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People of The Philippines v. Chia Say Chaw, Et Al., For Illegal Entry

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(complainants) designation to handle the prosecution of the case by the


[A.M. No. RTJ-03-1774. May 27, 2004]

Judge ELIODORO G. UBIADAS, Regional Trial Court, Olongapo City,
Branch 72 respondent.
By a Sworn Complaint1[1] dated January 24, 2000, then Provincial
Prosecutor, now Regional Trial Court Judge Dorentino Z. Floresta
(complainant) administratively charged Judge Eliodoro G. Ubiadas of the
Olongapo City Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 72 with gross ignorance
of [the] law, grave abuse of authority and violations of the Code of Judicial
Complainant faults respondent for dismissing for lack of jurisdiction, on
motion of the accused, by Order2[2] of July 9, 1997, Crim. Case No. 212-97,
People of the Philippines v. Chia Say Chaw, et al., for illegal entry.
Complainant alleges that by dismissing Crim. Case No. 219-97 [d]espite . . .
the provision of P.D. 1599 which established the Exclusive Economic Zone of
the Philippines and [the apprehension of the accused] within the 200 nautical
miles of the . . . Zone, respondent virtually surrender[ed] our sovereignty
and criminal jurisdiction to the Chinese government.3[3]
Complainant likewise faults respondent for failure to resolve, as he has yet to
resolve, the Motion for Reconsideration and/or Clarification of the abovesaid
Order of July 9, 1997, despite the lapse of more than two years since the filing
of the motion. By such failure, complainant charges respondent with violation
of Canon 3, Rule 3.05 of the Code of Judicial Conduct which enjoins judges
to dispose of the courts business promptly and decide cases within the
required periods, and of SC Circular No. 13 (July 1, 1987) which requires
lower courts to resolve cases or matters before them within three months or
ninety days from date of submission.
Complainant furthermore faults respondent for granting, without giving
notice to the prosecution, the petition for bail of Jose Mangohig, Jr. who was
arrested by virtue of a warrant issued by the Municipal Trial Court of Subic,
Zambales which found probable cause against him for violation of Section
5(b), Art. III of Republic Act No. 7610 (Special Protection of Children
Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act).4[4]
Finally, complainant faults respondent for disqualifying him (complainant)
from appearing in Crim Case No. 634-99, People v. Esmane-Diaz, despite his

By Second Indorsement-Comment of March 20, 2000,5[5] respondent

contends that petitioner has no personality to initiate the complaint against
him as he is not a party to the cases subject thereof.
On the merits of the charges, respondent counters that territorial jurisdiction
over the area where the accused in Crim. Case No. 212-97 were arrested
within the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal has not yet been established by
controlling jurisprudence, given the conflicting claims thereover by the
Philippines and China and the absence of an inter-country agreement
determining the common boundaries of the Exclusive Economic Zone.6[6]
As to his failure to resolve the Motion for Reconsideration of his July 9, 1997
Order dismissing, for lack of jurisdiction, Crim. Case No. 212-97, respondent
points out that said motion was filed after the accused were already released
from detention. He further points out that during the pendency of said motion,
representatives of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) informed him that
said office was not interested in setting aside the order of dismissal but that it
was suggesting an amendment of the order.7[7] Respondent explains though
that since the accused had already been released from detention and had left
the Philippines, and the interest of the DFA was merely for the amendment of
the order of dismissal, the motion had already become academic.
As to the second charge, respondent informs that the petition for bail of
Mangohig who was then under preliminary investigation, which motion was
filed on January 3, 2000 on which same date a copy of said petition was
furnished the public prosecutor, was as set by Mangohig heard on the morning
of January 4, 2000 during which there was no appearance from the
Prosecutors Office; and that as the offense for which Mangohig was charged
is ordinarily a bailable offense, respondent granted him bail.
As for his order disqualifying complainant in Crim. Case No. 634-99,
respondent explains that he had already reconsidered the same through his
February 10, 2000 Order,8[8] he having earlier failed to see petitioners
designation by the Ombudsman.
In its August 16, 2002 Report,9[9] the Office of the Court Administrator
(OCA) found, as to the first charge, that it was not shown that respondent
acted with malice, oppression or bad faith sufficient to find him guilty of gross
ignorance of the law, it having appeared that respondent based his dismissal
order on his interpretation of a provision of law. The OCA thus concluded
that as respondents conclusions in his assailed order are not without logic or

