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Biochem Syllabus PDF

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M.Sc. Microbiology - Course Structure under CBCS

(applicable to the candidates admitted from the academic year 2008-2009 onwards)

Core Course I (CC)
Core Course II (CC)
Core Course III (CC)
Core Course IV (CC)
Elective I (CC)
Elective II(CC)


Core Course V (CC)

Core Course VI (CC)
Core Course VII (CC)
Core Course VIII (CC)



Course Title
General Microbiology
General Biochemistry
Practical I - Pertaining CCI,
Biological Techniques
Food and Dairy Microbiology

Microbial Physiology
Environmental and Agri
Microbial Genetics and
Molecular biology
Practical II - Pertaining CCV,

Credit Exam
Hrs /
Int. Extn.






















Elective III (CC)

Any one from the list




Elective IV (CC)

Any one from the list


































Grand Total




Core Course IX (CC)

Core Course X (CC)
Core Course XI (CC)
Core Course XII (CC)
Core Course XIII (CC)

Medical Microbiology
Genetic Engineering
Bioprocess Technology
Practical III - Pertaining CCIX,

Elective V (CC)

Any one from the list

Core Course XIV (CC)

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

Project Work

Dissertation=80 Marks
[2 reviews 20+20=40 marks
Report Valuation = 40 marks]
Viva = 20 Marks



Elective Course (EC) Molecular Taxonomy and Phylogeny

Elective Course (EC) Quality Control & IPR

Any Three as Elective III, IV

Elective Course (EC) Microbial Biotechnology

& V from the Five Electives

Elective Course (EC) Microbial Bionanotechnology

Elective Course (EC) Marine Microbiology


2 Reviews 20+20 marks

Project report 40 Marks
Project viva 20 marks

Internal marks for practicals : Attandance

Performance (Protocol writing, maintance of observation note book)
Evaluating experimental results
Practical Tests

05 Marks
05 Marks
05 Marks
25 Marks

Core Courses include Theory, Practicals & Project
No. of Courses
14 - 17
Credit per Course
4 - 5
Total Credits


Elective Courses
(Major based / Non Major / Internship)
No. of Courses
Credit per Course


Total Credits





80 Marks [2 reviews 20+20

Report Valuation
20 Marks

Passing Minimum in a Subject


Aggregate 50%
MSc. Microbiology Syllabus


40 marks
40 marks]
20 marks

Semester I Core Course I (CC) - General Microbiology

Unit I Ultra structure and function:
Bacteria: Morphological types; cell wall cell walls of Gram negative, Gram positive,
halophiles. L-forms and Archaebacteria, Cell wall synthesis, capsule types composition
and function. Structure and function of flagella, cilia and pili, gas vesicles, chlorosomes,
carboxysomes, magnetosomes and phycobilisomes. Reserve food materials
polyhydroxybutyrate, polyphosphates, cyanophycin and sulphur inclusions. Nuclear
material bacterial chromosomes and bacterial plasmids.
Unit II Classification:
Microbial Taxonomy - Definition and systematics, Nomenclatural rules and
identification. Haeckels three kingdom classification, Whittakers five kingdom
approach. Major characteristics used in taxonomy morphological, physiological and
metabolic, genetic and molecular. Classification and salient features of bacteria according
to Bergeys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (9th edition).

Unit III Fungi

Fungi: Cell wall chemical composition and functions, membranes and their function;
Fine structure of flagella and somatic nuclei. Structure and life cycle of fungi
Ascomycetes (Aspergillus), Deuteromycetes (Candida), Zygomycetes (Mucor),
Basidomycetes (Agaricus). Effect of environment on growth, prevention of fungal
growth. Fungi and ecosystem: saprophytes, substrate groups. Parasitism, mutualism and
symbiosis with plants and animals.

Unit IV Algae and protozoans

Structure of algal cells classification reproduction and characteristics of Algae Chlorophyta (Green algae), Diatoms, Rhodophyta (Red algae). Structure of Protozoa
classification reproduction and characteristics of protozoa.
Unit V Cultivation methods of microbes
Isolation of different types of bacteria - Fungi Actinomycetes - Cyanobacteria Protozoa. Preservation methods of microbes. Type culture collections. Physical, chemical
methods for controlling microorganisms. A note on fossil microorganisms.
Bernard D. Davis. Renato Dulbecco. Herman N. Eisen.and Harold, S.
Ginsberg.(1990).Microbiology (4th edition).J.B.Lippincott company, Newyork.
Alexopoulus CJ and C W. Mims.(1993).Introductory Mycology(3rd edition).Wiley
Eastern Ltd, NewDelhi.
Mara D.and Horan N. (2003).The Handbook of Water and waste water Microbiology.
Academic Press-An imprint of Elsevier.
Elizabeth Moore-Landecker. (1996). Fundamentals of the fungi.(4th edition).Prentice
Hall International, Inc, London.
Heritage,J. Evans E.G.V. and Killington, R.A. (1996). Introductory Microbiology.
Cambridge University Press.

Holt, J.S., Kreig, N.R., Sneath, P.H.A and Williams, S.T. Bergeys Manual of
Determinative Bacteriology (9th Edition), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
John Webster (1993). Introduction to Fungi.(2nd edition).Cambridge University
Prescott LM Harley JP and Klein DA (2006). Microbiology (7th edition) McGraw Hill,
Larry Mc Kane.and Judy Kandel (1996). Microbiology-Essentials and applications. (2nd
edition). Mc Fraw Hill Inc, Newyork.
Madigan MT Martinko.JM and Parker J Brock TD (1997). Biology of
Microorganisms.(8th edition).Prentice Hall International Inc, London.
Schaechter M and Leaderberg J (2004). The Desk encyclopedia of Microbiology.
Elseiver Academic press, California.
Nester, E.W., Roberts, C.V. and Nester, M.T. (1995). Microbiology, A human
perspective. IWOA, U.S.A.
Pelczar Jr, M.J. Chan, E.C.S. and Kreig, N.R. (1993). Microbiology, Mc. Graw Hill. Inc,
New York.
Salle,A.J. (1996). Fundamental principles of Bacteriology.(7th edition).Tata McGrawHill publishing company Ltd, NewDelhi.

Core Course II (CC) Virology

Unit I General Virology

Brief outline on discovery of viruses, nomenclature and classification of viruses;
Distinctive properties of viruses; morphology & ultrastructure. Capsids and their
arrangements - types of envelopes and their composition-viral genome, their types and
structures. Virus related agents (viroids, prions).

Unit II General Methods of Diagnosis and Serology

Cultivation of viruses in embryonated eggs, experimental animals, and cell cultures.
Primary & secondary cell cultures and monolayer cell cultures; cell strains, cell lines and
transgenic systems. Serological methods haemagglutination & HAI; complement
fixation; immunofluorescence methods, ELISA and radioimmunoassays. Assay of viruses
physical and chemical methods (protein, nucleic acid, radioactivity tracers, electron
microscopy). Infective assay (plaque method, end point method) Infectivity assay of
plant viruses.

Unit III Bacterial Viruses

Bacteriophage - structural organization - life cycle -DNA replication - eclipse phase phage production - burst size; lysogenic cycle. Brief details on M13, Mu, T4, Lambda
and P1.

