The Messenger: That All Who Would in Him Believe, Should Everlasting Life Receive. LSB 571:1
The Messenger: That All Who Would in Him Believe, Should Everlasting Life Receive. LSB 571:1
The Messenger: That All Who Would in Him Believe, Should Everlasting Life Receive. LSB 571:1
Craig for white m IsraelCampion ons 4 hurch Latinyour friends signfamily? serve! Please and up to ssenger particular Sunday. with Thompson read on a et 4 #213 Adrianne all who y Thanksgiving! Servant Bulletin Board. offeeand Noteson the on the Newsletterschildren Bible (From an this day! Hosts sign up click in teaching your link. me eternal Dont miss ws Karri Benedetti oses. That 538 ndar Banner to aide you 6 1 and
in Him
Explanation of the Small Catechism, question 117)
y ovember 10th 0 Tammy Giroux m Which words of the Apostles' Creed believe, Apt. 10:00pm 1 to#290 a Kaplan 0 Lilly describe the stages of Christ's m Bible is large-format, specialty edition Bible beautifully suited for display in pulpits and lecterns. Its size, 8.5 x lpit 537 newsletter of Mount Olive Lutheran Church November 0 Sharon Roe humiliation? 2011 Should y Layne Lahrke 2 Natalie and join us to finish your Advent Calendar Banner OR tizer to and involve everlasting "Conceived unicateshareKnowski extended family in the life of your children. by the Holy Spirit, born 2 are currently Frank u of the Virgin Mary, suffered under life receive. 7 2 Ellie Zuehlke Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died 3 Gennie Meinecke and was buried." (question 128) Meyer Roeder LSB 571:1 7 Gregg and Joyce Flanscha m8 join us for some mom time! Which words of the Apostles' Creed 8 Reid Turner describe the stages of Christ's exaltation? "He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the I Believe in . right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come . .Jesus to judge the living and the dead." Christ, His 10:45a.m.(question 142) only Son, 11:30a.m.
Wednesday Evening Worship and Bible Study 7:00p.m. Pastor Rev. Mark Nierman
he Messenger
6 Schumacher netteBernice are expounded. Ford ay and the texts Up Night s Craft CatchZimmerman 8 Hannah
serving, please me for a the office for more details! would
our Lord
Part four in a series on the Apostles Creed
Mount Olive Luther an Church 3411 South Taft Ave Lovela nd, CO 80537 9706697350
mountol ivelovela nd@yah
970- 980-5584 Visitation Pastor Rev. John Israel 970-203-1652 Office Hours Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00a.m. 2:00p.m. Friday 9:00a.m. Noon Additional hours by appointment.
God loved the world so that He gave His only Son the lost to save,
What does it mean when you confess, I believe in Jesus Christ? In means that I know and trust in Jesus Christ as my only Savior from sin, death and the devil and believe that he give
Who do people say I am? Jesus asked this question of his disciples. It is an equally important question for us today. People today espouse all kinds of views about who Jesus is and what it means to believe in Him. As Christians, we know that any answer that doesnt acknowledge that Jesus is Gods Son is insufficient. 1 John 4:2-3 says, Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. Someone who confesses that Jesus was merely a good man or a prophet does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus revealed in Scripture, for He is the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20). To believe in Jesus Christ is to trust that Jesus is true God and the He alone is the one who has saved us from all sin through his death and resurrection. In the second article of the creed we confess that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God and all that he did on our behalf so that we may have the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. We confess Christs humiliation, that although He was true God He willingly set aside divine rights and powers and humbled Himself to the point of death, even death on a cross. We also confess Christs exaltation, that by His power He conquered sin, death and the devil, and has ascended into heaven where He lives as our Lord and King. We will be taking a closer look at each of these in the future. The early church used the symbol of a fish which encompassed all of these truths about
Jesus Christ in one concise stateme nt of faith. The fish is a symbol of Christia nity not because fish played a part in Jesus ministry or merely because most of the disciples were fisherma n. The symbol of the fish was one of the earliest creeds. The Greek
word for fish is (i-ch-th-u-s). These five letters were initials for five Greek words which confessed Christ: Iesous (Jesus) Christos (Christ), Theou (Gods) Uios (Son), Soter (Savior). Some believe that the fish symbol was a way that Christians would find and identify one another during times of persecution. It was a symbol found frequently in ancient Christian artwork which visually proclaimed the words of 1 John 4:14, We have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. This is what we confess when we say, I believe in Jesus Christ. We confess that Jesus is Gods Son. We confess that He is our Savior. In Christ, Pastor Mark Nierman
Congratul ations
Brisco William Schaefer For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result
joy in from
bodies to life immortal; through Jesus Christ, Your our who and the Spirit, God, Amen. Son, Lord, lives reigns Holy one now
comfort only learning Sacrament to love You and their neighbor and to bear their cross with patience and joy until the day of of the their resurrection
and forever.
