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Panel 8

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Otolaryngology http://oto.sagepub.

-- Head and Neck Surgery

Panel 8 : Complications and Sequelae

Timothy T. K. Jung, Cuneyt M. Alper, Sten O. Hellstrom, Lisa L. Hunter, Margaretha L. Casselbrant, Anita Groth, Yusuf
K. Kemaloglu, Sang Gyoon Kim, David Lim, Susan Nittrouer, Kee Hyun Park, Diane Sabo and Jorge Spratley
Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery 2013 148: E122
DOI: 10.1177/0194599812467425
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State of the Art Review

Panel 8: Complications and Sequelae

Timothy T. K. Jung, MD, PhD1, Cuneyt M. Alper, MD2,

Sten O. Hellstrom, MD, PhD3, Lisa L. Hunter, PhD4,
Margaretha L. Casselbrant, MD, PhD2, Anita Groth, MD, PhD5,
Yusuf K. Kemaloglu, MD6, Sang Gyoon Kim, MD1, David Lim, MD7,
Susan Nittrouer, PhD8, Kee Hyun Park, MD, PhD9,
Diane Sabo, PhD10, and Jorge Spratley, MD, PhD11

No sponsorships or competing interests have been disclosed for this article.

Background and Objectives. Although serious complications of
otitis media (OM) such as brain abscess are rare, sequelae
of OM such as tympanic membrane perforation and atelectatic tympanic membrane are quite common. Inner ear
sequelae can cause hearing loss and speech and language
problems. The objectives of this article are to provide a
state-of-the-art review on recent articles on complications
and sequelae of OM in different anatomic locations, from
the tympanic membrane to intracranial sites, as well as hearing loss and speech and language development.
Data Sources. Primarily PubMed supplemented by Ovid
MEDLINE and the Cochrane Database.
Review Methods. All types of articles related to OM complications and sequelae published in English between January
2007 and June 2011 were identified. A total of 127 relevant
quality articles are summarized and included in this report.
Results. Key findings are summarized based on the following
major anatomic locations and categories: tympanic membrane;
cholesteatoma; ossicular problems; mucosal sequelae; inner ear
sequelae; speech and language development; extracranial areas,
including mastoiditis and facial nerve paralysis; intracranial complications; and future research goals. New information and
insights were gained to prevent complications and sequelae.
Conclusion and Implications for Practice. Over the past 4 years,
progress has been made in advancing the knowledge on the
complications and sequelae of OM, which can be used to
prevent and treat them effectively. Areas of potential future
research have been identified and outlined.

Head and Neck Surgery
148(4S) E122E143
American Academy of
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck
Surgery Foundation 2012
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0194599812467425

Received May 17, 2012; revised October 11, 2012; accepted October
19, 2012.

lthough serious complications of otitis media (OM)

such as brain abscess are rare, sequelae of OM such
as tympanic membrane perforation and atelectasis
of the tympanic membrane are quite common. Inner ear
sequelae can cause hearing loss and speech and language
problems. The objectives of this article are to provide a
state-of-the art review on recent publications on complications and sequelae of OM in different anatomic locations,
from the tympanic membrane (TM) to intracranial sites, as
well as hearing loss and speech and language development.
Published reports from the past 5 years were included for
sequelae or complications ensuing from OM in childhood to
adulthood. The specific panel objectives include following:
(1) to summarize important new contributions to our understanding of the complications and sequelae of OM, published since the Ninth International Symposium on Recent
Advances in Otitis Media in 2007; (2) to determine whether

Department of Otolaryngology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda,
California, USA
Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
Department of Audiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
Division of Audiology, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
Department of ORL-HNS, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, California, USA
Division of Audiology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Department of Otolaryngology, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea
Division of Audiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

otitis media, tympanic membrane perforation, atelectasis of
TM, cholesteatoma, hearing loss, speech and language, facial
nerve paralysis, mastoiditis, cranial complications

Corresponding Author:
Timothy Jung, MD, PhD, Department of Otolaryngology, Loma Linda
University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA
Email: ttkjung@gmail.com; timothy.jung@va.gov

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Jung et al


the short- and long-term research goals identified at the previous meeting of this panel have been met; (3) to identify
deficiencies in our understanding of the complications and
sequelae of OM in specific sites related to the TM (including cholesteatoma), middle ear, inner ear, and intratemporal
and intracranial sites, as well as the impact of OM on sound
transmission in the middle ear (including TM and ossicles)
on hearing and speech and language; (4) to define and prioritize research goals that address deficiencies in our knowledge for investigation during the next 4 years; and (5) to
identify the short- and long-term goals for the future and
methods by which they can be accomplished.

Articles came primarily from PubMed supplemented by
Ovid MEDLINE and the Cochrane Database.
All types of articles related to OM complications and
sequelae published in English between January 2007 and
June 2011 were identified. A total of 127 relevant quality
articles are summarized and included in this report. All articles in English with a keyword of otitis media, complications, or sequelae were evaluated and included. Articles
considered new and significant were included.

Key findings are summarized based on the following major
anatomic locations and categories: TM; cholesteatoma; ossicular problems; mucosal sequelae; inner ear sequelae; speech
and language development; extracranial areas, including mastoiditis and facial nerve paralysis; intracranial complications;
and future research goals.

Tympanic Membrane
Perforation. Von Unge et al1 evaluated a model for studies
on sequelae after acute otitis media (AOM) in the
Mongolian gerbil. The middle ears of 16 Mongolian gerbils
were inoculated with type 6a Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Half of the animals were treated with antibiotics on days 4 to
6, when otoscopy was performed as well. After 1, 2, 3, or 4
weeks, the animals were sacrificed and their TMs were examined. On days 4 and 6, AOM was produced in approximately
80% of the animals, and perforations prevailed in approximately 30% at the study end points. Clinical signs of AOM
and edema of the TM had already started to reduce after 1
week and often resolved within 2 weeks. The mechanical stiffness of TM remained relatively unharmed in the nonperforated
ears. The antibiotic treatment seemed to reduce the duration of
edema but not the perforation rate.
Santa Maria et al2 reported keratinocyte growth factor
(KGF) 1, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 2, and FGF10 in
the healing TM following perforation in rats. The TMs of
rats were perforated and sacrificed at time points over a
14-day period. KGF1, FGF2, and FGF10 play important
roles in TM healing following perforation. KGF1 and
FGF2 appeared to be involved in the proliferation and
migration of keratinocytes. The role of KGF1 appeared to
be exclusively connected to an increased proliferation and

migration at the perforation site. The continued expression

of FGF2, beyond perforation closure, indicated also
another role of this molecule. The effect of FGF10 on keratinocytes in wound healing appeared to emanate from the
connective tissue layer.
In a retrospective study, Iacovidou et al3 investigated
12 cases of spontaneous perforation of the TM in the first
10 days of life. Cultures of the middle ear exudate grew
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 10, Serratia marcescens in 1,
and Staphylococcus aureus in 1. Cultures of nasopharyngeal secretions grew P aeruginosa in 9, S marcescens in
1, S aureus in 1, and Streptococcus viridans in 1. Middle
ear vs nasopharyngeal secretion cultures grew the same
organism in 11 neonates. A 10-day course of parenteral
antibiotics was administered (ampicillin-ceftazidime for
all neonates except for the 1 neonate with the S aureus
otitis who received netilmicin-cloxacillin). All neonates
had an uneventful course and were discharged home in
good clinical condition. The authors suggest that neonates
with TM perforation should receive antibiotics parenterally, as the most common pathogen is P aeruginosa.
Tympanic membrane perforation causes a sound conduction disturbance, and the size of this conduction disturbance
is proportional to the perforation area.
In an article from Japan, Matsuda et al4 conducted a
quantitative evaluation of TM perforations using image
analysis equipment. A significant correlation was found
between the degree of sound conduction disturbance and the
perforation area. That correlation was greater at low frequencies following a traumatic perforation. The conductive
disturbance associated with chronic otitis media was significantly greater at low frequencies. Circular perforations
caused only minor conduction disturbance. Perforations in
the anteroinferior quadrant were associated with greater
conduction disturbance.
Tympanostomy tube. Yaman et al5 investigated Shepard
grommet tympanostomy tube complications in children with
chronic otitis media with effusion (OME). The medical
records of 162 ears of 87 children were reviewed retrospectively. Otorrhea occurred in 9 ears (5.6%). Granulation
tissue was seen in 2 ears (1.2%). Complications after tympanostomy tube extrusion included myringosclerosis (34.6%),
persistent perforation (5.6%), atrophy (23.5%), retraction
(16.7%), and medial displacement of tubes (1.2%). The
authors concluded that myringosclerosis, tympanic membrane atrophy, and otorrhea are the most frequently appearing complications, but they are generally insignificant and
cosmetic. Consequently, in the majority of these complications, there is no need for any management.
Sherman et al6 proposed dissolvable tympanostomy tubes
(TTs) developed from calcium alginate to reduce complications and the need for removal if TTs fail to extrude.
Alginate TTs had a greater compressive strength than commercial silicone tubes. The TTs composed of 0.5M CaCl
were stronger than high-molarity CaCl concentrations.
Uncoated alginate TTs showed a 20% reduction in occlusion propensity. The authors proposed alginate TTs to be a

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OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery 148(4S)

good alternative to commercial tubes based on their high

mechanical strength and low occlusion propensity. Furthermore,
alginate TTs have the potential to be dissolved in vivo if
Daudia et al7 retrospectively investigated long-term middle
ear ventilation with 57 subannular tubes in 45 patients. They
proposed that subannular ventilation tubes provide an effective
option for management of intractable middle ear effusion and
eustachian tube dysfunction.
Popova et al8 compared myringotomy and tympanostomy
tubes in combination with adenoidectomy in seventy-eight
3- to 7-year-old children with OME. They studied 2 surgical
combinations: adenoidectomy with myringotomy and tympanostomy (A 1 T) and adenoidectomy with myringotomy
only (A 1 M). Seventy-two percent of the patients in the A
1 T group and 75% of those in the A 1 M group were free
of AOM episodes. None of the patients with A 1 M had
episodes with otorrhea, which contrasted with the 40%
occurrence rate in the A 1 T group. During the follow-up
period, the authors documented a 10% recurrence rate of
OME in the A 1 T group and a 14% recurrence rate in the
A 1 M group. They suggest that A 1 T provides no additional benefit to A 1 M in hearing loss or AOM episode
Baranano et al9 retrospectively evaluated the management of TTs in pediatric cochlear implant (CI) recipients.
Sixty-two patients received a TT before CI, and 68 ears
received simultaneously CIs and TTs. The TTs were
removed and allowed to extrude before CI (59%) or were
kept in place until CI (41%). Forty ears (51%) required
more than 1 set of TTs. Ten ears (22%) in which the TTs
were removed before CI required a separate TT after CI
compared with 6 ears (19%) in which the TTs remained in
place until CI. The TTs that were present during CI were
either removed with myringoplasty (31%) or retained after
surgery (69%). Tympanostomy tubes do not appear to
adversely affect the final outcomes of pediatric CI recipients
and can be managed similarly to TTs in otitis mediaprone
Myringosclerosis and atrophy. Cankaya et al10 studied the
effects of topical mitomycin and trimetazidine on the development of myringosclerosis (MS), which was induced in rabbits
by paracentesis (myringotomy) with or without tympanostomy
tube placement. Mitomycin, having an anti-inflammatory
effect, and trimetazidine, inhibiting the oxygen-free radicals,
were applied topically to the tympanic membrane, and MS
was graded histopathologically after Massons trichrome staining. In TMs subjected to paracentesis or paracentesis plus tube
application or those that received trimetazidine, MS was significantly more extensive than in unoperated animals and in
mitomycin-treated animals. The authors concluded that only
topical use of mitomycin had alleviating effects on MS
Park et al11 studied the effect of topical sodium thiosulfate (STS) in experimentally induced MS. Thirty Wistar
albino rats were bilaterally myringotomized. The number of
MS ears was significantly reduced in the STS group, and in