Unit IV Plant Viruses

Classification and nomenclature; effects of viruses on plants; Common virus diseases of
plants - paddy and sugarcane. Type species of plant viruses TMV, Cauliflower Mosaic
Virus and Potato Virus X; Transmission of plant viruses with vectors - insects,

nematodes, fungi - without vectors (contact, seed and pollens). control measures of plant
viruses- generation of virus-free planting material; vector control.

Unit V Animal Viruses

Classification and nomenclature of animal human viruses. Epidemiology, lifecycle,
pathogenicity, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of RNA Viruses - Picorna,
Orthomyxo, Paramyxo, Rhabdo, Rota, HIV - Oncogenic viruses. DNA viruses; Pox,
Herpes, Adeno, SV 40; Hepatitis viruses. Viral vaccines (including DNA Vaccines with
examples) interferons, and antiviral drugs.
Alan J.Cann (1997). Principles of Molecular virology.(2nd edition). Academic
Ann Giudici Fettner (1990). The Science of Viruses.Quill William Marrow,Newyork.
Conrat HF, Kimball PC and Levy JA. (1988). Virology. II edition. Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliff, New Jersey.
Dimmock NJ, Primrose SB. (1994) Introduction to Modern Virology IV edition.
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford
Flint, S.J., Enquist, L.W., Krung, R. Racaniello, VR. and Skalka, A.M. (2000). Principles
of Virology,
Molecular Biology, pathogenesis and control, ASM Press, Washinton D.C.
Maloy, S.R, Cronan Jr. J.E, Freifelder, D. (1998). Microbial genetics. Jones and Bartlett
Nicklin,J.Greame-Cook.and Killington, R. (2003). Instant Notes in Microbiology.(2nd
edition).Viva Books private limited,NewDelhi.
Robert I.Krasner (2002). The microbial challenge:Human Microbe Interactions.American
society for Microbiology,Washington.
Roger Hull (2002). Mathews' Plant Virology.(4thEdition).Academic press-A Harcourt
Science and technology company,Newyork.
Tom Parker, Leslie, M. and Collie, H. (1990). Topley & Wilsons Principles of
Bacteriology, Virology and Immunity (VIII Edition).

Core Course III (CC) General Biochemistry

Unit I Cell and its function

Composition of living matter. Biochemistry of bacterial, animal and plant cell.
Specialized components of microorganisms and their structure and function.

Unit II - Enzymes
Enzymes as biocatalysts, enzyme classification, specificity, active site, unit activity,
isozymes. Enzyme kinetics: Michaelis Menton equation for simple enzymes. Enzyme

Unit III Types of macromolecules and their biosynthesis

Structural features and chemistry of macromolecules. Nucleic acid properties,
biosynthesis and degradation of purines and pyrimidines - Structure of DNA and RNA.
Proteins classification aminoacids - primary-secondary-tertiary quarternery and
three dimensional structure of proteins.Carbohydrates - mono, di, oligo and
polysaccharides. Lipids and biomolecules: Fatty acids, properties, -oxidation biosynthesis of cholesterol.

Unit IV - Bioenergetics
Bioenergetics and strategy of metabolism - flow of energy through biosphere, strategy of
energy production in the cell. Oxidation reduction reactions, coupled reactions and
group transfer. ATP production, structural features of biomembranes, transport, free
energy and spontaneity of reaction, G, G, G and equilibrium. Basic concepts of acids,
base, pH and buffers.

Unit V Metabolism basic Concepts

Cell metabolism - catabolic principles and break down of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins
and nucleic acids - biosynthesis of macromolecules - vitamins and their role as
Christopher K. Mathews and Van Holde, K.E. (1996). Biochemistry.(2nd edition).The
Benjamin/Cummings publishing company,Inc.
David E. Metzler. And Carol M. Metzler (2001). Biochemistry-The chemical reactions of
living cells- Vol1&2.(2nd edition).Harcourt/Academic press, Newyork.
Donald Voet and Judith G. Voet (1995). Biochemistry Second Edition. John Willey and
Sons, Inc.
Freifelder, D. (1996) Molecular Biology, II Edition, Narosa Publishing House, New
Geofferey, L and Zubay (1998). Biochemsitry. (Fourth Edition) Wm. C. Brown
Jeremy M.Berg. John L. Tymoczko and Lubert stryer (2002). Biochemistry.(5th
edition).W.H.Freeman and company, Newyork.
Lubert Stryer.(1995). Biochemistry.(4th edition). W.H. Freeman and company, Newyork.

Reginald, H., Garret & Charles M. Grishm. (1998). Biochemistry (Second Edition)
Saundars College Publishing.
Thomas M. Devlin. (2002). Textbook of Biochemistry with clinical correlations.(5th
edition).A John Wiley and sons,Inc.,publication,Newyork.
Trudy McKee.and James R.McKee. (1999). Biochemistry-An Introduction.(2nd
edition).WCB McGraw- Hill,U.S.A
Core Course IV (CC) Practical I: General Microbiology, Virology & General
General Microbiology
Principles and methods of sterilization.
Direct microscopic observations of bacterial shape cocci, rods, chains, fungal spores,
mycelium, yeast budding.
Preparation of Media: Nutrient broth, Nutrient agar, plates, slants, soft agar.
Pure culture technique: Streak plate, spread plate and pour plate methods.
Measurement of size of microbes micrometry.
Motility determination Hanging drop method.
Enumeration of bacterial / yeast cells-viable count (Plate count) Total count
(Haemocytometer count).
Isolation and purification of cyanobacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and protozoans.
Staining methods: Simple, Negative, acid fast, Gram staining , spore, Capsule,
Metachromatic granular staining, Lactophenol cotton blue staining - Fungal slide culture

Isolation and characterization of bacteriophage and cyanophage from natural resources.
Phage titration T4 or Lambda or M13.
Determination of lysogeny using Lambda Phage or Staphylococcal indicator systems.
Study of virus infected plant samples animal tissue culture chick embryo fibroblast
culture preparation (Demonstration).
Transmission methods mechanical.

General Biochemistry
Preparation of Buffer; (Tris, phosphate, acetate buffer). Acid-Base titration pKa value
determination Determination of [H+] ion concentration.
Verification of Beer-Lamberts law using coloured solution (CuSO4).
Preparation of standard graph for the following and estimating the concentration in a
microbial sample (i) glucose anthrone method (ii) bovine serum albumin (Lowrys
method) and (iii) Nucleic acid DNA (diphenylamine method), RNA (Orcinol method).
Separation of aminoacids by paper chromatography and identification of aminoacid.
Separation of proteins by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and determination of
molecular weight of unknown protein.
Wilson, K. and Walker, J. (2000). Practical Biochemistry, 5th Edition, Cambridge
University Press.

