Geographically Weighted Regression: Martin Charlton A Stewart Fotheringham
Geographically Weighted Regression: Martin Charlton A Stewart Fotheringham
Geographically Weighted Regression: Martin Charlton A Stewart Fotheringham
National Centre for Geocomputation
March 3 2009
The authors gratefully acknowledge support from a Strategic Research
Cluster grant (07/SRC/I1168) by Science Foundation Ireland under the
National Development Plan.
Regression 1
Extensions to GWR 12
References 13
Regression encompasses a wide range of methods for modelling the relationship between a
dependent variable and a set of one or more independent variables. The dependent variable is
sometimes known as the y-variable, the response variable or the regressand. The independent
variables are sometimes known as x-variables, predictor variables, or regressors. A regression
model is expressed as an equation.
In its simplest form a linear regression model can take the form
yi = β 0 + β1 xi + ε i for i=1 … n
In this equation yi is the response variable, here measured at some location i, xi is the
independent variable, ε i is the error term, and β 0 and β1 are parameters1 which are to be
dataset. The ŷ i is the predicted or fitted value for the ith observation, given the ith value of x.
The term ( y i − yˆ i ) is known as the residual for the ith observation, and the residuals should
be both independent and drawn identically from a Normal Distribution with a mean of zero.
Such a model is usually fitted using a procedure known as Ordinary Least Squares (OLS).
where the predictions of the dependent variable are obtained through a linear combination of
the independent variables. The OLS estimator takes the form:
βˆ = ( X T X ) −1 X T y
where β̂ is the vector of estimated parameters, X is the design matrix which contains the
values of the independent variables and a column of 1s, y is the vector of observed values, and
( X T X ) −1 is the inverse of the variance-covariance matrix.
The term coefficient is sometimes used instead of parameter.
Sometimes it is desirable to weight the observations in a regression, for example, different
levels of data uncertainty. The weights are placed in the leading diagonal of a square matrix
W and the estimator is altered to include the weighting:
βˆ = ( X T WX ) −1 X T Wy
The ability of the model to replicate the observed y values is measured by the goodness of fit.
This is conveniently expressed by the r2 value which runs from 0 to 1 and measures the
proportion of variation in the observed y which is accounted for (sometimes “explained by”)
by variation in the model. The r2 can often be increased merely by adding variables, so the
adjusted r2 is often reported – the adjustment takes into account the number of independent
variables in the model and reflects model parsimony.
Regression with Spatial Data
There are a number of assumptions underlying the basic regression model described here, one
of which is that the observations should be independent of one another. This is not always the
case with data for spatial units and Tobler’s observation that “"Everything is related to
everything else, but near things are more related than distant things." (Tobler, 1970) can be
recalled. Not only might the variables in the model exhibit spatial dependence (that is, nearby
locations will have similar values) but also the model’s residuals might exhibit spatial
dependence. The latter characteristic can be observed if the residuals from the basic
regression are plotted on a map where commonly the residuals in neighboring spatial units
will have a similar magnitude and sign.
These characteristics of spatial data have implications for the estimates of the parameters in
the basic model. If there is spatial structure in the residuals from the model, this will lead to
inefficient estimates of the parameters, which in turn means that the standard errors of the
parameters will be too large. This has implications for inference where potentially significant
parameter estimates may appear not to be so. Spatial structure in the data means that the value
of the dependent variable in one spatial unit is affected by the independent variables in nearby
units. This leads to parameter estimates which are both biased and inefficient. A biased
estimates is one that is either too high or too low as an estimate of the unknown true value.