tympanometric measurements, significantly reduced magnitudes of maximum admittance were observed in control and
saline groups. The TM of the STS group appeared thinner
than that of the control group (P \ .05) and with a reduced
calcium deposition. The authors showed that STS has a preventive role in the development of MS in the experimental
animal model.
Song et al12 investigated the effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on the prevention of experimentally
induced MS. Thirty-five Sprague-Dawley rats were divided
into 3 groups; group 1 received no treatment, group 2
received intraperitoneally administered saline, and group 3
received intraperitoneally administered CAPE. The TMs
were examined on the 15th day after treatment. Group 1
showed extensive MS, and group 2 showed a similar occurrence of MS. Group 3 had reduced MS. The lamina propria
of the pars tensa was thicker and more sclerotic in groups 1
and 2. The authors concluded that systemic CAPE was
effective in the prevention of sclerotic lesions in myringotomized rat TMs.
Acute OM. Dai and Gan13 developed an OME model in
guinea pigs, in which middle ear transfer functions could be
measured. Evidence of OME was assessed by otoscopy,
tympanometry, histology, and measurement of the volume
of fluid in the middle ear. Vibrations of the umbo and round
window membrane were measured with a laser Doppler vibrometer at a frequency range of 200 to 40 kHz in 3 groups
3, 7, and 14 days after injection of lipopolysaccharide
(LPS). Changes in displacement of the umbo and round
window membrane in response to an 80-dB sound pressure
level (SPL) in the ear canal were measured across the frequency range. Displacement of both the umbo and round
window membrane was reduced at all time points following
LPS injections. Furthermore, the change of the displacement
transmission ratio (DTR) from the TM to the round window
occurred mainly in chronic OME ears. This study provides
useful data for analyzing the change of middle ear transfer
function in OME ears.
Basic science of TM/gas exchange. Knutsson et al14 located
progenitor/stem cells in the human TM. Human TMs
obtained at translabyrinthine surgery were investigated
using immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence to
detect the progenitor/stem cell markers a6-integrin, b1integrin, and cytokeratin 19 (CK19). a6-Integrin was
detected in the basal layer of the keratinizing epithelium in
the umbo, in the annular region, and along the malleus but
not in the intermediate portion of the pars tensa. b1-Integrin
and CK19 were found in the same locations, not only in the
basal layer but also in the suprabasal layers of the keratinizing epithelium. The authors concluded that possible progenitor cells are found in the umbo, in the annular region, and
along the malleus.
Redmond et al15 compared phenotypic and genotypic
profiles of human TM (hTM) derived from hTM tissue
explants with epithelial and mesenchymal reference cells.
Epithelium-specific ets-1 (ESE-1), E-cadherin, KGF1/FGF7,
KGF2/FGF10, fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 1,

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variants of FGFR2, fibroblast surface protein (FSP), and

vimentin proteins were used to assess the phenotypes of all
cultured cells. The tissues were stained with ESE-1 and
E-cadherin. Immunofluorescent (IF) cell staining of hTM
epithelial cells (hTMk) demonstrated coexpression of both
epithelial- and mesenchymal-specific proteins. Flow cytometry
(FCM) analysis further demonstrated coexpression of these
epithelial and mesenchymal-specific proteins, indicating that
the subcultured hTMk cells possess a transitional phenotype.
Gene transcript analysis of hTMk cells by reverse transcriptase
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed a downregulation of ESE-1, E-cadherin, FGFR2, and variant 1 and variant 2
(FGFR2v1 and FGFR2v2) between low and high passages, as
well as upregulation of KGF1, KGF2, and FGFR1. The
authors concluded that the results indicate a gradual shift in
cell phenotype of hTMk-derived cells from epithelial to
Yuksel et al16 investigated the CO2 gas exchange across
the human TM. The study used an ear canal (EC) probe
(ECP) constructed from a custom-fitted acrylic body, a
glass capillary tube enclosing an oil meniscus to maintain
ambient ECP 1 EC pressure, and a silica glass microtube
linked to a mass spectrometer (MS) for measuring gas composition that was hermetically sealed within the ear canal of
the test ear. The fractional CO2 pressure measured in the
ECP 1 EC for each sample was regressed on time and the
slope of the function multiplied by the ECP 1 EC volume
and divided by the estimated trans-TM CO2 gradient at the
start of the experiment to yield trans-TM CO2 conductance.
In comparison, the difference between sclerotic and normal
TMs did not reach statistical significance. The study
showed that the effect of TM pathology on CO2 conductance is limited.
Toros et al17 prospectively investigated gastric pepsinogen in middle ear fluid of children with glue ear. Middle
ear effusion (MEE) and blood samples were obtained from
42 children. Total pepsinogen, albumin concentrations of
effusions, and serum samples were measured with enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The authors concluded that the occurrence of pepsinogen is a simple and
reliable method for assessment of reflux in children.
Pepsinogen was present in all MEEs, with levels higher
than those of serum values.
Shim et al18 reported that measurement of the largest
cross-sectional areas of the aerated eustachian tube on coronal images of temporal bone computed tomography (CT)
might be useful for predicting the postoperative condition of
the tympanic cavity.

Congenital or acquired. Persaud et al19 reviewed the etiopathogenic theories of congenital and acquired cholesteatoma. Congenital cholesteatoma is explained by the
persistence of fetal epidermoid formation. Acquired cholesteatoma may develop by various mechanisms: immigration,
basal hyperplasia, retraction pocket, and/or trauma (iatrogenic or noniatrogenic). Chronic inflammation seems to

play a fundamental role in multiple etiopathogenic mechanisms of acquired cholesteatoma. The authors recommend
that early treatment of inflammatory conditions might
reduce the sequelae by preventing the development of
hyperplastic papillary protrusions.
Welkoborsky et al20 reported a study designed to evaluate
the cell-to-cell and epithelium-stroma interaction of acquired
cholesteatoma. Surgical specimens of 54 patients who underwent primary surgery for an acquired cholesteatoma of the
middle ear were examined by histopathology and DNA
image cytometry (DNA-ICM). Immunohistochemical investigations included expression of proliferation markers (proliferation cell nuclear antigen and MIB-1) along with cell
surface markers reflecting the cell-to-cell interaction (ie,
a1b6-integrin, E-cadherin, I-CAM = CD54) and the
epithelial-to-stroma interaction (ie, a-v and b3-integrin
chains, V-CAM = CD106, CD44v6, and fibronectin). Cell
surface markers and cell adhesion molecules were equally
expressed in both groups except a1b6-integrin and fibronectin, which were significantly overexpressed in pediatric
The authors concluded that pediatric and adult cholesteatomas do not show differences at a cellular level. The
observed clinically more aggressive behavior of pediatric
cholesteatoma is likely due to other secondary factors such
as more intense inflammation, disturbed middle ear ventilation, or the diminished calcium salt content of pediatric
Basic science of cholesteatoma. Kwon et al21 analyzed gene
expression profiles in cholesteatoma using an oligonucleotide microarray. In all, 1327 upregulated or 767 downregulated genes that were over 3 times more prominent in
cholesteatoma than in skin were identified by 5 samples of
microarray data. Among these up- or downregulated genes
in cholesteatoma, 291 genes were identified in 3 of 5 samples as upregulated expression more than 3-fold in density,
and 191 genes were downregulated more than 3-fold in density. Reverse transcriptase PCR of 21 selected genes
revealed that those expression levels were higher in cholesteatoma than in skin. The authors suggested that microarray
analysis may be a useful tool to identify some candidate
genes related to the pathogenesis of cholesteatoma.
Hamajima et al22 investigated the role of the inhibitor of
DNA binding (Id1) in the hyperproliferation of keratinocytes. Keratinocytes were transfected with Id1, and the
responses of keratinocytes to Id1 were studied by using cellular and molecular biologic methods. Id1 significantly
increased the promoter activity of nuclear factor (NF)kB,
which, in turn, upregulated the expression of cyclin D1 and
keratin 10 in keratinocytes. Specific NF-kB inhibitors (pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, PDTC) or a dominant-negative
inhibitor (IkBaM) abrogated the Id1-induced cell proliferation and keratin 10 production, whereas p65, a subunit of
the NF-kB heterodimer and an enhancer of NF-kB activity,
strengthened the Id1-induced cell proliferation and keratin
10 production. The authors identified that Id1 contributed to
the hyperproliferation of keratinocytes via enhancement of

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OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery 148(4S)

cell cycle progression, removal of cell cycle inhibition, and

a simultaneous increase in keratin production.
dAlessandro et al23 have shown paracrine loops of keratinocyte stimulation in cholesteatoma tissue by immunofluorescence, transmission electron microscopy, and
molecular study. The expression of KGF, K1, and filaggrin
in the samples was evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR. The
authors suggest that KGF upmodulation is a consequence of
fibroblast stimulation by inflammatory cells and that this
paracrine loop could be responsible not only for the hyperproliferation of keratinocytes in cholesteatoma tissue but
also for the deregulation of epidermal differentiation.
Franz et al24 investigated the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in the development of cholesteatomas. They
found that only 1 of 29 biopsies showed a positive signal at
the nested PCR level. The low prevalence of detected HPV
DNA in cholesteatomas suggests that HPV infections are
unlikely to be a causative factor.
Kuczkowski et al25 investigated the expression of tumor
necrosis factor (TNF)a, interleukin (IL)1a, IL-6, and IL-10
in chronic otitis media (COM) with bone destruction. They
described an increased expression of TNF-a, IL-1a, and IL-6
in cholesteatoma tissue compared with that of granulation
tissue. The authors found a strong positive correlation between
these cytokine levels and the degree of bone destruction in
cholesteatomas. The degree of correlation coefficient, calculated with Spearmans rank correlation coefficient with P \
.05 between cytokine levels to the degree of bone destruction,
was 0.72 for TNF-a, 0.61 for IL-1a, and 0.76 for IL-6.
Clinical and surgical review. Tatlipinar et al26 reported the
correlation between observations by high-definition CT in
COM and the presence of cholesteatoma at surgery. In the
CT scans, cholesteatoma was present in 46% showing
abnormal soft tissue densities and signs of bone erosion,
52.9% showing abnormal soft tissue without osseous erosion, 66.6% showing soft tissue density with ossicular chain
erosion, 77.7% showing an external ear bony canal defect,
and 83.3% showing a bone-eroding soft tissue mass involving the epitympanum.
Ayache et al27 conducted a study with the aim of determining the contribution of otoendoscopy in the surgical management of cholesteatoma. They concluded that the use of
otoendoscopy significantly reduced the frequency of open tympanoplasty and recourse to posterior tympanotomy, as well as
offered excellent access to numerous lesions by the transmeatal
approach. However, they did not reveal a reduction in the frequency of residual cholesteatomas at revision surgery.
Magliulo et al28 evaluated 298 adults and 38 children
with cholesteatoma who underwent surgery and reported the
frequency of facial nerve dehiscence to be 27.1%.
Dehiscence was present in 42.3% of the patients who underwent revision surgery. The most common site of dehiscence,
92.3%, was the tympanic segment.
Haginomori et al29 demonstrated that 21% of the 85 ears
operated on had residual cholesteatomas. Six cholesteatomas
were located in the epitympanum (33%), 3 in the sinus tympani (17%), 3 in the antrum (17%), 2 on the stapes (11%), 2

on the tympanic membrane (11%), 1 on the tympanic portion of the facial canal (6%), and 1 just under the skin of
the external auditory canal (6%). By retrospective videotape
analysis, it was observed that the main cause of residual
cholesteatomas in the epitympanum and sinus tympani was
incomplete removal of the matrix under an indirect surgical
view because of insufficient drilling.
In a review of 1531 surgeries (1183 patients), Kaylie et al30
revealed that smokers had more cholesteatomas and required
more canal wall-down surgeries than nonsmokers.
Furthermore, they required more revision surgeries and had
overall worse hearing outcome than nonsmokers.
Zhang et al31 investigated identification of Id1 in acquired
middle ear cholesteatoma. Two hundred sixty-four ears with
COM that had undergone ear surgery were included.
Fourteen middle ear cholesteatoma specimens were collected
for immunohistochemical analysis of abnormal proliferation
of keratinocytes. The inhibitor of the DNA-binding (Id1)
gene, which is involved in controlling cell cycle progression,
was abundantly expressed in cholesteatoma epithelium. In
vitro studies indicate that Id1 regulated the expression of NFkB, cyclin D1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and cell
cycle progression of keratinocytes. The authors concluded
that chronic inflammation in the ossicular chain area (OCA)
is closely related to the formation of cholesteatoma. The Id1/
NF-kB/cyclin D1/proliferating cell nuclear antigen signaling
pathway is involved in the abnormal proliferation of keratinocytes in acquired cholesteatoma.

