The Barthes Effect. The Essay As Reflective Text
The Barthes Effect. The Essay As Reflective Text
The Barthes Effect. The Essay As Reflective Text
Perpetual displacement
S/Z: turning-point. Programmatic text. Program of his work to come. Ideal text
[en este texto ideal las redes son mltiples y juegan entre ellas sin que ninguna
pueda reinar sobre las dems; este texto no es una estructura de significados, es
una galaxia de significantes; no tiene comienzo; es reversible; se accede a l a
travs de mltiples entradas sin que ninguna de ellas pueda ser declarada con oda
seguridad la principal; los cdigos que movilizan se perfilan hasta perderse de
vista, son indecibles (el sentido no est sometido a un principio de decisin sino
al azar); los sistemas de sentido pueden apoderarse de este texto absolutamente
plural, pero su nmero no se cierra nunca, al tener como medida el infinito del
Renounced criticism, philosophical system and rhetorical composition: no
generic category.
Intermediate category entre el TE y el TL: the reflective text. No longer a
question the meaning of literary works but are a practical interrogation of
reading and writing, of literature as a product of writing/reading. Text that as
transgressed the paradigmatic slash mark (divorcio de la institucin literaria).
Rhetorico-formal economy of the essay as a reflective text.
Mquina literaria (Deleuze)
respective differences. What procedure designates is, above all, the power of the
mana word as the dark precursor (Deleuze) of always dissimilar and unequal
series that became increasingly remote and different. A pure difference that put al
least two heterogeneous series into contact (intellectual and sensual objects): play
as long as possible the game of difference that the mana word makes possible.
The complex movement of profusion and dissemination has a name in Barthes
works: structural reflex.
The essay as an intensive system. Each time that a coupling of divergent series
takes place, an internal resonance occurs in the system: the text. Takes 2 forms:
1) pensive sonority, song of sentence ideas, music of figures, methafors, thoughtwords: level of minimal unities of the system (emphibologies, puns, etc).
Resonating series of sensual and intellectual objects under the action of the mana
word as linguistic precursor conditioning their couplage: gestures of the idea. 2)
form of a doctrinal vibration, musical idea of a song cycle. Units of higher rank:
the fragments of the Essay as partial textual objects impossible to totalize.
Development would be countered by tone, something articulated and sung:
timbre. Only the formal structure of the work enables the fragment to be
deciphered not as a part of a whole, and even less as the germ of an organic
totality, but as an intercalated piece in a cycle: intermezzo, a pure resonance
between intermezzi.
The intensive system creates this ideal of a high condensation, not of thought, or
of wisdom, or of truthbut of music, that assures the exchange between the
most heterogeneous fragments and produces the internal solidarity specific to
each essay.
It is impossible to assimilate fragment and detail without another form of
process. Detail belongs to another cutting up of the text: elucidate the nature of
their relations (the economy of exchanges): this problem is at the heart of the
question of the genre of the Essay as specific fragmental text. Film.
Fragment is no defined by its position in a compositional chain: it is
syntagmatically irresponsible (asyndeton, anacoluto, corto circuito) A
phenomenon of the same order occurs at the level of details: discontinuous,
indifferent to all narrative, disseminated, reversible.
The dominant figure that governs the formation of fragments is indisputably that
of complication (the diagonal encounter of several languages, the montage of
different texts, the telescoping of quotations from various sources, etc). But the
figure that governs the formation of allegories is implicatios: word of double
meaning, enantionsemas, etc. Double economy controlling elements of different
magnitudes: typo of resonance which they induce in the system and the novel
kind of unity. Unprecedented displacement occurs at the very heart of the
traditional reading: 1) in place of lexeological continuum, it substitutes a reading
wich is at once instantaneous and vertical, different dimension: vertical, oblique,
transversal (it establishes the resonance of the details. Tone: reading as traversing
through sings and writing), 2) the presence of detail as a disseminating and
inarticulable element provokes a mutation of the text: in place of a composed
text, it substitutes a polyphonic and discontinuous. Unity and totality are no
longer principles of organization, but rather oblique effects of the specific mode
of production and arrangement by wich the text is composed.
In reading such a text one must appeal no longer to a synoptic vision but rather to
a third sense: the hearing, a reading of the text but as orchestration,
counterpoint, stereophony. Only a reading of this kind can keep track of the
permutative deployment of details and their dissemination in the text, only such a
reading allows one to render an account of, to orchestrate, the units of different
magnitude, fragments and details.
undetermined as well. The essay is the text that destroys the last category that
was to provide a resolution of the problem of the Unity so peculiar to the
fragmental work in general: the reader. Essay: text that is based less on the
psychology or thought of one Author than on a theory of the different postures
assumed in a necessarly desultory and circular manner by the presumed Author
of the text and by the Reader. Rotation of roles.
The traditional hierarchy that separates the Author of a work from its Reader
(precedence) is obsolete: neither surpasses the other, neither can be considered
the unique donor or the ultimate organizer of the work. The author is no more the
master of what he wrote than the reader is the slave of what he reads. Author is
producer and product of his work, and the reader no longer a passive consumer.
No longer consumption but play. The Author appears as a produced figure, it
refers to a multiplicity of possible readers that defines a new reading space of the
text: open and no hierarquized.
Reconsideration of the classical category of thought (questioned and subverted).
Essay no longer presents itself as a homogeneous text that expounds a thought
but as a literary machine intended to produce effects. Not based on an instance of
truth the essay reflect a double movement. 1) mode of production: certain mode
of utilization and transfiguration of the objects of knowledge and dissertation.,
certain way of arranging the apparently most heteroclitic contents without
totalization. new intellectual art. Less expounding a system of thoughts tan in
playing in a festive manner, in miming or simulating all the postures and all the
figures that a given theme can arouse in any potencial reader: the essential being
that it works, and hat there an here, dicontinously but surely the reader be taken
in. 2) modes of possible reception. Type of efficacy it seeks. It offers the reader a
discursive site in a generalized system of exchanges among the most diverse
languages. Simulation. Making the reader recognize (herself in) a scene of
language, and taken an active part in the text.