-ray beam divergence.
27. Lead foil in direct contact with X-ray film:
A. intensifies the scatter radiation more than the primary radiation.
B. decreases the contrast of the radiographic image.
C. intensifies the primary radiation more than the scatter radiation.
D. should not be used when gamma rays are emitted by the source of radiation.
28- Fluorescent intensifying screens are usually mounted in pairs in rigid holders called:
film racks.
29. Radiographic sensitivity, in the context of the minimum detectable flaw size, depends on:
A. graininess of the film.
B. the unsharpness of the flaw image in the film.
39. A general rule often employed for determining the kilovoltage to be used when X-raying a part is:
A. the kilovoltage should as high as otter factors will permit.
B. the kilovoltage should, as low as other factors will permit.
C. the kilovoltage is always a fixed value and cannot be changed.
D. the kilovoltage is not an important variable and can be changed over a wide range without affecting the
40. If a piece of lead Inch thick is placed in the path of a beam of radiation emanating from cobalt-60. it will
reduce the dose rate at a given location by:
A. one-third.
B. one-quarter.
C. one-half.
D. three-quarters.
41. Excessive exposure of film to light prior to development of the film will most likely result in:
A. a foggy film.
B. poor definition.
C. streaks.
D. yellow stain.
42. White crescent-shaped marks on an exposed X-ray film are most likely caused by:
A. crimping film after exposure.
B. crimping film before exposure.
C. sudden extreme temperature change while processing.
D. warm or exhausted fixer.
43. Reticulation resulting in a puckered or netlike film surface is probably caused by:
A. crimping film after exposure.
B. sudden extreme temperature change while processing.
C. water or developer on unprocessed film.
D. excessive object-to-film distance.
44. Frilling or loosening of the emulsion from the base of the film IS most likely caused by:
A. water or developer on unprocessed film.
B. low temperature of processing solutions.
C. developer solution contamination.
D. warm or exhausted fixer solution.
45. If an exposure time of 60 seconds was necessary using a 4-foot source-to-film distance for a particular
exposure what time would be necessary if a 2-foot source-to-film distance is used and all other variables
remain the same?
A. 120 seconds
B. 30 seconds
C. 15 seconds
D. 240 seconds
46. One of the general rules concerning the application of geometric principles of shadow formation to
radiography is:
A. the X rays should proceed from as large a focal spot as other considerations will allow.
B. the film should be as far as possible from the object being radiographed.
C. the distance between the anode and the material examined should always be as great as possible.
D. all three of the above are correct.
47. As a check on the adequacy of the radiographic technique, it is customary to place a standard test piece on
the source side of the specimen. This standard test piece is called a:
A. reference plate
B. lead screen.
C. penetrameter.
D. illuminator.
48. The duration of an exposure is usually controlled by:
58. When manually processing films, the purpose for sharply tapping hangers two or three times after the films
have been lowered into the developer is to:
A. disperse unexposed silver grains on the film surface.
B. prevent frilling.
C. dislodge any air bubbles clinging to emulsion.
D. all of the above.
59. The activity of the developer solution is maintained stable by:
A. constant agitation.
B. maintaining processing solutions within the recommended temperature range.
C. avoiding contamination from the wash bath.
D. addition of replenisher.
60. The purpose of fixation is:
A. to remove all the undeveloped silver salts of the emulsion.
B. to leave the developed silver as a permanent image.
C. to harden the gelatin.
D. all of the above.
61. For best results when manually processing film, solutions should be maintained within a temperature range
A. 65F and 75F.
B. 65C and 75C.
C. 75F and 85F.
D. 75C and 85C.
62. Water spots on films can be minimized by:
A. rapid drying of wet film.
B. means of a wetting agent solution.
C. by using a fresh fixer solution.
D. by cascading water during the rinse cycle.
63. The small area in the X-ray tube from which the radiation emanates is called the:
A. diaphragm.
B. focal spot.
C. focusing cup.
D. cathode.
64. Unwanted inclusions in a part will appear on a radiograph as:
A. a dark spot.
B. a light spot.
C. a generalized gray area of varying contrast.
D. either a dark or light spot or area depending on the relative absorption ratio of the part material and the
inclusion material.
65. The radiation quality of a gamma-ray source is:
A. determined by the size of the focal spot.
B. determined by the isotope involved.
C. can be varied by the operator.
D. is greater in iridium-192 than in cobalt-60.
66. The most common material used to provide protection against X rays is:
A. high density brick.
B. an alloy of 70 percent steel and 30 percent copper.
C. tungsten.
D. lead.
67. A curie is the equivalent of:
A. 0.001 millicuries.
B. 1,000 millicuries.
C. 1,000 megacuries.
D. 100 megacuries.
68. With a given exposure time and kilovoltage, a properly exposed radiograph is obtained with a 6
milliamperes minutes exposure at the distance of 20 inches. It is desired to increase the sharpness of detail
in the image by increasing the source-to-film distance to 40 inches. The correct milliamperage-minutes
exposure to obtain the desired radiographic density at the increased distance is:
A. 12 milliamperes-minutes.
B. 24 milliamperes-minutes.
C. 3 milliamperes-minutes.
D. 1.7 milliamperes-minutes.
69. Very short wavelength electromagnetic radiation produced when electrons traveling at high speeds collide
with matter is called:
A. X-radiation.
B. beta radiation.
C. gamma radiation.
D. none of the above.
70. The exposure of personnel to X- and gamma radiation can be measured or monitored by means of:
A. film badges.
B. dosimeters.
C. radiation exposure survey meters.
D. all of the above.
71. Assuming that a good radiograph is obtained at a setting of 10 milliamperes in 40 seconds, how much time
will be necessary to obtain one equivalent radiograph if the milliamperage is changed to 5 milliamperes (all
other conditions remain constant)?
A. 20 seconds
B. 10 seconds
C. 80 seconds
D. 160 seconds
72. A graph showing the relation between material thickness, kilovoltage, and exposure is called:
A. a bar chart.
B. an exposure chart.
C. a characteristic curve.
D. an H & D curve.
73. A graph which expresses the relationship between the logarithm of the exposure applied to a photographic
material and the resulting photographic density is called:
A. a bar chart.
B. an exposure chart.
C. the characteristic curve.
D. a logarithmic chart.
74. Short wavelength radiation produced during the disintegration of nuclei of radioactive electromagnetic
substances is called:
A. X-radiation.
B. gamma radiation.
C. scatter radiation.
D. backscatter radiation.
75. A photographic image recorded by the passage of X or gamma rays through a specimen onto a film is called
A. fluoroscopic image.
B. radiograph.
C. isotopic reproduction.
D. none of the above.
76. The normal development time for manually processing X-ray film is:
A. 12 to 18 minutes in processing solutions at 75F.
roentgens per unit of time.
H & D units.
B. protons.
C. electrons.
D. positrons.
96. A radioactive source with an activity of on curie has:
A. 1,000 disintegrations per second taking place
B. 1,000,000 disintegrations per second taking place
C. 1,000,000,000 disintegrations per second taking place
D. 3.7x1010 disintegrations per second taking place
97. The formula for determining permissible accumulated personnel dose is:
A. 12 (N-18).
B. 18 (5+N)
C. 5 (N-18).
D. 12(N+18)
98. The metal that forms the image on an X-ray film is:
A. tin
B. silver
C. tungsten
D. iron
99. Unexposed boxes of X-ray film should be stored:
A. flat.
B. on edge or end.
C. in a pile
D. it doesnt matter
100. The lead symbol B is attached to the hack of the film holder to determine:
A. sensitivity
B. whether excessive backscatter is present
C. radiographic contrast
D. density
101. Penetrameters for ______ are considered group I Materials and need not have an identification notch
A. Inconel
B. Nickel
C. Stainless steel
D. Aluminum bronze
102. The purpose of a dated decay curve is to:
A. determine the source size at any time.
B. calculate shielding requirements
C. determine the source strength (activity) at any time.
D. mark the date and length of time for each exposure.
103. Why is cobalt-60 used as a radiation source for medium-weight metals of thickness ranges from 1.5 to 9
A. Because of its short half-life
B. Limited amount of shielding required
C. Because of its penetrating ability
D. None of the above.
104. The cause for poor image definition could be:
A. too short source-to-film distance.
B. screens and film not in close contact.
C. film graininess.
D. all of the above.
105. During manual film processing, the purpose of the stop bath is to:
A. change the exposed silver salts to black metallic silver.
116. Radiation arising directly from the target of an X-ray tube or an accelerator or from a radioactive source is
usually referred to as:
A. secondary radiation.
B. primary radiation.
C. backscatter.
D. inherent radiation.
117. The extent to which X rays can be successfully utilized in nondestructive testing is largely dependent upon:
A. the intensity of the X rays generated
B. their wavelengths.
C. the dimensions of the area from which they are emitted.
D. the duration of their emission.
E. all of the above.
118. To produce X rays electrons are accelerated to a high velocity by an electrical field and then suddenly
stopped by a collision with a solid body. This body is called:
A. cathode.
B. filament.
C. target.
D. generator.
119. The best X-ray efficiency is produced when the target material has:
A. a low atomic number.
B. a high atomic number.
C. a low hardness.
D. a high hardness.
120. What is sometimes used to change the alternating current from the high voltage transformer to direct current
for the purpose of increasing the X-ray machine output?
A. Rectifier
B. Cathode X-ray tubes
C. Gas X-ray tube
D. Vacuum X-ray tube
121. In a fluoroscopic inspection system using a 15-inch source-to-material distance and 2-inch material-toscreen distance, transverse vibration of which item will cause the most image blurring?
A. Source vibration
B. Screen vibration
C. Material vibration
D. Equal effects
122. I f a fluorescent screen is accidentally exposed to unattenuated X rays, which of the following occurs?
A. Intense heat generated in the screen will permanently destroy the screen crystals
B. Screen blackens due to overexposure
C. The screen is essentially undamaged
D. Screen sensitivity and light level will be permanently reduced.
123. Which of the following is an advantage of a fluoroscopic system when compared to a radiographic system?
A. Screens do not absorb scattered radiation so the image density is enhanced
B. Live image presentation for immediate viewing
C. Screen systems exhibit superior sensitivity and resolution to films
D. The equipment is normally not portable
124. A fluoroscopic installation utilizing fluorescent screen requires:
A. a screen support with lead foil screens to control scatter.
B. lead glass, mirrors, or other means for transmitting the fluorescent image without subjecting the
operator to X-radiation.