Ossicular Problems
Gluth et al32 reviewed the results of malleostapedotomy for
incus replacement in 7 individuals who had undergone malleostapedotomy in the setting of quiescent COM and a
mobile stapes. They investigated surgical results and hearing
outcomes by preoperative and postoperative pure-tone
audiometry. Improvement in the air-bone gap was noted in
6 of 7, with an average closure of 17 dB. In 5 of 7, the airbone gap was closed to 20 dB or less, and in 3 of 7, the airbone gap was closed to 10 dB or less. The authors suggested
that malleostapedotomy is a potentially safe and effective
alternative to placement of a total ossicular replacement
prosthesis (TORP).
Hamilton33 investigated systematic preservation of the
ossicular chain in laser-assisted cholesteatoma surgery. In
this study, ears were categorized into 2 groups based on the
state of the ossicular chain at the end of surgery. Patients
with a continuous ossicular chain were allocated to group
A. Patients with a disrupted chain and an intact stapes
superstructure onto which an ossiculoplasty had been performed were placed in group B. Ultimately, it was concluded that the fiber-guided laser allows the cholesteatoma
surgeon to preserve the ossicular chain in a systematic
manner that is both safe and of benefit to the patient.

Mucosal Sequelae
Ebmeyer et al34 reported that TNF-a deletion alters apoptosis as well as caspase 3 and 4 expression during otitis

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media. They evaluated middle ear (ME) expression of genes

encoding the TNF and TNF receptor superfamilies during
bacterial OM in the mouse, characterized OM in TNFAdeficient mice, and assessed apoptosis during OM in normal
vs TNF-deficient MEs. They concluded TNF and TNF
receptor superfamilies mediate both inflammation and apoptosis during OM.
Schachern et al35 designed a study to evaluate the effect
of apolactoferrin administration on the middle and inner
ears after experimentally induced pneumococcal otitis
media. The middle ear cavities of chinchillas were inoculated bilaterally with type 2 wild-type S pneumoniae.
Twenty-four hours later, the ears of 5 of the animals were
injected with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and the
other 5 with human apolactoferrin. The animals were
killed 24 hours after the last injection. Bacterial plate
counts of middle ear effusions and the number of inflammatory cells in the round window membrane were significantly lower in the apolactoferrin group compared with the
group treated with PBS.
Prulie`re-Escabasse et al36 analyzed otologic features in
patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) aged 0 to 18
years and evaluated the correlation between ultrastructural
defects and severity of otologic features. Fifty-eight patients
with PCD were evaluated in the following 4 age intervals:
group 1, preschool (n = 47); group 2, school (n = 50); group
3, teenagers (n = 34); and group 4, young adults (n = 10).
Ultrastructural defects occurred in the outer dynein arm (n =
33), the inner dynein arm (n = 13), and the central complex
(n = 11). One patient had typical Kartagener syndrome with
typical PCD features but normal ciliary ultrastructure.
Recurrent AOM decreased from group 1 (68%) to group 4
(0%). Otitis media with effusion was more severe in groups 1
through 3 than in group 4. Otorrhea decreased in group 4.
Half of the patients with tympanostomy tubes eventually had
TM perforation. Hearing loss was moderate in groups 1
through 3 and mild in group 4. Continuous antibiotic therapy
could be slightly reduced only in group 4. Despite continuous
antibiotic therapy, the middle ear condition in PCD remained
severe throughout childhood, with improvement only after
age 18 years. Armstrong grommet placement did not improve
the middle ear condition. Central complex defect is a marker
of severity.
To study treatment patterns and complications of OM, a
cross-sectional survey was conducted across 9 countries over
3 continents, in France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Argentina,
Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia, by
Arguedas et al.37 Face-to-face interviews were conducted
with 1800 physicians. Respondents estimated an average
annual caseload of 375 children younger than 5 years with
OM, 54% with an initial episode and 38% with recurrent OM
(ROM). Specialist referrals were needed for an estimated
15% of children with OM with complications. There was
high awareness of S pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae
as causative bacterial pathogens: 77% and 74%, respectively.
Empirical treatment with antibiotics was the most common
first-line treatment (81%). The burden of disease is

substantial enough that many physicians would consider vaccination to prevent OM (score 5.1). The authors reported that
OM remains a significant burden for clinical practice, despite
awareness of shortcomings, and antimicrobial therapy
remains the most frequent treatment for OM.
Urschel38 reported a brief insight into primary immunodeficiencies in cases of otitis media. All patients suffer from
recurrent, prolonged, and/or unusual infections leading to
local sequelae, failure to thrive, developmental delays, and
systemic infections with severe courses. A stepwise diagnostic approach is proposed to facilitate early and accurate
diagnosis, as well as effective and timely therapy to
improve the patients outcome.
Yamamoto-Fukuda et al39 analyzed the expression of
keratinocyte growth factor and its receptor in noncholesteatomatous COM (NC-COM) and cholesteatomatous COM
(C-COM). The subepithelial tissue from 18 patients with
NC-COM and 70 patients with C-COM was processed for
immunohistochemistry for KGF and KGFR. Keratinocyte
growth factor was positive in 28% of NC-COM specimens and 88% of C-COM specimens. Thirty-seven (60%)
C-COM specimens were positive for KGFR, whereas 0%
of the NC-COM specimens were positive. The Ki-67
labeling index (LI) was significantly smaller in NC-COM
than in C-COM. B-cell LI was almost similar in the 2
groups. T-cell LI was significantly higher in C-COM than
in NC-COM. T-cell LI in NC-COM was higher in KGFpositive tissues. The authors concluded that coexpression
of KGF and KGFR explains the pathologic difference
between C-COM and NC-COM and that KGF may play
an important role in cholesteatoma.
Using noninvasive optical interferometry for the
assessment of biofilm growth in the middle ear, Nguyen
et al40 identified the presence of a biofilm with 86% sensitivity and 90% specificity with a novel classification
algorithm for acquired low coherence interferometry data.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common pathogen
associated with otitis media.
Han et al41 reported a role for Toll-like receptor 2
(TLR2) in the immune response to S pneumoniae infection
in mouse otitis media. Nineteen of 37 TLR2/ mice had
bacteremia and died within 3 days after the challenge, compared with only 4 of 32 wild-type (WT) mice that died. Of
those that survived, more severe hearing loss in the TLR2/
mice was indicated by an elevation in auditory-evoked
brainstem response thresholds at 3 or 7 days after inoculation. The histological pathology was characterized by
effusion and tissue damage in the middle ear. At both 3
and 7 days postchallenge, the TLR2/ mice had higher
blood bacterial titers. By 3 days postchallenge, the
mRNA accumulation levels of NF-kB, TNF-a, IL-1b,
MIP1a, Muc5ac, and Muc5b were significantly lower in
the ears of TLR2/ mice. The authors concluded that
TLR2/ mice may produce relatively low levels of proinflammatory cytokines following pneumococcal challenge,
thus hindering the clearance of bacteria from the middle
ear and leading to sepsis and a high mortality rate. They

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showed evidence that TLR2 is important in the molecular

pathogenesis and host response to otitis media.
In a study by Matsuda et al,42 data about the treatment of
middle ear cholesterol granuloma in 16 patients undergoing
surgical treatment were reviewed. Patients with swollen TMs
had significantly poorer outcomes. Patients with retracted
TMs and those undergoing ossicular chain reconstruction had
significantly better outcomes. The patients overall hearing
success rate at approximately 2 weeks postoperatively was
75%. However, by 6 months postoperatively, the overall
hearing success rate had declined to 62.5%. Patients with
poor hearing 2 weeks postoperatively did not acquire better
Jang et al43 reported a recent case of advanced congenital
cholesteatoma (stage IV) associated with blue eardrum that
was treated using preoperative tympanostomy tube insertion
and pointed out that tympanostomy tubes were helpful in
preventing recurrence of the cholesteatoma after surgery.
Masaany et al44 presented a rare case of familial hypercholesterolemia (an autosomal dominant disorder, which manifests with high levels of serum cholesterol and low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol) with bilateral aggressive primary
middle ear cholesterol granuloma.

Inner Ear Sequelae

Vestibular disturbances. Gianoli et al45 presented a study to
determine the incidence of caloric and rotational chair testing (RCT) abnormalities in a group of patients with chronic
suppurative otitis media (CSOM) and to correlate caloric
test results with RCT. Nineteen (76%) demonstrated either
unilateral or bilateral canal weakness (CW). Eighteen (72%)
demonstrated abnormalities on ROT. Eleven (44%) had
complaints of vertigo/dizziness, although 2 of these patients
had both normal caloric testing and ROT. Unilateral or
bilateral CW was 80% accurate in predicting an RCT
abnormality, whereas the symptom of vertigo/dizziness was
only 48% accurate in predicting an RCT abnormality. The
authors concluded that the incidence of CW among CSOM
patients in this study was high and correlated well with
abnormalities on RCT. The RCT results correlated better
with CW than symptoms of dizziness/vertigo.
Cohen et al,46 using a case-control study, investigated the
effect of bilateral myringotomy and tube insertion (BMT)
on balance in children 4 to 7 years of age. Children with
documented OME who were scheduled for BMT underwent
RCT and computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) preoperatively and at 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively.
Children without any significant history of otitis media were
tested as controls at the same intervals. Seventy-two cases
and 56 controls were enrolled. No difference was seen
between groups on RCT or sensory organizing test (SOT)
scores. Higher sway velocity during CDP was observed in
the OME group both preoperatively as well as 1 month
postoperatively, but there was no difference 3 months postoperatively. At 6 months, the BMT group had a significant
decrease in sway velocity. The authors concluded that the
study supports previous findings that OME has a measurable

impact on balance function and that BMT is associated with

improvement in balance function. Therefore, balance in
addition to hearing and speech should be considered when
considering BMT as a treatment for OME.

