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Edgar Cayce

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The document discusses affirmations, meditation practices, and upcoming events at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.).

The July Affirmation is 'Lord, Let me—my mind, my body, my soul—be at-one with Thee: that I—through Thy promises in Him, Thy Son—may know Thee more and more.'

Pages 1-2 discuss the August and September affirmations, daily meditation practices at A.R.E., and ways for people to get involved through prayer and hosting groups.

A Helping Hand

from the Borderland 18

July-September 2011

Healing with Homeopathy 36

Co-Creating with God 48

Join the A.R.E. Staff

in Meditation

Every weekday the A.R.E. staff meditates

from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m. (E.T.). We invite
you to observe this special time with us,
focusing on these affirmations from A
Search forGod, Book II.

July Affirmation
Destiny of the Soul
Lord, Let memy mind, my body,
my soulbe at-one with Thee:
that Ithrough Thy promises in
Him, Thy Sonmay know Thee
more and more.

August Affirmation
Open Thou mine eyes, O God, that
I may know the glory Thou hast
prepared for me.

September Affirmation
Let the knowledge of the Lord
So permeate my being that
There is less and less of self,
More and more of God,
In my dealings with my fellow man;
That the Christ may be in all,
Through all, in His name. (262-95)

GET INVOLVED! Join our international prayer list,

request prayer for yourself or a loved one, become a
pray-er for those in need, host a prayer healing group
in your area, or simply request our booklet: Guidelines
of Prayer and Meditation for Help and Healing.
A.R.E. Prayer and Meditation Services
215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757-457-7190
prayer@EdgarCayce.org EdgarCayce.org/prayer

F e at u r e s


Earth Changes:
Interpreting the

By John Van Auken and

Kevin J. Todeschi
Two aspects of present
and future earth changes:
physical and spiritual


Cayces Wisdom for Today:

The Souls Affinity for
Co-Creation Fifth in a series
By Henry Reed and
Kevin J. Todeschi
We are all destined to be companions
of our Creator: co-creators

24 The Lost Technology of

Page 24

July-September 2011
Volume 27, Number 3
Susan A. Lendvay /Senior Editor
Todd Burgin /Associate Editor
Henry Reed /Psi Research Editor
Kim Cohen /Design and Layout
June Bro, Simone Gabbay, Doug Knueven,
Jerry Lazarus, Raye Mathis, Gladys T. McGarey,
Henry Reed, Peter Schoeb, C. Norman Shealy,
Kevin J. Todeschi, John Van Auken /Contributing Writers

Stans Messages from

the Borderland

By Ann Jaffin
A beloved husband and helpmeet
gives encouragement from the
other side

Ancient Egypt

By Christopher Dunn
Careful analysis by an engineer proves
a highly advanced system of building

The Healing Power of
Vibrational Energy

By Cathleen Springer, C Hom

Homeopathic medicine was long ago
recommended by the readings

Visit our web sites

A.R.E. Homepage: EdgarCayce.org
A.R.E. Member-Only: EdgarCayce.org/members
Atlantic University Homepage: AtlanticUniv.edu

Association for Research and Enlightenment

Chartered by the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1931

Page 18

Page 53

Page 52

Attending Service at the

Temple of the Heart

By Istvan Fazekas
How worldly and ego delusions keep
you from finding the real temple

Kevin J. Todeschi /Executive Director and CEO

P. Lawrence Hester /Chairperson
Dan DeMar /Vice-Chairperson
Charles Thomas Cayce /President, Edgar Cayce Foundation
Gorgiana Alonzo, Cheryl Birch, Pat Bishop, Mary Ann
Bossetta, William R. Brown, Charlene K. Buford,
Vickie Church, Richard Hopkins, Eileen Malo,
Mercy Martinez, Andrea Singer, Arthur Strickland,
Christopher Yee /Trustees
Edgar Evans Cayce /Trustee Emeritus
Ruben Miller /Trustee Emeritus

July-September 2011

- Printed in USA -

C o l u m n s a n d DE P ARTMENTS


From the Desk of

Kevin J. Todeschi
PSI Research
Astrologers Corner
The Art of Living


Holistic Pet Care

Ancient Mysteries
A.R.E. News
Holistic Nutrition
To Your Health
Book Highlights


The Healing Path

AU Bulletin
Calendar of Events
The Readings Say
Online Connection

F r o m t h e D e s k o f K e vi n J . T o d e s chi

D r e a m i n g t h e I m p o s s ib l e E n vi s i o n i n g o u r F u t u r e

ne of my favorite
we have the permission, and we have been working with major
quotes is from Walt
donors to help make this dream a reality.
Disney who once
The new Education Center will allow us to accommodate
said, Its kind of fun to do the
the growing number of students at both the Cayce/Reilly
impossible. I have that quote
School of Massotherapy and Atlantic University. The longframed on my office wall,
awaited Cayce-Miller Caf (on the first floor in the old Cayce
along with a photo of Walt
hospital building) will provide a place to create community
Disney walking over the empty and give all of our constituencies a place to come together for
plowed fields that would
coffee, meals, and socializing. We havent had anything like it
eventually become Disneyland. since we had the Marshalls Hotel back in the 1970s! For the
It is a quote I have reflected
first time in the hospitals history, the building will also have
upon and frequently glanced at an elevator. (See p.31 for more on this project.)
Kevin J. Todeschi
over the past year as we have
If you want to help, or if you just want more information
Executive Director and CEO
envisioned the future of the
on these projects, please contact me or Patrick Belisle in our
Edgar Cayce work, specifically as it relates to our 67th Street
Development Office at 757-457-7126 or pat@EdgarCayce.
headquarters in Virginia Beach.
org. We have raised approximately $1.5 million toward this
Several years ago, we looked at our site and we started
wonderful multimillion dollar project and we need another
compiling a list of major needs for our property, which has
$750,000 to make it a reality.
not seen any upgrades or changes in 35 years:
When giving a reading about this work, Edgar Cayce said,
A Cayce-Miller Caf, serving as a meeting place/
Plans are being laid out for a work that will change the
lunchroom for conferees, students, members, visitors,
thought of humankind in general. It is kind of fun to do the
volunteers, and staffthis has been one of the mostimpossible.
requested needs on our conference evaluations
State of-the-art, technologically equipped,
expanded space for Atlantic Universitys
growing online programs (AtlanticUniv.edu)
Professional, expanded classroom space for
the Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy
Expanded, fireproof space for the Edgar
Cayce Foundation and the invaluable
historic information that has outgrown the
current vault
A number of changes to our Visitor/
New Education Center
Conference Center, including renovated
Future home of the expanded Edgar
restrooms, new carpeting, and improved
Cayce Foundation, the Cayce/Reilly
audiovisual capabilities
School of Massotherapy, and Atlantic
Improved parking throughout the campus
Renovation of building exteriors and improved landscaping and exterior lighting
While this list of needs was being compiled
Cayce-Miller Caf
we finally received permission from the City of
(located within the Cayce Hospital)
Virginia Beach, for the first time in 35 years, to
Creating community for members,
expand our facilities. This permission was very
visitors, conferees, students,
difficult to obtain, as the A.R.E./A.U. headquarters
volunteers, and staff
resides in a residential area that built up around us
over the past 80 years. Now, we have the plan, and
Venture Inward (ISSN 0748-3406) is published quarterly by the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) for its worldwide members and affiliates, Edgar Cayce Foundation, A.R.E. Press, Atlantic
University, and the Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy. Opinions expressed are those of the authors, not necessarily of the Association. Send inquiries, change-of-address notices, or requests for back issues c/o A.R.E. Membership Services at 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061; email are@EdgarCayce.org; call 757-428-3588 or 800-333-4499; or visit EdgarCayce.org. Copyright 2011 by the
Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. The Edgar Cayce readings 1971, 1993-2010 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Reproduction by permission only.
Founded in 1931, the Mission of the A.R.E. is to help people transform their lives for the better, through research, education, and application of core concepts found in the Edgar Cayce readings and kindred
materials that seek to manifest the love of God and all people and promote the purposefulness of life, the oneness of God, the spiritual nature of humankind, and the connection of body, mind, and spirit.
Medical disclaimer: The content of this magazine is information only and should not be considered as a guide to self-diagnosis or self-treatment. See a physician for any medical problems.


The 40-Day
Prayer, (by J. Everett Irion,
pictured here) was one of the
best articles the magazine has
ever published. I tried it and
it works! Where can I find a
new copy?
Janalynn Martens, Grand Ledge, MI

Editors reply: This popular

article was published twice
before: Sep/Oct 85 and Nov/
Dec 07. Its available in the
Venture Inward archives at
along with other new and
vintage articles.
Oldies but goodies
Ive been enjoying Venture
Inward. Every so often I
pull out copies of the A.R.E.
Journal from the 70s to
review an article or two. Ive
kept all my A.R.E. publications over the years, as it
seems the articles and books
are timeless. That is to say,
the readings themselves are
I also love those old
6x9 inch booklets, each of
which was dedicated to a
particular topic from the
readings. I see from my
library that they go back at
least to the 60s! Just think
of all the hours of personal
research and dedication that
went into those publications
before the age of computers.
Ive always believed that
those privileged to work for
the Cayce organization had
a special link with Cayce (Ra
Ta) over incarnations.
Therese, Mount Shasta, California

We are perfect, but

not finished
Over the years many of us
have frequently heard, We
are perfect just the way we
are. How can this be so?
Heres my explanation:
July-September 2011

We are perfect just as we

are because we are living in
the green apple stage of our
psychological evolution.
Green apples are hard to
stomach because they are immature, yet this is a perfectly
natural and unavoidable
stage of their growth. The
same is true with us. In our
immaturity our consciences
and ideas about ethics vary.
Most of the worlds violence
and corruption reflect this
immaturity. The greed that
caused the 2008 global meltdown is an example in a long
chain of psychologicaland
physicalviolence that has
plagued much of the world
for centuries.
Green apples eventually
become big, ripe red (or yellow) applesand we, too,
will some day mature. Then
we will create a peaceful
Paul James, Coeur d Alene, Idaho

Communing with
Thank you for the well written
and easy-to-understand article
Communing with Nature (AprJun 11) which finally explained
to me that very slippery Cayce
concept of attunement. Breaking it down and giving concrete
step-by-step examples was excellent! It also brought me back to
thinking about the Qigong I used to practice some time
ago. So, I will be thinking about ways to begin Qigong
once again. Now, to incorporate all these wonderful practices into our busy lives!
I also found the article Inspirational Writing (Apr-Jun
11) to be extremely helpful and will be incorporating
that into my meditation practice. I think that as the world
is quickening, we need more of these step-by-step articles
to help newcomers and also to help those on their spiritual path to deepen their relationship with Spirit and gain
the confidence that they can serve their fellow beings.
Janyce Divers, email

Just a note to tell you how much I enjoyed the inspiring

article Communing with Nature. Nature is surely pinnacled in the stars, and this has always been the thrust of
my mission as an astronomerto get others to look up
at the majesty of the heavens and experience the joys of
personally communing with the universe!
Jim Mullaney (author, Edgar Cayce and the Cosmos)

Regarding the Ark

I was very interested in
Barbara Robinsons article
on the Ark of the Covenant
(Apr-Jun 11). Many years
ago I read a book by Elisabeth Haich called Initiation,
which says that the Ark was
once housed inside the Great
Pyramid. Anyone interested
in the Ark should read this
book. There is also a PBS
program, Wonders of the
African World, which reports
that some believe that the
Ark was taken from Jerusalem to Aksum, Ethiopia, in
the time of Solomon.
Margaret McKenna, Chicago

In the A.R.E. Catalog, Dr. C.
Norman Shealy, author of
Medical Intuition, is listed as
the founder of the American
Holistic Medical Association
(AHMA). And yet on p.40
of the Apr-Jun 11 Venture
Inward, Dr. Gladys McGarey
is listed as founder of the
AHMA. If they are co-founders, that information would
be of interest. If not, please
clarify this seeming disagreement.
Patricia Jory, Selah, WA

Editors reply: Drs. Shealy

and Gladys McGarey cofounded the AHMAalong
with Evarts Loomis, Dr. Bill
McGarey, and Jerry Looneyin 1978, and both have
served as its president in the

In the Honor Roll of Distinguished Donors (Apr-Jun 11,
p.21): The A.R.E. Southeast
Region was mistakenly left
off The Presidents Circle.
In 2010, this group raised
$20,000 to meet the Copeland Challenge for the
A.R.E.s Education Center
building fund. Heinz and
Katchen Manske should
also have been listed in the
Presidents Circle.
We apologize for the

We want your letters!

Please send your letters to: Editor,

Venture Inward, 215 67th Street,
Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061; or
email: letters@EdgarCayce.org. Letters
may be edited for length and clarity.

P S I r e s e a r ch


Men respond to subliminal aromas

roma has the most

powerful effect on a
person of all the sensory
modalities, according to
Edgar Cayce. Research reported here over the years
has provided some amazing
corroborative evidence for
the (usually subliminal) effect of odor.
The latest study
comes from the field of
evolutionary psychology
and its study of relationship
management, which asks
questions about how the
sexes choose each other
for mating and how they
maintain that relationship.
In this study, conducted at
Florida State University, men
were left in a room with
a woman who, unknown
to the men, was either
in the fertile or infertile
stage of her cycle. Later,
researchers asked the man
to rate the woman for her
Past research has shown
that when a woman is in

the fertile stage of her

cycle, men will rate her as
more attractive than they
will at other stages of her
cycle. In this new study, that
same effect was observed.
However, the researchers
invited two types of men
into this new study. One
type was already involved
in a committed romantic
relationship, while the other
type was not. The results
indicated that only the men
not already in a relationship
rated the fertile woman as
more attractive. The men
already in a relationship
rated the fertile woman as
less attractive. The researchers interpreted this result
in an evolutionary context,
suggesting that the negative reaction to the scent of
a fertile woman supported
the mens ability to maintain
their current relationship
by making them feel less
attracted to someone who
might pose a threatening
invitation to mate.

Brain feedback game

improves happiness

f happiness is a brain
event, then can we train
our brain to spend more
time in its happy state?
Apparently so. Researchers from the University of
Louisville have developed a
brain biofeedback system
that rewards the persons
brain when it emits more
happiness-related behavior (prefrontal gamma
waves) by showing the
person enhanced photos
with pleasant music. The
study won an award from
The Association for Applied
Psychophysiology and Bio6

feedback where the system

was demonstrated.
The training required
a total of 5 hours over 12
sessions. Afterwards, the
researchers measured
significant gains in the
persons happiness and
improvements in memory.
The gain in overall happiness remained constant
when measured after four
months. No plans for the
commercialization of the
system were mentioned, but
are anticipated.

What makes for a long life may

surprise you

ongevity Project participants who were

the most cheerful and had
the best sense of humor as
kids lived shorter lives, on
average, than those who
were less cheerful and joking. It was the most prudent and persistent individuals who stayed healthiest
and lived the longest.
That was the conclusion
of one of the lead researchers in the 80-years-long
study on longevity, recently
published as a book, The
Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health
and Long Life from the
Landmark Eight-Decade
Study (Hudson Street Press).
Conducted at the University
of California at Riverside,
and building on data first
collected at Stanford University, the research compared
personality characteristics of

individuals with their health

histories and mortality. The
researchers explained the
surprising results for positive thinkers: Kids who are
more optimistic take greater
risks with their lives. While
optimism is good for dealing
with crises, it is less advantageous in the long run.
Other findings from this
Marriage is more of an
advantage to mens health
than to womens, whose
health survives divorce better than does mens.
Working hard in the later
yearsbeing committed to
productivitywas associated with a longer life, for
both men and women.
Health and longevity gains
associated with social relationships are greatest when
the person is involved and
helping others.

Exercise can inhibit aging

ts possible that exercise can keep you

young. We know its good for our
health and mental outlook. It may
be good for more than that,
according to some new research
conducted at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario and published in The Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences. It may slow aging.
In their study, the researchers employed mice who had a
genetic defect that caused the mitochondria (living processes
within a cell that combine oxygen and nutrients to create
energy) to deteriorate quickly, leading to aging and an early
death. One group of these mice lived a normal lab life, while
the other group of mice enjoyed a regimen of intense exercise on an activity wheel. Three times a week for 45 minutes,
these mice would run the wheel at a speed equivalent to a
human running six miles an hour. The mice that didnt exercise began to show aging effects as early as month three. By
one year, all these mice were dead. However, all the exercising mice were still alive, with very few gray hairs. (Consider
the example set by fitness expert Jack LaLanne!) More
research is planned to determine if such intense exercise is
needed for this effect and to determine the exact mechanism
of its operation.

China bans reincarnation without

government permission

hinas State Administration for Religious Affairs issued

a new law, forbidding Tibetans to reincarnate without
formal government permission. In what the government
called an important move to institutionalize management
of reincarnation, they spelled out specific procedures and
circumstances that will govern reincarnation. In actuality,
the move is meant to give the Chinese government the say
in choosing the next Dalai Lama. Although the Buddhist
monks will appoint the successor by interviewing children
about their memories of past lives, the government will be
able to proclaim the next official Dalai Lama, someone
whose reincarnation meets with government approval.

Small shifts in poles

may be normal

he shifting of the earths

magnetic poles is one of
the themes associated with projections of earth changes and
other possible planetary calamities. The recent earthquake
in Japan, registering a record 9.0, caused the earths poles to
shift about 6-7 inches, according to a report by NASA. It was
enough of a change to require airplane pilots to compensate
for the new heading of their destination airport.
The shift in the earths poles, according to NASA, also
caused that day to be shorter, by about two microseconds.
Researchers at NASA pointed out, for the purposes of comparison, that during a normal year, the earths axis shifts here
and there about 3 feet, a much greater distance than that
caused by the Japan earthquake. They also noted that during
the year, the length of a day increases and decreases by about a
millisecond, which is more than 500 times the amount of shortening caused by the earthquake. Conclusion: recent events on
our planet amount to just another day for Mother Earth.

Man-made destruction may be upon us

cientists have determined that there have been five

mass extinctions in the history of our planet. They
were created by natural causes and wiped out as much
as 75 percent of life each time. According to a study
recently published in the journal Nature, we may be in
the midst of a sixth mass extinction. This one, according
to the study, is man-made. Habitation loss; over-hunting;
over-fishing; the spread of germs, viruses, and introduced
species; and climate change caused by fossil-fuel greenhouse gases are the sources of this slow scourge. Except
for the mass extinction caused by a comet colliding with
Earth, which killed quickly, the other four extinctions have
occurred over hundreds of thousands to millions of years,
caused by global warming or cooling. This sixth extinction, which began perhaps 200 years ago, is happening
rapidly, and will complete itself in 500-2,000 years.
July-September 2011

Romania taxes
Researchers find
witches with new Atlantis in Spain

ts a hard time for witches

and seers these days in
Romania. First the government officially recognized
witches, seers, and psychics
as legitimate professionals. That recognition also
required that the government institute taxes on the
income of this trade group.
That was bad enough, leading some witches, according to an Associated Press
report, to dump poisonous
mandrake into the Danube in an attempt to put
a hex on the government
officials. The new law also
requires witches to have a
permit, to provide
their customers
with receipts, and
bars them from
practicing near
churches, with
the threat of fines or jail
time if their predictions
dont pan out.

esearchers believe they

have found evidence for
a tsunami-buried Atlantis
in some marshland near
Cadiz, Spain. Using a combination of deep-ground
radar, digital mapping, and
underwater technology to
survey the site, an international team of archaeologists led by the University
of Hartford (Connecticut),
have been investigating
the area, and their results
will be shown on a National
Geographic Channel special.
The investigation began
with the discovery of several
memorial cities, presumably built in Atlantiss image
by its refugees after the
continents likely destruction by a tsunami.

Optimism helps heal the heart

ptimism is a hearthealthy attitude, as

research reported here in
the past has shown. New
research shows also that
optimism helps heal a heart
confronted with coronary
heart disease. The study,
conducted at Duke University Medical Center, followed
almost 3,000 heart patients
for 15 years. At the beginning of the study, researchers measured a patients
level of optimism by asking
for true/false responses to
statements such as I expect
my lifestyle will suffer; I can

still live a long,

healthy life; I doubt
that Ill ever fully recover.
At the end of the study,
the histories of these
patients were compared
and correlated with their
initial attitude about
their heart and future
prospects. The results,
published in the Archives
of Internal Medicine,
indicated that those with
the most optimistic attitudes
experienced a more
successful recovery and lived
longer than those with less

Less education means

higher blood pressure

High-fiber diet
can prolong life

he average American
doesnt get enough
fiber in the diet, and now
research indicates that such
a shortage can cut the life
span as well as create health
problems along the way. A
new study by the National
Institutes of Health found
that the difference in mortality between folks with
low-fiber and high-fiber
diets is significanta highfiber diet cuts the death rate
by 25 percent! This study
found that a high-fiber diet
was associated with significantly reduced rates of cardiovascular disease, cancer,
and respiratory ailments.

ts been known for some

time that health is related
to socio-economic status,
which in turn is related to
educational attainment.
Folks with higher levels of
education have overall better health. Recent research
has pinned down one factor that could be the cause
of this relationshipblood
Average blood pressure
among adults is inversely
related to level of education
attained, according to a
recent study published in the
journal BMC Public Health.
Those with lower levels of
education have higher blood

pressure, which is related

to several types of health
concerns. The researchers
noted, Low educational
attainment has been
demonstrated to predispose
individuals to high-strain
jobs, characterized by high
levels of demand and low
levels of control, which
have been associated with
elevated blood pressure.

Naps make you smarter

e know Thomas Edison took naps

to help his work and weve since
learned that naps improve our health,
our mental outlook, and our memory. A
recent study published in Current Biology
has shed light on what happens in naps
that create these effects.
In this study, researchers at the
University of California, Berkeley, recruited
volunteers to come to the lab to learn
a memorization task, connecting faces with names. Afterwards, half the volunteers
got a 90-minute nap that afternoon, while the rest were assigned other laboratory
activities for the afternoon. Early that evening, the researchers re-tested everyones
memory for the first task. Those who napped did much better at remembering what
they had learned earlier that day. The researchers then gave the volunteers a second
memorization task. Those who had not napped did about 20 percent worse than they
had done earlier in the day. Those who napped improved their performance relative to
their earlier work.
The researchers concluded from this study that napping helps retain what has been
learned, and helps with learning after the nap. When the researchers studied the EEG
recordings of each volunteers nap time, they found that there were sleep spindles
occurring in non-dream sleep. They speculate that these spindles reflect the brain
moving information from short-term memory to long-term storage. This movement
into long-term storage would explain why the nappers remembered their learning
better than the non-nappers. The researchers also speculate that when information
is moved from short-term to long-term memory, it relieves a burden on short-term
memory; clearing it for better work, as evidenced by the nappers outperforming their
counterparts on a new learning exercise. The researchers concluded that napping helps
both after learning and before learning.

Peer pressure can

be mobilized for

hen we hear of peer

pressure, we usually
think of its ill effects, when
folks go with the crowd and
go wrong. Little-known
research, however, shows
that peer pressure can be
mobilized to motivate folks
to change their behavior
for the better.
In her book Join the
Club: How Peer Pressure
Can Transform the World
(Norton), Tina Rosenberg, a
Pulitzer Prize and MacArthur
Foundation genius grant
winner, surveys the evidence
for the constructive use of
peer pressure. She notes
the power of the small
group to effect change and
describes several programs
that use this approach, such
as groups to promote nonsmoking (Rage Against the
Haze) and safe sex (Love
Live). Research shows that
both positive and negative
health habits can spread
virally across social networks,
and that folks in proximity
to one anotherclose
associatestend to mirror
the health habits of each
other. She advocates that
the public health system
employ the same peeroriented approach that
advertisers use to motivate
teenagers. Rather than a
campaign telling teens,
Dare to Be Different
Dont Smoke! when they
crave to fit in, we should be
advertising, Join the Cool
Clean Crowd of Smoke-Free

For related Web links or more

information, go to creativespirit.