C. both of the above,
D. neither of the above.
125. In performing fluoroscopic examination of a part, it is important to control:
A. geometry.
B. scatter radiation.
C. source kilovoltage and milliamperage.
D. all of the above.
126. In X-radiography, the ability to penetrate the test object is governed by:
A. source-to-film distance.
B. time.
C. kilovoltage.
D. milliamperage.
127. Which of the following types of radiation is emitted by cobalt-60 and used in nondestructive testing?
A. Neutrons
B. Gamma rays
C. X rays
D. Alpha particles
128. The term used to describe the loss of excess energy by the nucleus of radioactive atoms is called:
A. decay (disintegration).
B. ionization.
C. scintillation.
D. activation.
129. X rays, gamma rays and alpha particles all have one thing in common they an all:
A. particulate radiations.
B. electromagnetic radiations.
C. microwave radiations.
D. ionizing radiations.
130. The term used to express the number of curies of radioactivity per gram or ounce of source weight is:
A. decay.
B. emissivity.
C. specific activity.
D. source output.
131. Atoms, molecules, and various subatomic particles which carry either a positive or negative electrical
charge are called:
A. photoelectrons.
B. photons.
C. ions.
D. compounds.
132. Gamma and X-radiation interact with matter and may be absorbed by:
A. photoelectric absorption.
B. Compton scattering.
C. pair production.
D. all of the above.
132. Approximately what percent of the original radioactivity is left after six half-lives?
A. 0.005
B. 10
C. 33.3
D. 2
134. The velocity of all electromagnetic radiation is:
1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. A
24. C
25. A
26. C
27. C
28. B
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. A
33. C
34. D
35. A
36. D
37. D
38. C
39. B
40. C
41. A
42. B
43. B
44. D
45. C
46. C
47. C
48. B
49. D
50. A
51. B
52. C
53. D
54. B
55. A
56. D
57. B
58. C
59. D
60. D
61. A
62. B
63. B
64. D
65. B
66. D
67. B
68. B
69. A
70. D
71. C
72. B
73. C
74. B
75. B
76. D
77. C
78. B
79. A
80. D
81. C
82. B
83. B
84. B
85. A
86. C
87 A
88. C
89. B
90. B
91. A
92. B
93. C
94. C
95. C
96. D
97. C
98. B
99. B
100. B
101. C
102. C
103. C
104. D
105. B
106. B
107. C
108. A
109. A
110. D
111. C
112. C
113. D
114. C
115. A
116. B
117. E
118. C
119. B
120. A
121. C
122. C
123. B
124. B
125. D
126. C
127. B
128. A
129. D
130. C
131. C
132. D
133. D
134. A
135. B
Level II Questions
1. Low voltage X-ray tubes are generally fitted with windows made of:
A. plastic
B. beryllium
C. glass
D. lead
2. A monochromatic X-ray beam:
A. is a narrow beam used to produce high-contrast radiographs
B. is also referred to as a heterogeneous X-ray beam
C. is a beam containing only characteristic X-radiation
D. is a beam consisting of a single wavelength
3. The general method of producing X-rays involves the sudden deceleration of high velocity electrons in a solid
body called a:
A. focus cup
B. filament
C. target
D. cathode
4. If it were necessary to radiograph a 7-inch thick steel product, which of the following gamma-ray sources
would most likely be used?
A. Cobalt-60
B. Thulium-170
C. Iridium-192
D. Cesium-137
5. A cobalt-60 gamma-ray source has an approximate practical thickness limit of:
A. 2 inches of steel or its equivalent.
B. 4 inches of steel or its equivalent.
C. 9 inches of steel or its equivalent.
D. 11 inches of steel or its equivalent.
6. The absorption of gamma rays from a given source when passing through matter depends on:
A. the atomic number, density, and thickness of the matter.
B. the Youngs modulus value of the matter.
C. the Poissons ratio value of the matter.
D. the specific activity value of the source.
7. The fact that gases, when bombarded by radiation, ionize and become electrical conductors make them useful
A. X-ray transformers.
B. X-ray tubes.
C. masks.
D. radiation detection equipment.
8. The velocity of electrons striking the target in an X-ray tube is a function of:
A. the atomic number of the cathode material.
B. the atomic number of the filament material.
C. the voltage difference between the cathode and anode.
D. the current flow in the rectifier circuit.
9. The uneven distribution of developed grains within the emulsion of a processed X-ray film causes the subjective impression of:
A. graininess
B. streaks
C. spots.
D. white scum.
10. Cobalt-60 is reported to have a half-life of 5.3 years. By how much should exposure time be increased (over
that used initially to produce excellent radiographs when the cobalt-60 source was new) when the source is two
years old?
B. secondary X rays.
C. short wavelength X rays.
D. heat.
20. The slope of a straight line joining two points of specified densities on a characteristic curve of a film is
known as the:
A. speed of the curve.
B. latitude.
C. average gradient.
D. density.
21. An X-ray film having wide latitude also has, by definition:
A. poor definition.
B. low contrast.
C. high speed.
D. none of the above.
22. The purpose for circulating oil in some types of X-ray tubes is:
A. to lubricate moving parts.
B. to absorb secondary radiation.
C. to decrease the need for high current.
D. to dissipate heat.
23. An X-ray tube with a small focal spot is considered better than one with a large focal spot when it is desired
to obtain:
A. greater penetrating power.
B. better definition.
C. less contrast.
D. greater film density.
24. One method of reducing radiographic contrast is to:
A. increase the distance between the radiation source and the object.
B. decrease the distance between the object and the film.
C. decrease the wavelength of the radiation used.
D. increase development time within manufacturers recommendations.
25. Thin sheets of lead foil in intimate contact with X-ray film during exposure increase film density because:
A. they fluoresce and emit visible light which helps expose the film.
B. they absorb the scattered radiation.
C. they prevent backscattered radiation from fogging the film.
D. they emit electrons when exposed to X- and gamma radiation which help darken the film.
26. X-ray tubes are often enclosed in a shockproof casing in order to:
A. dissipate heat.
B. protect the operator from high-voltage shock.
C. shield the tube from secondary radiation.
D. increase the efficiency of the rectifier.
27. An X-ray tube is rated for a maximum of 250 kVp. This tube may be operated at a maximum of:
A. 250,000 volts peak voltage.
B. 250 kV effective voltage.
C. 250,000,000 volts rms voltage.
D. 250 kV average voltage.
28. A voltage selector consisting of an iron core transformer with a single winding having a series of taps at
various points on the winding is called:
A. a high-voltage transformer.
B. a filament transformer.
C. an autotransformer.
D. a power transformer.
29. In X-ray radiography, alternating current must be changed to pulsating direct current in order to satisfy the
need for unidirectional current. This change may be accomplished by:
A. transformers.
B. rectifiers.
C. anodes.
D. cathodes.
30. When radiographing to the 2-2T quality level an ASTM penetrameter for 2.5-inch steel has a thickness of:
A. one-half inch.
B. 2.5 mils.
C. 5 mils.
D. 50 mils.
31. Valve tubes are used in X-ray Equipment to:
A. provide necessary rectification.
B. activate and deactivate the X-ray tube.
C. heat the filaments in the X-ray tube
D. adjust the size of the target.
32. A good cobalt-60 radiograph is made on a 3 steel casting using an exposure time of 10 minutes and a
source-to-film distance of 36 inches. It is necessary to change the source-to-film distance to 24 inches, what
exposure time would produce a similar radiograph if all other conditions remain the same?
A. 1.6 minutes
B. 4.4 minutes
C. 6.4 minutes
D. 8.8 minutes
33. When sharp, black, bird-foot .shaped marks which are known not to correspond with any discontinuities
appear at random on radiographs, they are probably caused by:
A. prolonged development in old developer.
B. exposure of the film by natural cosmic ray shower during storage
C. static charges caused by friction.
D. inadequate rinsing after fixing.
34. The adjustment of tube current in conventional X-ray tube circuites is made by:
A. adjusting the filament heating current.
B. adjusting the target to cathode distance
C. inserting resistance in the anode lead
D. opening the shutter on the X-ray tube port.
35. In comparison with lower-voltage radiographs, high-energy radiographs show:
A. greater contrast.
B. greater latitude.
C. greater amounts of scatter radiation relative to primary beam intensity.
D. none of the above.
36. Filters used at the port of the X-ray tube:
A. intensify the X-ray beam by contributing secondary radiation.
B. filter short wavelength X-ray beams to provide softer radiation.
C. provide the most readily adjusted means of modifying X-ray intensity.
D. filter out soft radiation to provide a more homogeneous X-ray beam.
37. An ASTM penetrameter for use when inspecting a one-half inch thick steel plate to the 2-2T quality level
using a 15 inch source-to-film distance would he made of:
A. 5 mil thick aluminum.
B. 50 mil thick aluminum or steel
C. 10 mil thick steel
D. 2 mil strip of any metallic material
38. The kilo voltage applied to an X -ray tube affects:
A. the quality of the beam
B. the intensity of the beam
C. both A and B above
D. neither A nor B above
39. Filters placed between the X-ray tube and specimen tend to reduce scatter radiation undercutting the
A. by absorbing the longer wavelength components of the primary beam.
B. by absorbing the shorter wavelength components of the primary beam.
C. by absorbing backscatter radiation.
D. by decreasing the intensity of the beam.
40 Besides serving as a filter, screens of high atomic number, such as lead and lead, antimony also:
A. decrease the source-to-film distance needed for a proper radiograph
B. provide some image intensifying action.
C. permit the use of higher speed film.
D. decrease the graininess in a radiograph.
41. The range of thickness over which densities are obtained that are satisfactory for interpretation is a measure
of the:
A. subject contrast of a radiograph.
B. sensitivity of a radiograph.
C. latitude of a radiograph.
D. definition of a radiograph.
42. Almost all gamma radiography is performed with:
A. natural isotopes.
B. iridium-192 or cobalt-50.
C. radium.
D. thulium-170.
43. The amount of unsharpness or blurring of a radiograph is:
A. directly proportional to the object-to-film distance and inversely proportional to the size of the focal spot.
B. directly proportional to the size of the focal spot and inversely proportional to the source-to object distance.
C. inversely proportional to the object-to-film distance and directly proportional to the source-to-object distance.
D. inversely proportional to the size of the focal spot and the object-to-film distance.
44. Images of discontinuities close to the source side of the specimen become less clearly defined as:
A. source-to-object distance increases.
B. the thickness of the specimen increases
C. the size of the focal spot decreases.
D. the thickness of the specimen decreases.
45. The inherent filtration of an X-ray tube is a function of:
A. the thickness and composition of the X-ray tube port.
B. the voltage setting of the instrument.
C. the source-to-object distance.
D. the material used as a target.
46. X-ray films with large grain size:
A. will produce radiographs with better definition than film with small grain size.
B. have slower speeds than those with a relatively small grain size.
C. have higher speeds than those with a relatively small grain size.
D. will take longer to expose properly than film with relatively small grain size.
47. As the effective energy of the radiation increases up to about 250 kV:
A. film graininess increases.
B. film graininess decreases.
C. radiographic definition increases.
D. film speed decreases.
48. The specific activity of cobalt-60 depends on:
A. the time the material has been in the reactor.
B. the atomic number of the material.
C. the gamma ray flux to which it was exposed.
D. the Youngs modulus value of the material.
49. The most commonly used target material in an X-ray tube is:
A. copper.
B. carbon,
C. carbide.
D. tungsten.
50. The purpose for including a disc-shaped target that rotates rapidly during operation in some X-ray tubes is
A. increase the intensity of X-radiation.
B. decrease the voltage needed for a specific quality of radiation.
C. increase the permissible load.
D. none of the above answers is correct.
51. A device which is basically a combination of magnet and transformer designed to guide and accelerate electrons in a circular orbit to very high energies is called a:
A. electrostatic belt generator.
B. linear accelerator.
C. betatron.
D. toroidal electromagnetic-type X-ray tube
52. Two isotopic sources of a given strength have two different specific activity values. The source with the
higher specific activity value will:
A. be of smaller physical size than the source with a lower specific activity
B. have a shorter half-life than the source with a lower specific activity
C. produce harder gamma rays than the source with a lower specific activity
D. be of larger physical size than the source with the lower specific activity
53. A gas-filled region located in an electrical field created by electrodes across which a potential difference is
applied forms the major portion of:
A. a low voltage X-ray tube.
B. a megger.
C. a hot cathode X-ray tube.
D. an ionization chamber.
54. Two serious obstacles to high-sensitivity fluoroscopy are:
A. the inability to reproduce results and the need for periodic replacement of screens.
B. the limited brightness and large grain size of fluoroscopic screens.
C. cost and slow speed.
D. the need for using long wavelength X rays and the lack of X-ray intensity associated with this method.
55. In general the quality of fluoroscopic equipment is best determined by:
A. densitometer readings.
B. penetrameter sensitivity measurements.
C. discontinuity area measurements.
D. reference standards.
56. In fluoroscopic testing, a fundamental difficulty is the relative low brightness level of the images. One
method for increasing brightness utilizes one of the following which converts light energy from the initial
phosphor surface to electrons which are accelerated and focused onto a smaller fluorescent screen.
