Oct2314 Cha
Oct2314 Cha
Oct2314 Cha
Faithful Ministers
he prophet that hath a dream, let him
tell a dream; and he that hath my
word, let him speak my word
faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat?
saith the LORD. Jeremiah 23:28
As ministers we must always be
careful not to mix up any other thing with
the Word of the Living God. Some go
around with good intentions and try to
inspire people with their dream. Good
intentions and dreams are not, however
infallible (unable to fall) and inerrant
(without error).
Only the proven,
preserved eternal Word of God stands
alone as Gods word to man and the final
authority in all matters of faith, practice,
morality, life, death, past, present and
future. No man while sitting in a special
chair is able to speak infallibly. There is
Gods word; all else is chaff. So says
Jeremiah. It is truly a blessing to have
I Have a ProblemGod
Has the Answer
God Delights in Helping His
Children by Dr. Tim Cruse
Thank You
The recent ministry of Rev. Reaves here
and the time of fellowship afterward and
those who helped.
Durham Rescue Mission
Help us to get things together to take to
the good work of Brother Mills in
Canned food, clothes,
childrens toys, etc., will help the needs
there. Boxes are placed so you may
bring in the needed items.
Land Purchase
Pray still for the finalization of one of the
Churchs long term goals.
Christmas Offering
The important and exciting season will
be coming soon. Pray and get ready to
give as the Lord leads in our once a year
Daylight Time
Our clocks will change November 2, a
week from Sunday. Back one hour!