Help for today...hope for tomorrow is the essence of what the House of Neighborly Service has provided to low-income individuals and families in Southern Larimer County for 48 years! HNS was established in 1961 by the local pastors of Loveland to be a central place they could refer people, where there would be
ample resources and accountabilit y. HNS still remains a networking service with churches, other agencies and community members to ensure that those who truly are in need are being helped. For every $1 donated, HNS can purchase up to $10 worth of food. Food baskets are House of Neighborly Services' largest program. Clients may receive one food basket per month. Food baskets are prepared according to family size and are meant to last 5-7 days. They are nutritionally balanced and consistent. They include nonperishable foods such as fruit,
vegetables, pasta, cereal, soup, beans, rice, tuna, peanut butter, bread, and pastry products and perishable food such as milk, eggs, butter, meat, and available produce.
5:00 pm bring dishes for 5:30 pm dinner PROCEEDS TO SUPPORT: Faith Comes By Hearing Faith Comes By Hearing is committed to reaching the nations with the Word of God in audio, offering the Bible in a format that will connect with the world's 50% illiterate population. With every donation you are helping the Word of God spread throughout the literate and illiterate world. Every dollar makes a difference. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit... Matthew 28:19
Sign-up sheets are located on the back bulletin board for the following: name how many will be attending if you will be providing a salad or dessert help with setting up and/or cleaning up Should you have any questions, please contact a
In addition, they contain toiletries and incidentals. Requested toiletries, cleaning products, and paper products, as well as baby food, formula, diapers, and senior supplemental drinks are added when available. Cash contributions are used in this program to purchase the perishable food items and nonperishable foods that are not available to insure the basket is complete and nutritional. Bring your items to Mount Olive and place them in the boxes under the mailboxes. We will collect for the whole month of November.
at 970.635.055 7.
how Dr. Martin Luther explained the meaning of the petition Give us this day our daily bread. Luther said that God certainly gives daily bread to everyone without our prayers, even to all wicked people, but we pray in this petition that God would lead us to realize this and to receive our daily bread with thanksgiving. He then went on to explain what is meant by daily bread with these words: Daily bread includes everything that has to do with the support and wants of the body, such as food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout workers, devout and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, self-control, good reputation, good friends, faithful neighbors, and the like. Thats quite a list of things for which to be thankful. We enjoy these many blessings because two things that God delights in doing are loving and giving. This is stated so clearly in the well-known words of John 3:16 (NIV): God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. St. Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, penned these words in Romans 8:31-32 (NIV): He [God] who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us allhow will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? A suggestion for Christians each morning is to pray, Thank You, Lord, for the gifts of life, health, work, family, friends, home, daily bread and this new day. Bless and protect us this day in all our activities, travels, work and play. One of the best benefits that comes with thanksgiving is thanksliving that shows up as we freely and joyfully manage all of life and lifes resources for Gods purposes. That is Christian stewardship in the best sense of the word. Happy Thanksgiving!
