Bulletin 12 11 14
Bulletin 12 11 14
Bulletin 12 11 14
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Secret Santa Shop: Through Fri, Dec. 12 in room 1111. Today, Dec 11, M/S are scheduled to go
at their teachers discretion.
Santa Grams: TODAY through Fri, Dec. 12, all grade level students may purchase Santa
Grams (a message with a trinket) for their fellow students with delivery on Tues, Dec. 16, during lunch.
Cost is $2. Homeroom teachers will have copies of the Santa Gram request forms.
Fundraisers for 4th Grade Trip
Franklin Countys 1st Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest! Theme: The Man - The Struggle - The Dream
Open to FCS & ABC School students in grades 8 12
Must be at least 1500 words and typed (single space)
Must be submitted to Mrs. Dolores Croom in FCS library by January 12, 2015
Winner will be announced at the January 19th MLK Event at the National Guard Armory, Apalachicola
Must be present to receive prizes: 1st Place- $75 2nd Place- $50 3rd Place- $25
For more information contact Mrs. Dolores Croom at dcroom@franklin.k12.fl.us
All Scholarship Info & Applications are available in Ms. Joyners classroom.
Arts for Life: $2,000 Postmark by 2/2/15
Willie B. Speed Higher Education: $250 Postmark by 5/1/15
Children of Divorce: $1,000 http://www.myfloridalaw.com/children-of-divorce-scholarship-ayo-iken/ Postmark by 5/1/15
Southern Scholarship Foundation Housing: Applications accepted year round. Priority deadline for Fall 2015 is 4/1/15
Maultsby Prize: $3,000 college scholastic assistance grant. Keyboard performance competition.
Grady-Rayam Prize: $3,000 college scholastic assistance grant. Vocal music competition (singing Negro spiritual songs)
Fruity Cheerios Cereal, Pork Sausage Patty, Honey Wheat Biscuit, Toast, Strawberry Waffle Graham, Chocolate or Strawberry/Marshmallow
Rockinola, Blueberry Yogurt Parfait, Banana, Grape Juice, Milk
Cheeseburger, Chicken Chef Salad, Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Cheese Calzonettes, PB Jamwich/Cheese Stick/Chips, Peach/Cherry/ or Blueberry
Yogurt Parfait, Cucumber Slices w/ Dip, Stir Fry Veggies, Apple Juice, Fruit Punch, Orange Juice, Blue Razz Juice, Milk
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Wed, Dec 17
1st Period 8:00 - 10:00
2nd Period 10:05-12:05
Report to regular 5th & 6th periods
Fri, Dec. 19
5th Period 8:00 - 10:00
6th 10:05-12:05
Lunch 12:05
Early Release @ 12:30pm
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Baked Goods Silent Auction: Fri, Dec 12, in front office conference room Fundraiser for Junior Class
M/S Teachers Meeting: Tues, Dec 16, in room 1017 (Countryman), 2:10-2:45pm
Food Service Staff Christmas Dinner: Tues, Dec 16, in cafeteria, 6:00-7:30pm
Teacher Appreciation Tea: Wed, Dec 17, in library @ 2:15pm Compliments of National Honor Society
Shirley Freeman-cafeteria (12/11)
Carol Allen (12/12)
Annual Jingle Bell Sprint: January 9, 2015 @ FCS Track. Races begin at 6:00pm. Turn in registration forms to Kati
Hathcock at the school or email her at khathcock@franklin.k12.fl.us . You may also register online at
http://www.raceit.com/search/event.aspx?id=30297 Event sponsored by the Franklin County Schools Track & Field Team.
**Seahawk Scoop on District Website: The Seahawk Scoop is available at www.franklincountyschools.org see the quick
link on the right hand side of the page.
BOX TOPS for EDUCATION: The Franklin County School PTO is collecting Box Tops!
Please send Box Tops to your child's teacher or drop them off in the front office.
Franklin County School Districts Equity Coordinator is Nick OGrady.
Contact Information: 85 School Road, Eastpoint Phone 850.670.2810 x 4110 Fax 850.670.2812 Cell 850.653.5065
Franklin County Adult School GED Testing Center is now open!
If you are interested in earning your GED, go to www.GED.com & register to take the test, choosing the Franklin County site for testing.
You will not be able to take the test on the same day that you register, so register early!
The testing site is at the Franklin County District Office (old Brown Elementary School). The hours of operation are:
Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays from 9:00am-1:00pm and 5:00pm-10:00pm - presently closed these days
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00am-10:00pm.
For more information call 670-2810 ext. 4127
**The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a fixed, regular, & adequate
nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle,
campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive
services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Hengle Student & Family Assistance LLC.,
Sandi Hengle, Franklin County Schools Homeless Liaison, anytime at cell number (850) 323-0982 or email shengle@franklin.k12.fl.us
FYI Parents - Student Documents & Forms Online: Parent documents of interest may be found at:
www.franklincountyschools.org under student services or parent connections. Documents include but are not limited to:
Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, Athletic Handbook, Parent's Right to Know, School Improvement Plans, Parent Involvement
Plans, Student Records Manual, Supplemental Education Services (Tutoring), School Public Accountability Reports and the District Title
I -5 Year Plan. All documents will be made available in Spanish upon request. Call 670-2810 x 4108 or
email jmalone@franklin.k12.fl.us
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