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CHMT 2009 Week 7 BIC

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The Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa

Bavisha Koovarjee
The Bushveld Igneous complex
• The world’s largest layered igneous complex, covers 66, 000 km2 and up to 9 km thick
• World class ore deposit
• Precambrian in age - ~2,06 billion years old
• Made of the main mafic/ultramafic body (Rustenburg Layered Suite)
• The roof is made of felsic volcanics (Rooiberg Group) and Rashoop + Lebowa granitic rocks
• Flat, funnel shaped intrusion into the Transvaal Supergroup

• The Rustenburg layered Suite (RLS) outcrops as four limbs (eastern, western, northern and far western)
• Mineralization includes; Platinum group metals, (PGEs), Cr, Ni, Fe, Cu, V
• Mineralization in granites includes;
Sn, F, Mo, REEs

• Cawthorn, R.G. (1999). The platinum and palladium resources of the

Bushveld Complex, South African Journal of Science, 95, 481-489.

• Kinnaird, J.A. (2005). The Bushveld Large Igneous Province, <


• Eales, H.V. and Cawthorn, R.G. (1996). The Bushveld Complex. In: Cawthorn,
R.G. (Eds) Layered Intrusions. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, pp. 181-230.

• Barnes, S-J. and Maier, W.D. (2002). Platinum-Group Element Distribution in

the Rustenburg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. In:
Cabri, L.T. (Eds) The Geology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral
Beneficiation of Platinum-Group Elements. Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum, Special Vol. 54, 553-580.
Top 5 largest
Major platinum
countries producing
in global countries-2017
mine production of
platinum from 2015 to 2019 (in metric tons)
Bushveld Igneous Complex
The Great Dike
Sudbury Complex

Stillwater Complex


Top 10 global platinum mining companies-2017


Waterberg Project-JOGMEC

Platreef Project-JOGMEC in the
Bushveld Ultramafic`s
• Principle commodity
• Platinum, palladium, rhodium,
iridium, ruthenium & osmium
• Mostly from UG2 & Merensky
• Cr2O3
• Chromium
• Stainless steel

• Fe3O4
• Source of vanadium
• Upper Zone
• V2O5
• Derived from magnetite CHROMITITE
Bifurcating chromitite seams exposed at
• Used for hardening steel
Dwars River in the eastern Bushveld Complex
Bushveld Granites
• MZ gabbronorites- Pyramid Hills in Brits-Pretoria • Gravestones
• Working surfaces (kitchen, bathroom etc) • Face stones for buildings

Contact MM of mudstones Transvaal
• Cassiterite (SnO2)
• Hardening effect on copper
• Lebowa Granite • Forms new minerals = andalusite
• Lebowa Granite
• High melting temperatures = 2000°C
• Others: • Used to manufacture refectory bricks
• Rare Earth
Elements (REEs)
• Molybdenuim
1. The volcanic event: Rooiberg Group

• Unconformably overlies the Transvaal Supergroup

• At 2,06 Ga, 2 types of lavas erupted an terminated Transvaal SPG deposition (due to mantle plume): basaltic in rivers and lakes, followed by
explosive rhyolite on land
• Weathering of rhyolites forms a very red surface hence type locality = Rooiberg near Bela Bela/Warmbaths
• RG consists of 4 formations: Schrikkloof formations (youngest unit), Kwaggasnek (rhyodacite), Damwal (dacite) Dullstroom (oldest)
• Up to 3,5km thick
2. The 1st intrusive event: Rustenburg layered suite
•7km thick layered sill that intruded the layered
sedimentary rocks of the Transvaal SPG
• Magmas were erupting very rapidly (over 1-2 Mya), new
pulses of magma were being added before the previous
ones had completely solidified
• Basaltic magma erupts at high temperatures = 1200°C
• It cools and solidifies very quickly---at 900°C it is
completely solid
• Hence continuous injections or pulses of magma over a
short period of time, retains/prolongs the heat in the
system, allowing for crystals to grow larger
• Conditions suitable for anorthosite, chromitite, gabbro`s
and pyroxenites.
• If the cooling rate is slower, differentiation or fractional
crystallization occurs.
• Differentiation/fractional crystallization: Process by
which crystals are separated from magma as it
crystalizes, resulting in the formation of layers of rocks
of different mineral composition
• Cyclic unit: a series of repeating layers
Cross section through RLS: W, E & N Limbs
3. The 2nd intrusive event: Rashoop Granophyre
Suite & Lebowa Granite Suite
• 1.5 - 3.5 km thick, with an areal extent of some 30 000 km2
• Heating and melting of the deeper of the crust was caused by the basaltic outpouring of the RLS
• This melt (granitic) eventually rose up ponding/collecting directly above the RLS and Rooiberg Group
• This granite is highly resistant to erosion and forms the high Plateaus of Sekhukhuneland and the
prominent hills of Mokopane
• These granites host economic tin and fluorite deposits.
E.g. Zaaiplaats
• Some quarries produce dimension stone which is highly
sought after for its blood red colour
• The Rashoop Granophyre Suite intruded the RLS
Rooiberg Group as dykes
• The Lebowa Granite Suite subsequently metasomatically
altered (deposition of secondary cassiterite, tourmaline
and carbonate) the entire Group, particularly in its NW
Stratigraphic sequence of layering the Rustenburg
Layered Suite : E & W Limbs
Marginal Zone (MGZ)
• Occurs at the bottom of the complex
• Unlayered
• 150 m thick
• Composed of variably contaminated norite + pyroxenite