Finding Your Souls Purpose: The Moons Nodes

There is as much reason to dwell upon the
thought from whence the soul came, as it
is upon whence the soul goeth. (3003-1)

Natal Chart Monday, July, 4, 2011

11:45:00 PM EDT; Newport News, VA
Tropical Placidus True Node

North Node

South Node

Raye Mathis will mentor

the online eGroup Life
Purpose Astrology,
Sept. 7-Oct. 14. Visit
egroups for details.
Raye Mathis, MSW, LSW, has been
an astrological counselor for over 40
years. A former A.R.E. board member,
she currently serves on the faculty of
Atlantic University where she mentors
an online course, Spiritual Crisis. Call
800-428-1512 for information.
July-September 2011

dgar Cayce was asked many

times about ones soul purpose this
lifetime and his answers varied, depending on the individual. He even
suggested that studying astrology
could be helpfulthough always emphasizing
that the Will was the overriding factor.
In all influences, as are seen, that are as standards or as signposts along lifes way, these are
writtenas it werein the astrological influences that have influenced and do influence an
entity through any given experience or time
How can you use astrology to find
your souls path in this life? On the
one hand the entire horoscope
symbolizes your souls purpose
this lifetime, but many astrologers will first look toward the
Nodes of the Moon.
The Nodes of the Moon
are not actual bodies in the
sky, but are the two points
where the Moon crossed the
ecliptic (the path of the Sun)
on the day you were born. These
two points, the North Node and
the South Node, are always exactly opposite each other by sign and by
house location. They are sometimes referred
to as the dragons head and dragons tail
terminology that has its roots in the mythology
about the heros need to meet and conquer the
dragon (a symbol for issues that block you on
your spiritual path).
Generally it is believed that the South Node
describes your souls past, your path of least
resistance, and habitual patterns you need to
change; but also your innate talents and skills.
In other words, things you already know from
previous lifetimes. The North Node reflects your
souls future path and purpose along with the
underdeveloped parts of your personality. In
other words, things you came in to learn.
Rather than think of the Nodes as an either/
or situationthat you have to leave the South
Node and head Northit is more helpful to

consider the Nodes as a pair of opposite (but related) tendencies that should be more balanced.
You may need to place more emphasis on the
areas symbolized by your North Node, yet you
dont throw away your past in order to jump to
your future. Instead you integrate the past into
the future. Explore your past in a similar way
to how you might research your ancestral inheritance: to learn spiritual illnesses you might
be susceptible to, karmic pitfalls, family issues
passed on to you, etc. Mine your background for
those undeveloped skills and talents that have
lain dormant and now need to be cultivated. No
ones past is without some hidden gems of merit.
The North Node often seems to be an unfamiliar area: one you havent investigated;
something havent been drawn to in past lives
but that, when its influences are included, would
enable you to grow spiritually and expand your
horizons extensively during this lifetime. The
two signs of the Moons Nodes form an axis
and a polarity whose integration reflects an important part of every souls purpose this lifetime.
For example: all souls entering this summer
of 2011 will have the North Node in Sagittarius
and the South Node in Gemini. (The astrological house locations of the Nodes will vary
depending on the time of birth, and will influence each individual soul differently, though
some general traits from these two astrological
signs can be applied to all these summer souls.)
In regard to Sagittarius and Gemini, these souls
will have to make sure their talent for gathering
data, facts, and information (Gemini) is used to
develop concepts that are deep, lasting, and that
expand their view of the world (Sagittarius);
rather than contributing to superficial communication with others that might degenerate into
gossip and discussing the trends of the moment
(negative Gemini). They may need to work toward taking more risk in finding their place in
the world (Sagittarius), rather than remaining
interested only in their own local neighborhood
In the end, neither astrology nor even Edgar
Cayce had the final answer to ones soul purpose.
Q. What is the main purpose of my present
incarnation and am I fulfilling it?
A. No one may answer such but self. For
remember, ye are free-willed even before the
Father. (1472-10)

Interpreting the Ear

Our Planet in Motion

Birth Pains of a New Era

B y J ohn Van Au k en

here are concerns about

readings given during a period from October 15, 1933 to
January 18, 1935 when, according to Gladyss note at the end of
reading 262-76, there was an obstruction in the mind of Edgar Cayce and
those around him; she notes that that
obstruction has been removed as of
January 18, 1935. To avoid this period
of obstructed readings, the following
readings convey the significant elements
of the Cayce earth-change readings
given before and after the obstruction
period. Even so, these readings are disturbing because we like to think of our
planet as a stable home, but, in fact, its
crust is always moving, it wobbles on its
axis, and it is flying around in a space
containing other objects, two of which
passed so close in 2010 that they were
inside the orbit of the moon. Cayce addressed our concerns in a reading for
himself: That the periods from the material angle as visioned [in a dream] are
to come to pass matters not to the soul,
but do thy duty today! Tomorrow will
care for itself. These changes in the earth
will come to pass, for the time and timesand-a-half are at an end, and there begin
those periods for the readjustments. For
how hath He given? The righteous shall
inherit the earth. Hast thou, my brethren, a heritage in the earth? (294-185,
There are three basic types of earth
changes in the Cayce readings: (1) changes in the planets weather patterns, (2)
increase in earthquake and volcanic ac-


tivity, and (3) shifting of the poles of the

earth as a part of the coming New Age.

La Nia and El Nio

Amazingly, on May 28, 1926, Edgar

Cayce made a connection between temperature changes in deep ocean currents
and weather changes in reading 195-29:
As the heat or cold in the various parts
of the earth is radiated off, and correlated
with reflection in the earths atmosphere,
this in its action changes the currents
or streams in the ocean. ... This reading was concerning the future of wheat
crops and weather patterns, and Cayces
description may be his version of what
weve all come to know today as La
Nia and El Nio. These are weather
patterns that are a result of temperature
changes in the deep currents of Pacific
Ocean. These changes in the temperature
of ocean currents have had a dramatic
impact on our weather.

The Tsunami in the Indian


Perhaps the most amazing example

of Cayces prophetic abilities was his
prediction of the tsunami in the Indian
Ocean that resulted from an undersea
earthquake. This event occurred on
December 26, 2004, but Cayce saw it in
April of 1941: Strifes will arise through
the period. Watch for them...in the
Indian Ocean. ...Ye say that these are of
the sea; yes, for there shall the breaking
up be... (3976-26, 4/28/1941) The event
began with an undersea earthquake in
Continued on page 12

th Change Readings
Its NOT about Earthquakes
Spiritual Transformation is the Goal

B y Kev i n J. Todesch i

almost hate to admit this but I

originally became infatuated with
the Edgar Cayce readings more
than 35 years ago because of the
earth-changes readings. Like many
individuals, my concern about earth
changes was predicated upon information that had been disseminated for
decades by A.R.E. spokespeople as well
as A.R.E. publications, and a variety
of readings excerpts that all seemed to
indicate a global future fraught with
earthquakes, California sliding off into
the ocean (potentially as far east as
Nebraska), a shifting of the poles, and a
calamitous disaster that would connect
the Great Lakes with the Gulf of Mexico
and essentially divide what remained of
the continental United States in two.
For years, the A.R.E. publicized the
fact that the Cayce readings stated the
period between 1958 and 1998 would
be a testing period for the world and
would, in all likelihood, result in massive, global, physical earth changes. This
had certainly been my understanding
when I first became involved with the
Cayce work back in 1974. However,
by the time I had joined the A.R.E. staff
in 1982 and had taken the opportunity
to explore some of the Cayce readings
for myself, my understanding began to
change. Perhaps my first awakening
came with the surprising realization
that the topic of earth changes was not
even a major subject in the readings. It
has become, however, one of the most
publicized and misunderstood topics in
the history of the Cayce work. Today, I

July-September 2011

am more convinced than ever that the

Edgar Cayce material on earth changes
is not really about earthquakes at all
but instead about our connectedness as
a human species. Just what are some of
the misperceptions about this material?
And what do the readings really suggest?
The readings on earth changes can
be summarized into four categories:
1) readings discussing changes for the
1930s, especially 1936; 2) readings suggesting that earth changes are gradual;
3) readings stating that earth changes
are cataclysmic and disastrous; and 4)
earth changes that occurred in prehistory
(ancient times).
I recently contacted at random a
number of different departments within
A.R.E. and spoke to a dozen different
staff people and volunteersfrom various backgrounds, lengths of service, and
duration of membership. My question
was simple, How many readings did
Edgar Cayce give on the topic of earth
changes? Most of the responses were
either hundreds or thousands. One
person said 50. Only one said that the
number was less than 20, and less than
20 is the correct answer. Setting aside category #4 (prehistory), less than 20 of the
more than 14,000 readings talk about
the potential of future earth changes.
Information that essentially explores .14
percent (that is point-one-four percent)
of the Cayce material has become the
most-publicized topic in the entire archives. Amazing! In terms of category #1,
here are some examples of the readings
Continued on page 13

Van Auken, continued from page 10

the Indian Ocean measuring 9.0 on the
Richter scale that generated three enormous tidal waves (tsunamis) that flowed
out far enough to strike ten Asian and
two African countries.

Earthquakes and Sea Levels

In 1941, Cayce gave another detailed

description of earth changes to a Ms.
1152: As to conditions in the geography
of the world, of the country, changes are
gradually coming about [note the word
gradually]. ... In the next few years, lands
will appear in the Atlantic [e.g., Iceland
and Fogo Cape Verdewere still waiting for Atlantis to rise] as well as in the
Pacific [e.g., Hawaii and New Zealand].
And what is the coastline of many a land
now will be the bed of the ocean. Even
many of the battlefields of the present
[1941, WW II] will be ocean, will be
the seas, the bays, the lands over which
the new order will carry on their trade.
Portions of the now east coast of New
York, or New York City itself, will in
the main disappear. This will be another
generation though [a generation is 25
years, therefore 1941+25 years equates
to the generation born in the mid-1960s];
while the southern portions of Carolina,
Georgia will disappear [likely from the
major fault under Charleston, SC]. This
will be much sooner. The waters of the
lakes [Great Lakes] will empty into
the Gulf [of Mexico] rather than the
waterway over which such discussions
have been recently made [St. Lawrence
Seawaythis is likely to be a result of
movement on the New Madrid fault
under the Mississippi River]. It would
be well if the waterway were prepared...
Then the area where the entity is now
located [Virginia Beach] will be among
the safety lands, as will be what is now
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois and much
of the southern portion of Canada and
the eastern portion of Canada; while
the western landmuch of that is to
be disturbed... Ms. 1152 finishes this
reading with some very direct questions
about New York City, Los Angeles, and
San Francisco. Q. Will Los Angeles be
safe? A. Los Angeles, San Francisco, most
all of these will be among those that will
be destroyed before New York even.
(1152-11, 8/13/1941)

Clearly some earth changes are inevitable given that our

planet is made up of tectonic plates that continue to move.
These movements affect volcanoes and earthquakes.
Another often-publicized reading is
about the interconnected timing of some
U.S. west coast activity with volcanoes in
the Caribbean and Italy: If there are the
greater activities in the Vesuvius [Italy],
or Pele [sister volcano to Montserrat in
the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea],
then the southern coast of California
and the areas between Salt Lake and
the southern portions of Nevadamay
expect, within the three months following the greater activity, an inundation by
the earthquakes. (270-35, 1/21/1936)
Clearly some earth changes are inevitable given that our planet is made
up of tectonic plates that have moved
and continue to move. These movements
affect volcanoes and earthquakes, which
in turn generate tsunamis.

Shifting of the Poles of the Earth

Q. What great change or the beginning

of what change, if any, is to take place in
the earth in the year 2000 to 2001 A.D.?
A. When there is a shifting of the poles;
or a new cycle begins. (826-8, 8/11/1936)

When asked to explain what some of

the characteristics of the New Age would
be, Cayce answered:
In the Piscean age, in the center of same,
we had the entrance of Emmanuel or God
among men, see? What did that mean?
The same will be meant by the full consciousness of the ability to communicate
with or to be aware of the relationships to
the Creative Forces and the uses of same
in material environs. This awareness during the era or age in the age of Atlantis
and Lemuria or Mu brought what; destruction to man, and his beginning of
the needs of the journey up through that
of selfishness. Then, as to what will these
beonly those who accept same will even
become aware of whats going on about
them! How few realize the vibratory
forces as create influences from even one
individual to another, when they are even
in the same vibratory force or influence!
And yet ye ask what will the Aquarian
age bring in mind, in body, in experience?
(1602-3, 9/22/1939)
Continued on page 14

Todeschi, continued from page 11

talking about 1936:
Q. Please forecast the principal events
for the next fifty years affecting the welfare of the human race.
A. This had best be cast after the great
catastrophe thats coming to the world in
36 (thirty-six), in the form of the breaking up of many powers that now exist
as factors in the world affairs Then,
with the breaking up of in 36 (thirty-six)
will be the changes that will make the
different maps of the world. (3976-10,
Q. What will be the type and extent of
the upheaval in 36?
A. The wars, the upheavals in the
interior of the earth, and the shifting of
same by the differentiation in the axis as
respecting the positions from the Polaris
center. (5748-6, 7/1/1932)
Q. Will the earth upheavals during
1936 affect San Francisco as it did in
A. Thisll be a baby beside what itll be
in 36! (270-38, 2/13/1933)
With the above in mind, was Edgar
Cayce wrong? There was no shifting of
the poles, no physical changes that impacted world maps, and no cataclysmic
earthquakes. Let me offer an alternative
explanation. Much like interpreting
a dream, oftentimes a psychic has to
interpret the symbols and images he
or she sees in an effort to explain the
changes that are being seen and predicted
on a future timeline. Rather than earthquakes or pole shifts, 1936 marked the
beginning of civil war in Spain, Hitlers
invasion of the Rhineland in violation of
the Treaty of Versailles, and ongoing aggression between Japan and China that
grew to an all-out war in 1937. Events
were set in place causing the outbreak
of World War II and the changes Cayce
saw expressed themselves in the affairs
of humankind. In fact, even by 1935 it
appears as though the different maps of
the world that Cayce had once foreseen
as physical earth changes were being revisited and further clarified. In response
to a question regarding global affairs,
Cayce warned a 29-year-old freight
agent of catastrophic events that were
building to a world at war:
As to the affairs of an international
nature, these we find are in a condition
July-September 2011

of great anxiety on the part of many; not

only as individuals but as to nations
This will make for the taking of sides, as
it were, by various groups or countries
or governments. This will be indicated
by the Austrians, Germans, and later the
Japanese joining in their influence For
these will gradually make for a growing
of animosities.
And unless there is interference from
what may be called by many the supernatural forces and influences, that are
activative in the affairs of nations and
peoples, the whole worldas it were
will be set on fire by the militaristic
groups and those that are for power
and expansion in such associations.
(416-7, 10/7/1935)
During the same reading when a question was asked about the possibility of
cataclysmic earth changes, Cayce said,
in part: Tendencies in the hearts and
souls of men are such that these [disasters/cataclysms] may be brought about.
For manby his compliance with
divine lawbring[s] order out of chaos
by his disregard bring[s] chaos and
destructive forces into his experience.

In category #2, a number of read-

ings suggest that the earth changes we

can anticipate are gradual in nature,
Q. Are the physical changes in
Alabama predicted for 1936-38 to be
gradual or sudden changes?
A. Gradual.
Q. What form will they take?
A. To be sure, that may depend upon
much that deals with the metaphysical,
as well as to that people called actual or
in truth! for, as understoodor should
be by the entitythere
are those conditions that
in the activity of individuals, in line of thought and
endeavor, keep oft many
a city and many a land
intact through their application of the spiritual
laws in their associations
with individuals. (311-10,
In 1998 we may find a
great deal of the activities
as have been wrought by
the gradual changes that
are coming about. These

are at the periods when the cycle of the

solar activity, or the years as related to
the suns passage through the various
spheres of activity become paramount
or Catamount [?] [Tantamount?] to
the change between the Piscean and the
Aquarian age. This is a gradual, not a
cataclysmic activity in the experience
of the earth in this period. (1602-3,
In contradiction to the perspective
of gradual change is the fact that
the world seems to be in the midst of
one global disaster after anotherfor
example, Hurricane Katrina and earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Australia, and
Japan (coupled with a Tsunami) might
lead us to question the gradual change
worldview. However, many studies
show that there are not more disasters;
instead, there are more people, better
global communication systems, and an
ever-increasing population growth in
vulnerable, disaster-prone areas. In other
words, we have always had earthquakes,
but ever-burgeoning population growth
and ongoing changes in weather patterns will make vulnerable areas of the
global even more susceptible to potential

In category #3, there are definitely

readings that have been quoted to suggest the inevitability of cataclysmic earth
changes, including the following:
The earth will be broken up in many
places. The early portion will see a
change in the physical aspect of the west
coast of America. There will be open
waters appear in the northern portions of
Greenland. There will be new lands seen
off the Caribbean Sea, and dry land will
Continued on page 14


Van Auken, continued from page 12

The Changes Are Gradual

In 1998 we may find a great deal of

the activities as have been wrought by
the gradual changes that are coming
about [81 quakes over 6.5, 8 over 7.0,
and one tsunami that destroyed 9,500
homes in Papua New Guinea]. These
are at the periods when the cycle of the
solar activity, or the years as related to
the suns passage through the various
spheres of activity become paramount
or Catamount [?] [Tantamount?] to
the change between the Piscean and the
Aquarian age. This is a gradual, not a
cataclysmic activity in the experience of
the earth in this period. (1602-3, 9/22/
1939, authors emphasis)

Modern Reports

Modern experts that track our planets

activities are reporting a trend toward
increasing changes, both in number
and in magnitude. Robert Hartwig,
president of the Insurance Information
Institute, recently reported in The Street,
Four of the five costliest earthquakes
and tsunamis in the past 30 years have

Todeschi, continued from page 13

Cayces Positive Future

Despite all of these changes, Cayce associates them with a positive outcome:
For a thousand years He [Jesus Christ]
will walk and talk with men of every
clime. Then in groups, in masses, and
then they shall reign of the first resurrection for a thousand years; for this will
be when the changes materially come.
(364-8, 4/15/1932, authors emphasis)
In Matthew 24, Jesus prophesied
many earth changes, only to finish by describing them as part of the birth pains
of a new era, adding,Those days will be
shortened. The Revelation prophesies
a period of 1,000 years when Satan and
all evil are bound and the earth enjoys a
golden age. Cayce touches on this, Can
the mind of man comprehend no desire
to sin, no purpose but that the glory of
the Son may be manifested in his life? Is
this not a new heaven, a new earth? For
the former things would have passed
away. For as the desires, the purposes,
the aims are to bring about the whole
change physically, so does it create in
the experience of each soul a new vision,
a new comprehension.
(281-37, 9/8/1937, authors emphasis)
What should we do?
Cayce was asked this
question and gave an
answer we all should
consider: Q. What can
I do to help bring about
the New Age? A. You
will have to practice it in
your own life. (51541, 2/24/1944, authors

Approx. number of reported natural disasters, 1952-2009

occurred within the past 13 months.
2010 saw the highest number of disaster-related insurance claims in history,
and 2011 in April was already ahead of
last year (see accompanying chart). According to Margareta WahlstrmUN
special representative of the secretary
general for disaster risk reductionreported 3,852 disasters affecting more
than 2 billion survivors in this recent
decade, and costing a minimum of 960
billion U.S. dollars in damages.

About the Author

John Van Auken,
is a director and head
of research at Edgar
Cayces A.R.E. He is
an internationally renowned speaker and
acknowledged expert
on the Cayce readings,
ancient mysteries, and
other topics. He writes
Venture Inwards Ancient Mysteries column and is
the author of several books, including From Karma to Grace and Edgar Cayce and the Kabbalah.

appear. (3976-15, 1/19/1934)

This reading has been frequently
quoted in earth-changes books, booklets,
and even prophecy documentaries.
The irony, however, is that no one ever
quotes the question which Cayce was
answering, as follows: What are the
world changes to come this year physically? (Note: the reading was given in
1934.) However, before the question
regarding 1934 was even asked, Cayce
also predicted:
As to the changes physical again: The
earth will be broken up in the western
portion of America. The greater portion
of Japan must go into the sea. The upper
portion of Europe will be changed as in
the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America.
There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in
the Antarctic that will
make for the eruption of volcanoes
in the Torrid areas, and there will
be shifting then
of the polesso
that where there
has been those
of a frigid or the
semi-tropical will
become the more
tropical, and moss
and fern will grow. And
these will begin in those
periods in 58 to 98, when
these will be proclaimed as the
periods when His light will be seen
again in the clouds. As to times, as to
seasons, as to places, Alone is it given to
those who have named the name
However, this same reading also includes the curious statement, I, Halaliel,
have spoken, presenting this as one of
the few readings when another entity
spoke through Edgar Cayce. So this reading cant really be attributed to Edgar
Cayce at all. And just who is Halaliel?
My understanding is that he is the archangel of karma. Certainly, we must have
some potential for grace in our collective global futures? Another interesting
possibility about this reading is the statements regarding the greater portion
of Japan going into the sea and the

What if global turmoil is simply a means to an end of coming

to the realization of our connectednessthe universes means
of bringing us together in oneness?
upper portion of Europe changing as
in the twinkling of an eye. Although
not literally true, both certainly became
symbolically true as an aftermath of
World War II.
Another item often cited concerns
a dream Edgar Cayce had in 1936
after having been arrested in Detroit
for practicing medicine without a license. (Report 294-185). Essentially,
the dream portrayed Edgar Cayce as
being reincarnated in 2158 in a coastal
town in Nebraska (!) and discovering
that his work from his lifetime as Edgar
Cayce was still being studied. That
dream has been misquoted in both
books and lectures as Edgar
Cayce predicted Nebraska
would be the coastline
when, in fact, that is
not the case at all.
A reading was given on the dream
and essentially
interpreted it as
that regardless of
what happened in
the external world
(e.g., being arrested),
Cayces work was
important and would
The readings also suggest
that whenever war, strife, and turmoil occur in the affairs of humankind,
sunspots occur as a natural consequence.
On one occasion Cayce went so far as to
state that the phenomenon of sunspots
was inextricably connected to instability
and turmoil upon the planet earth itself.
(5751-1) In other words, instability
among people leads to instability upon
the planet and throughout the universe!
Along similar lines, when a 40-year-old
woman asked for more information
about herself and her relationship to the
universe, the response came that, for all
individuals, everything that was out of
accord with spirit and divine laws had an
impact upon the heavens. (2408-1) On
another occasion, Cayce told a group:
For as the people of each nation pray,
July-September 2011

and then live that prayer, so must the

Spirit work. (3976-23)
One of the most interesting dynamics
of people working together is that they
can raise the vibration of energy and
thought to a higher level. Simply stated,
this means that literal physical earth
changes seen decades ago by Edgar
Cayce could now be changes that will
occur on a different level. Certainly,
some earthquakes will continue to
occur as part of the natural physical
evolution of the planet. But potentially
even more influential changes could
come from worldwide political turmoil (such as what is occurring in the
Middle East), global economic challenges (that are reinforcing the awareness
of our interconnectivity), and many more
upheavals that are not necessarily
geological in nature.

Just what did Edgar Cayce see for

our collective futures? The readings

state that eventually one hallmark of the
Aquarian Age we are entering could be
described simply as purity. (1602-3)
It is important to point out that were
not going to wake up one day soon and
think Oh my goshweve entered an
age of purity. Instead, there is a gradual
transition between ages. Its quite possible that it will be a generation or two
from now that humankind finally looks
back and says, You know, it appears
that the real change started to occur
around the end of 2012 In addition to
purity, the readings suggest that the Age
is ultimately one of globalization in terms
of understanding that each individual is
responsible for every other individual.
Certainly, with the globalization of communications brought on by the Internet
this may have already become a reality.
Finally, in addition to globalization and
purity, the Edgar Cayce readings also
state that spiritual consciousness will
reach such a height of development
during this period that eventually each
individual will be able to communicate
directly with the Divine.
Ultimately, I no longer believe that the
Edgar Cayce readings on earth changes

are really about physical changes at all.

Instead they are about the fact that a
new world is being born. The changes
however they manifestprovide an
opportunity to understand our relationship with one another and get our
priorities back in focus. Rather than plotting out potential earthquakes or simply
revisiting the potentials of earth-change
readings given decades ago, perhaps the
time has come to look at this material in
a new light. What if global turmoil is simply a means to an end of coming to the
realization of our connectedness? What
if we could come to an understanding of
our oneness with one another without
the challenge? What if global events
were the universes means of bringing the
world together in oneness?
The changing events in our world and
in our lives are to enable us to remember
why we are here. Our planet is in the
midst of upheavals that will enable individuals everywhere to eventually gain
this realization: with God as our Creator
we are all part of the same family. That
understanding and experience is our
collective destiny. We dont want to fool
ourselves: the geological condition of the
planet makes some earth changes inevitable. In other words, there will continue
to be earthquakes. But the purpose of
the changes we are experiencing is not
for the earth changes themselves but
simply a step toward reawakening to our
destiny as spiritual beings manifesting in
the earth.
About the Author
Kevin J. Todeschi is
Executive Director and
CEO of Edgar Cayces
A.R.E. and Atlantic
University. He oversees
activities of the Cayce
work worldwide. As
both student and teacher
of the Edgar Cayce material for more than 30
years, he has lectured on five continents in front
of thousands of individuals. A prolific writer, he
is the author of many articles and more than 20
books, including Edgar Cayce on Vibration, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, and The Rest
of the Noah Story.


