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Evaluation of Carrying Position For Babies

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IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)

e-ISSN: 23201959.p- ISSN: 23201940 Volume 3, Issue 6 Ver. III (Nov.-Dec. 2014), PP 47-51

Evaluation of Carrying Position for Babies

Mrs.J.Rajalakshmi, Dr.Kebede Legesse ,
Bsc , Msc nursing, lecturer in ambo university
MD , dean , medical science department, ambo university


Modern notions in biology have also led to the human infant being classified as
belonging to the carried type of young (i.e., infants that are typically carried on
the bodies of their mothers), in contrast to the offspring of other mammals that
are generally left in a hidden place (i.e., nested or cached. This view is based on
evolutionary, particularly anatomical, considerations, and is substantiated by
young infants typical reactions when parted from their caregivers. human
infants still display many striking characteristics of a carried young. Like a
gorilla baby, the human infant, when lying on the back, frequently assumes a
position where both legs are flexed and abducted (Figure 1). This position is also
adopted when the lying or sitting child is lifted up (Figure 2) and allows the child
to be placed astride the caregivers hip, nestled against the carriers body


-Learning to carry
a baby
-Different methods
of carrying a baby
-Nine reasons not
to carry


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Evaluation of Carrying Position for Babies


Difference Between Baby Carrying By Foraging, Nomadic Peoples,


nomadic mothers, the

decision has always been
whether it is safe to leave her
baby with another carer, and
whether she will return in
time to feed him.


For a foraging mother to

remain in close enough
proximity to nurse could
require carrying babies plus
supplies and gathered
provender back-breaking

. Whilst women were

grinding cereals against a
stone, her baby might be
held by an allo mother,
cradled nearby, or wrapped
on to her mothers back using
a sling arrangement.

Rock-A-Baby By Swaddling:

3.1Infant spine development:

Our spine is not perfectly straight, even though it may appear so from the front or back . When you
look at a person from the side, four slight curves are visible, forming an elongated S shape. These curves help
keep us flexible and balanced. At birth, babies are in a state of flexion, still curled up, with their spine in a
natural long c-shaped (convex) curve. At first, a baby does not have the strength to hold his head up, nor the
balancing curves in his spine to do so. But gradually as the muscles in his neck get stronger, he begins to lift his
heavy head against gravity, and a curve starts to develop in his neck (the cervical curve) to help balance his


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Evaluation of Carrying Position for Babies

At Birth: The spine of an infant is C-shaped (a convex

curve). He has neither the balancing curves nor the
strength to his head upright

First Several Months: As your infant works against

gravity his muscles start to develop. Strong neck
muscles helpaninfant hold up a heavy head forming
the neck (cervical) curve of the spine.

Six Months to One Year: As an infant learns to crawl

and stand, the lower back (lumbar) curve and his
muscles develop so that he can stand upright. When
he walks away from you on his own, only then are all
of his curves developed.

Ages & Stages: A Science-Based View On Baby Carrying Positions

4.1 Need For Brain Stimulation:

The great amount of research done on the babys developing brain is indeed how vital appropriate
stimulation is. When the baby is born, the number of neurons in its brain corresponds to adults. However, what
is missing is the mindboggling amount of connections that will eventually shape that particular babys
personality and intelligence. These connections are formed by and are utterly dependent on the type of stimuli
that the baby receives from the outside world. Every experience the baby is exposed to will activate some part of
the brains neurons. The more frequently a given experience occurs, the stronger the connections between the
activated neurons become. As neuroscientists sometimes say: Cells that fire together, wire together. we need
to look at the major developmental phases that a baby goes through in her first year.
4.2 Three Stages Of Babys Development:
In the first few months after birth, the babys main developmental task is adaption to life outside the
womb. A variety of basic functions have to be mastered: suckling, digesting, breathing, vocalizing, defecating,
and seeing.
At around 2-3 months of age, the baby begins to actively seek out social exchanges with adults, using
its glance and smile to attract attention and initiate conversations or playful episodes. This marks the beginning
of a phase, lasting about three or four months (age 2-6 months) where the baby is intensely interested in the
human face.
From around 6 months of age, with the emergence of eye-hand coordination, the babys attention gradually
switches towards the world of objects.. Their primary role becomes to help the baby decipher and interpret
ambiguous situations where the baby feels insecure.


