Real-Time Kernel Documentation
Real-Time Kernel Documentation
Real-Time Kernel Documentation
OS Initialization
All tasks must be created before the operating system begins to run. Tasks can be
dynamically created and destroyed in this version of Helium. If a task is destroyed during
the course of execution, it is just taken out of the list of tasks to be scheduled; it is not
removed from memory. When it is restarted, the task’s stack pointer is reset to its original
value before it began running, thereby invalidating any data stored in its local variables
and resetting its program execution flow. A task is created by calling the function
TaskCreate(…). TaskCreate takes four parameters in the following order:
1. The priority level of the task. This byte-long number must be in the range 0 –
NUMTASKS-1. The highest priority level is zero. The lowest priority level is
NUMTASKS-1. NUMTASKS is defined in os.h. It specifies the maximum number
of tasks that the system will run. Reducing this number greatly decreases the
amount of RAM the OS uses for bookkeeping purposes.
2. A pointer to the function that implements the task. In C, simply type the name of
the function.
3. A pointer to the lowest address in the task’s stack. On the HCS08, stacks grow
downward in memory, but don’t pass a pointer to the highest location of the stack
to TaskCreate. It will determine the highest location of the stack using the
constant STACKSIZE defined in os.h.
4. The size of the stack space in bytes. If, for example, the stack is declared as
int stack[50] ;
then the size of the stack space is 100 bytes because variables of type int occupy
two bytes of memory.
Operating system initialization takes place inside the function main. In Helium,
the main function is an application-specific, user-defined function (i.e. the main
function is not a part of the RTOS). It is the first function that is called when the
computer starts up. It performs some initialization and then hands control of the CPU
over to the OS which proceeds to schedule tasks. Inside the function main, there are four
critical operations that need to be performed:
• All MCU peripherals need to be initialized, most important of which is the
timer/pulse-width modulator. The TPM needs to be set to interrupt the MCU on
some time interval between 10 and 100 times per second, and the ISR that handles
the TPM overflow needs to be set to TickISR. Without initializing the TPM, the
scheduler cannot schedule multiple tasks.
• Tasks need to be created. Call the function TaskCreate as explained above.
• Interrupts need to be enabled. Without enabling interrupts by executing the cli
assembler instruction, the scheduler cannot function properly.
• The function StartExecution needs to be called. This must be done last
because once this function is called, program flow will never return to the
function main. StartExecution hands the CPU over to the Helium kernel,
allowing the scheduler to start and stop user tasks as needed. It hands control of
the CPU over to the highest priority task that has been created and never returns
to main.
The Helium operating system consists of a set of interrupt service routines and
support functions that can be used by tasks to control MCU peripherals and communicate
with each other. In Helium, a task is nothing more than a C function that has its own
stack. A task may call any other C function during the course of its execution. Two tasks
may each call a common C function. It is the operating system’s responsibility to keep
track of which task needs to be executing at any given time and to subsequently give
control of the CPU to that task.
Data about tasks is stored by Helium in two ways: in global variables and in space
on each task’s stack. Global variables store information about each task such as its
priority, its starting execution address, and its stack pointer. When a task is preempted by
the operating system, its CPU context is held on its stack1; that is, the contents of each
CPU register that the task was using is stored in a particular order on the task’s stack,
occupying a total of six bytes. When the task is rescheduled, all of the task’s registers are
restored from the stack and program execution continues at the location where it left off,
giving the appearance that the task was running continuously.
Since each task has its own stack, it is important to keep track of each stack
pointer individually. When a task is preempted by the operating system (usually in
response to an interrupt), the S08 CPU automatically pushes all registers onto the
currently-active stack. For a new task to be scheduled, though, the stack pointer must be
redirected to point to the new task’s stack space. To do this, the first task’s stack pointer
is saved by the scheduler in a global variable and the new task’s stack pointer is restored
to the SP register from a global variable where it had been saved the last time it was
preempted by the operating system. This is done by the assembler routines SaveSP and
InterruptSwitchTask. These two functions are called in TickISR.