The Body, Mind, Will, Spirit Connection

Part I: The Body

When the body is

viewed as the temple
of the living God, it
becomes a sacred vessel.

The Reverend June Bro is a

long-time A.R.E. member and friend
of Edgar Cayce. She is an ordained
Disciples of Christ minister.


ur bodies give us more grief

than any other part of our spiritual makeup. And yet, they offer
us exactly what we need in order
to keep moving forward on our
journey back to God. If we are really spiritual
beings in these physical bodies, we need to understand the beautiful opportunity these bodies
present to our souls.
These bodies are very complex; are beautifully intricate, with wiring that connects our
bodies with our minds, our wills, and our spirits.
We have infinite capacities for good and infinite
capacities for evil. The key is that we have been
given the option of choice in everything we do
with our bodies. But the choices are never easy.
It is critical for our growth and awareness,
that we know how we think about this body
and how to treat it day by day.
There are beliefs that have come down to us
through the ages, and we ignore them at our
peril. There is a long held belief that the body is
inherently evil. This view also says that the body
is full of a lust for power, and a lust for material
possessions, not to mention rampant appetites
for tobacco, alcohol, and illegal substances.
Alongside this view of the body is another
view that is biblical and one that Edgar Cayce
encourages us to look at seriously. It is simply this: the body is seen to be the holiest of
temples in which God resides. It is so exquisitely
conceived and wired that our instincts can be
tempered by the mind, by the will, and by the
Spirit of God, which lives in us. These instincts
are not evil; they are valuable tools that help us
deal with the world around us. Edgar Cayce
would go even further than that. He would say
that the body is as important as the mind, spirit,
or willand that without our bodies the soul
would be deprived of valuable opportunities to
learn the lessons it needs for its growth. When
the body is viewed as the temple of the living
God, it becomes a sacred vessel. If we truly
believed this, we would treat our bodies and
everyones body with the deepest respect.
What a different view of the body from the
first. What a different world we would live in if
we all saw our bodies and every other body as a

house which is holy all througha

chapel in which God meets us
face to face.
What are the ways that
God would have us use these
He spoke of a balance in
our bodily activities; a time
for work, a time for play, a
time for intimacy, a time for eating, a time for
studying, a time for praying and meditating, and
a time for doing something to help someone
else at every opportunity. All of these activities
require the cooperation of the physical body.
Most important of all, He said, was that we
hold to the ideal of serving our Maker in every
act that requires using our bodies.
Now what about using our bodies to show
affection? We all need affection and need to
offer affection. We all need a warm kiss and a
hug. We all need the encouragement of a loving word. At times we need an arm around our
shoulders giving us the support we long for. We
all long for intimacy.
A woman came to me as I sat at the reception
desk, and asked if she could talk confidentially
with me. She said that she and her companion
were both on a serious spiritual path. They
love one another deeply and she asked whether
intimacy is allowed when a couple is seeking
to make God central in everything they did. I
gave her the best understanding I have regarding using the body in this way. 1 told her that
if the encounter is preceded by prayer, if both
understand that their bodies are sacred vessels,
if the love is unselfish, if there are promises to
one another, God will meet them in that bodily
act, too. A sexual encounter can be a hint of
the joy that is destined for us as we become one
with our God.
The woman thanked me with tears running
down her cheeks. I assured her again that every
activity of the body can and should be a holy
act, inviting God to be present.
For it is in Him ye live, and move, and have
thy being. And it is in thy body-temple, where
He hath promised to meet theein the holy of
holies. (1992-1)
Look for Part II: The Mind in the next issue of Venture

July-September 2011


B y A nn J aff i n

Stans encounters with the

deceased as well as his research
helped prepare him for his
transition, so its not surprising
that he started communicating
soon after he died.


y husband, Stan, was an electronics kind of guy.

A ham radio enthusiast from his teens, he fell in love
with computers as an undergraduate in the 1960s and
went on to earn a doctorate in information technology,
which became his lifelong career. He published a series
of seven articles about antenna design in an amateur radio magazine
in the early 1980s. Stan had numerous books about the mathematics
of electronics but one that I found, How to Measure Anything with
Electronic Instruments, aptly described his fascination with the topic.
Just a few months before his death, Venture Inward published a
lengthy article by Stan in the spring 2010 issue, Cayces Borderland:
Higher DimensionsOther Realities. The readings use the term
borderland to describe the dimension to which we go after physical
death. Perhaps Stan was fascinated by what the readings had to say
about higher dimensions because over the years several of his deceased relatives appeared to him. Thus, he knew firsthand that there
is survival after bodily death. Although Stan had been the strongest,
healthiest person I knew, my beloved helpmeet of 35 years died from
an aggressive form of colon cancer on July 13, 2010, and entered the
borderland. I know that his encounters with the deceased as well as
his research and studies helped to prepare him for his transition. So
its not really surprising that Stan began communicating very soon
after he died. Although I was not there, he showed up at my A.R.E.
study group meeting the night after he passed with a message for me.
MaryAnn, a kind and sensitive friend, was able to see and hear
him. She explained that she saw his head and upper body and that
they communicated mentally, not audibly. Of course, his appearance
was the biggest message; it said in a dramatic fashion that he was
alive and well and eager to communicate. The Cayce readings assure
us that ... life is a continuous experience ... (1824-1)

Not surprisingly, many of Stans communications have been through electronic devices. This not only fits with his
interests, it also fits with what Cayces
readings say about the relationship between God and electricity.
Know then that the force in nature
that is called electrical or electricity is
that same force ye worship as Creative
or God in action! (1299-1)
Electricity or vibration is that same energy, same power, ye call God. (2828-4)
Immediately after Stans death, I began
wearing his favorite watch, an Atlantis
dive watch. My Atlantean husband was
fascinated with Cayces readings on
Atlantis and his favorite vacation destination was Bimini, which he loved to
explore. I can still see him blazing trails
for A.R.E. friends through the mangrove
swamps of east Bimini with his machete.
I called him Indiana Jaffin.
The first watch communication occurred the day after his funeral. Before
he died, Stan had instructed me not to
contact a particular family member with
news of his death. To my surprise, this
person had heard about Stans passing
and called me the day after the funeral.
We talked for about 20 minutes. After I
hung up the phone, I glanced at Stans
watch, which was digital, and was
amazed to see that all its digits were
flashing zeros. I knew that Stan was unhappy and saying, I know who youre
talking to!
A couple of weeks later, Stan again
communicated through the watch.
During his illness, we had discussed the
need for me to move from our beloved
old house before winter. I listed it for sale
with a friends realtor who quickly found
me a perfect place to live. While the
realtor and I worked on the listing paperwork for four hours, I kept checking
the time on Stans watch because I had
another appointment. Afterwards, I went
into Stans study, which I had emptied
out mercilessly the day before, and noticed that Stans watch had again zeroed
out! I knew that it was a sign from him
and that he was near. I was concerned
that he might be angry but then realized
that although the watch had zeroed out,
July-September 2011

it was not flashing. I felt that Stan was

telling me that he knew what I was doing, but unlike before, he was not angry.
He approved. I was happy and grateful
to have this reassurance.
Stan returned to communicating
through his Atlantis dive watch over
Labor Day weekend. I was awakened at
2:30 a.m. by a beeping noise. I thought it
was the remote control for the air conditioner and was afraid the battery might
die on this very hot night. But it was
Stans watch on my bedside table that
was beeping. It soon stopped. The next
night I was awakened at 4 a.m. by his
watch, and again it beeped only briefly.
I knew he was close by. The following
night I was unusually tired and told him
that I was very, very glad that he was
with me, but I needed to sleep through
the night. That night his watch did not
beep. I missed his electronic communication and the next night I told him that I
wanted him to wake me up again with
his watch beep. I woke to a soft beep at 4
a.m., spoke to him, the beeping stopped,
and I went back to sleep.
Two months to the day after his funeral, I assured Stan that I wanted his
presence and communication but needed
to sleep and asked him to communicate
in other ways. Early the next morning the
bedroom phone rang just once at 5:30
a.m., but there was no one on the line;
5:30 was the time that Stan woke up to
go to work. As always, I was happy to
know he was with me, and I was able to
go right back to sleep.
Stan and I had a wonderful weekend
getaway near the ocean, less than two
months before his death, at the home of
Lisa, one of my oldest friends. She had a
digital picture frame in her living room
full of family photos which had been
a gift from her son the previous year.
Exactly two weeks after Stans passing,
Lisa was very surprised to see that a pink
heart the size of a quarter had formed
at the bottom of the screen of this electronic device. The heart contained four
words: Love is for eternity. The frame
had never done anything like this before.
Lisa realized that this was from Stan

and meant for me. The heart remained

there for 24 hours and then disappeared.
During that time, another friend visited
Lisa and she, too, saw the heart with its
beautiful message.
Stan not only communicated with some
other very good friends, he manifested
a gift for two of them. For many years,
we went out to dinner and played bridge
with Jane and Tom. We were at their
home the evening that Stan had first
taken ill. Like Stan, Jane and Tom are
very technologically savvy people. Two
months to the day after he died, Jane
found that she had received a gift from
Stan. When she opened a small drawer
in her computer table where she kept
a few important items, she was very
surprised to find something new. Not
only could she not figure out how it had
gotten there, she did not know what it
was! It was in an unopened plastic bag
and looked like some kind of a small,
electronic gadget which plugged into
something, but neither Jane nor Tom
had anything that it fit. She showed it to
other people, including computer sales
and professional people, who finally
decided that it was some kind of sensor.
But many of them felt that it was old
and not something that was presently
available. It was probably something
that Stan had for his electronics that
he had never used and that I wouldnt
know what to do with anyway. Thus it
was safe to give it away.
At this particular time, Jane was
helping me gather information about
a powerful home generator which had
been Stans, for her friend who was interested in buying it. Since Stan was so
much on Janes mind at that time, she
figured that this mysterious electronic
gift was from him. The gift was also a
play on words. It was a sensor, and Stans
gift was giving his long-time friends a
sense of his presence.
Before we were married, Stan bought me
a Mongolian lamp that Ive always kept
on my bedside table. We both felt that
we had ridden the steppes of Asia to19

gether in a past life. Recently, a very personal electrical communication showed

that Stan had not lost his sense of humor.
One sultry summer night, when the air
conditioner was not keeping up, I told
him that I was so hot I thought Id just
dispense with my nightgown. To my
surprise, the Mongolian lamp went out
completely for about 15 or 20 seconds
and then came back on! It has never
done that before or since. I just stood
in the dark and laughed, loving that he
was letting me know that he was right
there with me.
I also had a dramatic electrical communication from Stan. One evening I
was taking messages off my answering
machine when a call came in that I
wanted to take. It was from Sandy, a
friend in Maryland, who owns a riding
stable. Over the years, we had many
wonderful rides at Sandys, and Stan
had his last vigorous trail ride there.
Just as I answered the incoming call, the
light bulb in my antique ceiling fixture
blew out with a loud noise. None of our
antique light fixtures had ever behaved
like that.
When a friend came to change that
bulb, I cautioned him to remove the
globe that covered it carefully because
I was sure that the bulb had shattered
and the globe would be full of broken
glass. We were very surprised to find
that the bulb was still intact but the
lamp socket was singed! Apparently
the light fixture had shorted out, which
may have prevented a fire!
I feel that this was not only another
electric communication from my dear
husband, but that he had intervened to
protect me and our home from a fire. I
said a little prayer of thanksgiving to
both God and Stan.
The readings remind us to:
...pray oft for those who
have passed on...Those
who have passed through
Gods other door are oft
listening, listening for the voice
of those they have loved in the earth.
The nearest and dearest thing they
have been conscious of in earthly
consciousness. (3954-1)

Stan has not limited his communications to electronic gadgets. He has

also used some of the more traditional
spirit communication methods such as
appearing to sensitive friends and speaking to them, usually through mental
One of my most difficult and heartrending tasks was to find a new home for
our beautiful, six-year-old Siberian husky, Yuri [see Synchronicity]. MaryAnn,
the study group friend through whom
Stan had communicated the night after he died, accompanied me to a dog
rescue facility. After touring the facility,
MaryAnn and I sat on a bench in the
bustling lobby so I could collect myself.
Much to my surprise, MaryAnn said
quietly to me, Oh, Stan is here.
Stan, MaryAnn, and I proceeded to have a remarkable three-way
MaryAnn remarked that Stan looked
even better than the last time she saw
him! I told Stan about a painful regret
that I carried, and he gave me a wonderful gift, when he said that I had given him
so much that he was able to leave sooner.
I knew that introducing him to the Cayce
readings was an important part of what
I had given him. Since I could not see or
hear Stan, I asked MaryAnn if leaving
sooner referred to his dying relatively
young, and she said that it did.
Stan told me that I was doing great
and that I must do the work that I had
incarnated to do, which was to write the
second book that had been knocking on
the door of my consciousness for several
years. He explained that responsibility

for Yuri must not prevent me from doing

my work. He also reminded me to take
care of my health.
Tearfully I thanked him for his guidance and said Id like for it to continue,
but I did not want to hold him back. He
said I was not holding him back but he
did have to study. When MaryAnn asked
what he would be studying, he replied,
The medicine of the future. This made
sense. Stan had a strong interest in health,
and as a child, he had wanted to be a
I was happy when I asked if he would
visit me in my new place and he said yes.
He also told me that I need to have more
faith in God, though Stan did not usually
talk about God. We then talked about
some family members. However, when
my insecurity resurfaced and I asked him
how soon the house would sell, he made
no reply and disappeared. Many tissues
later, when Mary Ann and I got into
my car, she said that Stan was back. He
told her that our house would sell and I
should not worry. He sure was rightit
sold in less than a week!
This encounter with Stan was told to me
by Pam, a coworker and good friend of
Stans. Pam credits Stan with helping
her make good career decisions and
find new job opportunities with good
promotion potential.
A few weeks after Stan died, Pam had
a big decision to make and missed being
able to talk it over with him. She had
a new job offer and the question that
was on her mind was should she stay or

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should she move? Pam put it this way: I

always discussed these types of questions
with Stan, who would lay out the road
map of how to execute the transition
to the new opportunity. He told me years
ago to make sure that I was ready to
leave and move on. Stans advice was
to never entertain a counter offer from
my current employer.
On the Sunday morning of Labor Day
weekend, with all that on her mind, Pam

One of the
hardest things
Ive had to
do since my
husband, Stan,
died was to
find a good
home for our
beloved Siberian husky, Yuri. After
many attempts, a family found him
through a coincidental encounter
with someone who works for our
mutual veterinarian. Yuris new
owner is the president of the local
dog park so he obviously really
loves dogs. And this wonderful family welcomes my visits so I still have
our pet in my life!
As I was preparing to leave after
a visit with Yuris new family, I
mentioned to the lady of the house
that I had to get back to my writing.
When she asked what I was writing,
I asked if she had ever heard of
Edgar Cayce. She said, No, but
her father-in-law said, Edgar Cayce
was a special person. He went on
to tell me that his mother had been
very interested in spiritual matters
and had requested a reading from
Cayce for him when he was a young
man. Unfortunately this never
happened and he was on the list to
have a reading when Edgar died!
So our dear Yuri went from a
home where his owner, Stan, had
Cayce readings in his family to a
new family where a member almost
had a Cayce reading. What are the
odds of either of those things occurring, let alone both?
July-September 2011

was sleeping in her sons room since he

was spending the night at a friends and
her husbands snoring kept her awake.
Sometime between midnight and 5:00
a.m. Pam sensed a presence in the room.
Although she was still asleep, a bright
light illuminated the room. She felt a
strong push and was almost shoved off
the bed! She found herself halfway off the
bed with her knee on the floor. She pulled
herself back onto the bed with her eyes still
closed and realized, Thats the answer
to the question that Ive been wondering
aboutwhat would Stan say? Move!
Shortly after Stan passed through what
Cayce called Gods other door, I received a lovely note from Kevin Todeschi, A.R.E.s CEO, and his wife, Mary
Roach, a highly respected psychic. Mary
kindly offered me a psychic reading. I fled
holiday loneliness and drove to Virginia
Beach for both Thanksgiving and New
Years and had a reading with her each
time. Both were full of information from
Stan about why he died, and what it was
like to die, as well as of words of loving
comfort and guidance for me. Both readings were very moving and helpful.
Stan had not expected to die. The process felt as though he was caught in an
overwhelmingly powerful ocean wave
that tumbled him over and over and
over. When at last he was finally able to
breathe, he was out of his body and on
the other side. Stans physical body peeled
off of him like a glove and then he was
bathed in what he knew was truly the indescribably wondrous and loving spirit of
God. Stan was told that his dying before
me was part of a pre-birth contract that
we had made. This challenging situation
would foster our growth and enable
Stan work with me from a higher level
of consciousness on the book. The book
would also be enriched by my struggling
with his loss. Stan assured me that much
help would be forthcoming, which has
indeed been the case, and for which I am
truly thankful.
The Source of the Cayce readings tells
us that:
...there should not be sorrow and sadness in those periods when the physical
turmoils and strifes of the body are laid
aside, for the moment, for the closer walk

with Him. For indeed to be absent from

the material body is to be present with
the Lord. (1824-1)
One of the most important revelations
from Mary was that Stan and I would
learn to communicate and continue to
work together. In fact, the last time that
MaryAnn communicated with Stan, he
said hed rather talk to me than to her.
Stan and I are working on communicating. On his birthday, I prayed that if it
was Gods will, Id very much like to feel
Stans presence and I believe I did.
Spirit speaks to us in many ways.
Synchronicity is one. When it was no
longer possible for me to take care of my
dear husband at home, he was admitted
to a nearby 14-bed inpatient hospice
facility, where he died the next morning.
The name of that facility is Casey House.
On a commemorative cobblestone in

the Casey House garden, I used an appropriate term from the Cayce readings
to describe Stan. The inscription reads:
Stan Jaffin, Beloved Husband and
About the Author
Ann Jaffin is a longtime A.R.E. member from
Silver Spring, Md. In addition to writing several articles for Venture Inward,
she is the author of Past
Lives and Present Karma
(A.R.E. Press).


High school teacher

Robert Osborne died in 1998...

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For more information, please call Patrick Belisle in
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Marianna Theo at 757-457-7125.

Pets Live Longer at the Right Weight

My veterinarian is always on
my case about my Labrador
Retrievers weight. He weighs
in at 80 pounds, but my vet
says his ideal weight is 70.
Whats the big deal? Its
good to have a little padding isnt it?

A. What if I told you that I have a pill that you

It is truefeed your
dog less and he will
live longer.

Send your vet questions to

Dr. Doug at letters@

Doug Knueven, DVM, is the

author of Stand By Me, A Holistic
Handbook for
Animals, People,
and the Lives
They Share,
available at
or 800-333-4499,
and Holistic
Health Guide: Natural Care for the
Whole Dog. For more information
go to BeaverAnimalClinic.com
July-September 2011

could give to your dog once a day, and it would

help him to live almost two years longer? Would
you be committed to getting it into him every
day? How much would you be willing to pay
for such a pill?
Well, there is no such pill. But dont worry; I
have an even better proposition for you. What
if I told you that simply keeping your pet at his
ideal weight will accomplish the same thing?
It is truefeed your dog less and he will live
A few years ago, Purina published a study
regarding pet food intake and longevity. They
followed two groups of Labrador retrievers
from birth to death. One group was fed as
much food as they wanted; the other was fed
25 percent less food than whatever the first
group ate. The findings were
The researchers found
that the group of labs that
ate less food was thinner.
(Actually that finding did
not surprise anyone.) But,
they also found that the
thinner dogs lived on average 1.8 years longer than
their pudgy counterparts.
Furthermore, for the slim labs there was a 2.8year delay in the symptoms of arthritis and
other chronic diseases. So were talking not
only quantity of life, but also quality of life.
This research is the basis of a commercial
you may have seen on TV claiming that
ground-breaking research has shown that
feeding Purina dog food properly, for life, can
help dogs live almost two years longer. While
this ad is technically true, it leads the viewer
to think that it was the food that caused the
longevity, when in reality it was the fact that
the food was fed properly or restricted. This

is just one example of misleading pet food

claimsbut I digress.
Back to the 80 pound lab in the room. You
might think from the significance of the longevity difference in the above groups that the
overweight dogs must have been extremely
fat. In truth, the average body condition score
(a rating of the amount of fat vs. muscle with
1 being emaciated, 5 being ideal, and 10 being
extremely obese ) for the short-lived dogs was
6.5 out of 10. So, it does not take much extra
weight to put your pet in danger.
Unfortunately, pet owners in general have a
bloated ideal of what a fit pet should look like.
Studies have shown that people consistently
underrate their pets body condition score.
For your pets sake, you need to be able to
objectively evaluate your pets weight.
There are several ways to check your pets
body condition score. First, look straight
down on your pet. There should be a narrowing of his body contour just behind the ribcage
(the waist). Looking at your pet from the side,
the abdomen should tuck up behind the ribs.
Finally, feel the sides your dogs ribcage, right
behind the shoulders. You should be able to
easily feel the ribs (but not see them). If instead
you can pinch an inch, your
pet is overweight.
Overweight is defined as a
pet being 10 percent above
his ideal weight. Obese is defined as a pet being 20 percent
over his ideal weight. Taken
together, these two conditions
are the second most common
diagnosis for middle-aged
dogs and cats (those between
the ages of 5 and 11). According to a recent
study, 34.9 percent of dogs are overweight
and 6.7 percent are obese. The reality for cats
is worse; 34.3 percent are overweight and
9.7 percent are obese. Two extra pounds on
a ten-pound cat is the difference between fit
and obese!
The formula for weight loss is simple; put
fewer calories in and burn more calories off.
Of course just because something is simple
does not mean it is easy. I am going to devote my next column to how to address this
weighty issue.

Lost Technologies
of Ancient Egypt
B y C hr i stopher D unn

he landscape of the ancient world is

dotted with fabulous structures that are
breathtaking in their complexity.

The Egyptians and Mayans

an astronomical computer found by fishermen on the sea floor near the island of
Antikythera in 1901, the development of technology in the ancient world seems to
have clear origins and is fairly well understood.
Going back yet further in time, a deeper mystery lies in the question of how the
ancient Egyptian civilization could have flourished for 3,000 years without improving
the tools used to quarry and shape stone to near perfection. Since 1984, when Analog
magazine published my article Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt? controversy
on this subject has persisted. The article proposed that the ancient Egyptians were
more highly developed than previously believed and that they used advanced tools
and methods to cut granite, diorite, and other difficult-to-work stone. It does not
seem credible that brilliant architects and engineers would continue to use stone tools
and copper chisels for three millennia.
The most stunning and convincing artifacts that clearly contradict theories about
hard igneous rock having been quarried and worked in prehistory, are the incredible
granite and basalt boxes in the rock tunnels of the Serapeum at Saqqara (see fig. 1).
Within these mysterious tunnels that were carved out of the limestone bedrock are over
20 huge granite boxes. These 70-ton boxes with their
20-ton lids were quarried at Aswanover 500 miles
awayand installed in arched crypts recessed into the
walls of the labyrinth of underground tunnels. All the
boxes were finished on the inside and the bottom side
of the lid, but not all were finished on the outside. It appears that work stopped suddenly in the Serapeum, for
there were boxes in several stages of completion: boxes
with lids, boxes that had yet to have the lids placed on
them, and the rough box and lid near the entrance.
The floor of each crypt was several feet lower than the
tunnel floor, and iron railings were installed to prevent
visitors from falling.
In one of the crypts there was a granite box with a
broken corner, accessible by means of steps down to
the lower floor. The outside of the box appeared to be
roughly finished, but the glint of a high polish on the
inside surfaces beckoned me to climb inside. Running
my hand along the surface of the granite reminded me
of the thousands of times I have run my hand along
a granite surface plate when I was working as a machinist and later as a tool and die maker. The feel of
the stone was no different, though I was not sure of its
flatness or accuracy. To check my impression, I placed
Figure 1: Entrance to the Serapeum

had their pyramids and temples. The

Hindus crafted elaborate temples
throughout Asia. The Greeks built
the Parthenon, and the Babylonians
constructed the Jupiter Temple and the
fabled Hanging Gardens. The Romans
made their mark all over their world,
with engineering geniuses guiding the
construction of their famous roads, the
Coliseum, and numerous temples and
viaducts, while Roman sculptors guided
their chisels over marble and alabaster,
giving it physical presence and beauty.
With the exception of artifacts such as
the mysterious Antikythera Mechanism,



the edge of my precision-ground parallel

against the surfaceand I saw that it was
dead flat. There was no light showing
through the interface of the steel and the
stone, as there would be if the surface
was concave, and the steel did not rock
back and forth, as it would if the surface was convex. To put it mildly, I was
astounded. I did not expect to find such
exactitude, because this order of precision is not necessary for the sarcophagus
of a bullor any other animal or human.
I slid the parallel along the surface both
horizontally and vertically, and there was
no deviation from a true, flat surface.
The flatness was similar to precisionground surface plates that are used in
manufacturing for the verification of
exactly machined parts for tools, gauges,
and myriad other products that require
extremely accurate surfaces and dimensions (see sidebar below for more details).
Moving the steel edge along the granite
provided enough information for me to
conclude that I needed a longer straight
edgeand, preferably, even more sophisticated alignment equipmentto
determine the accuracy of the inside
surfaces of the box. I was also impressed
to find that each corner of the box had a
small radius that ran from the top of the
box to the bottom, where it blended with
the corner radius of the floor of the box.
The artifacts I have measured in Egypt
have the marks of careful and remarkable
manufacturing methods. They are unmistakable and irrefutable in their precision,
but origin and intent will always be open
to speculation. A series of photographs
were taken inside the Serapeum on
August 27, 2001. Those taken of me
inside one of these huge boxes (see fig. 2)
show me inspecting the squareness between a 27-ton lid and the inside surface
of the granite box on which it sits.

