Rain Rain
Rain Rain
Rain Rain
Rain Chart
Writing Journal
Discuss beginning of
sentence rules (salute if
using Zoo Phonics). Proper
nouns, Spain and Johnny are
Write a Rhyme
Use a patterned rhyme to introduce the writing activity. The following is one
suggestion. Patterns for the umbrella and poem are included here. Click on the
pattern you would like at the bottom of the page.
Rain on the tall grass,
Rain on the trees,
Rain on the roof tops
But not on me.
Write the following pattern on chart paper. Students can brainstorm ideas.
Make a list of the words that they suggest. Leave the words in a visible location to be
used in the writing. Write the following pattern on chart paper or for younger students,
write the pattern on paper and copy for each student.
Rain on the ____________
Rain on the ____________.
Rain on the _____________.
But not on me.
Draw or find clip art of a large umbrella. Copy the umbrella on construction
paper. When copying the pattern, make one part of the umbrella fit on the folded side
(three sides will be cut out). The book will open as an umbrella. Use writing paper
with the same umbrella shape. Students can write the poem on the shape paper and
glue into the umbrella shaped construction paper. This makes a cute shape book for
the poem.
* Pattern of umbrella
* Pattern for rain poem
* Rain, Rain, Go Away Color pages with poem
Is it raining today
I want the rain to go away
It is raining in Spain today
What did Johnny want to do today
The rain can come again another day
Did it rain on Tuesday