This ISR is the main part of the scheduler. It is executed every time a clock tick
interrupt occurs. It declares two variables of type char, and space for them is allocated on
the currently-executing task’s stack. The function SaveSP called by TickISR assumes
that TickISR allocates two bytes of local variable storage space on the stack. In the
process of allocating two bytes of local storage, TickISR decrements the stack pointer
by 2. Since SaveSP needs to preserve the stack pointer as it was before that storage
space was allocated, it adds four to the stack pointer it saves—two for local storage space
CPU context includes the contents of all registers except for the stack pointer. The stack pointer is saved
separately. Helium stores a task’s CPU context in a standard S08 interrupt stack frame. See an S08 CPU
reference for more information about the interrupt stack frame data structure.
within TickISR and two for a return address when SaveSP returns. This is done in the
fifth line of the assembler function SaveSP (see the figure below).
The stack frame as it exists inside the function SaveSP. The S08 hardware pushes all
CPU registers except for H and SP onto the stack when it detects an interrupt. H is
pushed in software by the ISR, and two bytes of work space are allocated by the ISR as
well. A return address is pushed when the ISR calls SaveSP, causing the stack pointer to
point one byte below 10-byte data structure. We want the saved copy of the stack pointer
to point one byte past H so that when the task is rescheduled, all registers are restored.
To do this, we will add 4 to the stack pointer’s value as it exists inside SaveSP.
When TickISR is called, it assumes that an interrupt stack frame has been
allocated as the result of an interrupt. The interrupt stack frame on the S08 is a five-byte
structure that saves the CPU registers to ensure that the task that was running will
continue executing correctly when it is resumed. If this function is invoked by a non-
exceptional condition (i.e. calling it as a regular function, not an ISR) the interrupt stack
frame will have to be created by the programmer. This is done using the following steps
in order2:
1. Push the address of the next instruction to be executed after TickISR returns.
2. Subtract 3 bytes from the stack pointer.
3. Use a jmp instruction (rather than a bsr) to begin executing TickISR.
Alternatively, the same steps could be accomplished by using the swi assembler
The first thing that TickISR does is clear the interrupt source, assumed to be the
timer peripheral. The assembler macro ClearTimerIntr() accomplishes this. Details
about clearing the timer interrupt are available in the S08 datasheet.
Next, it loops through an array called TickBlock to find any nonzero elements.
Each element of TickBlock holds the number of clock ticks that the associated task
This process creates a data structure on the stack that has the same size and configuration as an interrupt
stack frame that would created by the S08 hardware in response to an interrupt. See the S08 CPU reference
for more information regarding interrupt stack frames.
has requested to block for. All nonzero elements are decremented, and if the decrement
results in the element being zero, the associated task is made ready to run.
The final operation that TickISR performs is scheduling the highest priority task
ready to run. A task’s ready status is indicated by a single bit in the 8-bit variable Tasks.
The task with priority 0 (the highest priority task) is ready to run if bit 0 in the variable
Tasks is set and is not ready to run if bit 0 is cleared. The highest priority task ready to
run is determined by using a lookup table to determine the bit number of the least
significant bit that is set in the variable Tasks.
If a new task has to be scheduled, the assembler function SaveSP stores the old
task’s stack pointer. When SaveSP is called, the variable currTask must hold the
value of the old task’s priority. The value of currTask should not be changed until
SaveSP has finished saving the old stack pointer. SaveSP preserves the value of the
stack pointer in the array element Stacks[currTask]. SaveSP does not save the
value of the stack pointer as it exists inside its own function body. This is because the
stack pointer has been decremented to allocate space for the two byte-sized values in
TickISR and the return address when TickISR called SaveSP. To account for those
modifications, SaveSP actually saves the stack pointer incremented by 4. The
incremented number reflects the position of the stack pointer before TickISR
allocated a variable on the stack (two bytes) and called SaveSP (pushing two bytes
onto the stack for a return address). The number that actually gets saved in the
Stacks array points to the top of the stack frame that stores the CPU context.