A. Betatron
B. Electron amplifier
C. Image amplifier or intensifier
D. Electrostatic belt generator
57. A general rule governing the application of the geometric principles of shadow formation states that:
A. the X rays should proceed from as large a focal spot as other considerations will allow.
B. the distance between the radiation source and the material examined should he as small as practical.
C. the film should be as far as possible from the object being radiographed.
D. the central ray should he as nearly perpendicular to the film as possible to preserve spatial relationships.
58. In order to utilize the principles of geometric enlargement (placing the film at a distance from the specimen):
A. the source-to-specimen distance must be one-half the source-to-film distance.
A. cobalt-60 would give greater radiographic sensitivity than a 250 kV X-ray machine.
B. a 250 kV X-ray machine would give greater radiographic sensitivity than cobalt-60.
C. the use of fluorescent screens would result in a radiograph of better quality than would lead foil screens.
D. the use of lead foil screens will require a shorter exposure time than will fluorescent Screens.
69. A radiograph made with an exposure of 12 mA per minute has a density of 0.8 in the region of maximum interest. It is desired to increase the density to 2.0 in this area. By reference to a characteristic curve of the film, it
is found that the difference in log E between a density of 0.8 and 2.0 is 0.76. The antilogarithm of log 0.76 is
5.8. What must the new exposure time be to produce a radiograph with a density of 2.0?
A. 9.12 mA per minute
B. 21.12 mA per minute
C. 69.6 mA per minute
D. 16 mA per minute
70. The absorption of radiation by a material varies:
A. directly with the square of the distance from the source.
B. directly with the thickness of the material.
C. inversely with the amount of scattering in the material.
D. in an approximately exponential manner with the thickness of the material.
71. In the microradiographic technique:
A. soft X rays are usually employed.
B. a kilo voltage range of 5 to 50 k V is usually employed.
C. the photographic material is often finer grained than an ordinary X-ray film.
D. all three of the above choices are correct.
72. In order for a radiograph to have a penetrameter sensitivity of 2-2T or better:
A. the radiographic procedure has to be able to differentiate a 2 percent difference in specimen thickness.
B. the radiographic procedure must be able to define the 2T hole in a penetrameter which is 2 percent of the
thickness of the specimen.
C. the radiograph must be able to distinguish a discontinuity with it a length equivalent to 2 percent of the
specimen thickness.
D. none of the above choices are correct.
73. For practical purposes, the shape of the characteristic curve of an X-ray film:
A. is independent of the type of film used.
B. is independent of the quality of X- or gamma radiation.
C. is drastically changed when the quality of X-ray radiation is changed.
D. is primarily determined by the subject contrast.
74. The term which describes the total absorption of the useful beam caused by the X-ray tube wall, the wall of
the tube housing, and any material between the tube and housing is:
A. stray absorption.
B. source absorption.
C. characteristic filtration.
D. inherent filtration.
75. The interval between the time a film is placed in a fixer solution and the time when the original diffuse,
yellow milkiness disappears is known as:
A. clearing time.
B. fixing time.
C. hardening time.
D. oxidation time.
76. Excessive subject contrast caused when the thickness range in the test specimen is too great for the radiation
quality used may be corrected by:
A. increasing the kilo voltage.
B. using a filter at the X-ray tube and increasing the exposure time.
C. both A and B are methods for correcting excessive subject contrast.
D. decrease the exposure time.
77. Improper geometric factors, poor contact between film and lead foil screens, and graininess of film are
possible causes of:
A. high film density.
B. poor definition.
C. fogged film.
D. low film density.
78. In fluoroscopy the most common means for minimizing operator fatigue is to:
A. equip operators with special glasses.
B. place a filter over the viewing screen.
C. vary the intensity of the background light.
D. change operators periodically.
79. Which of the following X-ray generators would produce the narrowest cone of X-radiation?
A. 10 MeV
B. 15 MeV
C. 25 MeV
D. 1 MeV
80. A radiograph is taken at a voltage of 500 kV. If the voltage is increased with a resultant increase in the
energy of radiation while all other conditions remain the same:
A. the graininess of the film will increase significantly if a high-speed film is used.
B. the graininess of the film will decrease significantly if a low-speed film is used.
C. the graininess of the film will increase significantly if a Class I film is used.
D. there will be little significant change in the graininess of the film.
81. A radiograph of a steel weldment is made using a 1.5MeV betatron. When the radiograph is developed, there
is an overall film mottling. A possible cause for such mottling is:
A. incorrect exposure time.
B. excessive object-film distance.
C. failure to use a lead screen during exposure.
D. excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.
82. A basic difference between a radiograph and a fluoroscopic image is:
A. the fluoroscopic image is more sensitive.
B. the fluoroscopic image is a positive whereas the radiograph is a negative transparency.
C. the fluoroscopic image is brighter.
D. there is no basic difference between the two.
83. The quantity of radiation striking a unit area of film:
A. is the product of radiation intensity and time.
B. is the intensity per unit of time.
C. is directly proportional to intensity and inversely proportional to time.
D. varies exponentially with time and directly with intensity.
84. Which of the following factors will not materially influence the image density of a radiograph?
A. The type of film used
B. The size of the film
C. The total amount of radiation emitted by the X-ray or gamma-ray source
D. The intensifying action of the screen
85. A 1,000 kVp X-ray machine used in conjunction with a lead foil screen has an approximate practical
thickness limit of:
A. 1 inches of steel or its equivalent.
B. 3 inches of steel or its equivalent.
C. 5 inches of steel or its equivalent.
D. 16 inches of steel or its equivalent.
86. Because of geometrical factors such as source size, source-to-specimen distance and specimen-to-film
distance, there can be a lack of perfect sharpness at the edges of indications. The unsharpness caused by
geometrical factors may be referred to as the:
A. astigmatic effect.
B. penumbral shadow.
C. focus variation.
D. none of the above.
87. Two factors which greatly affect the suitability of the target material in an X-ray tube are:
A. tensile strength and yield strength.
B. melting point and magnetic strength.
C. electrical resistance and tensile strength.
D. atomic number and melting point.
88. The reason the exposure time must be increased by a factor of four when the source-to-film distance is
doubled is:
A. the intensity of radiation decreases at an exponential rate when the source-to-film distance is increased.
B. the quality of radiation is inversely proportional to the square root of the distance from the source to the film.
C. the intensity of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source to the film.
D. the scattered radiation effect is greater as the source-to-film distance increases
89. The most important factor for determining the amount of X-ray absorption of a specimen is the:
A. thickness of the specimen.
B. density of the specimen.
C. atomic number of the material.
D. Youngs modulus of the material.
90. The approximate radiographic equivalence factors for steel and copper at 200 kV are 1.0 and 1.4
respectively. If it is desirable to radiograph a 0.5-inch plate of copper. What thickness of steel would require
about the same exposure characteristics?
A. 0.7 inches of steel
B. 0.35 inches of steel
C. 1.4 inches of steel
D. 1.0 inches of steel
91. Which of the following technique variables is most commonly used to adjust subject contrast?
A. Source-to-film distance
B. Milli Amperage
C. Kilo voltage
D. Focal point size
92. Films that are left between lead screens too long in a high-temperature and high-humidity atmosphere may:
A. show increased speed but decreased quality characteristics.
B. become fogged.
C. become mottled.
D. show tree-shaped light areas in the finished radiograph.
93. The quantitative measure of film blackening is referred to as:
A. definition.
B. photographic density.
C. film contrast.
D. radiographic contrast.
94. A curve relating density with the logarithm of exposure or of relative exposure is called:
A. a sensitivity curve.
B. a density-exposure curve.
C. an H & D curve.
D. X-ray intensity curve.
95. Subject contrast is affected by:
A. thickness differences in specimen.
B. radiation quality.
C. scattered radiation.
D. all of the above.
96. The Code of Federal Regulations requires that all shipping containers for radioisotopes:
115. The maximum practical speed of scanning a test object for conventional fluoroscopic inspection has been
estimated to be;
A. about 7 inches per second.
B. about 1 inch per second.
C. about 12 inches per second.
D. about 3 inches per second.
116. When other operating conditions are held constant. a change in tube current causes a change in radiation
intensity emitted from an X-ray tube, the intensity being approximately proportional to tube current. What
is the primary factor that prevents this from being exactly proportional?
A. The voltage and voltage waveform of an X-ray machine transformer varies with load
B. Wavelength changes are not exactly proportional
C. Current cannot be changed at a linear rate
D. Scatter radiation does not vary at a proportional rate
117. When viewing a radiograph an image of the back of the cassette superimposed on the image of the
specimen is noted. This is most likely due to:
A. undercut.
B. overexposure.
C. X-ray intensity too high.
D. backscatter.
118. A special form of scatter due to X-ray diffraction effects in a specimen with large grains will result in:
A. a radiograph with poor contrast.
B. a radiograph of mottled appearance.
C. a badly fogged radiograph
D. a radiograph with poor resolution.
119. The half-value layer of lead for cobalt-60 is approximately 0.5 inch. If the radiation level on the source side
of a 1.5 inch lead plate is 64 R/hr. the radiation level on the opposite side is:
A. 8 R/hr.
B. 211/3 R/hr.
C. 102/3 R/hr.
D. 32 R/hr
120. Which of the following is not a factor in determining subject contrast?
A. Nature of the specimen
B. The radiation quality used
C. Type of film used
D. Intensity and distribution of the scattered radiation
121. If an exposure time of 60 seconds and a source-to-film distance of 4 feet is necessary for a particular
exposure, what exposure time would be needed for an equivalent exposure if the source-to-film distance is
changed to 5 feet?
A. 75 seconds
B. 94 seconds
C. 48 seconds
D. 38 seconds
122. In order to increase latitude so that thick and thin portions may be radiographed at reasonable viewing densities simultaneously:
A. a fluorescent screen should be employed.
B. the film cassette may be loaded with two separate films with one film placed on top of the other.
C. the film cassette may be loaded with two films of different speeds.
D. none of the above are practical means of increasing latitude.
123. Developer solution should be discarded when the quantity of replenisher added equals:
A. the original quantity of developer.
B. two to three times the original quantity of developer.
C. five to six times the original quantity of developed,
D. ten times the original quantity of developer.
124. If a specimen were radiographed at 40 kV and again at 50 kV with time compensation to give the
radiographs the same density, which of the following statements would be true?
A. The 40 kV exposure would ha\e a lower contrast and a greater latitude than the 50 kV exposure
B. The 40 kV exposure would have a higher contrast and greater latitude than the 50 kV exposure
C. The 50 kV exposure would have a lower contrast and a greater latitude than the 40 kV exposure
D. The 50 kV exposure would have a higher contrast and greater latitude than the 40 kV exposure
125. A 250 kVp X-ray machine used in conjunction with a lead foil screen has an approximate practical
thickness limit of:
A.1 inches of steel or its equivalent.
