Coordes 2017
Coordes 2017
Coordes 2017
Annekatrin Coordes1, Sonja Maike Loose1, Veit M. Hofmann1, Grant S. Hamilton III
Mannheim, Germany
4 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW., Rochester, MN, USA
55905; Phone: (+49) 30 – 450 555 602; Fax: (+49) 30 - 450 555
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1111/coa.12977
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
"Compliance with Ethical Standards"
Objective of review: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the efficacy
and safety of surgical reconstruction in external nasal deformities and septal
perforation in GPA patients.
Search strategy: A systematic literature search with defined search terms was
performed for scientific articles archived in the MEDLINE-Database up to June 10th,
2016 (PubMed Advanced MEDLINE Search), describing management of cases or
case series in GPA patients with saddle nose deformity and/or septal perforation.
Results: Eleven of 614 publications met the criteria for this analysis including 41
GPA patients undergoing external nasal reconstruction and/ or septal reconstruction
with a median follow-up of 2.6 years. Overall, saddle nose reconstruction in GPA
patients is safe even if an increased rate of revision surgery has to be expected
compared with individuals without GPA undergoing septorhinoplasty. Most implanted
grafts were autografts of calvarial bone or costal cartilage. For septal perforation
reconstruction, few studies were available. Therefore, based upon the available data
for surgical outcomes, it is impossible to make evidence-based recommendations .
All included GPA patients had minimal or no local disease at the time of
reconstructive surgery. Therefore, the relationship between disease activity and its
impact on surgical outcomes remains unanswered. The potential impact of immune-
Conclusions: This study systematically reviews the efficacy and safety of surgical
Accepted Article
reconstruction of external nasal deformities in GPA patients for the first time. Saddle
nose reconstruction in GPA patients with minimal or no local disease is a safe
procedure despite an increased rate of revision surgery. Further research is required
regarding the impact of antibiotic prophylaxis, immune-modulating therapy, long-term
outcomes, and functional outcomes measured with subjective and objective
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), previously known as Wegener's
granulomatosis, is a systemic vasculitic disease characterized by necrotizing
granulomas and vasculitis of small and medium-sized vessels (1). The disorder was
first described by Klinger in 1931 (2) and by Wegener in 1939 (3). Klinger et al.
published the first description of a case of GPA, but called it atypical Polyarteriitis
nodosa, while Wegener described his cases as a separate granulomatous disease.
The mean age at initial diagnosis is 55 years. In Europe, an annual incidence of
10/1.000.000 has been reported (4, 5). The disorder classically involves the upper
airways, lungs and kidneys. The diagnosis is made through a combination of
physical examination, laboratory studies and tissue biopsy (6). The currently used
classification criteria for GPA diagnosis are based on a consensus paper (9).
Serologic testing includes the determination of antineutrophil cytoplasmatic
antibodies (cANCA) and proteinase 3 antibodies (anti-PR3). Staphylococcus aureus
superantigens are suspected to be involved in the production of PR3-ANCA (7).
Bacterial superinfection with Staphylococcus aureus has been recognized as a
potential risk factor for disease relapse (8).
This is the first study to systematically review the available data with regard to
efficacy and safety of surgical reconstruction of external nasal deformities in this
unique patient group.
The search was performed using the following "MeSH" terms for GPA: ´Wegener's
granulomatosis`, ´granulomatosis` AND ´polyangiitis`, ´granulomatosis with
polyangiitis`, ´wegeners` AND ´granulomatosis`.
The included studies evaluated the surgical treatment of nasal defects like the
saddle nose deformity and septal perforation in GPA. Included articles were
published in German, English and French. We excluded studies investigating
systemic diseases without any reference to GPA or extranasal manifestations in
GPA patients. Finally, we also marked studies with conflicts of interest (e.g.
manufacturers’ interests).
Data extraction
From all eligible studies, the relevant data was extracted by two of the authors (A.C.
and S.M.L.) independently. Discrepancies were discussed by both co-authors. All
relevant information was described and presented such as author information, date
of publication, time frame of the study, country, demographic characteristics of the
patients (age and sex), surgical management, and outcomes.
