Jiuzhou DTS6600: A HDTV PVR For All Walks of Life
Jiuzhou DTS6600: A HDTV PVR For All Walks of Life
Jiuzhou DTS6600: A HDTV PVR For All Walks of Life
front panel supports a very
easy to read 4-digit segment
display, flanked by two LEDs
as the
16:9 aspect
ratio and a number of 4:3
options are all implemented,
as is a digital optical audio a n d
output which can provide a 1 . 3
PCM or Dolby Digital (bit- (USALS) for moto-
stream) signal. rised antennas are available.
50 Years
which also include LED, RFID products, ambitions even aim to reach the USD 1.5
Broadband Network Systems, optical and billion turnover target. Jiuzhou’s aim is
coaxial cable, and of course satellite recei- to become a leading company in the top
vers, which are being exported for their ranking enterprises in China and amongst
most parts. Jiuzhou belongs to the Top
the companies worldwide operating in the
100 companies in China in the electronic
digital TV technology.
information sector. Furthermore, Jiuzhou
belongs to the Top 500 group of most
On 16th November 2008 Jiuzhou officially successfull enterprises in China und with A more detailed report on Jiuzhou has
celebrates its 50th birthday. The state- its turnover of up to USD 1 billion in 2008 been published by TELE-satellite in its
owned company started in 1958 and is it also belongs to the Top 1000 largest 02-03/2008 issue, which is available for
specialized into digital television systems, enterprises in China. For 2009 Jiuzhou’s download at www.TELE-satellite.com