Mothers of young children, infancy through preschool, are invited to join MOPS@ Mount Olive. for a Join us year of learning to be BOLD, LOVING, and SENSIBLE moms in the game. God does nt want us to be shy with his
**We will vote on our favorite soups to serve at the three Advent suppers**
LADIES OF MOUNT OLIVE ARE INVITED TO JOIN US ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th AT 6:00PM FOR A SOUP SWAP! This opportunity for good food and fellowship is hosted by WINGS. If you would like to swap, please bring a crock pot of your favorite soup along with a copy of the recipe. If not, just join us for soup sampling and fellowship. Crackers and beverages will be provided. friend! Please call or email the church office if you plan to attend. 970-669-7350 m Bring a
Fruit of the Spirit Bible Study with the fruit of KINDNESS. Dont forget to bring your mites and offerings! Invite someone new to join us! The WINGS group has adopted the by-laws and the constitution of the Mount Olive Ladies Guild and serves as an extension of the guild. All ladies are welcome to attend. Meetings include a short Bible Study, Mite collection, planning of service projects, church receptions and social events, prayer, fellowship and dessert! please contact Laura Burrill. Mount Olive Ladies Guild will meet on Tuesday, November 15, 2011, at 9 am in the lower level. Hostesses will be Jan Bloss. Joyce Flanscha will lead the devotion: Growing In Our Faith & Prayer Life. Mary Hoel will lead the Bible Study: Im Special. Jan Bloss will lead the Mite Box Devotion. All ladies of the congregation are invited for a time of fellowship, prayer, Bible study, Mite/Offering collection and a short business meeting. Contact Jan Bloss for more information. Come, find out what the Lutheran Womens Missionary League is all about. For information
*****Christmas Cards are Here! ***** Its not too early to get yours! Check out the great selection in the card case in the fellowship hall. See a member of the Ladies Guild if you need assistance. ****************** ****************** ****************** ****************** ****************** *****
people. You can be a voice of service reaching out to those who need an encouraging word, a helping hand, a comforting presence. You can be a voice of education helping others understand how God's Word of truth and grace connects to life issues. You can be a voice of witness pointing people to the true source of rescue. You can be an activist voice participating in Life Chains, Marches for Life, and prayer vigils. You can be a political voice practicing Christian citizenship and bringing your influence to bear through the political process." You can also make a difference by supporting Lutherans For Life so that materials and DVDs can continue to be produced and published, speaking engagements can increase in number, the visits to the LFL website can increase, and all work of LFL can continue. Consider joining LFL as a member. Visit with Pastor or Joyce Flanscha or Lynette Ford for details or visit the LFL website.
heavens and come down (64:1), instead came down in the womb of a virgin! What value this gives to the work of His hands.
advance, so your family does not need to make tough decisions at a tough time. Topics will include; service arrangements, cemetery plots, burial and cremation information, veteran and Medicaid benefits.
Pinochle moves to its winter time of 1:00pm beginning on Saturday, November 12th.
Everyone is welcome.
Altar Guild
chart for 2012 is posted on the Servant bulletin board. Please sign up to serve for one or two months. If you have questions, see Kellee Zweifel. 744-0913. MEN! We can always use a few more Ushers, especially as we near our season of Advent. If you are willing to usher on Sunday mornings
mornings! This is a simple task and a great way to greet everyone. Sign up sheet is ALWAYS posted on the Servant Board. If you have questions, contact Betty Layne. 635-0557.
Mens Night Out will be Tuesday, November 29th at 6:0pm. Men will meet at
Advent Services will be held on November 30th December 7th December 14th Services will be at 4:30pm and 7:00pm. Soup supper will be served by the ladies of WINGS and Ladies Guild from 5:006:45pm. Sign up sheets will be up by mid-November to provide desserts for our Advent soup suppers.
potluck lunch at noon. Hosts will be the Kasubkes and the Dassows. There will be a presentation by Viegut Funeral Home on funeral planning. Pre-arranging your funeral can be helpful. In this seminar learn how to plan your funeral in
Childr ens Christ mas Progra m will be held on Wedne sday, Decem ber 21st at 7:00p m with cookies and wassail followin g.
does this mean? Just for fun! Test your vocabulary with this quick quiz!