Lower Zone (LZ)

• ~1050 m thick
• Alternating dunite, harzburgite + orthopyroxene layers

Bifurcating chromitite seams exposed at Dwars River

in the eastern Bushveld Complex
Stratigraphic sequence of layering the Rustenburg
Layered Suite : E & W Limbs
Critical Zone (CZ)
• Hosts the world’s largest platinum and chromium deposits
• Divided into Lower and Upper Critical Zone
• Lower Critical Zone (LCZ)
• 800 m thick
• Composed of pyroxenite and chromite layers
• Upper Critical Zone (UCZ)
•400-1000 m think
•The base of the UCZ is defined by the first
appearance of plagioclase
•Predominantly composed of norite and chromite
Chromitite layers
• All the chromitite layers of BIC occur in CZ and are grouped into
lower (LG), middle (MG) & upper (UG) groups:
LG chromitites: up to
7 layers (LG 1-7), LG5-7 are economic. LG6 NB
MG Chromitites: 4 main layers (MG 1-4), MG1 NB
Chromitites: 2 main layers (UG 1-3), UG2 NB, PGES, low grade
Stratigraphic sequence of layering the Rustenburg
Layered Suite : E & W Limbs
Critical Zone: Merensky Reef (MR)
• Occurs above UG2 upper critical zone
• Discovered near Steelpoort in 1924 by Dr Hans Merensky
• Ranges from a few centimetres to 10–12m in thickness
• PGE enriched zone only occurring in the W + E Limbs
• Transgressive pyroxenite layer at the top of the UCZ
• Hosted in pegmatoidal feldspathic pyroxenite
• Base metal sulphides: pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite,