Hearing and Auditory Sequelae

Martines et al47 reported audiological findings on OME
with or without atopy in primary school children. Three
hundred ten children were screened by skin tests and
divided into atopics (G1) and nonatopics (G2). The overall
prevalence rate of OME was 12.9%, with 42.85% in G1 and
6.30% in G2; OME was bilateral (70%). A type B tympanogram was evidenced (70.59%), with a significant difference
between G1 and G2. The analysis of mean air conduction
pure tone (31.97 dB for G1 and 29.8 dB for G2) and of tympanometric measurements showed a significant difference
between G1 and G2. The authors concluded that the higher
prevalence of OME in atopic children and the statistically
significant differences in audiometric and tympanometric
measurements among atopic and nonatopic subjects with
OME suggest the important role of allergy in the genesis
and recurrence of OME.
Prieve et al48 investigated changes in transient-evoked
otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) levels with negative tympanometric peak pressure (TPP) in infants and toddlers. Mean
TEOAE level was lower when TPP was negative, but noise
levels did not change between the 2 conditions. There were
no significant differences between TEOAEs collected on
days when TPP was normal and when TPP was negative.
Mean data indicated that when tympanograms had negative
TPP, TEOAE level was lower by approximately 4 dB
across all frequency bands. However, this affected the pass
rate in only 5% to 6% of cases. The authors suggested that
it is possible to measure TEOAEs in children with negative
TPP. If the emission-to-noise ratio is used to identify hearing loss in mid- to high-frequency bands, the majority of
children will still have TEOAEs that meet clinical criteria,
thus providing the clinician with important information
about cochlear status.
Pereira et al49 have documented that children who failed
the newborn screening showing conductive hearing loss had
more episodes of OM during the first year of life than those
who did not fail, with a statistically significant difference.
In prospective study by Boudewyns et al,50 55.3% of
referred infants after automated auditory brainstem response
(ABR) screening presented with OME. In this study, a spontaneous resolution was documented in 15 of 64 OME
patients who were under follow-up, whereas hearing of the
remaining patients was normalized after tympanocentesis or
placement of ventilation tubes. The authors reported that
normal hearing could be ascertained in all children at a
median age of 4.8 months.
Lok et al51 reported that after implementation of neonatal
screening, there was a distinct increase in the number of
children aged 6 to 11 months treated with tubes by 25%.
Lehmann et al52 followed up 100 Aboriginal and 100
non-Aboriginal children from birth to age 2 years and

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demonstrated that moderate to severe hearing loss was present in 32% of 47 Aboriginal children and 7% of 120 nonAboriginal children aged 12 months or older. Furthermore,
they found that Aboriginal children who failed TEOAE at
age 1 to 2 months were 2.6 times more likely to develop
OM subsequently than those who passed. They suggested
measurement of TEOAEs at age 1 to 2 months to identify
children at risk of developing OM in a routine health service
setting in view of the frequently silent nature of OM in
In a study by Hunter et al,53 hearing screening in Native
American infants and toddlers was reported. Infants were
prospectively assessed with pneumatic otoscopy, distortion
product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), and tympanometry. In the newborn period, 23.5% of infants failed hearing
screening in at least 1 ear. Hearing screening failures
increased to 29.9% from 2 to 5 months of age. Only 1 of 366
infants was identified with sensorineural hearing loss, and
thus essentially all of the hearing screening failures reflected
either a middle ear origin or other temporary problems. The
authors suggested that behavioral assessment is needed after
6 months of age, when high rates of OME persist in this
Rosenfeld et al54 analyzed tympanostomy tube outcomes
in children at risk and not at risk for developmental delays.
Fifty-five percent children had at least 1 condition placing
them at risk for developmental delays. After tube insertion,
89% caregivers stated that their childs life was much
better. Speech and language was much better for 55%,
more often in at-risk children. Learning or school performance was much better after tubes for 55%, more often
in at-risk children. Improved hearing was reported by 84%
with no relationship to at-risk status. Caregivers reported
favorable outcomes regardless of their childs at-risk status,
but children at risk for delays had better reported outcomes
for speech, language, learning, and school performance.
Daudia et al55 reported long-term middle ear ventilation
with myringotomy and tympanostomy tube (MT). They retrospectively studied 45 patients with COM and hearing loss,
associated with adhesive otitis media in 7, TM retraction in
17, and TM perforation in 3. The mean improvement in airbone gap was 14 dB. Complications included blockage
(16%), perforation after extrusion (9%), granulation (5%),
and infection (4%). The authors concluded that MT provides
an effective option for management of intractable MEE and
eustachian tube dysfunction.
Spielmann et al56 reported a follow-up after BMT.
Twenty percent of their patients required further MT insertion within the study periods. Children with abnormal clinical findings or a mean hearing threshold greater than 20 dB
were significantly more likely to require further intervention. The authors recommended 1 postoperative review with
audiometry 3 months after surgery.
Revai et al57 investigated tympanometric findings in
young children while they had upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) with and without AOM. The peak day for an
abnormal tympanogram was day 2 of the URI. An abnormal

tympanogram tended to be type B in children aged 6 to

23 months and type C in children aged 24 to 47 months.
One-third of children older than 24 months had a type C
tympanogram during the first week of URI. The authors
concluded that eustachian tube dysfunction and middle
ear abnormalities during URI are more severe in children
younger than 2 years.
Al-Kandari et al58 reported the hearing evaluation of
schoolchildren in Kuwait. Although 120 children were
found to have normal ear conditions, 39 children had abnormal results. In 21 children with ear wax, 3 had a normal
hearing level, whereas 18 had mild conductive hearing loss
in the 250-to 500-Hz frequency range. In 16 children with
SOM, 3 had a normal hearing level, 9 had mild conductive
hearing loss in the 250- to 500-Hz frequency range, and 4
had moderate conductive hearing loss in the 250- to 2000-Hz
frequency range. The 2 children with sensorineural hearing
loss (SNHL) had moderate hearing loss in the 4000- to
8000-Hz frequency range.
Browning et al59 searched the Cochrane ENT Disorders
Group Trials Register and other electronic databases to
assess the effectiveness of grommet insertion compared
with myringotomy or nonsurgical treatment in children with
OME. They selected randomized controlled trials evaluating
the effect of grommets (ventilating tubes [VTs]). Outcomes
studied included hearing level, duration of MEE, language
and speech development, cognitive development, behavior,
and adverse effects. The authors included 10 trials (1728
participants). The VTs were mainly beneficial in the first
6 months. Only 1 high-quality trial that randomized children (n = 211) reported results at 3 months; the mean
hearing level was 12 dB better in those treated with VTs.
Meta-analyses of 3 high-quality trials (n = 523) showed a
benefit of 4 dB at 6 to 9 months. At 12 and 18 months
follow-up, no differences in mean hearing levels were
found. Data from 3 trials that randomized ears (n = 230)
showed similar effects to the trials that randomized children. At 4 to 6 months, mean hearing level was 10 dB
better in the VT, and at 7 to 12 months and 18 to 24
months, it was 6 dB and 5 dB better, respectively. No
effect was found on language or speech development or
for behavior, cognitive, or quality-of-life outcomes.
Shahnaz et al60 investigated multifrequency tympanometry in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and well babies.
The NICU babies (n = 33), healthy 3-week-old babies (n =
16), and neonates on a high-priority hearing registry
(HPHR) (n = 42) were tested. Thirty-two ears of 16 healthy
white adults (compared with well babies) and 47 ears of 26
healthy white adults (compared with NICU babies) were
also included in this study. Tympanograms at 226 Hz are
typically multipeaked in ears that pass or are referred for
TEOAE, limiting the specificity and sensitivity of this measure for differentiating normal and abnormal middle ear
conditions. Tympanograms obtained at 1 kHz are potentially
more sensitive and specific to presumably abnormal and
normal middle ear conditions. Tympanometry at 1 kHz is
also a good predictor of the presence or absence of TEOAE.

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Chianese et al61 showed spectral gradient acoustic reflectometry (SGAR) compared with tympanometry in diagnosing OME among 786 healthy children. The SGAR results
were available for 3096 otoscopic examinations in 647 children. Tympanometric results were available for 2854 otoscopic
examinations in 597 children. Using the recommended SGAR
pass or fail cutoff, 53% of the ears in which effusion was present would have been considered effusion free. Only 10% of
the ears without effusion would have been considered to have
effusion. The area under the receiver operating characteristic
curve was 0.78 for SGAR and 0.83 for tympanometry. The
authors concluded that SGAR is slightly less discerning than
tympanometry in predicting OME in children younger than
2 years.

Speech and Language Development

Speech perception and production. Bluestone and Swarts62
speculated about human evolutionary history and the consequences for the pathogenesis of OM. They presented the
possible consequences of 2 human adaptations that may
have resulted in ubiquitous OM: the interaction of bipedalism and increased brain size and the loss of facial prognathism resulting from speech or cooking. Immature eustachian
tube structure and function, in conjunction with an immature immune system, helps to explain the high incidence of
OM in the first year of life. The morphology of the palate
changed with the adaptations that produced facial flattening,
with concomitant effects on eustachian tube function. These
changes resulted in relatively poor human physiologic tubal
function in comparison to the nonhuman primate.
Zumach et al63 investigated OM and speech-in-noise recognition in school-aged children. Fifty-five children with a
prospective 3-monthly documented middle ear status and
hearing loss between birth and 24 months completed a
speech-in-noise (SPiN) test at age 7 years. Both hearing
loss and the accumulation of uni- and bilateral OM incidents
in early life were significantly correlated to the performance
on the SPiN test at school age. Only the language production score at age 7 years was also significantly related to the
score on the SPiN test. The authors study deals with the
risk of OM in early life and its accompanied hearing loss on
auditory processing, specifically speech perception in noise,
up to school age.
Eapen et al64 studied the development of frequency
weighting for speech in children with a history of OME.
The frequency bands selected were 798 to 1212 Hz (low
band), 1575 to 2425 Hz (mid band), and 3000 to 5000 Hz
(high band). The children in the OME group achieved
results 85% to 90% correct at a lower signal-to-noise ratio
than controls in the adaptive testing, where all 3 speech
bands were present. Fixed block testing indicated that children with OME history gave more weight to speech frequencies in the region of 2000 Hz. The results show that the
development of frequency weighting in the perception of
speech can be affected by a history of OME.
Serbetcioglu et al65 analyzed the association between
hearing loss due to bilateral OME and Denver-II test results

in preschool children. Sixteen children with bilateral otitis

media were compared with the same number of agematched children with normal hearing (controls). Language
and verbal cognitive abilities were not affected significantly
as a result of the presence of hearing loss because of OME.
Using the Denver-II test to evaluate language development
and other developmental screening parameters, the authors
found no significant difference. They concluded no association between hearing loss due to OME and speech and language parameters in preschool children.
Kalu and Hall66 studied clinician adherence to treatment
guidelines for OME related to the documentation of presence, laterality, resolution, persistence, and surveillance for
hearing loss or speech delay. Retrospective chart review of
363 children with OME was performed. The authors found
a high level of documentation practices at the initial diagnosis of OME (laterality 95%) but poor documentation of
follow-up factors (duration 14.9%). Documentation was not
found to improve after release of the 2004 American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines. The survey found
physician knowledge lacking in terms of the decibel hearing
level stratification of management and antibiotic use,
although it was better for the use of pneumatic otoscopy,
adenoidectomy, and myringotomy as accepted treatments.
Language. Johnson et al67 examined early OME and language at age 7 years. It was hypothesized, on the basis of a
literature review, that (1) a low but positive relation
between early OME and language measures in general will
be observed at age 7 years, and (2) major effects will be
demonstrated for measures of articulation and phonological
sensitivity. The following measures of language status were
used: the Test of Auditory Analysis Skill (TAAS), the
Goldman-Fristoe Articulation Test, Sounds in Words and
Sounds in Sentences (GFAT), and the Clinical Evaluation
of Language FundamentalsRevised (CELF-R). The sample
included 179 children who were heterogeneous for socioeconomic status (SES) and ethnicity. There were no significant correlations for MEE and language measures. These
negative results were sustained when multiple regression
was used with controls for SES and quality of the home
environment. The authors concluded that early MEE may
not pose a threat to language development in the early
school years.
Cognition and academics. Hall et al68 investigated developmental changes in word recognition threshold in children
with different middle ear status. The aims were to (1) provide word recognition thresholds (WRTs) at 31, 43, and 61
months of age; (2) investigate developmental changes over
time; (3) investigate the relationship between OME and
WRT; and (4) investigate the relationship between WRT
and hearing thresholds. Around 1000 children were tested
longitudinally as part of the Avon Longitudinal Study of
Parents and Children (ALSPAC) study, using an adaptive
measure of word recognition in quiet. Mean WRTs were
28, 23, and 23 dB (A) at 31, 43, and 61 months, respectively. Normal auditory development is associated with a
mean improvement in WRT of 5 dB between ages 31 and