The underside of the lid and the inside

wall of the box I found to be square, and
finding that the squareness was achieved
not just on one side of the box but both,
raises the level of difficulty in accomplishing this feat.
Think of it as a geometric reality. In
order for the underside of the lid to be
square with the two inside walls, the inside walls would have to be parallel to one
another along the vertical axis. Moreover,
the topside of the box would need to establish a plane that is square to the sides.
That makes finishing the inside exponentially more difficult. The manufacturers
of these boxes in the Serapeum not only
created inside surfaces that were flat when
measured vertically and horizontally, they
also made sure that the surfaces they were
creating were square and parallel to each
other, with one surface, the top, having
sides that are 5 feet and 10 feet apart
from each other. But without such parallelism and squareness of the top surface,

Exacting Standards
In 1995 I inspected the inside and outside surfaces of two boxes in
the Serapeum, and found the inside of the box to be perfectly flat.
Those familiar with precision machined parts and the relationship between gauges and surface plates know that the gauge may
show that the stone is flat within the tolerance of the gaugein
this case 0.0002 inch (0.00508 millimeter) flatness. If the gauge
is moved 6 inches along the stone surface, however, and the same
conditions are found, it cannot be claimed with certainty that the
stone is within the same tolerance over 12 inchesunless the plate
has been inspected by another means and is calibrated to a known
standard. My initial inspection was with a 6-inch precision straight
edge that was accurate to .0002 inch.

the squareness noted on

both sides would not
The flat surfaces of
the inside of the boxes
exhibited a high degree
of accuracy that is comparable to surfaces found on surface
plates in modern manufacturing facilities.
Finding such precision from any epoch
in human history leads one to conclude
that a sophisticated system of precise
measure must have been in existence.
This is an area of intense interest to
A.R.E. members as well as engineers, like
me, who find in Egypt a language with
which we are familiarthe language of
science, engineering, and manufacturing. Our counterparts in that ancient
land left future generations of scientists,
engineers, architects, and those who take
their instructions and shape materials to
their specifications, with a difficult challenge. This challenge is to recognize what

Figure 2: Inspecting the granite boxes

The precision square I used to check the squareness of the lid

and inside surface of the box was calibrated to .00005 inch (that is
5/100,000 of an inch) using a Jones & Lamson comparitor.
Having knowledge of the incredible precision in the boxes in
the Serapeum, we should be reminded of the work of Sir William
Flinders Petrie, who measured and recorded for prosperity the marvelous layout of the Giza Plateau, and particularly the accuracy and
true alignment of many of the features found in the Great Pyramid.
His measurements discovered that the casing stone were cut within
.010 inch and the constructed portion of the Descending Passage
was accurate to within the thickness of a thumbnail (.020 inch) over
a length of 150 feet.

they created and provide evidence-based,

reasonable answers that give the ancient
engineers credit for what they achieved.


While the boxes in the Serapeum present a significant challenge to those who
attempt to explain ancient Egyptian
craftsmanship, they are not complex
surfaces, like the surfaces that combine to
create the magnificent statues of Ramses
II that grace the Temples of the South
and the North. But why, you might ask,
would I turn my attention away from
engineering precision to a sculpture?
Because the monolithic statues of Ramses
issue a challenge to all who would care to
explain how they were made.
What am I? How did I come to exist?
Make another just like me!
What does the face of Ramses have in
common with a modern precision engineering object, such as an automobile?
It has flowing contours with distinct
features that are perfectly mirrored
one side to the other. The fact that one
side of Ramses face is a perfect mirror
image to the other implies that precise
measurements had to have been used
in its creation. It means that the statue
was carved in intricate detail to create
precise three-dimensional surfaces. The
jaw-lines, eyes, nose and mouth are
symmetrical and were created using a
geometric scheme that embodies the
Pythagorean Triangle as well as the
Golden Rectangle and Golden Triangle.
Encoded in the granite is the sacred geometry of the ancients (see fig. 3).
When I was researching for my book,
The Giza Power Plant, I had my first en-

counter with Ramses the Great at the open

air museum at Memphis. It was in 1986
and my interest was mostly engineering
and the pyramids, so I was not necessarily concerned with statues or visiting the
temples in the south. It struck me as peculiar at the time, though, that while looking
down the length of the 300-ton Ramses
statue I noticed that the nostrils were
identically shaped and symmetrical. The
significance of this feature gained more
prominence when I eventually visited the
temples in 2004 and became fascinated
with the three-dimensional perfection of
the Ramses statues at Luxor (see fig. 4).
This fascination prompted me to gather
digital images so that I could examine
some of the features of Ramses in the computer. What I discovered was remarkable
in that the images revealed a much higher
level of manufacturing technology than
what has been discussed previously.
The results of my examination are remarkable. The stunning implications are
analogous to looking through the time
and seeing the elegance and precision
that is normally built into a Lexus in a
place where only the most rudimentary
techniques of manufacturing are thought
to have existed. The techniques that the
ancient Egyptians are supposed to have
usedthose taught us in schoolwould
not produce the precision of a Model
T Ford, let alone a Lexus. (See sidebar
below for more details.)
We know that the ancient Egyptians
used a grid in their designs, and that such
a method or technique for design is intuitively self-evident. It does not require a
quantum leap of an artisans imagination
to arrive at what is today a common de-

Perfect symmetry
In gathering the images of Ramses, it was important that the camera
was oriented along the central axis of the head. This way the distribution
of material on the left and right side was equal. In order to compare
one side of the face to the other, a copy of the image was made, flipped
horizontally and made 50 percent transparent. Then the reverse image
was positioned over the original to compare the two sides.
To choose the dimensions of the grid to further examine the
photograph of the statue, I assumed that the features of the face
would lead me to the answer, and studied which features were most
prominent. It seemed to me that the mouth had something to tell
us due to its unnaturally upturned shape, so I placed a grid with cell
dimensions that were the same height and half the width of the
dimensions of the mouth. It was then a simple matter to generate
circles based on the geometry of the facial features. I didnt expect,
though, that they would line up with grid lines in so many locations.

Figure 4: The symmetry of Ramses at Luxor

sign method. With this in mind, therefore,

I took the photograph of Ramses and laid
a grid over it. After musing over what size
to use, I took a chance on a grid that was
based on the dimensions of the mouth.
After establishing the size and number of
the cells used, I was astounded to discover
that the facial features lined up with the
grid in so many places. Going through my
mind was: Okaynow when does this
cease to be a coincidence and become a
reflection of truth?
Plumbing the grid for further information, I discovered that Ramses
mouth had the same proportions as
a classic 3-4-5 right triangle. The idea
that the ancient Egyptians had known
about the Pythagorean triangle before
Pythagoras, and they may have even
taught Pythagoras its concepts, has been
discussed by scholars, though not without controversy. Ramses presented me
with a grid based on the Pythagorean

Figure 3: The statue of Ramses at Memphis


Figure 5: The geometry of Ramses at Luxor

triangle, whether it was the ancient

Egyptians intentions or not. As we can
see in figure 5, the Pythagorean grid
allows us to analyze the face as it has
never been analyzed before. (The Ramses
geometry and precision and the discovery
of tool marks on some of the statues
are discussed at greater length in Lost
Technologies of Ancient Egypt.)

Abu Roash

Small, seemingly insignificant mistakes

made by ancient tools bring to light information from which a precise controlled
method of manufacture can be discerned.
Other remarkable features of machining
on granite are also examined, but probably the most stunning example of ancient
machining lies on a wind-swept hill five
miles from the Giza Plateau. Abu Roash
has recently been advertised as the Lost
Pyramid by Zahi Hawass, the Egyptian
Minister of Antiquities, even though it
has been well known and written about
for many years. I wasnt expecting much
when I first visited the site in February
2006, but what I found was a piece of
granite so remarkable that I returned
to that site three more times to show
witnesses in order to explain its unique
features. Those who accompanied me on
different occasions were David Childress,
Judd Peck, Edward Malkowski, Dr.
Arlan Andrews and Dr. Randall Ashton.
Edward Malkowski immediately dubbed
the stone the new rose-red Rosetta Stone.
Mechanical engineer Arlan Andrews
independently came to the same conclusion. The technique and equipment used
to cut this stone were truly impressive (see
sidebar to the right).
July-September 2011

Cutting edge
Looking closer at the
surface of the block in figure
6 - F, we can see striations
that are spaced between
approximately 0.030 inch
(0.762 millimeter) to 0.06
inch (1.52 millimeters) apart.
These are a common feature
on many artifacts found in
Egypt, including some holes
and the cores that were
extracted from the holes. The
radius where the cut surface
terminates is puzzling when
we consider different ways
in which the block may have
been made. One suggestion
made to me was that the
Figure 6: Views of the stone at Abu Roash
blade that cut the piece was
a straight saw but that it was warped and cut the curve on the stone face. If that were possible, it
would explain one radius on the block, but whether you view the block from above, or along its
length, you also see a radius. When considering this and pondering on how this inexplicable geometry was cut into the granite, the straight saw has to be eliminated, because it would be impossible
for it to cut a concave radius along its face and along its edge. Another suggestion given to me was
that the stone was cut by a stone ball swinging from a pivot point. Yet the evidence suggests a far
greater amount of control and certainty than that of a swinging ballregardless of the skill put
into the swing.
I tried to imagine a process in which the piece would be cut in one single sawing operation, but I
could not come up with a method that did not demand more out of the tool than was possible due
to an increase in surface area being cut.
Figures 7 and 8: Measuring the stone at Abu Roash
In other words, assuming a larger block
was being cut along the striated surface
with the saw on an angle, depending on
the thickness of the entire block, the thin
block, which is the one we are studying,
would break apart from the thicker one.
But passing the stone across the saw on
an angle would result in an increase in
the surface area being cut. In pursuing
an answer to the puzzle, while providing
an answer to Petries question about the
size of the saw, it was necessary to calculate the radius of the
sawthe granite block
at Abu Roash, provided
the attributes to calculate that the stone was
cut with a circular saw
that was over 37 feet
in diameter. This seems
almost impossible to
believe, but the evidence
is cut into the stone for
anyone to measure and
illustrated in figure 7 and
8 for verification.

The Egyptian Legacy

The boxes in the Serapeum, the Ramses
Statue and the stone at Abu Roash,
are three examples of many that have
been closely examined and are discussed in Lost Technologies of Ancient
Egypt. Other unique artifacts, include
the Hypostyle Hall in the Temple of
Denderah, the contoured blocks on the
Giza Plateau, the Unfinished Obelisk and
the infamous Petries core #7, a unique
artifact that has been a source of controversy since Petrie first discovered it. The
White crown of Upper Egypt is also a
remarkable example of ancient Egyptian
geometry and manufacturing. Ellipsoids
and ellipses were part and parcel of the
ancient Egyptian knowledge. The stunning evidence is precisely crafted into
hard granite and speaks louder than any
tomb drawing about the amazing capabilities of the ancients.
The ancient Egyptians who built the
pyramids and temples, who crafted
monumental statues out of igneous rock,
were thinking with the minds of architects, engineers, and craftspeople. Are
modern interpretations of the awesome
feats of the ancient Egyptians irrelevant

in providing new and powerful information about this ancient culture? When it
comes to completely understanding the
ancient Egyptians level of technological
prowess, there can be no final conclusion. What is left to study today is a mere
skeleton of what existed at the time of the
ancient Egyptians. This skeleton survives
as highly sophisticated and precisely
crafted sedimentary and igneous rock.
I have proposed in the past that higher
levels of technology were used by the
ancient Egyptians, but for the sake of
argument, I have rejected some ideas
and cast doubt on my previous assertions as to the level of technology they
enjoyed. At the same time, I cast doubt
on the methods of manufacture that
Egyptologists have asserted were used
to build the pyramids and the glorious
temples in Egypt. These methods are
primitive and include stone and wooden
mallets; copper chisels; tube drills and
saws; and stone hammers for quarrying,
dressing, and sculpting hard igneous
To understand how the ancient
Egyptians created these testaments to
manufacturing prowess, we need to

New Edgar Cayces Tour of Egypt DVD

Take a tour of Egypt from the Edgar Cayce perspective with A.R.E.s
most popular Egypt-tour leader and head of research, John Van Auken.
Travel through ancient Egypt as Van Auken guides you
through pyramids, temples, tombs, papyruses, and halls
of decorated pillars, statues, and obeliskseven secret
chambers. As he explains, You will go on a tour with the
cycles of the Sun, into the darkness of the Underworld,
and up into the heavens above, through portals to other
worlds and dimensions, and back again. With his expert
knowledge of Cayce, Van Auken then takes us on the
initiates pathway to enlightenment.

About the Author

Available for order at

ARECatalog.com or
(A.R.E. members receive
a 20% discount).

This is a beautiful visual voyage,

with rarely seen images and concepts, and an ancient treasure for
your modern DVD collection.
Join us in person on our next tour to Egypt, April, 2012, with
John Van Auken and Peter Woodbury. Visit EdgarCayce.org/tours to learn more.

rely on an examination
by scientists
and engineers.
They would take
measurements with modern tools and
analyze the full scope of the work and
compare them with our own capabilities. The full scope of the work includes
the most difficult aspects of the work,
which are ignored by Egyptologists when
they attempt to explain how the ancient
Egyptians created their monuments.
For instance, dragging a 25-ton block
of granite over wooden rollers, with
great difficulty, does not explain how a
500-ton obelisk or monolithic statues
weighing 1,000 tons were moved by prehistoric people. Bashing out a few cubic
centimeters of granite with a dolerite
ball does not explain how thousands of
tons of granite were extracted from the
bedrock and shaped with extreme precision and displayed as monumental pieces
of art in the temples of Upper Egypt. To
know the true majesty and capability of
the ancient Egyptians, one only has to
know and appreciate the full extent of
their work.
There is enough evidence above
ground to prove the existence of a prehistoric highly advanced civilization in
Egypt. Continued exploration under the
sands of Egyptas well as under the
paws of the Sphinxcould reveal the
missing direct evidence that Cayces followers believe still exists.
Christopher Dunn
is a manufacturing engineer and author of The
Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt
and Lost Technologies of
Ancient Egypt: Advanced
Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs. His
Web site is gizapower.com.
To learn more about the Ramses statue, see www.

Christopher Dunn will speak at A.R.E.s

annual Ancient Mysteries Conference
Searching for the Ancient Records: Closer
Than Ever Before, October 6-9, in Virginia
Beach. He is joined on the program by Zahi
Hawass, Mark Lehner, John Van
Auken, and more. Visit EdgarCayce.
org/conferences or call 800-273-0020.

Start planning now

for our next Egypt Tour,
coming in April 2012!
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This journey through ancient Egypt
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A Tour Like No Other! Edgar Cayces A.R.E. Travel Programs provide the unique experience of visiting special areas of

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July-September 2011


A n ci e n t M Y STER I ES

By John Van Auken

Our Linear Time vs.

Ancient Cyclic Time
hen our souls first
came to Earth as the
Morning Stars that
sang together at the
coming of man (Job 38:7
and Cayce reading 294-8) we had a very
different sense of time than we do today.
Now we are so immersed in Earth life and
physicality that we feel time as linear, with a
beginning and an ending, and life events occur at points along this timeline. But it was
not so in ancient temple schools and it is not
so in the teachings of Edgar Cayce. Instead
of a timeline, it is a time cycle. An ending
is simply a new beginning. The ouroboros
(a serpent biting its tail) was the symbol of
this teaching. In some ancient schools the
ouroboros was detailed further to convey
how cycles of time descend and ascend, like
a pulse up and down a spiral of cycles, or,
more poetically, like inhalations and exhalations of the cosmic breath of life (Genesis
2:7). In Solomons mystical seal (see illustration) time
is cyclical,
but the upper
has wings
while the lower bird-serpent
has noneindicating lower
and higher
rhythms in the
cycles of time.
Seal of Solomon
to ancient Hindu concepts, creation begins
when God moves and expresses Itself, and
it ends when God withdraws into stillness,
and the Brahma aspect of God does this
over and overthe cosmic cycle. God
generates the cycle of time (Kala-chakra) in
order for life to explore itself and discover
all the various aspects of its essence and
potential. The ancient Hindu time cycle has
us living in the last and lowest cycle, the Kali

Yuga. When it ends we return to the highest

and truest cycle, the Satya Yuga, an age of
purest truth and perfection (Krita Yuga).
This fits with the Revelation in which an era
of darkness is followed by 1,000 years when
Satan is bound and goodness prevails.
Time exists in God as one timewith
the past, present, and future coexisting at
the same time! Cayces readings state, All
time is one time, see? That is as a fact, see?
(294-45) For us it is difficult to see, but deep
within us we may sense the truth of this.
Nature functions through cyclical
rhythms, the most profound of which is life
and death. Of course, in the ancient teachings and in the Cayce readings, there is no
death, only a birth into another quality of
life. Indeed Life is continuous in God, and
only in the knowledge that you are one with
Him can it be an awareness in whatever
sphere you may be conscious in. (1298-1)
There is no death to the spiritual. (31881) It is not all of life to live, nor all of death
to die; for one is the birth of the other when
viewed from the whole or center, and is but
the experience of the entity in its transition
from and to that universal center. (369-3)
In this view, death, or the end of one quality
of life, is the beginning of another, so death
in the body is birth in the spirit.
The Maya and other Mesoamerican cultures also believed in the cycle of time, even
cycles within cycles. The end of a sequence
was the beginning of another sequence. And
many sequences occur within larger cycles.
Fascinatingly, there is some evidence that at
least one of the Mayan time rhythms (and
there are several) was based on the length
of human pregnancythe 260-day period
from the first missed menstrual period to
birth of the baby (unlike the German/
Naegeles method of measuring from the
last menstrual period to birth280 days,
40 weeks). 260 is also the number of days
when Venus is the morning star in the sky
followed by 260 more days when it is the

evening star. Also, at a major settlement of

the Olmecs in Izapa the Sun passes through
the zenith twice a year, once every 260 days.
Another influence in the Mesoamerican
cycle of time was the planting and harvesting cycle, which was approximately 260
days from planting to harvesting. This cycle
of time is known as the Tzolkin, which
combines 20 days with 13 numbers, which
multiply to 260, and generated one of the
common calendars of these ancient peoples.
When the Tzolkin timing (260 days) was
combined with the Haab system (their solar
calendar of 365 days) the whole cycle of
these two would repeat itself every 52 solar
years. This was called the Calendar Round,
revealing a clear belief that time occurs in
cycles of repeating sequences.
The Maya taught that the current cycle
we are living in began August 11, 3114 BC
and ends next year on December 21, 2012.
Mesoamericans called this age or sun cycle
the Age of Movement. Secret legend has it
that the Age of Movement is followed by the
Age of the Spirit of All Living Things, which
is then followed by the Age of Melting Back
into Onenessafter which the whole cycle
repeats itself. Curiously, the ancient Hindu
teachings point to 3102 BC as the beginning
of our current age, Kali Yuga, a year very
close to the Mayan year of 3114 BC.
What does all of this mean to us? What
we are experiencing today, we have experienced before and likely will experience
againhopefully at a higher level of understanding and more successfully. Lost
someone or something? Dont worry; you
will meet them or it again. Can you feel the
peace and patience in this concept of time?
Nothing is lost, nothing ends or dies; just
changes its condition. Lifes rhythms and
cycles are continuous. Ah, how relaxing
that is. Of course, Cayce warned us not to
become satisfied, but approved of our being
John Van Auken will speak at the conference 2012 and Prophecies of a New
Age, July 15-17 at A.R.E. HQ. Priced reduced to only $150 for this special
conference. Visit EdgarCayce.org/
conferences or call 800-273-0020.

Renovation work begins on headquarters site

dgar Cayces A.R.E. recently completed the first

of several planned improvements to its 67th Street headquarters with the total renovation of the Gibbons House.
In recent years, the Gibbons
House, located on 68th Street
behind the old Cayce hospital
building, has hosted the summer Helena Patti Day Camp
for children and the annual
Wellness and Rejuvenation
Intensive workshops. To date,
the Patti Camp has been
limited in the length of its
programsthe house only
had one restroom and state
law requires two for official licensurebut with the
upgraded facilities it will be
possible to expand both the
Patti Camp and Wellness and
Rejuvenation programs.
The exterior appearance of
the building has been completely changed with all-new
siding and an expanded driveway, creating additional staff
parking. The house has gone
from the least attractive house
on 68th Street to one of the
best looking ones, A.R.E.
CEO Kevin J. Todeschi said.
The interior of the house was
also renovated to add a second
restroom, expand and improve the kitchen, and convert
the basement from storage
space into the new maintenance shop.
The Gibbons House will
become temporary office
space for the Conferences
Department and the permanent location of Maintenance,
both of which are moving
out of the Carriage House
building (next to the hospital
building). After the staff is
July-September 2011

Robert Browns
training returns

Proposed A.R.E. headquarters site after renovations

Gibbons House, before and after

settled in their new space, the

Carriage House will be torn
down to make room for the
new Education Center.
At the time of this printing,
A.R.E. needed to raise an additional $750,000 to reach
the required project fund total
of $2 million and begin construction on the Education
Center, which will be the new
home of Atlantic University,
the Cayce/Reilly School of
Massotherapy, and the Edgar
Cayce Foundation. While the
Education Center is being
built, the old hospital building will be renovated to create
the Cayce-Miller Caf. Other

renovations and improvements to the hospital building,

Visitor Center, Wynn building,
and parking lots will follow.
For more information on
any of these projects, or to
make a donation, contact
Patrick Belisle in the Office
of Development at 757-4577126 or pat@EdgarCayce.org.
Renovations are also underway in the A.R.E. Houston
Center. Look
for updates
in the next
issue of

sychic medium,
trainer, and
author Robert
Brown, one of the
most respected
mediums in the
world today
and a favorite presenter at A.R.E.,
returns to Virginia Beach to lead
the Mediumship and Afterlife
Communication Training
Intensive, November 11-13.
Edgar Cayces perspective was
that afterlife communication is
a facet of psychic ability, and he
gave advice for how one might
develop their own innate talents.
This program is a training intensive
for those who wish to learn more
about the phenomenon of afterlife
communication and explore ways
to awaken these abilities within
As part of the conference,
Brown will demonstrate
mediumship and how messages
come through from the other side
by providing random readings for
the audience. In addition to these
demonstrations, the program
includes experiential exercises,
group work, guided meditations,
and an opportunity to test ones
own abilities.
Robert is a genuine medium
and he has impressed our
attendees, our staff, and me
with his talents, his warmth, his
reassuring sense of humor, A.R.E.
director John Van Auken said. His
ability to tap into spirit with such
clarity and accuracy is remarkable.
His message of enduring love
is inspiring and comforting.
For more information or
to register visit EdgarCayce.
org/conferences or call

A.R.E. News

Around the World

Member Appreciation

Clarence Mobley

Daly City, California

Member since 1972 (Life Member since 2006)
THE A.R.E.: There are

several things that have

changed my life for the
better: belonging to/
working in a church;
joining the Navy Seabees
and advancing through
the ranks; and last but
certainly not least
discovering the readings
and being part of the
Edgar Cayce work. I find
the work both interesting and factual. I have also
sponsored a Search for God study group in my
home for over 27 years. I give back to the A.R.E.
because it has affected me in so many good ways,
and it continues to do the same for many others.
Background/Profession: Clarence got his BS
degree in Civil Engineering at the University of South
Carolina and his Masters degree in Business Administration
from the University of San Francisco. He is retired from
the U.S. Navy Civil Engineering Corps and from Daly
City where he worked as City Engineer and Public Works
Director. He is currently minister of a Spiritualist church.
gifts to a.r.e.: Over the years, Clarence has donated to
almost all A.R.E. programs, including study groups, youth
activities, library, Atlantic University, prison outreach, buildings and grounds, and regional A.R.E. activities. Mostly I
give to the general fund so they can use it where they need
it the most, he said.