Saddle-nose deformity
Saddle-nose deformity was treated surgically in all included studies to improve both
functional and aesthetic outcomes. Surgical interventions were exclusively
performed in a state of remission. In all cases, grafts and/or flaps were used to
augment the structural cartilaginous and mucosal defects respectively, and the
temporary dermal filler Restylane® in one case.
Noguchi et al. (18) and Duffy et al. (20) suggested in 1991 and 1998 a technique
using costal cartilage for dorsal and septal support combined with bilateral well-
vascularized musculomucosal flaps for nasal lining replacement. To reconstruct the
nose internally, Noguchi et al. performed a transverse incision in the nasal dorsum
and used bilateral nasolabial flaps with the pedicles based on infraorbital vessels
(18). Duffy et al. performed bilateral lateral rhinotomy and used musculomucosal
flaps with blood supply from the facial artery (20). In both cases, a second procedure
was required to debulk the intranasal pedicles of the flaps to improve the intranasal
air passage. Both postoperative patients´ courses were uncomplicated. Additionally,
Noguchi et al. (18) planned an additional augmentation of the depressed anterior
nasal spine to improve the nasolabial angle. In the same time period in 1990, Pirsig
et al. (19) suggested a two step procedure. In a first step, the reconstruction of the
upper lateral cartilages of the nasal dorsum was performed using conchal cartilage
Vogt et al. (24) used an open rhinoplasty approach for restoration of the nasal
framework with an L-shaped rib cartilage graft. At the time of surgery, the disease
was in remission for all the patients except one with minimal local disease. The
external form and function of the reconstructed nose was preserved during the
follow-up without any signs of resorption of the rib cartilage grafts despite the
immunosuppressive medication of all four patients. The patients experienced good
aesthetic and functional results.
Sepehr et al. (25) published a series of 10 cases of GPA patients undergoing open
rhinoplasty with autologous costal cartilage grafts for reconstruction. Perioperative
antibiotics were not routinely used. Four patients suffered for postoperative
complications (40%). Two patients experienced local wound infection that was
responsive to antibiotics and two patients required revision rhinoplasty because of
graft resorption and columellar necrosis (primary success rate 80%, overall success
rate 100%). One of the patients requiring revision surgery experienced reactivation
of the disease 3 months postoperatively. Finally, the outcome was successful in both
function and form. The patients with more aggressive GPA and involvement of
multiple organ systems healed without any postoperative complications, however,
their involved physicians confirmed medically controlled disease in remission.
Qian et al. (26) performed an open rhinoplasty approach with L-shaped rib cartilage
grafts. Postoperatively one revision was performed for some minor asymmetry of the
nostrils. All patients experienced good aesthetic results. According to the local
institutional protocol. quiescent disease activity and a maximum acceptable dose of
10 mg Prednisolone daily was recommended at least six months prior to surgery.
Antibiotics were initially prescribed intravenously and then orally, in conjunction with
a topical antibiotic cream. In addition, intravenous dexamethasone was applied to
provide a steroid cover to reduce postoperative swelling and vomiting. This regimen
resulted in good outcomes and no infections. However, one patient experienced a
mild flare-up in GPA symptoms two months following the surgery which was
Bennett et al. 2010 (27) described a case of a patient with nasal collapse secondary
Accepted Article
to GPA with unstable disease who had benefited from the temporary dermal filler
Restylane® (hyaluronic acid) (Galderma Laboratories, L.P., Fort Worth, TX) whilst
awaiting formal nasal reconstruction.
Septal perforation
In the ten studies found for surgical saddle nose reconstruction, the septal
perforations were separately mentioned in case reports (18-21). Noguchi et al. (18)
and Duffy et al. (20) used well-vascularized musculomucosal flaps for nasal lining
replacement in addition to costal cartilage and concurrently performed
septorhinoplasty. The concomitant septal perforation in the case series with saddle
nose reconstruction can be assumed. However, these studies focused on the
reconstruction of the nasal dorsum and if septal closure of perforations were
performed was not mentioned (21-26).
It is unclear whether the few reports represent the lack of attempted repairs or the
absence of successful results. The prominent crust formation, colonization of
Staphylococcus. aureus and risk of relapse heighten the risk of failure (30).
Rasmussen et al. (13) concluded that the septum can be surgically treated only in
extremely rare cases with GPA due to the chronic colonization with S. aureus.