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61 months. There was a mean increase in WRT of 15 dB

and 115 dB when OME was present in 1 and 2 ears,
respectively. Thus, both unilateral and bilateral OME
results in a detrimental effect on hearing ability for speech.
In addition, early and persistent OME is associated with
greater disability. However, by 61 months, previous OME
status was not significant.
Williams and Jacobs69 identified the impact of otitis
media on cognitive and educational outcomes. Children
who have early onset OM (younger than 12 months) are at
high risk of developing long-term speech and language
problems. For biological or environmental reasons, some
populations have a pattern of early onset, higher prevalence,
and episodes of longer duration; this pattern leads to a
higher risk of long-term speech and language problems.
These factors suggested that Australian indigenous children
may be at higher risk of cognitive and educational sequelae
than nonindigenous children.
Maruthy et al70 determined the effect of early onset OM
on brainstem and cortical auditory processing. Thirty children with OM were divided into 3 groups based on their
age. The mean central conduction time was significantly
increased and the mean amplitude of waves I and III of
ABRs was significantly reduced in children with early onset
OM. The latency of all late latency response (LLR) waves
was significantly less in children with early onset OM.
Significant differences in mean values of either ABR or
LLR were observed only in 3-year-old children. There was
a significant but negative association between central conduction time and latency of LLRs. Otitis media in the first
year of life leads to negative effects on brainstem signal
processing even if it has occurred only for a short duration
(maximum of 3 months). The authors suggested that auditory cortical structures probably show compensatory
changes through central gain to offset the prolonged central
conduction time.
Behavior. Gouma et al71 investigated behavioral trends in
young children with conductive hearing loss as a casecontrol study. One hundred eighty-three children aged
between 6 and 8 years participated in the study and were
divided in 2 groups. The study group consisted of 117 children with a positive record of unilateral or bilateral acute
otitis media at age 4 or 5 years. All patients of the study
group were referred to the otolaryngology department by
their attending pediatrician and had conductive hearing loss
as proved by pure-tone audiometry. The rest of the children
(n = 66) comprised the control group and were recruited
from the orthopedics department, where they were hospitalized for minor injuries. One hundred seventeen patients
with episodes of OME history at age 4 to 5 years were compared for depression according to the Achenbach system of
evaluation, by application of the Child Behavior Checklist
(CBCL). Patients with OME had more anxiety/related disorders and attention disorders. The psychological effect of
OME in children aged 6 to 8 years is evident, with anxiety
and depression disorders being especially prominent among
these patients.

Parent and professional opinions about the sequelae of OME.

Two studies were published that queried different groups of
individuals regarding the impact of OM on development.
Sonnenschein and Cascella72 asked 53 pediatricians in
midsize New England cities in single and group practices
and hospitals their opinions about the relationship between
OM (both acute and OME) and childrens hearing and
speech-language development. Results of their survey indicate that although these pediatricians thought that OM
occurring in the first 2 years of life could affect speechlanguage development, they were less inclined to agree that
OM would have an effect in general. Moreover, they felt
that parents and child care environments could lessen the
impact of OM on speech-language sequelae.
The second article, by Higson and Haggard,73 examined
the differences between parents, teachers, and otolaryngologists in rating the importance of symptoms and the developmental impact of OME. Among their findings, they report
that the 3 groups differed on all 4 areas of impact (ie, hearing, language-education, behavior, and balance). Both parents and teachers rated OME as having an impact on
behavior. They also reported that teachers weigh language
and education symptoms much more heavily than do parents
and otolaryngologists and that parents give them decreasing
importance as children age. The conclusions reached in both
of these articles reflect findings in the research literature
that indicate that by school age, there is little impact of
OME on speech and language development.

Future Research
In the previous postsymposium meeting in 2007, a set of
recommendations were provided that called for future studies to use a variety of research designs with varied populations; to design research that is hypothesis driven; to
include reliable and valid measures of OME, hearing, and
development; to include mediating and moderating measures that may affect the relationship between OME and
developmental outcomes; and to provide adequate information in research reports, including power for nonsignificant
findings, so that research synthesis may be completed.
Several of these goals were met. Most of the studies were
designed to examine specific hypotheses and used outcome
measures to examine these effects. Populations included
both middle-class and less advantaged groups, but in only 1
study was a clinical sample included. Many of the investigators examined hearing at the time of the developmental
assessment to ensure that when outcomes were measured,
their samples had hearing in the normal range.
However, hearing during the time when children experienced OME was included as an independent variable in
only 2 studiesHooper et al74 and Paradise.75 Aside from
SES, only Feagans et al76 and Hooper and colleagues considered other environmental variables to account for
Our recommendations for future studies are to more consistently apply the suggestions made previously. We encourage investigators to use more specific measures that may be

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OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery 148(4S)

more sensitive to the effects of OME effects as have been

used in retrospective studies such as rhyme detection, working memory, and verbal attention. It is possible that the
effects of OME are more subtle and only apparent in acoustical analyses, although the importance of those effects may
not be clear.
We again strongly recommend that hearing be measured
concurrently with OME and be included as the mediating
variable that may explain the relationship between OME
and developmental outcomes. Given the host of other variables that affect later development, it is critical that investigators include possible confounding factors that may
mediate or moderate the relationship between OME and
later development. These are variables such as the quality
of mother-child interaction, quality of child care experiences, and factors such as sex and the childs cognitive
Similarly, it will be important for investigators to include
a variety of populations. As we indicated, it is important to
include children at the most risk for OME, such children
with Down syndrome or cleft palate who have considerable
speech, language, and/or learning difficulties. In addition,
understudied populations (children who are of Hispanic
origin and Native Americans) should also be included in
research studies. Finally, researchers must be diligent in
providing detailed information about their participants and
analytic procedures so that meta-analyses can be performed.

Extracranial Complications
Mastoiditis. Benito and Gorricho77 reviewed the cases of
mastoiditis over 10 years (1996-2005) at the Nino Jesus
University Children Hospital in Madrid. Of the 215 children
(aged 0.6-17 years) with mastoiditis, 67% were younger
than 3 years and 69% were males. The number of cases
doubled in 1999, with the same percentage of admissions in
the pediatric service, and tripled in 2005 compared with
1996. Surgical treatment has increased from 4% to 33% in
the past years and grew to 70% in 2005. Most cases (80%)
had received prehospital antibiotic therapy, but individual
pathogens and current complications of periostitis or subperiosteal abscess formation were equally distributed between
the 2 groups. The authors detected S pneumoniae in 29%
and a significantly high rate of S aureus (16%). Fifty-four
percent of cases had negative cultures. There was a progressive increase in the incidence of acute mastoiditis and an
increase in surgical treatments. Most cases of acute mastoiditis had responded well to medical management alone. The
authors concluded that tympanocentesis for middle ear culture may become more valuable and more frequently used
in cases of antibiotic treatment failures, and surgical therapy
may be necessary more often in the future.
Kvaerner et al78 studied the variation and characteristics
of acute mastoiditis in 399 children aged 0 to 16 years in
Norway. The study was based on a registry with complete
data on hospitalization for acute mastoiditis and cortical
mastoidectomy in Norway during 1999-2005. The incidence
of acute mastoiditis in children younger than 2 years ranged

from 13.5 to 16.8 per 100,000 during the study period.

Corresponding numbers for children aged 2 to 16 years
were 4.3 to 7.1 per 100,000 children. No increased incidence was found during the study period. Age-specific incidence revealed a peak during the second and third year of
life, and acute mastoiditis was most common in boys.
Cortical mastoidectomy was equally common in the young
and older age groups; 22% received surgery. Despite the
introduction of restrictive Norwegian guidelines for antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media in children 1 year and
older, the data did not give evidence for an increase in acute
Palma et al79 in Italy investigated the clinical features
and outcomes of acute mastoiditis in children during 19942005. Fifty-five cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria.
Twenty-six patients were treated only with antibiotic therapy, tympanocentesis alone was performed in 11 cases, and
a ventilation tube was positioned in 5 cases. Mastoidectomy
was performed in 13 patients. The group who underwent
mastoidectomy had a median hospital stay of 15 days
(range, 5-54 days). In this group, the following complications were found: meningitis (n = 1), meningo-encephalitis
(n = 1), lateral and sigmoid sinus thrombosis (n = 1), and
facial palsy (n = 1). Their experience could not confirm a
real increase of the incidence, but they noted periodic variations during the time of observation. They concluded that it
is important that careful attention is paid to the clinical
assessment of children who are 2 years or younger, as they
seem to be more exposed to the risk of clinical complications; therefore, it is highly recommended that the otologist
and the pediatrician collaborate closely.
Roddy et al80 compared the etiology of mastoiditis in the
prepneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) era (1995-2000)
and post-PCV era (2001 to April 2005) to guide empiric antimicrobial therapy in the pediatric emergency department.
Retrospective chart review was done on all patients admitted
with a diagnosis of mastoiditis from January 1995 to April
2005. Of the 122 charts reviewed, 68 were pre-PCV and 54
post-PCV. Etiological agents were determined by culture
results in 60 patients. The most common bacterial isolates
were S pneumoniae (n = 24), P aeruginosa (n = 12), S
aureus (n = 12), Streptococcus pyogenes (n = 8), and H
influenzae (n = 2). Acute mastoiditis was diagnosed in 93
patients, and chronic mastoiditis (defined as 3 weeks of
symptoms) was diagnosed in 29 patients. Streptococcus
pneumoniae was more likely to be implicated in acute vs
chronic mastoiditis (odds ratio, 9.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-52.2; P = 0.01). Pseudomonas aeruginosa was
more frequently implicated in chronic vs acute mastoiditis.
There was no difference in the proportion of pediatric mastoiditis cases caused by S pneumoniae in the pre-PCV vs
post-PCV eras.
Geva et al81 studied 144 consecutive children hospitalized for acute mastoiditis between 1991 and 2002. All children were treated with parenteral antibiotics (conservative
management). Myringotomy was performed in 35% of episodes at the discretion of the otolaryngologist on call. The