reason, and unattended by fraud, dishonesty, corruption or bad faith,10[10] he

could not be faulted for gross ignorance of the law. The OCA hastened to
add, however, that respondent is nonetheless required to act on the motion
for reconsideration.
As to the second charge, the OCA stressed that the Rules of Court requires a
movant to serve notice of his motion on all parties concerned at least three
days before the hearing thereof, hence, respondent erred in granting the
petition for bail without hearing the prosecutions side.
Finally, on the third charge, the OCA found that respondents explanations
were fraught with inconsistencies since his allegation that he failed to see
complainants designation as Ombudsman-Prosecutor in Crim. Case No. 63499 is belied by his December 17, 2000 Order11[11] wherein he noted that
complainant was deputized by the Office of the Ombudsman to prosecute said
case. The OCA in fact noted that respondents subsequent February 10, 2001
Order reconsidering his December 17, 2000 Order was issued only after the
latter order had attained finality and the instant case was filed.
The OCA accordingly recommended that respondent be FINED in the amount
of Twenty Thousand (P20,000.00) Pesos.
By Resolution of February 26, 2003,12[12] this Court noted the OCA Report
and required the parties to MANIFEST within twenty (20) days from notice,
whether they are submitting the case on the basis of the pleadings/records
already filed and submitted.
By Manifestation dated April 1, 2003,13[13] complainant proffered additional
charges against respondent and submitted in support thereof, among other
things an administrative complaint filed by one Dr. Reino Rosete against
respondent and photocopies of orders issued by respondent. Dr. Rosetes
complaint, which was addressed to then Court Administrator Alfredo
Benipayo, is both undated and unsigned, however. In the same Manifestation,
complainant submitted the case for decision.
On May 9, 2003, the Docket and Clearance Division of this Court received an
undated manifestation14[14] of respondent stating that he was submitting the
case on the basis of the pleadings/records already filed in the case.
This Courts Findings

On the dismissal of Crim. Case No. 212-97

On innumerable occasions this Court has impressed upon judges that, as

mandated by the Code of Judicial Conduct, they owe it to the public and the
legal profession to know the very law they are supposed to apply to a given
controversy.15[15] They are called upon to exhibit more than just a cursory
acquaintance with statutes and procedural rules, to be conversant with the
basic law, and to maintain the desired professional competence.16[16]
The propriety of the dismissal, on motion of the accused, of Crim. Case No.
212-97 on jurisdictional grounds is, however, a matter for judicial
adjudication and the proper recourse of a party aggrieved by the decision of a
judge is to appeal to the proper court, not file an administrative
For, as a matter of public policy, in the absence of fraud, dishonesty or
corruption, the acts of a judge in his judicial capacity are generally not subject
to disciplinary action, even though such acts are erroneous.18[18] Only in
cases where the error is gross or patent, deliberate and malicious, or incurred
with evident bad faith may administrative sanctions be imposed.19[19] There
is no showing that this was the case here.
With respect to the non-resolution of the prosecutions Motion for
Reconsideration of the order of dismissal of Crim. Case No. 212-97 no
resolution of which has been issued, complainant, in his Reply to the
Comment of respondent, refutes respondents explanation in this wise:
When the said motion was filed in Court on July 11, 1997, the Chinese
fishermen were not yet released from detention. It was during the pendency
of the motion that the Chinese fishermen were allowed to leave by the Chief
of Police of Subic, Zambales despite our representation that they should not
be released from jail as another case for illegal fishing was still pending
investigation. . . . The representatives from the Foreign Affairs merely wanted
to convey to Judge Ubiadas the serious implications of his Order of dismissal
on the ground of lack of jurisdiction on the territorial integrity and national
security of our country. In fact, Foreign Secretary Domingo Siazon publicly
denounced the Order of dismissal issued by Judge Ubiadas as evidenced of an
article which appeared in the July 13, 1997 issue of the Philippine Daily
Inquirer. Copy of said article is hereto attached as Annex A and made
integral part hereof.
There is no truth that they told Judge Ubiadas that they are no longer
interested in the setting aside of his Order of dismissal. In fact, the Motion for
Reconsideration of the said Order of dismissal was already filed in his Court
and he even issued an Order dated 18 July 1997 submitting the said Motion
for resolution. Copy of said Order dated 18 July 1997 is hereto attached as
Annex B and made integral part hereof. Since the said Motion for
Reconsideration of his Order of dismissal was already considered by him as

submitted for resolution as of 18 July 1997, Judge Ubiadas should have

resolved one way or the other, the said motion.20[20] (Underscoring supplied)

recommendation must be sought.25[25] So Fortuna v. Penaco-Sitaca26[26]