Cayce/Reilly wins Best of Virginia

Beach award

he Cayce/Reilly School
of Massotherapy has been
named Best of Virginia Beach in the
local Virginian Pilot newspapers
annual contest. The school took
the silver award in the Best Technical Training School category. We
are all very grateful for this recognition and proud to share
the Cayce legacy of holistic health and therapeutic massage
with our Hampton Roads community, Education Services
Manager Dawn Hogue said.
The awards, announced in the newspaper May 1, are voted
on each year by residents of the Hampton Roads area. Winners
are selected for each individual city in the region.

Massage school eligible for veterans


he Cayce/Reilly School
of Massotherapy will become eligible to accept additional veterans benefits starting
in August, in time for the September class to take advantage
of them. One of the provisions of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance
Improvements Act, signed into
law January 6, increases educational opportunities for veterans by allowing them to use

the Post-9/11 or Montgomery

GI Bill benefits for on-thejob and vocational training.
Cayce/Reilly is classified as a
vocational school, so veterans
will now be able to use their
benefits for a massage therapy
education there. Prior to the
passage of this law only 2-year
and 4-year degree schools were
approved to accept tuition
payment benefits under the
Post-9/11 GI Bill.

special a.r.e. memories: There are so many. Having been part of a study group has helped me very much;
and Ive seen it help lots of others as well. One memory I
cherish is when I took one of the A.R.E.s first trips to Egypt
and we all learned so much about that mysterious country.
That was just great.
Personal activities: I give talks every month in our
Spiritualist church and less frequently for the local A.R.E.
I still travel locally quite a bit and to foreign countries,
and I write about travel as well as other subjects. Along
the way I got into photography and enjoy that quite a bit.
Life is grand!
Want to contribute to A.R.E.s work?
Contact Development Director Patrick Belisle at
757-457-7126 or patrick.belisle@EdgarCayce.org.

The Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy graduated 21 students in

April18 from the full-time September 10 class, and 3 part-time students. One of the notable graduates was Cathy Good, DC, a chiropractor
who works with the A.R.E. Health Center and Spa.
Full-time classes at Cayce/Reilly begin every January, April, and
September. Part-time and evening classes are also available, as well as
weekend workshops and continuing education. Federal financial aid is
available for those who qualify. Visit EdgarCayce.org/massageschool, call
757-457-7270, or see p.43 for information.

A.R.E. News

Around the World

Japanese visit commemorates 20 years

visiting group from Japan dedicated a Yoshino

cherry blossom orchard to
honor their 20-year ongoing
relationship with Edgar Cayces
A.R.E. at a ceremony on May
6. The first conference delegation from Japan arrived in
Virginia Beach in 1991an
effort arranged and orchestrated by Asato Maehata and
Kevin J. Todeschi of Virginia
Beach and Shigeru Mitsuda of
Tokyo, Japan. That conference
began a series of programs
between A.R.E. and Japan,
and eventually gave birth to the
Edgar Cayce Center in Japan
(ECCJ) with Shigeru Mitsuda
as president.
Since the initial Japanese
conference there have been
a series of seven ECCJ programs in Virginia Beach, and
more than a dozen programs
in Japan featuring a variety
of A.R.E. speakers and health
care professionals. The ECCJ
has 700 members in the Tokyo
area and offers regular programs and activities (www.

edgarcayce.jp). The Edgar

Cayce Center in Japan is our
most active international center, Todeschi said. Not only
has the work of Edgar Cayce
been greatly disseminated to
the Japanese people over the
last two decades, but I consider myself greatly blessed
by having had the wonderful
opportunity to form lifelong
friendships with such a group
of amazing people!
Asato Maehata stated that
one of the reasons she had
helped organize the first conference 20 years ago was because
Many Mansions and The
World Within, both by Gina
Cerminara, had been translated
into Japanese and made a tremendous impact upon me. The
Cayce information changed
my life and led me to the
United States and eventually
to the Cayce/Reilly School of
Massotherapy. I truly wanted
to share with others what had
become so important to me.
Shigeru has a longtime interest in the Cayce material and

Healing Life Festival a success

Members of the 2011 Japanese conference, including (front row, from left):
Asato Maehata, Kevin J. Todeschi, Shigeru Mitsuda and his sister Naoko Mitsuda
all of whom were also part of the first conference.

had served as a translator of

Cayce books into Japanese for
Tama Publishing Company.
In my life, I was saved by the
Cayce materials at a time of despair, he said. I am convinced
that the information is the
gospel in our time. I definitely
believe that many people in
Japan will be benefited greatly
by Cayces work, and that the
material will help the Japanese
people as it did me. (For more
on Shigerus personal story, see
Venture Inward, Jul/Aug 09.)

The orchard is located between the Visitor Center and

the access road, between 67th
and 68th streets, on A.R.E.s
Virginia Beach campus. The
orchard also has two granite benches, each with a
commemorative plaqueone
in Japanese and one in English.
The dedication came at the
end of a week-long conference created specifically for
the ECCJ members, featuring
special lectures, tours, and Spa

The commemorative copper plaques.

dgar Cayces A.R.E. and the Heritage, a local natural foods center and holistic
bookstore, were the two major sponsors of the first annual Healing Life Festival
at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront 24th Street Park, May 15. Conceived in response
to the modern movement toward more personal empowerment in environmental
and personal health, the festival included exhibits and demonstrations on living
foods, holistic health practices and therapies, yoga, sustainable living and farming,
green products, spiritual growth, recycling, and fitness.
Hundreds of people attended throughout the day, and often formed long
lines for the free massage and foot reflexology sessions provided by A.R.E.
Health Center and Spa therapists. It was a beautiful morning and we had an
opportunity to introduce local Virginia Beach residents and visitors to the work
of Edgar Cayce, Spa manager Janice Long said. Within a week, several people
who received these free sessions came in to the Spa as new clients.

Candidates sought for A.R.E. Boards

he Boards of Trustees are seeking A.R.E. members interested in

serving on the Boards of the A.R.E., Edgar Cayce Foundation, and
Atlantic University. For more information, see the Venture Inward page
at EdgarCayce.org/members, or contact Claire Gardner, Corporate Secretary, at 757-457-7116 or claire.gardner@EdgarCayce.org.
July-September 2011


The Spirit of Giving:

Making a Difference through the A.R.E.
From Development Director Patrick Belisle
ven before CEO Kevin Todeschi asked
me to come raise money for the A.R.E.,
I used to fantasize about how much fun
it would be. As a professional fundraiser for
the past 20 years, I knew that the three keys
to success for any non-profit are: 1) Having
a great cause, 2) Having a lot of people who
are committed to that great cause, and 3) Leaders who are willing to
ask those people to channel their resources to that great cause. As a
member of the A.R.E., I knew that our Association had all of those
elements. And today, after four years in this position, my fantasies
of channeling abundance to the A.R.E. are coming true because of
youour dedicated members.
You make all the difference. As you can see from the charts on this
page, contributions are one very large piece of A.R.E.s revenue pie.
Whether folks are giving cash to the A.R.E. in general, appreciated
stock or real estate to help build our new Education Center (see p.4),
or monthly via credit card to our Library, Camp, or Prison Outreach programs, people are giving! And we are grateful. We literally could not do
what we do without your support. Last year, nearly 4,500 of our 29,000
members made donations. And of those donors, 475 gave $1,000 or
more and are members of our Golden Circle. In addition, over 250 of our
members have notified us that they have included the A.R.E., Atlantic
University (AU), and/or the Edgar Cayce Foundation (ECF) in their estate
plans, so they are members of our Edgar Cayce Legacy Society.
I am constantly amazed by the spirit of giving I find in my fellow
A.R.E. membersnot only those who give financially, but all of you
who volunteer to organize study groups, send out newsletters, and hold
conferences in your own towns in order to get the Cayce material out
to the world. Youour membersreally want the A.R.E. to thrive!
And so do I. Together, you and I are creating that reality day by day.
Q. Should the establishment of such a Foundation be dependent
alone for its financial support on the contribution system in effect at
present in the Association?
A. Be rather more inclusive and that those who have been aided in
any channel or manner throughout their own experience must of not
only their surplus but of themselves give, that the glory of God may be
manifested in the earth. (254-83)
In future issues I will tell you more about the Comprehensive
Campaign we are currently planning and share stories of how our
members donations are changing peoples lives for the better every
day through the A.R.E.s programs. In this issue, I am listing some of
the short-term physical items we are raising money for and ask you to
think about which of these might bring you some joy by donating to it.
On behalf of all of us at the A.R.E., I thank you for all of your
love and support. And I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours in service,
Patrick Belisle, Development Director


o Renovate A.R.E. Camp dining hall


o Smartphone and iPad app development

o Underwrite preservation of ECF photos/materials $50,000
o Underwrite electronic classroom/MIS for AU
o Create A.R.E. Virtual Library
o 18-passenger van (for camps, conferences, schools) $25,000
o 300 chairsHQ Main Auditorium
o Replace 36-year-old library carpet
o Replace roof on 210 67th Street house
o New computers and software for Production Dept $15,000
o Ektron software for EdgarCayce.org
o Replace oil heat in massotherapy classroom
o 125 ChairsHouston Center Auditorium
o 100 ChairsHQ Mini Auditorium
o Replace canopy on old hospital building
o Install automatic doorway to Visitor Center
o Replace Meditation Room drapes, cushions, valance $5,000
o Projector for Main Auditorium
Sales $914,120
Fees and Tuition $2,841,573
Memberships $1,080,023
Contributions** $3,470,394
Other Income
Total Revenues $8,607,873

2010 Revenues

Program Services $6,769,452
Support Services $467,733
Total Expenditures $7,585,003

2010 Expenditures

*Independently audited financials.

Note: Sales are net of cost of goods rather
than gross sales.
**Includes $1.4 million in contributions designated specifically to build our new Education
Center and Cayce-Miller Caf.

n Sales
n Fees/Tuition
n Memberships
n Contributions
n Other Income

n Program Services
n Support Services
n Fundraising

2010 Donations
n Unrestricted
n Bequests
n Gift Annuities



n Program Donations
n Non-Cash (stock, real estate)
n Restricted (inc. New Building Gifts)

Q. What should be the attitude of the officers in seeking donations to the Institute?
A. Attitude of service to man(kind) (257-20)


Blueberries: Summers Healthy Delight

In the 21st century,

we have seen Cayces
promise fulfilled as
the blueberry is one
of the most intensely
researched and
medicinally valued foods
of our time.

SIMONE GABBAY, RNCP, is a holistic

nutritionist in Toronto. Her most recent
book is Edgar Cayces Diet Plan for
Optimal Health and Weight Loss,
available at
com or 800333-4499. Visit
her Web site at
July-September 2011

ts summertime in the northern

hemisphere, and food stores and farmers
markets are offering an abundance of locally grown produce, including seasonal
fruits and berries. The Cayce readings recommend berries for their cleansing properties, as
well as for their nerve-building qualities and their
nutritional contribution of iron, phosphorus, and
silicon. Just a few readings mention specific types
of berries, such as blackberries, gooseberries, or
raspberries. Only a single reading highlights the
blueberry, suggesting to ...especially use the garden blueberry. (3118-1) However, this reading,
given for a 56-year-old woman suffering from
multiple sclerosis, includes a significant promise
regarding the blueberrys nutritional potential:
This is a property which someone, some day, will
use in its proper place! In the 21st century, we
have seen this promise fulfilled as the blueberry is
one of the most intensely researched and medicinally valued foods of our time.
Blueberries pack a powerful nutritional punch.
They provide the minerals calcium, magnesium,
iron, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc, along
with small amounts of vitamins A, B, and C.
Blueberries also contain dietary fiber, important
for digestive health. They are exceptionally high
in manganese, an essential trace mineral that plays
an important role in bone formation and helps
the body metabolize protein, carbohydrates, and
fat. Blueberries are also packed with antioxidants,
powerful phytochemicals that assist the body in
neutralizing free radicals, which have been associated with various degenerative conditions,
including heart disease, cancer, and mental decline. The bioflavonoid antioxidants anthocyanin
and proanthocyanin, which provide some of the
pigments that lend blueberries their deep purpleblue color, have been shown to offer protection
against inflammation. Chronic inflammation at
the cellular level has been linked to several degenerative and age-related diseases.
Cardiovascular and metabolic health benefits
In recent years, researchers have identified
numerous health benefits linked to the consumption of blueberries. In a 2010 study conducted
at Pennington Biomedical Research Centre in
Baton Rouge, La., obese study subjects who
had a family history of diabetes and who were
considered prediabetic were shown to have

improved insulin resistance and a reduced risk of

developing Type 2 diabetes as a result of consuming a blueberry-rich smoothie twice daily over
a 42-day period. Previously, an animal study at
University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center
had demonstrated that a blueberry-rich diet
significantly reduced the risks of cardiovascular
disease and metabolic syndrome, which relates to
a group of health conditions that include excessive
abdominal fat, high blood pressure, and elevated
blood sugar. The Michigan study determined that
blueberry intake positively affected genes related
to fat-burning and -storage.
Memory booster
Recent research conducted at the University
of Cincinnati showed that drinking two cups of
blueberry juice each day for 12 weeks improved
memory scores in elderly study subjects. Averaging
78 years of age, participants registered no weight
gain over the course of the study. The blueberrys
high content of anthocyanins, which have been
associated with increased neuronal signaling in the
brain, may partially explain the surprising results
of this memory study. Previous research, conducted
with animals, had also linked blueberry consumption to memory improvement. Several years earlier,
a study at the USDA Human Nutrition Research
Center on Aging suggested that a blueberry-rich
diet may improve motor skills and reverse agerelated short-term memory loss.
Additional research has confirmed the blueberrys role in supporting cardiovascular health,
reducing undesirable LDL cholesterol levels, and
protecting the heart muscle and brain against
damage. A cousin of the European bilberry,
which has been shown to improve night vision
and prevent tired eyes, the blueberry has also
been credited with benefiting eye health and
reducing eye fatigue.
Cultivated vs. wild
The large, juicy, plump-looking blueberries sold
in supermarkets are typically the cultivated kind.
Wild blueberries tend to be smaller in size, but
higher in disease-fighting antioxidants.
North Americas blueberry season begins in
Florida in mid-May, then moves farther north
and concludes in Canada by September. Freeze
the fresh berries for use during winter, or purchase
them frozen for year-round enjoyment.

Healing Power
of Vibrational Energy

Edgar Cayce and Homeopathy

B y C athleen S pr i n g er , C H o m

mong the many modalities

recommended in his readings, Edgar Cayce recognized
the properties of Samuel
Hahnemanns homeopathic
medicine as vibratory and effective:
Hence, more often it will be found that
the activity from what is known as the
homeopathic doses is the better; even of
allopathic medicine! (276-5)
And do get the little white pills, for
these will be most helpful. To give what is
the common name for same would not be
very pleasant to the entity, but it is what
is needed. [Cimex Lectularius [bedbug
juice] is the medical name for the properties needed.] (420-7)
To bring the better results for the
body, we would change somewhat the
surroundings of the body. Through the
activities of those properties as will aid
in eliminations being properly set up,
that do not over strain the functioning

of kidneys with the normalcy of the liver

functioning, will tend to reduce the cause
of conditions. These may be brought
about through many channels, dependent
upon which ones would be used. We
would suggest those of the homeopathic
remedies. Do that. (2597-3)
Cayce realized that in healing work we
are always treating a persons individual
vibratory disturbance that has manifest
into what we call disease. He spelled out
the importance of this vibration when
he spoke of the subtle electro/vibratory
force in the body, which he called life
force or lan vitale (termed vital force by
the founder of Homeopathic Medicine,
Samuel Hahnemann).
This electro/vibratory form of energy,
Cayce stated, functioned at two levels
within the body. At a low vibration it is
the energy of growth and development
and, conversely, illness and degeneration; at a high vibration, it is the energy

of the theta (or dream) cycle of sleep, of

orgasmic sexuality, during certain stages
of development such as puberty, when
pregnant, and during deep meditative
states. The life force, according to Cayce,
can also become disordered, resulting in
certain forms of mental and emotional
illness. The Cayce readings stated that the
life force of the body is conveyed through
four principal organs of the system: the
liver, kidneys, heart, and lungs. These
organs were sometimes referred to by
Cayce (and Hahnemann) as the hepatic
systemthe liver, heart, and lungs being
the upper hepatic circulation and the
kidneys representing the lower hepatic
circulation. Cayce even referred to the
liver and kidneys as the positive and
negative poles of the battery of the body.
(e.g., 369-5) Many of the therapies recommended in the readings were directed
at improving the efficiency of the hepatic
system, resulting in increased vitality.

Each organ of the body has a

distinctive energy vibration signature


Throughout my journey to
wellness, I learned that subtle
vibrations can and do deeply
affect the inner workings, the
vibratory state, of ones body
in a very positive way.


(Excerpted from the A.R.E. Cayce

Health Database Glossary found on the
home page of EdgarCayce.org)
Vibration refers to an oscillation or
sympathetic activity. Edgar Cayce often
spoke of a subtle vibratory energy or
force in the body, which he called the
life-force or lowest form of electrical
vibration. Each organ of the body has a
distinctive energy vibration signature.
When an organ is deficient in this vibratory energy, disease sets in. The various
electrotherapeutic appliances were
recommended to rejuvenate the body
by introducing vibratory energy into
the body or to balance the bodys own
vibratory energies. Various medicinal
solutions were also utilized in electrotherapy. Cayce said that the vibration of
the medicine would enter the body rather
than the chemical itself.
For all life force is of the vibratory
nature, and when set in the proper and
correct attunement for the physical needs
of a given body and its vibratory force,
and add to these those principles as have
been applied in body and tissue building,
add to these that as will change the vibratory. (93-1)

Cathleens Story

Over a decade ago, I was seriously

debilitated for four-plus years. After
visiting dozens of doctors and spending
thousands of dollars on an array of treatments, in year four of my illness a medical
doctor made the diagnosis of Chronic
July-September 2011

Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome

(CFIDS). Still, no MDs bag of tricks
could put me back together again.
Finally, homeopathy found me. After
exhausting her knowledge to help me
heal, a holistically-minded MD recommended that I consult with a homeopath,
because homeopathy helps a lot of
people. Since I knew nothing about
homeopathy at that point in my life,
the MD suggested a homeopath who
first took an exacting two-hour history
that covered my current symptoms, my
health history, my personal life, and my
familys health history. She then gave me
a dozen or so tiny pellets to place under
my tongue. This dose of pellets (the
remedy), the homeopath explained, was
selected for me due to my own characteristic symptoms, which matched the
characteristic symptoms of the remedy.
Within three minutes after taking the
little white pills, I felt a shiftsuddenly
I felt perfectly energetic, absolutely vibrant. The healing momentum from the
long-standing chronic condition had
commenced. This delightful state of vitality lasted about 24 hours; thereafter my
body began to seek balance in a process
that can be likened to what those working with Edgar Cayces recommendations
experienced: diligent follow-through,
step by step, forward and back, until
lasting healing occurs. Throughout my
journey to wellness, I learned that subtle
vibrations can and do deeply affect the
inner workings, the vibratory state, of
ones body in a very positive way.

Because of my extraordinary experience with this realm of vibrational

medicine, once I was well enough to do
so, I felt inspired to learn much more
about homeopathy. In 1996, after three
years of study at Pacific Academy of
Homeopathic Medicine in Berkeley,
Calif., I proudly graduated as a Certified

What is Homeopathic

1. The word homeopathy itself was

coined by Samuel Hahnemann (17551843), a 17th-century German medical
doctor, chemist, and medical translator.
Homeopathy is derived from two Greek
words: homoios, which means similar,
and pathos, which means suffering. So
in a literal sense, homeopathy means
similar suffering.
2. Homeopathy is a system of therapy
in which very small, non-toxic doses of
natural substances (called remedies) are
recommended to stimulate a healing
reaction in a person. These remedies
contain the vibration qualities of certain
plants, minerals, and animal substances,
and heal by matching a remedys potential signature symptoms to the vibratory
and symptom-specific state of the person.
3. The practice of homeopathy is based
on the Law of Similars. In simple terms,
this means that what a substance can
cause, it can cure. [From the American
Heritage Dictionary: A system for treating disease based on the administration
of minute doses of a drug that in massive

amounts produces symptoms in healthy

individuals similar to those of the disease

HomeopathyIllness as
Vibrational Disturbance

Samuel Hahnemann, known as the Father of Homeopathic Medicine, referred

to the universal spirit as vital force or
dynamis. He believed that when the vital
force was disturbed by an imbalance of
body, mind, or spirit, ones natural state of
health was thusly interrupted and illness
resulted. To re-establish this vital force,
Hahnemann prescribed these remedies
derived from nature.
As Hahnemann stated in the sixth
edition of his cornerstone treatise on
homeopathy, the Organon of Medicine:
The affection of the morbidly deranged, spirit-like dynamis (vital force)
that animates our body in the invisible
interior, and the totality of the outwardly
cognizable symptoms produced by it in
the organism and representing the existing malady, constitute a whole; they
are one and the sameAs far as the
physician is concerned, is not that which
reveals itself to the senses in symptoms
the very disease itself? So it is the
totality of symptoms, the outer image
expressing the inner essence of the disease, i.e., of the disturbed vital force, that
must be the main, even the only, means
by which the disease allows us to find the
necessary remedy. . .
Although more mystic than religious,
Hahnemann recognized the virtues
of gratitude as witnessed in a letter he
penned to a lifelong friend in 1830, In
the moments that we can spare from our
busy lives we should unceasingly thank
the great Spirit from whom all blessings
flow, with our whole heart and all our
undertakings worthy of Him, though in
all eternity we can never thank Him too
much for His goodness.

Cayce and Hahnemann

Agree on Importance of
Vibrational Balance

Hahnemanns statement on the disturbance of the vital force is mirrored by

Cayces many references to this same disturbance. As stated in Kevin J. Todeschis
book, Edgar Cayce on Vibrations: Spirit
in Motion (A.R.E. Press):
the Edgar Cayce material states

that each organ and function of the body

creates a vibration all its own. When the
ideal vibration is adversely affected in any
way, disease and illness become the result.
Edgar Cayce stated that the Radial
Appliance utilizes the bodys own electrical current, or life force, to coordinate
balance and homeostasis at the vibrational level, facilitating healing in the
As with Cayces Radial Appliance*,
for instance, the Hahnemann remedy
dilutions also utilize the wisdom of the
bodys life force or vital force to coordinate balance and bring to homeostasis
at the vibrational level, to facilitate the
healing process.


Edgar Cayce and Samuel Hahnemann,

two brilliant pioneers of holistic medicine, were certainly of one mind when
it came to recognizing that outer symptoms are a result of a disturbance in the
inner vibratory forces of the individual.
As with the Cayce readings and his
recommended methods of healing,
homeopathic remedy selection is individualized based on a persons dis-eased
physical, mental and emotional characteristicstheir current vibratory
statethat has led to presenting a unique
set of symptoms.
With homeopathy, introducing the
subtle resonance of a remedy that is
acknowledged, through case studies and
toxicological reporting, to encompass
similar characteristics as those presented
by the distressed individual, allows for
the bodys innate wisdom to respond to
this unique vibratory rate and attune the
disturbance to the higher vibrations of a
healthy state of being.
Cayces and Hahnemanns approaches
to healing are similar in that the whole

personmind, body, and spiritis taken

into account, healing is achieved through
administered vibratory means so that the
body cooperates in the healing process.
(In Cayces readings, depending on the
condition, various means including allopathic, pharmacological, osteopathic,
surgical, and more, could also be advised.) Treatment, along with diligent
monitoring of the case, is recommended
until the bodys systems have returned to
their optimum vibrations.
Vibration is, in its simple essence or
word, raising the Christ Consciousness in
self to such an extent as it may flow out
of self to him thou would direct it to
What produces same? These are the vibrations to which a body has raised by its
attunement of its whole being, its whole
inner self, of a consciousness of that
divine force that emanates in Life itself
in this material plane. (281-7 Healing
Prayer Group Readings)

Vibration is spirit in motion.