Learning To Carry Your Baby:

choosing the carrying methods suitable for his or her age.

your baby should be able to rest on his buttocks with his legs apart and raised in what is called a "frog"
His back should be bent and not straight, and his head should rest on your chest.
always carry your baby against your abdomen, facing you, or on your back.
The position looking out onto the world allows him to look at everything but it does not respect the curve of
his back
If you get backache, your wrap is no doubt tied incorrectly or your baby carrier is not adjusted correctly
baby carrying requires a few days to a few weeks of practice for you and your baby to get used to and
become perfectly at ease with.
It helps some babies to breastfeed better. Some babies, particularly those who are tense or tend to arch their
backs, breastfeed better while moving.

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Evaluation of Carrying Position for Babies

5.1 Advantages:
1. Carrying method that reduces crying and colic of baby . A 1986 study of 99 mother-infant pairs (reported
in Pediatrics) showed that carrying babies at least three hours a day reduces crying and fussing 43%
during the day and 51% at night.
2. It enhances learning. Carried babies have enhanced visual and auditory alertness, and increased quiet
alertness times.
3. Carrying a baby promotes cognitive development and speech development, since babies are exposed to
more experiences and conversations.
4. Carrying your baby promotes bonding and enhances parents feelings of competence. A higher frequency
of feeding and touching stimulates mothering hormones, and frequent carrying encourages and speeds the
development of a mutual reading of each others cues.
5. When infants are held upright, The force of gravity is a positive element in infant development. It allows
them to learn to hold their heads up and keep their bodies balanced.
6. Carrying a young infant in the horizontal position with legs together in a baby carrier (like a sling or a
wrap) provides adequate spinal support
7. Upright baby carriers that support the legs, carrying a baby as a mother naturally would in arms, do not
compromise a babys spine or hips. When an infants legs are flexed and straddled, the instinctive position
that his little body assumes when picked up, the head of his femur (bone of the thigh) fills out the hip
socket (acetabulum)
8. Proponents of horizontal positioning in early infancy may be concerned with whether the infant actually
receives adequate levels of oxygen while being carried by mother
carried babies receive a lot of vestibular stimulation, whereas lying babies do not. Our vestibular system
helps us out with our sense of balance and our security in space. When a mother holds her baby, the baby
moves back and forth with moms walking, and side to side from her swaying or rocking.
10. Vertical positioning as optimal in infants makes perfect sense. Think ,if the infants spend horizontalflat
on their back in a crib or a buggy. Might this affect their alertness.


Different Methods Of Carrying A Baby:


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Evaluation of Carrying Position for Babies

6.1 Nine Reasons Not To Carry Your Baby Facing Out:

1. does not support your babys legs.
2. makes it tough for the wearer to carry the baby.
3. places your baby in an arched or hollow back position which places pressure on the spine , groin and may
chafe the inner thighs of your baby.
4. may over stimulate your baby.
5. doesnt support the head or the neck leads to Positional asphyxia
6. makes thermoregulation more difficult.
7. makes it harder to respond to babys cues.
8. throws off babys center of gravity.
9. may not be so wonderful on your back either.



In conclusion, conventional baby carrying may reduce the amount of crying. If your baby has colic or
you would like to preempt the onset of colic, you could practice carrying in the same manner as many
indigenous people, with skin-to-skin contact, just make sure that you are there for your baby, and that you have
someone who is there for you as well, so you can go through this challenging phase with a strengthened love for
your baby and for one another. Colic will pass for your baby.



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