B. 2 inches of steel or its equivalent.
C. 6 inches of steel or its equivalent.
D. 7 inches of steel or its equivalent.
126. The degree of concentration of the radioactive material in a gamma-ray source is referred to as:
A. the specific activity of the source.
B. the quality of the source.
C. the atomic weight of the source.
D. the half-life of the source.
127. In million-volt radiography, filtration at the tube:
A. increases the generation of short wavelength X-rays.
B. decreases the generation of short wavelength X-rays.
C. improves the radiographic quality by decreasing scatter radiation.
D. offers no improvement in radiographic quality.
128. The energy of gamma rays is expressed by which of the following units of measurement?
A. Curie
B. Roentgen
C. Half-life
D. Kiloelectron volt (keV) or million electron volt (MeV)
129. Film selection for an X-ray exposure depends on:
A. thickness of the part.
B. the material of the specimen.
C. the voltage range of the X-ray machine.
D. all of the above.
130. While using an X-ray tube for radiography, the operator wishes to increase the radiation intensity. To do
so, the:
A. kilo voltage should be lowered.
B. tube current should be increased.
C. test specimen should be moved further from the film.
D. tube current should be decreased.
131. Lead screens are put in direct contact with the film to:
A. increase the photographic action on the film.
B. absorb the longer wavelength scattered radiation.
C. intensify the photographic effect of the primary more than the scattered radiation.
D. all of the above.
132. Mottling due to diffraction can be reduced and in some cases eliminated by:
A. raising the kilovoltage.
B. using lead foil screens.
C. both of the above.
D. none of the above.
133. Because of geometrical factors such as source size, source-to-specimen distance, and specimen-to-film
distance, there can be a lack of perfect sharpness at the edges of indications. The unsharpness caused by these
factors may be referred to as the:
A. astigmatic effect.
B. penumbral shadow.
C. focus variation.
D. none of the above.
134. The main purpose of the X-ray generator controls on the equipment is:
A. to maintain the direction and width of the X-ray beam.
B. to enable the operator to obtain the intensity, quality, and duration of exposure desired.
C. to allow the operator to adjust Film Focal Distance remotely.
D. to change alternating current to increase X-ray intensity.
135. Fluoroscopic screens, as mounted and used, are easily damaged by which of the following?
A. Washing with a soft cotton cloth
B. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation or sunlight
C. Poor handling
D. X-radiation
136. When X-rays, gamma rays, light, or electrons strike the photographic emulsion, a change takes place in the
silver halide crystals. This change is referred to as:
A. photographic density.
B. photographic sensitivity.
C. latent image.
D. characteristic curve.
137. If one curie of Iridium-192 produces a dose rate of 5900 mR per hour at one foot, how many mR will ten
curies produce at the same distance?
B. 590,000
C. 59
D. 59,000
138. With respect to quality, what three factors must be considered in selecting a source-to-film distance?
A. Source activity, type of film, type of screens
B. Source activity, size of film, thickness of material
C. Source size, source activity, specimen-to-film distance
D. Source size, specimen thickness, geometric unsharpness
139. On a radiograph of a pipe weld there is a very light irregularly-shaped small image in the weld. This image
would most likely be due to the presence of:
A. porosity.
B. slag inclusion.
C. tungsten inclusion.
D. inadequate buildup.
140. A larger physical size source may produce an equivalent quality radiograph if:
A. the source-to-film distance is increased.
B. more backing lead is used.
C. a faster film is used.
D. exposure time is decreased.
141. A light image of a backing B on a processed radiograph is probably caused by:
A. excessive density.
B. backscatter.
C. kilo voltage set too low.
D. poor film handling.
142. Cobalt-59 becomes cobalt-60 when it is placed in a nuclear reactor where it captures:
A. an electron.
B. a neutron.
C. a proton.
D. contamination.
143. When a faster speed film is substituted for a slower one to improve economics of the exposure, which of
the following conditions occur?
where, f = frequency
= wavelength
c = speed of light
160. An exposure technique is established to obtain a 20 density using type D film and automatic processing
at 81F. In order to obtain comparable results using manual processing at 68F and 5 minute development time,
it would be necessary for the original exposure time to be:
A. reduced by approximately 30 percent.
B. increased by approximately 99 percent.
C. increased by approximately 30 percent.
D. reduced by approximately 99 percent.
Note :The two characteristic curves of Figures 1 and 2 on pages 37 and 38 may be used in solving this problem.
Level II Answers
82. B
83. A
84. B
85. C
86. B
87. D
88. C
89. C
90. A
91. C
92. B
93. B
94. C
95. D
96. B
97. C
98. B
99. A
100. D
101. C
102. D
103. C
104. C
105. B
106. C
107. B
108 D
109. A
110. C
111. C
112. D
113. E
114. B
115. D
116. A
117. D
118. B
119. A
120. C
121. B
122. C
123. B
124. C
125. B
126. A
127. D
128. D
129. D
130. B
131. D
132. C
133. B
134. H
135. B
136. C
137. D
138. D
139. C
140. A
141. B
142. B
143. C
144 A
145. C
146. D
147. B
148. C
149. C
150. A
151. B
152. D
153. A
154. C
155. C
156. B
157. C
158. B
159. D
160. B
Atoms of the same element having different numbers of neutrons are called ____ of the element.
A. molecules.
B. isotopes.
C. isotones.
D. isomers.
Which of the following is a secondary effect that plays an important role in the radiation observed from
certain radioisotopes?
A. Annihilation radiation
B. Internal conversion
C. Spontaneous decay
D. A and B
It has been found from experiment that a homogeneous radiation beam of intensity I passing through a
thickness of material x undergoes a decrease in intensity I. This can be expressed by the equation I == I.x where is a constant of proportionality. This expresses which of the following phenomena?
A. Photoelectric effect
B. Compton scattering
C. Absorption
D. Half-value thickness
The number of ion pairs produced per centimeter of track in air is called:
A. secondary ionization.
B. total ionization.
C. specific ionization.
D. roentgen
Which of the following particles or rays have the highest ionizing effect in air?
A. Alpha particles
B. Beta particles
C. Neutrons
D. Gamma and X-rays
The intensity of a mono energetic radiation after passing through a material may be calculated by the
formula I = Ioe-t. This formula does not take into account:
A. linear absorption.
B. buildup.
C. half-value layer thickness.
D. attenuation.
Reduction factor = Dose rate without shield / Dose rate with shield
10. A cobalt-60 source has an intensity of 1600 mR/hr at a distance of 6 feet. Workmen need to be at that
distance from the source but should receive only 2 mR/hr approximately. How much steel shielding is
required? (Figure 3 may be used to determine the correct answer.)
A. 2.8 inches
B. 6.9 inches
C. 8.3 inches
D. Can not be determined from data given
Imaging by Film
20. According to accepted theory. the spots at which the latent image is localized on the emulsion are local
concentrations of:
A. silver sulfide.
B. silver bromide.
C. silver iodide.
D. silver nitrate.
27. The roentgen is defined as:
A. the amount of radiation emitted by one curie of iridium-192 at a distance of one meter.
B. the amount of X- or gamma radiation of one erg of energy in one gram of dry air at standard
temperature and pressure.
C. the amount of X- or gamma radiation that will produce one electrostatic unit of charge in one cubic
centimeter of dry air at standard temperature and pressure.
D. the amount of X- or gamma radiation absorbed by one cubic centimeter of water at 0C and 760mm of
Schematic of a Basic X-Ray Circuit
Sources of Electrons
39. The focusing cup of the cathode in an X-ray tube acts as an electrostatic lens determining the size of the
electron beam by:
A. capturing stray electrons emitted by the filament.
B. limiting the maximum amperage of the filament current.
C. reducing the negative charge on the glass walls of the tube caused by secondary electrons scattered by
the target.
D. controlling the electric field between the anode and the cathode.
40. The most common source of electrons in high-vacuum X-ray tubes is:
A. reflection from the anode.
B. the heated cathode.
C. the heated anode.
D. the tungsten target.
41. The most common technique for releasing electrons in gas X-ray tubes is:
A. reflection from the target in the anode of the tube.
B. increasing the kilovoltage.
C. positive ion bombardment of the cold cathode.
D. heating a filament.
42. The most commonly used cathode type for industrial X-ray tubes is:
A. cold cathode.
B. hot cathode.
C. rotating disk cathode.
D. solid rectangular cathode.
43. What is the effect of a higher temperature of the filament?
A. Greater emission of electrons
B. Less efficient unit
C. The tube current is larger
D. A and C
44. The design and spacing of the electrode and the degree of vacuum are such that no flow of electrical charge
between the cathode and anode is possible until which of the following is accomplished?
A. Filament is heated
B. High-voltage waveform reached 180
C. Circulation system is operated
D. None of the above
49. I n a linear accelerator, the electrons are accelerated by which one of the following?
A. High-frequency electrical wave
B. Accelerating magnets
C. Neutron bombardment
D. Changing magnetic fields of an AC electromagnet
50. In a high-voltage generator of the Van de Graff type, by which method are the particles accelerated?
A. Accelerating magnets
B. High-frequency electrical waves
C. Static negative charges
D. None of the above
51. Flash X-ray tubes are usually designed to produce electrons for acceleration by which one of the following
A. Hot emission
B. Field emission
C. Changing magnetic field of a transformer primary
D. High-frequency electrical waves
53. Gold and platinum are also used in X-ray tubes for radiography, but targets made of these metals must:
A. be more effectively heated than targets made of tungsten.
B. be more effectively cooled than targets made of tungsten.
C. be able to withstand increasing pressure.
D. have low thermal conductivity.
54. Tungsten is the most commonly used target material in X-ray tubes. Which one of the following materials,
although not common, is commercially used for industrial X-ray tube targets?
A. Gold
B. Beryllium
C. Molybdenum
D. Germanium
55. The efficiency of the target material in the production of X rays is proportional to which of the following?
A. Kilovoltage
B. Spacing of electrodes
C. Atomic number
D. Avogadros number
56. In choosing a suitable metal for a target material, the principal properties to be considered are all but which
one of the following?
A. High atomic number
B. High melting point
C. High thermal conductivity
D. High vapor pressure
57. When X rays are not emitted with the same intensity in all directions from the focal spot, this is referred to
A. screen effect.
B. angle of emergence.
C. heel effect.
D. astigmatism.
61. In choosing a suitable metal for an X-ray tube target, which one of the following is not a property which is
normally considered?
A. Atomic number
B. Melting point
C. Mass attenuation coefficient
D. Thermal conductivity
62. When the high-voltage transformer is connected directly to the X-ray tube, the arrangement is known as a:
A. full rectified unit.
B. linear accelerator unit.
C. self-rectified unit.
D. tank-type unit.
63. In X-ray equipment design, shielding placement and the angle of the coverage of the X-ray beam is not a
function of:
A. target angle.
B. filament.
C. X-ray tube port size.
D. geometry of the focal spot.
64. A high-vacuum environment for X-ray tube elements is necessary for which of the following?
A. To prevent oxidation of the electrode materials
B. To permit ready passage of the electron beam without ionization of gas within the tube
C. To provide electrical insulation between the electrodes
D. All of the above
65. Which of the following is a major factor affecting the duty cycle of X-ray equipment?
A. kV rating of equipment
B. Thickness of specimen
C. Rate of anode cooling
D. Size of focal spot
66. Two factors that limit the electric power that can be absorbed by X-ray tubes are the cooling system used
for the anode and:
A. tube grounding.
B. geometrical size of the focal spot.
C. a high screen effect.
D. the vacuum between cathode and anode.
67. The efficiency of X-ray production is given by the following expression: E = 1.4 X 10-7 Zv. Given a target
of tungsten-coated copper and a tube voltage of 300 kV, determine the percent efficiency where E is in
Hydrogen Z=1; Aluminum Z=13; Copper
Z=29; Tungsten Z=74.
3.11 %
0.31 %
Radioisotope Sources
69. Because it is frequently supplied as a water-soluble compound, which of the following is considered to have
an additional radiological hazard potential associated with it?