Vibration is you and I.
I resonate. You resonate.
Together we resonate. Let the
vibration of Love, of healthy,
peaceful Christ Consciousness,
be the order of the day.
*Available at baar.com or 800-269-2502.
About the Author
Cathleen Springer
is a Certified Homeopath
(C Hom) from Santa
Rosa, California, where
she is also an active Search
for God Study Group
member. Her Web site is

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and the Cayce Care line, at:
Cayce.com Toll-free 800-269-2502
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email: info@cayce.com
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Autogenic Training for Self-Health

t age four I knew I wanted to be a
physician, and have always considered health to be the most important issue in life. However, it was
not until my first visit to the
A.R.E. for the Week of Attunement in August 1972, that I learned the
foundations of Self-Health. I learned about
autogenic training, biofeedback, and past-life
therapy, all of which became foundations for
my personal and professional approach to life.
I immediately wanted to introduce all these
tools into my work with chronic pain patients
and was fortunate a few months later to hear
Dr. Elmer Green, the father of biofeedback, talk
about his use of autogenic feedback training
for successful treatment of 84 percent of patients
with migraine. Elmer also discussed this approach as self-regulation.
My success with introducing biofeedback into
my practice led me in 1974 to enter Humanistic
Psychology Institute, now Saybrook, to get a
PhD in psychology. Elmer became my chief outside faculty and a guide and friend for life. My
doctoral dissertation led me to read 350 books in
the field of self-regulation, as I began to discover
common themes in many philosophies, which led
to my concept of Biogenics:
Begin as of nowbeing grounded in present
time. Most people spend all too much time
reliving traumas of the past
Positive self-esteemvirtually all psychological problems arise because of poor
Balancing body feelingssensory biofeedback to become aware of physical tension
held in the body and to learn to turn body
sensations on or off
Balancing emotionslearning to let go of
anxiety, anger, guilt, and depression, and all
their synonyms which are a basic foundation
for virtually all physical problems
Spiritual attunementgetting in touch with
soul, divine, and God
All of these concepts are widely repeated in
the Cayce readings. Cayce spoke often of selfhypnosis, hypnosis, and meditation, as well as
personal responsibility for all ones attitudes and
habits. A majority of Cayces readings dealt with
Self-Health. Although Biogenics addresses all of
the issues listed above, the basic foundation is
July-September 2011

autogenic training, developed between 1912 and

1932 by Dr. J. H. Schultz, a German psychiatrist.
By 1969 there were 2,600 scientific articles on
autogenic training which showed that it:
Cured 80 percent of stress illnesses
Helped athletes be more successful
Helped business people perform better
Helped students do better
Autogenic training works rapidly to improve
body and mind and, in my opinion, should be a
basic practice for everyone.
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, will be presenting
his program Energy Medicine August 5-6
at A.R.E. HQ in Virginia Beach. Visit
EdgarCayce.org/conferences or call

C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD,is a

neurosurgeon, psychologist, founding
president of the American Holistic
Medical Association, and president of
the Holos Institute for Health. He has
published over 300 articles and 25
books, including his new book Energy
Medicine (see p.40 for an excerpt).

How-To: Autogenic training at home

Start by assuming a comfortable positiona reclining chair is ideal. Close your eyes.
As you breathe in, say slowly to yourself:My arms and legs
As you breathe out: Are heavy and warm
Imagine the sun beaming down upon your arms and legs. Do this for three
minutes daily for one week. Second week, after three minutes of my arms
and legs are heavy and warm, add, as you breathe in: My heartbeat is
As you breathe out: Calm and regular
Continue for three minutes, while visualizing something calm and regular
like the pendulum of a clock. Continue daily for a week. Third week do the
two earlier exercises and add, as you breathe in: My breathing is
As you breathe out: Free and Easy while visualizing something free and
easy, such as a bird gliding through the air without having to flap its wings.
Continue for three minutes during this third week. Then after these three
phrases add, as you breathe in: My abdomen
As you breathe out: Is warm while visualizing the sun beaming down
upon your abdomen. Continue all four phrases three minutes each for a
week. Then add, as you breathe in: My forehead
As you breathe out: Is cool while visualizing being outside, warmly
dressed, with a cool breeze blowing across your forehead. Continue three
minutes and during this fifth week do all five phrases three minutes each.
Then add, as you breathe in: My mind
As you breathe out: Is quiet and still while you visualize a pleasant,
quiet, still scene. Continue three minutes.
You can add organ-specific phrases to address other issues, such as pain,
always using a positive phrase and image. (If you need a guided recording
to assist you, my CD Basic Schultz is available at selfhealthsystems.com.
For a preview, visit the Venture Inward page at EdgarCayce.org/members.)
Daily practice of autogenic training will help you in choosing all the physical, nutritional, and attitudinal essentials for Self-Health. It will be the most
important 18 minutes of your life!

Energy Medicine:
Practical Applications and Scientific Proof
By C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
4th Dimension Press (P) $15.95

Excerpt from Chapter 3:

The Power of Color
hysicists understand that light
operates on various wavelengths
and frequencies. This applies to
colors as well, which can be seen
in a rainbow or the effect of a prism. However,
the metaphysical energy of colors is important
to note, as colors affect our lives continuously.
They can also be used with intent in healing.
Consider the effect of the color itself on
thine own body as ye attempt to apply same by
either concentration, dedication or meditating
upon these. For as has been given, color is but
vibration. Vibration is movement. Movement
is activity of a positive or negative force. Is the
activity of self as in relationship to these then
positive? (281-29)
You will rarely find individuals being intolerant with others with something intrinsically
carved being worn, or never very, very mad with
blue being worn (578-2)
Cayce believed that all blue color was
positive. Referring to the chakras as (spiritual)
centers, Cayce was asked:
(Q) Do the colors vary for each center with
different individuals, from a definite color to be
associated with each center?
(A) For to eachremember, to study each
of these in the light not only of what has just
been given, but that as a practical experience
in a material worldas is knownvibration
is the essence of the basis of color. As color and

vibration become to the consciousness along

the various centers in an individuals experience in meditation made aware, they come to
mean definite experiences. Just as anger is red,
or as something depressing is blue, yet in their
shades, their tones, their activities, to each other
begin with the use of same in the experience to
mean those various stages. For instance, while
red is anger, rosy to most souls means light and
joyyet to others as they are formed in their
transmission from center to center come to
mean to express what manner of joy; whether
that as would arise from a material, a mental or
a spiritual experience. Justice may be seen in the
common interpretation of white, but all manner
of rays from same begins or comes to mean that
above the aura of all and its vibration from the
body and from the activity of mental experience
when the various centers are vibrating to color.
When asked which gland in the body is in
importance highest, Cayce replied, the
pituitary. In one of the only waking-state books
Cayce himself wrote, Auras: An Essay on Color, a
book on auras, Cayce wrote, Indigo and violet
indicate seekers of all types, people who are
searching for a cause or religious experience.
As these people get settled in their careers and
in their beliefs, however, these colors usually
settle back into deep blue. It seems that once
the purpose is set in the right direction, blue is a
natural emanation of the soul. Those who have
purple are inclined to be overbearing, for here
there is an infiltration of pink. Heart trouble and
stomach trouble are rather common to persons
with indigo and violet and purple in their
auras. In the same booklet, Cayce wrote, Blue
has always been the color of the spirit.
Colors influence the entity a great deal more
even than musical forces... Drabs, or certain
greens, have an effect that is almost that to
bring illness in the physical body; while the
purples or violets, or shades of tan, bring an
exalted influence that would make the bringing
of building influences in the entity. (428-4)
As has been indicated in an earlier chapter, colors are very strongly associated with

particular chakras and glands. For instance, the

adrenal gland is associated with yellow; the
thymus with green; the thyroid with blue; and
violet is associated with the pineal. Cayce also
said that Indigo and violet indicate seekers of
all types; people who are searching for a cause
or religious experience. (Color and the Edgar
Cayce Readings, page 21) Violet is associated
with the pituitary gland. In relation to other
chakras, the gonads are identified as orange
(second chakra), and creativity is related to
the gonads. The adrenal glands, in the third
chakra and the pancreas are yellow. The thyroid
and parathyroid glands, in the fifth chakra are
deep blue. The pineal, associated with the sixth
chakra, is indigo.
Cayce wrote, As with everything there are
positive and negative associated with color.
Red can be the color associated with creation,
energy and vitality but also its negative aspect
can be anger. According to Cayce, the pituitary
gland transforms the colors of the light rays into
revitalizing energy to rebuild those centers that
are lacking in energy and to reinforce the energies being created with each gland.
Each body, each activity, each soul-entity
may react better to this, that or the other color.

PhD, is a
and a founding
president of
the American
Holistic Medical
Association. For over three decades, he
has been at the forefront of alternative
medicine and alternative health care.
He holds 10 patents, has published more
than 300 articles, and authored 25 books,
including Medical Intuition. Learn more at

Edgar Cayces Everyday Health:

Holistic Tips, Remedies, and Solutions
By Carol Ann Baraff
A.R.E. Press (P) $15.95

Excerpt from chapter:

Reconciling with Ragweed
HOse who sniffle, sneeze,
and swear their way through
the annual hay fever season will
probably be surprised to learn
of this much-maligned herbs important health
benefits. A member of the genus Ambrosia
(Latin for food of the gods), ragweed is a
North American plant whose flowers produce
copious amounts of pollen. These tiny granules
are capable of bringing even strong men to
their knees from around the middle of August
until the first frost in October or November.
As a trigger of hay fever symptoms, including
sneezing, dripping nose, and itchy, watery eyes,
ragweed pollen ranks number one, hands down,
throughout most of the United States.
The Cayce readings are notable in finding
hope for the pollen-sensitive in the ragweed
plant itself, said to offer its own special homeopathic form of relief. Even more exciting is the
suggestion that symptom reduction may be
just the tip of the therapeutic iceberg. Most of
the 100-plus readings recommending ambrosia weed focused on its value as an internal
cleanser and tonic for the liver and related
organs. Since the liver is a major detoxifying
organ, the theory is that a little TLC would make
it that much more effective at knocking out
those nasty allergens.
Those who consulted Cayce about their hay
fever were advised to start making a tea with
the young, tender leaves well before the plant
began to flower. One reading put it this way:
July-September 2011

Thus, we would find in this particular season,

before there is the blossoming of same, the
body should take quantities of this weed. Brew
same, prepare, take internally and thus war or
ward against the activity of this upon the body
These will prevent, then, the recurrent conditions which have been and are a part of the
experience of the body. This will enable the body
to become immune because of the very action
of this weed upon the digestive system, and the
manner it will act with the assimilating body,
Begin and take it through the fifteen days
of July and the whole of August, daily, half a
teaspoonful each day.
Thus, we will find better eliminations, we
will find better assimilation, we will find better
distribution of the activities of foods in the body.
As an internal cleanser, ragweed is consistently valued for its capacity to stimulate the
entire gastrointestinal system without creating
a dependency. More details are found in the
following reading:
Will there be taken in the system, at
regular intervals, those properties that are not
habit forming, neither are they effective towards
creating the condition where cathartics are necessary for the activities through the alimentary
canalwhether related to the colon or the jejunum, or ileumyet these will change the vibrations in such a manner as to keep clarified the
assimilations, and aid the pancreas, the spleen,
the liver and hepatic circulation, in keeping a
normal equilibrium. These [properties] would be
found in those of the ambrosia weedThis will
aid the digestive system, will aid the whole of
the eliminating system. (454-1)
Readings indicating a need for liver toning
suggest a variety of substitute formulas for a
ragweed-and-licorice laxative still on the market
at the time called Simmons Liver Regulator.
While some of the simpler versions contain
only ragweed extract and grain alcohol, others
include additional ingredients such as licorice,
sarsaparilla, and tolu balsam. The following
comments apply to a formula in the more basic
Where this [Liver Regulator] is given for

anyone, the better preparation would be to

make it out of the Ragweed, which is the basis
of same
And you have better than Simmons Liver
Regulator for activity on the liver! This for
anyone! This is the best of the vegetable
compounds for activities of the liver. Of course,
if made commercially we would add some few
other things to it. (369-12)
Finally, another highly recommended use of
ragweed is as a toner of the appendix through
its capacity to stimulate the gastric flow
through the liver and gall duct and to
cleanse those areas about the caecum and
appendix. (349-20) The readings regard this
stimulating and cleansing effect as a powerful
infection preventive, stating: If the most hated
of weeds were used as a portion of the diet it
[appendicitis] would never occur (644-1)
These are strong words of high praise for the
lowly ambrosia weed, which could become one
of our most loved if we gave it a chance.
Carol Ann
Baraff is
a massage
therapist and
researcher and
author of topics
from the Edgar
Cayce readings,
particularly those associated with holistic
health and practical application of
natural remedies. She currently lives and
writes in Virginia Beach, Va.
She has incorporated her 40 years
of researching and writing on holistic
health topics from the Edgar Cayce
readings into this simple yet complete
everyday health guide full of practical
solutions, natural remedies, and holistic
health perspectives from Edgar Cayce,
the father of holistic medicine himself.

Books available at ARECatalog.com

or 800-333-4499. A.R.E. members
receive a 20% discount.

Th e H e a l i n g P a t h

By Peter Schoeb, DC

Patterns and Balancing of the Nervous System

Dr. Schoeb is available for

Cayce-based health consultations by phone or in person at
the A.R.E. Health Center and
Spa. To book an appointment,
purchase a gift certificate, or
for more info about the Spa,
visit EdgarCayce.org/spa or
call 757-437-7202.

Peter Schoeb, DC, CMT, is a

chiropractor and a massage therapist
who trained with Dr. Harold Reilly in
massage and holistic therapies as
found in the Edgar Cayce readings. He
has taught at the Cayce/Reilly School
of Massotherapy for over six years, and
is an international speaker and teacher
in Cayce-based health and wellness.
He works as a chiropractor and therapist at the A.R.E. Health Center and
Spa in Virginia Beach, where he won a
2010 Readers Choice Award from The
Health Journal.


ne of the bodys most vital dinate the sympathetic and cerebrospinal systems
governing systems is the nervous in the areas indicated. These are not merely to be
system. It is important in maintain- punched or pressed, but the gangliawhile very
ing life in the human body and in smallare as networks in these various areas.
directing all biological processes. Ac- Hence a gentle, circular massage, is needed [see ilcording to MedicineNet.com, the human nervous lustration]; using only at times structural portions
system is The sum total of the tissues that record as leverages, but not everof coursebruising
and distribute information within a person, and structure.
does so by electrical and chemical means. In
To promote coordination, a therapeutic
fact, there are approximately 10 billion nerve Cayce-Reilly massage, which includes this gentle,
cells forming the different integrated systems, circular pattern, is very beneficial. With some
interconnected through a complex wiring system practice and a review of the structures of the
using chemical messengers. This system is exten- back, anyone can help a loved one by employing
sively researched to increase the understanding these patterns.
of its function and effect on the overall biology
Once each week prepare about one-half ounce
of the body. These processes are mainly
of room-temperature organic peanut or
governed via reflexes and coordination.
olive oil in a dish. You can also mix equal
In the Edgar Cayce readings there are
parts of organic olive oil with tincture
many instances where dis-ease and disease
of myrrh. A preferred time would be the
are, in part, results of ailing reflexes
evening before retiring. Have your
and malfunction of the nervous
loved one rest on the stomach,
system. These can be due to injuries,
or if this is not possible, on their
organ dysfunction, dietary and lifeside. Expose the back all the way
style patterns, negative thoughts and
down to their sacrum (small of the
emotions, and many other factors.
back). Take some of the oil or the
In order to restore these functions,
mixture and apply it to the spinal
the readings primarily recommend
area, about two inches on each
massage and manipulation as coside of the center of the back. For
ordinated principal treatments. In Illustration from Edgar Cayces Handbook for Health an adult, the circles are about one
addition, the readings recommend herbal mix- inch in diameter. Start underneath the skull, on
tures, various remedies, teas, dietary changes, the left side, and count 30 circles, in spiral-like
various forms of detoxification, light exercise and fashion, all the way down to the bottom of the
walking, electro therapy (such as the violet ray*) spine. Repeat on each side 2-3 times. Apply more
and energy medicine (such as the wet cell* or of the oil or the mixture if needed. Then let your
radiac*), as well as prayer and meditation. These loved one rest for the night.
are recommended to meet the individuals need for
The readings further say:
balance, coordination, health, and inner growth.
These (treatments) are well, to be sure, to keep
In reading 3075-1, the following recommenda- coordination in the areas so affected, as also the
tions were made:
connection areas. [] Osteopathic or Swedish
[Give] ... a gentle massage, that stimulates or massage, with particular reference to such cenrelaxes by the stimulation of each of the ganglia ters, is beneficial at times. Since not many of the
along the cerebrospinal system; more specifi- masseurs know the centers, it is better to use the
cally in the areas where the cerebrospinal and osteopathic treatment. These are beneficial
sympathetic coordinatin the larger forms of whether once a week, once in ten days, twice
the ganglia. These we find the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd a month, ten times a year, or forty times a year.
cervical, 1st, 2nd and 3rd dorsal, 9th dorsal, and When needed, take them! (1710-10)
in the lumbar axis and coccyx center
Further instructions can be taken from the text
Q. Should the massage be osteopathic, or could The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through
it be given by someone other than an osteopath? Drugless Therapy by Harold Reilly, DPhT, DS,
A. Anyone that understands the anatomical and Ruth Brod (A.R.E. Press).
structure of the body, in knowing how to coor- *Available at baar.com or 800-269-2502.

You can learn about energy

work for healing, for bringing
balance back into life, and
other types of bodywork.

The Cayce/Reilly School can be your guide as you journey the path to
understanding holism, healing, and personal transformation. At a Cayce/Reilly
Continuing Education Weekend Workshop you can learn about energy work for
healing, for bringing balance back into life, and other types of bodywork.
Located just one block from the Atlantic Ocean, the Cayce/Reilly School of
Massotherapy is proud to offer the best selection of continuing education (CE)
courses on the East Coast! We are an Approved CE Provider by the National
Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and host
over 70 CE workshops a year, most of which are NCBTMB approved for CE hours.
Whether youre a massage therapist, healthcare professional, or someone
seeking health, healing or personal transformation, the Cayce/Reilly Schools
Weekend Workshops are the place to find it! Discover a variety of bodywork
methods, restorative breathing techniques, energy healing systems, ways to facilitate
deep relaxation, awareness of the bodys natural rhythms, plus much more!
While some of our courses do require a prerequisite, many do not, and are open
to all (no advance knowledge or training required). Below are some of our newest
workshops, and some very popular regulars.

Discover what
youre missing
at the beach!

Upcoming workshops:
Quantum Touch, Basic
Hot Stone Massage: The Healing Power
of Stones
Self Empowerment through Feng Shui
Neuromuscular Therapy I
Touch for Health Kinesiology, Level I
Raindrop Technique with Young Living
Essential Oils
Opening to the Mystery: Caring for Clients at
the End of Life
Dr. Vodders Manual Lymph Drainage, Basic
Introduction to Oncology Massage
Jin Shin Do: Windows of the Sky
Acupressure Facial
Colon Hydrotherapy Theory and Experiential
Cayce/Reilly 3-Day Introduction to Massage

*July 16-17
Aug 27-28
*Sept 10-11
Sept 17-18
*Sept 17-18
*Oct 9
Oct 14-16
Oct 19-23
Nov 12
*Nov 5-6
Nov 15-20
*Dec 28-30

*No prerequisite requiredopen to all

To view a complete listing of upcoming continuing education workshops, please visit:
For more information, please call 757-428-3588, ext. 7285, or
email: workshops@EdgarCayce.org

July-September 2011


Our Dreams Evolve as We Evolve

By Bobbie Ann Pimm

n looking at my dreams, I often see reflections of my negative actions, thoughts, and feelings. By examining them closely
and being completely honest with myself, Ive come to discover
who I am, why I am who I am, and more importantly, who I am
meant to be. This is an ongoing process; I am forever changing for
the better, which is also reflected in my dreams.
This became evident a few months ago when I had a dream that
I titled, Another Tidal Wave, which reminded me of a previously
recurring dream titled, Water, Water Everywhere. A comparison
of the two was very revealing.
The dream: Water, Water Everywhere
I am at the beach, alone. I savor the peace and quiet as the warm
surf rolls under my feet tugging gently at my ankles. Suddenly, the water is up to my knees and I find it difficult to walk. I head for shore and
I am scared. The shore gets further and further away and the water
gets higher and higher. I see a building in the distance and I know that
I must reach it or I will drown. My heart pounds in my chest as the
water continues to get higher and higher.
I find myself at the door of the building. I look behind me; the water
is about to overtake me. I open the door and make it inside. I know
that I am safe. I look around; the building is empty. I go to a small
window and see the water is above the window line. The building is
submerged in water, yet I feel safe.
The above was a recurring dream I had for over 20 years, starting
when I was about 12 years old. It was always the same for many
years. At some point, I began to notice a few (one at first, then two
or three) other people in the building. When I was about 32 years
old, the window seemed to get larger and largeruntil the walls
were literally made of glass, at which point the dreams stopped. I
have not had this dream for over 15 years now.
To understand the interpretation you should know, without going into details, that there were several incidents in my adolescence
that I repressedin other words, I locked them away deep in my
The interpretation: The ocean signifies that the dream is
referring to my unconscious. In the dream, the water is overtaking
me and I am afraid that I will drown unless I go inside the building.
If the water symbolizes my emotions, then the fact that I was afraid
of drowning indicates that I was afraid that my emotions would

overwhelm me. I, therefore, needed to find shelter from these emotions and went inside the buildinginside of myself.
At first, I was alone in the building. At some point, I became
aware of other people. These other people were actually me. As
each repressed incident occurred in my life, another part of me
went inside where it was safe.
The window allowed me a glimpse of the emotions (the water)
that I was afraid of. In the beginning it was very small, and seeing that the water was over the top of the window allowed me to
believe that I was right in going inside the shelterit saved me. The
window got larger and larger as I matured and learned how to deal
with these emotions that I repressed for so long. In the end, the
walls were completely transparent. I no longer needed to hide in the
building, as I was no longer afraid of drowning in my emotions. So
the dreams stopped.
The dream: Another Tidal Wave
I am on a balcony overlooking a beach. I know that I am not alone.
To my left is my guide and to my right, I sense two or three women,
though I do not see them. Out on the beach I see several people walking. I look out to the ocean and see a huge tidal wave approaching the
shore. I start yelling at the people on the beach to run for safety. Then
I see a baby on the edge of the surf, alone. I point to the baby and yell
at the people to, Save the baby, save the baby! Everyone runs off and
leaves the baby on the shore alone with the tidal wave getting closer.
The scene shifts slightly. Now I am on the balcony with these same
women and my guide, only we are completely underwater, though I
am not afraid. I see a scorpion drift by. One of the women warns
me to be careful as it might sting, but I am drawn to the scorpion and
reach out my hand to touch it. It stings me on my palm. I look at my
palm, but it doesnt hurt. I know that I will be OK.
Continued on page 46
Bobbie Ann Pimm, Faculty Fellow-at-Large at
Atlantic University, is author of the book Notes From
a Dreamer on Dreaming: A Personal Journey in
Dream Interpretation. She is currently revising AUs
course Becoming a Teacher of Dream Interpretation with her partner, AU Faculty member Bob Van
de Castle, PhD. The new course, which they will be
teaching together, is tentatively re-titled Becoming a
Dreamworker. The purpose of the course is to help you
become more skilled in interpreting your dreams and
enable you to be helpful to other people seeking to understand their dreams.
Contact the AU Office for more information on when the course will be offered.