Anselin (1988) describes model forms to deal with these cases. A spatial error model is
appropriate when there appears to be structure in the residual term, and a spatial lag model is
appropriate when spatial structure is present in the variables in the model. Unbiased parameter
estimates can be found from both model types when maximum likelihood is used as the fitting
We then expand the parameters so that they are some linear function of the locations (ui,vi) of
the observations. For example, if a 1st order linear polynomial ised specified, then:
ai = α 0 + α1ui + α 2 vi
bi = β 0 + β1ui + β 2 vi
ci = γ 0 + γ 1ui + γ 2 vi
This is easily fitted using OLS, as the analyst only needs to supply the extra terms uix1i, vix1i,
uix2i, and vix2i in the model. As the locations of the observations are also known, the spatially
varying parameter estimates are easily computed and mapped. A disadvantage of this model
is that the analyst must determine the nature of the parameter expansion prior to the modelling
exercise. It not may be immediately clear what order of polynomial should be used in
advance, and specifying the wrong expansion may hide important local variation in model
Alternative approaches that account for spatial heterogeneity also exist, examples being
spatially adaptive filtering (Foster and Gorr, 1986) in which parameter estimates are allowed
to ‘drift’ across the study area, and multi-level modelling (Goldstein, 1987) in which models
for individual and spatially aggregate characteristics are combined within the same overall
model. A fourth approach extends the random coefficients model (Rao, 1965) to the spatial
case (Swamy, 1971) where coefficientsvary randomly across the study area. Again in both
spatially adaptive filtering and random coefficients models, the parameter estimates may be
mapped to examine local variations in model form. Further insights into these models can be
found in Fotheringham (1997)
Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)
Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a fairly recent contribution to modelling
spatially heterogeneous processes (Brunsdon et al, 1996; Fotheringham et al 1996; 1997;
2002). The underlying idea of GWR is that parameters may be estimated anywhere in the
study area given a dependent variable and a set of one or more independent variables which
have been measured at places whose location is known. Taking Tobler’s observation about
nearness and similarity into account we might expect that if we wish to estimates parameters
for a model at some location u2 then observations which are nearer that location should have a
greater weight in the estimation than observations which are further away.
We shall assume that the analyst has a dataset consisting of a dependent variable y and a set
of m independent variable(s) Xk, k=1…m, and that for each of the n observations in the
dataset a measurement of its position is available in a suitable coordinate system.
The equation for a typical GWR version of the OLS regression model would be:
yi (u) = β 0i (u) + β1i (u) x1i + β 2i (u) x2i + ... + β mi (u) xmi
The notation β0i(u) indicates that the parameter describes a relationship around location u and
is specific to that location. A prediction may be made for the dependent variable if
measurements for the independent variables are also available at the location u. Typically the
locations at which parameter estimates are obtained are those at which data are collected, but
this need not necessarily be the case. This would seem to be an unusual claim, but it will be
come clear when we consider the nature of the geographical weighting.
The estimator for this model is similar to the WLS (weighted least squares) global model
above except that the weights are conditioned on the location u relative to the other
observations in the dataset and hence change for each location. The estimator takes the form:
We shall use u to indicate some general location in the study area. Typically u will be a vector of
coordinates measured in either a projected coordinate system (such as Universal Transverse Mercator)
or a geodetic system such as WGS84. A particular location can be indexed ui, with Cartesian
coordinates (uι,vi) or geodetic coordinates (λi,φi).
W(u) is a square matrix of weights relative to the position of u in the study area; XTW(u)X is
the geographically weighted variance-covariance matrix (the estimation requires its inverse to
be obtained), and y is the vector of the values of the dependent variable.
The W(u) matrix contains the geographical weights in its leading diagonal and 0 in its off-
diagonal elements.
w1 (u) 0 0 0
0 w2 (u) 0 0
0 0 ... 0
0 0 0 wn (u)
The weights themselves are computed from a weighting scheme that is also known as a
kernel. A number of kernels are possible: a typical one has a Gaussian shape:
d i (u ) 2
− 0.5
wi (u) = e
where wi(u) is the geographical weight of the ith observation in the dataset relative to the
location u, di(u) is some measure of the distance between the ith observation and the location
u, and h is a quantity known as the bandwidth. The distances are generally Euclidean
distances when Cartesian coordinates are used and Great Circle distances when spherical
coordinates are used. However, there is no reason why non-Euclidean distances might be used
(for example, distances along a road network).
The bandwidth in the kernel is expressed in the same units as the coordinates used in the
dataset. As the bandwidth gets larger the weights approach unity and the local GWR model
approaches the global OLS model.
As we have already stated, the locations at which parameters are estimated are generally the
locations at which the observations in the dataset have been collected. This allows predictions
to be made for the dependent variable and residuals to be computed. These are necessary in
determining the goodness of fit of the model and we shall discuss this below. The locations at
which parameters are estimated can also be non-sample points in the study area – perhaps the
mesh points of a regular grid, or the locations of observations in a validation dataset which
has the same dependent and independent variables as the calibration dataset.
It is convenient to refer to the locations at which the calibration data have been collected as
the sample points and the locations at which parameters are estimated as the regression
points. The combination of geographically weighted estimator, kernel and bandwidth can be
referred to as a local model.