Cappuccino and James, G (1996) Microbiology a laboratory manual, Addison Wesley

Publishing Company Inc. 4th edition, England, California.
David R. Brooke. Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Vol. I), Eastern Halz,
Springer Publication.
Gerhardt, P., Murray, R.G., Wood, W.A. and Kreig, N.R. (1994) Methods of General and
Molecular Bacteriology, Ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington D.C.
James T. Stanley, Marvin P. Bryant. Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Vol.
II), Nobert Fleming Springer Publishers.
Wilson K. Walker (1995). Practical Biochemistry, Principles and Techniques, Cambridge
University Press.
Gerhardt, P., Murray, R.G., Crood, W.A. and Kreig, N.R. (1994) Methods for general and
molecular bacteriology, ASM, Washington D.C.
Jeanne Dejkstra, Ces.P.de Jager (1998) Practical plant virology, Springer Verlag, Lab
Manual, Berlin, Heidel Berg, New York.
Miller, J.H. (1992) A short course in bacterial genetics, Cold Spring Harbor.
Elective Course I (EC) Biological Techniques
Unit I Microscopy and Related Techniques
Light Microscopy : Microscopic optics, components of microscopes. Basic principles and
types of Bright field, Dark field, Phase contrast. Fluorescence, Polarization and confocal
microscopes and their applications. Immunofluorescence In situ hybridization. Electron
Microscopy Principle, Techniques and applications of Transmission Electron
microscope (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscope
(AFM). Photomicrography and Video micrography.
Unit II Analytical Techniques
Spectroscopic methods UV-Visible, Atomic Absorption and Atomic Emission
Spectroscopy. Centrifugation Principles and types centrifugation Electroanalytical
methods electrolytic Potentiometric, conductimetric, coulometric & voltametric
analysis. Biosensors.
Radioactive Analysis : Principles of radioactivity, GM counter & LS counter.
Unit III Principles & Applications of Chromatographic Techniques :
Adsorption Ion exchange and gel permeation affinity chromotography for separation
of compounds GC and HPLC methods.
Unit IV - Electrophoresis Techniques
Electropohoretic techniques protein nucleic acid immuno two dimensional
Unit V Molecular Biological Techniques
a) Isolation of chromosomal and plasmid DNA. Polymerase chain reaction isolation of
specific genes using PCR.
b) Restriction digestion and Phosphatase treatment of cloning
vectors. Cloning techniques separationand quantification of DNA by
spectrophotometric and electrophoretic techniques, gene transfer mechanisms chemical
and electroporation.

c) Methods of detection of clones Nucleic acid transfer by blotting, Hybridization

plaque, colony hybridization. Histochemical detection of -galactosidase, antibody
screening including colour development reaction.
Cynthia Gibas & Per Jambek (2001). Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills,
Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Oreilly) Mumbai.
Demain, A.L. and Davies, J.E. (1999). Manual of Industrial Microbiology &
Biotechnology, ASM Press.
Glick, B.R. and Pasternak, J.J. (1994). Molecular Biotechnology, ASM Press.
John G. Webster. (2004). Bioinstrumentation. University of Wisconsin, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
Misener, S. and Krawetz, S.A. (2000). Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols.
Human Press, Totowa, New Jersey.
Rashidi, H.H., and Buehler, L.K. (2002). Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in
Biological Science and Medicine, CRC Press, London.
Sambrrok, J. and Ruseell, D.W. (2001) Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual
(3rd eidition, Vol. 1,2,3) Cold Spring Laboratory Press, New York.
Savile Pradbury. (1991). Basic measurement techniques for light microscopy,
Oxford University Press, Royal Microscopical Society.
Surzeki, S. (2000). Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology, Springer.
Westermeier, R (1993). Electroporesis in practice VCH Federal Republic of
Willett, J.E. (1991). Gas Chromatography, John Wiley & Sons.
Wilson, K. and Walker (1995). Practical Biochemistry Principles and Techniques,
Cambridge University Press.
Elective Course 2: Food and Dairy Microbiology
Unit 1: Introduction- Importance of food and dairy microbiology- Types of
microorganisms in Food Spoilage source of contamination- Factors influencing microbial
growth in food
Unit 2: Food fermentations: methods of fermentations and organisms used -Cheese,
bread, wine, beer. Fermented vegetables. Food and enzymes from microorganisms-single
cell protein. Production of amylase and protease.
Unit 3: Contamination, spoilage and preservation of cereals and cereals products, sugar
and sugar products, Vegetables and fruits, meat and meat products fish and othe sea
foods, egg and poultry dairy and fermentative products (ice cream, Yoghurt and Kefir)
Unit 4: Food borne diseases, intoxication and food poisoning Staphylococcus,
Clostridium, Escherichia coli and Salmonella infections, Hepatitis, Amoebiosis and
Mycotoxins. EHEC and enteropathogens general food contamination.
Unit 5: Food preservations: principles- methods of preservations-Physical and chemical
methods, food sanitations. Good manufacturing practices (GMP)- hazard analysis, critical
control points and personnel hygiene.

Frazier and Westhoff, DC. 1988. Food Microbiology. TATA McGraw Hill Publishing
Company LTD., New Delhi
Adams, M.R and Moss, MO. 1995. Food Microniology. The Royal Society of Chemistry,
Semester II
Core Course V (CC) -Microbial Physiology
Unit I : Cell structure and function
Biosynthesis of peptidoglycan - outer membrane, teichoic acid Exopolysaccharides;
cytoplasmic membrane, pili, fimbriae, S-layer. Transport mechanisms active, passive,
facilitated diffusions uni, sym, antiports. Electron carries artificial electron donors
inhibitors uncouplers energy bond phosphorylation.
Unit II : Microbial growth
Phases of growth curve measurement of growth calculations of growth rate
generation time synchronous growth induction of synchronous growth, synchrony
index factors affecting growth pH, temperature, substrate and osmotic condition.
Survival at extreme environments starvation adaptative mechanisms in thermophilic,
alkalophilic, osmophilic and psychrophilic. Bioluminescence - mechanism
Unit III : Microbial pigments
Autotrophs - cyanobacteria - photosynthetic bacteria and green algae heterotrophs
bacteria, fungi, myxotrophs. Brief account of photosynthetic and accessory pigments
chlorophyll fluorescences, phosphoroscenses - bacteriochlorophyll rhodpsin
carotenoids phycobiliproteins;
Unit IV : Carbon assimilation
Carbohydrates anabolism autotrophy oxygenic anoxygenic Photosynthesis
autotrophic generation of ATP; fixation of CO2 Calvin cycle C3 C4 pathways.
Respiratory metabolism Embden Mayer Hoff pathway Enter Doudroff pathway
glyoxalate pathway Krebs cycle oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation
reverse TCA cycle gluconeogenesis Fermentation of carbohydrates homo and
heterolactic fermentations.
Unit V : Spore structure - function
Cell division endospore structure properties germination. Microbial development,
sporulation and morphogenesis. Hyphae vs yeast forms and their significance.
Multicellular organization of selected microbes. Dormancy.
Caldwell, D.R. (1995). Microbial Physiology and metabolism, Wm. C. Brown
Publishers, USA
Lansing M. Prescott, John P. Harley and Donald A. Klein. (2003). Microbiology.(5th
edition).McGraw-Hill company, Newyork.
Moat, A.G., Foster, J.W. and Spector, M. P (2002). Microbial Physiology (4th Edition).
John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Pelczar Jr, M.J. Chan, E.C.S. and Kreig, N.R. (1993). Microbiology, Mc. Graw Hill.
Inc, New York.
Salle,A.J. (1996). Fundamental principles of Bacteriology(7th edition).Tata McGraw-Hill
publishing company limited, NewDelhi.
White, D. (1995). The physiology and biochemistry of Prokaryotes, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, New York.
Rabert Poole, K. (2007) Advances in Microbial Physiology, Volume 53 Elsevier Science
& Technology

