Spatial Quantile Regression by GRAŻYNA TRZPIOT
Spatial Quantile Regression by GRAŻYNA TRZPIOT
Spatial Quantile Regression by GRAŻYNA TRZPIOT
In a number of applications, a crucial problem consists in describing and
analyzing the influence of a vector Xi of covariates on some real-valued
response variable Yi. In the present context, where the observations are made
over a collection of sites, this study is more difficult, due to the complexity of the
possible spatial dependence among the various sites. In this paper, instead of
spatial mean regression, we thus consider the spatial quantile regression
functions. Quantile regression has been considered in a spatial context. The
main aim of this paper is to incorporate quantile regression and spatial
econometric modeling. Substantial variation exists across quantiles, suggesting
that ordinary regression is insufficient on its own. Quantile estimates of
a spatial-lag model show considerable spatial dependence in the different parts
of the distribution.
1. Introduction
Grayna Trzpiot
y = WY + X + u .
Y ( ) = WY + X
(2) the reduced form
Y ( ) = ( I W ) 1 X
(3) or a decomposition into trend andsignal components
Y ( ) = X + W ( I W ) 1 X
Spatial effects generally appear as noise around a spatial trend that looks
much like the predicted values from an OLS regression of Y on X. The objective
Grayna Trzpiot
Qy ( X ) = X ( X ) , 0 < < 1.
Usually, we have limited our attention to a small number of values for the
quantile, . Focusing on that values provides useful information about the
distribution of the dependent variable given values of X, but it certainly does not
provide a complete picture of the full distribution of y.
Q y ( j X ) = X ( j X ) j = 1,, J
Q y ( j X ) = 0 ( j ) + 1 ( j ) x1 + .... + k ( j ) xk ,
j = 1,,J
Q y ( j X , x1 = 0 ) = 0 ( j ) + 1 ( j ) 0 + .... + k ( j ) xk , j = 1,,J
Grayna Trzpiot
Q y ( j X , x1 = 0 ) = 0 ( j ) + 1 ( j )1 + .... + k ( j ) xk , j = 1,,J
With J quantiles and n observations, equation (6) and (7) imply nJ values
for the conditional quantile functions. Since 1 ( j ) is not constant, the
conditional quantile functions imply a full distribution of values for y even when
x1 is the only variable in the model.
y i =
j =1
yj ,
yi = f (loi , lai ) + X i + ui
yi = X i (loi , lai ) + ui .
The spatial AR model is based on the assumption that the researcher can
specify a simple parametric function that accounts for both the relationship
between X and Y and the entire spatial relationship between all observations.
Nonparametric approaches are based on an assumption that the researcher can
correctly specify the variables that influence Y, but they allow for local variation
in the marginal effect of X on Y. The spatial AR model and its variants may be
useful in situations where the objective is to estimate a causal relationship
between Y and neighboring values of the dependent variable.
Grayna Trzpiot
values from the quantile regression are WY ( ) . In the second stage, they
estimate another quantile regression for the same value of , this time with Y as
the dependent variable and X and WY ( ) as the explanatory variables.
Only 10 quantile regressions are needed to estimate the model for 5
quantiles (e.g., = 0,10, 0,25, 0,50, 0,75, 0,90). Zietz et al. (2008) and Liao and
Wang (2012) use this approach to estimate quantile versions of the spatial AR
model. They use bootstrap procedures to construct standard error estimates.
Though somewhat more complicated, the Chernozhukov and Hansen
(2006) approach may be more robust than the Kim and Muller (2004) approach
because it does not require that the same quantile be used in both stages of the
An additional advantage is that Chernozhukov and Hansen present
a covariance matrix estimate that is easy to construct.
for . The estimated value of is the value that produces the coefficient on WY
that is closest to zero. After finding the estimated values of are calculated
by a quantile regression of Y WY on X. The motivation behind this
estimator is a property of two-stage
least squares: when instruments are chosen
optimally, the coefficient on WY will be zero when both the actual variable,
WY, and the instrumental variable are included in a regression.