AtlanticUniv.edu 800-428-1512 registrar@AtlanticUniv.edu

Zen and the Art of Enjoying Work

By James Van Auken, MBA

hrough living wholeheartedly in our present moment activity and learning to cease the emotional pulls of
our daily encounters, we create a solid foundation upon
which we can actually be more alive and satisfied with life. Working
hard satisfies an unconscious necessity within all of us that drives
us to do something. Honoring unconscious motivations is actually
the key to satisfaction. Why does an artist paint? Why does the
musician play? Why does the motivational speaker speak? Because
we are compelled by a part of ourselves that we cannot conceptualizeits more unconscious than consciousand we cant give birth
to our true nature because our minds are too clouded for clarity.
Zen practitioners are actually honoring the demands of the
unconscious by doing the due diligence of the day. Why are new
employees so highly motivated, full of ideas, and ready to say
yes to everything? Because at that point they are fully invested
and committed to the work. Weve all heard the expression,
you cant teach old dogs new tricks. Veteran employees have
seen how everything works at the office and have clouded their
minds. Shunryu Suzuki says that a mind full of preconceived
ideas, subjective intentions, or habits is not open to things as they
are, that is, they have a false conception that satisfaction comes
from knowing more about the organization than a new person.
Which employee feels more satisfied at the end of the day? Which
employee accomplishes more tasks: the old grumpy dog or the
new puppy? As Alan Watts points out, seeking Reality is like
looking for an ox when you are riding on one. Have you ever seen
the puppy nature of an old dog come out? Its beautiful! This is
the beginners mind or original nature that Suzuki says is the
key: it is wisdom which is seeking for wisdom. Zen tells us to
detach from the emotions, politics, and preconceived notions and
constantly focus on the present taskbe here now.
Have you seen a recent job description or job posting? The
requirements and responsibilities are colossal. Most employees are
responsible for what would be two to three jobs in the recent past.
Work hours are longer, procedures are more regimented, and the
stress can quickly become overwhelming. Plus, people have lives
outside of the workplacemore responsibility. And have you seen
the local news lately? How can anyone handle the trauma of the
communitys challenges when we are faced with our own burdens
daily at work, on the road, and at home? These burdens that we
carry cloud our minds to the point where if anyone adds another
item to it, were going to explode! This is a make or break point
in the workplace where employees are expected to keep it together
always. Instead of using typical coping mechanisms, lets look to
Zen for assistance.
Zen teaches one to detach from the emotional responses that we
are influenced by. For many people, especially in the workplace,
petty comments and slights can ruin an entire day of work
drama! Shunryu Suzuki reminds us that we get attached to an
emotional hype about things that we wish to achieve or destinations we wish to adventure to; and how once were there, its really
not as great as we had thought it would be when we desired it. Yet,
this is not a doctrine of indifference; it is a swift sword that slices to

the here and now. Clear your mind so you can truly use it.
Zen is a powerful practice for controlling what we allow to
permeate our minds and for restricting our emotional ties to
circumstance. The Zen student is instructed to focus on the duties
of the day as utmost priority and the reason for beingdont question, just do what you are doing with your maximum ability. Right
now, I read and comprehend. Right now, I eat and sustain. Right
now, I drive down the highway. Right now, I brainstorm with
colleagues. With this practice, we give all our attention to the task
at hand, not allowing our minds to divide our focus and spread
ourselves too thin.
A global survey of employees showed that 30 percent of workers
in the U.S. define work as an activity that provides a person with
positive personal affect and identity [when] work contributes to
society and is not unpleasant (Nelson & Quick). Is this how you
define the meaning of work or are you part of the 70 percent who
view work as something projected upon you that may or may not
provide you with satisfaction? Americans spend the vast majority of their lives working and, in the U.S. especially, most workers
have a strong desire to save enough money to never have to work
again. Yet, we see many retirees coming back to work because they
dont know what to do with themselves after they are free of their
work day obligations. There is a duality here between work and
no-work; activity and boredom; volunteering and requirement.
In Zen, one moves past such dualities: work, dont work, its all
in your mind. Work can be depressing if we constantly hold our
minds hostage; work can be satisfying if we clear our minds and
act to the best of our abilities.
James Van Auken, MBA, is Educational Business
Manager and Professor of Leadership and Religious
Studies for Atlantic University. His ongoing goal is to
seek out the wisdom available to us through a variety
of spiritual traditions and apply it to the practical
nature of everyday life.

The Soul of Resiliency: Building
Capacity for Courage and Renewal

The 5th annual Womens Retreat, cosponsored by Atlantic University (AU)

and the Personal Transformation and Courage Institute (PTCI), will take
place October 28-30.
Resilience is a word that we hear more and more often, but what are
the deeper rootseven the spiritual underpinningsof this faculty? To answer this question, we will build upon womens innate capacity for tapping
into their intuitive wisdom through short lectures, experiential application
exercises, journaling, creative expression, and meditation to find the inner
resources and capacity to build courage and resilience in our lives and in
our world. This retreat is an opportunity for self-discovery and exploration
with a community of women ready to learn tools for mindfully responding
to the stresses and demands of modern life.
Retreat leader Mary Elizabeth Lynch (an AU faculty member and president of PTCI) and others will guide you through a transformative experience
of personal renewal. The program can be taken as a stand-alone three-day
retreat workshop, or for AU academic credit, with distance learning modules before and after. Tuition is $129 for the stand-alone workshop, $795 for
masters degree credit, and $525 for continuing eduction credit. For details
visit AtlanticUniv.edu/women2011 or call 1-800-428-1512.
Our Dreams Evolve, continued from page 44
The scene shifts again. We have moved inside and I hear a Special
News Bulletin on the TV. The announcer is saying, Tidal wave hits
beach, baby dies.
I wake up.
The interpretation: The similarities to my earlier recurring
dream are apparent, however there are significant differences. While
the beach, ocean and the impending wave are similar and symbolize
the same things, my viewpoint, or perspective, is different. In the
original dream, I am on the beach and the danger is imminent, as it
is about to overtake me. In the new dream, I am able to view the impending tidal wave from a higher, safer perspective, a clear sign to
me of personal growth. In the original dream, I must seek shelter, or
hide. Here, I feel no need to run or hide. In the original dream, I am
inside the building with the water all around. Here, I remain outside
on a balcony, outside of myself (the building), and even when the
water overtakes me, I am unafraid and I know I am not alone.
The scorpion stings me but I am not hurt. It so happens that my
partner in life and dreams, Bob Van de Castle, is a Scorpio. I know
he will not hurt meand no matter what emotional upheaval occurs, he will be there and I know I will be OK.
The announcement that the baby dies might seem, at first, to be
negative or dangerous, but if the baby signifies an immature part of
me, then the baby dying means that this part of me has matured, or
I am no longer in need of it. The baby has died and in its place is a
mature woman ready to accept and deal with whatever comesand
I am not alone.
It was only in comparing the recent dream to the older dream
that I was able to completely understand and appreciate how far I
have come over the years. I am grateful for my dreams and the messages they provideI know I am on the right path.

Fall semester begins August 29

Alumni Association looking for grads

Atlantic Universitys new Alumni Association (AUAA) is calling on all graduates to be included in upcoming alumni
announcements and events. The AUAA recently sent an introductory survey to nearly 130 graduates in the AU database,
but some graduates may not be in the system because they
have moved or because they graduated prior to the formation
of the database. If you are an AU grad and you have not been
contacted, please contact Joanne DiMaggio, Chairperson of
the AUAA, at AtlanticUnivAlumni@gmail.com or 434-242-7348.

Atlantic University Academic Calendar

(All events held in Virginia Beach unless noted otherwise)

July 8-10
Head, Heart, Hands: A Model of Care for Pediatric
Michele Tryon
This three day workshop provides a collaborative learning
opportunity for current pediatric practitioners and those
interested in pediatric healthcare.
August 14
End of Summer Semester
August 29
Beginning of Fall Semester
September 23-25 Fairfax, Va.
TS582: Healing the Courageous Heart
Mary Elizabeth Lynch, JD
Three day residential with follow-up distance learning
modules. This course is designed to increase your ability to
trust and be open-hearted, express compassion for yourself
and others, and experience the strength and freedom of
genuine forgiveness.
September 29-October 2
TH506, 507, 508: Integrated ImageryRegression Hypnosis
TIER 1/2/3
John Amoroso, PhD
Three day residential with follow-up distance learning
modules. Participants in the training course will learn
the principles and theories behind a spiritually oriented
approach to regression hypnosis. Then, through a group
regression conducted by the principal course leader each
student will begin the self-exploration process.
October 14-16
Parapsychology and Consciousness Conference
This conference marks the launch of Atlantic Universitys
new Masters of Arts in Parapsychology by introducing modern parapsychology to the general public and to scholars
and scientists who work in other disciplines. Speakers will
present original research, discuss psychics and mediums,
psychology and parapsychology, and ponder the future
of the field. For more information go to AtlanticUniv.edu/
October 28-30
TS572: Womens Retreat: The Soul of Resiliency (see box top left)
Mary Elizabeth Lynch, JD
Visit AtlanticUniv.edu for a complete calendar.

July-September 2011


C a yc e s W i s D o m f o r t o d a y
B y Kev i n J. Todesch i and H enry R eed

The Souls Affinity

for Co-Creation

ne of the most interesting and at the same time glossed-over concepts contained in
the Edgar Cayce readings deals with the souls affinity for co-creation. The truth of the
matter is that each of us is a co-creator with the Creator, God. As we are also destined
to be companions with this Creator, we can at this very moment acknowledge and take

responsibility for the fact that we are co-creators. Unfortunately, we may fail to fully understand the farreaching implications of this capacity in our present experience, because it is only our knack for perpetual
co-creation that will enable us to transform ourselves and, in turn, transform the world. And it is only as
we embrace our co-creativity that we can become companions with the Creator.
When individuals first encounter the
idea that we were created to be companions and co-creators with God, the
possibility of such a destiny can certainly
have an intellectual appeal. We are all
daughters and sons of the Divine! Over
the years, many individuals have cited
Edgar Cayces admonition that each individual was ultimately created to become
a companion and co-creator with the
Divine. However, we may have simply
spoken the words rather than coming
to a full realization of their meaning.
Perhaps we have allowed ourselves to
believe that this co-creative ability is
something far offsomething that will
be ours when we reach perfection.
Some may claim that they dont really
feel worthy of such a relationship. After
all, there are a number of things about all
of us that are not really godlike. There
are many temptations to deny or ignore
our co-creativity.
Because of the challenges of the times
in which we live, it is not surprising
that so many individuals may feel overwhelmed by their life and their personal

experiences. There appear to be challenges of every nature surrounding

usin society, in our communities, and
in the world. A few headlines from any
news source make the challenges of
contemporary life abundantly clear. On
a personal level, many individuals find
themselves overwhelmed by relationship problems, financial difficulties, job
insecurities, family tragedies, and all
manner of physical, mental, and spiritual suffering. Perhaps it is because of
these incredible personal challenges that
many individuals have even begun to feel
helpless: there is nothing I can do about
it. Victim consciousness can also come
into play when we discuss the subject of
karma. We may feel as if we (or someone
else) have encountered a particular situation because of karma and that there is
nothing that can change it.
We may also find ourselves responding
to life as a bystander rather than utilizing the souls affinity for co-creation.
Our bystander mentality comes to the
forefront whenever we see a horrendous
headline or a disaster being highlighted

upon the news and our response is

simply to change the channel or turn
the page. Because of the preponderance
of this kind of information, we have
perhaps become conditioned to accept
the inevitability or even normalcy of all
manner of crime and human tragedy. We
may allow ourselves to believe there is
nothing I can do about it.
This bystander approach entails the belief that we can do very little, if anything,
to affect politics, the environment, issues
of terrorism, the energy problemwhatever the concern, whether it is personal,
local, or global. As a bystander, we may
remain unaware of the people around us
who could utilize our helpeven if it is
only a listening ear. We disempower ourselves by choosing not to vote, believing
we cant make a difference. We overlook
our connection to all of humankind by
simply turning on the TV to observe the
direction of a storm, or to witness some
horrendous tragedy on the news without
taking the time to pray that the storm
might be dissipated or that those who are
suffering might somehow be comforted.

How We Co-Create

If our newspapers, TVs, and Internet

news feeds are competing to capture our
attention with fearful headlines, global
conflicts, and catastrophic situations,
while ignoring less newsworthy stories
about human kindness, reaching out to
one another, or our collective humanity,
what kinds of thoughts and ideas are
becoming part of our overall perception? The Cayce readings are adamant
in their stance that thoughts are things
and may become crimes or miracles!
Are our thoughts creating miracles for
the future or are we contributing to possible disaster?
But regardless of our conscious level of
spiritual awareness, there is a co-creative
spark within each and every individual
that is part of ones personal birthright.
It is always engaged and cannot be
avoided. We are not referring merely
to ways of being creative, such as in
the arts, cooking, gardening, relation-

ships, or business. Our co-creativity is

a basic aspect of our being a conscious
part of the living physical planet, and it
is something that we cannot escape. It
is through our choices that we are constantly co-creating with God. Our use
of free will introduces an unpredictable,
creative element to the unchangeable
laws of cause and effect. Each time we
make a choice, we set in motion a chain
of events, with both intended and unintended consequences.
Science has demonstrated that there is
a determinism that governs the activity of
physical life. The law of cause and effect
holds for the actions of material objects.
Yet there is also an indeterminacyan
aspect of creation that is not governed
by the law of cause and effect. These two
aspects exist also in God and in us.
The Creator God has, as Edgar Cayce
revealed, the impersonal aspect, which
he portrayed as a Force. This impersonal

aspect drives the physical facets of the

universe, including our bodies and the
effects of our actions. Then there is the
personal dimension of God, which Cayce
portrayed as the loving Parent. This
dimension is usually equated with the I
Am presence within. Individually, the I
Am or Silent Witness within is experienced as an observer, the consciousness
within that is aware. It is this awareness
that monitors all that happens, both
within us and around us. And it is this
awareness that pertains to the indeterminate dimension of life.
Science has explored the interaction of
these two dimensions in its observation
of atoms and their behavior. Although
science can predict much of an atoms
behavior by looking at forces that touch
upon it which cause the behavior, there
are also times when the atoms behavior
cannot be predicted. Instead, scientists
have discovered that it is not until they

It is through our choices that we are constantly co-creating with God.

July-September 2011


Cayce said, Do what you know to do,

and the next step will be given.
actually observe the atom that the atom
decides what to do. Before the observation, the atom is in an indeterminate
state of being. We have a similar characteristic. Many of our choices cannot be
predicted, they remain indeterminate.
Our God-given free will is the basis of this
indeterminacy. God does not know our
choices, but once we make a choice, the
laws of the universe determine the effect of
our actions. Our very choice, then, is a creative act, an action that collaborates with
the laws of the universe to bring about a
determined effect. It is our free willour
power of choicethat binds us to the
co-creative role. The question is not, then,
Will we be co-creators, but What kind of
co-creation will we produce?
What is important to understand is that
the souls birthright of co-creative expression is not something relegated to the
afterlife or a byproduct of soul perfection.
In actuality, whether or not we fully appreciate it, both individually and collectively
we already are co-creative; but we have not
yet become aware of, and acted appropriately with, this potential. With this in mind,
as a co-creator, how are we responding to
life in the here and now? And perhaps more
importantly, as co-creators, what are we
building for our tomorrows?

It is not what happens to us that has the

strongest impact upon our lives but instead how we choose to respond to what
happens to us. Regardless of our present
situation or difficulties, the readings affirm that because of the souls creative
capacity we are always co-creating the
future and there is always the possibility
of hope and change.
Cayces approach to our co-creative
abilities is one which constantly builds
for the future. Regardless of our present
circumstance, regardless of current world
events, regardless of how overwhelmed
we may feel right now, the readings contend that there is something we can do
about it. The simplest approach to conscious and intentional co-creation that
comes out of the Cayce readings is: Do
what you know to do, and the next step
will be given. As a means of addressing
the environment, in practical terms this
might simply mean choosing paper bags
over plastic bags at the grocery storeor
better yet, bringing our own. Maybe we
can pick up trash when we see it on the
ground. In terms of energy conservation, we might decide to not drive to
the shopping center every time we need
something but to wait until there are a
half dozen items on our list, or possibly

turn our thermostats to more conservative settings. As it relates to health care,

we could become more proactive in our
own exercise, diet, and health routines.
In terms of terrorism, at the very least
we might become more cognizant of the
beliefs we may have in commoneven
with those who seem so different from us.
Edgar Cayce encouraged individuals
to make the world a better place because
they have lived in it. Thats co-creation.
Cayce also encouraged individuals to
pray and live as you pray and to give
God a chance in terms of helping to
create their lives. When an individual
once asked Edgar Cayce how to be of
the greatest service to humankind, the
response was simply to begin working
with the daily practice of prayer and
meditation. Thats working with our
capacity for co-creation!
As an example of working with cocreation, when Judith found herself in a
predicament, caught between the competing demands of her job and her family,
she felt overwhelmed and helpless. She
was beginning to resent those she loved
and felt guilty about her devotion to her
career. She realized that she was harboring destructive emotions, but didnt know
what to do about it. She recognized that
feelings of powerlessness dont reflect the
facts so much as they reflect an attitude.
For days she meditated on her situation,
and prayed for an approach that would
meet the needs of her loved ones, support her career, and give her a needed
sense of satisfaction with herself. Her
meditations reminded her that she knew
how to stay centered in her interactions
with family members by focusing on being a good listener, and that they would
appreciate this kind of attention. So she
made listening her creative response
to her predicament until she was shown
her next step. One day, she realized she
was listening to her work supervisor in
a new way. As a result she heard, for
the first time, the real intent behind the
supervisors frequent comment to take
it easy. Judith realized that her supervisor was pleased with her work and was
encouraging her to slow down a bit, and
that she didnt need to take on as much as
she had been doing. This revelation about
her supervisors attitude toward Judiths

work was like a dust mop gathering up

cobwebs in her mind, old assumptions
about her worth and her need to always
prove it. Not only was she coming into
closer contact with a more authentic
sense of self, but she found that she felt
free of her predicament, and instead
felt proud of her ability to nurture both
a family and a career, making a difference
to many people, including herself.
Not only are we actively building
our tomorrows but we are collectively
creating the future of the world and all
of humankind. From a reincarnation
worldview, we are also creating the world
we will come back to. What do we want
the world of the future to look like?
Right now we can respond consciously
to life as a co-creator. We can realize that
we are every bit responsible for shaping
the course of our lives. We can see everything about us as reflections of what
we need to work onas well as how
weve been doing with this business of
When someone asks questions like,
When do you think we will have peace
on Earth? or When do you think we will
really have an Age of Enlightenment? Tell
them that there is only one answer: When
we have helped to create it! The truth
of the matter is that we are responsible
for the present now which was once our
future. What do we want the world of
tomorrow to look like? What are we cocreating for our next future? Where do
we want to go?
Our future as co-creators is not something far off. Our future as co-creators
is actively formed by our thoughts, our
deeds, and our interactions today. Yes,
we are at the dawn of a New World. But
it will only be ours as we bring it to pass.

Book online at
or call 757-437-7202
July-September 2011

We are divine children of a loving Creator.

We are here to bring spirit into the earth.
As co-creators in the here and now, we
need to become consciously aware of our
role in its creation. We can accomplish
anything, working together as conscious
co-creators. When you consider our true
nature, this really is not so amazing. We
are divine children of a loving Creator. We
are here to bring spirit into the earth. As
long as we are incarnate, we have the possibility to effect lasting, positive change.
Today, we are facing perhaps the
greatest challenge of our history in the
earthand that challenge isnt ultimately
about earthquakes or global upheavals or
crime or terrorism or political divisions or
the environment. Ultimately, our greatest challenge is whether or not we can
become consciously aware of the impact

we have upon our present experience.

What kind of a world are we building?
Our collective future is within our hands.
What are we doing about it?
About the Authors
Kevin J. Todeschi, MA,
is Executive Director and
CEO of the Edgar Cayce
work, an authority and
spokesperson on the Cayce
material, and the author
of more than 20 books, including Edgar Cayce on the
Akashic Records.
Henry Reed, PhD, is a
research psychologist by
training, and the author of
several books and scholarly articles describing his
research developing ways
of applying the concepts in
the Edgar Cayce material.

Henry Reed, PhD, and Kevin J. Todeschi, MA,

will both speak at the conference A Spiritual Roadmap for Enlightened Living:
Edgar Cayces Tools for Transformation
and Guidance, August 19-21, at A.R.E. HQ
in Virginia Beach. They will be joined by Peter
Woodbury, Josie Varga, Raye Mathis,
and more. Visit EdgarCayce.org/
conferences or call 888-273-0020 for

Attending Service at the

Temple of the Heart

B y Istvan Fa z e k as

n our modern world where changes are

happening quickly and dramatically, it is
critical to remember the most essential reason why we are here: to love and be loved.
Connecting to love is connecting to God.

We travel everywhere with a sacred

temple, one easy to overlook if we search
in the wrong places. This is the temple of
the heartthe one that connects you to
all truth, beauty, and compassion. We do
not need complicated philosophy or rituals for enlightenment, just a dedication
to expand the heart-temple. This temple
has a very simple liturgy containing only

three essential elements for enlightened


Ego Amnesia

An understanding that the Sublime

Mystery (God, Spirit, Allah, Ha Shem,
Brahma, Satchitananda, etc.) is manifesting through all creation. It is common to
hear this truth and easily pass over the

A Heart-Temple Story

n the early morning hours, after all the others had

left the ashram, the old swami was left with his last
three students. As they sat talking, the swami posed
a question to the three: Chelas, [students] what will do
you with your last hour of life?
The first student replied, Master, I will spend it
carefully reading the Bhagavad Gita and extracting the
last bits of wisdom it has for my journey. The swami
nodded in approval.
The second student replied, I will certainly be
deepening my meditation, as you have taught us. The
swami again nodded in approval.

profound nature of this reality, but all

life is God is shining back on Itself in all
life-form manifestations. With humans,
the inner light gets obscured through the
misuse of will power and the heart-temple
windows become cloudy and opaque.
Each person has an intrinsic God-spark
that animates their bodily costumes trillions of cells and their consciousness. The
more awake the God-spark is within, the
more sensitive the heart, and the more
light can shine through.
A person separated from this inner
connection becomes spiritually blinded,
and they survive solely on the light
emanating from the ego. One way that the
state of spiritual blindness manifests is in
the person who is continually concerned

The third student replied, I will likely be spending it

with my family and all my most precious loved ones.
The swami again nodded in approval and smiled, his
eyes twinkling.
Very nice, he said peacefully, Very nice, each one.
After some time enjoying the silence together, one
of the students asked, Great Sir, what will you do with
your last hour of life?
The old swami grinned widely and said, I will keep
doing what I have always doneabsorbing God
through good words, by what I feel in deep meditation,
and from your loving hearts. Even after I drop this body.

about their own wants without considering others. We might also understand
the spiritually blind as highly invested in
ego-consciousness, as it is the egos veil (a
misuse of will power) that is the source of
our disconnection from the heart-temple.
It is not that we have to annihilate the ego
but just lift off the dark heaviness and
let more light shine through, like pulling
heavy drapes away from our windows.
Another way that spiritual blindness
manifests and separates us from the hearttemple is the thought that embracing a
selfish philosophy can be a spiritual
thing. This is how Cosmic Delusion (called
Maya in Sanskrit) uses both the New Age
movement and religious ideology (often
dangerously misinterpreted) to appeal to
the enticing limitations of the ego. It can
be found in all the various books, videos,
workshops, etc., that prompt the seeker
to find ultimate satisfaction with wealth
(i.e. The Secret Way to Be Rich or God
Wants You to Be a Billionaire), the body
(i.e. The Secret Way to Tantric Bliss
or Live Forever in Five Easy Steps),
or power (i.e. The Secret Way to Get
Everything You Want or Do It My Way
or Else: The Tao of Mao).
The pursuit of (and commonly, the obsession with) wealth, the body, and power
are objectives that promote endless acquiring, and restrain the consciousness
within the first three (lowest vibrational)
spiritual centers of the spine. These three
have to be transcended in order to rise to
the temple of the heart, and it is only at
the heart level, and above, that one begins
to discover an enduring spiritual reality,
a.k.a. enlightened mind.
So, the first survey of the temple
prompts us to be concerned with the wellbeing of other life forms, human animals
as well as non-human animals. We can
easily extend that to plants, trees, the earth
itself, and even beyond. The deeper happiness we all seek originates in a forgetting
of the self and its restrictive container and
enjoying the love that naturally arises as a
result of this ego amnesia. The current
world events are prompting us all towards
this consciousness.

Thought Habits

An understanding that the thoughts we

send to those not present are just as potent as the ones we send when we are in
each others presence. Knowing this, we
July-September 2011

send noble and loving thoughts to all

especially those who vex or antagonize
us. We are negatively affected by dwelling
on negative thoughts, as well as positively
affected by tuning into positive thoughts.
This has a direct impact on the health of
the body and psyche. The significant reality of the current times is that thoughts
manifest an effect faster and more potently than in the past. Thus, to stay in tune
with the heart-temple, it is imperative that
we be aware of our thought habits, and
substitute positive thinking for negative
thinking (fear, malice, worry, etc).