Answers on page 13.
1. Alb A. A Hebrew measurement B. A cry of repentance C. A white garment C. A Philistine city
Leaders of The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod (LCMS) will be guests at the White House on Friday, Oct. 28, as part of a daylong event with other representatives from Lutheran health and human service organizations across the country. Lutheran Services in America, which helped organize the event, expects more than 160 participants from almost 30 states and more than 50 different Lutheran organizations. The leaders are gathering in Washington to receive briefings from Obama Administration officials; attend issuespecific sessions with policymakers; and raise questions, concerns and recommendations about the provision of social services. Rev. Randall Golter, LCMS Rocky Mountain District President is one of ten people representing the LCMS at the White House event. The LCMS representatives will seek to learn more about the Obama Administrations priorities and raise key issues facing the church and the communities it supports through the LCMS network of not-for-profit partners known as Recognized Service Organizations. The LCMS is a founding partner and member of Lutheran Services in America, a network of more than 300
Lutheran health and human service organizations. Working neighbor to neighbor through services in health care, aging and disability supports, community development, housing, and child and family strengthening, these organizations together touch the lives of one in 50 Americans each year and have aggregated annual incomes of more than $18 billion.
Taking a Tour
of Heaven
What do the parts of the liturgy mean? This is a frequently asked question; maybe you have asked that question yourself. The following descriptions of worship and the parts of liturgy were first published in an article entitled Taking a Tour of Heaven.
Try for a moment to picture the heavenly throng standing before the throne of God on the Last Day. The numbers will be staggering. And yet, united as we all are to Christ, the Bridegroom, we will be one--his elect Bride. As the faithful make their way to the altar to feast on the Bread of Life in the distribution, they are given a glimpse of that holy Bride. Oh yes, we see all of her warts and blemishes: the petty bickering over trivial matters, the deep disagreements on more weighty issues, and the painful ways in which we sometimes treat one another. Yet, by our common confession of the truth, we are one in Christ. As Christ gives himself to us in this holy meal, he strengthens that unity and bids us love one another with a deep and abiding love. How can it be any other way, as we are sent from the table with the blessing to depart in peace?
Nunc Dimittis
Another Lutheran contribution to the church's liturgy is the use of the Nunc Dimittis as the post-communion canticle: "Lord, now let Your servant depart in peace." At first glance it appears that we're taking the words of Simeon completely out of context. After all, what does his experience have to do with ours? How can Holy Communion ever compare to Simeon's unique honor of holding the infant Jesus in his arms during the child's first visit to the temple at the tender age of 40 days (Lk 2:25-38)? Of course, we would love to have been in the temple and shared in the experience with Simeon. For that matter, we would give anything to have been the first--along with the shepherds--to see the infant Jesus, or to have been with the Magi as they offered their gifts to him. But, as Luther so insightfully taught, we don't find Christ in those places. Through the events of his incarnation, birth, crucifixion, and resurrection our Lord has accomplished our salvation. But the benefits of his saving work--forgiveness, life, and salvation--are distributed to us through his means of grace, his Word and Sacraments. We can't go back to stand with Simeon in the temple. The good news is that we don't have to. So when, following our reception of the Lord's Supper, we sing Simeon's ancient song of faith--"Lord, now let your servant depart in peace"-nothing could be more appropriate. Indeed, our eyes
have seen his salvation. Better yet, we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Ps. 34:8). So, what could be better than holding the infant Jesus in our arms? How about eating and drinking his body and blood given for the forgiveness of our sins? This truly is heaven on earth, because here we have Jesus and all his benefits.