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children who underwent myringotomy were significantly

younger (22.4 vs 28.8 months; P = .028) and had more complications (n = 17 vs n = 8; P \ .001). Complications overall occurred in 16% of episodes. Performing myringotomy
had no significant effect on the duration of hospital stay.
Children pretreated with antibiotics underwent significantly
less myringotomies. There were no significant differences
between children who underwent myringotomy and those
who did not with regard to white blood cell (WBC) count or
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). These findings suggest that myringotomy may not be required in all cases of
acute mastoiditis. Parenteral antibiotics are sufficient in
most cases. Criteria for myringotomy may include a younger
age. Conservative management resulted in good outcomes in
this series.
Ho et al82 determined the relationship between prior antibiotic use and the development of acute mastoiditis (AM) in
children. They identified 129 patients with AM who were
admitted to their center between 1996 and 2000. A total of
only 67 patients (52%) had undergone any antimicrobial
treatment prior to hospital admission. In 1996, 7 of 11
(64%) of patients with AM had received antibiotics for AOM
prior to admission, but this number had steadily decreased to
4 of 15 (27%) by 2005. The yearly number of cases of AM
treated in their institution remained stable over this period. A
subperiosteal abscess was identified in 45 patients (35%).
Nineteen patients with a subperiosteal abscess (42%) and 48
patients without a subperiosteal abscess (57%) had undergone
prehospitalization antimicrobial therapy for suppurative
AOM. There was no significant difference in antibiotic use
between the numbers of patients with or without a subperiosteal abscess. Use of antibiotics to treat suppurative AOM in
children might not influence the subsequent development of
Ongkasuwan et al83 reviewed the medical charts (including the number of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine doses)
between January 1995 and June 2007 and studied the
impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal mastoiditis in children at Texas Childrens Hospital.
Isolates were serotyped with the capsular swelling method.
Forty-one pneumococcal mastoiditis cases were identified,
and 19A (n = 19) was the most common serotype. Before
the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (from
1995-1999), 0 of 12 cases were 19A. Between April 2000
and October 2006, 15 cases of pneumococcal mastoiditis
occurred, and 5 were 19A. Fourteen cases of pneumococcal
mastoiditis occurred between November 2006 and June
2007, all of which were 19A. Mastoiditis caused by 19A
isolates was more likely to present with subperiosteal
abscess and was more likely to need intraoperative mastoidectomy than was mastoiditis caused by non-19A isolates.
At Texas Childrens Hospital, 19A has become the predominant serotype causing pneumococcal mastoiditis, partly
related to the emergence of multidrug-resistant clonal complex 271 strains.
Stahelin-Massik et al84 performed a prospective, observational study in children younger than 16 years presenting to

their institution during the 2-year period beginning in April

2000. The children were examined and their condition
treated in accordance with a standardized protocol elaborated by the pediatric, otolaryngology, and radiology departments. Thirty-eight patients were hospitalized (22 with
acute mastoiditis, 7 with subacute mastoiditis, and 9 with
chronic mastoiditis). There were 30 complications present
in 21 patients (55%). Streptococcus pyogenes was the most
common pathogen (7/24 cases), followed by S pneumoniae
(4/24 cases). Mastoid surgery was performed in 29 patients.
Histology of mastoid tissue revealed predominantly acute
inflammation in 2 cases, mixed acute/chronic inflammation
in 19 cases, and predominantly chronic inflammation in 7
cases. Radiologic data were evaluated retrospectively.
Histological evidence suggests that subacute/chronic infection underlies not only subacute and chronic mastoiditis but
most cases of acute mastoiditis as well. The authors concluded that spiral, volume-based, high-resolution computed
tomography of the temporal bone is effective in ruling out
van den Aardweg et al85 made a comprehensive literature
search of studies on the diagnosis of acute mastoiditis in
children published between January 1980 and September
2007. The study type and setting, diagnostic criteria for
acute mastoiditis, disease-specific history, presenting otologic and systemic signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and final diagnosis were identified. The initial search
resulted in 1057 articles. The inclusion criteria were met in
65; 44 were retrospective case series, and 21 were case
reports. These studies included 2109 children with a median
age of 32 months (range, 0 months to 18 years). Only 26 of
65 articles reported the criteria upon which the diagnosis of
acute mastoiditis in children was based. The criteria most
frequently used were the clinical signs of postauricular
swelling, erythema, tenderness, and protrusion of the auricle. The most frequently used imaging modality was CT
scanning (reported in 39 of 65 studies, performed in 68% of
patients). The most frequently used laboratory test was
WBC count (100% of patients in 45 of 65 studies). In 63
studies, the result of culturing from the otomastoid was
reported: S pneumoniae was the most frequently isolated
bacterium. The authors concluded that there is a lack of
consensus regarding the criteria and strategies for diagnosing acute mastoiditis in the pediatric population. It is crucial
that such criteria are established and consensus is achieved
so that prognostic and controlled studies can be initiated to
identify risk factors and establish the most effective management of this condition in children.
Bilavsky et al86 collected data from computerized files
on all children who were hospitalized at a tertiary center for
acute mastoiditis over a 5-year period. Findings were compared between those with simple mastoiditis vs cases with
intra- or extracranial complications. Of the 308 children
with acute mastoiditis, 55 (18%) had complicated disease.
This group was characterized by a significantly higher maximal fever at presentation and higher absolute neutrophil
count and C-reactive protein level than the children with

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OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery 148(4S)

simple disease. There was no statistically significant

between-group difference in age, history of otitis media,
prior antibiotic treatment, days of illness before presentation, absolute leukocyte count, and platelet count. No difference was detected between the groups with regard to
penicillin and ceftriaxone susceptibility of the S pneumoniae
isolates. High absolute neutrophil count and high C-reactive
protein level may serve as clinical and laboratory markers
of complicated mastoiditis. Children with these findings
warrant close follow-up and, perhaps, earlier surgical
Finnbogadottir et al87 evaluated the incidence of mastoiditis in Iceland at the University Hospital, especially in
children, and the possible correlation with antibiotic usage.
Patients with mastoiditis during 1984-2002 were identified,
and information on antibiotic usage in children during
1989-2002 was obtained. Eighty-four patients were diagnosed with mastoiditis during 1984-2002, 52 (62%) of
whom were younger than 18 years. Twenty-six (50%) children were younger than 3 years. During 1999-2002, 28
children were diagnosed with mastoiditis, of whom 15 (54%)
were diagnosed with otitis media within a week prior to
admission, and 11 (73%) were treated with antibiotics.
During 1989-2002, a correlation was detected between
decreased antibiotic usage in children and increased incidence
of mastoiditis. Following changes in guidelines for antibiotic
prescriptions for otitis media in Iceland during the 1990s,
antibiotic usage decreased, but the incidence of mastoiditis
increased. It is uncertain if this is a causal relationship. It is
important to treat otitis media correctly while being alert for
complications, especially in young children.
Flohr and Schultz88 provided anthropologic evidence
about how common acute mastoiditis was in earlier historical and prehistoric times. In this study, osseous changes
because of mastoiditis were diagnosed in 83% of the temporal bones. Males were more often affected than females.
But interestingly, it was reported that older individuals had
mastoiditis more often than younger individuals. The
authors concluded that the high frequency of mastoiditis
observed, particularly in the adults, was most likely due to
an accumulation of osseous changes during individual lifetimes, supporting the hypothesis that mastoiditis was a serious health problem in preantibiotic times.
Hence, as stated by Flohr et al,89 for evaluation of mastoid cells, discrimination of primary or secondary hypocellularity seems to be important. The authors stated that
mastoid hypocellularity can be caused by poor development
of air cells during infancy and early childhood (primary
hypocellularity) or by obliteration of air cells with bone
during later life (secondary hypocellularity). The first is
characterized by a poorly defined boundary between the
pneumatized portion and the nonpneumatized portion and a
trabecular thickening in the spongy bone of the latter. The
second shows a well-defined boundary between the pneumatized portion and the nonpneumatized portion and normal
spongy bone architecture in the latter. The key feature for
the diagnosis of secondary hypocellularity is the recognition

of the walls of former air cells. The authors point out that
their observations closely match the histopathological find ber die normale und
ings by Wittmaack (Wittmaack K: U
die pathologische Pneumatisation des Schlafenbeins. Jena,
Germany: Gustav Fischer; 1918), who developed the concept of the normal pneumatization process of the temporal
bone and the pathogenesis of aberrant pneumatization.
Mallur et al90 determined the clinical characteristics and
treatment outcomes of an unusual cluster of intracranial
complications seen in AM. They performed a retrospective
review of pediatric patients treated for AM in a tertiary care
hospital from March 2006 to March 2007. Eleven children,
6 months to 10 years of age (mean age, 3.8 years), were
treated for AM confirmed by computed tomography, which
identified asymptomatic intracranial complications in 8 of
the 11 patients: these were sigmoid sinus thrombosis (4
patients), epidural abscess (4), perisigmoid abscess or bony
erosion (2), and tegmen mastoideum dehiscence (1). All
patients required operative intervention with tympanomastoidectomy, although only 2 patients required neurosurgical
intervention, consisting of evacuation of epidural abscess
and sigmoid sinus thrombosis, respectively. Although
uncommon, intracranial complications of AM may present
without clinical signs or symptoms. Computed tomography
of the temporal bone with contrast is essential for identifying asymptomatic complications. Mastoidectomy remains
the mainstay of surgical treatment.
Pang et al91 studied 79 episodes of AM, managed in 76
patients in a pediatric population, in a review of 11 years of
experience in management. Prehospital treatment was commenced by the family practitioner or district hospital doctor
in 53 of 79 patients. In 33 episodes, a previous history of
acute otitis media was noted (42%). Complications were
found in 30 episodes (38%), and 36 episodes (46%) required
surgical treatment. The authors suggested that children with
acute mastoiditis should be managed in centers where
timely and complete medical and surgical treatment is
Thompson et al92 conducted a retrospective cohort study
by using the UK General Practice Research Database.
Children aged 3 months to 15 years between 1990 and 2006
were included. Risk of mastoiditis within 3 months after
otitis media diagnosis and the protective effect of antibiotics
were determined. There were 2,622,348 children within the
General Practice Research Database; 854 had mastoiditis,
only one-third of whom (36%) had antecedent otitis media.
Mastoiditis incidence remained stable between 1990 and
2006 (approximately 1.2 per 10,000 child-years). Risk of
mastoiditis, after otitis media, was 1.8 per 10,000 episodes
(139 of 792,623) after antibiotics compared with 3.8 per
10,000 (149 of 389,649) without antibiotics and increased
with age. Antibiotics halved the risk of mastoiditis. General
practitioners would need to treat 4831 otitis media episodes
with antibiotics to prevent 1 child from developing mastoiditis. If antibiotics were no longer prescribed for otitis
media, an extra 255 cases of childhood mastoiditis would
occur, but there would be 738,775 fewer antibiotic

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prescriptions per year in the United Kingdom. The high

number of episodes of otitis media needing treatment to
prevent 1 case of acute mastoiditis precludes the treatment
of otitis media as a strategy for preventing mastoiditis.
Although mastoiditis is a serious disease, most children
make an uncomplicated recovery after mastoidectomy or
intravenous antibiotics. Treating these additional otitis
media episodes could pose a larger public health problem
in terms of antibiotic resistance.
Thorne et al93 studied 87 children (age \18 years) with
acute mastoiditis treated at their institution over 2000-2007.
Acute mastoiditis was defined by evidence of inflammation
in the middle ear space and signs of mastoid inflammation
(postauricular swelling, redness, or tenderness) or radiographic evidence of destruction of mastoid air cells, sigmoid
sinus thrombosis, or abscess formation. Patients with underlying cholesteatoma were excluded. The frequency of cases
of acute mastoiditis was positively correlated with calendar
time, both for all cases of acute mastoiditis (Spearman rank
correlation, r = 0.73; P = .04) and for cases of mastoid subperiosteal abscess (r = 0.96; P \ .001). The authors
observed an increase in the frequency of cases of acute mastoiditis with subperiosteal abscess seen at their institution
over the study period, controlling for case volume. These
findings suggest an increase in incidence, although further
population-based studies are required to definitively evaluate this possibility.
Abdel-Aziz and El-Hoshy94 studied 19 children aged
9 months to 11 years. Medical management alone was
performed in 5 cases (26%), 7 cases (37%) needed tympanostomy, and 7 cases (37%) had cortical mastoidectomy with
tympanostomy. The authors concluded that conservative
management is an effective treatment of noncomplicated
acute mastoiditis, but tympanostomy should be considered if
there is no response within 48 hours. Cortical mastoidectomy
should be used with medical management in complicated
Croche Santander et al95 investigated acute mastoiditis
among 145 patients, of whom 54% received preadmission
oral antibiotics, mainly b-lactamase. The most frequently
presenting clinical findings were fever (78%), ear displacement (74%), otalgia (72%), and postauricular swelling
(70%). Microbiological cultures were performed in 53
cases; S pneumoniae was the most isolated microorganism.
Computed tomography scans were performed in 57% of
cases. All patients received parenteral antibiotic treatment
with a median duration of treatment of 5 days. Surgery was
performed on 33%. Of the patients, 13% had extracranial
and 8% had intracranial complications. A significant
increase in intracranial complications was detected in the
second half of the study period.
In Greenland, Home et al96 reported that the incidence of acute mastoiditis was comparable to the incidence elsewhere, although AOM occurred more
frequently among small children in the Greenlandic population. Median age was 14 months (range, 5-105 months),
and 8 were female (72%). Seven of 10 were exclusively