God is Love

An understanding that all the love you

feel for people, pets, and nature is a
microcosm of the original love you had
for the Sublime Mystery we call Spirit or
God. Originally, that was the sole object
of your adoration. Through time, incarnations, and willfulness you have refracted
that love into a thousand or more targets.
Internally we can restore that connection
(and refocus the thousand refractions into
Oneness), stepping further into the temple
of the heart and seeing each moment
of love between spouses as intrinsically
God-love; a parents love for their child as
intrinsically God-love; a pet owners love
for their pet as intrinsically God-love. That
love is continually flowing to each and

every person, but too many shut out that

energy by closing the heart and constructing various barricades. Though it may
sound old-fashioned to some, nonetheless
the lyric what the world needs now, is
love, sweet love, is as true now as ever
we need it and the world needs more of it.
Let us increase our service at the temple
of the heart and see for ourselves that the
many saints and sages throughout time are
correct: God is love and can work endless
miracles through you by your attending
service in the temple of the heart.
About the Author
Istvan Fazekas is
a health sciences teacher
who has created holistic
education programs at
numerous vocational colleges, and currently runs
a large vocational facility
as Director of Education.
He has been an A.R.E.
speaker since the early
1990s and is the author of The Alkalizing Diet: Your
Life Is in the Balance and Edgar Cayce and the Yoga
Sutras: Uniting Body, Mind, and Spirit (available at
ARECatalog.com or 800-333-4499).

Istvan Fazekas will speak at the Spiritual

Breakthrough Intensive: A Workshop for
Experiencing God-Consciousness, with
John Van Auken on September 9-11,
at A.R.E. HQ. Visit EdgarCayce.org/
conferences or call 800-273-0020.

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Visit EdgarCayce.org/renewfor2 or call
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Specialist. Offer expires 9/30/2011.

Choose your gift!

Ancient Mysteries DVD

Join expert and author John Van

Auken for his 2008 Ancient Mysteries HQ Conference presentations
Edgar Cayce and the Ancient
World and Edgar Cayces Return
of the Atlanteans with this special
single DVDan excerpt from the
2008 Return of the Ancient Ones
Conference DVD Set. Total run time
is 2 hours. Code: J2INTAM

Western Yoga For All DVD

Peter Van Daam leads you through

the soulful, Cayce-styled exercises
designed for all ages and fitness
levels. Restore your flexibility,
strength and energy, enhance your
athletic performance, and prevent
the gradual loss of body and mind
function associated with physical inactivity. Total run time is 90 minutes.





Body, Mind, and Spirit

July, August, September 2011 EdgarCayce.org/nearyou
Selma Sep 9-11
Edgar Cayce in Selma
Candace Johnson 800-45-SELMA [73562]

CALIFORNIA, continued
Santa Monica Sep 8-11, Nov 17-20
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Wilma Jackson 310-829-1425

Craigville (Cape Cod) Sep 9-11
37th Annual Retreat
Patty McCarthy 781-878-1974 (pattymc969@
gmail.com) or Paula Frederick 781-536-8251

Phoenix Oct 1
Edgar Cayce on Unseen Worlds: Past
Lives, Future Lives, and the Afterlife
Gregg Unterberger

Ventura Sep 6, Nov 15

Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Jim or Mary Lou Patterson 805-212-1088

Lexington Oct 22
The Key: Unlocking Your Psychic Abilities
Echo Bodine

Scottsdale Aug 30-Sep 1, Nov 8-10

Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Lynnie or Rex 480-661-8000
Lake DeGray Sep 24
Edgar Cayce on the Mysteries of Your Mind
Gregg Unterberger
Southwest Region 512-327-7355
Los Angeles Aug 27
Exploring Soul Groups and Soul Mates
Linda Schiller-Hanna
Pacific Grove
Jul 14-17
Summer Asilomar Retreat
David McMillin, MA, and Peter Schoeb, DC
Nov 4-6
Fall Asilomar Retreat
The Key: Unlocking Your Psychic Abilities
Echo Bodine

Denver Sep 24
Edgar Cayce on Vibrations, Soul
Growth, and the Illusion of Time
Kevin J. Todeschi
North Haven Sep 17
Exploring Soul Groups and Soul Mates
Linda Schiller-Hanna
The Villages 4th Thursdays
Edgar Cayce Film and Discussion Group
Frances H. Rolph 352-753-6079
Des Plaines
Edgar Cayce Holistic Center
888-663-0082 or 847-299-6535
Sep 13-15, Nov 29-Dec 1
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com

San Diego Sep 24

Medical Intuition
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD

Covington Jul 16
Edgar Cayce on the Mysteries of Your Mind
Gregg Unterberger
Marlene Duet 985-893-9025

San Francisco area Sep 3-4, Nov 12-13

Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Grethe Tedrick 510-234-0415

Abington Aug 13 (rain date Aug 14)
A.R.E. Picnic
Patty 781-878-1974 (pattymc969@gmail.com)

San Jose Oct 15

Medical Intuition
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD

Braintree Sep 17-19, Nov 25-27

Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Aantre 781-848-8860 or Betty 508-673-0477

For info call HQ toll-free: 888.273.0020


Plymouth 2nd and 4th Friday mornings

Coffee with Cayce
Presentation and group discussion
Betty 508-673-0477 (bettyp508@aol.com) or
Lois 508-880-7588
Quincy 3rd Saturdays
Monthly meeting and program
Elena Allen 781-862-2019 (Lellaall@verizon.net)
Detroit area
Margaret Dwyer 248-541-0128
1st Tuesdays (Oct-Dec)
Tuesday Tune-Ups for Women Who Work
Mary-Alyce Lubiszewski and Aloma Mirjah
4th Wednesdays (Oct-Dec)
Health and Wellness Series
Sandra Conlen, Reiki Master
3rd weekendsFri-Sun (Oct-Dec)
Praying with the Bible, Part 2
Margaret Dwyer
Oct 15
Mastering Your Lifes Mission
Peter Woodbury
Oct 21
Aligning to Your True Potential
Rev. Monica Bishop
Abby 989-983-4107 (office@goldenlotus.org)
Oct 7-9
Yoga and Mountain Biking Retreat
Jim Pero
Oct 28-30
Womens Wellness Retreat
Stephanie Shepard

Cape May Aug 24, Nov 2
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Michael Craig 609-425-9057

Portland area 3rd Saturdays
Mutual Interest Group
Call for upcoming event schedule: Raymond & Nobie
Tarpey 503-697-8341 (nobtarpey@yahoo.com)

Newark Nov 5
2012 and Prophecy
John Van Auken

Aug 26-28, Nov 4-6
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Linda LeBoutiller 610-363-6279

Albuquerque Nov 12
Mastering Your Lifes Mission
Peter Woodbury
New York City
A.R.E. of NY Holistic Center
212-691-7690 or visit www.edgarcaycenyc.org
Aug 18-23, Oct 27-Nov 1
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Little Switzerland Sep 29-Oct 2
25th Anniversary Wildacres Retreat
Cincinnati area
Jul 9
Energize Your Inner Healer
Ellen Selover and Denise Furgason
Aleene Jacoby 859-525-0265
Sep 24
The Key: Unlocking Your Psychic Abilities
Echo Bodine
Columbus area
Jul 24
Annual Metaphysical Picnic
Darian Torrance 614-332-6214
Sep 17
Meditation Retreat
Darian Torrance 614-332-6214
Oct 8-9
Universal Light Expo (A.R.E. booth)
Kevin J. Todeschi
Darian Torrance 614-332-6214
Oklahoma City Jul 30
Creating a Pathway to Self-Fulfillment
Nancy Eubel
Janice and Ray Howell 405-525-9030 ext. 11

Oct 1
Ancient Mysteries: Sacred Temples,
Crop Circles, and the Cayce Readings
Freddy Silva
Pittsburgh Sep 17
Edgar Cayce on Unseen Worlds: Past
Lives, Future Lives, and the Afterlife
Gregg Unterberger
Austin Jul 16
Interpret Your Dreams to Enrich Your Life
Janece Hutson
Southwest Region 512-327-7355
Houston A.R.E. Center
713-263-1006 or visit EdgarCayceHouston.org
Sep 17
Transforming Your Karma: Expanding
the Influence of Grace in Your Life
Lynn Sparrow Christy
Hunt Oct 6-9
Texas Fall Retreat
Mindwalking: Moving to Cosmic
Nancy Eubel
Nancy Keef 830-688-3807 or
Southwest Region 512-327-7355
Joanne DiMaggio 434-242-7348
(are.cville@gmail.com) arecville.org
Sep 10
Edgar Cayce and the Cosmos
James Mullaney
October 22
The Astronomy of 2012
Lauren Suarez
Fairfax area Oct 22
John Van Auken
For info call HQ toll-free: 888.273.0020

July-September 2011

VIRGINIA, continued
Rural Retreat
A.R.E. Camp
Jul 24-30, Aug 14-20
Family Camp
Jul 31-Aug 13
Childrens Camp
Aug 21-27
Adult Retreat
Virginia Beach
Sep 21-22, Nov 22-23
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Robert Krajenke 757-470-7767
HQ Youth Programs
Jul 1-15
Helena Patti Day Camp
Atlantic University
Visit AtlanticUniv.edu or see p.46 for a listing
of AU activities
The Forum (hosted at A.R.E. HQ)
Day Schwartz 804-693-5192
Jul 27
The Edgar Cayce Philosophy
Peter Van Daam
Aug 31
The Edgar Cayce I Knew and Loved
June Bro
Sep 28
From Lemuria to Atlantis
Una Marcotte
Oct 26
Do Mayan Shamans Believe the
World Will End in 2012?
Carol Chapman
Nov 30
Your Dreams Can Tell Your Future
Inge OBourne

Visit EdgarCayce.org/conferences or see p.59 for

a list of upcoming conferences at A.R.E. HQ.
Richland Sep 24
Prophecy: Understanding Our Times
and Beyond
A DVD presentation featuring John Van Auken
Pierre Saget 509-588-6546


WASHINGTON, continued
Seabeck Jul 6-10
Summer Seabeck Retreat
Edgar Cayce on the Unseen Worlds:
Past Lives, Future Life, and Lives Between
Gregg Unterberger
Kevin Reger 262-547-3262 (vfuller@wi.rr.com)
Sep 17
Crossing Over and Developing Your
Psychic Gifts
Martina Schmidt
Oct 15
Reading Auras and Contacting Your
Spirit Guides
Betty Riley
CANADA EdgarCayceCanada.com
British Columbia
Comox Valley Monthly
Metaphysical Exploration Group
Anjali or Norman Thomas 250-338-1690
Nanaimo 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Nanaimo Metaphysical Network
William and Judith Munns 250-753-2110
Visit nanaimometaphysicalnetwork.org for the
latest event schedule
Vancouver Monthly
Mutual Interest Group
John Golka 604-736-7762
Sackville Jul 8-10
Annual Atlantic Fellowship Conference
Awakening to Wholeness: Body,
Mind, and Spirit Wellness
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Danks Cole 902-405-0578
Arnprior Oct 21-23
Edgar Cayce Ottawa Annual Fall Retreat
Barbara Martin 613-228-9176
Helene Thibert 705-745-7188
2nd and 4th Wednesdays
Study Group meetings
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Meditation Group meetings
Aug 6
Summer Picnic (pot-luck)


CANADA, continued
Nov 3
2012 Mayan Prophecy and the Edgar
Cayce Predictions
Jan 28
Annual New Year Retreat
Getting with the Plan
Toronto Oct 15
Toronto Symposium
Reincarnation and KarmaGods Great
Universal Laws
Ann Jaffin
Chateauguay Aug 26-28
Annual Creative Awakening
Rev. Robert (Bob) Johnstone
Peter Kendall Telephone 450-676-4203
Montreal (South Shore) Bi-weekly
Healing and Meditation Group
Peter Kendall 450-676-4203
For info call HQ toll-free: 888.273.0020
Submit your local A.R.E. events to:

Swedish conference features

English lectures

The Foundation Edgar Cayce Centre Swedens

annual National Conference will be held
September 17-18 at Furuboda Conference and
Competence Centre in the south of Sweden.
The theme is Our Way towards the Light,
Seen through Mysteries, Prophecies, Karma,
Reincarnation. Of the nine planned lectures,
seven will be in English, with translation into
Swedish. For information and registration,
visit EdgarCayce.se/node/202 (click on the
English flags) or contact Centre chairperson
Gun Olofsson at info@edgarcayce.se or

Belgium hosts

An intensive Study Group workshop will take

place August 20-22 in Louvain-la-Neuve,
Belgium. The workshop will focus on the
meaning of the Cayce readings in Europe for
the next decade and explore themes such as:
physical health; ecology and economy; mental
development and meditation; thoughts are
deeds; our spiritual Source and the Creative
Forces; Christ; Mary; and human evolution. For
information contact Philippe Antoine by phone
(+32 2 242 45 09) or email philip.antoine@
skynet.be or philip_antoine@hotmail.com.

Psychic Echo Bodine added as Field speaker

The headquarters-sponsored Field Conference program has added psychic

medium Echo Bodine to its roster of presenters. Bodine is a nationally
recognized speaker who has previously taught two successful and highlypraised psychic development training courses at A.R.E. headquarters in
Virginia Beach. This new program, The Key to Unlocking Your Psychic
Abilities: A Psychics Guide to Psychic Development, will incorporate her
years of experience as a medium and trainer with techniques from Edgar Cayce and others to give
attendees practical and applicable real-life skills for intuitive living.
Bodine first realized she was born with psychic abilities at the age of 17. Her abilities include
clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (sensing), and clairgustance (smell).
She began her full-time practice as a psychic, healer, and ghostbuster in 1979. She has since
taught thousands of people principles of psychic development, spiritual growth, living by intuition,
ghostbusting, and healing. She is the author of 12 books on psychic development, soul growth, the
afterlife, and ghosts, including Echoes of the Soul and her latest, The Little Book of True Ghost Stories.
She has also appeared on numerous TV programs, and consulted on the production of the movie
Ghost. She believes that many of her techniques and experiences parallel the guidance in the Cayce
readings, and feels great enthusiasm for his work, stating that his words speak the truth to me. I
have a knowing that he spoke from the divine and that helps me to trustand devourhis work.
Her first conferences will be in Cincinnati, Ohio, September 24 and Lexington, Mass., October
15. She will also present an expanded version of this program at the Fall Asilomar Retreat in Pacific
Grove, Calif., November 4-6. For more information, visit EdgarCayce.org/fieldconferences or call
1-800-273-0020. Hear an exclusive interview with her at EdgarCayce.org/radio.

The Readings


B y E d g ar C ayce

Mu-Topia: Life in the Ancient Gobi Land

he entity was among the first to establish an exchange

between other lands, owing to those associations that
were begun with India, Egypt, Caucasia, Pyrenees
and those of the latter portions of the Atlantean landin these
periods, or this particular period in the Gobi Landas in most
of the others save the Atlantean; or these groups, or this people
of Mu, oras indicatedMuzuen, the son of Mu that has first
builded this particular city or group that became or was the
City of Goldor Golden City; as we have indicated should be
later discovered.
The peoples lived in the main within themselves, or among
themselves. Those of this particular group were less of class
[than] in the Atlantean or the Indian. Hence the peoples were
equal in their positions from the social aspect.
The forming of the moral and the penal codes as would be
termed in the present was verified by the Prince though set in
order rather by Mu; and these were few in number:
He that labors with the hands is deserving of the fruits and
advantages of the labors.
Do [not?] to thy neighbor as thy neighbor does to thee; but
as ye would that he should do, then do to him.
In these alone were the activities of this peoples.
As to the exchangesas there developed the various types
of characters of laborsthe hewers of wood, the drawers of
water, the dressers of skins, the hunters, and then to be sure the
agricultural activities there was the one common storehouse,
and the daily labors in each of the activities
There were also those of the indigent and of the young
that had no parentage or support, and those that were lame or
blind. Those very old, as would be termed today, were mercifully put away. [GD: Euthanasia?]
In those activities with the associations with other groups, other nations, this group or nation or this people first made what
would today be called coin, which was of gold. It was almost
square but with a hole in same, smooth but edged that it might
be known from other groups that gradually used the sameand
was changed to this when it was found that the Atlanteans were
almost the same. Holes in same and strung to be worn about the
waist or about the neck. Theseas the exchange thenwere as
so much daily labor or exercise. There were no individuals that
did not labor if they were above twelve years of age, unless they
were ill, lame or blind or with childothers all labored! There
were no individuals that did nothing!
July-September 2011

As for the groups in its own land, as has been indicated,

the worshipfulness was in a temple where those gathered that
made for speech-making. There were no priests as in many
other lands. They were all those that spoke and would be called
a forum, or more as a group known in thine own land as the
Quakerswho spoke when they were moved by not anxiety,
not wrath, but by the spirit of thoughtfulnessor the recognizing of Mind, the Builder. But the laborer was heard as well as
those that were of every trade
In the exchange between those of other lands, when these
associations were established, there were the spices from India,
linens and cut stones from Egypt. These were especially for the
There was equality between the sexes during that experience.
There was only, as has been indicated, monogamy; not polygamy ever practiced among these peoples. The rights of each were
the rights of the other. When by injury, wrath, accident the mate
was destroyed or killed, or by death, then the choice was made
by the individual and seconded by those that were in the authority as to judgments. But those that judged were as the common
people, as those in authority. For only the Prince, only those of
the household of the Prince were the last wordbut they never
as lords, priests, presidents or dictators, but as interpreters of the
law between man and man! And all interpreters were moved
to speech, or moved by the spirit in that ye call religion in the
present, though these laterwith the mixing of those from India
and especially from Caucasiamade for disturbances in the
second generation after Muzuen.
Q. Did they have a government bank?
A. As each labored, as each saved, this was given as to each
individual. It was not governmentfor it was of all the people,
and there was only the one source of the exchange or the supply, that all belonged to all.
Q. What was the system of taxation?
A. There was no taxation. All labored; hence not necessary
for taxation. For they were all the Government, for all were
as one. A piece of gold then was a days labor and the
women and the children were the same as
This reading in its
the menfor each represented their
ability to give that they could in their entirety can be found in
own respective activity all for the
the Member-Only secone, and one for all. (877-12)
tion of EdgarCayce.org.


ONL I NE c o n n e c t i o n
Did You Know
...that you can now update your address
and phone number, review your renewal date,
and more, online. Visit ARECatalog.com to create your account.
...that the A.R.E. Forum is a place where
members can exchange questions, insights,
and stories online with like-minded people from
around the globe. Creating a free login gives
you access to topics such as Dream Interpretation, Ancient Mysteries, Health, Study Groups,
and more. Visit EdgarCayce.org/members and
click on the Forum link to sign up.

New Features on the Blog

New articles are constantly

being added to the A.R.E. Blog
(EdgarCayce.org/blog) on topics such as
Astrology, Economic Healing, Spiritual
Growth, current events, articles from
our archives, and more. Keep up to
date: sign up for the RSS feed to automatically receive them in your email.

YouTube Reaches 2 Million


NEW exclusive media in the Member-Only section

of our Web site, EdgarCayce.org/members
Orbs, Crop Circles, and Sacred SpacesA video presentation by Freddie Silva, author of Secrets in the Fields
and a leading researcher of ancient systems of knowledge, crop circles, and the interaction between temples
and consciousness. Recorded at the Visitors from Hidden
Realms conference in Virginia Beach, November 2010.
There Is a RiverPhilosophyA downloadable PDF of the famous
philosophy section of the Edgar Cayce biography, which covers our origin,
purpose, and destiny in the Earth.
Peace, A Possible DreamA video presentation by Harmon Bro, PhD,
author of A Seer Out of Season.
New Circulating Files on Anemia, Colitis, Jesus Teacher: Judy, Angels
and Archangels, the Cayce Appliances (such as Wet Cell*), and more. The
Circulating Files are collections of verbatim Edgar Cayce readings and
reading extracts carefully selected and arranged by topic. A selection of
these are available for A.R.E. members to download free of charge.
New and archival issues of Venture Inward magazine and the Venture
Inward Newsletter, older member newsletters, plus new material:
From the Archives: Miracle Man of Virginia Beach by Margueritte H. Bro
and The Cayce Impedance Device Bonus PSI Research
*Cayce Appliances are available at Baar.com or 800-269-2502

The official A.R.E. YouTube

channel (YouTube.com/edgarcaycetv) has exceeded 2 million
views. There are more than 80 videos now available for
viewing, including the recently-added interview with Josie
Varga (author of the new book Visits to Heaven) and a preview
of Occult America author Mitch Horowitz presenting on the
history of American mysticism.

Visiting the Beach?

Book an appointment at the A.R.E. Health

Center and Spa or purchase a gift certificate
online at EdgarCayce.org/spa.

Begin Your Next Journey

with Atlantic University
All of AUs courses are now
available entirely online

Visit AUs online orientation classroom to see

for yourself: AtlanticUniv.edu/orientation
Atlantic University also offers Continuing Education
Units (CEUs) online for counseling professionals


Phone: 800-428-1512 or (757) 631-8101; Fax: (757) 631-8096;
Email: registrar@AtlanticUniv.edu; Web: AtlanticUniv.edu


A.R.E. Online Mentored

Spiritual Growth Experiences

July 20-Aug 16

Vibrations: Moving You to a

Higher Dimension
Nancy L. Eubel

Aug 3-30

Explore the Mysteries of Your

8th and 12th Astrological Houses
Carmen Turner-Schott

Aug 17-Sept 13

Co-Creating Your Life Using

Whole Brain Thinking
Mitzi Crall

Sept 7-Oct 14

Life Purpose Astrology

Raye Mathis

Sept 21-Oct 18

Developing Your Psychic Ability

Henry Reed, PhD

Oct 4-Nov 1

Apprenticed to the Master: Follow-

ing Jesus into the 21st Century
Lynn Sparrow Christy

Web site: EdgarCayce.org/egroups; email: egroups@

EdgarCayce.org; phone: 877-428-2734, ext. 7291

Interact with us online on Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, and Twitter.

Go to EdgarCayce.org under Follow Us for links.


July 15-17

John Van Auken

August 5-6

A New Body, A New Mind: 2012 Price Reduced!

Only $150
and Prophecies of a New Age
We are experiencing profound changesand there are more
to come. World prophecies expert John Van Auken brings a
new understanding of this time of transformation, with predictions from Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, the Maya, Aztecs,
Egyptians, the Bible, and others. Plus futurist Charles
Eisenstein and astronomer James Mullaney, FRAS.

Energy Medicine
with C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD

with Special Hands-on Training Option Restore

C. Norman Shealy

August 19-21

your bodys natural energy flow for total wellness with

Medical Intuition author Dr. C. Norman Shealy. Plus
hands-on experiential training in Energy Medicine August
7 with Donna Eden-certified teachers Ellen Selover and
Denise Furgason.

A Spiritual Roadmap for Enlightened

Living: Edgar Cayces Tools for
Transformation and Guidance
NEW PROGRAM! Discover tools for soul growth and

Kevin J. Todeschi

spiritual fulfillment with Kevin J. Todeschi; Henry Reed,

PhD; Peter Woodbury, MSW; Josie Varga, author of Visits to
Heaven; astrologer Raye Mathis; and Joanne DiMaggio. **

September 9-11 Spiritual Breakthrough Intensive:

A Workshop for Experiencing GodConsciousness

Register NOW:
Call: 888-273-0020 tollfree; International:
757-428-3588, ext. 7401
Email: confregistrar@
Web site: EdgarCayce.
As a registered conferee,
show your conference
badge to get 10% off
purchases in the A.R.E.
Programs and speakers are
subject to change. Check
the Web site for the latest
**Open to all, Life Members may redeem their
Life Member pass for this

A.R.E. Headquarters
215 67th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Istvan Fazekas

NEW PROGRAM! Drawing on years of study and practice,

John Van Auken and Istvan Fazekas guide you through
Edgar Cayces techniques for making direct contact with
what Cayce calls the Universal Consciousness, the
infinite mind and spirit of God.

september 19-24

Allen Chips

october 6-9

Hypnotherapy Training and Certification

with Allen Chips, PhD, DCH
In-depth training in Hypnotherapy that leads to your
formal certification by the National Association of
Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH). Limited

Annual Ancient Mysteries Conference

Searching for the Ancient Records:
Closer than Ever Before
Register NOWthis event SOLD OUT in 2010!

Zahi Hawass

Zahi Hawass, PhD; Mark Lehner, PhD; David Hatcher

Childress; John Van Auken; Christopher Dunn; Kevin J.
Todeschi; Laird Scranton; and Jason Parker, PhD, MHt;
combine the latest archeological discoveries with new
perspectives of the ancient world.

Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.

215 67th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061

U.S. Postage


Association for Research

and Enlightenment, Inc.

address service requested

Coming to A.R.E. Headquarters Virginia Beach, Virginia

60more information and to register, go to EdgarCayce.org/conferences or call the conference registrar at 888-273-0020.

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