After the old stack pointer has been preserved, the byte-sized number currTask
that represents the currently-scheduled task is updated to reflect the new task. The
function InterruptSwitchTasks is then called. This is not actually a function call
but a jump to an assembler routine. It was written this way because it will be unnecessary
to return to the function TickISR after InterruptSwitchTasks has finished
executing. Since a function call would push a return address onto the stack that would
clutter the stack and eventually have to be removed anyway, it’s better to just execute a
jmp instruction.
InterruptSwitchTasks is implemented in the assembler function
INTR_SW_TSK. Its functions are as follows:
1. Restore the stack pointer for the new task. The priority level of the new task was
written to currTask by TickISR, so all InterruptSwitchTasks has to
do is load that number from the array element Stacks[currTask] into the SP
2. Pop the H register off of the stack. H is not automatically saved and restored by
the CPU during an interrupt, so the software must do that for itself.
3. Execute an RTI instruction which restores all other CPU registers including the
program counter.
This function starts the multitasking. First, it prepares each task’s stack frame to
appear as if it has already been preempted by an interrupt. This is done because the
scheduler assumes that every task’s stack contains an interrupt stack frame that it can use
to restore the task’s CPU registers and program counter. This is clearly not the case
before multitasking has started. Therefore, a stack frame must be created for each task so
that the first time that each task is scheduled there will be valid data to fill the initial
program counter and registers with. After the stack frames have been created, it
StartExecution determines which task has the highest priority, loads that number
into the SP register, and executes an rti instruction.
This code adds message mailbox functionality to the kernel. Message mailboxes
are implemented in the file mbox.c, and the idea was to make each module of the OS
independent. As such, the kernel does not make any special checks of the mailbox
variables when scheduling tasks. Message mailbox functionality can be removed from the
OS to save space by simply deleting mbox.c from the project and deleting references to
mailbox variables in os.h.
There are two message mailbox API functions in Helium:
1. void mBoxPost( char mBoxNum, int data )
mBoxPost handles two separate possibilities: either a task has already blocked,
waiting for a message to be posted to the specified mailbox or a task has not blocked to
wait for the mailbox.
If a task has blocked to wait for the mailbox to fill up, it will have an interrupt
stack frame allocated in its stack. The message contained in the variable data will need to
be returned to the waiting task when it is rescheduled, and the calling convention for the
S08 dictates that 16-bit data be returned in the index register H:X. To accomplish this, the
MSB of data will be placed in the space allocated for register H on the stack frame, and
the LSB of data will be placed in the space allocated for X. If the task is already blocked,
the SP entry in the Stacks[] array for that task will point to the location from which H will
be restored. SP+3 will point to the location where X will be restored from. Thus, the
MSB and LSB need to be stored in these respective locations.
After the data is placed in the interrupt stack frame for the waiting task, the task
will be made ready to run, and execution of the currently-scheduled task will continued
until either it blocks or it is preempted.
If no task is already waiting for data in the mailbox, the data will simply be put in
an element of a global array that holds values waiting to be passed to tasks. Bit 1 of the
mailbox status byte will be set, indicating that the array element holds valid data, and the
function will return to its caller. Bit 1 is not set if a task is already waiting on the mailbox
because the box never gets valid data. Instead, the data is passed directly to the waiting
task’s interrupt stack frame.
This function also handles two possibilities: either the mailbox contains valid data
or it does not. If it contains valid data, control will immediately return to the calling task,
the data will be unloaded from the mailbox, and the mailbox data will be marked invalid.
If no valid data is present, the requesting task will block until valid data is posted. Bit 1 of
the mailbox status byte indicates whether the mailbox contains valid data.
If the mailbox contains valid data, bit 1 of the mailbox status byte is cleared to
indicate that the data in the mailbox is no longer valid. The data in the mailbox is then
returned to the caller.
If the mailbox does not contain valid data, the task must set some flags to indicate
that it is waiting for data in the mailbox.
1. Set bit 0 of the mailbox status byte to indicate that a task is waiting for data to
become valid in that mailbox.
2. Put its task number into mBoxWait to indicate which task is waiting for that
3. Clear bit 0 of the task’s status byte to indicate that it is no longer ready to run.
An interrupt stack frame for the stack is then created by subtracting 3 from the stack
pointer and the scheduler is called, just as is done in TimeBlock.