Boc+Memo Syllabus
Boc+Memo Syllabus
Boc+Memo Syllabus
Fall 2014
Understand how vectors and vector functions can be used to represent and analyze
physical phenomena (e.g., force, fluid flow, energy, and motion)
Understand how core concepts learned in Calculus I and II can be extended to functions
involving multiple variables to solve varied engineering problems (e.g., solving
optimization problems in 3-D instead of 2-D).
Solve applied multivariable problems represented in 2-D and 3-D using vector operations
and relationships and/or multivariable differentiation and integration techniques (e.g.,
solving center of mass problems for 3-D objects).
Extend the concept of single vectors in space to that of vector fields to represent such
things as fluid flow.
Extend basic concepts involving integration over an interval to more general line
integrals to solve problems such as finding arc length, mass and fluid flow along a curve.
Extend basic concepts involving integration over a region to more general surface
integrals to solve problems such as finding areas of a surface, and analyzing fluid/energy
flow over/through a surface.
Relate the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus with respect to single variables to the
multivariable versions known as Greens, Stokes, and the Divergence Theorems.
Gain a better appreciation of how vector calculus can be used to solve advanced problems
in fields such as physics, engineering, and biological sciences.
Use the concepts and problem solving skills gained in this course in other applicable
engineering courses.
See APMA 2120- 1 & 5 page on Collab for your section-related material.
See APMA 2120 / ALL page on Collab for material common to all sections of
APMA 2120 (e.g., lecture notes).
The 10% of the total grade allocated to homework will be distributed as follows:
WeBWork Assignments:
Written Assignments:
Readiness Assessments:
Weekly Homework:
Homework assignments provide a vehicle for practicing the skills and knowledge learned
in the course on problems that are representative of those that you will be expected to be
able to solve on quizzes, tests, and the final exam. These weekly assignments will consist
of two elements: (1) an online assignment administered via WeBWorK, usually due on
Wednesday, and (2) a written assignment, usually due on Thursday. With the WeBWork
assignments since your results will be entered online, you will get immediate feedback
for self-assessment purposes. For these online assignments, you are encouraged to work
the problems in a hardcopy form and then enter your answers electronically; the hardcopy
will be useful when you prepare for quizzes and tests. WeBWork assignment scores will
become part of your grade. Your written homework scores will be based on
Readiness Assessments:
These assessments will take the form of in-class questions related to mini-homework
exercises (e.g., completing the solution to an embedded problem). Since advance
preparation is vital to your success in the class, the results of these assessments will be
maintained throughout the semester and become part of your final grade.
Weekly Quizzes:
Written closed-book quizzes (15-20 minutes in length) will provide you with a test on
your ability to understand a weeks worth of material and solve meaningful related
problems. At the end of the semester your lowest-scored quiz will be dropped.
Mid-Term Tests:
Three 50-minute tests will be given during the semester to assess and evaluate your
performance over major blocks of material. All tests are cumulative. The problems will
range from mid-level difficulty similar to those presented in class and given on quizzes
to more challenging problems that require you to synthesize several concepts.
Final Exam:
A three-hour exam will be given at the end of the course over the entire set of material
covered in the course. This will be the final test to see how well you have been able to
learn the material and solve meaningful problems. The test will be comprehensive in
nature problems will be of the same basic level of difficulty as the mid-terms.
My MWF classes will generally be conducted in two parts. The first 10 to 15 minutes of class
will typically be spent reviewing the preceding lesson and going over the imbedded problems in
that lesson. During this time, I will call on individual students to walk through their solutions to
imbedded problems and thereby assess their readiness. You will be expected to have studied the
preceding lesson and solved the imbedded problems included in the that lesson The last 35 to 40
minutes of class will be devoted to the current lesson. I will teach from the content of the lecture
notes posted on the APMA 2120 / All page; you are encouraged to take notes during the
discussions. Although you are not expected to study the lecture notes before class, you will find
a 5- to 10-minute perusal to be helpful in your learning process.