Therefore, Gubbels et al. (30) propose surgical treatment for septal perforations only
External nasal deformity is one of the more devastating psychological effects in GPA
patients. Dorsal nasal augmentation represents a major determinant for improved
quality of life in these patients. The broad spectrum of different techniques that has
been described and discussed extensively in the literature highlights the importance
of a well-balanced and aesthetically pleasing dorsum. Consequently, rhinoplasty
may become necessary to reconstruct saddle nose deformities and nasal septal
perforations in patients with systemic diseases to restore function and to support
normal social participation. The aesthetic defects depend on the localisation and
extent of the septal defect and dorsal support. The impairment can range from loss
of dorsal height to a shortened nasal length with tip deprojection, excessive tip
rotation and retraction of the nasolabial angle (25).
In general, due to the relative rarity of numerous systemic diseases including GPA,
recommendations on the treatment of nasal deformities are based on single case
reports or case series only. Furthermore, most GPA patients are treated by
nonsurgical physicians who may not be aware of possible reconstructive techniques.
Therefore, this systematic review investigated the efficacy and safety of surgical
reconstruction of external nasal deformities and/or septal perforation in GPA patients
as an effort to support clinical decisions on the basis of the currently available data.
Eleven publications met the inclusion criteria for this analysis (14, 18-27) which
included a total of 41 GPA patients undergoing external nasal reconstruction and/or
septal reconstruction. More than 90% were women. The median follow-up was 2.6
The choice of the ideal grafting material, and the technique applied for correction of
significant dorsal nasal defects remains a matter of discussion. The variety of
implantable materials includes autologous and non-autologous grafts.
Allografts showed higher complication rates, such as infection and resorption (31,
32). However, in primary and revision cosmetic rhinoplasty, homologous cartilage
grafts, namely irradiated rib, has been shown to have low complication rates and
good long-term results (33, 34). In the included studies different autologous materials
were used for augmentation and reconstruction, ranging from osseous grafts from
the calvarium and iliac crest, as well as cartilaginous grafts from the septum, auricle,
and rib.
As stated by others previously, the ideal grafting material should be easily obtainable
with no considerable and painful surgery in the donor area, it should be well tolerated
by the tissues of the recipient area, should show no tendency to migrate through the
skin or mucous membrane surfaces. Further it should resist infection and absorption,
retain its shape and volume and should be cost-effective (35).
The study also investigated the surgical treatment of GPA patients with septal
perforation and without saddle nose deformity. We only found one case where a
costal cartilage implant and bilateral inferior turbinate flaps were used (14). For
septal perforation reconstruction, there is not enough information regarding the
outcome. Therefore, based on current knowledge surgical treatment should be
closely monitored in study-settings and results be published to increase our common
knowledge for the future benefit of patients. Pedicled flaps for mucosal
reconstruction have been described in selected cases for the reconstruction of the
septal mucosal lining in conjunction with costal cartilage during septorhinoplasty (18,
20). Another possible alternative to surgical therapy are silicone obturator buttons to
close septal perforations (23, 30). Some institutions can fabricate custom septal
prostheses (39).
The revision rate for GPA patients undergoing external nasal reconstruction appears
to be higher than in the typical septorhinoplasty population, where the published
success rate is approximately 95-100% for the primary surgery (40). The success
rates in the analysed studies varied between 77-100% for the primary reconstruction.
Four studies reported of six patients requiring revision surgery (18, 23, 25, 26). In the
Most studies do not describe the severity of the GPA disease. In 3 studies, 7 out of
23 (30%) patients had another organ manifestation exclusive of the upper respiratory
system (21, 23, 25). Congdon et al. (23) reported a success rate of 60% for patients
with systemic disease involvement compared with 88% for GPA patients with only
upper airway involvement. However, Sepehr et al. (25) did not find increased
postoperative complications in patients with more aggressive GPA and involvement
of multiple systems. Therefore, the question of the disease activity and surgery
remains unanswered because all included patients undergoing surgery were in
remission with minimal or no local disease at the time of reconstruction.