treated with antibiotics, and 3 underwent additional ear

surgery. Bacteriological examination was performed in 5
of 10. One 8-month-old girl presented with a temporary
facial nerve paralysis and was treated with intravenous
antibiotics. In one 8-year-old girl with signs of meningitis, an acute CT scan showed a cerebellar abscess and a
thrombosis in the lateral sigmoid sinus vein. An extensive
cholesteatoma was found and eradicated during surgery.
Six weeks later, the patient returned home with a maximal conductive hearing loss as the only complication. All
patients recovered from the disease.
Lin et al97 reviewed other studies of acute mastoiditis
and presented an overview of the anatomical and pathophysiological considerations in acute mastoiditis. They suggested that with thorough clinical evaluations, early
diagnosis, and close follow-up, a large proportion of children with severe acute otitis media or early stage mastoiditis
can be managed in the primary care setting without immediate surgical specialty involvement.
Navazo-Egua et al98 retrospectively reviewed 61 acute
mastoiditis cases diagnosed in children younger than 14 years
between 1996 and 2008. Prehospital antibacterial agent therapy had been administered in 56% of the cases. Culture of
middle ear effusions revealed S pneumoniae in 40%, H influenzae in 2%, S aureus in 12.5%, P aeruginosa in 8%, and
sterile in 37.5%. Of the pneumococcal isolates, 26% were
resistant to penicillin or third-generation cephalosporins.
Of the patients, 93% responded well to antibacterial therapy alone or with tympanostomy. There were complications in 12%. Mastoid surgery was performed in 4
Quesnel et al99 recently conducted a retrospective study
of acute mastoiditis in 188 children. The most frequently
isolated germs were S pneumoniae (51%), S pyogenes
(11.5%), Anaerobes (6.5%), and coagulase-negative
Staphylococcus (6.5%). All the patients were hospitalized
and received intravenous antibiotics, and 36% (n = 68)
underwent surgery. Several surgical procedures were necessary in 4 cases (2%). Acute mastoiditis recurrences requiring a second hospitalization were observed in 8 patients
(4%). The only complication was lateral sinus thrombosis
(n = 6; 3%). Surgical failures, requiring more than 1 surgical procedure, were more frequent in cases that had (1)
Anaerobes or Gram-negative bacteria in microbiological
samples and (2) surgical drainage without mastoidectomy.
Recurrences were more frequent in AM due to S pneumoniae. The authors point out that if surgery is indicated, it
must encompass a mastoidectomy; broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotic treatment must cover the most commonly
involved germs and secondarily be adapted to the results
of microbiological samples. If the infection is not controlled after 48 hours of intravenous antibiotic therapy, a
mastoidectomy has to be performed.
Rodriguez et al100 reported treatment of acute mastoiditis
in children with CI. Among 248 children, 5 patients developed acute mastoiditis (2%), 3 of them with subperiosteal
abscess (1%). The mean age of implantation was 2 years

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OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery 148(4S)

and 4 months, and the complication presented between 1 and

33 months postimplantation. Four patients had episodes of
serous otitis preimplantation. The mean age of AM patients
was 3 years and 4 months. The CI type was nucleus in all
cases. Conservative management is suggested for AM and
subperiosteal abscess in children with CI. Surgical treatment
should be avoided to prevent CI contamination. The first
option is intravenous antibiotics and simple puncture of the
abscess. If surgical drainage is needed, the authors recommended radiological study to locate the CI electrodes.
Stenfeldt and Hermansson101 studied the occurrence,
treatment policy, and clinical course of mastoiditis before
and after the new treatment recommendations for acute
otitis media were introduced in Sweden. Included in the
study were all patients who were admitted to 2 ear, nose,
and throat (ENT) departments in southern Sweden for acute
mastoiditis from 1996 to 2005. A total of 42 cases of mastoiditis were identified: 23 during the first period of 19962000 and 19 during 2001-2005. Mastoidectomy was performed in 14 patients during the first period and in 8 during
the second period. As many as 39% of patients with mastoiditis received antibiotics before hospital care but had no
improvement. There was no indication that the number of
patients with acute mastoiditis increased after the new treatment recommendation for AOM. There was no increase in
the occurrence of mastoidectomy. Severe complications of
mastoiditis were rare. It is important to follow up the consequences when treatment recommendations of AOM have
been changed.
Tamir et al102 reviewed the medical files of pediatric
patients who had AM from 2005 to 2007. Fifty patients
were identified. The sex distribution was equal, and the
ages ranged from 4 months to 12 years. Of the 46 patients
who were admitted to the institution, only 2 underwent CT
scanning on admission, and 4 other patients had CT performed during hospitalization. The majority of patients
(92%) with AM did not have a CT scan performed and
were treated conservatively with no complications. In most
pediatric patients, CT does not seem to be indispensable in
the diagnosis of AM. Conservative therapy and close
follow-up seem to suffice for most.
Facial paralysis. Thorne et al103 presented a case of
delayed facial paresis after tympanomastoidectomy for
chronic otitis media in a pediatric patient with a clinical
course consistent with viral reactivation.
Shiva and Balasubramanian104 reported a case of COM
and facial paralysis as a presenting feature of Wegeners
granulomatosis. They reported a 40-year-old woman who
presented with complaints of ear discharge, deep-seated ear
pain, and loss of hearing in her right ear and suggested that
early diagnosis demands heightened suspicion.
In a Spanish study by Santa Cruz Ruiz et al,105 facial
paralysis of infectious origin in patients receiving CI was
reported. The authors showed 3 patients who underwent CI
surgery at their department and who presented peripheral
facial paralysis secondary to AOM. Treatment consists of
parenteral antibiotic and corticosteroid treatment. Prognosis

is favorable, with a total recovery of facial function in 1 or

more months.
Wang et al106 conducted a study on facial palsy in children with regard to emergency department management and
outcome. Among 85 patients, 60% of the patients were
male, and 65.9% were admitted to the hospital. Bells palsy
(50.6%) was the most common etiology followed by infectious (22.4%), traumatic (16.5%), congenital (7.1%), and
neoplastic etiologies (3.5%). Patients with Bells palsy had
shorter recovery times (P = .049), and traumatic cases
required a longer time for recovery (P = .016). Acute otitis
mediarelated pediatric facial nerve paralysis (FNP) had
shorter recovery times than nonAOM-related cases (P =
.005) in the infectious group. Patients given steroid therapy
did not have a shorter recovery time (P = .237) or a better
recovery (P = .269). There was no difference in the recovery rate of pediatric patients with Bells palsy who were
hospitalized or not hospitalized (P = .952). The authors concluded that Bells palsy, infection, and trauma are the most
common etiologies of pediatric FNP; recovery times are
shorter in pediatric patients with Bells palsy and AOMrelated FNP, whereas recovery takes longer in traumatic
cases; steroid therapy does not seem beneficial for pediatric
FNP; and hospitalization is not indicated for pediatric
patients with Bells palsy.
Yonamine et al107 studied 40 patients with coexisting
acute otitis media, from a total of 2758 cases of facial paralysis seen in the department for facial nerve disorders. The
authors reported that the paralysis was of sudden onset in
95% of the cases. Recovery was of 85% for grade I (HouseBrackmann) and 15% for grade II (House-Brackmann).
Treatment was clinical, with antibiotics and steroids yielding
good results. In those patients with electrical testing indicating bad prognosis, facial nerve decompression turned their
prognosis into a favorable one.
Scardapane et al108 reported a 4-year-old child who was
admitted for facial nerve palsy and abducens nerve palsy
subsequent to a 2-week persistent pain in the right ear. The
child was eventually diagnosed with Gradenigos syndrome
with lateral venous sinus thrombosis. Symptoms completely
resolved with conservative management.
Ozbek et al109 reported a study on the management of
facial nerve paralysis in noncholesteatomatous chronic otitis
media. Among 13 patients, 6 had dehiscence of the fallopian
canal, whereas the bony canal was intact in the remaining
patients. Decompression of the facial nerve was not performed in 5 of 7 ears with an intact fallopian canal. Four
ears underwent total decompression from the geniculate
ganglion to the stylomastoid foramen, whereas the remaining 4 ears underwent partial nerve decompression.
However, statistical analysis did not show any difference in
recovery between the patients with surgical decompression
and those without decompression (P = .171). All patients
not receiving decompression had successful outcomes (80%
classified as grade I and 20% as grade II). The authors concluded that all patients not receiving decompression had
successful outcomes; intravenous antibiotic treatment in

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conjunction with steroid therapy is the mainstay management of facial paralysis due to chronic otitis media without
cholesteatoma, and it is therefore not necessary to decompress the facial nerve in cases of facial paralysis in noncholesteatomatous chronic otitis media.

Intracranial Complications
Isaacson et al110 investigated pediatric otogenic intracranial
abscesses. An inpatient database was queried for the following diagnostic codes from 2000 to 2008: petrositis (383.2),
acute mastoiditis (383), labyrinthitis (386.3), facial paralysis
(Bells palsy) (351.0), facial nerve disorder unspecified
(351.9), other facial nerve disorders (351.8), subperiosteal
abscess (383.01), Gradenigos syndrome (383.02), meningitis (320), extradural or subdural abscess (324.9), intracranial
abscess (324.0), thrombosis of intracranial venous sinus
(325), and otic hydrocephalus (348.2). Forty patients were
identified with an otogenic intracranial complication. Thirty
patients had evidence of an intraparenchymal, epidural, subdural, or petrous apex suppurative complication of otitis
media. Eighty percent of patients had a canal wall-up mastoidectomy, 10% patients had a craniotomy without a mastoidectomy, and 10% patients were managed with
intravenous antibiotics with or without pressure equalization
tubes. The authors showed that in selected cases, patients
with intracranial abscesses can be managed with intravenous
antibiotics without mastoidectomy. The use of canal wall-up
mastoidectomy is an acceptable alternative to radical mastoidectomy when surgical intervention is necessary.
Lin et al111 investigated the prevalence of chronic otitis
media and its complication rates in teenagers and adult
patients. Complications secondary to COM were identified
in a total of 115 patients. The incidence of COM in adults
decreased per year (R2 = 0.845; P \ .001) from 1998 to
2007. The mean age of patients with COM increased from
44.67 to 49.43 years (linear regression; R2 = 0.896; P \
.001). The prevalence of COM decreased considerably.
However, the annual extracranial complication rate (R2 =
0.109; P = .352) and intracranial rate (R2 = 0.382; P = .057)
have not decreased during the past 10 years. The authors
concluded that the complication rate for COM has remained
steady in the past 10 years, regardless of the overall reduction in the prevalence of COM with the use of antibiotics. A
high index of suspicion and imaging studies for early identification are recommended. Pneumococcal vaccination is
recommended, particularly for elderly patients who are
treated conservatively because of relatively poor general
health conditions.
Mustafa et al112 studied complications of COM with
cholesteatoma during a 10-year period in Kosovo. Among
91 patients (60.4% men and 39.6% women), 1 or 2 complications were recorded. Extracranial (EC) complications
were observed in 57.1%, and intracranial (IC) complications were seen in 31.9%. Eleven percent had multiple
complications. For the IC cases, meningitis (19.7%) and
perisinus abscess (15.3%) were the most common complications. The most often isolated pathogen from ear swabs

