Evaluation of Carrying Position For Babies
Evaluation of Carrying Position For Babies
Evaluation of Carrying Position For Babies
e-ISSN: 23201959.p- ISSN: 23201940 Volume 3, Issue 6 Ver. III (Nov.-Dec. 2014), PP 47-51
Modern notions in biology have also led to the human infant being classified as
belonging to the carried type of young (i.e., infants that are typically carried on
the bodies of their mothers), in contrast to the offspring of other mammals that
are generally left in a hidden place (i.e., nested or cached. This view is based on
evolutionary, particularly anatomical, considerations, and is substantiated by
young infants typical reactions when parted from their caregivers. human
infants still display many striking characteristics of a carried young. Like a
gorilla baby, the human infant, when lying on the back, frequently assumes a
position where both legs are flexed and abducted (Figure 1). This position is also
adopted when the lying or sitting child is lifted up (Figure 2) and allows the child
to be placed astride the caregivers hip, nestled against the carriers body
-Learning to carry
a baby
-Different methods
of carrying a baby
-Nine reasons not
to carry
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Rock-A-Baby By Swaddling:
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In conclusion, conventional baby carrying may reduce the amount of crying. If your baby has colic or
you would like to preempt the onset of colic, you could practice carrying in the same manner as many
indigenous people, with skin-to-skin contact, just make sure that you are there for your baby, and that you have
someone who is there for you as well, so you can go through this challenging phase with a strengthened love for
your baby and for one another. Colic will pass for your baby.
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