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0801 Horizon

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COMPANY REPORT Manufacturer of Measuring Instruments HORIZON

The Queen
and Horizon

▲ Paul Pickering, Owner and Managing Direc-

tor at Horizon, receives the Queen’s Award
from Her Majesty.

What do you have to do to be received by

Her Majesty the Queen? It’s actually quite
simple: become the top export company in
the country. British manufacturer of mea-
suring instruments HORIZON was given
the ‘Queen’s Award for Enterprise’ in inter-
national trade in 2007, which was reason
enough for TELE-satellite to pay a visit to
Horizon again – after exactly one year (see
TELE-satellite issue 01/2007).

This time around we’re coming to Harlow,

in London’s North, county of Essex. This
is where Horizon’s Owner and Managing
Director Paul Pickering has bought a plot of
land complete with a large warehouse, cre-
ating the basis for Horizon’s future growth.
As a matter of fact, Horizon has expe-
rienced remarkable growth in the past as
well, currently boasting twelve employees
and also looking for three additional engi-
neers, according to John McLoone, Sales
Director of Horizon.
So we’d like to know what’s been going
on since our last visit, a question which
John answers by showing us the recent order to roll out of functioning distribution ▲ John McLoone showing the Queen’s Award
sales figures: “In 2003 we had a turnover networks. Selling measuring instruments certificate: signed by “Elizabeth The Queen” and
of 3 million GBP, which had increased to 4 involves a considerable amount of consult- Tony Blair.
million by 2006, and for 2007 we expect 4.5 ing, and this is where the extraordinary
million, while the forecast for 2008 is 5.5 after sales service of Horizon comes into name ‘Turbo.’ EUTELSAT is actually trans-
million GBP.” play. Not to mention the enormous know- mitting first test broadcasts of this Inter-
Horizon is indeed a top export company how that is required to develop measuring net-via-satellite service in Europe as well.
that creates only 7 percent of its annual instruments in the first place. By the way, Later, Horizon will introduce its first DVB-
turnover in its country of domicile. “The Horizon’s expertise comes with many brand S2 measuring system and for the second
largest share is generated in America”, names, as “85 percent of our production is quarter there is a multimeter for DVB-T and
says John and by that he means some OEM,” explains John. DVB-S2 in store. Also in the pipeline for the
60%. The remaining 33 percent are spread In 2008 Horizon will fire off a whole range second quarter is the Pro Range Series for
all over the rest of the world. “Emerging of new products. The first quarter will see professionals.
markets are making huge leaps forward, Horizon’s first DVB-C measuring system,
for example China, India and Russia,” and the first DVB-data device, which mea- The Queen was absolutely right to honour
adds John. Cable television is widespread sures the data rate in the Ka band in 8PSK Horizon. The many activities of this com-
in these countries and the transition to as offered by Wildblue in North America - pany will help it stay on top for a long time
digital requires measuring instruments in the transmission mode is known under the to come!

44 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 12-01/2008 — www.TELE-satellite.com

▲ Horizon’s new company headquarters is now located in Harlow, Essex. The
blue flag flying at the gate symbolises the Queen’s Award that has been recei-

▲ View of the engineering room where measuring instruments are being devel-
oped. Front: Gerrard Smallwood, Design Engineer. Back: Paul Hardcastle, Tech-
nical Director. “We believe we are the first manufacturer of satellite test meters
whose instruments are EMC certified at an independent BSI lab”. This means
that Horizon products are resistant to electromagnetic interference and refers to
European standard BS EN 61326. Gerrard Smallwood adds that “Of course, our
instruments are also certified from a technical point of view, for example against
electrostatic discharge standard BS EN 61000.”

TELE-satellite World www.TELE-satellite.com/...

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Greek Ελληνικά www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0801/hel/horizon.pdf
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Italian Italiano www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0801/ita/horizon.pdf
Hungarian Magyar www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0801/mag/horizon.pdf
Mandarin 中文 www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0801/man/horizon.pdf ▲ Top secret! The first sample units of the Pro Series for broad-
Dutch Nederlands www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0801/ned/horizon.pdf casters, for example for use in OB vans to check the signal quality.
Polish Polski www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0801/pol/horizon.pdf The small unit on top is the TSR Transport Stream Reader, also with
Russian Русский www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0801/rus/horizon.pdf
Pro Series specifications. The Pro Series will be launched in the
Turkish Türkçe www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0801/tur/horizon.pdf
second quarter of 2008.

46 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 12-01/2008 — www.TELE-satellite.com

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