was Proteus mirabilis in 33.3% of cases. The most frequent

radiological diagnostic procedures were mastoid tip X-rays,
which were performed in 77% of the patients, and computed
tomography in 24%; magnetic resonance imaging was not
performed on any of the patients during the study period. In
this series, 3.3% died as a result of complications, whereas
the remaining 96.7% survived. Complications of COM with
cholesteatoma can represent life-threatening conditions, and
close cooperation between otosurgeons, neurosurgeons, and
infectious disease specialists is mandatory.
Wanna et al113 also reported management of intracranial
complications as a result of otogenic infections. Ten cases
reviewed had intracranial complications. Five patients had
brain abscesses, 1 patient had a subdural empyema, and 4
patients had lateral sinus thrombosis. The authors indicated
that broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics for 6 weeks are
usually sufficient treatment. Management of the intracranial
disease takes precedence, but direct drainage of the abscess
may not be necessary if a patients symptoms, neurologic
status, and radiographic findings progress favorably.
In Papua New Guinea, Dubey et al114 showed intracranial
spread of chronic middle ear suppuration. In 32 patients,
otitic meningitis, the commonest intracranial complication,
was seen in 43.7%; lateral sinus thrombosis in 31.2%; cerebellar abscess in 18.7%; epidural abscess in 21.8%; perisinus
abscess in 15.6%; cerebral abscess and interhemispheric
abscess in 6.2%; and subdural abscess, otitic hydrocephalus,
and otogenic cavernous sinus thrombosis in 3.1%. The
authors emphasized that infected thrombus in the dural
venous sinus should be removed to prevent dissemination of
septic emboli.
Ibrahim et al115 reported the incidence of meningitis secondary to suppurative OM in adults. Eighty-seven cases of
meningitis from 1997 to 2002 were analyzed retrospectively. Acute and chronic suppurative OM accounted for 13
and 3 cases, respectively. The overall mortality rate was
5.7%. The authors showed that the incidence of otogenic
meningitis was 0.42 per 100,000 per year.
Damergis et al116 reported a case of otogenic pneumococcal meningitis with pneumocephalus. A 33-year-old man
with Crohns disease and azathioprine use presented to their
emergency department with progressive headache while
taking antibiotics for OM. Initial computed tomography
scan of the brain revealed pneumocephaly, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis and culture diagnosed pneumococcal
meningitis. The authors stated that meningitis has been a
rare complication of S pneumoniae infections since the
advent of antibiotics; however, it may become more frequent with increasing antibiotic resistance and a growing
population of immunocompromised patients. They also
stated that pneumocephalus in the setting of meningitis and
otitis media should raise the suspicion for mastoiditis (even
without overt clinical findings), and early consultation with
an otolaryngologist is warranted.
Lesnakova et al117 investigated how many cases of bacterial meningitis in their national survey were associated
with sinusitis or OM. Among 372 cases of bacterial

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OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery 148(4S)

meningitis within their nationwide 17-year survey, 201 were

community-acquired meningitis (CBM), and in 20%, OM or
acute/chronic sinusitis was reported 1 to 5 weeks before
onset of CBM. Diabetes mellitus (20% vs 7.5%; P = .01),
alcohol abuse (35% vs 15.4%; P = .003), and trauma (30%
vs 14.9%; P = .02) were significantly associated with CBM
after ENT infections. Concerning etiology, CBM after
sinusitis/otitis was not significantly associated with pneumococcal etiology (50% vs 33.8%; NS) and significantly
associated with other (Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus
agalactiae) bacterial agents (9.9% vs 25%; P = .008).
However, those significant differences for new ENT-related
CBM had no impact on mortality (12.4% vs 5%; NS), failure
after initial antibiotics (10% vs 9.5%; NS), and neurologic
sequelae (12.5% vs 15.4%; NS).
Slovik et al118 investigated the role of surgery in the
management of otogenic meningitis. Two patients had an
emergency mastoidectomy, and 1 patient underwent surgery
1 month postrecovery due to the suspicion of bone erosion
on a CT scan. In 2 cases, a canal wall-up procedure was
performed, and 1 patient underwent revision of a radical
mastoidectomy. In all cases, no pus or granulations were
seen in the mastoid. Two patients fully recovered, and 1
patient died.
In a retrospective study by Bales et al,119 the authors
reviewed medical charts of 13 patients diagnosed with otogenic lateral sinus thrombosis. The diagnosis was made by
using CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/venography. Treatments included MT placement, simple mastoidectomy, intravenous antibiotics, and anticoagulation.
Posthospitalization follow-up data revealed no significant
long-term complications. The authors emphasized that neurologic, rather than otologic, symptoms may dominate in
children. In particular, signs and symptoms of sixth or
seventh nerve impairment and raised intracranial pressure
may be important clues to the diagnosis.
Christensen et al120 reported a review of 7 cases of lateral sinus thrombosis and proposed a management algorithm. All patients underwent MRI with venography (MRV)
for diagnosis. All patients were admitted to the hospital and
treated with antibiotics. Five of 7 were treated with simple
mastoidectomy and concurrent middle ear ventilation tubes,
and 2 of 7 received only medical treatment. Two patients
had long-term sequelae: one had persistent mild lateral gaze
diplopia, and another had unilateral moderate to severe
high-frequency SNHL loss. Six of 7 patients had follow-up
imaging. Four of 6 patients showed recanalization of the lateral sinus on repeat imaging. The authors concluded that lateral sinus thrombosis is an uncommon cranial complication
of OM, and the advent of noninvasive diagnosis and effective broad-spectrum antibiotics has drastically decreased the
mortality and altered the diagnostic and treatment paradigm.
Bravo et al121 reported mastoiditis complicated with
Gradenigos syndrome and a hypertrophic pachymeningitis
with consequent communicating hydrocephalus. Documented
by the development of clinical findings, magnetic resonance
imaging, cerebrospinal fluid changes, histopathology findings,

otosurgical intervention, and finally the insertion of a

ventriculo-peritoneal shunt, the case illustrates a gradual
development of pachymeningitis with consequent hydrocephalus and intracranial hypertension.
Isildak et al122 presented a case with sigmoid sinus
thrombosis of the sinus due to compression following surgical injury. The patient presented to the authors care with
otitic hydrocephalus, increased intracranial pressure, papilledema, oculomotor and abducens nerve palsy, and severe
right-side visual loss as prominent features. The authors
stated that the frequency of sigmoid sinus hypoplasia
reported in the literature is about 17%, and considering the
possibility of postoperative intracranial hypertension, sigmoid sinus and jugular bulb surgeries were contraindicated
in a case with contralateral sigmoid sinus hypoplasia.
de Oliveira Penido et al123 reported on the presentation,
treatment, and clinical course of 8 patients with otogenic
lateral sinus thrombosis. Fever, headache, and cranial nerve
paralysis were the main clinical manifestations associated
with coexisting mastoiditis, meningitis, and cerebellar and
epidural abscess. All patients underwent mastoidectomy and
were given broad-spectrum antibiotics for 2 months. Four
patients were anticoagulated, and all patients experienced
complete clinical recovery without sequelae.
Alaani et al124 retrospectively proposed a transtemporal
approach to otogenic brain abscesses. Five children had
acute middle ear disease and had an extended cortical mastoidectomy approach to both intracranial pathology and ear
disease. One adult patient had a petrous apex cholesteatoma
and underwent petrosectomy, followed by transtemporal
abscess drainage. All patients were treated by mastoidectomy and needle aspiration to drain the abscesses. The
authors concluded that this approach has a low complication
rate and avoids the need for a craniotomy or subsequent
Morwani and Jayashankar125 reported the management of
otogenic intracranial abscess with a single-stage, transmastoid approach. Among 73 patients, 12 were lost to follow-up
and were excluded from the study. Adults were more commonly affected by otogenic intracranial abscess than children, with a male preponderance. Otogenic intracranial
abscess was associated with both cholesteatomatous (41%)
and noncholesteatomatous ears (59%). All cases were treated
with transmastoid drainage of the intracranial abscess and
canal wall-up or wall-down tympanomastoidectomy, depending on the ear pathology. Of the patients, 3% had postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage, 3% had meningitis, and 5%
of patients had recurrent abscess; 3% of the patients died but
were included in the study. Three patients had residual
abscess, which improved with additional management. The
authors suggested that single-stage transmastoid drainage of
the intracranial abscess and concurrent treatment of the otogenic pathology is an effective treatment for otogenic intracranial abscess.
Erdogan and Cansever126 reported a review on pyogenic
brain abscess. Surgical treatment options showed no significant difference with respect to mortality levels, but lower

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morbidity rates were achieved with stereotactically guided

aspiration. Decompression with stereotactically guided aspiration, antibiotic therapy based on results of pus culture, and
repeated aspirations if indicated from results of periodic CT
follow-up scans seem to be the most appropriate treatment
modality for brain abscesses. Immunosuppression and comorbidities, initial neurological status, and intraventricular rupture were significant factors influencing the outcomes of
Yilmaz et al127 reported a case report on cerebellar
abscess and meningitis caused by Shewanella putrefaciens
and Klebsiella pneumoniae associated with COM in a river
trap fisherman. Shewanella putrefaciens is a facultatively
anaerobic, nonmotile, Gram-negative, nonfermentative bacterium, and it is a rare cause of brain abscesses and

Implications for Practice

8. The mechanism of ossicular erosion and fixation

associated with COM with and without cholesteatoma needs to be investigated.
9. The etiopathogenesis of vestibular disturbances
associated with OM should be clarified.
10. The transient and long-term effects of inflammatory mediators of OM in the ME and the inner ear
need to be studied further.
11. Studies on the demographics, severity, and prevention of complications of OM in developing
countries need to be developed.
12. Consensus needs to be developed for the best
minimally invasive method of treatment for acute
complications of OM such as mastoiditis, facial
palsy, or intracranial involvement regarding mastoidectomy, myringotomy, and antibiotics.
Author Contributions

Over the past 4 years, progress has been made in advancing

the knowledge on the complications and sequelae of OM.
This knowledge can be used to prevent and treat complications and sequelae of OM more effectively. Areas of potential future research have been identified and outlined.

Goals for Future Research

Ultimate research goals are to identify ways to prevent complications and sequelae of otitis media and develop new
management strategies. The sequelae related to AOM,
OME, and treatment should be differentiated and studied
separately. The panel considered all areas of complications
and sequelae and came up with following list.
1. It is important to define early signs and symptoms of threatening complications such as mastoiditis, meningitis, epidural abscess, and sinus
2. It will be necessary to develop prospective monitoring on OM complications in the new era of
treatment guidelines.
3. Tympanic membrane atrophy, retraction pockets,
and adhesive OM have to be studied further clinically and in the new animal models.
4. The mechanism of tympanic membrane perforation and healing needs to be further clarified.
5. The pathogenesis of myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis needs to be clarified. Treatment methods to prevent these conditions need to be studied.
6. The pathogenesis and new treatment strategies of
suppurative OM with otorrhea need to be
7. Basic science and clinical research should focus on
the etiopathogenesis and behavior of cholesteatoma. Novel management methods to eradicate
cholesteatoma and prevent recurrence should be
developed. Refined imaging techniques need to be
further explored to prevent second-look surgery.

Timothy T. K. Jung, literature search and review, preparation and

discussion of the manuscript, correction and finalization; Cuneyt M.
Alper, literature search and review, preparation and discussion of
the manuscript; Sten O. Hellstrom, literature search and review,
preparation and discussion of the manuscript; Lisa L. Hunter, literature search and review, preparation and discussion of the manuscript; Margaretha L. Casselbrant, literature search and review,
preparation and discussion of the manuscript; Anita Groth, literature search and review, preparation and discussion of the manuscript; Yusuf K. Kemaloglu, literature search and review,
preparation and discussion of the manuscript; Sang Gyoon Kim, literature search and review, preparation and discussion of the manuscript; David Lim, literature search and review, preparation and
discussion of the manuscript; Susan Nittrouer, literature search and
review, preparation and discussion of the manuscript; Kee Hyun
Park, literature search and review, preparation and discussion of the
manuscript; Diane Sabo, literature search and review, preparation
and discussion of the manuscript; Jorge Spratley, literature search
and review, preparation and discussion of the manuscript.

Competing interests: None.
Sponsorships: None.
Funding source: None.

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