MR: 9-8g/t MR: 7g/t pyrite + cubanite. Minor galena+ sphalerite

PR: 4g/t
UG2: 6g/t UG2: 7g/t Critical Zone: Bastard Reef
• distinctive cyclic unit above , the Merensky Reef but contains
no mineralization
• thin basal chromite (usually < 5 mm), a coarse pyroxenite
(slightly pegmatoidal in places) around 2–3 m thick, norite and
the Giant mottled anorthosite which is c. 50 m thick.
Stratigraphic Sequence of layering the Rustenburg
Layered SuiteMain: EZone& W Limbs
• Thickest zone 3000-3400 m
• Composed of norite overlain by gabbronorite interlayered with
• No chromite
• Low grade PGE mineralisation in some places
• Dimension stone = black & grey granite = resistant gabbro
norites = form conspicuous topographic features = Pyramid Hills
in Brits-Pretoria
Upper Zone
• ~2000 m thick
• Defined by the first appearance of cumulus magnetite in
• Composed of anorthosite, troctolite, ferrogabbro and diorite,
with multiple magnetite layers
• =norite in base, gabbronorite,
• =cumulus apatite associated with diorite occurs in uppermost
• = up to 25 cumulus magnetite (massive-disseminated)
• =Vanadium + titanium occur in magnetitite layers of the Upper
Stratigraphic Sequence of
layering the Rustenburg
BIC Layered Suite: N Limb
Platreef (PR)
• Extends northward from Mokopane for 35km & dips
Transvaal SPG 40°E
• 20x thicker than Merensky Reef
• Largest PGE concentration known
• PGE, Ni, Cu-bearing composite pyroxenite assemblage
• Developed on or close to the eastern floor contact of
the N Limb unlike MR
• From N-S transgresses quartzite + Shale formations of Transvaal SPG (Timeball
+ Duitschland formations), & further north Penge BIF + Malmani dolomite
further north (Tweefontein farm) and lastly, Archean granite basement
• Results in contamination & xenoliths
• Dolomite + magma = calc-silicate xenoliths or altered to parapyroxenites
• Archean basement granite + magma = granofels
Stratigraphic Sequence of layering the Rustenburg
Layered Suite: N Limb
Platreef (PR)
• Critical Zone in PR layers do not correlate directly with Critical
Zone E + W Limbs
• Hence pyroxenitic assemblage at base = Platreef in N Limb = CZ
• Thick feldspathic, pyroxenite + harzburgite assemblage
• Occurs on eastern flank of the N limb
• Mineralization = Ni, Cu and PGE deposit
• 1-4km of highly variable sequence of pyroxenite, harzburgite,
gabbronorite + xenolithic & contaminated in some parts
• Sharp contact with & transgresses Transvaal SPG sediments + the
basement granite (Kaapvaal Craton)
• PR is overlain by MZ & UZ that correlate directly with E + W Limbs
Main Zone
• Composed of gabbronorite
• No chromite
Upper Zone
• anorthosite, troctolite, ferrogabbro and diorite, with multiple
magnetite layers
did the
form ?
Kinnaird et al.,2005
How did the Northern Limb form ?
The Platreef is a broadly horizontal sill like sheet that resulted from several pulses of
• the earliest intrusive phase was equivalent to Lower or Lower Critical Zone
magmas. This intruded within the Transvaal metasedimentary sequence as sills.
• As further pulses followed, some metasedimentary material became eroded and
detached from the floor and later magma flowed under or over these layers.
• Some of the later pulses also interfingered with the early Platreef pulses.
• Followed by tectonic activity that caused folding and tilting of the sequence
• Later Main Zone norites/ gabbronorites also intruded the Platreef pyroxenitic
packages as sills, sometimes incorporating metasedimentary rocks from the top of
the Platreef.
• The unit between the Main Zone gabbronorites is thus a complex zone of inter-
fingered lithologies, including some Main Zone.
Mechanisms of layering in the RLS: Gravity settling
• Basic mechanism of fractional crystallization
• Crystals settle to the floor of the magma
chamber under the influence of gravity due to
differences in density
• Effective in low viscosity, high temperature
melts = mafic-ultramafic melts
• E.g. Skaegaard (East Greenland) intrusion in has
relatively ordered, sub-horizontal layering due
to gravity settling
• BUT why are plagioclase rich layers found
above olivine+ pyroxene rich layers (denser)?
• Why are other chromitite seams developed
along steeply inclined, vertical & sometimes
even overhanging topography of unit
boundaries without any notable changes in
Latypov et al., 2015
Mechanisms of layering in the RLS : 3 types of Merensky Reef (MR)
Gravity settling does not
explain the accumulation
of continuous layers of
chromitite along steeply
inclined, vertical &
overhanging topography
of unit boundaries
without any notable
changes in thickness

1. Normal MR: sheet like reef (planar normal) that has experienced uniform erosion
2. Pothole MR: near circular excavations that cut into the footwall of the MR
3. Anti-pothole MR: mound like masses of footwall rocks that stand above the planar
normal MR
Latypov et al., 2015
• Magmatic chambers develop by
Mechanisms of layering in the RLS:
in situ growth, mostly inwards
from their margins. In situ (in place) crystallization
• As the magma chamber
gradually loses heat, minerals
crystallize from margins inwards.
• Thermal currents prevent settling
of crystalized grains
• crystallisation occurs directly at
a crystal–liquid interface.
• All minerals including chromite
and sulphides crystallize in situ,
directly on the chamber floor,
accompanied by redeposition of
the minerals in association with
convection in the magma
• PGE bearing sulphides also
accumulate by in situ
crystallization Latypov et al., 2015
The origin of platinum deposits in
layered intrusions
• PGEs concentrated within sulphide mineralization
• Base metal sulphides: pyrrhotite, pentlandite,
chalcopyrite, galena+ sphalerite, pyrite + cubanite.
• PGE enrichment occurs by:
1. Gravity settling and in situ crystallization
2. Magma mixing: Influx of magma with different
composition e.g. cyclic units in RLS
3. Sulphide immiscibility
4. Reaction of magma with country rocks e.g. Platreef
Mineralization in the Bushveld Granites
--Northern Limb
Four main associations:
1. Cassiterite-tourmaline sulphide association = Zaaiplaats
2. Fluorite-haematite association = Blokspruit
3. Polymetallic molybdenite-fluorite-sulphide association =
4. Sulphide carbonate ore-bodies in both Bushveld acid rocks +
in the surrounding Transvaal SPG = Spoedwel