Kernels other than the Gaussian can be used in GWR although in practice it generally matters
very little as long as the kernel is ‘Gaussian-like’. In terms of influencing the fit of the model,
the choice of a bandwidth is more important than the shape of the kernel. If the sample points
are reasonably regularly spaced in the study area, then a kernel with a fixed bandwidth is a
suitable choice for modelling. If the sample points are not regularly spaced but are clustered
in the study area, it is generally desirable to allow the kernel to accommodate this irregularity
by increasing its size when the sample points are sparser and decreasing its size when the
sample points are denser. A convenient way of implementing this adaptive bandwidth
specification is to choose a kernel which allows the same number of sample points for each
estimation. This is usually accomplished by sorting the distances of the sample points from
the desired regression point u and setting the bandwidth so that it includes only the first p
observations, where the optimal value of p is found from the data. The weight can be
computed by using the specified kernel and setting the value for any observation whose
distance is greater than the bandwidth to zero, thereby excluding them from the local
calibration. One such kernel is the bisquare:
di (u)
wi (u) = (1 − ( )2 )2
where wi(u) is zero when di(u) > h. This is a near-Gaussian function with the useful property
that the weight is zero at a finite distance. In the ArcGIS implementation a fixed radius kernel
is Gaussian and the adaptive kernel is based on the bisquare.
When the sample and regression points coincide residuals and predictions of the dependent
variables are available. These values can be used to measure the goodness of fit of the model.
For the conventional global model, the usual goodness of fit measure is the r2 or adjusted r2
value. The adjusted value is preferable if several models are compared as it compensates for
the number of variables or parameters in the model. In general a model with more variables or
parameters is likely to have a higher r2 than one with fewer. The situation is a little more
complex with GWR and we need to consider the effective number of parameters in the model
when computing a goodness-of-fit measure.
An interesting matrix in regression modelling is known as the hat matrix, S. When the
observed y values are premultiplied by S we obtain the predicted (fitted) values thus:
yˆ = Sy
The trace of the matrix S in a global model yields the number of parameters in that model –
the trace is the sum of the values in the leading diagonal of this matrix, usually expressed as
tr(S). The trace of S for an OLS regression is the number of parameters in the model. In a
GWR model the effective number of parameters is obtained from the expression 2tr(S)-
tr(STS). The effective number of parameters in the model depends on the number of
independent variables and the bandwidth and can often be large and is usually not an integer.
However, it is useful in evaluating the fit of the model.
The measure of goodness of fit which we use extensively in GWR is the corrected Akaike
Information Criterion (Hurvich et al, 1998). This takes the following form:
n + tr (S)
AICc = 2n log e (σˆ ) + n log e (2π ) + n
n − 2 − tr (S)
where n is the number of observations in the dataset, σˆ is the estimate of the standard
deviation of the residuals, and tr(S) is the trace of the hat matrix. The AICc can be used to
compare models of the same y variable which have very different right hand sides and it
contains a penalty for the complexity (degrees of freedom) of the model.
The AICc provides a measure of the information distance between the model which has
actually been fitted and the unknown ‘true’ model. This distance is not an absolute measure
but a relative measure known as the Kullback-Leibler information distance. Two separate
models which are being compared are held to be equivalent if the difference between the two
AICc values is less than 3. This is a widely accepted rule of thumb, however the more
cautious analyst might use 4 instead. As the AICc is a relative measure, the actual values
which are reported in the GWR output might be counter-intuitively large or small. This does
not matter, as it is the differences in the AICc values which are important. The AICc formula
contains log terms, and with a little manipulation it can be shown that the difference between
AICc values for two models with identical degrees of freedom corresponds to the ratio of the
likelihoods of the models, although it should be stressed that the AICc is not a likelihood ratio
The AICc can not only be used to compare models with different independent variable
subsets, but can also be used the compare the global OLS model with a local GWR model.
The AICc is also used in the software the determine the ‘optimal’ value for the bandwidth; the
bandwidth with the lowest AICc is used in the estimation of the model parameters. However
it is up to the analyst to choose the final best value, and there may be good a priori reasons for
choosing one that is not suggested by the plot of AICc against bandwidth.
Outputs from GWR
As a minimum, GWR will produce parameter estimates and their associated standard errors at
the regression points. If the regression points are the same as the sample points then GWR
will produce predictions for the dependent variable (fitted values), residuals and standardised
residuals. Some implementations will also output local r2 values and influence statistics based
on the hat matrix.
If the regression points are not the same as the sample points, and there are no independent
variables available for the regression points, then little else besides parameter estimates and
standard errors will be available – fitted values, residuals, and a hat matrix will not be
available. If independent variables are available, then fitted values will be available. If there is
also a dependent variable present as well, then the whole range of outputs can be created.