Semester II
Core Course VI (CC) Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology
Unit I : Biogeochemical cycles & Air microbiology
Roles of microbes in biogeochemical cycles carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur.
Soil microbes and fertility of soil. Air microbiology: a brief account.
Unit II : Aquatic microbiology and bioremediation
Microbes in marine and fresh water environment eutrophication Biodegradation and
bioaccumulation bioremediation concepts,
microbial and phytoremediation
composting solid waste treatment saccarification and pyrolisis.
Unit III : Liquid waste and treatment
Water pollution sources and nature of pollutants in water sewage treatment of liquid
waste primary, secondary and tertiary treatment water born diseases Assessment of
water quality BOD and COD determinations.
Unit IV : Soil Microbiology
Microbial association beneficial nitrogen fixing organism symbiosis, asymbiosis,
associate symbiosis bacteria, actinomycetes, cyanobacteria mycorrhiza ecto and
endo mycorrhiza phosphate solubilizers application of biofertilizers in agriculture.
Biology of nitrogen fixation genes and regulations in Rhizobium Agrobacterium and
plant tumours.
Unit V : Plant diseases and its control
Plant pathogens bacterial viral fungal pathogens. Morphological, physiological
changes with reference to disease establishment in plants plant protection phenolics
phytoalexins and related compounds. Bioinsecticides viral, bacterial and fungal a
brief note.
Atlas Ronald, M., Bartha, and Richard (1987). Microbial Ecology 2nd Edition.
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, California.
Dirk, J. Elasas, V., Trevors, J.T., Wellington, E.M.H. (1997). Modern Soil
Microbiology, Marcel Dekker INC, New York, HongKong.
Ec Eldowney S, Hardman DJ, Waite DJ, Waite S. (1993). Pollution: Ecology and
Biotreatment Longman Scientific Technical.

Mitchel, R. (1992). Environmental Microbiology. Wiley John Wiley and Sons. New
Clescri, L.S., Greenberg, A.E. and Eaton, A.D. (1998). Standard Methods for
Examination of Water and Waste Water, 20th Edition, American Public Health
Gerhardt, P., Murray, R.G., Wood, W.A. and Kreig, N.R. (1994). Methods for General
and Molecular Bacteriology, ASM Publications, Washington D.C.
Patricia Cunning (1995). Official Methods of Analysis, Vol. I and II, 16th Edition,
Arlington, Virginia, USA.
Richard G. Burus and Howard Slater (1982). Experimental Microbial Ecology,
Blackwell Scientific Publishers.

Semester II
Core Course VII (CC) Microbial Genetics and Molecular Biology
Unit - I: DNA replication and repair
Identification of genetic material (Griffith, Avery and Hershey and Chase experiments).
DNA replication - Meselson Stahl experiment , Molecular mechanisms of DNA
Replication bidirectional and rolling circle replication. Differences in prokaryotic and
eukaryotic replication. Plasmids types, structure and replication. DNA repair
mechanism of excision repair, SOS repair and mismatch repair.
Unit II: Transcription and translation
Process of transcription initiation, elongation termination. Synthesis of mRNA in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Synthesis of rRNA and tRNA. RNA processing capping
and polyadenylation. Genetic code, process of translation initiation, elongation and
termination. Signal sequences and protein transport.
Unit III: Concept of Gene & Gene regulation
Organization of Gene in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes - Introduction - Operon concept, lac
and trp operons, promoters and repressors.
Regulation of gene expression
Transcriptional control promoters, terminators, attenuators and anti terminators;
Induction and repression; Translational control ribosome binding, codon usage,
antisense RNA; post-transcriptional gene silencing RNAi.
Unit - IV: Gene transfer mechanisms
Transformation competence cells, regulation, general process; Transduction general
and specialized; Conjugation Hfr, triparental mating, self transmissible and mobilizable
plasmids, pili.
Unit V: Transposable elements
Introduction - Discovery insertion sequences, complex and compound transposons T10,
T5, and retroposon Nomenclature- Insertion sequences Mechanism Transposons of
E.coli, Bacteriophage and Yeast.

Friedberg EC, Walker GC, Siede W. (2005). DNA repair and mutagenesis. ASM press
James D. Watson, Tania A. Baker, Stephen P. Bell, and Alexander Gann (20080,
Molecular Biology of the Gene, Fifth Edition
Antony JF, Griffiths, Gilbert WM, Lewontin RC and Miller JH (2002). Modern Genetic
Analysis, Integrating Genes and Genomes, 2nd edition, WH
Blackburn GM, Gait MJ. (1996). Nucleic acids in chemistry and biology. Oxford
University press.
Malacinski GM & Freifelder D (1998) Essentials of Molecular Biology, 3 edition, John
and Bartlett Publis.
Lewin B. (2000). Genes VII. Oxford University press
Maloy SR, Cronan Jr. JE, Freifelder D (1994). Microbial genetics. Jones and Bartlett
Singer M, Berg P. (1991). Genes and Genomes. University Science Books.
Watson JD, Hopkins NH, Roberts JW, Steitz JA, Weiner AM. (1998). Molecular biology
of the gene, 4th edition, Benjamin/Cummings publishing company.
Ajoy Paul (2007) Text Book of Cell and Molecular Biology, Books & Allied (P)
Semester II
Core Course VIII (CC)
Practical II- Microbial Physiology, Environmental & aAricultural Microbiology and
Microbial Genetics & Molecular Biology
Microbial Physiology
Bacterial growth curve Turbidity
Biochemical tests : a) INdole b) MR c) VP d) citrate e) TSI f) Urease g) Catalase & h)
Carbohydrate fermentation test
Environmental & Agricultural Microbiology
Isolation and enumeration of soil microorganisms (fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes).
Staining of vesicular Arbuscular mycorrhizae from plant.
Isolation and culturing of Rhizobium from root nodules.
Study of the following diseases: a) Tobacco mosaic; b) Bacterial blight of paddy; c)
Downy mildew of bajra; d) Powdery mildew of cucurbits; e) Head smut of sorghum; f)
Red rot of sugar cane.
Isolation and identification of air-borne bio-particles using Andersen sampler.
Determination of BOD of polluted/pond water.
Determination of COD of polluted/pond water.
Assessment of water quality by MPN technique.
Microbial Genetics & Molecular Biology
Isolation of antibiotic resistant microbes
Induction of mutation by ultra-violet radiation and chemical mutagens NTG, MNNG.
Transformation (competent cell preparation) and Transduction using P1.
Isolation of microbial genomic DNA
Isolation of plasmid DNA from E.coli (mini preparation).

Isolation of plasmid DNA from Gram Negative (bacteria) and cyanobacteria (mini
Characterization of plasmid DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Atlas Ronald, M., Bartha, and Richard (1987). Microbial Ecology 2nd Edition.
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, California.
Dirk, J. Elasas, V., Trevors, J.T., Wellington, E.M.H. (1997). Modern Soil
Microbiology, Marcel Dekker INC, New York, HongKong.
Ec Eldowney S, Hardman DJ, Waite DJ, Waite S. (1993). Pollution: Ecology and
Biotreatment Longman Scientific Technical.
Mitchel, R. (1992). Environmental Microbiology. Wiley John Wiley and Sons. Inc.
Publications, New York.
Clescri, L.S., Greenberg, A.E. and Eaton, A.D. (1998). Standard Methods for
Examination of Water and Waste Water, 20th Edition, American Public Health
Ausubel FM, Brent R, Kingston RE, Moore DD, Seidman JG, Smith JA and Struhl K
Current protocols in molecular biology (2007), Vol. 1 & 2. John Wicey & Sons Inc.
Sambrook J and Russell DW (2001) Molecular cloning - A laboratory manual (3rd
edition, Vol 1,2,3), Cold Spring Laboratory Press, New York.
Surzyeki S (2000). Basic Tecniques in Molecular Biology. Springer.