Whether the accused in Crim. Case No. 212-97 were already released at the
time of the filing of the motion for reconsideration did not relieve respondent
from resolving it as in fact he even issued an order stating that it was
submitted for resolution.

[A]dmission to bail as a matter of discretion presupposes the exercise thereof

in accordance with law and guided by the applicable legal principles. The
prosecution must first be accorded an opportunity to present evidence because
by the very nature of deciding applications for bail, it is on the basis of such
evidence that judicial discretion is weighed against in determining whether
the guilt of the accused is strong. In other words, discretion must be exercised
regularly, legally and within the confines of procedural due process, that is,
after the evaluation of the evidence submitted by the prosecution. Any order
issued in the absence thereof is not a product of sound judicial discretion but
of whim and caprice and outright arbitrariness. (Italics in the original;
underscoring supplied)27[27]

Article VIII, Section 15(1) of the 1987 Constitution and Canon 3, Rule 3.05 of
the Code of Judicial Conduct direct judges to dispose of their cases promptly
and within the prescribed periods, failing which they are liable for gross
To thus ensure that the mandates on the prompt disposition of judicial
business are complied with, this Court laid down guidelines in SC
Administrative Circular No. 1322[22] which provides, inter alia, that:
Judges shall observe scrupulously the periods prescribed by Article VIII,
Section 15, of the Constitution for the adjudication and resolution of all cases
or matters submitted in their courts. Thus, all cases or matters must be
decided or resolved within twelve months from date of submission by all
lower collegiate courts while all other lower courts are given a period of three
months to do so. (Underscoring supplied)
This injunction is reiterated in SC Administrative Circular No. 3-9923[23]
which requires all judges to scrupulously observe the periods prescribed in the
Constitution for deciding cases, failure to observe which is a serious violation
of the constitutional right of the parties to speedy disposition of their
Having failed to resolve the Motion for Reconsideration, respondent is liable
for undue delay in rendering a decision or order which is a less serious charge
under Section 9 of Rule 140 of the Rules of Court and which carries the
penalty of suspension from office without salary and other benefits for not less
than one (1) nor more than three (3) months or a fine of more than P10,000
but not exceeding P20,000.

On the grant of bail to the accused in Crim. Case No. 271-99

Whether bail is a matter of right or discretion, and even if no charge has yet
been filed in court against a respondent-suspect-detainee, reasonable notice of
hearing is required to be given to the prosecutor, or at least his

True, a hearing of the petition for bail was conducted in Crim. Case No. 27199 on January 4, 2000 at 8:30 a.m.28[28] Given the filing of the petition only
the day before, at close to noontime, it cannot be said that the prosecution was
afforded reasonable notice and opportunity to present evidence after it
received a copy of the petition minutes before it was filed in court. It bears
stressing that the prosecution should be afforded reasonable opportunity to
comment on the application for bail by showing that evidence of guilt is
While in Section 18 of Rule 114 on applications for bail, no period is provided
as it merely requires the court to give a reasonable notice of the hearing to
the prosecutor or require him to submit his recommendation, and the general
rule on the requirement of a three-day notice for hearing of motions under
Section 4 of Rule 15 allows a court for good cause to set the hearing on
shorter notice, there is, in the case of Mangohig, no showing of good cause to
call for hearing his petition for bail on shorter notice.
Reasonable notice depends of course upon the circumstances of each
particular case, taking into account, inter alia, the offense committed and the
imposable penalties, and the evidence of guilt in the hands of the prosecution.
In Crim. Case No. 271-99, Mangohig was arrested for violation of Sec. 5(b),
Art. III of R.A. 7610,30[30] which is punishable by reclusion temporal to

reclusion perpetua, and subsequently indicted for statutory rape31[31]

