0801 Zimple
0801 Zimple
0801 Zimple
The first thing that impressed us when we first opened the parcel comes in handy the embedded NTSC, OSD color and transpar-
that contained the Zimple Box 3 receiver, was it’s compact size. The RS232 port, as it’s the only way ency, and even enable the shut
test box was a silver receiver with some Thai letters on the right to upgrade the firmware and down timer so that the receiver
side of the front panel. We could also spot the Stand-by button as install updated settings. will turn off automatically after
well as another two buttons that allow to change channels without a desired time.
the use of the remote. A three digit seven segment display gives The remote control is in a
information about the channel number, and when the info button black color and with an ergo- In the Tools section infor-
on the remote control was pressed, it showed the signal quality nomic style it‘s easy to use. Its mation about the firmware of
percentage. A signal level bar on the right side was also useful as it infrared transmission is so pow- Zimple box can be seen, as well
presented the signal quality. erful that there is no need to as information about the cur-
aim it directly at the receiver - rent channel like transponder,
you can even point it to another frequency and signal strength.
direction and it will work. The Satellite Guide menu is a
At the rear panel we found useful tool for setting the dish
the usual LNB input, but without
a loop-through output. Three Getting Started
RCA plugs feature the video When we turned on the
output as well as the right and receiver for the first time,
left audio signals, and are used Zimple box 3 was already con-
to connect the receiver to a TV. figured. To check it‘s factory
An additional video output can settings, we applied the default
be used to connect to a videore- settings, which changed the
corder. A main power switch was language in all menus into Thai.
also present, which is useful to Some satellites that mainly
reduce the power consumption broadcast East Asian programs
to a minimum when the receiver were already installed.
is not used. Infosats’ Zimple box 3 sup- to a specific satellite. Fill in the
As the number of satellites ports Thai, Chinese and Eng- information about your lon-
and transponders is growing, it lish menu languages. Going gitude, latitude and satellite
would be nice to use a simple way through the system menu, you longitude, and the guide will
to update the receiver’s data- can configure the language, provide you with the azimuth
base quickly and correctly. Here video output to either PAL or
Email niran@infosats.com
Web page www.infosats.com
box 3 needed only 5 minutes By pressing the OK button
Connectors 1 LNB input, 4 RCAs with 2 video outputs, RS232
and 57 seconds in blind scan on the remote, a channel list is
mode to find active transpond- revealed. Navigation through DiSEqC 1.0, 1.2
ers and to download the chan- the channels is easy by using Up EPG No
nels. In automatic scan mode and Down buttons and for page
Firmware upgrade via RS232 interface