Semester III
Core Course IX (CC) Immunology
Unit I: Immune System
Historical perspective Discovery, early theories, Immunodeficiency conditions,
Lymphocyte Traffic, Hematopoiesis,
Innate and adoptive immune response in
Unit II: Antigen and Antibody Molecules
Antigen engineering for better immunogenicity, Use for vaccine development, wholeorganism vaccines, recombinant vaccines, DNA vaccines, synthetic peptide, multivalent
subunit and anti-idiotype vaccines. Antibody engineering, Antibody for diagnosis,
Antibody for therapy, Hybridoma Technology.
Unit III: MHC, Cytokines and Complements
Structure of MHC molecules, Antigen presentation, Antigen presentation by non MHC
molecules, Cytokine structure and their receptors, Cytokine therapy, Complements,
Lymphocyte Migration and Inflammation, Hypersensitivity reactions, auto immunity.

Unit IV: B and T Cell Activation

B cell receptor complex, B cell maturation, Generation of antibody diversity,
Understanding self-nonself discrimination, TH Cell subpopulation, Organisation of T cell
receptor, Cell mediated effector responses.
Unit V: Immunotechnology and its applications
Precipitation techniques, agglutination techniques, radiology in immunotechniqes,
Enzyme-Linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Western blotting, immunofluorescence,
Flowcytometry and immunoelectron microscopy. Infectious diseases - immune system in
AIDS, transplantation immunology, cancer and the immune system.
Ivan M. Roit (1994) Essential Immunology Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford
Kuby J (2001) Immunology Fourth Edition WH Freeman and Company, New York
Chapel H and Halbey M (1986) Essentials of Clinical Immunology, ELBS London
Donal M. Weir, John Steward (1993) Immunology VII edition. ELBS, London
Richard M. Hyde (1995). Immunology III edition. National Medical series, Williams
and Wilkins, Harward Publishing company.
Hue Davis (1997) Introductory Immunology Chapman &Hall Publisher, London.

Semester III
Core Course X (CC) Medical Microbiology
Unit-I: Introduction of Medical Microbiology:
History, Koach & Rivers postulates, Role of Microbiology in Medicine, Classification of
medically important microbes, Normal Microbial flora, Infections- Source, Mode of
transmission, Prevention of medically important microbes.
Unit-II: Systematic Medical Bacteriology:
Mechanism of Bacterial pathogenesis of medically important bacteria Staphylococcus
aereus, Group A Streptococci, Pathogenic, Enterobacteriaceae, Vibrio, Nieserriae,
Haemophilus influenza, Corynebacterium, Pseudomonas, Chlamydia, Mycoplasama,
anaerobic bacteria & infections, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Atypical Mycobacterium,
Clamadiya, Bacillus, Rickettsia, Zoonotic bacteria, Helicobacter pylori.
Unit-III: Mycology & Protozoalogy:
Mechanisms of Fungal Pathogenesis, Superficial and Cutaneous Mycoses, Subcutaneous
Mycoses, Systemic Mycoses, Opportunistic Mycoses, Mycotoxicoses, Intestinal, Blood
and Tissue Protozoa.

Unit-IV: Viral diseases:

Influenza viruses, Measels, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Hepatitis A,B,C, D& E, Poliomyelitis,
AIDS, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Rabies, Yellow fever, Dengue and Japanease
Unit-V: Laboratory Diagnosis:
Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial diseases, Laboratory diagnosis of mycological and
Parasitological diseases, Laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases, Antibiotic sensitivity test.
Molecular diagnosis.
Medical Microbiology(2001) Jawetz, Melnickand Adelbergs 22nd edition McGraw Hill
Medical Publication division
Medical Microbiology(2000) David Greenwood, Richard Slack and John Peutherer 15th
edition,ChurchHill Living stone Publication.
Medical Microbiology (1990) Anathanarayanan & Jeyaram Paniker, Orient Publications,
New Delhi.
Medical Parasitology (2007) K.D Chatterjee 7th edition.
Foundations in Microbiology (2005) Cathleen park Talaro 6th edition, McGraw Hill
Medical Publication division.
Microbiology Lab Manual (2007) John P. Harley 7th edition McGraw Hill Medical
Publication division.
Microbiology (2007). Prescott, Harley, Klein's 7th edition McGraw Hill Medical
Publication division.
Medical Microbiology (2007) S. Rajan MJP Publishers Chennai.

Semester III
Core Course XI (CC) Genetic Engineering
Unit I: Introduction to Basics of genetic engineering
Gene as a unit of mutation and recombination. Mutagenesis, mutations and mutants
biochemical basis of mutations, spontaneous and induced mutations, isolation of mutants,
mutagenesis, reversion, suppression, genetic analysis of mutants. Recombination methods
conjugation and transformation.
Unit II: Tools of genetic engineering
Enzymes in Genetic Engineering - DNA Polymerase, Polynucleotide kinase, T4 DNA
ligase, Nick translation system, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, Reverse
transcriptase Restriction endonucleases Type I & II. Vectors plasmid, bacteriophage
and other viral vectors, cosmids, Ti plasmid, yeast artificial chromosome.
Unit III: Techniques of Genetic Engineering I
Strategy of recombinant DNA technology; Gene library - Genomic library, cDNA library
Cloning strategies - Use of linkers, adoptors, homopolymer tails - Nucleic acid
hybridization - Colony hybridization, plaque hybridization; Blotting techniques Southern, Northern, Western and dot blotting.
Unit IV: Techniques of Genetic Engineering II
PCR principles, techniques and applications. Gene isolation, cloning and expression,
DNA sequencing, oligonucleotide synthesis, Southern and Northern hybridization, FISH,
RAPD, PCR-RFLP, STRR, LTRR. DNA fingerprinting and their applications for
diagnosis of disease, site-directed mutagenesis, Gene silencing, Gene transfer
Unit-V: Functional genomics and Applications of Genetic Engineering
DNA chips and microarray gene screen technology; site directed mutagenesis, transgenic
animals and gene knockout techniques, cell culture based techniques Genetic diagnosis.
Applications in medical field, biology, transgenic plants, transgenic animals,
Recombinant vaccines development. Gene therapy; Molecular basis of genetic diseases,
genetic counseling.
Molecular biology and Microbial genetics (1994) David Frifielder, Stanely R. Maloy, 2nd
edition Jones and Barlett Publishers.
Genetics by Peter J Russell (1997) 5th edition Benjamin-Cummings Publishing
Molecular Biotechnology (2003) Bernard R. Glick and Jack J.Pasternak., 2nd edition by
ASM press.
Gene Cloning and DNA analysis (2004) T.A.Brown 2nd edition. By ASM press.
Application of rDNA Technology (2003). Glick & Pasteneuk.

Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics (2006) Sandy Primrose. 7th Edition,
Black Well Publishers.
Semester III
Core Course XII (CC) Bioprocess technology
Unit I Industrially important microbes and their development
Screening methods for industrial microbes detection and assay of fermentation products
classification of fermentation types strain selection and improvement. Mutation and
recombinant DNA techniques for strain development.
Unit II Fermenter types and function
Fermenters Basic functions, design and components asepsis and containment
requirements body construction and temperature control aeration and agitation
systems sterilization of fermenter, air supply, and medium; aseptic inoculation methods
sampling methods, valve systems a brief idea on monitoring and control devices and
types of fermenters.
Unit III Food microbiology
Microbiology of fermented milk starter cultures, butter milk, cream, yoghurt, kafir,
kumiss, acidophilus milk and cheese. Microbes as sources of food (Spirulina,
Saccharomyces cerviceae, Rhizopus sp.). Food and water borne infections and food
microbial poisoning. Food sanitation in food manufacture and in the retail trade; Food
control agencies and its regulations.
Unit IV Large scale fermentation
Fermentation in batch culture: Microbial growth kinetics, measurement if growth (cell
number, direct and indirect methods) growth and nutrient, growth and product formation,
heat evolution, effect of environment (temperature, pH, high nutrient concentration)
media formulation. Sterilization, kinetics of thermal death of micro-organisms, batch and
continuous sterilization. (All in relation to fermentation).
Unit V - Legal protection and IPR
GATT and IPR, forms of IPR, IPR in India, WTO ACT, Convention on Biodiversity
(CBD), Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT), forms of patents and patentability, process of
patenting, Indian and international agencies involved in IPR & patenting, Global scenario
of patents and Indias position, patenting of biological materials.
Demain, A.L. and Davies, J.E. (1999). Manual of Industrial Microbiology and
Biotechnology. ASM Press.
Glick, B.R. and Pasternak, J.J. (1994). Molecular Biotechnology, ASM Press.
Stanbury, P.F., Whitaker, A. and Hall, S.J. Principles of Fermentation Technology,
Pergamon Press.

Glick, B.R. and Pasternak, J.J. (1998). Molecular Biotechnology, II Edition, ASM Press,
New York.
Mittal, D.P. (1999). Indian Patents Law, Taxmann, Allied Services (p) Ltd.
Tortora, G.J., Fernke, B.R. and Case, C.L. (2001), Microbiology An Introduction,
Benjamin Cummings.
Venkataraman, L.V. (1983). A monograph on Spirulina platensis, CFTRI, Mysore.
Kalaichelvan, P T. & Arul Pandi (2007) Bioprocess Technology MJP Publishers
Semester III
Core Course XIII (CC) Practical III
Immunology, Medical Microbiology, Genetic Engineering & Bioprocess Technology
Collection of venous blood from human and separation and preservation of serum/plasma
Agar gel diffusion Ouchterlonys method
Counter immuno electrophoresis
Electrophoresis serum proteins
Blood grouping
Latex agglutination test ASO, RF
Widal tube and slide agglutination technique
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Western blotting
Immunization of protocols and raising antibody
Dissection of primary and secondary lymphoid organs in a selected animal
Medical Microbiology
Collection and transport of clinical specimens for microbiological examinations
Isolation and identification of upper respiratory tract bacterial pathogen Streptococcus
Isolation and identification of lower respiratory tract bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas
Isolation and identification of gastrointestinal bacterial infection Salmonella / Shigella /
Isolation and identification of urinary tract infection (UTI) E. coli & Klebsiella
Isolation and identification of Typhoid fever Salmonella typhi, S. paratyphi A & B
Fungal skin pathogens Dermatophytes & Candida
Demonstration of intestinal parasites (trophozoites / cysts / ova)
Genetic Engineering
Genomic DNA isolation
Plasmid DNA isolation
Restriction digestion
Western Blotting (Demo)
RAPD Fingerprinting (Demo)

Competent cell preparation and transformation

Southern and Northern Blotting (Demo)
Bioporcess technology
Production, quantification, extraction and characterization of followings:
i) Alcohol, ii) Citric acid, iii) Amylase, iv) Lipase, v) protease
Hydrogen production assay by gas Chromatographic technique
John P. HarleyMicrobiology Lab Manual (2007) 7th edition McGraw Hill Medical
Publication division.
Donal M. Weir, John Steward (1993) Immunology VII edition. ELBS, London
Richard M. Hyde (1995). Immunology III edition. National Medical series, Williams
and Wilkins, Harward Publishing company.
Sambrook, J & Russell, D W (2001) Molecular Cloning A Laboratory manual. Cold
Spring Harbour Laboratory Press New York
Demain, A.L. and Davies, J.E. (1999). Manual of Industrial Microbiology and
Biotechnology. ASM Pres
Gerhardt, P. Murray R G, Wood, W A. and Kreig, NR (1994) Methods for General and
Molecular Bacteriology ASM Washington D C.

Semester IV
Core Course XIV (CC) Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Unit I: Biology in the computer age
Computational Approaches to Biological questions. Basics of computers servers,
workstations, operating systems, Unix, Linux. World Wide Web. Search engines, finding
scientific articles - Pubmed public biological databases.
Unit II: Genomics
Sequence analysis Sequencing genomes sequence assembly pairwise sequence
comparison - geneome on the web annotating and analysing genome sequences.
Genbank sequence queries against biological databases BLAST and FASTA
multifunctional tools for sequence analysis. Multiple sequence alignments, Phylogenetic
alignment profiles and motifs.
Unit III: Proteomics
Protein Data Bank, Swiss-prot - biochemical pathway databases -Predicting Protein
structure and function from sequence Determination of structure feature detection
secondary structure prediction predicting 3 D structure - protein modeling.

Unit IV: Biostatistics I

Introduction Population and sample Variables Collection and presentation of data
Descriptive statistics - Measures of Central tendency mean (arithmetic, harmonic &
geometric) median and mode Measures of dispersion range, mean deviation, variance
& standard deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis.
Unit V: Biostatistics II
Inferential statistics Probability and distributions Poisson, Binomial and Normal
distribution Chi-square test Hypothesis test - Students t-test Correlation and
Regression ANOVA.
W.J. Ewens, Gregory Grant,(2005). Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: An
Introduction (Statistics for Biology & Health), Springer
Bryan Bergeron,( 2003).Bioinformatics Computing First Indian Edition, Prentice Hall,
Cynthia Gibas & Per Jambeck (2001). Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills:
Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd (OReilly), Mumbai
HH Rashidi & LK Buehler (2002). Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in Biological
Science and Medicine, CRC Press, London
Des Higgins & Willie Taylor (2002). Bioinformatics: Sequence, structure and databanks,
Oxford University Press
Baxevanis AD & Ouellette BEF (2001) Bioinformatics: A practical guide to the analysis
of genes and proteins, Wiley Interscience New York
Arora PN & Malhon PK (1996). Biostatistics Imalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Sokal & Rohif (1973). Introduction to Biostatistics, Toppan Co. Japan.
Stanton A & Clantz, Primer of Biostatistics (2005). The McGraw Hill Inc., New York.
Elective Course I (EC) Biological Techniques
Unit I Microscopy and Related Techniques
Light Microscopy : Microscopic optics, components of microscopes. Basic principles and
method of Bright field, Dark field, Phase contrast. Fluorescence, Polarization and
confocal microscopes. Applications of various types of
microscopy such as
immunofluorescence In situ hybridization. Electron Microscopy Principle,
Techniques and applications of Transmission Electron microscope (TEM) and Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM).
Photomicrography and Video micrography , Developing and printing of
Unit II Analytical Techniques
Spectroscopic methods UV-Visible, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Atomic
Emission Spectroscopy.
Centrifugation Principles, various types including centrifugation Electroanalytical
methods electrolytic all 4 golvanic cell Potentiometric, conductimetric, coulometric
& voltametric analysis. Biosensors.