My Thursday (fourth hour) classes will also generally be conducted in two parts. The first 30
to 35 minutes of class will be spent reviewing the preceding lessons by walking through some
supplemental problems, which will generally be the same as or similar to the written
homework to be submitted at the beginning of the class. The last 15 to 20 minutes will be
allocated to the weekly quiz.
Tests and Final Exam These tests are scheduled in the Course Calendar section of this
Syllabus. Do not make travel plans that will conflict with the scheduled dates and times.
Make-up Tests Make-up quizzes are not given. Make-up tests and final exam are not
given except under exceptional circumstances, which your instructor must approve at
least 48 hours in advance. Anyone missing a test or the final without 48 hours notice and
your instructors approval should expect a grade of 0.
Calculators Calculators cannot be used on quizzes, tests, or the final examthey may
be used for homework.
Study Time The engineering school expects students to spend approximately 2 hours
outside of class studying for every hour in classAPMA 2120 is a four-hour course.
Attendance policy: Regular attendance is expected, and your record of attendance may be
used to determine borderline grade.
Classroom Etiquette: Please (1) arrive on time and (2) turn off your cell phone. You
may use your computer only to view the lecture notes. All other electronic devices must
be turned off and put away before class begins. If you use a cell phone, iPad, etc. during
class, I may ask you to leave the classroom!
If you have learning needs that have been evaluated by the Student Disability Access Center
(SDAC), I will be happy to accommodate them and help you accordingly. You must, however,
provide documentation from SDAC within the first two weeks of the semester or whenever you
are evaluated, preferably at least one week before an exam. The contact information for SDAC
is and 243-5180 (phone).
The honor code will be strictly observed in my classes. Please remember to pledge each quiz,
each test and the Final Exam.
Please be aware of the following dates for engineering students. (Students enrolled in the college have
different deadlines.)
First day of classes:
Last day to add a course:
Family Weekend:
Reading Days (no class)
Last day to drop a course:
Aug 26-29
Sept 1-5
Sept 8-12
Sept 15-19
Test 1 Fri, Sept 26
In Class
Sept 22-26
Sept 29-Oct 3
Oct 6-10
Oct 13 - 14
Test 2 Fri, Oct 24
In Class
Oct 13-17
Oct 27-31
Nov 3-7
Nov 10-14
Test 3 Fri, Nov 21
In Class
Oct 20-24
Readings/ Topics
Course Overview on First Day
Chapter 12 Vector Geometry
12.1 Vectors in the Plane
12.2 Vectors in Three Dimensions
12.3 Dot Product and Angle between Two Vectors
12.4 The Cross Product
12.5 Planes in Three-Space
12.6 A survey of Quadric Surfaces
12.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
Chapter 13 Calculus of Vector Valued Functions
13.1 Vector-Valued Functions
13.2 Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions
13.3 Arc Length and Speed
13.4 Curvature
13.5 Motion in Three-Space
Chapter 14 Differentiation in Several Variables
14.1 Functions of Two or More Variables
14.2 Limits and Continuity in Several Variables
Test 1: Sections 12.1 13.5
14.3 Partial Derivatives
14.4 Differentiability and Tangent Planes
14.5 The Gradient and Directional Derivative
14.6 The Chain Rule
14.7 /Day 1 Optimization in Several Variables
14.7 / Day 2 Optimization in Several Variables
14.8 Optimization using Lagrange Multipliers
Chapter 15 Multiple Integration
15.1 Integration in two Variables
15.2 Double Integrals over General Areas
15.3 Triple Integrals
Test 2 Review
Test 2 Chapter 14
15.4 Integration in Polar, Cylindrical, and Spherical Coordinates
15.5 Applications of Multiple Integrals
15.6 Change of Variables
Chapter 16 Line and Surface Integrals
16.1 Vector Fields
16.2 / Day1 Line Integrals
16.2 / Day 2 Line Integrals
16.3 / Day 1 Conservative Vector Fields
16.3 / Day 2 Conservative Vector Fields
16.4 Parametrized Surfaces and Surface Integrals
16.5 Surface Integrals of Vector Fields
Chapter 17 Fundamental Theorems of Vector Analysis
17.1 Greens Theorem
Test 3 Review
Test 3 Chapters 15 and 16
Nov 24-28
Dec 1-5