Interpreting parameter estimates
In a global model the analyst may be interested in whether the parameter estimates provide
any insights into the process being modelled. This is not always the case, since the goal of
the analysis may be only to get better predictions of the dependent variable, but it is always
advisable, even if this is the goal, to check the parameter estimates.
Each parameter has a sign and a magnitude. If the sign is positive, then an increase in the
value of the variable to which the parameter refers will induce an increase in the dependent
variable. If the sign is negative, then a decrease will be induced. The size of the change
depends on the magnitude of the parameter estimate – a change of 1 unit will lead to a change
in the dependent variable of an amount equivalent to the magnitude of the parameter estimate.
For example, a model of the form y = 0.5 - 0.7x tells us that when x is zero, we can expect y
to be 0.5, and for each unit increase in x, y will decrease correspondingly by 0.7.
The situation is analogous in GWR, except that we have a surface of parameter estimates –
we do not estimate everywhere on the surface, only at the regression points, so our output is a
sample from a much larger, effectively infinite, population. The spatial changes in the
magnitude of the parameter estimates across the surface indicate the locally changing
influence of a variable on the dependent variable – in some areas the influence might be much
stronger than in other areas. This is the essence of spatial heterogeneity – the structure of the
model changes from place to place across the study area as the parameter estimates change in
relation to each other in the model. The local parameter estimates are mappable and should
be mapped.
As well as mapping the parameter estimates, the analyst should also map the associated
standard errors. Are the local standard errors sufficiently large for us to doubt whether the
values of the parameter which has been estimated are non-zero?
In a global model it is usual to test whether the parameter estimates are significantly different
from zero. This can be accomplished with a t-test – the t statistics and their associated p-
values are usually provided on the computer output. A parameter whose estimated value is
found to be not significantly different from zero is associated with a variable whose variation
does not contribute to the mode. Variables with non-significant parameter estimates can be
dropped from the model.
The situation with GWR is a little more complex and is the subject of current research. As
there is one set of parameters associated with each regression point, as well as one set of
standard errors, then there are potentially hundreds or thousands of tests that would be
required to determine whether parameters are locally significant. The assumptions behind the
tests mean that if the 0.05 significance level is used we would expect 5 tests in every hundred
to be significant. With a 5 variable model estimated at 20000 regression points, we would
expect 5000 of these tests to return a significant result. This is the spectre that is raised by
multiple testing.
The situation also arises in analysis of variance. Having determined that at least one of the
means is different from the rest, it is common to use some form of post hoc test to determine
which are different. Such tests control the significance level to take into account the multiple
testing. There are many such methods, associated with statisticians such as Bonferroni,
Tukey, Sidak, and Scheffé.
Using a Bonferroni correction (which downweights the significance level by the number of
tests being made) is inappropriate when the tests being carried out are highly correlated as it is
highly conservative and therefore likely to miss many real differences. A potential solution
for GWR exists in the Benjamini-Hochberg (1995) False Discovery Rate (FDR) procedure –
this modifies the significance level for each separate test in a consistent fashion. The test is
not implemented in any version of GWR at the time of writing, but as the DBF files which are
part of the ESRI shapefile structure are easily read in Excel, the approach detailed by Thissen,
Steinberg and Kuang (2002) is convenient, and the corresponding results can be mapped.
Benjamini and Yekutieli (2001) report a development of the FDR approach with dependent
Parameter estimates for a variable that are close to zero often tend to be spatially clustered
indicating that in these parts of the study area, changes in this variable do not influence
changes in the dependent variable. This is potentially interesting and encourages further
curiosity about the processes, the data, the model, and the outcome.
Extensions to GWR
This White Paper has discussed the OLS version of the GWR model which is implemented in
ArcGIS 9.3. However, this model is not appropriate for every kind of data. If the analyst is
using count data as the dependent variable then, for example, a Poisson model might be
appropriate as it will not predict negative quantities (the potential range of the predictions
with OLS is –∞ to +∞). For data which is not quite Poisson distributed, a Negative Binomial
model might be more useful. With case-control or similar data where the dependent variable
is 0/1 valued, then a logistic (binary logit) form is appropriate. The fitted values from the
model are the probabilities that the dependent variable takes the value 1.
Other extensions to GWR include the possibility of creating models where some variables are
held constant across the study area, and others are allowed to vary spatially. Such models are
known as mixed or semi-parametric models. Nakaya et al (2005) derive a semi-parametric
Poisson model and use it in an investigation of the determinants of premature mortality in
Tokyo. The development of such models raises questions of variable selection and which
parameters should be allowed to vary spatially or remain constant. Work is in progress on this
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