Radioactive Analysis : Principles of radioactivity, GM counter & LS counter.

Unit III

Principles & Applications of Chromatographic Techniques :

Adsorption Ion exchange and gel permeation affinity chromotography for separation
of compounds including GC and HPLC.
Unit IV - Electrophoresis Techniques
Electropohoretic techniques protein nucleic acid immuno two dimensional
Unit V Molecular Biological Techniques
Microbiological techniques purification, storage, measurement of microbial growth
Isolation and amplification of nucleic acid Plasmid isolation, chromosomal DNA
isolation. Polymerase chain reaction.
Gene cloning techniques Restriction digestion and Phosphatase treatment of cloning
vectors. Cloning technique, separation and staining of DNA, qualification of DNA, gene
transfer mechanisms chemical and electroporation.
Methods of detection of clones Nucleic acid transfer by blotting, Hybridization plaque,
colony hybridization, histochemical detection of -galactosidase, antibody screening
including colour development reaction.
Cynthia Gibas & Per Jambek (2001). Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills,
Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Oreilly) Mumbai.
Demain, A.L. and Davies, J.E. (1999). Manual of Industrial Microbiology &
Biotechnology, ASM Press.
Glick, B.R. and Pasternak, J.J. (1994). Molecular Biotechnology, ASM Press.
John G. Webster. (2004). Bioinstrumentation. University of Wisconsin, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Misener, S. and Krawetz, S.A. (2000). Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols. Human
Press, Totowa, New Jersey.
Rashidi, H.H., and Buehler, L.K. (2002). Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in
Biological Science and Medicine, CRC Press, London.
Sambrrok, J. and Ruseell, D.W. (2001) Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual (3rd
eidition, Vol. 1,2,3) Cold Spring Laboratory Press, New York.
Savile Pradbury. (1991). Basic measurement techniques for light microscopy, Oxford
University Press, Royal Microscopical Society.
Surzeki, S. (2000). Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology, Springer.
Westermeier, R (1993). Electroporesis in practice VCH Federal Republic of
Marimuthu, R. ( 2007) Microscopy and Microtechnique.MJP publishers, Chennai.
13. Sambrook, J & Russell, D W (2001) Molecular Cloning A Laboratory manual.
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press New York

Elective Course II (EC): Food and Dairy Microbiology

Unit 1: Introduction- Importance of food and dairy microbiology- Food Uses, Nutition
types of Nutrition, Food used in different ages infants, children, school age, adult,
pregnant women and old age. Importance of mother milk. Types of microorganisms in
Food- Source of contamination- Factors influencing microbial growth in food

Unit 2: Food fermentations: Cheese, bread, wine, beer, fermented vegetables- methods
and organisms used. Food and enzymes from microorganisms-single cell protein.
Production of amylase and protease and other enzymes from food.
Unit 3: Contamination, spoilage and preservation of cereals and cereals products, sugar
and sugar products, Vegetables and fruits, meat and meat products fish and othe sea
foods, egg and poultry dairy and fermentative products (ice cream and other products)
Unit 4: Food borne diseases, intoxication and food poisoning staphylococcus,
Clostridium, Escherichia coli and Salmonella infections, Hepatitis, Amoebiosis and
Mycotoxins. Encounter of Aeromonas in food. EHEC and enteropathogens general
food contamination.
Unit 5: Food preservations: principles- methods of preservations-Physical and chemical
methods, food sanitations. Good manufacturing process- hazard analysis, critical control
Jpoints and personnel hygiene. Unhygienic food handling diseases.

Reference :
Frazier and Westhoff, DC. 1988. Food Microbiology. TATA McGraw Hill Publishing
Company LTD., New Delhi
Adams, M.R and Moss, MO. 1995. Food Microniology. The Royal Society of Chemistry,
Maheshwary. Nutrition and dietetic. New Delhi.


Unit I: Microbial Taxonomy
Introduction to microbial taxonomy morphological taxonomy, biochemical taxonomy,
and molecular taxonomy. Numerical taxonomy basic concepts of taxonomy. Positive
and negative aspects of each taxonomical methods. Morphological phylogeny
UNIT- II: Biochemical & molecular taxonomy
Chemotaxonomy - fatty acid, protein finger printing , Isozyme typing, pigments &
polyamines. Biochemical phylogeny. Molecular taxonomy - G +C content, DNA
DNA hybridization, Plasmid profiles, RFLP, RAPD, STRR & LTRR, REP PCR, rRNA
based DNA finger printing methods
Unit III: 16S rRNA based finger printing
Types of rRNA - 23s rRNA, 16S rRNA & 5S rRNA. Importance of 16SrRNA in
microbial identification and taxonomy. Methods of 16S rRNA / rDNA fingerprinting Isolation of rRNA, RT- PCR, Isolation of DNA, amplification of 16S rDNA using PCR,
Cloning, transformation, Blue-white screening, Plasmid isolation, Dot blot/Southern blot
hybridization using specific probes Sequencing of 16S rDNA using chain-termination
UNIT IV: Sequence analysis.
Submission of rDNA sequences in GenBank Bankit & Sequin guidelines. NCBI,
EMBL & DDBJ retrieving sequences. RNA structure prediction, Restriction enzyme
patterns. Ribosomal Database Project - Designing primers & probes. Sequence
comparison, alignment and data base searching ClastalW, FASTA & BLAST. DNA
UNIT V: Molecular phylogeny.
Introduction to Molecular phylogeny tree terminology, software programs for making
phylogenetic trees MEGA, Phylib, RAPDistance. Cladogram, additive trees and
ultrametric trees, rooted, unrooted trees and tree shapes.
Roderic D. M. Page, Edward C. Holmes (1998). Molecular Evolution: A Phylogenetic
Approach. Blackwell publishing, USA.
Principles of Genome Analysis: A Guide to Mapping and Sequencing DNA from
Different Organisms by S. B. Primrose (Paperback - Jan 1998)
Microbial Genome Methods by Kenneth W. Adolph (Hardcover - Oct 28, 1996)
Genome Mapping and Sequencing by Ian Dunham (Hardcover - Sep 1, 2003).
Brendan Wren (Editor), Nick Dorrell (2002) Functional Microbial Genomics (Volume
33) (Methods in Microbiology), Academic Press, UK.
Sandy B. Primrose Richard M. Twyman (2005) Principles of Genome Analysis and
Genomics, Blackwell Publishing, USA.