Zaaiplaats Zaaiplaats
Lease Granite Bobbejaankop Granite

Flourite + sulphides:

Tourmaline pipe Fluorite + tourmaline

Mining and extraction in BIC
• Mostly open pit mining
• Currently chromite is extracted by the board and pillar
underground mining method
• Main targets for underground mining = LG6, MG1, and
• Main targets for open pit mining = MG3 & MG4,
lowermost LG layers
• Most of chromite ore is beneficiated by smelting it to a
Mogalakwena, Mokopane
higher value ferrochrome product.
• Nine ferrochrome smelters beneficiate chromite ore in
E + W Limbs
• Other ferrochrome smelters beneficiate further to
produce steel: near Middleburg (Columbus Steel),
Arcelor Mittal (Vanderbijlpark) & Richards Bay
• Chromite ore is trucked and or/railed to the ports of
Maputo, Richards Bay and Durban for export markets Samancor Chrome Mines
• Ashwal.L.D., Webb, S.J, and Knoper, M.W. (2005). Physical and mineralogical properties of Bushveld rocks: Magnetic susceptibility, density and mineral chemistry profiles in the 2950 m Bellevue drillcore, Northern
Lobe. South African Journal of Geology, 108, 199 – 232.

• Armitage, P.E.B., McDonald, I., Edwards, J.S. and Manby, G.M. (2002). Platinum-group element mineralization in the Platreef and calc-silicate footwall at Sandsloot, Potgietersrus District, South Africa . Applied Earth
science (Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy B), 111, B36-B45.

• Buchanan, D.L., Nolan, J., Suddaby, P., Rouse, J.E., Viljoen, M.J. and Davenport, J.W.J. (1981). The genesis of sulphide mineralization in a portion of the Potgietersrus limb of the Bushveld Complex. Economic Geology,
76, 568-579
• Cawthorn, R.D. and Walraven, F. (1998). Emplacement and Crystallization Time for the Bushveld Complex, Journal of Petrology, 39, 1669-1687.
• Cawthorn, R.G., and Webb, S.J. (2001). Connectivity between the western and eastern limbs of the Bushveld Complex, Tectonophysics, 330, 195-209.

• Gain, S.B. and Mostert, A.B. (1982). The geological setting of the platinoid and base metal sulphide mineralization in the Platreef of the Bushveld Complex on Drenthe, north of Potgietersrus. Economic Geology, 77,

• Harris, C. and Chaumba, J.B. (2001). Crustal contamination and fluid-rock interaction during the formation of the Platreef, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Journal of Petrology, 42, 1321-1347.

• Kinnaird, J.A. 2005, The Bushveld large igneous province, http://www.largeigneousprovinces.org/sites/default/files/BushveldLIP.pdf (August 2020)

• Kinnaird, J.A. (2005). Geochemical evidence for multiple emplacements in the southern Platreef. Applied Earth Science (Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy), 114, 225-242.

• Kinnaird, J.A., Kruger, F.J., Nex, P.A.M. and Cawthorn, R.G. (2002). Chromitite formation- a key to understanding processes of platinum enrichment, Trans.Inst Min. Metall, (Sect, B: Appl. Earth sci.), 111, 23-35.

• Kinnaird, J.A., Hutchinson, D., Schurmann, L., Nex, P.A.M. and de Lange. (2005). Petrology and mineralisation of the southern Platreef: northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa . Mineralium Deposita.
40, 576–597

• Latypov, R., Chistyakova, S., Barnes, S. J., Hunt, E. J. (2017). Origin of platinum deposits in layered intrusions by in situ crystallization: evidence from undercutting Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex.  Journal of
Petrology, 58 , 715-761.

• Latypov, R., Chistyakova, S., Page, A. and Hornsey. 2015. Field Evidence for the In Situ Crystallization of the Merensky Reef. Journal of Petrology. 56, 2341-2372

• Lee, C.A. (1996). A review of mineralization in the Bushveld Complex and some other layered mafic intrusions. In: Cawthorn, R.G. (Eds) Layered Intrusions. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 103-146.

• Pollard. P.J., Taylor, R,G., Taylor, R.P. and Groves. D.L. (1991). Petrographic and geochemical evolution of pervasively altered Bushveld granites at the Zaaiplaats tin mine. Economic Geology, 86(7), 1401-1433

A review of the behaviour of PGEs within Natural magmatic sulphide ore systems (Holwell and McDonald, 2010, page 26)

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