qualified by relationship which is punishable by death.
Under the circumstances, by respondents assailed grant of bail, the
prosecution was deprived of due process for which he is liable for gross
ignorance of the law or procedure32[32] which is a serious charge under Sec.
8 of Rule 140 of the Rules of Court. The charge carries the penalty of
dismissal from the service with forfeiture of all or part of the benefits or
suspension from office without salary and other benefits for more than 3 but
not exceeding 6 months or a fine of more than P20,000 but not exceeding
This Court takes this occasion to reiterate the injunction that a judge is called
upon to balance the interests of the accused who is entitled to the presumption
of innocence until his guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt, and to enable
him to prepare his defense without being subject to punishment prior to
conviction,34[34] against the right of the State to protect the people and the
peace of the community from dangerous elements.35[35]

On the failure to recognize complainants special designation from

the Ombudsman in Crim. Case No. 634-99

The brushing aside by the OCA of respondents explanation on the matter is

well taken.
In the exercise of his power to investigate and prosecute on its own or on
complaint by any person, any act or omission of any public officer or
employee, office or agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
unjust, improper or inefficient,36[36] the Ombudsman is authorized to call
on prosecutors or lawyers in the government service for assistance.37[37]
Section 31 of the Ombudsman Act of 1989 provides:
Designation of Investigators and Prosecutors The Ombudsman may utilize
the personnel of his office and/or designate or deputize any fiscal, state

prosecutor or lawyer in the government service to act as special investigator or

prosecutor to assist in the investigation and prosecution of certain cases.
Those designated or deputized to assist him as herein provided shall be under
his supervision and control.
It is on the basis of the above-quoted provision of law that Deputy
Ombudsman for Luzon Jesus Guerrero endorsed Case No. OMB-1-98-2418
(Chan v. Esmane-Diaz) to complainant with the instruction to file the
Information and to prosecute the case.38[38] The indorsement included an
order to submit a monthly report to the Office of the Ombudsman of any
actions taken in relation to the case.
Respondents December 17, 1999 Order39[39] which states, inter alia, as
The Officer-in-Charge of the City Prosecutors Office is hereby directed to
designate any of the Assistant Prosecutors of the City Prosecutors Office to
take the place of Provincial Prosecutor Dorentino Z. Floresta. While
Prosecutor Floresta appears to have been deputized by the Office of the
Ombudsman to prosecute this case, no special reason was given for such
authority. Instead, it appears that such designation was merely based on the
premise that the offense charged was committed in Subic municipality as
erroneously indicated in the original Information filed with this Court.
Inasmuch as the Information as amended, upon the initiative of Prosecutor
Floresta himself, shows that the place of the commission of the offense
charged is in Olongapo City, the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor does not
have the authority to continue prosecuting this case for the People of the
Philippines (Section 2, Rule 117, 1997 Rules of Criminal Procedure). For this
reason, the Office of the City Prosecutor should take his place inasmuch as the
Office of the City Prosecutor of Olongapo has territorial jurisdiction over the
offense charged.40[40] (Underscoring supplied),
shows that he was not only aware of complainants designation, hence,
belying his explanation that he must have overlooked the same. It also shows
his ignorance of the above-cited provision of the Ombudsman Act which does
not require the presence of a special reason for the designation or deputization
by the Ombudsman of any prosecutor or government lawyer to assist him.
It would appear though from respondents above-quoted December 17, 1999
Order that he was of the belief that it was the City Prosecutor, rather than the
Provincial Prosecutor, who had territorial jurisdiction over the offense. It is
in this light that he is given the benefit of the doubt, absent any showing that
he was motivated by malice or bad faith.
With respect to the charges raised against respondent in complainants April
1, 2003 Manifestation, by which complainant submitted an unsigned and
undated complaint by a certain Dr. Reino Rosete and copies of respondents
other assailed decisions: While Section 1 of Rule 140 of the Rules of Court,
as amended, allows the institution of administrative proceedings upon an
anonymous complaint, the veracity of Rosetes complaint is doubtful as it
does not bear his signature. It is clearly not intended to be an anonymous
Finally, on the rest of the charges against respondent, this Court is unable to
pass upon them as complainant merely submitted photocopies of respondents