A. Cobalt-60
B. Thulium-l70
C. Iridium-192
D. Cesium-137
70. Thulium-l70 emits which of the following gamma-ray energies?
A. 1.33 and 1.17 MeV
B. 0.084 and 0.052 MeV
C. 0.310 and 0.470 MeV
D. 0.110andO.150MeV
71. Which one of the following radioisotope sources would be the best choice for radiography of a steel
specimen 0.375-inch thick from an energy standpoint)
A. Cobalt-60
B. Thulium-170
C. Iridium-192
D. Californium-252
72. The half-life is a useful characteristic of a radioisotope. After six half-lives, the amount of decaying atoms
is reduced to approximately what percent of the amount at the beginning?
A. 2%
B. 3%
C. 6%
D. 1%
73. Generally, sources of high specific activity are more desirable because they have _____ self-absorption.
A. Higher
B. The same
C. Lower
D. No
74. Radiation output, also known as dosage rate or characteristic intensity, is usually expressed as effective
in what unit per curie?
B. Rhr
C. rms
D. mR/hr
75. Cobalt-50 emits gamma rays of:
A. 1.17 and 1.33 MeV.
B. 0.66 MeV.
C. 1.09 and 1.29 MeV.
D. 1.36 and 2,75 MeV,
76. The principal gamma rays emitted by iridium-192 are:
A. 0.66, 0.84, 0.91 MeV.
B. 0.31, 0.47, 0.60 MeV.
C. 0.08,0.05,0.66 MeV.
D. 0.15,1.12,0.18 MeV.
77. Which of the following is an advantage of radiography with gamma rays as compared to X rays?
A. Simplicity of apparatus
B. Compactness of the radiation source
C. Independence from outside power
D. All of the above
78. For a particular radioisotope, source strength is proportional to which of the following?
A. Mass of source
B. Physical size
C. Atomic weight
D. Number of curies
79. Which of the following is true for a smaller isotope source of higher specific activity?
A. Suffers less from self-absorption of its own gamma radiation
B. Less geometric unsharpness in the radiograph
C. Allows shorter source-to-film distances
D. All of the above
80. In radioisotope decay, the nuclei of these isotopes disintegrate by which of the following methods?
A. Emission of particles
B. K capture
C. Annihilation radiation
D. A and B
81. Gamma-ray sources emit which of the following?
A. Broad continuous spectrum of wavelengths
B. Limited wavelengths between 0.010 and 4 MeV
C. One or more discrete wavelengths
D. A and B
82. Of the isotopes listed below, which occurs as the result of splitting an atom in a nuclear fission reactor?
A. Cobalt-60
B. Cesium-137
C. Iridium-192
D. ThuIium-170
87. Suppose a radiograph is made using film whose H & D graph is shown in Figure 6. The film is exposed for
12 mA per minute and has a density of 0.8 in the area of interest. It is desired to increase the density to 2.0.
What milliamperage per minute would produce such a change?
A. 19
B. 62
C. 50
D. Impossible to determine from data
Fluoroscopic Systems
88. Fluoroscopic screens of zinc cadmium sulfide find occasional use in industrial applications. These screens
normally are not subject to wear or deterioration from exposure to long term X rays. Which one of the
following will severely degrade this type of screen?
A. Cleaning of the screen with grain alcohol solvent
B. Prolonged storage in a low-humidity environment will cause the crystal to hydrolyze.
C. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation sources
D. Contamination with nickel as little as one part per million will create severe afterglow problems.
89. When using a constant potential X-ray source for fluoroscopic inspection. an optimum kilovoltage is said to
exist for each material thickness. This optimum kilovoltage is:
A. selected such that the part thickness to be X-rayed is 5 half-value layers.
B. independent of the material area or curvature.
C. selected as a function of the permissible X-ray tube current with higher kilovoltage required for lower
D. selected on the basis of exposure time desired.
Increase the TV scan rate to 1029 lines, with an appropriate increase in frequency response
Increase the X-ray source-to-image plane spacing to 20 inches
Decrease the steel weld-to-image plane spacing to 2 inches
Change to an X-ray source having a 1 mm focal spot
Solid-State Detectors
92. The speed of counting obtainable with a scintillation counter is limited fundamentally by:
A. the energy level of the incident radiation.
B. the intensity of the incident radiation.
C. the afterglow of the phosphor.
D. the spatial distribution of the incident quanta.
93. The scintillations (light photons) emitted by a radiation detection phosphor are converted to electrical pulses
A. a photomultiplier tube.
B. an ionization chamber.
C. a selenium photoelectric cell.
D. a light pulse amplifier.
95. The greatest problem which arises in the routine use of a pocket dosimeter is:
A. its relatively flat response to radiation of different energies.
B. its inherently inconsistent sensitivity.
C. electrical leakage which tends to discharge the electrometer and give false high readings. D. negative
drift caused by changes in atmospheric conditions (temperature. humidity, etc.).
96. As a portable radiation survey instrument. the main disadvantage of a Geiger counter is its:
A. nonlinear response with changes in radiation energy.
B. large size and delicate construction.
C. poor sensitivity to low radiation levels.
D. warm-up drift during the first few minutes of operation.
97. Air-filled proportional counters are used extensively for monitoring:
A. gamma-ray activity.
B. fast neutron activities.
C. slow neutron activities.
D. alpha/beta dose rates.
98. An amplifier to be used in a survey instrument designed to measure high levels of radiation should have the
following characteristics:
A. a fast rise time and a linear response
B. a fast rise time and an exponential response.
C. a slow rise time and a linear response.
D. a slow rise time and an exponential response.
99. Which of the following detectors would be most suitable for use with a gamma- or X-ray energy spectrum
A. An ionization detector
B. A scintillation detector
C. A proportional detector
D. A Geiger-Muller counter
100. Which of the following radiation measurement instruments does not employ gas detection as its operation
A. Proportional counter
B. Semiconductor detector
C. Ionization chamber
D. Geiger-Muller counter
Gaging and Control Processes
101. A system of X-ray thickness gaging in which X rays are collimated and projected through a test item and
the quantity of unabsorbed radiation is measured is referred to as:
A. fluorescence method
B. absorption differential method.
C. attenuation buildup method.
D. transmission method.
102. Generally, the sensitivity and accuracy of thickness gaging of homogeneous materials by reflection methods
A. superior to transmission gaging.
B. superior to fluorescence methods.
C. inferior to transmission gaging.
D. approximately the same as with transmission gaging.
103. The two types of detectors used most commonly in X-ray thickness gages are:
A. fluorescent screens and ionization chambers.
B. proportional counters and geiger counters.
C. phosphor-photomultipliers and ionization chambers.
D. fluorescent screens and phosphor-photomultipliers.
Exposure Hazards
104. A radiation level of 100 mR/hr is noted at the perimeter of your posted high radiation area. This perimeter is
10 feet from the exposed source. Approximately how far away from the source should the radiation area
signs he
posted for the 2 mR/hr line?
A. 40 feet
B. 100 feet
C. 70 feet
D. 125 feet
105. Which one of the following is not a characteristic to be given major consideration in selecting a
radiographic survey instrument?
A. Window thickness-radiation detected
B. Dose rate range(s)
C. Time constant
D. Battery supply
106. With appropriate controls, the allowable radiation limits in unrestricted areas should not exceed:
A. 0.500 rem per calendar year.
B. 2 millirems in anyone hour.
C. 100 millirems in seven consecutive days.
D. all of the above.
107. A leaking source of radioactive material is considered a potentially hazardous situation. At what
removable activity level is a sealed radiography source, by regulation. considered to be leaking?
A. 0.0500 microcuries
B. 0.5000 microcuries
C. 0.005 microcuries
D. 0.0005 microcuries
108. Sources of radioactive material used for radiography are required by regulation to be leak tested at intervals
not to exceed:
A. 6 months.
B. 3 months.
C. 12 months.
D. 24 months.
111. Filters of different thicknesses of material are often incorporated into film badges used for beta-gamma
dosimetry. The purpose of these filters is to:
A. attenuate the higher energy radiation.
B. increase the sensitivity of the film to low energy radiation.
C. ensure that no alphas reach the film.
D. permit evaluation of the type and energy of the radiation.
112. The half-life of a radioactive substance is equal to:
A. the reciprocal of the disintegration constant.
B. the average lifetime of an atom in the substance.
C. the time required for one-half of the original atoms to disintegrate.
D. the number of atoms present divided by the rate of decay.
113. An individual is 30 years old. According to the 5IN-18) formula and the banking concept for determining
exposure, this individual may receive a maximum permissible dose of:
A. 245 rem.
B. 65 rem.
C. 60 rem.
D. 270 rem.
114. A tenth value thickness for a specific gamma source is one inch of lead. The radiation intensity is 500 R/hr
at 24 inches from the source. How many inches of lead would be required to reduce the intensity to 5mR/hr
at 24 inches?
A. 2 inches
B. 5 inches
C. 10 inches
D. 4 inches
115. Permissible personnel radiation exposure rates are based upon which of the following?
A. Radiation equivalent man
B. Banking concept
C. Physical attributes
D. Dose absorption rate
119. Radiographic sensitivity depends on the combined effects of two independent factors. One is radiographic
contrast and the other is:
A. radiation quality.
B. density.
C. penetrameter image.
D. definition.
120. Using the equation =
Th / 2 , where
1.6 inches
0.020 inches
0.015 inches
0.030 inches
123. The visibility of a certain penetrameter hole on the radiograph may mean that:
A. a cavity of the same diameter will be visible.
B. a cavity one-half the hole diameter will be visible.
C. a cavity of the same diameter may be invisible.
D. the hole and cavity will have equal detectability.
126. The term radiographic sensitivity usually refers to the ability of a radiographic technique to detect discontinuities. In practice, sensitivity is specified as:
A. the measurable un sharpness on a radiograph.
B. the ratio of the smallest thickness difference visible on the radiograph to the thickness of the material
being examined.
C. density difference between two areas.
D. degree of concentration of a radioactive source.
127. The image quality indicator (penetrameter) should not be used to:
A. judge the size or establish acceptance limits of discontinuities.
B. judge the adequacy of a radiographic exposure.
C. determine film/screen combinations adequacy.
D. judge the adequacy of part-to-film distance.
128. Radiographic sensitivity is affected by:
A. subject contrast.
B. geometric and film graininess factors.
C. film contrast.
D. all of the above.
135. In general, the contrast of radiographic films (except those designed for use with fluorescent screens):
A. increases continuously with film density in the usable density range.
B. decreases as the density is increased.
C. remains practically unchanged for different density levels.
D. is inversely proportional to film density.
Geometric Factors
141. Another term frequently used to describe geometrical unsharpness is:
A. radiographic distortion.
B. penumbral shadow.
C. radiographic enlargement.
D. geometric enlargement.
142. Using Figure 8, determine the geometrical unsharpness under the following conditions. Maximum specimen
thickness is 1.5 inches, source-to-film distance is 40 inches, and the focal spot size is 1 mm. The
geometrical unsharpness is:
A. 0.010 mm.
B. 0.100 mm.
C. 0.04 mm.
D. 0.25 mm.
d distance
F Focal Spot
Pivot Line
t thickness
Nomogram for solving the equation Ug = Ft/d
143. Which of the following is not a factor to be considered to reduce geometric unsharpness?
A. Source-to-film distance
B. Object-to-film distance
C. Source strength
D. Source size
144. In the following equation for geometric unsharpness, what does Ug represent? Ug=Ft/d
A. Image size
B. Penumbra
C. Source-to-film distance
D. Specimen-to-film distance
145. The size of the penumbral shadow can best be reduced by:
A. using a larger diameter source.
B. using a faster speed film.
C. increasing the source-to-film distance.
D. increasing the specimen-to-film distance.
146. Deviation from the true shape of an object as exhibited in its shadow image is called:
A. definition.
B. latitude.
C. contrast.
D. distortion.
147. Which of the following rules of shadow formation is not true?
A. The effective focal spot or source size should be as small as practical.
B. The distance between the focal spot or source and the test object should be as great as practical.
C. The central ray should be as nearly perpendicular to the film as possible to preserve spatial relations.
D. The test objects plane of maximum interest should be perpendicular to the plane of the film.
148. Given an iridium-192 source 0.125 inches in diameter. a geometrical unsharpness of 0.020 inches and a
material thickness of 2.5 inches, determine the minimum source-to-object distance.