Four out of ten studies described the subjective improvement in nasal breathing
beside the improved aesthetic outcome (18, 20, 23, 24). Objective criteria of the
nasal airway or condition of the nasal mucosa before and/or after surgery were not
Quality of evidence
The limitation of this study is that all included studies contained only a very limited
number of patients. 90% of the surgically treated patients were female. Therefore, no
general guidelines can be made at this time and the results are particularly
unrepresentative for male GPA patients. In addition, the mean follow-up was 2.6
years, therefore, long-term complications of surgical therapy cannot be commented
on. Furthermore, publication bias is possible since it is unclear if failed cases were
included in the reports.
In the future, larger cohorts of GPA should be monitored or even a registry including
a database of treatment and complications should be established to provide more
Accepted Article
rational recommendations for the optimal surgery time and the best graft. It would
also be of interest to know if patients benefit from antibiotics and immune-modulating
drugs in the pre- and postoperative phase. Detailed documentation of the
intraoperative status of the cartilaginous nasal framework and soft-tissues should
provide information if reconstructive measures should be taken beyond the nasal
dorsum. With contracture of the nasal lining, the upper lateral cartilages may also be
deformed and need to be reconstructed.
Author Study Follow country No. of Patient Deformity No. Of Grafts/ flaps Upper No. of Compli- Success rate Disease
time up patients age surgeries; airway: revisions cations for graft relapse
(years) (female: (years) surgical systemic types
male) treatment involvemen
Noguchi 1991 3 Japan 1 (1:0) 38 1 saddle 1 dorsal Costal - Augmentat no 100% 0
et al. nose augmentation cartilage and ion of the
1991 17 and septal + nasal lining bilateral anterior
perforation repairment nasolabial nasal
flaps spine
Pirsig et 1990 2 DE 1 (1:0) 46 1 saddle 1 dorsal Conchal - None no 100% 1
al. 1993 18 nose and augmentation cartilage
Duffy et 1998 2 USA 1 (0:1) 45 1 saddle 1 dorsal Costal - None no 100% 0
al. 1998 19 nose and augmentation cartilage and
septal + nasal lining bilateral facial
perforation repairment artery
sal flaps
Nishiike 1998- 3 Japan 1/5* (1:0) 22 1 saddle 1 dorsal iliac crest 5:0 none no 100% 1
et al. 2003 nose augmentation
2004 20 repair
Shipchan 2002- 2 (1-3) USA 4/15* - 4 saddle 4 dorsal calvarial bone - none no 100% 0
dler et al. 2007 nose and augmentation
2008 21 septal repairs
Congdon 1976- 5 (1-15) USA 13 43 (24- 12 saddle 16; Costal 8:5 3 dorsal 1 graft Costal cartilage 0
et al. 2000 (12:1) 73) nose 12 dorsal cartilage (6/15, augmentat infection, (83%), calvarial
2002 22 1 alar rim augmentation 40%), calvarial ion repairs 3 late bone (75%),
repairs bone (4/15, graft composite auricular
1 alar rim 27%), resortpti (100%), iliac bone
repair irradiated rib on (100%), conchial
(1/15, 7%), cartilage (100%),
irradiated dura septal bone (100%),
(1/15, 7%), irradiated rib and
cochal dura (0%)
cartilage (1/15,
7%), iliac crest
(1/15, 7%),
bony septum
(1/15, 7%),
auricular graft
for alar rim
Vogt et al. 2001- 3,5 (1,5- DE 4 (4:0) 33 (26- 4 saddle- 4 dorsal Costal - None no 100% 0
2010 23 2006 5) 42) nose augmentation cartilage
Sepehr et 2005- 1,5 (1- Canada 10 (10:0) 36 (21- 10 saddle- 12; Costal 8:2 2 2 graft primary success 1
al. 2011 24 2009 2,5) 49) nose 10 dorsal cartilage dorsal infection, 80%, overall
augmentation augmentat 1 graft success 100%
repair ion repairs resorptio
n, 1
Qian et al. 2008- 3 (1,5-5) Australia 4/5* (3:1) 40 (25- 4 4 dorsal Costal - 1 no 100% 1
2014 25 2011 74) saddle-nose augmentation cartilage revision
repair for
y of
Bennett et 2010 1 UK 1 (1:0) 22 1 saddle Augmentation filler Restylane - - 0 100% -
al. 2010 26 nose ®
Sachse et 2010 - DE 1 - 1 septal 1 septal Costal - None No 100% -
al. 13 perforation perforation cartilage and
repairment bilateral f
mucosal flaps