Standard error estimates are easy to construct for the Chernozhukov and
Hansen method. Let e represent the residuals from the quantile regression
of Y WY on X, and define I ( ei < h) /(2h) , where h is a constant
= ( , ) is:
V () = J ( )1 S ( ) J ( ) 1
J ( ) =
S ( ) = (1 )
As is the case for any instrumental variables (IV) estimator, the estimates
from either approach can be sensitive to the choice of instruments. However, an
important advantage of the IV approach over maximum likelihood estimation,
which is commonly used for the non-quantile version of the spatial AR model, is
that that there is no need to invert the nxn matrix ( I W ) 1 when estimating
the model.
It may still prove necessary to invert large matrices when constructing
predicted values for Y. Let Y ( ) denote the set of predicted values of the
dependent variable for quantile .
Three procedures are often used to construct Y ( ) :
quantile version of the structural model
Y ( ) = ( )WY + X ( )
Y ( ) = ( I ( )W ) 1 X ( )
Y ( ) = X ( ) + ( )W ( I ( )W ) 1 X ( )
WY ( ) = W ( I ( )W ) 1 X ( )
Grayna Trzpiot
them separate. Also, note that lo and la can represent any geographic coordinate
system rather than just longitude and latitude.
All that is necessary to estimate a nonparametric version of equation (16)
is to specify a kernel weight function that indicates the weight given an
observation with coordinates (lo, la) when estimate the function at a target point
(lot, lat). One approach is to use a simple product kernel:
K ( d t / h)
The kernel weight function in equation (19) draws a circle around the
target point to form the weights. Although, equation 18 is slightly more general,
there is little difference between the two in practice. With J different quantiles,
the set of estimated coefficients for explanatory variable k, k , is an nxJ matrix.
With K explanatory variables in addition to the intercept, the nxJ matrix of
quantile predictions is
y = 0 + xk k
k =1
y = 0 + x1 + xk k .
k =2
The calculations can be repeated for other values of and for other
explanatory variables. The results can then be summarized using estimated
kernel density functions.
Model is analogous to conditionally parametric (CPAR) local linear
regression. The estimation procedure involves estimating separate quantile
regressions for various target points, with more weight placed on observations
that are close to the target. Unlike a fully nonparametric approach, the CPAR
Grayna Trzpiot
approach produces coefficient estimates for the explanatory variables. But unlike
the spatial AR version of quantile regression, the estimated coefficients vary
over space. The CPAR approach is less sensitive to model misspecification than
the fully parametric spatial AR approach, and it accounts for local variation in an
overall spatial trend. The approach is well suited for quantile analysis in
situations where the distribution of the dependent variable is, for example,
highly skewed in some locations, tightly clustered in others, while all the time
varying smoothly over space. Moreover, the CPAR approach does not require
the specification of a large (n x n) spatial weight matrix, making it amenable to
large data sets.
We present results (Chambers, Pratesi, Salvati, Tzavidis 2005) obtained
for the estimation spatial distribution of the mean and median production of
olives per farm LES. The data are from Farm Structure Survey (2003). Z the
incidence matrix of dimensions 2508 farm per 42 LESs. The neighborhood
structure W is defined as follows: spatial weight wij, is 1 if area shares an edge
with j and 0 otherwise.
The median map is intensive to the presence a few big farms that raise the
medium level of production as a consequence the spatial distribution of the
median is more homogenous.
Figure 1 a) Mean b) median production of olives
6. Conclusions
In summary we can say that the classic paper for quantile regression is
Koenker and Bassett (1978). Koenker (2005) presents an extensive examination
of the econometric theory related to a wide variety of quantile models.
Buschinsky (1998) helped popularize the use of quantile regression analysis on
the distribution of wages. The spatial AR version of the quantile model relies on
approaches developed by Chernozhukov and Hansen (2006) and Kim and
Muller (2004). The approaches have been applied to studies of house prices by
Kostov (2009), Liao and Wang (2012) and Zeitz et al. (2008). The studies rely
on the IV approach for estimating the spatial AR model. Nonparametric versions
of quantile models relies heavily on Koenker work. Splines are also a potential
alternative to kernel smoothing; it was done in Koenker and Mizera (2004). The
use of nonparametric methods for spatial models has been forced by the
invention of new terms by geographers for procedures that have already been
used extensively in statistics and economics.
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Grayna Trzpiot
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