A. 12.6 inches
B. 24.6 inches
C. 15.6 inches
D. 18.1 inches
149. Geometrical enlargement resulting from increased object-to-film distance is useful in:
A. increasing definition.
B. reducing physical source size.
C. reducing scattered radiation.
D. macroradiography.
150. Magnification and geometric unsharpness:
A. are actually the same thing.
B. can be distinguished as follows: magnification refers to the degree of enlargment, and unsharpness
refers to the penumbra.
C. are not directly related.
D. can be combined to yield total unsharpness.
151. Geometric unsharpness (Ug) is obtainable from:
where, F = source size, d = source-to-object distance, t = object-to-film distance
Ug = Ft/d
Ug = d/Ft
Ug = Fd/t
Ug = t/Fd
152. Using the formula Ug = Ft/d, if F = 3.0 millimeters, t = 5.0 inches, and d = 43.0 inches. Ug is
A. 0.020 inches.
B. 0.028 inches.
C. 0.014 inches.
D. 0.006 inches.
153. Image distortion refers to:
A. a combination of geometric unsharpness and magnification.
B. deviation from the true shape of the object.
C. magnification minus geometric unsharpness.
D. a combination of graininess. unsharpness. and magnification.
Intensifying Screens
154. The most commonly used intensifying material in fluorescent screens for industrial radiography is:
A. zinc sulfide.
B. calcium sulfide.
C. cesium iodide.
D. calcium tungstate.
155. Fluorometallic intensifying screens compared with lead foil screens can reduce the exposure time by factors
up to:
A. 100
B. 10
C. 500
D. 1
156. The Bunsen-Roscoe reciprocity law states that the product of a photochemical reaction is dependent only
upon the product of the radiation intensity and the duration of exposure and is independent of the absolute
values of either of these quantities separately. This law is invalid for which of the following?
A. X rays
B. Gamma rays
C. Fluorescent screens
D. Lead foil screens
157. The quality of the radiation necessary to obtain an appreciable intensification from lead screens depends
upon all the following except:
A. film type.
B. kilovoltage.
C. milliamperage.
D. thickness and material of test object.
158. An alloy of 6 percent antimony and 94 percent lead should be used for screens instead of pure lead because
it provides:
A. greater definition.
B. less mottling effect
C. better wear resistance.
D. a higher intensification factor.
159. The intensifying action of a lead foil screen is caused by:
A. the addition of 6 percent antimony to the lead.
B. the electrons emitted under gamma or X-ray excitation.
C. preferential absorption by the lead atoms.
D. characteristic and scattered radiation originating in the screen.
160. In comparison to radiographs made with lead screens, radiographs made using fluorescent screens would
A. better contrast.
B. good definition.
C. higher density.
D. poor definition.
161. Variation in the thickness of lead screens from 0.005 inch to 0.010 inch:
A. has very slight effect on intensification.
B. has very significant effect on intensification.
C. actually has no effect on intensification.
D. only serves to increase geometric unsharpness.
Scattered Radiation
162. Scatter radiation caused by the specimen being radiographed is usually referred to as:
A. backscatter.
B. side scatter.
C. undercut.
D. forward scatter.
163. The major component of scatter is the low-energy rays represented by photons weakened in what process?
A. Photoelectric
B. Pair productive
C. Compton scattering
D. Ionization
164. The influence of low-energy scatter from the film holder is most noticeable just inside the borders of the
image. This condition is called:
A. inherent unsharpness.
B. undercut.
C. geometric unsharpness.
D. mottling.
165. The difference in narrow-beam and broad-beam conditions is that:
A. narrow-beam conditions imply that both scattered and unscattered radiation reach the detector, while
broad-beam conditions imply that only the unscattered radiation reaches the detector.
B. narrow-beam conditions imply that only the unscattered radiation reaches the detector while broadbeam conditions imply that both scattered and unscattered radiation reach the detector.
C. narrow- and broad-beam conditions relate only to source size.
D. both terms depend on film and screen combination.
166. Which is generally the greater source of scatter radiation?
A. Lead foil screens
B. Lead backing plate
C. Floor or wall
D. The specimen under examination
Source Factors
167. Short wavelength photons are normally used on thick sections of steel rather than long wavelength photons
A. short wavelength photons are hard rays and have greater penetrating ability.
B. short wavelength photons create a greater secondary radiation and help improve image contrast.
C. long wavelength photons are hard rays and have greater penetrating ability.
D. they both have equal penetrating ability.
168. A lead sheet is usually placed behind the film cassette to:
A. intensify the film image and shorten the exposure time.
B. prevent bending and crimping of the film.
C. reduce forward scatter and absorb unwanted radiation to prevent it from reaching the film. D. minimize
radiation scattered from the floor, walls, equipment, and other items from reaching the back of the film.
169. The larger the activity (in curies) and the larger (physically) the source is. the emitted gamma-ray intensity
per curie becomes:
A. lower.
B. higher.
C. unaffected.
D. increases inversely to activity.
170. When radiographing a specimen with a radiographic source. it is found that it is desirable to lengthen the
source-to-film distance. With the source at the new location, the amount of radiation reaching the film will:
A. vary inversely with the square of the distance.
B. vary equally with the square of the distance.
C. will not change.
D. vary inversely with the distance.
Exposure Curves
171. Which one of the following is not a specific condition which applies to a given exposure chart?
A. X-ray machine used
B. Film type
C. Processing conditions
D. Radiation intensity
E. Film density on which the chart is based
172. Exposure charts are fairly adequate for determining exposures in the radiography of:
A. complicated structural items.
B. uniform plate.
C. step wedges.
D. all of the above
173. A gamma-ray exposure chart differs from an X-ray exposure chart in that there is no variable factor corresponding to:
A. thickness.
B. milliamperage.
C. kilovoltage.
D. film density.
174. An exposure chart is a graph showing the relation between all but which one of the following?
A. Exposure
B. Density
C. Kilovoltage
D. Material thickness
Darkroom Procedures
175. In manual processing, the ideal temperature is 68 F (20C) At what temperature would the chemical action
be retarded, resulting in underdevelopment?
A. 70 F
B. 60 F
C. 90 F
D. None of the above
176. The shape of the film characteristic curve is relatively insensitive to changes in X- or gamma radiation
quality but is affected by changes in the:
A. geometric factors.
B. film graininess.
C. subject contrast.
D. degree of development.
177. Light crimp marks appearing on a developed radiograph are the result of:
A. static marks.
B. scratches on lead foil screen.
C. poor handling before exposure.
D. poor handling after exposure.
178. Physical damage to the film emulsion caused by sudden extreme temperature change is referred to as:
A. reticulation.
B. frilling.
C. blisters.
D. streaks.
179. The frequency with which a developer solution needs replacement is dependent on the rate and density of
films processed but as a rule the solution should be replaced:
A. whenever the density of processed films is consistently too great.
B. when the quantity of developer replenisher used equals two to three times the original quantity of
developer, or every three months, whichever is shorter.
C. every six months.
D. whenever the processed films show streaking due to uneven development.
Film Processing
184. In manual processing, if it is not possible to use a stop bath, films should be:
A. placed directly in the fixer solution.
B. placed directly in the fixer solution with a one-minute reduction in development time.
C. rinsed in running water for at least two minutes before fixing.
D. rinsed in running water for at least two minutes with a one-minute reduction in development time
before fixing.
185. The primary reason why visual (under safelight conditions) development of radiographs should be avoided
A. it is difficult to discern the image with the light output provided by a safelight.
B. the appearance of a developed but unfixed radiograph will be different in the dried state. C. removal of
the film from the developer will affect the development time.
D. film type and speed affect the appearance of images when exposed to a safelight.
186. Better quality radiographs can be obtained when expertly done by manual processing rather than by
automatic processing, but most processing is performed automatically because:
A. manual processing is time consuming.
B. it is difficult to train and keep manual processing personnel.
C. automatic processors are easier to maintain.
D. chemical temperatures and solutions are difficult to maintain in darkrooms where manual processing is
187. The function of the developer is to:
A. stop the process.
B. harden the emulsion.
C. recover silver.
D. change exposed silver halide crystals to metallic silver.
188. The best method of arresting the development process is to place the film in:
A. an acid stop bath.
B. a fixer solution.
C. a water rinse.
D. a wetting solution.
189. The most important function of the fixer is to:
A. neutralize alkali from developer.
B. remove undeveloped silver salt.
C. increase density.
D. harden the emulsion.
190. Wetting agents are used primarily as a deterrent for:
A. reticulation.
B. changes in density.
C. water spots.
D. frilling.
191. In automatic processing, if the film emulsion becomes swollen, soft. or sticky, the result may be:
A. slowdown of the transport system and overlap.
B. film sticking on a roller.
C. film wrapping around a roller.
D. all of the above.
192. Ideally after processing, radiographs should be stored at a relative humidity of:
A. 10 percent.
B. 30 to 50 percent.
C. 70 to 80 percent.
D. relative humidity is not an important consideration.
193. In manual processing, the cascade method of washing film is desirable. To be effective, the hourly flow
of water should be:
A. 1 to 2 times the volume of the tank.
B. water flow rate has no bearing on film washing.
C. 12 to 16 times the volume of the tank.
D. 4 to 8 times the volume of the tank.
194. Holding all other paramenters constant. an increase in time of development of a given film will result in a
characteristic curve showing:
A. increased contrast and increased speed.
B. increased contrast and decreased speed.
C. decreased contrast and increased speed.
D. decreased contrast and decreased speed.
Illuminator Requirements
195. Which of the following is not a requirement for illuminators used in the interpretation of radiographs?
A. A light source of sufficient intensity to view the area of interest of the radiograph
B. Sufficient masking to avoid glare from the edges of the radiograph
C. A foot-operated on-off switch
D. None of the above
196. For the routine viewing of high-density film. a high-intensity illuminator with an adjustable light source
should be used. Such a viewer should allow viewing of densities at least up to:
A. 1.5 H & D.
B. 2.5 H & D.
C. 4.0 H & D.
D. 10.0 H & D.
197. When viewing radiographs, the film viewer should provide light of an intensity that is evenly distributed
with an adjustment to vary the intensity. In addition the film viewer should have:
A. a viewing surface at a 90-degree angle.
B. fresh bulbs.
C. a diffusing medium.
D. light green color.
198. To prevent damage to films, which of the following should be provided when viewing radiographs?
A. Masks or screens
B. Foot switch
C. Heat filter
D. Opal glass
Background Lighting
199. The contrast sensitivity of the human eye is greatest when the surroundings compared to the area of interest
on a radiograph are:
A. about the same brightness.
B. of a lower brightness.
C. of a higher brightness.
D. brightness is not a factor in contrast sensitivity.
200. For best contrast sensitivity, the film viewing room should have lighting:
A. as dark as possible.
B. approximately 38 lumens.
C. approximately 70 lumens.
D. as light as the area of interest in the film being reviewed.
201. When reviewing film, background lighting should:
A. be virtually eliminated.
B. not reflect on the film under examination. C. be carefully filtered.
D. be approximately 20 lumens.
Optical Aids
202. A stereoscope is:
A. a device which projects the contents of a pair of stereoradiographs on a screen giving spatial resolution
to indications in the radiographs.