assailed orders without stating clearly and concisely the alleged acts and
omissions constituting violations of standards of conduct prescribed for judges
by law, the Rules of Court or the Code of Judicial Conduct.
WHEREFORE, respondent, Judge Eliodoro G. Ubiadas, Presiding Judge of
RTC Branch 72, Olongapo City, is found GUILTY of undue delay in
resolving a motion and of gross ignorance of the law or procedure in granting
an application for bail without affording the prosecution due process. He is
accordingly FINED in the amount of TWENTY THOUSAND PESOS
(P20,000.00), with WARNING that repetition of the same or similar acts shall
be dealt with more severely.
Vitug, (Chairman), Sandoval-Gutierrez, and Corona, JJ., concur.
A.M. No. RTJ-03-1774, 27 May 2004
Judges owe it the public and the legal profession to know the very law they
are supposed to apply to a given controversy.
Then Provincial Prosecutor, now Regional Trial Court Judge Dorentino Z.
Floresta administratively charged Judge Eliodoro G. Ubiadas of the Regional
Trial Court (RTC) with gross ignorance of the law, grave abuse of authority
and violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct in hearing and deciding several
Judge Floresta faults Judge Ubiadas for dismissing a criminal case for illegal
entry, for lack of jurisdiction. Complainant likewise faults Judge Ubiadas for
failure to resolve, as he has yet to resolve, the Motion for Reconsideration
and/or Clarification of the Order dismissing said criminal case, despite the
lapse of more than two years since the filing of the motion. By such failure, he
charges Judge Ubiadas with violation of Canon 3, Rule 3.05 of the Code of
Judicial Conduct which enjoins judges to dispose of the courts business
promptly and decide cases within the required periods, and of SC Circular No.
13 (July 1, 1987) which requires lower courts to resolve cases or matters
before them within three months or ninety days from date of submission.
Judge Floresta furthermore faults Judge Ubiadas for granting, without giving
notice to the prosecution, the petition for bail of Jose Mangohig, Jr. who was
arrested by virtue of a warrant issued by the Municipal Trial Court of Subic,
Zambales which found probable cause against him for violation of Section
5(b), Art. III of Republic Act No. 7610 (Special Protection of Children
Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act). Finally, he faults
Judge Ubiadas for disqualifying petitioner judge from appearing in a criminal
case despite petitioner judges designation to handle the prosecution of the
case by the Ombudsman.
Whether or not Judge Ubiadas acted with gross ignorance of the law, grave
abuse of authority and violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct in hearing
and deciding cases
Judge Eliodoro G. Ubiadas is found GUILTY of undue delay in resolving a
motion and of gross ignorance of the law or procedure in granting an
application for bail without affording the prosecution due process.
On innumerable occasions this Court has impressed upon judges that, as
mandated by the Code of Judicial Conduct, they owe it to the public and the
legal profession to know the very law they are supposed to apply to a given
controversy. They are called upon to exhibit more than just a cursory
acquaintance with statutes and procedural rules, to be conversant with the
basic law, and to maintain the desired professional competence.

The propriety of the dismissal, on motion of the accused, on jurisdictional

grounds is, however, a matter for judicial adjudication and the proper recourse
of a party aggrieved by the decision of a judge is to appeal to the proper court,
not file an administrative complaint.
However, having failed to resolve the Motion for Reconsideration, Judge
Ubiadas is liable for undue delay in rendering a decision or order which is a
less serious charge under Section 9 of Rule 140 of the Rules of Court.
The Court takes the occasion to reiterate the injunction that a judge is called
upon to balance the interests of the accused who is entitled to the presumption
of innocence until his guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt, and to enable
him to prepare his defense without being subject to punishment prior to
conviction, against the right of the State to protect the people and the peace of
the community from dangerous elements.
In the exercise of his power to investigate and prosecute on its own or on
complaint by any person, any act or omission of any public officer or
employee, office or agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
unjust, improper or inefficient, the Ombudsman is authorized to call on
prosecutors or lawyers in the government service for assistance.
Judge Ubiadas was not only aware of complainants designation, hence,
belying his explanation that he must have overlooked the same. It also shows
his ignorance of the provision of the Ombudsman Act which does not require
the presence of a special reason for the designation or deputization by the
Ombudsman of any prosecutor or government lawyer to assist him.

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