Worship is like no place else in this world. But there is one place that it does resemble, and that is heaven.
November 6 November 9 November 13 November 16 November 20 November 23 Rick Pfeiffer and Conrad Brandt Rick Pfeiffer Brian Fischer Rick Pfeiffer Neil Hughes and Dan Daggett 4:30pm service Conrad Brandt 7:00pm service Rick Pfeiffer
Altar Guild
Mary Hoel and Claudette Dassow
Usher Schedule
November 6 Darrell Viegut, Jerry Layne, Brian Fischer, Ron Hildahl November 13 Dan Flanscha , Stephen Flanscha, Jack Bloss, Rick Pfeiffer November 20 Darrell Viegut, Rick Pfeiffer, Pat Degooyer, Monte Wegner November 23 4:30pm Conrad Brandt Jack Bloss,
7:00pm Jerry Layne, Rick Pfeiffer November 27 Brian Fischer, Rick Pfeiffer, Dan Flanscha, Pat Degooyer November 30 4:30 pm Jack Bloss, Rick Pfeiffer 7:00pm Jerry Layne, Brian Fischer
burrillcoffee@ soniapiano200
m cynthia.fische
e larrydassow@
.co rickpfeiffer868
voters heard reports from the Pastor, the Treasurer, the Nominating Committee, and all of the administrative boards. The voters took the following actions.
Nominated Rev. Al Schroeder of Immanuel, Loveland for circuit counselor, pending his consent. Elected Conrad Brandt to the office of Vice President. Elected Wes Riewe to the Board of Trustees. Adopted a $178,340.00 budget for 2012. Our 2011 budget is $171,080.00. Allocated $900 from funds received through Thrivent Choice for replacing the carpet in the lower level. This was in addition to $2000 previously allocated. The carpet project is now fully funded. Donated $515 from funds received through Thrivent Choice to University Lutheran Chapel in Boulder. Decided to purchase an altar Bible from funds received through the LCEF promotion earlier this year. Previously, a $100 donation had been made to House of Neighborly Service from funds received through the LCEF promotion.
Do you have an announcement for the weekly bulletin or the Mount Olive Messenger? Please submit your information to Laura in the church office by email at
information is needed by Wednesdays. Newsletter submissions no later than the 20th of each month.
have purchased and won me and the whole world in the atoning death of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Keep me mindful of Your mercies every day and grant that I may thank, praise, serve and obey You not only with my lips but also with a life dedicated to the service of my neighbor. To You, O Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, praise and thanksgiving, now and forever. Amen.
Join us on Thanksgiving Eve, November 23rd for the Service of Evening Prayer at 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm
Luthers Prayer for Thanksgiving Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Lord God, heavenly Father, You have created me and endowed me with all that I am or have as a pure gift you Your fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in me. You sustain me from day to day with the gifts of daily bread in the food that I eat , the family that surrounds me, the friends I enjoy, the country where I live, and countless other benefits that I constantly receive from Your open hand. On this Day of Thanksgiving, cause me to gratefully remember the good gifts that You shower upon me. Deepen in me the knowledge of Your goodness, and awaken my heart to praise you for all of Your gifts, especially the forgiveness of sins that You
1 7pm Elders
8 6pm Board of Evangelism/ PR 7 pm Board of Ed, Fellowship, Stewardship Trustees 7:15pm 15 9am Ladies Guild
2 6:30am Mens Bible Study 9:15 am MOPS@ MO 7pm Worship & Bible Study 9 6:30am Mens Bible Study 7pm Worship & Bible Study
10 Noon Keenagers 7-10pm MOPS Moms Craft Catch Up 17 7pm HOA Spring Mountain
16 6:30am Mens Bible Study 9:15 am MOPS@ MO 7pm Worship & Bible Study 23 6:30am Mens Bible Study 4:30/7pm Thanksgiving Eve Service 30 6:30am Mens Bible Study 4:30/7pm Advent Service 5:00-6:30 Soup Supper