B. a device which permits each eye to see only one of a pair of stereoradiographs.
C. a device which, by exposing two film cassettes simultaneously from different angles, enables the
production of radiographs.
D. a device which allows accurate measurements of the shift of an image in a set of stereoradiographs
made for the purpose of parallax.
206. The relationship between film exposure and the resulting film density of any particular film is:
A. the unsharpness.
B. the film contrast.
C. the subject contrast.
D. none of the above.
207. As the kilovoltage is increased, the subject contrast:
A. increases.
B. decreases.
C. remains the same.
D. in ceases directly with E2
208. Radiographic image quality may be adversely affected by poor subject contrast; this may be caused by:
A. insufficient absorption differences in the specimen.
B. excessive radiation energy for the application.
C. scatter.
D. all of the above.
209. The film contrast for the specimens being radiographed may be determined from the:
A. size of film.
B. radiation quality.
C. slope of the characteristic curve for the film
D. all of the above.
210. Which of the following is independent for most practical purposes, of the wavelength and distribution of the
radiation reaching the film?
A. Subject contrast
B. Radiographic contrast
C. Film contrast
D. Definition
211. By increasing the source-to-film distance in a given exposure. the image sharpness is:
A. increased.
B. decreased.
C. not affected.
D. decreased by a negligible amount.
212. What is the effect of the sensitivity of a radiograph when the physical size of a gamma source is increased
without changing any other exposure factors?
A. Sensitivity and geometric unsharpness are increased
B. Geometric sharpness and definition are increased
C. Physical source size does not affect sensitivity
D. Geometric sharpness is increased and sensitivity is decreased
213. The image sharpness of an object may be affected by:
A. type of film.
B. type of screen.
C. radiation quality.
D. all of the above.
214. When a lead screen radiograph of an object shows a poorly defined image of the object, one course of
action to correct this may be:
A. change to a course-grain film.
B. use an X-ray tube of larger focal spot.
C. increase source-to-film distance.
D. change to fluorescent screens.
215. During the loading of a film cassette, the lead foil screens are scratched. The resulting radiograph would
A. no change since deep scratches are not related to the film.
B. broad fuzzy light lines corresponding to the scratches.
C. defined dark lines corresponding to deep scratches.
D. random film indication due to scatter caused by scratches.
216. Deep scratches in lead screens result in dark lines on the radiograph. These are due to:
A. loss of absorbing characteristic of the lead foil resulting in more of the X-ray source reaching the film.
B. the scratch resulting in a greater surface area of lead, causing a larger electron emission area which
affects exposure of the film.
C. air gap between the deep scratch and film.
D. none of the above.
217. The appearance of colored stains on a processed radiograph could be caused by:
A. neutralization of the acid in the fixer solution.
B. neutralization of the alkaline content in the fixer solution.
C. acidification of the fixer solution.
D. underdevelopment.
219. When using lead foil intensifying screens, a fuzzy radiographic image is a sign:
A. of oil or grease on the screens.
B. that tin coating was used on the screens.
C. of poor screen-ta-film contact.
D. of foreign material between the screen and the film.
220. A mottled radiograph can be caused by:
A. not removing the paper interleaving before the exposure.
B. using tin-coated lead screens.
C. X-ray diffraction effects.
D. all of the above.
100 Th
where x = Material thickness (inches), T = Penetrameter thickness (inches), h = Essential hole diameter (inches)
= Equivalent sensitivity (percent)
Answer questions 221 and 222.
221. Using the formula given above, calculate the equivalent sensitivity of an ASTM #20 penetrameter showing
the 2T hole on a 1.25-inch thick specimen
A. 2.0%.
B. 1.6%.
C. 18%.
D. 1.4%.
222. Using the formula given above, calculate the specimen thickness if the equivalent sensitivity is 2.6 percent
based on seeing the 4T hole in an ASTM #40 penetrameter.
A. 1.35 inches
B. 3.17 inches
C. 2.56 inches
D. 2.17 inches
223. The DIN type penetrameter is which type of image quality indicator?
A. A plaque type
B. A stepped type
C. A wire type
D. An indirect imaging type
224. A procedure requires a quality level of 4-4T and the use of penetrameters based on ASTM E142 design.
What shape of penetrameter would be used on a 4/z-inch thick specimen?
A. Rectangular
B. Triangular
C. Circular
D. Stepped
226. In automatic processing, poor drying of film can be attributed to which of the following if the drying
temperature and air circulation in the drying section are found to be acceptable?
A. Under replenishment of the fixer solution
B. Infrequent use of the processor
C. Roller alignment in the wash section
D. Overdevelopment
227. In automatic processing, streaks on the film can be attributed to:
A. a long interval between feeding of films.
B. clogged developer recirculation system.
C. dirty dryer tubes.
D. all of the above.
228. A milky-appearing fixer solution could be caused by:
A. the fixer being too warm when mixed.
B. a sudden change in temperature.
C. use of a carbonate developer.
D. use of fine-grained film.
Exposure Calculations
229. If an exposure time of one minute was necessary using a 6-foot source-to-film distance for a particular
exposure, what time would be necessary if a 3-foot source-to-film distance is used and all other variables
remain the same?
A. 2 minutes
B. 15 seconds
C. 4 minutes
D. 30 seconds
230. The mathematical rule of exposure which governs the time-distance relation of the basic exposure
calculator is:
A. the exposure time (T) required for a given exposure is directly proportional to the square of the sourceto-film distance (D).
B. the exposure time (T) required for a given exposure is inversely proportional to the square of the
source-to-film distance (D).
C. the exposure time (T) required for a given exposure is inversely proportional to the milliamperage (M).
D. none of the above.
231. Assume that a radioisotope source has an emission rate of 6 mR/hr/mCi at 1 foot. If an 800 mCi source is
used, determine the dosage rate at 2 feet.
A. 4800 mR/hr
B. 1200 mR/hr
C. 533 mR/hr
D. 300 mR/hr
Blocking and Filtering
232. The primary function of a filter is to:
A. reduce the penetrating ability of the radiation.
B. absorb scatter radiation.
C. reduce exposure time.
D. eliminate most of the undercut caused by scatter.
233. Which of the following materials are typically used for filtration purposes in industrial radiography at
energies of 150.400kV?
A. Aluminum/magnesium
B. Lead/copper
C. Stainless steel/steel
D. Cadmium/zinc
234. A filter in the X-ray tube beam has the effect of:
A. hardening the radiation beam.
B. softening the radiation beam.
C. dispersing the radiation beam.
D. increasing the beam intensity.
235. Scattered radiation originating in matter outside the specimen is most serious for specimens which have
high absorption for X rays. One of the most satisfactory arrangements for combining effectiveness and
convenience to reduce scatter when radiographing steel is to:
A. cut out diaphragms from lead sheet.
B. pack barium clay around the specimen.
C. use a liquid absorber.
D. surround the object with copper or steel shot.
236. Filtering an X-ray beam is analogous to:
A. decreasing the kilovoltage.
B. increasing the kilovoltage.
C. decreasing the milliamperage.
D. increasing the milliamperage.
Multifilm Techniques
237. The primary purpose of using two or more films of unequal speed in the same cassette is:
A. to eliminate retakes due to incorrect exposure time.
B. to eliminate retakes due to artifacts on the film.
C. to cover a wide range of thickness in one exposure.
D. to reduce the scatter to the total image.
238. When two different films are selected for a multifilm technique, their speeds must be such that on their
characteristic curves:
A. there is some overlap on the density axis.
B. there is no overlap on the density axis.
C. there is some overlap on the log E axis.
D. there is no overlap on the log E axis.
239. If the thickness range of a specimen is too great for a single exposure. a multifilm technique may be used. If
two films of different speeds are selected for this example, the log relative exposure range for these two
films IS:
A. the difference in log exposure between the value at the high-density end of the faster film and the lowdensity end of the slower film curve.
B. the difference in log exposure between the value at the low-density end of the faster film and the high
density end of the slower film.
C. the difference in log exposure between the value at the low-density end of the slower film and the highdensity end of the faster film.
D. the difference in log exposure between the value at the high-density end of the slower film and the lowdensity end of the faster film.
240. Select the one advantage stereoradiographs have over films produced by parallax method.
A. Permit correct spatial relation
B. Use inexpensive viewing devices
C. Require special reading glasses
D. Utilize two films
241. A setup by which an arrangement of prisms or mirrors permits each eye to see but a single one of a pair of
radiographs is known as:
A. stroboradiography.
B. parallax radiography.
C. stereoradiography.
D. autoradiography.
Triangulation Methods
242. Using the parallax method for triangulation with the film in contact with the object and shifting the source
equal distance in two directions from its original position for location of a flaw, it is revealed that the flaw
shift is less than one-half the shift of the source side marker. The flaw is:
A. nearer the film plane.
B. nearer the source side
C. on the source side surface.
D. on the film side surface.
243. A discontinuity was found by radiography in a 3-inch thick weld. The source-to-film distance was 20
inches. A second exposure was made with the source shifted 4 inches parallel to the film plane. It was noted
that the discontinuity image moved 5/8 inch as compared with the original exposure. Determine the distance
of the flaw above the film.
A. 3.24 inches
B. 1.25 inches
C. 2.70 inches
D. 0.27 inches
Flash Radiography
244. Radiography performed using high intensity X-ray beams with microsecond exposures is:
A. microradiography.
B. autoradiography.
C. stroboradiography.
D. flash radiography.
245. The optimum magnification to obtain optimum image clarity in a dynamic fluoroscopic system is
determined using the equation M= 1 + (U/F). For a system with a screen unsharpness of 0.5 mm and a 0.7
mm focal spot, determine the optimum geometric magnification.
A. 2.0
B. 1.6
C. 1.06
D. 2.6
246. One of the main disadvantages of fluoroscopic systems is:
A. extensive operator training required.
B. high image brightness on screen.
C. flaw image enlargement.
D. limited ability to see fine detail.
247. Which one of the following is not a common method of viewing a fluoroscopic image?
A. Through a phosphor-coated lead glass screen
B. Mirror projection of the image
C. Via use of an imaging orthicon
D. Through a calcium tungstate screen
251. Which one of the following is not a commonly accepted use of microradiography?
A. Determination of segregation of constituents in thin alloy sections
B. Detection of minute discontinuities
C. Study of biological sections
D. Study crystalline structure
252. X-ray devices used in microradiography typically operate at potentials up to:
A. 50 kV.
B. 100 kV.
C. 150 kV.
D. 200 kV.
256. A method for distinguishing between diffraction mottling and other causes of mottling is:
A. re-expose the film using a much lower exposure factor.
B. Change the angle of incidence of the beam by 1 to f> and re-expose.
C. lower the kilovoltage and re-expose.
D. re-expose, without using lead screens.
257. In routine thickness gaging setups using gamma-ray sources, which one of the following radiation detectors
is most commonly used?
A. Anthracene crystal
B. Ionization chamber
C. Sodium iodide crystal
D. Geiger-Muller tube
258. Of the following, which gaging application is most suitable for use of gamma rays?
A. Cigarette density gaging
B. Thickness gaging of thin foils such as condenser papers
C. Paper thickness gage
D. Liquid density gage
Real-time Imaging
259. In a system using a high-resolution screen and low-light level TV, real-time imaging must be conducted on
0.5-inch steel at 20 fpm. The motion unsharpness must be held to 0.2 mm. Source-to-object, distance = 16
inches and focal spot is 0.7 mm. Using the formula Um = wt/L determine the width of the radiation beam in
the direction of motion.
A. 6.4 inches
B. 3.2 inches
C. 0.25 inches
D. 2.5 mm
260. In comparing electronic image intensifier systems that use TV presentation with those employing solid-state
screens and high-sensitivity closed-circuit TV systems, which of the following statements is false?