Elective Course IV (EC) Quality Control & IPR

Unit I : Bioethics
Legalty, morality and ethics, the principles of bioethics, autonomy, human rights,
beneficience, privacy justice equality etc.
Unit II : Biosafety
Concept and issues, rational Vs subjective perceptions of risks and benefits relationship
between risk hazard, exposure, and safe gaurds biosafety concerns at the level of
individuals, institutions, society, region country and the world Lab associated
Unit III : Biosafety assessment (BSA)
BSA of biotechnology and pharmaceutical products such as drugs vaccines
biomolecules etc.
Unit IV : Quality control
Quality control in food process technology WHO standards Quality control in dairy
product technology Quality control for potable water.
Unit V : IPR
GATT and IPR, forms of IPR, IPR in India, WTO Act, Convention on Biodiversity
(CBD), Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT), forms of patents and patentability, process of
patenting, Indian and international agencies involved in IPR & patenting, Global scenario
of patents and Indias position, patenting of biological material, GLP, GMP.
Frederic H. Erbisch, Karim M. Maredia (2004). Intellectual Property Rights in
Agricultural Biotechnology, CABI Publisher.
Mittal D.P. (1999). Indian Patents Law. Taxmann Allied Services (p) Ltd.
Christian Lenk, Nils Hoppe, Roberto Andorno (2007). Ethics and Law of Intellectual
Property: Current Problems in Politics, Science and Technology, Ashgate Publisher (p)
Felix Thiele, Richard E. Ashcroft (2005). Bioethics in a Small World. Springer.
John Bryant (2002) Bioethics for Scientists. John Wiley and Sons Publisher.

Elective Course V (EC) Microbial Biotechnology

Unit - I: Algal Biotechnology
Definition, Concepts - biotechnological potentials of microalgae food feed
Colourant - fuel and pharmaceutically variable compounds.
Unit II: Microbial biofertilizers
Production of microbial biofertilizers Mass cultivation of cyanobacteria (Spirullina),
Azolla and other N2 fixers (Azospirillum, Azatobactger & Rhizobium)
Unit-III: Microbial Pesticides
Basic principle antagonism, amensalism, siderophores, parasitism, nematophagy.
Microbial herbicides, microbial insecticides - bacterial insecticide Pseudomonas, Bacillus
sp. Bacillus thrungiensis - toxins - BT cotton - viral insecticide - entomophathogenic
Unit- IV: Industrial Processes and Products
Production microbial products malt beverages alcohol - vinegar - lactic acid- citric
acid- penicillin - streptomycin- L-lysine- L-glutamic acid protease lipase - pectinase
and riboflavin.
Unit V: Bioremediation
Microbes in abatement of heavy metal pollution - heavy metal tolerant microbes Mechanism of heavy metal and antibiotic resistance - role of biosorption biotransformation of Xenobiotics - Superbug - rDNA application. Biodegradation of oil
and petroleum products. Microbial leaching - Copper - Uranium.
Raledge C and Kristiansen B Eds (2001). Basic Biotechnology, 2nd edition, Cambridge
University Press.
Balasubramanian D, Bryce CFA, Dharmalingam K, Green J, Jayaraman K. (1996).
Concepts in Biotechnology University Press, India.
Borowitzka MA, Borowitzka LJ (1989). Microalgal Biotechnology, Cambridge
University Press.
Alan T. Bull. Microbial Diversity and Bioprospecting. ASM press. Washington, D.C
Gerbardt P, Murray RG, Wood WA , Kreig NR. (1994) Methods for General and
Molecular Bacteriology American Society for Microbiology Washington D.C.
Glazer AN, Nikaido H. (1994) Microbial Biotechnology Fundamentals of Applied
Microbiology WH Freeman and Company, New York.
Pnolella P (1998) Introduction to Molecular Biology, WCB Mc Graw Hill, Boston,
Walsh G, Headon DR. (1994). Protein Biotechnology, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Elective Course VI (EC) Microbial Bionanotechnology

Unit I
History bionanotechnology concept and future prospects application in Life
Sciences. Terminologies nanotechnology, bionanotechnology, nanomedicine,
nanowires, quantum Dots, nanocomposite, nanoparticles.
Unit II
Molecular nanotechnology nanomachines collagen. Uses of nanoparticles cancer
therapy manipulation of cell and biomolecules. Cytoskeleton and cell organelles. Types
of nanoparticles production physical, chemical and biological. Microbial synthesis of
Unit III
Nanoparticles types, functions Silver, Gold and Titanium. Physical and chemical
properties of nanoparticles. Characterization of nanoparticles UV-Vis spectroscopy,
Electron Microscopy HRTEM, SEM, AFM, EDS, XRD.
Unit IV
Uses of nanopartcles in biology : Drug delivery protein mediated and nanoparticle
mediated. Uses of nanoparticles in MRI, DNA and Protein Microarrays. Nanotechnology
in health sectors. Toxicology in nanoparticles Dosimetry.
Unit V
Advantages of nanoparticles drug targeting, protein detection, MRI, development of
green chemistry commercial viability of nanoparticles. Disadvantages health risk
associated with nanoparticles, inadequate knowledge on nanoparticles research.
Parthasarathy, B.K. (2007). Introduction to Nanotechnology, Isha Publication.
Elisabeth Papazoglou and Aravind Parthasarathy (2007). Bionanotechnology. Morgan &
Claypool Publishers.
Bernd Rehm (2006). Microbial Bionanotechnology: Biological Self-assembly Systems
and Biopolymer-based Nanostructures. Horizon Scientific Press.
David E. Reisner, Joseph D. Bronzino (2008). Bionanotechnology: Global Prospects.
CRC Press.
Ehud Gazit (2006). Plenty of Room for Biology at the Bottom: An Introduction to
Bionanotechnology. Imperial College Press.

Elective Course VII (EC) Marine Microbiology

Unit: I Marine Microbial disserts
Marine environment see-benthic & littoral zone, saltpan, mangroves and estuarine
microbes, microbial loop marine microbial community planktons, bacteria, fungi,
Unit: II Marine Extremophiles
Survival at extreme environments starvation adaptive mechanisms in
thermophilic, alkalophilic, asmophilic and barophilic, psychrophilic microorganisms
hyperthermophiles and halophiles importance in biotechnology.
Unit: III Symbiotic microbes
Microbe-microbe interactions Lichens, antagonistic interactions amensalism,
mycoparasitism Animal-microbe interaction Ectosymbiosis of Protozoa, Runinant
symbiosis Plant-microbe interaction Rhizobium, Mycorrhizae, Anabaena sponge.
Unit: IV Marine Microbial Disease
Marine food borne pathogens & Water borne pathogens Aeromonas, Vibrio,
Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Leptospira, Cornybacter.
Unit: V Marine Microbial Biotechnology
Production and applications of marine microbial products pigments
Astaxanthin, carotene enzyme antibiotics polysaccharide sea food preservation
Prescott, L.M., Harley J.P. Klein (1999). Microbiology, WCB, Mc Grow Hill
Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles, P. Gerba (2006). Environmental Micrology,
Academic press.
Jamesh W. Nybakker (2001). Marine Biology, Benjamin Cummings
Shimshon Belkin and Rita R. Colwell (2005). Ocean and Health: Pathogens in the marine
environment. Springer.
Scheper, T. (2005). Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology-Marine
Biotechnology I. Springer
Bhakuni, D.S. and Rawat, D.S. (2005). Bioactive marine natural products. Anamaya
Publishers, New Delhi.

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