A. The overall gain of an image intensifier/TV combination usually exceeds that of the screen/TV
B. the overall resolution of the intensifier/TV combination usually exceeds that of the screen/TV
C. as the area of the viewed screen increases for either, the overall system gain must also increase.
D. the single crystal scintillating screens and the fine-grain fluorescent screens have better resolution than
the electronic image intensifier tubes but much lower light output.
Image-Object Relationships
261. Using geometric enlargement principles, determine the image size if the object is 6 inches in diameter, the
source-to-film distance is 36 inches, and the source-to-object distance is 30 inches.
A. 7.2 inches
B. 5 inches
C. 14.4 inches
D. 10 inches
262. The focal spot should be as small as possible, because there is a definite relationship between focal spot size
and which of the following?
A. Radiographic contrast
B. Total radiation output
C. Subject contrast
D. Radiographic definition
263. Which of the following influences the amount of radiation that falls on the recording plane in the umbral
region of the image?
A. Absorption characteristics of the test piece
B. Angle of the incident radiation
C. Size of the recording plane
D. Thickness of the recording plane
Material Processing
264. A consequence of insufficient heat or the presence of scale on the fusion face of the weld bevel may be:
A. incomplete penetration.
B. root concavity.
C. excessive root reinforcement.
D. lack of fusion.
265. A weld made with an excessive number of passes or inadequate speed of travel could result in:
A. root concavity.
B. oxidation.
C. excessive root reinforcement.
D. incomplete penetration.
271. A discontinuity caused by gas released during solidification or by the evaporation of moisture or volatile
material from the mold surface is indicative of:
A. microshrinkage.
B. shrinkage porosity.
C. inclusion.
D. gas porosity.
272. Failure of the metal to fill the mold cavity, thus creating a casting that is not complete, is:
A. core shift.
B. cold shut.
C. misrun.
D. buckles.
273. A definite discontinuity that exists because of imperfect fusion of two streams of metal that have converged
A. misrun.
B. cold shut.
C. rattails.
D. buckles.
274. Voids in a casting caused by inadequate feeding to compensate for the volumetric shrinkage that occurs
solidification are:
A. shrinkage cavities.
B. shift.
C. hot tears.
D. blowholes.
275. Particles of foreign material such as sand or slag that are embedded in the cast metal are:
A. gas holes.
B. buckles.
C. rattails.
D. inclusions.
277. Voids that are readily recognizable as smooth, dark, round or oval-shaped spots with radiographic contrast
varying directly with their diameter are:
A. gas porosity.
B. shrinkage porosity.
C. segregation.
D. core shift.
278. An uneven wall thickness in an internal passage of a casting as viewed in a radiograph is indicative of:
A. misruns.
B. segregation.
C. unfused chaplets.
D. core shift.
279. If an elongated dark area of varying length and width which is either continuous or intermittent appears in
the center of a radiograph of a weldment, it is indicative of:
A. cracks.
B. incomplete penetration.
C. inclusions.
D. shrinkage.
280. An indication or indications on a radiograph that appear as dark, ragged lines of variable widths and
numerous branches with no definite line of continuity are indicative of:
A. cold cracks.
B. cold shuts.
C. hot tears.
D. core shift.
281. A dark line of varying width on a radiograph which follows the edge of the fusion zone of a weld is
indicative of:
A. undercutting.
B. incomplete fusion.
C. porosity.
D. shrinkage.
282. An indication appearing on a radiograph as a dark, elongated area of varying length or width located at the
Center of a weld would probably be classified as:
A. aligned porosity.
B. slag line.
C. wagon tracks.
D. lack of penetration.
283. An oval or circular dark spot with smooth edges appearing on the radiograph would most probably be indicative of:
A. bum through.
B. crater crack.
C. porosity.
D. lack of fusion.
284. An intermittent or continuous dark line found at the edge of the weld groove or bevel would probably be
classified as:
A. aligned porosity.
B. slag line.
C. root concavity.
D. crater cracking.
285. A narrow, dark line traveling in irregular directions would generally indicate the presence of:
A. a crack.
B. slag line.
C. aligned porosity.
D. lack of fusion.
286. A very thin, straight, dark line, either continuous or intermittent, located parallel to and normally on one
side of a weld would be indicative of:
A. slag inclusion.
B. suck-up.
C. aligned porosity.
D. lack of fusion.
287. Indications appearing singly or as clusters of small, light spots in a GT A weld would most probably be
classified as:
A. weld spatter.
B. nonmetallic inclusion.
C. tungsten inclusion.
D. gas holes.
288. The term used to describe the reduction in the base metal thickness where the last weld bead is fused to the
surface is called:
A. convexity.
B. undercut.
C. lack of fusion.
D. concavity.
289. A term used to describe the oxides and other solids which are shown radiographically as elongated or
rounded inclusions is:
A. slag.
B. porosity.
C. suck-up.
D. worm holes.
an acceptable radiograph.
an excessive amount of unsharpness.
an unacceptable radiograph.
a radiograph showing poor contrast.
Based on the preceding specification requirements, determine the adequacy of the following techniques.
292. A 1.625-inch thick plate weld, with 0.125-inch outside reinforcement and inch thick backing bar, is to be
radiographed. Select the proper combination of parameters.
A. 400 kV-24 in.,
-#45 penetrameter
B. 100 Ci Ir192,
30 in. FFD
-#30 penetrameter
C. 1 MeV,
72 in. FFD
- #40 penetrameter
D. 25 Ci Co60,
20 in. FFD
-#25 penetrameter
293. From the preceding question, what would be the recommended shim thickness?
A. inch
B. inch
C. 3/8 inch
D. 1/8 inch
294. The density through the penetrameter was recorded at 1.8 (H & D) (double viewing). Which of the
following readings or statements is correct for this exposure?
A. 1.53 to 2.07 (H & D) through area of interest
B. 1.44 to 2.16 (H & D) through area of interest
C. Unacceptable technique
D. Double viewing of film is required
295. The following discontinuities were noted on the radiograph of a 2-inch thick carbon steel plate.
Slag (3) in., (2) in., (1) 7/16 in.
Porosity (4) in.
Which of the following statements would constitute the appropriate method of disposition of these conditions?
A. Accept
B. Remove (4) 1/8 in. indications, repair and re-expose
C. Remove the 7/16 in. slag inclusion, repair weld, and re-expose
D. Remove the (3) 1/8 in. porosity and (2) in. slag inclusions, repair weld, and re-expose
296. If the density through the penetrameter was found to be 3.5 (H & D), which of the following statements
would be correct for this technique and single wall viewing?
A. Minimum density 2.98, maximum density 4.55
B. Minimum density 2.98, maximum density 3.80
C. Minimum density 2.45, Maximum density 3.80
D. None of the above
This specification is to be used for the radiographic examination of butt welds in \f4-inch to 2-inch thick plate.
2.0 MATERIAL: Carbon steel
Prepared mechanically to eliminate surface irregularities whose image could interfere with proper interpretation.
X or gamma radiation-as specified in Table I
Type II (Fine grain) or better.
Material Thickness
0.250 in. to less than 0.750 in.
0.750 in. to less than 1.5 in.
1.5 in. to 2.0 in.
Voltage (Max)
400 kV
2 MeV
4 MeV
Ir.192 (Max)
50 Ci
100 Ci
100 Ci
Co.60 (Max)
100 Ci
6.1 Single wall, utilizing single or double film viewing of finished radiographs.
6.2 Film Focal Distance: a minimum of 24-inch FFD shall be maintained.
6.3 Screens: lead intensification screens should be used for all exposures.
6.4 Scatter Indicator: A -inch high by 1/16-inch thick lead letter B attached to the back of the cassette.
6.5 Penetrameters: the applicable penetrameter shall be based on the nominal single wall thickness plus reinforcement selected from Table II.
6.6 Penetrameter Placement: source side of object being examined 1/8-inch to -inch from edge of weld at the
6.7 Shims: as required to have the same nominal thickness under the penetrameter, as the total thickness of the
weld plus reinforcement or backing strips. Backing strips or bars are not to be considered as part of the weld
or reinforcement, for determination of penetrameter size.
Nominal Single Wall
Material Thickness
Up to 0.25
Over 0.50-0.625
Over 0.625-0.750
Over 0.750-0.875
Over 0.875.1.00
Over 1.00-1.25
Over 125-1.50
Over 150-2.00
Over 2.00-2.50
Single film viewing-2.0 to 3.8
Double film viewing-2.6 to 3.8
The density of the radiograph shall not vary by more than minus 15 percent or plus 30 percent from the density
through the body of the penetrameter.
The essential hole (2T) and the image of the penetrameter shall be visible.
Manual or automatic processing is acceptable.
10.1 All welds and adjacent base material shall be free of:
A. cracks
B. incomplete penetration
C. incomplete fusion
D. slag inclusions in 6 inches of length
Material thick
in. to in.-inclusions exceeding 1/8 in.
in. to 1 in.-inclusions exceeding in.
1 in. to 2 in.-inclusions exceeding, in.
E. bum through
F. porosity-in 6 inches of length in excess of:
Material thick
n. to in.
- 4(1/16 in.)
in. to 1 in.
- 4 (1/16 in.), 2 (2/32, in.)
1 in. to 2 in. - 4 ( /8 in.)
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. C
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. A
21. B
22. D
23. C
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. D
29. C
30. A
31. A
32. B
33. C
34. B
35. D
36. C
37. B
38. A
39. D
40. B
41. C
42. B
43. D
44. A
45. B
46. B
47. D
48. B
49. A
50 C
51. B
52. A
53. B
54. A
55. C
56. D
57. C
58. C
59. B
60. D
61. C
62. C
63. B
64. D
65. C
66. B
67. B
68. D
69. D
70. B
71. B
72. A
73. C
74. A
75. A
76. B
77. D
78. D
79. D
80. D
81. C
82. B
83. C
84. A
85. C
86. B
87. C
88. C
89. A
90. D
91. D
92. C
93. A
94. A
95. C
96. A
97. A
98. A
99. B
100. B
101. D
102. C
103. C
104. C
105. D
106. D
107. C
108 A
109. B
110. B
111. D
112. C
113. C
114. B
115. B
116. B
117. D
118. C
119. D
120. B
121. A
122. B
123. C
124. D
125. B
126. B
127. A
128. D
129. B
130. B
131. D
132. B
166. D
167. A
168. D
169. A
170. A
171. D
172. B
173. C
174. B
175. B
176. D
177. C
178. A
179. B
180. D
181. C
182. A
183. B
184. C
185. B
186. A
187. D
188. A
189. B
190. C
191. D
192. B
193. D
194. A
195. C
196. C
197. C
198. C
199. A
200. D
201. B
202. B
203. B
204. C
205. C
206. B
207. B
208. D
209. C
210. C
211. A
212. D
213. D
214. C
215. C
216. B
217. A
218. B
219. C
220. D
221. B
222. D
223. C
224. C
225. B
226. A
227. D
228. A
229. B
230. A
231. B
232. D
233. B
234. A
235. D
236. B
237. C
238. C
239. B
240. A
241. C
242. A
243. C
244. D
245. B
246. D
247. D
248. C
249. C
250. C
251. D
252. A
253. A
254. B
255. A
256. B
257. B
258. D
259. C
260. B
261. A
262. D
263. A
264. D
265. C
266. A
267. C
268. D
269. B
270. B
271. D
272. C
273. B
274. A
275. D
276. C
277. A
278. D
279. B
280. C
281. A
282. D
283. C
284. B
285. A
286. D
287. C
288. B
289. A
290. D
291. C
292. C
293. C
294. C
295. C
296. B